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Minnesota Plant Press
                                     The Minnesota Native Plant Society Newsletter

Volume 26 Number 3                                                                                        Spring 2007
     Monthly meetings
   Thompson Park Center/Dakota Lodge
                                               Restoring Minnesota’s
           Thompson County Park
360 Butler Ave. E., West St. Paul, MN 55118
           651-552-7559 (kitchen)
                                               ecological landscape
                                            by Hannah Texler, regional plant ecologist, Minnesota DNR. This is
  6 p.m. — Social period
                                            an abstract of part of her talk at the March 8 Society meeting.
  7 – 9 p.m — Program, society business
                                                  As a plant ecologist and an avid native plant gardener, I am heartened
               Programs                        by the burgeoning use of native plants for landscaping, gardening,
  The MN NPS meets the first Thursday          and restoration of disturbed landscapes, and I am grateful to all of the
in October, November, December,                organizations and native plant and seed businesses that are crucial to
February, March, April, May, and June.         making this happen. In this age of national discussions about using
Check the website for more program             native prairie mixes for biofuels, it is especially exciting. This makes
                                               it an excellent time to take a step back and ask whether the use of
  May 3: “Motorized Recreation in              native plants is as informed by ecology as it could be.
Minnesota: Social and Ecological                  This article summarizes some of the ways the science of ecology
Consequences,” by Matt Norton,                 can help us create more successful, diverse, and locally adapted native
Minnesota Center for Environmental             plantings and restoration projects.
Advocacy. Plant of the Month: Carex
garberi, Scott Milburn.                        The ecological issues
                                                  The four levels of ecology most pertinent to the topic include
  June 7: “Decorative Tree Harvest             landscape, plant community, species, and genetic ecology. I’ll briefly
from Minnesota’s Spruce Bogs: Social           discuss why each is important and give some practical suggestions
and Ecological Consequences,” by Mike          about resources for incorporating them into practice.
Phillips, DNR Division of Forestry.
Annual Native Plant Sale.                      Landscape ecology
                                                  Most of Minnesota’s landscape is characterized by fragmented
See and count orchids                          patches of vegetation, often separated by land uses that provide barriers
  Western prairie fringed orchids and Red      to the movement of native plants and animals. By paying attention to
River prairies are the focus of a field trip   landscape ecology, one can look for opportunities to connect patches
to wildlife management areas near              of native habitat, provide meaningful animal movement corridors,
Crookston, Minn., July 7 and 8. Co-            and surround isolated native plant communities with appropriate
sponsors are the MN NPS, Minnesota             restored habitat.
Department of Natural Resources, and           Plant community ecology
Nature Northwest. Nancy Sather and
Derek Anderson of the Minnesota Natural
                                                 Many restoration projects are
                                               very low in diversity and have been
                                                                                        In this issue
Heritage and Nongame Research                  informed by a single goal, such as President’s column.................2
Program, MN DNR, will lead participants        preventing erosion on steep slopes Field trips......................1, 2, 6
to orchids in several wildlife management      or providing habitat for a few Wildflower photo project ....3
areas. In addition to counting orchids,        wildlife species. While these are Endangered species debate...4
they will visit a state-of-the art             worthy goals, plantings tend to be Riparian vegetation ..............5
management study at Pembina Trail              more successful and ecologically MN NPS plant sale ..............5
Preserve and enjoy an evening                  meaningful when many plant Reed canary grass control .....6
presentation on recent orchid research. For    species that occur in the native Bob Jacobson dies ...............7
more information and to register, write to                                               Plant Lore -Spiderwort..........7                               Continued on page 3
President’s Column                                                                 MN NPS Board
 by Scott Milburn
   Another year of botanizing is about to begin. This has been an exciting
                                                                                    of Directors
                                                                                      President: Scott Milburn,
 year, and we still have quite a bit to do. The Society has a great deal of
 momentum, much thanks to our last president, Jason Husveth. Jason’s
 tenure on the board will end in June after six years, and we look forward            Vice President: Shirley Mah
 to his participation in the future. The formula derived by Jason under his         Kooyman,
 tenure was to focus on a few things and to do them well. These few things,           Secretary: Daniel Jones,
 which include monthly programs, symposia, the newsletter, and field trips,
 are the bread and butter of the Society. Logic would suggest continuing              Treasurer: Ron and Cathy
 with this approach.                                                                Huber,
   As noted in our last newsletter, the Society has been in existence for 25          Ken Arndt, board member,
 years. We will celebrate this milestone next September and hope that our 
 entire membership will be able to participate. It is amazing to think how
 much has changed over the past 25 years, especially in terms of technology.          Jason Husveth, board member,
 With this increased ability to communicate, we still face the challenge of
 how best to reach prospective members in an attempt to increase overall              Linda Huhn, board member and
 membership. The board has started to develop new materials for that very           program coordinator, 612-374-1435
 purpose. We are also looking into new ways to make annual membership                 Sean Jergens,
 renewal less burdensome. With this, we are looking to grow, but we cannot 
 do this without your help. I have been extremely impressed with efforts              Beth Nixon,
 thus far, but I would encourage all of our members to think of ways to
 attract new members and to expand.
                                                                                       Listserv Coordinator: Charles
Spring and summer field trips                                                       Umbanhowar,
by Ken Arndt                               June 30 is a field trip to the              Field Trips:
  Now is the time to sign up for MN      Chippewa National Forest near    
NPS field trips. Sign-up sheets and      Grand Rapids. MN DNR Forest                   M e m b e r s h i p s :
detailed information will be at each     Ecologist John Almendinger will  ; 651-
monthly meeting. Or, go to our           lead an all-day hike through cedar         739-4323
website and follow the link to “Field    swamps, black spruce bogs, and                Historian/Archives: Roy
Trips” for information and to sign up.   many upland areas. Plants will             Robison, historian/
                                         include orchids, carnivorous plants,
  Saturday, April 28, 1-4 p.m., join     sedges, rushes and grasses.
Barr Engineering Botanists Daniel                                                      Technical or membership
Jones, a Society board member, and         Saturday, July 14, 9 a.m. to 3           inquiries:
Daniel DeJoode at Nerstrand-Big          p.m., the Society will co-sponsor a           Minnesota Plant Press editor:
Woods State Park. This fine              working field trip to Pioneer Park         Gerry Drewry, phone, 651-463-
example of “Big Woods” is home to        in Blaine. Work with Critical              8006;
many spring ephemerals and the           Connections Ecological Services
federally endangered dwarf trout lily.   Ecologist Jason Husveth in the
                                         continued effort to restore the fen that   Future plant events
  Saturday, May 12, 11 a.m. to 2         is home to several of Minnesota’s            The Linnaeus Symposium is
p.m., join MN DNR Regional Plant         most rare plants.                          April 24 and 25 at Gustavus
Ecologist Ann Pierce and explore the       Aug. 9, 6 to 8:30 p.m., join MN          Adolphus College, St. Peter, Minn.
Whitewater Wildlife Management           DNR Regional Plant Ecologist                 The annual Friends School Plant
Area in coulee country in                Hannah Texlar at St. Croix Savanna         Sale will be May 11 - 13 at the State
southeastern Minnesota.                  Scientific Natural Area for a hike         Fair Grandstand.
  June 16 and 17 is a follow-up to       through a fantastic hill prairie and         Phalen WaterFest is May 19 at
this year’s symposium on the Prairie     oak savanna and assist Hannah with         the Phalen Park Pavilion, Wheelock
Coteau. Join the DNR’s Fred Harris,      surveying for the rare Louisiana           Pkwy. and Arcade St., St. Paul.
Nancy Sather and Robert Dana in          broomrape. This parasitic plant is           The Iowa Prairie Conference will
southwestern Minnesota, hiking           typically found west of Minnesota,         be July 13 and 14 at Briar Cliff
through several plant communities,       but recently a population was found        University, Sioux City, Iowa.
including a calcareous fen.              at this SNA.                     
Ecological issues                         General information                                  Wildflower photos
Continued from page 1                       An overview of using native plants
plant communities that have become
                                          for landscaping is found at:                         help minority group
                                                          Peter Dziuk, a nursery inspector for
adapted to each site over thousands
                                          nativeplants/index.html                              the Minnesota Department of
of years are used. Diverse, locally
appropriate plantings also create           The Global Restoration Network,                    Agriculture and a Society member,
habitat for more animal species;          a project of the Society for                         has started a wildflower greeting card
nectar for butterflies; food for          Ecological Restoration International:                business with a small minority
migrating birds, and nesting habitat                    collective in North Minneapolis. It
for reptiles, amphibians, and               Landscape Ecology: Minnesota’s                     is called “Wildflowers for Ordinary
mammals — all are necessary               Ecological Classification System                     People.”
components of ecosystems. Plant           provides a hierarchical framework                      Proceeds from card sales benefit
community ecology provides                for mapping the landscape based on                   James Everett’s and Sister Jean’s
information that can be used to create    geology, soils, hydrology, and                       efforts to rebuild Minneapolis’ North
diverse, locally adapted restorations.    vegetation. For more information:                    Side. Their projects include at-risk
Species ecology                                    youth programs, the SubZero
  Species ecology (also called              A number of programs are planning                  Collective (, and
autecology) gives information about       for ecologically meaningful                          Mothers of Slain Sons, a political
traits of individual species that make    landscape protection and restoration.                action committee supporting women
each adapted to a particular set of       One is the Conservation Corridors                    who have lost sons to domestic
conditions. Many of us choose plant                         violence or war. For information,
species based on their beauty or their    metroconservationcorridors/                          call 612-521-8021, ext. 285.
potential use as food by a favorite       index.html                                             “My intent is to provide a valid
animal. Landscape plantings and           Plant community, species ecology                     source of economic capital for a
restorations are more successful            The three-volume set of field                      historically excluded group, while at
when the species used are those           guides, Native Plant Communities of                  the same time providing meaningful
native to and adapted to the local        Minnesota, provide the most                          outreach on a topic that both my
landscape.                                comprehensive information available                  spouse and I have become passionate
Genetic ecology                           about the state’s native plant                       about, to inner-city minority
  Genetic ecology provides                communities. The books can be                        communities and the public at large,”
information about how a particular        purchased from Minnesota’s                           Peter said.
ecotype of a species is adapted to a      Bookstore:                       Peter has about 20,000 digital
site. There is a great deal of genetic                        images of wildflowers. He has
variation among populations of many        Fact sheets from the books are at:                  donated all the tools of his project
plant species, giving each population                   — hundreds of images, several
traits that make it adapted to local        Complete species lists for native                  hundred handmade cards, card racks,
environmental conditions.                 plant communities in the greater                     materials, cutting boards and a
  Using plants or seeds from far          Twin Cities area, derived from                       computer. Everett is enlisting
away may mean the plants are not          vegetation plot data and developed                   volunteers to create new cards,
adapted to local conditions. This can     for restoration practitioners are at:                  Peter has started to translate the
result in lower success and can also      w w w. g r e a t r i v e rg r e e n i n g . o rg /   cards into Spanish, Hmong, and
import genetic material that can          plant_communities.asp                                Somali and wants to develop tribal
spread to naturally occurring plants,     Genetic ecology                                      contacts. “This is an opportunity to
reducing the original population’s          A good discussion about the issues                 remind people that humans lived in
viability by making the plants less       surrounding genetic ecology is in the                harmony with all of these species for
adapted to local conditions. This is      article: How local is local? A review                thousands of years,” he said.
especially important with rare            of practical and conceptual issues in                  The cards are sold at $3.95 each at
species, but is a concern with all        the genetics of restoration, by John                 the Science Museum of Minnesota
naturally        occurring        plant   McKay et al, in Restoration Ecology                  in St. Paul; Highland Nursery on
populations.                              Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 432-440,                         West 7th St., St. Paul; 101 Market in
Sources of ecological information         September 2005. The authors advise                   Otsego, Minn., and through
  Here are a few ecological resources     that practitioners use local seeds and               Environmental Justice Advocates of
for native plant gardeners and            match climatic and environmental                     Minnesota. For more information, go
restoration practitioners:                conditions between the sites.                        to
Regarding endangered                                                                 DNR
and other listed species
by Roy Robison, president,                as we understand it. The first is the
                                                                                     by Hannah Texler, regional plant
Landscape Alternatives, Inc., and a       prohibition. This is the gist of the       ecologist, Minnesota DNR
former MN NPS board member.               complaint being made. The second             On behalf of the DNR, I want to
  Concern for the diminished natural      looks beyond protecting what is here       thank Roy for expressing his
occurrence of all native plants is        to the future, when listed species may     concerns and for participating with
central to Landscape Alternatives’        be so abundant as to no longer be          me and others on the panel at the MN
very existence. Our policy regarding      threatened. This is where                  NPS meeting where this was
the plants we propagate and offer for     Minnesota’s native plant nurseries         discussed.
sale has always been that the plants      have a great role to play. We should
must be of local ecotype as much as       be seen as partners with state                As I said at the meeting, we greatly
is possible and be able to be             regulatory agencies, not adversaries       appreciate the vital work done by
commercially produced either by our       in protecting Minnesota’s natural          native plant and seed nurseries, and
company or by another reputable,          plant resources! Minnesota’s               we consider them important partners
licensed nursery.                         professional native plant nurseries        in the protection and stewardship of
  This policy automatically leads us      have the propagation experience and        biodiversity. We also acknowledge
to avoid all federally listed             facilities required to make a valuable     that the endangered species statute
endangered species. We also avoid         contribution to solving the                and rules are imperfect and difficult
plants that either take exceptionally     endangered species problem.                to interpret and hope to be able to
long to produce or have                                                              improve them once we have the
                                            Finally, as with all state legislation
exceptionally stringent establishment                                                resources to do so.
                                          that may affect interstate commerce,
criteria, such as the lady slippers.      there is an important exclusion to the       I would like to correct two points
There are many wonderful species          law. Any state-listed (not federal)        that Roy made in his letter. First, the
that are not considered threatened        plants purchased legally outside of        law has always applied to native plant
that we still don’t sell because they     the state may be transported legally       and seed nurseries; this is not new.
are just too difficult or unreliable to   into the state. Such interstate            Second, he is correct in stating that
propagate. We’d like to change that       commerce is protected by the United        by law (Minnesota Statute 84.0895)
but can only do so much on our own.       States Constitution.                       we can’t prohibit importation into
We look to the University of                The natural ranges of native             this state and subsequent possession,
Minnesota and the appropriate state       species do not follow political            transport or sale of state-endangered
agencies for leadership in research       boundaries. A given species may be         and threatened plants that are legally
and support for our industry.             “rare” in one state because the state      brought here from another state.
  Thus, we were very disappointed         line crosses through the edge of the       However, we can regulate these
when we learned recently of efforts       species’ natural range. On the other       activities.
to apply the Minnesota Endangered         side of that line, the plant may not         Our interpretation is that while
Species prohibitions to our work. We      be considered “rare” at all and thus       nurseries from other states can legally
certainly support the intent of the law   can be propagated and sold.                bring plants or seeds from species
to stop the wanton destruction of         Therefore, should efforts to restrict      that are endangered or threatened in
Minnesota’s rare natural resources.       Minnesota native plant nurseries           Minnesota into the state, these
We have always strongly                   from working with certain listed           species cannot be propagated or
discouraged digging from the wild         species succeed, all that will be          planted here without a permit. So
because even if the transplant is         accomplished is to harm part of our        effectively, no one can plant state-
successful, there is no net increase      state’s business community. Our            listed endangered or threatened
in population. This is the key to the     customers will just buy from outstate      species without a permit. For a
matter. Landscape Alternatives and        sources. This will only increase the       discussion about why we believe the
other reputable native plant and seed     threat to local genetic populations.       law does protect rare species, see the
nurseries work to increase                  For the good of all Minnesota            article in the Winter 2007 Minnesota
populations of native plants and, by      native plants and the small nursery        Plant Press.
their use of local germplasm sources,     businesses that raise them, we ask           Note:Roy Robison’s comments and
preserve the existing gene pool.          state officials to work with us so that    the DNR response are a follow-up to
  There are three main aspects to the     one day no Minnesota native plant          the panel discussion at the March 8,
Minnesota Endangered Species Act,         will be endangered.                        2007, MN NPS meeting.
Native vegetation has                                                                eggs while they incubate on the
                                                                                     stream bottom.
                                                                                       Stream restoration work often

valuable riparian role
by Brian Nerbonne, stream habitat         provide as much protection for
                                                                                     focuses on stabilizing eroding stream
                                                                                     banks, although the methods used
                                                                                     vary significantly. Traditionally,
specialist, Minnesota DNR Central         stream banks because they create           stream banks were covered in rock
Region Fisheries. This is an abstract     dense monocultures that limit              riprap to reduce erosion, but this
of his presentation at the Nov. 2,        understory growth and deter the            approach often only shifts erosion
2006, meeting.                            regeneration of longer lived and           problems downstream, does not
  It’s easy to think of a stream as a     deeper-rooting tree species.               improve habitat, and can lead to
world unto itself — its own                 Runoff from the surrounding              increased warming of the stream. An
ecosystem contained within the            landscape must pass through the            alternative is to employ temporary
banks that define it, with separate       riparian area as it drains off the land,   techniques to stabilize the steam
worlds living above and below the         meaning the riparian area serves an        bank while establishing suitable
water’s surface. However, streams         important function in buffering the        vegetation to create a stable stream
are intimately tied to the land use of    stream from pollutants such as silt        bank in the long term. A riparian
the entire watershed that surrounds       and excessive nutrients. Riparian          buffer of an appropriate mix of native
them, especially the streamside           vegetation slows runoff velocity and       grasses, forbs, sedges, shrubs, or
environment known as the riparian         settles out sediment particles, as well    trees suited to site conditions is one
area.                                     as the phosphorus that is frequently       of the best long-term solutions to
  The riparian area of streams serves     bound to them. Both woody and              protect stream health.
many functions that are crucial to        herbaceous vegetation are able to
their physical condition as well as       remove sediment, although grassed          Plant sale is June 7
biological makeup, and the                buffers tend to be slightly more           by Ken Arndt
vegetation present is the most            effective due to a higher stem density       Our annual native plant sale will
important factor in how riparian          that is better at slowing runoff.          be June 7, following the speaker’s
areas affect streams. One of the most     Buffers are also effective at removing     presentation.       We encourage
direct effects is how vegetation          nitrogen and pesticides.                   members to divide or propagate their
                                            Riparian vegetation is especially        own native plants and donate them.
controls the stability of stream banks,
                                                                                     A few volunteers are needed to help
thereby contributing to the shape and     important in providing habitat for
                                                                                     set up the sales area and assist
dimensions of the stream channel.         organisms that live in the stream.         members with their plants. When the
Non-native species such as Kentucky       Overhanging vegetation and                 sale begins, volunteers will select
bluegrass or smooth brome have            undercuts below well-rooted stream         plants first, followed by those who
roots that penetrate up to only a foot    banks provide overhead cover that is       donated plants, and then by other
into the soil, while native grasses       important in protecting fish from          members and visitors.
such as big bluestem or switchgrass       avian predators. Additionally, wood          The sale will be on the patio outside
have root masses that extend up to        habitat in streams is crucial to the       of Dakota Lodge. Bring your plants
six feet deep.                            invertebrates that form a lower level      by 6 p.m. We want only native plants
  For stream banks that exceed more       of the aquatic food chain. These           from Minnesota and western
than a foot in height, only deeper-       invertebrates rely on wood as stable       Wisconsin. Do not bring cultivars
rooted native vegetation is able to       refuge from the shifting sands that        (horticultural selection) of native
hold soil together to reduce erosion.     often comprise the bed of streams.         plants. Plants should come from
The same can be said for native tree      Other invertebrates, especially in         your own property, gardens or other
and shrub species such as green ash,      small streams where shading limits         private property, with that owner’s
cottonwood, various dogwood               algal production, rely on leafy            permission, but not public property.
species, and most willow species.         detritus from surrounding vegetation         Dig your plants two to four weeks
These woody plants have roots that        as their primary food source.              before the sale, put them in typical
penetrate around three feet into the        Excessive stream bank erosion can        nursery containers, and label them
soil. They are generally better at        contribute to a decline in sensitive       with both common and scientific
holding stream banks in place than        stream biota due to reduced foraging       names. Pricing will be done by
herbaceous vegetation, due to the         efficiency in turbid waters,               volunteers. Dave Crawford and Ken
greater diameter of the roots of          sedimentation of gravel areas              Arndt are co-chairs. To volunteer,
woody plants. Non-native woody            important       for      invertebrate      contact or call
invasives such as buckthorn do not        production, or the smothering of fish      651-433-4410.
landscape that has a limited seed
Accessory treatments help                                                           bank due to previous land-use
suppress reed canary grass                                                          history.
                                                                                      A variety of treatments and
by Craig A. Annen, consulting              density 26 percent greater than          treatment combinations are available
ecologist, Michler & Brown, LLC.           sethoxydim application alone.            for reed canary grass abatement and
   In a previous article (Minnesota          A vegetation survey was conducted      subsequent       native     species
Plant Press, Spring 2005), I reported      during the post-treatment regrowth       restoration. Results of this study
on the effects of a grass-specific         year to assess the degree of reed        demonstrate that tillage and plant
herbicide, VantageÆ (sethoxydim),          canary grass resurgence taking place     growth regulator pretreatments can
on reed canary grass. [Vantage is          in each treatment. Resurgence            enhance the effectiveness of
presently marketed as Sethoxydim G         occurred in all treatment plots during   sethoxydim on reed canary grass if
PROÆ .] After observing substantial        the regrowth year, but it occurred to    administered for at least two
recovery in the post-treatment             a lesser extent in tillage-herbicide     consecutive growing seasons.
regrowth year, I postulated that apical    and PGR-herbicide plots than in            Craig A. Annen is a practicing
dominance in reed canary grass             sethoxydim-only plots. Thus,             restorationist and researcher. For
rhizomes might affect herbicide            coupling tillage and PGR                 more information, contact him at
performance and the ability of this                                                 608-424-6997 or
                                           pretreatments to sethoxydim
species to recover (resurge) from                                          
                                           application for two consecutive
herbicide treatments. In this article,     growing seasons reduced reed canary
I summarize results of an experiment       grass resurgence capacity relative to    Help search for
designed to test if short-circuiting
rhizome apical dominance prior to
                                           solitary herbicide use. In general,
                                           plots that were more diverse at the
                                                                                    dwarf trout lilies
sethoxydim application would                                                          The Minnesota Natural Heritage
                                           beginning of the experiment              and Nongame Research Program is
enhance this herbicide’s effects on        responded more positively to
reed canary grass.                                                                  seeking volunteers to help with dwarf
                                           treatments than plots that were less     trout lily monitoring and searches.
   The purpose of this experiment was      diverse or monotypic at the              They especially need volunteers who
to determine if either tillage or plant    beginning of the experiment,             are available on weekdays.
growth regulator (PGR) pretreatment        regardless of which treatment was
followed by sethoxydim application         administered. The presence of native       Volunteers work in teams to search
would suppress reed canary grass to        vegetation may augment control           designated areas under supervision
a greater extent than solitary use of      measures by shading out reed canary      of DNR staff and/or experienced
herbicide. One year of coupling            grass during its recovery period.        volunteers. The exact schedule
tillage (ca. June 1) to sethoxydim         Although tillage and PGR                 depends on lily phenology and can
application (ca. June 21) reduced          pretreatments              enhanced      occur anytime between April 23 and
reed canary grass stem density 35          sethoxydim’s effectiveness on reed       May 10. All work is within an hour’s
percent greater than sethoxydim            canary grass, multiple-year              drive south of the Twin Cities in Rice,
application only.                          treatments were required to reduce       Goodhue, or Steele Counties.
                                           resurgence capacity, demonstrating       Minimum time commitment is one
   Two consecutive years of the
                                           the necessity for long-term              full day. Sites vary in topographic
tillage-sethoxydim treatment
                                           management to control this species.      difficulty and risk of getting wet feet.
reduced reed canary grass stem
                                                                                    Training is in the field.
density 443 percent greater than             Surges in native species abundance
sethoxydim application only. Tillage       and diversity may not always               To volunteer, contact Derek
also enhanced native species               accompany tillage treatments. The        Anderson, botany assistant:
abundance (up to 270 percent) and          diversity-enhancing effects of tillage or
diversity (up to 87 percent) because       may be limited to transitional           651-259-5071. Include your full
tillage stirs up the seed bank and         communities where reed canary            name; phone number where you are
buries litter, facilitating germination.   grass is commingled with native          best reached at the last minute; and
Application of a 2:1 mixture of            species or occurs as a clonal patch      e-mail if possible. Indicate the total
CycocelÆ (chlormequat chloride) and        within a native species matrix, areas    number of days you are willing to
ProxyÆ (ethephon) growth regulators        where native species seed banks are      commit, and list dates during the
(ca. June 15) followed by herbicide        more likely to be intact and in          two-week time period when you are
application (ca. June 21) for two          moderate or high density. I am           available. You can expect a follow-
consecutive growing seasons                presently testing this hypothesis with   up e-mail or phone call no earlier
reduced reed canary grass stem             a tillage experiment in a restored       than the week of April 16.
Plant Lore                                                                           Robert (Bob)
by Thor Kommedahl
What is spiderwort?
                                                                                     Jacobson dies
                                                                                     by Roy Robison and George Hild
  Spiderwort is Tradescantia
bracteata, T. occidentalis, or T.                                                      The Minnesota Native Plant
ohiensis. They are in the spiderwort                                                 Society lost a good friend when
family (Commelinaceae) of                                                            Robert (Bob) Jacobson died
monocotyledons — these three of                                                      suddenly Jan. 23 at his home in St.
six species are native to Minnesota.                                                 Paul.
                                                                                       Bob was a very active member of
Where did it get its names?                                                          the Society. Besides attending
  Tradescantia was named after                                                       numerous monthly meetings, leading
British plant collector John                                                         field trips and presenting several
Tradescant (1608-1637). He was                                                       talks, he also was the editor of the
gardener to King Charles I in                                                        Minnesota Plant Press from fall of
London. It was named spiderwort                                                      1990 through spring of 1993 and a
                                             Photo of T. occidentalis by Scott
either because the sap from broken                                                   frequent contributor of articles.
stems forms filaments like a spider’s                                                  He is survived by his parents, Jean
web, or the angular leaf arrangement                                                 and Robert L. Jacobson of
suggests a squatting spider.                                                         Minnetonka, and his brother, Ronald
Bracteata refers to bracts in the                                                    Jacobson, of White Bear Lake.
inflorescence. Occidentalis means
                                                                                       Bob worked at MnDOT for 19
western and ohiensis means of Ohio.
                                                                                     years and played an important role
Wort means herb, but is often added
                                                                                     in getting the state to use local native
to common names if a plant was once
                                                                                     ecotypes in MnDOT projects. He
used in medicine.
                                                                                     worked closely with other
Where does the plant grow?                   Photo of T. bracteata by Sean           organizations          to      develop
  Spiderworts are typically prairie          Jergens                                 specifications that are still used
plants: T. bracteata is the most           Does it have any economic                 today. He was currently working on
widely distributed of the three native     importance?                               various wetland programs in the
species in Minnesota, and T. ohiensis        Although grown as an ornamental         Environmental Services Department
occurs in extreme southeast counties       in gardens, none of these three           of MnDOT.
of the state. However, T. ohiensis and     species is as popular as T. virginiana.     Bob helped the use of Minnesota
some other species have been planted       Wandering Jew (T. fluminensis) is         native plants by testifying before
in gardens and have escaped                grown as a house plant. Spiderworts       several committees at the state
cultivation elsewhere.                     have been eaten as a raw salad or pot     Capitol a few years ago, supporting
                                           herb.                                     the use of natives along roadsides
What does the plant look like?
                                                                                     and against a law that would have
  Plants are perennials. All three         A winter afternoon                        banned their use.
species have three petals that are blue
to rose-colored, six stamens, and          by Ken Arndt                                Bob loved plants; he also loved
flowers that are borne in umbel-like          On Feb. 17, 10 MN NPS members          animals. He lost his big black dog a
cymes. Long bracts that resemble           enjoyed a warm afternoon outing at        few years ago, and that was hard on
leaves in shape subtend the flowers.       Terrace Horticultural Books in St.        him. Bjorn was a slobbering
T. bracteata has dense, sticky hairs       Paul, shopping for plant books.           scoundrel that Bob insisted on
on sepals and pedicels, T.                 Owner Kent Petterson opened his           bringing with him on field trips. He
occidentalis is sparsely hairy, and T.     store for us and also donated 10          was also a “leaner,” so combined
ohiensis is hairless.                      percent of sales from member              with the dripping, the experience
                                           purchases to the Society. He gave         always proved interesting.
Does it have any medicinal uses?           us a tour and a short history of the        There are plans to rename a couple
  Cherokee Indians made a plant tea        business before we were let loose in      of wetland projects for Bob, as well
for treatment of kidney and stomach        the candy store. If you didn’t make       as the establishment of the Bob
ailments. A leaf poultice was applied      it, go to this great little bookstore     Jacobson Wetland Memorial Fund.
to insect bites, and a root poultice for   sometime. Information is at               Donations are also being accepted by
cancers.                                  the Humane Society.
Minnesota Native Plant Society
    P.O. Box 20401
    Bloomington, MN 55420

    Spring 2007


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Spring 2007 Minnesota Plant Press

  • 1. Minnesota Plant Press The Minnesota Native Plant Society Newsletter Volume 26 Number 3 Spring 2007 Monthly meetings Thompson Park Center/Dakota Lodge Restoring Minnesota’s Thompson County Park 360 Butler Ave. E., West St. Paul, MN 55118 651-552-7559 (kitchen) ecological landscape by Hannah Texler, regional plant ecologist, Minnesota DNR. This is 6 p.m. — Social period an abstract of part of her talk at the March 8 Society meeting. 7 – 9 p.m — Program, society business As a plant ecologist and an avid native plant gardener, I am heartened Programs by the burgeoning use of native plants for landscaping, gardening, The MN NPS meets the first Thursday and restoration of disturbed landscapes, and I am grateful to all of the in October, November, December, organizations and native plant and seed businesses that are crucial to February, March, April, May, and June. making this happen. In this age of national discussions about using Check the website for more program native prairie mixes for biofuels, it is especially exciting. This makes information. it an excellent time to take a step back and ask whether the use of May 3: “Motorized Recreation in native plants is as informed by ecology as it could be. Minnesota: Social and Ecological This article summarizes some of the ways the science of ecology Consequences,” by Matt Norton, can help us create more successful, diverse, and locally adapted native Minnesota Center for Environmental plantings and restoration projects. Advocacy. Plant of the Month: Carex garberi, Scott Milburn. The ecological issues The four levels of ecology most pertinent to the topic include June 7: “Decorative Tree Harvest landscape, plant community, species, and genetic ecology. I’ll briefly from Minnesota’s Spruce Bogs: Social discuss why each is important and give some practical suggestions and Ecological Consequences,” by Mike about resources for incorporating them into practice. Phillips, DNR Division of Forestry. Annual Native Plant Sale. Landscape ecology Most of Minnesota’s landscape is characterized by fragmented See and count orchids patches of vegetation, often separated by land uses that provide barriers Western prairie fringed orchids and Red to the movement of native plants and animals. By paying attention to River prairies are the focus of a field trip landscape ecology, one can look for opportunities to connect patches to wildlife management areas near of native habitat, provide meaningful animal movement corridors, Crookston, Minn., July 7 and 8. Co- and surround isolated native plant communities with appropriate sponsors are the MN NPS, Minnesota restored habitat. Department of Natural Resources, and Plant community ecology Nature Northwest. Nancy Sather and Derek Anderson of the Minnesota Natural Many restoration projects are very low in diversity and have been In this issue Heritage and Nongame Research informed by a single goal, such as President’s column.................2 Program, MN DNR, will lead participants preventing erosion on steep slopes Field trips......................1, 2, 6 to orchids in several wildlife management or providing habitat for a few Wildflower photo project ....3 areas. In addition to counting orchids, wildlife species. While these are Endangered species debate...4 they will visit a state-of-the art worthy goals, plantings tend to be Riparian vegetation ..............5 management study at Pembina Trail more successful and ecologically MN NPS plant sale ..............5 Preserve and enjoy an evening meaningful when many plant Reed canary grass control .....6 presentation on recent orchid research. For species that occur in the native Bob Jacobson dies ...............7 more information and to register, write to Plant Lore -Spiderwort..........7 Continued on page 3 1
  • 2. President’s Column MN NPS Board by Scott Milburn Another year of botanizing is about to begin. This has been an exciting of Directors President: Scott Milburn, year, and we still have quite a bit to do. The Society has a great deal of momentum, much thanks to our last president, Jason Husveth. Jason’s tenure on the board will end in June after six years, and we look forward Vice President: Shirley Mah to his participation in the future. The formula derived by Jason under his Kooyman, tenure was to focus on a few things and to do them well. These few things, Secretary: Daniel Jones, which include monthly programs, symposia, the newsletter, and field trips, are the bread and butter of the Society. Logic would suggest continuing Treasurer: Ron and Cathy with this approach. Huber, As noted in our last newsletter, the Society has been in existence for 25 Ken Arndt, board member, years. We will celebrate this milestone next September and hope that our entire membership will be able to participate. It is amazing to think how much has changed over the past 25 years, especially in terms of technology. Jason Husveth, board member, With this increased ability to communicate, we still face the challenge of how best to reach prospective members in an attempt to increase overall Linda Huhn, board member and membership. The board has started to develop new materials for that very program coordinator, 612-374-1435 purpose. We are also looking into new ways to make annual membership Sean Jergens, renewal less burdensome. With this, we are looking to grow, but we cannot do this without your help. I have been extremely impressed with efforts Beth Nixon, thus far, but I would encourage all of our members to think of ways to attract new members and to expand. Listserv Coordinator: Charles Spring and summer field trips Umbanhowar, by Ken Arndt June 30 is a field trip to the Field Trips: Now is the time to sign up for MN Chippewa National Forest near NPS field trips. Sign-up sheets and Grand Rapids. MN DNR Forest M e m b e r s h i p s : detailed information will be at each Ecologist John Almendinger will; 651- monthly meeting. Or, go to our lead an all-day hike through cedar 739-4323 website and follow the link to “Field swamps, black spruce bogs, and Historian/Archives: Roy Trips” for information and to sign up. many upland areas. Plants will Robison, historian/ include orchids, carnivorous plants, Saturday, April 28, 1-4 p.m., join sedges, rushes and grasses. Barr Engineering Botanists Daniel Technical or membership Jones, a Society board member, and Saturday, July 14, 9 a.m. to 3 inquiries: Daniel DeJoode at Nerstrand-Big p.m., the Society will co-sponsor a Minnesota Plant Press editor: Woods State Park. This fine working field trip to Pioneer Park Gerry Drewry, phone, 651-463- example of “Big Woods” is home to in Blaine. Work with Critical 8006; many spring ephemerals and the Connections Ecological Services federally endangered dwarf trout lily. Ecologist Jason Husveth in the continued effort to restore the fen that Future plant events Saturday, May 12, 11 a.m. to 2 is home to several of Minnesota’s The Linnaeus Symposium is p.m., join MN DNR Regional Plant most rare plants. April 24 and 25 at Gustavus Ecologist Ann Pierce and explore the Aug. 9, 6 to 8:30 p.m., join MN Adolphus College, St. Peter, Minn. Whitewater Wildlife Management DNR Regional Plant Ecologist The annual Friends School Plant Area in coulee country in Hannah Texlar at St. Croix Savanna Sale will be May 11 - 13 at the State southeastern Minnesota. Scientific Natural Area for a hike Fair Grandstand. June 16 and 17 is a follow-up to through a fantastic hill prairie and Phalen WaterFest is May 19 at this year’s symposium on the Prairie oak savanna and assist Hannah with the Phalen Park Pavilion, Wheelock Coteau. Join the DNR’s Fred Harris, surveying for the rare Louisiana Pkwy. and Arcade St., St. Paul. Nancy Sather and Robert Dana in broomrape. This parasitic plant is The Iowa Prairie Conference will southwestern Minnesota, hiking typically found west of Minnesota, be July 13 and 14 at Briar Cliff through several plant communities, but recently a population was found University, Sioux City, Iowa. including a calcareous fen. at this SNA. 2
  • 3. Ecological issues General information Wildflower photos Continued from page 1 An overview of using native plants plant communities that have become for landscaping is found at: help minority group Peter Dziuk, a nursery inspector for adapted to each site over thousands nativeplants/index.html the Minnesota Department of of years are used. Diverse, locally appropriate plantings also create The Global Restoration Network, Agriculture and a Society member, habitat for more animal species; a project of the Society for has started a wildflower greeting card nectar for butterflies; food for Ecological Restoration International: business with a small minority migrating birds, and nesting habitat collective in North Minneapolis. It for reptiles, amphibians, and Landscape Ecology: Minnesota’s is called “Wildflowers for Ordinary mammals — all are necessary Ecological Classification System People.” components of ecosystems. Plant provides a hierarchical framework Proceeds from card sales benefit community ecology provides for mapping the landscape based on James Everett’s and Sister Jean’s information that can be used to create geology, soils, hydrology, and efforts to rebuild Minneapolis’ North diverse, locally adapted restorations. vegetation. For more information: Side. Their projects include at-risk Species ecology youth programs, the SubZero Species ecology (also called A number of programs are planning Collective (, and autecology) gives information about for ecologically meaningful Mothers of Slain Sons, a political traits of individual species that make landscape protection and restoration. action committee supporting women each adapted to a particular set of One is the Conservation Corridors who have lost sons to domestic conditions. Many of us choose plant violence or war. For information, species based on their beauty or their metroconservationcorridors/ call 612-521-8021, ext. 285. potential use as food by a favorite index.html “My intent is to provide a valid animal. Landscape plantings and Plant community, species ecology source of economic capital for a restorations are more successful The three-volume set of field historically excluded group, while at when the species used are those guides, Native Plant Communities of the same time providing meaningful native to and adapted to the local Minnesota, provide the most outreach on a topic that both my landscape. comprehensive information available spouse and I have become passionate Genetic ecology about the state’s native plant about, to inner-city minority Genetic ecology provides communities. The books can be communities and the public at large,” information about how a particular purchased from Minnesota’s Peter said. ecotype of a species is adapted to a Bookstore: Peter has about 20,000 digital site. There is a great deal of genetic images of wildflowers. He has variation among populations of many Fact sheets from the books are at: donated all the tools of his project plant species, giving each population — hundreds of images, several traits that make it adapted to local Complete species lists for native hundred handmade cards, card racks, environmental conditions. plant communities in the greater materials, cutting boards and a Using plants or seeds from far Twin Cities area, derived from computer. Everett is enlisting away may mean the plants are not vegetation plot data and developed volunteers to create new cards, adapted to local conditions. This can for restoration practitioners are at: Peter has started to translate the result in lower success and can also w w w. g r e a t r i v e rg r e e n i n g . o rg / cards into Spanish, Hmong, and import genetic material that can plant_communities.asp Somali and wants to develop tribal spread to naturally occurring plants, Genetic ecology contacts. “This is an opportunity to reducing the original population’s A good discussion about the issues remind people that humans lived in viability by making the plants less surrounding genetic ecology is in the harmony with all of these species for adapted to local conditions. This is article: How local is local? A review thousands of years,” he said. especially important with rare of practical and conceptual issues in The cards are sold at $3.95 each at species, but is a concern with all the genetics of restoration, by John the Science Museum of Minnesota naturally occurring plant McKay et al, in Restoration Ecology in St. Paul; Highland Nursery on populations. Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 432-440, West 7th St., St. Paul; 101 Market in Sources of ecological information September 2005. The authors advise Otsego, Minn., and through Here are a few ecological resources that practitioners use local seeds and Environmental Justice Advocates of for native plant gardeners and match climatic and environmental Minnesota. For more information, go restoration practitioners: conditions between the sites. to 3
  • 4. Regarding endangered DNR and other listed species by Roy Robison, president, as we understand it. The first is the response by Hannah Texler, regional plant Landscape Alternatives, Inc., and a prohibition. This is the gist of the ecologist, Minnesota DNR former MN NPS board member. complaint being made. The second On behalf of the DNR, I want to Concern for the diminished natural looks beyond protecting what is here thank Roy for expressing his occurrence of all native plants is to the future, when listed species may concerns and for participating with central to Landscape Alternatives’ be so abundant as to no longer be me and others on the panel at the MN very existence. Our policy regarding threatened. This is where NPS meeting where this was the plants we propagate and offer for Minnesota’s native plant nurseries discussed. sale has always been that the plants have a great role to play. We should must be of local ecotype as much as be seen as partners with state As I said at the meeting, we greatly is possible and be able to be regulatory agencies, not adversaries appreciate the vital work done by commercially produced either by our in protecting Minnesota’s natural native plant and seed nurseries, and company or by another reputable, plant resources! Minnesota’s we consider them important partners licensed nursery. professional native plant nurseries in the protection and stewardship of This policy automatically leads us have the propagation experience and biodiversity. We also acknowledge to avoid all federally listed facilities required to make a valuable that the endangered species statute endangered species. We also avoid contribution to solving the and rules are imperfect and difficult plants that either take exceptionally endangered species problem. to interpret and hope to be able to long to produce or have improve them once we have the Finally, as with all state legislation exceptionally stringent establishment resources to do so. that may affect interstate commerce, criteria, such as the lady slippers. there is an important exclusion to the I would like to correct two points There are many wonderful species law. Any state-listed (not federal) that Roy made in his letter. First, the that are not considered threatened plants purchased legally outside of law has always applied to native plant that we still don’t sell because they the state may be transported legally and seed nurseries; this is not new. are just too difficult or unreliable to into the state. Such interstate Second, he is correct in stating that propagate. We’d like to change that commerce is protected by the United by law (Minnesota Statute 84.0895) but can only do so much on our own. States Constitution. we can’t prohibit importation into We look to the University of The natural ranges of native this state and subsequent possession, Minnesota and the appropriate state species do not follow political transport or sale of state-endangered agencies for leadership in research boundaries. A given species may be and threatened plants that are legally and support for our industry. “rare” in one state because the state brought here from another state. Thus, we were very disappointed line crosses through the edge of the However, we can regulate these when we learned recently of efforts species’ natural range. On the other activities. to apply the Minnesota Endangered side of that line, the plant may not Our interpretation is that while Species prohibitions to our work. We be considered “rare” at all and thus nurseries from other states can legally certainly support the intent of the law can be propagated and sold. bring plants or seeds from species to stop the wanton destruction of Therefore, should efforts to restrict that are endangered or threatened in Minnesota’s rare natural resources. Minnesota native plant nurseries Minnesota into the state, these We have always strongly from working with certain listed species cannot be propagated or discouraged digging from the wild species succeed, all that will be planted here without a permit. So because even if the transplant is accomplished is to harm part of our effectively, no one can plant state- successful, there is no net increase state’s business community. Our listed endangered or threatened in population. This is the key to the customers will just buy from outstate species without a permit. For a matter. Landscape Alternatives and sources. This will only increase the discussion about why we believe the other reputable native plant and seed threat to local genetic populations. law does protect rare species, see the nurseries work to increase For the good of all Minnesota article in the Winter 2007 Minnesota populations of native plants and, by native plants and the small nursery Plant Press. their use of local germplasm sources, businesses that raise them, we ask Note:Roy Robison’s comments and preserve the existing gene pool. state officials to work with us so that the DNR response are a follow-up to There are three main aspects to the one day no Minnesota native plant the panel discussion at the March 8, Minnesota Endangered Species Act, will be endangered. 2007, MN NPS meeting. 4
  • 5. Native vegetation has eggs while they incubate on the stream bottom. Stream restoration work often valuable riparian role by Brian Nerbonne, stream habitat provide as much protection for focuses on stabilizing eroding stream banks, although the methods used vary significantly. Traditionally, specialist, Minnesota DNR Central stream banks because they create stream banks were covered in rock Region Fisheries. This is an abstract dense monocultures that limit riprap to reduce erosion, but this of his presentation at the Nov. 2, understory growth and deter the approach often only shifts erosion 2006, meeting. regeneration of longer lived and problems downstream, does not It’s easy to think of a stream as a deeper-rooting tree species. improve habitat, and can lead to world unto itself — its own Runoff from the surrounding increased warming of the stream. An ecosystem contained within the landscape must pass through the alternative is to employ temporary banks that define it, with separate riparian area as it drains off the land, techniques to stabilize the steam worlds living above and below the meaning the riparian area serves an bank while establishing suitable water’s surface. However, streams important function in buffering the vegetation to create a stable stream are intimately tied to the land use of stream from pollutants such as silt bank in the long term. A riparian the entire watershed that surrounds and excessive nutrients. Riparian buffer of an appropriate mix of native them, especially the streamside vegetation slows runoff velocity and grasses, forbs, sedges, shrubs, or environment known as the riparian settles out sediment particles, as well trees suited to site conditions is one area. as the phosphorus that is frequently of the best long-term solutions to The riparian area of streams serves bound to them. Both woody and protect stream health. many functions that are crucial to herbaceous vegetation are able to their physical condition as well as remove sediment, although grassed Plant sale is June 7 biological makeup, and the buffers tend to be slightly more by Ken Arndt vegetation present is the most effective due to a higher stem density Our annual native plant sale will important factor in how riparian that is better at slowing runoff. be June 7, following the speaker’s areas affect streams. One of the most Buffers are also effective at removing presentation. We encourage direct effects is how vegetation nitrogen and pesticides. members to divide or propagate their Riparian vegetation is especially own native plants and donate them. controls the stability of stream banks, A few volunteers are needed to help thereby contributing to the shape and important in providing habitat for set up the sales area and assist dimensions of the stream channel. organisms that live in the stream. members with their plants. When the Non-native species such as Kentucky Overhanging vegetation and sale begins, volunteers will select bluegrass or smooth brome have undercuts below well-rooted stream plants first, followed by those who roots that penetrate up to only a foot banks provide overhead cover that is donated plants, and then by other into the soil, while native grasses important in protecting fish from members and visitors. such as big bluestem or switchgrass avian predators. Additionally, wood The sale will be on the patio outside have root masses that extend up to habitat in streams is crucial to the of Dakota Lodge. Bring your plants six feet deep. invertebrates that form a lower level by 6 p.m. We want only native plants For stream banks that exceed more of the aquatic food chain. These from Minnesota and western than a foot in height, only deeper- invertebrates rely on wood as stable Wisconsin. Do not bring cultivars rooted native vegetation is able to refuge from the shifting sands that (horticultural selection) of native hold soil together to reduce erosion. often comprise the bed of streams. plants. Plants should come from The same can be said for native tree Other invertebrates, especially in your own property, gardens or other and shrub species such as green ash, small streams where shading limits private property, with that owner’s cottonwood, various dogwood algal production, rely on leafy permission, but not public property. species, and most willow species. detritus from surrounding vegetation Dig your plants two to four weeks These woody plants have roots that as their primary food source. before the sale, put them in typical penetrate around three feet into the Excessive stream bank erosion can nursery containers, and label them soil. They are generally better at contribute to a decline in sensitive with both common and scientific holding stream banks in place than stream biota due to reduced foraging names. Pricing will be done by herbaceous vegetation, due to the efficiency in turbid waters, volunteers. Dave Crawford and Ken greater diameter of the roots of sedimentation of gravel areas Arndt are co-chairs. To volunteer, woody plants. Non-native woody important for invertebrate contact or call invasives such as buckthorn do not production, or the smothering of fish 651-433-4410. 5
  • 6. landscape that has a limited seed Accessory treatments help bank due to previous land-use suppress reed canary grass history. A variety of treatments and by Craig A. Annen, consulting density 26 percent greater than treatment combinations are available ecologist, Michler & Brown, LLC. sethoxydim application alone. for reed canary grass abatement and In a previous article (Minnesota A vegetation survey was conducted subsequent native species Plant Press, Spring 2005), I reported during the post-treatment regrowth restoration. Results of this study on the effects of a grass-specific year to assess the degree of reed demonstrate that tillage and plant herbicide, VantageÆ (sethoxydim), canary grass resurgence taking place growth regulator pretreatments can on reed canary grass. [Vantage is in each treatment. Resurgence enhance the effectiveness of presently marketed as Sethoxydim G occurred in all treatment plots during sethoxydim on reed canary grass if PROÆ .] After observing substantial the regrowth year, but it occurred to administered for at least two recovery in the post-treatment a lesser extent in tillage-herbicide consecutive growing seasons. regrowth year, I postulated that apical and PGR-herbicide plots than in Craig A. Annen is a practicing dominance in reed canary grass sethoxydim-only plots. Thus, restorationist and researcher. For rhizomes might affect herbicide coupling tillage and PGR more information, contact him at performance and the ability of this 608-424-6997 or pretreatments to sethoxydim species to recover (resurge) from application for two consecutive herbicide treatments. In this article, growing seasons reduced reed canary I summarize results of an experiment grass resurgence capacity relative to Help search for designed to test if short-circuiting rhizome apical dominance prior to solitary herbicide use. In general, plots that were more diverse at the dwarf trout lilies sethoxydim application would The Minnesota Natural Heritage beginning of the experiment and Nongame Research Program is enhance this herbicide’s effects on responded more positively to reed canary grass. seeking volunteers to help with dwarf treatments than plots that were less trout lily monitoring and searches. The purpose of this experiment was diverse or monotypic at the They especially need volunteers who to determine if either tillage or plant beginning of the experiment, are available on weekdays. growth regulator (PGR) pretreatment regardless of which treatment was followed by sethoxydim application administered. The presence of native Volunteers work in teams to search would suppress reed canary grass to vegetation may augment control designated areas under supervision a greater extent than solitary use of measures by shading out reed canary of DNR staff and/or experienced herbicide. One year of coupling grass during its recovery period. volunteers. The exact schedule tillage (ca. June 1) to sethoxydim Although tillage and PGR depends on lily phenology and can application (ca. June 21) reduced pretreatments enhanced occur anytime between April 23 and reed canary grass stem density 35 sethoxydim’s effectiveness on reed May 10. All work is within an hour’s percent greater than sethoxydim canary grass, multiple-year drive south of the Twin Cities in Rice, application only. treatments were required to reduce Goodhue, or Steele Counties. resurgence capacity, demonstrating Minimum time commitment is one Two consecutive years of the the necessity for long-term full day. Sites vary in topographic tillage-sethoxydim treatment management to control this species. difficulty and risk of getting wet feet. reduced reed canary grass stem Training is in the field. density 443 percent greater than Surges in native species abundance sethoxydim application only. Tillage and diversity may not always To volunteer, contact Derek also enhanced native species accompany tillage treatments. The Anderson, botany assistant: abundance (up to 270 percent) and diversity-enhancing effects of tillage or diversity (up to 87 percent) because may be limited to transitional 651-259-5071. Include your full tillage stirs up the seed bank and communities where reed canary name; phone number where you are buries litter, facilitating germination. grass is commingled with native best reached at the last minute; and Application of a 2:1 mixture of species or occurs as a clonal patch e-mail if possible. Indicate the total CycocelÆ (chlormequat chloride) and within a native species matrix, areas number of days you are willing to ProxyÆ (ethephon) growth regulators where native species seed banks are commit, and list dates during the (ca. June 15) followed by herbicide more likely to be intact and in two-week time period when you are application (ca. June 21) for two moderate or high density. I am available. You can expect a follow- consecutive growing seasons presently testing this hypothesis with up e-mail or phone call no earlier reduced reed canary grass stem a tillage experiment in a restored than the week of April 16. 6
  • 7. Plant Lore Robert (Bob) by Thor Kommedahl What is spiderwort? Jacobson dies by Roy Robison and George Hild Spiderwort is Tradescantia bracteata, T. occidentalis, or T. The Minnesota Native Plant ohiensis. They are in the spiderwort Society lost a good friend when family (Commelinaceae) of Robert (Bob) Jacobson died monocotyledons — these three of suddenly Jan. 23 at his home in St. six species are native to Minnesota. Paul. Bob was a very active member of Where did it get its names? the Society. Besides attending Tradescantia was named after numerous monthly meetings, leading British plant collector John field trips and presenting several Tradescant (1608-1637). He was talks, he also was the editor of the gardener to King Charles I in Minnesota Plant Press from fall of London. It was named spiderwort 1990 through spring of 1993 and a Photo of T. occidentalis by Scott either because the sap from broken frequent contributor of articles. Milburn stems forms filaments like a spider’s He is survived by his parents, Jean web, or the angular leaf arrangement and Robert L. Jacobson of suggests a squatting spider. Minnetonka, and his brother, Ronald Bracteata refers to bracts in the Jacobson, of White Bear Lake. inflorescence. Occidentalis means Bob worked at MnDOT for 19 western and ohiensis means of Ohio. years and played an important role Wort means herb, but is often added in getting the state to use local native to common names if a plant was once ecotypes in MnDOT projects. He used in medicine. worked closely with other Where does the plant grow? Photo of T. bracteata by Sean organizations to develop Spiderworts are typically prairie Jergens specifications that are still used plants: T. bracteata is the most Does it have any economic today. He was currently working on widely distributed of the three native importance? various wetland programs in the species in Minnesota, and T. ohiensis Although grown as an ornamental Environmental Services Department occurs in extreme southeast counties in gardens, none of these three of MnDOT. of the state. However, T. ohiensis and species is as popular as T. virginiana. Bob helped the use of Minnesota some other species have been planted Wandering Jew (T. fluminensis) is native plants by testifying before in gardens and have escaped grown as a house plant. Spiderworts several committees at the state cultivation elsewhere. have been eaten as a raw salad or pot Capitol a few years ago, supporting herb. the use of natives along roadsides What does the plant look like? and against a law that would have Plants are perennials. All three A winter afternoon banned their use. species have three petals that are blue to rose-colored, six stamens, and by Ken Arndt Bob loved plants; he also loved flowers that are borne in umbel-like On Feb. 17, 10 MN NPS members animals. He lost his big black dog a cymes. Long bracts that resemble enjoyed a warm afternoon outing at few years ago, and that was hard on leaves in shape subtend the flowers. Terrace Horticultural Books in St. him. Bjorn was a slobbering T. bracteata has dense, sticky hairs Paul, shopping for plant books. scoundrel that Bob insisted on on sepals and pedicels, T. Owner Kent Petterson opened his bringing with him on field trips. He occidentalis is sparsely hairy, and T. store for us and also donated 10 was also a “leaner,” so combined ohiensis is hairless. percent of sales from member with the dripping, the experience purchases to the Society. He gave always proved interesting. Does it have any medicinal uses? us a tour and a short history of the There are plans to rename a couple Cherokee Indians made a plant tea business before we were let loose in of wetland projects for Bob, as well for treatment of kidney and stomach the candy store. If you didn’t make as the establishment of the Bob ailments. A leaf poultice was applied it, go to this great little bookstore Jacobson Wetland Memorial Fund. to insect bites, and a root poultice for sometime. Information is at Donations are also being accepted by cancers. the Humane Society. 7
  • 8. Minnesota Native Plant Society P.O. Box 20401 Bloomington, MN 55420 Spring 2007 8