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Minnesota Plant Press
                                The Minnesota Native Plant Society Newsletter

Volume 29 Number 4                                                                                        Fall 2010
 Monthly meetings
  Thompson Park Center/Dakota
                                      Election will affect
     Thompson County Park
       360 Butler Ave. E.,
                                      environmental legacy
                                      by Scott Milburn, MNNPS president
    West St. Paul, MN 55118
                                         We live in a state that has had a reputation as a place of ubiquitous
        Programs                      natural resources. It’s a legacy we hope will continue for future generations,
    The Minnesota Native Plant        and public support, such as the recent constitutional amendment, is
 Society meets the first Thursday     encouraging.
 in October, November, December,
 February, March, April, May, and        Yet the overall political process seems counterintuitive when it comes
 June. Check at         to protecting and overseeing those natural resources. Ideally, the heads
 for more program information.        of agencies that oversee our natural resources would be chosen on merit
    6 p.m. — Social period            and experience rather than political favor. However, that is not the usual
    7 – 9 p.m. — Program, Society     pattern. We obviously have an election for the next governor of Minnesota
 business                             this November, and my concern is this trend will continue regardless of
    Nov.    4:     “Characterizing    who presides over our state.
patterns of natural disturbance
                                         There are other issues dominating this election, and debate has neglected
in Minnesota’s wet mesic
southern boreal mixed wood            detailed thought and discussion about natural resources. Instead, the debate
forest ecosystems,” by Michael        has focused the attention on jobs, taxes, and regulation due to the sour
Reinikainen, master of science        economy. These are important issues, but this should not deter action from
student, Department of Forest         other important concerns.
Resources, U of M. Plant-of-             Unfortunately, we are often thinking only of today as dictated by this
the-Month:       Naked miterwort      current political system. The majority of our politicians serve under the
(Mitella nuda), “a good indicator     banner of entitlement, all too often compromising to protect their political
for my research sites,” by Michael    careers. The reason I bring this up is that it does affect the mission of the
Reinikainen. Seed exchange.           Society. We continue to see a changing landscape that brings a series of
    Dec. 2: To be announced.          challenges. We face a growing population, which puts added pressure
Seed exchange Nov. 4                  on our resources. We should be optimistic, however, because we have

                                                                                   In this issue
                                      opportunities to be creative and
   The annual seed exchange
provides an opportunity for members   solve problems before they appear.
to obtain seeds of native plants at   This goes back to the issue of            Conservation Corner ................2
no cost. Seeds must be placed in      putting the best and the brightest        Native plant seed guidelines ....3
envelopes and labeled. No bulk        in positions of leadership. So as         Prairie research grants .............3
piles of seeds will be accepted.      November approaches, members              Emerald ash borer fight ...........3
                                      of the Society need to consider           Proposed bylaw changes ........4
MNNPS website                         such issues and hope that the next        Boundary Waters plant search ..5
    For information about Society     governor will appoint true leaders,       New members ..........................5
field trips, meetings and events,     rather than continuing our current        Book reviews ...........................6
check the website:      system.                                   Plant Lore: Speckled alder .......7
Conservation Corner                                                               MNNPS Board
by Elizabeth Nixon
   The MNNPS Blog on Conservation topics is two quick clicks away                 of Directors
from the Society’s Internet home page.   Issues include legislative status        President: Scott Milburn, scott.
on funding invasive species control, the ecological price of holiday    
decorations, and the need to have a voice for native plants at the Lessard-
Sams Outdoor Heritage Council decisions on allocating the Minnesota               Vice President:   Shirley Mah
legacy amendment dollars.                                                         Kooyman, shirley.mah.kooyman@
   Clicking on the Education Blog brings to your attention both a crucial
education and conservation initiative, that of No Child Left Inside.  I           Secretary, program coordinator:
hope you will consider what you can do to support this initiative.  The           Andrés     Morantes,    andres.
MNNPS has helped by funding urban school buses to transport kids to an  
annual schoolchildren’s bird festival in Ramsey County. Sad as it sounds,         Treasurers, membership data base:
education dollars are not available for this.                                     Ron and Cathy Huber, ron.huber@
   Experiential learning in the natural world by children has been taken on as
a serious outdoor conservation strategy by federal, state, and local decision-
makers.  The federal government hosted a national road trip this year called      Derek Anderson, board member,
America’s Great Outdoors (      
cfm). I learned that top agency leaders are seriously soliciting programmatic     Ken Arndt, board member, field
ideas for getting urban (the vast majority) kids outdoors.  Our state DNR         trip chair,
had a very successful “More Kids in the Woods” inaugural season (www.
                                                                                  Michael Bourdaghs, board member,
morekidsinthewoods/index.html).          Two-state invasive             
    You don’t have to be an expert species conference                             Elizabeth Heck, board member,
to volunteer as a chaperone getting          The first collaborative Minnesota-   webmaster, elizabeth.heck@mnnps.
more kids out in nature in your Wisconsin                  Invasive     Species   org
community.  We hope you will read Conference will be held Nov. 8 - 10             Daniel Jones, board member,
more about No Child Left Inside at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, St. Paul.    
legislation at the MNNPS Blog, and It will cover invasive aquatic and
consider what you can do to help terrestrial plants, animals, pests, and          Dylan Lueth, board member, dylan.
advance the ideas at any level of pathogens.Information is at www.      
effort that you can give.                              Elizabeth Nixon, board member,
                                                                                  conservation committee chair, beth.
    Minnesota Native Plant Society’s purpose                                      Erika Rowe, board member, erika.
    (Abbreviated from the bylaws)                                       
        This organization is exclusively organized and operated for               Russ Schaffenberg, board member,
    educational and scientific purposes, including the following.       
    1.	 Conservation of all native plants.
                                                                                  Field Trips:    fieldtrips.mnnps@
    2.	 Continuing education of all members in the plant sciences.      
    3.	 Education of the public regarding environmental protection of plant
    life.                                                                         Memberships:    memberships.
    4.	 Encouragement of research and publications on plants native to
    Minnesota.                                                                    Historian-Archives: Roy Robison,
    5.	 Study of legislation on Minnesota flora, vegetation, ecosytems.           historian-archives.mnnps@mnnps.
    6.	 Preservation of native plants, plant communities, and scientific and      org
    natural areas.                                                                Technical     or     membership
    7.	 Cooperation in programs concerned with the ecology of natural             inquiries: contact.mnnps@mnnps.
    resources and scenic features.                                                org
    8.	 Fellowship with all persons interested in native plants through           Minnesota Plant Press Editor:
    meetings, lectures, workshops, and field trips.                               Gerry Drewry, 651-463-8006;
Three agencies work together, Weapons to fight
set restoration guidelines for emerald ash
                               borer are tested
native plant communities          Biological and chemical controls
                               are being tested in two areas as
by Dan Shaw, BWSR vegetation             Outdoor Heritage Council grant          Minnesota fights the invasive
specialist/landscape ecologist, and      programs.    New Mn/DOT seed            emerald ash borer.
Ken Graeve, Mn/DOT botanist.             specs have also been developed
This is a summary of their talk at the   for construction projects.  These       Stingless wasps
June 3, 2010, MNNPS meeting.             specs incorporate the new list of           On Sept. 22, scientists from
                                         state seed mixes and bring Mn/DOT       the Minnesota Department of
    As an increasing number of                                                   Agriculture’s Plant Protection
restoration projects are underway in     requirements in line with the BWSR
                                         native seed guidelines.                 Division released two species of
the state, Board of Water and Soil                                               stingless, predatory wasps on a
and Resources (BWSR), Mn/DOT                Examples of new restoration          dozen ash trees on a Mississippi
and DNR staffs have been working         resources include a Mn/DOT Native       River island in Houston County.
to develop a new list of state           Seed Mix Design Manual to assist        Different proportions of male and
seed mixes as well as new native         the development of site-specific        female wasps were let loose on the
vegetation standards and restoration     seed mixes (       trees. The wasps search out ash
resources to guide professionals.        native_vegetation/); the Minnesota      borer larvae or eggs and insert their
    The new list of state seed mixes     Wetland Restoration Plant ID Guide;     own eggs into them. The developing
has been developed to combine            the Minnesota Wetland Restoration       wasps then consume their hosts.
mixes from the three agencies, keep      Guide Vegetation Section, and the
                                         BWSR What’s Working Website                 Release of the wasps was
species within their native ranges,                                              approved by the U.S. Department of
eliminate confusion, and create          (
                                         WhatsWorking.html#veg)                  Agriculture. It will be several years
more consistency for restoration                                                 before scientist can analyze the
efforts.  A new seed-mix numbering                                               results. The stingless wasps were
system and a substitution table that
lists pre-approved substitutions for
                                         Prairie research                        reared in a Michigan laboratory.
                                                                                 The wasps and ash borers are both
species in mixes have also been          grants are available                    native to Asia.
developed.  The substitution table          Prairie Biotic Research (PBR)
will allow vendors more flexibility                                              Chemical control
                                         has announced its 2011 competitive          Minneapolis parks officials
in preparing mixes, which will help      small grants program which funds
to keep costs down and will also                                                 are testing the effectiveness of
                                         grants of up to $1,000 to individuals   insecticide injections on about
promote landscape-scale diversity
in the use of these standard mixes.      for the study of any grassland taxon    three dozen ash trees in the Lowry
                                         anywhere in the United States.          Hill and Whittier neighborhoods.
    New BWSR “Native Vegetation                                                  There are no known infestations in
Establishment and Enhancement            Proposals must be received by Jan.
                                         7, 2011.                                these areas, but they are considered
Guidelines” were developed through                                               vulnerable to the emerald ash borer.
a collaborative effort by BWSR              PBR      is    an    all-volunteer   The treatment costs about $17 per
partners. These partners included        Wisconsin non-profit established        tree and must be repeated every
federal, state and local agencies,       in 2000 to foster basic research in     three years.
vendors, consultants, non-profits and    prairies and savannas. Grants are
universities.  These guidelines were     funded by donations. Since 2002,        Treasurers’ report
written to meet legislative language,    PBR has awarded 100 grants worth           Treasurers Ron and Cathy Huber
while      developing      consistent                                            report that on Sept. 30, 2010, the
standards for native vegetation seed     $94,849 to people in 24 states. Many
                                         of these grants supported graduate      Society had assets of $24,115.40,
and plant sources, diversity levels,                                             which included $8,867.30 in
and quality.                             students. They expect to award at
                                                                                 certificates of deposit.
    Since they were finalized last       least 12 grants of up to $1,000 each       Total income for the first nine
winter, the guidelines have been         in 2011.                                months of 2010 was $9,186.78.
adopted by the DNR, Legislative-            For additional information on the    Expenses        totaled  $9,700,18.
Citizen Commission on Minnesota          grants or to make a donation, go to     Estimated expenses for the
Resources, and Lessard-Sams                   remainder of the year are $1,543.
Bylaw changes proposed
                                                                                   accounting of the corporation’s
                                                                                   receipts and expenditures which shall
                                                                                   be published in the next newsletter.
    The MNNPS Board of Directors           choice of receiving back issues Chairpersons shall report on their
has proposed changing the                  of the newsletter for that year, or committee’s activities. A dinner
organization’s bylaws. Members             applying the membership for the may be held in conjunction as the
will be asked to vote on the revisions     full following calendar year.           Board of Directors shall determine.
at the December and February               SECTION I. Special assessments to Notice of the Annual Meeting shall
monthly meetings.                          cover agenda may be proposed at any be given by the Secretary via the
    The proposed changes are shown         monthly meeting by the President Minnesota Plant Press newsletter.
below. Additions are underlined            for vote upon by the membership. A Directors will be elected by a simple
like this; deletions are indicated         two-thirds majority of the members majority.
by a strike-through line like this.        present shall carry. A quorum of 20 SECTION E. Directors will be
If only the title letter of a section is   percent of the general membership elected by a simple majority. An
changed, and content of that section       is necessary.
is unchanged, that change is not                                                   identified absentee ballot may be
shown.                                     ARTICLE IV - MEETINGS                   cast by mail. An absentee ballot may
   5. BYLAWS OF MINNESOTA                  SECTION B. Regular meetings be obtained from the Secretary and
NATIVE PLANT SOCIETY                       of the Board of Directors shall be must be returned to the Secretary
(adopted 1983, revised 1988, 1989,         held quarterly in June, September, before the election. Voting by proxy
1998, 2003)                                December, and March at such shall not be permitted. Election
                                           time and place as the President results shall be immediately
ARTICLE III - MEMBERSHIP                   shall determine. The Secretary or announced by the President and
SECTION A. There shall be seven            Program Chair shall give due notice published in the Minnesota Plant
eight classes of membership:               of all meetings via the website, Press by the Secretary.
[1. Individual, 2. Family, 3. Student,     Minnesota Plant Press newsletter, ARTICLE V - BOARD OF
4. Senior]                                 e-mail or by telephone. The meetings DIRECTORS
5. Institutional. A legal organization.    shall be conducted by the President SECTION D. Board members
Twice the Individual rate. Entitled        with assistance from other officers are expected to attend three of the
to one vote and one mailing                as requested and the Secretary shall four board meetings, including
of newsletter, does not include            take and record minutes.                mandatory attendance at June
privilege of holding office.               SECTION C. Special meetings of meeting, and are expected to actively
6. Donor. Those individuals or             the Board of Directors may be called participate in the operations of the
organizations who make a gift,             by the President at such time and Society.
devise or memorial of $25.00 three         place as he or she shall determine. SECTION F. G. The Board of
times the Individual rate, or more.        The Secretary shall give due notice Directors shall each year appoint a
Same privileges as individual.             of all meetings by e-mail, post card, Nomination Committee of not less
7, Lifetime. Twenty times the              or telephone as appropriate. Said than three persons, chaired by the
Individual rate. Same privileges as        meetings shall be conducted by the Vice President, to propose a slate of
Individual.                                President and the Secretary shall three new directors, with notice of the
[8. Honorary.]                             take and record minutes.                proposed slate being mailed at least
SECTION B. Dues are payable                SECTION D. The Annual meeting 30 days prior to the annual meeting.
upon application for membership            of the membership shall be during The Nomination Committee shall
and annually on the first of               the March meeting or at such time propose a slate of new officers to
October. Membership is based               and place as the President shall the Board of Directors.
upon the calendar year with dues           determine in the month of March.
payable in January. Any person                                                     SECTION G. All members in
                                           Notice of the Annual Meeting shall
with delinquent dues shall not be a                                                good standing are welcome to
                                           be given by the Secretary via the
member in good standing entitled to                                                attend meetings of the Board of
                                           Minnesota Plant Press newsletter.
mailing of newsletter, voting rights                                               Directors and have standing to
                                           The election of Directors to the
or privileges of holding office.                                                   make suggestions deemed in the
                                           Board and transaction of pertinent
                                                                                   best interests of the corporation by
SECTION H. New members                     business shall be conducted by the
                                                                                   the President.
joining after April June first shall be    President. and the Secretary shall take
considered paid through September          and record minutes. The Treasurer SECTION H. Directors shall serve
of the following year. have the            shall prepare and give an annual from the time of the June Board
meeting following their election
to the June meeting following the        Searching for plants in the
                                         Boundary Waters Canoe Area
election of their successor.
SECTION I. In case any Director
shall    by     death,     incapacity,
resignation or absenteeism fail to
serve his or her full three-year term,
the Board of Directors shall appoint
a successor to serve out the balance
of such term.
SECTION J. Whenever a vacancy
shall occur in any office, it shall be
immediately filled by the Board of
SECTION C. The Vice-President
shall actively assist the President,
shall preside in the President’s
absence, shall chair the nominations
committee and may be considered
for the next presidency.
SECTION D. The Secretary shall                                                 Mike Lee, botanist/ecologist for
take and record minutes of all board                                        the Minnesota County Biological
meetings and shall give due notice                                          Survey, studied plants in the
of the Monthly and Board meetings                                           Boundary Waters Canoe Area
via the Minnesota Native Plant                                              this summer. His work included
Plant Press newsletter.                                                     identifying plants and drying the
                                                                            specimens he collected. This is part
ARTICLE VIII - STANDING                                                     of the ongoing work by MCBS to
COMMITTEES                                                                  document plant communities and
The standing committees of the                                              rare flora in the Border Lakes area.
corporation are as follows:                                                    The photo above shows how Mike
1. Program, Education, and                                                  Lee used solar power when pressing
Lectures.                                                                   and drying plant specimens. In the
2. Membership and Outreach.                                                 photo at the left, he is examining a
2. Publications (Minnesota Plant                                            rock face, looking for potential areas
Press newsletter)                                                           with rare plants. Both photos are by
3. Conservation                                                             Scott Milburn, MNNPS president.
4. Symposium
ARTICLE IX – NEWSLETTER                                                     MNNPS welcomes
The Minnesota Plant Press                                                   new members
newsletter shall be published at least                                         The Society gives a warm
three times a year. in September                                            welcome to five new members who
(fall), January (winter), and May require a two-thirds majority vote        joined during the third quarter of
(spring) and at such other times that of the membership. present at two     2010. Listed alphabetically, they
the Board of Directors determines. consecutive Monthly meetings.            are:
                                       Members shall be notified by the        Nancy Lizette Berlin, Red
ARTICLE XI - AMENDMENTS Minnesota Plant Press newsletter
A quorum to transact business of any change proposed by the                    Donald A. Doeksen, St. Paul;
shall be 20 percent of the general Board of Directors. Voting shall            Daniel and Diane Stauner, New
membership. Changes to the Articles be by secret ballot. or an identified   Hope;
of Incorporation or the Bylaws shall absentee ballot.                          Barbara Wieman, Burnsville.
Prairie ecology,                             Helzer believes that invasive
                                          species removal needs to be
                                                                                    Book explores
management are                            prioritized. He feels that preventing     state wild places
                                          new weeds from becoming a                    “Our Neck of the Woods:
new book topics                           problem should always be first.           Exploring Minnesota’s Wild Places,”
   The Ecology and Management                He states that the reason grassland    edited by Daniel J. Philippon,
of Prairies in the Central United         birds are so scarce is because they       published by the University of
States, by Chris Helzer, published        need a very large area for nesting.       Minnesota Press, 2009; paperback,
for the Nature Conservancy by the         Their predators come in from the          277 pages, $19.95.
University of Iowa Press, 2010,           edges of the prairie, especially
paperback, 208 pages, illustrated,        when trees are present. A greenway        Review by Gerry Drewry
$29.95.                                   patchwork of areas that are close or         Most of these 57 personal “Sense
Review by Arlene Kjar, MNNPS              connected can provide corridors for       of Place” essays were published in
member; president of Prairie              their movement.                           issues of Minnesota Conservation
Partners of Cannon Valley, a                 In the last half of the book, he       Volunteer since November 1994.
volunteer group in Northfield that        identifies different ways to manage       Each article reflects the strong sense
helps others with nature areas; a         the prairie. Patch-burn grazing is a      of place felt by the author.
member of Prairie Smoke Chapter           system in which a third of the prairie       Some are by well known writers,
of The Prairie Enthusiasts; and a         is burned. Cattle (or the grazing         including Paul Gruchow, Sigurd F.
retired teacher.                          animal of choice) will eat from that      Olson, Peter M. Leschak, Bill Holm,
   The Ecology and Management of          area and leave the rest of the prairie    and Greg Breining. Some writers are
Prairies in the Central United States     to grow. This allows the grasses and      members of the Minnesota Native
is an excellent book that provides        forbs to recover. Every year another      Plant Society, including Erika Rowe,
background knowledge about how            third of the prairie is burned, and the   Nancy Sather, Kathleen Weflen, and
prairies work. The author provides        grazing animals will move to the          Vera Ming Wong.
information on how to mix and             new area without being fenced.
                                                                                     It is easy to find specific essays.
match management techniques in               This is an excellent book to add     The table of contents sorts them
ways that will help to keep prairies      to your nature library. It is published by category: Making Camp,
vigorous and viable.                      for the Nature Conservancy by the       Encountering Wildness, Getting
   Chris Helzer is the program            University of Iowa Press.               Wet, Embracing Winter, Doing
director     for    The     Nature                                                Science, Practicing Conservation,
Conservancy’s Eastern Nebraska            Bell Museum opens and Finding Home. A geographical
Project Office in Aurora, Nebraska.
He oversees the management and
                                          exhibit on shelter                      index groups the essays by biome:
                                             Sustainable Shelter: Dwelling Coniferous Forest, Deciduous
restoration of approximately 5,000        within the Forces of Nature
opened Forest, and Prairie Grassland.
acres of conservancy-owned land.          Oct. 16 and runs through May 15,           Some of the essays are lyrical,
    The first part of the book consists   2011. Just as birds gather local especially Sigurd Olson’s Trapper’s
of a description of the complex           materials for their nests, humans Cabin. Some are informative, such
workings of prairies. Grasslands          build homes that use natural as Anne M. Dunn’s Sugar Bush
that are dominated by only a few          resources to meet their needs and Journal and Eric Hanson’s Count
plant species, especially non-native      desires. But while shelters in the Your Loons. Some paint contrasting
grasses, lack the ability to support      animal kingdom work in tandem pictures of the same topics,
the majority of prairie-dependent         with natural cycles, most human including Lake Superior in winter
species and, in Helzer’s opinion,         shelters consume more natural and the Boundary Waters Canoe
are not prairies. He defines a plant      resources and energy than they Area. Some praise specific aspects
community as all the plants that          need.                                   of nature, from winter to native
grow and interact together in a              This exhibit explores innovative plants to exploring a cave.
particular place. The strategies the      home building technologies and
plants develop to survive strengthen      strategies that can help restore the       In summary, if you enjoy
the community’s ability to respond        viability of natural systems; contrasts Minnesota’s outdoors, you will find
to drought, flooding, intense grazing,    human dwellings with those of other essays that reflect your experiences,
fire and other disturbances. A high       animals; looks at housing around the inspire you to visit other locations,
quality prairie can have as many as       world, and changes in U.S. houses or make you feel that you are there
150 - 300 species of plants.              over the past 150 years.                with the author.
Is it part of any other “lore?”
Plant Lore
by Thor Kommedahl
                                              Henry Wadsworth Longfellow,
                                          in his Midnight Ride of Paul Revere,
What is speckled alder?                   “And under the alders that skirt its
   Speckled alder is Alnus incana         edge,
subsp. rugosa, and native to              Now soft on the sand, now loud on
Minnesota. It belongs in the birch        the ledge,
family.                                   Is heard the tramp of his steed as he
How did it get its names?                 rides.”
   Alder is an ancient name for               Right: Stalked speckled alder
tree. The Old English name was                terminal bud. Below, top:
alor.   Alnus is the Latin name  for          Male and female speckled
alder. Incana means gray  (stem               alder catkins, in winter.
color), and rugosa means wrinkled             Below,     bottom:    Leaves,
(network of sunken veins on                   female catkins of speckled
undersides of   leaves). It is called         alder. Photos are by Peter
speckled because of the numerous              Dziuk.
warty lenticels on the stem that are
pale yellow or orange.
What does the plant look like?
It is a thicket-forming shrub,
occasionally a small tree, with
simple and alternate leaves. The
terminal bud is stalked. It produces
yellowish male flower clusters
(catkins or aments) and reddish
female, cone-like inflorescences
bearing small, one-seeded, winged 
fruits (samaras). Wind disperses
samaras. This female catkin remains
on the plant in winter — useful for
Where does the shrub grow?
It  grows in wetlands  or moist
lowlands in the wooded areas of
Minnesota, often as an understory
in forests.
Is it poisonous  or medicinal?
    It is not poisonous or edible,
but  American Indians used a bark
tea for diarrhea treatment, as a
diuretic, for toothache, anemia, and
many other problems.
Is it ecologically significant?
    Alder roots fix nitrogen
comparable to that by legumes. As
an understory plant in forests, alder
promotes growth of many deciduous
and coniferous trees. Songbirds eat
the “seeds,” and it is the larval host
for the green comma butterfly; it
also attracts the tent caterpillar moth
and other moths.
Minnesota Native Plant Society
P.O. Box 20401
Bloomington, MN 55420

Fall 2009

                     Take MN Hwy. 52 to the Butler Ave. E. exit in West St. Paul.
                     Go west on Butler 0.2 mile to Stassen Lane.
                     Go south on Stassen Lane to Thompson County Park.

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Fall 2010 Minnesota Plant Press

  • 1. Minnesota Plant Press The Minnesota Native Plant Society Newsletter Volume 29 Number 4 Fall 2010 Monthly meetings Thompson Park Center/Dakota Lodge Election will affect Thompson County Park 360 Butler Ave. E., environmental legacy by Scott Milburn, MNNPS president West St. Paul, MN 55118 We live in a state that has had a reputation as a place of ubiquitous Programs natural resources. It’s a legacy we hope will continue for future generations, The Minnesota Native Plant and public support, such as the recent constitutional amendment, is Society meets the first Thursday encouraging. in October, November, December, February, March, April, May, and Yet the overall political process seems counterintuitive when it comes June. Check at to protecting and overseeing those natural resources. Ideally, the heads for more program information. of agencies that oversee our natural resources would be chosen on merit 6 p.m. — Social period and experience rather than political favor. However, that is not the usual 7 – 9 p.m. — Program, Society pattern. We obviously have an election for the next governor of Minnesota business this November, and my concern is this trend will continue regardless of Nov. 4: “Characterizing who presides over our state. patterns of natural disturbance There are other issues dominating this election, and debate has neglected in Minnesota’s wet mesic southern boreal mixed wood detailed thought and discussion about natural resources. Instead, the debate forest ecosystems,” by Michael has focused the attention on jobs, taxes, and regulation due to the sour Reinikainen, master of science economy. These are important issues, but this should not deter action from student, Department of Forest other important concerns. Resources, U of M. Plant-of- Unfortunately, we are often thinking only of today as dictated by this the-Month: Naked miterwort current political system. The majority of our politicians serve under the (Mitella nuda), “a good indicator banner of entitlement, all too often compromising to protect their political for my research sites,” by Michael careers. The reason I bring this up is that it does affect the mission of the Reinikainen. Seed exchange. Society. We continue to see a changing landscape that brings a series of Dec. 2: To be announced. challenges. We face a growing population, which puts added pressure Seed exchange Nov. 4 on our resources. We should be optimistic, however, because we have In this issue opportunities to be creative and The annual seed exchange provides an opportunity for members solve problems before they appear. to obtain seeds of native plants at This goes back to the issue of Conservation Corner ................2 no cost. Seeds must be placed in putting the best and the brightest Native plant seed guidelines ....3 envelopes and labeled. No bulk in positions of leadership. So as Prairie research grants .............3 piles of seeds will be accepted. November approaches, members Emerald ash borer fight ...........3 of the Society need to consider Proposed bylaw changes ........4 MNNPS website such issues and hope that the next Boundary Waters plant search ..5 For information about Society governor will appoint true leaders, New members ..........................5 field trips, meetings and events, rather than continuing our current Book reviews ...........................6 check the website: system. Plant Lore: Speckled alder .......7
  • 2. Conservation Corner MNNPS Board by Elizabeth Nixon The MNNPS Blog on Conservation topics is two quick clicks away of Directors from the Society’s Internet home page.   Issues include legislative status President: Scott Milburn, scott. on funding invasive species control, the ecological price of holiday decorations, and the need to have a voice for native plants at the Lessard- Sams Outdoor Heritage Council decisions on allocating the Minnesota Vice President: Shirley Mah legacy amendment dollars.  Kooyman, shirley.mah.kooyman@ Clicking on the Education Blog brings to your attention both a crucial education and conservation initiative, that of No Child Left Inside.  I Secretary, program coordinator: hope you will consider what you can do to support this initiative.  The Andrés Morantes, andres. MNNPS has helped by funding urban school buses to transport kids to an annual schoolchildren’s bird festival in Ramsey County. Sad as it sounds, Treasurers, membership data base: education dollars are not available for this.  Ron and Cathy Huber, ron.huber@ Experiential learning in the natural world by children has been taken on as a serious outdoor conservation strategy by federal, state, and local decision- makers.  The federal government hosted a national road trip this year called Derek Anderson, board member, America’s Great Outdoors ( cfm). I learned that top agency leaders are seriously soliciting programmatic Ken Arndt, board member, field ideas for getting urban (the vast majority) kids outdoors.  Our state DNR trip chair, had a very successful “More Kids in the Woods” inaugural season (www. Michael Bourdaghs, board member, morekidsinthewoods/index.html). Two-state invasive You don’t have to be an expert species conference Elizabeth Heck, board member, to volunteer as a chaperone getting The first collaborative Minnesota- webmaster, elizabeth.heck@mnnps. more kids out in nature in your Wisconsin Invasive Species org community.  We hope you will read Conference will be held Nov. 8 - 10 Daniel Jones, board member, more about No Child Left Inside at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, St. Paul. legislation at the MNNPS Blog, and It will cover invasive aquatic and consider what you can do to help terrestrial plants, animals, pests, and Dylan Lueth, board member, dylan. advance the ideas at any level of pathogens.Information is at www. effort that you can give. Elizabeth Nixon, board member, conservation committee chair, beth. Minnesota Native Plant Society’s purpose Erika Rowe, board member, erika. (Abbreviated from the bylaws) This organization is exclusively organized and operated for Russ Schaffenberg, board member, educational and scientific purposes, including the following. 1. Conservation of all native plants. Field Trips: fieldtrips.mnnps@ 2. Continuing education of all members in the plant sciences. 3. Education of the public regarding environmental protection of plant life. Memberships: memberships. 4. Encouragement of research and publications on plants native to Minnesota. Historian-Archives: Roy Robison, 5. Study of legislation on Minnesota flora, vegetation, ecosytems. historian-archives.mnnps@mnnps. 6. Preservation of native plants, plant communities, and scientific and org natural areas. Technical or membership 7. Cooperation in programs concerned with the ecology of natural inquiries: contact.mnnps@mnnps. resources and scenic features. org 8. Fellowship with all persons interested in native plants through Minnesota Plant Press Editor: meetings, lectures, workshops, and field trips. Gerry Drewry, 651-463-8006; 2
  • 3. Three agencies work together, Weapons to fight set restoration guidelines for emerald ash borer are tested native plant communities Biological and chemical controls are being tested in two areas as by Dan Shaw, BWSR vegetation Outdoor Heritage Council grant Minnesota fights the invasive specialist/landscape ecologist, and programs.    New Mn/DOT seed emerald ash borer. Ken Graeve, Mn/DOT botanist. specs have also been developed This is a summary of their talk at the for construction projects.  These Stingless wasps June 3, 2010, MNNPS meeting. specs incorporate the new list of On Sept. 22, scientists from state seed mixes and bring Mn/DOT the Minnesota Department of As an increasing number of Agriculture’s Plant Protection restoration projects are underway in requirements in line with the BWSR native seed guidelines. Division released two species of the state, Board of Water and Soil stingless, predatory wasps on a and Resources (BWSR), Mn/DOT Examples of new restoration dozen ash trees on a Mississippi and DNR staffs have been working resources include a Mn/DOT Native River island in Houston County. to develop a new list of state Seed Mix Design Manual to assist Different proportions of male and seed mixes as well as new native the development of site-specific female wasps were let loose on the vegetation standards and restoration seed mixes ( trees. The wasps search out ash resources to guide professionals. native_vegetation/); the Minnesota borer larvae or eggs and insert their The new list of state seed mixes Wetland Restoration Plant ID Guide; own eggs into them. The developing has been developed to combine the Minnesota Wetland Restoration wasps then consume their hosts. mixes from the three agencies, keep Guide Vegetation Section, and the BWSR What’s Working Website Release of the wasps was species within their native ranges, approved by the U.S. Department of eliminate confusion, and create ( WhatsWorking.html#veg) Agriculture. It will be several years more consistency for restoration before scientist can analyze the efforts.  A new seed-mix numbering results. The stingless wasps were system and a substitution table that lists pre-approved substitutions for Prairie research reared in a Michigan laboratory. The wasps and ash borers are both species in mixes have also been grants are available native to Asia. developed.  The substitution table Prairie Biotic Research (PBR) will allow vendors more flexibility Chemical control has announced its 2011 competitive Minneapolis parks officials in preparing mixes, which will help small grants program which funds to keep costs down and will also are testing the effectiveness of grants of up to $1,000 to individuals insecticide injections on about promote landscape-scale diversity in the use of these standard mixes. for the study of any grassland taxon three dozen ash trees in the Lowry anywhere in the United States. Hill and Whittier neighborhoods. New BWSR “Native Vegetation There are no known infestations in Establishment and Enhancement Proposals must be received by Jan. 7, 2011. these areas, but they are considered Guidelines” were developed through vulnerable to the emerald ash borer. a collaborative effort by BWSR PBR is an all-volunteer The treatment costs about $17 per partners. These partners included Wisconsin non-profit established tree and must be repeated every federal, state and local agencies, in 2000 to foster basic research in three years. vendors, consultants, non-profits and prairies and savannas. Grants are universities.  These guidelines were funded by donations. Since 2002, Treasurers’ report written to meet legislative language, PBR has awarded 100 grants worth Treasurers Ron and Cathy Huber while developing consistent report that on Sept. 30, 2010, the standards for native vegetation seed $94,849 to people in 24 states. Many of these grants supported graduate Society had assets of $24,115.40, and plant sources, diversity levels, which included $8,867.30 in and quality. students. They expect to award at certificates of deposit. Since they were finalized last least 12 grants of up to $1,000 each Total income for the first nine winter, the guidelines have been in 2011. months of 2010 was $9,186.78. adopted by the DNR, Legislative- For additional information on the Expenses totaled $9,700,18. Citizen Commission on Minnesota grants or to make a donation, go to Estimated expenses for the Resources, and Lessard-Sams remainder of the year are $1,543. 3
  • 4. Bylaw changes proposed accounting of the corporation’s receipts and expenditures which shall be published in the next newsletter. The MNNPS Board of Directors choice of receiving back issues Chairpersons shall report on their has proposed changing the of the newsletter for that year, or committee’s activities. A dinner organization’s bylaws. Members applying the membership for the may be held in conjunction as the will be asked to vote on the revisions full following calendar year. Board of Directors shall determine. at the December and February SECTION I. Special assessments to Notice of the Annual Meeting shall monthly meetings. cover agenda may be proposed at any be given by the Secretary via the The proposed changes are shown monthly meeting by the President Minnesota Plant Press newsletter. below. Additions are underlined for vote upon by the membership. A Directors will be elected by a simple like this; deletions are indicated two-thirds majority of the members majority. by a strike-through line like this. present shall carry. A quorum of 20 SECTION E. Directors will be If only the title letter of a section is percent of the general membership elected by a simple majority. An changed, and content of that section is necessary. is unchanged, that change is not identified absentee ballot may be shown. ARTICLE IV - MEETINGS cast by mail. An absentee ballot may 5. BYLAWS OF MINNESOTA SECTION B. Regular meetings be obtained from the Secretary and NATIVE PLANT SOCIETY of the Board of Directors shall be must be returned to the Secretary (adopted 1983, revised 1988, 1989, held quarterly in June, September, before the election. Voting by proxy 1998, 2003) December, and March at such shall not be permitted. Election time and place as the President results shall be immediately ARTICLE III - MEMBERSHIP shall determine. The Secretary or announced by the President and SECTION A. There shall be seven Program Chair shall give due notice published in the Minnesota Plant eight classes of membership: of all meetings via the website, Press by the Secretary. [1. Individual, 2. Family, 3. Student, Minnesota Plant Press newsletter, ARTICLE V - BOARD OF 4. Senior] e-mail or by telephone. The meetings DIRECTORS 5. Institutional. A legal organization. shall be conducted by the President SECTION D. Board members Twice the Individual rate. Entitled with assistance from other officers are expected to attend three of the to one vote and one mailing as requested and the Secretary shall four board meetings, including of newsletter, does not include take and record minutes. mandatory attendance at June privilege of holding office. SECTION C. Special meetings of meeting, and are expected to actively 6. Donor. Those individuals or the Board of Directors may be called participate in the operations of the organizations who make a gift, by the President at such time and Society. devise or memorial of $25.00 three place as he or she shall determine. SECTION F. G. The Board of times the Individual rate, or more. The Secretary shall give due notice Directors shall each year appoint a Same privileges as individual. of all meetings by e-mail, post card, Nomination Committee of not less 7, Lifetime. Twenty times the or telephone as appropriate. Said than three persons, chaired by the Individual rate. Same privileges as meetings shall be conducted by the Vice President, to propose a slate of Individual. President and the Secretary shall three new directors, with notice of the [8. Honorary.] take and record minutes. proposed slate being mailed at least SECTION B. Dues are payable SECTION D. The Annual meeting 30 days prior to the annual meeting. upon application for membership of the membership shall be during The Nomination Committee shall and annually on the first of the March meeting or at such time propose a slate of new officers to October. Membership is based and place as the President shall the Board of Directors. upon the calendar year with dues determine in the month of March. payable in January. Any person SECTION G. All members in Notice of the Annual Meeting shall with delinquent dues shall not be a good standing are welcome to be given by the Secretary via the member in good standing entitled to attend meetings of the Board of Minnesota Plant Press newsletter. mailing of newsletter, voting rights Directors and have standing to The election of Directors to the or privileges of holding office. make suggestions deemed in the Board and transaction of pertinent best interests of the corporation by SECTION H. New members business shall be conducted by the the President. joining after April June first shall be President. and the Secretary shall take considered paid through September and record minutes. The Treasurer SECTION H. Directors shall serve of the following year. have the shall prepare and give an annual from the time of the June Board 4
  • 5. meeting following their election to the June meeting following the Searching for plants in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area election of their successor. SECTION I. In case any Director shall by death, incapacity, resignation or absenteeism fail to serve his or her full three-year term, the Board of Directors shall appoint a successor to serve out the balance of such term. SECTION J. Whenever a vacancy shall occur in any office, it shall be immediately filled by the Board of Directors. ARTICLE VI – OFFICES SECTION C. The Vice-President shall actively assist the President, shall preside in the President’s absence, shall chair the nominations committee and may be considered for the next presidency. SECTION D. The Secretary shall Mike Lee, botanist/ecologist for take and record minutes of all board the Minnesota County Biological meetings and shall give due notice Survey, studied plants in the of the Monthly and Board meetings Boundary Waters Canoe Area via the Minnesota Native Plant this summer. His work included Plant Press newsletter. identifying plants and drying the specimens he collected. This is part ARTICLE VIII - STANDING of the ongoing work by MCBS to COMMITTEES document plant communities and The standing committees of the rare flora in the Border Lakes area. corporation are as follows: The photo above shows how Mike 1. Program, Education, and Lee used solar power when pressing Lectures. and drying plant specimens. In the 2. Membership and Outreach. photo at the left, he is examining a 2. Publications (Minnesota Plant rock face, looking for potential areas Press newsletter) with rare plants. Both photos are by 3. Conservation Scott Milburn, MNNPS president. 4. Symposium ARTICLE IX – NEWSLETTER MNNPS welcomes The Minnesota Plant Press new members newsletter shall be published at least The Society gives a warm three times a year. in September welcome to five new members who (fall), January (winter), and May require a two-thirds majority vote joined during the third quarter of (spring) and at such other times that of the membership. present at two 2010. Listed alphabetically, they the Board of Directors determines. consecutive Monthly meetings. are: Members shall be notified by the Nancy Lizette Berlin, Red ARTICLE XI - AMENDMENTS Minnesota Plant Press newsletter Wing; A quorum to transact business of any change proposed by the Donald A. Doeksen, St. Paul; shall be 20 percent of the general Board of Directors. Voting shall Daniel and Diane Stauner, New membership. Changes to the Articles be by secret ballot. or an identified Hope; of Incorporation or the Bylaws shall absentee ballot. Barbara Wieman, Burnsville. 5
  • 6. Prairie ecology, Helzer believes that invasive species removal needs to be Book explores management are prioritized. He feels that preventing state wild places new weeds from becoming a “Our Neck of the Woods: new book topics problem should always be first. Exploring Minnesota’s Wild Places,” The Ecology and Management He states that the reason grassland edited by Daniel J. Philippon, of Prairies in the Central United birds are so scarce is because they published by the University of States, by Chris Helzer, published need a very large area for nesting. Minnesota Press, 2009; paperback, for the Nature Conservancy by the Their predators come in from the 277 pages, $19.95. University of Iowa Press, 2010, edges of the prairie, especially paperback, 208 pages, illustrated, when trees are present. A greenway Review by Gerry Drewry $29.95. patchwork of areas that are close or Most of these 57 personal “Sense Review by Arlene Kjar, MNNPS connected can provide corridors for of Place” essays were published in member; president of Prairie their movement. issues of Minnesota Conservation Partners of Cannon Valley, a In the last half of the book, he Volunteer since November 1994. volunteer group in Northfield that identifies different ways to manage Each article reflects the strong sense helps others with nature areas; a the prairie. Patch-burn grazing is a of place felt by the author. member of Prairie Smoke Chapter system in which a third of the prairie Some are by well known writers, of The Prairie Enthusiasts; and a is burned. Cattle (or the grazing including Paul Gruchow, Sigurd F. retired teacher. animal of choice) will eat from that Olson, Peter M. Leschak, Bill Holm, The Ecology and Management of area and leave the rest of the prairie and Greg Breining. Some writers are Prairies in the Central United States to grow. This allows the grasses and members of the Minnesota Native is an excellent book that provides forbs to recover. Every year another Plant Society, including Erika Rowe, background knowledge about how third of the prairie is burned, and the Nancy Sather, Kathleen Weflen, and prairies work. The author provides grazing animals will move to the Vera Ming Wong. information on how to mix and new area without being fenced. It is easy to find specific essays. match management techniques in This is an excellent book to add The table of contents sorts them ways that will help to keep prairies to your nature library. It is published by category: Making Camp, vigorous and viable. for the Nature Conservancy by the Encountering Wildness, Getting Chris Helzer is the program University of Iowa Press. Wet, Embracing Winter, Doing director for The Nature Science, Practicing Conservation, Conservancy’s Eastern Nebraska Bell Museum opens and Finding Home. A geographical Project Office in Aurora, Nebraska. He oversees the management and exhibit on shelter index groups the essays by biome: Sustainable Shelter: Dwelling Coniferous Forest, Deciduous restoration of approximately 5,000 within the Forces of Nature
opened Forest, and Prairie Grassland. acres of conservancy-owned land. Oct. 16 and runs through May 15, Some of the essays are lyrical, The first part of the book consists 2011. Just as birds gather local especially Sigurd Olson’s Trapper’s of a description of the complex materials for their nests, humans Cabin. Some are informative, such workings of prairies. Grasslands build homes that use natural as Anne M. Dunn’s Sugar Bush that are dominated by only a few resources to meet their needs and Journal and Eric Hanson’s Count plant species, especially non-native desires. But while shelters in the Your Loons. Some paint contrasting grasses, lack the ability to support animal kingdom work in tandem pictures of the same topics, the majority of prairie-dependent with natural cycles, most human including Lake Superior in winter species and, in Helzer’s opinion, shelters consume more natural and the Boundary Waters Canoe are not prairies. He defines a plant resources and energy than they Area. Some praise specific aspects community as all the plants that need. of nature, from winter to native grow and interact together in a This exhibit explores innovative plants to exploring a cave. particular place. The strategies the home building technologies and plants develop to survive strengthen strategies that can help restore the In summary, if you enjoy the community’s ability to respond viability of natural systems; contrasts Minnesota’s outdoors, you will find to drought, flooding, intense grazing, human dwellings with those of other essays that reflect your experiences, fire and other disturbances. A high animals; looks at housing around the inspire you to visit other locations, quality prairie can have as many as world, and changes in U.S. houses or make you feel that you are there 150 - 300 species of plants. over the past 150 years. with the author. 6
  • 7. Is it part of any other “lore?” Plant Lore by Thor Kommedahl Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, in his Midnight Ride of Paul Revere, wrote: What is speckled alder? “And under the alders that skirt its Speckled alder is Alnus incana edge, subsp. rugosa, and native to Now soft on the sand, now loud on Minnesota. It belongs in the birch the ledge, family. Is heard the tramp of his steed as he How did it get its names? rides.” Alder is an ancient name for Right: Stalked speckled alder tree. The Old English name was terminal bud. Below, top: alor.   Alnus is the Latin name  for Male and female speckled alder. Incana means gray  (stem alder catkins, in winter. color), and rugosa means wrinkled Below, bottom: Leaves, (network of sunken veins on female catkins of speckled undersides of   leaves). It is called alder. Photos are by Peter speckled because of the numerous Dziuk. warty lenticels on the stem that are pale yellow or orange. What does the plant look like? It is a thicket-forming shrub, occasionally a small tree, with simple and alternate leaves. The terminal bud is stalked. It produces yellowish male flower clusters (catkins or aments) and reddish female, cone-like inflorescences bearing small, one-seeded, winged  fruits (samaras). Wind disperses samaras. This female catkin remains on the plant in winter — useful for identification. Where does the shrub grow? It  grows in wetlands  or moist lowlands in the wooded areas of Minnesota, often as an understory in forests. Is it poisonous  or medicinal? It is not poisonous or edible, but  American Indians used a bark tea for diarrhea treatment, as a diuretic, for toothache, anemia, and many other problems. Is it ecologically significant? Alder roots fix nitrogen comparable to that by legumes. As an understory plant in forests, alder promotes growth of many deciduous and coniferous trees. Songbirds eat the “seeds,” and it is the larval host for the green comma butterfly; it also attracts the tent caterpillar moth and other moths. 7
  • 8. Minnesota Native Plant Society P.O. Box 20401 Bloomington, MN 55420 Fall 2009 Directions: Take MN Hwy. 52 to the Butler Ave. E. exit in West St. Paul. Go west on Butler 0.2 mile to Stassen Lane. Go south on Stassen Lane to Thompson County Park.