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Minnesota Plant Press
                                       The Minnesota Native Plant Society Newsletter

Volume 26 Number 2                                                                                        Winter 2007

     Monthly meetings
     Thompson Park Center/Dakota Lodge
                                               Updated Endangered
           Thompson County Park
 360 Butler Ave. E., West St. Paul, MN 55118
                                               Species List will affect
           651-552-7559 (kitchen)
 6:00 p.m. — Social period
 7 – 9 p.m — Program, society business
                                               availability of plants
                                               by Hannah Texler, Rich Baker, and Nancy Sather, Natural Heritage
               Programs                        and Nongame Research Program, Minnesota DNR
  The MN NPS meets the first Thursday
in October, November, December,                MN NPS members are invited to submit comments on new list.
February, March, April, May, and June.           Minnesota’s Endangered Species Statute (MS 84.0895) requires that
Check the website for more program             the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) maintain a list of the
information.                                   state’s endangered, threatened, and special concern species (hereafter
  Feb. 1: “Recent Highlights in the            referred to as the list). The list was created in 1984 and was last revised
Minn. County Biological Survey,” by            in 1996. The DNR’s goal is to maintain a list that reflects our scientific
Carmen Converse, County Biological             knowledge of the status and conservation needs of Minnesota’s plant
Survey supervisor, DNR. Plant-of-the-          and animal species.
Month: Bog adder ’s mouth orchid                 During the past few years, staff within the DNR’s Division of
(Malaxis paludosa), Erika Rowe, DNR.           Ecological Services have developed a set of several hundred draft
  Mar. 1: “Hot Topics Related to the Use                                                 changes to the list in light of new
of Native Plants for Landscaping and
Restoration: Endangered Species, Local
                                               Symposium is                              research and survey results.
                                                                                         These draft changes are the
Genetic Stock, and Restoring Plant
Communities,” by Hannah Texler, DNR
                                               March 31                                  subject of administrative rule-
                                               by Scott Milburn                          making during 2007.
regional plant ecologist. Panel discussion                                                 In order to give the public an
                                                 Our annual symposium will be
with nursery owners/operators and Dept.
of Agriculture representative. POM:            March 31 at the Bell Museum of opportunity to comment on
Louisiana Broomrape (Orobanche                 Natural History. Join us as we these draft changes early in the
ludoviciana).                                  learn about the Minnesota portion rule-making process, the DNR
                                               of the Prairie Coteau while will accept comments between
  April 5: “Conservation Challenges in
Minn. Forests: Climate Change, Invasive        exploring the past, present, and Jan. 2 and March 5, 2007. We
Species and Deer,” by Dr. Lee Frelich,         future of this unique landform.                     Continued on page 3
Dept. of Forestry Resources, Univ. of          The roster for the symposium is
Minn. Plant, Place of the Month: Black         just about set, with talks on the
                                               Prairie Coteau that include its
                                                                                         In this issue
Spruce and Seagull Lake, by Dr. Frelich.
  May 3: ”Motorized Recreation: Social,        geology, human history, plant President’s column................2
Ecological Consequences,” by Matt              communities, insect pollinators, Plant press donation.............4
Norton, Minn. Center for Environmental         rare      plant       species       and Millennium Seed Bank..........4
Advocacy. POM: Carex garberi (a sedge),        conservation issues.                The Flora ID problem fix............5
by Scott Milburn..                             symposium brochure will be Growth pressures .................6
  June 7: “Decorative Tree Harvest             available in early February, but Arden Hills restoration ........6
from Minnesota Spruce Bogs,” by Mike           please continue to check our Field trips.............................6
Phillips, DNR Division of Forestry.            website for updates and Regal Meadow donation......7
Annual Plant Sale.                             programming notes.                         Plant Lore -Leadplant............7
The Continuum of Conservation MN NPS Board
by Scott A. Milburn, president
  The Minnesota Native Plant Society begins 2007 marking an important of Directors
milestone while heading into the year with great momentum. I first would           President: Scott Milburn,
like to remind our membership that Feb. 3 marks the 25th anniversary of
the Society’s first monthly meeting. While this is a great accomplishment,         Vice President: Shirley Mah
our mission is far from over.                                                    Kooyman,
  In my past column, I brought up the issue of conservation, and I would           Secretary: Daniel Jones,
like to continue with this message. Since the publication of the last  
newsletter, the Conservation Committee and the Education and Outreach              Treasurer: Ron amd Cathy
Committee have both started to move forward under the direction and              Huber,
leadership of Beth Nixon and Sean Jergens. We are still looking for more           Ken Arndt, board member,
volunteers from our membership to join these committees and add their  
ideas and energy.
                                                                                   Jason Husveth, board member,
  As a society, we need to continually look for ways to not only engage
ourselves but also a whole new generation. Conservation will continue to           Sandy McCartney, board
be a very important topic in Minnesota, and we have the opportunity to be        member,
major players. As the landscape continues to be developed, children will
                                                                                   Sean Jergens,
continue to be further and further removed from the natural world. We
need to ensure that today’s children are given the opportunity to experience
the natural world. In doing so, we will be showing an entire generation the        Beth Nixon,
wonders of Minnesota’s natural history.
  The question is: how can we do this? One way is to support your local            Program Coordinator: Linda
nature center either through volunteering efforts or by donation. A second       Huhn, 612-374-1435
and perhaps more intriguing opportunity is through the development of               Listserv Coordinator: Charles
curriculum for all grade levels. This information could be available online      Umbanhowar,
for teachers throughout the state. This is an idea to think about this next         Field Trips:
year, and I hope you can share your                                    
thoughts. In closing, I hope everyone
                                        MN NPS website
is as excited as I am about our great e-mail:        ; 651-
monthly programs, our great roster                                               739-4323
of speakers for the annual
                                        MN NPS Listserve
                                          Send a message with “subscribe”           Historian/Archives:
symposium, and the great lineup of                                     
                                        or “unsubscribe” and your name to:
field trips.                                                                        Technical or membership
Minnesota Native Plant Society’s purpose                                            Minnesota Plant Press editor:
                                                                                 Gerry Drewry, phone, 651-463-
    (Abbreviated from the bylaws)
       This organization is exclusively organized and operated for educational
    and scientific purposes, including the following:
    1. Conservation of all native plants.                                        Deb Anderson, Jason
    2. Continuing education of all members in the plant sciences.                Husveth receive state
    3. Education of the public regarding environmental protection of plant       conservation awards
    life.                                                                          Deb Anderson (Fillmore Soil and
    4. Encouragement of research and publications on plants native to            Water Conservation District) and
    Minnesota.                                                                   Jason Husveth (Anoka SWCD) each
    5. Study of legislation on Minnesota flora, vegetation and ecosystems.       received their district’s 2006
    6. Preservation of special plants, plant communities and scientific and      Outstanding Conservationist’s Award
    natural areas.                                                               at the Minnesota Association of Soil
    7. Cooperation in programs concerned with the ecology of natural             and Water Conservation Districts
    resources and scenic features.                                               Convention Dec. 2. Deb is a former
    8. Fellowship with all persons interested in native plants through           MN NPS board member; Jason is a
    meetings, lectures, workshops and field trips.                               current board member.
List to be discussed                    likely that attempts to introduce or
Endangered species                                                                      reintroduce rare plants will not be
Continued from page 1                           at March 1 meeting                      successful.       There is little
are requesting scientific information             The draft revisions and other         documentation about successful
that will help us determine whether             current topics related to using         techniques for the introduction of
or not a species should be designated           native plants for landscaping and       most rare species. So again, the law
as endangered, threatened, or of                restoration will be further             is applied uniformly in order to make
special concern in Minnesota.                   explored at the Society’s March 1       it more easily understood.
                                                meeting. These topics include              4. Moving species around can
  You may review and comment on                 current views about using local
the DNR’s Draft Revisions to                                                            obscure natural biogeographic
                                                genetic stock for native plantings      patterns. This can cloud our
Minnesota’s List of Endangered,                 and the importance of restoring
Threatened, and Special Concern                                                         understanding about what the plants
                                                ecologically appropriate native         really need in their natural
Species on the internet at                      plant communities. Be sure to
w w w. d n r. s t a t e . m n . u s / e t s /                                           environments.
                                                attend this meeting; there will be         5. The use of plants or rootstocks
rulesrevision.html                              a panel discussion to present
  Links to the current list, and to                                                     bearing soil from another site may
                                                various views and give audience         bring invasive weed seeds or
Minnesota’s Endangered Species                  members the opportunity to
Statute and associated rules are also                                                   invertebrates into a site.
                                                comment. It promises to be a lively
available at that site.                         evening.                                   6. Collecting seeds from wild
  If you prefer to receive a paper                                                      populations of rare species may
copy of these materials, please                 coming out soon, it seems like a good   significantly reduce the seeds
request a copy from:                            time to address the issues again.       available for reproduction in
  Richard J. Baker, Division of                   Here is a brief overview of the       naturally occurring populations.
Ecological Services, Minnesota                  ecological reasons for regulating the
Department of Natural Resources,                planting, transplanting and sale of     Society urges
500 Lafayette Rd., Box 25, St. Paul,            rare plants:
MN 55155; phone: 651-259-5073;                    1. Most listed species are rare       protection for
e-mail:              primarily because of habitat loss.      Coldwater Spring site
How the law affects the sale and                Introductions and reintroductions do      At its Oct. 5, 2006, meeting, the
purchase of native plants                       not address this root cause of          MN NPS Board of Directors voted
  Out of the 2,024 vascular plant               endangerment, and they may lead to      to urge protection of the Coldwater
species that occur in the state, 123            a false assumption by the general       Spring site in Minneapolis. They
(six percent) are currently legally             public that biodiversity loss can be    signed a letter, “Comments on the
listed as endangered or threatened,             addressed simply by moving species      Historic Coldwater Spring Site,”
and 133 are listed as of special                around.                                 which was sent to Acting
concern. It is illegal to take, import,           2. Many listed plant species have     Superintendent Steve Johnson,
transport, or sell any portion of an            been reduced to a small number of       Mississippi National River and
endangered or threatened species                fragile populations that could be       Recreation Area.
without a special permit from the               damaged by the introduction of genes      The letter begins:
Minnesota DNR. From a practical                 from plants from a different              “On behalf of The Minnesota
standpoint, this means that it is illegal       geographic area. Ideally, we would      Native Plant Society, the Board of
to use endangered or threatened                 understand the genetics of each         Directors requests the above 27-acre
plants as horticultural materials or in         species and use that understanding to   property be designated a public
restorations.                                   determine whether or not                outdoor museum under permanent
  This is a controversial law, and              introductions could be helpful or       protection of the National Park
some natural resource managers and              harmful to native populations.          Service following the removal of
plant vendors disagree with its basic           However, there is almost no             buildings on the site. We also request
premise. In fact, many plant vendors            information available about the         this protection be accompanied by
sell Minnesota endangered and                   genetic makeup and reproductive         federal guarantees that this property
threatened species illegally, in many           behavior of most listed species, so     will never be sold for private use,
cases because they don’t know about             the law is applied uniformly in order   private development, or non-historic
the law. This issue was addressed in            to avoid potential damage.              public use.”
detail at the 2000 MNPS annual                    3. Since many rare plants have very     The letter then lists reasons why the
symposium, but with the new list                specific habitat requirements, it is    site should be protected.
Husveth makes plant presses                                                   Collectors needed
for Hastings biology class                                                    for Millennium Seed
by Bonnie St. James. Reprinted with                                           Bank Project
permission from the Sept. 14, 2006,                                             Betsy Allen, coordinator for the
Hastings Star-Gazette.                                                        Millennium Seed Bank Project at the
  High School teacher Joe Beattie’s                                           Chicago Botanic Garden, wants to
biology classes are always hands-on                                           hire botanists to collect seeds of
and intensive. This year is going to                                          native plants.
be no exception. But this year,                                                 They are collecting seeds from
students have new tools — plant                                               1,500 different native species in the
presses built by an ecologist who was                                         Midwest for long-term conservation
in Hastings last week to teach the                                            as part of the international
students how to use them.                                                     Millennium Seed Bank Project
  Field biology students found                                                (
themselves dressed in waders last                                             index.html). These seeds are dried to
Thursday and in water up to their                                             a low moisture content, stored in an
knees. They were learning about                                               airtight container, and then frozen.
collecting wetland plants from Jason                                          The Royal Botanic Garden, Kew,
Husveth, principal ecologist for                                              thinks that the average lifespan of
Critical Connections Ecological                                               these stored seeds is 200 years. The
                                             One of donated plant presses     seeds are used mostly for “what if”
Services, Inc. and past president of
the Native Plant Society.                  “Collect as much of the plant as   scenarios, but a portion can be used
                                         you can,” he said. “Look at the      by qualified groups for restoration or
  Beattie asked the Native Plant         smartweed. If you collected just the research. For each species, they
Society last year for help in getting    top, you wouldn’t be able to see how collect between 5,000 and 20,000
plant presses so his students could      tall the plant is.”                  seeds from one population and take
collect, press and dry plants. Husveth                                        two herbarium specimens.
did more than was asked. He took the       He placed the plants in separate
project on himself and built seven       bags, and then had the students do     Allen hopes to collect seeds in
presses, which he donated to             some collecting. The students would  Minnesota this year. “If we want to
Beattie’s class and then came to show    also collect prairie plants at a piece
                                                                              fulfill our requirement to Kew,” she
the students how to use them.            of prairie on 3M grounds on Friday,  said, “we have to collect seed from
                                         and forest plants at Vermillion Falls300 species in one year. Yikes! We
  At 7 a.m. last Thursday morning,       Park on Monday.                      have money to pay contract botanists
the students gathered with Beattie                                            to help me out with making these
and Husveth in the parking lot at the      After the plants were collected, the
                                         students climbed out of the water andcollections. Do you know any
Hastings Lock and Dam and walked                                              amateur botanists or poor, starving
to the berm between Lake Rebecca         out of the waders and watched
                                         Husveth prepare a plant for pressing.graduate students that earning money
and the Mississippi River west of the                                         by seed collecting might be
lock and dam. They all put on waders     The arrowroot plants were long, so
                                         he folded them in thirds.            appealing?”
and followed Husveth into a little
piece of wetlands.                         The presses Husveth built consist    A species list is posted online at
                                         of an open frame made of lath, a
  Husveth explained how rare plants                                           targetspecies.html. For additional
could occur in very small                piece of cardboard the same size (all
                                         cut to a standard size used by       information, contact: Betsy Allen,
communities or “pockets” like this                                            Millennium Seed Bank Project
one. He pointed out the native           collectors), blotter paper to absorb
                                         the water, a layer of newspaper, the coordinator,        847-835-6957;
arrowroot and smartweed, and the                                    ;
invasive cattails and purple             plant, more newspaper, a sheet of
                                         blotter paper, a layer of newspaper  Chicago Botanic Garden, 1000 Lake
loosestrife. He showed them the tools                                         Cook Road, Glencoe, IL 60022.
he used — plastic bags and a serrated    and the top frame.
knife — that wouldn’t cut anything         Then the press is pulled together Use new mailing address
probably but plants. Then he             tightly to form a bundle, and a strap    The Society’s mailing address is
collected an arrowroot plant to show     made of webbing is secured tightly P.O. Box 20401, Bloomington, MN
them how it is best done.                around it, to release water.           55420
Thank you                                Compatibility                            Oakdale Park
  Following are excerpts from a          problem with Flora                       benefits from ‘Think
thank-you letter from the Greater
West Metro Humane Society                ID CDs can be fixed                      Native’ plantings
Memorial Garden Committee.               by Bruce Barnes, Flora ID                by Ron Rogstad, administrative
  “In the spring of 2004, [we]           Northwest, LLC                           services director, City of Oakdale;
received a $200 grant from your            The default settings in the just-      from a city newsletter.
society to purchase seeds of native      released Internet Explorer version 7       A group of volunteers from Hope
plants for our planned prairie           interfere with the Flora ID XID          Evangelical Free Church in Oakdale,
wildflower and pond edge areas. The      software the keys run in. Some users     along with Oakdale city staff, a
Memorial Garden was planned to           may not notice this problem. Below       community volunteer, and the
create a peaceful landscape next to      is a description of the problem and      Oakdale Tree Board chair, planted
our adoption center where people         the changes in the IE7 settings which    more than 100 native plants and trees
could enjoy perennial beds and           are needed for one of the minor          in Oakdale Park on June 9 from 9:30
native plantings. With supporters’       features of the program to work          a.m. to noon.
donations, we place small granite        The Problem                                The plants were given as part of the
plaques in the garden in honor and         If your computer has Internet          “Think Native” grant program
memory of beloved people and pets.       Explorer version 5 or 6, when an         sponsored by the Minnesota Native
  “This year we have seen a great        attribute image or a species image is    Plant Society, which is a non-profit
blossoming of our native areas in        clicked, it expands to full size in a    organization dedicated to the
spite of the harsh heat and drought.     separate window and there is no          conservation of the native plants of
                                         problem. If you have Internet            Minnesota through public education
                                         Explorer version 7 (IE7), this           and advocacy.
                                         window appears as a blank screen.          The Oakdale planting was
                                                                                  originally planned for the wetland
                                         The Solution                             buffer area near 4th St. N. and Hadley
                                           IE7 calls the page which is created    Ave., but was moved to Oakdale Park
                                         “about:blank”. So if you add this        because the majority of the plants
                                         URL to the list of trusted pages, it     obtained were shade or semi-shade
                                         will show its content.                   varieties. City Forester Chris Larson
                                           The simplest way to do that is: Go     prepared prairie, woodland, and
                                         to Tools> Internet Options > Security    meadow sites for the plant materials;
                                         Tab. Select “Trusted sites” and click    all the sites are adjacent to paved
                                         “Sites” button.                          walking trails in the park.
    Memorial garden in bloom               First remove any check mark that         The Society established its grant
                                         may be in the box at the bottom          program to educate the public about
  “In the fall of 2004, we planted a
                                         labeled “Require server verification     native plants and to encourage the
short mesic prairie area above a
                                         (https:) for all sites in this zone.”    use of native plants in home and
boulder wall and a small area of short
grass woods edge savanna where the         Type: “about:blank” (without           public projects. The city also
trees produced some shade. In the        quotation marks) into the “Add this      received surplus seeds from the
spring of 2005, we planted the edge      website to the zone” field               Society’s annual November seed
of our pond with a short sedge           (overwriting any address that appears    exchange.
meadow mix.                              there), and then click “Add” button        Larson plans to use the surplus
  “We hope to develop a path in the      in the Dialog Box. The words             seeds to help replace the ground
prairie area with educational markers    “about:blank” should appear below        cover in the buckthorn removal areas
and to develop a woodland                in the list of websites. Click “Close”   in the park.
wildflower garden with path. The         to save the settings. In this screen,
planting you funded has brought          make sure that the “Security level”        The image problem between IE7
pleasure to many people and has          for the trusted sites is set to Medium   and XID will now be corrected.
created a wildlife habitat. … We hope    or lower. If the security level is a       If you choose to not change the
your members may visit the adoption      Custom setting, click Default level      settings, you can still view images at
center and garden someday.” The          to provide a slider that enables you     their full size by simply dragging to
garden is located at 4375 Hwy. 55        to select the level you wish, in this    the left the vertical divider between
S.E., Buffalo, MN 55313.                 case Medium or lower. Click OK.          the left and right windows.
Growth pressures on       Winter field
natural resources studied trips planned                                         by Kenneth J. Arndt
by Sharon Pfeifer, DNR Central Region community assistance manager.               We have planned three MN NPS
This is an abstract of her talk Dec. 7, 2006, at the MN NPS meeting.            winter field trips. If you haven’t
  In the next quarter century, growth pressures in the Twin Cities              signed up yet, just send an e-mail to
metropolitan region will be intense, as more than one million new residents     me at or
and 500,000 new homes consume unprotected, sensitive natural areas.             sign up at our general meeting in
  This GIS-based regional assessment was conducted to: 1) examine               February. I will be at the field trip
socioeconomic changes and potential natural resource impacts, and 2)            table with sign-up sheets and other
provide recommendations to address trade-offs between future growth and         information on upcoming trips.
conservation. Sensitive land and water habitats and groundwater availability      Saturday, Feb. 17, 1 - 3 p.m.,
were analyzed in the context of social and economic factors, including          Terrace Horticultural Books, 503
changes in population, urbanized land area, number and size of new housing      St. Clair Ave., St. Paul. Owner Kent
subdivisions, commute times, job locations, community types, and local          Patterson has opened his store to all
fiscal capacities.                                                              MN NPS members and is offering to
  Growth scenarios suggest that regional growth will be most intense at the     donate 20 percent of all sales from
fringes of the seven-county core region and just beyond in the four “collar     the afternoon to the Society. So if we
counties,” where groundwater is an additional constraint to growth. Because     spend $1,000, then the MN NPS will
most communities in the path of growth have modest or below average tax         get $200. There is no limit to the
capacities, they will be challenged to conserve land and water resources. If    number of Society members who can
growth continues in the form of large lot, low-density development, almost      come, but I do appreciate your letting
all remaining unprotected sensitive natural areas will be developed.            me know if you can make it.
  Future conservation will require strategic regional scale planning,             Saturday, March 3, 1-4 p.m.,
conservation cost-sharing, and additional resources to bridge gaps in           Pine Bend Bluffs SNA in Inver
information, analyses, and technical assistance to communities.                 Grove Heights. Join botanists Scott
                                                                                Milburn and Jason Husveth and
Restoration of Arden Hills site                                                 urban forester Ken Arndt for an
                                                                                afternoon of winter botany at this
by Wade J. Hammer, wetland ecologist, Svoboda Ecological Resources.             fantastic Scientific Natural Area. We
This is an abstract of his presentation at the April 6, 2006, MN NPS meeting.   will hike from atop the bluffs down
  The Arden Hills Army Training Site (AHATS) is a 1,786-acre military           through the mixed hardwood/
installation in Ramsey County, Minn. The Original Land Survey, completed        coniferous forests to the Mississippi
in the late 1800s, makes note of bur oak and white oak woodlands, with          River, where we will explore the
tamarack swamps in the low areas in the approximate vicinity of the property.   seeps for skunk cabbage in bloom.
  Thirty home sites were displaced when the site was purchased in 1941 by       The hiking will be moderate in
the federal government for use as a military installation. The site hosted 22   difficulty, due to the 150- to 200-foot
years of active munitions production through the Vietnam War. At its peak,      elevation change from the top of the
26,000 people were employed there. It was listed as a superfund site in         bluff down to the river. The trail itself
1983. Clean-up at the site continues.                                           is easy going; it’s the elevation
  Tallgrass prairie restoration projects have occurred at the AHATS since       change I want people to be aware of.
the early 1990s. As part of a Masters of Science project, a study assessing     We have to limit the number of
the relationships among management (seeding and burning), vegetation,           people to 20, due to site-sensitive
and environmental factors (soil, aspect, and slope) was completed. The          reasons. More detailed information
study included completion of 75 vegetation surveys, consisting of three         will be available in mid-February.
random plots in 25 purposively placed grids. The surveys consisted of             Late March or early April,
cover class data for all plant species. The surveys were completed twice        Warner Nature Center in Marine
during the summer of 2002 (late June/early July and mid-August).                on St. Croix. Join Dr. Jans A.
Multivariate statistical analyses of the vegetation survey data revealed        Janssens       of      Lambda-Max,
relationships between vegetation and soil texture, vegetation and shallow       Ecological Research as we explore
depth to ground water (within 1 m), and individual plant species and fire       the world of bryophytes at this
frequency. The intended use of the findings is to improve management of         unique natural area. A date will be
designated tallgrass prairie restoration sites at the AHATS.                    set in the next month.
110-acre prairie is gift to                                                           Plant Lore
Regal Meadow Preserve                                                                 by Thor Kommedahl
                                                                                      What is leadplant?
By Melissa Andrie. This excerpt is reprinted with permission from the                   Leadplant is Amorpha canescens,
Aug. 2, 2006, Paynesville Press.                                                      a native perennial shrub in the pea
  “We have a prairie. What it needs is help continuing as a prairie.”                 family. It is also called prairie
  With these words, Don Knutson [former MN NPS president] passed on                   shoestring, downy indigobush, or
that land at a dedication ceremony. The prairie, one of very few remaining            false indigo.
parcels of wet to wet-mesic prairie, was donated by Knutson to The Nature             How did it get these names?
Conservancy, and it is now one of three areas of land in the Regal Meadow               Amorpha is a Greek word meaning
Preserve, which covers a total of about 620 acres. Knutson donated the land           “deformed,” because it has only one
in memory of his son, Dean Anders Knutson, who died in 1997.                          petal instead of five typical of
  Grazing and fire created good natural disturbances to the prairie in the            legumes. Canescent refers to the
past, and it has never been plowed. “You can’t rebuild this. It’s a genuine           hoary leaf appearance due to the
native stand,” said John Maile, the project manager of the Ordway/Glacial             short, white hairs, which accounts for
Lakes Project, of which the Regal Meadow is a part.                                   the name leadplant, but also it was
  There are “a whole suite of plants associated” with wet prairie, according          once thought (erroneously) to be an
to Carmen Converse, the “plant lady” and program director of the Minnesota            indicator of lead ore. Shoestring
Department of Natural Resources’ County Biological Survey. Some                       describes the long, tough roots.
examples are cord grass, blazing star, prairie anemone, and heartleaf golden          Because it resembles plants in the
alexander.                                                                            genus Indigofera, it is sometimes
                                                                                      called false indigo or downy
  In the floodplain of the Crow River, the Regal Meadow is also home to               indigobush.
the small white lady’s slipper as well as non-plant life, like the regal frittilary
and the Poweshiek skipper, both species of butterflies.                               What do plants look like?
  “You get addicted to things,” Knutson said of his interest in conservation.           They are perennial shrubs usually
Through an unusual series of events, he became the catalyst for the donation          less than three feet, but up to four
of this special piece of land, with its hundreds of species, many of them             feet tall. The alternate leaves are
unique. While he taught a botany class at the University of Minnesota, Twin           pinnately compound with 15-51
Cities campus, he was approached by a student who said she and her husband            nearly stalkless, whitish, hairy
owned a piece of prairie land and wanted him to look at it, to see if it was          leaflets. Blossoms, in dense terminal
thriving. Though prairies were not his specialty, he came and discovered it           spikes, are bluish-purple with a
to be thriving prairie.                                                               single petal, at first tubular, then
                                                                                      unfolding. It has one seed per pod.
  After Knutson recommended that the couple contact The Nature                        Bees and wasps are attracted for
Conservancy if they ever wanted it
to become publicly protected land,                                                    pollination.
he did not hear from them for 10                                                      Where do the shrubs grow?
years. Then the former student                                                          Leadplant grows in the dry, prairie
contacted him. She wanted to give                                                     areas of the state and sometimes in
him the land to take care of and to                                                   sandy, open woods.
“keep it as a living, vital, natural                                                  Is it edible?
prairie system,” according to                                                           Not for humans, but deer, rabbits,
Knutson.                                                                              and livestock find it palatable; it is
  After owning the land for a couple                                                  high in protein. It is not poisonous
of years, two years ago he began the                                                  either.
process of shifting the land from                                                     Has it medicinal properties?
private to public ownership, to make                                                    Not really; however, Omaha
sure that it was protected while he                                                   Indians made a paste from stems to
was “still in shape to do it.”                                                        treat neuralgia and rheumatism.
   The land is located about a half-                                                  Is it economically important?
mile west of Regal on Highway 55.                                                       It has no particular landscape
It is open to the public and and will                                                 features, but it is sometimes included
continue to be open for hunting.             Leadplant photo by Peter Dziuk           in native plant gardens.
Minnesota Native Plant Society
P.O. Box 20401
Bloomington, MN 55420

Winter 2007

               Thompson County Park

                Take Hwy. 52 to the Butler Ave. E. exit in West St. Paul. Go west on
               Butler 0.2 miles, then go south on Stassen Lane, the park entrance road.

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Winter 2007 Minnesota Plant Press

  • 1. Minnesota Plant Press The Minnesota Native Plant Society Newsletter Volume 26 Number 2 Winter 2007 Monthly meetings Thompson Park Center/Dakota Lodge Updated Endangered Thompson County Park 360 Butler Ave. E., West St. Paul, MN 55118 Species List will affect 651-552-7559 (kitchen) 6:00 p.m. — Social period 7 – 9 p.m — Program, society business availability of plants by Hannah Texler, Rich Baker, and Nancy Sather, Natural Heritage Programs and Nongame Research Program, Minnesota DNR The MN NPS meets the first Thursday in October, November, December, MN NPS members are invited to submit comments on new list. February, March, April, May, and June. Minnesota’s Endangered Species Statute (MS 84.0895) requires that Check the website for more program the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) maintain a list of the information. state’s endangered, threatened, and special concern species (hereafter Feb. 1: “Recent Highlights in the referred to as the list). The list was created in 1984 and was last revised Minn. County Biological Survey,” by in 1996. The DNR’s goal is to maintain a list that reflects our scientific Carmen Converse, County Biological knowledge of the status and conservation needs of Minnesota’s plant Survey supervisor, DNR. Plant-of-the- and animal species. Month: Bog adder ’s mouth orchid During the past few years, staff within the DNR’s Division of (Malaxis paludosa), Erika Rowe, DNR. Ecological Services have developed a set of several hundred draft Mar. 1: “Hot Topics Related to the Use changes to the list in light of new of Native Plants for Landscaping and Restoration: Endangered Species, Local Symposium is research and survey results. These draft changes are the Genetic Stock, and Restoring Plant Communities,” by Hannah Texler, DNR March 31 subject of administrative rule- by Scott Milburn making during 2007. regional plant ecologist. Panel discussion In order to give the public an Our annual symposium will be with nursery owners/operators and Dept. of Agriculture representative. POM: March 31 at the Bell Museum of opportunity to comment on Louisiana Broomrape (Orobanche Natural History. Join us as we these draft changes early in the ludoviciana). learn about the Minnesota portion rule-making process, the DNR of the Prairie Coteau while will accept comments between April 5: “Conservation Challenges in Minn. Forests: Climate Change, Invasive exploring the past, present, and Jan. 2 and March 5, 2007. We Species and Deer,” by Dr. Lee Frelich, future of this unique landform. Continued on page 3 Dept. of Forestry Resources, Univ. of The roster for the symposium is Minn. Plant, Place of the Month: Black just about set, with talks on the Prairie Coteau that include its In this issue Spruce and Seagull Lake, by Dr. Frelich. May 3: ”Motorized Recreation: Social, geology, human history, plant President’s column................2 Ecological Consequences,” by Matt communities, insect pollinators, Plant press donation.............4 Norton, Minn. Center for Environmental rare plant species and Millennium Seed Bank..........4 Advocacy. POM: Carex garberi (a sedge), conservation issues. The Flora ID problem fix............5 by Scott Milburn.. symposium brochure will be Growth pressures .................6 June 7: “Decorative Tree Harvest available in early February, but Arden Hills restoration ........6 from Minnesota Spruce Bogs,” by Mike please continue to check our Field trips.............................6 Phillips, DNR Division of Forestry. website for updates and Regal Meadow donation......7 Annual Plant Sale. programming notes. Plant Lore -Leadplant............7
  • 2. The Continuum of Conservation MN NPS Board by Scott A. Milburn, president The Minnesota Native Plant Society begins 2007 marking an important of Directors milestone while heading into the year with great momentum. I first would President: Scott Milburn, like to remind our membership that Feb. 3 marks the 25th anniversary of the Society’s first monthly meeting. While this is a great accomplishment, Vice President: Shirley Mah our mission is far from over. Kooyman, In my past column, I brought up the issue of conservation, and I would Secretary: Daniel Jones, like to continue with this message. Since the publication of the last newsletter, the Conservation Committee and the Education and Outreach Treasurer: Ron amd Cathy Committee have both started to move forward under the direction and Huber, leadership of Beth Nixon and Sean Jergens. We are still looking for more Ken Arndt, board member, volunteers from our membership to join these committees and add their ideas and energy. Jason Husveth, board member, As a society, we need to continually look for ways to not only engage ourselves but also a whole new generation. Conservation will continue to Sandy McCartney, board be a very important topic in Minnesota, and we have the opportunity to be member, major players. As the landscape continues to be developed, children will Sean Jergens, continue to be further and further removed from the natural world. We need to ensure that today’s children are given the opportunity to experience the natural world. In doing so, we will be showing an entire generation the Beth Nixon, wonders of Minnesota’s natural history. The question is: how can we do this? One way is to support your local Program Coordinator: Linda nature center either through volunteering efforts or by donation. A second Huhn, 612-374-1435 and perhaps more intriguing opportunity is through the development of Listserv Coordinator: Charles curriculum for all grade levels. This information could be available online Umbanhowar, for teachers throughout the state. This is an idea to think about this next Field Trips: year, and I hope you can share your thoughts. In closing, I hope everyone MN NPS website Memberships: is as excited as I am about our great e-mail:; 651- monthly programs, our great roster 739-4323 of speakers for the annual MN NPS Listserve Send a message with “subscribe” Historian/Archives: symposium, and the great lineup of or “unsubscribe” and your name to: field trips. Technical or membership inquiries: Minnesota Native Plant Society’s purpose Minnesota Plant Press editor: Gerry Drewry, phone, 651-463- (Abbreviated from the bylaws) 8006; This organization is exclusively organized and operated for educational and scientific purposes, including the following: 1. Conservation of all native plants. Deb Anderson, Jason 2. Continuing education of all members in the plant sciences. Husveth receive state 3. Education of the public regarding environmental protection of plant conservation awards life. Deb Anderson (Fillmore Soil and 4. Encouragement of research and publications on plants native to Water Conservation District) and Minnesota. Jason Husveth (Anoka SWCD) each 5. Study of legislation on Minnesota flora, vegetation and ecosystems. received their district’s 2006 6. Preservation of special plants, plant communities and scientific and Outstanding Conservationist’s Award natural areas. at the Minnesota Association of Soil 7. Cooperation in programs concerned with the ecology of natural and Water Conservation Districts resources and scenic features. Convention Dec. 2. Deb is a former 8. Fellowship with all persons interested in native plants through MN NPS board member; Jason is a meetings, lectures, workshops and field trips. current board member. 2
  • 3. List to be discussed likely that attempts to introduce or Endangered species reintroduce rare plants will not be Continued from page 1 at March 1 meeting successful. There is little are requesting scientific information The draft revisions and other documentation about successful that will help us determine whether current topics related to using techniques for the introduction of or not a species should be designated native plants for landscaping and most rare species. So again, the law as endangered, threatened, or of restoration will be further is applied uniformly in order to make special concern in Minnesota. explored at the Society’s March 1 it more easily understood. meeting. These topics include 4. Moving species around can You may review and comment on current views about using local the DNR’s Draft Revisions to obscure natural biogeographic genetic stock for native plantings patterns. This can cloud our Minnesota’s List of Endangered, and the importance of restoring Threatened, and Special Concern understanding about what the plants ecologically appropriate native really need in their natural Species on the internet at plant communities. Be sure to w w w. d n r. s t a t e . m n . u s / e t s / environments. attend this meeting; there will be 5. The use of plants or rootstocks rulesrevision.html a panel discussion to present Links to the current list, and to bearing soil from another site may various views and give audience bring invasive weed seeds or Minnesota’s Endangered Species members the opportunity to Statute and associated rules are also invertebrates into a site. comment. It promises to be a lively available at that site. evening. 6. Collecting seeds from wild If you prefer to receive a paper populations of rare species may copy of these materials, please coming out soon, it seems like a good significantly reduce the seeds request a copy from: time to address the issues again. available for reproduction in Richard J. Baker, Division of Here is a brief overview of the naturally occurring populations. Ecological Services, Minnesota ecological reasons for regulating the Department of Natural Resources, planting, transplanting and sale of Society urges 500 Lafayette Rd., Box 25, St. Paul, rare plants: MN 55155; phone: 651-259-5073; 1. Most listed species are rare protection for e-mail: primarily because of habitat loss. Coldwater Spring site How the law affects the sale and Introductions and reintroductions do At its Oct. 5, 2006, meeting, the purchase of native plants not address this root cause of MN NPS Board of Directors voted Out of the 2,024 vascular plant endangerment, and they may lead to to urge protection of the Coldwater species that occur in the state, 123 a false assumption by the general Spring site in Minneapolis. They (six percent) are currently legally public that biodiversity loss can be signed a letter, “Comments on the listed as endangered or threatened, addressed simply by moving species Historic Coldwater Spring Site,” and 133 are listed as of special around. which was sent to Acting concern. It is illegal to take, import, 2. Many listed plant species have Superintendent Steve Johnson, transport, or sell any portion of an been reduced to a small number of Mississippi National River and endangered or threatened species fragile populations that could be Recreation Area. without a special permit from the damaged by the introduction of genes The letter begins: Minnesota DNR. From a practical from plants from a different “On behalf of The Minnesota standpoint, this means that it is illegal geographic area. Ideally, we would Native Plant Society, the Board of to use endangered or threatened understand the genetics of each Directors requests the above 27-acre plants as horticultural materials or in species and use that understanding to property be designated a public restorations. determine whether or not outdoor museum under permanent This is a controversial law, and introductions could be helpful or protection of the National Park some natural resource managers and harmful to native populations. Service following the removal of plant vendors disagree with its basic However, there is almost no buildings on the site. We also request premise. In fact, many plant vendors information available about the this protection be accompanied by sell Minnesota endangered and genetic makeup and reproductive federal guarantees that this property threatened species illegally, in many behavior of most listed species, so will never be sold for private use, cases because they don’t know about the law is applied uniformly in order private development, or non-historic the law. This issue was addressed in to avoid potential damage. public use.” detail at the 2000 MNPS annual 3. Since many rare plants have very The letter then lists reasons why the symposium, but with the new list specific habitat requirements, it is site should be protected. 3
  • 4. Husveth makes plant presses Collectors needed for Hastings biology class for Millennium Seed by Bonnie St. James. Reprinted with Bank Project permission from the Sept. 14, 2006, Betsy Allen, coordinator for the Hastings Star-Gazette. Millennium Seed Bank Project at the High School teacher Joe Beattie’s Chicago Botanic Garden, wants to biology classes are always hands-on hire botanists to collect seeds of and intensive. This year is going to native plants. be no exception. But this year, They are collecting seeds from students have new tools — plant 1,500 different native species in the presses built by an ecologist who was Midwest for long-term conservation in Hastings last week to teach the as part of the international students how to use them. Millennium Seed Bank Project Field biology students found ( themselves dressed in waders last index.html). These seeds are dried to Thursday and in water up to their a low moisture content, stored in an knees. They were learning about airtight container, and then frozen. collecting wetland plants from Jason The Royal Botanic Garden, Kew, Husveth, principal ecologist for thinks that the average lifespan of Critical Connections Ecological these stored seeds is 200 years. The One of donated plant presses seeds are used mostly for “what if” Services, Inc. and past president of the Native Plant Society. “Collect as much of the plant as scenarios, but a portion can be used you can,” he said. “Look at the by qualified groups for restoration or Beattie asked the Native Plant smartweed. If you collected just the research. For each species, they Society last year for help in getting top, you wouldn’t be able to see how collect between 5,000 and 20,000 plant presses so his students could tall the plant is.” seeds from one population and take collect, press and dry plants. Husveth two herbarium specimens. did more than was asked. He took the He placed the plants in separate project on himself and built seven bags, and then had the students do Allen hopes to collect seeds in presses, which he donated to some collecting. The students would Minnesota this year. “If we want to Beattie’s class and then came to show also collect prairie plants at a piece fulfill our requirement to Kew,” she the students how to use them. of prairie on 3M grounds on Friday, said, “we have to collect seed from and forest plants at Vermillion Falls300 species in one year. Yikes! We At 7 a.m. last Thursday morning, Park on Monday. have money to pay contract botanists the students gathered with Beattie to help me out with making these and Husveth in the parking lot at the After the plants were collected, the students climbed out of the water andcollections. Do you know any Hastings Lock and Dam and walked amateur botanists or poor, starving to the berm between Lake Rebecca out of the waders and watched Husveth prepare a plant for pressing.graduate students that earning money and the Mississippi River west of the by seed collecting might be lock and dam. They all put on waders The arrowroot plants were long, so he folded them in thirds. appealing?” and followed Husveth into a little piece of wetlands. The presses Husveth built consist A species list is posted online at of an open frame made of lath, a Husveth explained how rare plants targetspecies.html. For additional could occur in very small piece of cardboard the same size (all cut to a standard size used by information, contact: Betsy Allen, communities or “pockets” like this Millennium Seed Bank Project one. He pointed out the native collectors), blotter paper to absorb the water, a layer of newspaper, the coordinator, 847-835-6957; arrowroot and smartweed, and the; invasive cattails and purple plant, more newspaper, a sheet of blotter paper, a layer of newspaper Chicago Botanic Garden, 1000 Lake loosestrife. He showed them the tools Cook Road, Glencoe, IL 60022. he used — plastic bags and a serrated and the top frame. knife — that wouldn’t cut anything Then the press is pulled together Use new mailing address probably but plants. Then he tightly to form a bundle, and a strap The Society’s mailing address is collected an arrowroot plant to show made of webbing is secured tightly P.O. Box 20401, Bloomington, MN them how it is best done. around it, to release water. 55420 4
  • 5. Thank you Compatibility Oakdale Park Following are excerpts from a problem with Flora benefits from ‘Think thank-you letter from the Greater West Metro Humane Society ID CDs can be fixed Native’ plantings Memorial Garden Committee. by Bruce Barnes, Flora ID by Ron Rogstad, administrative “In the spring of 2004, [we] Northwest, LLC services director, City of Oakdale; received a $200 grant from your The default settings in the just- from a city newsletter. society to purchase seeds of native released Internet Explorer version 7 A group of volunteers from Hope plants for our planned prairie interfere with the Flora ID XID Evangelical Free Church in Oakdale, wildflower and pond edge areas. The software the keys run in. Some users along with Oakdale city staff, a Memorial Garden was planned to may not notice this problem. Below community volunteer, and the create a peaceful landscape next to is a description of the problem and Oakdale Tree Board chair, planted our adoption center where people the changes in the IE7 settings which more than 100 native plants and trees could enjoy perennial beds and are needed for one of the minor in Oakdale Park on June 9 from 9:30 native plantings. With supporters’ features of the program to work a.m. to noon. donations, we place small granite The Problem The plants were given as part of the plaques in the garden in honor and If your computer has Internet “Think Native” grant program memory of beloved people and pets. Explorer version 5 or 6, when an sponsored by the Minnesota Native “This year we have seen a great attribute image or a species image is Plant Society, which is a non-profit blossoming of our native areas in clicked, it expands to full size in a organization dedicated to the spite of the harsh heat and drought. separate window and there is no conservation of the native plants of problem. If you have Internet Minnesota through public education Explorer version 7 (IE7), this and advocacy. window appears as a blank screen. The Oakdale planting was originally planned for the wetland The Solution buffer area near 4th St. N. and Hadley IE7 calls the page which is created Ave., but was moved to Oakdale Park “about:blank”. So if you add this because the majority of the plants URL to the list of trusted pages, it obtained were shade or semi-shade will show its content. varieties. City Forester Chris Larson The simplest way to do that is: Go prepared prairie, woodland, and to Tools> Internet Options > Security meadow sites for the plant materials; Tab. Select “Trusted sites” and click all the sites are adjacent to paved “Sites” button. walking trails in the park. Memorial garden in bloom First remove any check mark that The Society established its grant may be in the box at the bottom program to educate the public about “In the fall of 2004, we planted a labeled “Require server verification native plants and to encourage the short mesic prairie area above a (https:) for all sites in this zone.” use of native plants in home and boulder wall and a small area of short grass woods edge savanna where the Type: “about:blank” (without public projects. The city also trees produced some shade. In the quotation marks) into the “Add this received surplus seeds from the spring of 2005, we planted the edge website to the zone” field Society’s annual November seed of our pond with a short sedge (overwriting any address that appears exchange. meadow mix. there), and then click “Add” button Larson plans to use the surplus “We hope to develop a path in the in the Dialog Box. The words seeds to help replace the ground prairie area with educational markers “about:blank” should appear below cover in the buckthorn removal areas and to develop a woodland in the list of websites. Click “Close” in the park. wildflower garden with path. The to save the settings. In this screen, planting you funded has brought make sure that the “Security level” The image problem between IE7 pleasure to many people and has for the trusted sites is set to Medium and XID will now be corrected. created a wildlife habitat. … We hope or lower. If the security level is a If you choose to not change the your members may visit the adoption Custom setting, click Default level settings, you can still view images at center and garden someday.” The to provide a slider that enables you their full size by simply dragging to garden is located at 4375 Hwy. 55 to select the level you wish, in this the left the vertical divider between S.E., Buffalo, MN 55313. case Medium or lower. Click OK. the left and right windows. 5
  • 6. Growth pressures on Winter field natural resources studied trips planned by Kenneth J. Arndt by Sharon Pfeifer, DNR Central Region community assistance manager. We have planned three MN NPS This is an abstract of her talk Dec. 7, 2006, at the MN NPS meeting. winter field trips. If you haven’t In the next quarter century, growth pressures in the Twin Cities signed up yet, just send an e-mail to metropolitan region will be intense, as more than one million new residents me at or and 500,000 new homes consume unprotected, sensitive natural areas. sign up at our general meeting in This GIS-based regional assessment was conducted to: 1) examine February. I will be at the field trip socioeconomic changes and potential natural resource impacts, and 2) table with sign-up sheets and other provide recommendations to address trade-offs between future growth and information on upcoming trips. conservation. Sensitive land and water habitats and groundwater availability Saturday, Feb. 17, 1 - 3 p.m., were analyzed in the context of social and economic factors, including Terrace Horticultural Books, 503 changes in population, urbanized land area, number and size of new housing St. Clair Ave., St. Paul. Owner Kent subdivisions, commute times, job locations, community types, and local Patterson has opened his store to all fiscal capacities. MN NPS members and is offering to Growth scenarios suggest that regional growth will be most intense at the donate 20 percent of all sales from fringes of the seven-county core region and just beyond in the four “collar the afternoon to the Society. So if we counties,” where groundwater is an additional constraint to growth. Because spend $1,000, then the MN NPS will most communities in the path of growth have modest or below average tax get $200. There is no limit to the capacities, they will be challenged to conserve land and water resources. If number of Society members who can growth continues in the form of large lot, low-density development, almost come, but I do appreciate your letting all remaining unprotected sensitive natural areas will be developed. me know if you can make it. Future conservation will require strategic regional scale planning, Saturday, March 3, 1-4 p.m., conservation cost-sharing, and additional resources to bridge gaps in Pine Bend Bluffs SNA in Inver information, analyses, and technical assistance to communities. Grove Heights. Join botanists Scott Milburn and Jason Husveth and Restoration of Arden Hills site urban forester Ken Arndt for an afternoon of winter botany at this by Wade J. Hammer, wetland ecologist, Svoboda Ecological Resources. fantastic Scientific Natural Area. We This is an abstract of his presentation at the April 6, 2006, MN NPS meeting. will hike from atop the bluffs down The Arden Hills Army Training Site (AHATS) is a 1,786-acre military through the mixed hardwood/ installation in Ramsey County, Minn. The Original Land Survey, completed coniferous forests to the Mississippi in the late 1800s, makes note of bur oak and white oak woodlands, with River, where we will explore the tamarack swamps in the low areas in the approximate vicinity of the property. seeps for skunk cabbage in bloom. Thirty home sites were displaced when the site was purchased in 1941 by The hiking will be moderate in the federal government for use as a military installation. The site hosted 22 difficulty, due to the 150- to 200-foot years of active munitions production through the Vietnam War. At its peak, elevation change from the top of the 26,000 people were employed there. It was listed as a superfund site in bluff down to the river. The trail itself 1983. Clean-up at the site continues. is easy going; it’s the elevation Tallgrass prairie restoration projects have occurred at the AHATS since change I want people to be aware of. the early 1990s. As part of a Masters of Science project, a study assessing We have to limit the number of the relationships among management (seeding and burning), vegetation, people to 20, due to site-sensitive and environmental factors (soil, aspect, and slope) was completed. The reasons. More detailed information study included completion of 75 vegetation surveys, consisting of three will be available in mid-February. random plots in 25 purposively placed grids. The surveys consisted of Late March or early April, cover class data for all plant species. The surveys were completed twice Warner Nature Center in Marine during the summer of 2002 (late June/early July and mid-August). on St. Croix. Join Dr. Jans A. Multivariate statistical analyses of the vegetation survey data revealed Janssens of Lambda-Max, relationships between vegetation and soil texture, vegetation and shallow Ecological Research as we explore depth to ground water (within 1 m), and individual plant species and fire the world of bryophytes at this frequency. The intended use of the findings is to improve management of unique natural area. A date will be designated tallgrass prairie restoration sites at the AHATS. set in the next month. 6
  • 7. 110-acre prairie is gift to Plant Lore Regal Meadow Preserve by Thor Kommedahl What is leadplant? By Melissa Andrie. This excerpt is reprinted with permission from the Leadplant is Amorpha canescens, Aug. 2, 2006, Paynesville Press. a native perennial shrub in the pea “We have a prairie. What it needs is help continuing as a prairie.” family. It is also called prairie With these words, Don Knutson [former MN NPS president] passed on shoestring, downy indigobush, or that land at a dedication ceremony. The prairie, one of very few remaining false indigo. parcels of wet to wet-mesic prairie, was donated by Knutson to The Nature How did it get these names? Conservancy, and it is now one of three areas of land in the Regal Meadow Amorpha is a Greek word meaning Preserve, which covers a total of about 620 acres. Knutson donated the land “deformed,” because it has only one in memory of his son, Dean Anders Knutson, who died in 1997. petal instead of five typical of Grazing and fire created good natural disturbances to the prairie in the legumes. Canescent refers to the past, and it has never been plowed. “You can’t rebuild this. It’s a genuine hoary leaf appearance due to the native stand,” said John Maile, the project manager of the Ordway/Glacial short, white hairs, which accounts for Lakes Project, of which the Regal Meadow is a part. the name leadplant, but also it was There are “a whole suite of plants associated” with wet prairie, according once thought (erroneously) to be an to Carmen Converse, the “plant lady” and program director of the Minnesota indicator of lead ore. Shoestring Department of Natural Resources’ County Biological Survey. Some describes the long, tough roots. examples are cord grass, blazing star, prairie anemone, and heartleaf golden Because it resembles plants in the alexander. genus Indigofera, it is sometimes called false indigo or downy In the floodplain of the Crow River, the Regal Meadow is also home to indigobush. the small white lady’s slipper as well as non-plant life, like the regal frittilary and the Poweshiek skipper, both species of butterflies. What do plants look like? “You get addicted to things,” Knutson said of his interest in conservation. They are perennial shrubs usually Through an unusual series of events, he became the catalyst for the donation less than three feet, but up to four of this special piece of land, with its hundreds of species, many of them feet tall. The alternate leaves are unique. While he taught a botany class at the University of Minnesota, Twin pinnately compound with 15-51 Cities campus, he was approached by a student who said she and her husband nearly stalkless, whitish, hairy owned a piece of prairie land and wanted him to look at it, to see if it was leaflets. Blossoms, in dense terminal thriving. Though prairies were not his specialty, he came and discovered it spikes, are bluish-purple with a to be thriving prairie. single petal, at first tubular, then unfolding. It has one seed per pod. After Knutson recommended that the couple contact The Nature Bees and wasps are attracted for Conservancy if they ever wanted it to become publicly protected land, pollination. he did not hear from them for 10 Where do the shrubs grow? years. Then the former student Leadplant grows in the dry, prairie contacted him. She wanted to give areas of the state and sometimes in him the land to take care of and to sandy, open woods. “keep it as a living, vital, natural Is it edible? prairie system,” according to Not for humans, but deer, rabbits, Knutson. and livestock find it palatable; it is After owning the land for a couple high in protein. It is not poisonous of years, two years ago he began the either. process of shifting the land from Has it medicinal properties? private to public ownership, to make Not really; however, Omaha sure that it was protected while he Indians made a paste from stems to was “still in shape to do it.” treat neuralgia and rheumatism. The land is located about a half- Is it economically important? mile west of Regal on Highway 55. It has no particular landscape It is open to the public and and will features, but it is sometimes included continue to be open for hunting. Leadplant photo by Peter Dziuk in native plant gardens. 7
  • 8. Minnesota Native Plant Society P.O. Box 20401 Bloomington, MN 55420 Winter 2007 Thompson County Park Take Hwy. 52 to the Butler Ave. E. exit in West St. Paul. Go west on Butler 0.2 miles, then go south on Stassen Lane, the park entrance road.