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Water conservation
with xeriscape principles
Careful plant selection can help reduce irrigation needs.

Ronald C. Smith, Ph.D.

    For a golf course to succeed, it must     leaf fescues do well on local rainfall pat-
use water. But irrigation doesn't need to     terns, going dormant during drought
cover every inch of the golf course, and      and recovering when precipitation
the savvy superintendent       can score      returns to normal.
political points with neighbors, activists        Other grass species are adapted to
and the media by taking a few steps           various climates around North America
to save water using principles of xeric       and would be appropriate for water
landscaping.                                  conservation    or xeriscaping. Meyer
    Xeric landscapes represent a con-         zoysiagrass is strong in the South and
scious attempt to develop plantings           Midwest. Sharps buffalograss is gaining
that are compatible with the environ-         strength in the Southwest. The Midwest
ment. Xeric landscaping may require a
change in styles as well as plant materi-
als. Any changes in plant materials at
your golf course should be preceded
with a proper plan, plant selection and
plant placement.

Start at the clubhouse
    The clubhouse is a good starting
point. If it is surrounded by bentgrass
that is mowed to almost putting green
height, why not change it to a species
that will require less water? On a north-
ern course, consider         blue grama
(Boutelouagracilis) or a tall fescue culti-
var (Festuca arundinacea).
    Other possibilities include the many
fine-leaf fescues, such as red fescue
(Festuca rubra), sheep fescue (F. ovina)
and chewings fescue (F. rubra var. com-
mutata). These can be used in poly-
stands with common Kentucky blue-
grass cultivars (such as the tough,
drought resistant Kenblue) or as a            With proper plant selection, the golf course can remain attractive without consuming exces-
monospecies. In many areas, these fine-       sive amounts of water.

                                                                                            Golf Course Management.       June 1998    61
continued        from    p.   61              instances, the superintendent can select
                                                 has fairway crested wheatgrass and the          clones from parental lines adapted to
                                                 Northwest has colonial bentgrass.               dry xeric conditions. This would give
                                                     While the greens, tees and fairways         the superintendent trees or shrubs with
                                                 must remain unaltered           for client      more uniform physical characteristics.
                                                 satisfaction, the roughs can support
                                                 grasses with lower water requirements.          Evergreens
                                                 Remember that the actual rate of water              Evergreens offer a fair palette of
                                                 use will depend on the soil's water-reten-      plant selections for xeric areas of the
                                                 tion ability, the depth of the root system      course. Colorado spruce (Picea pun-
                                                 and day-to-day environmental factors,           gens) is hardy, adaptable and drought-
                                                 as well as the species and cultivar in use.     tolerant. These characteristics, com-
                                                     Maintenance also matters. In non-           bined with its distinctive pyramidal
                                                 critical use areas, attempt to get golfers      form, make it one of the most highly
                                                 to accept grass mowed a little taller. It       prized conifers across the United States.
                                                 will make a big difference in reducing          Another close relative, the white spruce
                                                 water requirements.                             (P. glauca), is used widely in the plains
                                                                                                 because of its adaptability.
                                                 Xeric plant selections                              Although similar, these two spruces
                                                     For xeric settings around the course,       are not identical in form, especially as
                                                 try to obtain plants whose parent stock         they mature. Many Colorado spruce
                                                 came from an ecosystem similar to               cultivars will retain the tight pyramidal
                                                 those on your golf course.                      shape throughout life, while the white
                                                     For example, if bur oak (Quercus            spruce will tend to open and spread
                                                 macrocarpa) is selected for a site sus-         somewhat with maturity.
                                                 ceptible to drought, use trees that orig-           The Black Hills variety of white
                                                 inate from upland locations rather than         spruce, P. glauca var. densata, is slower
                                                 bottomlands or river valleys. In some           growing than the Colorado variety,
                                                                                                 with a dense, conical form that endures
                                                                                                 until the tree reaches 20 to 30 feet tall. It
                                                                                                 is tolerant of heat and drought. If a
                                                                                                 golfer's shot should go wild and land in
                                                                                                 a spruce, the white and Black Hills
                                                                                                 would inflict much less pain during
                                                                                                 retrieval than a Colorado          spruce
                                                                                                 because the needles are softer.
                                                                                                     Pines suitable to dry locations
                                                                                                 include Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris),
                                                                                                 Norway pine (P. resinosa), lodgepole
                                                                                                 pine (P. contorta var. latifolia) and
                                                                                                 mugo pine (P. mugo). Scotch pine will
                                                                                                 form a very attractive tree in soils that
                                                                                                 are too sandy for most other species,
                                                                                                 and the exposed orange bark of the
                                                                                                 mature tree makes a striking addition
                                                                                                 to the summer and winter landscapes.
                                                                                                 Mugo pine is often seen as a shrub in
                                                                                                 foundation plantings and eventually
                                                                                                 gets as wide as it does tall. With simple
                                                                                                 pruning each spring - breaking or
                                                                                                 trimming off new candle growth - the
Wildflower mixes are one of the most attractive ways to go xeric on a golf course. From spring
                                                                                                 plant can be maintained as a dense,
through summer, they can offer a variety of color and form.                                      drought-tolerant shrub.

62    Golf Course Management.        June 1998
Any discussion of drought-tolerant             in full sun and is less prone to winter
conifers must include junipers. Rocky              die-back than the more common
Mountain juniper (Juniperus scopulo-               golden pfitzer juniper (J. x media
rum) must have dry conditions to per-              'Pfitzerana Aurea'). For vase-shaped
form well, making it one of the best can-          forms, use cultivars of the savin juniper
didates for prairie golf courses. It grows         (J. sabina). Their nice feathery form
15 to 20 feet tall, is hardy throughout            ranges from 12 to 36 inches in height.
most of USDA zone 3 and has four good
cultivars on the market:                           Larch
โ€ข Blue Haven, a broad pyramidal form                   The various larch species (Larix spp.)
   with silvery blue foliage                       offer the benefits of both deciduous and
โ€ข Medora, a narrower form, a dense                 evergreen forms of plants. The needle-
   growth habit with blue green foliage            like foliage that emerges in the spring is
โ€ข Moffetti, a dense, pyramidal form                a fresh, bright green that turns a bright
   with gray-green foliage                         golden yellow in the autumn just before
โ€ข Welchii, a dense, pyramidal plant                defoliation. The species are very adapt-
   habit with silver-green foliage                 able to a wide range of conditions, from
    For ground cover and shrub forms,              boggy sites to upland plantings that are
look to creeping juniper (J. horizonalis)          low in natural rainfall and have no seri-
cultivars. An outstanding one is J. hori-          ous insect or disease problems.
zontalis 'Depressa Aurea' that develops a
clear golden yellow foliage when grown

      Flowers for saving water

       Here are several herbaceous flowering           plants that may thrive under reduced irrigation:

      Botanical name                              Common name                            Notable quality

      Agastache rupestris (P)                     Licorice rryint or sunset hyssop       Soft orange flowers that attract hummingbirds

      Cleome hasslerana          (A)              Spider flower or c1eome                Tall and wind-resistant;
                                                                                         good for background plantings

      Datura spp. (A)                             Angel's trumpet                        White flower, velvety foliage; can get 3 feet
                                                                                         by 3 feet in size

      Gaillardia pulchel/a       (A)              Gaillardia or blanket flower           Good for bed borders and cut flowers

      Gaillardia grandiflora       'Goblin' (P)   Gaillardia                             Very heat tolerant; looks best with occa-
                                                                                         sional watering

      Gomphrena globosa           (A)             Globe amaranth                         Good button-like   flowers for cutting/drying

      Nepeta x faaessenii 'Select Blue' (P)       Blue catmint                           Sterile - no worry about it becoming weedy

      Penstemon strictus (P)                      Rocky Mountain    penstemon            Tall (24 inches) showy blue flowers

      Perovskia atriplicifolia     (P)            Russian sage                           Large (4 feet tall, 3 feet wide) with grey,
                                                                                         aromatic foliage, smoky blue flowers.

     Xanthisma       texanum (A)                  Star of Texas, sleepy daisy            2-3 inch yellow daisy-like flowers

     A   = annual;    P = perennial


                                                                                                   Golf Course Management     โ€ข   June 1998   63
continued      from    p.   63            Deciduous trees
                                                 Depending on location, these four           One of the most drought-tolerant
                                              species are your best choice:              deciduous      trees is the green ash
                                                1. decidua. This European larch is a     (Fraxinus pennsylvanica). It also rates
                                                large-growing species with a broad,      high in salt tolerance, ease of trans-
                                                pyramidal form becoming wider and        planting and speed of establishment.
                                                more irregular as it matures.            Select from seedless cultivars to prevent
                                                Possessing graceful, pendulous           weedy seedlings from sprouting all over
                                                branches, it is an excellent tree for    the course. Some of the better cultivars
                                                large open spaces. It is hardy           adapted to the upper Midwest are:
                                                throughout zone 3.                       โ€ข Bergeson, a fast-growing, hardy
                                                1. kampferi. The Japanese larch has a       cultivar that is a good choice where
                                                similar appearance to the European          space is limited, has an upright oval
                                                larch, but it is hardy only to USDA         crown and a straight trunk .
                                                zone 4.                                  โ€ข Dakota Centennial, a strong central
                                                1. laricina. The American or tama-          leader with dark green foliage and a
                                                rack larch is found from Alaska to          globe shape
                                                Pennsylvania. It is attractive in mass   โ€ข Kindred; a fast-growing, strong cen-
                                                plantings .                                 tralleader with a rounded crown
                                                1. siberica. The Siberian larch          โ€ข Marshall's Seedless, another good,
             Grounds workers and out-
                                                arrived from Siberia and is native to       vigorous male clone (seedless) that
             of-bounds golfers will enjoy
             Black Hills spruce because         the epitome of xeric landscapes -           has attractive yellow fall color
             its relatively soft needles        dry, cold and windswept - making it      โ€ข Prairie Dome, a new cultivar with a
             inflict few scratches. The
                                                the best adapted species for such a         dense oval crown becoming more
             tree also tolerates some-
             what dry conditions .              landscape setting.                          rounded with age
                                                                                         โ€ข Prairie Spire, a rapid-growing
                                                                                            form with a compact, broad colum-
                                                                                            nar to narrow pyramidal crown with
     Maintenance of xeric plantings                                                         good fall color
                                                                                             All of these are very hardy, but green
                                                                                         ash is overused in many residential and
                                                                                         city landscapes, which leaves urban
           Many established plantings can be made more xeric (to require                 forests vulnerable to decimation by a
       less water) by following a few steps:                                             single plant disease. Avoid cultivars that
                                                                                         have been heavily planted in your com-
       1. Don't create lush growth by over-fertilizing or over-watering.
                                                                                         munity and attempt to get multiple cul-
          Do both these practices to meet the needs of the plants,
          nothing more.                                                                  tivars if this species is one of your con-
       2. Xeric means the wise use of water, not the total lack of it. When                  Bur oak (Quercus macrocarpa) is a
          water is applied, perhaps by drip irrigation, put it where it can be           long-lived, stately tree that, once estab-
          most efficiently used - deep in the root zone.                                 lished, is fully adapted to an environ-
                                                                                         ment susceptible to drought. Be sure to
       3. Be generous with organic mulches. Using 2 to 4 inches of bark,                 give this tree plenty of room to grow,
          chipper debris or compost to cover the soil around the base of the             though - its height and spread can
          plant will help control weeds (big water robbers) and conserve                 reach 80 feet.
          water already in the soil.
                                                                                             Smaller trees that could provide nice
                                                                                         accents to any golf course landscape are
       4. Look for ways to cut down on unnecessary turf areas, and make
          sure that flower beds beside turf are shaped with smooth, free-                found in the tatarian and amur maples
          flowing lines for easy mowing.                                                 (Acer tataricum and A. ginnala). Both
                                                                                         grow to about 15 to 18 feet in height,
                                                                                         have little to no problems and provide
                                                                                         good fall color, especially if the cultivars
                                                                                         of the amur maple are selected. All are

64   Golf Course Management   โ€ข   June 1998
Asters are important xeric perennials with summer and early-autumn bloom. These sturdy plants will not tolerate wet, poorly
drained soils. Most, like this Aster ceduifo/ia, provide a beautiful bloom.

hardy through zone 3. Both can also be            angular bark extensions or "wings" are the        an information and education effort.
used attractively in planters or patios           basis for the common name. The standard               Take every opportunity to educate
around the clubhouse.                             species will reach 6 feet tall and have bright    and inform golfers and neighbors via
                                                  red fall color, while dwarf cultivars will        signs, seminars, press releases and
Deciduous shrubs                                  reach about 3 feet in height. They do not         board meetings. Arm yourself with data
    One of the best shrubs for xeric              have noticeable flowers.                          and information to ensure you can
landscaping is the potentilla or cinque-              For blooms, turn to lilacs. The               sell your ideas to your critics, skeptics
foil (Potentilla fruticosa), a very durable       Chinese lilac (Syringa X chinensis) and           and employers .โ€ข
shrub that produces sulfur-colored,               the late lilac (S. villosa) will both reach
orange or white flowers from early                10 feet tall and be covered with fragrant                              References
                                                                                                    1. Dirr, M. 1990. Woody landscape plants. Stipes
summer until frost. The species has very          blooms in mid spring.                                Publishing Co., Champaign, Ill.
few insect and disease problems,                      The wayfaring          tree viburnum          2. Ellefson, c., T. Stephens and D. Welsh. 1992.
reaches no more than about 3 feet in              (Viburnum        lantana)        is  another         Xeriscape gardening. MacMillan, New York.
                                                                                                    3. Proctor, B. 1996. Xeriscape plant guide.
height and makes a dense shrub with-              drought-tolerant beauty that produces                Denver Water and American Water Works
out pruning. It can be used as a low.             creamy-white flowers, followed by col-               Association. Denver, Colo.
hedge or in foundation            plantings       orful fruit (yellow, red and black -              4. Smith, R.C. 1997. Xeriscape plant selections
                                                                                                       and ideas. Extension Publication No. H-957,
around the clubhouse. This plant does             often all at once) that attracts the song-           North Dakota State University, Fargo (online
require full sun, as it tends to perform          birds. Give it room to grow as this                  at http://www/ag.ndsu.nodak.edul).
poorly in shade, where it becomes vul-            species can exceed 10 feet in height and          5. Still, S.M. 1988. Manual of herbaceous orna-
                                                                                                       mental     plants.    Stipes Publishing  Co.,
nerable to powdery mildew. The seed               have an equal spread.                                Champaign, Ill.
and leaves that remain through the win-
ter are attractive to over-wintering birds        End at the clubhouse
for food and shelter.                                Regardless of how successful you may
    The winged euonymus, also known as            be at saving water and beautifying the
                                                                                                    Ronald C. Smith, Ph.D., is extension horticulturist
burning bush (Euonymus alatus), is almost         course, your attempts to go "xeric" will          and turfgrass specialist at North Dakota State
as durable as the potentilla. Its unique          go unappreciated unless you put forth             University.

                                                                                                   Golf Course   Management      โ€ข    June 1998     65

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Water conservation with xeriscape principles Careful plant selection

  • 1. Water conservation with xeriscape principles Careful plant selection can help reduce irrigation needs. Ronald C. Smith, Ph.D. For a golf course to succeed, it must leaf fescues do well on local rainfall pat- use water. But irrigation doesn't need to terns, going dormant during drought cover every inch of the golf course, and and recovering when precipitation the savvy superintendent can score returns to normal. political points with neighbors, activists Other grass species are adapted to and the media by taking a few steps various climates around North America to save water using principles of xeric and would be appropriate for water landscaping. conservation or xeriscaping. Meyer Xeric landscapes represent a con- zoysiagrass is strong in the South and scious attempt to develop plantings Midwest. Sharps buffalograss is gaining that are compatible with the environ- strength in the Southwest. The Midwest ment. Xeric landscaping may require a continued change in styles as well as plant materi- als. Any changes in plant materials at your golf course should be preceded with a proper plan, plant selection and plant placement. Start at the clubhouse The clubhouse is a good starting point. If it is surrounded by bentgrass that is mowed to almost putting green height, why not change it to a species that will require less water? On a north- ern course, consider blue grama (Boutelouagracilis) or a tall fescue culti- var (Festuca arundinacea). Other possibilities include the many fine-leaf fescues, such as red fescue (Festuca rubra), sheep fescue (F. ovina) and chewings fescue (F. rubra var. com- mutata). These can be used in poly- stands with common Kentucky blue- grass cultivars (such as the tough, drought resistant Kenblue) or as a With proper plant selection, the golf course can remain attractive without consuming exces- monospecies. In many areas, these fine- sive amounts of water. Golf Course Management. June 1998 61
  • 2. continued from p. 61 instances, the superintendent can select has fairway crested wheatgrass and the clones from parental lines adapted to Northwest has colonial bentgrass. dry xeric conditions. This would give While the greens, tees and fairways the superintendent trees or shrubs with must remain unaltered for client more uniform physical characteristics. satisfaction, the roughs can support grasses with lower water requirements. Evergreens Remember that the actual rate of water Evergreens offer a fair palette of use will depend on the soil's water-reten- plant selections for xeric areas of the tion ability, the depth of the root system course. Colorado spruce (Picea pun- and day-to-day environmental factors, gens) is hardy, adaptable and drought- as well as the species and cultivar in use. tolerant. These characteristics, com- Maintenance also matters. In non- bined with its distinctive pyramidal critical use areas, attempt to get golfers form, make it one of the most highly to accept grass mowed a little taller. It prized conifers across the United States. will make a big difference in reducing Another close relative, the white spruce water requirements. (P. glauca), is used widely in the plains because of its adaptability. Xeric plant selections Although similar, these two spruces For xeric settings around the course, are not identical in form, especially as try to obtain plants whose parent stock they mature. Many Colorado spruce came from an ecosystem similar to cultivars will retain the tight pyramidal those on your golf course. shape throughout life, while the white For example, if bur oak (Quercus spruce will tend to open and spread macrocarpa) is selected for a site sus- somewhat with maturity. ceptible to drought, use trees that orig- The Black Hills variety of white inate from upland locations rather than spruce, P. glauca var. densata, is slower bottomlands or river valleys. In some growing than the Colorado variety, with a dense, conical form that endures until the tree reaches 20 to 30 feet tall. It is tolerant of heat and drought. If a golfer's shot should go wild and land in a spruce, the white and Black Hills would inflict much less pain during retrieval than a Colorado spruce because the needles are softer. Pines suitable to dry locations include Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris), Norway pine (P. resinosa), lodgepole pine (P. contorta var. latifolia) and mugo pine (P. mugo). Scotch pine will form a very attractive tree in soils that are too sandy for most other species, and the exposed orange bark of the mature tree makes a striking addition to the summer and winter landscapes. Mugo pine is often seen as a shrub in foundation plantings and eventually gets as wide as it does tall. With simple pruning each spring - breaking or trimming off new candle growth - the Wildflower mixes are one of the most attractive ways to go xeric on a golf course. From spring plant can be maintained as a dense, through summer, they can offer a variety of color and form. drought-tolerant shrub. 62 Golf Course Management. June 1998
  • 3. Any discussion of drought-tolerant in full sun and is less prone to winter conifers must include junipers. Rocky die-back than the more common Mountain juniper (Juniperus scopulo- golden pfitzer juniper (J. x media rum) must have dry conditions to per- 'Pfitzerana Aurea'). For vase-shaped form well, making it one of the best can- forms, use cultivars of the savin juniper didates for prairie golf courses. It grows (J. sabina). Their nice feathery form 15 to 20 feet tall, is hardy throughout ranges from 12 to 36 inches in height. most of USDA zone 3 and has four good cultivars on the market: Larch โ€ข Blue Haven, a broad pyramidal form The various larch species (Larix spp.) with silvery blue foliage offer the benefits of both deciduous and โ€ข Medora, a narrower form, a dense evergreen forms of plants. The needle- growth habit with blue green foliage like foliage that emerges in the spring is โ€ข Moffetti, a dense, pyramidal form a fresh, bright green that turns a bright with gray-green foliage golden yellow in the autumn just before โ€ข Welchii, a dense, pyramidal plant defoliation. The species are very adapt- habit with silver-green foliage able to a wide range of conditions, from For ground cover and shrub forms, boggy sites to upland plantings that are look to creeping juniper (J. horizonalis) low in natural rainfall and have no seri- cultivars. An outstanding one is J. hori- ous insect or disease problems. zontalis 'Depressa Aurea' that develops a continued clear golden yellow foliage when grown Flowers for saving water Here are several herbaceous flowering plants that may thrive under reduced irrigation: Botanical name Common name Notable quality Agastache rupestris (P) Licorice rryint or sunset hyssop Soft orange flowers that attract hummingbirds Cleome hasslerana (A) Spider flower or c1eome Tall and wind-resistant; good for background plantings Datura spp. (A) Angel's trumpet White flower, velvety foliage; can get 3 feet by 3 feet in size Gaillardia pulchel/a (A) Gaillardia or blanket flower Good for bed borders and cut flowers Gaillardia grandiflora 'Goblin' (P) Gaillardia Very heat tolerant; looks best with occa- sional watering Gomphrena globosa (A) Globe amaranth Good button-like flowers for cutting/drying Nepeta x faaessenii 'Select Blue' (P) Blue catmint Sterile - no worry about it becoming weedy Penstemon strictus (P) Rocky Mountain penstemon Tall (24 inches) showy blue flowers Perovskia atriplicifolia (P) Russian sage Large (4 feet tall, 3 feet wide) with grey, aromatic foliage, smoky blue flowers. Xanthisma texanum (A) Star of Texas, sleepy daisy 2-3 inch yellow daisy-like flowers A = annual; P = perennial .. Golf Course Management โ€ข June 1998 63
  • 4. continued from p. 63 Deciduous trees Depending on location, these four One of the most drought-tolerant species are your best choice: deciduous trees is the green ash 1. decidua. This European larch is a (Fraxinus pennsylvanica). It also rates large-growing species with a broad, high in salt tolerance, ease of trans- pyramidal form becoming wider and planting and speed of establishment. more irregular as it matures. Select from seedless cultivars to prevent Possessing graceful, pendulous weedy seedlings from sprouting all over branches, it is an excellent tree for the course. Some of the better cultivars large open spaces. It is hardy adapted to the upper Midwest are: throughout zone 3. โ€ข Bergeson, a fast-growing, hardy 1. kampferi. The Japanese larch has a cultivar that is a good choice where similar appearance to the European space is limited, has an upright oval larch, but it is hardy only to USDA crown and a straight trunk . zone 4. โ€ข Dakota Centennial, a strong central 1. laricina. The American or tama- leader with dark green foliage and a rack larch is found from Alaska to globe shape Pennsylvania. It is attractive in mass โ€ข Kindred; a fast-growing, strong cen- plantings . tralleader with a rounded crown 1. siberica. The Siberian larch โ€ข Marshall's Seedless, another good, Grounds workers and out- arrived from Siberia and is native to vigorous male clone (seedless) that of-bounds golfers will enjoy Black Hills spruce because the epitome of xeric landscapes - has attractive yellow fall color its relatively soft needles dry, cold and windswept - making it โ€ข Prairie Dome, a new cultivar with a inflict few scratches. The the best adapted species for such a dense oval crown becoming more tree also tolerates some- what dry conditions . landscape setting. rounded with age โ€ข Prairie Spire, a rapid-growing form with a compact, broad colum- nar to narrow pyramidal crown with Maintenance of xeric plantings good fall color All of these are very hardy, but green ash is overused in many residential and city landscapes, which leaves urban Many established plantings can be made more xeric (to require forests vulnerable to decimation by a less water) by following a few steps: single plant disease. Avoid cultivars that have been heavily planted in your com- 1. Don't create lush growth by over-fertilizing or over-watering. munity and attempt to get multiple cul- Do both these practices to meet the needs of the plants, nothing more. tivars if this species is one of your con- siderations. 2. Xeric means the wise use of water, not the total lack of it. When Bur oak (Quercus macrocarpa) is a water is applied, perhaps by drip irrigation, put it where it can be long-lived, stately tree that, once estab- most efficiently used - deep in the root zone. lished, is fully adapted to an environ- ment susceptible to drought. Be sure to 3. Be generous with organic mulches. Using 2 to 4 inches of bark, give this tree plenty of room to grow, chipper debris or compost to cover the soil around the base of the though - its height and spread can plant will help control weeds (big water robbers) and conserve reach 80 feet. water already in the soil. Smaller trees that could provide nice accents to any golf course landscape are 4. Look for ways to cut down on unnecessary turf areas, and make sure that flower beds beside turf are shaped with smooth, free- found in the tatarian and amur maples flowing lines for easy mowing. (Acer tataricum and A. ginnala). Both grow to about 15 to 18 feet in height, have little to no problems and provide good fall color, especially if the cultivars of the amur maple are selected. All are 64 Golf Course Management โ€ข June 1998
  • 5. Asters are important xeric perennials with summer and early-autumn bloom. These sturdy plants will not tolerate wet, poorly drained soils. Most, like this Aster ceduifo/ia, provide a beautiful bloom. hardy through zone 3. Both can also be angular bark extensions or "wings" are the an information and education effort. used attractively in planters or patios basis for the common name. The standard Take every opportunity to educate around the clubhouse. species will reach 6 feet tall and have bright and inform golfers and neighbors via red fall color, while dwarf cultivars will signs, seminars, press releases and Deciduous shrubs reach about 3 feet in height. They do not board meetings. Arm yourself with data One of the best shrubs for xeric have noticeable flowers. and information to ensure you can landscaping is the potentilla or cinque- For blooms, turn to lilacs. The sell your ideas to your critics, skeptics foil (Potentilla fruticosa), a very durable Chinese lilac (Syringa X chinensis) and and employers .โ€ข shrub that produces sulfur-colored, the late lilac (S. villosa) will both reach orange or white flowers from early 10 feet tall and be covered with fragrant References 1. Dirr, M. 1990. Woody landscape plants. Stipes summer until frost. The species has very blooms in mid spring. Publishing Co., Champaign, Ill. few insect and disease problems, The wayfaring tree viburnum 2. Ellefson, c., T. Stephens and D. Welsh. 1992. reaches no more than about 3 feet in (Viburnum lantana) is another Xeriscape gardening. MacMillan, New York. 3. Proctor, B. 1996. Xeriscape plant guide. height and makes a dense shrub with- drought-tolerant beauty that produces Denver Water and American Water Works out pruning. It can be used as a low. creamy-white flowers, followed by col- Association. Denver, Colo. hedge or in foundation plantings orful fruit (yellow, red and black - 4. Smith, R.C. 1997. Xeriscape plant selections and ideas. Extension Publication No. H-957, around the clubhouse. This plant does often all at once) that attracts the song- North Dakota State University, Fargo (online require full sun, as it tends to perform birds. Give it room to grow as this at http://www/ag.ndsu.nodak.edul). poorly in shade, where it becomes vul- species can exceed 10 feet in height and 5. Still, S.M. 1988. Manual of herbaceous orna- mental plants. Stipes Publishing Co., nerable to powdery mildew. The seed have an equal spread. Champaign, Ill. and leaves that remain through the win- ter are attractive to over-wintering birds End at the clubhouse for food and shelter. Regardless of how successful you may The winged euonymus, also known as be at saving water and beautifying the Ronald C. Smith, Ph.D., is extension horticulturist burning bush (Euonymus alatus), is almost course, your attempts to go "xeric" will and turfgrass specialist at North Dakota State as durable as the potentilla. Its unique go unappreciated unless you put forth University. Golf Course Management โ€ข June 1998 65