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VTT 235/245 Anatomy & Pathology
The Nervous System

 A complex communication and control
 It monitors the animal’s internal and
  external environments and directs
  activities to maintain the well-being of
  the body.
2 Main Divisions

 Central Nervous System-
   Composed of the brain and spinal cord.
 Peripheral Nervous System-
   Consists of cord-like nerves that link the
    CNS with the rest of the body.

 Sensory Functions-
   The nervous system senses changes from
    inside/outside the body and conveys this
    information to the spinal cord or brain.
 Integrating Functions-
   In the brain and spinal cord, the sensory
    information is received, analyzed, stored,
    and integrated to produce a response.

 Motor Response Functions-
   Instructs the body to do something, such
    as contract a muscle or cause a gland to
    secrete its product(s).
Neurons & Supporting Cells

 “Glial cells”, glia- greek for glue!
 Structurally and functionally supports
  and protects neurons.
 Outnumbers neurons 10:1.
 Not directly involved in the transmission
  of information or impulses.

 Nerve cells.
 The basic functional
  units of the nervous
 Has a high
  requirement for
Neuron Structure

 Central cell body- “stoma”
 Dendrites-
   Receive stimuli, or impulses, from other
    neurons and conduct the stimulation to the
    cell body.
   May also be modified into sensory
    receptors that receive, or sense, stimuli
    such as heat, cold, touch, pressure…
   Short, numerous, multi-branched
    projections extending from the cell body.
Neuron Structure…

 Axons-
   Conduct nerve impulses away from the cell
    body toward another neuron or effecter
     A cell that does something when stimulated.
   A single process can be very long.
   Often covered by a fatty substance called
    myelin (white matter).
Neuron Structure…

 Myelin sheath-
   Actually cell membranes of specialized glial
    cells called oligodendrocytes in the brain &
    spinal cord, and Schwann cells in nerves
    outside of the brain and spinal cord.
   These special glial cells are wrapped around
    the axon.
Neuron Structure…

 Nodes of Ranvier-
   Small gaps in the
    myelin sheath
    between adjacent
    glial cells.
   Works with the
    myelin sheath to
    enhance the speed of
    conduction of nerve
    impulses along the
Organization of the Nervous

 CNS- anatomically composed of the brain and
  spinal cord.
 PNS- made up of components of the nervous
  system that extend away from the CNS,
  towards the periphery of the body.
 Cranial nerves- nerves of the PNS that
  originate directly from the brain.
 Spinal Nerves- nerves of the PNS that
  originate from the spinal cord.
Afferent vs. Efferent

 Afferent nerves-
   Conduct nerve impulses towards the CNS.
   Conducts sensations from the sensory
    receptors in the skin and other locations in
    the body to the CNS.
   Also called sensory nerves.
Afferent vs. Efferent…

 Efferent nerves-
   Conduct impulses from the CNS out toward
    muscles and other organs.
   They cause skeletal muscle contractions
    and movement.
Neuron Function
Resting State

 When a neuron is not being stimulated, it is in
  a resting state.
 The cell membranes of neurons are
  electronically polarized when at rest (like
  tiny, charged batteries).
 Specially charged molecules located in the
  neuron’s cell membrane pump sodium (Na+)
  ions from inside the neuron to the outside.
 They also pump potassium (K+) ions from the
  outside to the inside.
Resting State…

 This specialized molecule is called the
  sodium-potassium pump.
 The action of the sodium-potassium
  pump causes a higher concentration of
  Na+ to accumulate outside the cell.
 The pump’s actions and the negative
  charges inside the cell cause a higher
  concentration of K+ to accumulate inside
  the cell.
Resting State…

 This keeps the cellular membrane
  between Na+ and K+ polarized.
 The distribution of positive and
  negative charges creates a difference
  in electrical charge across the
   Inside the cell- negative
 This electrical difference in charges is
  called the resting membrane potential.

 When an impulse from an adjoining neuron
  stimulates another neuron, a set of specific
  steps occurs, resulting in the nerve “firing” or
 The Na+ channel opens and allows only Na+
  ions to pass through it by passive diffusion
  into the cell.
 Depolarization refers to this opening of the
  Na+ channels and the sudden influx of many
  Na+ ions.

 The inside of the neuron goes from a
  negative charge to a positive charge.
 The significant change in electrical
  charge is also referred to as the action

 Within a fraction of a second, the Na+
  channels snap shut, halting the influx.
 At the same time, potassium channels
  open and only allow K+ ions to pass
  through them.
 K+ ions passively diffuse out of the cell
  by a concentration gradient and positive
  cell charge.

 The outflow of K+ ions continues until
  the channels close a split-second after
  they have opened.
 This causes the charge inside the cell to
  swing back in the negative direction.
 The change of the cell’s charge back to
  negative is called repolarization.
All-or-Nothing Principle

 Not every depolarization stimulus
  results in a complete depolarization-
  repolarization cycle.
 The initial stimulus must be sufficient
  enough to make the neuron respond.
 When the stimulus is strong enough to
  cause complete depolarization, it is said
  to have reached the threshold.
All-or-Nothing Principle…

 Regardless of how strong the initial
  stimulus was, if it was sufficient enough
  to achieve threshold, the action
  potential would be generated and
  conducted along the entire length of
  the neuron with a uniform strength.
All-or-Nothing Principle…

 This phenomenon is called the all-or-
  nothing principle, because either the
  neuron completes a depolarization to
  the maximum strength, or it does not
  depolarize at all.
Refractory Period

 If a second threshold stimulus arrives
  at the dendrites while the Na+ channels
  are open or while K+ molecules are
  moving through their open channels, the
  stimulus is incapable of a second
The Synapse

How Neurons Communicate
The Synapse…

 Once the action potential has been
  successfully conducted to the end of the
  axon, the nerve impulse must be transmitted
  to the next neuron or to the cells of the
  target organ or tissue.
 Because two neurons do not physically touch,
  the depolarization wave is unable to continue
  to the next neuron.
 Instead, the neuron must release a chemical
  that stimulates the next neuron or cell.
The Synapse…

 This perpetuation is called a synaptic
 The synapse is the junction between
  two neurons or a neuron and a target
 The synapse consists of a physical gap
  between the two cells called the
  synaptic cleft.
The Synapse…

 Presynaptic neuron- the neuron
  bringing the depolarization wave to the
  synapse and releasing the chemical to
  stimulate the next cell.
 Neurotransmitter- the chemical
  released from the presynaptic neuron.
 Postsynaptic neuron- the neuron that
  contains the receptors that receive the
The Synapse…

 On the postsynaptic membrane are
  specialized proteins called receptors.
 The neurotransmitter binds with these
  receptors and trigger a change in the
  postsynaptic cell.
 The postsynaptic membrane receptors
  are very specific about which
  neurotransmitters they will allow to

 Can be classified
  into 2 categories-
   Excitory- usually
    causes an influx of
    Na+ so that the
    membrane moves
    toward the
   Inhibitory- moves
    the charge away from
    the threshold.

 Acetylcholine-
   Excitory or inhibitory, depending on its
    location in the body.
     Excitory- at the junction between somatic
      motor neurons that stimulates muscle fibers to
     Inhibitory at the site where nerves synapse
      with the heart and slows the heart rate.

 Catacholamines-
   Norepinepherine- associated with the “fight-or-
    flight” reactions of the sympathetic nervous
   Epinepherine- released primarily from the adrenal
    medulla to participate in the “fight-or-flight”
   Dopamine-
      Found in the brain.
      Involved in autonomic functions and muscle control.
      Low dopamine= Parkinson’s disease.

 GABA & Glycine-
   GABA- gamma-aminobutyric acid.
   GABA is found in the brain, glycine is found
    in the spinal cord.

 One postsynaptic membrane may have
  multiple types of presynaptic neurons
  across the synaptic cleft.
 By having both, the nervous system can
  selectively increase or decrease the
  activity of specific parts of the brain or
  spinal cord.
Stopping & Recycling

 The body needs a way to stop the
  neurotransmitter or the excitory or
  inhibitory effect would continue.
 In the case of acetylcholine, it is
  broken down into the enzyme
   “-ase”- enzyme
Stopping Neurotransmitters

 If nothing breaks down
  neurotransmitters, the effect
  would continue indefinitely.
 Ex.- This is what happens with
  organophosphate toxicity:
   The insecticide combines with
    acetylcholinesterase and inactivates it.
   Overstimulation of acetylcholine receptors
    results in vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty
    breathing, and constricted pupils.

The Brain

 Made up of gray and white matter
 The largest part of the brain.
 Responsible for higher-order behaviors:
   Learning
   Intelligence

 Receives and interprets sensory
   Initiates nerve impulses to skeletal
   Integrates neuron activity normally
    associated with:
     Communication
     Emotional expression
     Memory

 The wrinkled appearance is due to folds called
  gyri, separated by deep grooves called
  fissures and more shallow grooves called sulci.
 The most prominent groove is the longitudinal
  fissure which divides the cerebrum into the
  right and left cerebral hemispheres.
 Each hemisphere is divided by sulci into lobes.
 Different lobes specialize in certain

 Located caudal to the cerebrum.
 The second largest component of the
 Allows the body to have coordinated
   Balance
   Posture
   Complex reflexes

 Serves as a nervous system passageway
  between the primitive brainstem and
  the cerebrum.
 Pituitary- the endocrine “master gland”
  that regulates hormone production and
 Thalamus- acts as a relay station for
  regulating sensory inputs to the

 Hypothalamus- and interface between
  the nervous and endocrine systems.
   Plays a major role in:
     Temperature regulation
     Hunger
     Thirst

 The connection between the brain and
  spinal cord.
 The most primitive part of the brain.
 Composed of: the medulla oblongata,
  pons, and midbrain.
 Maintains basic body support functions.

 Heavily involved in autonomic control
  functions related to:
   The heart
   Respiration- including coughing, sneezing,
    and hiccuping.
   Blood vessel diameter
   Swallowing
   Vomiting

 A set of connective tissue layers that
  surround the brain and spinal cord.
 They contain a rich network of blood
  vessels that supply oxygen and nutrients
  to the superficial tissues of the brain
  and spinal cord.
Cerebrospinal Fluid

 The brain and spinal cord are bathed and
  protected from the hard inner surfaces of
  the skull and spinal column by CSF.
 It circulates between layers of meninges and
  through cavities inside the brain and spinal
 The chemical composition may be involved in
  the regulation of certain autonomic function,
  such as respiration and vomiting.
Blood-Brain Barrier

 A functional barrier separating the capillaries
  in the brain from the nervous tissue itself.
 The composition results in a cellular barrier
  that prevents many drugs, proteins, ions, and
  other molecules from readily passing from the
  blood into the brain.
 In this way, the BBB protects the brain from
  many poisons circulating in the bloodstream.
   Ex.- Ivermectin
   Parasites and insects don’t have a BBB so the drug kills them
    by allowing it to reach target receptors in the brain.
Cranial Nerves

 A special set of 12 nerve pairs in the
  peripheral nervous system that
  originate directly from the brain.
Cranial Nerves
       Colville p. 155

         Nerve            Type          Function

 I    Olefactory         Sensory          Smell

II       Optic           Sensory         Vision

                                   Eye movement, pupil
III   Occulomotor        Motor         size, focusing
IV     Trochlear         Motor       Eye movement

                                     S: eye & face
V     Trigeminal         Mixed
                                      M: chewing

VI     Abducens          Motor       Eye movement
Face and scalp
VII         Facial         Mixed
                                       salivation, tears,
                                            & taste

      Vestibulocochlear    Sensory    Balance/hearing
                                     S: 1/3 caudal tongue
IX     Glossopharyngeal     Mixed             taste
                                       M: swallowing &
                                      S: GI tract, resp.,
                                      M: larynx, pharynx,
X           Vagus          Mixed       parasympathetic motor
                                           to the abdominal
                                         viscera & thoracic
                                     Skeletal muscles of the
XI      Spinal Accessory    Motor         neck and shoulder
                                      Accessory with vagus

                                     Skeletal muscles of the
XII       Hypoglossal       Motor
I       Olfactory bulb

          II     Optic chiasma

                 Pituitary gland
nerves    III
          IV           peduncle
          VI                Pons
          XI            Pyramid

Spinal Cord

 The caudal continuation of the brain
  stem outside the skull.
 It conducts sensory information and
  motor instructions between the brain
  and the periphery of the body.
Autonomic Nervous System
Autonomic Nervous System

 Controls many functions of the body on
  a subconscious level.
 These autonomic functions are
  performed by two divisions:
   Sympathetic nervous system
   Parasympathetic nervous system
 These two systems generally have
  opposite effects on eachother.
IV. Pathology

By: Dr. Tuya Buchanan, DVM
Cerebral Pathology
Cerebral Trauma/ Hemorrhage

 Severe bruising
  of the brain
  causes capillary
  rupture &
  bleeding of the
  brain resulting in
  increased ICP
Cerebellar Hypoplasia

 The cerebellum does not grow
 Due to in utero viral infections or
  injury, or just bad genetics
   Panleukopenia in cats
   Herpesvirus infections in dogs
   Vaccinating pregnant animals w/ MLV
 Problems are first noticed when the
  young animal starts to ambulate
Cerebellar Hypoplasia (cont)

 Signs include:
   Ataxia
   Hypermetria
    (over reaching
    when walking)
   Intention
   Broad-based

 Commonly referred
  to as “water on the
 Characterized by a
  dome-shaped head
 Either too much CSF
  is produced or there
  is inadequate
Cerebral Hypoxia

 Lack of oxygen to
  the brain
 Numerous causes-
  clots (“stroke”),
  heart disease,
  renal disease,
  hyperthyroidism in
  cats, parasites, etc.
Brain Tumors

 Can arise from any type of neuro cells
 Clinical signs depend on the location,
  size, and degree of pressure they are
  putting on the brain
 Glial tumors include astrocytomas &
 Meningiomas are another type of tumor
Brain Tumor in a Boxer
Strychnine Poisoning

 Strychnine blocks an inhibitory
  neurotransmitter (glycine) in the
  medulla & spinal cord
 So you end up with excitation of
  neurons which results in muscle
  rigidity & seizures
 Animals die from lack of oxygen to
  vital body parts and exhaustion
Some Infectious Agents which cause
        Cerebral Pathology

 Rhabdovirus
 Furious Rabies- aggressive, snarling,
  seizuring, drooling animal
 Dumb Rabies- depression, dementia,
  hind-end weakness, & drooling
 Some animals will show obsessive
  licking/self mutilation of an old wound
 No ante-mortem tests- need the
Rabies (cont)
Rabies (cont)

 Bad Raccoon!   A Negri Body inside a neuron.
                When seen this viral inclusion
                body can mean only Rabies!

 Caused by a Paramyxovirus
 The virus depletes the immune
  system so the puppy is very prone to
  secondary infections
 Starts out respiratory, then GI signs,
  then neurological signs
 “hard pads” usually occur end-stage
Distemper (cont)

 Difficult to diagnose
 Serology can be
  very unrewarding
 Can do
  assays for the virus
  in conjunctival
  scrapings (or wait
  for necropsy)
Equine Encephalitis

 Caused by a virus

 3 forms: Eastern, Western, &

 Horses have a fever, appear sleepy, and
  may show incoordination of the rear-
  end; it can progress to full paralysis and

 A seizure is an episode of abnormal
  electrical activity in the brain resulting in:
   loss or altered consciousness
   increased muscle tone
   involuntary urination & defecation
 Most seizures are grand mal but some may
  be petit mal where there is not a complete
  loss of consciousness and may only involve a
  limb shaking or small body tremors
Seizures (cont)

 Seizures have either an intracranial
  or an extracranial cause
 Intracranial seizures are caused by
  primary CNS disease (problem is
  inside the brain itself)
 Extracranial seizures are caused by
  organ dysfunctions or toxins which
  have secondary effects on the brain
  (problem is outside the brain)
Intracranial Causes of Seizures

 Brain tumors- primary or those that
  metastasize to the brain
 Bacteria (abscesses)
 Viruses (distemper)
 Protozoa (toxoplasmosis)
 Fungal
 Hydrocephalus
 Idiopathic epilepsy
Extracranial Causes of Seizures

   Hypoglycemia
   Liver disease
   Renal disease
   Hypocalcemia
   Toxins- strychnine, lead,
Spinal Cord Pathology
Wobbler Syndrome

 In horses, known as Cervical Stenotic
 In dogs, known as Caudal Cervical
 Either way, it’s a malformation of the
  cervical spine causing cord compression
Wobbler (cont)

 Breeds of dogs include
  Dobermans, Great Danes,
  & Basset Hounds
 Affected dogs are mostly
  young adults
 Signs range from hind-end
  weakness to tetraplegia,
  neck pain, & the neck is
  flexed ventrally
Wobbler (cont)

 Seen in young,
  rapidly growing
  horses, especially
 Over nutrition is a
  big contributing
 Signs consist of limb
  weakness and
Vertebral Fractures

 Usually secondary to trauma (HBC) or
  bone pathology (osteomyelitis)
 Spinous process fractures do not usually
  cause problems
 Problems arise when the spinal cord
  becomes compressed or is also
Fractures (cont)
Spinal Cord Concussion

 Usually secondary to trauma, such as HBC
 Due to severe bruising of the cord, the
  motor nerves do not function properly
 These dogs can look completely paralyzed
  but radiographs +/- CT scan will show no
 With time and steroids, there will be
Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD)

 Affects dogs, rarely cats
 Disease can occur anywhere in the
  spinal tract but the lumbosacral and
  cervical regions are most common
 Can have partial or complete
  herniation of the disc up into the
  spinal cord
 Typically a degenerative process
 Dachshunds, Beagles, Pekingese, etc.
IVDD (cont)

 Clinical signs can be acute or chronic
 Severity of signs depends on the degree of
  spinal cord compression
 Signs progress from ataxia/incoordination &
  loss of conscious proprioception >> paresis
  (muscle weakness) >> paralysis >> loss of deep
  pain sensation
 Animals with acutely compressed cords can
  be very painful while there may be little to
  no pain with chronic compression
IVDD (cont)
IVDD (cont)
Degenerative Myelopathy

 Most common in German Shepherds & Welsh
 A progressive degeneration of the axons &
  myelin of the white matter of the SC
 Dogs are usually > 5 yrs old and develop a
  gradual onset of non painful ataxia &
  weakness in the pelvic limbs
 Poor prognosis; most are euthanized within 1-
  3 yrs
Spinal Neoplasia

 Relatively common in dogs & cats
 Tumors are classified according to their
  relationship with the spinal cord & meninges
   Extradural: outside the dura mater; compress SC;
    most common SC tumor in dogs/cats
   Intradural-extramedullary: in the subarachnoid
    space; compress SC
   Intramedullary: inside the SC itself; least
    common type
SC Neoplasia (cont)

CSF Analysis

 Evaluation is important to patients with
  neurologic disease.
 Helpful in evaluating patients with
  unexplained fever.
Collection Sites

 Atlantooccipital
 Lumbosacral

 Examination of CSF should consist of:
   Physical characteristics-
        Color
        Turbidity
     Total nucleated cell count (TNCC)
     Erythrocyte count
     Protein concentration
     Cytologic examination

 Analysis of CSF should be done as
  quickly as possible.
   The low protein concentration of CSF cause
    the cells to degenerate rapidly.
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Lp 8 neurology 2008

  • 2. The Nervous System  A complex communication and control system.  It monitors the animal’s internal and external environments and directs activities to maintain the well-being of the body.
  • 3. 2 Main Divisions  Central Nervous System-  Composed of the brain and spinal cord.  Peripheral Nervous System-  Consists of cord-like nerves that link the CNS with the rest of the body.
  • 4. Functions  Sensory Functions-  The nervous system senses changes from inside/outside the body and conveys this information to the spinal cord or brain.  Integrating Functions-  In the brain and spinal cord, the sensory information is received, analyzed, stored, and integrated to produce a response.
  • 5. Functions…  Motor Response Functions-  Instructs the body to do something, such as contract a muscle or cause a gland to secrete its product(s).
  • 7. Neuroglia  “Glial cells”, glia- greek for glue!  Structurally and functionally supports and protects neurons.  Outnumbers neurons 10:1.  Not directly involved in the transmission of information or impulses.
  • 8. Neurons  Nerve cells.  The basic functional units of the nervous system.  Has a high requirement for oxygen.
  • 9. Neuron Structure  Central cell body- “stoma”  Dendrites-  Receive stimuli, or impulses, from other neurons and conduct the stimulation to the cell body.  May also be modified into sensory receptors that receive, or sense, stimuli such as heat, cold, touch, pressure…  Short, numerous, multi-branched projections extending from the cell body.
  • 10. Neuron Structure…  Axons-  Conduct nerve impulses away from the cell body toward another neuron or effecter cell.  A cell that does something when stimulated.  A single process can be very long.  Often covered by a fatty substance called myelin (white matter).
  • 11. Neuron Structure…  Myelin sheath-  Actually cell membranes of specialized glial cells called oligodendrocytes in the brain & spinal cord, and Schwann cells in nerves outside of the brain and spinal cord.  These special glial cells are wrapped around the axon.
  • 12. Neuron Structure…  Nodes of Ranvier-  Small gaps in the myelin sheath between adjacent glial cells.  Works with the myelin sheath to enhance the speed of conduction of nerve impulses along the axon.
  • 13. Organization of the Nervous System
  • 14.
  • 15. CNS vs. PNS  CNS- anatomically composed of the brain and spinal cord.  PNS- made up of components of the nervous system that extend away from the CNS, towards the periphery of the body.  Cranial nerves- nerves of the PNS that originate directly from the brain.  Spinal Nerves- nerves of the PNS that originate from the spinal cord.
  • 16. Afferent vs. Efferent  Afferent nerves-  Conduct nerve impulses towards the CNS.  Conducts sensations from the sensory receptors in the skin and other locations in the body to the CNS.  Also called sensory nerves.
  • 17. Afferent vs. Efferent…  Efferent nerves-  Conduct impulses from the CNS out toward muscles and other organs.  They cause skeletal muscle contractions and movement.
  • 19.
  • 20. Resting State  When a neuron is not being stimulated, it is in a resting state.  The cell membranes of neurons are electronically polarized when at rest (like tiny, charged batteries).  Specially charged molecules located in the neuron’s cell membrane pump sodium (Na+) ions from inside the neuron to the outside.  They also pump potassium (K+) ions from the outside to the inside.
  • 21. Resting State…  This specialized molecule is called the sodium-potassium pump.  The action of the sodium-potassium pump causes a higher concentration of Na+ to accumulate outside the cell.  The pump’s actions and the negative charges inside the cell cause a higher concentration of K+ to accumulate inside the cell.
  • 22. Resting State…  This keeps the cellular membrane between Na+ and K+ polarized.  The distribution of positive and negative charges creates a difference in electrical charge across the membrane.  Inside the cell- negative  This electrical difference in charges is called the resting membrane potential.
  • 23. Depolarization  When an impulse from an adjoining neuron stimulates another neuron, a set of specific steps occurs, resulting in the nerve “firing” or depolarizing.  The Na+ channel opens and allows only Na+ ions to pass through it by passive diffusion into the cell.  Depolarization refers to this opening of the Na+ channels and the sudden influx of many Na+ ions.
  • 24. Depolarization…  The inside of the neuron goes from a negative charge to a positive charge.  The significant change in electrical charge is also referred to as the action potential.
  • 25. Repolarization  Within a fraction of a second, the Na+ channels snap shut, halting the influx.  At the same time, potassium channels open and only allow K+ ions to pass through them.  K+ ions passively diffuse out of the cell by a concentration gradient and positive cell charge.
  • 26. Repolarization…  The outflow of K+ ions continues until the channels close a split-second after they have opened.  This causes the charge inside the cell to swing back in the negative direction.  The change of the cell’s charge back to negative is called repolarization.
  • 27.
  • 28. All-or-Nothing Principle  Not every depolarization stimulus results in a complete depolarization- repolarization cycle.  The initial stimulus must be sufficient enough to make the neuron respond.  When the stimulus is strong enough to cause complete depolarization, it is said to have reached the threshold.
  • 29. All-or-Nothing Principle…  Regardless of how strong the initial stimulus was, if it was sufficient enough to achieve threshold, the action potential would be generated and conducted along the entire length of the neuron with a uniform strength.
  • 30. All-or-Nothing Principle…  This phenomenon is called the all-or- nothing principle, because either the neuron completes a depolarization to the maximum strength, or it does not depolarize at all.
  • 31. Refractory Period  If a second threshold stimulus arrives at the dendrites while the Na+ channels are open or while K+ molecules are moving through their open channels, the stimulus is incapable of a second depolarization.
  • 32. The Synapse How Neurons Communicate
  • 33. The Synapse…  Once the action potential has been successfully conducted to the end of the axon, the nerve impulse must be transmitted to the next neuron or to the cells of the target organ or tissue.  Because two neurons do not physically touch, the depolarization wave is unable to continue to the next neuron.  Instead, the neuron must release a chemical that stimulates the next neuron or cell.
  • 34. The Synapse…  This perpetuation is called a synaptic transmission.  The synapse is the junction between two neurons or a neuron and a target cell.  The synapse consists of a physical gap between the two cells called the synaptic cleft.
  • 35. The Synapse…  Presynaptic neuron- the neuron bringing the depolarization wave to the synapse and releasing the chemical to stimulate the next cell.  Neurotransmitter- the chemical released from the presynaptic neuron.  Postsynaptic neuron- the neuron that contains the receptors that receive the neurotransmitter.
  • 36. The Synapse…  On the postsynaptic membrane are specialized proteins called receptors.  The neurotransmitter binds with these receptors and trigger a change in the postsynaptic cell.  The postsynaptic membrane receptors are very specific about which neurotransmitters they will allow to bind.
  • 37. Neurotransmitters  Can be classified into 2 categories-  Excitory- usually causes an influx of Na+ so that the postsynaptic membrane moves toward the threshold.  Inhibitory- moves the charge away from the threshold.
  • 38. Neurotransmitters…  Acetylcholine-  Excitory or inhibitory, depending on its location in the body.  Excitory- at the junction between somatic motor neurons that stimulates muscle fibers to contract.  Inhibitory at the site where nerves synapse with the heart and slows the heart rate.
  • 39. Neurotransmitters…  Catacholamines-  Norepinepherine- associated with the “fight-or- flight” reactions of the sympathetic nervous system.  Epinepherine- released primarily from the adrenal medulla to participate in the “fight-or-flight” response.  Dopamine-  Found in the brain.  Involved in autonomic functions and muscle control.  Low dopamine= Parkinson’s disease.
  • 40. Neurotransmitters…  GABA & Glycine-  GABA- gamma-aminobutyric acid.  GABA is found in the brain, glycine is found in the spinal cord.
  • 41. Neurotransmitters…  One postsynaptic membrane may have multiple types of presynaptic neurons across the synaptic cleft.  By having both, the nervous system can selectively increase or decrease the activity of specific parts of the brain or spinal cord.
  • 42. Stopping & Recycling Neurotransmitters  The body needs a way to stop the neurotransmitter or the excitory or inhibitory effect would continue.  In the case of acetylcholine, it is broken down into the enzyme acetylcholinesterase.  “-ase”- enzyme
  • 43. Stopping Neurotransmitters  If nothing breaks down neurotransmitters, the effect would continue indefinitely.  Ex.- This is what happens with organophosphate toxicity:  The insecticide combines with acetylcholinesterase and inactivates it.  Overstimulation of acetylcholine receptors results in vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty breathing, and constricted pupils.
  • 44. THE BRAIN Cerebrum Cerebellum Diencephalon Brainstem
  • 46. Cerebrum  Made up of gray and white matter fibers.  The largest part of the brain.  Responsible for higher-order behaviors:  Learning  Intelligence
  • 47. Cerebrum…  Receives and interprets sensory information-  Initiates nerve impulses to skeletal muscles.  Integrates neuron activity normally associated with:  Communication  Emotional expression  Memory
  • 48. Cerebrum…  The wrinkled appearance is due to folds called gyri, separated by deep grooves called fissures and more shallow grooves called sulci.  The most prominent groove is the longitudinal fissure which divides the cerebrum into the right and left cerebral hemispheres.  Each hemisphere is divided by sulci into lobes.  Different lobes specialize in certain functions.
  • 49. Cerebellum  Located caudal to the cerebrum.  The second largest component of the brain.  Allows the body to have coordinated movement:  Balance  Posture  Complex reflexes
  • 50. Diencephalon  Serves as a nervous system passageway between the primitive brainstem and the cerebrum.  Pituitary- the endocrine “master gland” that regulates hormone production and release.  Thalamus- acts as a relay station for regulating sensory inputs to the cerebrum.
  • 51. Diencephalon…  Hypothalamus- and interface between the nervous and endocrine systems.  Plays a major role in:  Temperature regulation  Hunger  Thirst
  • 52. Brainstem  The connection between the brain and spinal cord.  The most primitive part of the brain.  Composed of: the medulla oblongata, pons, and midbrain.  Maintains basic body support functions.
  • 53. Brainstem…  Heavily involved in autonomic control functions related to:  The heart  Respiration- including coughing, sneezing, and hiccuping.  Blood vessel diameter  Swallowing  Vomiting
  • 54. Meninges  A set of connective tissue layers that surround the brain and spinal cord.  They contain a rich network of blood vessels that supply oxygen and nutrients to the superficial tissues of the brain and spinal cord.
  • 55. Cerebrospinal Fluid  The brain and spinal cord are bathed and protected from the hard inner surfaces of the skull and spinal column by CSF.  It circulates between layers of meninges and through cavities inside the brain and spinal cord.  The chemical composition may be involved in the regulation of certain autonomic function, such as respiration and vomiting.
  • 56. Blood-Brain Barrier  A functional barrier separating the capillaries in the brain from the nervous tissue itself.  The composition results in a cellular barrier that prevents many drugs, proteins, ions, and other molecules from readily passing from the blood into the brain.  In this way, the BBB protects the brain from many poisons circulating in the bloodstream.  Ex.- Ivermectin  Parasites and insects don’t have a BBB so the drug kills them by allowing it to reach target receptors in the brain.
  • 57. Cranial Nerves  A special set of 12 nerve pairs in the peripheral nervous system that originate directly from the brain.
  • 58. Cranial Nerves Colville p. 155 Nerve Type Function I Olefactory Sensory Smell II Optic Sensory Vision Eye movement, pupil III Occulomotor Motor size, focusing lens IV Trochlear Motor Eye movement S: eye & face V Trigeminal Mixed M: chewing VI Abducens Motor Eye movement
  • 59. Face and scalp movement, VII Facial Mixed salivation, tears, & taste VII Vestibulocochlear Sensory Balance/hearing I S: 1/3 caudal tongue IX Glossopharyngeal Mixed taste M: swallowing & salivation S: GI tract, resp., M: larynx, pharynx, X Vagus Mixed parasympathetic motor to the abdominal viscera & thoracic organs Skeletal muscles of the XI Spinal Accessory Motor neck and shoulder Accessory with vagus Skeletal muscles of the XII Hypoglossal Motor tongue
  • 60. I Olfactory bulb II Optic chiasma Pituitary gland Cranial nerves III Cerebral IV peduncle V VI Pons VII VIII IX X XI Pyramid XII
  • 61. Spinal Cord  The caudal continuation of the brain stem outside the skull.  It conducts sensory information and motor instructions between the brain and the periphery of the body.
  • 63. Autonomic Nervous System  Controls many functions of the body on a subconscious level.  These autonomic functions are performed by two divisions:  Sympathetic nervous system  Parasympathetic nervous system  These two systems generally have opposite effects on eachother.
  • 64. IV. Pathology By: Dr. Tuya Buchanan, DVM
  • 66. Cerebral Trauma/ Hemorrhage  Severe bruising of the brain causes capillary rupture & bleeding of the brain resulting in increased ICP (intracranial pressure)
  • 67. Cerebellar Hypoplasia  The cerebellum does not grow properly  Due to in utero viral infections or injury, or just bad genetics  Panleukopenia in cats  Herpesvirus infections in dogs  Vaccinating pregnant animals w/ MLV  Problems are first noticed when the young animal starts to ambulate
  • 68. Cerebellar Hypoplasia (cont)  Signs include:  Ataxia (incoordination)  Hypermetria (over reaching when walking)  Intention tremors  Broad-based stance
  • 69. Hydrocephalus  Commonly referred to as “water on the brain”  Characterized by a dome-shaped head  Either too much CSF is produced or there is inadequate drainage
  • 70. Cerebral Hypoxia  Lack of oxygen to the brain  Numerous causes- clots (“stroke”), heart disease, renal disease, hyperthyroidism in cats, parasites, etc.
  • 71. Brain Tumors  Can arise from any type of neuro cells  Clinical signs depend on the location, size, and degree of pressure they are putting on the brain  Glial tumors include astrocytomas & oligodendrogliomas  Meningiomas are another type of tumor
  • 72. Brain Tumor in a Boxer
  • 73. Strychnine Poisoning  Strychnine blocks an inhibitory neurotransmitter (glycine) in the medulla & spinal cord  So you end up with excitation of neurons which results in muscle rigidity & seizures  Animals die from lack of oxygen to vital body parts and exhaustion
  • 74. Some Infectious Agents which cause Cerebral Pathology
  • 75. Rabies  Rhabdovirus  Furious Rabies- aggressive, snarling, seizuring, drooling animal  Dumb Rabies- depression, dementia, hind-end weakness, & drooling  Some animals will show obsessive licking/self mutilation of an old wound  No ante-mortem tests- need the brain
  • 77. Rabies (cont) Bad Raccoon! A Negri Body inside a neuron. When seen this viral inclusion body can mean only Rabies!
  • 78. Distemper  Caused by a Paramyxovirus  The virus depletes the immune system so the puppy is very prone to secondary infections  Starts out respiratory, then GI signs, then neurological signs  “hard pads” usually occur end-stage
  • 79. Distemper (cont)  Difficult to diagnose ante-mortem  Serology can be very unrewarding  Can do immunoflourescent assays for the virus in conjunctival scrapings (or wait for necropsy)
  • 80. Equine Encephalitis  Caused by a virus  3 forms: Eastern, Western, & Venezuelan  Horses have a fever, appear sleepy, and may show incoordination of the rear- end; it can progress to full paralysis and death
  • 81. Seizures  A seizure is an episode of abnormal electrical activity in the brain resulting in:  loss or altered consciousness  increased muscle tone  involuntary urination & defecation  Most seizures are grand mal but some may be petit mal where there is not a complete loss of consciousness and may only involve a limb shaking or small body tremors
  • 82. Seizures (cont)  Seizures have either an intracranial or an extracranial cause  Intracranial seizures are caused by primary CNS disease (problem is inside the brain itself)  Extracranial seizures are caused by organ dysfunctions or toxins which have secondary effects on the brain (problem is outside the brain)
  • 83. Intracranial Causes of Seizures  Brain tumors- primary or those that metastasize to the brain  Bacteria (abscesses)  Viruses (distemper)  Protozoa (toxoplasmosis)  Fungal  Hydrocephalus  Idiopathic epilepsy
  • 84. Extracranial Causes of Seizures  Hypoglycemia  Liver disease  Renal disease  Hypocalcemia  Toxins- strychnine, lead, organophosphates
  • 86. Wobbler Syndrome  In horses, known as Cervical Stenotic Myelopathy  In dogs, known as Caudal Cervical Spondylomyelopthy  Either way, it’s a malformation of the cervical spine causing cord compression
  • 87. Wobbler (cont)  Breeds of dogs include Dobermans, Great Danes, & Basset Hounds  Affected dogs are mostly young adults  Signs range from hind-end weakness to tetraplegia, neck pain, & the neck is flexed ventrally
  • 88. Wobbler (cont)  Seen in young, rapidly growing horses, especially Thoroughbreds  Over nutrition is a big contributing factor  Signs consist of limb weakness and incoordination
  • 89. Vertebral Fractures  Usually secondary to trauma (HBC) or bone pathology (osteomyelitis)  Spinous process fractures do not usually cause problems  Problems arise when the spinal cord becomes compressed or is also fractured
  • 91. Spinal Cord Concussion  Usually secondary to trauma, such as HBC  Due to severe bruising of the cord, the motor nerves do not function properly  These dogs can look completely paralyzed but radiographs +/- CT scan will show no abnormalities  With time and steroids, there will be improvement
  • 92. Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD)  Affects dogs, rarely cats  Disease can occur anywhere in the spinal tract but the lumbosacral and cervical regions are most common  Can have partial or complete herniation of the disc up into the spinal cord  Typically a degenerative process  Dachshunds, Beagles, Pekingese, etc.
  • 93. IVDD (cont)  Clinical signs can be acute or chronic  Severity of signs depends on the degree of spinal cord compression  Signs progress from ataxia/incoordination & loss of conscious proprioception >> paresis (muscle weakness) >> paralysis >> loss of deep pain sensation  Animals with acutely compressed cords can be very painful while there may be little to no pain with chronic compression
  • 96. Degenerative Myelopathy  Most common in German Shepherds & Welsh Corgis  A progressive degeneration of the axons & myelin of the white matter of the SC  Dogs are usually > 5 yrs old and develop a gradual onset of non painful ataxia & weakness in the pelvic limbs  Poor prognosis; most are euthanized within 1- 3 yrs
  • 97. Spinal Neoplasia  Relatively common in dogs & cats  Tumors are classified according to their relationship with the spinal cord & meninges  Extradural: outside the dura mater; compress SC; most common SC tumor in dogs/cats  Intradural-extramedullary: in the subarachnoid space; compress SC  Intramedullary: inside the SC itself; least common type
  • 100. Evaluation  Evaluation is important to patients with neurologic disease.  Helpful in evaluating patients with unexplained fever.
  • 102. Analysis  Examination of CSF should consist of:  Physical characteristics-  Color  Turbidity  Total nucleated cell count (TNCC)  Erythrocyte count  Protein concentration  Cytologic examination
  • 103. Analysis…  Analysis of CSF should be done as quickly as possible.  The low protein concentration of CSF cause the cells to degenerate rapidly.
  • 104.
  • 105.

Editor's Notes

  1. Just know that needs sodium and potassium to function and sodium potassium pump used