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Organization of the
Nervous System
• We have only one nervous
system, but because of its
complexity, it is difficult to
consider all its parts at the
same time.
• So, to simplify its study, we
divide it in terms of its
structures (structural
classification) or in terms of its
activities (functional
 Master control and communication system of the
body. Every thought, action, and emotion reflects
its activity.
 It communicates with body cells using electrical
impulses which are rapid and specific and cause
almost immediate responses.
 Does not work alone to regulate and maintain
body homeostasis; the endocrine system is a
second important regulating system.
 Controls with rapid electrical nerve impulses, the
endocrine system produces hormones that are
released into the blood. Thus, the endocrine
system acts in a more leisurely way.
Three overlapping Functions of
the Nervous System
 Sensory input –
 Uses millions of sensory receptors to monitor changes
occurring both inside and outside the body.
 These changes are called stimuli
 Gathered information
 Integration
 Toprocess and interpret sensory input and decide if action
is needed
 Motor output
 It then causes a response, or effect, by activating muscles
or glands (effectors) via the motor output.
Structural Classification of the Nervous System
• Central nervous system (CNS)
 Brain and Spinal cord
 Acts as integrating and command
center – interpret incoming sensory
information and issue instructions
based on past experiences and
current conditions
• Peripheral nervous system (PNS)
 Nerves outside the brain and spinal
 Link all parts of the body by carrying
impulses to the CNS and back
Functional Classification of the
Peripheral Nervous System
Nerve fibers that carry
impulses away from the
central nervous system
Nerve fibers that carry
information to the central
nervous system
Functional Classification of the
Peripheral Nervous System
• Two subdivisions
Somatic nervous system =
voluntary nervous system
• Skeletal muscle reflexes
such as stretch
• reflex are initiated
involuntarily by same
Autonomic nervous system =
involuntary nervous system
• regulates events that are
automatic, or involuntary,
such as the activity of
smooth muscle, cardiac
muscle, and glands
• Sympathetic and
parasympathetic divisions
Nervous Tissue: Structure and
Two Principal Types Of Cells:
 Supporting cells
 Neurons
Support Cells
 “lumped together” as neuroglia,
literally, “nerve glue”
 also called glial cells or glia
 many types of cells that support,
insulate, and protect the delicate
Support Cells (Neuroglia) - glia
• Spider-like phagocytes
• Dispose of debris – dead cells and
Ependymal cells
• Line cavities of the brain and
spinal cord
• Circulate cerebrospinal fluid
with cilia
• Abundant, star-shaped cells
• Brace neurons
• Form barrier between capillaries and
neurons and make exchanges
between the two
• Control the chemical environment of
the brain by capturing ions and
Support Cells (Neuroglia) - glia
 Neuroglia are not able to transmit
nerve impulses but do not lose their
ability to divide, unlike neurons.
• Wrap their flat extensions tightly
around the nerve fibers
• Produce myelin sheath around nerve
fibers in the central nervous system
Satellite cells
• Protect neuron cell bodies
Schwann cells
• Form myelin sheath in the peripheral
nervous system
• Nerve cells
 Cells specialized to transmit messages
 Major regions of neurons
o Cell body – nucleus and metabolic center of the cell
o Processes – fibers that extend from the cell body
Neuron Anatomy
o Cell body
 Nissl substance – specialized rough endoplasmic
 Neurofibrils – intermediate cytoskeleton that
maintains cell shape
 Nucleus
 Large nucleolus
Extensions outside the cell body
• Dendrites – conduct impulses
toward the cell body
• Axons – conduct impulses away
from the cell body
Axons and Nerve Impulses
Axons end in
axonal terminals
Axonal terminals
contain vesicles with
Axonal terminals are separated
from the next neuron by a gap
• Synaptic cleft – gap between
adjacent neurons
• Synapse – junction between
Nerve Fiber Coverings
• Schwann cells – produce myelin sheaths in
• Nodes of Ranvier – gaps in myelin sheath along
the axon
Neuron Cell Body Location
Most are found in the
central nervous system
in clusters called nuclei
Bundles of nerve fibers in
CNS = tracts
• Gray matter – cell bodies
and unmyelinated fibers
• White matter – myelinated
Bundles of nerve fibers in
PNS = nerves
Ganglia – collections of cell bodies outside the
central nervous system
Functional Classification of Neurons • Interneurons (association neurons)
 Found in neural pathways in the
central nervous system
o Cell bodies in the CNS
 Connect sensory and motor neurons
Sensory (afferent) neurons
Cell bodies in a
ganglion outside the CNS
Carry impulses from the
sensory receptors to CNS
• Cutaneous (skin) sense
• Proprioceptors –
detect stretch or
tension in muscles,
tendons, joints
Motor (efferent) neurons
Cell bodies found in the CNS
Carry impulses from the
central nervous system
• Multiple sclerosis (MS)
• Gradually destroys the myelin sheaths around
CNS fibers by converting them to hardened
sheaths called scleroses.
• As this happens, the electrical current is short-
circuited and may “jump” to another
demyelinated neuron. In other words, nerve
signals do not always reach the intended target.
• Affected person may have visual and speech
disturbances, lose the ability to control his or
her muscles, and become increasingly disabled
• Autoimmune disease in which the person’s
own immune system attacks a protein
component of the sheath.
• No cure, but injections of interferon (a
hormonelike substance released by some
immune cells) appear to hold the symptoms at
bay and provide some relief.
• Other drugs aimed at slowing the autoimmune
response are also being used, though further
research is needed to determine their long-term
Classification of
• Multipolar neurons – many extensions from the
cell body
• Bipolar neurons – one axon and one dendrite
• Rare in adults – in eye and ear only
• Unipolar neurons – have a short, single
process leaving the cell body
• Axon conducts nerve impulses both to and
from the cell body
Functional Properties of Neurons
Two Main Functional Properties
 Irritability – ability to respond to
 Conductivity – ability to
transmit an impulse to
other neurons, muscles, or
Electrical Conditions of a Resting
Neuron’s Membrane
The plasma membrane of a resting, or
inactive, neuron is polarized - there are
fewer positive ions sitting on the inner face
of the neuron’s plasma membrane than
there are on its outer face
Major positive ions inside the cell are
potassium (K+), whereas the major positive
ions outside the cell are sodium (Na+).
As long as the inside remains more negative
(fewer positive ions) than the outside, the
neuron will stay inactive
Action Potential Initiation and Generation
• Different types of stimuli excite neurons to become active and
generate an impulse.
 Example:
 light excites the eye receptors
 sound excites some of the ear receptors pressure excites
some cutaneous receptors of the skin.
• Most neurons in the body are excited by neurotransmitter
chemicals released by other neurons
• Regardless of the stimulus, the result is always the same—the
permeability properties of the cell’s plasma membrane change
for a very brief period.
• Normally, sodium ions cannot diffuse through the plasma
membrane to any great extent, but when the neuron is
adequately stimulated, the “gates” of sodium channels in the
membrane open.
• Sodium is in much higher concentration outside the cell, it
then diffuses quickly into the neuron.
Action Potential Initiation and Generation
 Inward rush of sodium ions changes the
polarity of the neuron’s membrane at that site,
an event called depolarization.
 The inside is now more positive, and the
outside is less positive, a local electrical
situation called a graded potential.
 If the stimulus is strong enough and the sodium
influx is great enough, the local depolarization
(graded potential) activates the neuron to
initiate and transmit a long-distance signal
called an action potential, also called a nerve
impulse in neurons.
 The nerve impulse is an all-or-none response,
like starting a car. It is either propagated
(conducted, or sent) over the entire axon
 or it doesn’t happen at all. The nerve impulse
never goes partway along an axon’s length, nor
does it die out with distance, as do graded
 Potassium ions are allowed to diffuse out of
the neuron into the interstitial fluid, and they
do so very rapidly. This outflow of positive
ions from the cell restores the electrical
conditions at the membrane to the
polarized, or resting, state, an event called
 After repolarization of the electrical
conditions, the sodium-potassium pump
restores the initial concentrations of the
sodium and potassium ions inside and
outside the neuron
 This pump uses ATP (cellular energy) to
pump excess sodium ions out of the cell and
to bring potassium ions back into it.
 Until repolarization occurs, a neuron cannot
conduct another impulse.
 Once begun, these sequential events
spread along the entire neuronal
Action Potential Initiation and
 Fibers that have myelin
sheaths conduct impulses
much faster because the
nerve impulse literally jumps,
or leaps, from node to node
along the length of the fiber.
 This occurs because no
electrical current can flow
across the axon membrane
where there is fatty myelin
 This faster type of electrical
impulse propagation is called
saltatory conduction (saltare
= to dance or leap).
Homeostatic Imbalance
 Number of factors can impair the conduction of
 Example
 sedatives
 anesthetics block nerve impulses by altering
membrane permeability to ions, mainly sodium ions.
 No sodium entry = No action potential.
 Cold and continuous pressure hinder impulse
conduction because they interrupt blood circulation
(and hence the delivery of oxygen and nutrients) to the
 Example:
 fingers get numb when you hold an ice cube for
more than a few seconds.
 When you sit on your foot, it “goes to sleep.”
 When you warm your fingers or remove the
pressure from your foot, the impulses begin to be
transmitted again, leading to an unpleasant prickly
Transmission of the Signal at Synapses
 How does the electrical impulse traveling along one neuron get
across the synapse to the next neuron?
- Answer: impulse doesn’t! Instead neurotransmitter chemical
crosses the synapse to transmit the signal from one neuron to
the next, or to the target cell.
 Action potential reaches an axon terminal - the electrical
change opens calcium channels.
 Calcium ions, in turn, cause the tiny vesicles containing
neurotransmitter to fuse with the axonal membrane
 Pore-like openings form, releasing the neurotransmitter into the
synaptic cleft
 The neurotransmitter molecules diffuse across the synaptic
cleft* and bind to receptors on the membrane of the next neuron
 Enough neurotransmitter is released, the whole series of
events described above (sodium entry, , depolarization, etc.)
will occur, generating a graded potential and eventually a nerve
impulse in the receiving neuron beyond the synapse.
 The electrical changes prompted by neurotransmitter binding
are very brief because the neurotransmitter is quickly removed
from the synaptic cleft either by diffusing away, by reuptake
 into the axon terminal, or by enzymatic breakdown.
Transmission of the Signal at Synapses
 This limits the effect of each
nerve impulse to a period
shorter than the blink of an
 Transmission of an impulse is
an electrochemical event.
 Transmission down the length
of the neuron’s membrane is
basically electrical, but the next
neuron is stimulated by a
neurotransmitter, which is a
 Because each neuron both
receives signals from and
sends signals to scores of
other neurons, it carries on
“conversations” with many
different neurons at the same
Physiology: Reflexes
 Reflexes
• rapid, predictable, and involuntary responses to stimuli.
• one-way streets—once a reflex begins, it always goes
in the same direction.
• occur over neural pathways called reflex arcs and
involve both CNS and PNS structures.
• preprogrammed response to a given stimulus
Types of reflexes :
 Somatic - all reflexes that stimulate the skeletal muscles;
these are still involuntary reflexes even though skeletal
muscle normally is under voluntary control.
• When you quickly pull your hand away from a hot
object, a somatic reflex is working.
 Autonomic - regulate the activity of smooth muscles, the
heart, and glands. Secretion of saliva (salivary reflex) and
changes in the size of the eye pupils (pupillary reflex) are
two such reflexes.
• regulate such body functions as digestion,
elimination, blood pressure, and sweating.
Five Basic Elements Of Reflex Arc:
• receptor - reacts to a stimulus
• effector - the muscle or gland eventually stimulated
• sensory neuron
• motor neurons
• synapse or interneurons between the sensory and motor neurons represents the fifth
element—the CNS integration center
• The simple patellar or knee-jerk reflex - an
example of a two-neuron reflex arc, the simplest
type in humans.
o The quadriceps muscle attached to the hit
tendon is stretched (familiar).
o Usually tested during a physical exam to
determine the general health of the motor
portion of our nervous system.
• Flexor or withdrawal reflex - a three-neuron reflex
arc in which the limb is withdrawn from a painful
o A three-neuron reflex arc also consists of five
elements—receptor, sensory neuron,
interneuron, motor neuron, and effector.
o Because there is always a delay at synapses
(it takes time for neurotransmitter to diffuse
through the synaptic cleft), the more synapses
there are in a reflex pathway, the longer the
reflex takes to happen.
• Spinal reflexes involve only spinal cord neurons and occur without brain
involvement. As long as the spinal cord is functional, spinal reflexes, such as
the flexor reflex, will work.
o Some reflexes require that the brain become involved because many
different types of information have to be evaluated to arrive at the “right”
o Response of the pupils of the eyes to light is a reflex of this type.
 Reflex testing is an important tool in evaluating the condition of the nervous
 Reflexes that are exaggerated, distorted, or absent indicate damage or disease
in the nervous system.
 Reflex changes often occur before a pathological condition becomes obvious in
other ways.
Central Nervous System (CNS)
• CNS develops from the embryonic
neural tube – a simple tube
 The neural tube becomes the
brain and spinal cord
 The opening of the neural tube
becomes the ventricles
o Four chambers within the brain
o Filled with cerebrospinal fluid
 Adult brain’s unimpressive appearance
gives few hints of its remarkable
 About two good fistfuls of pinkish gray
tissue, wrinkled like a walnut and with
the texture of cold oatmeal.
 Weighs a little over 3 pounds.
 Largest and most complex mass of
nervous tissue in the body
Cerebral Hemispheres (Cerebrum)
• The surface is made of elevated
ridges (gyri) and shallow grooves
Lobes of the Cerebrum
• Fissures (deep grooves) divide the cerebrum
into lobes
• Surface lobes of the cerebrum – named for
cranial bone over them
1. Frontal lobe 3. Occipital lobe
2. Parietal lobe 4. Temporal lobe
Specialized Areas of the Cerebrum
• Somatic sensory area in parietal lobe –
receives impulses from the body’s
sensory receptors (except special
• Occipital lobe – vision and temporal
lobe – auditory
• Primary motor area – sends impulses to
skeletal muscles – frontal lobe
• Broca’s area – involved in our ability to
speak – base of the precentral gyrus
• Cerebral areas involved in special
 Gustatory area (taste)
 Visual area
 Auditory area
 Olfactory area
• Interpretation areas of the cerebrum
 Speech/language region
 Language comprehension region
 General interpretation area
Sensory and Motor Areas of the Cerebral Cortex
Layers of the Cerebrum
• Gray matter
 Outermost layer
 Composed mostly of neuron cell
 Cerebral cortex
• White matter
 Fiber tracts inside the gray
 Example: corpus callosum
connects hemispheres
• Basal nuclei – internal islands of
gray matter
 Helps regulate voluntary motor
activities by modifying
instructions sent to the skeletal
Regions of the Brain
• Cerebral hemispheres
• Diencephalon
• Brain stem
• Cerebellum
Cerebral Hemispheres (Cerebrum)
• Paired cerebral hemispheres - collectively
called the cerebrum
• Most superior part of the brain and together
are a good deal larger than the other three
brain regions combined
• As the cerebral hemispheres develop and
grow, they enclose and obscure most of the
brain stem, so many brain stem structures
cannot normally be seen unless a sagittal
section is made.
• Picture how a mushroom cap covers the top
of its stalk, and you have an idea of how the
cerebral hemispheres cover the diencephalon
and the superior part of the brain stem
Three Basic Regions Of The Cerebral
1. Cerebral Cortex
2. Cerebral White Matter
3. Basal Nuclei
Cerebral Cortex
• “Executive suite” of the nervous system, where our
conscious mind is found.
• Enables us to be aware of ourselves and our
sensations, to communicate, remember,
understand, and initiate voluntary movements
• Functions: Speech, memory, logical and emotional
responses, consciousness, the interpretation of
sensation, and voluntary movement
• Location of primary somatic sensory area in the
parietal lobe posterior to the central sulcus.
Impulses traveling from the body’s sensory
receptors (except for the special senses) are
localized and interpreted in this area of the brain.
• Primary somatic sensory area allows you to
recognize pain, differences in temperature, or a light
• A spatial map, the sensory homunculus
(“little man”), has been developed to show how
much tissue in the primary somatic sensory
area is devoted to various sensory functions.
 Sensory pathways are crossed pathways—
meaning that the left side of the primary
somatic sensory area receives impulses
from the right side of the body, and vice
• Impulses from the special sense organs are
interpreted in other cortical areas.
• Example:
 visual area is located in the posterior part
of the occipital lobe
 auditory area is in the temporal lobe
bordering the lateral sulcus
 olfactory area is deep inside the temporal
Cerebral Cortex
• The primary motor area - allows us to consciously
move our skeletal muscles, is anterior to the central
sulcus in the frontal lobe.
• Axons of these motor neurons form the major
voluntary motor tract—the pyramidal tract or
corticospinal tract, which descends to the cord.
• Most of the neurons in the primary motor area control
body areas having the finest motor control; that is,
the face, mouth, and hands.
• The body map on the motor cortex, as you might
guess, is called the motor homunculus.
• Broca’s area or motor speech area- specialized
cortical area that is very involved in our ability to
 Found at the base of the precentral gyrus (the
gyrus anterior to the central sulcus).
 Damage to this area, which is located in only one
cerebral hemisphere (usually the left), causes the
inability to say words properly. You know what
you want to say, but you can’t vocalize the words.
• Anterior Association Area - Areas involved in
higher intellectual reasoning and socially
acceptable behavior are believed to be in the
anterior part of the frontal lobes.
 House areas involved with language
 Complex memories appear to be stored in the
temporal and frontal lobes.
• Posterior Association Area - encompasses part
of the posterior cortex.
• Plays a role in recognizing patterns and faces, and
blending several different inputs into an
understanding of the whole situation.
• Within this area is the speech area, located at the
junction of the temporal, parietal, and occipital
 The speech area allows you to sound out
 This area (like Broca’s area) is usually in only
one cerebral hemisphere.
Three Basic Regions Of The Cerebral Hemisphere
1. Cerebral Cortex
2. Cerebral White Matter
3. Basal Nuclei
Cerebral White Matter
• Most of the remaining cerebral hemisphere tissue—
the deeper cerebral white matter
• Composed of fiber tracts carrying impulses to, from,
or within the cortex.
• One very large fiber tract, the corpus callosum
connects the cerebral hemispheres.
 Such fiber tracts are called commissures.
 The corpus callosum arches above the
structures of the brain stem and allows the
cerebral hemispheres to communicate with one
another. This is important because, as already
noted, some of the cortical functional areas are
in only one hemisphere.
• Association fiber tracts connect areas within a
hemisphere, and projection fiber tracts connect the
cerebrum with lower CNS centers, such as the brain
Basal Nuclei
• Although most of the gray matter is in
the cerebral cortex, there are several
“islands” of gray matter, called the
basal nuclei, buried deep within the
white matter of the cerebral
 Help regulate voluntary motor
activities by modifying instructions
(particularly in relation to starting or
stopping movement) sent to the
skeletal muscles by the primary
motor cortex.
• A tight band of projection fibers, called
the internal capsule, passes between
the thalamus and the basal nuclei.
Homeostatic Imbalance
• Individuals who have problems with their basal nuclei are often unable to walk normally or carry
out other voluntary movements in a normal way.
• Huntington’s disease
 genetic disease that strikes during middle age and leads to massive degeneration of the
basal nuclei and later of the cerebral cortex.
 Initial symptoms in many patients are wild, jerky, and almost continuous flapping movements
called chorea (Greek for
 “dance”).
• Parkinson’s disease
 A degeneration of specific neurons in the substantia nigra of the midbrain, which normally
supply dopamine to the basal nuclei.
 The dopamine-deprived basal nuclei, which help regulate voluntary motor activity, become
overactive, causing symptoms of the disease.
 Afflicted individuals have a persistent tremor at rest (exhibited by head nodding and a “pill-
rolling” movement of the fingers), a forward-bent walking posture and shuffling gait, and a
stiff facial expression.
 In addition, they have trouble initiating movement or getting their muscles going
Regions of the Brain
• Cerebral hemispheres
• Diencephalon
• Brain stem
• Cerebellum
Diencephalon - interbrain
• Sits on top of the brain stem
• Enclosed by the cerebral hemispheres
Made Of Three Parts:
 Thalamus
 Hypothalamus
 Epithalamus
 Thalamus
• Surrounds the third ventricle of the brain
• The relay station for sensory impulses
passing upward to the sensory cortex
• Transfers impulses to the correct part of
the cortex for localization and
 Hypothalamus
• Under the thalamus
• Important autonomic nervous system
• Helps regulate body temperature
• Controls water balance
• Regulates metabolism
• An important part of the limbic system
(emotions) – emotional-visceral brain
• The pituitary gland is attached to and
regulated by the hypothalamus
 Epithalamus
• Forms the roof of the third ventricle
• Houses the pineal body (an endocrine
• Includes the choroid plexus – forms
cerebrospinal fluid
Brain Stem
• Attaches to the spinal cord
• Parts of the brain stem
 Midbrain
 Pons
 Medulla oblongata
 Midbrain
• Mostly composed of tracts of nerve fibers
• The cerebral aqueduct – canal that
connects the 3rd ventricle of the
diencephalon to the 4th ventricle
• Has two bulging fiber tracts – cerebral
peduncles – convey ascending and
descending impulses
• Has four rounded protrusions – corpora
quadrigemina – Reflex centers for vision
and hearing
 Pons
• The bulging center part of the brain stem
• Mostly composed of fiber tracts
• Includes nuclei involved in the control of
 Medulla Oblongata
• The lowest part of the brain stem
• Merges into the spinal cord
• Includes important fiber tracts
• Contains important control centers
 Heart rate control
 Blood pressure regulation
 Breathing
 Swallowing
 Vomiting
Reticular Formation
• Diffuse mass of gray matter along the
brain stem
• Involved in motor control of visceral
• Reticular Activating System (RAS)
plays a role in awake/sleep cycles
and consciousness
• Damage here results in a permanent
• Two hemispheres with convoluted surfaces
• Provides involuntary coordination of body
movements – of skeletal muscles, balance and
• Automatic pilot – continually comparing brain’s
intentions with actual body performance
Homeostatic Imbalance
If the cerebellum is damaged (for
example, by a blow to the head, a
tumor, or a stroke), movements
become clumsy and disorganized —
Victims cannot keep their balance and
may appear drunk because of the loss of
muscle coordination.
No longer able to touch their finger to
their nose with eyes closed—a feat that
healthy individuals accomplish easily
Protection of the Central
Nervous System
• Dura mater
 Double-layered external covering the brain
o Periosteum – attached to surface of the
o Meningeal layer – outer covering of the
brain and continues as the dura matter
of the spinal cord
 Folds inward in several areas that attaches
the brain to cranial cavity
• Arachnoid layer
 Middle layer that is web-like
• Pia mater
 Internal layer that clings to the surface of
the brain following every fold
• Subarachnoid space filled with cerebrospinal
 Arachnoid villi – projections of arachnoid
membrane protruding through the dura
Homeostatic Imbalance
 Meningitis - inflammation of the meninges, is
a serious threat to the brain because bacterial
or viral meningitis may spread into the nervous
tissue of the CNS.
 This condition of brain inflammation is -
 Diagnosed by taking a sample of cerebrospinal
fluid from the subarachnoid space surrounding
the spinal cord
Cerebrospinal Fluid
• watery “broth” with components similar to
blood plasma composition
• Less protein, more vitamin C, different ions
• Formed by the choroid plexus
• Forms a watery cushion to protect the brain
• Circulated in arachnoid space, ventricles, and
central canal of the spinal cord
Ventricles and Location of the Cerebrospinal Fluid
Ventricles and Location of the Cerebrospinal Fluid
Homeostatic Imbalance
• If something obstructs its drainage (for
example, a tumor), CSF begins to accumulate
and exert pressure on the brain. This condition
is hydrocephalus - “water on the brain.”
• Hydrocephalus in a newborn baby causes
the head to enlarge as the brain increases
in size. This is possible in an infant because
the skull bones have not yet fused.
• In an adult this condition is likely to result in
brain damage because the skull is hard,
and the accumulating fluid creates pressure
that crushes soft nervous tissue and could
restrict blood flow into the brain.
• Today hydrocephalus is treated surgically
by inserting a shunt (a plastic tube) to drain
the excess fluid into a vein in the neck or
Blood Brain Barrier Homeostatic Imbalance
Traumatic Brain Injuries
• Concussion
 Slight brain injury – dizzy or lose
consciousness briefly
 No permanent brain damage
• Contusion
 Nervous tissue destruction occurs -
does not regenerate
 If cortex is damaged, coma for hours or
• Cerebral edema
 Swelling from the inflammatory response
 May compress and kill brain tissue
• Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA)
 Commonly called a stroke
 The result of a clot or a ruptured blood
vessel supplying a region of the brain
 Brain tissue supplied with oxygen from
that blood source dies
 Loss of some functions or death may
Homeostatic Imbalance
Traumatic Brain Injuries
• Alzheimer’s Disease
 Progressive degenerative brain disease
 Mostly seen in the elderly, but may begin in middle
 Structural changes in the brain include abnormal
protein deposits and twisted fibers within neurons
 Victims experience memory loss, irritability, confusion
Useless against some substances
Fats and fat
gases Alcohol Nicotine Anesthesia
Excludes many potentially harmful substances
Includes the least permeable capillaries of the body – only H2O,
glucose, and essential amino acids get through
Spinal Cord
• Extends from the medulla oblongata to
the region of T12
• Below T12 is the cauda equina (a collection
of spinal nerves)
• Enlargements occur in the cervical and
lumbar regions
• Internal gray matter - mostly cell bodies that
surround the central canal of the cord
• Dorsal (posterior) horns
• Anterior (ventral) horns
 Contains motor neurons of the somatic
nervous system, which send their axons
out the ventral root
• Together they fuse to form the spinal nerves
• Nerves leave at the level of each vertebrae
Spinal Cord Anatomy
Spinal Cord Anatomy
Homeostatic Imbalance
 Spastic Paralysis results If the spinal cord is
transected (cut crosswise) or crushed
 affected muscles stay healthy because they
are still stimulated by spinal reflex arcs, and
movement of those muscles does occur.
 Movements are involuntary and not
 Spinal cord carries both sensory and motor
impulses, a loss of feeling or sensory input
occurs in the body areas below the point of
cord destruction.
 Quadriplegic – If the spinal cord injury occurs
high in the cord, so that all four limbs are
 Paraplegic - If only the legs are paralyzed
Cell bodies of
sensory neurons,
whose fibers enter
the cord by the
dorsal root, are
found in an
enlarged area
called the dorsal
root ganglion
Damage to this
area causes
sensation from
the body area
served to be lost
Exterior white
mater –
Posterior, lateral,
and anterior
Each contains a number
of fiber tracts make up of
axons with the same
destination and function
Central canal
filled with
Peripheral Nervous System
• Consists of nerves and ganglia (groups of
neuronal cell bodies found outside the
• Nerve = bundle of neuron fibers found
outside the CNS
• Neuron fibers or processes are wrapped
in protective connective tissue coverings
Structure of a Nerve
• Endoneurium surrounds each fiber
• Groups of fibers are bound into fascicles
by perineurium
• Fascicles are bound together by
Classification of Nerves
Cranial Nerves
• 12 pairs of nerves that mostly serve the
head and neck
• Numbered in order, front to back – names
reveal structures they control
• Most are mixed nerves, but three are sensory
 Optic, olfactory, and vestibulocochlear
Classified according to the direction in which they
transmit impulses
Mixed nerves – carry both sensory and motor fibers –
spinal nerves
Afferent (sensory) nerves – carry impulses toward the
Efferent (motor) nerves – carry impulses away from
the CNS
Schematic of ascending (sensory) and descending (motor)
pathways between the brain and the spinal cord.
Distribution of Cranial Nerves
Pnemonic : “Oh, Oh, Oh, To Touch
And Feel Very Good Velvet At Home.”
Cranial Nerves
I. Olfactory nerve – sensory for smell
II. Optic nerve – sensory for vision
III.Oculomotor nerve – motor fibers to eye muscles
IV.Trochlear – motor fiber to eye muscles
V. Trigeminal nerve – sensory for the face; motor fibers to
chewing muscles
VI.Abducens nerve – motor fibers to eye
VII.Facial nerve – sensory for taste; motor fibers to the
VIII.Vestibulocochlear nerve – sensory for balance
and hearing
IX.Glossopharyngeal nerve – sensory for taste;
motor fibers to the pharynx
X. Vagus nerves – sensory and motor fibers for
pharynx, larynx, and viscera
XI.Accessory nerve – motor fibers to neck and
upper back
XII.Hypoglossal nerve – motor fibers to tongue
Spinal Nerves
• There is a pair of spinal nerves at the level of
each vertebrae for a total of 31 pairs
• Spinal nerves are formed by the
combination of the ventral and dorsal roots
of the spinal cord
• Spinal nerves are named for the region from
which they arise
Anatomy of Spinal Nerves
• Spinal nerves divide soon after
leaving the spinal cord
 Dorsal rami – serve the skin and
muscles of the posterior trunk
 Ventral rami – forms a complex of
networks (plexus) for the anterior,
which serve the motor and
sensory needs of the limbs
Nerve Distribution
Autonomic Nervous System
• The involuntary branch of the nervous
• Consists of only motor nerves
• Divided into two divisions
 Sympathetic division – mobilizes
the body
 Parasympathetic division – allows
body to unwind
Differences Between Somatic
and Autonomic Nervous
Somatic – one motor
neuron – axons extend all
the way to the skeletal
muscle they serve
postganglionic nerves
Effector organs
Somatic – skeletal
Autonomic – smooth
muscle, cardiac muscle,
and glands
Somatic – always
use acetylcholine
Autonomic – use
epinephrine, or
Comparison of Somatic and Autonomic Nervous Systems
Anatomy of the Parasympathetic Division
• Originates from the brain stem and S2 – S4
• Neurons in the cranial region send axons out in
cranial nerves to the head and neck organs
• They synapse with the second motor neuron in a
terminal ganglion
• Terminal ganglia are at the effector organs
• Always uses acetylcholine as a neurotransmitter
Anatomy of the Sympathetic Division –
thoracolumbar division
Originates from T1
through L2
Preganglionic axons leave the cord in
the ventral root, enter the spinal
nerve, then pass through a ramus
communications, to enter a
sympathetic chain ganglion at the
sympathetic chain (trunk) (near the
spinal cord)
Short pre-ganglionic
neuron and long
postganglionic neuron
transmit impulse from
CNS to the effector
Norepinephrine and
epinephrine are
neurotransmitters to
the effector organs
Anatomy of the Autonomic Nervous System Autonomic Functioning
Sympathetic – “fight-or-
Response to unusual
Takes over to increase
Remember as the “E”
division = exercise,
excitement, emergency,
and embarrassment
Parasympathetic –
housekeeping activites
Conserves energy
Maintains daily necessary
body functions
Remember as the “D”
division - digestion,
defecation, and diuresis
 Some illnesses or diseases are at least
aggravated, if not caused, by excessive
sympathetic nervous system stimulation.
 Type A people always work at breakneck
speed and push themselves continually.
 They likely to have heart disease, high
blood pressure, and ulcers, all of which
may be worsened by prolonged
sympathetic nervous system activity or
the rebound from it
Development Aspects of the Nervous System
• The nervous system is formed during the first
month of embryonic development
• Any maternal infection can have extremely
• No more neurons are formed after birth, but growth
and maturation continues for several years largely
due to myelination
• One of the last areas of the CNS to mature is the
hypothalamus, which contains centers for regulating
body temperature. For this reason, premature babies
usually have problems controlling their loss of body
heat and must be carefully monitored.
• Neuromuscular coordination progresses in a superior
to inferior direction and in a proximal to distal
direction, and myelination occurs in the same
• The brain reaches maximum weight as a young
• As we grow older, the sympathetic nervous system
gradually becomes less and less efficient, particularly
in its ability to constrict blood vessels.
• Half of its victims have seizures, are intellectually
disabled, and/or have impaired hearing or
Cerebral palsy is a
neuromuscular disability
in which the voluntary
muscles are poorly
controlled and spastic
because of brain damage.
• Children with anencephaly cannot see, hear, or
process sensory information; these babies
typically die soon after birth.
Anencephaly is a birth
defect in which the
cerebrum fails to develop.
• Several varieties of spina bifida. In the least serious, a dimple,
and perhaps a tuft of hair, appears over the site of
malformation, but no neurological problems occur.
• Most serious, meninges, nerve roots, and even parts of the
spinal cord protrude from the spine, rendering the lower part
of the spinal cord functionless.
• Child is unable to control the bowels or bladder, and the
lower limbs are paralyzed.
Spina bifida ( “forked
spine”) results when the
vertebrae form
incompletely (typically in
the lumbosacral region).
 Orthostatic hypotension - When older people stand up
quickly, they often become lightheaded or faint. The reason
is that the sympathetic nervous system is not able to react
quickly enough to counteract the pull of gravity by
activating the vasoconstrictor fibers, and blood pools in the
 A gradual decline of oxygen due to the aging process can
lead to senility, characterized by forgetfulness, irritability,
difficulty in concentrating and thinking clearly, and
 Eventual shrinking of the brain is normal, some individuals
(professional boxers and chronic alcoholics, for example)
hasten the process. The likelihood of brain damage and
atrophy increases with every blow.
 The expression “punch drunk” reflects the symptoms of
slurred speech, tremors, abnormal gait, and dementia
(mental illness) seen in many retired boxers.
 Everyone recognizes that alcohol has a proound effect on
the mind as well as the body. CT scans of chronic
alcoholics reveal reduced brain size at a fairly early age.
Like boxers, chronic alcoholics tend to exhibit signs of
mental deterioration unrelated to the aging process.
Homeostatic Imbalance

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  • 2. Organization of the Nervous System • We have only one nervous system, but because of its complexity, it is difficult to consider all its parts at the same time. • So, to simplify its study, we divide it in terms of its structures (structural classification) or in terms of its activities (functional classification).
  • 3. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM  Master control and communication system of the body. Every thought, action, and emotion reflects its activity.  It communicates with body cells using electrical impulses which are rapid and specific and cause almost immediate responses.  Does not work alone to regulate and maintain body homeostasis; the endocrine system is a second important regulating system.  Controls with rapid electrical nerve impulses, the endocrine system produces hormones that are released into the blood. Thus, the endocrine system acts in a more leisurely way.
  • 4. Three overlapping Functions of the Nervous System  Sensory input –  Uses millions of sensory receptors to monitor changes occurring both inside and outside the body.  These changes are called stimuli  Gathered information  Integration  Toprocess and interpret sensory input and decide if action is needed  Motor output  It then causes a response, or effect, by activating muscles or glands (effectors) via the motor output.
  • 5. Structural Classification of the Nervous System • Central nervous system (CNS)  Brain and Spinal cord  Acts as integrating and command center – interpret incoming sensory information and issue instructions based on past experiences and current conditions • Peripheral nervous system (PNS)  Nerves outside the brain and spinal cord  Link all parts of the body by carrying impulses to the CNS and back
  • 6. Functional Classification of the Peripheral Nervous System Motor (efferent) division Nerve fibers that carry impulses away from the central nervous system Sensory (afferent) division Nerve fibers that carry information to the central nervous system
  • 7. Functional Classification of the Peripheral Nervous System Motor (efferent) division • Two subdivisions Somatic nervous system = voluntary nervous system • Skeletal muscle reflexes such as stretch • reflex are initiated involuntarily by same fibers Autonomic nervous system = involuntary nervous system • regulates events that are automatic, or involuntary, such as the activity of smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands • Sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions Nervous Tissue: Structure and Function Two Principal Types Of Cells:  Supporting cells  Neurons Support Cells  “lumped together” as neuroglia, literally, “nerve glue”  also called glial cells or glia  many types of cells that support, insulate, and protect the delicate neurons
  • 8. Support Cells (Neuroglia) - glia Microglia • Spider-like phagocytes • Dispose of debris – dead cells and bacteria Ependymal cells • Line cavities of the brain and spinal cord • Circulate cerebrospinal fluid with cilia Astrocytes • Abundant, star-shaped cells • Brace neurons • Form barrier between capillaries and neurons and make exchanges between the two • Control the chemical environment of the brain by capturing ions and neurotransmitters
  • 9. Support Cells (Neuroglia) - glia  Neuroglia are not able to transmit nerve impulses but do not lose their ability to divide, unlike neurons. Oligodendrocytes • Wrap their flat extensions tightly around the nerve fibers • Produce myelin sheath around nerve fibers in the central nervous system Satellite cells • Protect neuron cell bodies Schwann cells • Form myelin sheath in the peripheral nervous system
  • 10. Neurons • Nerve cells  Cells specialized to transmit messages  Major regions of neurons o Cell body – nucleus and metabolic center of the cell o Processes – fibers that extend from the cell body Neuron Anatomy o Cell body  Nissl substance – specialized rough endoplasmic reticulum  Neurofibrils – intermediate cytoskeleton that maintains cell shape  Nucleus  Large nucleolus
  • 11. Extensions outside the cell body • Dendrites – conduct impulses toward the cell body • Axons – conduct impulses away from the cell body Axons and Nerve Impulses Axons end in axonal terminals Axonal terminals contain vesicles with neurotransmitters Axonal terminals are separated from the next neuron by a gap • Synaptic cleft – gap between adjacent neurons • Synapse – junction between nerves
  • 12. Nerve Fiber Coverings • Schwann cells – produce myelin sheaths in jelly-roll • Nodes of Ranvier – gaps in myelin sheath along the axon Neuron Cell Body Location Most are found in the central nervous system in clusters called nuclei Bundles of nerve fibers in CNS = tracts • Gray matter – cell bodies and unmyelinated fibers • White matter – myelinated fibers Bundles of nerve fibers in PNS = nerves Ganglia – collections of cell bodies outside the central nervous system
  • 13. Functional Classification of Neurons • Interneurons (association neurons)  Found in neural pathways in the central nervous system o Cell bodies in the CNS  Connect sensory and motor neurons Sensory (afferent) neurons Cell bodies in a ganglion outside the CNS Carry impulses from the sensory receptors to CNS • Cutaneous (skin) sense organs • Proprioceptors – detect stretch or tension in muscles, tendons, joints Motor (efferent) neurons Cell bodies found in the CNS Carry impulses from the central nervous system
  • 14. Homeostatic Imbalance • Multiple sclerosis (MS) • Gradually destroys the myelin sheaths around CNS fibers by converting them to hardened sheaths called scleroses. • As this happens, the electrical current is short- circuited and may “jump” to another demyelinated neuron. In other words, nerve signals do not always reach the intended target. • Affected person may have visual and speech disturbances, lose the ability to control his or her muscles, and become increasingly disabled • Autoimmune disease in which the person’s own immune system attacks a protein component of the sheath. • No cure, but injections of interferon (a hormonelike substance released by some immune cells) appear to hold the symptoms at bay and provide some relief. • Other drugs aimed at slowing the autoimmune response are also being used, though further research is needed to determine their long-term effects.
  • 15. Structural Classification of Neurons • Multipolar neurons – many extensions from the cell body • Bipolar neurons – one axon and one dendrite • Rare in adults – in eye and ear only • Unipolar neurons – have a short, single process leaving the cell body • Axon conducts nerve impulses both to and from the cell body
  • 16. Functional Properties of Neurons Two Main Functional Properties  Irritability – ability to respond to stimuli  Conductivity – ability to transmit an impulse to other neurons, muscles, or glands. Electrical Conditions of a Resting Neuron’s Membrane 1 The plasma membrane of a resting, or inactive, neuron is polarized - there are fewer positive ions sitting on the inner face of the neuron’s plasma membrane than there are on its outer face Major positive ions inside the cell are potassium (K+), whereas the major positive ions outside the cell are sodium (Na+). As long as the inside remains more negative (fewer positive ions) than the outside, the neuron will stay inactive
  • 17. Action Potential Initiation and Generation • Different types of stimuli excite neurons to become active and generate an impulse.  Example:  light excites the eye receptors  sound excites some of the ear receptors pressure excites some cutaneous receptors of the skin. • Most neurons in the body are excited by neurotransmitter chemicals released by other neurons • Regardless of the stimulus, the result is always the same—the permeability properties of the cell’s plasma membrane change for a very brief period. • Normally, sodium ions cannot diffuse through the plasma membrane to any great extent, but when the neuron is adequately stimulated, the “gates” of sodium channels in the membrane open. • Sodium is in much higher concentration outside the cell, it then diffuses quickly into the neuron.
  • 18. Action Potential Initiation and Generation  Inward rush of sodium ions changes the polarity of the neuron’s membrane at that site, an event called depolarization.  The inside is now more positive, and the outside is less positive, a local electrical situation called a graded potential.  If the stimulus is strong enough and the sodium influx is great enough, the local depolarization (graded potential) activates the neuron to initiate and transmit a long-distance signal called an action potential, also called a nerve impulse in neurons.  The nerve impulse is an all-or-none response, like starting a car. It is either propagated (conducted, or sent) over the entire axon  or it doesn’t happen at all. The nerve impulse never goes partway along an axon’s length, nor does it die out with distance, as do graded potentials. 2 3 4  Potassium ions are allowed to diffuse out of the neuron into the interstitial fluid, and they do so very rapidly. This outflow of positive ions from the cell restores the electrical conditions at the membrane to the polarized, or resting, state, an event called repolarization.  After repolarization of the electrical conditions, the sodium-potassium pump restores the initial concentrations of the sodium and potassium ions inside and outside the neuron  This pump uses ATP (cellular energy) to pump excess sodium ions out of the cell and to bring potassium ions back into it.  Until repolarization occurs, a neuron cannot conduct another impulse.  Once begun, these sequential events spread along the entire neuronal membrane. 5 6
  • 19. Action Potential Initiation and Generation  Fibers that have myelin sheaths conduct impulses much faster because the nerve impulse literally jumps, or leaps, from node to node along the length of the fiber.  This occurs because no electrical current can flow across the axon membrane where there is fatty myelin insulation.  This faster type of electrical impulse propagation is called saltatory conduction (saltare = to dance or leap). Homeostatic Imbalance  Number of factors can impair the conduction of impulses.  Example  sedatives  anesthetics block nerve impulses by altering membrane permeability to ions, mainly sodium ions.  No sodium entry = No action potential.  Cold and continuous pressure hinder impulse conduction because they interrupt blood circulation (and hence the delivery of oxygen and nutrients) to the neurons  Example:  fingers get numb when you hold an ice cube for more than a few seconds.  When you sit on your foot, it “goes to sleep.”  When you warm your fingers or remove the pressure from your foot, the impulses begin to be transmitted again, leading to an unpleasant prickly feeling.
  • 20. Transmission of the Signal at Synapses  How does the electrical impulse traveling along one neuron get across the synapse to the next neuron? - Answer: impulse doesn’t! Instead neurotransmitter chemical crosses the synapse to transmit the signal from one neuron to the next, or to the target cell.  Action potential reaches an axon terminal - the electrical change opens calcium channels.  Calcium ions, in turn, cause the tiny vesicles containing neurotransmitter to fuse with the axonal membrane  Pore-like openings form, releasing the neurotransmitter into the synaptic cleft  The neurotransmitter molecules diffuse across the synaptic cleft* and bind to receptors on the membrane of the next neuron  Enough neurotransmitter is released, the whole series of events described above (sodium entry, , depolarization, etc.) will occur, generating a graded potential and eventually a nerve impulse in the receiving neuron beyond the synapse.  The electrical changes prompted by neurotransmitter binding are very brief because the neurotransmitter is quickly removed from the synaptic cleft either by diffusing away, by reuptake  into the axon terminal, or by enzymatic breakdown. 4 1 2 3 5 6
  • 21. Transmission of the Signal at Synapses  This limits the effect of each nerve impulse to a period shorter than the blink of an eye.  Transmission of an impulse is an electrochemical event.  Transmission down the length of the neuron’s membrane is basically electrical, but the next neuron is stimulated by a neurotransmitter, which is a chemical.  Because each neuron both receives signals from and sends signals to scores of other neurons, it carries on “conversations” with many different neurons at the same time. Physiology: Reflexes  Reflexes • rapid, predictable, and involuntary responses to stimuli. • one-way streets—once a reflex begins, it always goes in the same direction. • occur over neural pathways called reflex arcs and involve both CNS and PNS structures. • preprogrammed response to a given stimulus Types of reflexes :  Somatic - all reflexes that stimulate the skeletal muscles; these are still involuntary reflexes even though skeletal muscle normally is under voluntary control. • When you quickly pull your hand away from a hot object, a somatic reflex is working.  Autonomic - regulate the activity of smooth muscles, the heart, and glands. Secretion of saliva (salivary reflex) and changes in the size of the eye pupils (pupillary reflex) are two such reflexes. • regulate such body functions as digestion, elimination, blood pressure, and sweating.
  • 22. Five Basic Elements Of Reflex Arc: • receptor - reacts to a stimulus • effector - the muscle or gland eventually stimulated • sensory neuron • motor neurons • synapse or interneurons between the sensory and motor neurons represents the fifth element—the CNS integration center
  • 23. Reflexes • The simple patellar or knee-jerk reflex - an example of a two-neuron reflex arc, the simplest type in humans. o The quadriceps muscle attached to the hit tendon is stretched (familiar). o Usually tested during a physical exam to determine the general health of the motor portion of our nervous system. • Flexor or withdrawal reflex - a three-neuron reflex arc in which the limb is withdrawn from a painful stimulus o A three-neuron reflex arc also consists of five elements—receptor, sensory neuron, interneuron, motor neuron, and effector. o Because there is always a delay at synapses (it takes time for neurotransmitter to diffuse through the synaptic cleft), the more synapses there are in a reflex pathway, the longer the reflex takes to happen.
  • 24. Reflexes • Spinal reflexes involve only spinal cord neurons and occur without brain involvement. As long as the spinal cord is functional, spinal reflexes, such as the flexor reflex, will work. o Some reflexes require that the brain become involved because many different types of information have to be evaluated to arrive at the “right” response. o Response of the pupils of the eyes to light is a reflex of this type.  Reflex testing is an important tool in evaluating the condition of the nervous system.  Reflexes that are exaggerated, distorted, or absent indicate damage or disease in the nervous system.  Reflex changes often occur before a pathological condition becomes obvious in other ways.
  • 25. Central Nervous System (CNS) • CNS develops from the embryonic neural tube – a simple tube  The neural tube becomes the brain and spinal cord  The opening of the neural tube becomes the ventricles o Four chambers within the brain o Filled with cerebrospinal fluid  Adult brain’s unimpressive appearance gives few hints of its remarkable abilities.  About two good fistfuls of pinkish gray tissue, wrinkled like a walnut and with the texture of cold oatmeal.  Weighs a little over 3 pounds.  Largest and most complex mass of nervous tissue in the body
  • 26. Cerebral Hemispheres (Cerebrum) • The surface is made of elevated ridges (gyri) and shallow grooves (sulci) Lobes of the Cerebrum • Fissures (deep grooves) divide the cerebrum into lobes • Surface lobes of the cerebrum – named for cranial bone over them 1. Frontal lobe 3. Occipital lobe 2. Parietal lobe 4. Temporal lobe
  • 27. Specialized Areas of the Cerebrum • Somatic sensory area in parietal lobe – receives impulses from the body’s sensory receptors (except special senses) • Occipital lobe – vision and temporal lobe – auditory • Primary motor area – sends impulses to skeletal muscles – frontal lobe • Broca’s area – involved in our ability to speak – base of the precentral gyrus • Cerebral areas involved in special senses  Gustatory area (taste)  Visual area  Auditory area  Olfactory area • Interpretation areas of the cerebrum  Speech/language region  Language comprehension region  General interpretation area
  • 28. Sensory and Motor Areas of the Cerebral Cortex
  • 29. Layers of the Cerebrum • Gray matter  Outermost layer  Composed mostly of neuron cell bodies  Cerebral cortex • White matter  Fiber tracts inside the gray matter  Example: corpus callosum connects hemispheres • Basal nuclei – internal islands of gray matter  Helps regulate voluntary motor activities by modifying instructions sent to the skeletal muscle
  • 30. Regions of the Brain • Cerebral hemispheres • Diencephalon • Brain stem • Cerebellum Cerebral Hemispheres (Cerebrum) • Paired cerebral hemispheres - collectively called the cerebrum • Most superior part of the brain and together are a good deal larger than the other three brain regions combined • As the cerebral hemispheres develop and grow, they enclose and obscure most of the brain stem, so many brain stem structures cannot normally be seen unless a sagittal section is made. • Picture how a mushroom cap covers the top of its stalk, and you have an idea of how the cerebral hemispheres cover the diencephalon and the superior part of the brain stem
  • 31. Three Basic Regions Of The Cerebral Hemisphere 1. Cerebral Cortex 2. Cerebral White Matter 3. Basal Nuclei Cerebral Cortex • “Executive suite” of the nervous system, where our conscious mind is found. • Enables us to be aware of ourselves and our sensations, to communicate, remember, understand, and initiate voluntary movements • Functions: Speech, memory, logical and emotional responses, consciousness, the interpretation of sensation, and voluntary movement • Location of primary somatic sensory area in the parietal lobe posterior to the central sulcus. Impulses traveling from the body’s sensory receptors (except for the special senses) are localized and interpreted in this area of the brain. • Primary somatic sensory area allows you to recognize pain, differences in temperature, or a light • A spatial map, the sensory homunculus (“little man”), has been developed to show how much tissue in the primary somatic sensory area is devoted to various sensory functions.  Sensory pathways are crossed pathways— meaning that the left side of the primary somatic sensory area receives impulses from the right side of the body, and vice versa. • Impulses from the special sense organs are interpreted in other cortical areas. • Example:  visual area is located in the posterior part of the occipital lobe  auditory area is in the temporal lobe bordering the lateral sulcus  olfactory area is deep inside the temporal lobe. Cerebral Cortex
  • 32. • The primary motor area - allows us to consciously move our skeletal muscles, is anterior to the central sulcus in the frontal lobe. • Axons of these motor neurons form the major voluntary motor tract—the pyramidal tract or corticospinal tract, which descends to the cord. • Most of the neurons in the primary motor area control body areas having the finest motor control; that is, the face, mouth, and hands. • The body map on the motor cortex, as you might guess, is called the motor homunculus. • Broca’s area or motor speech area- specialized cortical area that is very involved in our ability to speak  Found at the base of the precentral gyrus (the gyrus anterior to the central sulcus).  Damage to this area, which is located in only one cerebral hemisphere (usually the left), causes the inability to say words properly. You know what you want to say, but you can’t vocalize the words.
  • 33. • Anterior Association Area - Areas involved in higher intellectual reasoning and socially acceptable behavior are believed to be in the anterior part of the frontal lobes.  House areas involved with language comprehension.  Complex memories appear to be stored in the temporal and frontal lobes. • Posterior Association Area - encompasses part of the posterior cortex. • Plays a role in recognizing patterns and faces, and blending several different inputs into an understanding of the whole situation. • Within this area is the speech area, located at the junction of the temporal, parietal, and occipital lobes.  The speech area allows you to sound out words.  This area (like Broca’s area) is usually in only one cerebral hemisphere.
  • 34. Three Basic Regions Of The Cerebral Hemisphere 1. Cerebral Cortex 2. Cerebral White Matter 3. Basal Nuclei Cerebral White Matter • Most of the remaining cerebral hemisphere tissue— the deeper cerebral white matter • Composed of fiber tracts carrying impulses to, from, or within the cortex. • One very large fiber tract, the corpus callosum connects the cerebral hemispheres.  Such fiber tracts are called commissures.  The corpus callosum arches above the structures of the brain stem and allows the cerebral hemispheres to communicate with one another. This is important because, as already noted, some of the cortical functional areas are in only one hemisphere. • Association fiber tracts connect areas within a hemisphere, and projection fiber tracts connect the cerebrum with lower CNS centers, such as the brain stem.
  • 35. Basal Nuclei • Although most of the gray matter is in the cerebral cortex, there are several “islands” of gray matter, called the basal nuclei, buried deep within the white matter of the cerebral hemispheres.  Help regulate voluntary motor activities by modifying instructions (particularly in relation to starting or stopping movement) sent to the skeletal muscles by the primary motor cortex. • A tight band of projection fibers, called the internal capsule, passes between the thalamus and the basal nuclei.
  • 36. Homeostatic Imbalance • Individuals who have problems with their basal nuclei are often unable to walk normally or carry out other voluntary movements in a normal way. • Huntington’s disease  genetic disease that strikes during middle age and leads to massive degeneration of the basal nuclei and later of the cerebral cortex.  Initial symptoms in many patients are wild, jerky, and almost continuous flapping movements called chorea (Greek for  “dance”). • Parkinson’s disease  A degeneration of specific neurons in the substantia nigra of the midbrain, which normally supply dopamine to the basal nuclei.  The dopamine-deprived basal nuclei, which help regulate voluntary motor activity, become overactive, causing symptoms of the disease.  Afflicted individuals have a persistent tremor at rest (exhibited by head nodding and a “pill- rolling” movement of the fingers), a forward-bent walking posture and shuffling gait, and a stiff facial expression.  In addition, they have trouble initiating movement or getting their muscles going
  • 37. Regions of the Brain • Cerebral hemispheres • Diencephalon • Brain stem • Cerebellum Diencephalon - interbrain • Sits on top of the brain stem • Enclosed by the cerebral hemispheres Made Of Three Parts:  Thalamus  Hypothalamus  Epithalamus  Thalamus • Surrounds the third ventricle of the brain • The relay station for sensory impulses passing upward to the sensory cortex • Transfers impulses to the correct part of the cortex for localization and interpretation
  • 38.  Hypothalamus • Under the thalamus • Important autonomic nervous system center • Helps regulate body temperature • Controls water balance • Regulates metabolism • An important part of the limbic system (emotions) – emotional-visceral brain • The pituitary gland is attached to and regulated by the hypothalamus  Epithalamus • Forms the roof of the third ventricle • Houses the pineal body (an endocrine gland) • Includes the choroid plexus – forms cerebrospinal fluid
  • 39. Brain Stem • Attaches to the spinal cord • Parts of the brain stem  Midbrain  Pons  Medulla oblongata  Midbrain • Mostly composed of tracts of nerve fibers • The cerebral aqueduct – canal that connects the 3rd ventricle of the diencephalon to the 4th ventricle • Has two bulging fiber tracts – cerebral peduncles – convey ascending and descending impulses • Has four rounded protrusions – corpora quadrigemina – Reflex centers for vision and hearing
  • 40.  Pons • The bulging center part of the brain stem • Mostly composed of fiber tracts • Includes nuclei involved in the control of breathing  Medulla Oblongata • The lowest part of the brain stem • Merges into the spinal cord • Includes important fiber tracts • Contains important control centers  Heart rate control  Blood pressure regulation  Breathing  Swallowing  Vomiting
  • 41. Reticular Formation • Diffuse mass of gray matter along the brain stem • Involved in motor control of visceral organs • Reticular Activating System (RAS) plays a role in awake/sleep cycles and consciousness • Damage here results in a permanent coma
  • 42. Cerebellum • Two hemispheres with convoluted surfaces • Provides involuntary coordination of body movements – of skeletal muscles, balance and equilibrium • Automatic pilot – continually comparing brain’s intentions with actual body performance Homeostatic Imbalance If the cerebellum is damaged (for example, by a blow to the head, a tumor, or a stroke), movements become clumsy and disorganized — ataxia Victims cannot keep their balance and may appear drunk because of the loss of muscle coordination. No longer able to touch their finger to their nose with eyes closed—a feat that healthy individuals accomplish easily
  • 43. Protection of the Central Nervous System • • • • •
  • 44. Meninges • Dura mater  Double-layered external covering the brain o Periosteum – attached to surface of the skull o Meningeal layer – outer covering of the brain and continues as the dura matter of the spinal cord  Folds inward in several areas that attaches the brain to cranial cavity • Arachnoid layer  Middle layer that is web-like • Pia mater  Internal layer that clings to the surface of the brain following every fold • Subarachnoid space filled with cerebrospinal fluid  Arachnoid villi – projections of arachnoid membrane protruding through the dura matter Homeostatic Imbalance  Meningitis - inflammation of the meninges, is a serious threat to the brain because bacterial or viral meningitis may spread into the nervous tissue of the CNS.  This condition of brain inflammation is - encephalitis.  Diagnosed by taking a sample of cerebrospinal fluid from the subarachnoid space surrounding the spinal cord
  • 45. Cerebrospinal Fluid • watery “broth” with components similar to blood plasma composition • Less protein, more vitamin C, different ions • Formed by the choroid plexus • Forms a watery cushion to protect the brain • Circulated in arachnoid space, ventricles, and central canal of the spinal cord Ventricles and Location of the Cerebrospinal Fluid Ventricles and Location of the Cerebrospinal Fluid
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  • 47. Homeostatic Imbalance • If something obstructs its drainage (for example, a tumor), CSF begins to accumulate and exert pressure on the brain. This condition is hydrocephalus - “water on the brain.” • Hydrocephalus in a newborn baby causes the head to enlarge as the brain increases in size. This is possible in an infant because the skull bones have not yet fused. • In an adult this condition is likely to result in brain damage because the skull is hard, and the accumulating fluid creates pressure that crushes soft nervous tissue and could restrict blood flow into the brain. • Today hydrocephalus is treated surgically by inserting a shunt (a plastic tube) to drain the excess fluid into a vein in the neck or abdomen.
  • 48. Blood Brain Barrier Homeostatic Imbalance Traumatic Brain Injuries • Concussion  Slight brain injury – dizzy or lose consciousness briefly  No permanent brain damage • Contusion  Nervous tissue destruction occurs - does not regenerate  If cortex is damaged, coma for hours or life • Cerebral edema  Swelling from the inflammatory response  May compress and kill brain tissue • Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA)  Commonly called a stroke  The result of a clot or a ruptured blood vessel supplying a region of the brain  Brain tissue supplied with oxygen from that blood source dies  Loss of some functions or death may Homeostatic Imbalance Traumatic Brain Injuries • Alzheimer’s Disease  Progressive degenerative brain disease  Mostly seen in the elderly, but may begin in middle age  Structural changes in the brain include abnormal protein deposits and twisted fibers within neurons  Victims experience memory loss, irritability, confusion Useless against some substances Fats and fat soluble molecules Respiratory gases Alcohol Nicotine Anesthesia Excludes many potentially harmful substances Includes the least permeable capillaries of the body – only H2O, glucose, and essential amino acids get through
  • 49. Spinal Cord • Extends from the medulla oblongata to the region of T12 • Below T12 is the cauda equina (a collection of spinal nerves) • Enlargements occur in the cervical and lumbar regions • Internal gray matter - mostly cell bodies that surround the central canal of the cord • Dorsal (posterior) horns • Anterior (ventral) horns  Contains motor neurons of the somatic nervous system, which send their axons out the ventral root • Together they fuse to form the spinal nerves • Nerves leave at the level of each vertebrae Spinal Cord Anatomy
  • 50. Spinal Cord Anatomy Homeostatic Imbalance  Spastic Paralysis results If the spinal cord is transected (cut crosswise) or crushed  affected muscles stay healthy because they are still stimulated by spinal reflex arcs, and movement of those muscles does occur.  Movements are involuntary and not controllable  Spinal cord carries both sensory and motor impulses, a loss of feeling or sensory input occurs in the body areas below the point of cord destruction.  Quadriplegic – If the spinal cord injury occurs high in the cord, so that all four limbs are affected  Paraplegic - If only the legs are paralyzed Cell bodies of sensory neurons, whose fibers enter the cord by the dorsal root, are found in an enlarged area called the dorsal root ganglion Damage to this area causes sensation from the body area served to be lost Exterior white mater – conduction tracts Posterior, lateral, and anterior columns Each contains a number of fiber tracts make up of axons with the same destination and function Central canal filled with cerebrospinal fluid
  • 51. Peripheral Nervous System • Consists of nerves and ganglia (groups of neuronal cell bodies found outside the CNS) • Nerve = bundle of neuron fibers found outside the CNS • Neuron fibers or processes are wrapped in protective connective tissue coverings Structure of a Nerve • Endoneurium surrounds each fiber • Groups of fibers are bound into fascicles by perineurium • Fascicles are bound together by epineurium
  • 52. Classification of Nerves Cranial Nerves • 12 pairs of nerves that mostly serve the head and neck • Numbered in order, front to back – names reveal structures they control • Most are mixed nerves, but three are sensory only  Optic, olfactory, and vestibulocochlear Classified according to the direction in which they transmit impulses Mixed nerves – carry both sensory and motor fibers – spinal nerves Afferent (sensory) nerves – carry impulses toward the CNS Efferent (motor) nerves – carry impulses away from the CNS Schematic of ascending (sensory) and descending (motor) pathways between the brain and the spinal cord.
  • 53. Distribution of Cranial Nerves Pnemonic : “Oh, Oh, Oh, To Touch And Feel Very Good Velvet At Home.”
  • 54. Cranial Nerves I. Olfactory nerve – sensory for smell II. Optic nerve – sensory for vision III.Oculomotor nerve – motor fibers to eye muscles IV.Trochlear – motor fiber to eye muscles V. Trigeminal nerve – sensory for the face; motor fibers to chewing muscles VI.Abducens nerve – motor fibers to eye muscles VII.Facial nerve – sensory for taste; motor fibers to the face VIII.Vestibulocochlear nerve – sensory for balance and hearing IX.Glossopharyngeal nerve – sensory for taste; motor fibers to the pharynx X. Vagus nerves – sensory and motor fibers for pharynx, larynx, and viscera XI.Accessory nerve – motor fibers to neck and upper back XII.Hypoglossal nerve – motor fibers to tongue
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  • 57. Spinal Nerves • There is a pair of spinal nerves at the level of each vertebrae for a total of 31 pairs • Spinal nerves are formed by the combination of the ventral and dorsal roots of the spinal cord • Spinal nerves are named for the region from which they arise
  • 58. Anatomy of Spinal Nerves • Spinal nerves divide soon after leaving the spinal cord  Dorsal rami – serve the skin and muscles of the posterior trunk  Ventral rami – forms a complex of networks (plexus) for the anterior, which serve the motor and sensory needs of the limbs
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  • 61. Autonomic Nervous System • The involuntary branch of the nervous system • Consists of only motor nerves • Divided into two divisions  Sympathetic division – mobilizes the body  Parasympathetic division – allows body to unwind Differences Between Somatic and Autonomic Nervous Systems Nerves Somatic – one motor neuron – axons extend all the way to the skeletal muscle they serve postganglionic nerves Effector organs Somatic – skeletal muscle Autonomic – smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands Nerurotransmitters Somatic – always use acetylcholine Autonomic – use acetylcholine, epinephrine, or norepinephrine
  • 62. Comparison of Somatic and Autonomic Nervous Systems
  • 63. Anatomy of the Parasympathetic Division • Originates from the brain stem and S2 – S4 • Neurons in the cranial region send axons out in cranial nerves to the head and neck organs • They synapse with the second motor neuron in a terminal ganglion • Terminal ganglia are at the effector organs • Always uses acetylcholine as a neurotransmitter Anatomy of the Sympathetic Division – thoracolumbar division Originates from T1 through L2 Preganglionic axons leave the cord in the ventral root, enter the spinal nerve, then pass through a ramus communications, to enter a sympathetic chain ganglion at the sympathetic chain (trunk) (near the spinal cord) Short pre-ganglionic neuron and long postganglionic neuron transmit impulse from CNS to the effector Norepinephrine and epinephrine are neurotransmitters to the effector organs
  • 64. Anatomy of the Autonomic Nervous System Autonomic Functioning Sympathetic – “fight-or- flight” Response to unusual stimulus Takes over to increase activities Remember as the “E” division = exercise, excitement, emergency, and embarrassment Parasympathetic – housekeeping activites Conserves energy Maintains daily necessary body functions Remember as the “D” division - digestion, defecation, and diuresis
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  • 66. Homeostatic Imbalance  Some illnesses or diseases are at least aggravated, if not caused, by excessive sympathetic nervous system stimulation.  Type A people always work at breakneck speed and push themselves continually.  They likely to have heart disease, high blood pressure, and ulcers, all of which may be worsened by prolonged sympathetic nervous system activity or the rebound from it
  • 67. Development Aspects of the Nervous System • The nervous system is formed during the first month of embryonic development • Any maternal infection can have extremely • No more neurons are formed after birth, but growth and maturation continues for several years largely due to myelination • One of the last areas of the CNS to mature is the hypothalamus, which contains centers for regulating body temperature. For this reason, premature babies usually have problems controlling their loss of body heat and must be carefully monitored. • Neuromuscular coordination progresses in a superior to inferior direction and in a proximal to distal direction, and myelination occurs in the same sequence • The brain reaches maximum weight as a young adult • As we grow older, the sympathetic nervous system gradually becomes less and less efficient, particularly in its ability to constrict blood vessels.
  • 68. Homeostatic Imbalance • Half of its victims have seizures, are intellectually disabled, and/or have impaired hearing or vision. Cerebral palsy is a neuromuscular disability in which the voluntary muscles are poorly controlled and spastic because of brain damage. • Children with anencephaly cannot see, hear, or process sensory information; these babies typically die soon after birth. Anencephaly is a birth defect in which the cerebrum fails to develop. • Several varieties of spina bifida. In the least serious, a dimple, and perhaps a tuft of hair, appears over the site of malformation, but no neurological problems occur. • Most serious, meninges, nerve roots, and even parts of the spinal cord protrude from the spine, rendering the lower part of the spinal cord functionless. • Child is unable to control the bowels or bladder, and the lower limbs are paralyzed. Spina bifida ( “forked spine”) results when the vertebrae form incompletely (typically in the lumbosacral region).
  • 69.  Orthostatic hypotension - When older people stand up quickly, they often become lightheaded or faint. The reason is that the sympathetic nervous system is not able to react quickly enough to counteract the pull of gravity by activating the vasoconstrictor fibers, and blood pools in the feet.  A gradual decline of oxygen due to the aging process can lead to senility, characterized by forgetfulness, irritability, difficulty in concentrating and thinking clearly, and confusion  Eventual shrinking of the brain is normal, some individuals (professional boxers and chronic alcoholics, for example) hasten the process. The likelihood of brain damage and atrophy increases with every blow.  The expression “punch drunk” reflects the symptoms of slurred speech, tremors, abnormal gait, and dementia (mental illness) seen in many retired boxers.  Everyone recognizes that alcohol has a proound effect on the mind as well as the body. CT scans of chronic alcoholics reveal reduced brain size at a fairly early age. Like boxers, chronic alcoholics tend to exhibit signs of mental deterioration unrelated to the aging process. Homeostatic Imbalance
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