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Loop	Like	a	Functional	Programing	native
Jiaming	Zhang
Recap:	FP	Principles
Treat	computation	as	the	evaluation	of	math	functions
Prefer	expression	over	statement
Prefer	recursion	over	iteration
Pure	Function
No	side	effect
Same	Input	->	Same	Output
Higher-order	Function
Avoid	Mutation
Why	talk	about	loop?
Scala	Tutorial
A	class	for	immutable	linked	list
val	list	=	List(1,	2,	3)
list.head	//	=>	1
list.tail	//	=>	List(2,	3)
0	::	list	
//	=>	List(0,1,2,3)
0	::	1	::	Nil
//	=>	List(0,1)
List(1,2)	++	List(3,4)
//	=>	List(1,2,3,4)
Scala	Documentation	-	List
Scala	Tutorial
Scala	Documentation	-	Stream
Scala	Tutorial
A	Stream	is	like	a	list	except	that	its	elements	are	computed	 lazily .
//	Stream	is	similar	to	list
val	stream	=	Stream(1,	2,	3)
stream.head	//	=>	1
stream.tail	//	=>	Stream(2,	3)
0	#::	stream	
//	=>	Stream(0,1,2,3)
0	#::	1	#::	Stream.Empty
//	=>	Stream(0,1)
Stream(1,2)	++	Stream(3,4)
//	=>	Stream(1,2,3,4)
Scala	Documentation	-	Stream
Scala	Tutorial
//	Stream	is	the	lazy	version	of	List
def	foo:	Int	=	{
		println("I	am	called")
val	list	=	0	::	foo	::	Nil
//	=>	print	"I	am	called"
val	stream	=	0	#::	foo	#::	Stream.Empty
//	=>	print	nothing
//	=>	print	"I	am	called"
//	=>	return	Stream(42)
Scala	Documentation	-	Stream
Scala	Tutorial
Pattern	Match
Playing	with	Scala’s	pattern	matching
Scala	Tutorial
Pattern	Match
It	can	match	constant	just	as	 switch	...	case	... 	in	Java
def	getNumAsWord(n:	Int):	String	=	n	match	{
		case	1	=>	"One"
		case	2	=>	"Two"
		case	_	=>	"Neither	One	Nor	Two"
getNumAsWord(1)		//	=>	"One"
getNumAsWord(2)		//	=>	"Two"
getNumAsWord(42)	//	=>	"Neither	One	Nor	Two"
Playing	with	Scala’s	pattern	matching
Scala	Tutorial
Pattern	Match
It	can	also	unpack	some	structured	data	(e.g.	tuple,	case	class,	list)
Playing	with	Scala’s	pattern	matching
Scala	Tutorial
Pattern	Match
It	can	also	unpack	some	structured	data	(e.g.	tuple,	case	class,	list)
//	create	type	alias	Person
type	Person	=	(String,	Int)
def	AskAge(person:	Person)	=	person	match	{	
		case	("Fibonacci",	_)	=>	"Fibonacci	don't	want	to	talk	about	his	age"
		case	(name,	age)	=>	s"$name	is	$age	years	old"	
Playing	with	Scala’s	pattern	matching
Scala	Tutorial
Pattern	Match
It	can	also	unpack	some	structured	data	(e.g.	tuple,	case	class,	list)
//	create	type	alias	Person
type	Person	=	(String,	Int)
def	AskAge(person:	Person)	=	person	match	{	
		case	("Fibonacci",	_)	=>	"Fibonacci	don't	want	to	talk	about	his	age"
		case	(name,	age)	=>	s"$name	is	$age	years	old"	
AskAge(("Martin",	58))
//	=>	"Martin	is	58	years	old"
AskAge(("Fibonacci",	842))
//	=>	"Fibonacci	don't	want	to	talk	about	his	age"
Playing	with	Scala’s	pattern	matching
Scala	Tutorial
Pattern	Match
It	can	also	unpack	some	structured	data	(e.g.	tuple,	case	class,	list)
//	case	class	is	like	Struct	in	other	languages
case	class	Person(name:	String,	age:	Int)
def	AskAge(person:	Person)	=	person	match	{	
		case	Person("Fibonacci",	_)	=>	"Fibonacci	don't	want	to	talk	about	his	age"
		case	Person(name,	age)	=>	s"$name	is	$age	years	old"	
Playing	with	Scala’s	pattern	matching
Scala	Tutorial
Pattern	Match
It	can	also	unpack	some	structured	data	(e.g.	tuple,	case	class,	list)
//	case	class	is	like	Struct	in	other	languages
case	class	Person(name:	String,	age:	Int)
def	AskAge(person:	Person)	=	person	match	{	
		case	Person("Fibonacci",	_)	=>	"Fibonacci	don't	want	to	talk	about	his	age"
		case	Person(name,	age)	=>	s"$name	is	$age	years	old"	
AskAge(Person("Martin",	58))
//	=>	"Martin	is	58	years	old"
AskAge(Person("Fibonacci",	842))
//	=>	"Fibonacci	don't	want	to	talk	about	his	age"
Playing	with	Scala’s	pattern	matching
Scala	Tutorial
Pattern	Match
It	can	also	unpack	some	structured	data	(e.g.	tuple,	case	class,	list)
//	List	can	be	used	as	a	case	class
def	head[T](list:	List[T]):	T	=	list	match	{
		case	List(head,	tail)	=>	head
		case	Nil	=>	throw	new	java.util.NoSuchElementException
Playing	with	Scala’s	pattern	matching
Scala	Tutorial
Pattern	Match
It	can	also	unpack	some	structured	data	(e.g.	tuple,	case	class,	list)
//	List	can	be	used	as	a	case	class
def	head[T](list:	List[T]):	T	=	list	match	{
		case	List(head,	tail)	=>	head
		case	Nil	=>	throw	new	java.util.NoSuchElementException
//	`head	::	tail`	is	equivalent	to	`List(head,	tail)`
def	head[T](list:	List[T]):	Option[T]	=	list	match	{
		case	head	::	tail	=>	head
		case	Nil	=>	throw	new	java.util.NoSuchElementException
Playing	with	Scala’s	pattern	matching
Scala	Tutorial
Pattern	Match
It	can	also	unpack	some	structured	data	(e.g.	tuple,	case	class,	list)
//	List	can	be	used	as	a	case	class
def	head[T](list:	List[T]):	T	=	list	match	{
		case	List(head,	tail)	=>	head
		case	Nil	=>	throw	new	java.util.NoSuchElementException
//	`head	::	tail`	is	equivalent	to	`List(head,	tail)`
def	head[T](list:	List[T]):	Option[T]	=	list	match	{
		case	head	::	tail	=>	head
		case	Nil	=>	throw	new	java.util.NoSuchElementException
head(List(1,2))	//	=>	Some(1)
head(List())				//	=>	None
Playing	with	Scala’s	pattern	matching
Scala	Tutorial
Pattern	Match
Here	is	an	example	of	how	you	can	use	pattern	matching	to	deal	w/	different	subtypes
sealed	trait	Tree
case	class	Branch(v:	Int,	left:	Tree,	right:	Tree)	extends	Tree
case	class	Leaf(v:	Int)	extends	Tree
def	sum(t:	Tree):	Int	=	t	match	{
		case	Branch(v,	left,	right)	=>	v	+	sum(left)	+	sum(right)
		case	Leaf(v)	=>	v
val	tree1	:	Tree	=	Branch(1,	Leaf(1),	Leaf(2))
val	tree2	:	Tree	=	Branch(1,	Branch(1,	Leaf(1),	Leaf(2)),	Leaf(2))
sum(tree2)	//	=>	7
sum(tree1)	//	=>	4
Playing	with	Scala’s	pattern	matching
Scala	Tutorial
Pattern	Match
Sometime	we	want	to	perform	diff	operation	based	on	the	object	type.	Here	is	the	comparison	between	doing
this	via	pattern	match	and	via	Java's	 instanceof 	method.
//	Compiler	will	complain	before	Integer	does	not	have	method	`toChar`
def	f(x:	Any):	String	=	x	match	{
		case	i:	Int	=>	"Integer:	"	+	i.toChar(0)
		case	s:	String	=>	"String:	"	+	s
		case	_	=>	"Unknown	Input"
//	Compiler	won't	complain	and	exception	will	raise	at	run-time
public	String	f(Object	x)	{
		if	(x	instanceof	Integer)	{
				return	"Integer:	"	+	i.charAt(0)
		//	.....
Playing	with	Scala’s	pattern	matching
Use	Recursion
Question:	Define	the	factorial	function	 fact(n) ,	given	 n	>=	0
Use	Recursion
Question:	Define	the	factorial	function	 fact(n) ,	given	 n	>=	0
//	Imperative
def	fact(n:	Int):	Int	=	{
		var	res	=	1
		for(i	<-	1	to	n)	{
				res	*=	i
		return	res
Use	Recursion
Question:	Define	the	factorial	function	 fact(n) ,	given	 n	>=	0
//	Imperative
def	fact(n:	Int):	Int	=	{
		var	res	=	1
		for(i	<-	1	to	n)	{
				res	*=	i
		return	res
//	Functional
def	fact(n:	Int):	Int	=	
		if	(n	==	0)	1	
		else	n	*	fact(n-1)
Use	Recursion
Why	Recursion?
1.	 Easy	to	understand
2.	 Easy	to	prove	its	correctness
Use	Recursion
Why	Recursion?
1.	 Easy	to	understand
2.	 Easy	to	prove	its	correctness
def	fact(n:	Int):	Int	=	
		if	(n	==	0)	1	
		else	n	*	fact(n-1)
Use	Recursion
Why	Recursion?
1.	 Easy	to	understand
2.	 Easy	to	prove	its	correctness
def	fact(n:	Int):	Int	=	
		if	(n	==	0)	1	
		else	n	*	fact(n-1)
Simply	a	function	call	using	substitution
fact(3)	=	if	(3	==	0)	1	else	3	*	fact(3-1)
								=	3	*	fact(2)
								=	3	*	(if	(2	==	0)	1	else	2	*	fact(2-1))
								=	...
								=	3	*	2	*	1	*	1
Use	Recursion
Question:	Find	the	length	of	a	list	using	recursion
Use	Recursion
Question:	Find	the	length	of	a	list	using	recursion
def	length[T](list:	List[T]):	Int	=	list	match	{
		case	Nil	=>	0
		case	head	::	tail	=>	1	+	length(tail)
Use	Recursion
Question:	Find	the	length	of	a	list	using	recursion
def	length[T](list:	List[T]):	Int	=	list	match	{
		case	Nil	=>	0
		case	head	::	tail	=>	1	+	length(tail)
length(List())	//	=>	0
length(List(1,2))	//	=>	2
Use	Recursion
Question:	Find	the	length	of	a	list	using	recursion
def	length[T](list:	List[T]):	Int	=	list	match	{
		case	Nil	=>	0
		case	head	::	tail	=>	1	+	length(tail)
length(List())	//	=>	0
length(List(1,2))	//	=>	2
However,	there	is	a	performance	issue	w/	this	function.
Use	Recursion
Question:	Find	the	length	of	a	list	using	recursion
def	length[T](list:	List[T]):	Int	=	list	match	{
		case	Nil	=>	0
		case	head	::	tail	=>	1	+	length(tail)
length(List())	//	=>	0
length(List(1,2))	//	=>	2
However,	there	is	a	performance	issue	w/	this	function.
val	bigList	=	(1	to	40000).toList
//	=>	throw	java.lang.StackOverflowError
Use	Tail	Recursion
Question:	Define	the	factorial	function	 fact(n) ,	given	 n	>=	0
Use	Tail	Recursion
Question:	Define	the	factorial	function	 fact(n) ,	given	 n	>=	0
import	scala.annotation.tailrec
def	fact(n:	Int):	Int	=	{
		//	@tailrec	does	not	gurantee	tail	recursion
		//		it	simply	raise	an	exception	when	there	is	not
		def	factHelper(n:	Int,	acc:	Int):	Int	=	
				if	(n	==	0)	acc
				else	factHelper(n-1,	acc	*	n)
		factHelper(n,	1)
Use	Tail	Recursion
Question:	Find	the	length	of	a	list	using	tail	recursion
Use	Tail	Recursion
Question:	Find	the	length	of	a	list	using	tail	recursion
def	length[T](list:	List[T]):	Int	=	{
		def	lengthHelper(list:	List[T],	acc:	Int):	Int	=	list	match	{
				case	Nil	=>	acc
				case	head	::	tail	=>	lengthHelper(tail,	acc+1)
		lengthHelper(list,	0)
Use	Tail	Recursion
Question:	Find	the	length	of	a	list	using	tail	recursion
def	length[T](list:	List[T]):	Int	=	{
		def	lengthHelper(list:	List[T],	acc:	Int):	Int	=	list	match	{
				case	Nil	=>	acc
				case	head	::	tail	=>	lengthHelper(tail,	acc+1)
		lengthHelper(list,	0)
length((1	to	40000).toList)
//	=>	40000
Use	High-order	Function
Question:	Define	the	factorial	function	 fact(n) ,	given	 n	>=	0
Use	High-order	Function
Question:	Define	the	factorial	function	 fact(n) ,	given	 n	>=	0
def	fact(n:	Int):	Int	=	
		(1	to	n).fold(1)	{	(acc,	x)	=>	acc	*	x		}
//	Or	a	shorter	version
def	fact(n:	Int):	Int	=	
		(1	to	n).fold(1)	{	_	*	_	}
Use	High-order	Function
Common	high-order	functions	for	collections	(e.g.	array,	list)	include:
(1	to	3).map(x	=>	x	*	2)
//	=>	Vector(2,	4,	6)
(0	to	1).flatMap(x	=>	(0	to	2).map(y	=>	(x,y)))
//	=>	Vector((0,0),	(0,1),	(1,0),	(1,1),	(2,0),	(2,1))
(1	to	10).filter(x	=>	isPrime(x))
//	=>	Vector(2,	3,	5,	7)
(1	to	10).fold(0)	{	(acc,	x)	=>	acc	+	x	}
//	=>	55
Use	High-order	Function
These	high-order	functions	 recursively 	apply	certain	computation	to	a	collection
abstract	class	List[+T]	{
		def	map[U](f:	T	=>	U):	List[U]	=	this	match	{
				case	x	::	xs	=>	f(x)	::
				case	Nil	=>	Nil
		def	filter(p:	T	=>	Boolean):	List[T]	=	this	match	{
				case	x	::	xs	=>	
						if	(p(x))	x	::	xs.filter(p)	else	xs.filter(p)
				case	Nil	=>	Nil
Use	High-order	Function
These	high-order	functions	 recursively 	apply	certain	computation	to	a	collection
abstract	class	List[+T]	{
		def	map[U](f:	T	=>	U):	List[U]	=	this	match	{
				case	x	::	xs	=>	f(x)	::
				case	Nil	=>	Nil
		def	filter(p:	T	=>	Boolean):	List[T]	=	this	match	{
				case	x	::	xs	=>	
						if	(p(x))	x	::	xs.filter(p)	else	xs.filter(p)
				case	Nil	=>	Nil
The	actual	implementation	are	 different 	from	this	simplied	version	in	order	to:
make	them	apply	to	arbitrary	collections,	not	just	lists
make	them	tail-recursive	on	lists
Use	High-order	Function
Question:	Find	the	longest	word	(assume	there	is	ONLY	one)
val	words	=	List("way",	"jam",	"complain",	"second-hand",	"elite")
//	Assume	this	method	is	given
def	findLongerWord(w1:	String,	w2:	String)	=	{	...	}
Use	High-order	Function
Question:	Find	the	longest	word	(assume	there	is	ONLY	one)
val	words	=	List("way",	"jam",	"complain",	"second-hand",	"elite")
//	Assume	this	method	is	given
def	findLongerWord(w1:	String,	w2:	String)	=	{	...	}
//	Tail	Recursion
def	findLongestWord(words:	List[String]):	String	=	{
		def	go(words:	List[String],	longestWord:	String)	=	words	match	{
				case	Nil	=>	longestWord
				case	word	::	otherWords	=>	go(otherWords,	findLongerWord(longestWord,	word))
		go(words,	"")
Use	High-order	Function
Question:	Find	the	longest	word	(assume	there	is	ONLY	one)
val	words	=	List("way",	"jam",	"complain",	"second-hand",	"elite")
//	Assume	this	method	is	given
def	findLongerWord(w1:	String,	w2:	String)	=	{	...	}
//	Use	High-order	Function
def	findLongestWord(words:	List[String]):	String	=	
				words.fold("")	{	(acc,	x)	=>	findLongerWord(acc,	x)	}
Use	High-order	Function
Question:	Find	the	longest	word	(assume	there	is	ONLY	one)
val	words	=	List("way",	"jam",	"complain",	"second-hand",	"elite")
//	Assume	this	method	is	given
def	findLongerWord(w1:	String,	w2:	String)	=	{	...	}
//	Use	High-order	Function
def	findLongestWord(words:	List[String]):	String	=	
				words.fold("")	{	(acc,	x)	=>	findLongerWord(acc,	x)	}
def	findLongestWord(words:	List[String]):	String	=	
Use	High-order	Function
Question:	Get	the	name	of	employees
who	work	at	a	company	w/	more	than	5	million	revenue
who	work	at	the	marketing	department
Use	High-order	Function
Question:	Get	the	name	of	employees
who	work	at	a	company	w/	more	than	5	million	revenue
who	work	at	the	marketing	department
//	Here	are	the	data	model
//	`case	class`	is	Struct	(kind	of)	in	Scala
case	class	Employee(name:	String)
case	class	Department(name:	String,	employees:	List[Employee])
case	class	Company(name:	String,	revenue:	BigInt,	departments:	List[Department])
//	Association
//			A	company	has	many	departments
//			A	department	has	many	employees
Use	High-order	Function
Question:	Get	the	name	of	employees
who	work	at	a	company	w/	more	than	5	million	revenue
who	work	at	the	marketing	department
val	companies	=	loadDataFromDatabase()
//	Works	but	not	very	readable
val	res	=	companies
		.filter(company	=>	company.revenue	>	5000000)
		.flatMap(company	=>	
						filter(d	=>	==	"marketing").
						flatMap(d	=>	=>
Use	High-order	Function
Question:	Get	the	name	of	employees
who	work	at	a	company	w/	more	than	5	million	revenue
who	work	at	the	marketing	department
//	Easier	to	read	but
//			this	helper	function	is	too	specific	to	be	reused
def	getMarketingEmployeeName(company:	Company):	List[String]	=	{
					filter(d	=>	==	"marketing").
					flatMap(d	=>	=>
val	res	=	companies
		.filter(company	=>	company.revenue	>	5000000)
		.flatMap(company	=>	getMarketingEmployeeName(company))
Use	High-order	Function
Question:	Get	the	name	of	employees
who	work	at	a	company	w/	more	than	5	million	revenue
who	work	at	the	marketing	department
//	More	readable	but	less	efficient	-	
//		create	unnecessary	intermediate	result
val	res	=	companies
		.filter(c	=>	c.revenue	>	5000000)
		.flatMap(c	=>	c.departments)
		.filter(d	=>	==	"marketing")
		.flatMap(d	=>	d.employees)
		.map(e	=>
Use	High-order	Function
Question:	Get	the	name	of	employees
who	work	at	a	company	w/	more	than	5	million	revenue
who	work	at	the	marketing	department
//	As	efficient	as	the	1st/2nd	one	and
//		as	readable	as	the	3rd	one
for	{
		c	<-	companies
		if	c.revenue	>	5000000
		d	<-	c.departments
		if	==	"marketing"
		e	<-	d.employees
}	yield
Use	High-order	Function
Question:	Get	the	name	of	employees
who	work	at	a	company	w/	more	than	5	million	revenue
who	work	at	the	marketing	department
//	As	efficient	as	the	1st/2nd	one	and
//		as	readable	as	the	3rd	one
for	{
		c	<-	companies
		if	c.revenue	>	5000000
		d	<-	c.departments
		if	==	"marketing"
		e	<-	d.employees
}	yield
For	expression	will	be	converted	into	a	set	of	 map ,	 flatMap ,	 withFilter 	(or	 filter )	operations.
NOTE:	Skip	Lazy	Evaluation	and	Infinite	List	if	prev	section	takes	too	long
Lazy	Evaluation	and	Infinite	List
Question:	Find	nth	prime	number
nthPrime(0)	//	=>	2
nthPrime(1)	//	=>	3
nthPrime(5)	//	=>	13
Lazy	Evaluation	and	Infinite	List
Question:	Find	nth	prime	number
nthPrime(0)	//	=>	2
nthPrime(1)	//	=>	3
nthPrime(5)	//	=>	13
//	Imperative
//	This	solution	is	error-prone
def	nthPrime(n:	Int):	Int	=	{
		var	k	=	2
		var	counter	=	0
		while	(counter	<	n)	{
				k	+=	1
				if	(isPrime(k))	{	counter	+=	1	}
Lazy	Evaluation	and	Infinite	List
Question:	Find	nth	prime	number
nthPrime(0)	//	=>	2
nthPrime(1)	//	=>	3
nthPrime(5)	//	=>	13
//	Use	higher-order	function
def	nthPrime(n:	Int,	upperBound:	Int):	Int	=	{
		(1	to	upperBound).filter(isPrime)(n)
Lazy	Evaluation	and	Infinite	List
Question:	Find	nth	prime	number
nthPrime(0)	//	=>	2
nthPrime(1)	//	=>	3
nthPrime(5)	//	=>	13
But	...	how	do	we	know	the	value	of	 upperBound
Lazy	Evaluation	and	Infinite	List
Question:	Find	nth	prime	number
nthPrime(0)	//	=>	2
nthPrime(1)	//	=>	3
nthPrime(5)	//	=>	13
But	...	how	do	we	know	the	value	of	 upperBound
//	`upperBound`	is	too	small	=>	exception
nthPrime(50,	100)
//	`upperBound`	is	too	large	=>	run	forever
nthPrime(50,	Int.MaxValue)	
//	`upperBound`	has	the	perfect	value,	which	will	be	the	answer	itself
nthPrime(50,	229)
Lazy	Evaluation	and	Infinite	List
Question:	Find	nth	prime	number
nthPrime(0)	//	=>	2
nthPrime(1)	//	=>	3
nthPrime(5)	//	=>	13
//	Use	Stream	for	Lazy	Evaluation
def	nthPrime(n:	Int):	Int	=	primeNums(n)
//	A	stream	of	prime	number
def	primeNums:	Stream[Int]	=	
primeNums.take(3)								//	=>	Stream(2,	?)
primeNums.take(3).toList	//	=>	List(2,3,5)
Lazy	Evaluation	and	Infinite	List
Question:	Get	the	nth	fib	number
//	Assume	n	>	0
def	fib(n:	Int):	Int	=	{
		if	(n	==	0)	1
		else	if	(n	==	1)	1
		else	fib(n-1)	+	fib(n-2)
def	fib(n:	Int):	Int	=	{
		def	fibNums(n1:	Int,	n2:	Int):	Stream[Int]	=	{
				n1	#::	fibNums(n2,	n1+	n2)
		fibNums(1,	1)(n)
Lazy	Evaluation	and	Infinite	List
Question:	Create	the	prime	number	sequence	using	Sieve	of	Eratosthenes
def	sieve(s:	Stream[Int]):	Stream[Int]	=
		s.head	#::	sieve(s.tail	filter	(_	%	s.head	!=	0))
val	primes	=	sieve(Stream.from(2))
//	=>	List(2,	3,	5,	7,	11)
Lazy	Evaluation	and	Infinite	List
Question:	How	to	implement	 sqrt 	method	recursively
def	sqrtStream(x:	Double):	Stream[Double]	=	{
		def	improve(guess:	Double)	=	(guess	+	x	/	guess)	/	2
		//	TODO:	What	if	no	`lazy`
		lazy	val	guesses:	Stream[Double]	=	1	#::	(guesses	map	improve)
Lazy	Evaluation	and	Infinite	List
Question:	How	to	implement	 sqrt 	method	recursively
def	sqrtStream(x:	Double):	Stream[Double]	=	{
		def	improve(guess:	Double)	=	(guess	+	x	/	guess)	/	2
		//	TODO:	What	if	no	`lazy`
		lazy	val	guesses:	Stream[Double]	=	1	#::	(guesses	map	improve)
//	=>	List(1.0,	2.5,	2.05,	2.000609756097561,	2.0000000929222947,	2.000000000000002,	2.0,	2.0)
def	isGoodEnough(guess:	Double,	x:	Double)	=	
		math.abs((guess	*	guess	-	x)	/	x)	<	0.0001
sqrtStream(4).filter(isGoodEnough(_,	4)).take(1).head
//	=>	2.0000000929222947
Coursera:	Functional	Programing	Design	in	Scala
Here	are	the	Functional	Programing	approaches	that	replaces	the	imperative	 for 	or	 while 	loop:
Tail	Recursion
High-order	Function
Lazy	Eval	and	Infinite	List

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