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> 3rd Quarter 2012 / Issue 7

is the solution
 The banking sector bets in information technologies and
 telecommunications as a way to render services to increasingly
 more sophisticated clients; mobility and internet banking are
 the main choices

HSBC                            COLLABORATION                   SUCCESS CASE
Bank invests in video           Demand for videoconferences     Michael Page
and IT team plans               and mobile devices expansion    outsources infrastructure
strategy to have Cisco          leverage unified communication   and expands PI
high level certification         projects in Brazil              communications 1

    RELATIONSHIP BOUTIQUES                                                                                                      04        Short news
                                                                                                                                          Preparation tips for the certification
                                                                                                                                          exams: Virada Digital creates knowledge
                                                                                                                                          and innovation network; Cisco do Brasil
                                                                                                                                          commercial area has a new director: Girl’s Day
                                                                                                                                          and Beehive integrate social responsibility
          he results of Febraban’s annual survey, about the investment of banks and                                                       initiatives.

    T     financial institutions in new technologies and in maintaining the IT park,
          show us a great and constant transactions migration to the electronic
    medium. The internet is in the first place, but also, in this area, the mobility
                                                                                                                                08        Collaboration
                                                                                                                                          Mobile devices and video drive unified

    gives signs of growth, with the mobile banking.
      This new social behavior, which made the banks show investments and
                                                                                                                                10        Data centers
                                                                                                                                          Cisco UCS line reduces costs and opens the
                                                                                                                                          way for clouds
    expenses of R$ 18 billion in 2011, with 42 million clients using the internet
    to access the banking services, changes the bank agencies profile. The self-                                                 14        Managed services
                                                                                                                                          Operators react to the incomes drop and
                                                                                                                                          introduce new offers
    service rooms are larger and refined, with faster and increasingly intelligent
    ATMs. And in the internal area, the relationship is better. The cashiers, in small
    numbers, still have demand, but in concentrated days and in lower volume
                                                                                                                                18        Banks
                                                                                                                                          To meet the demand, financial institutions
                                                                                                                                          invest more in TICs
    than 10 years ago, for example.
      As experts in the financial area had already foreseen a few years ago, the                                                 20        Qualification
                                                                                                                                          PI support team of HSBC focuses on Cisco
    internal relationship for investments, to clarify doubts, to obtain credit, and
    other services, are transforming the agencies in boutiques, an area where
    the banks can explore their differential characteristics. In the cover story of
                                                                                                                                24        New voice
                                                                                                                                          Videoconference permits HSBC to increase
                                                                                                                                          efficiency and reduce costs
    this issue, one sentence is aligned to the whole high investment context and
    attracts our attention: if you consider the banking services as commodities,                                                26        Outsourcing and collaboration
                                                                                                                                          Michael Page outsources infrastructure and
                                                                                                                                          expands PI communications
    the services availability becomes a great competitive differential.
      This is how one of HSBC executives, interviewed by Cisco Live journalists
    team, defines the present scenario of the increasing offer of services by
                                                                                                                                27        Speed
                                                                                                                                          ATG adopts low latency network in a critical
                                                                                                                                          mission environment
    electronic channels, something that changes the banks corporative network,
    the infrastructure through where many billion reais circulate along each and                                                28        Future
                                                                                                                                          Manufacture and research will receive R$ 1
                                                                                                                                          million from Cisco until 2014
    every year.
      Force, scalability and stability are indispensable requisites to any information                                          30        Health
                                                                                                                                          Information increases the industry efficiency
    and communication technology infrastructure (TIC in the Portuguese
    acronym) which a bank wishes to implement today. And we cannot ignore                                                       34        Education
                                                                                                                                          Analysts and professors discuss the
                                                                                                                                          advantages of technology in teaching
    the videoconferences expansion, also mentioned in the cover story, as well as
    the mobile access. In short, we saw during the Cisco Plus Brazil 2012, an event
    that congregated the whole Cisco community, in April, in Rio de Janeiro, that,
                                                                                                                                36        Safety
                                                                                                                                          Network has a privileged position in the war
                                                                                                                                          against the cybercrime
    focus of some areas, such as education and health, in TIC investments, the
    infrastructure that supports the businesses in Brazil, regardless the segment, is                                           38        Support
                                                                                                                                          Smart Care adds partners’ expertise and
                                                                                                                                          provides safety to the customers
    in evidence and we, here at Cisco, are ready to support partners and customers
    in different projects aligned to present and future demands.
                                                                                                                                40        Story
                                                                                                                                          The router switch is increasingly more
                                                                                                                                          important in the cloud management

      Marco Barcellos

        CISCO DO BRASIL       Channels Director                   PRODUCTION                       Reporters                Press Service                     Printing
        ACCOUNTABLE TEAM      Eduardo Almeida                                                      Jackeline Carvalho       In Press Porter Novelli           Inergraf
                                                                  Comunicação Interativa Editora   Marcelo Vieira
        President             Marketing & PR Director
        Rodrigo Abreu         Marco Barcellos                                                                               Art                               Circulation
                                                                  Responsible Journalist           Special Collaboration    Marcelo Max                       5000 copies
        Systems Engineering   Editorial Council                   Jackeline Carvalho               Carmen Lucia Nery (RJ)
        director              Adriana Bueno, Carolina Morawetz,   MTB 12456
        Marcelo Ehalt         Isabela Polito, Isabella Micali,
                              Jackeline Carvalho, Kiki Gama,                                       Review
                              Mariana Fonseca, Monica Lau e       Editorship Director              Comunicação Interativa
                              Marco Barcellos                     Jackeline Carvalho


    Ana Lúcia de Faria, Cisco do Brasil solutions architect, gives some tips of how you should get
    prepared for Cisco certification exams

                                                                                   “Because I work for Cisco, my
                                                                                   customers are very demanding”,
                                                                                   she says, recalling a story. “I
                                                                                   remember that the first customer
                                                                                   that I visited for Cisco asked me
                                                                                   if I had certification. That question
                                                                                   impressed me and motivated
                                                                                   me to get the qualification”. The
                                                                                   second good reason to have the
                                                                                   qualification is one’s personal

            o maintain functional           also the companies that employ             And the difficulties should not
            and highly efficient the         them together with the market as       demotivate those who are interested
            corporations’ internal          a whole.                               in undergo the certification
    networks that are constantly              For Ana Lucia de Faria, Cisco        process. Ana Lúcia has some tips.
    growing, skilled professionals are      do Brasil solutions architect with     To establish goals helps, because
    necessary. By offering training         two company certifications (Cisco       without them the student is tempted
    for the most recent technologies,       Certified Internetwork Expert           to give more attention to other
    certificating the technical capability   or CCIE, in router switching and       activities. To form a study group is
    and by providing resources for          service provider), the program         also a good solution. “It takes effort,
    a continuous learning, Cisco            brings two important advantages.       but it pays in both professional and
    certifications program helps not         The first one is the technology         personal terms”, stimulates the
    only the networks professionals, but    market acknowledgement.                solutions architect.•

       o unite innovation and               during the three days of the event,    connected and it is very important
       interactivity in search              which ended with the proposal to       that the teacher and the school
       of an increasingly more              make contents and technologies more    adequate themselves to this new
sustainable development is the              accessible. “Events like this should   profile.”
objective of Virada Digital festival,       happen in each and every city”, says     Now the festival became
which was held in May from 11 thru          Flávio Provedel, of Cisco Networking   Caravana Digital. In November
13 in Paraty, Rio de Janeiro State.         Academy and coordinator of a           2012, the cities of São Paulo,
Cisco was one of the sponsor                computer’s connectivity an assembly    Rio de Janeiro and Brasília will
companies of the event, which had           workshop, offered during the event.    have an extra issue of the event.
panels, speeches, conferences,                Ricardo Santos, accountable for      Later on, Caravana will make
seminars, discussions, workshops,           Cisco do Brasil education vertical     monthly visits to each one of the
scientific demonstrations, shows             development, made a speech             12 Brazilian cities which will host
and special action, all free of charge.     about the technology applied to the    the games of the World Soccer
  There were a total of 74 activities       education. “Today the students are     Championship in 2014.     •
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                                             6 GIRL’S DAY

                                                     s part of Cisco’s social responsibility initiatives, the company
                                                     participated in the Girl’s Day, a global movement to stimulate
                                                     women to act in the information and telecommunication
                                             technology area. The initiative is of ITU (International Telecommunication
                                             Union), a United Nations organization for the information and
                                             communication technology area.
                                               Cisco do Brasil hosted, in its Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo offices, two
                                             of a number of events held around the world. More than 20 girls, in the
                                             15 to 18 year old bracket, attended the movement. They are students of
                                             Networking Academy in non-governmental organizations such as Aldeias
                                             Infantis and Fundação Despertar.
                                               During the event, the girls could interact, by tele-presence, with
                                             participants of the same Cisco event in Portugal. The schedule also
    6 TALENT                                 included speeches about the technology work market, tips to look for a
                                             job and the importance to have certifications to act in the area, among
             na Claudia Pihal was recently   other subjects.
             assigned to Cisco no Brasil
             commercial area direction.
    Accountable for the manufacturer’s       6 SOCIAL RETURN
    action in the small and medium

    companies segment, the executive’s              o use the technology to inform and change low income people’s
    objective is to expand the partners`            lives: this is the purpose of One Economy, a non-profit global
    base by means of Cisco Partner-Led              organization which introduced in Brazil, with the support of Cisco
    program, which reinforces Cisco’s        and other partners, the Beehive Brasil ( The site was
    actuation strategy with the channels     created to connect low income people to online contents such as jobs,
    collaboration.                           finances, health, education, civil rights and other subjects of interest to each
      The executive will report directly     and every citizen.
    to the president of Cisco no Brasil,       Beehive is a global project already introduced in Africa, Europe, Mexico,
    Rodrigo Abreu, and replaces Marco        Asia and the Middle East. Designed to help people with little experience in
    Sena, commercial director for Latin      internet, the site makes easier for them to find information which will help
    America – who also accumulated
    the function in the Country. Ana
                                             the people to be better integrated in the national economy.   •
    Claudia worked for Microsoft in
    the 14 last years. She also held
    positions as products manager,
    sales manager for the medium size
    companies, among others. Before
    Microsoft, she worked for Oracle
    as product marketing manager.
    She is graduated in Business
    Administration and Computer
    Science by Universidade
    Presbiteriana Mackenzie and in
    Strategic Marketing by Escola
    Superior de Propaganda e
    Marketing. •

    The popularization of intelligent devices
    and online video drive unified
    communication tools and determine
    Cisco’s tack
               world in which the number     with the best growth potential in

    A          of mobile devices exceeds
               that of inhabitants should
               come true until 2015.
    Unfortunately this does not mean
    that each human being in the planet
                                             the Country”, according to Rodrigo
                                             Abreu, president of Cisco do Brasil.
                                             “This migration will happen very
                                             fast”, he defined.
                                               Four important pillars support
    will own a smart device, but that        the strategy in Cisco’s collaboration
    advanced users (the so called heavy      segment: visual, virtual, social and
    users) will have 5 or 6 of them, among   mobility. This latter is, with the
    laptops, tablets and smartphones         popularization of mobile devices, the
    (including devices that were not         most consolidated in the Country. The
    invented yet).                           video (included in the first pillar), will
      This perspective has a direct impact   have a stronger impact on the future
    on Cisco’s tack, as all this apparatus   networks infrastructure, in both the
    will be connected online, and it will    companies and the operators.
    be possible to access the web and          “The video is becoming the                60 percent of companies presently
    the social networks, watch videos        new voice”, said Carlos Torales,            think about adopting tools to unify
    and, more important, to collaborate      architecture director for Cisco             their communication. Out of this
    and produce.                             in Latin America, repeating the             total, 31% will do it by means of cloud
      The collaboration, by the way,         motto that the company adopted              computing offers, said Pat Romzek,
    was one of the outstanding themes        in recent years to communicate its          the global vice-president for business
    of Cisco Plus Brasil 2012, held in Rio   collaboration technologies. “The            development of the American Cisco
    de Janeiro. The Collaboration Day,       world is geo-politically different,         headquarters. “The virtualization
    the period of the event exclusively      much more connected, and the                permits to provide the same solutions
    devoted to discuss the company’s         economy is undergoing a very fast           in physical environments via cloud,
    tack and solutions for the future        change. The collaboration in this           with financing benefits, flexibility
    unified communication, defined           context arises as a way to increase         and agility, permitting strategic
    collaboration as “the fundamental        the productivity.”                          advantages for increasingly global
    part of the company’s strategy, maybe      According to the executive, about         companies.”

6 About 60 percent of companies presently think about
                                          adopting tools to unify their communication

                                            In the case of Editora Abril,           used by the journalists as well.
                                          the need for more robustness              They use the technology to prepare
                                          to support the creation of new            meetings and remote interviews. “The
                                          services and reduce costs guided          journalists can make interviews by
                                          the new company communication             phone, but in some cases nothing
                                          structure. The demands, originated        replaces the ‘eye-to-eye” contact,
                                          from journalists and administrative       explained the manager. There are
                                          employees, included the use of cloud,     also 8 videoconference rooms which
                                          the need to add personal devices on       integrate the company office in São
                                          the corporate network with safety         Paulo. The systems interoperability
                                          (consumerization), mobility and the       was a fundamental factor, as they are
                                          intense use of video. “Our concerns       used for meetings with the publishing
                                          included not only the technology          house partners, and many of them
                                          delivery, but also the adjustment of      have installed solutions from other
                                          the whole eco-system around it”,          manufacturers.
                                          explained Gerson Ferreira, manager
                                          of the IT area of the publishing house.   Globo
                                            Standardization was the key               Globo TV network decided to
                                          world of the process. The company         implant a PI telephony system in its
                                          decided to use Cisco solutions due        Central Globo de Produção (or CGP,
                                          to the possibility to implant a point-    a.k.a Projac). This is a long project,
                                          to- point architecture, i.e. which did    which started in 2007 and should end
                                          not offer integration risks among the     only in 2012. The migration process
                                          different solutions. As a result, only    to the new voice standard began in its
                                          the voice platform on PI permitted        branch in São Paulo. The advantages
                                          costs reductions of 40% with              were such that the project migrated
Success cases                             telecommunication in the company.         to Rio de Janeiro, all with Cisco
  Nothing is more appropriate to          WiFi, LAN, WAN and, of course,            technology.
talk about unified communication           safety solutions were also implanted.       There are 2800 integrated
than to show stories about the use        “About 44% of all employees were          extensions, which open doors to
of technology in media companies.         already using personal devices to         other services such as videocall,
During the “Collaboration Day”,           work, this in March 2011”, said           videoconference, collaboration,
Editora Abril, with headquarters in       Ferreira, justifying the need of          virtualized services... “This way the
the city of São Paulo, and Globo TV       defense solution in such a volatile       telephony becomes an additional
Network, with headquarters in Rio de      access network.                           service, another item on the desktop,
Janeiro and branches all over Brazil,       Telepresence solutions were also        and this makes easier the management
shared their experiences in implanting    implanted in Editora Abril offices in      and generates savings”, concluded
new communicatioin infrastructures        Rio de Janeiro and Brasília, besides      Claudio Rangel, technology and
using IP (internet protocol) standards.   the São Paulo headquarters, to be         support manager of Globo TV     .•

The Cisco UCS line is based on unified architecture which
reduces ownership costs and prepares companies for a
virtualized future
             eart comes from the Latin     demands for data, the companies          Rio de Janeiro, the data centers

H            word cordis. In a free
             translation it is center,
             nucleus. It is one of the
    most important muscles in the
    human body, as the blood circulation
                                           need first to turn their attention
                                           to the data centers, critical agents
                                           for the transformation of those
                                           organizations which need to be
                                           increasingly more dynamic and
                                                                                    have attracted a special attention.
                                                                                    With the movement toward the
                                                                                    cloud, this equipment will be the
                                                                                    center of IT infrastructures in
                                                                                    most corporations in the future.
    and the nourishment of all cells of    efficient. Coherent to this idea,        Presently, a great part of them
    our organism are dependent of it. In   Cisco’s strategy for the segment is      have legated infrastructures which,
    the present data networks, the data    based on offering an end-to-end          although they provide performance
    center is the heart which nourishes    architecture with open standards,        and quality, they generate high
    an infinity of connected terminals      which simplifies and optimizes the        operation costs and complexity.
    (fixed, mobile, virtualized, and so     performance, reducing ownership          Furthermore, as the consumers are
    on).                                   costs and increasing the productivity.   moving increasingly more toward
      To meet the present and future         During Cisco Plus 2012, in             virtualized environments, there is

Conheça Cloud Embratel, a melhor forma
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Simplificamos a gestão de TI para acelerar           Cloud Embratel permite:
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 6 The UCS resulted in cost savings and meaningful                                          solutions and focuses on costs and
    benefits in businesses in all industries and scenarios                                   complexity reduction.
                                                                                               Not by chance, some two years
                                                                                            after the introduction, the Unified
                                                                                            Computing System (UCS) has
    a need to combine legacy and new            the Cisco Hosted Collaboration              attracted the attention of data
    technologies.                               solutions. The open standards and           centers managers and CIOs all over
       “The IT offers it as a service           the APIs permit to integrate and            the world. In February 2012, the
    demand readiness for the applicative        manage the partners’ eco-systems            Cisco UCS totaled more than 10
    critical mission, speed in ‘self-service’   hardware and software with more             thousand customers in the world,
    configurations and economy, that             flexibility.                                 including 3 thousand in Europe and
    is, a new approach”, explained Matt            More than that, a complete               hundreds in Latin America.
    Erickson, business and partners             life cycle services portfolio for              The UCS enabled, according to
    development manager for Cisco               data center products permits the            Cisco, meaningful business costs and
    das Américas. “What we suggest is           experts` assistance in optimization,        benefits savings in all industries and
    a combination of the best of both           implantation and planning of the IT         scenarios. Since the beginning of its
    worlds.”                                    infrastructure, IT strategic services,      distribution, in July 2009, the unified
       The company data center strategy         architecture, technical support and         solution established 53 performance
    is based on offering an open standards      operations management.                      benchmarks world records, besides
    (x86) unified architecture, which               The unique, intelligent and unified       dozens of the industry`s awards for
    considers three great pillars: unified       infrastructure reduces the system           its innovation.
    fabric, computing and management.           complexities and, at the same                  Part of the success is explained
    “The focus is no longer on the              time, optimizes it for virtualization       by Cisco work w ith leader
    technologies and goes to the actual         processes, which require a great deal       manufacturers of the software
    need of each and every business”,           of memory and O/I capacity. Thus,           infrastructure industry, including
    said Erickson.                              the environment cost, during its            BMC, CA, Citrix, EMC, Hitachi Data
       To supply connectivity with              life, reduced and falls, in its totality,   Systems, Microsoft, NetApp, Oracle,
    high speed and availability, with
    safety and experience for the data
                                                50% with the adoption of Cisco
                                                architecture, according to Erickson.
                                                                                            Red Hat, SAT and VMware.      •
    center applicative, is the role of
    the integrated network services             UCS
    infrastructure. The computing                 The company portfolio, within
    systems, on the other hand, integrate       the already traditional UCS line,
    the access network, storage and             includes blade and rack servers,
    management of these components              interconnections in fabric and the
    in a scalable structure for physical        UCS Management, which manages
    and virtualized applicative. The            all the system components and
    unified management increases the life        configurations by means of a unified
    cycle and the automation simplifies          policy. Resources such as Cisco
    the data center implantation and            Intelligent Automation for Cloud
    operations.                                 (which includes a self-service portal
                                                for IaaS configurations, including
    High performance                            catalog, orchestration governance,
     Furthermore, the Cisco Unified              automation, the components life
    Data Center offers support to               cycle etc.) complement the cloud



    Due to the drop on the voice services income, the operators are
    structuring environments based on cloud computing
       n the beginning of 2012, the         corporations and, consequently, are     strive to align the technology use

I      operators are structuring
       environments based on cloud
       computing as a way to materialize
    their managed services solutions. The
    main targets are the infrastructure
                                            more profitable to the telcos. “The
                                            cloud computing and managed
                                            service markets are the strongest
                                            ones with the Telephone Companies,
                                            exactly because of this profile”.
                                                                                    with business results.
                                                                                      Mentioning two examples of
                                                                                    customers who have had success
                                                                                    with the acceleration services hiring,
                                                                                    he says: ~a retail dealer could increase
    and safety areas and the business         The connections acceleration and      in five times the number of credit
    model that is based on the fixed         the safety are the offers that these    cards validation. Another case was
    wide band and mobile penetration,       companies already have formatted,       of a logistic multinational company
    mainly when the customer is a small     including with customized proposals     which had been fined twice in Santos
    or medium size company.                 for each and every business deal.       Port (São Paulo coastland), for delay
      With the voice stagnation, Carlos     Embratel, according to André            in releasing the fiscal note; and with
    Ferreira, marketing consultant of       Arruda, product manager, has a          the acceleration it could solve the
    Telefonica Vivo, argues that the        record of “success in this initiative   problem.”
    operators` alternative is to invest     since 2 years ago, approximately”.        Telefonica/Vivo announced an IT
    in offers that generate value to the    According to him, the IT managers       infrastructure services offer (IaaS).

Excelência em Treinamentos.
 Agora, Excelência em Consultoria.
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    In partnership with VCE (Virtual
    Computing Environment, a joint
    venture formed by Cisco, EMC,
    Intel and VMware), and nicknamed
    as Vivo Cloud Plus, the offer also
    reinforces the operator entrance in
    the cloud IT solutions segment.
       This is the first company
    product, introduced under Vivo
    unified brand. The services exist
    in Europe already since the second
    half of 2011, and the positive            For the Latin American offer,           during the last 10 years and the fully
    performance in that area stimulated     Telefonica/Vivo uses five data            segmented way of working, in which
    its introduction in Latin America,      centers in the area, installed in         every customer counts on a 100%
    in five countries, simultaneously.       Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia        specialized sales, commercial and
       “The customer can hire, in a         and Peru. “The cloud services             after sale area are the differentials
    100% modular and flexible way,
    processing capability, backup
    and storage to increase or reduce       6 IT executives of medium and large size companies believe
    cloud operations, according to the      that cloud is not a technological news any more, but a model
    need”, explains Maurício Azevedo,
                                            which will have a constant growth in the next years
    executive director of Telefonica/
    Vivo. “The network is not a simple
    additional part of a product, but
    is its integral part. This product      should leverage the adoption of IT        of our cloud offer in the Country”,
    involves network, infrastructure        infrastructure outsourced services,       defends Azevedo.
    and management.”                        which is our specialty” explains            Telefonica/Vivo has a global
                                            Azevedo.                                  strategy for the cloud services, and
    High demand                               For Rodrigo Abreu, president of         they have created a specific area for
      The services are addressed to         Cisco do Brasil, the operators have       these solutions development. The
    the corporate market, the demand        a fundamental role in cloud services      partnership with Cisco and VCE
    of which for cloud processing is a      offer, as they have a fundamental         has the purpose to prove a unique
    growing one. A survey carried out       asset: the network. “It is natural that   architecture for the countries where
    by IDC Brasil with 325 IT executives    this integration exists”, he says.        the company is present. In Brazil,
    of medium and large size companies        The infrastructure offer as the         the operator forecasts that the cloud
    shows that 98% of them believe that     operators’ service is formed by a         services account for 1/3 of the IT
    cloud is not a technological news       portfolio devoted to companies of         services growth in 2012. In Latin
    any more, but a model which will        all sizes, mainly the medium and          America, the segment meets the
    have a constant growth in the next      large size ones. “The combined            needs of more than 2 thousand
    years. Cisco forecasts that the cloud   national capillarity of Telefonica        companies and, among the one
    services Latin American market will     and Vivo networks in the Country,         thousand largest ones, 30% use IT
    reach US$ 5 billion until 2013.         the uninterrupted investment made         solutions and connectivity.   •

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 To follow the consumption increase and the advances of the
 population’s buying power, institutions increase investments in
 new electronic service rendering technologies. Mobile banking is
 one of the highlights

            razilians are more and more      to a study carried out by Federação      The Brazilian banks’ investments

B           actives in their relationships
            with the banks. One of the
            evidences of this ascension
    is the 7% increase in the number of
    agencies in operation in the Country
                                             Brasileira dos Bancos (Febraban), in
                                             partnership with Booz & Company.
                                             The study also identified an increase
                                             in transactions done by the internet
                                             banking and by mobile devices –
                                                                                    and expenses in technology had a
                                                                                    11% increase in 2011, reaching R$
                                                                                    18 billion. The amount of money
                                                                                    consolidates the industry as the
                                                                                    main IT user in Brazil, according to
    between 2010 and 2011, according         smartphones and tablets.               the survey.

6 Banks’ investments and expenses in technology reached R$
18 billion in 2011

  One of the highlights of the study is     observed in other countries already. In     Society”. This year the event should
the 49% increase of banking operations      2010, Brazil had 9.1 terminals for every    receive 19 thousand representatives of
by means of mobile devices – mobile         10 thousand inhabitants, with 4295          banks, of other financial institutions
banking -, such as smartphones and          transactions per month. In the United       and IT companies, and will register
tablets. According to the survey, there     States, there are 13.8 terminals, with      up to 1.9 thousand congresspersons
are 3.3 million current account clients     2303 transactions per month.                (maintaining the international profile
in Brazil with access to the banking          This and other information will           of its congress). Among the most
services by mobile devices. In 2010         be submitted and discussed during           important banks congresses and the
they were 2.2 million.                      Ciab Febraban 2012, to be held in São       best TIC exposure in the Country,
  Febraban forecasts show that until        Paulo, with the theme “The Connected        the event should have about 200
2018 the transactions by mobile
devices will be as expressive as those
                                                                                        expositors.  •
                                              6 INNOVATION SPACE:
made by the fixed internet. The data
show that, in 2011, 42 million current
account clients used the internet to          OPPORTUNITY FOR STARTUPS
access the banking services, 11%
more as compared to 2010 (38                  In its 8th edition, Espaço Inovação, a joint initiative of Federação Brasileira
million). In 2002, the current account        de Bancos (Febraban) and Instituto de Tecnologia de Software (ITS), will
clients who have access to internet           count of Cisco do Brasil support during CIAB 2012. The initiative tries and
were less than 9 million. According to        identifies, among Brazilian startups, solutions that contribute to the banking
Febraban, the annual average growth           and financial area modernization, by improving the service rendering quality
was 18%.                                      and by increasing the safety, among other factors.
  There were a total of 66.4 billion
banking transactions, 12% more than           “The objective is to add value to the financing services in Brazil”, explains
in 2010. Out of these, 15.7 billion           Descartes de Souza Teixeira, council president of ITS and coordinator of the
were via internet, a number that is           selection committee. “The companies and solutions that we have chosen
25% higher than in 2010. In the case of       are so good that today many of them are suppliers of the banking sector,
ATMs, a total of 9 billion accesses were      some with their own booths in CIAB.”
recorded, representing a 14% growth
as compared to 2010, when there were          Espaço, says Teixeira, represents a great contribution for the banks
8.6 billion transactions                      innovation. An evidence of this is that Febraban keeps on the initiative year
  The number of ATMs reached                  after year. It is the largest collective stand of the event, with 24 exposed
182 thousand, as compared to 179              solutions, and is the most visited stand as well – in 2011 it received more
thousand in 2010. The study also              than 4 thousand interested visitors. “Espaço is the great success of CIAB”.
shows that the ATMs penetration rate
in Brazil reached similar levels that are     Mobility and safety promise to be the great highlights of this year edition.
                                              And there is a big anticipation of success. “The committee evaluated
                                              that the solutions quality this year is higher than those of previous years”,
6 42 million current account                  commemorates Teixeira. “The visitants will be surprised with what our young
clients used internet to                      people are doing.”
access the banking services


    Brazilian team of HSBC PI network support is the only in
    the Group all over the world to have 100% of its
    professionals with CCNA Cisco certification
               he drive and the high           certifications and instructor of Cisco      Managing more than 7 thousand

    T          investment of Cisco`s
               par t ner s in t raining
               and certificating their
    professionals, in a number of the
    manufacturer`s technological
                                               Networking Academy Program.             network devices all over Brazil,
                                                                                       Souza says that the team has no
                                                                                       opportunity whatsoever to make
                                                                                       mistakes, “for this reason we have
                                                                                       to do right and in the best possible
    categories is common place. Unusual,                                               configuration the first time, to enable
    however, is to see a customer with                                                 stability and availability”.
    the same dedication, and more, with                                                   For him, the fact that banking
    a number of certified professionals                                                 services are considered a commodity
    that is equivalent to a Silver partner.                                            turns the services availability into a
    This is HSBC Brasil PI network team`s                                              great competitive differential. As
    profile, accountable for the whole                                                  the persons are increasingly more
    bank network, the world standard                                                   dependent on cards and the banks
    of which is Cisco.                                                                 provide more and more services
       The 16 persons of the group deal                                                by the electronic channels, there
    daily with projects, installation,                                                 is a higher pressure for availability
    layout and managing of routers,                                                    on the network, according to the
    switches and all the net devices that                                              executive. “I use to say that through
    are present in the infrastructure.                                                 HSBC network passes money, not bit”
    The certification, points out Marcos        “We already have two                    reveals Souza.
    Souza, PI network area manager, is         persons with CCNP                          The professionals` certification
    important because it is translated into    certification, which                     plan was forecast for three years and
    innovation, better service and more                                                began in 2011. The initial boa leas
    availability for the bank`s clients.
                                               requires three tests. In                that 100% of people had the CCNA
       “We have no core switches of the        2013 we will have at least              (Cisco Certifies Network Associate),
    network with more than 4 year uptime,      two persons with CCIE                   the second certification in the
    and we only arrived to this stability                                              pyramid, as in 2010 a new entrance
                                               and all the rest of the team
    level due to the team`s capacitation,                                              certification – CCENT (Certified
    i.e., something that I call do to right    with CCNP certification”                 Entry Networking Technician) – was
    the first time”, says Sousa, owner of all   — MARCOS SOUZA, OF HSBC                 created.

Three companies are involved             6 Three companies are involved in the project: HSBC,
on the project - HSBC, Dimension           Dimension Data (integrating) and Cisco, the two latter ones
Data (integrator) and Cisco, the two       supplying the vouchers for the tests
latter ones supplying the vouchers
for the tests. Already in 2011, 100%         Another innovating solution:              that the team could incentive new
of the bank`s PI network team was          “HSBC is the only bank in Brazil            attitudes, new ideas and a number of
awarded the CCNA certification,             to offer access to WiFi internet in         innovations that have been consistently
a requirement that now is also the         airports with VIP lounge, sharing           recognized by the internal programs, as
entrance door for trainees. “Our work      Infraero`s WiFi infrastructure.             is the case of Destaque HTS, a quarterly
requires this knowledge… We need a           Today the people`s certification           acknowledgement for the good ideas
high standard…”, says Souza.               level guides the team`s training            and attitudes that made a difference in
  He reveals that the goal for 2012 is     plan, and it is considered in the           IT. “Our team already has 17 awards”
to have at least one CCIE (Certified        performance evaluation, which               says a proud Souza.
Internetwork Expert) and says that         has a bearing on the bonus. The                One of the awarded ideas is called
the group is already on this way. We       HSBC team is equivalent to a Cisco          “HSBC e a Mina de Ouro na Terra do
already have two persons with CCNP         Silver Partner and is looking for           Sol”, an activation solution of a Banking
certification, which requires three         new certifications to win the Gold           Service Rendering Station using BPN
tests. In 2013 we will have at least two   Partner profile until 2013. “We are a        Internet in a mining company, where
persons with CCIE and all the rest of      technology company, we are a bank           no Telecom operator offered resources.
the team with CCNP certification.           and everything is done with personal        Another winning project was the
  This effort brought interesting          effort in and out the work hours”,          network cables recycling. The cable
gains – a number of persons who            points out Souza. “There is also a          were taken from the bank`s installations
made CCNA (routing) are looking            mentoring initiative, where he/she          by a partner company. “Much more
for other specialties. “We already         reached a higher certification has, by       that the awareness which generates
have people with double CCNA               function, to help the others”, he adds.     acknowledgement, today we have a
such as routing + wireless, routing +        Due to this agitation that is generated   powerful motivation, innovation and
safety”, confirms Souza, saying that
the movement is producing results
                                           by the certifications, the executive says    management tool”, concludes Souza.    •
in other teams as well, such as the
second level support team, which
already has two professionals with
                                             6 Get to know Cisco`s certifications
CCNA. “Now we are taking the idea
to the first level team and we hope           EXPERT
to have at least one CCNA by year             CCIE (Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert)
end”, he says.                                Capacitation: Routing and commuting; WAM commuting: ISP dialing: SNA/
  Another very important gain is              IP 2: Project
the innovation. HSBC, according to
Souza, was the first and only financial        PROFESSIONAL
institution in Brazil to attend Projeto       CCNP (Cisco Certified Network Professional)
de Troca de Tráfego do Comitê                 CCDP (Cisco Certified Design Professional)
Gestor da Internet Brasil (PTT-               Capacitation: Routing and commuting: WAN Commuting
BR), a kind of free zone of internet          ASSOCIATE
traffic change, through which 20%              CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate)
of the bank`s internet traffic passes          CCDA (Cisco Certified Design Associate)
“with excellent performance and               Capacitation: Routing and commuting: WAN commuting (just CCNA)
meaningful savings” he says.


 Bank renews infrastructure and expands the use of
 videoconference in internal processes
           he biggest customer of Cisco      concerned, they are installed in the       jumps of efficiency and productivity”

 T         WebEx collaboration platform
           in the world, HSCB has found
           in the images transmission
 systems a solution to increase its
 efficiency and its productivity gain.
                                             bank`s facilities which concentrate
                                             a higher number of users and where
                                             those who need an interaction with
                                             the rest of the company are.
                                                                                        he adds.
                                                                                          To propitiate the adoption of
                                                                                        video platforms, the HSBC IT team
                                                                                        needed to promote an upgrade of
                                                                                        the infrastructure and used the
 Thus, the institution`s Brazilian banking   Training                                   opportunity to integrate the services
 operation devoted the year of 2011 to         The video transmission also works        in the same network. Thus, the
 update and expand the videoconference       as a training platform for the agencies`   previous environment, devoted to
 rooms to 63 points, with video endpoints    employees. The environment establishes     the video transportation, was totally
 throughout the Country. The movement        the leveling and standardization concept   replaced by an IP network. “The V35
 altered all the professionals` behavior     of the bank`s services by means of good    network does not exist since a long
 and they have changed displacement          practices promotion.                       time. It was created when the bank
 habits and have recorded more agility         “The purpose is to identify good         implanted its first videoconference
 in internal communication.                  practices in a certain segment, and to     system, but 4 or 5 years ago it
    “The interaction by video seems          transmit them to the others” points        was migrated to IP, with pieces of
 to be a more effective one. Today,          out Leon. “Together with the coaching      equipment that showed limitations
 our users have intensified the              service, the initiative has resulted in    as compared to QoS and the band
 search for a videopresence system”,                                                    speed, and this degraded the quality”
 summarizes Angel Leon, manager of                                                      recalls Leon.
 HSBC collaboration area, about the                                                       In the technological upgrade, the
 internal public`s satisfaction with the                                                users have not only a new image
 new infrastructure offered in Brazil.                                                  standard, now in HD, but also have a
    The videoconference rooms,                                                          higher connection speed of 512 Kbps
 according to him, are not exactly                                                      and some rooms for up to 2 Mbps,
 new to HSBC, reminding that the                                                        besides the use of telepresence.
 bank uses this resource for more than
 15 years. Bur the adoption of video                                                    Telepresence
 personal systems calls the attention                                                      In the next few months, HSBC should
 on the present behavior. “Beginning                                                    also have installed a telepresence room
 with notebooks and desktops, the                                                       in São Paulo condominium, similar to
 users can either make point-to-point                                                   those already existing in the operations
 conferences or telephone calls, or even     “The interaction by video                  all over the world
 use the multipoint system”, explains                                                      Angel Leon informs that “The
 the manager.
                                             seems to be a more                         infrastructure updating opened the
    Today a group of approximately           effective one. Today our                   way to the HD video, the infrastructure
 750 managing level users has an             users have intensified                      services sharing~. According to
 intense utilization of the system,                                                     him, the bank now dispenses ISDN
                                             the search for a
 and the trend, according to Leon,                                                      (Integrated Services Digital Network)
 is of a fast growth. As far as              videopresence system”                      connections to communicate with
 the videoconference rooms are               — ANGEL LEON, OF HSBC                      other companies or institutions.  •

    With a three year term, a sealed agreement
                                                                                 America, the choice resulted from
    with Dimension Data includes more than 700                                    the good and long relationship which
    pieces of equipment such as telephones,                                       already exists between both companies.
                                                                                 “Dimension Data implemented the
    routers, switches and call managers                                           whole IP Telephony IP, videoconference
                                                                                  and networks with Cisco technology
                                                                                  in Michael Page`s Latin American
                                                                                  offices. We have always had a fine
                                                                                  relationship with its professionals who
                                                                                  have a qualified profile and meet our
                                                                                  needs. This is why we signed this new
                                                                                  agreement”, he says.
                                                                                    With the agreement, Dimension
                                                                                  Data will be accountable for the whole
                                                                                  maintenance of Cisco`s equipment
                                                                                  existing in Latin American Michael
                                                                                  Page. The structure involves 700
                                                                                  telephones, routers, switches and
                                                                                  call managers which will be covered
                                                                                  by Dimension Data`s guarantee.
                                                                                 The project also involves Cisco
                                                                                  videoconference equipment and servers.
                                                                                    For Cardoso, the agreement benefits
                                                                                  for Michael Page`s IT department
                                                                                  exceed the costs reduction for the
                                                                                  equipment maintenance. “Michael
                                                                                  Page`s core business is neither
                                                                                  telephony nor information technology.
                                                                                  By maintaining this service with
                                                                                  a qualified partner, we permit that
                                                                                  our IT professionals develop more
               ichael Page, a global      planning, development, support and      strategic activities for the business”,

M              company devoted to the
               recruiting and selection
               of executives for large
    and medium size companies,
    selected Dimension Data – a
                                          management of IT infrastructures
                                          – to develop a project which
                                          involves the support of the whole IP
                                          telephony structure, networks and
                                          videoconference of the company
                                                                                  he points out.
                                                                                     Besides Brazil, Michael Page has
                                                                                  operations in Argentina, Mexico,
                                                                                  Chile, Colombia, Uruguay and Peru,
                                                                                  and all the company`s offices have IP
    multinational company focused on      in its 24 offices in Latin America.      telephony structure, videoconference
    information technology services         According to Leonardo Cardoso, IT     and networks with Cisco technology
    and provider of solutions for         manager of Michael Pace for Latin       implemented by Dimension Data.    •
Americas Trading Group renews negotiation network to
improve the services offer in Latin America

   n 2012, with a visionary way,        (availability) became fundamental        project, they have used Nexus, HFT

I  ATG (Americas Trading Group)
   – a company which provides
   e- commerce s er v ice s and
solutions for investors in the money-
market – decided to position itself
                                        premises in ATG`s business.
                                          The big challenge was to understand
                                        the company`s business objectives
                                        with focus in its final customers, to
                                        offer a solution in agreement to these
                                                                                 state-of-the-art switch lines, and large
                                                                                 routers. A high availability network
                                                                                 was implanted, distributed in two
                                                                                 different data centers in São Paulo,
                                                                                 one of them in the Stock Exchange,
in a new market niche, being pioneer    expectances and needs, also taking       as well as the construction of the main
in rendering high value aggregated      into consideration the very few time     office infrastructure.
services in Brazil. To this end, it     to accomplish the project – about 4        Later on, the same architecture was
massively invested in innovation        months.                                  replicated for data centers in Mexico
and, among the solutions, developed       The purpose of the project was         and Chile, increasing even more the
a multibroker products and services     to design a technological structure      business reach in Latin America.
platform of Electronic Trading.         together with ATG executives, enabling     The obtained measurements and
  The initiative has a very low         the company to offer its products        results with the project point to
latenc y negotiation net work,          in a state-of-the-art technologic        a dramatic reduction in the total
execution proprietor algorithms,        structure. The result would be the       processing time (round-trip) of orders
negotiation screen, among other         organization`s acknowledgement as        to the micro seconds level (the lowest
products.                               the main player of routing HFT orders    possible latency level with the present
                                        in Latin America, creating a very low    technologies).
Objectives                              latency environment for institutional      ATG`s customers were benefited with
  With the increasingly higher          customers in Europe and in the USA.      the project, as they now have a reliable
adoption of systems with HFT –            The solution, designed by Proof        and extremely fast access and today
High Frequency Trading technology       together with the ATG`s team, was        they can count on the most efficient
– higher speed and larger resiliency    based on Cisco technology. For the       trading network in Latin America.    •

    THE                                                                                      PPB (Basic Productive Process, in the
                                                                                             Portuguese acronym) and, therefore,
                                                                                             grants fiscal incentive to pieces of

    INVESTMENTS                                                                              equipment with high nationalization
                                                                                               Another parcel of the R$ 1 billion

    BALL IS AT STAKE                                                                         budget will be applied in innovation,
                                                                                             transformation and socio-economic
                                                                                             development. Rodrigo Abreu, president
    With R$ 1 billion investments until 2014,                                                of the local operation, announced the
                                                                                             following initiatives: 1 – Opening of
    Cisco brings routers and switches                                                        a Cisco innovation center in Rio de
    manufacture to Brazil, en SP. It will open a                                             Janeiro; 2 – Investments in a Venture
                                                                                             Capital fund focused on the information
    researches center in Rio de Janeiro, will                                                and communication technology and
    invest in a Venture Capital fund, and will                                               digital economy in Brazil; 3 – Local
                                                                                             production expansion; 4 – Intellectual
    develop intellectual property agreements                                                 property and partnerships with
    and partnerships with Brazilian companies                                                Brazilian companies and entities for
                                                                                             the joint development of innovations
    and entities                                                                             to render better services to the market.
                                                                                               Cisco expects to generate about
              he worldwide Cisco is in good      Manaus (Amazonas State), a line that        800 direct or indirect jobs in Brazil

    T         terms with Brazil. It was this
              sensation that users and
              partners of the manufacturer
    felt during the three days of Cisco Plus
    Brazil 2012, an event during which
                                                 has been expanded twice already,
                                                 according to Rodrigo Abreu, the
                                                 company president in the Country.
                                                 This time, the project includes the local
                                                 manufacture of some best-sellers in
                                                                                             with these investments, by means
                                                                                             of its partners` eco-system and,
                                                                                             mainly, that they create a platform
                                                                                             for the high technology innovation
                                                                                             and entrepreneurism in the Country.
    they discussed technologic trends            switches and routers lines.                 “The investments represent Cisco
    and business opportunities, among              The project is aligned to the             commitment to the main Brazilian
    other themes. The Brazilian operation        informatics law rules, which define the      innovation priorities and to its long
    of the company reached full legal age
    (it now is 18 year old) and, with that, it
    brought some victories to the Country,
    summarized in R$ 1 billion worth of
    investments from this year to 2014.
       The local executives kept trying
    and have obtained the approval to
    build a local switches and routers
    manufacturing plant. SãoPaulo will
    host the initiative, the production of
    which will begin this year already, using
    the infrastructure of Flextronix, its
    global partnership. The forecast is that
    the first pieces of equipment will be
    ready in the market during the fourth
    quarter this year.
       Cisco production investments in
                                                 Cisco Plus Brazil 2012 had the presence of Paulo Bernardo, the Communications
    Brazil were inaugurated in 2011, with        Minister, Sergio Cabral, Governor of Rio de Janeiro State, and Eduardo Paes, Mayor
    the manufacture of set-top boxes in          of the City of Rio de Janeiro.

term presence in this Country”,                                                      Business Edition 3000 and the Cisco
determined Abreu.                                                                    Unified Communications technology
                                                                                     licensing for certain Telebrás telephones
Political support                                                                    and IP gateways.
  The ads were produced during                                                          Cisco and Intelbrás will make
the Cisco Plus Brazil 2012 opening                                                   available the Cisco Business Edition
ceremony, in Rio de Janeiro. The event                                               3000 using more than 10 000 Intelbrás
had the presence of Paulo Bernardo,                                                  partner channels in Brazil. The medium
the Communications Minister, Sergio                                                  size partners – with up to 300 users –
Cabral, Governor of Rio de Janeiro                                                   will be able to usufruct the benefits of
State, and Eduardo Paes, Mayor of                                                    a Unified Communications efficient
the City of Rio de Janeiro.                                                          system with professional functionalities
  About Cisco Innovation Center in                                                   which can support a future growth.
Rio, Abreu informed that the plan is        “The investments                            It was also announced a Work
to develop new technology solutions         represent Cisco                          Transformation Power Program
especially adapted to Brazilian                                                      agreement and en understanding
needs. The center main activity will        commitment to                            memorandum of a partnership with
be to integrate Cisco portfolio with        the main Brazilian                       SENAC-RJ (Serviço Nacional de
technologies produced by local              innovation priorities                    Aprendizagem Nacional), which will
companies, creating solutions that                                                   benefit more than 1000 students in
meet the Brazilian market needs.
                                            and to its long                          Rio de Janeiro, who are interested in
  Initially, the Innovation Center          term presence in                         starting a network career.
will focus on solutions development         this Country”                               The important Research and
for urban development (Smart +              — RODRIGO ABREU, OF                      Development area, the Planetary Skin
Connected Communities), sports and          CISCO DO BRASIL                          Institute, an independent non-profit
entertaining, public safety, education                                               global organization for research and
and health. Additional solution areas       emerging technologic innovations, by     development, initially incubated by
will be integrated in 2013, including Oil   supporting the development of high       Cisco and by NASA, developed a
and Gas and Smart Grid/electric grid.       growth small and medium companies        number of agreements with Brazilian
                                            in the technology, digital media and     institutions that are leaders in the
Investment fund                             telecommunications industries.           government`s R&D, in the academic
  The Capital Venture Fund for TIC                                                   area and in the private sector for the
and Digital Economy priority will be        Technology transference                  partnership development of decision
the incentive to the development of           Cisco is also looking for              platforms, about risks and resources
new Brazilian technology companies          opportunities to develop agreements      management, which are of fundamental
and the entrepreneurism in the Country.     with local companies and entities, to    importance to maintain Brazil`s
  The manufacturer`s plan is to invest      meet the needs the Brazilian market      international outstanding position in
up to R$ 50 million, besides the            key areas and to stimulate the local     sustainable development.
cooperation of local investors, who         technology development and, at the          Abreu concluded by saying that
will become partners of the investment      same time, to strength the Brazilian     Cisco will keep on expanding its
vehicle to be managed by the chosen         TIC sector.                              corporate social responsibility
funds manager. The information                It was recently announce an            initiatives in the Country, particularly
technology and communication                intellectual property agreement with     with the Cisco Networking Academy
Brazilian market has a huge economic        Intelbás to supply the growing market    program, which has about 25 000
and innovation potential.                   of IP (Internet Protocol) telephony in   students in Brazil yearly, in more than
  By acknowledging this potential,          Brazil.                                  250 academic centers. The program
Cisco intention is to accelerate the          The companies are working together     established several partnerships with
introduction of new technologies            to help the small and medium size        public and private institutions to
and to offer competitive advantage          businesses to teach the collaboration    keep the expansion of the number of
with pioneering investments in              by using the recently announce Cisco     students in the Country.  •

    Hospitals, clinics and laboratories invest in the information
    integration, but still sin in the data safety, conclude experts during
    Cisco Plus Brazil 2012 event. Advances in Rede D’Or, with the
    information consolidation and the adoption of IP technology were
    also pointed out

             he information safety was        in health theme is very discussed in        measure the hospitals adherence to

    T        one of the most pointed
             out themes during Cisco
             Plus Brazil 2012. The Forum
    Vertical de Saúde, which was held on
    the third day of the event, showed not
                                              countries such as the United Kingdom,
                                              USA and Australia, which have specific
                                              legislations. In Brazil, Associação
                                              Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (ABNT)
                                              already translated the generic Norm
                                                                                          the recommendations of norm 27001
                                                                                          and, in a higher punctuation, of norm
                                                                                          27799. They have evaluated the themes
                                                                                          involving safety processed and, also,
                                                                                          those referring to the electronic
    only the hospitals penury in this area    27001 and the specific Norm 27799            medical records systems.
    but also the advances of telemedicine     for the health area. What we notice           Gottberg explains that the electronic
    and other services that explore the       is that the growing information of          medical records implantation, which
    information and communication             medical records is bringing new             gained momentum in the last five years,
    technology resources.                     challenges to the sector.                   changes the hospitals safety paradigm.
      The survey, that was signed by             Gottberg also says that Cisco            Before, the data were kept in physical
    Escola Paulista de Medicina and           actuation in the segment has the            records and the doctors and nurses
    conducted by Heitor Gottbert,             purpose to help hospitals to better         were accountable for the guarantee
    presently Cisco healthcare business       define and implant the information           of their reliability and confidentiality.
    manager, about the Information Safety     safety management, by means of a            With the electronic medical record,
    Management in Hospitals, showed that      portfolio and a complete architecture,      the data are stored in servers and it is
    the Brazilian health units still have a   which ranges from the edge safety to        necessary to evaluate how the hospitals
    long way to evolve in this area. The      avoid attacks, to the internal safety, by   are getting prepared to guarantee the
    purpose was to identify how protected     means of applicative that guarantees        same reliability degree.
    are the patients’ medical records. To     that no information whatsoever will           This, by the way, is one of the
    this end, a “gold standard” was defined    be taken from the company without           three pillars on which the survey was
    and it was applied to a selected group    permission.                                 based: confidentiality, integrity and
    of hospitals.                                The survey was carried out in 2009,      availability, with 11 chapters devoted
      According to Gottberg, the safety       with a series of questions used to          to the norms, including themes such as

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Cisco Live Magazine ed. 7 (English)

  • 1. > 3rd Quarter 2012 / Issue 7 Technology is the solution The banking sector bets in information technologies and telecommunications as a way to render services to increasingly more sophisticated clients; mobility and internet banking are the main choices HSBC COLLABORATION SUCCESS CASE Bank invests in video Demand for videoconferences Michael Page and IT team plans and mobile devices expansion outsources infrastructure strategy to have Cisco leverage unified communication and expands PI high level certification projects in Brazil communications 1
  • 2. 2
  • 3. 1 EDITORIAL SUMMARY RELATIONSHIP BOUTIQUES 04 Short news Preparation tips for the certification exams: Virada Digital creates knowledge and innovation network; Cisco do Brasil commercial area has a new director: Girl’s Day and Beehive integrate social responsibility he results of Febraban’s annual survey, about the investment of banks and initiatives. T financial institutions in new technologies and in maintaining the IT park, show us a great and constant transactions migration to the electronic medium. The internet is in the first place, but also, in this area, the mobility 08 Collaboration Mobile devices and video drive unified communications gives signs of growth, with the mobile banking. This new social behavior, which made the banks show investments and 10 Data centers Cisco UCS line reduces costs and opens the way for clouds expenses of R$ 18 billion in 2011, with 42 million clients using the internet to access the banking services, changes the bank agencies profile. The self- 14 Managed services Operators react to the incomes drop and introduce new offers service rooms are larger and refined, with faster and increasingly intelligent ATMs. And in the internal area, the relationship is better. The cashiers, in small numbers, still have demand, but in concentrated days and in lower volume 18 Banks To meet the demand, financial institutions invest more in TICs than 10 years ago, for example. As experts in the financial area had already foreseen a few years ago, the 20 Qualification PI support team of HSBC focuses on Cisco Certifications internal relationship for investments, to clarify doubts, to obtain credit, and other services, are transforming the agencies in boutiques, an area where the banks can explore their differential characteristics. In the cover story of 24 New voice Videoconference permits HSBC to increase efficiency and reduce costs this issue, one sentence is aligned to the whole high investment context and attracts our attention: if you consider the banking services as commodities, 26 Outsourcing and collaboration Michael Page outsources infrastructure and expands PI communications the services availability becomes a great competitive differential. This is how one of HSBC executives, interviewed by Cisco Live journalists team, defines the present scenario of the increasing offer of services by 27 Speed ATG adopts low latency network in a critical mission environment electronic channels, something that changes the banks corporative network, the infrastructure through where many billion reais circulate along each and 28 Future Manufacture and research will receive R$ 1 million from Cisco until 2014 every year. Force, scalability and stability are indispensable requisites to any information 30 Health Information increases the industry efficiency and communication technology infrastructure (TIC in the Portuguese acronym) which a bank wishes to implement today. And we cannot ignore 34 Education Analysts and professors discuss the advantages of technology in teaching the videoconferences expansion, also mentioned in the cover story, as well as the mobile access. In short, we saw during the Cisco Plus Brazil 2012, an event that congregated the whole Cisco community, in April, in Rio de Janeiro, that, 36 Safety Network has a privileged position in the war against the cybercrime focus of some areas, such as education and health, in TIC investments, the infrastructure that supports the businesses in Brazil, regardless the segment, is 38 Support Smart Care adds partners’ expertise and provides safety to the customers in evidence and we, here at Cisco, are ready to support partners and customers in different projects aligned to present and future demands. 40 Story The router switch is increasingly more important in the cloud management Regards, Marco Barcellos CISCO LIVE MAGAZINE IS A PUBLICATION OF CISCO DO BRASIL CISCO DO BRASIL Channels Director PRODUCTION Reporters Press Service Printing ACCOUNTABLE TEAM Eduardo Almeida Jackeline Carvalho In Press Porter Novelli Inergraf Comunicação Interativa Editora Marcelo Vieira President Marketing & PR Director Rodrigo Abreu Marco Barcellos Art Circulation Responsible Journalist Special Collaboration Marcelo Max 5000 copies Systems Engineering Editorial Council Jackeline Carvalho Carmen Lucia Nery (RJ) director Adriana Bueno, Carolina Morawetz, MTB 12456 Marcelo Ehalt Isabela Polito, Isabella Micali, Jackeline Carvalho, Kiki Gama, Review Mariana Fonseca, Monica Lau e Editorship Director Comunicação Interativa Marco Barcellos Jackeline Carvalho 3
  • 4. 1 SHORT NEWS 6 ALMOST A COLLEGE TEST Ana Lúcia de Faria, Cisco do Brasil solutions architect, gives some tips of how you should get prepared for Cisco certification exams “Because I work for Cisco, my customers are very demanding”, she says, recalling a story. “I remember that the first customer that I visited for Cisco asked me if I had certification. That question impressed me and motivated me to get the qualification”. The second good reason to have the qualification is one’s personal satisfaction. T o maintain functional also the companies that employ And the difficulties should not and highly efficient the them together with the market as demotivate those who are interested corporations’ internal a whole. in undergo the certification networks that are constantly For Ana Lucia de Faria, Cisco process. Ana Lúcia has some tips. growing, skilled professionals are do Brasil solutions architect with To establish goals helps, because necessary. By offering training two company certifications (Cisco without them the student is tempted for the most recent technologies, Certified Internetwork Expert to give more attention to other certificating the technical capability or CCIE, in router switching and activities. To form a study group is and by providing resources for service provider), the program also a good solution. “It takes effort, a continuous learning, Cisco brings two important advantages. but it pays in both professional and certifications program helps not The first one is the technology personal terms”, stimulates the only the networks professionals, but market acknowledgement. solutions architect.• 6 VIRADA DIGITAL CREATES A GREAT KNOWLEDGE AND INNOVATION NETWORK T o unite innovation and during the three days of the event, connected and it is very important interactivity in search which ended with the proposal to that the teacher and the school of an increasingly more make contents and technologies more adequate themselves to this new sustainable development is the accessible. “Events like this should profile.” objective of Virada Digital festival, happen in each and every city”, says Now the festival became which was held in May from 11 thru Flávio Provedel, of Cisco Networking Caravana Digital. In November 13 in Paraty, Rio de Janeiro State. Academy and coordinator of a 2012, the cities of São Paulo, Cisco was one of the sponsor computer’s connectivity an assembly Rio de Janeiro and Brasília will companies of the event, which had workshop, offered during the event. have an extra issue of the event. panels, speeches, conferences, Ricardo Santos, accountable for Later on, Caravana will make seminars, discussions, workshops, Cisco do Brasil education vertical monthly visits to each one of the scientific demonstrations, shows development, made a speech 12 Brazilian cities which will host and special action, all free of charge. about the technology applied to the the games of the World Soccer There were a total of 74 activities education. “Today the students are Championship in 2014. • 4
  • 5. COMSTOR. MUITO MAIS BENEFÍCIOS EM TODAS AS SOLUÇÕES CISCO. BORDERLESS NETWORKS COLLABORATION DATA CENTER eamstime © Yuri Arcurs - Dreamstime ti eamsti t st EDUCAÇÃO SERVIÇOS CISCO Yur SMB Nossos serviços facilitam o seu dia a dia. Comstor - São Paulo (11) 5186-4343 Comstor - Rio de Janeiro (21) 3535-9343 q u e r o c i s c o @ c o m s t o r. c o m . b r Authorized Distributor w w w . c o m s t o r. c o m . b r 5
  • 6. 1 SHORT NEWS 6 GIRL’S DAY A s part of Cisco’s social responsibility initiatives, the company participated in the Girl’s Day, a global movement to stimulate women to act in the information and telecommunication technology area. The initiative is of ITU (International Telecommunication Union), a United Nations organization for the information and communication technology area. Cisco do Brasil hosted, in its Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo offices, two of a number of events held around the world. More than 20 girls, in the 15 to 18 year old bracket, attended the movement. They are students of Networking Academy in non-governmental organizations such as Aldeias Infantis and Fundação Despertar. During the event, the girls could interact, by tele-presence, with participants of the same Cisco event in Portugal. The schedule also 6 TALENT included speeches about the technology work market, tips to look for a job and the importance to have certifications to act in the area, among • A na Claudia Pihal was recently other subjects. assigned to Cisco no Brasil commercial area direction. Accountable for the manufacturer’s 6 SOCIAL RETURN action in the small and medium T companies segment, the executive’s o use the technology to inform and change low income people’s objective is to expand the partners` lives: this is the purpose of One Economy, a non-profit global base by means of Cisco Partner-Led organization which introduced in Brazil, with the support of Cisco program, which reinforces Cisco’s and other partners, the Beehive Brasil ( The site was actuation strategy with the channels created to connect low income people to online contents such as jobs, collaboration. finances, health, education, civil rights and other subjects of interest to each The executive will report directly and every citizen. to the president of Cisco no Brasil, Beehive is a global project already introduced in Africa, Europe, Mexico, Rodrigo Abreu, and replaces Marco Asia and the Middle East. Designed to help people with little experience in Sena, commercial director for Latin internet, the site makes easier for them to find information which will help America – who also accumulated the function in the Country. Ana the people to be better integrated in the national economy. • Claudia worked for Microsoft in the 14 last years. She also held positions as products manager, sales manager for the medium size companies, among others. Before Microsoft, she worked for Oracle as product marketing manager. She is graduated in Business Administration and Computer Science by Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie and in Strategic Marketing by Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing. • 6
  • 7. 7
  • 8. 1 CONNECT COLLABORATION HAS A GREAT GROWTH POTENTIAL IN THE COUNTRY The popularization of intelligent devices and online video drive unified communication tools and determine Cisco’s tack world in which the number with the best growth potential in A of mobile devices exceeds that of inhabitants should come true until 2015. Unfortunately this does not mean that each human being in the planet the Country”, according to Rodrigo Abreu, president of Cisco do Brasil. “This migration will happen very fast”, he defined. Four important pillars support will own a smart device, but that the strategy in Cisco’s collaboration advanced users (the so called heavy segment: visual, virtual, social and users) will have 5 or 6 of them, among mobility. This latter is, with the laptops, tablets and smartphones popularization of mobile devices, the (including devices that were not most consolidated in the Country. The invented yet). video (included in the first pillar), will This perspective has a direct impact have a stronger impact on the future on Cisco’s tack, as all this apparatus networks infrastructure, in both the will be connected online, and it will companies and the operators. be possible to access the web and “The video is becoming the 60 percent of companies presently the social networks, watch videos new voice”, said Carlos Torales, think about adopting tools to unify and, more important, to collaborate architecture director for Cisco their communication. Out of this and produce. in Latin America, repeating the total, 31% will do it by means of cloud The collaboration, by the way, motto that the company adopted computing offers, said Pat Romzek, was one of the outstanding themes in recent years to communicate its the global vice-president for business of Cisco Plus Brasil 2012, held in Rio collaboration technologies. “The development of the American Cisco de Janeiro. The Collaboration Day, world is geo-politically different, headquarters. “The virtualization the period of the event exclusively much more connected, and the permits to provide the same solutions devoted to discuss the company’s economy is undergoing a very fast in physical environments via cloud, tack and solutions for the future change. The collaboration in this with financing benefits, flexibility unified communication, defined context arises as a way to increase and agility, permitting strategic collaboration as “the fundamental the productivity.” advantages for increasingly global part of the company’s strategy, maybe According to the executive, about companies.” 8
  • 9. 6 About 60 percent of companies presently think about adopting tools to unify their communication In the case of Editora Abril, used by the journalists as well. the need for more robustness They use the technology to prepare to support the creation of new meetings and remote interviews. “The services and reduce costs guided journalists can make interviews by the new company communication phone, but in some cases nothing structure. The demands, originated replaces the ‘eye-to-eye” contact, from journalists and administrative explained the manager. There are employees, included the use of cloud, also 8 videoconference rooms which the need to add personal devices on integrate the company office in São the corporate network with safety Paulo. The systems interoperability (consumerization), mobility and the was a fundamental factor, as they are intense use of video. “Our concerns used for meetings with the publishing included not only the technology house partners, and many of them delivery, but also the adjustment of have installed solutions from other the whole eco-system around it”, manufacturers. explained Gerson Ferreira, manager of the IT area of the publishing house. Globo Standardization was the key Globo TV network decided to world of the process. The company implant a PI telephony system in its decided to use Cisco solutions due Central Globo de Produção (or CGP, to the possibility to implant a point- a.k.a Projac). This is a long project, to- point architecture, i.e. which did which started in 2007 and should end not offer integration risks among the only in 2012. The migration process different solutions. As a result, only to the new voice standard began in its the voice platform on PI permitted branch in São Paulo. The advantages costs reductions of 40% with were such that the project migrated Success cases telecommunication in the company. to Rio de Janeiro, all with Cisco Nothing is more appropriate to WiFi, LAN, WAN and, of course, technology. talk about unified communication safety solutions were also implanted. There are 2800 integrated than to show stories about the use “About 44% of all employees were extensions, which open doors to of technology in media companies. already using personal devices to other services such as videocall, During the “Collaboration Day”, work, this in March 2011”, said videoconference, collaboration, Editora Abril, with headquarters in Ferreira, justifying the need of virtualized services... “This way the the city of São Paulo, and Globo TV defense solution in such a volatile telephony becomes an additional Network, with headquarters in Rio de access network. service, another item on the desktop, Janeiro and branches all over Brazil, Telepresence solutions were also and this makes easier the management shared their experiences in implanting implanted in Editora Abril offices in and generates savings”, concluded new communicatioin infrastructures Rio de Janeiro and Brasília, besides Claudio Rangel, technology and using IP (internet protocol) standards. the São Paulo headquarters, to be support manager of Globo TV .• 9
  • 10. 1 CONNECT A SIMPLE AND CHEAP DATA CENTER The Cisco UCS line is based on unified architecture which reduces ownership costs and prepares companies for a virtualized future eart comes from the Latin demands for data, the companies Rio de Janeiro, the data centers H word cordis. In a free translation it is center, nucleus. It is one of the most important muscles in the human body, as the blood circulation need first to turn their attention to the data centers, critical agents for the transformation of those organizations which need to be increasingly more dynamic and have attracted a special attention. With the movement toward the cloud, this equipment will be the center of IT infrastructures in most corporations in the future. and the nourishment of all cells of efficient. Coherent to this idea, Presently, a great part of them our organism are dependent of it. In Cisco’s strategy for the segment is have legated infrastructures which, the present data networks, the data based on offering an end-to-end although they provide performance center is the heart which nourishes architecture with open standards, and quality, they generate high an infinity of connected terminals which simplifies and optimizes the operation costs and complexity. (fixed, mobile, virtualized, and so performance, reducing ownership Furthermore, as the consumers are on). costs and increasing the productivity. moving increasingly more toward To meet the present and future During Cisco Plus 2012, in virtualized environments, there is 10
  • 11. Conheça Cloud Embratel, a melhor forma de obter recursos tecnológicos de forma imediata, dinâmica, segura e escalável. Simplificamos a gestão de TI para acelerar Cloud Embratel permite: > Otimizar custos associados à administração a competitividade de sua empresa. Contamos e operação de recursos tecnológicos e informáticos. com uma ampla e sólida capacidade tecnológica, > Aumentar a produtividade de sua equipe, dando-lhes acesso a ferramentas de trabalho de qualquer local baseada em uma estrutura de Data Center robusta, ou dispositivo a partir de uma conexão de internet. segura, facilmente adaptável e escalável de acordo > Melhorar sua capacidade de resposta ao mercado, ajustando a capacidade e volume dos recursos com a sua necessidade, com uma cobertura local necessários quando necessitar. > Focar metas e objetivos próprios do seu negócio, que pode se estender a toda região. ao economizar tempo e recursos. Para mais informações, entre em contato com o seu Gerente de Contas ou acesse 11
  • 12. 1 CONECT 6 The UCS resulted in cost savings and meaningful solutions and focuses on costs and benefits in businesses in all industries and scenarios complexity reduction. Not by chance, some two years after the introduction, the Unified Computing System (UCS) has a need to combine legacy and new the Cisco Hosted Collaboration attracted the attention of data technologies. solutions. The open standards and centers managers and CIOs all over “The IT offers it as a service the APIs permit to integrate and the world. In February 2012, the demand readiness for the applicative manage the partners’ eco-systems Cisco UCS totaled more than 10 critical mission, speed in ‘self-service’ hardware and software with more thousand customers in the world, configurations and economy, that flexibility. including 3 thousand in Europe and is, a new approach”, explained Matt More than that, a complete hundreds in Latin America. Erickson, business and partners life cycle services portfolio for The UCS enabled, according to development manager for Cisco data center products permits the Cisco, meaningful business costs and das Américas. “What we suggest is experts` assistance in optimization, benefits savings in all industries and a combination of the best of both implantation and planning of the IT scenarios. Since the beginning of its worlds.” infrastructure, IT strategic services, distribution, in July 2009, the unified The company data center strategy architecture, technical support and solution established 53 performance is based on offering an open standards operations management. benchmarks world records, besides (x86) unified architecture, which The unique, intelligent and unified dozens of the industry`s awards for considers three great pillars: unified infrastructure reduces the system its innovation. fabric, computing and management. complexities and, at the same Part of the success is explained “The focus is no longer on the time, optimizes it for virtualization by Cisco work w ith leader technologies and goes to the actual processes, which require a great deal manufacturers of the software need of each and every business”, of memory and O/I capacity. Thus, infrastructure industry, including said Erickson. the environment cost, during its BMC, CA, Citrix, EMC, Hitachi Data To supply connectivity with life, reduced and falls, in its totality, Systems, Microsoft, NetApp, Oracle, high speed and availability, with safety and experience for the data 50% with the adoption of Cisco architecture, according to Erickson. Red Hat, SAT and VMware. • center applicative, is the role of the integrated network services UCS infrastructure. The computing The company portfolio, within systems, on the other hand, integrate the already traditional UCS line, the access network, storage and includes blade and rack servers, management of these components interconnections in fabric and the in a scalable structure for physical UCS Management, which manages and virtualized applicative. The all the system components and unified management increases the life configurations by means of a unified cycle and the automation simplifies policy. Resources such as Cisco the data center implantation and Intelligent Automation for Cloud operations. (which includes a self-service portal for IaaS configurations, including High performance catalog, orchestration governance, Furthermore, the Cisco Unified automation, the components life Data Center offers support to cycle etc.) complement the cloud 12
  • 13. 13
  • 14. 1 CONNECT TELCOS INTRODUCE MANAGED SERVICES OFFERS Due to the drop on the voice services income, the operators are structuring environments based on cloud computing n the beginning of 2012, the corporations and, consequently, are strive to align the technology use I operators are structuring environments based on cloud computing as a way to materialize their managed services solutions. The main targets are the infrastructure more profitable to the telcos. “The cloud computing and managed service markets are the strongest ones with the Telephone Companies, exactly because of this profile”. with business results. Mentioning two examples of customers who have had success with the acceleration services hiring, he says: ~a retail dealer could increase and safety areas and the business The connections acceleration and in five times the number of credit model that is based on the fixed the safety are the offers that these cards validation. Another case was wide band and mobile penetration, companies already have formatted, of a logistic multinational company mainly when the customer is a small including with customized proposals which had been fined twice in Santos or medium size company. for each and every business deal. Port (São Paulo coastland), for delay With the voice stagnation, Carlos Embratel, according to André in releasing the fiscal note; and with Ferreira, marketing consultant of Arruda, product manager, has a the acceleration it could solve the Telefonica Vivo, argues that the record of “success in this initiative problem.” operators` alternative is to invest since 2 years ago, approximately”. Telefonica/Vivo announced an IT in offers that generate value to the According to him, the IT managers infrastructure services offer (IaaS). 14
  • 15. Excelência em Treinamentos. Agora, Excelência em Consultoria. O grupo TELECON, associado a CTT Corporation na área de treinamento completa 28 anos, sendo líder de mercado na America Latina no segmento de Educação Tecnológica e possuindo sólidas parcerias com os fabricantes Cisco Systems e VMware. Com o objetivo de apoiar o Mercado de Canais, o grupo TELECON amplia suas atividades, com a atuação no segmento de Consultoria, através de sua nova unidade de negócios, a "TELECON Services". Anos de experiência como Learning Partner e um time de profissionais certificados e altamente especializados estão a disposição para apoiar e desenvolver o seu negócio. Os serviços oferecidos pela Telecon Services serão exclusivos para Canais. Área de atuação em Consultoria Routing and Switching Wireless Segurança Data Center Telefonia IP Gerenciamento de Tecnologias de Acesso Unified Computing Virtualização IP Contact Center Redes Serviços oferecidos na Consultoria Pré-vendas Pós-vendas Planejamento estratégico Implementação de Soluções Levantamento de necessidades Homologação de projeto piloto Desenho de projetos Reprodução em larga escala Definição da arquitetura Operação Assistida Validação de projetos Suporte Remoto Elaboração de Propostas Técnicas Monitoramento de Redes Auditoria de Redes Alocação de Profissionais Solicite sua cotação: (11) 2113-4888 15
  • 16. 1 CONNECT In partnership with VCE (Virtual Computing Environment, a joint venture formed by Cisco, EMC, Intel and VMware), and nicknamed as Vivo Cloud Plus, the offer also reinforces the operator entrance in the cloud IT solutions segment. This is the first company product, introduced under Vivo unified brand. The services exist in Europe already since the second half of 2011, and the positive For the Latin American offer, during the last 10 years and the fully performance in that area stimulated Telefonica/Vivo uses five data segmented way of working, in which its introduction in Latin America, centers in the area, installed in every customer counts on a 100% in five countries, simultaneously. Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia specialized sales, commercial and “The customer can hire, in a and Peru. “The cloud services after sale area are the differentials 100% modular and flexible way, processing capability, backup and storage to increase or reduce 6 IT executives of medium and large size companies believe cloud operations, according to the that cloud is not a technological news any more, but a model need”, explains Maurício Azevedo, which will have a constant growth in the next years executive director of Telefonica/ Vivo. “The network is not a simple additional part of a product, but is its integral part. This product should leverage the adoption of IT of our cloud offer in the Country”, involves network, infrastructure infrastructure outsourced services, defends Azevedo. and management.” which is our specialty” explains Telefonica/Vivo has a global Azevedo. strategy for the cloud services, and High demand For Rodrigo Abreu, president of they have created a specific area for The services are addressed to Cisco do Brasil, the operators have these solutions development. The the corporate market, the demand a fundamental role in cloud services partnership with Cisco and VCE of which for cloud processing is a offer, as they have a fundamental has the purpose to prove a unique growing one. A survey carried out asset: the network. “It is natural that architecture for the countries where by IDC Brasil with 325 IT executives this integration exists”, he says. the company is present. In Brazil, of medium and large size companies The infrastructure offer as the the operator forecasts that the cloud shows that 98% of them believe that operators’ service is formed by a services account for 1/3 of the IT cloud is not a technological news portfolio devoted to companies of services growth in 2012. In Latin any more, but a model which will all sizes, mainly the medium and America, the segment meets the have a constant growth in the next large size ones. “The combined needs of more than 2 thousand years. Cisco forecasts that the cloud national capillarity of Telefonica companies and, among the one services Latin American market will and Vivo networks in the Country, thousand largest ones, 30% use IT reach US$ 5 billion until 2013. the uninterrupted investment made solutions and connectivity. • 16
  • 17. Melhorar O atendimento ao cliente Aumentar A geração de receita Aprimorar A eficiência das agências Com o software de otimização da força de trabalho criado especificamente para atender as necessidades das instituições financeiras, você pode maximizar o desempenho operacional das agências: Atribuir os recursos certos na hora certa Cumprir com os prazos alcançando alta qualidade no atendimento ao cliente Aumento nas vendas dos produtos e serviços Visibilidade em processos administrativos para garantir as melhores práticas Aumento na eficiência operacional para reduzir custos Descubra como as soluções de Serviços Financeiros de Varejo da Verint® podem ajudar no alcance da excelência © Copyright Verint Systems Inc. 2012. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. 17
  • 18. 1 COVER STORY BANKS INTENSIFY INVESTMENTS IN TIC To follow the consumption increase and the advances of the population’s buying power, institutions increase investments in new electronic service rendering technologies. Mobile banking is one of the highlights razilians are more and more to a study carried out by Federação The Brazilian banks’ investments B actives in their relationships with the banks. One of the evidences of this ascension is the 7% increase in the number of agencies in operation in the Country Brasileira dos Bancos (Febraban), in partnership with Booz & Company. The study also identified an increase in transactions done by the internet banking and by mobile devices – and expenses in technology had a 11% increase in 2011, reaching R$ 18 billion. The amount of money consolidates the industry as the main IT user in Brazil, according to between 2010 and 2011, according smartphones and tablets. the survey. 18
  • 19. 6 Banks’ investments and expenses in technology reached R$ 18 billion in 2011 One of the highlights of the study is observed in other countries already. In Society”. This year the event should the 49% increase of banking operations 2010, Brazil had 9.1 terminals for every receive 19 thousand representatives of by means of mobile devices – mobile 10 thousand inhabitants, with 4295 banks, of other financial institutions banking -, such as smartphones and transactions per month. In the United and IT companies, and will register tablets. According to the survey, there States, there are 13.8 terminals, with up to 1.9 thousand congresspersons are 3.3 million current account clients 2303 transactions per month. (maintaining the international profile in Brazil with access to the banking This and other information will of its congress). Among the most services by mobile devices. In 2010 be submitted and discussed during important banks congresses and the they were 2.2 million. Ciab Febraban 2012, to be held in São best TIC exposure in the Country, Febraban forecasts show that until Paulo, with the theme “The Connected the event should have about 200 2018 the transactions by mobile devices will be as expressive as those expositors. • 6 INNOVATION SPACE: made by the fixed internet. The data show that, in 2011, 42 million current account clients used the internet to OPPORTUNITY FOR STARTUPS access the banking services, 11% more as compared to 2010 (38 In its 8th edition, Espaço Inovação, a joint initiative of Federação Brasileira million). In 2002, the current account de Bancos (Febraban) and Instituto de Tecnologia de Software (ITS), will clients who have access to internet count of Cisco do Brasil support during CIAB 2012. The initiative tries and were less than 9 million. According to identifies, among Brazilian startups, solutions that contribute to the banking Febraban, the annual average growth and financial area modernization, by improving the service rendering quality was 18%. and by increasing the safety, among other factors. There were a total of 66.4 billion banking transactions, 12% more than “The objective is to add value to the financing services in Brazil”, explains in 2010. Out of these, 15.7 billion Descartes de Souza Teixeira, council president of ITS and coordinator of the were via internet, a number that is selection committee. “The companies and solutions that we have chosen 25% higher than in 2010. In the case of are so good that today many of them are suppliers of the banking sector, ATMs, a total of 9 billion accesses were some with their own booths in CIAB.” recorded, representing a 14% growth as compared to 2010, when there were Espaço, says Teixeira, represents a great contribution for the banks 8.6 billion transactions innovation. An evidence of this is that Febraban keeps on the initiative year The number of ATMs reached after year. It is the largest collective stand of the event, with 24 exposed 182 thousand, as compared to 179 solutions, and is the most visited stand as well – in 2011 it received more thousand in 2010. The study also than 4 thousand interested visitors. “Espaço is the great success of CIAB”. shows that the ATMs penetration rate in Brazil reached similar levels that are Mobility and safety promise to be the great highlights of this year edition. And there is a big anticipation of success. “The committee evaluated that the solutions quality this year is higher than those of previous years”, 6 42 million current account commemorates Teixeira. “The visitants will be surprised with what our young clients used internet to people are doing.” access the banking services 19
  • 20. 1 COVER CUSTOMER OR PARTNER, IS THIS THE QUESTION? Brazilian team of HSBC PI network support is the only in the Group all over the world to have 100% of its professionals with CCNA Cisco certification he drive and the high certifications and instructor of Cisco Managing more than 7 thousand T investment of Cisco`s par t ner s in t raining and certificating their professionals, in a number of the manufacturer`s technological Networking Academy Program. network devices all over Brazil, Souza says that the team has no opportunity whatsoever to make mistakes, “for this reason we have to do right and in the best possible categories is common place. Unusual, configuration the first time, to enable however, is to see a customer with stability and availability”. the same dedication, and more, with For him, the fact that banking a number of certified professionals services are considered a commodity that is equivalent to a Silver partner. turns the services availability into a This is HSBC Brasil PI network team`s great competitive differential. As profile, accountable for the whole the persons are increasingly more bank network, the world standard dependent on cards and the banks of which is Cisco. provide more and more services The 16 persons of the group deal by the electronic channels, there daily with projects, installation, is a higher pressure for availability layout and managing of routers, on the network, according to the switches and all the net devices that executive. “I use to say that through are present in the infrastructure. HSBC network passes money, not bit” The certification, points out Marcos “We already have two reveals Souza. Souza, PI network area manager, is persons with CCNP The professionals` certification important because it is translated into certification, which plan was forecast for three years and innovation, better service and more began in 2011. The initial boa leas availability for the bank`s clients. requires three tests. In that 100% of people had the CCNA “We have no core switches of the 2013 we will have at least (Cisco Certifies Network Associate), network with more than 4 year uptime, two persons with CCIE the second certification in the and we only arrived to this stability pyramid, as in 2010 a new entrance and all the rest of the team level due to the team`s capacitation, certification – CCENT (Certified i.e., something that I call do to right with CCNP certification” Entry Networking Technician) – was the first time”, says Sousa, owner of all — MARCOS SOUZA, OF HSBC created. 20
  • 21. Three companies are involved 6 Three companies are involved in the project: HSBC, on the project - HSBC, Dimension Dimension Data (integrating) and Cisco, the two latter ones Data (integrator) and Cisco, the two supplying the vouchers for the tests latter ones supplying the vouchers for the tests. Already in 2011, 100% Another innovating solution: that the team could incentive new of the bank`s PI network team was “HSBC is the only bank in Brazil attitudes, new ideas and a number of awarded the CCNA certification, to offer access to WiFi internet in innovations that have been consistently a requirement that now is also the airports with VIP lounge, sharing recognized by the internal programs, as entrance door for trainees. “Our work Infraero`s WiFi infrastructure. is the case of Destaque HTS, a quarterly requires this knowledge… We need a Today the people`s certification acknowledgement for the good ideas high standard…”, says Souza. level guides the team`s training and attitudes that made a difference in He reveals that the goal for 2012 is plan, and it is considered in the IT. “Our team already has 17 awards” to have at least one CCIE (Certified performance evaluation, which says a proud Souza. Internetwork Expert) and says that has a bearing on the bonus. The One of the awarded ideas is called the group is already on this way. We HSBC team is equivalent to a Cisco “HSBC e a Mina de Ouro na Terra do already have two persons with CCNP Silver Partner and is looking for Sol”, an activation solution of a Banking certification, which requires three new certifications to win the Gold Service Rendering Station using BPN tests. In 2013 we will have at least two Partner profile until 2013. “We are a Internet in a mining company, where persons with CCIE and all the rest of technology company, we are a bank no Telecom operator offered resources. the team with CCNP certification. and everything is done with personal Another winning project was the This effort brought interesting effort in and out the work hours”, network cables recycling. The cable gains – a number of persons who points out Souza. “There is also a were taken from the bank`s installations made CCNA (routing) are looking mentoring initiative, where he/she by a partner company. “Much more for other specialties. “We already reached a higher certification has, by that the awareness which generates have people with double CCNA function, to help the others”, he adds. acknowledgement, today we have a such as routing + wireless, routing + Due to this agitation that is generated powerful motivation, innovation and safety”, confirms Souza, saying that the movement is producing results by the certifications, the executive says management tool”, concludes Souza. • in other teams as well, such as the second level support team, which already has two professionals with 6 Get to know Cisco`s certifications CCNA. “Now we are taking the idea to the first level team and we hope EXPERT to have at least one CCNA by year CCIE (Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert) end”, he says. Capacitation: Routing and commuting; WAM commuting: ISP dialing: SNA/ Another very important gain is IP 2: Project the innovation. HSBC, according to Souza, was the first and only financial PROFESSIONAL institution in Brazil to attend Projeto CCNP (Cisco Certified Network Professional) de Troca de Tráfego do Comitê CCDP (Cisco Certified Design Professional) Gestor da Internet Brasil (PTT- Capacitation: Routing and commuting: WAN Commuting BR), a kind of free zone of internet ASSOCIATE traffic change, through which 20% CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate) of the bank`s internet traffic passes CCDA (Cisco Certified Design Associate) “with excellent performance and Capacitation: Routing and commuting: WAN commuting (just CCNA) meaningful savings” he says. 21
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  • 24. 1COVER ON THE VIDEO WAVES, HSBC WINS EFFICIENCY Bank renews infrastructure and expands the use of videoconference in internal processes he biggest customer of Cisco concerned, they are installed in the jumps of efficiency and productivity” T WebEx collaboration platform in the world, HSCB has found in the images transmission systems a solution to increase its efficiency and its productivity gain. bank`s facilities which concentrate a higher number of users and where those who need an interaction with the rest of the company are. he adds. To propitiate the adoption of video platforms, the HSBC IT team needed to promote an upgrade of the infrastructure and used the Thus, the institution`s Brazilian banking Training opportunity to integrate the services operation devoted the year of 2011 to The video transmission also works in the same network. Thus, the update and expand the videoconference as a training platform for the agencies` previous environment, devoted to rooms to 63 points, with video endpoints employees. The environment establishes the video transportation, was totally throughout the Country. The movement the leveling and standardization concept replaced by an IP network. “The V35 altered all the professionals` behavior of the bank`s services by means of good network does not exist since a long and they have changed displacement practices promotion. time. It was created when the bank habits and have recorded more agility “The purpose is to identify good implanted its first videoconference in internal communication. practices in a certain segment, and to system, but 4 or 5 years ago it “The interaction by video seems transmit them to the others” points was migrated to IP, with pieces of to be a more effective one. Today, out Leon. “Together with the coaching equipment that showed limitations our users have intensified the service, the initiative has resulted in as compared to QoS and the band search for a videopresence system”, speed, and this degraded the quality” summarizes Angel Leon, manager of recalls Leon. HSBC collaboration area, about the In the technological upgrade, the internal public`s satisfaction with the users have not only a new image new infrastructure offered in Brazil. standard, now in HD, but also have a The videoconference rooms, higher connection speed of 512 Kbps according to him, are not exactly and some rooms for up to 2 Mbps, new to HSBC, reminding that the besides the use of telepresence. bank uses this resource for more than 15 years. Bur the adoption of video Telepresence personal systems calls the attention In the next few months, HSBC should on the present behavior. “Beginning also have installed a telepresence room with notebooks and desktops, the in São Paulo condominium, similar to users can either make point-to-point those already existing in the operations conferences or telephone calls, or even “The interaction by video all over the world use the multipoint system”, explains Angel Leon informs that “The the manager. seems to be a more infrastructure updating opened the Today a group of approximately effective one. Today our way to the HD video, the infrastructure 750 managing level users has an users have intensified services sharing~. According to intense utilization of the system, him, the bank now dispenses ISDN the search for a and the trend, according to Leon, (Integrated Services Digital Network) is of a fast growth. As far as videopresence system” connections to communicate with the videoconference rooms are — ANGEL LEON, OF HSBC other companies or institutions. • 24
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  • 26. 1 THE CUSTOMER S VOICE CUSTOMER`S MICHAEL PAGE OUTSOURCES SYSTEMS AND IP NETWORKS With a three year term, a sealed agreement America, the choice resulted from with Dimension Data includes more than 700 the good and long relationship which pieces of equipment such as telephones, already exists between both companies. “Dimension Data implemented the routers, switches and call managers whole IP Telephony IP, videoconference and networks with Cisco technology in Michael Page`s Latin American offices. We have always had a fine relationship with its professionals who have a qualified profile and meet our needs. This is why we signed this new agreement”, he says. With the agreement, Dimension Data will be accountable for the whole maintenance of Cisco`s equipment existing in Latin American Michael Page. The structure involves 700 telephones, routers, switches and call managers which will be covered by Dimension Data`s guarantee. The project also involves Cisco videoconference equipment and servers. For Cardoso, the agreement benefits for Michael Page`s IT department exceed the costs reduction for the equipment maintenance. “Michael Page`s core business is neither telephony nor information technology. By maintaining this service with a qualified partner, we permit that our IT professionals develop more ichael Page, a global planning, development, support and strategic activities for the business”, M company devoted to the recruiting and selection of executives for large and medium size companies, selected Dimension Data – a management of IT infrastructures – to develop a project which involves the support of the whole IP telephony structure, networks and videoconference of the company he points out. Besides Brazil, Michael Page has operations in Argentina, Mexico, Chile, Colombia, Uruguay and Peru, and all the company`s offices have IP multinational company focused on in its 24 offices in Latin America. telephony structure, videoconference information technology services According to Leonardo Cardoso, IT and networks with Cisco technology and provider of solutions for manager of Michael Pace for Latin implemented by Dimension Data. • 26
  • 27. TRADING ADOPTS LOW LATENCY NETWORK IN A CRITICAL MISSION ENVIRONMENT Americas Trading Group renews negotiation network to improve the services offer in Latin America n 2012, with a visionary way, (availability) became fundamental project, they have used Nexus, HFT I ATG (Americas Trading Group) – a company which provides e- commerce s er v ice s and solutions for investors in the money- market – decided to position itself premises in ATG`s business. The big challenge was to understand the company`s business objectives with focus in its final customers, to offer a solution in agreement to these state-of-the-art switch lines, and large routers. A high availability network was implanted, distributed in two different data centers in São Paulo, one of them in the Stock Exchange, in a new market niche, being pioneer expectances and needs, also taking as well as the construction of the main in rendering high value aggregated into consideration the very few time office infrastructure. services in Brazil. To this end, it to accomplish the project – about 4 Later on, the same architecture was massively invested in innovation months. replicated for data centers in Mexico and, among the solutions, developed The purpose of the project was and Chile, increasing even more the a multibroker products and services to design a technological structure business reach in Latin America. platform of Electronic Trading. together with ATG executives, enabling The obtained measurements and The initiative has a very low the company to offer its products results with the project point to latenc y negotiation net work, in a state-of-the-art technologic a dramatic reduction in the total execution proprietor algorithms, structure. The result would be the processing time (round-trip) of orders negotiation screen, among other organization`s acknowledgement as to the micro seconds level (the lowest products. the main player of routing HFT orders possible latency level with the present in Latin America, creating a very low technologies). Objectives latency environment for institutional ATG`s customers were benefited with With the increasingly higher customers in Europe and in the USA. the project, as they now have a reliable adoption of systems with HFT – The solution, designed by Proof and extremely fast access and today High Frequency Trading technology together with the ATG`s team, was they can count on the most efficient – higher speed and larger resiliency based on Cisco technology. For the trading network in Latin America. • 27
  • 28. 1 INNOVATION THE PPB (Basic Productive Process, in the Portuguese acronym) and, therefore, grants fiscal incentive to pieces of INVESTMENTS equipment with high nationalization content. Another parcel of the R$ 1 billion BALL IS AT STAKE budget will be applied in innovation, transformation and socio-economic development. Rodrigo Abreu, president With R$ 1 billion investments until 2014, of the local operation, announced the following initiatives: 1 – Opening of Cisco brings routers and switches a Cisco innovation center in Rio de manufacture to Brazil, en SP. It will open a Janeiro; 2 – Investments in a Venture Capital fund focused on the information researches center in Rio de Janeiro, will and communication technology and invest in a Venture Capital fund, and will digital economy in Brazil; 3 – Local production expansion; 4 – Intellectual develop intellectual property agreements property and partnerships with and partnerships with Brazilian companies Brazilian companies and entities for the joint development of innovations and entities to render better services to the market. Cisco expects to generate about he worldwide Cisco is in good Manaus (Amazonas State), a line that 800 direct or indirect jobs in Brazil T terms with Brazil. It was this sensation that users and partners of the manufacturer felt during the three days of Cisco Plus Brazil 2012, an event during which has been expanded twice already, according to Rodrigo Abreu, the company president in the Country. This time, the project includes the local manufacture of some best-sellers in with these investments, by means of its partners` eco-system and, mainly, that they create a platform for the high technology innovation and entrepreneurism in the Country. they discussed technologic trends switches and routers lines. “The investments represent Cisco and business opportunities, among The project is aligned to the commitment to the main Brazilian other themes. The Brazilian operation informatics law rules, which define the innovation priorities and to its long of the company reached full legal age (it now is 18 year old) and, with that, it brought some victories to the Country, summarized in R$ 1 billion worth of investments from this year to 2014. The local executives kept trying and have obtained the approval to build a local switches and routers manufacturing plant. SãoPaulo will host the initiative, the production of which will begin this year already, using the infrastructure of Flextronix, its global partnership. The forecast is that the first pieces of equipment will be ready in the market during the fourth quarter this year. Cisco production investments in Cisco Plus Brazil 2012 had the presence of Paulo Bernardo, the Communications Brazil were inaugurated in 2011, with Minister, Sergio Cabral, Governor of Rio de Janeiro State, and Eduardo Paes, Mayor the manufacture of set-top boxes in of the City of Rio de Janeiro. 28
  • 29. term presence in this Country”, Business Edition 3000 and the Cisco determined Abreu. Unified Communications technology licensing for certain Telebrás telephones Political support and IP gateways. The ads were produced during Cisco and Intelbrás will make the Cisco Plus Brazil 2012 opening available the Cisco Business Edition ceremony, in Rio de Janeiro. The event 3000 using more than 10 000 Intelbrás had the presence of Paulo Bernardo, partner channels in Brazil. The medium the Communications Minister, Sergio size partners – with up to 300 users – Cabral, Governor of Rio de Janeiro will be able to usufruct the benefits of State, and Eduardo Paes, Mayor of a Unified Communications efficient the City of Rio de Janeiro. system with professional functionalities About Cisco Innovation Center in which can support a future growth. Rio, Abreu informed that the plan is “The investments It was also announced a Work to develop new technology solutions represent Cisco Transformation Power Program especially adapted to Brazilian agreement and en understanding needs. The center main activity will commitment to memorandum of a partnership with be to integrate Cisco portfolio with the main Brazilian SENAC-RJ (Serviço Nacional de technologies produced by local innovation priorities Aprendizagem Nacional), which will companies, creating solutions that benefit more than 1000 students in meet the Brazilian market needs. and to its long Rio de Janeiro, who are interested in Initially, the Innovation Center term presence in starting a network career. will focus on solutions development this Country” The important Research and for urban development (Smart + — RODRIGO ABREU, OF Development area, the Planetary Skin Connected Communities), sports and CISCO DO BRASIL Institute, an independent non-profit entertaining, public safety, education global organization for research and and health. Additional solution areas emerging technologic innovations, by development, initially incubated by will be integrated in 2013, including Oil supporting the development of high Cisco and by NASA, developed a and Gas and Smart Grid/electric grid. growth small and medium companies number of agreements with Brazilian in the technology, digital media and institutions that are leaders in the Investment fund telecommunications industries. government`s R&D, in the academic The Capital Venture Fund for TIC area and in the private sector for the and Digital Economy priority will be Technology transference partnership development of decision the incentive to the development of Cisco is also looking for platforms, about risks and resources new Brazilian technology companies opportunities to develop agreements management, which are of fundamental and the entrepreneurism in the Country. with local companies and entities, to importance to maintain Brazil`s The manufacturer`s plan is to invest meet the needs the Brazilian market international outstanding position in up to R$ 50 million, besides the key areas and to stimulate the local sustainable development. cooperation of local investors, who technology development and, at the Abreu concluded by saying that will become partners of the investment same time, to strength the Brazilian Cisco will keep on expanding its vehicle to be managed by the chosen TIC sector. corporate social responsibility funds manager. The information It was recently announce an initiatives in the Country, particularly technology and communication intellectual property agreement with with the Cisco Networking Academy Brazilian market has a huge economic Intelbás to supply the growing market program, which has about 25 000 and innovation potential. of IP (Internet Protocol) telephony in students in Brazil yearly, in more than By acknowledging this potential, Brazil. 250 academic centers. The program Cisco intention is to accelerate the The companies are working together established several partnerships with introduction of new technologies to help the small and medium size public and private institutions to and to offer competitive advantage businesses to teach the collaboration keep the expansion of the number of with pioneering investments in by using the recently announce Cisco students in the Country. • 29
  • 30. 1 INNOVATION THE HEALTH INFORMATION INCREASES THE SECTOR EFFICIENCY Hospitals, clinics and laboratories invest in the information integration, but still sin in the data safety, conclude experts during Cisco Plus Brazil 2012 event. Advances in Rede D’Or, with the information consolidation and the adoption of IP technology were also pointed out he information safety was in health theme is very discussed in measure the hospitals adherence to T one of the most pointed out themes during Cisco Plus Brazil 2012. The Forum Vertical de Saúde, which was held on the third day of the event, showed not countries such as the United Kingdom, USA and Australia, which have specific legislations. In Brazil, Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (ABNT) already translated the generic Norm the recommendations of norm 27001 and, in a higher punctuation, of norm 27799. They have evaluated the themes involving safety processed and, also, those referring to the electronic only the hospitals penury in this area 27001 and the specific Norm 27799 medical records systems. but also the advances of telemedicine for the health area. What we notice Gottberg explains that the electronic and other services that explore the is that the growing information of medical records implantation, which information and communication medical records is bringing new gained momentum in the last five years, technology resources. challenges to the sector. changes the hospitals safety paradigm. The survey, that was signed by Gottberg also says that Cisco Before, the data were kept in physical Escola Paulista de Medicina and actuation in the segment has the records and the doctors and nurses conducted by Heitor Gottbert, purpose to help hospitals to better were accountable for the guarantee presently Cisco healthcare business define and implant the information of their reliability and confidentiality. manager, about the Information Safety safety management, by means of a With the electronic medical record, Management in Hospitals, showed that portfolio and a complete architecture, the data are stored in servers and it is the Brazilian health units still have a which ranges from the edge safety to necessary to evaluate how the hospitals long way to evolve in this area. The avoid attacks, to the internal safety, by are getting prepared to guarantee the purpose was to identify how protected means of applicative that guarantees same reliability degree. are the patients’ medical records. To that no information whatsoever will This, by the way, is one of the this end, a “gold standard” was defined be taken from the company without three pillars on which the survey was and it was applied to a selected group permission. based: confidentiality, integrity and of hospitals. The survey was carried out in 2009, availability, with 11 chapters devoted According to Gottberg, the safety with a series of questions used to to the norms, including themes such as 30