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Linux Network Configuration                                                    

                              Linux TCP/IP Network Configuration Files:

                                                                File                                                       Description
                                    /etc/resolve.conf                                         List DNS servers for internet domain name resolution.
                                                                                              Manual page for: /etc/resolv.conf
                                    /etc/hosts                                                Lists hosts to be resolved locally (not by DNS).
                                                                                              Manual page for: /etc/hosts
                                    /etc/nsswitch.conf                                        List order of host name search. Typically look at local files, then
                                                                                              NIS server, then DNS server.
                                                                                              Manual page for: /etc/nsswitch.conf
                                    Red Hat/Fedora/CentOS: /etc/sysconfig/network             Specify network configuration. eg. Static IP, DHCP, NIS, etc.
                                    Red Hat/Fedora/CentOS: /etc/sysconfig/network-            Specify TCP network information.
                                    Ubuntu/Debian: /etc/network/interfaces                    Specify network configuration and devices. eg. Static IP and info,
                                                                                              DHCP, etc.

                              Domain Resolution Configuration Files:

                                   File: /etc/resolv.conf - host name resolver configuration file

                                            search - Name of your domain or ISP's domain if using their name server
                                            nameserver XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX - IP address of primary name server
                                            nameserver XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX - IP address of secondary name server

                                   This configures Linux so that it knows which DNS server will be resolving domain names into IP addresses. If using DHCP
                                   client, this will automatically be sent to you by the ISP and loaded into this file as part of the DHCP protocol. If using a
                                   static IP address, ask the ISP or check another machine on your network.
                                   Red Hat/Fedora GUI: /usr/sbin/system-config-network (select tab "DNS").

                                   File: /etc/hosts - locally resolve node names to IP addresses

                                          localhost.localdomain      localhost
                                            XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX     node-name

                                   Note when adding hosts to this file, place the fully qualified name first. (It helps sendmail identify your server correctly) i.e.:
                                           XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX    superserver

                                   This informs Linux of local systems on the network which are not handled by the DNS server. (or for all systems in your
                                   LAN if you are not using DNS or NIS)

                                   The file format for the hosts file is specified by RFC 952.

                                   Red Hat/Fedora configuration GUI: /usr/sbin/system-config-network (select tab "Hosts").

                                   File: /etc/nsswitch.conf - System Databases and Name Service Switch configuration file

                                            hosts:    files dns nisplus nis

                                   This example tells Linux to first resolve a host name by looking at the local hosts file(/etc/hosts), then if the name is not
                                   found look to your DNS server as defined by /etc/resolv.conf and if not found there look to your NIS server.

                                   In the past this file has had the following names: /etc/nsswitch.conf, /etc/svc.conf, /etc/netsvc.conf, ... depending on the

                              Fedora / Red Hat Network Configuration Files:


                                   Red Hat network configuration file used by the system during the boot process.

                                   File: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
                                   Configuration settings for your first ethernet port (0). Your second port is eth1.

                                            /etc/modprobe.conf (kernel 2.6)
                                            /etc/modules.conf (kernel 2.4)
                                            (or for older systems: /etc/conf.modules)
                                   Example statement for Intel ethernet card:

                                            alias eth0 eepro100

                                   Modules for other devices on the system will also be listed. This tells the kernel which device driver to use if configured as
                                   a loadable module. (default for Red Hat)

                              Fedora / Red Hat Network GUI Configuration Tools:

                              The following GUI tools edit the system configuration files. There is no difference in the configuration developed with the GUI
                              tools and that developed by editing system configuration files directly.

                              TCP/IP ethernet configuration:

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Linux Network Configuration                                                    

                              TCP/IP ethernet configuration:

                                    Network configuration:
                                    /usr/sbin/system-config-network (FC-2/3) GUI shown here
                                    /usr/bin/redhat-config-network (/usr/bin/neat) (RH 7.2+
                                    Text console configuration tool:
                                    /usr/sbin/system-config-network-tui (Text User Interface
                                    (TUI) for Fedora Core 2/3)
                                    /usr/bin/redhat-config-network-tui (RH 9.0 - FC-1)
                                    Text console network configuration tool.
                                    First interface only - eth0: /usr/sbin/netconfig
                                    /usr/bin/netcfg (GUI) (last available with RH 7.1)

                              Gnome Desktop:

                                    Gnome Desktop Network Configuration
                                    /usr/bin/gnome-network-preferences (RH 9.0 - FC-3)
                                    Proxy configuration. Choose one of three options:
                                      1. Direct internet connection
                                      2. Manual proxy configuration (specify proxy and port)
                                      3. Automatic proxy configuration (give URL)

                              Assigning an IP address:

                              Computers may be assiged a static IP address or assigned one dynamically. Typically a server will require a static IP while a
                              workstation will use DHCP (dynamic IP assignment). The Linux server requires a static IP so that those who wish to use its
                              resources can find the system. It is more easily found if the IP address does not change and is static. This is not important for
                              the Linux client workstation and thus it is easier to use an automated Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) for IP
                              address assignment.

                              Static IP address assignment:

                              Choose one of the following methods:

                                   Command Line:
                                           /sbin/ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast

                                   Network address by convention would be the lowest:
                                   Broadcast address by convention would be the highest:
                                   The gateway can be anything, but following convention:

                                   Note: the highest and lowest addresses are based on the netmask. The previous example is based on a netmask of

                                   Red Hat / Fedora GUI tools:
                                        /usr/bin/neat Gnome GUI network administration tool. Handles all interfaces. Configure for Static IP or DHCP
                                        (First available with Red Hat 7.2.)
                                        /usr/bin/netcfg (Handles all interfaces) (last available in Red Hat 7.1)

                                   Red Hat / Fedora Console tools:
                                            /usr/sbin/system-config-network-tui (Text User Interface)
                                            /usr/sbin/netconfig (Only seems to work for the first network interface eth0 but not eth1,...)

                                   Directly edit configuration files/scripts. See format below.

                              The ifconfig command does NOT store this information permanently. Upon reboot this information is lost. Manually add the
                              network configuration to /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 (Red Hat/Fedora/CentOS) for the first NIC, ifcfg-eth1 for
                              the second, etc, or /etc/network/interfaces (Ubuntu) as shown below. Any other commands you may want to add to the
                              system boot sequence can be added to the end of the file /etc/rc.d/rc.local. The commands netcfg and netconfig make
                              permanent changes to system network configuration files located in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/, so that this information
                              is retained and used upon system boot.

                              The IANA has allocated IP addresses in the range of to for private networks.

                              Helpful tools:

                                   Network Calculators: Subnet mask calculator, node calculator, mask inverter, ...
                                   IP subnet calculator

                              Command line IP Configuration: ifconfig
                              ifconfig interface [aftype] options | address ...


                                   interface: eth0, eth1, eth2 represent the computer ethernet interfaces
                                   aftype: inet (TCP/IP, default), inet6 (IPv6), ax25 (AMPR Packet Radio), ddp (Appletalk Phase 2), ipx (Novell IPX) or netrom
                                   (AMPR Packet radio)


                                               Option                                                      Description

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Linux Network Configuration                                                  

                                              Option                                                     Description
                                   up                         Activate the interface. Implied if IP addresses are specified.
                                   down                       Shut down interface
                                                              Enable ARP protocol on this interface. Allow ARP to detect the addresses of computer hosts
                                                              attached to the network.
                                   -arp                       Disable ARP protocol on this interface
                                                              Enable promiscuous mode. Receive all packets on the network not just those destined for this
                                   -promisc                   Disable promiscuous mode.
                                                              Specify the Maximum Transfer Unit (MTU) of the interface. The MTU is the maximum number of
                                   mtu ##
                                                              octets the interface is able to handle in a single transaction. Defaults: Ethernet: 1500 SLIP: 296
                                                              Set the network broadcast address for this interface.
                                                              Set the IP network mask for this interface.
                                   Man page: ifconfig

                              Ubuntu / Debian IP Configuration Files:

                              File: /etc/network/interfaces

                                   Static IP example:

                                    auto lo
                                    iface lo inet loopback

                                    auto eth0
                                    iface eth0 inet static

                                   Dynamic IP (DHCP) example:

                                    auto lo
                                    iface lo inet loopback

                                    auto eth0
                                    iface eth0 inet dhcp

                                    auto eth1
                                    iface eth1 inet dhcp

                                    auto eth2
                                    iface eth2 inet dhcp

                                    auto ath0
                                    iface ath0 inet dhcp

                                    auto wlan0
                                    iface wlan0 inet dhcp

                                         lo: Loopback interface (network within your system without slowing down for the real ethernet based network)
                                         eth0: First ethernet interface card
                                         wlan0: First wireless network interface

                                   Also see " man interfaces"

                              Ubuntu GUI Network Tools:

                                   /usr/bin/gnome-nettool (apt-get install gnome-nettool)

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                                   /usr/bin/network-admin (apt-get install gnome-network-admin)

                              Red Hat / Fedora Core IP Configuration Files:

                              The Red Hat configuration tools store the configuration information in the file /etc/sysconfig/network.
                              They will also allow one to configure routing information.

                                   File: /etc/sysconfig/network

                                   Static IP address Configuration: (Configure gateway address)

                                          HOSTNAME=my-hostname      - Hostname is defined here and by command hostname
                                          FORWARD_IPV4=true         - True for NAT firewall gateways and linux routers.
                                                                      False for everyone else - desktops and servers.
                                          GATEWAY="XXX.XXX.XXX.YYY" - Used if your network is connected to another network or the internet.
                                                                      Static IP configuration. Gateway not defined here for DHCP client.

                                   OR for DHCP client configuration:

                                          HOSTNAME=my-hostname         - Hostname is defined here and by command hostname

                                        (Gateway is assigned by DHCP server.)
                                   OR for NIS client configuration:

                                          HOSTNAME=my-hostname         - Hostname is defined here and by command hostname
                                          NISDOMAIN=NISProject1        - NIS domain to attach

                                   File (Red Hat/Fedora): /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
                                   (S.u.s.e.: /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-eth-id-XX:XX:XX:XX:XX)
                                   This file used by the command scripts ifup and ifdown

                                   Static IP address configuration:

                                          ONBOOT=yes                           - Will activate upon system boot

                                         RHEL4/FC3 additions:

                                   OR for DHCP client configuration:


                                         RHEL4/FC3 additions:

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                              (Used by script /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup to bring the various network interfaces on-line)
                              To disable DHCP change BOOTPROTO=dhcp to BOOTPROTO=none

                              In order for updated information in any of these files to take effect, one must issue the command: service network restart (or:
                              /etc/init.d/network restart)

                              Network IP aliasing:

                              Assign more than one IP address to one ethernet card:
                                   ifconfig eth0   XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX netmask broadcast XXX.XXX.XXX.255
                                   ifconfig eth0:0   netmask broadcast
                                   ifconfig eth0:1   netmask broadcast

                                   route add -host XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX dev eth0
                                   route add -host dev eth0
                                   route add -host dev eth0

                              In this example 0 and 1 are aliases in addition to the regular eth0. The result of the ifconfig command:
                                          eth0      Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:10:4C:25:7A:3F
                                          inet addr:XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX Bcast:XXX.XXX.XXX.255 Mask:
                                          UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1
                                          RX packets:14218 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
                                          TX packets:1362 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
                                          collisions:1 txqueuelen:100
                                          Interrupt:5 Base address:0xe400

                              eth0:0      Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:10:4C:25:7A:3F
                                          inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
                                          UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1
                                          Interrupt:5 Base address:0xe400

                              eth0:1      Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:10:4C:25:7A:3F
                                          inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
                                          UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1
                                          Interrupt:5 Base address:0xe400

                              Config file: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0:0


                              Aliases can also be shut down independently. i.e.: ifdown eth0:0

                              The option during kernel compile is: CONFIG_IP_ALIAS=y (Enabled by default in Redhat)

                              Note: The Apache web server can be configured so that different IP addresses can be assigned to specific domains being
                              hosted. See Apache configuration and "configuring an IP based virtual host" in the YoLinux Web site configuration tutorial.

                              DHCP Linux Client: get connection info: /sbin/pump -i eth0 --status
                              (Red Hat Linux 7.1 and older)
                                   Device eth0
                                           IP: 4.XXX.XXX.XXX
                                           Broadcast: 4.XXX.XXX.255
                                           Network: 4.XXX.XXX.0
                                           Boot server 131.XXX.XXX.4
                                           Next server
                                           Gateway: 4.XXX.XXX.1
                                           Nameservers: 4.XXX.XXX.1 4.XXX.XXX.2 4.XXX.XXX.3
                                           Renewal time: Sat Aug 11 08:28:55 2001
                                           Expiration time: Sat Aug 11 11:28:55 2001

                              Changing the host name:

                              This is a three step process:

                                1. Issue the command: hostname new-host-name
                                2. Change network configuration file: /etc/sysconfig/network
                                   Edit entry: HOSTNAME=new-host-name
                                3. Restart systems which relied on the hostname (or reboot):
                                         Restart network services: service network restart
                                         (or: /etc/init.d/network restart)
                                         Restart desktop:
                                               Bring down system to console mode: init 3
                                               Bring up X-Windows: init 5

                              One may also want to check the file /etc/hosts for an entry using the system name which allows the system to be self aware.

                              The hostname may be changed at runtime using the command: sysctl -w kernel.hostname="superserver"

                              Note that hostnames may only contain alphanumeric characters, minus signs ("-"), and periods ("."). They must begin with an
                              alphabetic character and end with an alphanumeric character.

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                              alphabetic character and end with an alphanumeric character.

                              Change the host name using GUI tool: /usr/sbin/system-config-network
                              (Red Hat / Fedora / CentOS)

                              Hostname entries are made in two places:

                              Select the "DNS" tab.                                       Select the "Devices" tab + "Edit" + the "General" tab.

                              Activating and De-Activating your NIC:

                              Commands for starting and stopping TCP/IP network
                              services on a Network Interface Card (NIC):

                                   Activate: /sbin/ifup eth0
                                   (Also: ifconfig eth0 up - Note: Even if no IP
                                   address is assigned you can listen.)
                                   De-Activate: /sbin/ifdown eth0
                                   (Also: ifconfig eth0 down)

                              These scripts use the scripts and NIC config
                              files in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/

                              GUI Interface control/configuration:

                                   Start/Stop network interfaces
                                   /usr/bin/system-control-network (Fedora Core 2/3)
                                   /usr/bin/redhat-control-network (RH 9.0 - FC-1)
                                   Configure Ethernet, ISDN, modem, token Ring,
                                   Wireless or DSL network connection:
                                   /usr/sbin/system-config-network-druid (FC2/3)
                                   /usr/sbin/redhat-config-network-druid (RH 9 -

                               M    # OF                                                                                        CLASS C
                                                                   CLASS                              CLASS
                               A    SUB Slash         CLASS A                CLASS B      CLASS B                CLASS C          SUB        CLASS C SUB
                                                                     A                                  C
                               S    NETS Fmt           HOSTS                  HOSTS        MASK                   MASK           HOSTS          MASK
                                                                   MASK                               HOSTS
                               255 or      /32    16,777,214 65,534 254   
                                                                                                                               1 address
                               254 128     /31    33,554,430 131,070 510 2
                                                                                                                             2 hosts
                               252 64      /30    67,108,862 262,142 1,022 4
                                                                                                                             6 hosts
                               248 32      /29    134,217,726 524,286 2,046 8
                                                                                                                             14 hosts
                               240 16      /28    268,435,454 1,048,574 4,094 16

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                                                                                                                                  30 hosts
                               224 8        /27    536,870,910 2,097,150 8,190  32
                                                                                                                                  62 hosts
                               192 4        /26    1,073,741,822 4,194,302 16,382    64
                                                                                                                                  126 hosts
                               128 2        /25    2,147,483,646 8,388,606 32,766    128

                              Binary position 8    7 6 5 4321
                              Value           128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
                              Example: 192 1       1 0 0 0000

                              Example 192=128+64

                              Some addresses are reserved and outside this scope. Loopback (, reserved class C 192.168.XXX.XXX, reserved
                              class B 172.31.XXX.XXX and reserved class A 10.XXX.XXX.XXX.

                              Subnet Example:

                                   Your ISP assigns you a subnet mask of for your office.
                                Network Base address
                                Computer 1
                                Computer 2
                                Computer 3
                                Computer 4
                                Computer 5
                                DSL router/Gateway
                                Broadcast address
                                   Of the eight addresses, there are six assigned to hardware systems and ultimately only five usable addresses.


                                   Subnet calculator
                                   Table of subnets
                                   IP Subnetting, Variable Subnetting, and CIDR (Supernetting)
                          Subnet Masking and Addressing

                              Network Classes:

                              The concept of network classes is a little obsolete as subnets are now used to define smaller networks using CIDR (Classless
                              Inter-Domain Routing) as detailed above. These subnets may be part of a class A, B, C, etc network. For historical reference
                              the network classes are defined as follows:

                                   Class A: Defined by the first 8 bits with a range of 0 - 127.
                                   First number (8 bits) is defined by Internic i.e. 77.XXX.XXX.XXX
                                   One class A network can define 16,777,214 hosts.
                                   Range: -
                                   Class B: Defined by the first 8 bits with a range from 128 - 191
                                   First two numbers (16 bits) are defined by Internic i.e. 182.56.XXX.XXX
                                   One class B network can define 65,534 hosts.
                                   Range: -
                                   Class C: Defined by the first 8 bits with a range from 192 - 223
                                   First three numbers (24 bits) are defined by Internic i.e. 220.56.222.XXX
                                   One class B network can define 254 hosts.
                                   Range: -
                                   Class D: Defined by the first 8 bits with a range from 224 - 239
                                   This is reserved for multicast networks (RFC988)
                                   Range: -
                                   Class E: Defined by the first 8 bits with a range from 240 - 255
                                   This is reserved for experimental use.
                                   Range: -

                              Enable Forwarding:
                              Forwarding allows the network packets on one network interface (i.e. eth0) to be forwarded to another network interface (i.e.
                              eth1). This will allow the Linux computer to conect ("ethernet bridge") or route network traffic.

                              The bridge configuration will merge two (or several) networks into one single network topology. IpTables firewall rules can be
                              used to filter traffic.

                              A router configuration can support multicast and basic IP routing using the "route" command. IP masquerading (NAT) can be
                              used to connect private local area networks (LAN) to the internet or load balance servers.

                                   Turn on IP forwarding to allow Linux computer to act as a gateway or router.
                                   echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
                                   Default is 0. One can add firewall rules by using ipchains.

                                   Another method is to alter the Linux kernel config file: /etc/sysctl.conf Set the following value:

                                          net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1

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                                   See file /etc/sysconfig/network for storing this configuration.


                                   Change the default "false" to "true".

                              All methods will result in a proc file value of "1". Test: cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

                              The TCP Man page - Linux Programmer's Manual and /usr/src/linux/Documentation/proc.txt (Kernel 2.2 RH 7.0-) cover
                              /proc/sys/net/ipv4/* file descriptions.

                              Also see: (YoLinux tutorials)

                                   Configure Linux as an internet gateway router: Using Linux and iptables/ipchains to set up an internet gateway for home or
                                   office (iptables)
                                   Load balancing servers using LVS (Linux Virtual Server) (ipvsadm)

                              Adding a network interface card (NIC):

                              Manual method: This does not alter the permanent configuration and will only configure support until the next reboot.

                                   cd /lib/modules/2.2.5-15/net/ - Use kernel version for your system. This example uses 2.2.5-15
                                   (Fedora Core 3: /lib/modules/2.6.12-1.1381_FC3/kernel/net/)
                                   Here you will find the modules supported by your system.
                                   It can be permanently added to:
                                         /etc/modprobe.conf (kernel 2.6)
                                         /etc/modules.conf (kernel 2.4)
                                         (or for older systems: /etc/conf.modules)
                                        alias eth0 3c59x

                                   /sbin/insmod 3c59x (For a 3Com ethernet card)
                                   This inserts the specified module into the kernel.
                                   /sbin/modprobe 3c59x
                                   This also loads a module into the system kernel.
                                   Modprobe command line options:
                                          -r : to unload the module.
                                          /sbin/modprobe -l * : list all modules.
                                          /sbin/modprobe -lt net * : List only network modules
                                          /sbin/modprobe -t net * : Try loading all network modules and see what sticks. (act of desperation)
                                   ifconfig ...

                              The easy way: Red Hat versions 6.2 and later, ship with Kudzu, a device detection program which runs during system
                              initialization. (/etc/rc.d/init.d/kudzu) This can detect a newly installed NIC and load the appropriate driver. Then use /usr/sbin
                              /netconfig to configure the IP address and network settings. The configuration will be stored so that it will be utilized upon
                              system boot.

                              Systems with two NIC cards: Typically two cards are used when connecting to two networks. In this case the device must be
                              defined using one of three methods:

                                1. Use the Red Hat GUI tool /usr/bin/netcfg


                                2. Define network parameters in configuration files:

                                   Define new device in file (Red Hat/Fedora) /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1
                                   (S.u.s.e 9.2: /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-eth-id-XX:XX:XX:XX:XX)


                                   Special routing information may be specified, if necessary, in the file
                                   (Red Hat/Fedora): /etc/sysconfig/static-routes
                                   (S.u.s.e. 9.2: /etc/sysconfig/network/routes)


                                         eth1 net XXX.XXX.XXX.0 netmask gw XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX


                                3. Define network parameters using Unix command line interface:

                                   Define IP address:
                                        ifconfig eth0    XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX netmask broadcast XXX.XXX.XXX.255

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                                        ifconfig eth0        XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX netmask broadcast XXX.XXX.XXX.255
                                        ifconfig eth1   netmask broadcast

                                    If necessary, define route with with the route command:

                                      route add default gw XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX dev eth0
                                      route add -net XXX.XXX.XXX.0 netmask gw XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX dev eth0

                                    Where XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX is the gateway to the internet as defined by your ISP or network operator.

                                    If a mistake is made just repeat the route command substituting "del" in place of "add".

                              Configuring your NIC: Speed and Duplex settings:

                              This is usually not necessary because most ethernet adapters can auto-negotiate link speed and duplex setting.

                                    List NIC speed and configuration: mii-tool
                                    eth0: negotiated 100baseTx-FD flow-control, link ok

                                    Verbose mode: mii-tool -v
                                          eth0: negotiated 100baseTx-FD flow-control, link ok
                                            product info: Intel 82555 rev 4
                                            basic mode:   autonegotiation enabled
                                            basic status: autonegotiation complete, link ok
                                            capabilities: 100baseTx-FD 100baseTx-HD 10baseT-FD 10baseT-HD
                                            advertising: 100baseTx-FD 100baseTx-HD 10baseT-FD 10baseT-HD flow-control
                                            link partner: 100baseTx-FD 100baseTx-HD 10baseT-FD 10baseT-HD flow-control

                                    Set NIC configuration: mii-tool -F option
                                           Option        Parameters
                                           -F       100baseTx-FD
                                           -A       100baseT4

                                    Query NIC with ethtool:
                                                Command                                 Description
                                           ethtool -g eth0 Queries ethernet device for rx/tx ring parameter information.

                                           ethtool -a eth0 Queries ethernet device for pause parameter information.

                                           ethtool -c eth0 Queries ethernet device for coalescing information.

                                           ethtool -i eth0 Queries ethernet device for associated driver information.

                                           ethtool -d eth0 Prints a register dump for the specified ethernet device.

                                           ethtool -k eth0 Queries ethernet device for offload information.

                                           ethtool -S eth0 Queries ethernet device for NIC and driver statistics.

                              Man Pages:

                                    mii-tool - view, manipulate media-independent interface status
                                    ethtool - Display or change ethernet card settings


                              Static routes: IP (Internet Protocol) uses a routing table to determine where packets should be sent. First the packet is
                              examined to see if its' destination is for the local or remote network. If it is to be sent to a remote network, the routing table is
                              consulted to determine the path. If there is no information in the routing table then the packet is sent to the default gateway.
                              Static routes are set with the route command and with the configuration file
                              (Red Hat/Fedora): /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-eth0
                              (Red Hat 7: /etc/sysconfig/static-routes)
                              (S.u.s.e. 9.2: /etc/sysconfig/network/routes):


                                    See command: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-routes eth0

                              Dynamic routes: RIP (Routing Information Protocol) is used to define dynamic routes. If multiple routes are possible, RIP will
                              choose the shortest route. (Fewest hops between routers not physical distance.) Routers use RIP to broadcast the routing table
                              over UDP port 520. The routers would then add new or improved routes to their routing tables.

                              Man pages:

                                    route - show / manipulate the IP routing table (Static route)
                                          Show routes:
                                                Option                                                  Description
                                           -n              display IP addresses. Do not resolve host names for faster results.

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                                        -e          Print more extensive information about routes.
                                        -v          Verbose.
                                       --help      Route command information.
                                       Manipulate routes:
                                                    Option                                                    Description
                                        add or del or neither           Add or delete route information. If not specified then print route table information.
                                        -host XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX           Add a single computer host identified by the IP address.
                                        -net XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX            Add a network identified by the network address, to the route.
                                        gw XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX              Specify the network gateway.
                                        netmask XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX Specify the network netmask.
                                        default                         Of all the routes specified, identify one as the default network route.
                                                                        (typically the gateway is specified as the default route)
                                      Show routing table: route -e
                                      Access individual computer host specified via network interface card eth1:
                                       route add -host eth1
                                       Access ISP network identified by the network address and netmask using network interface card eth0:
                                       route add -net netmask gw eth0
                                       Conversly: route del -net netmask gw eth0
                                       Specify default gateway to use to access remote network via network interface card eth0:
                                       route add default gw eth0
                                       (Gateway can also be defined in /etc/sysconfig/network)
                                         Specify two gateways for two network destinations: (i.e. one external, one internal private network. Two
                                         routers/gateways will be specified.)
                                         Add internet gateway as before: route add default gw eth0
                                         Add second private network: route add -net netmask gw eth0
                                  routed - network routing daemon. Uses RIP protocol to update routing table.
                                  ipx_route - show / manipulate the IPX routing table - IPX is the Novell networking protocol (Not typically used unless your
                                  office has Novell servers)
                                  ifuser - Identify destinations routed to a particular network interface.

                              VPN, Tunneling:

                                  Commercial VPN Linux software solutions - YoLinux
                         - IPSec VPN for Linux
                         - IPSec VPN for Linux
                                  FreeSWAN tutorial - howto
                                  OpenVPN - SSL VPN solution for site to site, WiFi security, and enterprise-scale remote access with load balancing,
                                  failover, and fine-grained access-controls.
                                  SSL-Explorer - Java SLL based VPN
                                  Quagga dynamic routing suite VLAN
                                  n2n pier to pier within a private fabric
                                  CIPE: Crypto IP Encapsulation (Easiest way to configure two Linux gateways connecting two private networks over the
                                  internet with encryption.)
                                         CIPE Home page - CIPE is a simple encapsulation system that securely connects two subnets.
                                  GRE Tunneling - Generic Routing Encapsulation - Hugo Samayoa
                                  VPN HowTo - Matthew D. Wilson
                                  Installing and Running PPTP on Linux
                                  L2TP Extensions (l2tpext) Internet Drafts.

                              Usefull Linux networking commands:

                                  /etc/rc.d/init.d/network       start - command to start, restart or stop the network
                                  netstat - Display connections, routing tables, stats etc
                                        List externally connected processes: netstat -punta
                                              -a: Show both listening and non-listening sockets.
                                              -p: Show PID of process owning socket
                                              -u: Show UDP
                                              -t: Show TCP
                                              -n: Show IP addresses only. Don't resolve host names
                                              -g: Show multi-cast group membership info
                                              -c: Continuous mode - update info every second
                                              -v: Verbose
                                              -e: Extended information
                                              -o: show network timer information
                                        List all connected processes: netstat -nap
                                        Show network statistics: netstat -s
                                        Display routing table info: netstat -rn

                                        $ netstat -nr
                                        Kernel IP routing table
                                        Destination     Gateway             Genmask           Flags     MSS   Window   irtt   Iface
                                      U           0   0           0   eth0
                                        U           0   0           0   eth0
                                         UG          0   0           0   eth0

                                            G: route uses gateway
                                            U: Interface is "up"
                                            H: Only a single host is accessible (eg. loopback)
                                            D: Entry generated by ICMP redirect message
                                            M: Modified by ICMP redirect message

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Linux Network Configuration                                                     

                                              M: Modified by ICMP redirect message
                                         Display interface statistics: netstat -i

                                          $ netstat -i
                                          Kernel Interface table
                                          Iface        MTU Met   RX-OK RX-ERR RX-DRP RX-OVR              TX-OK TX-ERR TX-DRP TX-OVR Flg
                                          eth0       1500    0    2224      0      0      0               1969      0      0      0 BMRU
                                          lo        16436    0    1428      0      0      0               1428      0      0      0 LRU

                                               RX-OK/TX-OK: number of packets transmitted/received error free
                                               RX-ERR/TX-ERR: number of dammaged/error packets transmitted/received
                                               RX-DRP/TX-DRP: number of dropped packets
                                               RX-OVR/TX-OVR: number of packets dropped because of a buffer overrun
                                               B: A broadcast address has been set
                                               L: This interface is a loopback device
                                               M: All packets are received
                                               N: Trailers are avoided
                                               O: ARP is turned off for this interface
                                               P: Point-to-point connection
                                               R: Interface is running
                                               U: Interface is up
                                   ping - send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts. Use Cntl-C to stop ping.
                                   traceroute - print the route packets take to network host.
                                   (Ubuntu Note: Typically Ubuntu installs tracepath for IPv4 and traceroute6 for IPv6. One can install traceroute: apt-get
                                   install traceroute)
                                         traceroute IP-address-of-server
                                         traceroute domain-name-of-server
                                   mtr - a network diagnostic tool introduced in Fedora - Like traceroute except it gives more network quality and network
                                   diagnostic info. Leave running to get real time stats. Reports best and worst round trip times in milliseconds.
                                         mtr IP-address-of-server
                                         mtr domain-name-of-server
                                   whois - Lookup a domain name in the internic whois database.
                                   finger - Display information on a system user. i.e. finger user@host Uses $HOME/.plan and $HOME/.project user files.
                                   iptables - IP firewall administration (Linux kernel 2.6/2.4) See YoLinux firewall/gateway configuration.
                                   ipchains - IP firewall administration (Linux kernel 2.2) See YoLinux firewall/gateway configuration.
                                   socklist - Display list of open sockets, type, port, process id and the name of the process. Kill with fuser or kill.
                                   host - Give a host name and the command will return IP address. Unlike nslookup, the host command will use both
                                   /etc/hosts as well as DNS.
                                   Example: host domain-name-of-server
                                   nslookup - Give a host name and the command will return IP address. Also see Testing your DNS (YoLinux Tutorial) Note
                                   that nslookup does not use the /etc/hosts file.

                              inetd/xinetd: Network Socket Listener Daemons:

                              The network listening daemons listen and respond to all network socket connections made on the TCP/IP ports assigned to it.
                              The ports are defined by the file /etc/services. When a connection is made, the listener will attempt to invoke the assigned
                              program and pipe the data to it. This simplified matters by allowing the assigned program to read from stdin instead of making
                              its own sockets connection. The listener hadles the network socket connection. Two network listening and management
                              daemons have been used in Red Hat Linux distributions:

                                   inetd: Red Hat 6.x and older
                                   xinetd: Red Hat 7.0-9.0, Fedora Core


                                   Configuration file: /etc/inetd.conf
                                   Entries in this file consist of a single line made up of the following fields:
                                            service socket-type protocol wait user server cmdline

                                         service: The name assigned to the service. Matches the name given in the file /etc/services
                                               stream: connection protocols (TCP)
                                               dgram: datagram protocols (UDP)
                                         protocol: Transport protocol name which matches a name in the file /etc/protocols. i.e. udp, icmp, tcp, rpc/udp,
                                         rpc/tcp, ip, ipv6
                                         wait: Applies only to datagram protocols (UDP).
                                               wait[.max]: One server for the specified port at any time (RPC)
                                               nowait[.max]: Continue to listen and launch new services if a new connection is made. (multi-threaded)
                                         Max refers to the maximum number of server instances spawned in 60 seconds. (default=40)
                                         user[.group]: login id of the user the process is executed under. Often nobody, root or a special restricted id for that
                                         server: Full path name of the server program to be executed.
                                         cmdline: Command line to be passed to the server. This includes argument 0 (argv[0]), that is the command name.
                                         This field is empty for internal services. Example of internal TCP services: echo, discard, chargen (character
                                         generator), daytime (human readable time), and time (machine readable time). (see RFC)

                                   Sample File: /etc/inetd.conf

                                          #echo    stream    tcp      nowait    root      internal
                                          #echo    dgram     udp      wait      root      internal

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Linux Network Configuration                                                 

                                        #echo     dgram    udp      wait    root     internal

                                        ftp       stream tcp        nowait root      /usr/sbin/tcpd in.ftpd -l -a
                                        #pop-3     stream tcp        nowait root      /usr/sbin/tcpd ipop3d
                                        #swat        stream tcp        nowait.400       root /usr/sbin/swat swat

                                  A line may be commented out by using a '#' as the first character in the line. This will turn the service off. The maximum
                                  length of a line is 1022 characters.

                                  The inet daemon must be restarted to pick up the changes made to the file:
                                  /etc/rc.d/init.d/inetd restart

                                  For more information see the man pages "inetd" and "inetd.conf".

                              xinetd: Extended Internet Services Daemon:

                                  Xinetd has access control machanisms, logging capabilities, the ability to make services available based on time, and can
                                  place limits on the number of servers that can be started, redirect services to different ports and network interfaces (NIC)
                                  or even to a different server, chroot a service etc... and thus a worthy upgrade from inetd.

                                  Use the command chkconfig --list to view all system services and their state. It will also list all network services
                                  controlled by xinetd and their respective state under the title "xinetd based services". (Works for xinetd (RH7.0+) but not

                                  The xinetd network daemon uses PAM also called network wrappers which invoke the /etc/hosts.allow and
                                  /etc/hosts.deny files.

                                  Configuration file: /etc/xinetd.conf which in turn uses configuration files found in the directory /etc/xinetd.d/.

                                  To turn a network service on or off:

                                       Edit the file /etc/xinetd.d/service-name
                                       Set the disable value:
                                             disable = yes
                                             disable = no
                                       Restart the xinetd process using the signal:
                                              SIGUSR1 (kill -SIGUSR1 process-id) - Soft reconfiguration does not terminate existing connections.
                                              (Important if you are connected remotely)
                                              SIGUSR2 - Hard reconfiguration stops and restarts the xinetd process.
                                       (Note: Using the HUP signal will terminate the process.)
                                       Use the chkconfig command: chkconfig service-name on
                                       (or off)
                                       This command will also restart the xinetd process to pick up the new configuration.

                                  The file contains entries of the form:
                                        service service-name
                                           attribute assignment-operator value value ...

                                                  UNLISTED: Not found in /etc/rpc or /etc/services
                                            id: By default the service id is the same as the service name.
                                                  stream: TCP
                                                  dgram: UDP
                                                  raw: Direct IP access
                                                  seqpacket: service that requires reliable sequential datagram transmission
                                            flags: Combination of: REUSE, INTERCEPT, NORETRY, IDONLY, NAMEINARGS, NODELAY, DISABLE, KEEPALIVE,
                                            See the xinetd man page for details.
                                            protocol: Transport protocol name which matches a name in the file /etc/protocols.
                                                  no: multi-threaded
                                                  yes: single-threaded - One server for the specified port at any time (RPC)
                                            user: See file : /etc/passwd
                                            group: See file : /etc/group
                                            server: Program to execute and recieve data stream from socket. (Fully qualified name - full pathe name of
                                            server_args: Unlike inetd, arg[0] or the name of the service is not passed.
                                            only_from: IP address, factorized address, netmask range, hostname or network name from file
                                            no_access: Deny from ... (inverse of only_from)
                                            port: See file /etc/services
                                      Also: log_type, log_on_success, log_on_failure (Log options: += PID,HOST,USERID,EXIT,DURATION,ATTEMPT
                                      and RECORD), rpc_version, rpc_number, env, passenv, redirect, bind, interface, banner, banner_success,
                                      banner_fail, per_source, cps, max_load, groups, enabled, include, includedir, rlimit_as, rlimit_cpu, rlimit_data,

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Linux Network Configuration                                                   

                                          banner_fail, per_source, cps, max_load, groups, enabled, include, includedir, rlimit_as, rlimit_cpu, rlimit_data,
                                          rlimit_rss, rlimit_stack.
                                          The best source of information is the man page and its many examples.
                                                 +=: add a value to the set of values
                                                 -=: delete a value from the set of values

                                    Then restart the daemon: /etc/rc.d/init.d/xinetd restart

                                    Example from man page: Limit telnet sessions to 8 Mbytes of memory and a total 20 CPU seconds for child processes.

                                          service telnet
                                                socket_type             =   stream
                                                wait                    =   no
                                                nice                    =   10
                                                user                    =   root
                                                server                  =   /usr/etc/in.telnetd
                                                rlimit_as               =   8M
                                                rlimit_cpu              =   20

                                    [Pitfall] Red Hat 7.1 with updates as of 07/06/2001 required that I restart the xinetd services before FTP would work
                                    properly even though xinetd had started without failure during the boot sequence. I have no explanation as to why this
                                    occurs or how to fix it other than to restart xinetd: /etc/rc.d/init.d/xinetd restart.

                                    Man Pages:


                                    For more info see:

                                 xinetd - Frederic Raynal
                                 Controlling Access to Services
                                          See RFC's: 862, 863, 864, 867, 868, 1413.
                                          man page xinetd, xinetd.conf, xinetd.log

                              Remote commands: rcp, rsh, rlogin, rwho, ...

                              Most of the original Unix remote commands have been superceeded by secure shell equivalents. Instead of telnet, rsh or rlogin,
                              one should use the encrypted connection ssh.

                                    telnet - user interface to the TELNET protocol
                                    rlogin - remote login
                                    rsh - remote shell to execute a command and return results
                                    uux - Remote command execution over UUCP
                                    rcp - remote file copy
                                    uucp - Unix to Unix copy
                                    uuxqt - UUCP execution daemon
                                    uucico - UUCP file transfer daemon
                                    cu - Call up another system (cu is an old legacy command which is reported to not work very well)

                              See the secure shell tutorial for use of ssh, rssh, scp and sftp

                              RWHO: Remote Who daemon - rwhod

                              The "rwho" command is used to display users logged into computers on your LAN.

                              By default, Red Hat Linux has the network interface to the rwhod disabled. Thus if one issues the command " rwho", you will only
                              see who is logged into the system you are logged into and not remote systems on the network. This is a safe approach for
                              internet servers as it reduces the exposure of a service which could be exploited by hackers. If you wish to use rwhod on a local
                              private and firewall protected network, here is how:

                              Allow broacast capabilities. Edit /etc/init.d/rwhod
                              change from: daemon rwhod
                              to: daemon rwhod -b

                              Start service:

                                    Set service to start with system boot: chkconfig --level 345 rwhod on
                                    Start rwhod service: service rwhod start
                                    (or: service rwhod restart)

                              Man pages:

                                    rwho: who is logged in on local network machines
                                    rwhod: system status server
                                    who: show who is logged on to the same system

                              RPC: Remote Procedure Calls (Portmapper)

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Linux Network Configuration                                                  

                              Portmapper is a network service required to support RPC's. Many services such as NFS (file sharing services) and NIS
                              (Network Information Services) require portmapper.

                              An RPC server makes available a collection of procedures (programs) that a client system may call and then receive the
                              returned results. The list of services available is listed in /etc/rpc on the server. The message communication is in a machine
                              independent form called XDR (External Data Representation format).

                              List RPC services supported: [root]# rpcinfo -p localhost

                              Starting portmap server:

                                   /etc/rc.d/init.d/portmap start
                                   service portmap start (Red Hat/Fedora Core)

                              Man Pages:

                                   portmap - DARPA port to RPC program number mapper
                                   rpcinfo - report RPC information
                                   pmap_dump - print a list of all registered RPC programs
                                   pmap_set - set the list of registered RPC programs
                                   /etc/rpc - rpc program number data base

                              PAM: Network Wrappers:

                              Pluggable Authentication Modules for Linux (TCP Wrappers)

                              This system allows or denies network access. One can reject or allow specific IP addresses or subnets to access your system.

                              File: /etc/hosts.allow


                              This specifically allows the given IP address to ftp to your system. One can also specify an entire domain. i.e. .name-
                              Note the beginning ".".

                              File: /etc/hosts.deny


                              This generally denies any access.

                              See the pam man page.

                              File: /etc/inetd.conf

                                    ftp       stream    tcp    nowait   root     /usr/sbin/tcpd     in.ftpd -l -a

                              The inet daemon accepts the incoming network stream and assigns it to the PAM TCP wrapper, /usr/sbin/tcpd, which accepts
                              or denies the network connection as defined by /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny and then passes it along to ftp. This is
                              logged to /var/log/secure

                              Advanced PAM: More specific access can be assigned and controlled by controlling the level of authentication required for

                              Files reflect the inet service name. Rules and modules are stacked to achieve the level of security desired.

                              See the files in /etc/pam.d/... (some systems use /etc/pam.conf)

                              The format: service type control module-path module-arguments

                                   auth - (type) Password is required for the user
                                         nullok - Null or non-existatant password is acceptable
                                         shadow - encrypted passwords kept in /etc/shadow
                                   account - (type) Verifies password. Can track and force password changes.
                                   password - (type) Controls password update
                                         retry=3 - Sets the number of login attempts
                                         minlen=8 - Set minimum length of password
                                   session - (type) Controls monitoring


                                   /lib/security/ - password database module
                                   /lib/security/ -
                                   /lib/security/ - checks is password is crackable

                              After re-configuration, restart the inet daemon: killall -HUP inetd

                              For more info see:

                                   Wietse's Papers
                                   Pluggable Authentication Modules for Linux (PAM) Home Page


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Linux Network Configuration                                                   

                              ICMP is the network protocol used by the ping and traceroute commands.

                              ICMP redirect packets are sent from the router to the host to inform the host of a better route. To enable ICMP redirect, add the
                              following line to /etc/sysctl.conf :

                                    net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_redirects = 1

                              Add the following to the file: /etc/rc.d/rc.local

                                    for f in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/*/accept_redirects
                                       echo 1 > $f

                              Command to view Kernel IP routing cache: /sbin/route -Cn

                              NOTE: This may leave you vulnerable to hackers as attackers may alter your routes.

                              Blocking ICMP and look invisible to ping:

                              The following firewall rules will drop ICMP requests.

                                   iptables -A OUTPUT -p icmp -d 0/0 -j DROP

                                   ipchains -A output -p icmp -d 0/0 -j DENY

                              OR drop all incomming pings:

                                   echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all

                              This is sometimes necessary to look invisible to DOS (Denial Of Service) attackers who use ping to watch your machine and
                              launch an attack when it's pressence is detected

                              Network Monitoring Tools:

                                   tcpdump - dump traffic on a network. See discussion below.
                                          Command line option                                     Description
                                          -c                      Exit after receiving count packets.
                                          -C                      Specify size of output dump files.
                                          -i                      Specify interface if multiple exist. Lowest used by default. i.e. eth0
                                          -w file-name            Write the raw packets to file rather than parsing and printing them out.
                                                                  They can later be printed with the -r option.
                                          -n                      Improve speed by not performing DNS lookups. Report IP addresses.
                                          -t                      Don't print a timestamp on each dump line.

                                         Filter expressions:
                                                      primitive                             Description
                                          host host-name                    If host has multiple IP's, all will be checked.
                                          net network-number                Network number.
                                          net network-number mask mask Network number and netmask specified.
                                          port port-number                  Port number specified.
                                          tcp                               Sniff TCP packets.
                                          udp                               Sniff UDP packets.
                                          icmp                              Sniff icmp packets.


                                                 tcpdump tcp port 80 and host server-1
                                                 tcpdump ip host server-1 and not server-2
                                   iptraf - Interactive Colorful IP LAN Monitor
                                   nmap - Network exploration tool and security scanner
                                          List pingable nodes on network: nmap -sP
                                          Scans network for IP addresses to using ping.
                                   Ethereal - Network protocol analyzer. Examine data from a live network.
                                          RPM's required:
                                                 ethereal-0.8.15-2.i386.rpm - Red Hat 7.1 Powertools CD RPM
                                                 ucd-snmp-4.2-12.i386.rpm - Red Hat 7.1 binary CD 1
                                                 ucd-snmp-utils-4.2-12.i386.rpm - Red Hat 7.1 binary CD 1
                                                 Also: gtk+, glib, glibc, XFree86-libs-4.0.3-5 (base install)
                                          There is an error in the ethereal package because it does not show the snmp libraries as a dependancies, but you
                                          can deduce this from the errors that you get if the ucd-snmp libraries are not installed.
                                   EtherApe - Graphical network monitor for Unix modeled after etherman. This is a great network discovery program with
                                   cool graphics. (Red Hat Powertools CD 7.1)
                                   Gkrellm - Network and system monitor. Good for monitoring your workstation. (Red Hat Powertools CD)
                                   IPTraf - ncurses-based IP LAN monitor. (Red Hat Powertools CD)

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Linux Network Configuration                                                     

                                    IPTraf - ncurses-based IP LAN monitor. (Red Hat Powertools CD)
                                    Cheops - Network discovery, location, diagnosis and management. Cheops can identify all of the computers that are on
                                    your network, their IP address, their DNS name, the operating system they are running. Cheops can run a port scan on
                                    any system on your network. (Red Hat Powertools CD)
                                    ntop - Shows network usage in a way similar to what top does for processes. Monitors how much data is being sent and
                                    received on your network. (Red Hat Powertools CD)
                                    MRTG - Multi Router Traffic Grapher - Monitor network traffic load using SNMP and generate an HTML/GIF report. (See
                                    sample output)
                                    dnsad - IP traffic capture. Export to Cisco Netflow for network analysis reporting.
                                    Big Brother - Monitoring ans services availablility.
                           - Network Management using SNMP.
                                    Nagios - host, service and network monitoring
                                    Angel network monitor

                              Using tcpdump to monitor the network:
                              [root]# ifconfig eth0 promisc          - Put nic into promiscuous mode to sniff traffic.
                              [root]# tcpdump -n host not XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX | more    - Sniff net but ignore IP which is your remote session.
                              [root]# ifconfig eth0 -promisc         - Pull nic out of promiscuous mode.

                              Network Intrusion and Hacker Detection Systems:

                              SNORT: Monitor the network, performing real-time traffic analysis and packet logging on IP networks for the detection of an
                              attack or probe.

                                    InterSect Alliance - Intrusiuon analysis. Identifies malicious or unauthorized access attempts.

                              ARP: Address Resolution Protocol

                              Ethernet hosts use the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) to convert a 32-bit internet IP addresses into a 48-bit Ethernet MAC
                              address used by network hardware. (See: RFC 826) ARP broadcasts are sent to all hosts on the subnet by the data transmitting
                              host to see who replies. The broadcast is ignored by all except the intended receiver which recognizes the IP address as its
                              own. The MAC addresses are remembered (APR cache) for future network communications. Computers on the subnet typically
                              keep a cache of ARP responses. ARP broadcasts are passed on by hubs and switches but are blocked by routers.

                              Reverse ARP (See: RFC 903) is a bootstrap protocol which allows a client to broadcast requesting a server to reply with its IP

                              View ARP tables:

                                    Shows other systems on your network (including IP address conflicts): /sbin/arp -a
                                    Show ARP table Linux style: /sbin/arp -e
                                    List ARP table: cat /proc/net/arp

                              Note that the use of a switch instead of a hub will limit your view of other hosts. Typically all you will see in the arp table is your
                              router or gateway.

                              Set/Configure ARP tables:

                                    Add a host's IP address: /sbin/arp -s hostname XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX pub
                                    Delete a host from the table: /sbin/arp -d hostname
                                    This can be used to remove a duplicate IP or force a new interface to provide info.

                              Man pages:

                                    arp (8) man page - manipulate the system ARP cache
                                    arpwatch (8) man page - keep track of ethernet/ip address pairings
                                    arpsnmp (8) man page - keep track of ethernet/ip address pairings. Reads information generated by snmpwalk
                                    arping (8) man page - send ARP REQUEST to a neighbor host
                                    Print ARP reply (similar to arp -a): arping
                                    ip (8) man page - show / manipulate routing, devices, policy routing and tunnels
                                    View ARP table: ip neighbor

                              ARP is something that simply works. No Linux system configuration is necessary. It's all part of the ethernet and IP protocol. The
                              aforementioned information is just part of the Linux culture of full visibility into what is going on.

                              Configuring Linux For Network Multicast:

                              Regular network exchanges of data are peer to peer unicast transactions. An HTTP request to a web server (TCP/IP), email
                              SNMP (TCP/IP), DNS (UDP), FTP (TCP/IP), ... are all peer to peer unicast transactions. If one wants to transmit a video, audio
                              or data stream to multiple nodes with one transmission stream instead of multiple individual peer to peer connections, one for
                              each node, one may use multicasting to reduce network load. Note that multicast and a network broadcast are different.
                              Multicast messages are only "heard" by the nodes on the network that have "joined the multicast group" which are those that
                              are interested in the information.

                              The Linux kernel is Level-2 Multicast-Compliant. It meets all requirements to send, receive and act as a router for multicast
                              datagrams. For a process to receive multicast datagrams it has to request the kernel to join the multicast group and bind the
                              port receiving the datagrams. When a process is no longer interested in the multicast group, a request is made to the kernel to
                              leave the group. It is the kernel/host which joins the multicast group and not the process. Kernel configuration requires
                              "CONFIG_IP_MULTICAST=y". In order for the Linux kernel to support multicast routing, set the following in the kernel config:


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Linux network configuration
Linux network configuration
Linux network configuration

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Linux network configuration

  • 1. Linux Network Configuration Linux TCP/IP Network Configuration Files: File Description /etc/resolve.conf List DNS servers for internet domain name resolution. Manual page for: /etc/resolv.conf /etc/hosts Lists hosts to be resolved locally (not by DNS). Manual page for: /etc/hosts /etc/nsswitch.conf List order of host name search. Typically look at local files, then NIS server, then DNS server. Manual page for: /etc/nsswitch.conf Red Hat/Fedora/CentOS: /etc/sysconfig/network Specify network configuration. eg. Static IP, DHCP, NIS, etc. Red Hat/Fedora/CentOS: /etc/sysconfig/network- Specify TCP network information. scripts/ifcfg-device Ubuntu/Debian: /etc/network/interfaces Specify network configuration and devices. eg. Static IP and info, DHCP, etc. Domain Resolution Configuration Files: File: /etc/resolv.conf - host name resolver configuration file search - Name of your domain or ISP's domain if using their name server nameserver XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX - IP address of primary name server nameserver XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX - IP address of secondary name server This configures Linux so that it knows which DNS server will be resolving domain names into IP addresses. If using DHCP client, this will automatically be sent to you by the ISP and loaded into this file as part of the DHCP protocol. If using a static IP address, ask the ISP or check another machine on your network. Red Hat/Fedora GUI: /usr/sbin/system-config-network (select tab "DNS"). File: /etc/hosts - locally resolve node names to IP addresses localhost.localdomain localhost XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX node-name Note when adding hosts to this file, place the fully qualified name first. (It helps sendmail identify your server correctly) i.e.: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX superserver This informs Linux of local systems on the network which are not handled by the DNS server. (or for all systems in your LAN if you are not using DNS or NIS) The file format for the hosts file is specified by RFC 952. Red Hat/Fedora configuration GUI: /usr/sbin/system-config-network (select tab "Hosts"). File: /etc/nsswitch.conf - System Databases and Name Service Switch configuration file hosts: files dns nisplus nis This example tells Linux to first resolve a host name by looking at the local hosts file(/etc/hosts), then if the name is not found look to your DNS server as defined by /etc/resolv.conf and if not found there look to your NIS server. In the past this file has had the following names: /etc/nsswitch.conf, /etc/svc.conf, /etc/netsvc.conf, ... depending on the distribution. Fedora / Red Hat Network Configuration Files: /etc/sysconfig/network Red Hat network configuration file used by the system during the boot process. File: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 Configuration settings for your first ethernet port (0). Your second port is eth1. File: /etc/modprobe.conf (kernel 2.6) /etc/modules.conf (kernel 2.4) (or for older systems: /etc/conf.modules) Example statement for Intel ethernet card: alias eth0 eepro100 Modules for other devices on the system will also be listed. This tells the kernel which device driver to use if configured as a loadable module. (default for Red Hat) Fedora / Red Hat Network GUI Configuration Tools: The following GUI tools edit the system configuration files. There is no difference in the configuration developed with the GUI tools and that developed by editing system configuration files directly. TCP/IP ethernet configuration: 1 of 19 21/02/2012 08:18 a.m.
  • 2. Linux Network Configuration TCP/IP ethernet configuration: Network configuration: /usr/sbin/system-config-network (FC-2/3) GUI shown here ---> /usr/bin/redhat-config-network (/usr/bin/neat) (RH 7.2+ FC-1) Text console configuration tool: /usr/sbin/system-config-network-tui (Text User Interface (TUI) for Fedora Core 2/3) /usr/bin/redhat-config-network-tui (RH 9.0 - FC-1) Text console network configuration tool. First interface only - eth0: /usr/sbin/netconfig /usr/bin/netcfg (GUI) (last available with RH 7.1) Gnome Desktop: Gnome Desktop Network Configuration /usr/bin/gnome-network-preferences (RH 9.0 - FC-3) Proxy configuration. Choose one of three options: 1. Direct internet connection 2. Manual proxy configuration (specify proxy and port) 3. Automatic proxy configuration (give URL) Assigning an IP address: Computers may be assiged a static IP address or assigned one dynamically. Typically a server will require a static IP while a workstation will use DHCP (dynamic IP assignment). The Linux server requires a static IP so that those who wish to use its resources can find the system. It is more easily found if the IP address does not change and is static. This is not important for the Linux client workstation and thus it is easier to use an automated Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) for IP address assignment. Static IP address assignment: Choose one of the following methods: Command Line: /sbin/ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast Network address by convention would be the lowest: Broadcast address by convention would be the highest: The gateway can be anything, but following convention: Note: the highest and lowest addresses are based on the netmask. The previous example is based on a netmask of Red Hat / Fedora GUI tools: /usr/bin/neat Gnome GUI network administration tool. Handles all interfaces. Configure for Static IP or DHCP client. (First available with Red Hat 7.2.) /usr/bin/netcfg (Handles all interfaces) (last available in Red Hat 7.1) Red Hat / Fedora Console tools: /usr/sbin/system-config-network-tui (Text User Interface) /usr/sbin/netconfig (Only seems to work for the first network interface eth0 but not eth1,...) Directly edit configuration files/scripts. See format below. The ifconfig command does NOT store this information permanently. Upon reboot this information is lost. Manually add the network configuration to /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 (Red Hat/Fedora/CentOS) for the first NIC, ifcfg-eth1 for the second, etc, or /etc/network/interfaces (Ubuntu) as shown below. Any other commands you may want to add to the system boot sequence can be added to the end of the file /etc/rc.d/rc.local. The commands netcfg and netconfig make permanent changes to system network configuration files located in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/, so that this information is retained and used upon system boot. The IANA has allocated IP addresses in the range of to for private networks. Helpful tools: Network Calculators: Subnet mask calculator, node calculator, mask inverter, ... IP subnet calculator Command line IP Configuration: ifconfig ifconfig interface [aftype] options | address ... where: interface: eth0, eth1, eth2 represent the computer ethernet interfaces aftype: inet (TCP/IP, default), inet6 (IPv6), ax25 (AMPR Packet Radio), ddp (Appletalk Phase 2), ipx (Novell IPX) or netrom (AMPR Packet radio) Options: Option Description 2 of 19 21/02/2012 08:18 a.m.
  • 3. Linux Network Configuration Option Description up Activate the interface. Implied if IP addresses are specified. down Shut down interface Enable ARP protocol on this interface. Allow ARP to detect the addresses of computer hosts arp attached to the network. -arp Disable ARP protocol on this interface Enable promiscuous mode. Receive all packets on the network not just those destined for this promisc interface. -promisc Disable promiscuous mode. Specify the Maximum Transfer Unit (MTU) of the interface. The MTU is the maximum number of mtu ## octets the interface is able to handle in a single transaction. Defaults: Ethernet: 1500 SLIP: 296 broadcast Set the network broadcast address for this interface. XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX netmask Set the IP network mask for this interface. XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX Man page: ifconfig Ubuntu / Debian IP Configuration Files: File: /etc/network/interfaces Static IP example: auto lo iface lo inet loopback auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address netmask broadcast network gateway Dynamic IP (DHCP) example: auto lo iface lo inet loopback auto eth0 iface eth0 inet dhcp auto eth1 iface eth1 inet dhcp auto eth2 iface eth2 inet dhcp auto ath0 iface ath0 inet dhcp auto wlan0 iface wlan0 inet dhcp Interfaces: lo: Loopback interface (network within your system without slowing down for the real ethernet based network) eth0: First ethernet interface card wlan0: First wireless network interface Also see " man interfaces" Ubuntu GUI Network Tools: /usr/bin/gnome-nettool (apt-get install gnome-nettool) 3 of 19 21/02/2012 08:18 a.m.
  • 4. Linux Network Configuration /usr/bin/network-admin (apt-get install gnome-network-admin) Red Hat / Fedora Core IP Configuration Files: The Red Hat configuration tools store the configuration information in the file /etc/sysconfig/network. They will also allow one to configure routing information. File: /etc/sysconfig/network Static IP address Configuration: (Configure gateway address) NETWORKING=yes HOSTNAME=my-hostname - Hostname is defined here and by command hostname FORWARD_IPV4=true - True for NAT firewall gateways and linux routers. False for everyone else - desktops and servers. GATEWAY="XXX.XXX.XXX.YYY" - Used if your network is connected to another network or the internet. Static IP configuration. Gateway not defined here for DHCP client. OR for DHCP client configuration: NETWORKING=yes HOSTNAME=my-hostname - Hostname is defined here and by command hostname (Gateway is assigned by DHCP server.) OR for NIS client configuration: NETWORKING=yes HOSTNAME=my-hostname - Hostname is defined here and by command hostname NISDOMAIN=NISProject1 - NIS domain to attach File (Red Hat/Fedora): /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 (S.u.s.e.: /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-eth-id-XX:XX:XX:XX:XX) This file used by the command scripts ifup and ifdown Static IP address configuration: DEVICE=eth0 BOOTPROTO=static BROADCAST=XXX.XXX.XXX.255 IPADDR=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX NETMASK= NETWORK=XXX.XXX.XXX.0 ONBOOT=yes - Will activate upon system boot RHEL4/FC3 additions: TYPE=Ethernet HWADDR=XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX GATEWAY=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX OR for DHCP client configuration: DEVICE=eth0 ONBOOT=yes BOOTPROTO=dhcp RHEL4/FC3 additions: IPV6INIT=no USERCTL=no PEERDNS=yes TYPE=Ethernet 4 of 19 21/02/2012 08:18 a.m.
  • 5. Linux Network Configuration TYPE=Ethernet HWADDR=XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX (Used by script /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup to bring the various network interfaces on-line) To disable DHCP change BOOTPROTO=dhcp to BOOTPROTO=none In order for updated information in any of these files to take effect, one must issue the command: service network restart (or: /etc/init.d/network restart) Network IP aliasing: Assign more than one IP address to one ethernet card: ifconfig eth0 XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX netmask broadcast XXX.XXX.XXX.255 ifconfig eth0:0 netmask broadcast ifconfig eth0:1 netmask broadcast route add -host XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX dev eth0 route add -host dev eth0 route add -host dev eth0 In this example 0 and 1 are aliases in addition to the regular eth0. The result of the ifconfig command: eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:10:4C:25:7A:3F inet addr:XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX Bcast:XXX.XXX.XXX.255 Mask: UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:14218 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:1362 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:1 txqueuelen:100 Interrupt:5 Base address:0xe400 eth0:0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:10:4C:25:7A:3F inet addr: Bcast: Mask: UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 Interrupt:5 Base address:0xe400 eth0:1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:10:4C:25:7A:3F inet addr: Bcast: Mask: UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 Interrupt:5 Base address:0xe400 Config file: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0:0 DEVICE=eth0:0 ONBOOT=yes BOOTPROTO=static BROADCAST= IPADDR= NETMASK= NETWORK= ONBOOT=yes Aliases can also be shut down independently. i.e.: ifdown eth0:0 The option during kernel compile is: CONFIG_IP_ALIAS=y (Enabled by default in Redhat) Note: The Apache web server can be configured so that different IP addresses can be assigned to specific domains being hosted. See Apache configuration and "configuring an IP based virtual host" in the YoLinux Web site configuration tutorial. DHCP Linux Client: get connection info: /sbin/pump -i eth0 --status (Red Hat Linux 7.1 and older) Device eth0 IP: 4.XXX.XXX.XXX Netmask: Broadcast: 4.XXX.XXX.255 Network: 4.XXX.XXX.0 Boot server 131.XXX.XXX.4 Next server Gateway: 4.XXX.XXX.1 Domain: Nameservers: 4.XXX.XXX.1 4.XXX.XXX.2 4.XXX.XXX.3 Renewal time: Sat Aug 11 08:28:55 2001 Expiration time: Sat Aug 11 11:28:55 2001 Changing the host name: This is a three step process: 1. Issue the command: hostname new-host-name 2. Change network configuration file: /etc/sysconfig/network Edit entry: HOSTNAME=new-host-name 3. Restart systems which relied on the hostname (or reboot): Restart network services: service network restart (or: /etc/init.d/network restart) Restart desktop: Bring down system to console mode: init 3 Bring up X-Windows: init 5 One may also want to check the file /etc/hosts for an entry using the system name which allows the system to be self aware. The hostname may be changed at runtime using the command: sysctl -w kernel.hostname="superserver" Note that hostnames may only contain alphanumeric characters, minus signs ("-"), and periods ("."). They must begin with an alphabetic character and end with an alphanumeric character. 5 of 19 21/02/2012 08:18 a.m.
  • 6. Linux Network Configuration alphabetic character and end with an alphanumeric character. Change the host name using GUI tool: /usr/sbin/system-config-network (Red Hat / Fedora / CentOS) Hostname entries are made in two places: Select the "DNS" tab. Select the "Devices" tab + "Edit" + the "General" tab. Activating and De-Activating your NIC: Commands for starting and stopping TCP/IP network services on a Network Interface Card (NIC): Activate: /sbin/ifup eth0 (Also: ifconfig eth0 up - Note: Even if no IP address is assigned you can listen.) De-Activate: /sbin/ifdown eth0 (Also: ifconfig eth0 down) These scripts use the scripts and NIC config files in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ GUI Interface control/configuration: Start/Stop network interfaces /usr/bin/system-control-network (Fedora Core 2/3) /usr/bin/redhat-control-network (RH 9.0 - FC-1) Configure Ethernet, ISDN, modem, token Ring, Wireless or DSL network connection: /usr/sbin/system-config-network-druid (FC2/3) /usr/sbin/redhat-config-network-druid (RH 9 - FC-1) Subnets: M # OF CLASS C CLASS CLASS A SUB Slash CLASS A CLASS B CLASS B CLASS C SUB CLASS C SUB A C S NETS Fmt HOSTS HOSTS MASK MASK HOSTS MASK MASK HOSTS K 1 Invalid 255 or /32 16,777,214 65,534 254 1 address 256 Invalid 254 128 /31 33,554,430 131,070 510 2 addresses 2 hosts 252 64 /30 67,108,862 262,142 1,022 4 addresses 6 hosts 248 32 /29 134,217,726 524,286 2,046 8 addresses 14 hosts 240 16 /28 268,435,454 1,048,574 4,094 16 addresses 6 of 19 21/02/2012 08:18 a.m.
  • 7. Linux Network Configuration addresses 30 hosts 224 8 /27 536,870,910 2,097,150 8,190 32 addresses 62 hosts 192 4 /26 1,073,741,822 4,194,302 16,382 64 addresses 126 hosts 128 2 /25 2,147,483,646 8,388,606 32,766 128 addresses Binary position 8 7 6 5 4321 Value 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 Example: 192 1 1 0 0 0000 Example 192=128+64 Some addresses are reserved and outside this scope. Loopback (, reserved class C 192.168.XXX.XXX, reserved class B 172.31.XXX.XXX and reserved class A 10.XXX.XXX.XXX. Subnet Example: Your ISP assigns you a subnet mask of for your office. Network Base address Computer 1 Computer 2 Computer 3 Computer 4 Computer 5 DSL router/Gateway Broadcast address Of the eight addresses, there are six assigned to hardware systems and ultimately only five usable addresses. Links: Subnet calculator Table of subnets IP Subnetting, Variable Subnetting, and CIDR (Supernetting) Subnet Masking and Addressing Network Classes: The concept of network classes is a little obsolete as subnets are now used to define smaller networks using CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) as detailed above. These subnets may be part of a class A, B, C, etc network. For historical reference the network classes are defined as follows: Class A: Defined by the first 8 bits with a range of 0 - 127. First number (8 bits) is defined by Internic i.e. 77.XXX.XXX.XXX One class A network can define 16,777,214 hosts. Range: - Class B: Defined by the first 8 bits with a range from 128 - 191 First two numbers (16 bits) are defined by Internic i.e. 182.56.XXX.XXX One class B network can define 65,534 hosts. Range: - Class C: Defined by the first 8 bits with a range from 192 - 223 First three numbers (24 bits) are defined by Internic i.e. 220.56.222.XXX One class B network can define 254 hosts. Range: - Class D: Defined by the first 8 bits with a range from 224 - 239 This is reserved for multicast networks (RFC988) Range: - Class E: Defined by the first 8 bits with a range from 240 - 255 This is reserved for experimental use. Range: - Enable Forwarding: Forwarding allows the network packets on one network interface (i.e. eth0) to be forwarded to another network interface (i.e. eth1). This will allow the Linux computer to conect ("ethernet bridge") or route network traffic. The bridge configuration will merge two (or several) networks into one single network topology. IpTables firewall rules can be used to filter traffic. A router configuration can support multicast and basic IP routing using the "route" command. IP masquerading (NAT) can be used to connect private local area networks (LAN) to the internet or load balance servers. Turn on IP forwarding to allow Linux computer to act as a gateway or router. echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward Default is 0. One can add firewall rules by using ipchains. Another method is to alter the Linux kernel config file: /etc/sysctl.conf Set the following value: net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1 7 of 19 21/02/2012 08:18 a.m.
  • 8. Linux Network Configuration See file /etc/sysconfig/network for storing this configuration. FORWARD_IPV4=true Change the default "false" to "true". All methods will result in a proc file value of "1". Test: cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward The TCP Man page - Linux Programmer's Manual and /usr/src/linux/Documentation/proc.txt (Kernel 2.2 RH 7.0-) cover /proc/sys/net/ipv4/* file descriptions. Also see: (YoLinux tutorials) Configure Linux as an internet gateway router: Using Linux and iptables/ipchains to set up an internet gateway for home or office (iptables) Load balancing servers using LVS (Linux Virtual Server) (ipvsadm) Adding a network interface card (NIC): Manual method: This does not alter the permanent configuration and will only configure support until the next reboot. cd /lib/modules/2.2.5-15/net/ - Use kernel version for your system. This example uses 2.2.5-15 (Fedora Core 3: /lib/modules/2.6.12-1.1381_FC3/kernel/net/) Here you will find the modules supported by your system. It can be permanently added to: /etc/modprobe.conf (kernel 2.6) /etc/modules.conf (kernel 2.4) (or for older systems: /etc/conf.modules) Example: alias eth0 3c59x /sbin/insmod 3c59x (For a 3Com ethernet card) This inserts the specified module into the kernel. /sbin/modprobe 3c59x This also loads a module into the system kernel. Modprobe command line options: -r : to unload the module. /sbin/modprobe -l * : list all modules. /sbin/modprobe -lt net * : List only network modules /sbin/modprobe -t net * : Try loading all network modules and see what sticks. (act of desperation) ifconfig ... The easy way: Red Hat versions 6.2 and later, ship with Kudzu, a device detection program which runs during system initialization. (/etc/rc.d/init.d/kudzu) This can detect a newly installed NIC and load the appropriate driver. Then use /usr/sbin /netconfig to configure the IP address and network settings. The configuration will be stored so that it will be utilized upon system boot. Systems with two NIC cards: Typically two cards are used when connecting to two networks. In this case the device must be defined using one of three methods: 1. Use the Red Hat GUI tool /usr/bin/netcfg OR 2. Define network parameters in configuration files: Define new device in file (Red Hat/Fedora) /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 (S.u.s.e 9.2: /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-eth-id-XX:XX:XX:XX:XX) DEVICE=eth1 BOOTPROTO=static IPADDR= NETMASK= GATEWAY=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX Special routing information may be specified, if necessary, in the file (Red Hat/Fedora): /etc/sysconfig/static-routes (S.u.s.e. 9.2: /etc/sysconfig/network/routes) Example: eth1 net XXX.XXX.XXX.0 netmask gw XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX OR 3. Define network parameters using Unix command line interface: Define IP address: ifconfig eth0 XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX netmask broadcast XXX.XXX.XXX.255 8 of 19 21/02/2012 08:18 a.m.
  • 9. Linux Network Configuration ifconfig eth0 XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX netmask broadcast XXX.XXX.XXX.255 ifconfig eth1 netmask broadcast If necessary, define route with with the route command: Examples: route add default gw XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX dev eth0 route add -net XXX.XXX.XXX.0 netmask gw XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX dev eth0 Where XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX is the gateway to the internet as defined by your ISP or network operator. If a mistake is made just repeat the route command substituting "del" in place of "add". Configuring your NIC: Speed and Duplex settings: This is usually not necessary because most ethernet adapters can auto-negotiate link speed and duplex setting. List NIC speed and configuration: mii-tool eth0: negotiated 100baseTx-FD flow-control, link ok Verbose mode: mii-tool -v eth0: negotiated 100baseTx-FD flow-control, link ok product info: Intel 82555 rev 4 basic mode: autonegotiation enabled basic status: autonegotiation complete, link ok capabilities: 100baseTx-FD 100baseTx-HD 10baseT-FD 10baseT-HD advertising: 100baseTx-FD 100baseTx-HD 10baseT-FD 10baseT-HD flow-control link partner: 100baseTx-FD 100baseTx-HD 10baseT-FD 10baseT-HD flow-control Set NIC configuration: mii-tool -F option Option Parameters -F 100baseTx-FD 100baseTx-HD 10baseT-FD 10baseT-HD -A 100baseT4 100baseTx-FD 100baseTx-HD 10baseT-FD 10baseT-HD Query NIC with ethtool: Command Description ethtool -g eth0 Queries ethernet device for rx/tx ring parameter information. ethtool -a eth0 Queries ethernet device for pause parameter information. ethtool -c eth0 Queries ethernet device for coalescing information. ethtool -i eth0 Queries ethernet device for associated driver information. ethtool -d eth0 Prints a register dump for the specified ethernet device. ethtool -k eth0 Queries ethernet device for offload information. ethtool -S eth0 Queries ethernet device for NIC and driver statistics. Man Pages: mii-tool - view, manipulate media-independent interface status ethtool - Display or change ethernet card settings Route: Static routes: IP (Internet Protocol) uses a routing table to determine where packets should be sent. First the packet is examined to see if its' destination is for the local or remote network. If it is to be sent to a remote network, the routing table is consulted to determine the path. If there is no information in the routing table then the packet is sent to the default gateway. Static routes are set with the route command and with the configuration file (Red Hat/Fedora): /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-eth0 or (Red Hat 7: /etc/sysconfig/static-routes) (S.u.s.e. 9.2: /etc/sysconfig/network/routes): via See command: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-routes eth0 Dynamic routes: RIP (Routing Information Protocol) is used to define dynamic routes. If multiple routes are possible, RIP will choose the shortest route. (Fewest hops between routers not physical distance.) Routers use RIP to broadcast the routing table over UDP port 520. The routers would then add new or improved routes to their routing tables. Man pages: route - show / manipulate the IP routing table (Static route) Show routes: Option Description -n display IP addresses. Do not resolve host names for faster results. 9 of 19 21/02/2012 08:18 a.m.
  • 10. Linux Network Configuration -e Print more extensive information about routes. -v Verbose. --help Route command information. Manipulate routes: Option Description add or del or neither Add or delete route information. If not specified then print route table information. -host XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX Add a single computer host identified by the IP address. -net XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX Add a network identified by the network address, to the route. gw XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX Specify the network gateway. netmask XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX Specify the network netmask. default Of all the routes specified, identify one as the default network route. (typically the gateway is specified as the default route) Examples: Show routing table: route -e Access individual computer host specified via network interface card eth1: route add -host eth1 Access ISP network identified by the network address and netmask using network interface card eth0: route add -net netmask gw eth0 Conversly: route del -net netmask gw eth0 Specify default gateway to use to access remote network via network interface card eth0: route add default gw eth0 (Gateway can also be defined in /etc/sysconfig/network) Specify two gateways for two network destinations: (i.e. one external, one internal private network. Two routers/gateways will be specified.) Add internet gateway as before: route add default gw eth0 Add second private network: route add -net netmask gw eth0 routed - network routing daemon. Uses RIP protocol to update routing table. ipx_route - show / manipulate the IPX routing table - IPX is the Novell networking protocol (Not typically used unless your office has Novell servers) ifuser - Identify destinations routed to a particular network interface. VPN, Tunneling: Commercial VPN Linux software solutions - YoLinux - IPSec VPN for Linux - IPSec VPN for Linux FreeSWAN tutorial - howto OpenVPN - SSL VPN solution for site to site, WiFi security, and enterprise-scale remote access with load balancing, failover, and fine-grained access-controls. SSL-Explorer - Java SLL based VPN Quagga dynamic routing suite VLAN n2n pier to pier within a private fabric CIPE: Crypto IP Encapsulation (Easiest way to configure two Linux gateways connecting two private networks over the internet with encryption.) CIPE Home page - CIPE is a simple encapsulation system that securely connects two subnets. GRE Tunneling - Generic Routing Encapsulation - Hugo Samayoa VPN HowTo - Matthew D. Wilson Installing and Running PPTP on Linux L2TP Extensions (l2tpext) Internet Drafts. Usefull Linux networking commands: /etc/rc.d/init.d/network start - command to start, restart or stop the network netstat - Display connections, routing tables, stats etc List externally connected processes: netstat -punta -a: Show both listening and non-listening sockets. -p: Show PID of process owning socket -u: Show UDP -t: Show TCP -n: Show IP addresses only. Don't resolve host names -g: Show multi-cast group membership info -c: Continuous mode - update info every second -v: Verbose -e: Extended information -o: show network timer information List all connected processes: netstat -nap Show network statistics: netstat -s Display routing table info: netstat -rn $ netstat -nr Kernel IP routing table Destination Gateway Genmask Flags MSS Window irtt Iface U 0 0 0 eth0 U 0 0 0 eth0 UG 0 0 0 eth0 Flags: G: route uses gateway U: Interface is "up" H: Only a single host is accessible (eg. loopback) D: Entry generated by ICMP redirect message M: Modified by ICMP redirect message 10 of 19 21/02/2012 08:18 a.m.
  • 11. Linux Network Configuration M: Modified by ICMP redirect message Display interface statistics: netstat -i $ netstat -i Kernel Interface table Iface MTU Met RX-OK RX-ERR RX-DRP RX-OVR TX-OK TX-ERR TX-DRP TX-OVR Flg eth0 1500 0 2224 0 0 0 1969 0 0 0 BMRU lo 16436 0 1428 0 0 0 1428 0 0 0 LRU Where: RX-OK/TX-OK: number of packets transmitted/received error free RX-ERR/TX-ERR: number of dammaged/error packets transmitted/received RX-DRP/TX-DRP: number of dropped packets RX-OVR/TX-OVR: number of packets dropped because of a buffer overrun Flags: B: A broadcast address has been set L: This interface is a loopback device M: All packets are received N: Trailers are avoided O: ARP is turned off for this interface P: Point-to-point connection R: Interface is running U: Interface is up ping - send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts. Use Cntl-C to stop ping. traceroute - print the route packets take to network host. (Ubuntu Note: Typically Ubuntu installs tracepath for IPv4 and traceroute6 for IPv6. One can install traceroute: apt-get install traceroute) traceroute IP-address-of-server traceroute domain-name-of-server mtr - a network diagnostic tool introduced in Fedora - Like traceroute except it gives more network quality and network diagnostic info. Leave running to get real time stats. Reports best and worst round trip times in milliseconds. mtr IP-address-of-server mtr domain-name-of-server whois - Lookup a domain name in the internic whois database. finger - Display information on a system user. i.e. finger user@host Uses $HOME/.plan and $HOME/.project user files. iptables - IP firewall administration (Linux kernel 2.6/2.4) See YoLinux firewall/gateway configuration. ipchains - IP firewall administration (Linux kernel 2.2) See YoLinux firewall/gateway configuration. socklist - Display list of open sockets, type, port, process id and the name of the process. Kill with fuser or kill. host - Give a host name and the command will return IP address. Unlike nslookup, the host command will use both /etc/hosts as well as DNS. Example: host domain-name-of-server nslookup - Give a host name and the command will return IP address. Also see Testing your DNS (YoLinux Tutorial) Note that nslookup does not use the /etc/hosts file. inetd/xinetd: Network Socket Listener Daemons: The network listening daemons listen and respond to all network socket connections made on the TCP/IP ports assigned to it. The ports are defined by the file /etc/services. When a connection is made, the listener will attempt to invoke the assigned program and pipe the data to it. This simplified matters by allowing the assigned program to read from stdin instead of making its own sockets connection. The listener hadles the network socket connection. Two network listening and management daemons have been used in Red Hat Linux distributions: inetd: Red Hat 6.x and older xinetd: Red Hat 7.0-9.0, Fedora Core inetd: Configuration file: /etc/inetd.conf Entries in this file consist of a single line made up of the following fields: service socket-type protocol wait user server cmdline service: The name assigned to the service. Matches the name given in the file /etc/services socket-type: stream: connection protocols (TCP) dgram: datagram protocols (UDP) raw rdm seqpacket protocol: Transport protocol name which matches a name in the file /etc/protocols. i.e. udp, icmp, tcp, rpc/udp, rpc/tcp, ip, ipv6 wait: Applies only to datagram protocols (UDP). wait[.max]: One server for the specified port at any time (RPC) nowait[.max]: Continue to listen and launch new services if a new connection is made. (multi-threaded) Max refers to the maximum number of server instances spawned in 60 seconds. (default=40) user[.group]: login id of the user the process is executed under. Often nobody, root or a special restricted id for that service. server: Full path name of the server program to be executed. cmdline: Command line to be passed to the server. This includes argument 0 (argv[0]), that is the command name. This field is empty for internal services. Example of internal TCP services: echo, discard, chargen (character generator), daytime (human readable time), and time (machine readable time). (see RFC) Sample File: /etc/inetd.conf #echo stream tcp nowait root internal #echo dgram udp wait root internal 11 of 19 21/02/2012 08:18 a.m.
  • 12. Linux Network Configuration #echo dgram udp wait root internal ftp stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd in.ftpd -l -a #pop-3 stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd ipop3d #swat stream tcp nowait.400 root /usr/sbin/swat swat A line may be commented out by using a '#' as the first character in the line. This will turn the service off. The maximum length of a line is 1022 characters. The inet daemon must be restarted to pick up the changes made to the file: /etc/rc.d/init.d/inetd restart For more information see the man pages "inetd" and "inetd.conf". xinetd: Extended Internet Services Daemon: Xinetd has access control machanisms, logging capabilities, the ability to make services available based on time, and can place limits on the number of servers that can be started, redirect services to different ports and network interfaces (NIC) or even to a different server, chroot a service etc... and thus a worthy upgrade from inetd. Use the command chkconfig --list to view all system services and their state. It will also list all network services controlled by xinetd and their respective state under the title "xinetd based services". (Works for xinetd (RH7.0+) but not inetd) The xinetd network daemon uses PAM also called network wrappers which invoke the /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny files. Configuration file: /etc/xinetd.conf which in turn uses configuration files found in the directory /etc/xinetd.d/. To turn a network service on or off: Edit the file /etc/xinetd.d/service-name Set the disable value: disable = yes or disable = no Restart the xinetd process using the signal: SIGUSR1 (kill -SIGUSR1 process-id) - Soft reconfiguration does not terminate existing connections. (Important if you are connected remotely) SIGUSR2 - Hard reconfiguration stops and restarts the xinetd process. (Note: Using the HUP signal will terminate the process.) OR Use the chkconfig command: chkconfig service-name on (or off) This command will also restart the xinetd process to pick up the new configuration. The file contains entries of the form: service service-name { attribute assignment-operator value value ... ... { Where: attribute: disable: yes no type: RPC INTERNAL: UNLISTED: Not found in /etc/rpc or /etc/services id: By default the service id is the same as the service name. socket_type: stream: TCP dgram: UDP raw: Direct IP access seqpacket: service that requires reliable sequential datagram transmission flags: Combination of: REUSE, INTERCEPT, NORETRY, IDONLY, NAMEINARGS, NODELAY, DISABLE, KEEPALIVE, NOLIBWRAP. See the xinetd man page for details. protocol: Transport protocol name which matches a name in the file /etc/protocols. wait: no: multi-threaded yes: single-threaded - One server for the specified port at any time (RPC) user: See file : /etc/passwd group: See file : /etc/group server: Program to execute and recieve data stream from socket. (Fully qualified name - full pathe name of program) server_args: Unlike inetd, arg[0] or the name of the service is not passed. only_from: IP address, factorized address, netmask range, hostname or network name from file /etc/networks. no_access: Deny from ... (inverse of only_from) access_times port: See file /etc/services Also: log_type, log_on_success, log_on_failure (Log options: += PID,HOST,USERID,EXIT,DURATION,ATTEMPT and RECORD), rpc_version, rpc_number, env, passenv, redirect, bind, interface, banner, banner_success, banner_fail, per_source, cps, max_load, groups, enabled, include, includedir, rlimit_as, rlimit_cpu, rlimit_data, 12 of 19 21/02/2012 08:18 a.m.
  • 13. Linux Network Configuration banner_fail, per_source, cps, max_load, groups, enabled, include, includedir, rlimit_as, rlimit_cpu, rlimit_data, rlimit_rss, rlimit_stack. The best source of information is the man page and its many examples. assignment-operator: = +=: add a value to the set of values -=: delete a value from the set of values Then restart the daemon: /etc/rc.d/init.d/xinetd restart Example from man page: Limit telnet sessions to 8 Mbytes of memory and a total 20 CPU seconds for child processes. service telnet { socket_type = stream wait = no nice = 10 user = root server = /usr/etc/in.telnetd rlimit_as = 8M rlimit_cpu = 20 } [Pitfall] Red Hat 7.1 with updates as of 07/06/2001 required that I restart the xinetd services before FTP would work properly even though xinetd had started without failure during the boot sequence. I have no explanation as to why this occurs or how to fix it other than to restart xinetd: /etc/rc.d/init.d/xinetd restart. Man Pages: xinetd xinetd.conf xinetd.log tcpd For more info see: xinetd - Frederic Raynal Controlling Access to Services See RFC's: 862, 863, 864, 867, 868, 1413. man page xinetd, xinetd.conf, xinetd.log Remote commands: rcp, rsh, rlogin, rwho, ... Most of the original Unix remote commands have been superceeded by secure shell equivalents. Instead of telnet, rsh or rlogin, one should use the encrypted connection ssh. telnet - user interface to the TELNET protocol rlogin - remote login rsh - remote shell to execute a command and return results uux - Remote command execution over UUCP rcp - remote file copy uucp - Unix to Unix copy uuxqt - UUCP execution daemon uucico - UUCP file transfer daemon cu - Call up another system (cu is an old legacy command which is reported to not work very well) See the secure shell tutorial for use of ssh, rssh, scp and sftp RWHO: Remote Who daemon - rwhod The "rwho" command is used to display users logged into computers on your LAN. By default, Red Hat Linux has the network interface to the rwhod disabled. Thus if one issues the command " rwho", you will only see who is logged into the system you are logged into and not remote systems on the network. This is a safe approach for internet servers as it reduces the exposure of a service which could be exploited by hackers. If you wish to use rwhod on a local private and firewall protected network, here is how: Allow broacast capabilities. Edit /etc/init.d/rwhod change from: daemon rwhod to: daemon rwhod -b Start service: Set service to start with system boot: chkconfig --level 345 rwhod on Start rwhod service: service rwhod start (or: service rwhod restart) Man pages: rwho: who is logged in on local network machines rwhod: system status server who: show who is logged on to the same system RPC: Remote Procedure Calls (Portmapper) 13 of 19 21/02/2012 08:18 a.m.
  • 14. Linux Network Configuration Portmapper is a network service required to support RPC's. Many services such as NFS (file sharing services) and NIS (Network Information Services) require portmapper. An RPC server makes available a collection of procedures (programs) that a client system may call and then receive the returned results. The list of services available is listed in /etc/rpc on the server. The message communication is in a machine independent form called XDR (External Data Representation format). List RPC services supported: [root]# rpcinfo -p localhost Starting portmap server: /etc/rc.d/init.d/portmap start service portmap start (Red Hat/Fedora Core) Man Pages: portmap - DARPA port to RPC program number mapper rpcinfo - report RPC information pmap_dump - print a list of all registered RPC programs pmap_set - set the list of registered RPC programs /etc/rpc - rpc program number data base PAM: Network Wrappers: Pluggable Authentication Modules for Linux (TCP Wrappers) This system allows or denies network access. One can reject or allow specific IP addresses or subnets to access your system. File: /etc/hosts.allow in.ftpd: This specifically allows the given IP address to ftp to your system. One can also specify an entire domain. i.e. .name- Note the beginning ".". File: /etc/hosts.deny ALL:ALL This generally denies any access. See the pam man page. File: /etc/inetd.conf ftp stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd in.ftpd -l -a The inet daemon accepts the incoming network stream and assigns it to the PAM TCP wrapper, /usr/sbin/tcpd, which accepts or denies the network connection as defined by /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny and then passes it along to ftp. This is logged to /var/log/secure Advanced PAM: More specific access can be assigned and controlled by controlling the level of authentication required for access. Files reflect the inet service name. Rules and modules are stacked to achieve the level of security desired. See the files in /etc/pam.d/... (some systems use /etc/pam.conf) The format: service type control module-path module-arguments auth - (type) Password is required for the user nullok - Null or non-existatant password is acceptable shadow - encrypted passwords kept in /etc/shadow account - (type) Verifies password. Can track and force password changes. password - (type) Controls password update retry=3 - Sets the number of login attempts minlen=8 - Set minimum length of password session - (type) Controls monitoring Modules: /lib/security/ - password database module /lib/security/ - /lib/security/ - checks is password is crackable /lib/security/ After re-configuration, restart the inet daemon: killall -HUP inetd For more info see: Wietse's Papers Pluggable Authentication Modules for Linux (PAM) Home Page ICMP: 14 of 19 21/02/2012 08:18 a.m.
  • 15. Linux Network Configuration ICMP is the network protocol used by the ping and traceroute commands. ICMP redirect packets are sent from the router to the host to inform the host of a better route. To enable ICMP redirect, add the following line to /etc/sysctl.conf : net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_redirects = 1 Add the following to the file: /etc/rc.d/rc.local for f in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/*/accept_redirects do echo 1 > $f done Command to view Kernel IP routing cache: /sbin/route -Cn NOTE: This may leave you vulnerable to hackers as attackers may alter your routes. Blocking ICMP and look invisible to ping: The following firewall rules will drop ICMP requests. Iptables: iptables -A OUTPUT -p icmp -d 0/0 -j DROP Ipchains: ipchains -A output -p icmp -d 0/0 -j DENY OR drop all incomming pings: echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all This is sometimes necessary to look invisible to DOS (Denial Of Service) attackers who use ping to watch your machine and launch an attack when it's pressence is detected Network Monitoring Tools: tcpdump - dump traffic on a network. See discussion below. Command line option Description -c Exit after receiving count packets. -C Specify size of output dump files. -i Specify interface if multiple exist. Lowest used by default. i.e. eth0 -w file-name Write the raw packets to file rather than parsing and printing them out. They can later be printed with the -r option. -n Improve speed by not performing DNS lookups. Report IP addresses. -t Don't print a timestamp on each dump line. Filter expressions: primitive Description host host-name If host has multiple IP's, all will be checked. net network-number Network number. net network-number mask mask Network number and netmask specified. port port-number Port number specified. tcp Sniff TCP packets. udp Sniff UDP packets. icmp Sniff icmp packets. Examples: tcpdump tcp port 80 and host server-1 tcpdump ip host server-1 and not server-2 iptraf - Interactive Colorful IP LAN Monitor nmap - Network exploration tool and security scanner List pingable nodes on network: nmap -sP Scans network for IP addresses to using ping. Ethereal - Network protocol analyzer. Examine data from a live network. RPM's required: ethereal-0.8.15-2.i386.rpm - Red Hat 7.1 Powertools CD RPM ucd-snmp-4.2-12.i386.rpm - Red Hat 7.1 binary CD 1 ucd-snmp-utils-4.2-12.i386.rpm - Red Hat 7.1 binary CD 1 Also: gtk+, glib, glibc, XFree86-libs-4.0.3-5 (base install) There is an error in the ethereal package because it does not show the snmp libraries as a dependancies, but you can deduce this from the errors that you get if the ucd-snmp libraries are not installed. EtherApe - Graphical network monitor for Unix modeled after etherman. This is a great network discovery program with cool graphics. (Red Hat Powertools CD 7.1) Gkrellm - Network and system monitor. Good for monitoring your workstation. (Red Hat Powertools CD) IPTraf - ncurses-based IP LAN monitor. (Red Hat Powertools CD) 15 of 19 21/02/2012 08:18 a.m.
  • 16. Linux Network Configuration IPTraf - ncurses-based IP LAN monitor. (Red Hat Powertools CD) Cheops - Network discovery, location, diagnosis and management. Cheops can identify all of the computers that are on your network, their IP address, their DNS name, the operating system they are running. Cheops can run a port scan on any system on your network. (Red Hat Powertools CD) ntop - Shows network usage in a way similar to what top does for processes. Monitors how much data is being sent and received on your network. (Red Hat Powertools CD) MRTG - Multi Router Traffic Grapher - Monitor network traffic load using SNMP and generate an HTML/GIF report. (See sample output) dnsad - IP traffic capture. Export to Cisco Netflow for network analysis reporting. Big Brother - Monitoring ans services availablility. - Network Management using SNMP. Nagios - host, service and network monitoring Angel network monitor Using tcpdump to monitor the network: [root]# ifconfig eth0 promisc - Put nic into promiscuous mode to sniff traffic. [root]# tcpdump -n host not XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX | more - Sniff net but ignore IP which is your remote session. [root]# ifconfig eth0 -promisc - Pull nic out of promiscuous mode. Network Intrusion and Hacker Detection Systems: SNORT: Monitor the network, performing real-time traffic analysis and packet logging on IP networks for the detection of an attack or probe. InterSect Alliance - Intrusiuon analysis. Identifies malicious or unauthorized access attempts. ARP: Address Resolution Protocol Ethernet hosts use the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) to convert a 32-bit internet IP addresses into a 48-bit Ethernet MAC address used by network hardware. (See: RFC 826) ARP broadcasts are sent to all hosts on the subnet by the data transmitting host to see who replies. The broadcast is ignored by all except the intended receiver which recognizes the IP address as its own. The MAC addresses are remembered (APR cache) for future network communications. Computers on the subnet typically keep a cache of ARP responses. ARP broadcasts are passed on by hubs and switches but are blocked by routers. Reverse ARP (See: RFC 903) is a bootstrap protocol which allows a client to broadcast requesting a server to reply with its IP address. View ARP tables: Shows other systems on your network (including IP address conflicts): /sbin/arp -a Show ARP table Linux style: /sbin/arp -e List ARP table: cat /proc/net/arp Note that the use of a switch instead of a hub will limit your view of other hosts. Typically all you will see in the arp table is your router or gateway. Set/Configure ARP tables: Add a host's IP address: /sbin/arp -s hostname XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX pub Delete a host from the table: /sbin/arp -d hostname This can be used to remove a duplicate IP or force a new interface to provide info. Man pages: arp (8) man page - manipulate the system ARP cache arpwatch (8) man page - keep track of ethernet/ip address pairings arpsnmp (8) man page - keep track of ethernet/ip address pairings. Reads information generated by snmpwalk arping (8) man page - send ARP REQUEST to a neighbor host Print ARP reply (similar to arp -a): arping ip (8) man page - show / manipulate routing, devices, policy routing and tunnels View ARP table: ip neighbor ARP is something that simply works. No Linux system configuration is necessary. It's all part of the ethernet and IP protocol. The aforementioned information is just part of the Linux culture of full visibility into what is going on. Configuring Linux For Network Multicast: Regular network exchanges of data are peer to peer unicast transactions. An HTTP request to a web server (TCP/IP), email SNMP (TCP/IP), DNS (UDP), FTP (TCP/IP), ... are all peer to peer unicast transactions. If one wants to transmit a video, audio or data stream to multiple nodes with one transmission stream instead of multiple individual peer to peer connections, one for each node, one may use multicasting to reduce network load. Note that multicast and a network broadcast are different. Multicast messages are only "heard" by the nodes on the network that have "joined the multicast group" which are those that are interested in the information. The Linux kernel is Level-2 Multicast-Compliant. It meets all requirements to send, receive and act as a router for multicast datagrams. For a process to receive multicast datagrams it has to request the kernel to join the multicast group and bind the port receiving the datagrams. When a process is no longer interested in the multicast group, a request is made to the kernel to leave the group. It is the kernel/host which joins the multicast group and not the process. Kernel configuration requires "CONFIG_IP_MULTICAST=y". In order for the Linux kernel to support multicast routing, set the following in the kernel config: CONFIG_IP_MULTICAST=y CONFIG_IP_ROUTER=y CONFIG_IP_MROUTE=y CONFIG_NET_IPIP=y 16 of 19 21/02/2012 08:18 a.m.