SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Written by Barbara Rozgonyi for “Success Secrets of the Social Media Marketing Superstars,” this content is
                   copyright 2010 protected and may not be reprinted or reused without written permission.
          For more information or to interview Ms. Rozgonyi, email corywestmedia@gmail. com or call 630.207.7530.

LinkedIn Excerpt from “Success Secrets of the
Social Media Marketing Superstars” published by
Entrepreneur Press with Contributions from World-
Class Social Media Experts

Thanks so much for requesting this ebook. While this
is only one chapter, I recommend you purchase the
book and read it in its entirety. You’ll get all kinds of
great information from leading experts who can show
you how to promote you, your brand and your                          Dan Janal, Mitch Meyerson and Barbara Rozgonyi at
business in real life and on social networks. Please                     BlogWorld New Media Expo in October 2010.
feel free to contact me if you have questions about
social media, content marketing, digital public
relations, LinkedIn, Facebook or twitter. You may
reach me directly on any of these networks and you’ll
find my contact information on the last page of this
ebook. Keep me posted on your progress!!!!

Written by Barbara Rozgonyi for “Success Secrets of the Social Media Marketing Superstars,” this content is
                  copyright 2010 protected and may not be reprinted or reused without written permission.
         For more information or to interview Ms. Rozgonyi, email corywestmedia@gmail. com or call 630.207.7530.

    Keith Ferrazi & Tahl Raz: Relationship Strategy               Chris Brogan: Building Communities

Brian Clark: Psychology of Social Media                           Joel Comm: Success Qualities

Mitch Meyerson: Online Marketing                                  Craig Valentine: Communicate with Impact

Ann Handley: Creating Content                                     Starr Hall: Building Profits

Gary Vaynerchuk: Building Mega-Followings                         Dan Janal: PR Strategies

Andy Wibbles: Personality                                         Michael Stelzner: Go Viral

Denise Wakeman: Business Blogs                                    Dave Evans: One Hour a Day

Julie Perry: YouTube                                              Chris Garrett: Social Bookmarking

Paul Colligan: Podcasting                                         Kim Dushinski: Mobile Marketing

Mari Smith: Facebook                                              Shama Kabani: Online Video

Deborah Cole Micek: Twitter                                       Barbara Rozgonyi: LinkedIn
Written by Barbara Rozgonyi for “Success Secrets of the Social Media Marketing Superstars,” this content is
                  copyright 2010 protected and may not be reprinted or reused without written permission.
         For more information or to interview Ms. Rozgonyi, email corywestmedia@gmail. com or call 630.207.7530.

Barbara Rozgonyi, Imagemaker Bio                                  Illinois, DePaul University 's Kellstadt Marketing
                       Barbara Rozgonyi is a speaker,             Group, Chicago White Sox and many Chambers of
                       author and leader of CoryWest              Commerce and associations. A recognized social
                       Media, LLC, a Midwest-based                media, marketing and PR expert, Barbara’s media
                       strategic marketing                        mentions include, SOHO magazine,
                       consultancy founded in 1990.               ChicagonistaLIVE!,,,
                       As publisher of                  , Mashable, Germany’s FAZ and
             , listed               NBC5. An author with over 850 blog posts to her
                       on Alltop and in AdAge’s Power             credit, Barbara contributed the LinkedIn chapter to
150, Barbara reports on ways to grow business, build              “Success Secrets of the Social Media Marketing
brands, and connect communities. The founder of                   Superstars,” published by Entrepreneur Press in 2010.
Chicago ’s Social Media Club chapter, Barbara is a                Named one of the top 30 PR twitter experts to follow
frequent keynote speaker, an accomplished corporate               by, Barbara’s digital brand is
trainer, and an experienced educator who’s                        @wiredprworks, which also the name of Barbara’s
developed programs for colleges, associations,                    iPhone app. The mother of three, Barbara and her
corporations and online communities like College of               husband, a 78-time marathon runner, make their
DuPage , Office Depot’s Web Café and the                          home in Chicago’s suburbs.
International Social Media Association. Speaking
engagements include SOBCon, UnGeeked Elite, PRSA
Chicago suburban, Ragan Communications Social
Media Bootcamp, National Speakers Association
Written by Barbara Rozgonyi for “Success Secrets of the Social Media Marketing Superstars,” this content is
                         copyright 2010 protected and may not be reprinted or reused without written permission.
                For more information or to interview Ms. Rozgonyi, email corywestmedia@gmail. com or call 630.207.7530.

        How to Leverage a LinkedIn Network into Dynamic                  12 Steps to Transform a LinkedIn Profile Into an
           Business Connections By Barbara Rozgonyi                      Always-on Networking Hub

    A digital communications strategist, Barbara Rozgonyi                At 50 million worldwide users in late 2009 [up tp over
    wires branding, marketing, social media and public                   75 million in August 2010 – latest stats at
    relations together to build businesses, engage             ], LinkedIn is the
    customers and connect communities. Founder of                        place to search for, connect to and develop business
    CoryWest Media, LLC and Social Media Club’s Chicago                  online. To transform your LinkedIn profile into an
    chapter, Barbara shares her enthusiasm and expertise                 always-on global networking hub, follow these 12
    online at                                      steps.

    In this chapter you will learn:                                      A complete LinkedIn profile is your connection to a
                                                                         world of opportunities. Optimize your profile with
•   12 steps to transform a LinkedIn profile into an
    Always-On Networking Hub
•   Why your company or organization needs its own                       1. Use Keywords to Help People Find You
    LinkedIn profile
                                                                         Keywords are the search terms people use to find
•   Where to find connections: 20 places online and in
                                                                         information online. The keywords people use to find
    real life
                                                                         you and your business might point to your profession,
•   How to increase influence on LinkedIn and beyond
                                                                         service, location, area of expertise or even the
•   What LinkedIn groups can do for you and your
                                                                         problems you solve. Optimize your LinkedIn profile
Written by Barbara Rozgonyi for “Success Secrets of the Social Media Marketing Superstars,” this content is
                  copyright 2010 protected and may not be reprinted or reused without written permission.
         For more information or to interview Ms. Rozgonyi, email corywestmedia@gmail. com or call 630.207.7530.

with keywords in your headline, summary, expertise                5. Cover Every Position for Maximum Exposure
and your job title and descriptions.
                                                                  Expand your connection potential by listing all
2. Upload a Flattering Profile Photo that Matches                 relevant former companies and positions. Break up
Your Image                                                        your current experience into categories like speaker,
                                                                  consultant and author to broaden your skill set. Then,
Worth at least 1,000 (maybe 100,000) words), a
                                                                  people can recommend you for each individual
LinkedIn profile picture conveys your business image
to the world. Are you casual, relaxed, authoritative,
intellectual?                                                     6. Route Traffic to Three Destinations

3. Write a Catchy Headline that Grabs Attention                   In addition to a place for your twitter ID, LinkedIn lets
                                                                  you list three websites. Consider including your
Your headline describes who you are and what you do.
                                                                  company website, a link to your Facebook page and
This isn’t necessarily the title on your business card.
                                                                  another to a landing page that collects database
Sort of a personal tagline, your headline stands out
                                                                  information. Use the URL or, better yet, a phrase that
when people see your profile.
                                                                  describes the site.
4. Summarize Your Talents into Sound Bites
                                                                  7. Hail Alma Mater to Connect with Other Alumni
The summary section is the place to make your
                                                                  Listing schools you attended pulls in connections from
personal brand statement. Given that attention is
                                                                  students and alumni. Even with decades of distance in
shrinking down into text-message and tweet-size
                                                                  graduation years, a common alma mater opens the
sound bites, it’s important to be concise, informative
and engaging. Use bullets to make your main points.
Written by Barbara Rozgonyi for “Success Secrets of the Social Media Marketing Superstars,” this content is
                   copyright 2010 protected and may not be reprinted or reused without written permission.
          For more information or to interview Ms. Rozgonyi, email corywestmedia@gmail. com or call 630.207.7530.

door to a shared experience in LinkedIn alumni                     LinkedIn’s event center lets you create, RSVP and
groups.                                                            comment on events. Event creators can invite
                                                                   contacts, edit details, see who’s interested and
8. Spice It Up with Specialties and Interests
                                                                   monitor comments. Events show up on search engines
Like a dash of spice to adds flavor, your specialties
                                                                   inside and outside of LinkedIn.
and interests lists spark up your profile with keywords
                                                                   12. Upgrade Your Account and Get More Features
and tangents that set off your personality.
                                                                   A basic, free personal LinkedIn account gets you
9. Make it 100% complete
                                                                   started. Investing in an upgraded personal or business
Complete profiles rank higher in searches and let you
                                                                   account improves functionality, reach, access and
make the most of LinkedIn’s profile opportunities. Is
                                                                   customer service. To see the options, check your
yours 100% complete? If not, see what you need to do
                                                                   account settings.
to fill in the gaps.
                                                                   While you may be familiar with personal profiles, you
10. Add Applications for Personalization and
                                                                   may not be aware of the depth of information
                                                                   LinkedIn shares on company pages. Like a personal
Applications update and round out your profile with                profile, there is no charge to create a company
presentations, blog posts, free articles, travel plans,            profile on LinkedIn.
book reviews and events. You can also use
applications to collaborate and share files.

11. Promote Events and Invite Guests
Written by Barbara Rozgonyi for “Success Secrets of the Social Media Marketing Superstars,” this content is
                  copyright 2010 protected and may not be reprinted or reused without written permission.
         For more information or to interview Ms. Rozgonyi, email corywestmedia@gmail. com or call 630.207.7530.

Why Your Company or Organization Needs its Own                    How to Make Connections to Exponentially Expand
LinkedIn Profile                                                  Your Network

Reasons to add your company or organization include:              Send invitations [active] or accept invitations
being indexed in LinkedIn’s search engine, monitoring             [passive]: the two ways to get connected.
how the company or organization shows up, getting
                                                                  Many people set up their profile, invite the people
listed in the service provider directory [when a
                                                                  they know and then wait to receive invitations. But,
customer makes a recommendation], owning the
                                                                  why wait? Every new person you add to your network
profile, and managing updates.
                                                                  increases your connections exponentially. So, get
Setting up a company profile is as simple as                      going.
completing a form. After your site is live, LinkedIn
                                                                  LinkedIn connections come in three degrees:
populates the dynamic information continually and
                                                              •   First degree: trusted friends and colleagues, direct
automatically. Company profiles display a summary,
employee information, related companies, key
                                                              •   Two degrees away: friends of friends, each connected
statistics, jobs, news, and stock information.
                                                                  to one of your connections
Employee information includes current, former, new
                                                              •   Three degrees away: connect through one of your
hires and recent promotions and changes. Every
                                                                  friends and one of theirs
company, even a solo entrepreneurship, can benefit
from using the information LinkedIn posts on their
company profile. One way is finding other companies
and people to connect with.
Written by Barbara Rozgonyi for “Success Secrets of the Social Media Marketing Superstars,” this content is
                     copyright 2010 protected and may not be reprinted or reused without written permission.
            For more information or to interview Ms. Rozgonyi, email corywestmedia@gmail. com or call 630.207.7530.

   Finding people to invite                                      9. Friends and family
                                                                 10. People you may know as suggested by LinkedIn
   Start by importing your email address book and
                                                                 11. Networking contacts
   sending invitations only to people you know. If enough
                                                                 12. Conference speakers and attendees
   people click on “I don’t this person,” your ability to
                                                                 13. New prospects
   add connections may be limited.
                                                                 14. People found using LinkedIn’s search toolbar
   To shape your network’s regional and industry access,
                                                                 15. Key people on company sites
   check your network statistics in the contacts section.
                                                                 16. Professional or trade association colleagues
   Search for new people to connect within the areas
                                                                 17. Bloggers you like
   where you’d like to grow, and invite them to join your
                                                                 18. Real life contacts
   professional network.
                                                                 19. Chamber of Commerce associates
   20 Ways to Get Connected by Sending Invitations to            20. LIONs [LinkedIn Open Networkers] who agree to

1. Contacts in your email address book                               accept invitations

2. Colleagues – former and current
3. Classmates – former and current
4. Group members
5. Business contacts
6. Twitter followers
7. Facebook friends
8. Email recipients, include LinkedIn in the signature
Written by Barbara Rozgonyi for “Success Secrets of the Social Media Marketing Superstars,” this content is
                  copyright 2010 protected and may not be reprinted or reused without written permission.
         For more information or to interview Ms. Rozgonyi, email corywestmedia@gmail. com or call 630.207.7530.

Sending Invitations                                               be as important. After you accept the invitation, send
                                                                  a thank you message with an introduction to how you
The number of invitations you can send at one time is
                                                                  help people and companies like theirs.
based on your account level. You may want to
upgrade your account, even temporarily, so that you               Organizing Contacts
can send more requests for introductions while you’re
                                                                  LinkedIn organizes your contacts in categories such
building out your network.
                                                                  as: tags group members, partners, colleagues,
To send an invitation from a profile, click on add this           classmates, companies, locations, industries and
person to my network. LinkedIn will ask you how you               recent activity. Because you can export your contact
know this person. You can send a standard greeting,               list and sync it with your database, every connection
but adding a personal touch only takes an extra                   is another person you can reach via email.
minute or two and improves chances of your
                                                                  As you grow your network by searching for new
invitation being accepted.
                                                                  contacts, sending personalized invitations, managing
Tip: Install LinkedIn’s toolbar into your browser to              your existing and contacts and building on
search for people, companies and groups.                          relationships, you will experience the power of truly
                                                                  being connected to an always-on business network.
Accepting an Invitation
                                                                  How to Increase Your Influence on LinkedIn and
You can and should review every connection request.
Before you accept the invitation, be sure you want
the contact in your network. If your goal is to have              Making connections with influential people is one way
high quantity, not high quality, then screening won’t             to get closer to becoming an authority within your
Written by Barbara Rozgonyi for “Success Secrets of the Social Media Marketing Superstars,” this content is
                  copyright 2010 protected and may not be reprinted or reused without written permission.
         For more information or to interview Ms. Rozgonyi, email corywestmedia@gmail. com or call 630.207.7530.

network. But, it’s not all about who you know. It’s               advertising and promotion, business development,
about who knows you – for what you want to be                     graphic design, mobile marketing, public relations,
known for.                                                        sales and search marketing.

To increase your influence on LinkedIn and beyond                 Before you compose your answer, do some
participate in the community by answering questions               background research. Look at profiles, search online,
with authority, asking compelling questions and get               visit sites and check out the specific situation
recommended by recommending others.                               referenced in the question.

Be the one with the answers people are searching for              Now, you can personalize your response. Address the
                                                                  person by name and make a connection to their
Answering questions on LinkedIn is a proven strategy
                                                                  question. Reference your research. Link out to
for positioning you or your business as the go-to
                                                                  informative sites, not necessarily your own.
resource in your niche. If you like to be helpful, this
strategy will be a natural fit for you.                           If you’ve helped someone else with this kind of issue,
                                                                  describe how you solved the problem.
LinkedIn’s answer section hosts a dashboard that
displays questions from your network, categories to               Before submitting your answer, read other answers so
choose from and people with best answers. Start by                that you can comment on them and add value to the
selecting a few question categories that match your               conversation. If you’ve covered this situation on your
areas of expertise. Each main category has sub-                   blog, link to the post. Add contact information to your
categories. For example, within the marketing and                 signature.
sales category, you can answer questions about
Written by Barbara Rozgonyi for “Success Secrets of the Social Media Marketing Superstars,” this content is
                  copyright 2010 protected and may not be reprinted or reused without written permission.
         For more information or to interview Ms. Rozgonyi, email corywestmedia@gmail. com or call 630.207.7530.

Answering questions that relate to your area of                   Get recommended by recommending others
expertise can raise your visibility, influence and
                                                                  Being recommended adds to your credibility. When
                                                                  your recommend others your review shows up on their
Ask compelling questions                                          profile with a link back to yours. You get traffic and
                                                                  exposure, but more importantly a closer connection.
Don’t have all the answers? Then, be the one who
asks compelling questions. Although there’s no official           To keep track of your recommendation activities,
scoring in this category, better questions tend to get            you’ll find a recommendations dashboard in your
more responses. If you have a question, chances are               profile section. Here, you may manage, request and
other people are looking for the same answer. And,                send recommendations.
you get to be the one that awards best and good
                                                                  Writing recommendations for others, without being
answer rankings.
                                                                  asked first, positions you as a giving and thoughtful
Asking questions helps you create content for an                  person. How do you write a recommendation? After
article or a blog post. Within a day or two, you’ll have          you describe your connection, focus on one key point
plenty of people to quote and fresh stories to tell.              and keep it short.
And, you’ll drive traffic to your site by mentioning the
                                                                  Think of recommendations as testimonials or
people [and their sites] who answered your question.
                                                                  endorsements. If you get a recommendation request
                                                                  from someone you don’t know well, be honest and
                                                                  tell them that you’d like to know them better before
                                                                  you recommend them.
Written by Barbara Rozgonyi for “Success Secrets of the Social Media Marketing Superstars,” this content is
                    copyright 2010 protected and may not be reprinted or reused without written permission.
           For more information or to interview Ms. Rozgonyi, email corywestmedia@gmail. com or call 630.207.7530.

The best time to request a recommendation is when                   Special interest groups abound on LinkedIn. Some
someone compliments your work or a customer thanks                  groups are private. Some groups automatically accept
you for a job well done. Ask if they will write a                   new members. Others require approval by a group
recommendation and then follow up with a request                    administrator before you can join. Use LinkedIn’s
that includes a reference to their comments.                        search function to find groups. You can also check out
                                                                    groups on other profiles. Ask your contacts how they
To extend a recommendation’s reach beyond
                                                                    like the group. Or, join the group and check it out.
LinkedIn, give approval to use yours in all of the
                                                                    You can leave at any time.
person’s or company’s marketing materials. You can
do the same with the recommendations you receive.                   When you join a group, you set your contact and
                                                                    privacy preferences, including the option to show the
What LinkedIn Groups Can Do For You and Your
                                                                    group’s logo on your profile page. After you receive
                                                                    notification of acceptance, visit the group’s site.
Sort of like super-powered connecting, LinkedIn
                                                                    Now, you’re ready to start participating.
groups give you a place to interact and form a closer
                                                                    Every action you take adds to the reach, shape and
relationship with a crowd of people. LinkedIn lets you
                                                                    power of your LinkedIn network. Joining one group
join a maximum of 50 groups. If every group has an
                                                                    can puts you in contact with hundreds or thousands
average 1,000 members, that’s 50,000 people you can
                                                                    of people.
interact with every day, if you choose to.

Connect with a Crowd
Written by Barbara Rozgonyi for “Success Secrets of the Social Media Marketing Superstars,” this content is
                  copyright 2010 protected and may not be reprinted or reused without written permission.
         For more information or to interview Ms. Rozgonyi, email corywestmedia@gmail. com or call 630.207.7530.

Participate by Commenting and Sharing                             life. Although you can create up to 10 groups, to be
                                                                  successful each will require some attention.
Each group has its own distinct personality. Listen in
and get to know who’s who by browsing recent                      Group categories choices include alumni, corporate,
discussions, announcements and news. When you                     conference, networking, non-profit, professional and
introduce yourself to the group, tell them what you               other. To create group, you will enter a summary,
bring in terms of information, connections and talent.            group description and website as well as set open or
                                                                  approved access, choose a language and location. You
Then, make a personal connection with the leader to
                                                                  also have the option of uploading a logo that will
let them know who you are and how you can help out.
                                                                  display as a profile badge throughout the LinkedIn
For example, if you’d like to start and lead a
subgroup within the main group, let the leader know
you’re interested in moderating the discussion.                   After you set up your group, invite up to 50
                                                                  connections at a time to become group members.
Be active by checking in frequently, commenting on
                                                                  Once a week, you can email the group with an
discussions, sharing interesting links and asking
                                                                  announcement and you can post news or a discussion
                                                                  topic anytime. LinkedIn manages distribution via
Create Your Own Groups to Connect People and
                                                                  email. You can import email and contact information
                                                                  into your database, but ask permission before
As the leader, you manage members, facilitate                     subscribing contacts to an email newsletter.
discussions and represent the group online and in real
                                                                  To keep discussions going and to vary viewpoints,
                                                                  appoint a few group ambassadors. The group will be
Written by Barbara Rozgonyi for “Success Secrets of the Social Media Marketing Superstars,” this content is
                  copyright 2010 protected and may not be reprinted or reused without written permission.
         For more information or to interview Ms. Rozgonyi, email corywestmedia@gmail. com or call 630.207.7530.

most successful as a gathering place for connections
and information.

Every action you take adds to the shape and power of
your LinkedIn network. Your LinkedIn profile connects
you to a global community with millions of people and
represents the virtual marketplace of the business
world. Leverage your LinkedIn network into a dynamic
business center by optimizing your profile, actively
seeking connections, advancing your influence and
participating in groups.






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  • 1. Written by Barbara Rozgonyi for “Success Secrets of the Social Media Marketing Superstars,” this content is copyright 2010 protected and may not be reprinted or reused without written permission. For more information or to interview Ms. Rozgonyi, email corywestmedia@gmail. com or call 630.207.7530. 
 LinkedIn Excerpt from “Success Secrets of the Social Media Marketing Superstars” published by Entrepreneur Press with Contributions from World- Class Social Media Experts Thanks so much for requesting this ebook. While this is only one chapter, I recommend you purchase the book and read it in its entirety. You’ll get all kinds of great information from leading experts who can show you how to promote you, your brand and your Dan Janal, Mitch Meyerson and Barbara Rozgonyi at business in real life and on social networks. Please BlogWorld New Media Expo in October 2010. feel free to contact me if you have questions about social media, content marketing, digital public relations, LinkedIn, Facebook or twitter. You may reach me directly on any of these networks and you’ll find my contact information on the last page of this ebook. Keep me posted on your progress!!!! Barbara
  • 2. Written by Barbara Rozgonyi for “Success Secrets of the Social Media Marketing Superstars,” this content is copyright 2010 protected and may not be reprinted or reused without written permission. For more information or to interview Ms. Rozgonyi, email corywestmedia@gmail. com or call 630.207.7530. 
 Keith Ferrazi & Tahl Raz: Relationship Strategy Chris Brogan: Building Communities Brian Clark: Psychology of Social Media Joel Comm: Success Qualities Mitch Meyerson: Online Marketing Craig Valentine: Communicate with Impact Ann Handley: Creating Content Starr Hall: Building Profits Gary Vaynerchuk: Building Mega-Followings Dan Janal: PR Strategies Andy Wibbles: Personality Michael Stelzner: Go Viral Denise Wakeman: Business Blogs Dave Evans: One Hour a Day Julie Perry: YouTube Chris Garrett: Social Bookmarking Paul Colligan: Podcasting Kim Dushinski: Mobile Marketing Mari Smith: Facebook Shama Kabani: Online Video Deborah Cole Micek: Twitter Barbara Rozgonyi: LinkedIn
  • 3. Written by Barbara Rozgonyi for “Success Secrets of the Social Media Marketing Superstars,” this content is copyright 2010 protected and may not be reprinted or reused without written permission. For more information or to interview Ms. Rozgonyi, email corywestmedia@gmail. com or call 630.207.7530. 
 Barbara Rozgonyi, Imagemaker Bio Illinois, DePaul University 's Kellstadt Marketing Barbara Rozgonyi is a speaker, Group, Chicago White Sox and many Chambers of author and leader of CoryWest Commerce and associations. A recognized social Media, LLC, a Midwest-based media, marketing and PR expert, Barbara’s media strategic marketing mentions include, SOHO magazine, consultancy founded in 1990. ChicagonistaLIVE!,,, As publisher of, Mashable, Germany’s FAZ and, listed NBC5. An author with over 850 blog posts to her on Alltop and in AdAge’s Power credit, Barbara contributed the LinkedIn chapter to 150, Barbara reports on ways to grow business, build “Success Secrets of the Social Media Marketing brands, and connect communities. The founder of Superstars,” published by Entrepreneur Press in 2010. Chicago ’s Social Media Club chapter, Barbara is a Named one of the top 30 PR twitter experts to follow frequent keynote speaker, an accomplished corporate by, Barbara’s digital brand is trainer, and an experienced educator who’s @wiredprworks, which also the name of Barbara’s developed programs for colleges, associations, iPhone app. The mother of three, Barbara and her corporations and online communities like College of husband, a 78-time marathon runner, make their DuPage , Office Depot’s Web Café and the home in Chicago’s suburbs. International Social Media Association. Speaking engagements include SOBCon, UnGeeked Elite, PRSA Chicago suburban, Ragan Communications Social Media Bootcamp, National Speakers Association
  • 4. Written by Barbara Rozgonyi for “Success Secrets of the Social Media Marketing Superstars,” this content is copyright 2010 protected and may not be reprinted or reused without written permission. For more information or to interview Ms. Rozgonyi, email corywestmedia@gmail. com or call 630.207.7530. 
 How to Leverage a LinkedIn Network into Dynamic 12 Steps to Transform a LinkedIn Profile Into an Business Connections By Barbara Rozgonyi Always-on Networking Hub A digital communications strategist, Barbara Rozgonyi At 50 million worldwide users in late 2009 [up tp over wires branding, marketing, social media and public 75 million in August 2010 – latest stats at relations together to build businesses, engage], LinkedIn is the customers and connect communities. Founder of place to search for, connect to and develop business CoryWest Media, LLC and Social Media Club’s Chicago online. To transform your LinkedIn profile into an chapter, Barbara shares her enthusiasm and expertise always-on global networking hub, follow these 12 online at steps. In this chapter you will learn: A complete LinkedIn profile is your connection to a world of opportunities. Optimize your profile with • 12 steps to transform a LinkedIn profile into an keywords. Always-On Networking Hub • Why your company or organization needs its own 1. Use Keywords to Help People Find You LinkedIn profile Keywords are the search terms people use to find • Where to find connections: 20 places online and in information online. The keywords people use to find real life you and your business might point to your profession, • How to increase influence on LinkedIn and beyond service, location, area of expertise or even the • What LinkedIn groups can do for you and your problems you solve. Optimize your LinkedIn profile business
  • 5. Written by Barbara Rozgonyi for “Success Secrets of the Social Media Marketing Superstars,” this content is copyright 2010 protected and may not be reprinted or reused without written permission. For more information or to interview Ms. Rozgonyi, email corywestmedia@gmail. com or call 630.207.7530. 
 with keywords in your headline, summary, expertise 5. Cover Every Position for Maximum Exposure and your job title and descriptions. Expand your connection potential by listing all 2. Upload a Flattering Profile Photo that Matches relevant former companies and positions. Break up Your Image your current experience into categories like speaker, consultant and author to broaden your skill set. Then, Worth at least 1,000 (maybe 100,000) words), a people can recommend you for each individual LinkedIn profile picture conveys your business image position. to the world. Are you casual, relaxed, authoritative, intellectual? 6. Route Traffic to Three Destinations 3. Write a Catchy Headline that Grabs Attention In addition to a place for your twitter ID, LinkedIn lets you list three websites. Consider including your Your headline describes who you are and what you do. company website, a link to your Facebook page and This isn’t necessarily the title on your business card. another to a landing page that collects database Sort of a personal tagline, your headline stands out information. Use the URL or, better yet, a phrase that when people see your profile. describes the site. 4. Summarize Your Talents into Sound Bites 7. Hail Alma Mater to Connect with Other Alumni The summary section is the place to make your Listing schools you attended pulls in connections from personal brand statement. Given that attention is students and alumni. Even with decades of distance in shrinking down into text-message and tweet-size graduation years, a common alma mater opens the sound bites, it’s important to be concise, informative and engaging. Use bullets to make your main points.
  • 6. Written by Barbara Rozgonyi for “Success Secrets of the Social Media Marketing Superstars,” this content is copyright 2010 protected and may not be reprinted or reused without written permission. For more information or to interview Ms. Rozgonyi, email corywestmedia@gmail. com or call 630.207.7530. 
 door to a shared experience in LinkedIn alumni LinkedIn’s event center lets you create, RSVP and groups. comment on events. Event creators can invite contacts, edit details, see who’s interested and 8. Spice It Up with Specialties and Interests monitor comments. Events show up on search engines Like a dash of spice to adds flavor, your specialties inside and outside of LinkedIn. and interests lists spark up your profile with keywords 12. Upgrade Your Account and Get More Features and tangents that set off your personality. A basic, free personal LinkedIn account gets you 9. Make it 100% complete started. Investing in an upgraded personal or business Complete profiles rank higher in searches and let you account improves functionality, reach, access and make the most of LinkedIn’s profile opportunities. Is customer service. To see the options, check your yours 100% complete? If not, see what you need to do account settings. to fill in the gaps. While you may be familiar with personal profiles, you 10. Add Applications for Personalization and may not be aware of the depth of information Promotion LinkedIn shares on company pages. Like a personal Applications update and round out your profile with profile, there is no charge to create a company presentations, blog posts, free articles, travel plans, profile on LinkedIn. book reviews and events. You can also use applications to collaborate and share files. 11. Promote Events and Invite Guests
  • 7. Written by Barbara Rozgonyi for “Success Secrets of the Social Media Marketing Superstars,” this content is copyright 2010 protected and may not be reprinted or reused without written permission. For more information or to interview Ms. Rozgonyi, email corywestmedia@gmail. com or call 630.207.7530. 
 Why Your Company or Organization Needs its Own How to Make Connections to Exponentially Expand LinkedIn Profile Your Network Reasons to add your company or organization include: Send invitations [active] or accept invitations being indexed in LinkedIn’s search engine, monitoring [passive]: the two ways to get connected. how the company or organization shows up, getting Many people set up their profile, invite the people listed in the service provider directory [when a they know and then wait to receive invitations. But, customer makes a recommendation], owning the why wait? Every new person you add to your network profile, and managing updates. increases your connections exponentially. So, get Setting up a company profile is as simple as going. completing a form. After your site is live, LinkedIn LinkedIn connections come in three degrees: populates the dynamic information continually and • First degree: trusted friends and colleagues, direct automatically. Company profiles display a summary, connection employee information, related companies, key • Two degrees away: friends of friends, each connected statistics, jobs, news, and stock information. to one of your connections Employee information includes current, former, new • Three degrees away: connect through one of your hires and recent promotions and changes. Every friends and one of theirs company, even a solo entrepreneurship, can benefit from using the information LinkedIn posts on their company profile. One way is finding other companies and people to connect with.
  • 8. Written by Barbara Rozgonyi for “Success Secrets of the Social Media Marketing Superstars,” this content is copyright 2010 protected and may not be reprinted or reused without written permission. For more information or to interview Ms. Rozgonyi, email corywestmedia@gmail. com or call 630.207.7530. 
 Finding people to invite 9. Friends and family 10. People you may know as suggested by LinkedIn Start by importing your email address book and 11. Networking contacts sending invitations only to people you know. If enough 12. Conference speakers and attendees people click on “I don’t this person,” your ability to 13. New prospects add connections may be limited. 14. People found using LinkedIn’s search toolbar To shape your network’s regional and industry access, 15. Key people on company sites check your network statistics in the contacts section. 16. Professional or trade association colleagues Search for new people to connect within the areas 17. Bloggers you like where you’d like to grow, and invite them to join your 18. Real life contacts professional network. 19. Chamber of Commerce associates 20 Ways to Get Connected by Sending Invitations to 20. LIONs [LinkedIn Open Networkers] who agree to 1. Contacts in your email address book accept invitations 2. Colleagues – former and current 3. Classmates – former and current 4. Group members 5. Business contacts 6. Twitter followers 7. Facebook friends 8. Email recipients, include LinkedIn in the signature
  • 9. Written by Barbara Rozgonyi for “Success Secrets of the Social Media Marketing Superstars,” this content is copyright 2010 protected and may not be reprinted or reused without written permission. For more information or to interview Ms. Rozgonyi, email corywestmedia@gmail. com or call 630.207.7530. 
 Sending Invitations be as important. After you accept the invitation, send a thank you message with an introduction to how you The number of invitations you can send at one time is help people and companies like theirs. based on your account level. You may want to upgrade your account, even temporarily, so that you Organizing Contacts can send more requests for introductions while you’re LinkedIn organizes your contacts in categories such building out your network. as: tags group members, partners, colleagues, To send an invitation from a profile, click on add this classmates, companies, locations, industries and person to my network. LinkedIn will ask you how you recent activity. Because you can export your contact know this person. You can send a standard greeting, list and sync it with your database, every connection but adding a personal touch only takes an extra is another person you can reach via email. minute or two and improves chances of your As you grow your network by searching for new invitation being accepted. contacts, sending personalized invitations, managing Tip: Install LinkedIn’s toolbar into your browser to your existing and contacts and building on search for people, companies and groups. relationships, you will experience the power of truly being connected to an always-on business network. Accepting an Invitation How to Increase Your Influence on LinkedIn and You can and should review every connection request. Beyond Before you accept the invitation, be sure you want the contact in your network. If your goal is to have Making connections with influential people is one way high quantity, not high quality, then screening won’t to get closer to becoming an authority within your
  • 10. Written by Barbara Rozgonyi for “Success Secrets of the Social Media Marketing Superstars,” this content is copyright 2010 protected and may not be reprinted or reused without written permission. For more information or to interview Ms. Rozgonyi, email corywestmedia@gmail. com or call 630.207.7530. 
 network. But, it’s not all about who you know. It’s advertising and promotion, business development, about who knows you – for what you want to be graphic design, mobile marketing, public relations, known for. sales and search marketing. To increase your influence on LinkedIn and beyond Before you compose your answer, do some participate in the community by answering questions background research. Look at profiles, search online, with authority, asking compelling questions and get visit sites and check out the specific situation recommended by recommending others. referenced in the question. Be the one with the answers people are searching for Now, you can personalize your response. Address the person by name and make a connection to their Answering questions on LinkedIn is a proven strategy question. Reference your research. Link out to for positioning you or your business as the go-to informative sites, not necessarily your own. resource in your niche. If you like to be helpful, this strategy will be a natural fit for you. If you’ve helped someone else with this kind of issue, describe how you solved the problem. LinkedIn’s answer section hosts a dashboard that displays questions from your network, categories to Before submitting your answer, read other answers so choose from and people with best answers. Start by that you can comment on them and add value to the selecting a few question categories that match your conversation. If you’ve covered this situation on your areas of expertise. Each main category has sub- blog, link to the post. Add contact information to your categories. For example, within the marketing and signature. sales category, you can answer questions about
  • 11. Written by Barbara Rozgonyi for “Success Secrets of the Social Media Marketing Superstars,” this content is copyright 2010 protected and may not be reprinted or reused without written permission. For more information or to interview Ms. Rozgonyi, email corywestmedia@gmail. com or call 630.207.7530. 
 Answering questions that relate to your area of Get recommended by recommending others expertise can raise your visibility, influence and Being recommended adds to your credibility. When authority. your recommend others your review shows up on their Ask compelling questions profile with a link back to yours. You get traffic and exposure, but more importantly a closer connection. Don’t have all the answers? Then, be the one who asks compelling questions. Although there’s no official To keep track of your recommendation activities, scoring in this category, better questions tend to get you’ll find a recommendations dashboard in your more responses. If you have a question, chances are profile section. Here, you may manage, request and other people are looking for the same answer. And, send recommendations. you get to be the one that awards best and good Writing recommendations for others, without being answer rankings. asked first, positions you as a giving and thoughtful Asking questions helps you create content for an person. How do you write a recommendation? After article or a blog post. Within a day or two, you’ll have you describe your connection, focus on one key point plenty of people to quote and fresh stories to tell. and keep it short. And, you’ll drive traffic to your site by mentioning the Think of recommendations as testimonials or people [and their sites] who answered your question. endorsements. If you get a recommendation request from someone you don’t know well, be honest and tell them that you’d like to know them better before you recommend them.
  • 12. Written by Barbara Rozgonyi for “Success Secrets of the Social Media Marketing Superstars,” this content is copyright 2010 protected and may not be reprinted or reused without written permission. For more information or to interview Ms. Rozgonyi, email corywestmedia@gmail. com or call 630.207.7530. 
 The best time to request a recommendation is when Special interest groups abound on LinkedIn. Some someone compliments your work or a customer thanks groups are private. Some groups automatically accept you for a job well done. Ask if they will write a new members. Others require approval by a group recommendation and then follow up with a request administrator before you can join. Use LinkedIn’s that includes a reference to their comments. search function to find groups. You can also check out groups on other profiles. Ask your contacts how they To extend a recommendation’s reach beyond like the group. Or, join the group and check it out. LinkedIn, give approval to use yours in all of the You can leave at any time. person’s or company’s marketing materials. You can do the same with the recommendations you receive. When you join a group, you set your contact and privacy preferences, including the option to show the What LinkedIn Groups Can Do For You and Your group’s logo on your profile page. After you receive Business notification of acceptance, visit the group’s site. Sort of like super-powered connecting, LinkedIn Now, you’re ready to start participating. groups give you a place to interact and form a closer Every action you take adds to the reach, shape and relationship with a crowd of people. LinkedIn lets you power of your LinkedIn network. Joining one group join a maximum of 50 groups. If every group has an can puts you in contact with hundreds or thousands average 1,000 members, that’s 50,000 people you can of people. interact with every day, if you choose to. Connect with a Crowd
  • 13. Written by Barbara Rozgonyi for “Success Secrets of the Social Media Marketing Superstars,” this content is copyright 2010 protected and may not be reprinted or reused without written permission. For more information or to interview Ms. Rozgonyi, email corywestmedia@gmail. com or call 630.207.7530. 
 Participate by Commenting and Sharing life. Although you can create up to 10 groups, to be successful each will require some attention. Each group has its own distinct personality. Listen in and get to know who’s who by browsing recent Group categories choices include alumni, corporate, discussions, announcements and news. When you conference, networking, non-profit, professional and introduce yourself to the group, tell them what you other. To create group, you will enter a summary, bring in terms of information, connections and talent. group description and website as well as set open or approved access, choose a language and location. You Then, make a personal connection with the leader to also have the option of uploading a logo that will let them know who you are and how you can help out. display as a profile badge throughout the LinkedIn For example, if you’d like to start and lead a system. subgroup within the main group, let the leader know you’re interested in moderating the discussion. After you set up your group, invite up to 50 connections at a time to become group members. Be active by checking in frequently, commenting on Once a week, you can email the group with an discussions, sharing interesting links and asking announcement and you can post news or a discussion questions. topic anytime. LinkedIn manages distribution via Create Your Own Groups to Connect People and email. You can import email and contact information Information into your database, but ask permission before As the leader, you manage members, facilitate subscribing contacts to an email newsletter. discussions and represent the group online and in real To keep discussions going and to vary viewpoints, appoint a few group ambassadors. The group will be
  • 14. Written by Barbara Rozgonyi for “Success Secrets of the Social Media Marketing Superstars,” this content is copyright 2010 protected and may not be reprinted or reused without written permission. For more information or to interview Ms. Rozgonyi, email corywestmedia@gmail. com or call 630.207.7530. 
 most successful as a gathering place for connections and information. Every action you take adds to the shape and power of your LinkedIn network. Your LinkedIn profile connects you to a global community with millions of people and represents the virtual marketplace of the business world. Leverage your LinkedIn network into a dynamic business center by optimizing your profile, actively seeking connections, advancing your influence and participating in groups. Blog LinkedIn Twitter Facebook Flickr Speaker Credentials