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Challenge Kick-off:

TODAY!!! Friday, 8/23

Length of Challenge:

8 weeks ending on 10/25


2 – 5 employees


Melissa McGaughey C.H.C., L.S.N.

Weekly weigh-in:
Diane Davis Auditorium
Every Friday at 9:30am beginning August 23rd
Kick Off

Week 2

Week 4

Week 6

Week 8














Week 1

Week 3

Week 5

Week 7

Final Weigh In

*Remember: This is about lifestyle change.
Zone 4 – Endurance in Life

Zone 3 – Portions and Choices

Zone 2 – The Bodies Response

Zone 1 - Nutrition Basics
Daily Meals and Why Color Matters
Zone 4 – Endurance in Life

Zone 3 – Portions and Choices

Zone 2 – The Bodies Response

Zone 1 - Nutrition Basics
How to Build a Healthy Plate:
To help with portion control, use a smaller plate so
that you're less likely to overload it!

Fill the majority of your plate with colorful
vegetables and fruits, which are low in calories and
provide vitamins and nutrients to keep you healthy
Choose lean sources of protein (lean meat, poultry,
seafood, eggs and plant based sources)
How to Build a Healthy Plate
Choose whole grains vs refined grains (whole
wheat bread or brown rice instead of white)

Choose small portions of low fat, high quality dairy
(milk, greek yogurt, white cheese)
Drink plenty of water! How much? Aim for half of
your body weight in ounces and increase by 25% if
your super active
Processed Foods “What they don’t tell you”
Zone 4 – Endurance in Life

Zone 3 – Portions and Choices

Zone 2 – The Bodies Response

Zone 1 - Nutrition Basics
Processed Foods -or- “Convenience Foods”
Foods that have been altered from their natural state
Typically come in a box, package or can
Ingredients such as:
Food Coloring

High Fructose Corn






The food label provides:
Nutrition labeling (for most foods)
Standardized serving sizes
Nutrients of major concern
Daily nutrient reference values
Uniform definitions for "light," "low-fat," and "high-fiber"

Health claims about a connection of the food and a disease

Note: Companies use these as marketing guidelines
The Dietary Guidelines for Americans reflect the
most recent scientific research about nutrition and
Developed by the United States Department of
Agriculture (USDA) in 1980, and updated every five
Health claims describe the relationship between a
nutrient or a food and the risk of a disease
A complete listing of health claims can be found at:
Regulatory Information - Labeling Nutrition
Foods to avoid to help you meet your goals:
Canned foods with large amounts of sodium, sugar or fat
Packaged high-calorie snacks (chips, cookies and candies)

Frozen dinners or prepared foods that are high in sodium
High sugar breakfast cereals
Pastas, rice or meal mixes made with refined white flour
instead of whole grains
Processed meats
Five simple ways to avoid processed foods:
Read the ingredients label
Buy 100% whole grains (i.e. pastas, cereal, rice, crackers)

Avoid high-fructose corn syrup or any type of sugar or
sweetener listed as a top 3 ingredient
Fill your cart with food from the perimeter of the store
Increase your consumption of whole foods
Sugar, Cravings & Habits
Zone 4 – Endurance in Life

Zone 3 – Portions and Choices

Zone 2 – The Bodies Response

Zone 1 - Nutrition Basics
Some symptoms that you might not notice or
realize that come from sugar consumption are:
Inflammation / Aching Limbs / Soreness
Headaches / Depression / Fatigue
Acne & Skin Irritation
Moodiness & Aggressive Behavior

Side effects of sugar consumption include:
Obesity, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Inflammation
Sugar in the US:
The US is the largest consumer of sweeteners and one of the largest
global sugar importers

The average American consumes more than 100 pounds of sugar and
sweeteners a year
The USDA recommends we get no more than 10 teaspoons of sugar
per day yet most Americans eat about 30 teaspoons per day
Soda is a huge culprit to our outrageous sugar consumption. Just
one can of soda has 10 tsp of sugar. So, you’ve met your daily
amount with just a 12 oz can of coke
Added Sugars in our Diets:
According to the American Heart Association, these foods
groups contribute to the highest percentage of total
added sugar to diets of Americans:
Regular soft drinks
Sugars and candy
Cakes, cookies, pies
Fruit drinks (fruitades and fruit punch)
Dairy desserts and milk products (ice cream, sweetened yogurt, and
sweetened milk)
Other grains (cinnamon toast and honey-nut waffles)


Other “Healthy” culprits such as Gatorade, and some of
the Vitamin waters, Peanut Butter, Tomato Sauce,
Granola, Yogurt, & Salad Dressings
Sugar on Nutrition Label:
Sugar is often disguised as many other names:
• Glucose
• Fructose
• Syrup

• Caramel
• Dextrose
• HFCS, and more

Artificial sweeteners such as equal, sweet n low, splenda,
aspartame, & saccharin have been linked to serious
health problems such as cancer
Sugar on Nutrition Label:
Fake sugars are also toxic and addictive, and among the
worst things for our health. Your body gets confused and
reacts in two detrimental ways:
As your body gets used to them, you crave sweet
things, but your satiety hormones are suppressed.
You don't recognize when you are full or satisfied;
Your body experiences insulin spikes due to the
sweeteners that lead to metabolic disorders, weight
gain and long-term deregulation of appetite.
Healthy Sugar Alternatives:

Healthy alternative sugars are naturally derived and carry
some nutritional benefit
Examples: Raw honey, maple syrup, molasses, brown
rice syrup & stevia, which is a sweetener extracted from a
Protein, Carbs &… Fat?
Zone 4 – Endurance in Life

Zone 3 – Portions and Choices

Zone 2 – The Bodies Response

Zone 1 - Nutrition Basics
Macronutrients are nutrients that provide calories or
energy. Since “macro” means large, macronutrients are
nutrients needed in large amounts. Nutrients are
substances needed for growth, metabolism and for other
body functions. There are three macronutrients:



While each of these macronutrients provide calories, the
number of calories that each one provides will vary
Carbohydrates provide 4 calories per gram
Proteins provide 4 calories per gram
Fats provide 9 calories per gram
Carbohydrates represent the largest macronutrient that we
need in our diet
According to the USDA, 45% - 65% of calories should come
from carbohydrates. The reason for this:
Carbohydrates are the body's main source of fuel
They are easily used by the body for energy
Carbohydrates are needed for the central nervous system, the kidneys, the
brain, the muscles (including the heart) to function properly
They can be stored in the muscles and liver and later used for energy
Carbohydrates are important in intestinal health and waste elimination
Complex Carbs, are considered the "good carbs"
Found in fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains
Contain lots of vitamins, minerals, and, fiber, which takes
longer to digest, keeps you feeling full longer, and keeps
our blood sugar levels stable

Simple Carbs are considered the "bad carbs"
Found in refined foods, such as cookies, candy, white
bread and white rice
Have little or no nutritional value, little to no fiber and
are broken down very quickly in the body
USDA 10% - 35% of calories should come from protein. We
need protein for:
Maintaining energy levels when carbohydrates have been burned
Tissue repair

Immune function
Making essential hormones and enzymes
Preserving lean muscle mass

Protein is found in meats, poultry, fish, meat substitutes,
cheese, milk, nuts, beans, and small amounts in grains and
WHY DO WE NEED FAT TO SURVIVE? Although fats have
received a bad reputation for causing weight gain, some fat
is essential for survival. According to the USDA 20% - 35% of
calories should come from fat. We need this amount of fat
Normal growth and development
Energy (fat is the most concentrated source of energy)
Absorbing certain vitamins ( like vitamins A, D, E, K, and carotenoids)
Providing cushioning for the organs
Maintaining cell membranes
Providing taste, consistency, and stability to foods

Fat is found in meat, poultry, nuts, milk products, butters
and margarines, oils, lard, fish, grain products and salad
3 Main Types of Fat:
Saturated fat - "bad fat," solid at room temp meat,
butter, lard

Trans fat - "bad fat," raises your "bad" cholesterol (LDL)
and lowers your "good" cholesterol (HDL) baked goods,
snack foods, fried foods, and margarines
Unsaturated fat - "good fat," has been shown decrease
the risk of developing heart disease plant oils, avocados,
nuts, fish
Portions & Daily Food Management
Zone 4 – Endurance in Life

Zone 3 – Portions and Choices

Zone 2 – The Bodies Response

Zone 1 - Nutrition Basics
The lure of a better value has drawn us in to buying more
and bigger on a regular basis, and this has had catastrophic
effects on the U.S.
One cup of pasta (200 calories), used to be a typical restaurant
serving. Now some restaurants serve three cups (600 calories)
without sauce
Bagels used to be 2 to 3 ounces, (200 calories). Today they're 5 to
6 ounces, (400 calories)!1
A half-ounce cookie (50 or 60 calories). Jumbo cookies are 4
ounces and pack in (400 to 500 calories)

“Portion Distortion” from USA Today by Nanci Hellmich. 2005
Moviegoers ate 61% more popcorn when given the
larger container than they did with a small size
Snackers poured about twice as many M&Ms from a
jumbo bag (103) than they did when given a smaller
package (63)
When cooking, bigger bottles tend to cause over
pouring. From a 32 oz bottle people poured 4.3 ounces
of oil, but only 3.5 ounces from a 16-ounce bottle2


“The Portion Teller” by Lisa R. Young, Ph.D., R.D. 2005
Use smaller containers
Break down leftovers into single serving containers so you’re less tempted to
eat the entire serving out of guilt for wasting food

Have a salad before eating your meal
It will curb your appetite and give you a sense of satiety sooner

Split an entrée with a friend
Ask a friend to share a single entrée or immediately box up half your meal
when it comes to the table. If it’s not on your plate, you won’t be tempted
to eat it.
Buy or make single serving snacks
You can easily portion out a large container of almonds into small individual
serving bags. You will be much less likely to go back for extra baggies than
reach in for extra handfuls

Keep seconds out of sight
Leave the food in the kitchen, and bring your plate to the table. You will
usually think twice about getting up from the table to refill your plate, but
you may be tempted to dig in again eating family style

Have mini meals throughout the day
This will keep you satisfied and decrease the need to eat a larger portion
when presented3
[3] “Top 10 Ways to Control Portions” from by Jennifer R. Scott. 2009
Things to consider:
Before you sit down to eat or have a snack… Ask, am I really hungry?
Do you eat because you’re stressed, anxious, tired or lonely?
How do you feel after you eat a big meal vs. a smaller one?
How is your energy level, mental focus, and strength?

Facts to consider:
Smaller, more frequent meals help to regulate blood sugar, control cravings
and minimize hunger.
If your snacks / mini meals are junk food – this could be a bad choice for

Ultimately, what matters most is reducing your total calories –
regardless of the number of meals or snacks you have each day
Choices – Home & Work
Zone 4 – Endurance in Life

Zone 3 – Portions and Choices

Zone 2 – The Bodies Response

Zone 1 - Nutrition Basics
How many minutes have you spent staring blankly
at your computer screen because your energy
How many hours are you a zombie during the day
because you were up until 2am surfing the web?

How much time is lost dealing with doctors'
appointments because you get sick and don't know
Make it a priority to make a choice with your dietary
intake instead of selecting empty calorie options that
may leave you hungry and searching for more food!
Fuel your body with foods that defend against low
energy and frequent illness
Give your body the most nutritional bang
Choose nutrient-dense foods
Can you pick out the healthy alternative to the following foods?
Plan your meals for the week & make a grocery list
Stick by your list when grocery shopping and DON'T go to
grocery store hungry
Have a few "go to meals" that are easy to prepare
Cook extra and take leftovers for lunch
If you're hungry before bed, try drinking hot tea
Start your day with breakfast so you're not tempted by
donuts, pastries & the candy jar
Pack your lunch & healthy snack options
Stay hydrated during the day
Avoid eating at your desk if possible
If you go out for lunch, choose a healthy option that will fuel
your body and give you energy for the rest of the day!
Lifestyle – Relaxation & Stress
Zone 4 – Endurance in Life

Zone 3 – Portions and Choices

Zone 2 – The Bodies Response

Zone 1 - Nutrition Basics
Forget the trendy diets!
Maintain exercise in your daily routine

Keep a food diary
Make small changes

Don't be so hard on yourself!
You don’t need to resist all cravings
Cravings can indicate a lack of key nutrients or a
desire to fill an emotional imbalance
Craving sweets can be a signal of:
Something is missing emotionally

Incorporating more sweet fruits and veggies into
your daily diet will create a reduction in sweet
Craving salt can mean:
You're missing the trace minerals in natural salt
** table salt is stripped of these minerals during

Incorporate pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, flax
and dark chocolate to boost your intake of
important minerals
Craving for fatty, fried foods usually come from:
Your body’s need to consume essential fat
Eating avocados, raw nuts, and consuming a
serving or two of coconut oil can help give your
body the fat it needs without exposing you to
harmful partially hydrogenated oils and trans
If you're STRESSED you're more likely to gain
Stress increases the amount of cortisol your body
Cortisol tends to make you thick around the middle, even
when you’re doing everything “right.”

Leads to increased appetite and fat storage
Emotional Eating:
Being dissatisfied with a relationship or job, being bored,
stressed, angry or sad may all be causes of emotional
Eating can be used as a substitute for entertainment or to
fill the void of other things in our lives
Identify the external cues that trigger emotional eating and keep a food log that
also includes your mood and environment in order to bring awareness to your
eating patterns.
Next time you experience the need to fill your emotional gap with food, try
taking a walk, calling a friend, or doing something else you enjoy.
Mindful Eating:
Slow down and become aware of your eating habits

Experience the taste of the food
Try to avoid eating while working on computer, watching
TV, or on the run
Lifestyle – Change
Zone 4 – Endurance in Life

Zone 3 – Portions and Choices

Zone 2 – The Bodies Response

Zone 1 - Nutrition Basics
Keys to maintaining HEALTHY weight loss

Calories consumed
Calories burned
(*Note: 3,500 calories = 1 lb of fat)
Keys to maintaining HEALTHY weight loss:

Remember Lifestyle change…
…NOT short term diet!
Keys to maintaining HEALTHY weight loss:

Hold on…
…To accountability partners!
Keys to maintaining HEALTHY weight loss:

Slow and steady…
…You’re health is NOT a race!
Keys to maintaining HEALTHY weight loss:

Set goals…
…Stay motivated!
Keys to maintaining HEALTHY weight loss:

Use tools to track progress!

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Lighten up (final)

  • 1.
  • 2. Challenge Kick-off: TODAY!!! Friday, 8/23 Length of Challenge: 8 weeks ending on 10/25 Teams: 2 – 5 employees Captain: Melissa McGaughey C.H.C., L.S.N. Weekly weigh-in: Diane Davis Auditorium Every Friday at 9:30am beginning August 23rd
  • 3. Kick Off Week 2 Week 4 Week 6 Week 8 8/23/2013 9/6/2013 9/20/2013 10/4/2013 10/17/2013 Aug Sep Oct 8/30/2013 9/13/2013 9/27/2013 10/11/2013 10/17/2013 Week 1 Week 3 Week 5 Week 7 Final Weigh In *Remember: This is about lifestyle change.
  • 4. Zone 4 – Endurance in Life Zone 3 – Portions and Choices Zone 2 – The Bodies Response Zone 1 - Nutrition Basics
  • 5. Daily Meals and Why Color Matters
  • 6. Zone 4 – Endurance in Life Zone 3 – Portions and Choices Zone 2 – The Bodies Response Zone 1 - Nutrition Basics
  • 7. How to Build a Healthy Plate: To help with portion control, use a smaller plate so that you're less likely to overload it! Fill the majority of your plate with colorful vegetables and fruits, which are low in calories and provide vitamins and nutrients to keep you healthy Choose lean sources of protein (lean meat, poultry, seafood, eggs and plant based sources)
  • 8. How to Build a Healthy Plate Choose whole grains vs refined grains (whole wheat bread or brown rice instead of white) Choose small portions of low fat, high quality dairy (milk, greek yogurt, white cheese) Drink plenty of water! How much? Aim for half of your body weight in ounces and increase by 25% if your super active
  • 9. Processed Foods “What they don’t tell you”
  • 10. Zone 4 – Endurance in Life Zone 3 – Portions and Choices Zone 2 – The Bodies Response Zone 1 - Nutrition Basics
  • 11. Processed Foods -or- “Convenience Foods” Foods that have been altered from their natural state Typically come in a box, package or can Ingredients such as: Food Coloring High Fructose Corn Sweeteners Syrup Preservatives Sodium Trans-fats MSG
  • 12. The food label provides: Nutrition labeling (for most foods) Standardized serving sizes Nutrients of major concern Daily nutrient reference values Uniform definitions for "light," "low-fat," and "high-fiber" Health claims about a connection of the food and a disease Note: Companies use these as marketing guidelines
  • 13. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans reflect the most recent scientific research about nutrition and health Developed by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) in 1980, and updated every five years. Health claims describe the relationship between a nutrient or a food and the risk of a disease A complete listing of health claims can be found at: Regulatory Information - Labeling Nutrition
  • 14. Foods to avoid to help you meet your goals: Canned foods with large amounts of sodium, sugar or fat Packaged high-calorie snacks (chips, cookies and candies) Frozen dinners or prepared foods that are high in sodium High sugar breakfast cereals Pastas, rice or meal mixes made with refined white flour instead of whole grains Processed meats
  • 15. Five simple ways to avoid processed foods: Read the ingredients label Buy 100% whole grains (i.e. pastas, cereal, rice, crackers) Avoid high-fructose corn syrup or any type of sugar or sweetener listed as a top 3 ingredient Fill your cart with food from the perimeter of the store Increase your consumption of whole foods
  • 17. Zone 4 – Endurance in Life Zone 3 – Portions and Choices Zone 2 – The Bodies Response Zone 1 - Nutrition Basics
  • 18. Some symptoms that you might not notice or realize that come from sugar consumption are: Inflammation / Aching Limbs / Soreness Headaches / Depression / Fatigue Acne & Skin Irritation Moodiness & Aggressive Behavior Side effects of sugar consumption include: Obesity, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Inflammation
  • 19. Sugar in the US: The US is the largest consumer of sweeteners and one of the largest global sugar importers The average American consumes more than 100 pounds of sugar and sweeteners a year The USDA recommends we get no more than 10 teaspoons of sugar per day yet most Americans eat about 30 teaspoons per day Soda is a huge culprit to our outrageous sugar consumption. Just one can of soda has 10 tsp of sugar. So, you’ve met your daily amount with just a 12 oz can of coke
  • 20. Added Sugars in our Diets: According to the American Heart Association, these foods groups contribute to the highest percentage of total added sugar to diets of Americans: Regular soft drinks Sugars and candy Cakes, cookies, pies Fruit drinks (fruitades and fruit punch) Dairy desserts and milk products (ice cream, sweetened yogurt, and sweetened milk) Other grains (cinnamon toast and honey-nut waffles) 33.0% 16.1 12.9 9.7 8.6 5.8 Other “Healthy” culprits such as Gatorade, and some of the Vitamin waters, Peanut Butter, Tomato Sauce, Granola, Yogurt, & Salad Dressings
  • 21. Sugar on Nutrition Label: Sugar is often disguised as many other names: • Glucose • Fructose • Syrup • Caramel • Dextrose • HFCS, and more Artificial sweeteners such as equal, sweet n low, splenda, aspartame, & saccharin have been linked to serious health problems such as cancer
  • 22. Sugar on Nutrition Label: Fake sugars are also toxic and addictive, and among the worst things for our health. Your body gets confused and reacts in two detrimental ways: As your body gets used to them, you crave sweet things, but your satiety hormones are suppressed. You don't recognize when you are full or satisfied; Your body experiences insulin spikes due to the sweeteners that lead to metabolic disorders, weight gain and long-term deregulation of appetite.
  • 23. Healthy Sugar Alternatives: Healthy alternative sugars are naturally derived and carry some nutritional benefit Examples: Raw honey, maple syrup, molasses, brown rice syrup & stevia, which is a sweetener extracted from a plant
  • 25. Zone 4 – Endurance in Life Zone 3 – Portions and Choices Zone 2 – The Bodies Response Zone 1 - Nutrition Basics
  • 26. Macronutrients are nutrients that provide calories or energy. Since “macro” means large, macronutrients are nutrients needed in large amounts. Nutrients are substances needed for growth, metabolism and for other body functions. There are three macronutrients: Carbohydrate Protein Fat While each of these macronutrients provide calories, the number of calories that each one provides will vary Carbohydrates provide 4 calories per gram Proteins provide 4 calories per gram Fats provide 9 calories per gram
  • 27. WHY DO WE NEED CARBOHYDRATES TO SURVIVE? Carbohydrates represent the largest macronutrient that we need in our diet According to the USDA, 45% - 65% of calories should come from carbohydrates. The reason for this: Carbohydrates are the body's main source of fuel They are easily used by the body for energy Carbohydrates are needed for the central nervous system, the kidneys, the brain, the muscles (including the heart) to function properly They can be stored in the muscles and liver and later used for energy Carbohydrates are important in intestinal health and waste elimination
  • 28. Complex Carbs, are considered the "good carbs" Found in fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains Contain lots of vitamins, minerals, and, fiber, which takes longer to digest, keeps you feeling full longer, and keeps our blood sugar levels stable Simple Carbs are considered the "bad carbs" Found in refined foods, such as cookies, candy, white bread and white rice Have little or no nutritional value, little to no fiber and are broken down very quickly in the body
  • 29. WHY DO WE NEED PROTEIN TO SURVIVE? According to the USDA 10% - 35% of calories should come from protein. We need protein for: Maintaining energy levels when carbohydrates have been burned Tissue repair Immune function Making essential hormones and enzymes Preserving lean muscle mass Protein is found in meats, poultry, fish, meat substitutes, cheese, milk, nuts, beans, and small amounts in grains and vegetables
  • 30. WHY DO WE NEED FAT TO SURVIVE? Although fats have received a bad reputation for causing weight gain, some fat is essential for survival. According to the USDA 20% - 35% of calories should come from fat. We need this amount of fat for: Normal growth and development Energy (fat is the most concentrated source of energy) Absorbing certain vitamins ( like vitamins A, D, E, K, and carotenoids) Providing cushioning for the organs Maintaining cell membranes Providing taste, consistency, and stability to foods Fat is found in meat, poultry, nuts, milk products, butters and margarines, oils, lard, fish, grain products and salad dressings
  • 31. 3 Main Types of Fat: Saturated fat - "bad fat," solid at room temp meat, butter, lard Trans fat - "bad fat," raises your "bad" cholesterol (LDL) and lowers your "good" cholesterol (HDL) baked goods, snack foods, fried foods, and margarines Unsaturated fat - "good fat," has been shown decrease the risk of developing heart disease plant oils, avocados, nuts, fish
  • 32. Portions & Daily Food Management
  • 33. Zone 4 – Endurance in Life Zone 3 – Portions and Choices Zone 2 – The Bodies Response Zone 1 - Nutrition Basics
  • 34. The lure of a better value has drawn us in to buying more and bigger on a regular basis, and this has had catastrophic effects on the U.S. Examples: One cup of pasta (200 calories), used to be a typical restaurant serving. Now some restaurants serve three cups (600 calories) without sauce Bagels used to be 2 to 3 ounces, (200 calories). Today they're 5 to 6 ounces, (400 calories)!1 A half-ounce cookie (50 or 60 calories). Jumbo cookies are 4 ounces and pack in (400 to 500 calories) [1] “Portion Distortion” from USA Today by Nanci Hellmich. 2005
  • 35. Moviegoers ate 61% more popcorn when given the larger container than they did with a small size Snackers poured about twice as many M&Ms from a jumbo bag (103) than they did when given a smaller package (63) When cooking, bigger bottles tend to cause over pouring. From a 32 oz bottle people poured 4.3 ounces of oil, but only 3.5 ounces from a 16-ounce bottle2 [2] “The Portion Teller” by Lisa R. Young, Ph.D., R.D. 2005
  • 36. Use smaller containers Break down leftovers into single serving containers so you’re less tempted to eat the entire serving out of guilt for wasting food Have a salad before eating your meal It will curb your appetite and give you a sense of satiety sooner Split an entrée with a friend Ask a friend to share a single entrée or immediately box up half your meal when it comes to the table. If it’s not on your plate, you won’t be tempted to eat it.
  • 37. Buy or make single serving snacks You can easily portion out a large container of almonds into small individual serving bags. You will be much less likely to go back for extra baggies than reach in for extra handfuls Keep seconds out of sight Leave the food in the kitchen, and bring your plate to the table. You will usually think twice about getting up from the table to refill your plate, but you may be tempted to dig in again eating family style Have mini meals throughout the day This will keep you satisfied and decrease the need to eat a larger portion when presented3 [3] “Top 10 Ways to Control Portions” from by Jennifer R. Scott. 2009
  • 38. Things to consider: Before you sit down to eat or have a snack… Ask, am I really hungry? Do you eat because you’re stressed, anxious, tired or lonely? How do you feel after you eat a big meal vs. a smaller one? How is your energy level, mental focus, and strength? Facts to consider: Smaller, more frequent meals help to regulate blood sugar, control cravings and minimize hunger. If your snacks / mini meals are junk food – this could be a bad choice for you. Ultimately, what matters most is reducing your total calories – regardless of the number of meals or snacks you have each day
  • 40. Zone 4 – Endurance in Life Zone 3 – Portions and Choices Zone 2 – The Bodies Response Zone 1 - Nutrition Basics
  • 41. How many minutes have you spent staring blankly at your computer screen because your energy crashed? How many hours are you a zombie during the day because you were up until 2am surfing the web? How much time is lost dealing with doctors' appointments because you get sick and don't know why?
  • 42. Make it a priority to make a choice with your dietary intake instead of selecting empty calorie options that may leave you hungry and searching for more food! Fuel your body with foods that defend against low energy and frequent illness Give your body the most nutritional bang Choose nutrient-dense foods
  • 43. Can you pick out the healthy alternative to the following foods?
  • 44. Plan your meals for the week & make a grocery list Stick by your list when grocery shopping and DON'T go to grocery store hungry Have a few "go to meals" that are easy to prepare Cook extra and take leftovers for lunch If you're hungry before bed, try drinking hot tea
  • 45. Start your day with breakfast so you're not tempted by donuts, pastries & the candy jar Pack your lunch & healthy snack options Stay hydrated during the day Avoid eating at your desk if possible If you go out for lunch, choose a healthy option that will fuel your body and give you energy for the rest of the day!
  • 47. Zone 4 – Endurance in Life Zone 3 – Portions and Choices Zone 2 – The Bodies Response Zone 1 - Nutrition Basics
  • 48. Forget the trendy diets! Maintain exercise in your daily routine Keep a food diary Make small changes Don't be so hard on yourself! You don’t need to resist all cravings
  • 49. Cravings can indicate a lack of key nutrients or a desire to fill an emotional imbalance Craving sweets can be a signal of: Dehydration Something is missing emotionally Incorporating more sweet fruits and veggies into your daily diet will create a reduction in sweet cravings
  • 50. Craving salt can mean: You're missing the trace minerals in natural salt ** table salt is stripped of these minerals during processing Incorporate pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, flax and dark chocolate to boost your intake of important minerals
  • 51. Craving for fatty, fried foods usually come from: Your body’s need to consume essential fat Eating avocados, raw nuts, and consuming a serving or two of coconut oil can help give your body the fat it needs without exposing you to harmful partially hydrogenated oils and trans fats
  • 52. If you're STRESSED you're more likely to gain weight! Stress increases the amount of cortisol your body produces Cortisol tends to make you thick around the middle, even when you’re doing everything “right.” Leads to increased appetite and fat storage
  • 53. Emotional Eating: Being dissatisfied with a relationship or job, being bored, stressed, angry or sad may all be causes of emotional eating Eating can be used as a substitute for entertainment or to fill the void of other things in our lives Identify the external cues that trigger emotional eating and keep a food log that also includes your mood and environment in order to bring awareness to your eating patterns. Next time you experience the need to fill your emotional gap with food, try taking a walk, calling a friend, or doing something else you enjoy.
  • 54. Mindful Eating: Slow down and become aware of your eating habits Experience the taste of the food Try to avoid eating while working on computer, watching TV, or on the run
  • 56. Zone 4 – Endurance in Life Zone 3 – Portions and Choices Zone 2 – The Bodies Response Zone 1 - Nutrition Basics
  • 57. Keys to maintaining HEALTHY weight loss Calories consumed = Calories burned (*Note: 3,500 calories = 1 lb of fat)
  • 58. Keys to maintaining HEALTHY weight loss: Remember Lifestyle change… …NOT short term diet!
  • 59. Keys to maintaining HEALTHY weight loss: Hold on… …To accountability partners!
  • 60. Keys to maintaining HEALTHY weight loss: Slow and steady… …You’re health is NOT a race!
  • 61. Keys to maintaining HEALTHY weight loss: Set goals… …Stay motivated!
  • 62. Keys to maintaining HEALTHY weight loss: Use tools to track progress!

Editor's Notes

  1. The point is to understand what to look for and how it works.
  2. For your reference slide:References: