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Describe the external parts of the eye.
Participate actively in the group activity.
External Parts of the Eyes
A. Science Concept : Our eyes are the sense organ for seeing.
These are external parts of the eyes;
eyebrows, eyelashes and eyelids.
B. Reference : Science & Health 3 pp.30-32
C. Processes : Observing, Describing, Identifying
D. Materials : real model of an eye, mirror, manila paper, pentel
E. Value Infusion : Caring for the eyes.
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Review
What are the sense organs that we discussed
2. Checking of Assignment
B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
One of the pupils is in front of the class,
( who is blindfold?)
What did you notice o your classmate?
What sense organ is not shown?
2. Presentation
I will group you into six groups. (Grp.1,2, 3,4,5,6)
Setting of Standard in group activity.
( Group 1, 3, 5 will perform this activity)
Each group will perform separately.
What to use:
mirror, typewriting, pencil (pentel pen)
What to do:
1. Look at your eyes on the mirror.
Observe the external part of your eyes.
2. Draw the external part of the eye and label
( Group 2, 4, 6 will perform this activity)
Each group will perform separately.
What to use:
manila paper, pentel pen
What to do:
1. Identify the external part of the eyes by
listing / writing them on manila paper
and describe each part.
C. Discussion / Analysis
Group reporting
What sense organ did you use?
What will you do to your eyes?
How will you take care of it?
D. Generalization
What are the external part of the eyes?
How will you describe each part
E. Application
Who among you when swimming in a pool or beach
are open their eyes?
How will you protect your eyes to avoid entering
anything into your eyes?
IV. Evaluation ( for 5 points)
Draw the external parts of the eyes label each part.
1. eyebrow
2. eyelash
3. eyelids
5 points Drawn neatly and proportion
Shown all parts
Identified the parts correctly
4 points Drawn neatly
Shown 2 parts
3 points Not so neat.
Parts were not identified.
2 points Drawn only the eye
1 points Parts were not drawn clearly.
V. Assignment
Identify the internal part of the eye.
Prepared by :
Teacher I - PBCS
Describe the functions of each part of the eye.
Topic: How the Eyes Work
A. Science Concept:
There are different parts that make up the eye.
Each part is assigned with a special work to do.
B. References:
Science and Health- Textbook for Grade Three pp.8-9
Science and Health- Teachers Manuals p.8
C. Processes:
Observing, Describing
D. Materials:
Hands lens, drawing of the eyes
E. Value Infusion:
Realize the importance of the eyes.
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Review:
What do we need in order to see?
What are the different parts of the eye?
2. Checking of Assignment:
B. Lesson Proper:
1. Motivation:
If you want to see the beautiful things around, what will you see?
How many eyes do we have? Each of them has the same parts?
Close your eyes, what can you see?
2. Presentation:
A. Show the drawing of the eye.
B. Activity Proper:
1. Close your right eye.
2. Hold the pencil and put your arms apart.
3. Move both arms toward each other very quickly.
Try to touch the tip of the pencil with your finger.
Do this three times. Does your fingers always touch
the tip of the pencil?
4. Repeat the activity with your left eye closed and your right
eye open. What is the result?
5. This time, repeat the activity with both of your eyes open.
What is the result? Is it easier to see the one eyes or
with the two eyes.
3. Discussion and Analysis:
Your eyes are your sense of sight.
The eye has many parts. Each part performs a specific work.
4. Generalization
Your see through our eyes.
The eyes are the organs of sight.
5. Application:
Answer these question:
a. What do the eyes need in order to see?
b. What part of the eye bends the light as it enters?
c. How is the image formed on the retina?
d. Where is the message from the eyes carried?
Match the phrase in column A with the items in column B.
Write only the letter of the correct answer.
________1. the transparent covering at the a. iris
front of the eye. b. retina
________2. the colored part which surrounds c. cornea
the pupil. e. pupil
________3. the dark hole through which light f. lens
enters the eyeballs.
________4. the blends light to make a clear image
________5. the inner part of the eye where the image
of the object is formed.
________6. send message to the brain.
Study again the drawing of an eye.
Prepared by:
Teacher I – Kinagunan ES
I. Demonstrates ways of keeping the eyes healthy.
II. Subject Matter
A. Concepts: Proper care of the Eyes
1. There are ways of taking care of the eyes.
2. The eyes need care.
B. Process: Observing, describing
C. Material: Posters, pictures depicting care of the eyes.
D. References: Science and Health 3 TM pp. 10-11
E. Values: Caring for the eyes
III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Checking of Assignment
2. Review: What are the different eye ailments?
B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
1. Showing picture of
a. blind person
b. Ophthalmologist with his/her patient
c. Puzzle (e.g blind person, ophthalmologist etc.)
Ask: What was the cause of this ailment?
Could it be prevented?
2. Presentation of the Lesson
1. Ask: How could be taking of our eyes?
2. Group Activity
Divide the class into four groups
3. Presentation of Group Output
Activity 1 (Group 1)
1. Work with the group
2. Demonstrate reading under a good light
Activity 2 (Group 2)
1. Work with the group
2. Demonstrate reading in a moving car or
Activity 3 (Group 3)
Work with the group
Demonstrate washing eyes by opening and
closing them on the water.
Activity 4 (Group 4)
Work with the group
Demonstrate proper way of handling sharp
objects like scissor knives, nail or stick
4. Analysis and Discussion
How should we take care of our eyes?
What would happen of you do not take care of your eyes?
5. Generalization
What are some practices of taking care of our eyes?
6. Application
Your sister has sore eyes. She wants to sleep beside
you. What will you do? Why?
IV. Evaluation
Check () the practice the shows care for the eyes.
_____1. Read in dimly lighted areas.
_____2. Eat fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins A
_____3. Read in a moving vehicle
_____4. Use sun glasses to protect the eyes from light
_____5. Visit an eye doctor regularly fro eye check-up
IV. Assignment
List some practice you do to take of your eyes.
Identify the parts of the ears.
Make aware of the things around us through sense organ.
Our Ears
A. References : Growing with Science & Health pp. 14-17
B. Processes : Observing, Identifying
C. Materials : radio, drum, penlight
D. Value Focus : Concern to others.
A. 1. Review about proper caring for the eyes.
2. Checking of Assignment
B. 1. Motivation
Listen to a sound or music from a radio.
Let others play the drum.
What do you use for hearing?
2. Presentation
Group the pupils into 4.
Give each group a penlight and do the following activity.
A. Close your eyes and listen to the sounds around you.
List and describe all the sounds.
B. Cover both ears with your hands. Can you still hear sounds?
C. Ask permission if you can look at your classmate’s ears.
( If he / she refuses, do not insist) Use the flashlight so you
can see the inner parts of the ear. Look without touching it,
if possible.
3. Comparison and Abstraction
Group report on the results of the activity.
Discuss the results of the activity.
4. Generalization
What are the parts of the ears?
How important are them to make us aware of the things around
3 2
1. Pinna
2. Eardrum
3. Hammer
4. Anvil
5. Stirrup
4 5
5. Application
A. Present a drawing of an ear and identify its parts.
Do it through a contest by group. The first to identify
all the parts will got a certain points.
B. What are the parts of the ears?
Call a pupil and let him identify the parts the teacher
will describe.
How ears help us in our daily activities?
Choose from the box the parts being described.
Pinna Eardrum Stirrup
Hammer Anvil Outer Ear
____________________ 1. An outer ear that acts as device for catching sound.
____________________ 2. The three small bones in the middle ear.
____________________ 3.
____________________ 4.
____________________ 5. The membrane within the ear that vibrates in
response to sound waves.
Prepared by :
Teacher II – Sipa ES
Describe the function of the parts of the ears.
Functions of the parts of the ears.
A. Science Concept : Your ears are signal of your body –
it signals the coming danger, and we can
also appreciate pleasant sound we hear
like music.
B. Reference : PELC in Science and Health
Growing with Science and Health II pp. 15-17
Sample Lesson Plan in Science and Health
C. Process : Observing, Describing, Comparing
D. Materials : Illustration of the ears
E. Value Infusion : Valuing the importance of the ears.
A. Preliminary Activities
a. Review
What are the parts of the eyes?
b. Checking of assignment
c. Motivation
Listen : Do you hear any sound?
Cover your ears with your hands, can you hear
the sounds?
What makes you hear the sounds around you?
B. Lesson Proper
1. Activities
The teacher will post the functions of the parts of the ears then pupil
will arrange the jumbled letters to form the correct parts.
2. Analysis
What are the three major parts of the ears?
What are their functions?
Why do you think the outer ear is shaped like a cup?
3. Abstraction
Each part of the ear has its own important function to our body that is
why we should take good care of them.
4. Application
Choose one part of the ear then describe its function. (orally)
Match column A to column B. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space
provided for.
_______ 1. The organ of balance A. cochlea
_______ 2. It catches sound waves B. semi-circular canal
_______ 3. Sensory cells and it C. eardrum
send message to the brain D. stirrup
_______ 4. It makes the three small E. pinna
bones move. F. hammer
_______ 5. The small bones are hammer,
anvil and _____.
Draw the parts of the ears and label its part.
Prepared by :
Teacher I – Dayap ES
I. Objectives
1. Demonstrates ways of keeping the ears healthy.
2. Practice health habits that will keep the ears healthy.
II. Subject Matter
Proper care of the ears,
A. Concept: We should practice desirable health habits to
keep the ears healthy. There are ways of caring
for your ears to keep them healthy.
B. Processes: Observing, describing, recording, demonstrating.
C. Materials: pictures showing proper care of the ears
D. References: Growing with Science and Health 3 Tx p. 18-21.
Growing with science and Health 3 TM pp, 15-18
PELC 1-3
E. Values Integrated: Practice of desirable health habits for the
care of ears.
III. Learning Activities
A. Preparatory Activities
1. What are the common ailments of ears?
2. Present pictures showing different situations.
Which of these situations you do?
Why are you doing these?
B. Developmental Activities
Raising of Problem:
How do you take care of your ears?
Read the procedure for the activity.
Pinch your nose, close your mouth and blow your nose a
• What did you feel in your ears?
• Can you tell why you should not blow your nose too much?
• What would happen if you did not take care of your ears?
• Discussion
What should you do t keep your ears healthy?
Group pupils into three. Each group show/act out how to take care
of the ears.
Give at least 5 ways on how to take care of your ears.
IV. Evaluation:
Put a check (/) if it is good health habit on taking care of the ears and a
cross (x) if it is not.
______ 1. Wearing ear protectors in noisy places.
______ 2. Removing the wax of the ears using hairpin.
______ 3. Cleaning the ears with cotton buds.
______4. Putting sharp objects into the ears.
______5. Seeing a doctor if you have an ear problem.
V. Assignment: Bring three (3) pictures showing proper ways on how to
take care of the ears.
Describe the parts of the skin.
Parts of the Skin
A. Science Concept : The parts of the skin are the epidermis, dermis,
melanin, capillaries and the nerve ending.
B. Reference : PELC I. 1.1.1.
C. Processes : Identifying, Observing
D. Materials : Illustration / enlarge picture of the skin, magnifying glass.
E. Value Infusion : care for the skin
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Review
What organ of the body helps you tell different sensations?
2. Checking of Assignment
3. Motivation
Which do you think is the largest organ in your body?
B. Activity Proper
What are the outer parts of the skin?
What to use:
magnifying glass
What to do:
1. Look closely at your skin using the magnifying glass.
2. Draw what you see.
What you have found out?
1. What is the outer part of your skin?
2. What is the color of your outer skin?
3. What can melanin do?
What are the inner parts of the skin?
What to use:
picture of the skin and its parts
What to do:
1. Look at the picture
2, Study the inner parts of our skin.
3. Draw the inner parts of the skin and label it.
What you have found out:
1. What is the inner part of the skin?
2. What part of the skin enables to detect hot from
C. Discussion / Analysis
What are the outer parts of the skin?
What are the inner parts of the skin?
D. Abstraction
What are the parts of the skin?
E. Generalization
Describe the parts of the skin.
F. Application
Encircle the words in the puzzle that identify the parts of the skin.
Choose from the box the parts of the skin being described.
melanin nerve endings dermis
epidermis capillaries
___________________ 1. A pigment cell responsible for giving color of the skin
and hair.
___________________ 2. The outer layer of the skin.
___________________ 3. Part of the skin that is sensitive to pressure, touch,
pain, and temperature.
___________________ 4. The inner layer of the skin.
___________________ 5. It enlarge and contract to balance the hotness or
coldness that reach the skin.
What are the function of the part of the skin?
Prepared by:
Teacher I – P. Burgos Central
Describe the function of each part of the skin.
Topic: Function of Parts of the Skin
Science Concept: Each part of the skin has definite function.
Reference: Growing with Science and Health 3 pp. 35-38
Growing and Health 3 pp. 61-63
PELC 1.1.2
Processes: Observing and Describing
Materials: Toothpicks, a partner
Value Infusion: Valuing the importance of the parts of the skin.
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Review
What are the different parts of the skin?
2. Checking of Assignment
3. Motivation
Can you describe your skin?
B. Activity Proper
What to use:
Toothpicks, a partner
What to do:
1. Get a classmate as a partner. Touch your partner’s skin with one or two
toothpicks held between your fingers.
2. Touch different parts of your partner’s body with one or two toothpicks.
See if your partner can feel whether one or two toothpicks are
touching her body. List down the parts of her body where
make correct responses.
3. Compare the color of your skin with your partner.
What you have found out:
a. Which parts of your body are most sensitive to touch?
b. Which parts of the body are least sensitive to touch?
c. After doing some activities you perspire or sweat?
d. What is the color of your skin? Is it the same as that of your partner?
C. Analysis
What are the function of the outer layer of the skin?
What are the function of the inner layer of the skin?
D. Abstraction
What are the function of each parts of the skin?
F. Application
When you stand near a stove you can feel the heat from the flame? Why?
Identify the parts of the skin being described.
___________1. it provides waterproof protection of the body.
___________2. It helps maintain body temperature.
___________3. It gives color to the skin.
___________4. It sends messages to the brain.
Observe people with diseases of the skin.
Write a short report on what you observed.
Share this to the class.
Prepared by:
Teacher I – P. B. Central
I. Objectives
1. Identifies ways of keeping the skin healthy.
2. Practices desirable health habits in caring for the skin.
II. Subject Matter
Caring for the skin
A. Concept: Our skin needs care. There are ways to follow to make
the skin healthy. A healthy skin helps you improve
the way you look.
B. Processes: Observing, describing, stating
C. Materials: Real objects, pictures
D. References: Science and Health 3 p. 26
Growing with Science & Health, TM
Growing with Science & Health TX pp. 39-40
PELC 1-3
E. Value: Caring for the skin
III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Health Inspection
2. Checking of Assignment
3. Review-What are the ailments of the skin?
B. Developmental Activities
1. Raising of Problem
The skin needs proper care. What will the ways to make our skin
2. Activity
Read the practices on how to keep your skin healthy. Match
picture with strips
Keeping your Skin Healthy (with pictures)
1. ( a boy taking a bath) Take a daily bath.
2. (a boy with a soft towel) Use a soft towel to wash your skin.
3. (a girl with a soft towel) Use a soft towel to wash your skin.
4. (a girl scratching her skin) Avoid scratching your skin.
5. (children playing under the sun) Do not play under the sun.
6. ( a boy with skin infection consulting a doctor) See a doctor
when you have a skin infection.
3. Discussion
• Do you take a bath daily? If you do not take a bath, what
would you feel?
• Why is eating plenty of fruits and vegetables good for
the skin.
• What should you use to wipe your skin?
• Why is it necessary to see a doctor if you have a skin
4. Generalization
• How can we take care of our skin?
• Why is keeping the skin healthy important?
• Keep your skin healthy. A healthy skin helps improve the
way you look. Your skin needs utmost care to keep them
soft, smooth & healthy.
5. Application
• To keep the skin healthy one must also have enough
rest, sleep and exercise. Would you stay late watching
television at night?
IV. Evaluation: Read the following practices. Choose the practices that
are good. Put a check mark before the number on
the blank.
_____ 1. Do not play long under the sun.
_____2. Have enough rest, sleep and exercise.
_____3. Borrow and use other people’s towel.
_____4. Use comfortable shoes to avoid blisters.
_____5. Use other people’s soap for washing parts of your body.
V. Assignment: List down other ways of caring for the skin.
Identify parts of the tongue that sense different tastes.
Tell that taste buds cover the tongue.
Parts of the Tongue
A. Science Concept :
1. The tongue senses different tastes.
2. Tastes areas are sensitive to bitter taste, sour taste, salty taste
and sweet taste.
3. The tongue is covered with taste buds.
4. The nerve connected to the taste buds send message to the
B. Reference : PELC 1.1 p. 5
Science and Health 3, pp.20-21
Science for everyone 3, p.3
Growing with Science and Health 3, pp29-31.
C. Processes: Observing, Describing
D. Materials : Picture of Tongue with label, candy, ampalaya, vinegar, salt,
E. Value Infusion : Care of the tongue.
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Review
What are the different part of the eyes?
2. Checking of Assignment
Picture of the eye
B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
What helps you tell the taste of the food your eat?
2. Have the pupils examine their tongue in a mirror.
Let them describe what they see. ( pink color, tiny bumps )
Ask : How do you think the tongue can distinguish sweet from
sour taste? salty taste from bitter taste?
3. Present pictures of food.
Conduct a taste test. Blindfold several pupils and ask them to
identify the tastes by doing the following:
Taste the candy, ampalaya, vinegar and salt.
Ask some pupils to taste one food and tell its taste.
Ask: How do you taste food?
What do you use for testing different types of food?
4. Present the map of tongue showing the areas where in the
different taste are sensed.
taste areas sensitive to bitter taste
taste areas sensitive to sour taste
taste areas sensitive to salty taste
taste areas sensitive to sweet taste.
Ask : What are different taste of food?
Which part of the tongue has taste buds sensitive to sweet
food? sour? bitter? salty?
5. Generalization
What are the parts of your tongue that sense different taste?
6. Application
Answer the following:
1. Which food tastes salty?
a. mango b. chocolate c. dried fish d. kamias
2. Which food taste bitter?
a. ampalaya c. garlic
b. onion d. cabbage
3. Which taste sweet?
a. calamansi c. cake
b. tamarind d. guava
1. The surface of the ( tongue , nose , ear ) has taste buds.
2. The sweet taste is recognized on the ( tip , back , side , near tip )
of the tongue.
3. The bitterness of ampalaya can be identified by the ( tip , back , side ,
near back ) of the tongue.
4. The salty bagoong can be tasted by the ( tip , back , side , near back )
of the tongue.
5. Lita ate tamarind candy. The sour taste can be recognized by the
( tip , back , near , near back ) of the tongue
Complete the table using the four areas of the tongue. Check it ( / )
Parts of the Tongue
Taste side near
tip the tip the back back
Prepared by ;
Teacher III – Cabuyao ES
Explain the function of each part of the tongue.
Function of the Tongue Parts
A. Science Concept : The tongue has different taste such as areas sensitive
to bitter taste, sour taste, salty taste an sweet taste.
B. Reference : BEC I 1.2 p.5
Science for Everyone 3 p. 6
Science and Health 3 pp. 20-21
Growing with Science and Health pp. 29-31
C. Processes : Observing, Describing, Inferring
D. Materials : pictures, vinegar, sugar, salt, ampalaya, saucer, cotton buds,
E. Value Infusion : Caring for the tongue.
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Review
What are the different parts of the tongue?
2. Checking of Assignment
B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
Show a vinegar, sugar, salt, ampalaya, saucer, cotton buds,
water. Ask some pupils to name it.
2. Presentation
Group the pupils into two.
Each group will choose a leader to report their work and a secretary to
write their answers on the manila paper.
Do the activity within 15 minutes.
3. Comparison and Abstraction
a. Group Discussion
b. What part of the tongue is sensitive to sweet taste?
What is the function of the tip of the tongue?
c. What part of the tongue can detect the salty taste? bitter?
4. Generalization
What are the function of the tongue parts? the tip of you tongue?
5. Application
a. What part of our tongue can tell the taste of chocolate?
soy sauce? green mango?
b. Identify the function of the parts of our tongue.
Select the correct answer.
1. The ( bitter , salty , sweet , sour ) taste is recognized on the tip of the
2. The ( bitter , salty , sweet , sour ) taste is recognized on the side near
the tip of the tongue.
3. The ( bitter , salty , sweet , sour ) taste is recognized on the side near
back of the tongue.
4. The ( bitter , salty , sweet , sour ) taste is recognized on the back of
the tongue.
5. If you eat chocolate, the ( bitter , salty , sweet , sour ) taste is
On your notebook : List down all the functions of the tongue parts.
Prepared by :
Teacher I – Polo ES
What are the functions of the tongue parts?
Picture of a tongue, sugar, salt, vinegar, ampalaya, cotton buds, water,
saucer, manila paper, pentel pen.
1. Place one fourth teaspoon of sugar in a saucer. Mix a teaspoon of
water with sugar.
2. Dip a cotton bud in the water. Put your tongue out. Place the cotton
bud on the tip of your tongue. Do it with all the members of the
group. Can you taste anything sweet?
3. Rinse your tongue with water. Do it in the other parts of the tongue,
on the right side of the tongue near the tip.
4. Repeat the activity using salt, vinegar, ampalaya.
5. Present the map of the tongue showing different parts.
taste areas sensitive to bitter taste
taste areas sensitive to sour taste
taste areas sensitive to salty taste
taste areas sensitive to sweet taste.
1. What are the materials used in the activity?
2. What part of the tongue is sensitive to sweet taste?
3. Which part of the tongue can detect the salty taste? sour? bitter taste?
4. What is the function of sides near the tip of your tongue?
I. Objectives
1. Identifies ways of keeping the tongue healthy.
2. Practices desirable health habits that will keep the tongue healthy.
II. Subject Matter
Ways of Keeping the Tongue healthy.
A. Concept: The tongue is an important organ for eating, tasting food
and for speaking. Take care of your tongue.
B. Processes: Observing, describing, demonstrating
C. Pictures, chart showing how to take care of the tongue, cotton balls.
D. References: Science and Health 3 Tx pp. 22-23
Growing with Science and Health 3 Tx pp. 32-34
Growing with Science and Health 3 TM
E. Value: Caring for the tongue
F. Science Vocabulary: moist, sore
III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Health inspection
2. Checking of assignment
3. Review
• Which organ of your body helps identify different tastes?
• How can you describe the tongue?
• Can you move your tongue anyway you like it to move?
• Why is tongue an important organ?
B. Developmental Activities
1. Unlocking of difficulties
2. Motivation: Have you experienced sore in your tongue?
What do you think are the causes of sores in your
3. Presentation
• Showing pictures on ways of keeping the tongue healthy.
• Read some rules to follow to take care of your mouth
4. Discussion
• What are the ways of keeping the tongue healthy?
• Why do you need to brush your teeth every after meal?
5. Generalization
• What are the ways of keeping the tongue healthy?
6. Application
Wash your hands thoroughly. Place it around your
finger. Wet it and gently swab your tongue. Then gargle
water to rinse it. “How does your tongue feel?”
IV. Evaluation
Direction: Put a check of the statement show ways of keeping your
tongue healthy? Write A if you agree and write D if you disagree.
_____ 1. Eating very hot food is good for the tongue because it will
make the tongue strong.
_____ 2. Wash the tongue with soap and water.
_____ 3. Eat too much candies or chocolates.
1. Brush your teeth after each meal. Remove unchewed food
with dental floss or toothpick.
2. Avoid taking any food or liquid that is too hot or too cold.
3. Gently brush your tongue. Use a wet cotton ball or clean cloth
to do it.
4. Be careful with the food you eat or taste
_____4. Wash your hands before eating. Germs can get into the food
and may contaminate your tongue.
_____5. Chew the food thoroughly so you do not make the mistake of
biting your tongue.
V. Assignment:
What will happen if:
1. You brush your tongue every time you brush your teeth?
2. You bite your tongue?
Identify the parts of the nose.
Label the parts of the nose.
Observe keenly and nose.
Parts of the Nose
A. Concept : The nose has different parts, the bridge of the nose, mucous
membrane, and nostrils
B. References : Science for Everyone p.5
Science and Health pp.36-37
C. Materials : picture of the nose, mirror
D. Process : Observing, Describing, Inferring
E. Value : Care for the nose
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Checking up of assignment
2. Review : What are the different parts of the ear.
B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation.
What helps you tell the smell of things around you?
2. Presentation
A. Have the pupils look at their nose in the mirror. Let them
describe the structure of the nose base on what they
B. Instruct the pupils to look inside their nose by raising the tip.
Have them tell what they see inside.
3. Activities
Let the pupils do this group activity
I. Problem: What are the main parts of the nose?
II. Objectives: 1. Observe the different parts of the nose.
2. Identify the different parts of the nose.
III. Materials: picture of the nose
IV. Procedure
1. Study the picture of the nose with label.
mucous membrane bridge of the nose
2.List down all the parts of the nose
V. What are the main parts of the nose?
4. Discussion
a. What do you see inside your nose?
b. What do you call the two openings in your nose?
c. What do you call the hair attached to it.
5. Concept Formation
a. What are the two different parts of the nose?
b. Did you follow your group leader? How?
c. How can you take care of your nose?
6. Application
Study the drawing and label each part.
1. Study the picture of the nose with label.
Draw the Nose. Label its parts.
Describe hoe the nose smells to odor of things.
Prepared by:
Teacher I – Yawe ES
Identifying the function of the parts of the nose.
Function of the Parts of the Nose
A. Science Concept : Scents enter the nose through the nostril and nasal
cavity. At the end of the nose are the olfactory nerves
which pick up the scents and relay the message to the
brain. The brain interprets the smell.
B. References : PELC, 1.2
Science and Health 3, p. 18
Growing with Science and Health 3 , pp 22-24
C. Processes : Observing, Describing, Inferring
D. Materials : pictures
E. Value Infusion : Care for our nose.
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Review
How does a person hear sound?
2. Checking of assignment.
B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
Spray air freshener or have a plenty of sampaguita garland
inside the room. Identifying the pleasant smell and the sense organ
associated with the sense of smell.
2. Presentation
Identify parts of the nose using the pictures.
3. Describing / Inferring the process of smelling odor or fragrances.
The air we breathe enters the nostril and pass through the
nasal cavity. At the nasal cavity are (a) the mucus membranes,
which keeps the air warm and moist, and (b) the cilia, or tiny hairs
which blocks off dust and germs. Olfactory nerves at the noses end
sense the smell and relay the message to the brain. The brain
interprets the message.
4. Concept Formation
What is the function of the nostril?
What is the function of the mucous membrane?
how about the cilia?
What is the function of the olfactory nerves?
Which part interpret the message?
5. Application
Discuss impolite / improper habits such as:
pinching of one’s nose in public, runny nose,
and sneezing in front of others.
Choose your answer form the box.
mucus membrane cilia nostrils
nasal cavity outer ear olfactory nerves
_____________________ 1. The two holes of the nose where air passes through.
_____________________ 2. The passage of the nose which keep the air warm and
_____________________ 3. The part of the nose which keep the air warm and moist.
_____________________ 4. The tiny hairs which block off dust and germs.
_____________________ 5. The parts which transmit the message to the brain.
Make a short paragraph on how you would take care of your nose.
Prepared by:
Teacher I – Kinagunan ES
I. Objectives:
1. Demonstrate ways of keeping the nose healthy.
2. Practice desirable health habits that will keep the nose healthy.
II. Subject Matter: People
Proper Care of the Nose
A. Concept: There are ways of keeping the nose healthy. Take
care of our nose. Without nose we cannot breathe or smell.
B. Processes: Observing, describing, and demonstrating.
C. Materials: Pictures showing proper care of the nose.
D. References: Science and Health 3 Tx p. 19
Growing with Science & Health 3 Tx pp. 27-28
Growing with Science & Health 3 TM pp
E. Value: Caring for the nose
III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Health Inspection
2. Checking of assignment
3. Review: What are the common ailments of the nose?
B. Developmental Activities
Raising of Problem:
How should you take care of the nose? What are the
things you should follow to avoid different ailments of the nose?
1. Study the pictures, and act out
Picture No. 1. A girl using a soft tissue or
clean cloth in cleaning the nose.
[Type a
quote from
Picture No. 2 A girl covering her nose while
passing by dusty road.
Picture No. 3 A boy blowing his nose gently.
2. Read the following tips that go with the picture
• Use a soft cloth or tissue paper to clean your nose.
• Never put small objects such as seeds, buttons, or
nuts inside your nostrils.
• Cover your nose when you pass by dusty roads, avoid
sniffing obnoxious smell of gasoline, plastic cement
and other insecticides.
• Stay away from people with colds or cough. These
diseases are communicable. You may easily get sick,
• Blow your nose gently, when you have nose bleeding,
do not blow it. Put something cold as ice pack on the
bleeding side of the nose.
Analysis and Discussions:
1. What would you do when you pass by a dusty road?
2. Why would you use soft cloth or clean tissue in
cleaning the nose?
3. Do you stay away from people with cold? Why?
Why should we take care of our nose?
What are the healthy tips in caring the nose?
• If nose bleeds occur, what will you do?
• Why should you not smell substances with strong
[Type a
[Type a
quote from
IV. Evaluation:
Directions: Put a check (/) if the statement shows desirable health
habits for the nose and an x if is not.
______ 1. A boy uses his hands in cleaning his nose?
______ 2. A girl covering her nose while dusting or cleaning an electric
______ 3. A man blows his opponent hard on the nose.
______ 4. Girlie sniffing an unknown substances,
______ 5. A traffic policeman with a mask.
V. Assignment:
List down others ways of caring for the nose,
I. Objective
• Describe ways of preventing injuries to the sense organs.
II. Subject Matter: Ways of Preventing Injuries to the Sense Organs
A. Concept: There are ways of preventing injuries to the sense
organs such as caring for the eyes, nose,
ears, skin and tongue.
B. Processes: Describing, identifying
C. Materials: Pictures of different injuries involving the sense
D. References: Growing with science and Health 3 pp. 2-41
Discover Science 3 pp. 2-27, PELC 11.4
E. Value: Caring for the sense organs
III. Procedure
A. Pre-activity
1. Review
Recall the five sense and the sense organs.
B. Developmental Activities
1. Motivation
Present situations that may cause injuries of the sense
organs during class hour or recess times.
Show pictures of different injuries involving the sense
organs. Talk about what cause these injuries. Ask: Can you tell
ways on how to prevent these injuries?
2. Activity Proper
Let the pupils form groups of five. Each will be given a
topic about the sense organ’s injuries and how these will be
prevented. Let them brainstorm for ten minutes. Tell them to use
their textbook to get new information needed in their report. Let
them record their data on the chart. Make a chart like this for
them to de4scribe clearly the ways of preventing the injuries to
the sense organs.
Title: The Eyes
Injuries Preventions
3. Group Reporting and Discussion
4. Generalization
What are the injuries of the eyes> nose? ears? tongue? And
Describe how all of these can be prevented.
5. Application
What will happen if you do not take good care of your
sense organs? What are the things that may be affected when
they are injured?
6. Valuing
What will you do in order to enjoy the gift of having
healthy sense organs?
IV. Evaluation
Choose the letter of the correct answer
1. What should be done in order to avoid sunburn?
a. Use sunglasses
b. Use sun block when staying out for a long time.
c. Stay under the sun the whole day.
2. What should you do to prevent colds?
a. Avoid drinking a lot of fluids
b. Always expose to cold places
c. Keep your body with high resistance at all time.
3. What would you do to help prevent loss of hearing?
a. Be expose in place with loud sounds
b. Clean your ears with cotton buds
c. Put sharp objects inside your ears.
4. To avoid burns in your tongue, you should
a. Avoid drinking very hot beverages and eating very hot
b. Drink a very hot coffee
c. Sip a cup of hot soup.
5. Which injury of the skin is can be avoided through washing the
face with soap and water to remove dirt’s, extra oil, sweat and
dead skin cells?
a. Tinea Flava (an-an)
b. Scabies
c. Acne or pimples
V. Assignment
List down other ways of preventing injuries to the sense organs.
Describe ways of preventing injuries to the sense organs.
II. Subject Matter
Ways of Preventing Injuries to the Sense Organs
A. Science Concept: Our sense organs are very important in our
daily living, they must be cares properly in order to prevent
injuries to the sense organs.
B. Processes: Observing, Inferring
C. . Materials: Illustration of preventing injuries of the
sense organs.
D. References: Science and Health for Grade 3
PELC – 1.4
E. Value: Caring of the sense organs
F. Integration: Music (Singing Song)
III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Check up of assignment
2. Weather Report
3. Review
What are some of the injuries of the eyes, ears, nose, tongue
and skin?
B. Developmental Activities
1. Motivation
Let us sing a song ‘Brush Your Teeth and Tongue” to the tune
of “Row, Row, Row, Your boat.”
Brush, brush, brush your teeth
Three times everyday
Upward, downward (2x)
Brush teeth everyday.
Repeat: Change the word into tongue.
How do you feel if one of your sense organs
is not functioning well?
Do you feel active and lively just if you sit in the corner?
2. Presentation
How can you take good care of your sense organs?
(Present pictures showing the ways of preventing injuries of the
sense organs)
3. Lesson Proper
Here are the ways to prevent injuries of our sense organs (Put
these in the chart)
• Caring for the Eyes
Read and do work under good light
Do not read when lying down or in a moving vehicle
Do not rub your eyes. They might get irritated
Never look directly at the sun. Very bright light can harm your eyes.
Keep fingers and pointed objects away from your eyes.
Let your eyes rest after reading or sewing
When something goes wrong with your eyes, see an eye doctor.
Eat foods that are rich in Vitamin A such as carrots, papaya and
When you watch television do not get too close. Turn on a light to
avoid too much contact between the television and the dark.
Caring for the Ears
• Never use clips or toothpicks to clean your eyes. Use cotton buds or
soft cloth instead.
• Do not allow your playmates to shout into your ears.
• When playing, take care that hard objects do not hit your ears.
• Ask your mother to take you to a doctor if you have any ear
Caring for your Nose
• Get a soft clean cloth
• Place it around your finger. Wet it.
• Gently swab your tongue. Then gargle water to rinse it
4. Discussion
• How do you take care of your eyes?
• What foods are good for the eyes?
• What should you do when you read?
• How will you clean your ears?
• What should you use to clean your ears?
If you experience a nose bleeding, what should you do?
What should be done with your nose? For how many
How will you clean your tongue?
What are some common skin problems?
How can you keep your skin healthy?
5. Generalization
In order to prevent injuries to the sense organs, what should
you do?
6. Application
On your way how you saw banana pealing on the ground. What
should you do? Why?
IV. Evaluation
Write True if the sentence is correct and write False if it is wrong.
1. We should eat very hot food to make our tongue stay healthy.
•Keeping Your Skin Healthy
• Take a bath everyday
• Use soft towel to wipe your skin
• Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables
• Avoid scratching your skin
• Don not play long under the heat of the sun
• See a doctor when you have skin infection.
2. We should not blow our nose too hard.
3. Wearing ear protectors in noisy places.
4. Scratch skin with dirty nails.
5. Visit the eye doctor regularly.
VI. Assignment:
Make a paragraph about ways of Preventing Injuries to the Sense
Describe ways of preventing injuries to the sense organs
II. Subject Matter
Ways of Preventing Injuries to the sense Organs
A.Concept: There are ways of preventing injuries with the sense
B. Processes: Observing, Inferring
C. Materials: Charts, Manila paper, pentel pen
D.References: RLC I-1.4
Science for Daily Use 3
E. Values: Caring for the sense organs
III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Health inspection
2. Weather Report
B. Developmental Activities
1. Review
What are some ways of caring for the sense organs?
Fill in the chart
2. Motivation
How do you feel if one of your sense organs is not functioning
3. Presentation
(Present pictures/charts that shows injuries of the sense organs
How can we prevent injuries to the sense organs?
4. Lesson Proper
Ways of Preventing Injuries to the Eyes
• Do not read when lying down or in a moving vehicle.
• Don’t rub your eyes, they might get irritated.
• Never look directly at the sun. Very bright light can harm
your eyes.
• Let your eyes rest after reading or sewing.
• When something goes wrong with your eyes, see an eye
doctor immediately.
• When you watch television don’t get too close. Turn a light
to avoid too much contact between the television and the
• Eat foods that are rich in vitamin A.
• Ways of Preventing Injuries for the Ears
• Never use clips or toothpicks to clean your ears. Use
cotton buds or soft cloth instead.
• Do not allow anybody to shout into your ears.
• Ask your mother to take you to a doctor if you have any
ears problem.
• Ways to Prevent Injuries to Your Nose
• When blowing the nose, use a clean handkerchief.
• Do not blow your nose very hard when you have colds.
• If something goes wrong with your nose, call a doctor.
• Ways to Prevent Injuries to Your Tongue
• Keep your mouth clean
• Make sure that you eat clean food.
• Wash your hands before eating. Germs can get into the
Food and may contaminate your tongue.
• Avoid eating very hot food,. It may scald your tongue.
• Chew on your food properly so you do not make the
mistake of biting your tongue.-
• Ways to Prevent Injuries to Your Skin
• Take a bath everyday
• Use a soft towel to wipe your skin
• Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables
• Avoid scratching your skin
• See a doctor when you have skin infection
5. Discussion
• How do we prevent injuries to our eyes?
• What foods are good for the eyes?
• What should you do when you read?
-How do we prevent ailments/ injuries to our ears?
• If an ant enters your ears. What will you do to remove
- He do we prevent injuries to our nose?
- What is the proper way of blowing the nose?
- What are some common injuries of our tongue?
- How do we prevent those injuries
- What are some common skin problems>
- Give some ways to prevent it.
6. Generalization
Why is it important to prevent injuries to our sense organs?
• Prevention of injuries to our sense organs in important
so that it would function well.
7. Application
• Have the children work in groups
Group 1 – Ailments/ injuries affecting the eyes and tongue.
Group 2 – Injuries affecting the ears and nose.
Group 3- Injuries affecting the skin.
• Have the pupils prepare a report following the format
below and have the leaders discuss it in front of the
IV. Evaluation
Copy the letter of the correct answer.
1. To protect your eyes while reading or watching TV, you should ___
a. use bright light c. switch off light
b. use enough light d. place light in front of you
2. To have clear eyesight you should _____
a. eat food rich in vitamin A
b. eat food rich in Vitamin D
c. wash your eyes often
d. close your eyes
3. To protect your nose it you have colds, you should ____.
a. blow it hard c. cover it with your hand
b. blow it gentle d. clean it.
4. To prevent injuries o your tongue, you should _____
a. eat hot food fast c. eat even if you’re not hungry
b. avoid eating hot food d. blow it hard.
5. Which of the following is best for the skin?
A, swimming in dirty water
b. Over exposure to sun
c. take a bath regularly
d. Pinching the skin
V. Assignment:
Collect cutouts or pictures showing preventions of injuries of the sense
organs. Pastes it in a band paper, make it as an album.
I. Objectives
Tells how rest and recreation affect ones growth and
II. Subject Matter: Need for Rest and Recreation
A. Concept: Rest and recreation are important to relax one’s
mind and body. Prolonged and heavy
physical/mental activity disturbs
normal body/mind functioning and
may cause illness.
B. Processed Stressed: Observation, description and making
C. Materials: Pictures of children in wholesome play and other
recreational activities.
D. Reference: PELC p. 6 Growing in Science III
E. Science Vocabulary: Recreation, fatigue
III. Learning Activities
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Health inspection
2. Checking of assignment
3. Review:
What are the effects of illness or diseases on one’s
growth and development?
B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
Perform physical exercises
What do you want to do after the exercise?
2. Introducing/Unlocking the terms “rest” and “recreation”. How
do you feel after doing some intense physical activity?
3. Ask: What have you observe and experience why rest and
recreation are important for healthy and growth.
Have you ever experienced extreme tiredness of fatigue?
boredom, tension or nervousness, mental block?
What happens if you lack of sleep? How would you feel it you
worked or studies most of the time and never allowed to play?
Explain why you like to play.
4. Book verification/text reading pp. 36-38.
5. Concept formation
• Why does the boy need rest and recreation?
6. Application
Perform class survey. How many of you enjoy doing
these activities like dancing, singing, drawing and others during
leisure time?
IV. Evaluation:
Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. How many hours of sleep does a growing child need?
a. 2-4 b. 4-6 c. 8-10
2. Which of the following recreation helps develop mental abilities?
a. Watching TV gossip shows
b. Making “tele-babad”
c. Reading good books and magazines
3. Which of the following shows good effect of exercise?
a. Clear eyesight
b. Firm muscles and strong bones
c. Heart disease
4. Which is a good study habit?
a. Cramming one day before the test.
b. Reading lessons everyday and sleeping well
c. Having a continuous 2-hour study schedule without break
or rest
5. Cite one possible effect of lack of sleep.
a. Dizziness and vomiting
b. Fresh, active mind
c. Feeling happiness
V. Assignment
Give health practices before and after eating.
I. Objectives
Adopt the changes that take place as one grows
II. Subject Matter
Changes that take place as one grows.
A. Science Concept:
There are changes that take place as one grows.
B. Processes: Observing, describing, inferring
C. Materials: pictures/charts
D. References: Science& Health TX/TM pp.
III. Learning Activities
A. 1. Checking of Assignment
1. Drill/Review
What are the factors that affect one growth and
B. Developmental Activities
1. Motivation
1. Song
2. Showing pictures of a baby as he/she grows
What can you say about the height and weight of the
baby as she/he grows?
C. Lesson Proper
1. Activity
a. Let the pupils recall observation about babies. Let them
record the physical activities babies can do ( kick, walk on
1. Let them fill in the boxes with physical activities, then
and now.
Then Now
2. Let the pupils compare the activities that they could do
then and now.
3. Do the same procedure and compare social activities
then and now.
4. Discuss with the pupils why they change in every
activities as they grow,
How did you cope with the changes that happen as you
You are no longer a baby. Do you still play only with the
members of your family?
IV. Evaluation
Write the activities in each column. Select from the activities below:
Physical Activities Social Activities
Then Now Then Now
1. Crawling 1. Running 1. Playing with 1. Going out
mother with friends
2. Clapping 2. Swimming 2, playing with sister 2. Making
3. Playing 3. Dancing new friends
3. Helping a friend
V. Assignment:
Talk with your friend. Find out if you do the same physical/social
I. Objectives
Infer that there are factors affecting one’s growth and
II. Subject Matter: Factors Affecting One’s Growth and Development
A. Science Concept: Factors affecting one’s growth and development
are rest and sleep, exercise and recreation,
love and understanding and safe and healthful
B. Processes: Observing, describing, inferring
C. Materials: Pictures/charts
D. References: Science and Health 3 pp. 38-39
E. Values: Keeping fit and healthy
III. Learning Activities
1. Motivation
Let the children do the jogging in their places. (Non-stop
activity) If pupils stop. Why did your stop jogging? (Feel tired)
What will you do when you feel tired? (Rest)
2. Lesson Proper
1. Activity
Look at the picture
What are the children doing?
Why do we need exercise and play?
What recreational activities do you usually do?
2. Discussion
What is your favorite recreation?
In what ways does recreation affect growth and
3. Generalization
What are the factors affecting one’s growth and
4. Application:
After working you feel tired, what will you do?
During weekend what are some recreational activities
you often do?
IV. Evaluation
Direction: Read the following; encircle the letter of the correct
1. The best form of rest is
a. Playing c. sleeping
b. Reading d, watching TV
2. Recreation is needed by our body because
a. It makes us pretty.
b. It makes us feel sleepy.
c. It adds weight to the body
d. It makes our bones and muscles strong.
3. Rest and recreation are needed by the body because they
a. Make us lazy
b. Make us sleepy.
c. Make us happy
d. Make the heart and muscles strong
4. Why is sleep important to the body?
a. It gives heat and energy
b. It helps develop good speech
c. It rest the muscles
d. It makes the body energetic
V. Assignment:
Collect pictures of people doing different kinds of recreational
activities. Then paste them in your notebook.
I. Objectives:
Compare the characteristics of a healthy and unhealthy children.
II. Subject Matter: Characteristics of healthy and Unhealthy
A. Concept: There are some characteristics of Healthy and
Unhealthy Children.
Healthy children have soundness of the body and
mind or freedom from disease or ailment.
Get along well with friends and family on the
other hand, unhealthy children are weak,
malnourished and easily get sick
B. Processes: Observing, comparing
C. Materials: pictures, charts
D. References: PELC – III. 1 2.3
Growing with Science and Health pp. 53-55.
E. Value: Love and care for one’s body
III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
2. Science updates
3. Review: What are the factors affecting one’s growth?
B. Developmental Activity
1. Motivation
Who among you loves to go out and play with friends? Do you
enjoy being them?
2. Show pictures of a healthy boy and unhealthy one.
Ask: Can you tell the difference between the two?
3. Have the pupils turn their books on pp. 53-54. Have them read
4. Discussion:
What are the differences of the boys in the pictures?
Observe the children, are they healthy? Do they grow
tall and big? Are they happy playing well with others?
What about the unhealthy ones.
5. Generalization
What are the characteristics of a healthy person? An
unhealthy person?
6. Application:
Imagine if you were to limit the food you eat everyday
to 1 meal a day. Do you think you would grow healthy
and strong? Do you think you can do your activities
IV. Evaluation:
Draw a happy face if the statement tells the characteristic
of a healthy child and sad face if unhealthy, on the blank before the
__________ 1. Grows tall and big.
___________2. Is weak and slow.
___________3. Is happy and gets along well with others.
___________4. Easily gets sick.
___________5. Can play basketball or swimming.
V. Assignment:
Fill up the chart below:
Characteristics of Healthy/Unhealthy Children
Healthy Children Unhealthy children
1.Practice desirable health and food habits.
2.Name desirable food habits.
Desirable Health and Food Habits
A.Science Concept: There are food habits that need to be followed in order to have a
healthy body
B.References: Growing with Science and Health 3 pp. 70 73
C.Processes: Inferring, Communicating, Recording
D.Materials: Pictures, sample foods
E.Values: Practicing Health and good food habits
A.Preparatory Activities
To whom will you visit whenever you are sick? Why?
2.Checking of Assignment
B.Lesson Proper
Knowing what to eat can be confusing. To maintain good health, you
Must have good health.
Look at the pictures. Which is healthy and unhealthy?( pictures of a healthy and
and unhealthy child.
Why do you think so?
To stay healthy, one must maintain a good health habits. Let’s have a
mix and match game.
Match the picture to the health habits. ( Teacher will prepare the needed
pictures. Use the following descriptions in the preparation of pictures.)
a.Eat a balance diet.
b.Have enough exercise to have strong bones and muscles.
c.Get enough sleep at least 6 to 8 hours for children.
d.Relax and play some good games.
e.Take a bath everyday.
3.Discussion will follow after the game.
Seatwork: Group Activity
Put a check if you do the following:
Always Sometimes Never
Brushing your teeth after every meal.
Sleeping and relaxing the whole day.
Washing the hands before and after
Have a regular check-up with your
Eating a well-balanced meal
Post Activity
Complete the sentence.
I practice good health habits because___________________________.
What are the foods we should eat to make our body strong and healthy?
5. Application
Father arrived from Manila. He brought fried chicken and crispy pata. Your teacher told
the class that these foods are rich in fats. What will you do?
Put a check mark (/) if the practice is desirable health and eating habits and cross (x) if
_____________1. Brushing teeth every after meal
_____________2. Eating whatever you like
_____________3. Keeping the surrounding clean
_____________4. Resting whenever you want to
_____________5. Having a regular exercise
List down possible illnesses we might get from not eating the right kind of food.
I. Objectives
1. Identifies desirable health habits related to eating.
2. Practice desirable food eating habits.
II. Subject Matter:
Desirable Health Habits Related to Eating
A. Concepts
• Desirable health habits will keep a person healthy and
• A healthy person grows taller, bigger and heavier.
B. Processes: Observing, identifying, describing
C. Materials: Picture showing desirable health habits related to
D. References: Science and Health 3 Tx pp. 46-48
Growing with Science and Health 3 Tx pp. 70-73
E. Science Vocabulary: health habits
III. Learning Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Health Inspection
2. Review
What are the changes that take place as one grows?
B. Developmental Activities
1. Motivation: - “What do you usually do before eating?”
Teacher shows pictures; example:
A. A child washing her hands with soap and water.
B. A child using a spoon and pork in eating.
“What can you say about each picture? Which of these
pictures/practices would you do?
C. A child eating with dirty hands, etc.
2. Presentation
Problem: What are the different practices you should follow to
make your body strong and healthy?”
A. Correct eating habits
1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before
2. Take only small bites of food.
3. Eat slowly and chew the food well.
4. Make no noise when chewing the food.
5. Swallow what is in your mouth before you begin to talk.
6. Eat use enough of food.
7. Talk about pleasant things during mealtime.
B. Good Health Habits
1. Eat balanced diet.
2. Brush your teeth every after meal.
3. Discussion
What are the different practices that you should do before
eating? While eating? After eating?
Why is it important to follow these healthy tips?
4. Generalization
Identify the desirable health habits related to eating.
5. Application
Have the pupils demonstrate proper ways of eating using he food
they have brought
IV. Evaluation:
Draw a happy face if the item is a good health habit and a sad face it
is not.
______1. Eating with unwashed hand.
______2. Eat plenty of vegetables.
______3. Drink coffee everyday.
______4. Talk too much while eating.
______5. Chew the food thoroughly.
V. Assignment:
List down others health habits that you should practice.
Consult health/medical personnel once a year and/or whenever necessary.
Consulting a Health/Medical personnel once a year Whenever Necessary
Science Concepts: Visiting health/medical personnel once a year is a great help in improving
our health condition.
References: Science and Health III, Teachers Manual,
Resource Person
Processes: Describing, Inferring
Approach: 4 A’s
Materials: Enlarged illustration of health personnel, a resource person
Values: Caring for our body
A.Preparatory Activities
1.Checking of homework
2.News Update
Who are the helpers in the community?
B. Lesson Proper
Have you been to a doctor?
Why did you visit him?
What did he do to you?
Show pictures of health/medical personnel.
Let the children identify /name the person in the pictures.
( Doctors, BHW, nurse, Red Cross Volunteer, midwife)
Today, we have a resource person to talk to us. She will discuss on the
importance of consulting a health/medical personnel once a year. Children, lets give her a clap.
She is Dr. Belen De Joya from Nino Jesus Medical Clinic.
3. Generalization
What is the importance of visiting health/medical personnel once a year?
Your family is living in a far flung barangay. One day, your brother suffers from
diarrhea. To whom will your family bring your baby brother?
Where will you ask for help?
BHW Midwife
Doctor Red Cross Volunteer
__________1. There is a sudden landslide in your commmunity.
__________2. Your baby sister has a typhoid fever.
__________3. Your mother will deliver a baby.
__________ 4. You would like to request medicine in your barangay.
__________5. You will undergo vaccination and there is no doctor around.
Interview a health personnel in your barangay and get information about other
diseases that may affect children.
Day 1
Identify examples of verbal abuse, physical abuse, and emotional abuse.
Verbal Abuse, Physical Abuse, Emotional Abuse
A.Science Concept : Abuse refers to the use or treatment of something that is harmful.
Physical abuse is when a person inflicts physical violence or pain on
another. Verbal abuse is when a person uses demeaning talk or
threatening statement. Emotional abuse is characterized by a
person subjecting or exposing to behavior that is psychologically
B.Reference :Internet
C.Processes: Inferring, interpreting, observing, describing, classifying, communicating
D.Materials :Pictures of a lonely child/crying child, strips of cartolina, situations on
abused children, song- I am a But a Small Voice, Manila Paper
E.Values: Respecting the rights of the children
A. Preparatory Activities
What are the kinds of food that you eat?
Can you describe and give examples of each food?
Why do you eat those kind of food?
2. Motivation
Showing pictures of a lonely child/crying child
Ask: What message does the picture tell us?
Can you tell the reason of her loneliness?
B. Lesson Proper
Distribute the following situations. Ask the pupils to identify the kind of abuses are
presented in the following situations.
Mar is the eldest son of Mr. Rema. He is an active boy but always beaten by his father who
declares that it is the way disciplining and controlling him. He hits Mar until black and blue
marks appear all over his body.
Maria’s parents were always busy earning a living for the family. She is now staying with
her aunt. She works as a maid to her Aunt Lucy. Her ruthless aunt would kick, slap, and punch
her once she came home late from school.
Lucy, Maria’s aunt controlled what Maria can and cannot do. Sometimes Maria
experienced being humiliated privately or publicly, deliberately doing something to make her
feel diminished or embarrassed. One day, she saw Aunt Lucy received letter from her parents,
but Maria just realized Aunt is hiding information from her. She feels isolated from her friends
and family.
Every time that Maria told her Aunt that she want to join the program or other school
activities, Aunt Lucy just ignores and say “No, because no one would go with you.” Once again ,
she heard such demeaning words and other threatening statements. Manipulating words,
actions, insults, and other verbal attacks are experienced by Maria from her Aunt.
The group will report their observation using the table below
Form/Kind of Abuses Signs that children are abused
Ask: How were you affected with the situations of Maria? Why?
What was shown in every situation?
What form of abuses were described in each situation?
What are the signs that tell that a child is being abused?
Let’s find out the different form of abuses and their examples.
Describing what a child is.
Forms of abuses and their meaning
Examples of verbal, physical, and emotional abuses
Classify the following situation according to Physical, Verbal and Emotional Abuse. Write
your answer on the blank inside the parenthesis provided after each situation.
Maria stays with her aunt. She always heard bad words for her (____________). She
always calls her other names which causes her funny humiliation and shames(___________).
Her unkind aunt would slap her once she is caught resting after her work. (___________).
Sometimes Maria was isolated from her family and friends (___________) she was punished by
staying under the sun (___________).
Identify the kind of abuse is being experienced in the following situations.
__________1.Rosa always heard bad words from her mother.
_________ 2.Denis was slapped by his father because he broke the glass.
_________ 3.Dindo was isolated from his family for more than a year
_________ 4.Maria had bruises in her arms and legs.
__________5.Cinderella was not allowed to eat until her chores were all done.
Draw or cut pictures about a child maltreated by someone. Tell something
about them. What examples of abuses depicted in the picture.
Strategy: PWA
A.Preperatory Activities
How would you know that a child is being abused?
What signs can you see or observed to her/him?
2.Checking of Assignment
B.Lesson Proper
Classifying the examples of abuses according to:
Verbal Abuse/ Physical Abuse/ Emotional Abuse
Play the song “I am But a Small Voice” (written in a Manila Paper)
a. What is the message of the song? (About children, their needs and rights)
b. What do they want? (to have peace, prosperity and love)
c. Can you show your love to someone if you are doing things that will hurt
3. Pre Activity
Role Playing. Each group will portray a play showing examples of abuses.
4. Post Activity
Let other groups inferred what the presentation is all about.
Tell what abuses (Examples of abuse are shown in their presentation now
proceed to discussion)
If you were the abused ,what will you do?
What could be the effect of these to a child?
How can the abused adjust to these situations?
Who could be the “abusers’’?
What will you do if you know the abuser
5. Generalization:
What is child abuse?
If you were the friend of the “abused child” what help/ advice can you
6. Application:
(Call only those who want to share)
Have you experienced to be abused or being such situation like in what
we have tackled? Can you tell what you have experienced?
What did you do?
Matching type: Match column B to Column A. Column B are examples or statement that
tell something about the words in Column A. Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank
before each number.
____1. Physical Abuse A. Refers to a person below 18 yrs. Old
____2. Child Abuser B. Saying unkind words about somebody
____3. Children C. These abuse may lead to bruise and cuts
____4. Emotional Abuse D. Any person Who Commits and acts defined
____5. Verbal Abuse as Constituting child abuse
E. An abuse such as rejection and belittling
What are other forms of child abuse which were not discussed / learned? List them.
Report incidence of abuse to proper authorities( parent, teacher, guidance councilor, principal,
Topic: reporting evidences of abuse to proper authorities, parent, teacher, guidance councilor,
principal, etc.
A. Science Concept: Evidences of abuse should be reported to proper authorities
B. Processes: Observing, Inferring
C. Reference: internet
D. Materials: Pictures, chart
E. Value: Concern for others
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Review
Give examples of the following:
Verbal Abuse
Physical Abuse
Emotional Abuse
2. Checking of Assignment
B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
Show a picture of a girl with black-eye.
Look at the picture. This is Mena. What do you notice about her? Describe her
eyes. Do you know what happen to her?
2. Presentation
Read the story about Mena.
Mena is an adopted child. She lives with her Tiyo Anyong and Tiya Silda.
Late in the afternoon, Tiyo Anyong asked her to buy a bottle of wine in a
nearby store. On her way to home, a boy bumped her and the bottle of
wine dropped on the ground. There’s no wine anymore. Tiyo Anyong boxed her
eye upon knowing what happened to his bottle of wine. This is how Mena got her
black-eye. It is not her first black-eye because everytime she got mistakes her Tiyo
Anyong box her face.
3. Analysis and Discussion
What happened to Mena?
When does it happen?
Who boxed her eye?
How did she got her black-eye?
How often was she punished by her Tiyo Anyong?
What kind of abuse was she suffered from?
How will you help Mena?
Who are the persons/authorities that will help you in this kind of situation?
4. Generalization
What are you going to do to help an abused child?
Who are the authorities that can help an abused child?
To whom would you report it?
5. Application
One afternoon, Lucas came to school late and drunk. Boys in the corner
forced him to drink.
To whom would you report?
Who can help the following abused children?
Match column A to Column B. Write the letter of your answer under column C
1. The boys are locked inside the
cabinet A. police 1.
2. Pupils are standing under the
B. teacher 2.
3. A little child is begging for
C. DSWD 3.
4. A girl is emotionally-abused
by her mother D. principal 4.
5. an abandoned child E. parents 5.
Cut pictures of persons who can help abused children. Paste them in your notebook.
Identify the body parts of animals found in the locality.
Body Parts of Animals
Body Parts that Help Animals Move
A. Science Concept: Animals have different body parts.
Feet, eyes, nose, and mouth are body parts common to animals.
B. References: Growing with Science and Health, TM pp 63-65
Growing with Science and Health, TX pp 78-82
C. Processes: Observing, Describing
D. Materials: Pictures of different animals, flashcards
E. Values: Caring for animals
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Checking of assignment
2. Name some animals common in the locality.
B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
Do you have pets? What are they? Who has a pet bird? Let’s sing a song
About a bird, “Ten Little Birds”
2. Presentation
1. Show pictures of animals. Let the children identify each animal and its
body parts.
2. Discuss that these animals move using their body parts. Let the children
imitate animal’s body movements.
What body part of the animal is used in walking? Running? Eating?
3. Discussion
Ask: What are the body parts of a dog?
How many legs do they have?
Do you know that animals can never move from one place to another
without their body parts? They can’t even get their food.
Do the activity: Name the Body Parts
Divide the class into four. Each group will get a picture of an animal.
Name the body parts of the animal chosen. Imitate the movements of the animals
assigned to the group . Use the table below:
Name of the Animal: Group No.
Body Parts:
4. Generalization
What are the body parts of animals?
What body part do they use for moving?
5. Application
Carlo is walking from school. He heard bird’s chirping no far from him. He looked
around and saw
A bird with a broken wings trying to fly but it could not fly. If you were Carlo, what will you
Look at the picture. Draw the picture and label its parts.
( pictures of a dog and a fish)
Draw the picture of your pet. Label its parts.
1. Describe how animals move
2. Tell the body parts that help animals move
Movement of Animals
Body parts that help the Animals Move
A. Science Concept: Animals move in different ways.
They have body parts that help them move.
B. References: Science and Health for Better Life 3, TM pp.21-22
Growing with Science and Health 3, TX pp.80-81
C. Processes: Describing, Inferring:
D. Materials: Pictures, cut outs , flashcards
E. Value: Appreciating different kinds of animals
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Review
What are the body parts of your pet animals?
Ask some pupils to imitate the movements of animals and ask the class to
that animal.
How it moves and what body part is used for moving.
2. Checking of Homework
B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
Conduct a game. Divide the class into two groups. Distribute to one group the
cutouts of animals. Distribute to another group the flashcard that describes the movements
these animals. At signal, let the pupils in the two groups match their cards.
Picture of a dog -walk
Picture of a bird -fly
Picture of a worm -crawl
2. Presentation
A. Instruct the pupils to show the movements as the teacher tell the kind of
animals. Ex. Grasshopper-fly, dog-run
What are your pet animals?
Among your pets, what is your most favorite?
Do you still care for animals?
How do you show your care for them?
We should value or appreciate animals because they are God’s creation.
B. Divide the class in two groups again. As the first group move, the second
will tell what animal it is.
C. Show some pictures of animals, then let children imitate it. Let them give or
identify what body part is used for moving.
D. Have the class match the pictures and their movements in a pocket chart
Ask: How do animals move?
What body parts are used for moving?
Ask: Is it good to remove some body part of animals when you play with them?
a dog run when you remove its leg? Can a cat fly? How does a cat move?
Match the movements with the body parts. Write the letter of the correct answer
______1. Fly
______2. Crawl
______3. Swim
______4. Jump
______5. Walk
A. Fins
B. Legs
C. wings
D. Tiny feet
E. Legs/Feet
Complete the chart
1. Fish
2. Bird
3. Crocodile
4. Butterfly
5. Horse
Infer that animals live in different places.
Tell that cleanliness is needed to keep animals healthy.
Topic: Animal Habitat
A. Science Concept: Different animals live in different habitats.
B. References: Science and Health 3 p. 70-72
Science and Health TM p. 35-36
C. Processes: Observing, Classifying, Inferring
D. Materials: Cut outs of animals, flashcards
E. Value: Respecting animal habitats and cleanliness
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Review: Part of Animals
How does a kitten move?
What animals fly?
What animal swims?
Give examples of animals that crawl.
1. Motivation
Show pictures of animals in pond, a forest, and a grassland.
What kind of animals are in the pictures?
2. Presentation
A. Group the pupils into three .
B. Give Each group cut outs of animals
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
1. Enumerate the animals. 1. Enumerate the animals. 1. Enumerate the animals.
2. Where do they live? 2. Where do they live? 2. Where do they live?
3. Why are these animals 3. Why are these animals 3. Why are these animals live in
live in the pond? live in the forest? the grassland?
3. Analysis and Discussion
Let the group report their outputs.
Ask: How are animals in each group differ?
Why do you think animals live in different places?
Is it important to keep their habitat clean and safe? Why?
4. Generalization
What the different habitats of animals?
5. Application
Mario bought goldfish in a pet shop. He will put it in his aquarium, but his little brother
accidentally broke it. What should Mario do?
Directions: Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which of the following is an aquatic animal?
a. chicken b. eagle c. horse d. whale
2. Which of these animals found in the zoo?
a. chicken b. fish c. giraffe d. octopus
3. Which of these animals live best in the forest?
a. crab b. spider c. tiger d. whale
4. One of these animals is an amphibian. Which is it?
a. bat b. butterfly c. centipede d. frog
5. Which of these animals does not live in water?
a. alligator b. antelope c. clam d. dolphin
Put the names of the following animals in their proper column.
carabao shark deer goat grasshopper
lion monkey bees crocodile eel
Classify animals according to body parts, movements, and places where they live.
Classifying Animals according to Body Parts, Movements, and Habitat
A. Science Concept: Animals have different body parts, movements, and places where they live.
Feet, nose, mouth, ears, and eyes are body parts common to
B. References: Growing with Science and Health 3, pp. 79-88
C. Processes: Observing, Comparing, Classifying, Inferring, Describing
D. Materials: Pictures of different kinds of animals, their movements, and habitat
Television for viewing animals/movements and habitat
E. Value: Caring for animals
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Review
What are the animals common in the locality? Name its body parts.
B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
Let the class play “Simple Simon Says” . Actions, movements, and sounds of
animals will be used in the game. Let the pupils imitate then identify the
2. Presentation
Show different pictures of animals with missing body parts.
Directions: Match the animals with their missing body parts.
( Teachers must prepare pictures of different animals with missing body parts )
3. Analysis and Discussion
Ask: What body parts are missing? What body parts are found only on birds?
Carabaos? Cows? Goats?
Do animals move in the same way?
Where do animals with wings usually live?
Do animals have the same habitat?
Do the activity below:
Directions: Write the animals in their proper group according to body
parts,movements, and habitat.
Carabao horse dog fish bird goat
Body Part Used in Moving Habitat
wings feet fins Land Water
Both land
and water
4. Generalization
How are animals differ?
Why are animals differ in body parts? movements? habitat?
5. Application
Your Science Teacher asked you to list down names of animals that fly. Where will you
go to name some? Why?
Is it important to respect animals/small insects? Why?
What will happen if you remove the wings of a butterfly?
What will happen to fish and other sea animals if the water will be polluted?
Classify the following animals according to body parts, movements, and habitat. Write
each in the proper column.
Cat parrot bees sheep salmon whale
Body Parts Used in Moving Habitat
Wings feet Fins Land Water Both Land and
Cut /draw pictures of animals and classify them according to body parts, movements, and
Classify animals according to body parts, movements, and habitat.
Body Parts, Movements, and Habitat of Animals
A. Science Concept: Animals movements depend upon their organ for movement.
Animals live in places where their body structure can adapt.
B. References: Growing with Science and Health 3, pp. 79-88
C. Processes: Observing, Comparing, Classifying, Inferring
D. Materials: Pictures of animals, flashcards, tv, dvd player
E. Value Infusion: Appreciation for types of animals
Conservation of the animals’ habitat
F. Science Vocabulary:
Habitat- place where the animals live.
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Review
Ask: Which animals live on land? In water, both on land and water, both on land
and air?
B. Lesson Proper
Play a cassette tape (or have pupils sing songs) about animals.
Write the names of animals on small pieces of paper. Place these in a box and pass it
around. As individual pupils picks a slip of paper, let him read the names of the animal s then
act it out in the front and let the class identify each animals.
2. Presentation
Show this picture.
3. Analysis and Discussion
Can you tell their body coverings?
Can you identify the habitat of these animals?
4. Generalization
Let the pupils, share their ideas about the lesson like these…
There are different kinds of animals. They run, walk, jump, crawl, slither, fly, and swim.
They have different body parts which make them similar or distinct from one another.
The habitat is the specific environment or place where the animals live. There are
different kinds of habitat. These are the land, woodland, farm, garden, freshwater, saltwater,
and frozen regions. Each animal equipped to live in these places.
5. Application
Observe the animals in your text book.
Look for the parts of their body used for locomotion.
Record your observations.
Animals Where animals live Movements Body parts used
Where do animals live?
How can animals you observed move about?
What means of locomotion do they have?
Which animals live on land?
Which animals live on water?
Which animals live on land and on the air?
Which animals live on land and in water?
*Value Integration*
What shall we do with our helpful animals?
How will we care for them?
What would happen if dogs and cats would have gills instead of mouth?
How can you react to those people who are eating/ catching endangered animals?
Answer the following questions
1. Look at the birds outside, why can they fly in the air?
2. Have you seen a fish? Why do you think fish can stay longer in the water?
3. How does the frog eat?
4. Do you have pets? What are they? How do you protect them?
5. In what ways are animals similar to human beings?
Describe the body parts of the following animals:
Chicken, Frog, Grasshopper, Turtle, Fish
Day I
Describe the body parts of animals used for food getting/eating.
Body Parts of animals for food getting
A. Science Concept: Different animals have different ways of getting their food
B. Reference: Science For Daily Use 3, p. 66-78
Teacher’s Manual, p. 70-73
C. Processes: describing, observing
D. Materials: Live animals, pictures of animals
E. Value Infusion: Love and care for animals
F. Science Vocabulary: Food-getting
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Checking of homework
2. Review
Naming body parts of animals
Show a picture of a fish. Have them identify the fins, gills, gill cover, scales, etc.
How animals use their body parts?
B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
Have the children observe the fish in an aquarium or in a jar.
How do fish swim?
Where do fish live?
How do they get their food?
Show pictures of other kinds on of fishes. Lead the children to bring out the idea
that fish have gills for breathing) sharp teeth for tearing food.
2. Presentation
Show another set of picture of different animals. Let the pupils observe animals
as they get food.
Ask: What part of the body does the animal use to get its food?
3. Discussion
Relate the structure of the food-getting body part to the foods the animal eat.
4. Application
Encourage group work when gathering information about how animals use
their body parts to get its food.
5. Valuing
How will you show your love and care for animals?
Direction: Match Column A with Column B. Write the letter of the correct answer before the
______1. Frog
______2. Snake
______3. Heron
______4. Butterfly
______5. Carabao
A. It has proboscis for getting nectars in flowers
B. It has a sticky tongue for catching food
C. It has a large, flat teeth along sides of their
mouth for chewing grass.
D. It has a strong curved back for tearing small
animals for food
E. It has an elastic jaw that expands to enable it to
swallow the whole animal for food.
Cut out pictures of different animals. Tell about its body parts used for food-getting.
( Process Approach )
Day 2
Describe the body parts of animals used for getting food.
Body Parts of Animals Used for Getting Food
A. Science Concept: Different animals have special body parts used for getting/eating food.
B. References: BEC 2.2.1, Science and Health III, pp. 70-72
Science and Health Today 3 pp. 88
C. Processes: Observing, Describing, Inferring
D. Materials: pictures of different animals
E. Value: Love and respect to animals
1. Review
How can you classify the following animals according to their movement?
( frog, snake, bird, bat, kangaroo ,worm , carabao, horse)
2. Motivation
Let us sing “Old Mc Donald”
What are the animals mentioned in the song? Do we have those animals in the
3. Statement of the Problem
How do animals eat?
What body parts do they used in getting food?
4. Setting of Standard
1. Activity Proper
Distribute the Activity Cards to the Group
2. Reporting by the Group
3. Analysis and Abstraction
Showing pictures of the animals.
What body parts do they used in getting food?
1. Generalization
What do you call the mouth parts of cockroach and grasshopper?
What do you call the long sucking tube of a butterfly?
2. Application
Mother has a butterfly garden. How can you help her in feeding the butterflies?
Fill in the blank with correct answer. Choose your answer from the box.
Mandibles proboscis sticky tounge canine teeth
1. The frog uses its _________________ to catch insects.
2. The mouthpart or teeth of a grasshopper is called ____________.
3. The dog uses its ________________ for tearing the meat.
4. Birds have ______________ to get their food.
5. The ______________ is the long sucking tube of a butterfly that sips the nectar of the flower.
Group the following according to the parts that they used for getting food. Use the table below.
Canine Teeth Beaks
Cat hen lion maya rat
Activity Card
Problem: How do animals get their food?
Materials:(materials are assigned 2 days ago ) grasshopper, cockroach, a butterfly,
bottles, fresh leaves, cotton ball, ether, and hand lens
1. Get the butterfly or grasshopper. Put them in a separate bottles. Puncture
some holes into the cover of the bottle to keep them alive.
2. Put some fresh leaves inside the bottles. Observe how those insects eat
their food. Use the hand lens and look closely at their mouth parts.
3. Wet a cotton ball with ether. Drop into the bottle containing the butterfly .
This will make the butterfly unconscious. Take it from the bottle afterwards. Using the
hand lens, look closely at its mouth part.
Answer the following Questions:
1. Do the teeth of the grasshopper and the cockroach look alike?
2. How do these mouthparts help them get food?
3. What do butterfly eat ? How do they get their food?
Relate the mouth parts of animals to the kind of food they eat.
A. Science Concept: Animals get their food in different ways.
Animals have mouth parts to the kind of food they eat.
B. References: BEC IN Science and Health 2.2.2
SCIENCE AND Health 3 pp. 71-72
C. Processes: Observing, Comparing
D. Materials: Pictures of different animals/enlarged pictures of animals ’mouth parts
E. Value: Love for animals by treating them like human being.
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Health Inspection
2. Science News (Weather Condition)
B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
Do you have pets at home?
Do you love your pet?
Do you give them food?
How are dog and bird alike?
2. Presentation
Show pictures of different animals like dog, bird, cow, frog, tiger ,duck,
crocodile, etc.
Notice the differences of these animals.
What are the animals doing?
How do they differ from each other?
How do they eat their food?
What part of their body is used for getting food?
Do they have have the same body parts used in getting food?
The birds have beaks to get their food.
The dog have teeth for eating.
The frog have long,sticky tounge to get their food.
What did the cow use to get its food? How about the tiger?
Some animals eat raw food/plants,cooked food,and meat of other
Can you give example of those animals?
3. Analysis and Discussion
What are the ways do the animals get their food?
Do they get their food differently? Why?
4. Generalization
Why do you think animals have different body parts?
Different animals have different body parts because they eat different kinds of
foods and different ways of getting them.
5. Application
Father went home with a parrot and a puppy.
What kind of food will you give to the parrot? Puppy? Why?
Complete the following sentences .Use the words or phrases below.
Small insects beaks grass long sticky tounge
Meat flat teeth sharp teeth worm, corn, and grains
1.Frog uses its _________ to get _____________.
2. Crocodile eats _________ using its __________.
3. Birds have ______________ to get ____________.
4. Tiger eats _____________ using its ___________.
5. Cows have ______________ to get _____________.
Cut/draw pictures of animals that use sharp teeth in getting their food.
Describe what may happen to animals if they are not provided with their needs.
II. SUBJECT MATTER: Needs of Animals
A. Concept: If animals are not given food, water, and shelter they will grow weak or might
B. Processes: Observing, Inferring, Predicting
C. References: Science and Health 3, Science for Daily Use, pp. 97-98
D. Materials: pictures, charts
E. Value: Caring for Animals
1.Checking of Assignment
2. Review- Needs of Animals
1. Motivation
Show pictures of animals. What do animals need to live and grow?
2. Presentation ( pls. refer to activity card)
Group Activity
3. Analysis and Discussion
A.Group report
B. Discussion of results
What are the needs of animals?
What will happen to animals if they are not given food? Water? Air? Shelter?
4. Generalization: What will happen to animals if they are not given food, water, air and
5. Application: Illustrate what may happen to animals if they are not provided with their
needs. Color your drawing.
6. Valuing: If you have pet at home, what will you do to grow it healthy and strong?
IV. EVALUATION: Put a check mark (/) to the situation that may happen to animals if they are not
provided with their needs.
_________1. It will grow weak .
_________2. It will grow strong and healthy
_________3. It will die
_________4. It will be of help in the farm
_________5. It will develop into a full grown animal
Work on “More Things To Do” #1- Science for Daily Use p. 99-100.
Materials: glass jar, plastic cover, live caterpillar, rubber band
Procedure :
1. Place a caterpillar inside a glass jar.
2. Cover the jar.
Answer the questions below:
1. Can the caterpillar get air?
2. Can it get food? Water?
3. Will the caterpillar live and grow? Why?
Demonstrate care and concern for animals
TOPIC : Caring for Animals
A. CONCEPT : Pets should be cared for by providing them with the things they need.
B. PROCESSES : Observing, Inferring, Describing
C. REFERENCES : Science for Everyone 3 pp. 79-80
Science and Health Today 3 pp. 118-119
D. MATERIALS : pictures showing proper care for animals
E. VALUE: Proper caring and concern for animals
1. Motivation
Do you have pets at home? Where do they stay?
2. Presentation (Small group discussion)
*Let the pupils study the pictures depicting how people take good care of their pets.
*Let the pupils discuss the ways of caring for the animals.
*Let each group report their answer through a creative presentation.
3. Analysis and Discussion
What do you see in the picture?
How can we show care and concern for animals?
What can you do to your pets at home?
3. Generalization:
How can you show proper care and concern for animals?
4. Application:
Read the situation and demonstrate how will you care for the animals.
“ Pearl’s cat fell from the roof and broke its leg”.
IV. EVALUATION : Write X before the sentence that tells proper caring for animals.
------------------1. Throw a kitten in the trash can.
------------------2. Lara feeds her pet parrot.
__________3. Cut trees in the forest to destroy wildlife.
__________4. Carlo bathes his pet dog.
__________5. Animals should be brought to a shed when it rains.
Make posters to demonstrate your care and concern for our wild animals.
Exercise caution in handling animals.
TOPIC : Safety in Handling Animals
A. CONCEPT : Follow safety measures in handling or taking care of animals to avoid getting hurt.
B. PROCESSES: Observing, Inferring
C. REFERENCES : Science for Daily Use pp. 101-103
D. MATERIALS : pictures, charts
E. VALUE : Be cautious in handling and caring animals
1. Motivation
What do you think will happen if you tease your pet cat or dog while eating?
2. Presentation :
a. Display pictures of different animals
b. Post the question: What safety measures should you follow in handling animals?
3. Analysis and Discussion :
What are the animals that can be dangerous when provoked?
How should you handle these kind of animals?
Name some harmful insects and the harm they can bring or do. How can we avoid the
harm they can
Bring to us?
Discuss safety measures in handling animals.
4. Generalization :
How can we avoid the danger and harm in handling animals?
5. Application/Valuing:
Demonstrate proper ways of handling animals.
IV. EVALUATION : Put a check (/) if the practice is good and cross (x) if it is not.
________1. Sleep under a mosquito net at night.
________2. Poke a stick at a beehive.
________3. Chase a stray dog.
________4. Step on an anthill to crush the ants.
________5. Pat the head of a stray cat.
V. ASSIGN : Interview some native farmers. Determine what first aid measures they apply in case of
poisonous bites in the field.
Identify the parts of a plant
Describe the characteristics of each part
Topic : Parts of a Plant/Characteristics of Each Part
Reference : The Wonderful World of Science
Concept : The main parts of a plant are the roots, stem and leaves. Some plants have
and fruits.
Materials : real plants, chart
Processes : Observing, identifying
Values: Carefullness
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Checking of assignment
2. Review :
What parts do you observe in an animal?
B. Lesson Proper :
1. Motivation
If animals have different body parts, how about plants? Do plants have the same
like animals? What are the different plant parts?
2. Presentation
• Take the pupils outside the classroom
• Tell them to observe the plants around. Look for any plant with flowers. Pull out
the plant along with the flowers and wash it gently. Place the plant sample on the
• Have them observe, identify and describe the parts of the plant
• Let them draw the different plant parts below
• Have the pupils write the name of the part
3. Analysis and Discussion
What did you observe about plants?
What parts are common among plants?
What parts are not common among plants?
4. Generalization
What are the main parts of a plant?
What parts do some plants have which other plants do not have?
5. Application
Mother brought home some gumamela plants. What parts do the plants have?
Observe the parts of a plant I will show. Write the name of each part in your paper.
Note : These are the parts to be shown
1. Stem
2. Roots
3. Fruit
4. Leaf
5. Flower
Observe plants around. Be able to identify their parts.
For each group: Bring a real plant with complete parts
1. Describe the functions of each plant part.
2. Examine the different plant parts for better understanding of their functions.
3. Show appreciation on the importance of each plant part.
Functions of each plant part
A. Science Concept:
1. The roots hold the plant to the soil. They get water and other minerals/nutrients
the soil.
2. The stem supports the plant. It helps carry water and nutrients to the leaves.
3. The leaves make food for the plant.
4. The flowers make fruits and seeds.
5. The fruits contain seeds which will later grow into new plant.
B. References:
Science and Health III by Carmelita C. Coronel and Norma M. Abrecia pp. 89-100
Science and Health III by Buena A. Lozada pp. 113-114
C. Processes: Observing, Comparing, Experimenting, Describing
D. Materials: real plants, activity sheets
E. Value: Appreciation on the importance of plants.
1. Review
What are the different parts of plant?
2. Motivation
What do you think will happen if some parts of the plants are removed?
3. Presentation
a. Presentation of the materials to be used
b. Statement of the Problem
What are the functions of the plant parts?
1. Activity Proper
Distribute the activity cards.
Let them do the activity stated in the card.
2. Reporting by the Groups
3. Analysis and Abstraction
What can roots do to plants?
How does stem help the plant?
Are leaves important to plants? Why?
What can flowers do to plants?
Why are fruits important?
1. Generalization
What are the functions of the different parts of the plant?
2. Application
Ryan remove the leaves and flowers of an egglant.
What do you think will happen? Why?
Choose the correct answer from the box. Write the answer on the blank provided.
Stem roots leaves flowers
____________1. It makes food for the plant.
____________2. It contains seeds which later grow into new plant.
____________3. It makes fruits and seeds.
____________4. It supports the plants and carries water and nutrients from the soil.
____________5. It holds the plant to the soil.
Observe the stems of different plants. Draw each stem. What did you notice?
Problem: What are the functions of the different parts of plant?
Materials: real plant, manila paper, magnifying glass, textbook
1. Get the plant you brought.
2. Examine each part carefully using the magnifying glass.
3. List down the different parts of the plant.
4. Discuss with the members of the group the parts and functions of plants. Consult
the textbook
for reference .
5. Write the observation of the group.
Answer the following questions:
1. What can roots do to the plant?
2. How does the stem help the plant?
3. What is the function of the leaves?
4. What can flowers do?
5. What can fruits do?
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Lesson guides-1st-grading

  • 1. LESSON PLAN IN SCIENCE III I. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Describe the external parts of the eye. Participate actively in the group activity. II. SUBJECT MATTER External Parts of the Eyes A. Science Concept : Our eyes are the sense organ for seeing. These are external parts of the eyes; eyebrows, eyelashes and eyelids. B. Reference : Science & Health 3 pp.30-32 C. Processes : Observing, Describing, Identifying D. Materials : real model of an eye, mirror, manila paper, pentel pen E. Value Infusion : Caring for the eyes. III. PROCEDURE A. Preliminary Activities 1. Review What are the sense organs that we discussed yesterday? 2. Checking of Assignment B. Lesson Proper 1. Motivation One of the pupils is in front of the class, ( who is blindfold?) What did you notice o your classmate? What sense organ is not shown? 2. Presentation I will group you into six groups. (Grp.1,2, 3,4,5,6) Setting of Standard in group activity. ACTIVITY 1 ( Group 1, 3, 5 will perform this activity) Each group will perform separately. What to use: mirror, typewriting, pencil (pentel pen) What to do: 1. Look at your eyes on the mirror. Observe the external part of your eyes. 2. Draw the external part of the eye and label them.
  • 2. ACTIVITY 2 ( Group 2, 4, 6 will perform this activity) Each group will perform separately. What to use: manila paper, pentel pen What to do: 1. Identify the external part of the eyes by listing / writing them on manila paper and describe each part. C. Discussion / Analysis Group reporting What sense organ did you use? What will you do to your eyes? How will you take care of it? D. Generalization What are the external part of the eyes? How will you describe each part E. Application Who among you when swimming in a pool or beach are open their eyes? How will you protect your eyes to avoid entering anything into your eyes? IV. Evaluation ( for 5 points) Draw the external parts of the eyes label each part. 1. eyebrow 2. eyelash 3. eyelids 5 points Drawn neatly and proportion Shown all parts Identified the parts correctly 4 points Drawn neatly Shown 2 parts 3 points Not so neat. Parts were not identified. 2 points Drawn only the eye 1 points Parts were not drawn clearly. V. Assignment Identify the internal part of the eye. Prepared by : ROSANN P. AGUSTIN Teacher I - PBCS
  • 3. LESSON PLAN IN SCIENCE III I. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Describe the functions of each part of the eye. II. SUBJECT MATTER Topic: How the Eyes Work A. Science Concept: There are different parts that make up the eye. Each part is assigned with a special work to do. B. References: Science and Health- Textbook for Grade Three pp.8-9 Science and Health- Teachers Manuals p.8 C. Processes: Observing, Describing D. Materials: Hands lens, drawing of the eyes E. Value Infusion: Realize the importance of the eyes. III. PROCEDURE A. Preliminary Activities 1. Review: What do we need in order to see? What are the different parts of the eye? 2. Checking of Assignment: B. Lesson Proper: 1. Motivation: If you want to see the beautiful things around, what will you see? How many eyes do we have? Each of them has the same parts? Close your eyes, what can you see? 2. Presentation: A. Show the drawing of the eye. eyebrow eyelash eyelids
  • 4. B. Activity Proper: 1. Close your right eye. 2. Hold the pencil and put your arms apart. 3. Move both arms toward each other very quickly. Try to touch the tip of the pencil with your finger. Do this three times. Does your fingers always touch the tip of the pencil? 4. Repeat the activity with your left eye closed and your right eye open. What is the result? 5. This time, repeat the activity with both of your eyes open. What is the result? Is it easier to see the one eyes or with the two eyes. 3. Discussion and Analysis: Your eyes are your sense of sight. The eye has many parts. Each part performs a specific work. 4. Generalization Your see through our eyes. The eyes are the organs of sight. 5. Application: Answer these question: a. What do the eyes need in order to see? b. What part of the eye bends the light as it enters? c. How is the image formed on the retina? d. Where is the message from the eyes carried? IV. EVALUATION Match the phrase in column A with the items in column B. Write only the letter of the correct answer. A B ________1. the transparent covering at the a. iris front of the eye. b. retina ________2. the colored part which surrounds c. cornea the pupil. e. pupil ________3. the dark hole through which light f. lens enters the eyeballs. ________4. the blends light to make a clear image ________5. the inner part of the eye where the image of the object is formed. ________6. send message to the brain. V.ASSIGNMENT Study again the drawing of an eye. Prepared by: LUISA A. ALVANO Teacher I – Kinagunan ES
  • 5. LESSON PLAN IN SCIENCE -3 I. Demonstrates ways of keeping the eyes healthy. II. Subject Matter A. Concepts: Proper care of the Eyes 1. There are ways of taking care of the eyes. 2. The eyes need care. B. Process: Observing, describing C. Material: Posters, pictures depicting care of the eyes. D. References: Science and Health 3 TM pp. 10-11 E. Values: Caring for the eyes III. Procedure A. Preparatory Activities 1. Checking of Assignment 2. Review: What are the different eye ailments? B. Lesson Proper 1. Motivation 1. Showing picture of a. blind person b. Ophthalmologist with his/her patient c. Puzzle (e.g blind person, ophthalmologist etc.) Ask: What was the cause of this ailment? Could it be prevented? How? 2. Presentation of the Lesson 1. Ask: How could be taking of our eyes? 2. Group Activity Divide the class into four groups
  • 6. 3. Presentation of Group Output Activity 1 (Group 1) 1. Work with the group 2. Demonstrate reading under a good light Activity 2 (Group 2) 1. Work with the group 2. Demonstrate reading in a moving car or bus. Activity 3 (Group 3) Work with the group Demonstrate washing eyes by opening and closing them on the water. Activity 4 (Group 4) Work with the group Demonstrate proper way of handling sharp objects like scissor knives, nail or stick
  • 7. 4. Analysis and Discussion How should we take care of our eyes? What would happen of you do not take care of your eyes? 5. Generalization What are some practices of taking care of our eyes? 6. Application Your sister has sore eyes. She wants to sleep beside you. What will you do? Why? IV. Evaluation Check () the practice the shows care for the eyes. _____1. Read in dimly lighted areas. _____2. Eat fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins A _____3. Read in a moving vehicle _____4. Use sun glasses to protect the eyes from light _____5. Visit an eye doctor regularly fro eye check-up IV. Assignment List some practice you do to take of your eyes.
  • 8. LESSON PLAN IN SCIENCE III I. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Identify the parts of the ears. Make aware of the things around us through sense organ. II. SUBJECT MATTER Our Ears A. References : Growing with Science & Health pp. 14-17 B. Processes : Observing, Identifying C. Materials : radio, drum, penlight D. Value Focus : Concern to others. III. PROCEDURE A. 1. Review about proper caring for the eyes. 2. Checking of Assignment B. 1. Motivation Listen to a sound or music from a radio. Let others play the drum. What do you use for hearing? 2. Presentation Group the pupils into 4. Give each group a penlight and do the following activity. ACTIVITY 1 A. Close your eyes and listen to the sounds around you. List and describe all the sounds. B. Cover both ears with your hands. Can you still hear sounds? C. Ask permission if you can look at your classmate’s ears. ( If he / she refuses, do not insist) Use the flashlight so you can see the inner parts of the ear. Look without touching it, if possible. 3. Comparison and Abstraction Group report on the results of the activity. Discuss the results of the activity. 4. Generalization What are the parts of the ears? How important are them to make us aware of the things around us?
  • 9. 3 2 1 1. Pinna 2. Eardrum 3. Hammer 4. Anvil 5. Stirrup 4 5 5. Application A. Present a drawing of an ear and identify its parts. Do it through a contest by group. The first to identify all the parts will got a certain points. B. What are the parts of the ears? Call a pupil and let him identify the parts the teacher will describe. How ears help us in our daily activities? IV. EVALUATION Choose from the box the parts being described. Pinna Eardrum Stirrup Hammer Anvil Outer Ear ____________________ 1. An outer ear that acts as device for catching sound. ____________________ 2. The three small bones in the middle ear. ____________________ 3. ____________________ 4. ____________________ 5. The membrane within the ear that vibrates in response to sound waves. Prepared by : ERLINDA H. MARTINEZ Teacher II – Sipa ES
  • 10. LESSON PLAN IN SCIENCE III I. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Describe the function of the parts of the ears. II. SUBJECT MATTER Functions of the parts of the ears. A. Science Concept : Your ears are signal of your body – it signals the coming danger, and we can also appreciate pleasant sound we hear like music. B. Reference : PELC in Science and Health Growing with Science and Health II pp. 15-17 Sample Lesson Plan in Science and Health C. Process : Observing, Describing, Comparing D. Materials : Illustration of the ears E. Value Infusion : Valuing the importance of the ears. III. PROCEDURE A. Preliminary Activities a. Review What are the parts of the eyes? b. Checking of assignment c. Motivation Listen : Do you hear any sound? Cover your ears with your hands, can you hear the sounds? What makes you hear the sounds around you? B. Lesson Proper 1. Activities The teacher will post the functions of the parts of the ears then pupil will arrange the jumbled letters to form the correct parts. 2. Analysis What are the three major parts of the ears? What are their functions? Why do you think the outer ear is shaped like a cup? 3. Abstraction Each part of the ear has its own important function to our body that is why we should take good care of them.
  • 11. 4. Application Choose one part of the ear then describe its function. (orally) IV. EVALUATION Match column A to column B. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided for. _______ 1. The organ of balance A. cochlea _______ 2. It catches sound waves B. semi-circular canal _______ 3. Sensory cells and it C. eardrum send message to the brain D. stirrup _______ 4. It makes the three small E. pinna bones move. F. hammer _______ 5. The small bones are hammer, anvil and _____. V. ASSIGNMENT Draw the parts of the ears and label its part. Prepared by : FELICIA L. SITOY Teacher I – Dayap ES
  • 12. LESSON PLAN IN SCIENCE -3 I. Objectives 1. Demonstrates ways of keeping the ears healthy. 2. Practice health habits that will keep the ears healthy. II. Subject Matter Proper care of the ears, A. Concept: We should practice desirable health habits to keep the ears healthy. There are ways of caring for your ears to keep them healthy. B. Processes: Observing, describing, recording, demonstrating. C. Materials: pictures showing proper care of the ears D. References: Growing with Science and Health 3 Tx p. 18-21. Growing with science and Health 3 TM pp, 15-18 PELC 1-3 E. Values Integrated: Practice of desirable health habits for the care of ears. III. Learning Activities A. Preparatory Activities 1. What are the common ailments of ears? 2. Present pictures showing different situations. Which of these situations you do? Why are you doing these? B. Developmental Activities Raising of Problem: How do you take care of your ears? Activity: Read the procedure for the activity.
  • 13. Pinch your nose, close your mouth and blow your nose a little. Questions: • What did you feel in your ears? • Can you tell why you should not blow your nose too much? • What would happen if you did not take care of your ears? • Discussion Generalization: What should you do t keep your ears healthy? Applications: Group pupils into three. Each group show/act out how to take care of the ears. Give at least 5 ways on how to take care of your ears. IV. Evaluation: Put a check (/) if it is good health habit on taking care of the ears and a cross (x) if it is not. ______ 1. Wearing ear protectors in noisy places. ______ 2. Removing the wax of the ears using hairpin. ______ 3. Cleaning the ears with cotton buds. ______4. Putting sharp objects into the ears. ______5. Seeing a doctor if you have an ear problem. V. Assignment: Bring three (3) pictures showing proper ways on how to take care of the ears.
  • 14. LESSON PLAN IN SCIENCE III I. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Describe the parts of the skin. II. SUBJECT MATTER Parts of the Skin A. Science Concept : The parts of the skin are the epidermis, dermis, melanin, capillaries and the nerve ending. B. Reference : PELC I. 1.1.1. C. Processes : Identifying, Observing D. Materials : Illustration / enlarge picture of the skin, magnifying glass. E. Value Infusion : care for the skin III. PROCEDURE A. Preliminary Activities 1. Review What organ of the body helps you tell different sensations? 2. Checking of Assignment 3. Motivation Which do you think is the largest organ in your body? B. Activity Proper ACTIVITY 1 What are the outer parts of the skin? What to use: magnifying glass What to do: 1. Look closely at your skin using the magnifying glass. 2. Draw what you see. What you have found out? 1. What is the outer part of your skin? 2. What is the color of your outer skin? 3. What can melanin do? ACTIVITY 2 What are the inner parts of the skin? What to use: picture of the skin and its parts What to do: 1. Look at the picture 2, Study the inner parts of our skin. 3. Draw the inner parts of the skin and label it.
  • 15. What you have found out: 1. What is the inner part of the skin? 2. What part of the skin enables to detect hot from cold? C. Discussion / Analysis What are the outer parts of the skin? What are the inner parts of the skin? D. Abstraction What are the parts of the skin? E. Generalization Describe the parts of the skin. F. Application Encircle the words in the puzzle that identify the parts of the skin. D O C E L R M P A C K D E S E C A P I L L A R I E S F V R D P I B R O D B A N D E R M P R D S T T A W I N T O U I R N E R V E E N D I N G S S C O R T E B A R E T A S K S Q O M E L A N I N G O L Y T S L I R A S J O N H F J T V T Y S U L R L A O C V N V IV. EVALUATION Choose from the box the parts of the skin being described. melanin nerve endings dermis epidermis capillaries ___________________ 1. A pigment cell responsible for giving color of the skin and hair. ___________________ 2. The outer layer of the skin. ___________________ 3. Part of the skin that is sensitive to pressure, touch, pain, and temperature. ___________________ 4. The inner layer of the skin. ___________________ 5. It enlarge and contract to balance the hotness or coldness that reach the skin. V. ASSIGMENT What are the function of the part of the skin? Prepared by: JUSTINA Q. ARANILLA Teacher I – P. Burgos Central
  • 16. LESSON PLAN IN SCIENCE III I. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Describe the function of each part of the skin. II. SUBJECT MATTER Topic: Function of Parts of the Skin Science Concept: Each part of the skin has definite function. Reference: Growing with Science and Health 3 pp. 35-38 Growing and Health 3 pp. 61-63 PELC 1.1.2 Processes: Observing and Describing Materials: Toothpicks, a partner Value Infusion: Valuing the importance of the parts of the skin. III. PROCEDURE A. Preliminary Activities 1. Review What are the different parts of the skin? 2. Checking of Assignment 3. Motivation Can you describe your skin? B. Activity Proper Activity What to use: Toothpicks, a partner What to do: 1. Get a classmate as a partner. Touch your partner’s skin with one or two toothpicks held between your fingers. 2. Touch different parts of your partner’s body with one or two toothpicks. See if your partner can feel whether one or two toothpicks are touching her body. List down the parts of her body where he/she make correct responses. 3. Compare the color of your skin with your partner. What you have found out: a. Which parts of your body are most sensitive to touch? b. Which parts of the body are least sensitive to touch? c. After doing some activities you perspire or sweat? d. What is the color of your skin? Is it the same as that of your partner? Why? C. Analysis What are the function of the outer layer of the skin? What are the function of the inner layer of the skin?
  • 17. D. Abstraction What are the function of each parts of the skin? F. Application When you stand near a stove you can feel the heat from the flame? Why? IV. EVALUATION Identify the parts of the skin being described. ___________1. it provides waterproof protection of the body. ___________2. It helps maintain body temperature. ___________3. It gives color to the skin. ___________4. It sends messages to the brain. V. ASSIGNMENT Observe people with diseases of the skin. Write a short report on what you observed. Share this to the class. Prepared by: TINA M. CIRINEO Teacher I – P. B. Central
  • 18. LESSON PLAN IN SCIENCE -3 I. Objectives 1. Identifies ways of keeping the skin healthy. 2. Practices desirable health habits in caring for the skin. II. Subject Matter Caring for the skin A. Concept: Our skin needs care. There are ways to follow to make the skin healthy. A healthy skin helps you improve the way you look. B. Processes: Observing, describing, stating C. Materials: Real objects, pictures D. References: Science and Health 3 p. 26 Growing with Science & Health, TM Growing with Science & Health TX pp. 39-40 PELC 1-3 E. Value: Caring for the skin III. Procedure A. Preparatory Activities 1. Health Inspection 2. Checking of Assignment 3. Review-What are the ailments of the skin? B. Developmental Activities 1. Raising of Problem The skin needs proper care. What will the ways to make our skin healthy?
  • 19. 2. Activity Read the practices on how to keep your skin healthy. Match picture with strips Keeping your Skin Healthy (with pictures) 1. ( a boy taking a bath) Take a daily bath. 2. (a boy with a soft towel) Use a soft towel to wash your skin. 3. (a girl with a soft towel) Use a soft towel to wash your skin. 4. (a girl scratching her skin) Avoid scratching your skin. 5. (children playing under the sun) Do not play under the sun. 6. ( a boy with skin infection consulting a doctor) See a doctor when you have a skin infection. 3. Discussion • Do you take a bath daily? If you do not take a bath, what would you feel? • Why is eating plenty of fruits and vegetables good for the skin. • What should you use to wipe your skin? • Why is it necessary to see a doctor if you have a skin infection? 4. Generalization • How can we take care of our skin? • Why is keeping the skin healthy important? • Keep your skin healthy. A healthy skin helps improve the way you look. Your skin needs utmost care to keep them soft, smooth & healthy. 5. Application
  • 20. • To keep the skin healthy one must also have enough rest, sleep and exercise. Would you stay late watching television at night? IV. Evaluation: Read the following practices. Choose the practices that are good. Put a check mark before the number on the blank. _____ 1. Do not play long under the sun. _____2. Have enough rest, sleep and exercise. _____3. Borrow and use other people’s towel. _____4. Use comfortable shoes to avoid blisters. _____5. Use other people’s soap for washing parts of your body. V. Assignment: List down other ways of caring for the skin.
  • 21. LESSON PLAN IN SCIENCE III I. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Identify parts of the tongue that sense different tastes. Tell that taste buds cover the tongue. II. SUBJECT MATTER Parts of the Tongue A. Science Concept : 1. The tongue senses different tastes. 2. Tastes areas are sensitive to bitter taste, sour taste, salty taste and sweet taste. 3. The tongue is covered with taste buds. 4. The nerve connected to the taste buds send message to the brain. B. Reference : PELC 1.1 p. 5 Science and Health 3, pp.20-21 Science for everyone 3, p.3 Growing with Science and Health 3, pp29-31. C. Processes: Observing, Describing D. Materials : Picture of Tongue with label, candy, ampalaya, vinegar, salt, mirror E. Value Infusion : Care of the tongue. III. PROCEDURE A. Preliminary Activities 1. Review What are the different part of the eyes? 2. Checking of Assignment Picture of the eye B. Lesson Proper 1. Motivation What helps you tell the taste of the food your eat? 2. Have the pupils examine their tongue in a mirror. Let them describe what they see. ( pink color, tiny bumps ) Ask : How do you think the tongue can distinguish sweet from sour taste? salty taste from bitter taste?
  • 22. 3. Present pictures of food. Conduct a taste test. Blindfold several pupils and ask them to identify the tastes by doing the following: Taste the candy, ampalaya, vinegar and salt. Ask some pupils to taste one food and tell its taste. Ask: How do you taste food? What do you use for testing different types of food? 4. Present the map of tongue showing the areas where in the different taste are sensed. taste areas sensitive to bitter taste taste areas sensitive to sour taste taste areas sensitive to salty taste taste areas sensitive to sweet taste. Ask : What are different taste of food? Which part of the tongue has taste buds sensitive to sweet food? sour? bitter? salty? 5. Generalization What are the parts of your tongue that sense different taste? 6. Application Answer the following: 1. Which food tastes salty? a. mango b. chocolate c. dried fish d. kamias 2. Which food taste bitter? a. ampalaya c. garlic b. onion d. cabbage 3. Which taste sweet? a. calamansi c. cake b. tamarind d. guava
  • 23. IV. EVALUATION 1. The surface of the ( tongue , nose , ear ) has taste buds. 2. The sweet taste is recognized on the ( tip , back , side , near tip ) of the tongue. 3. The bitterness of ampalaya can be identified by the ( tip , back , side , near back ) of the tongue. 4. The salty bagoong can be tasted by the ( tip , back , side , near back ) of the tongue. 5. Lita ate tamarind candy. The sour taste can be recognized by the ( tip , back , near , near back ) of the tongue V. HOMEWORK Complete the table using the four areas of the tongue. Check it ( / ) Parts of the Tongue Taste side near tip the tip the back back bitter salty sour sweet Prepared by ; PAZ M. UY SIA Teacher III – Cabuyao ES
  • 24. LESSON PLAN IN SCIENCE III I. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Explain the function of each part of the tongue. II. SUBJECT MATTER Function of the Tongue Parts A. Science Concept : The tongue has different taste such as areas sensitive to bitter taste, sour taste, salty taste an sweet taste. B. Reference : BEC I 1.2 p.5 Science for Everyone 3 p. 6 Science and Health 3 pp. 20-21 Growing with Science and Health pp. 29-31 C. Processes : Observing, Describing, Inferring D. Materials : pictures, vinegar, sugar, salt, ampalaya, saucer, cotton buds, water E. Value Infusion : Caring for the tongue. III. PROCEDURE A. Preliminary Activities 1. Review What are the different parts of the tongue? 2. Checking of Assignment B. Lesson Proper 1. Motivation Show a vinegar, sugar, salt, ampalaya, saucer, cotton buds, water. Ask some pupils to name it. 2. Presentation Group the pupils into two. Each group will choose a leader to report their work and a secretary to write their answers on the manila paper. Do the activity within 15 minutes. 3. Comparison and Abstraction a. Group Discussion b. What part of the tongue is sensitive to sweet taste? What is the function of the tip of the tongue? c. What part of the tongue can detect the salty taste? bitter? sour? 4. Generalization What are the function of the tongue parts? the tip of you tongue? 5. Application a. What part of our tongue can tell the taste of chocolate? soy sauce? green mango? b. Identify the function of the parts of our tongue.
  • 25. IV. EVALUATION Select the correct answer. 1. The ( bitter , salty , sweet , sour ) taste is recognized on the tip of the tongue. 2. The ( bitter , salty , sweet , sour ) taste is recognized on the side near the tip of the tongue. 3. The ( bitter , salty , sweet , sour ) taste is recognized on the side near back of the tongue. 4. The ( bitter , salty , sweet , sour ) taste is recognized on the back of the tongue. 5. If you eat chocolate, the ( bitter , salty , sweet , sour ) taste is recognized. V. ASSIGMENT On your notebook : List down all the functions of the tongue parts. Prepared by : DULCE S. URLANDA Teacher I – Polo ES
  • 26. ACTIVITY I. PROBLEM What are the functions of the tongue parts? II. MATERIALS Picture of a tongue, sugar, salt, vinegar, ampalaya, cotton buds, water, saucer, manila paper, pentel pen. III. PROCEDURE 1. Place one fourth teaspoon of sugar in a saucer. Mix a teaspoon of water with sugar. 2. Dip a cotton bud in the water. Put your tongue out. Place the cotton bud on the tip of your tongue. Do it with all the members of the group. Can you taste anything sweet? 3. Rinse your tongue with water. Do it in the other parts of the tongue, on the right side of the tongue near the tip. 4. Repeat the activity using salt, vinegar, ampalaya. 5. Present the map of the tongue showing different parts. taste areas sensitive to bitter taste taste areas sensitive to sour taste taste areas sensitive to salty taste taste areas sensitive to sweet taste. V. QUESTIONS 1. What are the materials used in the activity? 2. What part of the tongue is sensitive to sweet taste? 3. Which part of the tongue can detect the salty taste? sour? bitter taste? 4. What is the function of sides near the tip of your tongue?
  • 27. LESSON PLAN IN SCIENCE -3 I. Objectives 1. Identifies ways of keeping the tongue healthy. 2. Practices desirable health habits that will keep the tongue healthy. II. Subject Matter Ways of Keeping the Tongue healthy. A. Concept: The tongue is an important organ for eating, tasting food and for speaking. Take care of your tongue. B. Processes: Observing, describing, demonstrating C. Pictures, chart showing how to take care of the tongue, cotton balls. D. References: Science and Health 3 Tx pp. 22-23 Growing with Science and Health 3 Tx pp. 32-34 Growing with Science and Health 3 TM E. Value: Caring for the tongue F. Science Vocabulary: moist, sore III. Procedure A. Preparatory Activities 1. Health inspection 2. Checking of assignment 3. Review • Which organ of your body helps identify different tastes? • How can you describe the tongue? • Can you move your tongue anyway you like it to move? • Why is tongue an important organ? B. Developmental Activities 1. Unlocking of difficulties 2. Motivation: Have you experienced sore in your tongue?
  • 28. What do you think are the causes of sores in your tongue? 3. Presentation • Showing pictures on ways of keeping the tongue healthy. • Read some rules to follow to take care of your mouth cavity. 4. Discussion • What are the ways of keeping the tongue healthy? • Why do you need to brush your teeth every after meal? 5. Generalization • What are the ways of keeping the tongue healthy? 6. Application Wash your hands thoroughly. Place it around your finger. Wet it and gently swab your tongue. Then gargle water to rinse it. “How does your tongue feel?” IV. Evaluation Direction: Put a check of the statement show ways of keeping your tongue healthy? Write A if you agree and write D if you disagree. _____ 1. Eating very hot food is good for the tongue because it will make the tongue strong. _____ 2. Wash the tongue with soap and water. _____ 3. Eat too much candies or chocolates. TAKING CARE OF YOUR TONGUE 1. Brush your teeth after each meal. Remove unchewed food with dental floss or toothpick. 2. Avoid taking any food or liquid that is too hot or too cold. 3. Gently brush your tongue. Use a wet cotton ball or clean cloth to do it. 4. Be careful with the food you eat or taste
  • 29. _____4. Wash your hands before eating. Germs can get into the food and may contaminate your tongue. _____5. Chew the food thoroughly so you do not make the mistake of biting your tongue. V. Assignment: What will happen if: 1. You brush your tongue every time you brush your teeth? 2. You bite your tongue?
  • 30. LESSON PLAN IN SCIENCE III I. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Identify the parts of the nose. Label the parts of the nose. Observe keenly and nose. II. SUBJECT MATTER Parts of the Nose A. Concept : The nose has different parts, the bridge of the nose, mucous membrane, and nostrils B. References : Science for Everyone p.5 Science and Health pp.36-37 C. Materials : picture of the nose, mirror D. Process : Observing, Describing, Inferring E. Value : Care for the nose III. PROCEDURE A. Preparatory Activities 1. Checking up of assignment 2. Review : What are the different parts of the ear. B. Lesson Proper 1. Motivation. What helps you tell the smell of things around you? 2. Presentation A. Have the pupils look at their nose in the mirror. Let them describe the structure of the nose base on what they see. B. Instruct the pupils to look inside their nose by raising the tip. Have them tell what they see inside. 3. Activities Let the pupils do this group activity I. Problem: What are the main parts of the nose? II. Objectives: 1. Observe the different parts of the nose. 2. Identify the different parts of the nose. III. Materials: picture of the nose IV. Procedure 1. Study the picture of the nose with label. mucous membrane bridge of the nose nostril
  • 31. 2.List down all the parts of the nose V. What are the main parts of the nose? 4. Discussion a. What do you see inside your nose? b. What do you call the two openings in your nose? c. What do you call the hair attached to it. 5. Concept Formation a. What are the two different parts of the nose? b. Did you follow your group leader? How? c. How can you take care of your nose? 6. Application Study the drawing and label each part. 1. Study the picture of the nose with label. IV. EVALUATION Draw the Nose. Label its parts. V. ASSIGNMENT Describe hoe the nose smells to odor of things. Prepared by: CATHERINE F. BARCELONA Teacher I – Yawe ES
  • 32. LESSON PLAN IN SCIENCE III I. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Identifying the function of the parts of the nose. II. SUBJECT MATTER Function of the Parts of the Nose A. Science Concept : Scents enter the nose through the nostril and nasal cavity. At the end of the nose are the olfactory nerves which pick up the scents and relay the message to the brain. The brain interprets the smell. B. References : PELC, 1.2 Science and Health 3, p. 18 Growing with Science and Health 3 , pp 22-24 C. Processes : Observing, Describing, Inferring D. Materials : pictures E. Value Infusion : Care for our nose. III. PROCEDURE A. Preliminary Activities 1. Review How does a person hear sound? 2. Checking of assignment. B. Lesson Proper 1. Motivation Spray air freshener or have a plenty of sampaguita garland inside the room. Identifying the pleasant smell and the sense organ associated with the sense of smell. 2. Presentation Identify parts of the nose using the pictures. 3. Describing / Inferring the process of smelling odor or fragrances. The air we breathe enters the nostril and pass through the nasal cavity. At the nasal cavity are (a) the mucus membranes, which keeps the air warm and moist, and (b) the cilia, or tiny hairs which blocks off dust and germs. Olfactory nerves at the noses end sense the smell and relay the message to the brain. The brain interprets the message.
  • 33. 4. Concept Formation What is the function of the nostril? What is the function of the mucous membrane? how about the cilia? What is the function of the olfactory nerves? Which part interpret the message? 5. Application Discuss impolite / improper habits such as: pinching of one’s nose in public, runny nose, and sneezing in front of others. IV. EVALUATION Choose your answer form the box. mucus membrane cilia nostrils nasal cavity outer ear olfactory nerves _____________________ 1. The two holes of the nose where air passes through. _____________________ 2. The passage of the nose which keep the air warm and moist. _____________________ 3. The part of the nose which keep the air warm and moist. _____________________ 4. The tiny hairs which block off dust and germs. _____________________ 5. The parts which transmit the message to the brain. V. ASSIGNMENT Make a short paragraph on how you would take care of your nose. Prepared by: EMELITA A. RICAFORT Teacher I – Kinagunan ES
  • 34. LESSON PLAN IN SCIENCE -3 I. Objectives: 1. Demonstrate ways of keeping the nose healthy. 2. Practice desirable health habits that will keep the nose healthy. II. Subject Matter: People Proper Care of the Nose A. Concept: There are ways of keeping the nose healthy. Take care of our nose. Without nose we cannot breathe or smell. B. Processes: Observing, describing, and demonstrating. C. Materials: Pictures showing proper care of the nose. D. References: Science and Health 3 Tx p. 19 Growing with Science & Health 3 Tx pp. 27-28 Growing with Science & Health 3 TM pp E. Value: Caring for the nose III. Procedure A. Preparatory Activities 1. Health Inspection 2. Checking of assignment 3. Review: What are the common ailments of the nose? B. Developmental Activities Raising of Problem: How should you take care of the nose? What are the things you should follow to avoid different ailments of the nose? Activity: 1. Study the pictures, and act out Picture No. 1. A girl using a soft tissue or clean cloth in cleaning the nose. [Type a quote from
  • 35. Picture No. 2 A girl covering her nose while passing by dusty road. Picture No. 3 A boy blowing his nose gently. 2. Read the following tips that go with the picture • Use a soft cloth or tissue paper to clean your nose. • Never put small objects such as seeds, buttons, or nuts inside your nostrils. • Cover your nose when you pass by dusty roads, avoid sniffing obnoxious smell of gasoline, plastic cement and other insecticides. • Stay away from people with colds or cough. These diseases are communicable. You may easily get sick, too, • Blow your nose gently, when you have nose bleeding, do not blow it. Put something cold as ice pack on the bleeding side of the nose. Analysis and Discussions: 1. What would you do when you pass by a dusty road? 2. Why would you use soft cloth or clean tissue in cleaning the nose? 3. Do you stay away from people with cold? Why? Generalization: Why should we take care of our nose? What are the healthy tips in caring the nose? Applications: • If nose bleeds occur, what will you do? • Why should you not smell substances with strong odor? [Type a [Type a quote from
  • 36. IV. Evaluation: Directions: Put a check (/) if the statement shows desirable health habits for the nose and an x if is not. ______ 1. A boy uses his hands in cleaning his nose? ______ 2. A girl covering her nose while dusting or cleaning an electric fan. ______ 3. A man blows his opponent hard on the nose. ______ 4. Girlie sniffing an unknown substances, ______ 5. A traffic policeman with a mask. V. Assignment: List down others ways of caring for the nose,
  • 37. LESSON PLAN IN SCIENCE -3 I. Objective • Describe ways of preventing injuries to the sense organs. II. Subject Matter: Ways of Preventing Injuries to the Sense Organs A. Concept: There are ways of preventing injuries to the sense organs such as caring for the eyes, nose, ears, skin and tongue. B. Processes: Describing, identifying C. Materials: Pictures of different injuries involving the sense organs D. References: Growing with science and Health 3 pp. 2-41 Discover Science 3 pp. 2-27, PELC 11.4 E. Value: Caring for the sense organs III. Procedure A. Pre-activity 1. Review Recall the five sense and the sense organs. B. Developmental Activities 1. Motivation Present situations that may cause injuries of the sense organs during class hour or recess times. Show pictures of different injuries involving the sense organs. Talk about what cause these injuries. Ask: Can you tell ways on how to prevent these injuries? 2. Activity Proper Let the pupils form groups of five. Each will be given a topic about the sense organ’s injuries and how these will be prevented. Let them brainstorm for ten minutes. Tell them to use their textbook to get new information needed in their report. Let
  • 38. them record their data on the chart. Make a chart like this for them to de4scribe clearly the ways of preventing the injuries to the sense organs. Title: The Eyes Injuries Preventions 3. Group Reporting and Discussion 4. Generalization What are the injuries of the eyes> nose? ears? tongue? And skin? Describe how all of these can be prevented. 5. Application What will happen if you do not take good care of your sense organs? What are the things that may be affected when they are injured? 6. Valuing What will you do in order to enjoy the gift of having healthy sense organs? IV. Evaluation Choose the letter of the correct answer 1. What should be done in order to avoid sunburn? a. Use sunglasses b. Use sun block when staying out for a long time. c. Stay under the sun the whole day. 2. What should you do to prevent colds? a. Avoid drinking a lot of fluids b. Always expose to cold places
  • 39. c. Keep your body with high resistance at all time. 3. What would you do to help prevent loss of hearing? a. Be expose in place with loud sounds b. Clean your ears with cotton buds c. Put sharp objects inside your ears. 4. To avoid burns in your tongue, you should a. Avoid drinking very hot beverages and eating very hot food b. Drink a very hot coffee c. Sip a cup of hot soup. 5. Which injury of the skin is can be avoided through washing the face with soap and water to remove dirt’s, extra oil, sweat and dead skin cells? a. Tinea Flava (an-an) b. Scabies c. Acne or pimples V. Assignment List down other ways of preventing injuries to the sense organs. LESSON PLAN IN SCIENCE -3 I.Objective Describe ways of preventing injuries to the sense organs. II. Subject Matter Ways of Preventing Injuries to the Sense Organs A. Science Concept: Our sense organs are very important in our daily living, they must be cares properly in order to prevent injuries to the sense organs. B. Processes: Observing, Inferring C. . Materials: Illustration of preventing injuries of the sense organs.
  • 40. D. References: Science and Health for Grade 3 PELC – 1.4 E. Value: Caring of the sense organs F. Integration: Music (Singing Song) III. Procedure A. Preparatory Activities 1. Check up of assignment 2. Weather Report 3. Review What are some of the injuries of the eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin? B. Developmental Activities 1. Motivation Let us sing a song ‘Brush Your Teeth and Tongue” to the tune of “Row, Row, Row, Your boat.” Brush, brush, brush your teeth Three times everyday Upward, downward (2x) Brush teeth everyday. Repeat: Change the word into tongue. How do you feel if one of your sense organs is not functioning well? Do you feel active and lively just if you sit in the corner? 2. Presentation How can you take good care of your sense organs? (Present pictures showing the ways of preventing injuries of the sense organs)
  • 41. 3. Lesson Proper Here are the ways to prevent injuries of our sense organs (Put these in the chart) • Caring for the Eyes Read and do work under good light Do not read when lying down or in a moving vehicle Do not rub your eyes. They might get irritated Never look directly at the sun. Very bright light can harm your eyes. Keep fingers and pointed objects away from your eyes. Let your eyes rest after reading or sewing When something goes wrong with your eyes, see an eye doctor. Eat foods that are rich in Vitamin A such as carrots, papaya and squash. When you watch television do not get too close. Turn on a light to avoid too much contact between the television and the dark. Caring for the Ears • Never use clips or toothpicks to clean your eyes. Use cotton buds or soft cloth instead. • Do not allow your playmates to shout into your ears. • When playing, take care that hard objects do not hit your ears. • Ask your mother to take you to a doctor if you have any ear problem. Caring for your Nose • Get a soft clean cloth • Place it around your finger. Wet it. • Gently swab your tongue. Then gargle water to rinse it
  • 42. 4. Discussion • How do you take care of your eyes? • What foods are good for the eyes? • What should you do when you read? • How will you clean your ears? • What should you use to clean your ears? If you experience a nose bleeding, what should you do? What should be done with your nose? For how many minutes? How will you clean your tongue? What are some common skin problems? How can you keep your skin healthy? 5. Generalization In order to prevent injuries to the sense organs, what should you do? 6. Application On your way how you saw banana pealing on the ground. What should you do? Why? IV. Evaluation Write True if the sentence is correct and write False if it is wrong. 1. We should eat very hot food to make our tongue stay healthy. •Keeping Your Skin Healthy • Take a bath everyday • Use soft towel to wipe your skin • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables • Avoid scratching your skin • Don not play long under the heat of the sun • See a doctor when you have skin infection.
  • 43. 2. We should not blow our nose too hard. 3. Wearing ear protectors in noisy places. 4. Scratch skin with dirty nails. 5. Visit the eye doctor regularly. VI. Assignment: Make a paragraph about ways of Preventing Injuries to the Sense Organs. LESSON PLAN IN SCIENCE -3 I. OBJECTIVES Describe ways of preventing injuries to the sense organs II. Subject Matter Ways of Preventing Injuries to the sense Organs A.Concept: There are ways of preventing injuries with the sense organs. B. Processes: Observing, Inferring C. Materials: Charts, Manila paper, pentel pen D.References: RLC I-1.4 Science for Daily Use 3 E. Values: Caring for the sense organs III. Procedure A. Preparatory Activities 1. Health inspection 2. Weather Report B. Developmental Activities 1. Review What are some ways of caring for the sense organs?
  • 44. Fill in the chart SENSE ORGANS WAYS OF CARING FOR THE SENSE ORGANS EYES NOSE EARS TONGUE SKIN 2. Motivation How do you feel if one of your sense organs is not functioning well? 3. Presentation (Present pictures/charts that shows injuries of the sense organs How can we prevent injuries to the sense organs? 4. Lesson Proper Ways of Preventing Injuries to the Eyes • Do not read when lying down or in a moving vehicle. • Don’t rub your eyes, they might get irritated. • Never look directly at the sun. Very bright light can harm your eyes. • Let your eyes rest after reading or sewing. • When something goes wrong with your eyes, see an eye doctor immediately. • When you watch television don’t get too close. Turn a light to avoid too much contact between the television and the dark. • Eat foods that are rich in vitamin A. • Ways of Preventing Injuries for the Ears • Never use clips or toothpicks to clean your ears. Use cotton buds or soft cloth instead.
  • 45. • Do not allow anybody to shout into your ears. • Ask your mother to take you to a doctor if you have any ears problem. • Ways to Prevent Injuries to Your Nose • When blowing the nose, use a clean handkerchief. • Do not blow your nose very hard when you have colds. • If something goes wrong with your nose, call a doctor. • Ways to Prevent Injuries to Your Tongue • Keep your mouth clean • Make sure that you eat clean food. • Wash your hands before eating. Germs can get into the Food and may contaminate your tongue. • Avoid eating very hot food,. It may scald your tongue. • Chew on your food properly so you do not make the mistake of biting your tongue.- • Ways to Prevent Injuries to Your Skin • Take a bath everyday • Use a soft towel to wipe your skin • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables • Avoid scratching your skin • See a doctor when you have skin infection 5. Discussion • How do we prevent injuries to our eyes? • What foods are good for the eyes? • What should you do when you read? -How do we prevent ailments/ injuries to our ears?
  • 46. • If an ant enters your ears. What will you do to remove it? - He do we prevent injuries to our nose? - What is the proper way of blowing the nose? - What are some common injuries of our tongue? - How do we prevent those injuries - What are some common skin problems> - Give some ways to prevent it. 6. Generalization Why is it important to prevent injuries to our sense organs? • Prevention of injuries to our sense organs in important so that it would function well. 7. Application • Have the children work in groups Group 1 – Ailments/ injuries affecting the eyes and tongue. Group 2 – Injuries affecting the ears and nose. Group 3- Injuries affecting the skin. • Have the pupils prepare a report following the format below and have the leaders discuss it in front of the class. SENSE ORGANS INJURIES CARE/PREVENTION IV. Evaluation Copy the letter of the correct answer.
  • 47. 1. To protect your eyes while reading or watching TV, you should ___ a. use bright light c. switch off light b. use enough light d. place light in front of you 2. To have clear eyesight you should _____ a. eat food rich in vitamin A b. eat food rich in Vitamin D c. wash your eyes often d. close your eyes 3. To protect your nose it you have colds, you should ____. a. blow it hard c. cover it with your hand b. blow it gentle d. clean it. 4. To prevent injuries o your tongue, you should _____ a. eat hot food fast c. eat even if you’re not hungry b. avoid eating hot food d. blow it hard. 5. Which of the following is best for the skin? A, swimming in dirty water b. Over exposure to sun c. take a bath regularly d. Pinching the skin V. Assignment: Collect cutouts or pictures showing preventions of injuries of the sense organs. Pastes it in a band paper, make it as an album.
  • 48. LESSON PLAN IN SCIENCE -3 I. Objectives Tells how rest and recreation affect ones growth and development. II. Subject Matter: Need for Rest and Recreation A. Concept: Rest and recreation are important to relax one’s mind and body. Prolonged and heavy physical/mental activity disturbs normal body/mind functioning and may cause illness. B. Processed Stressed: Observation, description and making inference C. Materials: Pictures of children in wholesome play and other recreational activities. D. Reference: PELC p. 6 Growing in Science III E. Science Vocabulary: Recreation, fatigue III. Learning Activities A. Preliminary Activities 1. Health inspection 2. Checking of assignment 3. Review: What are the effects of illness or diseases on one’s growth and development? B. Lesson Proper 1. Motivation Perform physical exercises What do you want to do after the exercise? 2. Introducing/Unlocking the terms “rest” and “recreation”. How do you feel after doing some intense physical activity?
  • 49. 3. Ask: What have you observe and experience why rest and recreation are important for healthy and growth. Have you ever experienced extreme tiredness of fatigue? boredom, tension or nervousness, mental block? What happens if you lack of sleep? How would you feel it you worked or studies most of the time and never allowed to play? Explain why you like to play. 4. Book verification/text reading pp. 36-38. 5. Concept formation • Why does the boy need rest and recreation? 6. Application Perform class survey. How many of you enjoy doing these activities like dancing, singing, drawing and others during leisure time? IV. Evaluation: Encircle the letter of the correct answer. 1. How many hours of sleep does a growing child need? a. 2-4 b. 4-6 c. 8-10 2. Which of the following recreation helps develop mental abilities? a. Watching TV gossip shows b. Making “tele-babad” c. Reading good books and magazines 3. Which of the following shows good effect of exercise? a. Clear eyesight b. Firm muscles and strong bones
  • 50. c. Heart disease 4. Which is a good study habit? a. Cramming one day before the test. b. Reading lessons everyday and sleeping well c. Having a continuous 2-hour study schedule without break or rest 5. Cite one possible effect of lack of sleep. a. Dizziness and vomiting b. Fresh, active mind c. Feeling happiness V. Assignment Give health practices before and after eating.
  • 51. LESSON PLAN IN SCIENCE -3 I. Objectives Adopt the changes that take place as one grows II. Subject Matter Changes that take place as one grows. A. Science Concept: There are changes that take place as one grows. B. Processes: Observing, describing, inferring C. Materials: pictures/charts D. References: Science& Health TX/TM pp. PELC III. Learning Activities A. 1. Checking of Assignment 1. Drill/Review What are the factors that affect one growth and development? B. Developmental Activities 1. Motivation 1. Song 2. Showing pictures of a baby as he/she grows What can you say about the height and weight of the baby as she/he grows? C. Lesson Proper 1. Activity a. Let the pupils recall observation about babies. Let them record the physical activities babies can do ( kick, walk on focus)
  • 52. 1. Let them fill in the boxes with physical activities, then and now. Then Now 1. 2 3 4 5 2. Let the pupils compare the activities that they could do then and now. 3. Do the same procedure and compare social activities then and now. 4. Discuss with the pupils why they change in every activities as they grow, Generalization: How did you cope with the changes that happen as you grow? Application: You are no longer a baby. Do you still play only with the members of your family? IV. Evaluation Write the activities in each column. Select from the activities below: Physical Activities Social Activities Then Now Then Now 1. Crawling 1. Running 1. Playing with 1. Going out mother with friends
  • 53. 2. Clapping 2. Swimming 2, playing with sister 2. Making 3. Playing 3. Dancing new friends 3. Helping a friend V. Assignment: Talk with your friend. Find out if you do the same physical/social activities.
  • 54. LESSON PLAN IN SCIENCE -3 I. Objectives Infer that there are factors affecting one’s growth and development. II. Subject Matter: Factors Affecting One’s Growth and Development A. Science Concept: Factors affecting one’s growth and development are rest and sleep, exercise and recreation, love and understanding and safe and healthful surroundings. B. Processes: Observing, describing, inferring C. Materials: Pictures/charts D. References: Science and Health 3 pp. 38-39 E. Values: Keeping fit and healthy III. Learning Activities 1. Motivation Let the children do the jogging in their places. (Non-stop activity) If pupils stop. Why did your stop jogging? (Feel tired) What will you do when you feel tired? (Rest) 2. Lesson Proper 1. Activity Look at the picture What are the children doing? Why do we need exercise and play? What recreational activities do you usually do? 2. Discussion What is your favorite recreation? In what ways does recreation affect growth and development?
  • 55. 3. Generalization What are the factors affecting one’s growth and development. 4. Application: After working you feel tired, what will you do? During weekend what are some recreational activities you often do? IV. Evaluation Direction: Read the following; encircle the letter of the correct answer: 1. The best form of rest is a. Playing c. sleeping b. Reading d, watching TV 2. Recreation is needed by our body because a. It makes us pretty. b. It makes us feel sleepy. c. It adds weight to the body d. It makes our bones and muscles strong. 3. Rest and recreation are needed by the body because they a. Make us lazy b. Make us sleepy. c. Make us happy d. Make the heart and muscles strong 4. Why is sleep important to the body? a. It gives heat and energy b. It helps develop good speech
  • 56. c. It rest the muscles d. It makes the body energetic V. Assignment: Collect pictures of people doing different kinds of recreational activities. Then paste them in your notebook.
  • 57. LESSON PLAN IN SCIENCE -3 I. Objectives: Compare the characteristics of a healthy and unhealthy children. II. Subject Matter: Characteristics of healthy and Unhealthy Children A. Concept: There are some characteristics of Healthy and Unhealthy Children. Healthy children have soundness of the body and mind or freedom from disease or ailment. Get along well with friends and family on the other hand, unhealthy children are weak, malnourished and easily get sick B. Processes: Observing, comparing C. Materials: pictures, charts D. References: PELC – III. 1 2.3 Growing with Science and Health pp. 53-55. E. Value: Love and care for one’s body III. Procedure A. Preliminary Activities 2. Science updates 3. Review: What are the factors affecting one’s growth? B. Developmental Activity 1. Motivation Who among you loves to go out and play with friends? Do you enjoy being them? 2. Show pictures of a healthy boy and unhealthy one. Ask: Can you tell the difference between the two? 3. Have the pupils turn their books on pp. 53-54. Have them read it.
  • 58. 4. Discussion: What are the differences of the boys in the pictures? Observe the children, are they healthy? Do they grow tall and big? Are they happy playing well with others? What about the unhealthy ones. 5. Generalization What are the characteristics of a healthy person? An unhealthy person? 6. Application: Imagine if you were to limit the food you eat everyday to 1 meal a day. Do you think you would grow healthy and strong? Do you think you can do your activities well? IV. Evaluation: Draw a happy face if the statement tells the characteristic of a healthy child and sad face if unhealthy, on the blank before the number. __________ 1. Grows tall and big. ___________2. Is weak and slow. ___________3. Is happy and gets along well with others. ___________4. Easily gets sick. ___________5. Can play basketball or swimming.
  • 59. V. Assignment: Fill up the chart below: Characteristics of Healthy/Unhealthy Children Healthy Children Unhealthy children
  • 60. LESSON GUIDE IN SCIENCE AND HEALTH III I.OBJECTIVES: 1.Practice desirable health and food habits. 2.Name desirable food habits. II. SUBJECT MATTER Desirable Health and Food Habits A.Science Concept: There are food habits that need to be followed in order to have a healthy body B.References: Growing with Science and Health 3 pp. 70 73 C.Processes: Inferring, Communicating, Recording D.Materials: Pictures, sample foods E.Values: Practicing Health and good food habits III. PROCEDURES A.Preparatory Activities 1.Review To whom will you visit whenever you are sick? Why? 2.Checking of Assignment B.Lesson Proper 1.Motivation Knowing what to eat can be confusing. To maintain good health, you Must have good health. Look at the pictures. Which is healthy and unhealthy?( pictures of a healthy and and unhealthy child. Why do you think so?
  • 61. 2.Presentation To stay healthy, one must maintain a good health habits. Let’s have a mix and match game. Match the picture to the health habits. ( Teacher will prepare the needed pictures. Use the following descriptions in the preparation of pictures.) a.Eat a balance diet. b.Have enough exercise to have strong bones and muscles. c.Get enough sleep at least 6 to 8 hours for children. d.Relax and play some good games. e.Take a bath everyday. 3.Discussion will follow after the game. Seatwork: Group Activity Put a check if you do the following: Always Sometimes Never Brushing your teeth after every meal. Sleeping and relaxing the whole day. Washing the hands before and after eating. Have a regular check-up with your doctor Eating a well-balanced meal everyday. Post Activity Complete the sentence. I practice good health habits because___________________________. 4.Generalization What are the foods we should eat to make our body strong and healthy?
  • 62. 5. Application Father arrived from Manila. He brought fried chicken and crispy pata. Your teacher told the class that these foods are rich in fats. What will you do? IV. EVALUATION Put a check mark (/) if the practice is desirable health and eating habits and cross (x) if not. _____________1. Brushing teeth every after meal _____________2. Eating whatever you like _____________3. Keeping the surrounding clean _____________4. Resting whenever you want to _____________5. Having a regular exercise V. ASSIGNMENT List down possible illnesses we might get from not eating the right kind of food.
  • 63. LESSON PLAN IN SCIENCE -3 I. Objectives 1. Identifies desirable health habits related to eating. 2. Practice desirable food eating habits. II. Subject Matter: Desirable Health Habits Related to Eating A. Concepts • Desirable health habits will keep a person healthy and strong, • A healthy person grows taller, bigger and heavier. B. Processes: Observing, identifying, describing C. Materials: Picture showing desirable health habits related to eating. D. References: Science and Health 3 Tx pp. 46-48 Growing with Science and Health 3 Tx pp. 70-73 E. Science Vocabulary: health habits III. Learning Activity A. Preliminary Activities 1. Health Inspection 2. Review What are the changes that take place as one grows? B. Developmental Activities 1. Motivation: - “What do you usually do before eating?” Teacher shows pictures; example: A. A child washing her hands with soap and water. B. A child using a spoon and pork in eating.
  • 64. “What can you say about each picture? Which of these pictures/practices would you do? C. A child eating with dirty hands, etc. 2. Presentation Problem: What are the different practices you should follow to make your body strong and healthy?” A. Correct eating habits 1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before eating. 2. Take only small bites of food. 3. Eat slowly and chew the food well. 4. Make no noise when chewing the food. 5. Swallow what is in your mouth before you begin to talk. 6. Eat use enough of food. 7. Talk about pleasant things during mealtime. B. Good Health Habits 1. Eat balanced diet. 2. Brush your teeth every after meal. 3. Discussion What are the different practices that you should do before eating? While eating? After eating? Why is it important to follow these healthy tips? 4. Generalization Identify the desirable health habits related to eating. 5. Application
  • 65. Have the pupils demonstrate proper ways of eating using he food they have brought IV. Evaluation: Draw a happy face if the item is a good health habit and a sad face it is not. ______1. Eating with unwashed hand. ______2. Eat plenty of vegetables. ______3. Drink coffee everyday. ______4. Talk too much while eating. ______5. Chew the food thoroughly. V. Assignment: List down others health habits that you should practice.
  • 66. LESSON GUIDES IN SCIENCE AND HEALTH III I. OBJECTIVES Consult health/medical personnel once a year and/or whenever necessary. II. SUBJECT MATTER Consulting a Health/Medical personnel once a year Whenever Necessary Science Concepts: Visiting health/medical personnel once a year is a great help in improving our health condition. References: Science and Health III, Teachers Manual, Resource Person Processes: Describing, Inferring Approach: 4 A’s Materials: Enlarged illustration of health personnel, a resource person Values: Caring for our body III. PROCEDURES A.Preparatory Activities 1.Checking of homework 2.News Update 3.Review Who are the helpers in the community? B. Lesson Proper 1.Motivation Have you been to a doctor? Why did you visit him? What did he do to you? 2.Presentation Show pictures of health/medical personnel. Let the children identify /name the person in the pictures. ( Doctors, BHW, nurse, Red Cross Volunteer, midwife)
  • 67. Today, we have a resource person to talk to us. She will discuss on the importance of consulting a health/medical personnel once a year. Children, lets give her a clap. She is Dr. Belen De Joya from Nino Jesus Medical Clinic. 3. Generalization What is the importance of visiting health/medical personnel once a year? 4.Application Your family is living in a far flung barangay. One day, your brother suffers from diarrhea. To whom will your family bring your baby brother? IV. EVALUATION Where will you ask for help? BHW Midwife Nurse Doctor Red Cross Volunteer __________1. There is a sudden landslide in your commmunity. __________2. Your baby sister has a typhoid fever. __________3. Your mother will deliver a baby. __________ 4. You would like to request medicine in your barangay. __________5. You will undergo vaccination and there is no doctor around. V. ASSIGNMENT Interview a health personnel in your barangay and get information about other diseases that may affect children.
  • 68. LESSON GUIDE IN SCIENCE AND HEALTH III Day 1 I. OBJECTIVES Identify examples of verbal abuse, physical abuse, and emotional abuse. II.SUBJECT MATTER Verbal Abuse, Physical Abuse, Emotional Abuse A.Science Concept : Abuse refers to the use or treatment of something that is harmful. Physical abuse is when a person inflicts physical violence or pain on another. Verbal abuse is when a person uses demeaning talk or threatening statement. Emotional abuse is characterized by a person subjecting or exposing to behavior that is psychologically harmful. B.Reference :Internet C.Processes: Inferring, interpreting, observing, describing, classifying, communicating D.Materials :Pictures of a lonely child/crying child, strips of cartolina, situations on abused children, song- I am a But a Small Voice, Manila Paper E.Values: Respecting the rights of the children III. PROCEDURES A. Preparatory Activities 1.Review What are the kinds of food that you eat? Can you describe and give examples of each food? Why do you eat those kind of food? 2. Motivation Showing pictures of a lonely child/crying child Ask: What message does the picture tell us? Can you tell the reason of her loneliness? B. Lesson Proper Activity
  • 69. Distribute the following situations. Ask the pupils to identify the kind of abuses are presented in the following situations. a. Mar is the eldest son of Mr. Rema. He is an active boy but always beaten by his father who declares that it is the way disciplining and controlling him. He hits Mar until black and blue marks appear all over his body. b. Maria’s parents were always busy earning a living for the family. She is now staying with her aunt. She works as a maid to her Aunt Lucy. Her ruthless aunt would kick, slap, and punch her once she came home late from school. c. Lucy, Maria’s aunt controlled what Maria can and cannot do. Sometimes Maria experienced being humiliated privately or publicly, deliberately doing something to make her feel diminished or embarrassed. One day, she saw Aunt Lucy received letter from her parents, but Maria just realized Aunt is hiding information from her. She feels isolated from her friends and family. d. Every time that Maria told her Aunt that she want to join the program or other school activities, Aunt Lucy just ignores and say “No, because no one would go with you.” Once again , she heard such demeaning words and other threatening statements. Manipulating words, actions, insults, and other verbal attacks are experienced by Maria from her Aunt. The group will report their observation using the table below Form/Kind of Abuses Signs that children are abused 3.Analysis Ask: How were you affected with the situations of Maria? Why? What was shown in every situation? What form of abuses were described in each situation? What are the signs that tell that a child is being abused?
  • 70. 4.Abstraction Let’s find out the different form of abuses and their examples. Describing what a child is. Forms of abuses and their meaning Examples of verbal, physical, and emotional abuses 5.Application Classify the following situation according to Physical, Verbal and Emotional Abuse. Write your answer on the blank inside the parenthesis provided after each situation. Maria stays with her aunt. She always heard bad words for her (____________). She always calls her other names which causes her funny humiliation and shames(___________). Her unkind aunt would slap her once she is caught resting after her work. (___________). Sometimes Maria was isolated from her family and friends (___________) she was punished by staying under the sun (___________). IV.EVALUATION Identify the kind of abuse is being experienced in the following situations. __________1.Rosa always heard bad words from her mother. _________ 2.Denis was slapped by his father because he broke the glass. _________ 3.Dindo was isolated from his family for more than a year _________ 4.Maria had bruises in her arms and legs. __________5.Cinderella was not allowed to eat until her chores were all done. V. ASSIGNMENT Draw or cut pictures about a child maltreated by someone. Tell something about them. What examples of abuses depicted in the picture.
  • 71. DAY 2 Strategy: PWA A.Preperatory Activities 1.Review How would you know that a child is being abused? What signs can you see or observed to her/him? 2.Checking of Assignment B.Lesson Proper 1.Introduction Classifying the examples of abuses according to: Verbal Abuse/ Physical Abuse/ Emotional Abuse 2.Motivation Play the song “I am But a Small Voice” (written in a Manila Paper) a. What is the message of the song? (About children, their needs and rights) b. What do they want? (to have peace, prosperity and love) c. Can you show your love to someone if you are doing things that will hurt them? 3. Pre Activity Role Playing. Each group will portray a play showing examples of abuses. 4. Post Activity Let other groups inferred what the presentation is all about. Tell what abuses (Examples of abuse are shown in their presentation now proceed to discussion) If you were the abused ,what will you do? What could be the effect of these to a child? How can the abused adjust to these situations? Who could be the “abusers’’? What will you do if you know the abuser 5. Generalization: What is child abuse? If you were the friend of the “abused child” what help/ advice can you give? 6. Application: (Call only those who want to share) Have you experienced to be abused or being such situation like in what we have tackled? Can you tell what you have experienced? What did you do? IV. EVALUATION Matching type: Match column B to Column A. Column B are examples or statement that tell something about the words in Column A. Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank before each number. A B ____1. Physical Abuse A. Refers to a person below 18 yrs. Old ____2. Child Abuser B. Saying unkind words about somebody ____3. Children C. These abuse may lead to bruise and cuts ____4. Emotional Abuse D. Any person Who Commits and acts defined ____5. Verbal Abuse as Constituting child abuse E. An abuse such as rejection and belittling V. ASSIGNMENT What are other forms of child abuse which were not discussed / learned? List them.
  • 72. LESSON GUIDE IN SCIENCE AND HEALTH 3 I. OBJECTIVES Report incidence of abuse to proper authorities( parent, teacher, guidance councilor, principal, etc. II. SUBJECT MATTER Topic: reporting evidences of abuse to proper authorities, parent, teacher, guidance councilor, principal, etc. A. Science Concept: Evidences of abuse should be reported to proper authorities B. Processes: Observing, Inferring C. Reference: internet D. Materials: Pictures, chart E. Value: Concern for others III. PROCEDURES A. Preparatory Activities 1. Review Give examples of the following: Verbal Abuse Physical Abuse Emotional Abuse 2. Checking of Assignment B. Lesson Proper 1. Motivation Show a picture of a girl with black-eye. Look at the picture. This is Mena. What do you notice about her? Describe her eyes. Do you know what happen to her? 2. Presentation Read the story about Mena. Mena is an adopted child. She lives with her Tiyo Anyong and Tiya Silda. Late in the afternoon, Tiyo Anyong asked her to buy a bottle of wine in a nearby store. On her way to home, a boy bumped her and the bottle of wine dropped on the ground. There’s no wine anymore. Tiyo Anyong boxed her eye upon knowing what happened to his bottle of wine. This is how Mena got her black-eye. It is not her first black-eye because everytime she got mistakes her Tiyo Anyong box her face. 3. Analysis and Discussion What happened to Mena? When does it happen? Who boxed her eye? How did she got her black-eye? How often was she punished by her Tiyo Anyong? What kind of abuse was she suffered from? How will you help Mena? Who are the persons/authorities that will help you in this kind of situation? 4. Generalization What are you going to do to help an abused child? Who are the authorities that can help an abused child? To whom would you report it?
  • 73. 5. Application One afternoon, Lucas came to school late and drunk. Boys in the corner forced him to drink. To whom would you report? IV. EVALUATION Who can help the following abused children? Match column A to Column B. Write the letter of your answer under column C A B C 1. The boys are locked inside the cabinet A. police 1. 2. Pupils are standing under the sun B. teacher 2. 3. A little child is begging for food. C. DSWD 3. 4. A girl is emotionally-abused by her mother D. principal 4. 5. an abandoned child E. parents 5. V. ASSIGNMENT Cut pictures of persons who can help abused children. Paste them in your notebook.
  • 74. LESSON GUIDES IN SCIENCE AND HEALTH III I. OBJECTIVES Identify the body parts of animals found in the locality. II. SUBJECT MATTER Body Parts of Animals Body Parts that Help Animals Move A. Science Concept: Animals have different body parts. Feet, eyes, nose, and mouth are body parts common to animals. B. References: Growing with Science and Health, TM pp 63-65 Growing with Science and Health, TX pp 78-82 C. Processes: Observing, Describing D. Materials: Pictures of different animals, flashcards E. Values: Caring for animals III. PROCEDURES A. Preparatory Activities 1. Checking of assignment 2. Name some animals common in the locality. B. Lesson Proper 1. Motivation Do you have pets? What are they? Who has a pet bird? Let’s sing a song About a bird, “Ten Little Birds” 2. Presentation 1. Show pictures of animals. Let the children identify each animal and its body parts. 2. Discuss that these animals move using their body parts. Let the children imitate animal’s body movements. What body part of the animal is used in walking? Running? Eating? 3. Discussion Ask: What are the body parts of a dog? How many legs do they have? Do you know that animals can never move from one place to another without their body parts? They can’t even get their food. Do the activity: Name the Body Parts Divide the class into four. Each group will get a picture of an animal. Name the body parts of the animal chosen. Imitate the movements of the animals assigned to the group . Use the table below: Name of the Animal: Group No. Body Parts: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 4. Generalization What are the body parts of animals? What body part do they use for moving? 5. Application Carlo is walking from school. He heard bird’s chirping no far from him. He looked around and saw
  • 75. A bird with a broken wings trying to fly but it could not fly. If you were Carlo, what will you do? IV. EVALUATION Look at the picture. Draw the picture and label its parts. ( pictures of a dog and a fish) V. ASSIGNMENT Draw the picture of your pet. Label its parts.
  • 76. LESSON GUIDES IN SCIENCE AND HEALTH III I. OBJECTIVES 1. Describe how animals move 2. Tell the body parts that help animals move II. SUBJECT MATTER Movement of Animals Body parts that help the Animals Move A. Science Concept: Animals move in different ways. They have body parts that help them move. B. References: Science and Health for Better Life 3, TM pp.21-22 Growing with Science and Health 3, TX pp.80-81 C. Processes: Describing, Inferring: D. Materials: Pictures, cut outs , flashcards E. Value: Appreciating different kinds of animals III. PROCEDURES A. Preparatory Activities 1. Review What are the body parts of your pet animals? Ask some pupils to imitate the movements of animals and ask the class to name that animal. How it moves and what body part is used for moving. 2. Checking of Homework B. Lesson Proper 1. Motivation Conduct a game. Divide the class into two groups. Distribute to one group the cutouts of animals. Distribute to another group the flashcard that describes the movements of these animals. At signal, let the pupils in the two groups match their cards. Example: Picture of a dog -walk Picture of a bird -fly Picture of a worm -crawl 2. Presentation A. Instruct the pupils to show the movements as the teacher tell the kind of animals. Ex. Grasshopper-fly, dog-run What are your pet animals? Among your pets, what is your most favorite? Do you still care for animals? How do you show your care for them? We should value or appreciate animals because they are God’s creation. B. Divide the class in two groups again. As the first group move, the second group will tell what animal it is. C. Show some pictures of animals, then let children imitate it. Let them give or identify what body part is used for moving.
  • 77. D. Have the class match the pictures and their movements in a pocket chart using flashcards 3.Generalization Ask: How do animals move? What body parts are used for moving? 4.Application Ask: Is it good to remove some body part of animals when you play with them? Can a dog run when you remove its leg? Can a cat fly? How does a cat move? IV.EVALUATION Match the movements with the body parts. Write the letter of the correct answer ______1. Fly ______2. Crawl ______3. Swim ______4. Jump ______5. Walk A. Fins B. Legs C. wings D. Tiny feet E. Legs/Feet V. ASSIGNMENT Complete the chart ANIMALS MOVEMENTS BODY PARTS USED 1. Fish 2. Bird 3. Crocodile 4. Butterfly 5. Horse
  • 78. LESSON GUIDES IN SCIENCE AND HEALTH III I. OBJECTIVES Infer that animals live in different places. Tell that cleanliness is needed to keep animals healthy. II. SUBJECT MATTER Topic: Animal Habitat A. Science Concept: Different animals live in different habitats. B. References: Science and Health 3 p. 70-72 Science and Health TM p. 35-36 C. Processes: Observing, Classifying, Inferring D. Materials: Cut outs of animals, flashcards E. Value: Respecting animal habitats and cleanliness III. PROCEDURES A. Preparatory Activities 1. Review: Part of Animals How does a kitten move? What animals fly? What animal swims? Give examples of animals that crawl. 1. Motivation Show pictures of animals in pond, a forest, and a grassland. What kind of animals are in the pictures? 2. Presentation A. Group the pupils into three . B. Give Each group cut outs of animals ACTIVITY Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 1. Enumerate the animals. 1. Enumerate the animals. 1. Enumerate the animals. 2. Where do they live? 2. Where do they live? 2. Where do they live? 3. Why are these animals 3. Why are these animals 3. Why are these animals live in live in the pond? live in the forest? the grassland? 3. Analysis and Discussion Let the group report their outputs. Ask: How are animals in each group differ? Why do you think animals live in different places? Is it important to keep their habitat clean and safe? Why? 4. Generalization What the different habitats of animals? 5. Application Mario bought goldfish in a pet shop. He will put it in his aquarium, but his little brother accidentally broke it. What should Mario do?
  • 79. IV. EVALUATION Directions: Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer. 1. Which of the following is an aquatic animal? a. chicken b. eagle c. horse d. whale 2. Which of these animals found in the zoo? a. chicken b. fish c. giraffe d. octopus 3. Which of these animals live best in the forest? a. crab b. spider c. tiger d. whale 4. One of these animals is an amphibian. Which is it? a. bat b. butterfly c. centipede d. frog 5. Which of these animals does not live in water? a. alligator b. antelope c. clam d. dolphin V . ASSIGNMENT Put the names of the following animals in their proper column. carabao shark deer goat grasshopper lion monkey bees crocodile eel WATER GRASSLAND FOREST
  • 80. LESSON GUIDES IN SCIENCE AND HEALTH III I. OBJECTIVES Classify animals according to body parts, movements, and places where they live. II. SUBJECT MATTER Classifying Animals according to Body Parts, Movements, and Habitat A. Science Concept: Animals have different body parts, movements, and places where they live. Feet, nose, mouth, ears, and eyes are body parts common to animals. B. References: Growing with Science and Health 3, pp. 79-88 C. Processes: Observing, Comparing, Classifying, Inferring, Describing D. Materials: Pictures of different kinds of animals, their movements, and habitat Television for viewing animals/movements and habitat E. Value: Caring for animals III. PROCEDURES A. Preparatory Activities 1. Review What are the animals common in the locality? Name its body parts. B. Lesson Proper 1. Motivation Let the class play “Simple Simon Says” . Actions, movements, and sounds of animals will be used in the game. Let the pupils imitate then identify the animal. 2. Presentation Show different pictures of animals with missing body parts. Directions: Match the animals with their missing body parts. A B ( Teachers must prepare pictures of different animals with missing body parts ) 3. Analysis and Discussion Ask: What body parts are missing? What body parts are found only on birds? Carabaos? Cows? Goats? Do animals move in the same way? Where do animals with wings usually live? Do animals have the same habitat? Do the activity below: Directions: Write the animals in their proper group according to body parts,movements, and habitat. Carabao horse dog fish bird goat
  • 81. Body Part Used in Moving Habitat wings feet fins Land Water Both land and water 4. Generalization How are animals differ? Why are animals differ in body parts? movements? habitat? 5. Application Your Science Teacher asked you to list down names of animals that fly. Where will you go to name some? Why? Is it important to respect animals/small insects? Why? What will happen if you remove the wings of a butterfly? What will happen to fish and other sea animals if the water will be polluted? IV. EVALUATION Classify the following animals according to body parts, movements, and habitat. Write each in the proper column. Cat parrot bees sheep salmon whale Body Parts Used in Moving Habitat Wings feet Fins Land Water Both Land and Water V. ASSIGNMENT Cut /draw pictures of animals and classify them according to body parts, movements, and habitat.
  • 82. LESSON GUIDES IN SCIENCE AND HEALTH III I. OBJECTIVES Classify animals according to body parts, movements, and habitat. II. SUBJECT MATTER Body Parts, Movements, and Habitat of Animals A. Science Concept: Animals movements depend upon their organ for movement. Animals live in places where their body structure can adapt. B. References: Growing with Science and Health 3, pp. 79-88 C. Processes: Observing, Comparing, Classifying, Inferring D. Materials: Pictures of animals, flashcards, tv, dvd player E. Value Infusion: Appreciation for types of animals Conservation of the animals’ habitat F. Science Vocabulary: Habitat- place where the animals live. III. PROCEDURES A. Preliminary Activities 1. Review Ask: Which animals live on land? In water, both on land and water, both on land and air? B. Lesson Proper 1.Motivation Play a cassette tape (or have pupils sing songs) about animals. Write the names of animals on small pieces of paper. Place these in a box and pass it around. As individual pupils picks a slip of paper, let him read the names of the animal s then act it out in the front and let the class identify each animals. 2. Presentation Show this picture. 3. Analysis and Discussion Can you tell their body coverings? Can you identify the habitat of these animals? 4. Generalization Let the pupils, share their ideas about the lesson like these… There are different kinds of animals. They run, walk, jump, crawl, slither, fly, and swim. They have different body parts which make them similar or distinct from one another. The habitat is the specific environment or place where the animals live. There are different kinds of habitat. These are the land, woodland, farm, garden, freshwater, saltwater, and frozen regions. Each animal equipped to live in these places.
  • 83. 5. Application Observe the animals in your text book. Look for the parts of their body used for locomotion. Record your observations. Animals Where animals live Movements Body parts used Ask: Where do animals live? How can animals you observed move about? What means of locomotion do they have? Which animals live on land? Which animals live on water? Which animals live on land and on the air? Which animals live on land and in water? *Value Integration* What shall we do with our helpful animals? How will we care for them? What would happen if dogs and cats would have gills instead of mouth? How can you react to those people who are eating/ catching endangered animals? IV. EVALUATION Answer the following questions 1. Look at the birds outside, why can they fly in the air? 2. Have you seen a fish? Why do you think fish can stay longer in the water? 3. How does the frog eat? 4. Do you have pets? What are they? How do you protect them? 5. In what ways are animals similar to human beings? V. ASSIGNMENT Describe the body parts of the following animals: Chicken, Frog, Grasshopper, Turtle, Fish
  • 84. LESSON GUIDES IN SCIENCE AND HEALTH 3 Day I I. OBJECTIVES Describe the body parts of animals used for food getting/eating. II. SUBJECT MATTER Body Parts of animals for food getting A. Science Concept: Different animals have different ways of getting their food B. Reference: Science For Daily Use 3, p. 66-78 Teacher’s Manual, p. 70-73 C. Processes: describing, observing D. Materials: Live animals, pictures of animals E. Value Infusion: Love and care for animals F. Science Vocabulary: Food-getting III. PROCEDURES A. Preliminary Activities 1. Checking of homework 2. Review Naming body parts of animals Show a picture of a fish. Have them identify the fins, gills, gill cover, scales, etc. How animals use their body parts? B. Lesson Proper 1. Motivation Have the children observe the fish in an aquarium or in a jar. Ask: How do fish swim? Where do fish live? How do they get their food? Show pictures of other kinds on of fishes. Lead the children to bring out the idea that fish have gills for breathing) sharp teeth for tearing food. 2. Presentation Show another set of picture of different animals. Let the pupils observe animals as they get food. Ask: What part of the body does the animal use to get its food? 3. Discussion Relate the structure of the food-getting body part to the foods the animal eat. 4. Application Encourage group work when gathering information about how animals use their body parts to get its food. 5. Valuing How will you show your love and care for animals? IV. EVALUATION Direction: Match Column A with Column B. Write the letter of the correct answer before the number. A. ______1. Frog ______2. Snake ______3. Heron ______4. Butterfly ______5. Carabao B. A. It has proboscis for getting nectars in flowers B. It has a sticky tongue for catching food C. It has a large, flat teeth along sides of their mouth for chewing grass. D. It has a strong curved back for tearing small animals for food E. It has an elastic jaw that expands to enable it to swallow the whole animal for food.
  • 85. V. ASSIGNMENT Cut out pictures of different animals. Tell about its body parts used for food-getting. ( Process Approach ) Day 2 I. OBJECTIVES Describe the body parts of animals used for getting food. II. SUBJECT MATTER Body Parts of Animals Used for Getting Food A. Science Concept: Different animals have special body parts used for getting/eating food. B. References: BEC 2.2.1, Science and Health III, pp. 70-72 Science and Health Today 3 pp. 88 C. Processes: Observing, Describing, Inferring D. Materials: pictures of different animals E. Value: Love and respect to animals III. PROCEDURES A. GUIDED INQUIRY 1. Review How can you classify the following animals according to their movement? ( frog, snake, bird, bat, kangaroo ,worm , carabao, horse) 2. Motivation Let us sing “Old Mc Donald” What are the animals mentioned in the song? Do we have those animals in the locality? 3. Statement of the Problem How do animals eat? What body parts do they used in getting food? 4. Setting of Standard B.GUIDED EXPLORATION 1. Activity Proper Distribute the Activity Cards to the Group 2. Reporting by the Group 3. Analysis and Abstraction Showing pictures of the animals. What body parts do they used in getting food? C. GUIDED DISCOVERY 1. Generalization What do you call the mouth parts of cockroach and grasshopper? What do you call the long sucking tube of a butterfly? 2. Application Mother has a butterfly garden. How can you help her in feeding the butterflies? IV.EVALUATION Fill in the blank with correct answer. Choose your answer from the box. Mandibles proboscis sticky tounge canine teeth beaks 1. The frog uses its _________________ to catch insects. 2. The mouthpart or teeth of a grasshopper is called ____________. 3. The dog uses its ________________ for tearing the meat. 4. Birds have ______________ to get their food. 5. The ______________ is the long sucking tube of a butterfly that sips the nectar of the flower. V. ASSIGNMENT
  • 86. Group the following according to the parts that they used for getting food. Use the table below. Canine Teeth Beaks Cat hen lion maya rat Activity Card Problem: How do animals get their food? Materials:(materials are assigned 2 days ago ) grasshopper, cockroach, a butterfly, bottles, fresh leaves, cotton ball, ether, and hand lens Procedures: 1. Get the butterfly or grasshopper. Put them in a separate bottles. Puncture some holes into the cover of the bottle to keep them alive. 2. Put some fresh leaves inside the bottles. Observe how those insects eat their food. Use the hand lens and look closely at their mouth parts. 3. Wet a cotton ball with ether. Drop into the bottle containing the butterfly . This will make the butterfly unconscious. Take it from the bottle afterwards. Using the hand lens, look closely at its mouth part. Answer the following Questions: 1. Do the teeth of the grasshopper and the cockroach look alike? 2. How do these mouthparts help them get food? 3. What do butterfly eat ? How do they get their food?
  • 87. LESSON GUIDES IN SCIENCE AND HEALTH III I. OBJECTIVES Relate the mouth parts of animals to the kind of food they eat. II. SUBJECT MATTER Animals A. Science Concept: Animals get their food in different ways. Animals have mouth parts to the kind of food they eat. B. References: BEC IN Science and Health 2.2.2 SCIENCE AND Health 3 pp. 71-72 C. Processes: Observing, Comparing D. Materials: Pictures of different animals/enlarged pictures of animals ’mouth parts E. Value: Love for animals by treating them like human being. III. PROCEDURES A. Preparatory Activities 1. Health Inspection 2. Science News (Weather Condition) B. Lesson Proper 1. Motivation Do you have pets at home? Do you love your pet? Do you give them food? How are dog and bird alike? 2. Presentation Show pictures of different animals like dog, bird, cow, frog, tiger ,duck, crocodile, etc. Notice the differences of these animals. Ask: What are the animals doing? How do they differ from each other? How do they eat their food? What part of their body is used for getting food? Do they have have the same body parts used in getting food? Why? Say: The birds have beaks to get their food. The dog have teeth for eating. The frog have long,sticky tounge to get their food. What did the cow use to get its food? How about the tiger? Some animals eat raw food/plants,cooked food,and meat of other animals. Can you give example of those animals? 3. Analysis and Discussion What are the ways do the animals get their food? Do they get their food differently? Why? 4. Generalization Why do you think animals have different body parts? Different animals have different body parts because they eat different kinds of foods and different ways of getting them.
  • 88. 5. Application Father went home with a parrot and a puppy. What kind of food will you give to the parrot? Puppy? Why? IV. EVALUATION Complete the following sentences .Use the words or phrases below. Small insects beaks grass long sticky tounge Meat flat teeth sharp teeth worm, corn, and grains 1.Frog uses its _________ to get _____________. 2. Crocodile eats _________ using its __________. 3. Birds have ______________ to get ____________. 4. Tiger eats _____________ using its ___________. 5. Cows have ______________ to get _____________. V. ASSIGNMENT Cut/draw pictures of animals that use sharp teeth in getting their food.
  • 89. LESSON GUIDES IN SCIENCE AND HEALTH III I. OBJECTIVE: Describe what may happen to animals if they are not provided with their needs. II. SUBJECT MATTER: Needs of Animals A. Concept: If animals are not given food, water, and shelter they will grow weak or might die. B. Processes: Observing, Inferring, Predicting C. References: Science and Health 3, Science for Daily Use, pp. 97-98 D. Materials: pictures, charts E. Value: Caring for Animals III. PROCEDURE: A. PRELIMINARY ACTIVITIES 1.Checking of Assignment 2. Review- Needs of Animals B. DEVELOPMENTAL ACTIVITIES 1. Motivation Show pictures of animals. What do animals need to live and grow? 2. Presentation ( pls. refer to activity card) Group Activity 3. Analysis and Discussion A.Group report B. Discussion of results What are the needs of animals? What will happen to animals if they are not given food? Water? Air? Shelter? 4. Generalization: What will happen to animals if they are not given food, water, air and shelter? 5. Application: Illustrate what may happen to animals if they are not provided with their needs. Color your drawing. 6. Valuing: If you have pet at home, what will you do to grow it healthy and strong? IV. EVALUATION: Put a check mark (/) to the situation that may happen to animals if they are not provided with their needs. _________1. It will grow weak . _________2. It will grow strong and healthy _________3. It will die _________4. It will be of help in the farm _________5. It will develop into a full grown animal V. ASSIGNMENT : Work on “More Things To Do” #1- Science for Daily Use p. 99-100. ACTIVITY CARD Materials: glass jar, plastic cover, live caterpillar, rubber band Procedure : 1. Place a caterpillar inside a glass jar. 2. Cover the jar. Answer the questions below: 1. Can the caterpillar get air? 2. Can it get food? Water? 3. Will the caterpillar live and grow? Why?
  • 90. LESSON GUIDES IN SCIENCE AND HEALTH III I. OBJECTIVE : Demonstrate care and concern for animals II. SUBJECT MATTER : TOPIC : Caring for Animals A. CONCEPT : Pets should be cared for by providing them with the things they need. B. PROCESSES : Observing, Inferring, Describing C. REFERENCES : Science for Everyone 3 pp. 79-80 Science and Health Today 3 pp. 118-119 D. MATERIALS : pictures showing proper care for animals E. VALUE: Proper caring and concern for animals F. III. PROCEDURE: 1. Motivation Do you have pets at home? Where do they stay? 2. Presentation (Small group discussion) *Let the pupils study the pictures depicting how people take good care of their pets. *Let the pupils discuss the ways of caring for the animals. *Let each group report their answer through a creative presentation. 3. Analysis and Discussion What do you see in the picture? How can we show care and concern for animals? What can you do to your pets at home? 3. Generalization: How can you show proper care and concern for animals? 4. Application: Read the situation and demonstrate how will you care for the animals. “ Pearl’s cat fell from the roof and broke its leg”. IV. EVALUATION : Write X before the sentence that tells proper caring for animals. ------------------1. Throw a kitten in the trash can. ------------------2. Lara feeds her pet parrot. __________3. Cut trees in the forest to destroy wildlife. __________4. Carlo bathes his pet dog. __________5. Animals should be brought to a shed when it rains. V. ASSIGNMENT : Make posters to demonstrate your care and concern for our wild animals.
  • 91. LESSON GUIDES IN SCIENCE AND HEALTH 3 I. OBJECTIVE: Exercise caution in handling animals. II. SUBJECT MATTER: TOPIC : Safety in Handling Animals A. CONCEPT : Follow safety measures in handling or taking care of animals to avoid getting hurt. B. PROCESSES: Observing, Inferring C. REFERENCES : Science for Daily Use pp. 101-103 D. MATERIALS : pictures, charts E. VALUE : Be cautious in handling and caring animals III. PROCEDURE : 1. Motivation What do you think will happen if you tease your pet cat or dog while eating? 2. Presentation : a. Display pictures of different animals b. Post the question: What safety measures should you follow in handling animals? 3. Analysis and Discussion : What are the animals that can be dangerous when provoked? How should you handle these kind of animals? Name some harmful insects and the harm they can bring or do. How can we avoid the harm they can Bring to us? Discuss safety measures in handling animals. 4. Generalization : How can we avoid the danger and harm in handling animals? 5. Application/Valuing: Demonstrate proper ways of handling animals. IV. EVALUATION : Put a check (/) if the practice is good and cross (x) if it is not. ________1. Sleep under a mosquito net at night. ________2. Poke a stick at a beehive. ________3. Chase a stray dog. ________4. Step on an anthill to crush the ants. ________5. Pat the head of a stray cat. V. ASSIGN : Interview some native farmers. Determine what first aid measures they apply in case of poisonous bites in the field.
  • 92. LESSON GUIDE IN SCIENCE AND HEALTH III I.OBJECTIVE: Identify the parts of a plant Describe the characteristics of each part II. SUBJECT MATTER : Topic : Parts of a Plant/Characteristics of Each Part Reference : The Wonderful World of Science Concept : The main parts of a plant are the roots, stem and leaves. Some plants have flowers and fruits. Materials : real plants, chart Processes : Observing, identifying Values: Carefullness III. PROCEDURE : A. Preparatory Activities: 1. Checking of assignment 2. Review : What parts do you observe in an animal? B. Lesson Proper : 1. Motivation If animals have different body parts, how about plants? Do plants have the same parts like animals? What are the different plant parts? 2. Presentation • Take the pupils outside the classroom • Tell them to observe the plants around. Look for any plant with flowers. Pull out the plant along with the flowers and wash it gently. Place the plant sample on the table. • Have them observe, identify and describe the parts of the plant • Let them draw the different plant parts below • Have the pupils write the name of the part 3. Analysis and Discussion What did you observe about plants? What parts are common among plants? What parts are not common among plants? 4. Generalization What are the main parts of a plant? What parts do some plants have which other plants do not have? 5. Application Mother brought home some gumamela plants. What parts do the plants have? IV. EVALUATION : Observe the parts of a plant I will show. Write the name of each part in your paper. Note : These are the parts to be shown 1. Stem 2. Roots 3. Fruit 4. Leaf 5. Flower V . ASSIGNMENT: Observe plants around. Be able to identify their parts. For each group: Bring a real plant with complete parts
  • 93. LESSON GUIDES IN SCIENCE AND HEALTH III PLANTS (PROCESS APPROACH) I. OBJECTIVES 1. Describe the functions of each plant part. 2. Examine the different plant parts for better understanding of their functions. 3. Show appreciation on the importance of each plant part. II. SUBJECT MATTER Functions of each plant part A. Science Concept: 1. The roots hold the plant to the soil. They get water and other minerals/nutrients from the soil. 2. The stem supports the plant. It helps carry water and nutrients to the leaves. 3. The leaves make food for the plant. 4. The flowers make fruits and seeds. 5. The fruits contain seeds which will later grow into new plant. B. References: Science and Health III by Carmelita C. Coronel and Norma M. Abrecia pp. 89-100 Science and Health III by Buena A. Lozada pp. 113-114 C. Processes: Observing, Comparing, Experimenting, Describing D. Materials: real plants, activity sheets E. Value: Appreciation on the importance of plants. III. PROCEDURE: A. GUIDED INQUIRY 1. Review What are the different parts of plant? 2. Motivation What do you think will happen if some parts of the plants are removed? Why? 3. Presentation a. Presentation of the materials to be used b. Statement of the Problem What are the functions of the plant parts? B. GUIDED EXPLORATION 1. Activity Proper Distribute the activity cards. Let them do the activity stated in the card. 2. Reporting by the Groups 3. Analysis and Abstraction What can roots do to plants? How does stem help the plant? Are leaves important to plants? Why? What can flowers do to plants? Why are fruits important? C. GUIDED DISCOVERY 1. Generalization What are the functions of the different parts of the plant? 2. Application Ryan remove the leaves and flowers of an egglant. What do you think will happen? Why?
  • 94. IV. EVALUATION Choose the correct answer from the box. Write the answer on the blank provided. Stem roots leaves flowers fruits ____________1. It makes food for the plant. ____________2. It contains seeds which later grow into new plant. ____________3. It makes fruits and seeds. ____________4. It supports the plants and carries water and nutrients from the soil. ____________5. It holds the plant to the soil. V.ASSIGNMENT Observe the stems of different plants. Draw each stem. What did you notice? ACTIVITY CARD Problem: What are the functions of the different parts of plant? Materials: real plant, manila paper, magnifying glass, textbook Procedures: 1. Get the plant you brought. 2. Examine each part carefully using the magnifying glass. 3. List down the different parts of the plant. 4. Discuss with the members of the group the parts and functions of plants. Consult the textbook for reference . 5. Write the observation of the group. Answer the following questions: 1. What can roots do to the plant? 2. How does the stem help the plant? 3. What is the function of the leaves? 4. What can flowers do? 5. What can fruits do?