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leprosy 2017 mwila
Definition: Leprosy is an infectious chronic
granulomatous disease principally affecting the
skin and peripheral nervous system, caused by
Mycobacterium leprae.
leprosy 2017 mwila
leprosy 2017 mwila
Mycobacterium.leprae is an obligate intracellular
acid-fast gram-positive bacillus with an affinity for
macrophages and Schwann cells, has slow
replication within the Schwann cells, hence the long
incubation period of leprosy.
leprosy 2017 mwila
Humans are the primary reservoir of
Mycobacterium. leprae.
Animal reservoirs of leprosy have been found
in 3 species: 9-banded armadillos,
Chimpanzees, and Mangabey monkeys.
leprosy 2017 mwila
9-banded armadillos mangabey monkey
leprosy 2017 mwila
Leprosy is not a highly infectious disease. The
principle means of transmission is by aerosol
spread from infected nasal secretions to exposed
nasal and oral mucosa. Leprosy is not generally
spread by means of direct contact through intact
skin, though close contacts are most vulnerable.
leprosy 2017 mwila
The incubation period is 6 months to 40 years or
The mean incubation period is 4 years for
tuberculoid leprosy (TT) and 10 years for
lepromatous leprosy (LL).
leprosy 2017 mwila
Most persons are immuned to leprosy. Subclinical disease
is common in endemic areas, and the infection
progresses to clinical disease in only a selected few.
Exposure to nasal discharge of those that remain
untreated for years is thought to be the main cause of
leprosy 2017 mwila
In addition to exposure to respiratory secretions,
exposure to insect vectors and infected soil has been
suspected as a possible mode of transmission. In
endemic countries, household contacts of patients
are at increased risk for leprosy.
leprosy 2017 mwila
Of particular importance, HIV infection is not a
risk factor for acquiring leprosy, nor does it
increase the clinical symptoms or virulence of
leprosy 2017 mwila
RACE: Leprosy occurs in all races. African
blacks have a high incidence of the tuberculoid
form of leprosy. People with light skin and
Chinese individuals tend to have the
lepromatous type of leprosy.
Leprosy is endemic in Asia, Africa, the Pacific
basin, and Latin America.
leprosy 2017 mwila
It is more a rural than urban disease.
SEX: In adults, the lepromatous type of
leprosy is more common in men than in
women after puberty, with a male-to-female
ratio of 2:1. In children, the tuberculoid form
predominates, and no sex preference exists.
Women tend to have a delayed presentation,
which increases rates of deformity.
leprosy 2017 mwila
AGE: Leprosy has a bimodal age distribution,
with peaks at ages 10-14 years and 35-44 years.
The disease is rare in infants. Children appear to
be most susceptible to disease and tend to have
the tuberculoid form.
leprosy 2017 mwila
 Several different approaches for classifying leprosy
exist, but parallels exist.
 WHO: paucibacillary and Multibacillary
 Further divisions: PAUCIBACILLARY(Tuberculoid –TT
and Borderline tuberculoid BT this is by Ridley-
jopling classification)
 MULTIBACILLARY(midborderline or borderline BB)
MULTIBACILLARY( borderline BL and
Lepromatous LL)
leprosy 2017 mwila
One classification classifies leprosy as either
tuberculoid or lepromatous. These are further
broken down into intermediate or borderline.
Another classification classifies leprosy as
either paucibacillary or multibacillary
depending on the number of lesions and
bacterial index (BI).
leprosy 2017 mwila
PAUCIBACILLARY disease has fewer than 5
lesions and no bacilli on smear testing.
Five or more lesions with or without bacilli is
considered MULTIBACILLARY disease.
IL: This early form causes one to a few
hypopigmentated or sometimes erythematous
macules. Sensory loss is unusual.
leprosy 2017 mwila
TT: Skin lesions are few. One erythematous large
plaque is usually present, with well-defined
borders that are elevated and that slope down
into an atrophic center.
Borderline Tuberculoid leprosy (BT): Lesions in
this form are similar to those in the tuberculoid
form, but they are smaller and more numerous.
leprosy 2017 mwila
Borderline borderline leprosy (BB): Cutaneous
lesions consist of numerous, red, irregularly
shaped plaques that are less well defined than
those in the tuberculoid type.
Borderline lepromatous leprosy (BL): Lesions are
numerous and consist of macules, papules,
plaques, and nodules.
leprosy 2017 mwila
LL: Early cutaneous lesions consist mainly of pale
macules. Late infiltrations are present with
numerous bacilli. Macular lesions are small,
diffuse, and symmetric.
leprosy 2017 mwila
leprosy 2017 mwila
In general, leprosy affects the skin, peripheral
nerves, and eyes. Systemic symptoms may occur.
Specific symptoms vary with the severity of the
leprosy 2017 mwila
Leprosy commonly affects the superficial
peripheral nerves, skin, mucous membranes of
the upper respiratory tract, anterior chamber of
the eyes, and testes.
leprosy 2017 mwila
Tissue damage depends on the degree to which
cell-mediated immunity is expressed, the type
and extent of bacillary spread and
multiplication, the appearance of tissue-
damaging immunologic complications (i.e. lepra
reactions), and the development of nerve
damage and its sequelae.
leprosy 2017 mwila
The strength of the host’s immune system
influences the clinical form of the disease. A
strong cell-mediated immunity and a weak
humoral response results in mild forms of
disease, with a few well-defined nerves involved
and lower bacterial loads.
leprosy 2017 mwila
A strong humoral response but relatively absent
cell-mediated immunity results in LL, with
widespread lesions, extensive skin and nerve
involvement, and high bacterial loads.
leprosy 2017 mwila
Therefore, a spectrum of disease exists such that
cell-mediated immunity dominates in mild forms
of leprosy and decreases with increasing clinical
severity. Meanwhile, humoral immunity is
relatively absent in mild disease and increases
with the severity of diseases.
leprosy 2017 mwila
Leprosy reactions; During the course of
untreated or even treated leprosy, the immune
system may produce inflammatory reactions.
There are two (2) types.
leprosy 2017 mwila
Type 1: Results from a spontaneous increase in
cell-mediated immunity.
These reactions can cause fever and
inflammation of the pre-existing skin and
peripheral nerve lesions, resulting in skin
edema, erythema, and tenderness and
worsening nerve functioning.
leprosy 2017 mwila
These reactions particularly if not treated
early contribute significantly to nerve
damage. Because the immune response is
increased, these reactions are termed
reversal reactions, despite the apparent
clinical worsening.
leprosy 2017 mwila
Treatment for type 1: patients with type 1
reaction (except minor skin reaction) are given
Predinisolone 40-60mg per oral once per day
initially, followed by low maintenance dose of as
low as 10-15mg per day for a few months.
leprosy 2017 mwila
Type 2: Also known as Erythema Nodosum
Leprosum or (ENL) are systemic inflammatory
reactions that appear to be a vasculitis or
panniculitis and probably involve circulating
immune complex deposition or increased T-
helper cell function.
leprosy 2017 mwila
Patients may develop erythematous and painful
papules or nodules that may postulate and
ulcerate and cause fever, neuritis,
lymphadenitis, orchitis, arthritis (particularly in
large joints usually knees), and
glomerulonephritis. Hemolytic or bone marrow
suppression may cause anemia, and hepatic
inflammation may cause mild abnormalities in
liver function test.
leprosy 2017 mwila
Treatment for type 2: First and second episodes of
ENL may be treated if mild with Aspirin or, if
significant, with one week of Predinisolone 40-60mg
once per day plus antimicrobials. For recurrent cases
Thalidomide 100-300mg orally once per day.
leprosy 2017 mwila
However because of its teratogenicity,
thalidomide should not be given to women who
may become pregnant.
leprosy 2017 mwila
Specific Symptoms Vary With The Severity Of
The Disease
Prodromal symptoms are generally so slight that
the disease is not recognized until a cutaneous
eruption is present. However, 90% of patients
have a history of numbness first, sometimes
years before the skin lesions appear.
leprosy 2017 mwila
Temperature is the first sensation that is lost.
Patient cannot sense extremes of hot or cold.
The next sensation lost is light touch, then pain,
and finally deep pressure. These losses are
especially apparent in the hands and feet;
therefore, the chief complaint may be a burning
senastion or ulcer in an anaesthetic extremity.
leprosy 2017 mwila
Other parts of the body that might be affected
are the cool areas: superficial peripheral nerves,
anterior chamber of the eyes, testes, chin, malar
eminences, earlobes, and knees.
From this stage, most lesions evolve into the
tuberculoid, borderline, or lepromatous types
leprosy 2017 mwila
Important physical signs generally affect 3
general areas:
cutaneous (skin) lesions,
neuropathies, and
leprosy 2017 mwila
For cutaneous lesions, assess the number and
distribution of skin lesions. A hypo pigmented
macule with a raised border is often the first
cutaneous lesion. Plaques are also common.
Borderline disease often appears with lesions on
the buttocks.
leprosy 2017 mwila
Regarding neuropathies, assess for areas of hypo
esthesia (light touch, pinprick, temperature and
anhidrosis), especially peripheral nerve trunks
and cutaneous nerves.
The most common nerve affected is the posterior
tibial nerve. Others commonly damaged are the
ulnar, median, lateral popliteal, and facial nerves.
Bedsides sensory loss, there may be associated
tenderness and motor loss.
leprosy 2017 mwila
Eye damage is most often seen with facial lesions.
Lagophthalmos (inability to close the eye), a late
finding in LL, results from involvement of the
zygomatic and temporal branches of the facial
nerve (cranial nerve, CN VII.
leprosy 2017 mwila
Involvement of the ophthalmic branch of the
trigeminal nerve (CN V2) can result in reduced
corneal reflex, leaving dry eyes and reduced
Others ;Saddle nose, madarosis
leprosy 2017 mwila
leprosy 2017 mwila
The diagnosis of leprosy is primarily a clinical
one. Diagnosis was based on 1 of 3 signs:
 Hypo pigmented or reddish patches with
definite loss of sensation
 Thickened peripheral nerves
 Acid-fast bacilli on skin smear or biopsy
leprosy 2017 mwila
Tissue Smear Testing/Slit-skin Smear (Skin
Biopsy): An incision is made in the skin, and the
scalpel blade is used to obtain fluid from a
lesion. The fluid is placed on a glass slide and
stained by using the Ziehl-neelsen acid-fast
method or the fite method to look for organisms
per 100 bacilli.
leprosy 2017 mwila
Skin smears have specificity but low sensitivity
because 70% of all patients with leprosy have
negative smears. However, this test is useful
because it detects the most infectious patients.
leprosy 2017 mwila
HISTAMINE TESTING: This is used to diagnose
postganglionic nerve injury. Histamine
diphospate is dropped on normal skin and
affected skin, and a pinprick is made through
each site. The site forms a wheal on normal skin
but not where nerve damage is present.
leprosy 2017 mwila
intradermal injection of methacholine
demonstrates the absence of sweating in
leprosy lesions. This test is useful in dark-
skinned patients in whom the flare with the
histamine test cannot be seen.
leprosy 2017 mwila
The management of leprosy includes early
pharmacotherapy and physical, social, and
psychological rehabilitation.
The goals of pharmacotherapy are to stop the
infection, reduce morbidity, prevent
complications and eradicate the disease.
leprosy 2017 mwila
Since 1981, MDT (Multiple drug therapy) has
been advocated by WHO and The USA. MDT
prevents dapsone resistance, quickly reduces
contagiousness, and reduces relapses, reactions,
and disabilities.
leprosy 2017 mwila
Patients first need an explanation of the
diagnosis and prognosis. Their fears should be
addressed because of the cultural stigma
associated with leprosy.
leprosy 2017 mwila
The physician should also refute any myths that
the patient may have about leprosy. Patients
may need psychological counseling because they
may have difficulty in coming to terms with the
disease or in feeling rejected by society. The
patient should be reassured that, within a few
days of starting MDT, they are not infectious and
can lead a normal life.
leprosy 2017 mwila
Patients need education about how to deal with
anesthesia of a hand or foot. They must learn to
carefully inspect their extremities for trauma daily.
Patients should also be told to wear proper
footwear and protective equipment as necessary.
Inexpensive canvas shoes with protective insoles
are as effective as special orthopedic shoes.
Inspecting limbs and eyes for onset of anesthesia or
weakness is also important.
leprosy 2017 mwila
Physical therapy and occupational therapy are
important tools in rehabilitation. Patients must
learn how to recognize the onset of lepra reactions,
and they should be told to seek immediate medical
attention if these reactions develop.
Potential deformities can be prevented by
educating patients about how to deal with existing
nerves damage and by treating any sequelae of this
leprosy 2017 mwila
The length of treatment ranges from 6
months to 2 years.
Patients are considered non-infectious within 1-
2 weeks of treatment (usually after the first
dose). These drugs are conveniently packaged in
monthly calendar blister packs. Monitor for
drug resistance and adverse reactions to
leprosy 2017 mwila
Paucibacillary disease can be treated with a
combination of 2 drugs, whereas Multibacillary
disease requires triple-drug therapy.
Single skin lesions (Paucibacillary) can be treated
with a single dose of 3 drugs. The length of
treatment depends on the type of disease and
on the access to drugs.
leprosy 2017 mwila
Current WHO recommendations for
treatment of leprosy are as follows:
Paucibacillary disease: Dapsone 100mg/day plus
rifampicin 600mg once a month for 6 months.
Multibacillary disease: Dapsone 100mg/day plus
rifampicin 600mg once a month plus Clofazimine
300mg once a month and 50mg/day for 1 year.
Single skin lesion: A single dose of rifampicin 600mg,
Ofloxac in 400mg, and Minocycline 100mg. This is
given as single doses
leprosy 2017 mwila
Emergency surgery may be necessary if a
patient with profound nerve inflammation
presents with a nerve abscess or loss of nerve
function secondary to compression.
leprosy 2017 mwila
Prompt recognition and surgical drainage of the
abscess can often restore nerve function.
Elective surgery may be required for correction
of lagophthalmos (i.e. inability to close the eye).
Reconstructive surgery can be used to repair
nasal collapse in LL.
Other surgery may be needed to improve
function or for cosmesis. Contractures can be
surgically repaired.
leprosy 2017 mwila
If severe and left untreated; leprosy can cause
clinically significant and debilitating deformity
such as loss of digits.
• Lagophthalmos
• Madalosis
• Saddle nose
• Nerve damage
• Reversal reactions.
leprosy 2017 mwila
Rehabilitation is the important in leprosy
control. Prompt treatment and detection is
important. This may include accessories and
corrective surgical procedures.
Socio-economic and vocational rehabilitation
also forms an integral part in the care of leprosy
leprosy 2017 mwila
The end.
leprosy 2017 mwila
Quiz t/f
1. Toxoplasmosis intermediate host could be a
2. The cats are the definitive hosts of T. Gondii
3. The period during an epileptic seizure is
referred to as ictal time
4. Toxoplasmosis is a fungal disease
5. Orientation of the patient after an epileptic
attack is not necessary
leprosy 2017 mwila

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leprosy 2017-1-1.pdf

  • 2. LEPROSY Definition: Leprosy is an infectious chronic granulomatous disease principally affecting the skin and peripheral nervous system, caused by Mycobacterium leprae. leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 4. Mycobacterium.leprae is an obligate intracellular acid-fast gram-positive bacillus with an affinity for macrophages and Schwann cells, has slow replication within the Schwann cells, hence the long incubation period of leprosy. leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 5. CAUSES AND PREDISPOSING FACTORS Humans are the primary reservoir of Mycobacterium. leprae. Animal reservoirs of leprosy have been found in 3 species: 9-banded armadillos, Chimpanzees, and Mangabey monkeys. leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 6. 9-banded armadillos mangabey monkey leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 7. Leprosy is not a highly infectious disease. The principle means of transmission is by aerosol spread from infected nasal secretions to exposed nasal and oral mucosa. Leprosy is not generally spread by means of direct contact through intact skin, though close contacts are most vulnerable. leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 8. The incubation period is 6 months to 40 years or longer. The mean incubation period is 4 years for tuberculoid leprosy (TT) and 10 years for lepromatous leprosy (LL). leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 9. Most persons are immuned to leprosy. Subclinical disease is common in endemic areas, and the infection progresses to clinical disease in only a selected few. Exposure to nasal discharge of those that remain untreated for years is thought to be the main cause of infection. leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 10. In addition to exposure to respiratory secretions, exposure to insect vectors and infected soil has been suspected as a possible mode of transmission. In endemic countries, household contacts of patients are at increased risk for leprosy. leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 11. Of particular importance, HIV infection is not a risk factor for acquiring leprosy, nor does it increase the clinical symptoms or virulence of leprosy leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 12. INCIDENCE AND PREVALENCE RACE: Leprosy occurs in all races. African blacks have a high incidence of the tuberculoid form of leprosy. People with light skin and Chinese individuals tend to have the lepromatous type of leprosy. Leprosy is endemic in Asia, Africa, the Pacific basin, and Latin America. leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 13. It is more a rural than urban disease. SEX: In adults, the lepromatous type of leprosy is more common in men than in women after puberty, with a male-to-female ratio of 2:1. In children, the tuberculoid form predominates, and no sex preference exists. Women tend to have a delayed presentation, which increases rates of deformity. leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 14. AGE: Leprosy has a bimodal age distribution, with peaks at ages 10-14 years and 35-44 years. The disease is rare in infants. Children appear to be most susceptible to disease and tend to have the tuberculoid form. leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 15. NOTE  Several different approaches for classifying leprosy exist, but parallels exist.  WHO: paucibacillary and Multibacillary  Further divisions: PAUCIBACILLARY(Tuberculoid –TT and Borderline tuberculoid BT this is by Ridley- jopling classification)  MULTIBACILLARY(midborderline or borderline BB) MULTIBACILLARY( borderline BL and Lepromatous LL) leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 16. CLASSIFICATION One classification classifies leprosy as either tuberculoid or lepromatous. These are further broken down into intermediate or borderline. Another classification classifies leprosy as either paucibacillary or multibacillary depending on the number of lesions and bacterial index (BI). leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 17. PAUCIBACILLARY disease has fewer than 5 lesions and no bacilli on smear testing. Five or more lesions with or without bacilli is considered MULTIBACILLARY disease. IL: This early form causes one to a few hypopigmentated or sometimes erythematous macules. Sensory loss is unusual. leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 18. TT: Skin lesions are few. One erythematous large plaque is usually present, with well-defined borders that are elevated and that slope down into an atrophic center. Borderline Tuberculoid leprosy (BT): Lesions in this form are similar to those in the tuberculoid form, but they are smaller and more numerous. leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 19. Borderline borderline leprosy (BB): Cutaneous lesions consist of numerous, red, irregularly shaped plaques that are less well defined than those in the tuberculoid type. Borderline lepromatous leprosy (BL): Lesions are numerous and consist of macules, papules, plaques, and nodules. leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 20. LL: Early cutaneous lesions consist mainly of pale macules. Late infiltrations are present with numerous bacilli. Macular lesions are small, diffuse, and symmetric. leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 22. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY In general, leprosy affects the skin, peripheral nerves, and eyes. Systemic symptoms may occur. Specific symptoms vary with the severity of the disease. leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 23. Leprosy commonly affects the superficial peripheral nerves, skin, mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, anterior chamber of the eyes, and testes. leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 24. Tissue damage depends on the degree to which cell-mediated immunity is expressed, the type and extent of bacillary spread and multiplication, the appearance of tissue- damaging immunologic complications (i.e. lepra reactions), and the development of nerve damage and its sequelae. leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 25. The strength of the host’s immune system influences the clinical form of the disease. A strong cell-mediated immunity and a weak humoral response results in mild forms of disease, with a few well-defined nerves involved and lower bacterial loads. leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 26. A strong humoral response but relatively absent cell-mediated immunity results in LL, with widespread lesions, extensive skin and nerve involvement, and high bacterial loads. leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 27. Therefore, a spectrum of disease exists such that cell-mediated immunity dominates in mild forms of leprosy and decreases with increasing clinical severity. Meanwhile, humoral immunity is relatively absent in mild disease and increases with the severity of diseases. leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 28. TYPES OF REACTIONS Leprosy reactions; During the course of untreated or even treated leprosy, the immune system may produce inflammatory reactions. There are two (2) types. . leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 29. Type 1: Results from a spontaneous increase in cell-mediated immunity. These reactions can cause fever and inflammation of the pre-existing skin and peripheral nerve lesions, resulting in skin edema, erythema, and tenderness and worsening nerve functioning. leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 30. These reactions particularly if not treated early contribute significantly to nerve damage. Because the immune response is increased, these reactions are termed reversal reactions, despite the apparent clinical worsening. leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 31. Treatment for type 1: patients with type 1 reaction (except minor skin reaction) are given Predinisolone 40-60mg per oral once per day initially, followed by low maintenance dose of as low as 10-15mg per day for a few months. leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 32. Type 2: Also known as Erythema Nodosum Leprosum or (ENL) are systemic inflammatory reactions that appear to be a vasculitis or panniculitis and probably involve circulating immune complex deposition or increased T- helper cell function. leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 33. Patients may develop erythematous and painful papules or nodules that may postulate and ulcerate and cause fever, neuritis, lymphadenitis, orchitis, arthritis (particularly in large joints usually knees), and glomerulonephritis. Hemolytic or bone marrow suppression may cause anemia, and hepatic inflammation may cause mild abnormalities in liver function test. leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 34. Treatment for type 2: First and second episodes of ENL may be treated if mild with Aspirin or, if significant, with one week of Predinisolone 40-60mg once per day plus antimicrobials. For recurrent cases Thalidomide 100-300mg orally once per day. leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 35. However because of its teratogenicity, thalidomide should not be given to women who may become pregnant. leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 36. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS Specific Symptoms Vary With The Severity Of The Disease Prodromal symptoms are generally so slight that the disease is not recognized until a cutaneous eruption is present. However, 90% of patients have a history of numbness first, sometimes years before the skin lesions appear. leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 37. Temperature is the first sensation that is lost. Patient cannot sense extremes of hot or cold. The next sensation lost is light touch, then pain, and finally deep pressure. These losses are especially apparent in the hands and feet; therefore, the chief complaint may be a burning senastion or ulcer in an anaesthetic extremity. . leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 38. Other parts of the body that might be affected are the cool areas: superficial peripheral nerves, anterior chamber of the eyes, testes, chin, malar eminences, earlobes, and knees. From this stage, most lesions evolve into the tuberculoid, borderline, or lepromatous types leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 39. Important physical signs generally affect 3 general areas: cutaneous (skin) lesions, neuropathies, and eyes leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 40. For cutaneous lesions, assess the number and distribution of skin lesions. A hypo pigmented macule with a raised border is often the first cutaneous lesion. Plaques are also common. Borderline disease often appears with lesions on the buttocks. leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 41. Regarding neuropathies, assess for areas of hypo esthesia (light touch, pinprick, temperature and anhidrosis), especially peripheral nerve trunks and cutaneous nerves. The most common nerve affected is the posterior tibial nerve. Others commonly damaged are the ulnar, median, lateral popliteal, and facial nerves. Bedsides sensory loss, there may be associated tenderness and motor loss. leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 42. Eye damage is most often seen with facial lesions. Lagophthalmos (inability to close the eye), a late finding in LL, results from involvement of the zygomatic and temporal branches of the facial nerve (cranial nerve, CN VII. leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 43. Involvement of the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve (CN V2) can result in reduced corneal reflex, leaving dry eyes and reduced blinking. Others ;Saddle nose, madarosis leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 45. DIAGNOSIS The diagnosis of leprosy is primarily a clinical one. Diagnosis was based on 1 of 3 signs:  Hypo pigmented or reddish patches with definite loss of sensation  Thickened peripheral nerves  Acid-fast bacilli on skin smear or biopsy material leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 46. MANAGEMENT INVESTIGATIONS Tissue Smear Testing/Slit-skin Smear (Skin Biopsy): An incision is made in the skin, and the scalpel blade is used to obtain fluid from a lesion. The fluid is placed on a glass slide and stained by using the Ziehl-neelsen acid-fast method or the fite method to look for organisms per 100 bacilli. leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 47. Skin smears have specificity but low sensitivity because 70% of all patients with leprosy have negative smears. However, this test is useful because it detects the most infectious patients. leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 48. HISTAMINE TESTING: This is used to diagnose postganglionic nerve injury. Histamine diphospate is dropped on normal skin and affected skin, and a pinprick is made through each site. The site forms a wheal on normal skin but not where nerve damage is present. leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 49. METHACHOLINE SWEAT TESTING: An intradermal injection of methacholine demonstrates the absence of sweating in leprosy lesions. This test is useful in dark- skinned patients in whom the flare with the histamine test cannot be seen. leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 50. TREATMENT The management of leprosy includes early pharmacotherapy and physical, social, and psychological rehabilitation. The goals of pharmacotherapy are to stop the infection, reduce morbidity, prevent complications and eradicate the disease. leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 51. Since 1981, MDT (Multiple drug therapy) has been advocated by WHO and The USA. MDT prevents dapsone resistance, quickly reduces contagiousness, and reduces relapses, reactions, and disabilities. leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 52. TREATMENT PLANS NON- PHARMACOLOGICAL/ PATIENT EDUCATION Patients first need an explanation of the diagnosis and prognosis. Their fears should be addressed because of the cultural stigma associated with leprosy. leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 53. The physician should also refute any myths that the patient may have about leprosy. Patients may need psychological counseling because they may have difficulty in coming to terms with the disease or in feeling rejected by society. The patient should be reassured that, within a few days of starting MDT, they are not infectious and can lead a normal life. leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 54. Patients need education about how to deal with anesthesia of a hand or foot. They must learn to carefully inspect their extremities for trauma daily. Patients should also be told to wear proper footwear and protective equipment as necessary. Inexpensive canvas shoes with protective insoles are as effective as special orthopedic shoes. Inspecting limbs and eyes for onset of anesthesia or weakness is also important. leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 55. Physical therapy and occupational therapy are important tools in rehabilitation. Patients must learn how to recognize the onset of lepra reactions, and they should be told to seek immediate medical attention if these reactions develop. Potential deformities can be prevented by educating patients about how to deal with existing nerves damage and by treating any sequelae of this damage. leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 56. PHARMACOLOGICAL TREATMENT The length of treatment ranges from 6 months to 2 years. Patients are considered non-infectious within 1- 2 weeks of treatment (usually after the first dose). These drugs are conveniently packaged in monthly calendar blister packs. Monitor for drug resistance and adverse reactions to medications. leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 57. Paucibacillary disease can be treated with a combination of 2 drugs, whereas Multibacillary disease requires triple-drug therapy. Single skin lesions (Paucibacillary) can be treated with a single dose of 3 drugs. The length of treatment depends on the type of disease and on the access to drugs. leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 58. Current WHO recommendations for treatment of leprosy are as follows: Paucibacillary disease: Dapsone 100mg/day plus rifampicin 600mg once a month for 6 months. Multibacillary disease: Dapsone 100mg/day plus rifampicin 600mg once a month plus Clofazimine 300mg once a month and 50mg/day for 1 year. Single skin lesion: A single dose of rifampicin 600mg, Ofloxac in 400mg, and Minocycline 100mg. This is given as single doses leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 59. SURGICAL TREAMENT Emergency surgery may be necessary if a patient with profound nerve inflammation presents with a nerve abscess or loss of nerve function secondary to compression. leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 60. Prompt recognition and surgical drainage of the abscess can often restore nerve function. Elective surgery may be required for correction of lagophthalmos (i.e. inability to close the eye). Reconstructive surgery can be used to repair nasal collapse in LL. Other surgery may be needed to improve function or for cosmesis. Contractures can be surgically repaired. leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 61. COMPLICATIONS If severe and left untreated; leprosy can cause clinically significant and debilitating deformity such as loss of digits. • Lagophthalmos • Madalosis • Saddle nose • Nerve damage • Reversal reactions. leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 62. REHABILITATION OF A PATIENT WITH LEPROSY Rehabilitation is the important in leprosy control. Prompt treatment and detection is important. This may include accessories and corrective surgical procedures. Socio-economic and vocational rehabilitation also forms an integral part in the care of leprosy patient. leprosy 2017 mwila
  • 64. Quiz t/f 1. Toxoplasmosis intermediate host could be a birds. 2. The cats are the definitive hosts of T. Gondii 3. The period during an epileptic seizure is referred to as ictal time 4. Toxoplasmosis is a fungal disease 5. Orientation of the patient after an epileptic attack is not necessary leprosy 2017 mwila