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Lean Thinking
francesco mapelli (@mapelli)
University of Insubria
April 22, 2016
Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References
Waterfall Development Process
Lean Approach
Lean Development
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References
Waterfall Approach: Building software it's like building an
Analyze requirements
Linear process: each phase completed
before the next one can start
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References
Analyze requirements
Who are the stakeholders?
What is this software supposed to do?
Do we have conicting requirements?
Requirements should be
The output is a Product Requirement Document
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References
Architecture of the software
How can we satisfy the requirements?
What aspects should we maximize?
Design principles
Output is a Design Description
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
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Actual coding
Testing of the single components
Integration between various parts
Output is the software solution
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
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Testing of the entire solution
Fix of the issues
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
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Other xes...
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
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Easy to understand
Good planning reduces costs
Easy to manage
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References
Useful for projects with
clear requirements
xed context
clear timeframe
xed resources
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
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In the real world it often does not work :(
Not exible
Late feedbacks
High cost for delays
No customer interaction
Decisions are taken far from the moment they will be applied
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References
Usually building software is not at all like building an house
Answers to a lot of questions changes during the project
What do we want?
Are we going in the right direction?
Does it really work as expected?
Does it really feel as expected?
Do we still have the same resources available?
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References
Let's get inspired by some other kind of production system...
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References
History of Manufacturing
USA - Ford: Continuous system for mass production
Model T - 1910s-30s
A bomber an hour - 1944
Based on
Assembly line
No variation of the product
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References
History of Manufacturing
Japan - Toyota - Toyota Production System (1948-1975)
Initialy called Just In Time
Adapt to changing requirements
Reduce setup costs
Allow small batches
the market requires more customization and personalization
Workers can contribute more
Availability of component is key
Not inventory!
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References
History of Manufacturing
Inspiration: shelf lling policy in a supermarket
When a order comes, the needed parts are taken and
assembled, the ticket is sent upstream to the previous step
the previous steps prepare what is written on the kanban and
send the product with the kanban downstream
if at this stage materials from a precedent step are needed, the
kanban mechanism works the same with the previous-previous
step as well
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References
History of Manufacturing
customer asks for a bike
take the wheels and send the wheel kanban upstream
take the frame and send the frame kanban upstream
assemble the bike and give it to the customer
wheel area
recieve the kanban, prepare a new pair of wheels, attach the
wheel kanban to the wheels
each part needed to build has a kanban, that is sent upstream
frame production area
recieve the frame kanban, prepare a new frame, attach the
kanban to the frame
each part needed to build has a kanban, that is sent upstream
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References
History of Manufacturing
Lean Manufactoring is a concept expressed in 1990 in the
book The machine that changed the world
In a chapter by John Krafcick, CEO google self driving cars
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
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Lean Manufacturing Concepts
Lean Manufacturing
Focus on reducing everything that does not provide value
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
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Lean Manufacturing Concepts
Key Concept: Value
Value is everything the customer is willing to pay for
Value is dened by customer
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References
Lean Manufacturing Concepts
Key Concept: Waste (MUDA)
Waste is bad and undesirable both from an economical and
ethical point of view
Waste is any activity that does not produce value
Is waste so bad?
Someone has to pay for the waste. This means minor margin
or customer paying more than needed.
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References
Lean Manufacturing Concepts
The 7 Kind of waste
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
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Producing items not needed right now
- why?
needed = required to satisfy an order
coming from a customer
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References
Moving things does not change their value
risk and cost
producing where it costs less then moving where you sell works
only if you think in huge batches: you reduce the cost per unit
and if you produce enough you will have an advantage
so we somehow produce a lot and move things around to
satisfy the process, not the customer
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References
raw materials / uncompleted items / nished goods
storing, counting, and listing items does not change their value
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References
Of people or parts during production, useless and risky
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References
goods not being processed
value is not reaching the end of the
ow as fast as possible
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References
more work than needed
producing with higher quality than needed
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References
Lean Principles
Lean Manufacturing principles
1) Specify Value
2) Identify Value Stream
3) Make the Value Stream ow
4) Implement Pull Scheduling
5) Pursue Perfection
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References
Lean Principles
Specify value
What is value for the customer?
Dened by customer
In a specic time
At a specic price
Represents needs of the customer
Are you willing to pay...
$20 to Bill, so he can add MP3 player to your car?
$20 to John so we can store your car for two days?
$20 to Marie, so we can x the mp3 player Bill installed upside
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References
Lean Principles
Identify Value Stream
each step in the entire production
creates value
creates no value but is (still) needed
Muda type 1
does not create value and it is not needed
Muda type 2
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References
Lean Principles
Make the Value Stream Flow
remove type 2 waste
work on type 1 waste usually caused by
batch  queue
goods waiting for a next step
meanwhile, value is postponed, we're waiting for the economy
of scale to be happy
rethik process and steps
every aspect: position, assumptions, speed, noise
small improvements can give more benets than New Big
workers are key pieces of this approach as they know better
their job
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References
Lean Principles
Bicycle production - traditional
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References
Lean Principles
Bicycle production - lean
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References
Lean Principles
Implement pull scheduling
produce something only if a subsequent steps requires so
from production for inventory to production for customer
resources are used only if there is real demand
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References
Lean Principles
Pursue perfection
focus and iterate
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References
Example: Cola value ow
Auminum production
australia, bauxite, estraction phase
4tons to ll a truck
factory, 2tons of alumina powder - 30 mins
500k tons to ll a ship container - 2 weeks
travel to norway - 4 weeks
wait in the foundry - 2 months
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References
Example: Cola value ow
From Aluminium to can
hot rolling, sweden / norway
cold rolling, somwhere else (sweden / germany)
cut and preparation, uk
printing and cap
shipment to ller
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References
Example: Cola value ow
Total time of value production: 3 hours
Elapsed: 319 days
lift up: 30 times
14 storage facilities across the world
4 times pack and unpack
24 percent of aluminim lost
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References
Example: Cola value ow
A single can is very small
Everything in the ow is very large
Economy of scale requires so
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References
Lean Development
Rethink development with lean principles in mind
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References
Waste Types
Waste types table
Lean Manufacturing Lean Development
Overproduction Extra features
Transportation Task switching
Inventory Work partially done
Motion Motion
Waiting Waiting
Defects Defects
Overprocessing Extra processes
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References
Waste Types
Overproduction - Extra Features
Real temptation for Product Owners and Developers
Adding extra features is percieved as harmless, it is not
needs to be tested
needs to be maintained
can contain bugs
becomes obsolete
Cost of development is not always percieved
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References
Waste Types
Transportation - Task switching
People are often assigned to multiple
Or multiple teams
Or multiple roles
This may be needed in some scenarios
but every context switch creates waste
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References
Waste Types
Inventory - Work partially done
Uncompleted features
Something is there, so you do not want to remove it
But is not nished so you cannot enable it
Will it really work at the end?
Is code you have spent resources on, but is not producing value
Brings costs and risks for no reason
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References
Waste Types
Also, accessibility issue
How far should I go to get the answer?
Artifacts move as well
design docs
code / feature hando
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References
Waste Types
Each wait postpones the value for the customer
Slower ouput means slower response to request
One of the principles of lean development is to decide as late
as possible, waiting makes this less ecient
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References
Waste Types
Waste amount is the impact multiplied the time it goes
Finding defects early is crucial
test immediatly
iterate often
release in production soon
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References
Waste Types
Overprocessing - Extra processes
Excessive Paperwork
If there is noone waiting for it, it is a waste
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References
Seven Principles
Eliminate waste
Amplify Learning
Decide as late as possible
Deliver as fast as possible
Empower the team
Technical decisions taken by techicals
Late decisions means not having time to review everything
Build integrity in
External and internal
See the whole
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References
Tools to...
Eliminate Waste
Map the value stream, nd the blocked areas, correct them
Amplify Learning
Feedback Loops
Iterative processes
Decide as late as possible
Concurrent development
Keep options available
Wait until the last responsible moment
Deliver as fast as possible
Pull system: let people gure out what to do
Kanban or similar signals
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References
This course as a kanban board
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References
Tools to... (2)
Empower the team
Manager Leader
Cope with complexity Cope with change
Plan and budget Set direction
Organize and sta Align people
Track and control Enable Motivation
hire good people, and leave them alone
If you put fences around people you get sheep
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References
Lean from the real world
Stories from the real world
Reduce Waste in bugs
Lean handling of icons and strings
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References
Lean Thinking - Womack and Jones - part 1
Lean Development - Poppendieck and Poppendieck -
introduction, chapter 1, concepts from other chapters as well
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking
Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References
Diagrams of the bicycle factory layout taken from Lean
Thinking and Strategic Asset Management , MRO Software
Salami picture by André Karwath aka Aka
francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria
Lean Thinking

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Lean Thinking - Lean development and Agile methodologies lesson 2

  • 1. Lean Thinking francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria April 22, 2016
  • 2. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 3. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References Introduction Waterfall Approach: Building software it's like building an house Analyze requirements Design Build Verify Mantain Linear process: each phase completed before the next one can start francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 4. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References Phases Analyze requirements Who are the stakeholders? What is this software supposed to do? Do we have conicting requirements? ... Requirements should be Documented Actionable Measurable Testable Traceable ... The output is a Product Requirement Document francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 5. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References Phases Design Architecture of the software How can we satisfy the requirements? What aspects should we maximize? Compatibility? Security? Performance? Modularity? ... Design principles Output is a Design Description francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 6. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References Phases Build Actual coding Testing of the single components Integration between various parts Output is the software solution francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 7. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References Phases Verify Testing of the entire solution Fix of the issues francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 8. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References Phases Maintain Support Maintainance Other xes... francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 9. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References Conclusions Advantages Easy to understand Good planning reduces costs Easy to manage francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 10. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References Conclusions Useful for projects with clear requirements xed context clear timeframe xed resources francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 11. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References Conclusions In the real world it often does not work :( Issues Not exible Late feedbacks High cost for delays No customer interaction Decisions are taken far from the moment they will be applied francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 12. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References Conclusions Usually building software is not at all like building an house Answers to a lot of questions changes during the project What do we want? Are we going in the right direction? Does it really work as expected? Does it really feel as expected? Do we still have the same resources available? ... francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 13. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References Conclusions Let's get inspired by some other kind of production system... francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 14. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References History of Manufacturing USA - Ford: Continuous system for mass production Model T - 1910s-30s A bomber an hour - 1944 Based on Standardization Assembly line No variation of the product francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 15. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References History of Manufacturing Japan - Toyota - Toyota Production System (1948-1975) Initialy called Just In Time Adapt to changing requirements Reduce setup costs Allow small batches the market requires more customization and personalization Workers can contribute more Availability of component is key Not inventory! Kanban francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 16. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References History of Manufacturing Kanban Inspiration: shelf lling policy in a supermarket When a order comes, the needed parts are taken and assembled, the ticket is sent upstream to the previous step the previous steps prepare what is written on the kanban and send the product with the kanban downstream if at this stage materials from a precedent step are needed, the kanban mechanism works the same with the previous-previous step as well francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 17. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References History of Manufacturing Example customer asks for a bike assembly take the wheels and send the wheel kanban upstream take the frame and send the frame kanban upstream assemble the bike and give it to the customer wheel area recieve the kanban, prepare a new pair of wheels, attach the wheel kanban to the wheels each part needed to build has a kanban, that is sent upstream frame production area recieve the frame kanban, prepare a new frame, attach the kanban to the frame each part needed to build has a kanban, that is sent upstream ... francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 18. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References History of Manufacturing Lean Manufactoring is a concept expressed in 1990 in the book The machine that changed the world In a chapter by John Krafcick, CEO google self driving cars francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 19. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References Lean Manufacturing Concepts Lean Manufacturing Focus on reducing everything that does not provide value francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 20. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References Lean Manufacturing Concepts Key Concept: Value Value is everything the customer is willing to pay for Value is dened by customer francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 21. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References Lean Manufacturing Concepts Key Concept: Waste (MUDA) Waste is bad and undesirable both from an economical and ethical point of view Waste is any activity that does not produce value Is waste so bad? Someone has to pay for the waste. This means minor margin or customer paying more than needed. francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 22. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References Lean Manufacturing Concepts The 7 Kind of waste overproduction transportation stocks motion waiting defects overprocessing francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 23. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References Waste Overproduction Producing items not needed right now - why? needed = required to satisfy an order coming from a customer francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 24. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References Waste Transportation Moving things does not change their value risk and cost producing where it costs less then moving where you sell works only if you think in huge batches: you reduce the cost per unit and if you produce enough you will have an advantage so we somehow produce a lot and move things around to satisfy the process, not the customer francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 25. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References Waste stocks raw materials / uncompleted items / nished goods storing, counting, and listing items does not change their value francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 26. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References Waste motion Of people or parts during production, useless and risky francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 27. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References Waste waiting goods not being processed value is not reaching the end of the ow as fast as possible francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 28. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References Waste overprocessing more work than needed producing with higher quality than needed francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 29. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References Lean Principles Lean Manufacturing principles 1) Specify Value 2) Identify Value Stream 3) Make the Value Stream ow 4) Implement Pull Scheduling 5) Pursue Perfection francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 30. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References Lean Principles Specify value What is value for the customer? Dened by customer In a specic time At a specic price Represents needs of the customer Are you willing to pay... $20 to Bill, so he can add MP3 player to your car? $20 to John so we can store your car for two days? $20 to Marie, so we can x the mp3 player Bill installed upside down? ... francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 31. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References Lean Principles Identify Value Stream each step in the entire production creates value creates no value but is (still) needed Muda type 1 does not create value and it is not needed Muda type 2 francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 32. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References Lean Principles Make the Value Stream Flow remove type 2 waste work on type 1 waste usually caused by batch queue goods waiting for a next step meanwhile, value is postponed, we're waiting for the economy of scale to be happy rethik process and steps every aspect: position, assumptions, speed, noise small improvements can give more benets than New Big Machines workers are key pieces of this approach as they know better their job francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 33. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References Lean Principles Bicycle production - traditional francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 34. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References Lean Principles Bicycle production - lean francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 35. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References Lean Principles Implement pull scheduling produce something only if a subsequent steps requires so from production for inventory to production for customer resources are used only if there is real demand francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 36. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References Lean Principles Pursue perfection focus and iterate francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 37. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References Example: Cola value ow Auminum production australia, bauxite, estraction phase 4tons to ll a truck factory, 2tons of alumina powder - 30 mins 500k tons to ll a ship container - 2 weeks travel to norway - 4 weeks wait in the foundry - 2 months melted francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 38. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References Example: Cola value ow From Aluminium to can hot rolling, sweden / norway cold rolling, somwhere else (sweden / germany) cut and preparation, uk printing and cap sorting shipment to ller lling deposit supermarket francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 39. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References Example: Cola value ow Sumary: Total time of value production: 3 hours Elapsed: 319 days lift up: 30 times 14 storage facilities across the world 4 times pack and unpack 24 percent of aluminim lost francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 40. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References Example: Cola value ow Why? A single can is very small Everything in the ow is very large Economy of scale requires so francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 41. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References Introduction Lean Development Rethink development with lean principles in mind francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 42. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References Waste Types Waste types table Lean Manufacturing Lean Development Overproduction Extra features Transportation Task switching Inventory Work partially done Motion Motion Waiting Waiting Defects Defects Overprocessing Extra processes francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 43. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References Waste Types Overproduction - Extra Features Real temptation for Product Owners and Developers Adding extra features is percieved as harmless, it is not needs to be tested needs to be maintained can contain bugs becomes obsolete Cost of development is not always percieved francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 44. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References Waste Types Transportation - Task switching People are often assigned to multiple projects Or multiple teams Or multiple roles This may be needed in some scenarios but every context switch creates waste francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 45. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References Waste Types Inventory - Work partially done Uncompleted features Something is there, so you do not want to remove it But is not nished so you cannot enable it Will it really work at the end? Is code you have spent resources on, but is not producing value Brings costs and risks for no reason francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 46. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References Waste Types Motion Also, accessibility issue How far should I go to get the answer? Artifacts move as well Requirements design docs code code / feature hando francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 47. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References Waste Types Waiting Each wait postpones the value for the customer Slower ouput means slower response to request One of the principles of lean development is to decide as late as possible, waiting makes this less ecient francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 48. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References Waste Types Defects Waste amount is the impact multiplied the time it goes undetected Finding defects early is crucial test immediatly iterate often release in production soon francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 49. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References Waste Types Overprocessing - Extra processes Excessive Paperwork If there is noone waiting for it, it is a waste francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 50. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References Principles Seven Principles Eliminate waste Amplify Learning Decide as late as possible Deliver as fast as possible Empower the team Technical decisions taken by techicals Late decisions means not having time to review everything Build integrity in External and internal See the whole francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 51. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References Tools Tools to... Eliminate Waste Map the value stream, nd the blocked areas, correct them Amplify Learning Feedback Loops Iterative processes Decide as late as possible Concurrent development Keep options available Wait until the last responsible moment Deliver as fast as possible Pull system: let people gure out what to do Kanban or similar signals francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 52. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References Tools This course as a kanban board francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 53. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References Tools Tools to... (2) Empower the team Manager Leader Cope with complexity Cope with change Plan and budget Set direction Organize and sta Align people Track and control Enable Motivation hire good people, and leave them alone If you put fences around people you get sheep francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 54. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References Lean from the real world Stories from the real world Reduce Waste in bugs Lean handling of icons and strings francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 55. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References References Bibliography Lean Thinking - Womack and Jones - part 1 Lean Development - Poppendieck and Poppendieck - introduction, chapter 1, concepts from other chapters as well francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking
  • 56. Waterfall Development Process Lean Approach Lean Development References References Attribution Diagrams of the bicycle factory layout taken from Lean Thinking and Strategic Asset Management , MRO Software Salami picture by André Karwath aka Aka francesco mapelli (@mapelli) University of Insubria Lean Thinking