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CO2: Appraise the principles of quality
management and to explain how these
principles can be applied within quality
management systems
Learning Objectives
• Understand the definition of a leader and the characteristics
of a quality leader
• Importance of principle-centered leadership based on
character ethics rather than personality ethics
• Role of leadership in building a foundation of ethical
standards in the organization
• Appreciate and understand Deming’s philosophy and
14-points as a framework for TQM
• Importance of commitment and involvement of leadership
and management in TQM implementation
• Understand the structure and functions of quality council in
order to drive TQM implementation
• Setting direction for TQM efforts, creating vision, mission,
quality policy and establishing strategic objectives
• Management is doing things right; leadership
is doing the right things.
– Peter Drucker
Define Leadership
• There is no universal definition of leadership and
indeed many books have been devoted to the topic
of leadership.
• James McGregor described leadership as one who
instills purposes, not one who controls by brute
• A leader strengthens and inspires the followers to
accomplish shared goals.
The Malcolm Baldrige Quality Award’s definition of
An organization’s senior leadership should:
• Set direction and create a customer focus.
• Create clear and visible values, and high expectations
• These directions, values and expectations should balance
the needs of all your stakeholders.
• Ensure the creation of strategies, systems, and methods for
achieving excellence, stimulating innovations, and building
knowledge and capabilities
The Malcolm Baldrige Quality Award’s definition of
• The values and strategies should help guide all activities and
decisions of your organization.
• Senior leaders should inspire and motivate your entire
workforce and should encourage all employees to contribute,
to develop and learn, to be innovative, and to be creative.
• Senior leadership should serve as role models through their
ethical behavior and their personal involvement in planning,
communications, coaching and development of future
• As a role models, they can reinforce values and expectations
while building leadership, commitment, and initiative
throughout your organization.
Getting quality results is not a short-term,
instant-pudding way to improve
competitiveness; implementing total quality
management requires hands-on, continuous
Armand V. Feigenbaum
Characteristics of Good Leader
1. Priority attention to external and internal
customers and their needs
2. They empower, rather than control, subordinates
3. They emphasize improvement rather than
4. They emphasize prevention rather than cure
5. They encourage collaboration rather than
6. They train and coach, rather than direct and
Characteristics of Good Leader
7. They learn from problems
8. They continually try to improve communications
9. They continually demonstrate their commitment
to quality
10. They choose suppliers on the basis of quality, not
11. They establish organizational systems to support
the quality effort.
12. They encourage and recognize team effort
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
1. Be Proactive
2. Begin with the End in Mind
3. Put First Things First
4. Think Win-Win
5. Seek First to Understand, Then to Be
6. Synergy
7. Sharpen the Saw
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
1. Be Proactive
Taking responsibility for your life—the ability to choose the response to a
Proactive behavior is the outcome of conscious choice based on values, rather
than reactive behavior, which is based on feelings.
Reactive people let circumstances, conditions, or their environment tell them
how to respond.
Proactive people let carefully thought-about, selected, and internalized values
tell them how to respond.
It’s not what happens to us but our response that differentiates the two behaviors.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
2.Begin with the End in Mind
•Each part of your life can be examined in terms of what really matters
to you—a vision of your life as a whole.
•All things are created twice—there’s a mental or first creation and a
physical or second creation to all things.
•To build a house you first create a blueprint and then construct the
actual house.
•You create a speech on paper before you give it.
•If you want to have a successful organization you begin with a plan
that will produce the appropriate end;
•thus leadership is the first creation, and management, the second.
•Leadership is doing the right things and management is doing things
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
3.Put First Things First
Habit 1 says, “You’re the creator. You are in
Habit 2 is the first creation and is based on
imagination—leadership based on values.
Habit 3 is practicing self-management and
requires Habits 1 and 2 as prerequisites.
• The Time Management Matrix is diagrammed above
• Urgent means it requires immediate attention, and important has
to do with results that contribute to your mission, goals, and
The results of too much time in Q1 are:
• Stress and anxiety • Feeling burnt out
• Mediocre performance
Planning ahead is simply out of the
question for the Procrastinator because
it will ruin the excitement of doing
everything at the last possible moment.
The Procrastinator is addicted to
urgency. …. put things off … put things
off … put things off . . . until it becomes
a crisis.
Q3 represents things that are urgent but not important. It
is characterized by trying to please other people and
responding to their every desire.
The results of spending too much time in Q3 are:
• Feeling like a follower rather than a leader • Lack of
discipline • Feeling like a doormat for others to wipe their
feet on.
The results of living in Q4 are:
• Lack of responsibility • Guilt • Flakiness
• Missing out on adventures
Q4 is the category of waste
and excess. These activities
are neither urgent nor
• Effective, proactive people spend most of their time in
Quadrant II, thereby reducing the time spent in Quadrant I.
Four activities are necessary to be effective.
• First, write down your key roles for the Week.
• Second, list your objectives for each role using many Quadrant
II activities. These objectives should be tied to your personal
goals or philosophy developed in Habit 2.
• Third, schedule time to complete the objectives.
• Fourth, adapt the weekly schedule to your daily activities.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
4.Think Win-Win
Win-Win embraces five interdependent dimensions of life—character,
relationships, agreements, systems, and processes.
Character involves the trains of integrity; maturity, which is a balance between
being considerate of others and the courage to express feelings; and abundance
mentality, which means that there is plenty out there for everyone.
Relationships means that the two parties trust each other and are deeply
committed to Win-Win.
Agreements require the five elements of desired results, guidelines, resources,
accountability, and consequences. Win-Win agreements can only survive in a
system that supports it.
In order to obtain Win-Win, a four-step process is needed:
(1) see the problem from the other viewpoint,
(2) identify the key issues and concerns,
(3) determine acceptable results, and
(4) seek possible new options to achieve those results.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
5.Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood
• Empathic Listening is the key to effective
• It focuses on learning how the other person sees the
world, how they feel, deeply understand that person,
emotionally as well as intellectually.
• Next to physical need, the need of a human being is
psychological survival—to be understood.
• ethos, pathos, and logos - Ethos is your personal
credibility or character;
• pathos is the empathy you have with the other person’s
communication; and
• logos is the logic or reasoning part of your presentation
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
• Together, we can accomplish more than any of us
can accomplish alone.
7.Sharpen the Saw
• It’s renewing the four dimensions of your nature—
– Physical - good nutrition, rest and relaxation, and regular
– Spiritual -prayer, meditation, and spiritual reading
– Mental - reading, seminars, and writing, and
– Social/emotional - relationship with others.
• Ethics is a body of principles or standards of human conduct
that govern the behaviour of individuals and organizations.
• It is knowing what is the right thing to do and is learned
when one is growing up, or at a later date during an
organization’s ethics training program.
• Some companies known for their ethics:
– HDFC, Infosys, Tata Steel, Wipro
• Companies known for unethical practices:
– Satyam Computers –CEO Ramalingam Raju admitted that lot of
money was siphoned and the profits shown in the books were
– Kingfisher Airlines -In 2012, Kingfisher Airlines deferred the salary
payment of any of its employees and taxes when it faced financial
problems. It also started routinely cancelling scheduled flights
resulting in serious loss of credibility.
Ethical Practices: Recent Examples
• Nirav Modi case show how unethical behavior does not pay in the
long run. The multi-crore scam is apprehended to be of a value
greater than Rs.11,400 crore. Under this scam fraudulent LoUs
were issued by PNB so that neither the margin money amount was
given by the credit seeker, who here is Mr. Nirav Modi, nor a credit
limit was sanctioned. Further, in the said scam, the credit
prescribed or laid down in the rules was not followed and it was
extended for over 90 days. A significant loss to PNB.
• Ethical behavior is essential in all fields: whether business, sports,
film industry or social organizations. In March 2018, Steve Smith,
who was captain of Australian cricket team, David Warner, the
vice-captain and Cameron Bancroft were involved in tampering the
ball while playing against South Africa. As a result, they faced a
strong disciplinary action jeopardizing their cricket carrier.
• Another example has been of Facebook in 2018 when Mark
Zukerberg apologized as it could not protect privacy of data of its
users. "This was a breach of trust and I’m sorry we didn’t do more
at the time,” wrote Zuckerberg. “I promise to do better for you.”
The Deming Philosophy: 14 Points
1. Create constancy of purpose
2. Learn the New Philosophy
3. Understand the Purpose of
4. Stop Awarding Business Based
on Price Alone
5. Improve Constantly and Forever
the System
6. Institute Training
7. Teach and Institute Leadership
8. Drive Out Fear, Create Trust,
and Create a Climate for
9. Optimize the Efforts of Teams,
Groups, and Staff Areas
10. Eliminate Exhortations for the
Work Force
11. Eliminate Numerical Quotas for
the Work Force and Eliminate
Management by Objective
12. Remove Barriers That Rob
People of Pride of
13. Encourage Education and
Self-Improvement for Everyone
14. Take Action to Accomplish the
Role of TQM Leaders in TQM implementation
• Management by Wandering Around (MBWA)
– Must visit customers, suppliers, plants
– The Japanese call this Gemba Leadership. The term gemba refers to
workplace where value gets added.
– Frederick Winslow Taylor and Henry Ford both recognized its virtues,
and Ford practiced it to excess; he spent so much time in his factory that
unopened bills and payments tended to pile up on his desk!
• Push problem solving and decision making to the lowest appropriate level
by delegating authority and responsibility
• Provide resources to train employees in the TQM tools and techniques, the
technical requirements of the job, and safety
• Celebrate the success of their organization’s quality efforts by personally
participating in award and recognition ceremonies
• Senior managers must be visibly and actively engaged in the quality effort
• TQM message must be “sold” to personnel, else, TQM will never happen
Implementing TQM
• TQM implementation process begins with senior management and,
most important, the CEO’s commitment
• Senior management needs to be educated in the TQM concepts
• The active involvement of middle managers and first-line
supervisors is essential to the success of the TQM effort
– Managers at all levels have an opportunity, as soon as possible,
to develop ownership in the TQM effort and a chance to
acquire the insight and skills necessary to become leaders
• Involve union leaders by sharing with them implementation plans
for TQM
• Everyone needs to be trained in quality awareness and problem
• Conduct customer and employee surveys to identify opportunities
for improvement
Quality Council
• Quality council is established to provide overall direction
– council is composed of the CEO; heads of the functional areas, such as
design, marketing, finance, production, and quality; and a coordinator
or consultant.
• Responsibility of the coordinator
– Build two-way trust
– Propose team needs to the council
– Share the council expectations with the team, and brief the
council on team progress.
– Ensure that the teams are empowered and know their
The coordinator’s activities are to
– Assist the team leaders, share lessons learned among teams,
and have regular leaders’ meetings.
Duties of the quality council
1. Develop, with input from all personnel, the core values, vision
statement, mission statement, and quality policy statement.
2. Develop the strategic long-term plan with goals and the annual
quality improvement program with objectives.
3. Create the total education and training plan.
4. Determine and continually monitor the cost of poor quality.
5. Determine the performance measures for the organization,
approve those for the functional areas, and monitor them.
6. Continually determine those projects that improve the processes,
particularly those that affect external and internal customer
7. Establish multifunctional project and departmental or work group
teams and monitor their progress.
8. Establish or revise the recognition and reward system to account
for the new way of doing business.
Core Values, Concepts, and Framework
• Visionary Leadership
• Customer-Driven Excellence
• Organizational and Personal Learning
• Valuing Employees and Partners
• Agility
• Focus on the Future
• Managing for Innovation
• Management by Fact
• Public Responsibility and Citizenship
• Focus on Results and Creating Value
• Systems Perspective
Quality Statements
• Vision Statement
– The vision statement is a short declaration of what an
organization aspires to be tomorrow
• Mission Statement
– The mission statement answers the following
questions: who we are, who are the customers, what
we do, and how we do it.
• Quality Policy Statement
– The quality policy is a guide for everyone in the
organization as to how they should provide products
and service to the customers
To establish as the premier purveyor of
the finest coffee in the world while
maintaining our uncompromising
principles while we grow
Strategic Planning
• Goals and Objectives
– Concrete goals are needed to provide a focus, such as improve customer
satisfaction, employee satisfaction, and processes
– Goals must be based on statistical evidence
– Goals must have a plan or method with resources for its achievement
– Goals must be challenging yet achievable
• Seven Steps to Strategic Planning
1. discover the future needs of the customers
2. Decide Customer Positioning
3. Predict the Future
4. Identify the gaps between the current state and the future state of the
5. Develop plan to close the gaps by establishing goals and responsibilities
6. Align the plan with the mission, vision, and core values
7. Implementation
Strategic Planning: Hoshin Kanri
One of the approaches for strategic planning in
Japanese companies is Hoshin Kanri. The term
Hoshin Kanri has four components
• Ho – means Direction.
• Shin – refers to Focus.
• Kan – refers to Alignment.
• Ri – means Reason.
Strategic Planning: Hoshin Kanri
Japanese Total Quality Management (TQM) is founded on the
principles that each individual in an organization is recognized as
being the expert in their own job, that humans seek recognition
and want to be involved and are motivated by a desire to be
recognized as a contributor to the success of the community to
which they belong. Hoshin Kanri can be summarized as:
1. Develop the vision and goals to realize it.
2. Development of Strategy, Policy, Benchmarking and Targets.
3. The deployment of the Targets must be to all levels through a
cascaded process and the creation of policy at each level of
4. Establish a feedback loop of results to complete the
Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) Cycle which is the Shewhart Cycle
(which sometimes nowadays referred to as the Deming
Strategic Planning: Hoshin Kanri
Sometimes an X-matrix template is used for Hoshin Kanri as shown
in the following figure
(Figure Reproduced with permission from Institute of Quality and Reliability,
Strategic Planning: Creating Line of Sight:
Line of sight is defined as “an employee understanding the strategic
objectives of an organization and how to contribute to those objectives”.
By being able to make the connection between the overall direction and
goals of the organization to the individual employee, the employee is then
able to see how their job, goals and career “fit”. Line of sight also gives
employees a clearer understanding of what is expected of them and how
their contributions impact the organization.
Line of Sight (LOS) performance management creates clear and visible
links between the goals and objectives you are trying to achieve; the
measures and metrics that will help guide you toward those outcomes,
and the activities and initiatives occurring daily at the work-place. Most
importantly, it provides a set of navigational aids to maintain that focus
throughout the pursuit and achievement of your business goals.
• Interactive
– The most effective communication allows for
discussions between the employees and their
supervisor, not just management talking to
• Formal
– face-to-face interaction must be supplemented with
other communication methods to reinforce the
• Senior leadership of an organization should set direction,
create clear vision, inculcate customer focus, nurture values
and set clear expectations to motivate employees and
• Stephen Covey’s The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
provides a foundation of ethical and principle centred
leadership to drive TQM implementation.
• Deming’s 14 points also provide guidance to decide the
policies and direction.
• It is critically important that leadership and senior
management demonstrates their commitment and
involvement through their actions for the success of TQM.
• A quality committee consists of leadership and functional
leaders. This committee establishes the objectives and
roadmap and provides resources for TQM implementation.
• Techniques such as Hoshin Kanri, Line of Sight can be used
to deploy strategic planning objectives.

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  • 1. Leadership CO2: Appraise the principles of quality management and to explain how these principles can be applied within quality management systems
  • 2. 2
  • 3. Learning Objectives • Understand the definition of a leader and the characteristics of a quality leader • Importance of principle-centered leadership based on character ethics rather than personality ethics • Role of leadership in building a foundation of ethical standards in the organization • Appreciate and understand Deming’s philosophy and 14-points as a framework for TQM • Importance of commitment and involvement of leadership and management in TQM implementation • Understand the structure and functions of quality council in order to drive TQM implementation • Setting direction for TQM efforts, creating vision, mission, quality policy and establishing strategic objectives
  • 4. 4 • Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things. – Peter Drucker
  • 5. 5 Define Leadership • There is no universal definition of leadership and indeed many books have been devoted to the topic of leadership. • James McGregor described leadership as one who instills purposes, not one who controls by brute force. • A leader strengthens and inspires the followers to accomplish shared goals.
  • 6. 6 The Malcolm Baldrige Quality Award’s definition of Leadership An organization’s senior leadership should: • Set direction and create a customer focus. • Create clear and visible values, and high expectations • These directions, values and expectations should balance the needs of all your stakeholders. • Ensure the creation of strategies, systems, and methods for achieving excellence, stimulating innovations, and building knowledge and capabilities
  • 7. 7 The Malcolm Baldrige Quality Award’s definition of Leadership • The values and strategies should help guide all activities and decisions of your organization. • Senior leaders should inspire and motivate your entire workforce and should encourage all employees to contribute, to develop and learn, to be innovative, and to be creative. • Senior leadership should serve as role models through their ethical behavior and their personal involvement in planning, communications, coaching and development of future leaders. • As a role models, they can reinforce values and expectations while building leadership, commitment, and initiative throughout your organization.
  • 8. 8 Getting quality results is not a short-term, instant-pudding way to improve competitiveness; implementing total quality management requires hands-on, continuous leadership Armand V. Feigenbaum
  • 9. Characteristics of Good Leader 1. Priority attention to external and internal customers and their needs 2. They empower, rather than control, subordinates 3. They emphasize improvement rather than maintenance 4. They emphasize prevention rather than cure 5. They encourage collaboration rather than competition 6. They train and coach, rather than direct and supervise
  • 10. Characteristics of Good Leader (Continued) 7. They learn from problems 8. They continually try to improve communications 9. They continually demonstrate their commitment to quality 10. They choose suppliers on the basis of quality, not price 11. They establish organizational systems to support the quality effort. 12. They encourage and recognize team effort
  • 11. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People 1. Be Proactive 2. Begin with the End in Mind 3. Put First Things First 4. Think Win-Win 5. Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood 6. Synergy 7. Sharpen the Saw
  • 12. 12 The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People 1. Be Proactive Taking responsibility for your life—the ability to choose the response to a situation. Proactive behavior is the outcome of conscious choice based on values, rather than reactive behavior, which is based on feelings. Reactive people let circumstances, conditions, or their environment tell them how to respond. Proactive people let carefully thought-about, selected, and internalized values tell them how to respond. It’s not what happens to us but our response that differentiates the two behaviors.
  • 13. 13 The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People 2.Begin with the End in Mind •Each part of your life can be examined in terms of what really matters to you—a vision of your life as a whole. •All things are created twice—there’s a mental or first creation and a physical or second creation to all things. •To build a house you first create a blueprint and then construct the actual house. •You create a speech on paper before you give it. •If you want to have a successful organization you begin with a plan that will produce the appropriate end; •thus leadership is the first creation, and management, the second. •Leadership is doing the right things and management is doing things right.
  • 14. 14 The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People 3.Put First Things First Habit 1 says, “You’re the creator. You are in charge.” Habit 2 is the first creation and is based on imagination—leadership based on values. Habit 3 is practicing self-management and requires Habits 1 and 2 as prerequisites.
  • 15. 15 • The Time Management Matrix is diagrammed above • Urgent means it requires immediate attention, and important has to do with results that contribute to your mission, goals, and values.
  • 16. 16 The results of too much time in Q1 are: • Stress and anxiety • Feeling burnt out • Mediocre performance Planning ahead is simply out of the question for the Procrastinator because it will ruin the excitement of doing everything at the last possible moment. The Procrastinator is addicted to urgency. …. put things off … put things off … put things off . . . until it becomes a crisis.
  • 17. 17 Q3 represents things that are urgent but not important. It is characterized by trying to please other people and responding to their every desire. The results of spending too much time in Q3 are: • Feeling like a follower rather than a leader • Lack of discipline • Feeling like a doormat for others to wipe their feet on.
  • 18. 18 The results of living in Q4 are: • Lack of responsibility • Guilt • Flakiness • Missing out on adventures Q4 is the category of waste and excess. These activities are neither urgent nor important.
  • 19. 19 • Effective, proactive people spend most of their time in Quadrant II, thereby reducing the time spent in Quadrant I. Four activities are necessary to be effective. • First, write down your key roles for the Week. • Second, list your objectives for each role using many Quadrant II activities. These objectives should be tied to your personal goals or philosophy developed in Habit 2. • Third, schedule time to complete the objectives. • Fourth, adapt the weekly schedule to your daily activities.
  • 20. 20 The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People 4.Think Win-Win Win-Win embraces five interdependent dimensions of life—character, relationships, agreements, systems, and processes. Character involves the trains of integrity; maturity, which is a balance between being considerate of others and the courage to express feelings; and abundance mentality, which means that there is plenty out there for everyone. Relationships means that the two parties trust each other and are deeply committed to Win-Win. Agreements require the five elements of desired results, guidelines, resources, accountability, and consequences. Win-Win agreements can only survive in a system that supports it. In order to obtain Win-Win, a four-step process is needed: (1) see the problem from the other viewpoint, (2) identify the key issues and concerns, (3) determine acceptable results, and (4) seek possible new options to achieve those results.
  • 21. 21 The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People 5.Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood • Empathic Listening is the key to effective communication. • It focuses on learning how the other person sees the world, how they feel, deeply understand that person, emotionally as well as intellectually. • Next to physical need, the need of a human being is psychological survival—to be understood. • ethos, pathos, and logos - Ethos is your personal credibility or character; • pathos is the empathy you have with the other person’s communication; and • logos is the logic or reasoning part of your presentation
  • 22. 22 The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People 6.Synergy • Together, we can accomplish more than any of us can accomplish alone. 7.Sharpen the Saw • It’s renewing the four dimensions of your nature— – Physical - good nutrition, rest and relaxation, and regular exercise – Spiritual -prayer, meditation, and spiritual reading – Mental - reading, seminars, and writing, and – Social/emotional - relationship with others.
  • 23. Ethics • Ethics is a body of principles or standards of human conduct that govern the behaviour of individuals and organizations. • It is knowing what is the right thing to do and is learned when one is growing up, or at a later date during an organization’s ethics training program. • Some companies known for their ethics: – HDFC, Infosys, Tata Steel, Wipro • Companies known for unethical practices: – Satyam Computers –CEO Ramalingam Raju admitted that lot of money was siphoned and the profits shown in the books were NOT REAL. – Kingfisher Airlines -In 2012, Kingfisher Airlines deferred the salary payment of any of its employees and taxes when it faced financial problems. It also started routinely cancelling scheduled flights resulting in serious loss of credibility.
  • 24. Ethical Practices: Recent Examples • Nirav Modi case show how unethical behavior does not pay in the long run. The multi-crore scam is apprehended to be of a value greater than Rs.11,400 crore. Under this scam fraudulent LoUs were issued by PNB so that neither the margin money amount was given by the credit seeker, who here is Mr. Nirav Modi, nor a credit limit was sanctioned. Further, in the said scam, the credit prescribed or laid down in the rules was not followed and it was extended for over 90 days. A significant loss to PNB. • Ethical behavior is essential in all fields: whether business, sports, film industry or social organizations. In March 2018, Steve Smith, who was captain of Australian cricket team, David Warner, the vice-captain and Cameron Bancroft were involved in tampering the ball while playing against South Africa. As a result, they faced a strong disciplinary action jeopardizing their cricket carrier. • Another example has been of Facebook in 2018 when Mark Zukerberg apologized as it could not protect privacy of data of its users. "This was a breach of trust and I’m sorry we didn’t do more at the time,” wrote Zuckerberg. “I promise to do better for you.”
  • 25. The Deming Philosophy: 14 Points 1. Create constancy of purpose 2. Learn the New Philosophy 3. Understand the Purpose of Inspection 4. Stop Awarding Business Based on Price Alone 5. Improve Constantly and Forever the System 6. Institute Training 7. Teach and Institute Leadership 8. Drive Out Fear, Create Trust, and Create a Climate for Innovation 9. Optimize the Efforts of Teams, Groups, and Staff Areas 10. Eliminate Exhortations for the Work Force 11. Eliminate Numerical Quotas for the Work Force and Eliminate Management by Objective 12. Remove Barriers That Rob People of Pride of Workmanship 13. Encourage Education and Self-Improvement for Everyone 14. Take Action to Accomplish the Transformation
  • 26. Role of TQM Leaders in TQM implementation • Management by Wandering Around (MBWA) – Must visit customers, suppliers, plants – The Japanese call this Gemba Leadership. The term gemba refers to workplace where value gets added. – Frederick Winslow Taylor and Henry Ford both recognized its virtues, and Ford practiced it to excess; he spent so much time in his factory that unopened bills and payments tended to pile up on his desk! • Push problem solving and decision making to the lowest appropriate level by delegating authority and responsibility • Provide resources to train employees in the TQM tools and techniques, the technical requirements of the job, and safety • Celebrate the success of their organization’s quality efforts by personally participating in award and recognition ceremonies • Senior managers must be visibly and actively engaged in the quality effort • TQM message must be “sold” to personnel, else, TQM will never happen
  • 27. Implementing TQM • TQM implementation process begins with senior management and, most important, the CEO’s commitment • Senior management needs to be educated in the TQM concepts • The active involvement of middle managers and first-line supervisors is essential to the success of the TQM effort – Managers at all levels have an opportunity, as soon as possible, to develop ownership in the TQM effort and a chance to acquire the insight and skills necessary to become leaders • Involve union leaders by sharing with them implementation plans for TQM • Everyone needs to be trained in quality awareness and problem solving • Conduct customer and employee surveys to identify opportunities for improvement
  • 28. Quality Council • Quality council is established to provide overall direction – council is composed of the CEO; heads of the functional areas, such as design, marketing, finance, production, and quality; and a coordinator or consultant. • Responsibility of the coordinator – Build two-way trust – Propose team needs to the council – Share the council expectations with the team, and brief the council on team progress. – Ensure that the teams are empowered and know their responsibilities. The coordinator’s activities are to – Assist the team leaders, share lessons learned among teams, and have regular leaders’ meetings.
  • 29. Duties of the quality council 1. Develop, with input from all personnel, the core values, vision statement, mission statement, and quality policy statement. 2. Develop the strategic long-term plan with goals and the annual quality improvement program with objectives. 3. Create the total education and training plan. 4. Determine and continually monitor the cost of poor quality. 5. Determine the performance measures for the organization, approve those for the functional areas, and monitor them. 6. Continually determine those projects that improve the processes, particularly those that affect external and internal customer satisfaction 7. Establish multifunctional project and departmental or work group teams and monitor their progress. 8. Establish or revise the recognition and reward system to account for the new way of doing business.
  • 30. Core Values, Concepts, and Framework • Visionary Leadership • Customer-Driven Excellence • Organizational and Personal Learning • Valuing Employees and Partners • Agility • Focus on the Future • Managing for Innovation • Management by Fact • Public Responsibility and Citizenship • Focus on Results and Creating Value • Systems Perspective
  • 31. Quality Statements • Vision Statement – The vision statement is a short declaration of what an organization aspires to be tomorrow • Mission Statement – The mission statement answers the following questions: who we are, who are the customers, what we do, and how we do it. • Quality Policy Statement – The quality policy is a guide for everyone in the organization as to how they should provide products and service to the customers
  • 32. 32
  • 33. 33
  • 34. 34 OUR VISION To establish as the premier purveyor of the finest coffee in the world while maintaining our uncompromising principles while we grow
  • 35. 35
  • 36. Strategic Planning • Goals and Objectives – Concrete goals are needed to provide a focus, such as improve customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction, and processes – Goals must be based on statistical evidence – Goals must have a plan or method with resources for its achievement – Goals must be challenging yet achievable • Seven Steps to Strategic Planning 1. discover the future needs of the customers 2. Decide Customer Positioning 3. Predict the Future 4. Identify the gaps between the current state and the future state of the organization 5. Develop plan to close the gaps by establishing goals and responsibilities 6. Align the plan with the mission, vision, and core values 7. Implementation
  • 37. Strategic Planning: Hoshin Kanri One of the approaches for strategic planning in Japanese companies is Hoshin Kanri. The term Hoshin Kanri has four components • Ho – means Direction. • Shin – refers to Focus. • Kan – refers to Alignment. • Ri – means Reason.
  • 38. Strategic Planning: Hoshin Kanri Japanese Total Quality Management (TQM) is founded on the principles that each individual in an organization is recognized as being the expert in their own job, that humans seek recognition and want to be involved and are motivated by a desire to be recognized as a contributor to the success of the community to which they belong. Hoshin Kanri can be summarized as: 1. Develop the vision and goals to realize it. 2. Development of Strategy, Policy, Benchmarking and Targets. 3. The deployment of the Targets must be to all levels through a cascaded process and the creation of policy at each level of management. 4. Establish a feedback loop of results to complete the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) Cycle which is the Shewhart Cycle (which sometimes nowadays referred to as the Deming Wheel).
  • 39. Strategic Planning: Hoshin Kanri Sometimes an X-matrix template is used for Hoshin Kanri as shown in the following figure (Figure Reproduced with permission from Institute of Quality and Reliability,
  • 40. Strategic Planning: Creating Line of Sight: Line of sight is defined as “an employee understanding the strategic objectives of an organization and how to contribute to those objectives”. By being able to make the connection between the overall direction and goals of the organization to the individual employee, the employee is then able to see how their job, goals and career “fit”. Line of sight also gives employees a clearer understanding of what is expected of them and how their contributions impact the organization. Line of Sight (LOS) performance management creates clear and visible links between the goals and objectives you are trying to achieve; the measures and metrics that will help guide you toward those outcomes, and the activities and initiatives occurring daily at the work-place. Most importantly, it provides a set of navigational aids to maintain that focus throughout the pursuit and achievement of your business goals.
  • 41. Communications • Interactive – The most effective communication allows for discussions between the employees and their supervisor, not just management talking to employees • Formal – face-to-face interaction must be supplemented with other communication methods to reinforce the message
  • 42. Summary • Senior leadership of an organization should set direction, create clear vision, inculcate customer focus, nurture values and set clear expectations to motivate employees and suppliers. • Stephen Covey’s The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People provides a foundation of ethical and principle centred leadership to drive TQM implementation. • Deming’s 14 points also provide guidance to decide the policies and direction. • It is critically important that leadership and senior management demonstrates their commitment and involvement through their actions for the success of TQM. • A quality committee consists of leadership and functional leaders. This committee establishes the objectives and roadmap and provides resources for TQM implementation. • Techniques such as Hoshin Kanri, Line of Sight can be used to deploy strategic planning objectives.