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Unit 1 Language summary
Nouns                       male                        Adjectives                      Verbs
The alphabet                math                        Possessives                     am
See Exercise 4 on page 3.   name                        my                              are
Numbers                     nickname                    your                            is
(1–10)                      phone number                his
                            teacher                                                     Adverbs
See Exercise 11 on                                      her
  page 6.                                               our                             Responses
                            Pronouns                                                    no
                            Subjects                    Other
Titles                                                                                  yes
                            I                           famous
Miss                                                                                    Other
                            you                         first
Mr.                                                                                     not
                            he                          last
Mrs.                                                                                    (over) there
                            she                         married
Ms.                                                                                     too (= also)
                            it                          popular
Other                                                   single
book                        Other                                                       Preposition
                            this                                                        in (my class)
class                                                   Article
classmate                   what                        the                             Conjunctions
female                                                                                  and

Saying hello                           Introducing yourself and others            Thanking someone
Hello.                                 Hi, my name is . . . .                     Thank you./Thanks.
Hi.                                      I’m . . . .                               You’re welcome.
Good morning.                          It’s nice to meet you.                     Expressing surprise
Good afternoon.                          Nice to meet you, too.                   Oh!
Good evening.                          This is . . . .                            Apologizing
How are you?                           Checking and confirming information         I’m sorry.
 Great! How about you?                 What’s your (last) name (again)?           Giving an opinion
 I’m (just) fine.                         It’s . . . .                             I think . . . .
 I’m OK.                               Is that . . . ?
 Not bad.                                Yes, that’s right.
Saying good-bye                          No, it’s . . . .
Bye.                                   Are you . . . ?
Bye-bye.                                 Yes, I am.
Good-bye.                                No, I’m not.
See you later.                         How do you spell . . . ?
See you tomorrow.                      Getting someone’s attention
Have a nice day.                       Excuse me.
Have a good evening.
 Thanks. You, too.
Good night.

T-176                                                             Photocopiable     © Cambridge University Press
Unit 2 Language summary
Nouns                          Personal items                Other                    Verbs
Classroom objects              address book                  address                  open
board                          bag                           box                      relax
(English) book                 briefcase                     café
                               camera                        car                      Adverbs
book bag
                               CD player                     exercise                 now
cassette player
                               cell phone                    pocket                   very (+ adjective)
                               chopsticks                    sentence                 where
desk                           DVD player                                             Prepositions
                               earring(s)                    Pronouns
dictionary                                                                            behind
door                           glasses                                                in front of
encyclopedia                   hairbrush                                              next to
eraser                         keys                                                   on
map                            newspaper                                              under
notebook                       purse                         Adjectives
pen                            stamp                         gone
pencil                         sunglasses                    interesting
table                          (tele)phone                   nice
wall                           television
wastebasket                    ticket                        Articles
window                         umbrella                      a
                               wallet                        an

Identifying things                       Thanking someone                  Thinking before responding
What’s this (called in English)?         Thank you!                        Let me see.
 I don’t know.                            No problem.                      Uh, . . . .
 It’s a . . . .                          Expressing pleasure               Hmm. . . .
What are these (called                   Wow!                              Agreeing
 in English)?                            Oh, cool!                         OK.
 They’re . . . .                         It’s great!                       You’re right.
Identifying the owner of something       Expressing disappointment         Realizing something
Is this your . . . ?                     Oh, no!                           Wait (a minute)!
  Yes, it is.                            Giving an opinion
  No, it’s not.                          I bet . . . .
Are these your . . . ?
  Yes, they are.
  No, they’re not.

© Cambridge University Press       Photocopiable                                                           T-177
Unit 3 Language summary
Nouns                       Pronouns       Personality                     Adverbs
Countries, nationalities,   Subjects       friendly                        only (+ age)
 and languages              he             funny                           originally
See the appendix at the     she            nice                            really (+ adjective)
 back of the Student’s      we             quiet                           this week
 Book.                      Other          serious
                                           shy                             Prepositions
People                      that
                                           smart                           from (Korea)
baby                        who
                                           talkative                       in (Mexico)
                            Determiner                                     of (the family)
family                                     Numbers and ages
                            a little       (11–30; 40, 50, etc.)
(best) friend                                                              Conjunctions
mother                      Adjectives     See Exercise 7 on               but
parent(s)                                    page 17.                      so
partner                     beautiful      Other
sister                      cute           early
student                     good-looking   false
Places                      handsome       large (largest)
city (plural: cities)       heavy          late
country (plural:            pretty         new
  countries)                short          old
world                       tall           true
Other                       thin

Asking about countries,                    Getting someone’s attention
 nationalities, and languages              Look!
Where are you from?                        Introducing a different topic
  I’m from Korea.                          By the way, . . . .
What’s Korea like?                         Introducing an explanation or idea
  It’s . . . .                             Well, . . . .
Are you Japanese?                          Expressing surprise
  Yes, I am.                               Really?
  No, I’m not.
Is your first language English?
  Yes, it is.
  No, it isn’t.
Asking about people
Who’s that?
 He’s . . . .
What’s his name?
 His name is . . . .
How old is he?
 He’s (twenty) years old.
What’s he like?
 He’s . . . .

T-178                                                  Photocopiable   © Cambridge University Press
Unit 4 Language summary
Nouns                           Seasons               Weather                       Verbs
Clothes                         spring                cloudy                        ask
belt                            summer                cold                          rain
blouse                          fall                  cool                          snow
boot(s)                         winter                hot                           wear
cap                             Other                 humid
                                celebrity             sunny                         Adverbs
                                                      warm                          maybe
dress                           disaster
                                                      windy                         today
glove(s)                        home
hat                             leisure               Possessives                   Prepositions
(high) heels                    problem               my                            around (the world)
jacket                          taxi                  your                          at (home)
jeans                           work                  his
pajamas                         world                 her                           Conjunctions
pants                                                 our                           and
                                Adjectives            their                         but
scarf                           Colors                Other
shirt                           beige                 all
shoe(s)                         black                 dry
shorts                          (dark/light) blue     favorite
skirt                           (dark/light) brown    new
sneakers                        (dark/light) gray
socks                           (dark/light) green    Pronouns
suit                            orange                Possessives
sweater                         pink                  mine
sweatshirt                      purple                yours
swimsuit                        red                   his
tie                             white                 hers
T-shirt                         yellow                ours

Talking about preferences                             Making a contrast
What are your favorite colors?                        . . . , but . . . .
 My favorite colors are . . . .                       Getting someone’s attention
Asking about and describing clothing                  Hey!
What color is/are . . . ?                             Asking about a problem
 It’s/They’re . . . .                                 What’s the matter?
Are you wearing . . . ?                               Making a suggestion
 Yes, I am.                                           Let’s . . . .
 No, I’m not. I’m wearing . . . .
Talking about the weather
It’s snowing/raining/ . . . .
It’s cloudy/cold/hot/sunny/ . . . .

© Cambridge University Press          Photocopiable                                                      T-179
Unit 5 Language summary
Nouns                             Verbs                    sleep                            Other
Meals                             call                     study                            (right) now
breakfast                         cook                     swim                             there
lunch                             dance                    take (a walk)                    why
dinner                            do                       watch (television)
                                  drive                    work                             Conjunction
Form of address                                                                             so
Mom                               eat
Other                             get (hungry)
                                  get up
bike                                                       at midnight/at noon
conference                        go (to work/to the
                                    movies)                at night
city                                                       in the afternoon
movie                             have (breakfast/lunch/
                                    dinner)                in the evening
pizza                                                      in the morning
soccer                                                     Clock times
                                  play (soccer/tennis)
tennis                                                     6:00 A.M./6:00 P.M.
time zone                                                  midnight
Adjectives                        ride (a bike)            noon
awake                             run                      a quarter after (six)
hungry                            shop                     a quarter to (six)

Talking about the time                                     Talking on the phone
What time is it?                                           Hello?
 It’s . . . o’clock (in the morning/ . . . ).               Hi, . . . . This is . . . .
 It’s . . . after . . . .                                  Checking information
 It’s a quarter after . . . .                              Right?
 It’s . . . –thirty.                                        Yes.
 It’s a quarter to . . . .                                  (Oh,) right.
 It’s . . . to . . . .                                     Apologizing
Talking about current activities                           I’m really sorry.
What are you doing?                                          That’s OK.
 I’m . . . .                                               Giving a reason
Are you . . . -ing?                                        . . . , so . . . .
 Yes, I am.                                                Expressing enjoyment in food
 No, I’m not. I’m . . . -ing.                              Mmm.

T-180                                                                    Photocopiable    © Cambridge University Press
Unit 6 Language summary
Nouns                           Days of the week     Verbs                  Other
Transportation                  Monday               exercise               sometimes
bike                            Tuesday              live                   then
bus                             Wednesday            meet                   together
car                             Thursday             need                   when
motorcycle                      Friday               see (family/friends)
                                Saturday             serve
                                                                            at (noon)
train                           Sunday               start
                                                                            by (bus/car)
taxi/cab                        weekday              stop
                                                                            on (Sundays)
Family                          weekend              take (a taxi/cab)
                                                                            with (my parents)
brother                         Other                use
child (plural: children)        homework             walk
daughter                        job
                                survey               Times
                                                     all day
                                Pronouns             at night
                                Object pronouns      early
                                me                   every day
                                us                   late
Places                          Determiner           Places
apartment                       a lot of
coffee shop
house                           Adjectives           far (from here)
                                alone                here
                                busy                 near (our house)
restaurant                      public               Responses
                                retired              Sure.
                                slow                 Yeah.

Talking about routines
What time do you . . . ?
 At . . . .
When does he . . . ?
 He . . . at . . . .
Does he . . . ?
 Yes, he . . . every morning.
How do you get to . . . ?
Expressing sympathy
That’s too bad.

© Cambridge University Press         Photocopiable                                              T-181
Unit 7 Language summary
Nouns                           Kinds of homes   Appliances                  Adjectives
Parts of houses and             cabin            microwave oven              another
 apartment buildings            houseboat        refrigerator                big
bathroom                        penthouse        stove                       dream (home)
bedroom                         villa            Other                       expensive
closet                          Furniture        computer                    lucky
dining room                     armchair         difference                  small
elevator                        bed              drive
                                bookcase         forest
(first/second) floor                                                           love
garage                          curtain(s)       store
hall                            dresser          view
kitchen                         lamp                                         Adverbs
                                mirror           Determiners
laundry room                                                                 just (one room)
living room                     picture                                      next (weekend)
                                                 lots of
lobby                           rug
room                            sofa

Asking about and describing a home
What’s the house/apartment like?
 It’s beautiful.
 It has . . . .
Does it have . . . ?
 Yes, it does.
 No, it doesn’t.
There’s a/an . . . .
There’s no . . . .
There isn’t a/an . . . .
There are some . . . .
There aren’t any . . . .
There are no . . . .
Expressing approval
(Oh,) nice.
That’s great.
This . . . is great.
That’s super.
That sounds nice.
Giving surprising information
Guess what?

T-182                                                      Photocopiable   © Cambridge University Press
Unit 8 Language summary
Nouns                          police officer             Adjectives                      guess
Jobs                           receptionist              boring                          handle
athlete                        salesperson               dangerous                       sit
cashier                        security guard            difficult                        stand
chef/cook                      singer                    easy                            talk
doctor                         waiter/waitress           exciting                        teach
firefighter                      Workplaces                interesting                     write
flight attendant                high school               perfect
front desk agent               hospital                  relaxing
                                                                                         after (work)
judge                          hotel                     safe
lawyer                         office                     stressful
manager                        Other                     terrific
                                                                                         pretty (plus adjective)
musician                       money
photographer                   person (plural: people)
pilot                          uniform

Exchanging information about work                        Exchanging personal information
Where do you work?                                       How are things (with you)?
 I work in a/an . . . .                                    Not bad.
What do you do there?                                    I hear . . . .
 I’m a/an . . . .                                        Giving more information
When do you start/finish work?                            . . . , you know.
 I start/finish work at . . . .                           Giving surprising information
What do you do after work?                               Actually, . . . .
 I....                                                   Expressing interest
Where does your brother work?                            That’s funny.
 He works . . . .                                        That’s interesting.
What does he do?                                         Expressing uncertainty
 He . . . .                                              I guess . . . .
Talking about likes and dislikes
How do you like it?
 Not very much.
 I really like it.
 It’s OK.
 They hate it.
 I like it/them a lot.

© Cambridge University Press       Photocopiable                                                              T-183
Unit 9 Language summary
Nouns                        Grains                    Vegetables                        Verbs
Meals                        bread                     broccoli                          buy
breakfast                    cereal                    carrot(s)                         come
lunch                        cracker(s)                celery                            drink
dinner                       noodles                   lettuce                           put
snack                        pasta                     tomato(es)                        try
Dairy (foods)                rice                      onion(s)                          want
cheese                       toast                     potato(es)
                             tortilla(s)               Other foods                       Adverbs
                             Fruit                     jam                               Adverbs of frequency
                             apple(s)                  jelly                             always
Desserts                                                                                 hardly ever
cake                         banana(s)                 pickle(s)
                             mango(es)                 picnic                            often
                             orange(s)                 (potato) salad                    sometimes
fruit salad
                             strawberries (singular:   sandwich(es)                      usually
ice cream
                               strawberry)             soup                              never
                             Meat and other protein    Other                             Other
Drinks                                                                                   (Japanese-) style
coffee                       bacon                     habit
(orange) juice               bean(s)                                                     Prepositions
                             beef                      Determiner
lemonade                                               very little                       at (my desk)
(green) tea                  chicken                                                     for (breakfast/the picnic)
Fat, oil, sugar              egg(s)                    Adjectives
butter                       fish                       awful
candy                        hamburger(s)              bad
cream                        nuts                      good
mayonnaise                                             mealtime
oil                                                    other
potato chips                                           sweet

Talking about likes and dislikes                       Talking about health
I like . . . .                                         . . . is/are good for you.
I don’t like . . . .                                   . . . is/are bad for you.
I don’t want . . . .                                   Making a suggestion
I hate . . . .                                         How about . . . ?
That sounds awful!                                     Agreeing to do something
Talking about things you need                          All right.
Do we have any . . . ?                                 OK.
 Yes, we do.                                           Sure!
 No, we don’t. We need some.                           Disagreeing with an opinion
Do you need any . . . ?                                I think . . . .
 Yes, we need some . . . .                               Are you sure? I think . . . .
 No, we don’t need any . . . .                         Thinking before responding

T-184                                                            Photocopiable      © Cambridge University Press
Unit 10 Language summary
Nouns                          Other              Determiner                     fix
Sports                         ability            all                            paint
baseball                       beach                                             practice
                               chess              Adjectives                     sing
                               contest            artistic                       surf
bike riding
                               free time          athletic                       tell
                               horse              hidden
golf                                                                             Adverb
                               joke               mechanical
gymnastics                                                                       about
                               piano              musical
                               show               technical
hockey                                                                           Time expressions
ice-skating                    song               Verbs                          once/twice a month
skiing                         talent             act                            tomorrow
volleyball                     team               bake
                               TV                 design
                               violin             draw
                               Web page           enter

Talking about sports                              Giving a compliment
What sports do you like/play/watch?               You can . . . really well!
 I love/play/watch (soccer).                      You’re a really good . . . !
 I don’t like/play (golf).                         Thanks.
 I (really) love (tennis).                        Introducing a topic
Who do you play/watch soccer with?                So, . . . .
 With some friends from work.                     Expressing interest
When does your team practice?                     Really?
 We practice on Sundays.                          Oh, yeah?
What time do you start practice?                  Agreeing to do something
 We start practice at noon.                       Sure. Why not?
Where do you play?
 We play in the park at the beach.
Talking about abilities and talents
What can I do?
Can you sing?
 Yes, I can.
 No, I can’t.
Can they sing?
 Yes, they can sing very well.
 No, they can’t sing at all.

© Cambridge University Press      Photocopiable                                                       T-185
Unit 11 Language summary
Nouns                        Christmas                 Pronoun                       send
Months                       Father’s Day              anything                      stay home
January                      graduation                                              take (me) out
                             Halloween                 Adjectives                    take pictures
March                        Independence Day          Dates
                             Mother’s Day              (1st–31st)                    Adverbs
                             New Year’s Day            See Exercise 1 on             Time expressions
                             Thanksgiving                page 62.                    next month
                             Valentine’s Day           Other                         next summer
                             wedding                   embarrassing                  next week
                                                       special                       this weekend
September                    Other
October                      card                      Verbs                         tomorrow night
November                     dance                     ask                           tonight
December                     girlfriend                celebrate
                             parade                                                  Other
Holidays, festivals, and                               end
                             party                                                   so (= very)
 special occasions                                     get married
anniversary                  pictures                  invite
birthday                     present                   order

Talking about future plans                            Talking about dates
Are you going to do anything exciting this weekend?   When is your birthday?
 Yes, I am. I’m going to . . . .                       It’s September 5th.
 No, I’m not. I’m going to . . . .                    Wishing someone a good holiday
What are your plans?                                  Happy birthday!
What are you going to do?                              Thanks.
 I’m going to . . . .                                 Have a good Valentine’s Day!
Where are you going to go?                             Thanks. You, too.
 I’m going to go to . . . .                           Exchanging information
How are you going to get there?                       How about you?
 We’re going to . . . .                               Expressing approval
Who’s going to be there?                              (That) sounds like fun.
 . . . is/are going to be there.                      Fabulous!
When/What time are you going to . . . ?
 We’re going to . . . at . . . .

T-186                                                          Photocopiable    © Cambridge University Press
Unit 12 Language summary
Nouns                          Health problems               Adjectives          Verbs
Parts of the body              backache                      Positive feelings   give
ankle                          cough                         better              hurt
arm                            earache                       fantastic           point
back                           fever                         fine                 rest
chest                          the flu                        great               stay up
chin                           headache                      terrific             take a look
ear                            sore eyes/throat              Negative feelings
                               stomachache                                       Adverbs
elbow                                                        awful
                               toothache                                         already
eye                                                          exhausted           much
finger(s)                       Medications                   homesick            well
foot (plural: feet)            antacid                       miserable
hand                           aspirin                       sick
head                           (cold) pills                  sore
heel                           cough drops                   terrible
knee                           cough syrup                   tired
leg                            eye drops                     Other
mouth                          muscle cream                  common
neck                           Other                         wrong
nose                           dentist
shoulder                       hour
stomach                        part
throat                         patient
thumb                          soda
tooth (plural: teeth)

Talking about health problems                     Giving a suggestion
How are you?                                      Maybe I can help.
How do you feel (today)?                          I have an idea.
 Not so good.                                       Take/Don’t take . . . .
What the matter?                                    Eat/Don’t eat . . . .
What’s wrong?                                     Agreeing with a suggestion
 I feel sick.                                     That’s a great idea!
 I don’t feel well.                               Asking for more information
Expressing sympathy                               Anything else?
That’s too bad.
I’m sorry to hear that.
That’s good.
I’m glad to hear that.

© Cambridge University Press      Photocopiable                                                T-187
Unit 13 Language summary
Nouns                            Form of address     Prepositions
Places                           ma’am               across from
avenue                           Other               behind
bank                             attraction          between
bridge                           gasoline            next to
bookstore                        map                 on
cathedral                        tourist             on the corner of
center                           traveler’s checks   on the left/right
coffee shop
department store
                                 Go down/up
                                 Turn around
gas station
                                 Turn left/right
movie theater
                                 Walk down/up
parking lot                      Adverbs
post office                       also
rest room                        right
shoe store

Asking for and giving locations
Is there a . . . around here?
  Yes, there is. It’s next to/across from/ . . . .
  (No.) I don’t think so.
Where’s the . . . ? Is it far from here?
  It’s right behind you.
Asking for and giving directions
How do/can I get to . . . ?
 Walk/Go up . . . .
 Walk/Go down . . . .
 Turn left/right on . . . .
 It’s on the left/right.
 You can’t miss it.
Getting someone’s attention
Excuse me.
Asking for help
Can you help me?

T-188                                                         Photocopiable   © Cambridge University Press
Unit 14 Language summary
Nouns                                 Verbs                    Adverbs
lesson                                clean                    Time expressions
library                               come home                yesterday
mail                                  go out                   last night
mall                                  have fun                 last week
meeting                               invite . . . over        last weekend
museum                                open                     last month
music                                 speak                    last summer
roommate                              listen                   last year
test                                  stay home                Other
vacation                              stay out                 almost
white-water rafting                   take (classes/lessons)   anywhere
                                      travel                   in line
Adjective                             visit

Talking about past activities
Did you . . . this weekend?
 Yes, I did. I . . . .
 No, I didn’t. I . . . .
What did you do?
 I didn’t . . . .
Did you do anything else?
Giving opinions about past experiences
Did you like . . . ?
 Yes, I did. I liked it a lot.
Did you have fun?
 Yes, we did. We had a great time.
Asking for more information
What else . . . ?

© Cambridge University Press    Photocopiable                                     T-189
Unit 15 Language summary
Nouns                          Jobs             Verbs
Classes at school              actor            be born
drama                          actress          grow up
history                        designer         spend (time)
physical education             hairstylist
                               Other            Adverbs
Places at school               capital
classroom                      (first) grade
                                                on time
gym                            major
                                                right away
lunchroom                      place of birth
playground                     time line        Preposition
Schools                        year of birth    for ( . . . years)
elementary school              Adjectives       Conjunction
junior high school             same             because
high school                    scary
college                        young

Exchanging personal information
When were you born?
 I was born in 1984.
Where were you born?
 I was born in Korea.
Were you born in the U.S.?
 Yes, I was.
 No, I wasn’t. I was born in . . . .
How old were you in . . . ?
 I was . . . .
What was your favorite . . . ?
 It was . . . .
Asking about someone
Who was . . . ?
 He was . . . .
What city was he born in?
 He was born in . . . .
What nationality was he?
 He was . . . .
What was he like?
 He was . . . .
 He wasn’t . . . .
Asking for an opinion
What do you think?

T-190                                                      Photocopiable   © Cambridge University Press
Unit 16 Language summary
Nouns                                       Verbs                                         Prepositions
amusement park                              babysit                                       at the (beach/library/mall)
art                                         call (you) back                               in (bed/class/Mexico)
comedy                                      have to                                       in the (hospital/shower/yard)
concert                                     help                                          on (her break/a trip/vacation)
dance club                                  need to
date                                        want to
excuse                                      would like to
message                                     Adverb
                                            around (seven o’clock)

Making a phone call                           Making and accepting an invitation               Asking what is happening
Hello. Is . . . there/in?                     Do you want to . . . (with me)?                  What’s up?
Hi. Can I speak with . . . ?                  Would you like to . . . (with me)?               Asking for a favor
 No, I’m sorry, she’s not here                 Sure. I’d love to . . . (with you).             Can you . . . ?
    right now.                                 Yes, I’d like to.                               Please . . . .
 Yes, but she can’t come to                   Declining an invitation and making               Offering to help
    the phone right now.                       an excuse                                       Can I help you?
Taking a phone message                        I’m sorry, but I can’t. I have to . . . .        Expressing happy surprise
Can she call you later?                       Sorry, I need to . . . .                         Terrific!
Do you want to leave a message?               I’d like to, but . . . .
Can I take a message?                         Suggesting a different activity
 Sure. Please give her my number.             I don’t really like basketball.
 Yes. Please ask/tell her to call me.           Do you want to do something else?
Recording an answering-machine
Hi. This is . . . . I/We can’t come
 to the phone right now. Please
 leave me/us a message after
 the tone.

© Cambridge University Press          Photocopiable                                                                        T-191

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Language Intro

  • 1. Unit 1 Language summary Vocabulary Nouns male Adjectives Verbs The alphabet math Possessives am See Exercise 4 on page 3. name my are Numbers nickname your is (1–10) phone number his teacher Adverbs See Exercise 11 on her page 6. our Responses Pronouns no Subjects Other Titles yes I famous Miss Other you first Mr. not he last Mrs. (over) there she married Ms. too (= also) it popular Other single book Other Preposition this in (my class) class Article classmate what the Conjunctions female and or Expressions Saying hello Introducing yourself and others Thanking someone Hello. Hi, my name is . . . . Thank you./Thanks. Hi. I’m . . . . You’re welcome. Good morning. It’s nice to meet you. Expressing surprise Good afternoon. Nice to meet you, too. Oh! Good evening. This is . . . . Apologizing How are you? Checking and confirming information I’m sorry. Great! How about you? What’s your (last) name (again)? Giving an opinion I’m (just) fine. It’s . . . . I think . . . . I’m OK. Is that . . . ? Not bad. Yes, that’s right. Saying good-bye No, it’s . . . . Bye. Are you . . . ? Bye-bye. Yes, I am. Good-bye. No, I’m not. See you later. How do you spell . . . ? See you tomorrow. Getting someone’s attention Have a nice day. Excuse me. Have a good evening. Thanks. You, too. Good night. T-176 Photocopiable © Cambridge University Press
  • 2. Unit 2 Language summary Vocabulary Nouns Personal items Other Verbs Classroom objects address book address open board bag box relax (English) book briefcase café camera car Adverbs book bag CD player exercise now cassette player cell phone pocket very (+ adjective) chair chopsticks sentence where clock desk DVD player Prepositions earring(s) Pronouns dictionary behind this door glasses in front of that encyclopedia hairbrush next to these eraser keys on they map newspaper under notebook purse Adjectives pen stamp gone pencil sunglasses interesting table (tele)phone nice wall television wastebasket ticket Articles window umbrella a wallet an watch Expressions Identifying things Thanking someone Thinking before responding What’s this (called in English)? Thank you! Let me see. I don’t know. No problem. Uh, . . . . It’s a . . . . Expressing pleasure Hmm. . . . What are these (called Wow! Agreeing in English)? Oh, cool! OK. They’re . . . . It’s great! You’re right. Identifying the owner of something Expressing disappointment Realizing something Is this your . . . ? Oh, no! Wait (a minute)! Yes, it is. Giving an opinion No, it’s not. I bet . . . . Are these your . . . ? Yes, they are. No, they’re not. © Cambridge University Press Photocopiable T-177
  • 3. Unit 3 Language summary Vocabulary Nouns Pronouns Personality Adverbs Countries, nationalities, Subjects friendly only (+ age) and languages he funny originally See the appendix at the she nice really (+ adjective) back of the Student’s we quiet this week Book. Other serious shy Prepositions People that smart from (Korea) baby who talkative in (Mexico) brother Determiner of (the family) family Numbers and ages a little (11–30; 40, 50, etc.) (best) friend Conjunctions mother Adjectives See Exercise 7 on but parent(s) page 17. so Appearance partner beautiful Other sister cute early student good-looking false Places handsome large (largest) city (plural: cities) heavy late country (plural: pretty new countries) short old world tall true Other thin game Expressions Asking about countries, Getting someone’s attention nationalities, and languages Look! Where are you from? Introducing a different topic I’m from Korea. By the way, . . . . What’s Korea like? Introducing an explanation or idea It’s . . . . Well, . . . . Are you Japanese? Expressing surprise Yes, I am. Really? No, I’m not. Is your first language English? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. Asking about people Who’s that? He’s . . . . What’s his name? His name is . . . . How old is he? He’s (twenty) years old. What’s he like? He’s . . . . T-178 Photocopiable © Cambridge University Press
  • 4. Unit 4 Language summary Vocabulary Nouns Seasons Weather Verbs Clothes spring cloudy ask belt summer cold rain blouse fall cool snow boot(s) winter hot wear cap Other humid celebrity sunny Adverbs coat warm maybe dress disaster windy today glove(s) home hat leisure Possessives Prepositions (high) heels problem my around (the world) jacket taxi your at (home) jeans work his pajamas world her Conjunctions pants our and raincoat Adjectives their but scarf Colors Other shirt beige all shoe(s) black dry shorts (dark/light) blue favorite skirt (dark/light) brown new sneakers (dark/light) gray socks (dark/light) green Pronouns suit orange Possessives sweater pink mine sweatshirt purple yours swimsuit red his tie white hers T-shirt yellow ours theirs whose Expressions Talking about preferences Making a contrast What are your favorite colors? . . . , but . . . . My favorite colors are . . . . Getting someone’s attention Asking about and describing clothing Hey! What color is/are . . . ? Asking about a problem It’s/They’re . . . . What’s the matter? Are you wearing . . . ? Making a suggestion Yes, I am. Let’s . . . . No, I’m not. I’m wearing . . . . Talking about the weather It’s snowing/raining/ . . . . It’s cloudy/cold/hot/sunny/ . . . . © Cambridge University Press Photocopiable T-179
  • 5. Unit 5 Language summary Vocabulary Nouns Verbs sleep Other Meals call study (right) now breakfast cook swim there lunch dance take (a walk) why dinner do watch (television) drive work Conjunction Form of address so Mom eat Adverbs Other get (hungry) get up Times bike at midnight/at noon conference go (to work/to the movies) at night city in the afternoon movie have (breakfast/lunch/ dinner) in the evening pizza in the morning make soccer Clock times play (soccer/tennis) tennis 6:00 A.M./6:00 P.M. read time zone midnight remember Adjectives ride (a bike) noon awake run a quarter after (six) hungry shop a quarter to (six) Expressions Talking about the time Talking on the phone What time is it? Hello? It’s . . . o’clock (in the morning/ . . . ). Hi, . . . . This is . . . . It’s . . . after . . . . Checking information It’s a quarter after . . . . Right? It’s . . . –thirty. Yes. It’s a quarter to . . . . (Oh,) right. It’s . . . to . . . . Apologizing Talking about current activities I’m really sorry. What are you doing? That’s OK. I’m . . . . Giving a reason Are you . . . -ing? . . . , so . . . . Yes, I am. Expressing enjoyment in food No, I’m not. I’m . . . -ing. Mmm. T-180 Photocopiable © Cambridge University Press
  • 6. Unit 6 Language summary Vocabulary Nouns Days of the week Verbs Other Transportation Monday exercise sometimes bike Tuesday live then bus Wednesday meet together car Thursday need when motorcycle Friday see (family/friends) Saturday serve Prepositions subway at (noon) train Sunday start by (bus/car) taxi/cab weekday stop on (Sundays) Family weekend take (a taxi/cab) with (my parents) brother Other use child (plural: children) homework walk daughter job routine Adverbs father/dad survey Times husband all day kid Pronouns at night mother/mom Object pronouns early sister me every day son us late wife weekly Places Determiner Places apartment a lot of downtown coffee shop house Adjectives far (from here) alone here office busy near (our house) park restaurant public Responses retired Sure. school slow Yeah. suburbs Expressions Talking about routines What time do you . . . ? At . . . . When does he . . . ? He . . . at . . . . Does he . . . ? Yes, he . . . every morning. How do you get to . . . ? I.... Expressing sympathy That’s too bad. © Cambridge University Press Photocopiable T-181
  • 7. Unit 7 Language summary Vocabulary Nouns Kinds of homes Appliances Adjectives Parts of houses and cabin microwave oven another apartment buildings houseboat refrigerator big bathroom penthouse stove dream (home) bedroom villa Other expensive closet Furniture computer lucky dining room armchair difference small elevator bed drive bookcase forest Verbs (first/second) floor love garage curtain(s) store think hall dresser view kitchen lamp Adverbs mirror Determiners laundry room just (one room) any living room picture next (weekend) lots of lobby rug no room sofa some stairs window yard Expressions Asking about and describing a home What’s the house/apartment like? It’s beautiful. It has . . . . Does it have . . . ? Yes, it does. No, it doesn’t. There’s a/an . . . . There’s no . . . . There isn’t a/an . . . . There are some . . . . There aren’t any . . . . There are no . . . . Expressing approval (Oh,) nice. That’s great. This . . . is great. That’s super. That sounds nice. Giving surprising information Guess what? T-182 Photocopiable © Cambridge University Press
  • 8. Unit 8 Language summary Vocabulary Nouns police officer Adjectives guess Jobs receptionist boring handle athlete salesperson dangerous sit cashier security guard difficult stand chef/cook singer easy talk doctor waiter/waitress exciting teach firefighter Workplaces interesting write flight attendant high school perfect Adverbs front desk agent hospital relaxing after (work) judge hotel safe exactly lawyer office stressful hard manager Other terrific pretty (plus adjective) musician money opinion Verbs nurse agree photographer person (plural: people) disagree pilot uniform forget Expressions Exchanging information about work Exchanging personal information Where do you work? How are things (with you)? I work in a/an . . . . Not bad. What do you do there? I hear . . . . I’m a/an . . . . Giving more information When do you start/finish work? . . . , you know. I start/finish work at . . . . Giving surprising information What do you do after work? Actually, . . . . I.... Expressing interest Where does your brother work? That’s funny. He works . . . . That’s interesting. What does he do? Expressing uncertainty He . . . . I guess . . . . Talking about likes and dislikes How do you like it? Not very much. I really like it. It’s OK. They hate it. I like it/them a lot. © Cambridge University Press Photocopiable T-183
  • 9. Unit 9 Language summary Vocabulary Nouns Grains Vegetables Verbs Meals bread broccoli buy breakfast cereal carrot(s) come lunch cracker(s) celery drink dinner noodles lettuce put snack pasta tomato(es) try Dairy (foods) rice onion(s) want cheese toast potato(es) tortilla(s) Other foods Adverbs milk Fruit jam Adverbs of frequency yogurt apple(s) jelly always Desserts hardly ever cake banana(s) pickle(s) mango(es) picnic often cookie(s) orange(s) (potato) salad sometimes fruit salad strawberries (singular: sandwich(es) usually ice cream strawberry) soup never pie Meat and other protein Other Other Drinks (Japanese-) style coffee bacon habit (orange) juice bean(s) Prepositions beef Determiner lemonade very little at (my desk) (green) tea chicken for (breakfast/the picnic) Fat, oil, sugar egg(s) Adjectives butter fish awful candy hamburger(s) bad cream nuts good mayonnaise mealtime oil other potato chips sweet Expressions Talking about likes and dislikes Talking about health I like . . . . . . . is/are good for you. I don’t like . . . . . . . is/are bad for you. I don’t want . . . . Making a suggestion I hate . . . . How about . . . ? That sounds awful! Agreeing to do something Talking about things you need All right. Do we have any . . . ? OK. Yes, we do. Sure! No, we don’t. We need some. Disagreeing with an opinion Do you need any . . . ? I think . . . . Yes, we need some . . . . Are you sure? I think . . . . No, we don’t need any . . . . Thinking before responding Hmm. T-184 Photocopiable © Cambridge University Press
  • 10. Unit 10 Language summary Vocabulary Nouns Other Determiner fix Sports ability all paint baseball beach practice chess Adjectives sing basketball contest artistic surf bike riding free time athletic tell football horse hidden golf Adverb joke mechanical gymnastics about piano musical hiking show technical hockey Time expressions ice-skating song Verbs once/twice a month skiing talent act tomorrow volleyball team bake TV design violin draw Web page enter Expressions Talking about sports Giving a compliment What sports do you like/play/watch? You can . . . really well! I love/play/watch (soccer). You’re a really good . . . ! I don’t like/play (golf). Thanks. I (really) love (tennis). Introducing a topic Who do you play/watch soccer with? So, . . . . With some friends from work. Expressing interest When does your team practice? Really? We practice on Sundays. Oh, yeah? What time do you start practice? Agreeing to do something We start practice at noon. Sure. Why not? Where do you play? We play in the park at the beach. Talking about abilities and talents What can I do? Can you sing? Yes, I can. No, I can’t. Can they sing? Yes, they can sing very well. No, they can’t sing at all. © Cambridge University Press Photocopiable T-185
  • 11. Unit 11 Language summary Vocabulary Nouns Christmas Pronoun send Months Father’s Day anything stay home January graduation take (me) out Halloween Adjectives take pictures February March Independence Day Dates Mother’s Day (1st–31st) Adverbs April New Year’s Day See Exercise 1 on Time expressions May Thanksgiving page 62. next month June Valentine’s Day Other next summer July wedding embarrassing next week August special this weekend September Other tomorrow October card Verbs tomorrow night November dance ask tonight December girlfriend celebrate parade Other Holidays, festivals, and end party so (= very) special occasions get married anniversary pictures invite birthday present order Expressions Talking about future plans Talking about dates Are you going to do anything exciting this weekend? When is your birthday? Yes, I am. I’m going to . . . . It’s September 5th. No, I’m not. I’m going to . . . . Wishing someone a good holiday What are your plans? Happy birthday! What are you going to do? Thanks. I’m going to . . . . Have a good Valentine’s Day! Where are you going to go? Thanks. You, too. I’m going to go to . . . . Exchanging information How are you going to get there? How about you? We’re going to . . . . Expressing approval Who’s going to be there? (That) sounds like fun. . . . is/are going to be there. Fabulous! When/What time are you going to . . . ? We’re going to . . . at . . . . T-186 Photocopiable © Cambridge University Press
  • 12. Unit 12 Language summary Vocabulary Nouns Health problems Adjectives Verbs Parts of the body backache Positive feelings give ankle cough better hurt arm earache fantastic point back fever fine rest chest the flu great stay up chin headache terrific take a look ear sore eyes/throat Negative feelings stomachache Adverbs elbow awful toothache already eye exhausted much finger(s) Medications homesick well foot (plural: feet) antacid miserable hand aspirin sick head (cold) pills sore heel cough drops terrible knee cough syrup tired leg eye drops Other mouth muscle cream common neck Other wrong nose dentist shoulder hour stomach part throat patient thumb soda toe(s) tooth (plural: teeth) wrist Expressions Talking about health problems Giving a suggestion How are you? Maybe I can help. How do you feel (today)? I have an idea. Not so good. Take/Don’t take . . . . What the matter? Eat/Don’t eat . . . . What’s wrong? Agreeing with a suggestion I feel sick. That’s a great idea! I don’t feel well. Asking for more information Expressing sympathy Anything else? That’s too bad. I’m sorry to hear that. That’s good. I’m glad to hear that. © Cambridge University Press Photocopiable T-187
  • 13. Unit 13 Language summary Vocabulary Nouns Form of address Prepositions Places ma’am across from avenue Other behind bank attraction between bridge gasoline next to bookstore map on cathedral tourist on the corner of center traveler’s checks on the left/right coffee shop department store Verbs Go down/up drugstore Turn around gas station Turn left/right movie theater Walk down/up neighborhood parking lot Adverbs post office also rest room right shoe store square street supermarket Expressions Asking for and giving locations Is there a . . . around here? Yes, there is. It’s next to/across from/ . . . . (No.) I don’t think so. Where’s the . . . ? Is it far from here? It’s right behind you. Asking for and giving directions How do/can I get to . . . ? Walk/Go up . . . . Walk/Go down . . . . Turn left/right on . . . . It’s on the left/right. You can’t miss it. Getting someone’s attention Excuse me. Asking for help Can you help me? T-188 Photocopiable © Cambridge University Press
  • 14. Unit 14 Language summary Vocabulary Nouns Verbs Adverbs lesson clean Time expressions library come home yesterday mail go out last night mall have fun last week meeting invite . . . over last weekend museum open last month music speak last summer roommate listen last year test stay home Other vacation stay out almost white-water rafting take (classes/lessons) anywhere travel in line Adjective visit different Expressions Talking about past activities Did you . . . this weekend? Yes, I did. I . . . . No, I didn’t. I . . . . What did you do? I.... I didn’t . . . . Did you do anything else? Giving opinions about past experiences Did you like . . . ? Yes, I did. I liked it a lot. Did you have fun? Yes, we did. We had a great time. Asking for more information What else . . . ? © Cambridge University Press Photocopiable T-189
  • 15. Unit 15 Language summary Vocabulary Nouns Jobs Verbs Classes at school actor be born drama actress grow up history designer spend (time) physical education hairstylist Other Adverbs science least Places at school capital most classroom (first) grade on time gym major right away lunchroom place of birth playground time line Preposition Schools year of birth for ( . . . years) elementary school Adjectives Conjunction junior high school same because high school scary college young Expressions Exchanging personal information When were you born? I was born in 1984. Where were you born? I was born in Korea. Were you born in the U.S.? Yes, I was. No, I wasn’t. I was born in . . . . How old were you in . . . ? I was . . . . What was your favorite . . . ? It was . . . . Asking about someone Who was . . . ? He was . . . . What city was he born in? He was born in . . . . What nationality was he? He was . . . . What was he like? He was . . . . He wasn’t . . . . Asking for an opinion What do you think? T-190 Photocopiable © Cambridge University Press
  • 16. Unit 16 Language summary Vocabulary Nouns Verbs Prepositions amusement park babysit at the (beach/library/mall) art call (you) back in (bed/class/Mexico) comedy have to in the (hospital/shower/yard) concert help on (her break/a trip/vacation) dance club need to date want to excuse would like to invitation message Adverb around (seven o’clock) shower tone trip Expressions Making a phone call Making and accepting an invitation Asking what is happening Hello. Is . . . there/in? Do you want to . . . (with me)? What’s up? Hi. Can I speak with . . . ? Would you like to . . . (with me)? Asking for a favor No, I’m sorry, she’s not here Sure. I’d love to . . . (with you). Can you . . . ? right now. Yes, I’d like to. Please . . . . Yes, but she can’t come to Declining an invitation and making Offering to help the phone right now. an excuse Can I help you? Taking a phone message I’m sorry, but I can’t. I have to . . . . Expressing happy surprise Can she call you later? Sorry, I need to . . . . Terrific! Do you want to leave a message? I’d like to, but . . . . Can I take a message? Suggesting a different activity Sure. Please give her my number. I don’t really like basketball. Yes. Please ask/tell her to call me. Do you want to do something else? Recording an answering-machine message Hi. This is . . . . I/We can’t come to the phone right now. Please leave me/us a message after the tone. © Cambridge University Press Photocopiable T-191