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Land Use Changes
The trend in property development is not however unconnected with the increased awareness in
making the highest and best use of land resources among competing uses.
According to Balowe (1978) the term ``land`` often mean different things depending upon the
content in which it is used and the circumstances under which it is considered.
Land takes a fundamental significance as a commodity in daily use for multi–various purpose over
the years; it has influenced and continues to influence the daily lives of Nigerians as expressed in
social, economic and political organization of various communities in Nigeria.
However, the property market is an economic mechanism rationing land between ... Show more
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This dissertation attempts to provide answers to the above questions with a view to attract the above
reactions of the New Town Development Authority, Property Developers, Estate Surveyors, Land
Owners and Tenant towards a better understanding of the dynamics of land use and value in a fast
growing city like Lagos. 2.3 PURPOSE OF THE STUDY
As stated earlier, the purpose of this study is to proffer solution to the problem outlined in section
1.2 above and in doing so; I shall critically examine the genesis and impact of change in use in
property values in low density layout (Admiralty Way Lekki Phase1).
I shall examine how transfer of land to its most profitable use is often frustrated by factors such as:
a) The imperfect knowledge of buyers and sellers of the use to which the given property can be put.
b) The importance of adequate zoning area for commercial activities within government estate c)
The time– absorbing and costly process of seeking and acquiring new locations. d) The cost and
legal complexity of acquiring properties e) The monopoly power of Town Planning and New Town
Development Authorities.
In conclusion, I shall establish if the ever increasing incidence of change in use should be
encouraged by government. 2.4 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY
The outcome of this study is expected to create awareness for Lagos state Government through New
Town Development Authorities and
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Journey's End Essay
The sound of guns firing, screaming men, bombs going off and the casual side conversations in the
audience is how Journey's End went. On October 8th I went to go watch the last show run of the
play Journey's End directed by Gordon Reinhart and written by R.C. Sherriff at the Danny Peterson
theatre. In Journey's End, there are eleven characters: Captain Hardy, Stanhope, Lieutenant Osborne,
Private Mason, Lance corporal "Bert" Broughton, 2nd Lieutenant Raleigh, Trotter, Hibbert,
Company Sergeant–Major, the colonel and a German soldier. As I walked into the Morrison center
bought my ticket from the box office, I went straight to the back and headed towards the doors of
the Danny Peterson theatre. Once I arrived at the doors I noticed the ... Show more content on ...
Osborne says to Hardy, "He's one of the best company commanders we've got." As captain Hardy
leaves a new soldier arrives whose name is Raleigh. Osborne greets Raleigh then proceeds to tell
about the rest of the crew he'll be working with these next few days. As Osborne is listing off all the
members he gets to mention captain Stanhope, Raleigh says, "I know its frightful good luck". At this
point, I'm caught wondering why would Raleigh say that. Raleigh then goes on to tell Osborne that
he knows Dennis (Stanhope) from back home and that he actually requested to be in the same
company as Stanhope. Stanhope then finds out that Raleigh is in his company and isn't too pleased
that he is. Stanhope goes on to tell Osborne that he thinks Raleigh is there just to spy on him and
report back to his sister. Throughout the play, I start to feel bad for Raleigh just because of the way
Stanhope treats him. Then again Stanhope isn't one of the nicest guys.
It is now Tuesday morning; Trotter is in heaven with the smells of beacon that Mason has cooked for
them for breakfast. Trotter brings up how he enjoys the springtime, throughout the play most of the
time he's having a conversation of varies things...mainly because he doesn't really like to talk about
the war. I thought it was kind of sad. Captain Stanhope lets his men know that the wire around the
trenches needs to be fixed he
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Why Did John Quelch Controversy?
The main question surrounding the John Quelch controversy was whether he and his crew
committed an act of piracy or privateering during their voyage across the Atlantic. Historian Mark
Peterson specifies that while Quelch was leading a crew of privateers, they had attacked Portuguese
merchant ships at some point after Britain had signed a peace treaty with Portugal, thereby making
these attacks count as acting against the King's will (John Quelch video). Consequently, Quelch and
his comrades were executed for committing such a treasonous act, but based on the evidence (or
rather, lack of evidence) relating to their crimes, that punishment might have been too harsh for this
particular group of merchants. To elaborate, it is entirely possible
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How the French and Indian War Lead to the American Revolution
After the fall of Puritan rule in Massachusetts, Great Britain regained control over Massachusetts
and expanded throughout North America, making it one of the greatest empires in the world. In
order to maintain their power in the colonies they enacted rules and regulations regarding traded
goods. However, most colonists resorted to smuggling and boycotting items. It was not until the
French and Indian War did England begin to strictly enforce these restrictions due to a large war
debt. The Sugar Act was one the first acts that had started a domino effect which led to the American
The French and Indian War mounted when conflicts arose between the French and the British as the
English colonists started to settle in 1689 in New ... Show more content on ...
After winning the French and Indian war, Great Britain's economy entered economic downturn,
causing great strain on the ruling power.
Parliament decided that the colonies should help pay towards the cost of the recent war debt and for
future defense. The first step towards this was the Revenue Act of 1764, generally referred to as the
Sugar Act. The Sugar Act was also known as "an Act with Teeth,"(Mass Historical Society)
symbolizing that it was an act with depth or of importance. The Act itself was divided into two
sections. First, it was intended to raise money from trade between the British colonies in America. It
levied import duties on a list of raw materials including: sugar, coffee, indigo, wine, rum, lumber,
and various cloths. The Sugar Act made the Molasses Act of 1733 perpetual. Although it cut the tax
on molasses in half, from sixpence to threepence per gallon, to discourage smuggling and to make
the tax attractive. Second, the Act revamped and reinvigorated the customs service, which managed
the collection of these import duties. For the first time, colonists argued that Parliament was
depriving them of a fundamental constitutional right to have these goods duty free.
Albeit that this was not the first act between Britain and the colonies, it created plenty of uproar
amongst the colonies. Two provisions of the Sugar Act attracted the most colonial opposition. The
first provision allowed the validity of seizures of ships and goods to be determined in a
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Case Analysis : Admiralty Law
Admiralty Law
Admiralty Law
On 1 February 2012, an oil tanker known as The North Star operated and owned by Poseidon Ltd, is
grounded a mile near the port of Swansea. The tanker broke up and started leaking crude oil into the
sea. The leak is then washed up on the beaches surrounding Swansea. The tankers' grounding was
wholly caused by Jeremy's negligence, a pilot employed by SHA, Swansea Harbor Authority. Due to
heavy seas, salvage attempts for the vessel became difficult. As a result of this, it took The Ocean
Salvation crew about four days to reach the grounded tanker. At this point, more than 10,000 tonnes
of crude oil had spilled into the sea. The Ocean Salvation is operated by Seamorgan ... Show more
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All the guests in his hotel cancel their holidays in February and March. The losses he suffered in
terms of revenue amounted to £50,000. A local cockle angler – Huw, suffers substantial losses
following the step by the UK government to enact the Emergency Restrictions Act in 2012, which
banned the harvesting and sale of cockles within the area of the oil spill. This ban lasted close to 18
months and Huw having no other alternative source of income suffered significantly. Another local
resident, the owner of Fantastic Fauna Ltd – Dewi who runs boat trips to observe the harbor seals
found in Swansea. Due to the oil spills, scientist observed that the seals had been permanently
displaced from Swansea and had instead settled in Cardiff. Due to the oil spills and consequent
closure of hotels in Swansea area such as Tawe, which was the biggest client of Swansea Suds – a
company that makes soap – closes down. Aled, the owner of that company suffers substantial losses
of over £35,000 per annum.
In addition, the Ocean Salvation collides with Net Gain a few days later on its way to Portsmouth.
This collision is attributed to the excessive speed of the Ocean Salvation. However, the Ocean
Salvation has left the UK waters, is in Brazil for another rescue operation, and has been there since
28 February 2012. Seamorgan Salvage Solutions was consequently sued by Tony and Steve, former
crewmembers of the Ocean Salvation, for unpaid wages. Seamorgan Salvage Solutions
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The Stamp Act: Breakout Of The Revolutionary War
The Stamp Act had far reaching historical significance as it was the first policy that British
Parliament passed that directly taxed the American colonists and it set into motion a chain of events
that would lead to the breakout of the Revolutionary War. The Stamp Act was introduced by British
Prime Minister George Grenville and was passed by Parliament in March of 1765 to take into effect
November 1, 1765. Its purpose was to tax the American colonies in order to help alleviate the debt
that the English had incurred due to the French and Indian War and help raise money for the British
army that was stationed in the American colonies. The Stamp Act required tax stamps on every piece
of printed paper the colonist used, such as ship papers, legal documents, newspapers and licenses.
The English government also demanded that the tax be paid in gold or silver specie, which outraged
the colonists as most used paper currency or credit because gold and silver specie was difficult to
acquire. The policies that Parliament passed prior to the Stamp Act had only taxed specific types of
trade and commerce, but because the Stamp Act directly taxed all colonists it stirred massive
protests. The colonists saw this as a violation of their rights because the act was to be enforced by
stamp agents, with penalties for violating the act imposed by the Vice Admiralty Courts that sat
without juries. ... Show more content on ...
From ordinary colonists that were drawn into the anti–Stamp Act movement there were mobs and
riots, in Boston on August 14, 1765, a group called the Loyal Nine organized a demonstration that
targeted appointed stamp collectors, such as Massachusetts' stamp collector, Andrew Oliver. Due to
the level of attack that these groups were displaying, stamp collectors, including Andrew Oliver,
resigned before the Stamp Act started on November 1,
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Lusitania Report
It was 2:10 p.m. on May 7, 1915. Leslie Morton, a lookout on the Lusitania, screamed,
"Torpedoes coming on the starboard side." Two explosions followed.
Within 18 minutes the huge liner, once the largest ever built, sank to the bottom of the Celtic Sea.
1,195 out of the 1,959 people aboard died. Walther
Schwieger, commander of the German submarine U– 20, who had fired a single torpedo 750 yards
away from the ship, later called it the most horrible sight he had ever seen.
The Lusitania entered service between Liverpool and New York on September
7, 1907. Funded by the British Admiralty, the Lusitania, built by the Cunard
Steamship Company, was required to double as an auxiliary cruiser in case of war.
This was a secret ... Show more content on ...
About a week before the voyage, the New York German community tried to run an ad warning
about the trans–Atlantic voyage. But the duty officer at the State department did not approve, so no
ads were placed. Later George Vierick, who was in charge of placing the ads, convinced William
Jennings Bryan, Secretary of
State, that on all but one of the Lusitania's voyages it carried war materials.
Bryan had an advertisement run the morning of departure of May 1, 1915. British
Naval Intelligence discovered the ad and gave orders to look out for U–boats, predicting a trap.
Turner, Captain of the Lusitania, was told that he would rendezvous with the cruiser Juno about 40
miles west of the southern tip of
Ireland. German Intelligence thought that the U–boat lookout order meant that large vessels would
be leaving England. U–20 and U–30 were immediately sent to the British Channel and southern
Irish waters(Simpson 66–69).
On May 5, Winston Churchill attended a meeting concerning the Lusitania and the U–20. They
concluded that Juno would need an escort, so assistance would be given, most likely the destroyer
Flotilla. But this did not happen. For unknown reasons, Juno was recalled to Queenstown, and no
destroyers were sent(Simpson 70).
On May 5 and 6 three ships were sunk by the U–20, the last without warning.
Alfred Booth, Chairman of Cunard, read about this and sent a message to Captain
Turner diverting the Lusitania to Queenstown. Schwieger spotted the ship on May
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Declaration Of Independence: American Political Tradition
Ryan McDermott
Professor Swanson
Take Home Exam 1
October 31, 2016
The Declaration of Independence is a document of the American Political Tradition. The Document
expresses the ideas that have created the American Nation and the document is viewed as the most
influential document in the nation's history. It states that all men are created free and equal and
possess the same inherent, natural rights. Declaration of Independence announced to the world
unanimous decision of the thirteen American colonies to separate themselves from Great Britain.
Assuming that the charges in the Declaration of Independence were true, the settlers in what was to
become the United States had no other choice than to revolt because the charges in the declaration
oppressed ... Show more content on ...
King George economically oppressed the colonists by "For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the
world:"( (Page 2).
King George economically oppressed the colonist during the time of the Stamp Act in the early
1760s. The Stamp Act was the first issues the colonist had with King George of unfair taxation. The
colonists implemented "no taxation without representation"on not just taxes but all acts of
government. Great Britain in April of 1764, assigned the military courts, admiralty, and vice
admiralty with enforcing the laws of the British Parliament concerning to commerce. Great Britain
in response to the colonists smuggling goods increased the amount of these courts. The colonists
from Massachusetts to Georgia fought to make sure that this tax was not collected by Great Britain,
the colonists were economically oppressed because they were taxed without representation. King
George declared war on the colonists by having his military commit acts of savagery on the
colonists, "He has plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the Lives
of our people." King George declared war on the American Colonists by burning their towns. Great
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What Was Winston Churchill's Role In Ww2
Planes overhead bombing, the rat–tat–tat of AA guns, and the screams of those not prepared, what
would you do know you could give up and live save yourself or stay and fight. The last beacon of
hope for a free Europe or the free world the last strong point would you deal with saving it. Winston
Churchill stayed and never backed down from the Nazi with there night time bombing raids,
inspiring the people during the day to save the isles. A man who lived through and commanded the
armies during the first and second war. A man ready to give up an empire that rained number one for
decades to protect the rights of a free Polish people. Those reason are why I would love to have
meet Winston Churchill.
Churchill is most commonly known for his role as prime minister in World War II he also played a
part during World War I. He is thought to have been unbeatable never making mistakes, but like any
other person he did. At the outbreak of World War I Churchill served as First Lord Admiralty and
lead the Navy. His greatest mistakes he made where is orchastion of the Dardanelles naval campaign
and the landing at Gallipoli. At Gallipoli alone 115,000 men were killed on the British side.
Churchill's ... Show more content on ...
Trying to keep the world at peace he signed a document with Hitler saying he would let The Nazis
take Czechoslovakia. The peace did not last against the Nazi war machine, and war broke out and
the Nazis rolled through Europe. Then the bombings of London started, and Hitler tried to break the
will of the British with the bombs. But he couldn't with the strength of Winston Churchill at the
helm, he didn't let the people give up or completely change their life. Winston inspired the people
and the night time raids became normal. 32,000 people died and 87,000 people seriously
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American Revolution : Causes And Effects
Elexis Holmes
Mr. Ben Wright
U.S. History– TR 11am
Due: 2/6/15
American Revolution Essay
Causes of American Revolution There were many causes of the American Revolution. Which are the
reformation of the British Empire, the Revenue Act, the Stamp Act, the Declaratory Act, Townshend
Act, the Boston Massacre, the Tea Act, the Coercive Act, the First Continental Congress, the Battles
of Lexington and Concord, and the Second Continental Congress. Trying to reform the British
Empire after the Seven Years' War was one of the causes of the American Revolution. The Seven
Years' war was fought between many people. In the war the British took control over the Northern
colonies east of the Mississippi River and took control over Canada. The British won the war
victoriously but they were left in a lot of debt. British wanted more money from the colonies by
passing any Acts which turned the colonies against them.
The Revenue Act also known as the Sugar Act it started in 1764, this act raised the taxes on sugar
that was imported in from the West Indies. This act was passed to stop the smuggling and to increase
the enforcement for those who get caught smuggling molasses in New England. If you were caught
smuggling you were to be tried by the Vice Admiralty courts and not by a jury. The people who were
affected by this act was the merchants, but it affected the poor merchants way more than the rich
merchants the poor did not agree with this act. The Stamp Act began in 1765, it was
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John Cobook Biography
JOHN COOK was born at Garven Terrace in Stevenston on the 11th of March 1909. The family
moved to 31 Station Square prior to 1913, and John likely received his education at the Stevenston
Junior Secondary School. He probably left school about the age of 14 and was apprenticed as an
iron moulder at the nearby Ardrossan Winton Foundry.
This came to a halt with the onset of the Great Depression about 1930. For a time he found work as
a labourer on the construction of sea defences along Saltcoats Promenade. John eventually followed
his father into the ICI explosives factory in Ardeer, where he joined the Blacksmiths Department.
At the age of 27, he married a shop assistant named Elizabeth Eve–lyn Haire Grant, at Ardeer Parish
Church on the ... Show more content on ...
The Eastern Fleet was divided into Force A and Force B and March saw Revenge, as part of Force
B, patrolling the waters south of Ceylon, sweeping east by day and west by night. By April, the
Admiralty had realised that the Eastern Fleet was inferior in all respects to the fleet of the Imperial
Japa–nese Navy. George Mason writes that the Revenge–class ships were "con–sidered more of a
liability than an asset due to their slow speed and poor anti–aircraft armament," and as result were
withdrawn to Africa. Between May 1942 and July 1943, Revenge returned to defensive duties in the
Indian Ocean, spending the period September–November 1942 in Durban un–dergoing further refits.
In July 1943 Revenge was nominated to return home and she arrived in the Clyde on the 9th of
John returned home on leave a handful of times throughout the war. Anna stated that he rarely spoke
of his wartime experiences, though the mention of Durban and Cape Town, beads and wooden
carvings brought home with him, and photos of villages with straw huts all point–ed to his time in
Africa and the Indian Ocean. She recalled that her
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Marinety Lawyer Essay
What to bring to you meeting with your admiralty law attorney
It can end up being a big waste of time for both you and your attorney if you are not ready for your
initial meeting. Being unprepared can end up costing you money. This is because it will take longer
for the lawyer you have hired to get up to speed on your personal injury matter. So get your stuff
together beforehand; it's in your own best interests.
The first thing your lawyer is going to want to know is basic information about who you are and
how they can get in touch with you. They will also want to know your personal background, and
may send you a questionnaire to fill out prior to your first meeting. If you can, send it and copies of
all pertinent documents ... Show more content on ...
This is anyone who provided treatment to you or anyone who you consulted with regarding an
injury (such as for a second opinion or a doctor you were required to see as a requirement from your
Bills from any and all of your medical care providers
All reports from doctors having to do with your diagnosis and prognosis
Information about any anticipated future medical costs
All information about any insurance coverage of your medical bills
A description and notes from any interactions you may have had with insurance companies
Copies of all correspondence with insurance companies
Copies of any claims you have already filed with your employer or with an insurance company,
including your own
Documentation for any reimbursement your employer has given to you
All information about work that you missed (and possibly continue to miss) as a result of your
A list of all the ways in which your life has been affected by your injury, no matter how
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The Cure For Scurvy
Another scientific discovery that the media of the times misinterpreted was the cure for scurvy.
James Lind first published his cure for scurvy in 1753; yet, It wasn't until 1795, 42 years later, that
the British Admiralty accepted Lind's recommendation. From the Journal of the History of Medicine
and Allied Sciences, William McBride depicts in his article "'Normal' Medical Science and British
Treatment of the Sea Scurvy" the grave loss the British Royal Navy suffered. Because of that denial
of Lind's theory, the British suffered "serious consequence[s] of scurvy typified by the experience of
the British Royal Navy during the war–torn eighteenth century, in which scurvy killed more British
navy seamen than enemy action" (McBride 159). McBride
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Hermon Kelley
Hermon Kelley bought the 3 acre island on Blackstone Lake that would bear his name on January
3rd and 11th of 1900. The name was not unique for there is a Kelley Is., Ohio in Lake Erie, 13 km
south of Pelee Is. Ontario, named after Hermon's family and was the place Hermon was born. The
American island was named Kelley Is in 1840 after two of Hermon's ancestors, grandfather Datus
and Irad, purchased it and made a success in quarrying, logging and winemaking.
Hermon, a prominent Admiralty Lawyer in Cleveland involved on many boards and varied positions
of significant companies, an amateur historian, autograph collector, the family genealogist and the
second 'summer tourist' on Blackstone Lake also wrote books (like the first temporary resident on
the lake) including 'Individualism In America' in 1907. Other writings were mainly on the history of
his island from the natives to his family and also of its geology. A ... Show more content on ...
The name became official on the date of purchase.
Having, in addition to his many talents and interests, architecture was another hobby, and so he set
about the happy task of designing his own log summer place. Although Hermon decided all the
details for his log cabin on Blackstone, he wanted Frank B. Mead to verify the structure. Frank B.
Mead being a leading architect for homes in Cleveland, especially the elite mansions on Euclid
Avenue were Mead himself lived. With Mead's approval in hand, Kelley has his island cabin, a
modest 20 x 18 feet in size, built facing west to view the beautiful sunsets by the summer of 1900.
For over 10 years the Kelley's vacationed on their island kids and all. As is normal, the Kelleys had
guests from time to time. One early guest was fellow Clevelander Walter Root, a dry goods dealer
and husband of Susan, Florence's younger
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Essay On Declaration Of Independence
The Declaration of Independence was written by the colonists to declare their freedom of
independence. The Declaration of Independence is a formal statement written by Thomas Jefferson
declaring the freedom of the thirteen American colonies from Great Britain. A quote from the
Declaration of Independence is "Resolved that these, united colonies are, and of right ought to be,
free and independent states". An interesting fact about the Declaration of Independence is that there
are a few handwritten notes on the back of it and nobody knows who it was written by. The
Declaration of independence was written to show that the colonies are breaking away from Britain.
Its purpose was an idea of government, lists of complaints, and a declaration of war. The Declaration
of Independence preamble "We hold ... Show more content on ...
Peoples rights are life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. Jefferson frames the violation of economic
and political rights that the Colonists have had to suffer were the result of a lack of respect. Also,
Jefferson states that the British government had refused to work together and develop a partnership.
According to Jefferson the purpose of a government is to protect rights from being violated. It is
permissible to change a government when they are violating their rights. One philosophical idea in
the Declaration is that if a government is to be overthrown then a new government shall be created
with equality, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Also, on the Declaration it has a list of
Grievances that the king should not do. There are 27 items, and an example of one of these states
"He refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good" this is
saying that he didn't give permission for necessary laws. Another example is "He has affected to
render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power" this is saying that the king
overpowers citizens by outnumbering them with
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The Island William Clarke Analysis
On the 20th of September, 1783, a family set out to sea. They were leaving their home in the new
USA, to return to what they considered their mother country, Great Britain. Throughout the ship's
first week out to sea, the sea was calm, with a good wind. However this soon changed. The family's
second out of four sons turned twelve on the 27th, exactly one week after they put to sea. On that
day, the weather took a turn for the worse. The boy was the first of passengers to notice the change –
when he went up on deck, he noticed that something didn't feel right. He felt like there was some
sort of change in pressure. He rushed back to his parents to tell them what he had noticed. They
didn't know what to say, and didn't want to bother the crew.
However, they soon enough knew ... Show more content on ...
When the boat docked, the boy told his parents that he wanted to become a shipwright. The agreed
to this, and had the money to set him up as the apprentice of one of the most influential shipwrights
in the entirety of England. The boy's name was Richard Clarke, and he was the nephew of RN
Captain William Clarke.
Chapter 1: The Decision It was August 23, 1798, in the Admiralty Courts of Great Britain. The
Kingdom of Great Britain had recently formed a coalition to fight against the newly formed French
Republic. The Admiralty had decided to meet on this day to discuss planning for the war. Lord
Spencer, the first lord of the admiralty, spoke first, saying "Gentlemen, I greet you. I hope we can
come to a conclusion that will benefit our country in this meeting." "I have a proposition to make,"
Came a reply from Sir James Gambier, a lord of the admiralty. "What?" "That if we were invest in
the creation of well made effective ships instead of those less effective but cheaper and quicker to
produce. After all, how can two poorly made and unstable ships compare to even one well made one
of the same
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Panama Canal Essay
In the incident of MV Sagittarius in 2012, which was under investigation for suspicious deaths at
sea, is a further example of problems with flags of convenience. The vessel flew the Panama flag
and had the crew from Indonesia, were shipping coal from Australia to Japan. Within a six week
period two crew members died by suspicious deaths upon the ship, with repeated reports of
harassment, bullying, criminal activity and poor labour conditions, due to lack of screening and
oversight of operations. The Panama Canal is a popular area for flags of convenience for vessels
wanting a safe harbour and refuge, and to avoid tax and screening issues. It is an area well known
for the lack of stipulated rules and regulations. Within these lowered standards of registration are
accusations of corruption, accidents, and investigation into sub–standard labour issues. Question ...
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Yes they both have the same name and both are about things, but apparently, this is where the
similarity stops, it did not stem from the Roman Law nor was it a foundation of firmly set English
law, it was derived from jurisprudence to solve an actual problem. Apparently there is one area
where the action in rem may have come from the civil law, and that is the maritime lien, it is one of
uncertain development, looking at the case of "The Bold Buccleugh", Sir John Jervis said that the
lien does have some foundations in civil law, this particular thought has been widely debated. If we
refer back to the Admiralty Act 1861 (Imp), it states that you could have a statutory right to proceed
in rem, which means it is untrue regarding its foundations in a maritime
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The Pros And Cons Of Sir Brignon
"The spark of natural liberty, the love of which is born in all men, soon made itself right ". Dating
back to as early as 1747, it is evident that unethical justifications were constructed in order to make
it possible for himself, Sir Brignon, to take colonial actions, such as introducing the idea slavery to
Pondichery, but evidently failed. Sir Brignon, born of France, failed to justify his actions of slavery
concerning the two Indian men he bought and brought home. In addition, Sir Brignon stated he had
the intention of returning them to the colonies by annually registering them with Admiralty Clerk;
the registrations were insufficient and served of no effect. On 4 February 1758, Mr. Collet, the king's
attorney general presented a petition
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Evidence Outline
Admiralty Outline – Fall 2003
Admiralty is federal law, originating in Article III, § 2 of Constitution.
i. First Congress included Cases of Admiralty/Maritime in Judiciary Act. ii. Supremacy Clause.
b. If say that case is admiralty/maritime case, governed by admiralty law, is to say that substantive
admiralty law applies.
i. Differences: statute of limitations, comparative laws for recovery, etc.
a. Main: trial by judge. From very beginning, admiralty cases are w/o juries. May be why someone
brings suit in admiralty – to avoid the jury. ii. Admiralty cases can't be removed from state to
federal courts.
a. but most admiralty cases can be brought in state courts unless qualify under diversity.
b. But ... Show more content on ...
Nexus factor: wrong must bear relationship to admiralty, must have maritime nexus. (Since 1972) o
almost anything occurring on navigable waters will meet the nexus test. Jerome B. Grubart, Inc. v.
Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co. (SCOTUS, 1995): o Two pronged test for nexus developed.
a. Was event disruptive to maritime commerce?
b. Was it a maritime activity? Look up foremost & Sisson – determine exact jurisdictional tests for
admiralty jurisdiction, differences in contract & tort. After Executive Jet must have: Incident out of
which claim grew must have had disruptive influence on maritime commerce. Substantial
relationship to maritime activity.
o Navigable Waters Jurisdiction inquiries rely on issue of whether matters in the suit had sufficient
involvement with navigable waters – the maritime nexus. Navigable waters – classic definition in
The Daniel Ball: waters navigable that are either navigable in fact or can do so in conjunction with
other waters in which they flow. Leblanc v. Cleveland (2nd Circuit, 1999): Navigable requires that
the body of water be capable fo supporting commercial maritime activity now, not just historically.
Can have seasonable non–navigability. But if not normally navigable and just occasionally
navigable, then no admiralty jurisdiction.
o Vessels 1
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Misogyny In Barometer Rising By Hugh Maclennan
The historical fiction novel of Barometer rising by Hugh MacLennan is a book that takes place in
Halifax, Nova Scotia in the early 20th century during the time of the first world war. Consequently,
many of the actions taken place within the novel and the atmosphere of the novel match both this
time period and the location in which the novel takes place. This 20th century atmosphere becomes
exceptionally apparent through the misogyny and hardships the female protagonist Penny Wain
Penny Wain is described as a 29 year old attractive and highly intelligent women. However, due to
both of these traits Penny faces misogyny from the very first scene she is introduced in. During this
scene Penny is at work when she is faced with a dissatisfied ... Show more content on ...
In chapter of the book Penny is at a family dinner in which the intention is to praise the approval of
her ship design that is to be used by the British admiralty. However, during this dinner, that was
supposed to be celebrating Penny success, a debate arose about Pennys ship design. In this debate
her uncle Alfred argued that due to ship engineering being a job that is predominantly male
orientated Pennys design could not possibly be of a good quality. Following these remarks Penny
would then try to calm the situation by saying "If it makes anyone feel any better, I don't deserve
any credit, the whole idea was Neils." This shows Pennys reluctance to accept credit for her
extraordinary work and rather give credit to a man in order to abide within the misogynistic societal
expectations of the time. These expectations being that men were supposed to be the intellectuals
while women could not possibly be successful in a white collared environment due to their lack of
intellect. With this in mind, the prejudice that Penny faces in this scene is highlighted from
comments made by the narrator in an earlier chapter of the book. These comments were "To be a
woman at a predominantly masculine job she had to be more than good. she had to be better than her
male colleagues; she had to work longer hours and be doubly careful as
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Dead Wake Quotes
Accelerated English II Quote Analysis In the historical novel, Dead Wake by Erik Larson, the author
composes and reveals the lesser known story of the Lusitania, a passenger liner that was traveling to
England. However, despite the great pride in the Lusitania's greatness, she was sunk by a German
U–boat, the U–20, on May 7th, 1915. There are many reasons that people believe that the Lusitania
was sunk, but Larson seemed to most prominently claim that the Lusitania was intentionally sunk in
order to drag America into World War I. These quotes are examples of his claim in the book:
"Indeed, these are the great lingering questions of the Lusitania affair: Why, given all the
information possessed by the Admiralty about U–20; given the Admiralty's past willingness to
provide escorts to inbound ships or divert them away from trouble; given that the ship carried a vital
cargo of rifle ammunition and artillery shells; given that Room 40's intelligence prompted the
obsessive tracking and protection of the HMS Orion; given that U–20 had sunk three vessels in the
Lusitania's path; given Cunard chairman Booth's panicked Friday morning ... Show more content on ...
When analyzing the syntax and diction used in this specific quote, it is obvious that Larson appears
to be very suspicious of the behavior and actions of Room 40. Larson does this by adding slights
hints of sarcasm by the placement of his chosen words to add extra impact and differing meanings to
many words. He also proves his claim by showing how Room 40 was very aware of the situation at
hand and the possible outcome of the Lusitania's lone voyage of the, at the time, dangerous British
sea's. Larson explicitly knows that the Admiralty was very cautious when in regard to boat's such as
the HMS Orion, and knew that the Admiralty was aware of the three previous boat sinkings before
the Lusitania. Larson also questions Room 40 on why no escort was provided for the Lusitania on
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The Treason Trial Act Of The United States
Despite the concessions Hedges made to combat the obvious disadvantage defendants in piracy
cases faced, it is also clear that Hedges was not willing to provide suspected pirates with an avenue
to escape justice. To the Chief Justice, these minor concessions in no way hampered the court's
ability to ascertain the truth. To that end, Hedges withheld two crucial components of the Treason
Trial Act from his piracy legislation which conflicted with his approach to trying pirates. One of the
most important and radical changes in trial procedures derived from the Treason Trials Act was that
it changed the court's interaction with the accused, from a combative environment, to seeing
defendants as possible victims. This was contradictory to ... Show more content on
Prior to 1706, only three gentlemen from Massachusetts travelled to England to study law, all of
them focusing on common law training at the Inns of Court. William Penn, proprietor of
Pennsylvania, argued vehemently against the perceived usurpation of charter rights and complained
about the difficulty in following the statute since no one in the colonies understood civil law
procedure. Robert Quarry, recent judicial appointee to Pennsylvania's new vice–Admiralty court
confirmed Penn's analysis when he wrote "I have not so much vanity as to pretend myself learned in
the Civil Law..." continuing, "If none but a person learned in the law must be Judge of the Vice–
Admiralty in Pennsylvania, then the crown must be without justice there, or send a person so
qualified to England."
The Board of Trade's solution to this serious impediment was to send George Larkin to the colonies
in the spring of 1700 to instruct colonial officials in civil law and the proper procedures relating to
piracy trials. This whirlwind tour sent Larkin to nine colonies, where he spent roughly two weeks in
each colony giving a crash course to unprepared, and at times, unwilling recipients. He skipped the
proprietary colonies completely. In Massachusetts, no high ranking official was present for Larkin's
training, and those that did show up proved highly resistant to accepting civil law procedures in their
courts. Bermuda's Governor
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What Is The Difference Between George Grenville And The...
The cost of an empire
Britain's debt increased a lot after 7 years war
Increased taxes towards all british people
Smugglers punished hard or became indentured servants
^ of british military in America post 7 years war in order to prevent native rebellions (Pontiac's and
Proclamation of 1763)
George Grenville and the Reform Impulse
Currency Act 1764: prohibit use of paper money in colonies
The Sugar Act 1764: ^ tax that replaced molasses Act
This ^ smuggling
The End of Salutary Neglect
Ended in 1763
Smugglers trien in vice–admiralty courts; no jury
The Stamp Act 1765
This tax affected 50 commonly used goods, this affected virtually all colonists violators tried in
vice–admiralty courts
Quartering act– colonists required to feed and house British
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Gatt Article : National Treatment Article 3 Essay
GATT Article III– National treatment Article 3
The next measure to be analysed is the legislative amendment. Prior to beginning the analysis the
first fact to establish is whether Article III applies. Generally Article III applies to internal measures
and the legislative amendment is an internal measure. Furthermore Article 3(4) specifically applies
to the amendment as it is not a tax or charge but affects offering for sale by increasing the cost of
Having established that Article 3(4) of GATT applies examination of the amendment begins. GATT
Article 3(4) and the AB in Korea Beef outline that for a measure to be a violation of Article 3(4)
three things must be established: the products at issue must be like, the law at issue must be an
internal measure affecting internal sale or offering for sale... and finally the imported product must
be given less favourable treatment compared to like domestic products.
To determine likeness under Article 3(4): examining the physical properties, tariff classification, end
uses and interchangeability of the products is important . In this case the products at issue are
Newland's rear–engine cars and Richland's front engine cars. In assessing their likeness their
physical properties are same except for the fact that one engine is in the rear while the other is in
front. The end uses of both cars are also similar as they serve a common purpose of locomotion. The
two cars are also interchangeable as the Richland survey shows
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The Causes of the American Revolution Essay
The American Revolution was sparked by a myriad of causes. These causes in themselves could not
have sparked such a massive rebellion in the nation, but as the problems of the colonies cumulated,
their collective impact spilt over and the American Revolution ensued. Many say that this war could
have been easily avoided and was poorly handled by both sides, British and American; but as one
will see, the frame of thought of the colonists was poorly suited to accept British measures which
sought to "overstep" it's power in the Americas. Because of this mindset, colonists developed a deep
resentment of British rule and policies; and as events culminated, there was no means to avoid
revolution and no way to turn back.
There are ... Show more content on ...
The British military also played a role in starting the revolution. As Britain began to call more and
more troops into the colonies, especially after the seven years war, many of the citizens began to
doubt their purpose. The British justified stationing troops by saying that it was to cut expenditures.
Yes it did cut expenditures, but to the dismay of the colonists, the burden of housing soldiers, due to
the Quartering act of 1765, was laid upon them. This caused great dissent, for as the population of
Boston was only approximately 18,000, the troops made up more than one fifth of the population.
But cutting spending wasn't the only objective in bring in troops. Parliament also wanted to use the
troops in order to enforce the British legislature's rules and ordinances. The troops served as
intimidation to keep the colonists in check. But as Americans became more rebellious, England
funneled in more troops. In 1774, the British responded to the Boston tea party by establishing the
Coercive Acts. These acts in addition to closing Boston harbor and subjecting everyone to admiralty
courts also shipped in 3000 soldiers and put the state of Massachusetts under martial law. Thus, in
towns, there developed great tension between the people and the British troops, an uneasiness that
would reside and alienate the colonists from the empire.
More importantly, the colonist resented
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What Are The Causes Of Ww1
World War I, or the The Great War, defined the start of modern warefare to the world with
consequences that would long outlive the battles being fought during its epoch. The war was unlike
anything the world had ever seen before, with technological and industrial sophistications that led to
catastrophic warfare. At the time, the British Empire was seen as one of the most capable fighting
forces in the world. This however, did not mean that they went through the entirety of war without
significant losses, the tragic Dardanelles Campaign, and the Battle of Gallipoli proved to be such an
example. This offensive maneuver against the Ottoman Empire is regarded as one of Britain's
biggest tactical and militaristic mistakes of the war, as hundreds of thousands of allied troops were
slaughtered in just eight months. This disastrous event also nearly derailed the political career and
reputation one of Britain's most significant figures in history, then First Lord ... Show more content
on ...
He gained the titles of Under–Secretary of State for the Colonies in 1905, and President of the Board
of Trade in 1908. In October of 1911 he was appointed First Lord of the Admiralty and began
overseeing the political and engineering aspects of the British Navy. "If Churchill's years as First
Lord before the outbreak of war reflected a growing inclination toward a more proactive and less
reactive naval policy, his nine months as First Lord after the outbreak of war represented a
compulsion... While his objective remained clear, the means by which to achieve it were not.
Always in the way were the objections of his naval staff, which saw much more clearly than
Churchill the impractical nature of many of his suggestions. Churchill was not interested in
criticism. He wanted solutions, and it is certain he viewed his own unremitting agitation as a way to
inspire the ingenuity required to find them."
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Judicial Administration of British India Uptill 1790
INTRODUCTION:– History comprises of the growth, evolution and development of the legal
system in the country and sets forth the historical process whereby a legal system has come to be
what it is over time. The legal system of a country at a given time is not the creation of one man or
of one day but is the cumulative fruit of the endeavor, experience, thoughtful planning and patient
labour of a large number of people through generations. With the coming of the British to India, the
legal system of India changed from what it was in the Mughal period where mainly the Islamic law
was followed. The legal system currently in India bears a very close resemblance to what the British
left us with. As per the needs of the changing times changes ... Show more content on ...
The establishment of this Court was a welcome as it was the first British Court in India consisting of
lawyers, its jurisdiction was so wise that it covered all kinds of legal wrongs and that since all
British subject came under its jurisdiction it ensured rule of law. . The Governor –General Lord
Cornwallis (1786–1793) introduced changes in the judicial system in 1787, 1790, and 1793. He had
thoroughly reorganized the civil and criminal judicial system in India in Bengal, Bihar, and Orissa.
He for the first time introduced the principle of administration according to law. In 1787 he merged
the revenue collection and power to try the revenue disputes in the same hands of the magistrate
who formed the Mal Adalat. Appeals from the Mal Adalat had to go to the Governor General. 1. The
Choultry Courts:– The Charters dated 31st December, 1600, 31st May 1609 and 4th February, 1622
granted powers to the East India Company to Chastise and correct all English persons committing
any misdemeanour in the East Indias. As a result, the Choultry Court was formed from 1622
onwards.The Choultry Courts tried petty cases, Civil or Criminal. They remitted important cases,
where English Subjects were involved, to England, while they persuaded the local Naik or the
adigar (adhikari or elder of the village) to deal with cases in which Indians were the parties. The
Governer sat at the
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English Piracy Definition
Very few people today, perhaps those who have stared death in the face, can possibly comprehend
what it would have been like to stand on the gallows at high tide as the executioner fashioned a
noose around the pirate's neck; the last significant act before his final voyage, a short drop and a
quick stop. The English political and legal processes that delivered this defiant captain and hundreds
of others condemned for piracy to their final destination is the focus of this study.
Their contemporaries described them as "Robbers, Opposers, and Violators of all Laws, Humane
and Divine." Many viewed themselves as a more selfish reincarnation of Robin Hood, stealing from
wealthy merchants, foreign traders, and abusive captains, and in doing so, threatening ... Show more
content on ...
After nearly two decades of anti–pirate policies in the colonies, colonial officials no longer deemed
it necessary to aggressively convict anyone suspected of piracy out of fear of losing their charter, as
they had prior to 1705. Furthermore, the defining legal question leading to extreme ambiguity in the
prosecution of pirates during the seventeenth–century was at what point did acting outside of one's
commission constitute an act of piracy? The conclusion of Great Britain's hostilities with France and
Spain in 1713 rendered this question irrelevant as the new wave of pirates targeted primarily British,
not neutral or allied ships, clearly defining their aggression as piracy. The change in targets also
reduced the prosecution's need to rely on accomplice testimony, a source of controversy in civil law
proceedings, since attacks occurring off nearby shores provided easier access to victim testimony.
Finally, the increase in colonial newspapers and the dissemination of their publication of piracy
trials reports did assist in reducing procedural inconsistencies, but not in the way previously
suggested. Instead, it was the increased familiarity with civil law and piracy trial procedures within
the reports, combined with
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How Is Churchill's Contribution To Modernize The British Navy
While serving as First Lord of the Admiralty Churchill helped to modernized the British Navy. He
ordered that new warships be built with oil–fired instead of coal fired engines. Among other things,
Churchill was appointed the title of Minister of Munitions for the last year of the war and oversaw
the production of tanks, airplanes and munitions. There were fractures eventually in the Liberal
Party which lead to the defeat of Churchill as a member of Parliament in 1922 so he rejoined the
Conservative Party. Something that normally would've been extremely difficult to do. At this point
in time, he was thought of as a right–wing extremist who was out of touch with the general
populace. Churchill understood this and spent his next few years dedicated to writing and publishing
his book A History of English Speaking Peoples. ... Show more content on ...
Churchill was appointed a member of the War Cabinet and First Lord of the Admiralty in 1939 and
by 1940 he became a chairman of the Military Coordinating Committee. On May 10th King George
VI appointed Churchill as Prime Minister and Minister of Defense. It wasn't long before Britain
realized it stood almost entirely alone against Hitler. Churchill took action by forming a coalition
cabinet of leaders from the Labor, Liberal and Conservative parties, placing intelligent and talented
men in key positions. He was essential in keeping resistance to Nazi dominance alive and well
flamed which helped to create an alliance with the United States and the Soviet Union. Churchill
had cultivated a relationship with the U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt in the 1930's which
helped Winston in March of 1941 where he was able to secure vital U.S. aid through the Lend Lease
Act which allowed Britain to order war goods from the United States on
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The Person I Chose As My Leader
The person I chose as my leader is Winston Churchill. Winston Churchill was born on November
30, 1874. Winston grew up in Dublin, Ireland at which he attended two different schools as a young
boy. He did not do well at either one of the schools which lead him to joining the military. Winston's
main characteristics in being an active leader was his role of motivating society, regardless the
condition how frightening the conditions turn out to be. Churchill's character showed eagerness,
willpower, and confidence. In the original days of World War II Winston Churchill's inspirational
capability began to be perceived by those around him. Churchill could not accept being defeated nor
did he favor negotiating terms ... Show more content on ...
Winston Churchill had written five books by the age of 26. His escape from Boer prison camp in
1899 made him a hero and led him into the House of Commons, where his occupation reached over
60 years. He also earned the Nobel Prize for Literature on his books. Churchill maintained the
Gallipoli campaign in 1915 where his failure forced him to quit the Admiralty. He later returned to
the Government as Minister of Munitions in 1917. Then future to become Secretary for War and Air
and Colonial Secretary. In these roles he controlled demobilization of the army after World War I
tried ineffectively to standby the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. Before starting on his military
career Churchill was emerging his leadership skills at the Royal military college in Sandhurst here is
where you can see the earliest of his abilities. Churchill later enrolled into Parliament. It would be
the beginning of World War II that Winston Churchill would be selected for First Lord of the
Admiralty in the Royal Navy but would run into an unsettling incident in the Dardanelles campaign
where numerous naval actions took place but his choices would cost him his position and would
trouble him for many years. Succeeding that Winston Churchill would resign but with his willpower
to succeed he joined the army and went back into politics resulting in senior rolls in overseas
assignments. Churchill would later undertake the role as First Lord of the
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1764: The Molasse Act
In 1764 the Sugar Act, also known as the American Revenue Act, was passed. The Sugar Act came
into play during an economic depression and hurt a lot of people, mainly New England. The act was
passed by the British Parliament of Great Britain to raise revenue to pay for the presence of British
Redcoats in the Colonies. The Sugar Act not only included obvious sugar products but also things
such as lumbar, hides, skins, iron, coffee, pimiento, and other exports from the West Indies. The
Sugar Act is a lighter tax than previous Molasses act but acts as a greater enforcement. This tax was
applied to any products with sugar as a main component. From non– British isles along the same
lines as the Molasses Act, the Sugar Act was a new tax on
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How Is Winston Churchill A Hero
Ever since his victory in World War II, Winston Churchill has been considered one of the greatest
military and political leaders of all time. He has been remembered for his determination,
motivational speeches and wartime leadership. In particular, the success of the evacuation of
Dunkirk, and the defeat of Hitler have been remembered as two of his greatest achievements.
However, Churchill also made a number of mistakes throughout his career, which have now been
mostly forgotten. The best example of this, is the failed Gallipoli campaign, which ended in
complete disaster. However in spite of this, Churchill still remains thought of as one of the greatest
leaders in history, because of the challenges that he faced throughout his career, and how he
responded to them. ... Show more content on ...
The aim of this campaign was to regain control of the Dardanelles, a vital waterway connecting the
Black Sea and the Mediterranean. The Dardanelles were under the control of the Turks, who were
fighting onside with Germany. For the Allies, control over this passage would mean easier and faster
transport of weapons to the Russian navy. At the time of Gallipoli, Winston Churchill was First Lord
of the Admiralty, and therefore responsible for the campaign. The campaign resulted in disaster,
with over 200,000 soldiers wounded or killed in battle or from the harsh living conditions.
Eventually, in December of 1915, the Allies were forced to retreat. Following the failure of the
Gallipoli campaign, Churchill's reputation collapsed. He was demoted from Lord of the Admiralty,
and resigned from Parliament in 1916. Churchill did not occupy high office again, until his re–
instatement in
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Patrick Henry's Contribution Of Taxes To The American...
Following its war with France, Britain decided that to generate income to pay off its war debt, it
would levy taxes on the American Colonies. To raise revenue for the crown many taxes were
imposed on the American colonies. The Sugar, Stamp, and the Townshend Acts, were imposed on
the colonies in 1763. These taxes or Tariffs would contribute greatly to the American Revolution.
With the passage of the Sugar Act in 1764, sugar was taxed by the pound. The sole purpose of this
tax was to generate income for the British treasury. They also instituted a court used to prosecute
colonists who were caught trying to smuggle sugar or bribe an official, the Vice–Admiralty Courts.
Merchants suspected of smuggling were considered guilty and ... Show more content on ...
It was referred to as the Stamp Act. As with the Sugar Act the Vice Admiralty Courts were the
enforcement body of the Stamp Act. In response to the new taxes and the vice admiralty court many
Americans joined radical groups to act out against these taxes. Patrick Henry in 1765 convinced the
House of Burgess in Virginia to write several resolutions which were strongly worded criticisms of
the taxes and enforcement thereof.
Prior to 1750, the British policy regarding North America was one of almost complete self rule. The
colonist virtually regulated their daily lives. The colonies had been settled merely for gain of the
mother terrain itself. The House of Burgesses was established by the colonies as a means to govern
themselves. Receiving very little financial support from the mother country the colonies had
established and grew their own economy. This indifference of Britain also allowed the colonies to
enjoy a freedom of religion, not enjoyed by those still in Britain or other realms of the
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How Did Winston Churchill Define Greatness?
In order to examine the question you must first define greatness, it is described as a status brought
upon yourself in which excellence is achieved in the face of adversity . Winston Churchill is an
excellent example of greatness because in the face of adversity( the second World War ) he excelled
and he persevered through his so called `wilderness years` and then excelled as Britain's wartime
leader . Churchill's dogged perseverance to express exactly what he thought was the best possible
way forward for Britain meant that he was disliked by many in Parliament but also admired by
many at the same time . Martin Gilbert recognised this situation saying " some detested him , and
others from his earliest years , saw him as a person of exceptional ... Show more content on ...
This statement was condemned by Nicholson for "sounding cracked and tinny as though played
through an Edwardian phonograph" I can infer from this , may be because during the 1920`s
Churchill had campaigned for the need of Military economics , many politicians assumed that he
was just trying to get back at the government . He was described at the time as being an " dangerous
relief the past – a dangerous has been" Christopher Sykes . Still Churchill campaigned , warned and
informed of the threat of the Nazis , although Piers Brendon comments that Churchill wasn't " as
consistent about the immanence of war , about the necessity of rearmament , even the wickedness of
Hitler as he later claimed " .I don't agree with this source because in the context of other people
supporting his view were few and far between which makes Winston Churchill's stand seem massive
, Churchill was a master in the art of arguing his point , in order to stand up in the commons and
hear the shout of " sit down Winston" ever time he wanted to speak , this must have taken great
courage and it's not surprising that he couldn't keep up his attempts to persuade parliament to the
dangers of Hitler. Especially considering the Baldwin accusing him of "alarmism and exaggeration"
, the biggest surprise is the comment
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A Study On Admiralty Law And Maritime Law
UNIT 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 ABOUT SUBJECT: Admiralty Law or Maritime Law is a distinct
body of domestic laws that supervene upon the maritime activities (like marine commerce, sailors'
related aspects, marine navigation, marine shipping, marine salvaging and transportation of
passengers and goods by sea). It has also been governing questions and offenses related to maritime
activities and other sub–heads. Broadly, it is a more of a private international law related subject that
governs the relationship between private entities that operate vessels on the oceans. Keeping in view
the distinction with respect to the subject matters of Public and Private international law, it is
mandatory to specify the distinction between The Law of the Seas and The admiralty law and the
chapters succeeding will be a great source to enlighten the same. 1.2 HISTORY: The series that
started with "The Law of Prize" as the governing Customary Law. Then came the 'the cannon shot '
rule that was developed by the Dutch Jurist (Cornelius van Bynkershoek), which talked about the
limited National Rights granted to a specified belt of water extending from a nation 's coastlines that
was usually 3 nautical miles (i.e., 5.6 km or Three–mile), it was so that all waters beyond national
boundaries were considered international waters (i.e., free to all nations but belonging to none of
them). Later there emerged the conflict between Bourbon and Hapsbury which was settled in 1648
through the peace of
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British Policy and The American Colonies Essay
Changes in British policies toward the colonies between 1750 and 1776 played paramount in the
evolution of relations between British North America and Mother England. Tension between
England and the colonies mounted from the conclusion of the Seven Years' War to the signing of the
Declaration of Independence as a result of the several implemented changes imposed by Parliament
for the purpose of increasing income and tightening the grip on America. During the Seven Years'
War, William Pitt was enlisted to take over command of the British forces from the failing Earl of
Londoun. Pitt realized the advantage of employing the help of the colonies to bolster the war effort
for the British; to appeal to them, Pitt ensured the colonists they ... Show more content on ...
The Proclamation line would forbid colonists from settling west of the Appalachians. This new
measure infuriated colonists who felt cheated because the land they had fought so hard for had been
given away to the Indians. The frustrations amongst colonists did not stop with the Proclamation
Line. In 1764 the Revenue Act, more commonly known as the Sugar Act was passed cutting the
duty on molasses in half. Though the reduction in duty was favorable, the act also meant that ships
carrying cargo were very closely monitored and those who breached laws regarding duty were tried
in juryless admiralty courts. Following the Revenue Act was the Currency act of 1764, which
prohibited colonies from producing their own currency; the reasoning was to restrict colonists from
paying off debt with currency that was worth less than face value. The British government's
legislation to increase revenue continued beyond the Revenue and Currency Acts. In 1765 the
Quartering Act and Stamp Act were enacted. The Quartering Act required colonists to house troops
who were stationed in their vicinity. The British reasoned that this would help with the cost of
keeping British troops in America. To further boost England's suffering economy, the Stamp Act was
made effective putting tax on paper goods such as legal documents, newspapers, almanacs, playing
cards, college diplomas, etc. Violators of the Stamp Act, like the Revenue Act, were tried in
admiralty courts. The enforcement of
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The Life and Contribution to the Development of the...
The Life and Contribution to the Development of the British Empire of James Cook
I) Introduction
The purpose of this paper is to describe the life and the contribution to the development of the
British Empire of one of the most important English explorers. It was in the second half of the 18th
century when James Cook, originally a poor farm boy, explored and mapped vast uncharted areas of
the Pacific and the Atlantic Ocean. However, James Cook was not 'only' an explorer. He can also be
called a scientist – he managed to introduce new principles into seafaring and cartography.
For better understanding, the paper is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction,
which throws light on the purpose and ... Show more content on ...
Such a structure of commerce enabled the immense growth of wealth of the country.
An imperial enthusiasm – the British found out that they could grow rich from the trade with their
colonies. As a result it led to a constant, unending search for new markets for British products, new
trading centres and eventually, new lands to settle their surplus criminals and poor, unemployed
New inventions in navigation – these inventions had a profound influence, not only upon Britain,
but even upon much of the rest of the world. John Hadley's invention of the reflecting quadrant
made it possible to determine the latitude at noon or by night. Extremely accurate, it was quickly
adopted by the admiralty (1730). John Harrison's ship chronometer was to revolutionise the world's
shipping (1736). A new method of combating scurvy was found – James Lind recommended to use
citrus juice (1747) and finally, John Campbell introduced the new sextant to the Royal Navy (1757).
All of these inventions helped to create Britain's naval supremacy.
A new philosophical approach – the 18th century in Western Europe is the beginning of the Age of
Reason, the philosophers and scientists stressed the value of global discovery, of learning more
about the earth and of collecting unusual flora and fauna from around the globe.
Thus Great Britain established (or
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Ernest Rutherford Research Paper
Where would the science world be today if it wasn't for Ernest Rutherford? We would probably still
think that the atom was indivisible and unchangeable, or even there is no such thing as a proton.
Ernest Rutherford is a famous physicist known for coining some basic terms in the field of physics
such as; alpha rays, beta rays, gamma rays, the proton, the neutron, and half–life. He worked among
the side of other great physicists like J.J. Thomson, Niels Bohr, Frederick Soddy, James Chadwick
and Hans Geiger; together they discovered a whole new realm of science. (PBS, 1998). Ernest
Rutherford was born August 30th, 1871, on a farm in New Zealand. He was the fourth child born
out of his twelve siblings. Before he started to make mass discoveries in the world of science, he got
his degree from the University of New Zealand and began to teach. After teaching for awhile,
Rutherford got a scholarship to Cambridge University in England to be the first graduate ... Show
more content on ...
This began the research of the atom's nuclear structure. Rutherford showed the science world that
nuclei of light elements could be destroyed by radioactivity. He also learned that fast protons are
emitted from the nucleus when radioactivity interacted with the nuclei. Rutherford didn't stop there,
he kept going on discovering new things, and was greatly acknowledged for all his hard work.
(NNDB, 2014). In 1908, Rutherford won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. He also created the
Rutherford–Geiger detector, with the help of Hans Geiger. The detector was used for uncovering
single particles that were emitting from radioactive atoms. Rutherford also worked with Henry
Gwyn Jefferys Moseley; they used the cathode ray to demonstrate that each element can be
determined by an atomic number from the inner structures of the atom. His biggest
accomplishments were still yet to
... Get more on ...
Winston Churchill's Actions After Ww2
During World War II, France surrendered to Germany in June of 1940. After France signed the
Armistice with Germany and Italy, Churchill saw France's actions as an act of betrayal among the
Allied forces. Fearing that Hitler would use the French naval forces against the Allied powers, he
ordered an attack on Mers–el–Kebir killing 1,297 people. Winston Churchill's actions were not
necessarily in the right because there was no evidence that Adolf Hitler planned to use the French
naval forces to bolster his lackluster navy. In today's society Churchill's actions would be considered
a war crime.
France signed an armistice with Germany on June 22, 1940 and then signed a similar agreement
with Italy two days later. In this agreement, Germany stated ... Show more content on ...
Churchill was more concerned about the fleet at Mers–el–Kebir because the ships there did not see
much combat and they were valuable battleships.
Why would Germany want France in the first place? France had a strong navy that Hitler could have
at his disposal. He was bent on regaining the colonies that once belonged to the Reich. He also
wanted to add the French colonies to his domain, including Madagascar. In the eyes of the Fuehrer,
Madagascar was a perfect place to imprison millions of Jews. The island was a perfect location
because the incarcerated victims would not be able to escape their grotesque fate.
The good news about the armistice was that the Germans were not able to use the fleet for the war,
the French still had control of their navy, but were not allowed to use it to go toe to toe with
Germany. The French military were reduced to only a domestice task force so that they could not
rise against the Germans. Still, Churchill saw that Nazi control over the fleet was a great threat to
the Allied power's glorified victory in the war. While some of the French ships were docked in
France and other in areas controlled by the British, the main threat was at Mers–el–Kebir
... Get more on ...

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Land Use Changes

  • 1. Land Use Changes 1.0 `INTRODUCTION 2.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY The trend in property development is not however unconnected with the increased awareness in making the highest and best use of land resources among competing uses. According to Balowe (1978) the term ``land`` often mean different things depending upon the content in which it is used and the circumstances under which it is considered. Land takes a fundamental significance as a commodity in daily use for multi–various purpose over the years; it has influenced and continues to influence the daily lives of Nigerians as expressed in social, economic and political organization of various communities in Nigeria. However, the property market is an economic mechanism rationing land between ... Show more content on ... This dissertation attempts to provide answers to the above questions with a view to attract the above reactions of the New Town Development Authority, Property Developers, Estate Surveyors, Land Owners and Tenant towards a better understanding of the dynamics of land use and value in a fast growing city like Lagos. 2.3 PURPOSE OF THE STUDY As stated earlier, the purpose of this study is to proffer solution to the problem outlined in section 1.2 above and in doing so; I shall critically examine the genesis and impact of change in use in property values in low density layout (Admiralty Way Lekki Phase1). I shall examine how transfer of land to its most profitable use is often frustrated by factors such as: a) The imperfect knowledge of buyers and sellers of the use to which the given property can be put. b) The importance of adequate zoning area for commercial activities within government estate c) The time– absorbing and costly process of seeking and acquiring new locations. d) The cost and legal complexity of acquiring properties e) The monopoly power of Town Planning and New Town Development Authorities. In conclusion, I shall establish if the ever increasing incidence of change in use should be encouraged by government. 2.4 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The outcome of this study is expected to create awareness for Lagos state Government through New Town Development Authorities and ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Journey's End Essay The sound of guns firing, screaming men, bombs going off and the casual side conversations in the audience is how Journey's End went. On October 8th I went to go watch the last show run of the play Journey's End directed by Gordon Reinhart and written by R.C. Sherriff at the Danny Peterson theatre. In Journey's End, there are eleven characters: Captain Hardy, Stanhope, Lieutenant Osborne, Private Mason, Lance corporal "Bert" Broughton, 2nd Lieutenant Raleigh, Trotter, Hibbert, Company Sergeant–Major, the colonel and a German soldier. As I walked into the Morrison center bought my ticket from the box office, I went straight to the back and headed towards the doors of the Danny Peterson theatre. Once I arrived at the doors I noticed the ... Show more content on ... Osborne says to Hardy, "He's one of the best company commanders we've got." As captain Hardy leaves a new soldier arrives whose name is Raleigh. Osborne greets Raleigh then proceeds to tell about the rest of the crew he'll be working with these next few days. As Osborne is listing off all the members he gets to mention captain Stanhope, Raleigh says, "I know its frightful good luck". At this point, I'm caught wondering why would Raleigh say that. Raleigh then goes on to tell Osborne that he knows Dennis (Stanhope) from back home and that he actually requested to be in the same company as Stanhope. Stanhope then finds out that Raleigh is in his company and isn't too pleased that he is. Stanhope goes on to tell Osborne that he thinks Raleigh is there just to spy on him and report back to his sister. Throughout the play, I start to feel bad for Raleigh just because of the way Stanhope treats him. Then again Stanhope isn't one of the nicest guys. It is now Tuesday morning; Trotter is in heaven with the smells of beacon that Mason has cooked for them for breakfast. Trotter brings up how he enjoys the springtime, throughout the play most of the time he's having a conversation of varies things...mainly because he doesn't really like to talk about the war. I thought it was kind of sad. Captain Stanhope lets his men know that the wire around the trenches needs to be fixed he ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Why Did John Quelch Controversy? The main question surrounding the John Quelch controversy was whether he and his crew committed an act of piracy or privateering during their voyage across the Atlantic. Historian Mark Peterson specifies that while Quelch was leading a crew of privateers, they had attacked Portuguese merchant ships at some point after Britain had signed a peace treaty with Portugal, thereby making these attacks count as acting against the King's will (John Quelch video). Consequently, Quelch and his comrades were executed for committing such a treasonous act, but based on the evidence (or rather, lack of evidence) relating to their crimes, that punishment might have been too harsh for this particular group of merchants. To elaborate, it is entirely possible ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. How the French and Indian War Lead to the American Revolution After the fall of Puritan rule in Massachusetts, Great Britain regained control over Massachusetts and expanded throughout North America, making it one of the greatest empires in the world. In order to maintain their power in the colonies they enacted rules and regulations regarding traded goods. However, most colonists resorted to smuggling and boycotting items. It was not until the French and Indian War did England begin to strictly enforce these restrictions due to a large war debt. The Sugar Act was one the first acts that had started a domino effect which led to the American Revolution. The French and Indian War mounted when conflicts arose between the French and the British as the English colonists started to settle in 1689 in New ... Show more content on ... After winning the French and Indian war, Great Britain's economy entered economic downturn, causing great strain on the ruling power. Parliament decided that the colonies should help pay towards the cost of the recent war debt and for future defense. The first step towards this was the Revenue Act of 1764, generally referred to as the Sugar Act. The Sugar Act was also known as "an Act with Teeth,"(Mass Historical Society) symbolizing that it was an act with depth or of importance. The Act itself was divided into two sections. First, it was intended to raise money from trade between the British colonies in America. It levied import duties on a list of raw materials including: sugar, coffee, indigo, wine, rum, lumber, and various cloths. The Sugar Act made the Molasses Act of 1733 perpetual. Although it cut the tax on molasses in half, from sixpence to threepence per gallon, to discourage smuggling and to make the tax attractive. Second, the Act revamped and reinvigorated the customs service, which managed the collection of these import duties. For the first time, colonists argued that Parliament was depriving them of a fundamental constitutional right to have these goods duty free. Albeit that this was not the first act between Britain and the colonies, it created plenty of uproar amongst the colonies. Two provisions of the Sugar Act attracted the most colonial opposition. The first provision allowed the validity of seizures of ships and goods to be determined in a ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Case Analysis : Admiralty Law Admiralty Law Name Institution Course Date Admiralty Law Facts On 1 February 2012, an oil tanker known as The North Star operated and owned by Poseidon Ltd, is grounded a mile near the port of Swansea. The tanker broke up and started leaking crude oil into the sea. The leak is then washed up on the beaches surrounding Swansea. The tankers' grounding was wholly caused by Jeremy's negligence, a pilot employed by SHA, Swansea Harbor Authority. Due to heavy seas, salvage attempts for the vessel became difficult. As a result of this, it took The Ocean Salvation crew about four days to reach the grounded tanker. At this point, more than 10,000 tonnes of crude oil had spilled into the sea. The Ocean Salvation is operated by Seamorgan ... Show more content on ... All the guests in his hotel cancel their holidays in February and March. The losses he suffered in terms of revenue amounted to £50,000. A local cockle angler – Huw, suffers substantial losses following the step by the UK government to enact the Emergency Restrictions Act in 2012, which banned the harvesting and sale of cockles within the area of the oil spill. This ban lasted close to 18 months and Huw having no other alternative source of income suffered significantly. Another local resident, the owner of Fantastic Fauna Ltd – Dewi who runs boat trips to observe the harbor seals found in Swansea. Due to the oil spills, scientist observed that the seals had been permanently displaced from Swansea and had instead settled in Cardiff. Due to the oil spills and consequent closure of hotels in Swansea area such as Tawe, which was the biggest client of Swansea Suds – a company that makes soap – closes down. Aled, the owner of that company suffers substantial losses of over £35,000 per annum. In addition, the Ocean Salvation collides with Net Gain a few days later on its way to Portsmouth. This collision is attributed to the excessive speed of the Ocean Salvation. However, the Ocean Salvation has left the UK waters, is in Brazil for another rescue operation, and has been there since 28 February 2012. Seamorgan Salvage Solutions was consequently sued by Tony and Steve, former crewmembers of the Ocean Salvation, for unpaid wages. Seamorgan Salvage Solutions ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. The Stamp Act: Breakout Of The Revolutionary War The Stamp Act had far reaching historical significance as it was the first policy that British Parliament passed that directly taxed the American colonists and it set into motion a chain of events that would lead to the breakout of the Revolutionary War. The Stamp Act was introduced by British Prime Minister George Grenville and was passed by Parliament in March of 1765 to take into effect November 1, 1765. Its purpose was to tax the American colonies in order to help alleviate the debt that the English had incurred due to the French and Indian War and help raise money for the British army that was stationed in the American colonies. The Stamp Act required tax stamps on every piece of printed paper the colonist used, such as ship papers, legal documents, newspapers and licenses. The English government also demanded that the tax be paid in gold or silver specie, which outraged the colonists as most used paper currency or credit because gold and silver specie was difficult to acquire. The policies that Parliament passed prior to the Stamp Act had only taxed specific types of trade and commerce, but because the Stamp Act directly taxed all colonists it stirred massive protests. The colonists saw this as a violation of their rights because the act was to be enforced by stamp agents, with penalties for violating the act imposed by the Vice Admiralty Courts that sat without juries. ... Show more content on ... From ordinary colonists that were drawn into the anti–Stamp Act movement there were mobs and riots, in Boston on August 14, 1765, a group called the Loyal Nine organized a demonstration that targeted appointed stamp collectors, such as Massachusetts' stamp collector, Andrew Oliver. Due to the level of attack that these groups were displaying, stamp collectors, including Andrew Oliver, resigned before the Stamp Act started on November 1, ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Lusitania Report Lusitania It was 2:10 p.m. on May 7, 1915. Leslie Morton, a lookout on the Lusitania, screamed, "Torpedoes coming on the starboard side." Two explosions followed. Within 18 minutes the huge liner, once the largest ever built, sank to the bottom of the Celtic Sea. 1,195 out of the 1,959 people aboard died. Walther Schwieger, commander of the German submarine U– 20, who had fired a single torpedo 750 yards away from the ship, later called it the most horrible sight he had ever seen. The Lusitania entered service between Liverpool and New York on September 7, 1907. Funded by the British Admiralty, the Lusitania, built by the Cunard Steamship Company, was required to double as an auxiliary cruiser in case of war. This was a secret ... Show more content on ... About a week before the voyage, the New York German community tried to run an ad warning about the trans–Atlantic voyage. But the duty officer at the State department did not approve, so no ads were placed. Later George Vierick, who was in charge of placing the ads, convinced William Jennings Bryan, Secretary of State, that on all but one of the Lusitania's voyages it carried war materials. Bryan had an advertisement run the morning of departure of May 1, 1915. British Naval Intelligence discovered the ad and gave orders to look out for U–boats, predicting a trap. Turner, Captain of the Lusitania, was told that he would rendezvous with the cruiser Juno about 40 miles west of the southern tip of Ireland. German Intelligence thought that the U–boat lookout order meant that large vessels would be leaving England. U–20 and U–30 were immediately sent to the British Channel and southern Irish waters(Simpson 66–69). On May 5, Winston Churchill attended a meeting concerning the Lusitania and the U–20. They concluded that Juno would need an escort, so assistance would be given, most likely the destroyer Flotilla. But this did not happen. For unknown reasons, Juno was recalled to Queenstown, and no destroyers were sent(Simpson 70). On May 5 and 6 three ships were sunk by the U–20, the last without warning. Alfred Booth, Chairman of Cunard, read about this and sent a message to Captain Turner diverting the Lusitania to Queenstown. Schwieger spotted the ship on May ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Declaration Of Independence: American Political Tradition Ryan McDermott Professor Swanson Take Home Exam 1 October 31, 2016 The Declaration of Independence is a document of the American Political Tradition. The Document expresses the ideas that have created the American Nation and the document is viewed as the most influential document in the nation's history. It states that all men are created free and equal and possess the same inherent, natural rights. Declaration of Independence announced to the world unanimous decision of the thirteen American colonies to separate themselves from Great Britain. Assuming that the charges in the Declaration of Independence were true, the settlers in what was to become the United States had no other choice than to revolt because the charges in the declaration oppressed ... Show more content on ... King George economically oppressed the colonists by "For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world:"( (Page 2). King George economically oppressed the colonist during the time of the Stamp Act in the early 1760s. The Stamp Act was the first issues the colonist had with King George of unfair taxation. The colonists implemented "no taxation without representation"on not just taxes but all acts of government. Great Britain in April of 1764, assigned the military courts, admiralty, and vice admiralty with enforcing the laws of the British Parliament concerning to commerce. Great Britain in response to the colonists smuggling goods increased the amount of these courts. The colonists from Massachusetts to Georgia fought to make sure that this tax was not collected by Great Britain, the colonists were economically oppressed because they were taxed without representation. King George declared war on the colonists by having his military commit acts of savagery on the colonists, "He has plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the Lives of our people." King George declared war on the American Colonists by burning their towns. Great ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. What Was Winston Churchill's Role In Ww2 Planes overhead bombing, the rat–tat–tat of AA guns, and the screams of those not prepared, what would you do know you could give up and live save yourself or stay and fight. The last beacon of hope for a free Europe or the free world the last strong point would you deal with saving it. Winston Churchill stayed and never backed down from the Nazi with there night time bombing raids, inspiring the people during the day to save the isles. A man who lived through and commanded the armies during the first and second war. A man ready to give up an empire that rained number one for decades to protect the rights of a free Polish people. Those reason are why I would love to have meet Winston Churchill. Churchill is most commonly known for his role as prime minister in World War II he also played a part during World War I. He is thought to have been unbeatable never making mistakes, but like any other person he did. At the outbreak of World War I Churchill served as First Lord Admiralty and lead the Navy. His greatest mistakes he made where is orchastion of the Dardanelles naval campaign and the landing at Gallipoli. At Gallipoli alone 115,000 men were killed on the British side. Churchill's ... Show more content on ... Trying to keep the world at peace he signed a document with Hitler saying he would let The Nazis take Czechoslovakia. The peace did not last against the Nazi war machine, and war broke out and the Nazis rolled through Europe. Then the bombings of London started, and Hitler tried to break the will of the British with the bombs. But he couldn't with the strength of Winston Churchill at the helm, he didn't let the people give up or completely change their life. Winston inspired the people and the night time raids became normal. 32,000 people died and 87,000 people seriously ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. American Revolution : Causes And Effects Elexis Holmes Mr. Ben Wright U.S. History– TR 11am Due: 2/6/15 American Revolution Essay Causes of American Revolution There were many causes of the American Revolution. Which are the reformation of the British Empire, the Revenue Act, the Stamp Act, the Declaratory Act, Townshend Act, the Boston Massacre, the Tea Act, the Coercive Act, the First Continental Congress, the Battles of Lexington and Concord, and the Second Continental Congress. Trying to reform the British Empire after the Seven Years' War was one of the causes of the American Revolution. The Seven Years' war was fought between many people. In the war the British took control over the Northern colonies east of the Mississippi River and took control over Canada. The British won the war victoriously but they were left in a lot of debt. British wanted more money from the colonies by passing any Acts which turned the colonies against them. The Revenue Act also known as the Sugar Act it started in 1764, this act raised the taxes on sugar that was imported in from the West Indies. This act was passed to stop the smuggling and to increase the enforcement for those who get caught smuggling molasses in New England. If you were caught smuggling you were to be tried by the Vice Admiralty courts and not by a jury. The people who were affected by this act was the merchants, but it affected the poor merchants way more than the rich merchants the poor did not agree with this act. The Stamp Act began in 1765, it was ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. John Cobook Biography JOHN COOK was born at Garven Terrace in Stevenston on the 11th of March 1909. The family moved to 31 Station Square prior to 1913, and John likely received his education at the Stevenston Junior Secondary School. He probably left school about the age of 14 and was apprenticed as an iron moulder at the nearby Ardrossan Winton Foundry. This came to a halt with the onset of the Great Depression about 1930. For a time he found work as a labourer on the construction of sea defences along Saltcoats Promenade. John eventually followed his father into the ICI explosives factory in Ardeer, where he joined the Blacksmiths Department. At the age of 27, he married a shop assistant named Elizabeth Eve–lyn Haire Grant, at Ardeer Parish Church on the ... Show more content on ... The Eastern Fleet was divided into Force A and Force B and March saw Revenge, as part of Force B, patrolling the waters south of Ceylon, sweeping east by day and west by night. By April, the Admiralty had realised that the Eastern Fleet was inferior in all respects to the fleet of the Imperial Japa–nese Navy. George Mason writes that the Revenge–class ships were "con–sidered more of a liability than an asset due to their slow speed and poor anti–aircraft armament," and as result were withdrawn to Africa. Between May 1942 and July 1943, Revenge returned to defensive duties in the Indian Ocean, spending the period September–November 1942 in Durban un–dergoing further refits. In July 1943 Revenge was nominated to return home and she arrived in the Clyde on the 9th of September. John returned home on leave a handful of times throughout the war. Anna stated that he rarely spoke of his wartime experiences, though the mention of Durban and Cape Town, beads and wooden carvings brought home with him, and photos of villages with straw huts all point–ed to his time in Africa and the Indian Ocean. She recalled that her ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Marinety Lawyer Essay What to bring to you meeting with your admiralty law attorney It can end up being a big waste of time for both you and your attorney if you are not ready for your initial meeting. Being unprepared can end up costing you money. This is because it will take longer for the lawyer you have hired to get up to speed on your personal injury matter. So get your stuff together beforehand; it's in your own best interests. Preliminaries The first thing your lawyer is going to want to know is basic information about who you are and how they can get in touch with you. They will also want to know your personal background, and may send you a questionnaire to fill out prior to your first meeting. If you can, send it and copies of all pertinent documents ... Show more content on ... This is anyone who provided treatment to you or anyone who you consulted with regarding an injury (such as for a second opinion or a doctor you were required to see as a requirement from your employer Bills from any and all of your medical care providers All reports from doctors having to do with your diagnosis and prognosis Information about any anticipated future medical costs All information about any insurance coverage of your medical bills A description and notes from any interactions you may have had with insurance companies Copies of all correspondence with insurance companies Copies of any claims you have already filed with your employer or with an insurance company, including your own Documentation for any reimbursement your employer has given to you All information about work that you missed (and possibly continue to miss) as a result of your injury A list of all the ways in which your life has been affected by your injury, no matter how ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. The Cure For Scurvy Another scientific discovery that the media of the times misinterpreted was the cure for scurvy. James Lind first published his cure for scurvy in 1753; yet, It wasn't until 1795, 42 years later, that the British Admiralty accepted Lind's recommendation. From the Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, William McBride depicts in his article "'Normal' Medical Science and British Treatment of the Sea Scurvy" the grave loss the British Royal Navy suffered. Because of that denial of Lind's theory, the British suffered "serious consequence[s] of scurvy typified by the experience of the British Royal Navy during the war–torn eighteenth century, in which scurvy killed more British navy seamen than enemy action" (McBride 159). McBride ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Hermon Kelley Hermon Kelley bought the 3 acre island on Blackstone Lake that would bear his name on January 3rd and 11th of 1900. The name was not unique for there is a Kelley Is., Ohio in Lake Erie, 13 km south of Pelee Is. Ontario, named after Hermon's family and was the place Hermon was born. The American island was named Kelley Is in 1840 after two of Hermon's ancestors, grandfather Datus and Irad, purchased it and made a success in quarrying, logging and winemaking. Hermon, a prominent Admiralty Lawyer in Cleveland involved on many boards and varied positions of significant companies, an amateur historian, autograph collector, the family genealogist and the second 'summer tourist' on Blackstone Lake also wrote books (like the first temporary resident on the lake) including 'Individualism In America' in 1907. Other writings were mainly on the history of his island from the natives to his family and also of its geology. A ... Show more content on ... The name became official on the date of purchase. Having, in addition to his many talents and interests, architecture was another hobby, and so he set about the happy task of designing his own log summer place. Although Hermon decided all the details for his log cabin on Blackstone, he wanted Frank B. Mead to verify the structure. Frank B. Mead being a leading architect for homes in Cleveland, especially the elite mansions on Euclid Avenue were Mead himself lived. With Mead's approval in hand, Kelley has his island cabin, a modest 20 x 18 feet in size, built facing west to view the beautiful sunsets by the summer of 1900. For over 10 years the Kelley's vacationed on their island kids and all. As is normal, the Kelleys had guests from time to time. One early guest was fellow Clevelander Walter Root, a dry goods dealer and husband of Susan, Florence's younger ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Essay On Declaration Of Independence The Declaration of Independence was written by the colonists to declare their freedom of independence. The Declaration of Independence is a formal statement written by Thomas Jefferson declaring the freedom of the thirteen American colonies from Great Britain. A quote from the Declaration of Independence is "Resolved that these, united colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent states". An interesting fact about the Declaration of Independence is that there are a few handwritten notes on the back of it and nobody knows who it was written by. The Declaration of independence was written to show that the colonies are breaking away from Britain. Its purpose was an idea of government, lists of complaints, and a declaration of war. The Declaration of Independence preamble "We hold ... Show more content on ... Peoples rights are life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. Jefferson frames the violation of economic and political rights that the Colonists have had to suffer were the result of a lack of respect. Also, Jefferson states that the British government had refused to work together and develop a partnership. According to Jefferson the purpose of a government is to protect rights from being violated. It is permissible to change a government when they are violating their rights. One philosophical idea in the Declaration is that if a government is to be overthrown then a new government shall be created with equality, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Also, on the Declaration it has a list of Grievances that the king should not do. There are 27 items, and an example of one of these states "He refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good" this is saying that he didn't give permission for necessary laws. Another example is "He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power" this is saying that the king overpowers citizens by outnumbering them with ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. The Island William Clarke Analysis Prologue: On the 20th of September, 1783, a family set out to sea. They were leaving their home in the new USA, to return to what they considered their mother country, Great Britain. Throughout the ship's first week out to sea, the sea was calm, with a good wind. However this soon changed. The family's second out of four sons turned twelve on the 27th, exactly one week after they put to sea. On that day, the weather took a turn for the worse. The boy was the first of passengers to notice the change – when he went up on deck, he noticed that something didn't feel right. He felt like there was some sort of change in pressure. He rushed back to his parents to tell them what he had noticed. They didn't know what to say, and didn't want to bother the crew. However, they soon enough knew ... Show more content on ... When the boat docked, the boy told his parents that he wanted to become a shipwright. The agreed to this, and had the money to set him up as the apprentice of one of the most influential shipwrights in the entirety of England. The boy's name was Richard Clarke, and he was the nephew of RN Captain William Clarke. Chapter 1: The Decision It was August 23, 1798, in the Admiralty Courts of Great Britain. The Kingdom of Great Britain had recently formed a coalition to fight against the newly formed French Republic. The Admiralty had decided to meet on this day to discuss planning for the war. Lord Spencer, the first lord of the admiralty, spoke first, saying "Gentlemen, I greet you. I hope we can come to a conclusion that will benefit our country in this meeting." "I have a proposition to make," Came a reply from Sir James Gambier, a lord of the admiralty. "What?" "That if we were invest in the creation of well made effective ships instead of those less effective but cheaper and quicker to produce. After all, how can two poorly made and unstable ships compare to even one well made one of the same ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Panama Canal Essay In the incident of MV Sagittarius in 2012, which was under investigation for suspicious deaths at sea, is a further example of problems with flags of convenience. The vessel flew the Panama flag and had the crew from Indonesia, were shipping coal from Australia to Japan. Within a six week period two crew members died by suspicious deaths upon the ship, with repeated reports of harassment, bullying, criminal activity and poor labour conditions, due to lack of screening and oversight of operations. The Panama Canal is a popular area for flags of convenience for vessels wanting a safe harbour and refuge, and to avoid tax and screening issues. It is an area well known for the lack of stipulated rules and regulations. Within these lowered standards of registration are accusations of corruption, accidents, and investigation into sub–standard labour issues. Question ... Show more content on ... Yes they both have the same name and both are about things, but apparently, this is where the similarity stops, it did not stem from the Roman Law nor was it a foundation of firmly set English law, it was derived from jurisprudence to solve an actual problem. Apparently there is one area where the action in rem may have come from the civil law, and that is the maritime lien, it is one of uncertain development, looking at the case of "The Bold Buccleugh", Sir John Jervis said that the lien does have some foundations in civil law, this particular thought has been widely debated. If we refer back to the Admiralty Act 1861 (Imp), it states that you could have a statutory right to proceed in rem, which means it is untrue regarding its foundations in a maritime ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. The Pros And Cons Of Sir Brignon "The spark of natural liberty, the love of which is born in all men, soon made itself right ". Dating back to as early as 1747, it is evident that unethical justifications were constructed in order to make it possible for himself, Sir Brignon, to take colonial actions, such as introducing the idea slavery to Pondichery, but evidently failed. Sir Brignon, born of France, failed to justify his actions of slavery concerning the two Indian men he bought and brought home. In addition, Sir Brignon stated he had the intention of returning them to the colonies by annually registering them with Admiralty Clerk; the registrations were insufficient and served of no effect. On 4 February 1758, Mr. Collet, the king's attorney general presented a petition ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Evidence Outline Admiralty Outline – Fall 2003 Overview Admiralty is federal law, originating in Article III, § 2 of Constitution. i. First Congress included Cases of Admiralty/Maritime in Judiciary Act. ii. Supremacy Clause. b. If say that case is admiralty/maritime case, governed by admiralty law, is to say that substantive admiralty law applies. i. Differences: statute of limitations, comparative laws for recovery, etc. a. Main: trial by judge. From very beginning, admiralty cases are w/o juries. May be why someone brings suit in admiralty – to avoid the jury. ii. Admiralty cases can't be removed from state to federal courts. a. but most admiralty cases can be brought in state courts unless qualify under diversity. b. But ... Show more content on ... Nexus factor: wrong must bear relationship to admiralty, must have maritime nexus. (Since 1972) o almost anything occurring on navigable waters will meet the nexus test. Jerome B. Grubart, Inc. v. Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co. (SCOTUS, 1995): o Two pronged test for nexus developed. a. Was event disruptive to maritime commerce? b. Was it a maritime activity? Look up foremost & Sisson – determine exact jurisdictional tests for admiralty jurisdiction, differences in contract & tort. After Executive Jet must have: Incident out of which claim grew must have had disruptive influence on maritime commerce. Substantial relationship to maritime activity. o Navigable Waters Jurisdiction inquiries rely on issue of whether matters in the suit had sufficient involvement with navigable waters – the maritime nexus. Navigable waters – classic definition in The Daniel Ball: waters navigable that are either navigable in fact or can do so in conjunction with other waters in which they flow. Leblanc v. Cleveland (2nd Circuit, 1999): Navigable requires that the body of water be capable fo supporting commercial maritime activity now, not just historically. Can have seasonable non–navigability. But if not normally navigable and just occasionally navigable, then no admiralty jurisdiction. o Vessels 1 ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Misogyny In Barometer Rising By Hugh Maclennan The historical fiction novel of Barometer rising by Hugh MacLennan is a book that takes place in Halifax, Nova Scotia in the early 20th century during the time of the first world war. Consequently, many of the actions taken place within the novel and the atmosphere of the novel match both this time period and the location in which the novel takes place. This 20th century atmosphere becomes exceptionally apparent through the misogyny and hardships the female protagonist Penny Wain faces. Penny Wain is described as a 29 year old attractive and highly intelligent women. However, due to both of these traits Penny faces misogyny from the very first scene she is introduced in. During this scene Penny is at work when she is faced with a dissatisfied ... Show more content on ... In chapter of the book Penny is at a family dinner in which the intention is to praise the approval of her ship design that is to be used by the British admiralty. However, during this dinner, that was supposed to be celebrating Penny success, a debate arose about Pennys ship design. In this debate her uncle Alfred argued that due to ship engineering being a job that is predominantly male orientated Pennys design could not possibly be of a good quality. Following these remarks Penny would then try to calm the situation by saying "If it makes anyone feel any better, I don't deserve any credit, the whole idea was Neils." This shows Pennys reluctance to accept credit for her extraordinary work and rather give credit to a man in order to abide within the misogynistic societal expectations of the time. These expectations being that men were supposed to be the intellectuals while women could not possibly be successful in a white collared environment due to their lack of intellect. With this in mind, the prejudice that Penny faces in this scene is highlighted from comments made by the narrator in an earlier chapter of the book. These comments were "To be a woman at a predominantly masculine job she had to be more than good. she had to be better than her male colleagues; she had to work longer hours and be doubly careful as ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Dead Wake Quotes Accelerated English II Quote Analysis In the historical novel, Dead Wake by Erik Larson, the author composes and reveals the lesser known story of the Lusitania, a passenger liner that was traveling to England. However, despite the great pride in the Lusitania's greatness, she was sunk by a German U–boat, the U–20, on May 7th, 1915. There are many reasons that people believe that the Lusitania was sunk, but Larson seemed to most prominently claim that the Lusitania was intentionally sunk in order to drag America into World War I. These quotes are examples of his claim in the book: "Indeed, these are the great lingering questions of the Lusitania affair: Why, given all the information possessed by the Admiralty about U–20; given the Admiralty's past willingness to provide escorts to inbound ships or divert them away from trouble; given that the ship carried a vital cargo of rifle ammunition and artillery shells; given that Room 40's intelligence prompted the obsessive tracking and protection of the HMS Orion; given that U–20 had sunk three vessels in the Lusitania's path; given Cunard chairman Booth's panicked Friday morning ... Show more content on ... When analyzing the syntax and diction used in this specific quote, it is obvious that Larson appears to be very suspicious of the behavior and actions of Room 40. Larson does this by adding slights hints of sarcasm by the placement of his chosen words to add extra impact and differing meanings to many words. He also proves his claim by showing how Room 40 was very aware of the situation at hand and the possible outcome of the Lusitania's lone voyage of the, at the time, dangerous British sea's. Larson explicitly knows that the Admiralty was very cautious when in regard to boat's such as the HMS Orion, and knew that the Admiralty was aware of the three previous boat sinkings before the Lusitania. Larson also questions Room 40 on why no escort was provided for the Lusitania on it's ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. The Treason Trial Act Of The United States Despite the concessions Hedges made to combat the obvious disadvantage defendants in piracy cases faced, it is also clear that Hedges was not willing to provide suspected pirates with an avenue to escape justice. To the Chief Justice, these minor concessions in no way hampered the court's ability to ascertain the truth. To that end, Hedges withheld two crucial components of the Treason Trial Act from his piracy legislation which conflicted with his approach to trying pirates. One of the most important and radical changes in trial procedures derived from the Treason Trials Act was that it changed the court's interaction with the accused, from a combative environment, to seeing defendants as possible victims. This was contradictory to ... Show more content on ... Prior to 1706, only three gentlemen from Massachusetts travelled to England to study law, all of them focusing on common law training at the Inns of Court. William Penn, proprietor of Pennsylvania, argued vehemently against the perceived usurpation of charter rights and complained about the difficulty in following the statute since no one in the colonies understood civil law procedure. Robert Quarry, recent judicial appointee to Pennsylvania's new vice–Admiralty court confirmed Penn's analysis when he wrote "I have not so much vanity as to pretend myself learned in the Civil Law..." continuing, "If none but a person learned in the law must be Judge of the Vice– Admiralty in Pennsylvania, then the crown must be without justice there, or send a person so qualified to England." The Board of Trade's solution to this serious impediment was to send George Larkin to the colonies in the spring of 1700 to instruct colonial officials in civil law and the proper procedures relating to piracy trials. This whirlwind tour sent Larkin to nine colonies, where he spent roughly two weeks in each colony giving a crash course to unprepared, and at times, unwilling recipients. He skipped the proprietary colonies completely. In Massachusetts, no high ranking official was present for Larkin's training, and those that did show up proved highly resistant to accepting civil law procedures in their courts. Bermuda's Governor ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. What Is The Difference Between George Grenville And The... The cost of an empire Britain's debt increased a lot after 7 years war Increased taxes towards all british people Smugglers punished hard or became indentured servants ^ of british military in America post 7 years war in order to prevent native rebellions (Pontiac's and Proclamation of 1763) George Grenville and the Reform Impulse Currency Act 1764: prohibit use of paper money in colonies The Sugar Act 1764: ^ tax that replaced molasses Act This ^ smuggling The End of Salutary Neglect Ended in 1763 Smugglers trien in vice–admiralty courts; no jury The Stamp Act 1765 This tax affected 50 commonly used goods, this affected virtually all colonists violators tried in vice–admiralty courts Quartering act– colonists required to feed and house British ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Gatt Article : National Treatment Article 3 Essay GATT Article III– National treatment Article 3 The next measure to be analysed is the legislative amendment. Prior to beginning the analysis the first fact to establish is whether Article III applies. Generally Article III applies to internal measures and the legislative amendment is an internal measure. Furthermore Article 3(4) specifically applies to the amendment as it is not a tax or charge but affects offering for sale by increasing the cost of production. Having established that Article 3(4) of GATT applies examination of the amendment begins. GATT Article 3(4) and the AB in Korea Beef outline that for a measure to be a violation of Article 3(4) three things must be established: the products at issue must be like, the law at issue must be an internal measure affecting internal sale or offering for sale... and finally the imported product must be given less favourable treatment compared to like domestic products. To determine likeness under Article 3(4): examining the physical properties, tariff classification, end uses and interchangeability of the products is important . In this case the products at issue are Newland's rear–engine cars and Richland's front engine cars. In assessing their likeness their physical properties are same except for the fact that one engine is in the rear while the other is in front. The end uses of both cars are also similar as they serve a common purpose of locomotion. The two cars are also interchangeable as the Richland survey shows ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. The Causes of the American Revolution Essay The American Revolution was sparked by a myriad of causes. These causes in themselves could not have sparked such a massive rebellion in the nation, but as the problems of the colonies cumulated, their collective impact spilt over and the American Revolution ensued. Many say that this war could have been easily avoided and was poorly handled by both sides, British and American; but as one will see, the frame of thought of the colonists was poorly suited to accept British measures which sought to "overstep" it's power in the Americas. Because of this mindset, colonists developed a deep resentment of British rule and policies; and as events culminated, there was no means to avoid revolution and no way to turn back. There are ... Show more content on ... The British military also played a role in starting the revolution. As Britain began to call more and more troops into the colonies, especially after the seven years war, many of the citizens began to doubt their purpose. The British justified stationing troops by saying that it was to cut expenditures. Yes it did cut expenditures, but to the dismay of the colonists, the burden of housing soldiers, due to the Quartering act of 1765, was laid upon them. This caused great dissent, for as the population of Boston was only approximately 18,000, the troops made up more than one fifth of the population. But cutting spending wasn't the only objective in bring in troops. Parliament also wanted to use the troops in order to enforce the British legislature's rules and ordinances. The troops served as intimidation to keep the colonists in check. But as Americans became more rebellious, England funneled in more troops. In 1774, the British responded to the Boston tea party by establishing the Coercive Acts. These acts in addition to closing Boston harbor and subjecting everyone to admiralty courts also shipped in 3000 soldiers and put the state of Massachusetts under martial law. Thus, in towns, there developed great tension between the people and the British troops, an uneasiness that would reside and alienate the colonists from the empire. More importantly, the colonist resented ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. What Are The Causes Of Ww1 World War I, or the The Great War, defined the start of modern warefare to the world with consequences that would long outlive the battles being fought during its epoch. The war was unlike anything the world had ever seen before, with technological and industrial sophistications that led to catastrophic warfare. At the time, the British Empire was seen as one of the most capable fighting forces in the world. This however, did not mean that they went through the entirety of war without significant losses, the tragic Dardanelles Campaign, and the Battle of Gallipoli proved to be such an example. This offensive maneuver against the Ottoman Empire is regarded as one of Britain's biggest tactical and militaristic mistakes of the war, as hundreds of thousands of allied troops were slaughtered in just eight months. This disastrous event also nearly derailed the political career and reputation one of Britain's most significant figures in history, then First Lord ... Show more content on ... He gained the titles of Under–Secretary of State for the Colonies in 1905, and President of the Board of Trade in 1908. In October of 1911 he was appointed First Lord of the Admiralty and began overseeing the political and engineering aspects of the British Navy. "If Churchill's years as First Lord before the outbreak of war reflected a growing inclination toward a more proactive and less reactive naval policy, his nine months as First Lord after the outbreak of war represented a compulsion... While his objective remained clear, the means by which to achieve it were not. Always in the way were the objections of his naval staff, which saw much more clearly than Churchill the impractical nature of many of his suggestions. Churchill was not interested in criticism. He wanted solutions, and it is certain he viewed his own unremitting agitation as a way to inspire the ingenuity required to find them." ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Judicial Administration of British India Uptill 1790 INTRODUCTION:– History comprises of the growth, evolution and development of the legal system in the country and sets forth the historical process whereby a legal system has come to be what it is over time. The legal system of a country at a given time is not the creation of one man or of one day but is the cumulative fruit of the endeavor, experience, thoughtful planning and patient labour of a large number of people through generations. With the coming of the British to India, the legal system of India changed from what it was in the Mughal period where mainly the Islamic law was followed. The legal system currently in India bears a very close resemblance to what the British left us with. As per the needs of the changing times changes ... Show more content on ... The establishment of this Court was a welcome as it was the first British Court in India consisting of lawyers, its jurisdiction was so wise that it covered all kinds of legal wrongs and that since all British subject came under its jurisdiction it ensured rule of law. . The Governor –General Lord Cornwallis (1786–1793) introduced changes in the judicial system in 1787, 1790, and 1793. He had thoroughly reorganized the civil and criminal judicial system in India in Bengal, Bihar, and Orissa. He for the first time introduced the principle of administration according to law. In 1787 he merged the revenue collection and power to try the revenue disputes in the same hands of the magistrate who formed the Mal Adalat. Appeals from the Mal Adalat had to go to the Governor General. 1. The Choultry Courts:– The Charters dated 31st December, 1600, 31st May 1609 and 4th February, 1622 granted powers to the East India Company to Chastise and correct all English persons committing any misdemeanour in the East Indias. As a result, the Choultry Court was formed from 1622 onwards.The Choultry Courts tried petty cases, Civil or Criminal. They remitted important cases, where English Subjects were involved, to England, while they persuaded the local Naik or the adigar (adhikari or elder of the village) to deal with cases in which Indians were the parties. The Governer sat at the ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. English Piracy Definition Very few people today, perhaps those who have stared death in the face, can possibly comprehend what it would have been like to stand on the gallows at high tide as the executioner fashioned a noose around the pirate's neck; the last significant act before his final voyage, a short drop and a quick stop. The English political and legal processes that delivered this defiant captain and hundreds of others condemned for piracy to their final destination is the focus of this study. Their contemporaries described them as "Robbers, Opposers, and Violators of all Laws, Humane and Divine." Many viewed themselves as a more selfish reincarnation of Robin Hood, stealing from wealthy merchants, foreign traders, and abusive captains, and in doing so, threatening ... Show more content on ... After nearly two decades of anti–pirate policies in the colonies, colonial officials no longer deemed it necessary to aggressively convict anyone suspected of piracy out of fear of losing their charter, as they had prior to 1705. Furthermore, the defining legal question leading to extreme ambiguity in the prosecution of pirates during the seventeenth–century was at what point did acting outside of one's commission constitute an act of piracy? The conclusion of Great Britain's hostilities with France and Spain in 1713 rendered this question irrelevant as the new wave of pirates targeted primarily British, not neutral or allied ships, clearly defining their aggression as piracy. The change in targets also reduced the prosecution's need to rely on accomplice testimony, a source of controversy in civil law proceedings, since attacks occurring off nearby shores provided easier access to victim testimony. Finally, the increase in colonial newspapers and the dissemination of their publication of piracy trials reports did assist in reducing procedural inconsistencies, but not in the way previously suggested. Instead, it was the increased familiarity with civil law and piracy trial procedures within the reports, combined with ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. How Is Churchill's Contribution To Modernize The British Navy While serving as First Lord of the Admiralty Churchill helped to modernized the British Navy. He ordered that new warships be built with oil–fired instead of coal fired engines. Among other things, Churchill was appointed the title of Minister of Munitions for the last year of the war and oversaw the production of tanks, airplanes and munitions. There were fractures eventually in the Liberal Party which lead to the defeat of Churchill as a member of Parliament in 1922 so he rejoined the Conservative Party. Something that normally would've been extremely difficult to do. At this point in time, he was thought of as a right–wing extremist who was out of touch with the general populace. Churchill understood this and spent his next few years dedicated to writing and publishing his book A History of English Speaking Peoples. ... Show more content on ... Churchill was appointed a member of the War Cabinet and First Lord of the Admiralty in 1939 and by 1940 he became a chairman of the Military Coordinating Committee. On May 10th King George VI appointed Churchill as Prime Minister and Minister of Defense. It wasn't long before Britain realized it stood almost entirely alone against Hitler. Churchill took action by forming a coalition cabinet of leaders from the Labor, Liberal and Conservative parties, placing intelligent and talented men in key positions. He was essential in keeping resistance to Nazi dominance alive and well flamed which helped to create an alliance with the United States and the Soviet Union. Churchill had cultivated a relationship with the U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt in the 1930's which helped Winston in March of 1941 where he was able to secure vital U.S. aid through the Lend Lease Act which allowed Britain to order war goods from the United States on ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. The Person I Chose As My Leader Description. The person I chose as my leader is Winston Churchill. Winston Churchill was born on November 30, 1874. Winston grew up in Dublin, Ireland at which he attended two different schools as a young boy. He did not do well at either one of the schools which lead him to joining the military. Winston's main characteristics in being an active leader was his role of motivating society, regardless the condition how frightening the conditions turn out to be. Churchill's character showed eagerness, willpower, and confidence. In the original days of World War II Winston Churchill's inspirational capability began to be perceived by those around him. Churchill could not accept being defeated nor did he favor negotiating terms ... Show more content on ... Winston Churchill had written five books by the age of 26. His escape from Boer prison camp in 1899 made him a hero and led him into the House of Commons, where his occupation reached over 60 years. He also earned the Nobel Prize for Literature on his books. Churchill maintained the Gallipoli campaign in 1915 where his failure forced him to quit the Admiralty. He later returned to the Government as Minister of Munitions in 1917. Then future to become Secretary for War and Air and Colonial Secretary. In these roles he controlled demobilization of the army after World War I tried ineffectively to standby the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. Before starting on his military career Churchill was emerging his leadership skills at the Royal military college in Sandhurst here is where you can see the earliest of his abilities. Churchill later enrolled into Parliament. It would be the beginning of World War II that Winston Churchill would be selected for First Lord of the Admiralty in the Royal Navy but would run into an unsettling incident in the Dardanelles campaign where numerous naval actions took place but his choices would cost him his position and would trouble him for many years. Succeeding that Winston Churchill would resign but with his willpower to succeed he joined the army and went back into politics resulting in senior rolls in overseas assignments. Churchill would later undertake the role as First Lord of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. 1764: The Molasse Act In 1764 the Sugar Act, also known as the American Revenue Act, was passed. The Sugar Act came into play during an economic depression and hurt a lot of people, mainly New England. The act was passed by the British Parliament of Great Britain to raise revenue to pay for the presence of British Redcoats in the Colonies. The Sugar Act not only included obvious sugar products but also things such as lumbar, hides, skins, iron, coffee, pimiento, and other exports from the West Indies. The Sugar Act is a lighter tax than previous Molasses act but acts as a greater enforcement. This tax was applied to any products with sugar as a main component. From non– British isles along the same lines as the Molasses Act, the Sugar Act was a new tax on ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. How Is Winston Churchill A Hero Ever since his victory in World War II, Winston Churchill has been considered one of the greatest military and political leaders of all time. He has been remembered for his determination, motivational speeches and wartime leadership. In particular, the success of the evacuation of Dunkirk, and the defeat of Hitler have been remembered as two of his greatest achievements. However, Churchill also made a number of mistakes throughout his career, which have now been mostly forgotten. The best example of this, is the failed Gallipoli campaign, which ended in complete disaster. However in spite of this, Churchill still remains thought of as one of the greatest leaders in history, because of the challenges that he faced throughout his career, and how he responded to them. ... Show more content on ... The aim of this campaign was to regain control of the Dardanelles, a vital waterway connecting the Black Sea and the Mediterranean. The Dardanelles were under the control of the Turks, who were fighting onside with Germany. For the Allies, control over this passage would mean easier and faster transport of weapons to the Russian navy. At the time of Gallipoli, Winston Churchill was First Lord of the Admiralty, and therefore responsible for the campaign. The campaign resulted in disaster, with over 200,000 soldiers wounded or killed in battle or from the harsh living conditions. Eventually, in December of 1915, the Allies were forced to retreat. Following the failure of the Gallipoli campaign, Churchill's reputation collapsed. He was demoted from Lord of the Admiralty, and resigned from Parliament in 1916. Churchill did not occupy high office again, until his re– instatement in ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. Patrick Henry's Contribution Of Taxes To The American... Following its war with France, Britain decided that to generate income to pay off its war debt, it would levy taxes on the American Colonies. To raise revenue for the crown many taxes were imposed on the American colonies. The Sugar, Stamp, and the Townshend Acts, were imposed on the colonies in 1763. These taxes or Tariffs would contribute greatly to the American Revolution. With the passage of the Sugar Act in 1764, sugar was taxed by the pound. The sole purpose of this tax was to generate income for the British treasury. They also instituted a court used to prosecute colonists who were caught trying to smuggle sugar or bribe an official, the Vice–Admiralty Courts. Merchants suspected of smuggling were considered guilty and ... Show more content on ... It was referred to as the Stamp Act. As with the Sugar Act the Vice Admiralty Courts were the enforcement body of the Stamp Act. In response to the new taxes and the vice admiralty court many Americans joined radical groups to act out against these taxes. Patrick Henry in 1765 convinced the House of Burgess in Virginia to write several resolutions which were strongly worded criticisms of the taxes and enforcement thereof. Prior to 1750, the British policy regarding North America was one of almost complete self rule. The colonist virtually regulated their daily lives. The colonies had been settled merely for gain of the mother terrain itself. The House of Burgesses was established by the colonies as a means to govern themselves. Receiving very little financial support from the mother country the colonies had established and grew their own economy. This indifference of Britain also allowed the colonies to enjoy a freedom of religion, not enjoyed by those still in Britain or other realms of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. How Did Winston Churchill Define Greatness? In order to examine the question you must first define greatness, it is described as a status brought upon yourself in which excellence is achieved in the face of adversity . Winston Churchill is an excellent example of greatness because in the face of adversity( the second World War ) he excelled and he persevered through his so called `wilderness years` and then excelled as Britain's wartime leader . Churchill's dogged perseverance to express exactly what he thought was the best possible way forward for Britain meant that he was disliked by many in Parliament but also admired by many at the same time . Martin Gilbert recognised this situation saying " some detested him , and others from his earliest years , saw him as a person of exceptional ... Show more content on ... This statement was condemned by Nicholson for "sounding cracked and tinny as though played through an Edwardian phonograph" I can infer from this , may be because during the 1920`s Churchill had campaigned for the need of Military economics , many politicians assumed that he was just trying to get back at the government . He was described at the time as being an " dangerous relief the past – a dangerous has been" Christopher Sykes . Still Churchill campaigned , warned and informed of the threat of the Nazis , although Piers Brendon comments that Churchill wasn't " as consistent about the immanence of war , about the necessity of rearmament , even the wickedness of Hitler as he later claimed " .I don't agree with this source because in the context of other people supporting his view were few and far between which makes Winston Churchill's stand seem massive , Churchill was a master in the art of arguing his point , in order to stand up in the commons and hear the shout of " sit down Winston" ever time he wanted to speak , this must have taken great courage and it's not surprising that he couldn't keep up his attempts to persuade parliament to the dangers of Hitler. Especially considering the Baldwin accusing him of "alarmism and exaggeration" , the biggest surprise is the comment ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. A Study On Admiralty Law And Maritime Law UNIT 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 ABOUT SUBJECT: Admiralty Law or Maritime Law is a distinct body of domestic laws that supervene upon the maritime activities (like marine commerce, sailors' related aspects, marine navigation, marine shipping, marine salvaging and transportation of passengers and goods by sea). It has also been governing questions and offenses related to maritime activities and other sub–heads. Broadly, it is a more of a private international law related subject that governs the relationship between private entities that operate vessels on the oceans. Keeping in view the distinction with respect to the subject matters of Public and Private international law, it is mandatory to specify the distinction between The Law of the Seas and The admiralty law and the chapters succeeding will be a great source to enlighten the same. 1.2 HISTORY: The series that started with "The Law of Prize" as the governing Customary Law. Then came the 'the cannon shot ' rule that was developed by the Dutch Jurist (Cornelius van Bynkershoek), which talked about the limited National Rights granted to a specified belt of water extending from a nation 's coastlines that was usually 3 nautical miles (i.e., 5.6 km or Three–mile), it was so that all waters beyond national boundaries were considered international waters (i.e., free to all nations but belonging to none of them). Later there emerged the conflict between Bourbon and Hapsbury which was settled in 1648 through the peace of ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. British Policy and The American Colonies Essay Changes in British policies toward the colonies between 1750 and 1776 played paramount in the evolution of relations between British North America and Mother England. Tension between England and the colonies mounted from the conclusion of the Seven Years' War to the signing of the Declaration of Independence as a result of the several implemented changes imposed by Parliament for the purpose of increasing income and tightening the grip on America. During the Seven Years' War, William Pitt was enlisted to take over command of the British forces from the failing Earl of Londoun. Pitt realized the advantage of employing the help of the colonies to bolster the war effort for the British; to appeal to them, Pitt ensured the colonists they ... Show more content on ... The Proclamation line would forbid colonists from settling west of the Appalachians. This new measure infuriated colonists who felt cheated because the land they had fought so hard for had been given away to the Indians. The frustrations amongst colonists did not stop with the Proclamation Line. In 1764 the Revenue Act, more commonly known as the Sugar Act was passed cutting the duty on molasses in half. Though the reduction in duty was favorable, the act also meant that ships carrying cargo were very closely monitored and those who breached laws regarding duty were tried in juryless admiralty courts. Following the Revenue Act was the Currency act of 1764, which prohibited colonies from producing their own currency; the reasoning was to restrict colonists from paying off debt with currency that was worth less than face value. The British government's legislation to increase revenue continued beyond the Revenue and Currency Acts. In 1765 the Quartering Act and Stamp Act were enacted. The Quartering Act required colonists to house troops who were stationed in their vicinity. The British reasoned that this would help with the cost of keeping British troops in America. To further boost England's suffering economy, the Stamp Act was made effective putting tax on paper goods such as legal documents, newspapers, almanacs, playing cards, college diplomas, etc. Violators of the Stamp Act, like the Revenue Act, were tried in admiralty courts. The enforcement of ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. The Life and Contribution to the Development of the... The Life and Contribution to the Development of the British Empire of James Cook I) Introduction The purpose of this paper is to describe the life and the contribution to the development of the British Empire of one of the most important English explorers. It was in the second half of the 18th century when James Cook, originally a poor farm boy, explored and mapped vast uncharted areas of the Pacific and the Atlantic Ocean. However, James Cook was not 'only' an explorer. He can also be called a scientist – he managed to introduce new principles into seafaring and cartography. For better understanding, the paper is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, which throws light on the purpose and ... Show more content on ... Such a structure of commerce enabled the immense growth of wealth of the country. An imperial enthusiasm – the British found out that they could grow rich from the trade with their colonies. As a result it led to a constant, unending search for new markets for British products, new trading centres and eventually, new lands to settle their surplus criminals and poor, unemployed citizens. New inventions in navigation – these inventions had a profound influence, not only upon Britain, but even upon much of the rest of the world. John Hadley's invention of the reflecting quadrant made it possible to determine the latitude at noon or by night. Extremely accurate, it was quickly adopted by the admiralty (1730). John Harrison's ship chronometer was to revolutionise the world's shipping (1736). A new method of combating scurvy was found – James Lind recommended to use citrus juice (1747) and finally, John Campbell introduced the new sextant to the Royal Navy (1757). All of these inventions helped to create Britain's naval supremacy. A new philosophical approach – the 18th century in Western Europe is the beginning of the Age of Reason, the philosophers and scientists stressed the value of global discovery, of learning more about the earth and of collecting unusual flora and fauna from around the globe. Thus Great Britain established (or ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. Ernest Rutherford Research Paper Where would the science world be today if it wasn't for Ernest Rutherford? We would probably still think that the atom was indivisible and unchangeable, or even there is no such thing as a proton. Ernest Rutherford is a famous physicist known for coining some basic terms in the field of physics such as; alpha rays, beta rays, gamma rays, the proton, the neutron, and half–life. He worked among the side of other great physicists like J.J. Thomson, Niels Bohr, Frederick Soddy, James Chadwick and Hans Geiger; together they discovered a whole new realm of science. (PBS, 1998). Ernest Rutherford was born August 30th, 1871, on a farm in New Zealand. He was the fourth child born out of his twelve siblings. Before he started to make mass discoveries in the world of science, he got his degree from the University of New Zealand and began to teach. After teaching for awhile, Rutherford got a scholarship to Cambridge University in England to be the first graduate ... Show more content on ... This began the research of the atom's nuclear structure. Rutherford showed the science world that nuclei of light elements could be destroyed by radioactivity. He also learned that fast protons are emitted from the nucleus when radioactivity interacted with the nuclei. Rutherford didn't stop there, he kept going on discovering new things, and was greatly acknowledged for all his hard work. (NNDB, 2014). In 1908, Rutherford won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. He also created the Rutherford–Geiger detector, with the help of Hans Geiger. The detector was used for uncovering single particles that were emitting from radioactive atoms. Rutherford also worked with Henry Gwyn Jefferys Moseley; they used the cathode ray to demonstrate that each element can be determined by an atomic number from the inner structures of the atom. His biggest accomplishments were still yet to ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. Winston Churchill's Actions After Ww2 During World War II, France surrendered to Germany in June of 1940. After France signed the Armistice with Germany and Italy, Churchill saw France's actions as an act of betrayal among the Allied forces. Fearing that Hitler would use the French naval forces against the Allied powers, he ordered an attack on Mers–el–Kebir killing 1,297 people. Winston Churchill's actions were not necessarily in the right because there was no evidence that Adolf Hitler planned to use the French naval forces to bolster his lackluster navy. In today's society Churchill's actions would be considered a war crime. France signed an armistice with Germany on June 22, 1940 and then signed a similar agreement with Italy two days later. In this agreement, Germany stated ... Show more content on ... Churchill was more concerned about the fleet at Mers–el–Kebir because the ships there did not see much combat and they were valuable battleships. Why would Germany want France in the first place? France had a strong navy that Hitler could have at his disposal. He was bent on regaining the colonies that once belonged to the Reich. He also wanted to add the French colonies to his domain, including Madagascar. In the eyes of the Fuehrer, Madagascar was a perfect place to imprison millions of Jews. The island was a perfect location because the incarcerated victims would not be able to escape their grotesque fate. The good news about the armistice was that the Germans were not able to use the fleet for the war, the French still had control of their navy, but were not allowed to use it to go toe to toe with Germany. The French military were reduced to only a domestice task force so that they could not rise against the Germans. Still, Churchill saw that Nazi control over the fleet was a great threat to the Allied power's glorified victory in the war. While some of the French ships were docked in France and other in areas controlled by the British, the main threat was at Mers–el–Kebir ... Get more on ...