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Kenyan Tourism Industry
Ecotourism and Sustainable Development in Kenya
By Robertson Ndegwa Ngunyi 罗伯特 Paper submitted for Ecotourism Final Exam to Sun Yat Sen
University, Doctorate in Tourism Management School of Business, Department of Hotel and
Tourism Management Professor Liu Yan December, 2009
Keywords: Protected areas, Sustainability, Community Based Tourism, Maasai, Safari
Ecotourism and Sustainable Development in Kenya
Robertson Ndegwa Ngunyi
The purpose of this paper is to provide abridgment of the current state of affairs in Kenya, critically
examine the impacts and the challenges of ecotourism; investigate the potential of ecotourism as a
strategy for sustainable development and suggest ways to improve Ecotourism in Kenya. What are
the ... Show more content on ...
The meaning and use of the term are plagued by disagreements, confusion, and propaganda
(Weaver, 1999).The term ecotourism merged in the late 1980s as a direct
result of the world's acknowledgement and reaction to sustainable practices and global ecological
practice (D. Dianatis, 1999). Ecotourism was first defined as "travelling to relatively undisturbed or
uncontaminated natural areas with the specific objective of studying, admiring, and enjoying the
scenery and its wild plants and animals, as well as existing cultural manifestation (both past and
present) found in these areas. ( Ceballos– Lascurain, 1987:14;1991a,b)."
Ecotourism definition by Ecotourism in Australia "Ecologically sustainable tourism with a primary
focus on experiencing natural areas that fosters environmental and cultural understanding,
appreciation and conservation (Ecotourism Australia, 2003)".
International Ecotourism Society (2004) "Responsible travel to natural areas that conserve the
environmental and sustain the well–being of local people".
Irrespective of unique perspectives and different definitions, there is considerable consensus that
ecotourism must be beneficial to local communities and have a positive effect on protecting the
environment (Buchsbaum, 2004). As the term ecotourism has evolved, definitions have become
more precise, with stronger ties to principles of sustainable development (Blamey, 2001).
Ecotourism's perceived potential as an effective tool for sustainable
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The Contribution Of Forests And Rural Livelihoods
The contribution of forests resources to rural livelihoods has global significance. Cao (2012)
estimated that about 1.6 billion rural people are dependent on forest resources. The live and
livelihood of the people living in and around forests are critically and intricately linked to forest
resources (Vasundhara, 1998). Forests seldom provide staple food, but they are the source of a
variety of foods that supplement and complement what is obtained from agriculture (e.g. bush meat)
and of a wide range of medicines and other products that contribute to health and hygiene (Bryan
&Arnold 1997). Apart from that, forests provide NTFPs for subsistence needs and for cash income.
NTFPs include fruits and nuts, vegetables, medicinal plants, resin derived from plants or animals,
essences, dyes, fish and game and a range of barks and fibers, from various species of plants,
including palms and grasses (Nadkarni & Kuehl, 2013). NTFPs are major energy source for the
majority of rural household across the developing world (Shackleton et al. 2011). In Myanmar wood
fuel is the most common energy source and charcoal is the second (Khin Htun, 2009). Moreover
fuel wood is the most important component for energy need of the country including rural and urban
population in Myanmar. FAO (2014) estimated that about 2.4 billion people cook with wood fuel or
about 40% of the population of less developed countries. NTFPs collection is attractive to poor
because sometimes the collection of NTFPs is open
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Forest Conservation
Forests are one of the most important natural resources that have been gifted to mankind for their
sustained existence on earth. Without question, they provide us with huge amounts of tangible and
intangible benefits, without which indeed, all life, less to say human life, would fall under the risk of
extinction. Hence, it is vital for us to realize this importance of forest cover, conserve them, and
ultimately work towards a sustainable way to maintain our forests and meet our needs at the same
time. In this paper, I have focused initially on the barbaric behavior of us human beings towards
forests, and how they have been and are still being massacred around the globe to meet our ever
increasing and limitless wants ... Show more content on ...
CONSERVATION AND PRESERVATION: These two terms are often confused with one another,
but they refer to two slightly different concepts. Preservation of anything is basically keeping it in
such manner that it cannot or should not be touched or used. For instance, if a forest is being
preserved it means that it is to be kept untouched and nothing is to be extracted from it. It is to be
left to its own accord. On the other hand, conservation implies more towards a sustained use, or use
in a sustainable fashion. As in the example given above, if a forest is declared as conserved, it means
that resources may be extracted in a systematic and accounted way, so as not to compromise the
forests ability to replenish itself in terms of resources, and so that it may continue its intangible
functions properly.
SUSTAINABILITY AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: The term refers to the existence and
maintenance of a system, on its own accord, over a period of time, or that a system is able to stand
and function by itself for a certain duration. This term then leads on to sustainable development,
which the latest of concepts in development of a nation and its entities. Sustainable development
means the development targeted at making resources available both useful yet sustained, so as no to
compromise it for future generations.
The society of American
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Conservation of Biodiversity in Peruvianamazonia Through...
Conservation of Biodiversity in Peruvian Amazonia through integrated action
Conservation of Biodiversity in Peruvian Amazonia through integrated action Conservación de
Biodiversidad en la Amazonía peruana a través de acciones integradas Sanna–Kaisa Juvonen1*,
Luis Campos Baca2, León Bendayan Acosta2, Ada Castillo Ordinola2, Lizardo Fachin Malaverri2,
Darwin Gómez Ventocilla2, Risto Kalliola2, Kember Mejía Carhuanca2, José Luis Mena Alvarez2,
Víctor Miyakawa Solís2, Fernando Rodríguez Achung2, Juan José Rodríguez Gamarra2, Kalle
Ruokolainen2, Jukka Salo2, José Sanjurjo Vilchez2, Pekka Soini Nordberg2 & Hernán Tello
Project Biological Diversity of Peruvian Amazonia (BIODAMAZ, Peru–Finland), Instituto de
Investigaciones de ... Show more content on ...
Many different institutions, among them universities and research institutions, non–governmental
and governmental organizations, store and manage data on Peruvian Amazonia but this information
is not available for users. Lack of inter–institutional coordination has so far prevented formation of a
truly functional national biodiversity information system and led to unnecessary doubling of efforts
and waste of scarce resources. For the existing information to be readily available for the decision–
makers and to other users Peru needs an information system on biological diversity that is accessible
by many. In the vicinity of the city of Iquitos there is a newly established protected area,
AllpahuayoMishana Reserved Zone, which is in need of financial and technical assistance in
developing a management plan for the Reserve and accompanying studies to understand the
biological diversity of the area. The Reserve is considered to be one of the most important sites for
biodiversity conservation in Peruvian Amazonia. This is because of a very diverse plant and animal
life and the mosaic nature of the forest. Ex situ conservation facilities form an important part of
biodiversity. There are only a few ex situ conservation facilities in Peru. These facilities become
important when animal and plant species are in danger of extinction, the protected areas are
threatened and the areas outside protected areas are not protected. Botanical gardens function as
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Forest Deforestation Essay
Forest plays an essential role for local livelihood practices and considered as an important source of
national revenue as well. However, in developing countries such as Indonesia, forest degradation
has become at an alarming rate as a result of the over–exploitation, unsustainable practices, forest
fires, and non–eco–friendly development projects in the forested areas like forest conversion into
mining and monoculture plantation. Massive deforestation naturally results in biodiversity losses
and in many places leads to soil erosion, siltation and damage of the forests' hydrological functions,
thus worsening food security and compromising forests' future economic and environmental
attributes [1] and it has been reported that Indonesia lost more than 6 million hectares of natural
forest between 2000 and 2012 [2]. Not only rich in biological resources (10% of the world's
remaining flowering plants species, 12% of mammal species, 16% of reptile species, 25% of fish
species and 17% of bird species), these forests are also home to tens of millions of Indonesian
citizens. Many, if not most of these citizens are indigenous people with culturally rich and diverse
customs and traditions [3].
Forest ecosystems provide homes and sources of livelihood for a majority of the indigenous peoples
of Indonesia. Indigenous peoples make significant contributions to the conservation and sustainable
management of forest ecosystems, nevertheless, rapid and growing deforestation rates in Indonesia
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Agriculture and Wiley Essay
Week 4 worksheet
August 16, 2013
Tiffany Alvarez
Week 4 worksheet
How do minerals affect society?
Minerals can affect society in many ways for example; Surface mining destroys vegetation across
large areas, increasing erosion. Open–pit mining uses huge quantities of water. Acid mine drainage
is pollution caused when dissolved toxic materials wash from mines into nearby lakes and streams.
Minerals is approximately 80 percent of mined ore consists of impurities that become wastes after
processing. These wastes, called tailings, are usually left in giant piles on the ground or in ponds
near the processing plants (Figure 12.9). The tailings contain toxic materials such as cyanide,
mercury, and sulfuric acid. Left ... Show more content on ...
Vast numbers and kinds of organisms, mainly microorganisms, inhabit soil and depend on it for
shelter, food, and water. Plants anchor themselves in soil, and from it they receive essential minerals
and water. Terrestrial plants could not survive without soil, and because we depend on plants for our
food, humans could not exist without soil either (Wiley, 2013).
What types of organisms are found in soil? Determine the relationship between soil and organisms.
Soil organisms carry out nutrient cycling, the pathway of nutrient minerals or elements from the
environment through organisms and back to the environment.
What is soil erosion? How can soil become polluted? What effect does soil erosion and pollution
have on the environment?
Soil organisms provide ecosystem services such as maintaining soil fertility and preventing soil
erosion. Water, wind, ice, and other agents cause soil erosion, the wearing away or removal of soil
from the land. Soil erosion reduces fertility because essential minerals and organic matter are
removed. Erosion causes sediments and pesticide and fertilizer residues to pollute nearby waterways
( Wiley, 2009).
What is the purpose of soil reclamation?
To undertake soil reclamation, erosion protection, Site restoration and reinstatement, taking into
account natural processes, operational requirements and technical feasibility, to
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Global Fight For A Greener Planet And Sustainable Forest...
Introduction FAO (2005) reported that about one half of the forests that covered the Earth are gone.
Africa suffers the second largest net loss in forests with 4.0 million hectares cleared annually. At
11.1%, Nigeria 's annual deforestation rate of natural forest is the highest in the world and puts it on
pace to lose virtually all of its primary forest within a few years (Rhett, 2005). Many of the
environmental problems encountered globally today, are being attributed to deforestation and
subsequent conversion of forest lands into other land uses. This has led to a global fight for a
greener planet and sustainable forest management.
As such, forestry education is seen as a potent and effective weapon to deal with the menace of
dwindling forests resources and environmental degradation; it is seen as a viable tool that can
develop individuals, appropriate knowledge, attitudes, skills, motivation and commitment required
to take responsible environmental actions that would lead to the protection, conservation and
sustainable forests management.
Hence, forestry education (FE) is a learning process that increases people's knowledge and
awareness about the environment and its associated challenges, develops the necessary skills and
expertise to address the challenges and fosters attitudes, motivations and commitments to make
informed decisions and take responsible actions (United States Federal Register, 1996).
Forestry education involves the development of critical thinking
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Taking a Look at Sustainable Woods
Sustainability is a term that describes how environmental critical systems remain diverse and
productive over time. Sustainability for humans is the ability to save the quality of life that we live
in the long term and this in turn depends on the conservation of the natural world and the
responsible use of natural resources. The term sustainability has become widespread and can be
applied to almost every facet of life on Earth, from the local level to the global level and over
different periods of time. Wetlands and healthy forests are examples of critical systems sustainable.
The courses biochemical hidden redistributes water, oxygen, nitrogen and carbon in living systems
and non–living in the world, and has secured a permanent life for millions of years. But with the
increasing number of people, inhabitants of this land, descended natural ecosystems and the change
in the balance of natural cycles have a negative impact on both humans and other living systems.
There is scientific evidence that many human lives in an unsustainable manner, and that the re–
human use of natural resources to within sustainable limits will require a major collective effort. The
livelihood sustainability more can take many types ranging from reorganizing living conditions (for
example, villages environmental, towns and environmental and the Sustainable Cities) and re–
evaluation of the economic sectors (perm culture, green buildings and sustainable agriculture) or
work practices
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Corporate Social Responsibility And Sustainability
This article is study of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and sustainability. It mainly speaks
about the origin and the operations of CSR programs in the United States of America from the
One of the most dominating concepts of business reporting is Corporate Social Responsibility. It has
become mandatory for every business to include a policy with regards to CSR and produce a
detailed report with regards to its activities. CSR can be defined as the relationship between a
corporate company and the society in which the company operates. The concept of CSR became
famous during the late 1960's and since then it has helped corporations to sustain itself in the
CSR plays a very important role in the sustainability of every department in the corporation
including marketing and management. Corporations are very particular in maintaining a sustainable
corporate socially responsible environment. While marketing a product they make sure that they
endorse it in the right way as it is the responsibility of the company to provide the right facts of the
product to the society. In the same manner with regards to Management corporations make sure that
they are socially responsible.
Three Principles put together can help us understand CSR in a much better way.
 Sustainability: Sustainability shows how actions taken in the present affect the future. Marketing
a product would affect the consumption of the product in the future, also in the field of
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Effects Of Turbiridity Due On Land Use
1)Effects of turbiridity due to land use changes–
Turbidity measures the amount of light scattered from a sample and more suspended particles causes
more scattering results in high turbidity.
Turbidity measurements are often used as indicator of water quality based on clarity and total
suspended solid particles. Turbidity doesn't include the dissolved solids which reduces the
In agricultural lands the receiving water is contaminated by nonpoint pollution due to different
agricultural activities like crop production, cattle operations, crop pattern and rangelands.
High rates of surface runoff and erosion of land covered by annual crops have high levels of
turbidity in receiving water specially in spring when vegetation cover is minimal.
Wetlands used in removal of bacterial contamination in rivers , act as biofilter which increases the
Turbidity is negatively related with the forested areas and positively with the annual crops and urban
land use.
Annual crops have more turbidity than the perennial the when annual crops are converted
into the forested areas perennial crops & pastures cause 16.4% of turbidity.
It is studied that stabilization of urban land through reforestation practices increases in water quality
due to the high turbidity. Protection of water resources through land use policy is essential.
2)forest soils have high rate of infiltration–
Infiltration is known as the movement of water in soil profile occure in
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Conservation of Biodiversity in Peruvianamazonia Through...
Conservation of Biodiversity in Peruvian Amazonia through integrated action
Conservation of Biodiversity in Peruvian Amazonia through integrated action Conservación de
Biodiversidad en la Amazonía peruana a través de acciones integradas Sanna–Kaisa Juvonen1*,
Luis Campos Baca2, León Bendayan Acosta2, Ada Castillo Ordinola2, Lizardo Fachin Malaverri2,
Darwin Gómez Ventocilla2, Risto Kalliola2, Kember Mejía Carhuanca2, José Luis Mena Alvarez2,
Víctor Miyakawa Solís2, Fernando Rodríguez Achung2, Juan José Rodríguez Gamarra2, Kalle
Ruokolainen2, Jukka Salo2, José Sanjurjo Vilchez2, Pekka Soini Nordberg2 & Hernán Tello
Project Biological Diversity of Peruvian Amazonia (BIODAMAZ, Peru–Finland), Instituto de ...
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Introduction After the signing of the Convention on Biological Diversity in the United Nations
Congress on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, a number of development
projects addressing the theme of biodiversity has considerably increased. Many of these projects
have been channeled through the Global Environment Facility (GEF) or other international
agencies. Also, many bilateral projects have seen light. In the aftermath of the signing of the
Convention the Peruvian Government approached the Finnish Government in 1995 with a proposal
of a technical assistance project to assess the biological diversity of Peruvian Amazonia and to assist
Peru in developing a national strategy for conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in that
region – a requirement of the Convention. This request was a result of a long–term research
engagement between Peru and Finland through institutional cooperation between Peruvian
institutions and universities and the University of Turku in Finland. This cooperation had already
produced valuable new insights to assessment of biodiversity in Peruvian Amazonia (Kalliola et al.
1993, Tuomisto et al. 1995, Ruokolainen et al. 1997, Kalliola & Flores 1998). The Peruvian
proposal resulted in a three–year cooperation project (1999–2002) between the governments of Peru
and Finland called the Biological Diversity of Peruvian Amazonia Project in order to address
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Benefits Of The Australian Public Forest Sector
The Australian public forest sector (APFS) was interested in understanding their impacts on
ecosystems services, justifying budget decisions and improving stakeholder relationships (Herbohn,
2005). This interest developed due to stakeholder demands, debates regarding the management of
sensitive public forests and a challenging political landscape that impacted budget allocations. The
APFS vision was to implement a full cost accounting system, at first glace decision makers agreed
in principal that implementing an accounting system that captures external cost had many benefits,
but would come to question whether the benefits were balanced with the efforts to validate natural
capital. Furthermore, the accepted benefits and drawbacks were ... Show more content on ...
Given the strength of full cost accounting; it's full disclosure of information, their concern is
interesting and demonstrates the importance of trust in relationships with stakeholders. Similarly,
transparency of data, indicators, public access and results are vital, to the stakeholder relations and
success of full cost accounting. Consequently, mangers are considered that full disclosure of the data
could prolonged debated and decisions if the reporting is not used in context. On a positive note,
managers recognize valuation of natural capital can assist negotiation as it would present financial
information in a common language. This also brings up concerns as stakeholders felt that this will
turn the natural resources into commodities, and decisions makers expressed this as you can't
capture the feeling as they are seen, taste, and felt differently by everyone (Herbohn, 2005).
A highlight of full cost accounting is helping decision makers choice a sustainable option, and plan
activities that contribute to sustainable management of public forest. Additionally, it can assist
decision makers communicate at the political levels; especially when discussing budget needs. As
government need to demonstrate and allocate budgets based on value of service, full cost accounting
can demonstrate cost per unit of goods or service, which is important for APFS because it identifies
and values the non–market goods and service
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Deforestation And Its Effects On Deforestation Essay
Deforestation is "the act of cutting or burning down all of the trees in an area." The original area
covered by forests was approximately six billion hectares, however the total area of land covered by
forests today is only four billion hectares. The issue is only expanding, and its challenges are
becoming tougher every day. In fact, approximately sixteen million hectares of forest disappear each
year. Forests cover more than twenty five percent of the world's land, and more than half of that is
found in the tropics. Deforestation has been around for more than five decades, and humanity has
only just begun to find the causes of the problem.
Forests cover approximately thirty percent of the world's land. Deforestation represents one of the
world's largest issues in global land usage. In fact, humans are one of the biggest influences for
deforestation. Farmers use a method known as the "slash and burn" process to cut down trees and
grow their crops in the soil fertilized by the ashes. Many people use commercial logging, a process
in which trees are trimmed and transported in order to build mills, by chopping down vast areas of
forest for profit. Wildfires and overgrazing are also large issues that contribute to deforestation. This
leaves the forest vulnerable to many global and environmental consequences. Everyday carbon
dioxide is returned to the atmosphere as a greenhouse gas when trees are burned, and this has great
potential to alter the global climate. As a result, there
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Essay On Mondi And Social Responsibility
1. Social responsibility:
Social responsibility is an ethical framework that suggests that every individual and business should
perform a duty to maintain a balance between the economy and ecosystem. Social responsibility of a
business is measured by its contribution towards employment opportunity and to society. It includes
the provision of housing and issues concerning the health of individuals. Social responsibility has a
big impact on decision and activity on society and environment.
2. Employment equity :
This is an act to achieve equality in the workplace and provide equal opportunity to redress
inequalities of the past by ensuring that the workforce is a population as a whole. "in south africa
employment equity act became a law in 1998". This ... Show more content on ...
Environmental sustainability:
Businesses face environmental issues such as pollution, renewable resources and harvesting.
Environmental sustainability is an economic growth and sustainability is the ability to continue a
defined behaviour indefinitely.
Question 1.1.2 :
Social responsibility: Mondi is a business that ensures customer satisfaction and they deliver
exceptional value of product in a sustainable way, for sustainable development.
Employment equity : Mondi encourages development through job creation and development of the
local economy, they add value to the business thorugh funding, they invest on entrepreneurs and
employ the right employees for a particular practice and they work together as a team to develop
strategies and business ideas. Mondi also facilitates black economic empowerment in businesses,
they focus on equal employment by creating small businesses in communities around rural areas.
Mondi also focuses on job creation through partnerships. They use (B–BBEE) and are committed to
removing blockages against black people. They encourage a diverse organisational culture, promote
employment equity, buy goods and services from B–BBEE suppliers and ensure good cooperate
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Goal 15 Of The Un Sustainable Development Goals
Goal 15 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals focuses on the protection, restoration and
promotion of sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems. This includes the sustainable management of
forests, the combating of desertification and the halt and reversal of land degradation and
biodiversity loss. This Goal contains 12 individual targets, which specifically explain how this goal
will be reached.
Targets 15.1, 15.2 and 15.3 can both be measured through satellite imaging. For example, the area of
a forest can be measured by satellite with several images over a certain period of time showing the
evolution of that forest. The forest may take over a larger area, it may be cut down or converted to a
field of crops or it may just remain as large. This same concept applies to lakes, wetlands, deserts,
etc. Target 15.4 and 15.5 are more difficult to measure as they consist of determining whether an
ecosystem or natural habitat has been conserved or not. This is mostly done through on–site
observation and is subject to the opinion of researchers investigating the site. It is measured
similarly to the first 3 targets, but on a much smaller scale. However, 15.4 and 15.5 also include
measuring the biodiversity of species which is done through on–site tracking of various species to
determine relative population sizes. Target 15.6 can be measured by the ease of access to genetic
resources by anyone who needs them. The promotion of access can be handled by creating and
applying laws.
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Publix Super Markets, Inc.
85 years, Publix Super Markets, Inc. (Publix), a nationwide chain, has set the precedent for
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and specifically sustainability. With an added emphasis on
the past 15 years due to the implementation of their Green Routine program, Publix is the gold–
standard of sustainability, with comprehensive philanthropic initiatives that support and intertwine
housing, education, food security, technology, and more. Publix is consistently taking strides to
become more sustainable, environmentally friendly, and beneficial to the local community. By
breaking down sustainability into 3 core concepts: social justice, environmental integrity, and
economic prosperity, an objective analysis can be made about the current Publix sustainability
model. VERY wordy. Go through line by line and eliminate nonessential wording. Prof people skim
scan skip when reading. Also – spell check. I see a green line in the sentence above
Social Justice
Social justice is defined as the relationship between an individual [corporation] and a society, and
Publix has an extensive list of charitable programs that positively influence local communities.
According to the official corporate Publix website (2015), the Publix Partners program earns money
for local schools by contributing $250 for every $37,500 spent cumulatively by a school's
participants (para 1). Statistics from the 2014–2015 Hillsborough Education Foundation Annual
Report (2015) show that schools such as Walton High
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Essay on The Cmapion Land Deal
The Cmapion Land Deal
The acquisition of the so–called "former Champion lands" resulted from one of the most
complicated land deals in Vermont history. The Champion Lands in Vermont were part of a larger
deal involving almost 300,000 arces in New York, New Hampshire as well as Vermont. The
specifics of how the property was transferred to the current owners are relevant because in some
cases the provisions of the transfer mandate certain types of management or constrain management
in other ways.
On October 8, 1997, Champion International Inc. announced its intention to sell approximately
200,000 acres in the Northern Forest. Champion, and the St. Regis Paper Company before it, had
owned these lands for decades, and during the last ... Show more content on ...
An important part of this model was to divide the Champion lands into separate but complementary
ownerships on the basis of ecological values and basic management purposes: areas with the
greatest ecological significance would be publicly owned and protected, with timber harvesting
precluded on substantial acreages to allow natural processes like forest succession to occur
unimpeded; and the most productive timber lands, with fewer special ecological values, would be
kept in private ownership with a requirement that they be managed for long–term sustainable
forestry. Public access for a variety of historic uses and other activities would be guaranteed on the
entirety of the property.
When the possibility of acquiring the Champion lands had first arisen, the Vermont Agency of
Natural Resources requested that TNC lead a process to identify the most ecologically significant
portions of those lands. VANR, TNC, TCF and the other partners in the acquisition used the results
of that analysis to determine which parts of the overall property should be publicly owned either by
the State of Vermont or the federal government, and which should remain under private ownership
as a "working forest." Ultimately, the VANR acquired more than 22,000 acres of land south of Route
105 that now comprise the West Mountain WMA, and the USFWS acquired 26,000 acres
encompassing much of the Nulhegan Basin north of Route 105 as part of the Silvio O. Conte
National Fish and Wildlife Refuge.The
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India's Goals for Conservation
Goal 1– Promote Conservation of Biological Diversity of Ecosystems, Habitats and Biomes
India's count of the Protected Area Network (PAN) has increased especially post the 'Programme of
Work on PAs by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)' in 2004, by a 15 percent. Almost all
state owned forests and other important ecosystems which are outside the PAN were also under
some kind of broad–based conservation planning. Fourteen more potential sites were considered to
get designated as Biosphere Reserves. Apart from the Wetlands, Coral reefs and Mangrove
Conservation areas, research and development activities are also being supported for their
management. So far out of the 115 wetlands in India, 25 have been recognised as Ramsar sites and 6
more are being pushed forward in consideration for the same. Initiatives for Lake Conservation – the
MoEF has been implementing the National Lake Conservation Plan (NLCP) since 2001 for
conservation of polluted and degraded urban/semi–urban lakes, leading 10 lake rejuvenation in
terms of improvement in water quality and biodiversity. Forty two lakes in 12 states have been
covered under the plan so far and also under River Conservation – a National River Conservation
Plan (NRCP), launched by the MoEF in 1993 has been under implementation in 160 towns along
the polluted stretches of 34 rivers spread over 20 states. Since Community Conserved Areas (CCA's)
and the Sacred Groves have been traditionally an important part of a community
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Sustainable Flooring Research Papers
When you choose hardwood flooring Frisco TX for your home, you're choosing a product that will
not only improve the look of your home, but that is also environmentally–conscious. The most
environmentally–conscious wood flooring is sustainable flooring made from sustainable resources.
Sustainability means that the wood used in your floors comes from forests that aren't destructively
clear–cut but that are managed so that harvested trees are immediately replaced with seedlings – this
ensures a constant cycle of growing and harvesting. Wood Flooring Frisco TX: How Sustainable
Flooring Benefits Mother Earth ▪ Water Conservation – Responsible forest management means that
mature trees are selectively thinned to create openings in tree ... Show more content on ...
They use the carbon to grow roots, branches and leaves. Sustainable forests are healthier and have
constantly–growing trees that clean the air of greenhouse gases and purify drinking water for
wildlife. Hardwood Flooring Frisco TX: Types Of Sustainable Flooring You Should Consider
Hardwoods from sustainable forests are a great choice for your home. Not only are they beautiful,
but they increase the value of your home and can be stripped and refinished many, many times
during the life of your home. Other sustainable types of flooring you might consider are: ▪ Bamboo
– Technically, bamboo is a grass but it's a fast–growing grass that makes extremely durable flooring.
Bamboo is naturally antibacterial and water–resistant. ▪ Cork – Cork flooring is made by removing
the bark of the Cork Oak without harming the tree. This makes it a sustainable and renewable
resource. Cork is naturally springy and makes for a comfortable surface underfoot. ▪ Linoleum –
Linoleum is made from materials that include dried and milled flax seeds, linseed oil, pine resin,
ground cork and wood flour all on a jute, canvas or burlap backing. Linoleum doesn't fade,
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North Asian Country : A Centralized Country Ruled By...
The Governances' Transformation
Despite the difference in the political system, both countries, initially, was a centralized country
ruled by authoritarian government which had full control over the forest resources. Along with the
unfair distributed benefit and economic development orientation, the forest resources become
heavily abused by the governments and the local forest communities which drastically accelerate the
rate of the deforestation (Resosudarmo and Yusuf 2006; Sunderlin and Huynh 2005). Sunderlin and
Huynh (2005) claim that Vietnam held the title of the Southeast Asian country with the fastest rate
of deforestation within 1976–1990 with average forest cover loss rate at 185,000 hectares per year.
The turning point in Vietnam forestry, however, happened in 1992, as the forest coverage at only
approximately 20–30 % of total land area, when the government imposed the National Reforestation
Program followed by the Log Export Ban (1992) and Forest Land Allocation policy (1994). Thus,
this event transformed the forest resources control to be a more decentralized local empowerment
with significant state control (Yasmi et al. 2010). This transformation also experienced by Indonesia
as the "reformation" revolution occurred in 1997, when the East Asian economic crisis wrecked
Indonesian economy, which commanded decentralization in Indonesia governance. As the response
to this revolution, the Basic Forestry Law (1967) replenished by the Indonesia Forestry Act in 1999
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Essay On The Forest
The SBW is one of the most destructive insect defoliators in North America with outbreaks
recurring every 30–35 years resulting in tree mortality after 5–6 years of severe defoliation. The
Minèstere des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs (MFFP) (2014) suggests that two main factors can
help to determine if the forest presents a case of SBW infestation due to the susceptibility of trees
and its vulnerability depending on the characteristics of the tree (e.g. shape, size, color, species, and
age) as this living organism is a great threat to the forest due to the severity of damage caused by
these elements and more important, a great quantity of trees could die causing loss of revenues
(Ministère des Forêts, 2015). The more susceptible trees ... Show more content on
These fractions can vary depending the species and age class. The model keeps track of the infested
and un–infested hectares separately. Other existing approach like Levy, Hipel et Kilgour (2000)
proposes a multicriteria methodology integrating uncertainty by identifying different alternatives
that are robust to environmental uncertainty using sustainable development indicators such as forest
volume, spray area, and harvest area to make and to take complex decisions using forest
management decision policies on SBW populations in Eastern Canada, New Brunswick. For
instance, Shoemaker (1981) discusses the methods for addressing the pest management models are
characterized by a) large number of variables; b) stochastic, nonlinear population dynamics; and c)
fixed cost functions. It suggests that Stochastic Optimization is a good approach for dealing with
pest problems as well as dynamic programming but several other optimization methods have also
proven useful for random environments as they provide also previous information. The most
exhaustive systems analysis of forest pest management has focused on the SBW, a pest which in
recent years has killed hundreds of thousands of hectares of coniferous trees in eastern Canada and
United States. Shoemaker (1981) does not consider the age for the planning horizon of the model
(over a hundred years) analyzing their economic value when harvested because of SBW damage.
Others like Hennigar et al. (2007) optimizes the
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International And National Law On Forest Trade And Management
International and national law on Forest Trade and management Introduction Forest goods and
services are valuable recourses and providing huge benefits to humankinds and all live on earth.
Forest can bring about high level of commercial, material, and immaterial benefits. Many countries
get benefits from trading in forest goods and services and consider forestry to substantial source of
income. On the other side, trade in forest goods and services can contribute to environmental
problem and environmental deterioration such as global warming, decrease of wildlife, and lack of
resources. By this concern, a number of regional and international corporations have attempted to
develop law and regulatory framework on forestry. However, there are ... Show more content on ...
In the last section the paper will provide a conclusion. Section 1: Forest Goods and Services
Humankinds receive so valuable economic and social benefits from forest and its products. Paper,
wood products, and timber are in high demand in both developed and developing countries. The
trade of forest goods reduces poverty and also enhances financial system and boost economy in
many exporting countries worldwide through a number of ways including trading of forest products
and services, increasing jobs related to forestry, generating higher income, and rising investment in
forest sector. Also, it benefits to the importing countries by supplying production of energy and
other consumptions. For example, In Canada, forestry generated $20.6 billion to economy in 1996.
Besides, it created job employment related to forestry at 2.7 percent of total employment. It has been
claimed that more than 13 million people were formally working in forest filed. Also there are
people who rely on forest trade in the form of employment, forest products, and direct or indirect
contributions to livelihoods and incomes between 1 billion to 1.5 billion. Nonetheless, over
consumption of product from forest and the trade of forest good negatively results in environment. It
harmfully impacts on biodiversity, and local community. Report from World Bank (2006) has
asserted that in there are about 1
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Natural Resource Of Natural Resources
While natural resources have played an important role in creating wealth and powering
development, recent research shows an inverse correlation between the abundance of natural
resources and growth and development. This has been true of many of the economies in Latin
America, Africa and the Arab world, regions characterized by high levels of natural resources
endowments, be they minerals, oil or timber. The inverse correlation between endowment and
wealth creation–dubbed as the natural resource curse hypothesis–has been the subject of intense
study and has yielded valuable insights into political economy issues.
Natural resource abundance has been associated with predatory political regimes which win and
maintain political support ... Show more content on ...
This understanding is noticeably sparse. To be fair, developing a good understanding of stakeholder
motivations is extremely challenging because of the complex nature of the sector, which itself arises
from special sector characteristics. What are these? These range from the biophysical, to the social,
to economic, to the state. On the biophysical side, forest resources contribute multiple benefits and
services; yet the resource (even though it is technically renewable) renews only quite slowly and
many services can be irreversibly lost if the resource stock falls below a critical minimum. On the
social front, this is a sector which is characterized by unclear ownership and access rights and
conflicts between traditional and "modern" legal rights. The resource generates multiple benefits for
multiple users and often these are in conflict. Unlike other resources, forests provide a wide range of
public benefits ( watershed protection, carbon sequestration, biodiversity protection, and ecosystem
resilience) only when they are preserved; and they provide private benefits (timber rents) principally
when they are harvested. So there is a well–recognized need for high levels of intervention to ensure
optimal and sustainable levels of harvesting as well as adequate protection of the public benefits. In
addition, both,
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Soil Conservation
Soil is the precious gift of nature to the mankind. All the plant family, animal kingdom and human
society at large depend upon soil for their sustenance directly or indirectly. Ironically, soil is the
most neglected commodity on the earth. Shifting cultivation on the hill slopes, non–adoption of soil
conservation techniques, and over exploitation of land for crop production due to population stress,
leads to enormous soil erosion. It will take hundreds of years to form an inch of soil, but in no time
it gets washed away down the slope due to erosion.
Soil Conservation is the process by which the loss of soil is checked, reducing the velocity of run–
off through erosion control measures for maximum ... Show more content on ...
A terrace reduces the length of the hill side slope, thereby reducing sheet and rill erosion and
prevents formation of gullies.
There are different types of terraces as follows:
✓ Bench terracing: It consists of transforming relatively steeps land into a series of level or nearly
level strips or steeps running across the slope. The soil materials that are excavated from the upper
part of the terrace is used in filling the lower part and a small bund is also raised along the outer
edge of the terrace to check the downward flow of rainwater and also soil erosion. ✓ Channel
terrace: It consists of making of wide but shallow channels across the slope of the land either exactly
on contour line or with a slight grade (0.1 to 0.2 per cent). In this process, the excavated soil is
placed along the lower edge of the channel in the form of low ridge. ✓ Narrow based terrace: It
consists of making a number of narrow based ridges or bunds at a distance of 1m to 2m across the
slope of the land at suitable intervals in high rainfall areas. ✓ Broad based ridge terrace: It consists
of making wide but low bunds on the contour lines by excavating soils from both sides of terrace.
This is practiced in areas where the rainfall is relatively low. ✓ Contour trenching: It consist of
making a series of deep pit (i.e. 2ft. wide and 1ft. deep) or trenches across the slope at convenient
distance. The soil excavated from the
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Essay Desertification And Deforestation
Desertification And Deforestation
The Amazon Rainforest is probably the most important region that is threatened by deforestation.
With over four million squared kilometers it is roughly the size of the United States. The Amazon
spreads across nine South American Countries and contains one–fifth of the Worlds fresh water and
one–third of the known living species. The land is home to hundreds of indigenous groups and is
considered by many to be "the lungs of the planet".
Most of the Amazon is still pristine, but the region is being destroyed at an alarming rate. Over 8
million acres of the rainforest are lost every year. Between 1978 to 1996, 12.5 percent of the
irreplacable rainforest was destroyed. ... Show more content on ...
The logging industries punch new roads into pristine forests, invade indigenous lands, parks and
preserves, and murder those who stand in their way. Brazil does not have the means to fully regulate
the logging industries however, the Asain logging companies were fined over one million dollars for
illegal logging last year. The loggers have cut more than 3,000 miles of roads into the intact forest
The Rainforest Action Network (RAN) has taken action against these loggiing industries. Their
Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) and letter–writing campaign
has led the Brazilian National Congress to put mahagony logging on hold for the next two years.
Also, President Cardoso has introduced a measure to stop deforestation as a result of farming and
ranching . This would limit clearing to twenty percent rather than fifty. RAN has also convinced
thousands of U.S. architects, builders and lumber yards to stop seling and using old growth
redwood. The are now calling upon the U.S. to stop all imports of Mahagony.
The biggest threat to the Amazon Basin are the "Mega Projects". The goal of these projects are to
create new economic and geographical links between nations. The plan is to criss–cross the region
with highways and waterways to access the Amazon's natural resources for commercial trade. These
projects are already underway. The Northern Border Highway is a mega–project that will span
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The Importance Of Forest Depletion In Nepal
Forest Area: 33.7%–25.4% (1990–2015). The forest area has decreased due to increased
deforestation and a risk of forest fires in Nepal.
Finland has supported Nepal's forestry initiatives since the 80s, and it includes large scale
preparation, plantation and implementation of Forestry Sector Master Plan (1988 –2011), support to
Community Forestry and Leasehold Forestry Programs, Scientific Forest Management initiatives,
National Forest Resource Inventories and others.
Physiologically, the country is divided into five regions, according to altitude (the Terai, the Siwalik,
the Middle Mountains, the High Mountains and the High Himal). Of the total land area, forests
cover 4.27 million ha (29.0 percent) and shrub covers 1.56 million ha (10.6 percent) (DFRS 1999).
The annual rate of forest depletion in the Terai was 1.3 percent from 1978/79 to 1990/91. In the hilly
area, forest areas have declined at an annual rate of 2.3 percent from 1978/79 to 1994. In the entire
country, from 1978–79 to 1994, the forest area has decreased at an annual rate of 1.7%. This trend
indicates the ongoing pressure on forest resources, especially in the Terai. The graph above shows
the regional division of the types of natural/ manmade vegetation in the separate regions of Nepal.
"...contributing to green, healthy and naturally livable future..."
The forest resources directly complete the forest related livelihood needs of women, poor and under
priveleged people as well as commercial needs of
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The United Nations Forum On Forests
8. What is the UNFF? UNFF is the United Nations Forum on Forests. The UN Economic and Social
Council created the UNFF in 2000 with the goal to promote "the management, conservation and
sustainable development of the world's forests, and to strengthen long–term political commitment to
this end" Basically, the idea was to get the worlds to agree to a long term plan to help preserve the
world's forests. Unfortunately, the first talks tanked and discussion of a forests convention really did
not resume until UNFF5 in 2005. Many of the proponents for a global convention already conceded
it was probably not possible to get all the world's nations to agree on this matter. Canada, the EU
and Malaysia played the role of lead states during the negotiations, while developing countries were
split as to the need for an international convention, but united in a call for industrialized countries to
implement financial assistance and technology transfer. In the end it was recognized no treaty was
possible without the support of two key players in the veto coalition – the US (largest timber
industry) and Brazil (largest tropical forest). It wasn't until UNFF6 that the UN finally secured the
next step in regime strengthening by developing a voluntary instrument to be followed. Here,
delegates agreed on four global objectives on forests; reversing the loss of forest cover and
increasing efforts to prevent forest degradation, enhancing forest benefits and their contribution to
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Putting an End to Deforestation
Putting an end to deforestation has been a political goal for many years. The forest provides us with
essential materials that we need for our everyday lives, like paper. It is a source of renewable energy
for some people and it has become one of their main sources for food and living. Wood is also still
the main source today in heating and cooking. Demand for wood products is increasing in these past
few years. Trade in forest products increased by 15 percent in 2010. (Global Forest Product Trade
Slows on Weak Demand From China, EU, USDA) It contributes to more than 4% of global trade.
The restoration of the forests would provide economic benefits up to $80 million. Moreover,
deforestation can also result in species extinction because the habitats of animals are destroyed by
wildfires. Most importantly, it affects us as humans because the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere
is lessened. Therefore, deforestation is a global major problem because it increases the chances of
global warming occurring and forests should be sustained because they benefit the economy and the
environment by providing us essential materials, habitats for animals, and the basic necessity we
need in order to survive, oxygen. Firstly, there are many factors that contribute to deforestation, the
main one being for agricultural reasons. People would cut down trees to make land for homing and
land available to farmers that want to grow crops. As cities are growing and more buildings are
being built, more
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By 2030 Week 1 Essay
In my mind, following points are arising:
No Poverty – End poverty in all its forms everywhere
Zero Hunger – End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable
Good Health and Well–being – Ensure healthy lives and promote well–being for all at all ages.
Quality Education – Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning
opportunities for all targets.
Gender Equality – Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls[.
Clean Water and Sanitation – Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and
sanitation for all Targets.
Affordable and Clean Energy – Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and clean energy
for all Targets.
Decent Work and Economic Growth – Promote sustained, inclusive and ... Show more content on ...
By 2020, ensure the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial and inland freshwater
ecosystems and their services, in particular forests, wetlands, mountains and drylands, in line with
obligations under international agreements
By 2020, promote the implementation of sustainable management of all types of forests, halt
deforestation, restore degraded forests and substantially increase afforestation and reforestation
By 2030, combat desertification, restore degraded land and soil, including land affected by
desertification, drought and floods, and strive to achieve a land degradation–neutral world
By 2030, ensure the conservation of mountain ecosystems, including their biodiversity, in order to
enhance their capacity to provide benefits that are essential for sustainable development
Take urgent and significant action to reduce the degradation of natural habitats, halt the loss of
biodiversity and, by 2020, protect and prevent the extinction of threatened species
Promote fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising from the utilization of genetic resources
and promote appropriate access to such resources, as internationally
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Ecological Roles Of African Forest Elephants
Also, The African forest elephants are, similar to Maxwell's duikers, "important dispersers of seeds
through their consumption of fruit" [4]. Forest dates in particular are thought of as elephant–
dependent, since the seed develops superiorly after going through an elephant's system and
moreover, "the decline of elephant populations in West African rain forests in Upper Guinea is
correlated with forest date population declines" [4]. Figs are known to be a large food source for
many animal species throughout the rainforest, giving the ability for a wider range of biodiversity
for both plants and animals. This makes the dispersal of seeds by African forest elephants a crucial
part of Ghana's fig population, also creating an impact on other ... Show more content on ...
African forest elephants can also provide ivory for economic profit if maintained in a well–
structured system to boost the numbers in its population. Moreover, both species provide their hides
and skins for marketable products for Ghana's consumers. But, for these species of animal to be
useful and have a positive impact for our human population as well, management preparation and
action is needed to be taken to prevent any negative forthcomings.
Policies need to be put into place to effectively change the management of these tropical forest
inhabitants. One option of policy that I strongly recommend would be to change the logging and
deforestation rates along with a different structural aspect to the process. An idea by the Biodiversity
of West African Forests explains that, "Many large animals have large home ranges as a result of
fragmentation of forest, the resulting forest patches may be too small to sustain a viable animal
population. Thus for effective protection of plant species and their related animals sizeable forest
tracts are needed. An alternative is a combination of smaller patches connected to each other with
corridors, forming ecological networks" [6]. These networks would link the forest reserves and other
cataloged forests. This type of networking strategy is needed so that the passageways can be used as
linkages for both animals and plants to travel throughout more land area so that they can maintain
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Week 8
–economically valued
–timber from coniferous–>softwood (important to Canadian economy)
–timber from deciduous–>hardwood
–timber harvested in many ways
–new forestry, sloppy way of clear–cutting to leave trees, mimick natural disturbances –selection
systems, some left behind
–ecologically valued
–NA timber industry focus on fast growing tree species in plantations
–plantations more as crop agriculture than ecologically functional forests
–maximum sustainable yield, argues for cutting trees shortly after they have gone through their
fastest stage of growth
–trees may be cut long before grown as large as they would in absence of harvesting –some
harvesting seek uneven–aged stands, ... Show more content on ...
–REFORESTATION – natural or intentional restocking of existing forests and woodlands that have
been depleted
–DEFORESTATION – natural forests that are cleared through logging or fire, for timber or use of
area, growing pop with expanding demand major cause of deforestation –AFFORESTATION –
establishment of a forest or trees where there was no forest
–Over the years, harvesting of trees has exceeded the planting of trees and there has been a net loss
of approximately 15 million km2. Most of the loss has occurred in the last 30 years. forests are a
multifunctional resource:
Economic functions (e.g. sources of lumber and other products such as latex and palm oil,
Ecosystem functions (e.g. biodiversity, watershed protection, the regulation of climate, storage of
Social functions (recreation, aesthetics) to be renewable, forest need to be managed sustainably
–plant 1 tree for every tree cut, but not necessarily the case
–each cutting, forest ecosystems simplified (less biodiversity)
–most adopt ecosystem–based management and adaptive management
–ecosystem–based management – attempts
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Deforestation Is The Permanent Removal
"More than 80% of Earth's natural forests have already been destroyed at the rate of 20,000 hectares
per day" according to the World Resources Institute (WRI). Despite our dependence on forests for
our means of survival, from the provision of livelihoods for us human–beings, the prevention of soil
erosion, medicines derived from rainforest plants, to the air we breathe, we are still allowing them to
disappear at shockingly high rates through deforestation. High deforestation rates, primarily as a
result of the growing demand for agriculture, fuel use and production, fires, timber harvesting,
logging, and pasture and clearing for livestock animals due to the exponential growth in human
population, can be prevented through the requirement of ... Show more content on
Significant increases in greenhouse gas emissions contribute to large–scale, rising temperatures,
changed weather patterns, and an escalated frequency of severe weather events contributing to
issues such as global warming and biodiversity loss as a result of the decreasing availability of
adequate food and water and altered habitats in these integrated ecosystems. Disruptions of water
cycles such as changes in precipitation and river flow are considerably impacted when deforestation
or forest degradation occurs, resulting in the throwing off of the balance between water on land and
in the atmosphere that trees help maintain. Other negative impacts of deforestation or forest
degradation comprises of increased soil erosion, disrupted livelihoods, and a simultaneously high
loss in biodiversity species. Deforestation often results in the extinction of numerous, unique species
struggling to survive in geographic locations all over the world. "About 80% of the world's
documented species can be found in tropical rainforests–some of the forests most vulnerable to
deforestation." (WWF). Agricultural expansion, wood extraction, and infrastructure expansion
through processes such as urbanization and road building work together simultaneously to cause
deforestation. Primarily for the need of subsistence, one of the most significant causes of
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Sustainability Planning For Sustainable Policies Essay
Addressing the challenges and opportunities in environmental policy making requires the analyses
of various interweaving aspects which at times is almost impossible when utilizing a single tool
under any given circumstance. The primary reason for sustainability planning in Forest
Management, Wildlife Conservation and Rangeland Management lies in ensuring natural resources
serve the present as well as future population. However, it is impossible to convince the population
that is being driven by economic needs to abide by sustainable policies without concrete reasons;
this brings in the notion of science–based decision making. Just in case a significant portion of the
resources have been destroyed before the enforcement of the sustainable policies, a marketing
solution would be employed to prevent further destruction as restoration is underway.
Finally, a collaborative planning model would be applied to prevent recurrence of the incidences
that led to destruction with the aim of conserving what is left by involving a larger crowd in
decision–making. In summary, sustainability cannot be attained without the input of scientific
research, collaborative management, and marketing solution.
The focus of this paper is on Public Lands Management, the attention will be given to the challenges
and opportunities that lie within. Therefore, this section will concentrate on the collaborative
management tool. It will describe the pro's and con's in environmental policy making Davis
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The Role of International Law Concerning Deforestation...
The Role of International Law Concerning Deforestation and Desertification
The surface of the earth is, in a sense, its skin–a thin but crucial layer protecting the rest of the
planet contained within it. Far more than a simple boundary, it interacts in complex ways with the
volatile atmosphere above and the raw earth below. It may seem hard to imagine it as a critical
component of the ecological balance, but in fact, the health of the earth's surface is vital to the health
of the global environment as a whole.
~Al Gore Deforestation and Desertification. These lucrative concepts echo throughout the
environmental movement both past and present. The realization and analyzation of the human
species' manipulation of the ... Show more content on ...
In order to address the role of international law concerning deforestation and desertification it is first
important to explore what these concepts entail.
Deforestation can be defined as the clearing and destruction of the vital rain forests and forests
worldwide. The causes of deforestation lie in the immense population growth and poverty that exists
internationally (Office of Technology Assessment 305). Deforestation exists due to the pursuit of
fuel sources, clearance for agricultural purposes, timber, paper products, and development. The
numerous effects that deforestation creates entails soil erosion, desertification, loss of biodiversity,
loss of medicinal value, increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, an oxygen production decline,
and of utmost importance the effects which remain unknown. Most importantly of the latter is the
future loss of the human species. Deforestation and its effects occur on a global level. It is rapidly
occurring in all nations and in the past has been concentrated in Central and South America, Africa,
and Asia.
Desertification can be defined as earth, land, or soil that has been transformed to an unstable and
unproductive area that cannot sustain life. Desertification can be attributed to overpopulation,
deforestation, improper irrigation
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Effects Of Deforestation In Nigeria
Forests serve as "storehouses" of biodiversity, and deforestation destroys the habitat for thousands of
different species (Ogundele & Adebisi, 2016 p–21). Many Nigerian trees, shrubs, and animals are
endangered while some have been depleted.
Several plant species like nuts and kernels are endangered due to overexploitation. Animals are also
endangered now such as gorillas, chimpanzees, guenons etc. "In fact, the lowland gorilla which is
endemic to the Cross River National Park at Mbe Mountain is seriously endangered through hunting
and habitat destruction,". Not only plants and primates, amphibians are also affected by
deforestation. Several species of fruit bats, fish, snails etc. are also threatened (Mfon et al, 2014
Climate Change:
Forests play an essential role in absorbing greenhouse gases and carbon emissions which contribute
to climate change. With increasing deforestation rates, more carbon and greenhouse gases enter the
atmosphere hence worsening the global warming situation. Deforestation not only disrupts the
weather patterns, it also increases the risks of drought, desertification and coastal flooding etc.
Moreover, desert encroachment into the southern parts of Nigeria has also increased due to
deforestation. Deforestation has also amplified the flow of incessant flood occurrences at the
Nigerian coastal areas. A study conducted from 1901 to 2005 recorded that increased surface air
temperature has also been noticed in Nigeria. UNSN 2001 reported the
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John Muir And Pinchot Analysis
Both John Muir and Gifford Pinchot aimed to protect North American wilderness due to unregulated
land development but form different perspectives. John Muir is one of the key figure to promote the
idea of preservation. (Bulkan J., 2016) In his understanding wilderness offers people an opportunity
to revisit and experience nature away from busy city lives. (Difference Between Conservation and
Preservation., 2011) The purpose of preservation is to restore wilderness by advocating federal
national protection. For example, the formation of the first American national park – Yosemite
National Park in 1864. The way it works is to have a place without any human activities to further
disturb the ecosystem. He believes in anthropocentric view which means that nature ... Show more
content on ...
However, indigenous people lose their traditional territory because of the restrict rules. They were
no longer allowed to live in that land. Different from John Muir, Pinchot embraced the idea of
conservation which is a mechanism for wise and sustainable management of natural resources for
economical purpose. (Bulkan J., 2016) He mainly focused on timber production and protection of
water resources. (Bulkan J., 2016) However, he believed human should use resources in a way that
provide the greatest good to the greatest number for the longest time. Therefore, it is more
sustainable for the future generation. Form my perspective, Pinchot was more anthropocentric than
Muir. Because he did not claim protection and deny nature has its own inherent value. Pinchot has
three principles when it comes to conservation: conservation for sustainable development, efficiency
and equity. (Bulkan J., 2016) Conservation in some other words stands for development. Form my
perspective, Pinchot was more anthropocentric than Muir. Because he did not claim protection and
deny nature has its own inherent
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Rubber Tappers Save Trees
Rubber Tappers are the people that should have the land because We have organized to keep
Amazonia intact for future generations. "the National Council of Rubber Tappers, and are fighting to
save the forest from destruction, sometimes by sitting, with women and children, in the paths of
bulldozers mowing down trees.",We don't hurt the forest. "When the price of rubber dropped, most
of the plantations were abandoned. But some rubber tappers stayed and continued to make their
living in the rainforest.Rubber tappers remove sap from a rubber tree by making diagonal cuts in the
bark. They collect the sap in cups. Removing the sap in this way does not harm the tree. This makes
rubber tapping a sustainable activity.",and We discovered the value of ... Show more content on ...
But they are pitting themselves against criminal logging gangs that have infiltrated their protected
reserves.In their everyday life, they are rubber tappers. They take us on a trail that leads to their
rubber trees, which grow wild on the reserves where they live. These trees are native to the Amazon
region, one of the most dangerous places in the world to be an environmental defender."The most
logical conclusion we can draw from this is that rubber tappers don't hurt the forest because of
rubber tappers have a nickname which called ourselves the Guardians of the forest and we defend
the land.Defending the land is so different from hurting the land.Also, rubber tappers are losing their
lives to guard the forest from criminal logging gangs.This can also can be seen as "We rubber
tappers are being hunted because we are trying to protect what you see around you," he tells
me.Sixteen rubber tappers in this area alone have been murdered in the past decade. One corpse was
found stuffed into the burrow of a wild animal.Berçacola is wearing a battered backpack that has
three bullet holes in it. It's from a recent attempt on his life. His wife and children have left the state
because of threats against them." As you can see, from a living rubber tappers says to what they had
gone and still going through is that people are threatening them, people families have to move from
threats against them. This proves that the rubber tappers did good things for the forest.For example
in one piece evidence, it says
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Weyerhaeuser Sustainable Forestry
In this report, I have focused on the sustainable forestry claims made by Weyerhaeuser Company. In
recent time, Sustainable Forestry has been one of the most significant drivers of change in the
Forestry Industry. Sustainable Forestry is the practice of harvesting and replanting forest areas in
such a way so as to maintain and increase the long–term health of the forests while providing
economic, environmental, cultural, and social opportunities for present generations without
compromising the needs of the future generations.
CLAIM: Sustainable Forestry, Addresses Climate Change and Provides Carbon Neutral Biomass
Weyerhaeuser claims that it practices sustainable forestry practices and that it reforests nearly 98
percent of harvested acres ... Show more content on ...
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  • 2. ecotourism must be beneficial to local communities and have a positive effect on protecting the environment (Buchsbaum, 2004). As the term ecotourism has evolved, definitions have become more precise, with stronger ties to principles of sustainable development (Blamey, 2001). Ecotourism's perceived potential as an effective tool for sustainable ... Get more on ...
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  • 4. The Contribution Of Forests And Rural Livelihoods The contribution of forests resources to rural livelihoods has global significance. Cao (2012) estimated that about 1.6 billion rural people are dependent on forest resources. The live and livelihood of the people living in and around forests are critically and intricately linked to forest resources (Vasundhara, 1998). Forests seldom provide staple food, but they are the source of a variety of foods that supplement and complement what is obtained from agriculture (e.g. bush meat) and of a wide range of medicines and other products that contribute to health and hygiene (Bryan &Arnold 1997). Apart from that, forests provide NTFPs for subsistence needs and for cash income. NTFPs include fruits and nuts, vegetables, medicinal plants, resin derived from plants or animals, essences, dyes, fish and game and a range of barks and fibers, from various species of plants, including palms and grasses (Nadkarni & Kuehl, 2013). NTFPs are major energy source for the majority of rural household across the developing world (Shackleton et al. 2011). In Myanmar wood fuel is the most common energy source and charcoal is the second (Khin Htun, 2009). Moreover fuel wood is the most important component for energy need of the country including rural and urban population in Myanmar. FAO (2014) estimated that about 2.4 billion people cook with wood fuel or about 40% of the population of less developed countries. NTFPs collection is attractive to poor because sometimes the collection of NTFPs is open ... Get more on ...
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  • 6. Forest Conservation FOREST CONSERVATION Forests are one of the most important natural resources that have been gifted to mankind for their sustained existence on earth. Without question, they provide us with huge amounts of tangible and intangible benefits, without which indeed, all life, less to say human life, would fall under the risk of extinction. Hence, it is vital for us to realize this importance of forest cover, conserve them, and ultimately work towards a sustainable way to maintain our forests and meet our needs at the same time. In this paper, I have focused initially on the barbaric behavior of us human beings towards forests, and how they have been and are still being massacred around the globe to meet our ever increasing and limitless wants ... Show more content on ... (Davis). CONSERVATION AND PRESERVATION: These two terms are often confused with one another, but they refer to two slightly different concepts. Preservation of anything is basically keeping it in such manner that it cannot or should not be touched or used. For instance, if a forest is being preserved it means that it is to be kept untouched and nothing is to be extracted from it. It is to be left to its own accord. On the other hand, conservation implies more towards a sustained use, or use in a sustainable fashion. As in the example given above, if a forest is declared as conserved, it means that resources may be extracted in a systematic and accounted way, so as not to compromise the forests ability to replenish itself in terms of resources, and so that it may continue its intangible functions properly. SUSTAINABILITY AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: The term refers to the existence and maintenance of a system, on its own accord, over a period of time, or that a system is able to stand and function by itself for a certain duration. This term then leads on to sustainable development, which the latest of concepts in development of a nation and its entities. Sustainable development means the development targeted at making resources available both useful yet sustained, so as no to compromise it for future generations. FOREST MANAGEMENT: The society of American ... Get more on ...
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  • 8. Conservation of Biodiversity in Peruvianamazonia Through... Conservation of Biodiversity in Peruvian Amazonia through integrated action 139 Conservation of Biodiversity in Peruvian Amazonia through integrated action Conservación de Biodiversidad en la Amazonía peruana a través de acciones integradas Sanna–Kaisa Juvonen1*, Luis Campos Baca2, León Bendayan Acosta2, Ada Castillo Ordinola2, Lizardo Fachin Malaverri2, Darwin Gómez Ventocilla2, Risto Kalliola2, Kember Mejía Carhuanca2, José Luis Mena Alvarez2, Víctor Miyakawa Solís2, Fernando Rodríguez Achung2, Juan José Rodríguez Gamarra2, Kalle Ruokolainen2, Jukka Salo2, José Sanjurjo Vilchez2, Pekka Soini Nordberg2 & Hernán Tello Fernandez2 1 Project Biological Diversity of Peruvian Amazonia (BIODAMAZ, Peru–Finland), Instituto de Investigaciones de ... Show more content on ... Many different institutions, among them universities and research institutions, non–governmental and governmental organizations, store and manage data on Peruvian Amazonia but this information is not available for users. Lack of inter–institutional coordination has so far prevented formation of a truly functional national biodiversity information system and led to unnecessary doubling of efforts and waste of scarce resources. For the existing information to be readily available for the decision– makers and to other users Peru needs an information system on biological diversity that is accessible by many. In the vicinity of the city of Iquitos there is a newly established protected area, AllpahuayoMishana Reserved Zone, which is in need of financial and technical assistance in developing a management plan for the Reserve and accompanying studies to understand the biological diversity of the area. The Reserve is considered to be one of the most important sites for biodiversity conservation in Peruvian Amazonia. This is because of a very diverse plant and animal life and the mosaic nature of the forest. Ex situ conservation facilities form an important part of biodiversity. There are only a few ex situ conservation facilities in Peru. These facilities become important when animal and plant species are in danger of extinction, the protected areas are threatened and the areas outside protected areas are not protected. Botanical gardens function as ... Get more on ...
  • 9.
  • 10. Forest Deforestation Essay Forest plays an essential role for local livelihood practices and considered as an important source of national revenue as well. However, in developing countries such as Indonesia, forest degradation has become at an alarming rate as a result of the over–exploitation, unsustainable practices, forest fires, and non–eco–friendly development projects in the forested areas like forest conversion into mining and monoculture plantation. Massive deforestation naturally results in biodiversity losses and in many places leads to soil erosion, siltation and damage of the forests' hydrological functions, thus worsening food security and compromising forests' future economic and environmental attributes [1] and it has been reported that Indonesia lost more than 6 million hectares of natural forest between 2000 and 2012 [2]. Not only rich in biological resources (10% of the world's remaining flowering plants species, 12% of mammal species, 16% of reptile species, 25% of fish species and 17% of bird species), these forests are also home to tens of millions of Indonesian citizens. Many, if not most of these citizens are indigenous people with culturally rich and diverse customs and traditions [3]. Forest ecosystems provide homes and sources of livelihood for a majority of the indigenous peoples of Indonesia. Indigenous peoples make significant contributions to the conservation and sustainable management of forest ecosystems, nevertheless, rapid and growing deforestation rates in Indonesia ... Get more on ...
  • 11.
  • 12. Agriculture and Wiley Essay Week 4 worksheet ENV/100 August 16, 2013 Tiffany Alvarez Week 4 worksheet How do minerals affect society? Minerals can affect society in many ways for example; Surface mining destroys vegetation across large areas, increasing erosion. Open–pit mining uses huge quantities of water. Acid mine drainage is pollution caused when dissolved toxic materials wash from mines into nearby lakes and streams. Minerals is approximately 80 percent of mined ore consists of impurities that become wastes after processing. These wastes, called tailings, are usually left in giant piles on the ground or in ponds near the processing plants (Figure 12.9). The tailings contain toxic materials such as cyanide, mercury, and sulfuric acid. Left ... Show more content on ... Vast numbers and kinds of organisms, mainly microorganisms, inhabit soil and depend on it for shelter, food, and water. Plants anchor themselves in soil, and from it they receive essential minerals and water. Terrestrial plants could not survive without soil, and because we depend on plants for our food, humans could not exist without soil either (Wiley, 2013). What types of organisms are found in soil? Determine the relationship between soil and organisms. Soil organisms carry out nutrient cycling, the pathway of nutrient minerals or elements from the environment through organisms and back to the environment. What is soil erosion? How can soil become polluted? What effect does soil erosion and pollution have on the environment? Soil organisms provide ecosystem services such as maintaining soil fertility and preventing soil erosion. Water, wind, ice, and other agents cause soil erosion, the wearing away or removal of soil from the land. Soil erosion reduces fertility because essential minerals and organic matter are removed. Erosion causes sediments and pesticide and fertilizer residues to pollute nearby waterways ( Wiley, 2009). What is the purpose of soil reclamation? To undertake soil reclamation, erosion protection, Site restoration and reinstatement, taking into account natural processes, operational requirements and technical feasibility, to ... Get more on ...
  • 13.
  • 14. Global Fight For A Greener Planet And Sustainable Forest... Introduction FAO (2005) reported that about one half of the forests that covered the Earth are gone. Africa suffers the second largest net loss in forests with 4.0 million hectares cleared annually. At 11.1%, Nigeria 's annual deforestation rate of natural forest is the highest in the world and puts it on pace to lose virtually all of its primary forest within a few years (Rhett, 2005). Many of the environmental problems encountered globally today, are being attributed to deforestation and subsequent conversion of forest lands into other land uses. This has led to a global fight for a greener planet and sustainable forest management. As such, forestry education is seen as a potent and effective weapon to deal with the menace of dwindling forests resources and environmental degradation; it is seen as a viable tool that can develop individuals, appropriate knowledge, attitudes, skills, motivation and commitment required to take responsible environmental actions that would lead to the protection, conservation and sustainable forests management. Hence, forestry education (FE) is a learning process that increases people's knowledge and awareness about the environment and its associated challenges, develops the necessary skills and expertise to address the challenges and fosters attitudes, motivations and commitments to make informed decisions and take responsible actions (United States Federal Register, 1996). Forestry education involves the development of critical thinking ... Get more on ...
  • 15.
  • 16. Taking a Look at Sustainable Woods INTRODUCTION Sustainability is a term that describes how environmental critical systems remain diverse and productive over time. Sustainability for humans is the ability to save the quality of life that we live in the long term and this in turn depends on the conservation of the natural world and the responsible use of natural resources. The term sustainability has become widespread and can be applied to almost every facet of life on Earth, from the local level to the global level and over different periods of time. Wetlands and healthy forests are examples of critical systems sustainable. The courses biochemical hidden redistributes water, oxygen, nitrogen and carbon in living systems and non–living in the world, and has secured a permanent life for millions of years. But with the increasing number of people, inhabitants of this land, descended natural ecosystems and the change in the balance of natural cycles have a negative impact on both humans and other living systems. There is scientific evidence that many human lives in an unsustainable manner, and that the re– human use of natural resources to within sustainable limits will require a major collective effort. The livelihood sustainability more can take many types ranging from reorganizing living conditions (for example, villages environmental, towns and environmental and the Sustainable Cities) and re– evaluation of the economic sectors (perm culture, green buildings and sustainable agriculture) or work practices ... Get more on ...
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  • 18. Corporate Social Responsibility And Sustainability Introduction This article is study of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and sustainability. It mainly speaks about the origin and the operations of CSR programs in the United States of America from the 1980's. One of the most dominating concepts of business reporting is Corporate Social Responsibility. It has become mandatory for every business to include a policy with regards to CSR and produce a detailed report with regards to its activities. CSR can be defined as the relationship between a corporate company and the society in which the company operates. The concept of CSR became famous during the late 1960's and since then it has helped corporations to sustain itself in the market. CSR plays a very important role in the sustainability of every department in the corporation including marketing and management. Corporations are very particular in maintaining a sustainable corporate socially responsible environment. While marketing a product they make sure that they endorse it in the right way as it is the responsibility of the company to provide the right facts of the product to the society. In the same manner with regards to Management corporations make sure that they are socially responsible. Three Principles put together can help us understand CSR in a much better way.  Sustainability: Sustainability shows how actions taken in the present affect the future. Marketing a product would affect the consumption of the product in the future, also in the field of ... Get more on ...
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  • 20. Effects Of Turbiridity Due On Land Use 1)Effects of turbiridity due to land use changes– Turbidity measures the amount of light scattered from a sample and more suspended particles causes more scattering results in high turbidity. Turbidity measurements are often used as indicator of water quality based on clarity and total suspended solid particles. Turbidity doesn't include the dissolved solids which reduces the scattering. In agricultural lands the receiving water is contaminated by nonpoint pollution due to different agricultural activities like crop production, cattle operations, crop pattern and rangelands. High rates of surface runoff and erosion of land covered by annual crops have high levels of turbidity in receiving water specially in spring when vegetation cover is minimal. Wetlands used in removal of bacterial contamination in rivers , act as biofilter which increases the turbidity. Turbidity is negatively related with the forested areas and positively with the annual crops and urban land use. Annual crops have more turbidity than the perennial the when annual crops are converted into the forested areas perennial crops & pastures cause 16.4% of turbidity. It is studied that stabilization of urban land through reforestation practices increases in water quality due to the high turbidity. Protection of water resources through land use policy is essential. 2)forest soils have high rate of infiltration– Infiltration is known as the movement of water in soil profile occure in ... Get more on ...
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  • 22. Conservation of Biodiversity in Peruvianamazonia Through... Conservation of Biodiversity in Peruvian Amazonia through integrated action 139 Conservation of Biodiversity in Peruvian Amazonia through integrated action Conservación de Biodiversidad en la Amazonía peruana a través de acciones integradas Sanna–Kaisa Juvonen1*, Luis Campos Baca2, León Bendayan Acosta2, Ada Castillo Ordinola2, Lizardo Fachin Malaverri2, Darwin Gómez Ventocilla2, Risto Kalliola2, Kember Mejía Carhuanca2, José Luis Mena Alvarez2, Víctor Miyakawa Solís2, Fernando Rodríguez Achung2, Juan José Rodríguez Gamarra2, Kalle Ruokolainen2, Jukka Salo2, José Sanjurjo Vilchez2, Pekka Soini Nordberg2 & Hernán Tello Fernandez2 1 Project Biological Diversity of Peruvian Amazonia (BIODAMAZ, Peru–Finland), Instituto de ... Show more content on ... Introduction After the signing of the Convention on Biological Diversity in the United Nations Congress on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, a number of development projects addressing the theme of biodiversity has considerably increased. Many of these projects have been channeled through the Global Environment Facility (GEF) or other international agencies. Also, many bilateral projects have seen light. In the aftermath of the signing of the Convention the Peruvian Government approached the Finnish Government in 1995 with a proposal of a technical assistance project to assess the biological diversity of Peruvian Amazonia and to assist Peru in developing a national strategy for conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in that region – a requirement of the Convention. This request was a result of a long–term research engagement between Peru and Finland through institutional cooperation between Peruvian institutions and universities and the University of Turku in Finland. This cooperation had already produced valuable new insights to assessment of biodiversity in Peruvian Amazonia (Kalliola et al. 1993, Tuomisto et al. 1995, Ruokolainen et al. 1997, Kalliola & Flores 1998). The Peruvian proposal resulted in a three–year cooperation project (1999–2002) between the governments of Peru and Finland called the Biological Diversity of Peruvian Amazonia Project in order to address ... Get more on ...
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  • 24. Benefits Of The Australian Public Forest Sector The Australian public forest sector (APFS) was interested in understanding their impacts on ecosystems services, justifying budget decisions and improving stakeholder relationships (Herbohn, 2005). This interest developed due to stakeholder demands, debates regarding the management of sensitive public forests and a challenging political landscape that impacted budget allocations. The APFS vision was to implement a full cost accounting system, at first glace decision makers agreed in principal that implementing an accounting system that captures external cost had many benefits, but would come to question whether the benefits were balanced with the efforts to validate natural capital. Furthermore, the accepted benefits and drawbacks were ... Show more content on ... Given the strength of full cost accounting; it's full disclosure of information, their concern is interesting and demonstrates the importance of trust in relationships with stakeholders. Similarly, transparency of data, indicators, public access and results are vital, to the stakeholder relations and success of full cost accounting. Consequently, mangers are considered that full disclosure of the data could prolonged debated and decisions if the reporting is not used in context. On a positive note, managers recognize valuation of natural capital can assist negotiation as it would present financial information in a common language. This also brings up concerns as stakeholders felt that this will turn the natural resources into commodities, and decisions makers expressed this as you can't capture the feeling as they are seen, taste, and felt differently by everyone (Herbohn, 2005). A highlight of full cost accounting is helping decision makers choice a sustainable option, and plan activities that contribute to sustainable management of public forest. Additionally, it can assist decision makers communicate at the political levels; especially when discussing budget needs. As government need to demonstrate and allocate budgets based on value of service, full cost accounting can demonstrate cost per unit of goods or service, which is important for APFS because it identifies and values the non–market goods and service ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. Deforestation And Its Effects On Deforestation Essay Deforestation is "the act of cutting or burning down all of the trees in an area." The original area covered by forests was approximately six billion hectares, however the total area of land covered by forests today is only four billion hectares. The issue is only expanding, and its challenges are becoming tougher every day. In fact, approximately sixteen million hectares of forest disappear each year. Forests cover more than twenty five percent of the world's land, and more than half of that is found in the tropics. Deforestation has been around for more than five decades, and humanity has only just begun to find the causes of the problem. Forests cover approximately thirty percent of the world's land. Deforestation represents one of the world's largest issues in global land usage. In fact, humans are one of the biggest influences for deforestation. Farmers use a method known as the "slash and burn" process to cut down trees and grow their crops in the soil fertilized by the ashes. Many people use commercial logging, a process in which trees are trimmed and transported in order to build mills, by chopping down vast areas of forest for profit. Wildfires and overgrazing are also large issues that contribute to deforestation. This leaves the forest vulnerable to many global and environmental consequences. Everyday carbon dioxide is returned to the atmosphere as a greenhouse gas when trees are burned, and this has great potential to alter the global climate. As a result, there ... Get more on ...
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  • 28. Essay On Mondi And Social Responsibility 1. Social responsibility: Social responsibility is an ethical framework that suggests that every individual and business should perform a duty to maintain a balance between the economy and ecosystem. Social responsibility of a business is measured by its contribution towards employment opportunity and to society. It includes the provision of housing and issues concerning the health of individuals. Social responsibility has a big impact on decision and activity on society and environment. 2. Employment equity : This is an act to achieve equality in the workplace and provide equal opportunity to redress inequalities of the past by ensuring that the workforce is a population as a whole. "in south africa employment equity act became a law in 1998". This ... Show more content on ... Environmental sustainability: Businesses face environmental issues such as pollution, renewable resources and harvesting. Environmental sustainability is an economic growth and sustainability is the ability to continue a defined behaviour indefinitely. Question 1.1.2 : Social responsibility: Mondi is a business that ensures customer satisfaction and they deliver exceptional value of product in a sustainable way, for sustainable development. Employment equity : Mondi encourages development through job creation and development of the local economy, they add value to the business thorugh funding, they invest on entrepreneurs and employ the right employees for a particular practice and they work together as a team to develop strategies and business ideas. Mondi also facilitates black economic empowerment in businesses, they focus on equal employment by creating small businesses in communities around rural areas. Mondi also focuses on job creation through partnerships. They use (B–BBEE) and are committed to removing blockages against black people. They encourage a diverse organisational culture, promote employment equity, buy goods and services from B–BBEE suppliers and ensure good cooperate ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. Goal 15 Of The Un Sustainable Development Goals Goal 15 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals focuses on the protection, restoration and promotion of sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems. This includes the sustainable management of forests, the combating of desertification and the halt and reversal of land degradation and biodiversity loss. This Goal contains 12 individual targets, which specifically explain how this goal will be reached. Targets 15.1, 15.2 and 15.3 can both be measured through satellite imaging. For example, the area of a forest can be measured by satellite with several images over a certain period of time showing the evolution of that forest. The forest may take over a larger area, it may be cut down or converted to a field of crops or it may just remain as large. This same concept applies to lakes, wetlands, deserts, etc. Target 15.4 and 15.5 are more difficult to measure as they consist of determining whether an ecosystem or natural habitat has been conserved or not. This is mostly done through on–site observation and is subject to the opinion of researchers investigating the site. It is measured similarly to the first 3 targets, but on a much smaller scale. However, 15.4 and 15.5 also include measuring the biodiversity of species which is done through on–site tracking of various species to determine relative population sizes. Target 15.6 can be measured by the ease of access to genetic resources by anyone who needs them. The promotion of access can be handled by creating and applying laws. ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. Publix Super Markets, Inc. 85 years, Publix Super Markets, Inc. (Publix), a nationwide chain, has set the precedent for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and specifically sustainability. With an added emphasis on the past 15 years due to the implementation of their Green Routine program, Publix is the gold– standard of sustainability, with comprehensive philanthropic initiatives that support and intertwine housing, education, food security, technology, and more. Publix is consistently taking strides to become more sustainable, environmentally friendly, and beneficial to the local community. By breaking down sustainability into 3 core concepts: social justice, environmental integrity, and economic prosperity, an objective analysis can be made about the current Publix sustainability model. VERY wordy. Go through line by line and eliminate nonessential wording. Prof people skim scan skip when reading. Also – spell check. I see a green line in the sentence above Social Justice Social justice is defined as the relationship between an individual [corporation] and a society, and Publix has an extensive list of charitable programs that positively influence local communities. According to the official corporate Publix website (2015), the Publix Partners program earns money for local schools by contributing $250 for every $37,500 spent cumulatively by a school's participants (para 1). Statistics from the 2014–2015 Hillsborough Education Foundation Annual Report (2015) show that schools such as Walton High ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Essay on The Cmapion Land Deal The Cmapion Land Deal The acquisition of the so–called "former Champion lands" resulted from one of the most complicated land deals in Vermont history. The Champion Lands in Vermont were part of a larger deal involving almost 300,000 arces in New York, New Hampshire as well as Vermont. The specifics of how the property was transferred to the current owners are relevant because in some cases the provisions of the transfer mandate certain types of management or constrain management in other ways. On October 8, 1997, Champion International Inc. announced its intention to sell approximately 200,000 acres in the Northern Forest. Champion, and the St. Regis Paper Company before it, had owned these lands for decades, and during the last ... Show more content on ... An important part of this model was to divide the Champion lands into separate but complementary ownerships on the basis of ecological values and basic management purposes: areas with the greatest ecological significance would be publicly owned and protected, with timber harvesting precluded on substantial acreages to allow natural processes like forest succession to occur unimpeded; and the most productive timber lands, with fewer special ecological values, would be kept in private ownership with a requirement that they be managed for long–term sustainable forestry. Public access for a variety of historic uses and other activities would be guaranteed on the entirety of the property. When the possibility of acquiring the Champion lands had first arisen, the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources requested that TNC lead a process to identify the most ecologically significant portions of those lands. VANR, TNC, TCF and the other partners in the acquisition used the results of that analysis to determine which parts of the overall property should be publicly owned either by the State of Vermont or the federal government, and which should remain under private ownership as a "working forest." Ultimately, the VANR acquired more than 22,000 acres of land south of Route 105 that now comprise the West Mountain WMA, and the USFWS acquired 26,000 acres encompassing much of the Nulhegan Basin north of Route 105 as part of the Silvio O. Conte National Fish and Wildlife Refuge.The ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. India's Goals for Conservation Goal 1– Promote Conservation of Biological Diversity of Ecosystems, Habitats and Biomes India's count of the Protected Area Network (PAN) has increased especially post the 'Programme of Work on PAs by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)' in 2004, by a 15 percent. Almost all state owned forests and other important ecosystems which are outside the PAN were also under some kind of broad–based conservation planning. Fourteen more potential sites were considered to get designated as Biosphere Reserves. Apart from the Wetlands, Coral reefs and Mangrove Conservation areas, research and development activities are also being supported for their management. So far out of the 115 wetlands in India, 25 have been recognised as Ramsar sites and 6 more are being pushed forward in consideration for the same. Initiatives for Lake Conservation – the MoEF has been implementing the National Lake Conservation Plan (NLCP) since 2001 for conservation of polluted and degraded urban/semi–urban lakes, leading 10 lake rejuvenation in terms of improvement in water quality and biodiversity. Forty two lakes in 12 states have been covered under the plan so far and also under River Conservation – a National River Conservation Plan (NRCP), launched by the MoEF in 1993 has been under implementation in 160 towns along the polluted stretches of 34 rivers spread over 20 states. Since Community Conserved Areas (CCA's) and the Sacred Groves have been traditionally an important part of a community ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Sustainable Flooring Research Papers When you choose hardwood flooring Frisco TX for your home, you're choosing a product that will not only improve the look of your home, but that is also environmentally–conscious. The most environmentally–conscious wood flooring is sustainable flooring made from sustainable resources. Sustainability means that the wood used in your floors comes from forests that aren't destructively clear–cut but that are managed so that harvested trees are immediately replaced with seedlings – this ensures a constant cycle of growing and harvesting. Wood Flooring Frisco TX: How Sustainable Flooring Benefits Mother Earth ▪ Water Conservation – Responsible forest management means that mature trees are selectively thinned to create openings in tree ... Show more content on ... They use the carbon to grow roots, branches and leaves. Sustainable forests are healthier and have constantly–growing trees that clean the air of greenhouse gases and purify drinking water for wildlife. Hardwood Flooring Frisco TX: Types Of Sustainable Flooring You Should Consider Hardwoods from sustainable forests are a great choice for your home. Not only are they beautiful, but they increase the value of your home and can be stripped and refinished many, many times during the life of your home. Other sustainable types of flooring you might consider are: ▪ Bamboo – Technically, bamboo is a grass but it's a fast–growing grass that makes extremely durable flooring. Bamboo is naturally antibacterial and water–resistant. ▪ Cork – Cork flooring is made by removing the bark of the Cork Oak without harming the tree. This makes it a sustainable and renewable resource. Cork is naturally springy and makes for a comfortable surface underfoot. ▪ Linoleum – Linoleum is made from materials that include dried and milled flax seeds, linseed oil, pine resin, ground cork and wood flour all on a jute, canvas or burlap backing. Linoleum doesn't fade, ... Get more on ...
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  • 40. North Asian Country : A Centralized Country Ruled By... The Governances' Transformation Despite the difference in the political system, both countries, initially, was a centralized country ruled by authoritarian government which had full control over the forest resources. Along with the unfair distributed benefit and economic development orientation, the forest resources become heavily abused by the governments and the local forest communities which drastically accelerate the rate of the deforestation (Resosudarmo and Yusuf 2006; Sunderlin and Huynh 2005). Sunderlin and Huynh (2005) claim that Vietnam held the title of the Southeast Asian country with the fastest rate of deforestation within 1976–1990 with average forest cover loss rate at 185,000 hectares per year. The turning point in Vietnam forestry, however, happened in 1992, as the forest coverage at only approximately 20–30 % of total land area, when the government imposed the National Reforestation Program followed by the Log Export Ban (1992) and Forest Land Allocation policy (1994). Thus, this event transformed the forest resources control to be a more decentralized local empowerment with significant state control (Yasmi et al. 2010). This transformation also experienced by Indonesia as the "reformation" revolution occurred in 1997, when the East Asian economic crisis wrecked Indonesian economy, which commanded decentralization in Indonesia governance. As the response to this revolution, the Basic Forestry Law (1967) replenished by the Indonesia Forestry Act in 1999 ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Essay On The Forest The SBW is one of the most destructive insect defoliators in North America with outbreaks recurring every 30–35 years resulting in tree mortality after 5–6 years of severe defoliation. The Minèstere des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs (MFFP) (2014) suggests that two main factors can help to determine if the forest presents a case of SBW infestation due to the susceptibility of trees and its vulnerability depending on the characteristics of the tree (e.g. shape, size, color, species, and age) as this living organism is a great threat to the forest due to the severity of damage caused by these elements and more important, a great quantity of trees could die causing loss of revenues (Ministère des Forêts, 2015). The more susceptible trees ... Show more content on ... These fractions can vary depending the species and age class. The model keeps track of the infested and un–infested hectares separately. Other existing approach like Levy, Hipel et Kilgour (2000) proposes a multicriteria methodology integrating uncertainty by identifying different alternatives that are robust to environmental uncertainty using sustainable development indicators such as forest volume, spray area, and harvest area to make and to take complex decisions using forest management decision policies on SBW populations in Eastern Canada, New Brunswick. For instance, Shoemaker (1981) discusses the methods for addressing the pest management models are characterized by a) large number of variables; b) stochastic, nonlinear population dynamics; and c) fixed cost functions. It suggests that Stochastic Optimization is a good approach for dealing with pest problems as well as dynamic programming but several other optimization methods have also proven useful for random environments as they provide also previous information. The most exhaustive systems analysis of forest pest management has focused on the SBW, a pest which in recent years has killed hundreds of thousands of hectares of coniferous trees in eastern Canada and United States. Shoemaker (1981) does not consider the age for the planning horizon of the model (over a hundred years) analyzing their economic value when harvested because of SBW damage. Others like Hennigar et al. (2007) optimizes the ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. International And National Law On Forest Trade And Management International and national law on Forest Trade and management Introduction Forest goods and services are valuable recourses and providing huge benefits to humankinds and all live on earth. Forest can bring about high level of commercial, material, and immaterial benefits. Many countries get benefits from trading in forest goods and services and consider forestry to substantial source of income. On the other side, trade in forest goods and services can contribute to environmental problem and environmental deterioration such as global warming, decrease of wildlife, and lack of resources. By this concern, a number of regional and international corporations have attempted to develop law and regulatory framework on forestry. However, there are ... Show more content on ... In the last section the paper will provide a conclusion. Section 1: Forest Goods and Services Humankinds receive so valuable economic and social benefits from forest and its products. Paper, wood products, and timber are in high demand in both developed and developing countries. The trade of forest goods reduces poverty and also enhances financial system and boost economy in many exporting countries worldwide through a number of ways including trading of forest products and services, increasing jobs related to forestry, generating higher income, and rising investment in forest sector. Also, it benefits to the importing countries by supplying production of energy and other consumptions. For example, In Canada, forestry generated $20.6 billion to economy in 1996. Besides, it created job employment related to forestry at 2.7 percent of total employment. It has been claimed that more than 13 million people were formally working in forest filed. Also there are people who rely on forest trade in the form of employment, forest products, and direct or indirect contributions to livelihoods and incomes between 1 billion to 1.5 billion. Nonetheless, over consumption of product from forest and the trade of forest good negatively results in environment. It harmfully impacts on biodiversity, and local community. Report from World Bank (2006) has asserted that in there are about 1 ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Natural Resource Of Natural Resources While natural resources have played an important role in creating wealth and powering development, recent research shows an inverse correlation between the abundance of natural resources and growth and development. This has been true of many of the economies in Latin America, Africa and the Arab world, regions characterized by high levels of natural resources endowments, be they minerals, oil or timber. The inverse correlation between endowment and wealth creation–dubbed as the natural resource curse hypothesis–has been the subject of intense study and has yielded valuable insights into political economy issues. Natural resource abundance has been associated with predatory political regimes which win and maintain political support ... Show more content on ... This understanding is noticeably sparse. To be fair, developing a good understanding of stakeholder motivations is extremely challenging because of the complex nature of the sector, which itself arises from special sector characteristics. What are these? These range from the biophysical, to the social, to economic, to the state. On the biophysical side, forest resources contribute multiple benefits and services; yet the resource (even though it is technically renewable) renews only quite slowly and many services can be irreversibly lost if the resource stock falls below a critical minimum. On the social front, this is a sector which is characterized by unclear ownership and access rights and conflicts between traditional and "modern" legal rights. The resource generates multiple benefits for multiple users and often these are in conflict. Unlike other resources, forests provide a wide range of public benefits ( watershed protection, carbon sequestration, biodiversity protection, and ecosystem resilience) only when they are preserved; and they provide private benefits (timber rents) principally when they are harvested. So there is a well–recognized need for high levels of intervention to ensure optimal and sustainable levels of harvesting as well as adequate protection of the public benefits. In addition, both, ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. Soil Conservation INTRODUCTION Soil is the precious gift of nature to the mankind. All the plant family, animal kingdom and human society at large depend upon soil for their sustenance directly or indirectly. Ironically, soil is the most neglected commodity on the earth. Shifting cultivation on the hill slopes, non–adoption of soil conservation techniques, and over exploitation of land for crop production due to population stress, leads to enormous soil erosion. It will take hundreds of years to form an inch of soil, but in no time it gets washed away down the slope due to erosion. SOIL CONSERVATION Soil Conservation is the process by which the loss of soil is checked, reducing the velocity of run– off through erosion control measures for maximum ... Show more content on ... A terrace reduces the length of the hill side slope, thereby reducing sheet and rill erosion and prevents formation of gullies. There are different types of terraces as follows: ✓ Bench terracing: It consists of transforming relatively steeps land into a series of level or nearly level strips or steeps running across the slope. The soil materials that are excavated from the upper part of the terrace is used in filling the lower part and a small bund is also raised along the outer edge of the terrace to check the downward flow of rainwater and also soil erosion. ✓ Channel terrace: It consists of making of wide but shallow channels across the slope of the land either exactly on contour line or with a slight grade (0.1 to 0.2 per cent). In this process, the excavated soil is placed along the lower edge of the channel in the form of low ridge. ✓ Narrow based terrace: It consists of making a number of narrow based ridges or bunds at a distance of 1m to 2m across the slope of the land at suitable intervals in high rainfall areas. ✓ Broad based ridge terrace: It consists of making wide but low bunds on the contour lines by excavating soils from both sides of terrace. This is practiced in areas where the rainfall is relatively low. ✓ Contour trenching: It consist of making a series of deep pit (i.e. 2ft. wide and 1ft. deep) or trenches across the slope at convenient distance. The soil excavated from the ... Get more on ...
  • 49.
  • 50. Essay Desertification And Deforestation Desertification And Deforestation The Amazon Rainforest is probably the most important region that is threatened by deforestation. With over four million squared kilometers it is roughly the size of the United States. The Amazon spreads across nine South American Countries and contains one–fifth of the Worlds fresh water and one–third of the known living species. The land is home to hundreds of indigenous groups and is considered by many to be "the lungs of the planet". Most of the Amazon is still pristine, but the region is being destroyed at an alarming rate. Over 8 million acres of the rainforest are lost every year. Between 1978 to 1996, 12.5 percent of the irreplacable rainforest was destroyed. ... Show more content on ... The logging industries punch new roads into pristine forests, invade indigenous lands, parks and preserves, and murder those who stand in their way. Brazil does not have the means to fully regulate the logging industries however, the Asain logging companies were fined over one million dollars for illegal logging last year. The loggers have cut more than 3,000 miles of roads into the intact forest regions. The Rainforest Action Network (RAN) has taken action against these loggiing industries. Their Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) and letter–writing campaign has led the Brazilian National Congress to put mahagony logging on hold for the next two years. Also, President Cardoso has introduced a measure to stop deforestation as a result of farming and ranching . This would limit clearing to twenty percent rather than fifty. RAN has also convinced thousands of U.S. architects, builders and lumber yards to stop seling and using old growth redwood. The are now calling upon the U.S. to stop all imports of Mahagony. The biggest threat to the Amazon Basin are the "Mega Projects". The goal of these projects are to create new economic and geographical links between nations. The plan is to criss–cross the region with highways and waterways to access the Amazon's natural resources for commercial trade. These projects are already underway. The Northern Border Highway is a mega–project that will span ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. The Importance Of Forest Depletion In Nepal Forest Area: 33.7%–25.4% (1990–2015). The forest area has decreased due to increased deforestation and a risk of forest fires in Nepal. Finland has supported Nepal's forestry initiatives since the 80s, and it includes large scale preparation, plantation and implementation of Forestry Sector Master Plan (1988 –2011), support to Community Forestry and Leasehold Forestry Programs, Scientific Forest Management initiatives, National Forest Resource Inventories and others. Physiologically, the country is divided into five regions, according to altitude (the Terai, the Siwalik, the Middle Mountains, the High Mountains and the High Himal). Of the total land area, forests cover 4.27 million ha (29.0 percent) and shrub covers 1.56 million ha (10.6 percent) (DFRS 1999). The annual rate of forest depletion in the Terai was 1.3 percent from 1978/79 to 1990/91. In the hilly area, forest areas have declined at an annual rate of 2.3 percent from 1978/79 to 1994. In the entire country, from 1978–79 to 1994, the forest area has decreased at an annual rate of 1.7%. This trend indicates the ongoing pressure on forest resources, especially in the Terai. The graph above shows the regional division of the types of natural/ manmade vegetation in the separate regions of Nepal. "...contributing to green, healthy and naturally livable future..." The forest resources directly complete the forest related livelihood needs of women, poor and under priveleged people as well as commercial needs of ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. The United Nations Forum On Forests 8. What is the UNFF? UNFF is the United Nations Forum on Forests. The UN Economic and Social Council created the UNFF in 2000 with the goal to promote "the management, conservation and sustainable development of the world's forests, and to strengthen long–term political commitment to this end" Basically, the idea was to get the worlds to agree to a long term plan to help preserve the world's forests. Unfortunately, the first talks tanked and discussion of a forests convention really did not resume until UNFF5 in 2005. Many of the proponents for a global convention already conceded it was probably not possible to get all the world's nations to agree on this matter. Canada, the EU and Malaysia played the role of lead states during the negotiations, while developing countries were split as to the need for an international convention, but united in a call for industrialized countries to implement financial assistance and technology transfer. In the end it was recognized no treaty was possible without the support of two key players in the veto coalition – the US (largest timber industry) and Brazil (largest tropical forest). It wasn't until UNFF6 that the UN finally secured the next step in regime strengthening by developing a voluntary instrument to be followed. Here, delegates agreed on four global objectives on forests; reversing the loss of forest cover and increasing efforts to prevent forest degradation, enhancing forest benefits and their contribution to international ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Putting an End to Deforestation Putting an end to deforestation has been a political goal for many years. The forest provides us with essential materials that we need for our everyday lives, like paper. It is a source of renewable energy for some people and it has become one of their main sources for food and living. Wood is also still the main source today in heating and cooking. Demand for wood products is increasing in these past few years. Trade in forest products increased by 15 percent in 2010. (Global Forest Product Trade Slows on Weak Demand From China, EU, USDA) It contributes to more than 4% of global trade. The restoration of the forests would provide economic benefits up to $80 million. Moreover, deforestation can also result in species extinction because the habitats of animals are destroyed by wildfires. Most importantly, it affects us as humans because the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere is lessened. Therefore, deforestation is a global major problem because it increases the chances of global warming occurring and forests should be sustained because they benefit the economy and the environment by providing us essential materials, habitats for animals, and the basic necessity we need in order to survive, oxygen. Firstly, there are many factors that contribute to deforestation, the main one being for agricultural reasons. People would cut down trees to make land for homing and land available to farmers that want to grow crops. As cities are growing and more buildings are being built, more ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. By 2030 Week 1 Essay In my mind, following points are arising: No Poverty – End poverty in all its forms everywhere Zero Hunger – End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture Good Health and Well–being – Ensure healthy lives and promote well–being for all at all ages. Quality Education – Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all targets. Gender Equality – Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls[. Clean Water and Sanitation – Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all Targets. Affordable and Clean Energy – Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and clean energy for all Targets. Decent Work and Economic Growth – Promote sustained, inclusive and ... Show more content on ... Targets By 2020, ensure the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystems and their services, in particular forests, wetlands, mountains and drylands, in line with obligations under international agreements By 2020, promote the implementation of sustainable management of all types of forests, halt deforestation, restore degraded forests and substantially increase afforestation and reforestation globally By 2030, combat desertification, restore degraded land and soil, including land affected by desertification, drought and floods, and strive to achieve a land degradation–neutral world By 2030, ensure the conservation of mountain ecosystems, including their biodiversity, in order to enhance their capacity to provide benefits that are essential for sustainable development Take urgent and significant action to reduce the degradation of natural habitats, halt the loss of biodiversity and, by 2020, protect and prevent the extinction of threatened species Promote fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising from the utilization of genetic resources and promote appropriate access to such resources, as internationally ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Ecological Roles Of African Forest Elephants Also, The African forest elephants are, similar to Maxwell's duikers, "important dispersers of seeds through their consumption of fruit" [4]. Forest dates in particular are thought of as elephant– dependent, since the seed develops superiorly after going through an elephant's system and moreover, "the decline of elephant populations in West African rain forests in Upper Guinea is correlated with forest date population declines" [4]. Figs are known to be a large food source for many animal species throughout the rainforest, giving the ability for a wider range of biodiversity for both plants and animals. This makes the dispersal of seeds by African forest elephants a crucial part of Ghana's fig population, also creating an impact on other ... Show more content on ... African forest elephants can also provide ivory for economic profit if maintained in a well– structured system to boost the numbers in its population. Moreover, both species provide their hides and skins for marketable products for Ghana's consumers. But, for these species of animal to be useful and have a positive impact for our human population as well, management preparation and action is needed to be taken to prevent any negative forthcomings. Policies need to be put into place to effectively change the management of these tropical forest inhabitants. One option of policy that I strongly recommend would be to change the logging and deforestation rates along with a different structural aspect to the process. An idea by the Biodiversity of West African Forests explains that, "Many large animals have large home ranges as a result of fragmentation of forest, the resulting forest patches may be too small to sustain a viable animal population. Thus for effective protection of plant species and their related animals sizeable forest tracts are needed. An alternative is a combination of smaller patches connected to each other with corridors, forming ecological networks" [6]. These networks would link the forest reserves and other cataloged forests. This type of networking strategy is needed so that the passageways can be used as linkages for both animals and plants to travel throughout more land area so that they can maintain ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Jhhhlh Week 8 212–241 FORESTS –economically valued –timber from coniferous–>softwood (important to Canadian economy) –timber from deciduous–>hardwood –timber harvested in many ways –clear–cutting –new forestry, sloppy way of clear–cutting to leave trees, mimick natural disturbances –selection systems, some left behind –ecologically valued –NA timber industry focus on fast growing tree species in plantations –plantations more as crop agriculture than ecologically functional forests –maximum sustainable yield, argues for cutting trees shortly after they have gone through their fastest stage of growth –trees may be cut long before grown as large as they would in absence of harvesting –some harvesting seek uneven–aged stands, ... Show more content on ... –REFORESTATION – natural or intentional restocking of existing forests and woodlands that have been depleted –DEFORESTATION – natural forests that are cleared through logging or fire, for timber or use of area, growing pop with expanding demand major cause of deforestation –AFFORESTATION – establishment of a forest or trees where there was no forest –Over the years, harvesting of trees has exceeded the planting of trees and there has been a net loss of approximately 15 million km2. Most of the loss has occurred in the last 30 years. forests are a multifunctional resource: Economic functions (e.g. sources of lumber and other products such as latex and palm oil, fuelwood) Ecosystem functions (e.g. biodiversity, watershed protection, the regulation of climate, storage of nutrients) Social functions (recreation, aesthetics) to be renewable, forest need to be managed sustainably –plant 1 tree for every tree cut, but not necessarily the case –each cutting, forest ecosystems simplified (less biodiversity) –most adopt ecosystem–based management and adaptive management –ecosystem–based management – attempts
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  • 65. Deforestation Is The Permanent Removal "More than 80% of Earth's natural forests have already been destroyed at the rate of 20,000 hectares per day" according to the World Resources Institute (WRI). Despite our dependence on forests for our means of survival, from the provision of livelihoods for us human–beings, the prevention of soil erosion, medicines derived from rainforest plants, to the air we breathe, we are still allowing them to disappear at shockingly high rates through deforestation. High deforestation rates, primarily as a result of the growing demand for agriculture, fuel use and production, fires, timber harvesting, logging, and pasture and clearing for livestock animals due to the exponential growth in human population, can be prevented through the requirement of ... Show more content on ... Significant increases in greenhouse gas emissions contribute to large–scale, rising temperatures, changed weather patterns, and an escalated frequency of severe weather events contributing to issues such as global warming and biodiversity loss as a result of the decreasing availability of adequate food and water and altered habitats in these integrated ecosystems. Disruptions of water cycles such as changes in precipitation and river flow are considerably impacted when deforestation or forest degradation occurs, resulting in the throwing off of the balance between water on land and in the atmosphere that trees help maintain. Other negative impacts of deforestation or forest degradation comprises of increased soil erosion, disrupted livelihoods, and a simultaneously high loss in biodiversity species. Deforestation often results in the extinction of numerous, unique species struggling to survive in geographic locations all over the world. "About 80% of the world's documented species can be found in tropical rainforests–some of the forests most vulnerable to deforestation." (WWF). Agricultural expansion, wood extraction, and infrastructure expansion through processes such as urbanization and road building work together simultaneously to cause deforestation. Primarily for the need of subsistence, one of the most significant causes of ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Sustainability Planning For Sustainable Policies Essay Addressing the challenges and opportunities in environmental policy making requires the analyses of various interweaving aspects which at times is almost impossible when utilizing a single tool under any given circumstance. The primary reason for sustainability planning in Forest Management, Wildlife Conservation and Rangeland Management lies in ensuring natural resources serve the present as well as future population. However, it is impossible to convince the population that is being driven by economic needs to abide by sustainable policies without concrete reasons; this brings in the notion of science–based decision making. Just in case a significant portion of the resources have been destroyed before the enforcement of the sustainable policies, a marketing solution would be employed to prevent further destruction as restoration is underway. Finally, a collaborative planning model would be applied to prevent recurrence of the incidences that led to destruction with the aim of conserving what is left by involving a larger crowd in decision–making. In summary, sustainability cannot be attained without the input of scientific research, collaborative management, and marketing solution. The focus of this paper is on Public Lands Management, the attention will be given to the challenges and opportunities that lie within. Therefore, this section will concentrate on the collaborative management tool. It will describe the pro's and con's in environmental policy making Davis ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. The Role of International Law Concerning Deforestation... The Role of International Law Concerning Deforestation and Desertification The surface of the earth is, in a sense, its skin–a thin but crucial layer protecting the rest of the planet contained within it. Far more than a simple boundary, it interacts in complex ways with the volatile atmosphere above and the raw earth below. It may seem hard to imagine it as a critical component of the ecological balance, but in fact, the health of the earth's surface is vital to the health of the global environment as a whole. ~Al Gore Deforestation and Desertification. These lucrative concepts echo throughout the environmental movement both past and present. The realization and analyzation of the human species' manipulation of the ... Show more content on ... In order to address the role of international law concerning deforestation and desertification it is first important to explore what these concepts entail. Deforestation can be defined as the clearing and destruction of the vital rain forests and forests worldwide. The causes of deforestation lie in the immense population growth and poverty that exists internationally (Office of Technology Assessment 305). Deforestation exists due to the pursuit of fuel sources, clearance for agricultural purposes, timber, paper products, and development. The numerous effects that deforestation creates entails soil erosion, desertification, loss of biodiversity, loss of medicinal value, increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, an oxygen production decline, and of utmost importance the effects which remain unknown. Most importantly of the latter is the future loss of the human species. Deforestation and its effects occur on a global level. It is rapidly occurring in all nations and in the past has been concentrated in Central and South America, Africa, and Asia. Desertification can be defined as earth, land, or soil that has been transformed to an unstable and unproductive area that cannot sustain life. Desertification can be attributed to overpopulation, deforestation, improper irrigation ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Effects Of Deforestation In Nigeria Forests serve as "storehouses" of biodiversity, and deforestation destroys the habitat for thousands of different species (Ogundele & Adebisi, 2016 p–21). Many Nigerian trees, shrubs, and animals are endangered while some have been depleted. Several plant species like nuts and kernels are endangered due to overexploitation. Animals are also endangered now such as gorillas, chimpanzees, guenons etc. "In fact, the lowland gorilla which is endemic to the Cross River National Park at Mbe Mountain is seriously endangered through hunting and habitat destruction,". Not only plants and primates, amphibians are also affected by deforestation. Several species of fruit bats, fish, snails etc. are also threatened (Mfon et al, 2014 p.86). Climate Change: Forests play an essential role in absorbing greenhouse gases and carbon emissions which contribute to climate change. With increasing deforestation rates, more carbon and greenhouse gases enter the atmosphere hence worsening the global warming situation. Deforestation not only disrupts the weather patterns, it also increases the risks of drought, desertification and coastal flooding etc. Moreover, desert encroachment into the southern parts of Nigeria has also increased due to deforestation. Deforestation has also amplified the flow of incessant flood occurrences at the Nigerian coastal areas. A study conducted from 1901 to 2005 recorded that increased surface air temperature has also been noticed in Nigeria. UNSN 2001 reported the ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. John Muir And Pinchot Analysis Both John Muir and Gifford Pinchot aimed to protect North American wilderness due to unregulated land development but form different perspectives. John Muir is one of the key figure to promote the idea of preservation. (Bulkan J., 2016) In his understanding wilderness offers people an opportunity to revisit and experience nature away from busy city lives. (Difference Between Conservation and Preservation., 2011) The purpose of preservation is to restore wilderness by advocating federal national protection. For example, the formation of the first American national park – Yosemite National Park in 1864. The way it works is to have a place without any human activities to further disturb the ecosystem. He believes in anthropocentric view which means that nature ... Show more content on ... However, indigenous people lose their traditional territory because of the restrict rules. They were no longer allowed to live in that land. Different from John Muir, Pinchot embraced the idea of conservation which is a mechanism for wise and sustainable management of natural resources for economical purpose. (Bulkan J., 2016) He mainly focused on timber production and protection of water resources. (Bulkan J., 2016) However, he believed human should use resources in a way that provide the greatest good to the greatest number for the longest time. Therefore, it is more sustainable for the future generation. Form my perspective, Pinchot was more anthropocentric than Muir. Because he did not claim protection and deny nature has its own inherent value. Pinchot has three principles when it comes to conservation: conservation for sustainable development, efficiency and equity. (Bulkan J., 2016) Conservation in some other words stands for development. Form my perspective, Pinchot was more anthropocentric than Muir. Because he did not claim protection and deny nature has its own inherent ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Rubber Tappers Save Trees Rubber Tappers are the people that should have the land because We have organized to keep Amazonia intact for future generations. "the National Council of Rubber Tappers, and are fighting to save the forest from destruction, sometimes by sitting, with women and children, in the paths of bulldozers mowing down trees.",We don't hurt the forest. "When the price of rubber dropped, most of the plantations were abandoned. But some rubber tappers stayed and continued to make their living in the rainforest.Rubber tappers remove sap from a rubber tree by making diagonal cuts in the bark. They collect the sap in cups. Removing the sap in this way does not harm the tree. This makes rubber tapping a sustainable activity.",and We discovered the value of ... Show more content on ... But they are pitting themselves against criminal logging gangs that have infiltrated their protected reserves.In their everyday life, they are rubber tappers. They take us on a trail that leads to their rubber trees, which grow wild on the reserves where they live. These trees are native to the Amazon region, one of the most dangerous places in the world to be an environmental defender."The most logical conclusion we can draw from this is that rubber tappers don't hurt the forest because of rubber tappers have a nickname which called ourselves the Guardians of the forest and we defend the land.Defending the land is so different from hurting the land.Also, rubber tappers are losing their lives to guard the forest from criminal logging gangs.This can also can be seen as "We rubber tappers are being hunted because we are trying to protect what you see around you," he tells me.Sixteen rubber tappers in this area alone have been murdered in the past decade. One corpse was found stuffed into the burrow of a wild animal.Berçacola is wearing a battered backpack that has three bullet holes in it. It's from a recent attempt on his life. His wife and children have left the state because of threats against them." As you can see, from a living rubber tappers says to what they had gone and still going through is that people are threatening them, people families have to move from threats against them. This proves that the rubber tappers did good things for the forest.For example in one piece evidence, it says ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Weyerhaeuser Sustainable Forestry In this report, I have focused on the sustainable forestry claims made by Weyerhaeuser Company. In recent time, Sustainable Forestry has been one of the most significant drivers of change in the Forestry Industry. Sustainable Forestry is the practice of harvesting and replanting forest areas in such a way so as to maintain and increase the long–term health of the forests while providing economic, environmental, cultural, and social opportunities for present generations without compromising the needs of the future generations. CLAIM: Sustainable Forestry, Addresses Climate Change and Provides Carbon Neutral Biomass Weyerhaeuser claims that it practices sustainable forestry practices and that it reforests nearly 98 percent of harvested acres ... Show more content on ... Lippke, B., Wilson, J., Perez–Garcia, J., Bowyer, J., & Meil, J. (2004). CORRIM: Life–cycle environmental performance of renewable building materials. Forest Products Journal, 54(6), 8–19. Retrieved from url= 2. Bergman, R. D. (2012). The effect on climate change impacts for building products when including the timing of greenhouse gas emissions (Order No. 3513011). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (1027130036). Retrieved from url= 3. Bergman, R., Puettmann, M., Taylor, A., & Skog, K. E. (2014). The carbon impacts of wood products. Forest Products Journal, 64(7), 220–231. Retrieved from accountid=9744 4. Tikina, A. (2006). Assessing the effectiveness of forest certification in the united states pacific northwest and british columbia, canada (Order No. NR20111). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (304904386). Retrieved from ... Get more on ...