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How To Guides And More
Arnold Henry Kegel was an American
gynecologist who invented the Kegel perineometer
(an instrument for measuring the strength of
voluntary contractions of the pelvic floor muscles)
and Kegel exercises (squeezing of the muscles of
the pelvic floor) as non-surgical treatment
of genital relaxation.
This handbook is giving an overview on Kegels. It
consists of 5 main sections:
1. Kegel Exercises - general information
2. Kegels For Women - How To Guide
3. Kegels For Men - How To Guide
4. Kegel Balls - How To Choose
5. Kegel Balls - How to Guide
At the end of this handbook you can find simple
infographics and Training Chart.
A Path To Stronger Orgasms
Have you ever noticed that you leaked a few
drops of urine while sneezing, laughing or
coughing? Or maybe you get a strong urge to
urinate all of a sudden?
Kegel exercises are probably the answer
you’ve been looking for. These exercises can
not only prevent urinary problems but can also
help you reach better and stronger orgasm.
Sounds good right?
Let’s talk about those miraculous exercises
Kegel exercises are also known as Kegel floor
exercises because they strengthen your pelvic
floor muscles.
What exactly are pelvic floor muscles?
Since pelvis is an area that holds your
reproductive organs, a layer of these
muscles supports bladder and bowel. They
support uterus as well in women.
Exercising your pelvic muscles can lead to
many health benefits such as reduction or
even complete elimination of urinary
incontinence symptoms.
Other than helping you control your
bladder they also help you control your
bowels and can minimize problems with
And the best thing is there is no age limit,
so both women and men at any age can
benefit from them.
These benefits are:
Benefits of Kegel exercises are not only
limited to your health but can also improve
your sexual health and pleasure.
Better blood circulation to reproductive
Stronger ability to reach or delay orgasm
Increased sexual pleasure
Increased desire for sex
How To Guide
As you already know, Kegels have many
benefits not only for your health but also for
your sexual life.
Pelvic floor muscles in women can get
weakened by constipation, aging and gaining
weight, but what weakens them the most is
pregnancy and childbirth.
Doing Kegel exercises regularly throughout life
helps you to strengthen your vaginal muscles,
which leads to easier childbirth.
Strengthening those muscles during pregnancy
and after childbirth will help you to recover
That’s another reason to start doing it.
Let’s start with locating your pelvic
floor muscles
Try to stop urinating mid-flow. You will feel the
contraction of pelvic floor muscles.
An important thing to know is that you should
use this action ONLY for finding the right
muscles as doing Kegel exercises during
urination and with a full bladder can lead to
UTI (urinary tract infection).
Another way to locate this muscle is to pretend
you are trying to avoid passing gas.
(© Harvard Health Publishing)
This is how you do your Kegels:
When you locate the right muscles, you are
ready to go.
1. Make sure that your bladder is empty
before you start
2. Choose your position – It is better for
beginners to lie down on the back until you
get the hang of it. Then you can practice
sitting or standing.
3. Don’t forget to breathe – you want to
breathe normally during exercises
4. Exercise to contract and release
Contract your muscles for 5 second
Release your muscles for 5 seconds
Repeat 10 times
5. Try not to contract surrounding muscles –
 such as buttock, leg or abdominal
6. Try to slowly increase the length of
contracting and releasing to up to 10
7. Try to exercise 3-4 times a day – the best
thing about Kegels is that you can do them
anywhere, anytime, and no one has to know
you are doing them
8. Switch it up – adding some diversification
to your exercise, try doing short, 2 seconds
contractions and releases, as opposed to
longer ones
These easy exercises can do so much for
your sexual health – getting you tighter,
increasing your odds to reach vaginal
orgasm, tightening muscle that contracts
during orgasm (pubococcygeal muscle).
They can even help you reach multiple
orgasms, and they only take a few minutes.
At the end of this guide you can find cute
and simple info graphic on How To Do
Your Kegels.
There is a common belief that these exercises
are intended exclusively for women, but are
they really?
There are many known benefits that Kegels
carry, both for health and sexual performance.
Have you ever had a problem with getting an
erection? Or it just wasn’t hard enough? You
have come to the right place.
Today’s world is often turned towards female
health and pleasure, but what about men?
Male pelvic floor muscles can also get
weakened due to aging, frequent digestive
problems, overactive bladder or weight gain.
These muscles get especially weak after
prostate surgery.
How To Guide
What can Kegels do for you
Doing them on regular basis can help you
control your bladder and bowel movements.
Easing prostate symptoms is also one of the
benefits. But other than that, they can do
wonders for your sexual performance.
Key benefits include:
Harder erection – strengthening the
muscle that supports your erection as
well as improving blood flow to that area
leads to stronger erection
Lasting longer – getting these muscles in
form makes it possible to contract on
demand which helps to delay ejaculations
More pleasurable – good blood flow,
better pleasure
Stronger orgasms – or even multiple
With that being said, let’s start with
locating your pelvic floor muscles.
Pretend you are trying to avoid passing gas.
The muscle that contracts is pelvic floor
Another way to locate this muscle is trying
to stop urinating mid-flow. Use this
technique for locating purposes only, as
doing Kegels during urination and with a
full bladder can lead to UTI (urinary tract
If you are doing that squeeze right, your
penis should ‘’jump’’ a little. If you are not
sure you’re doing it right you can check by
placing a finger behind your testicles and
feeling the contractions.
Now that you located the right muscle, all
you have to do is contract it for 5 seconds,
release for 5 seconds and repeat 10-20 times,
3 times a day.
Don’t forget to breathe normally during
exercises and try not to squeeze
surrounding muscles (buttock, leg or
When you get used to it, try to increase the
length of contracting and releasing to up to
10 seconds
(© Harvard Health Publishing)
You can even switch it up a bit by doing
short, 2 seconds contractions and releases,
as opposed to longer ones.
You can work that muscles out with a few
other exercises such as the squat or the
Your Workout Partner
Kegel balls, or as they are commonly known
– Ben Wa balls are cute little, weighted
balls that help you work your Pelvic floor
muscles even more. And they can also be
used as a sex toy. Sounds like a win-win
They have small weights in them so when
they begin to slide towards your vaginal
wall, your muscles will contract, and
practically do your workout for you. And
they are pretty comfortable therefore you’ll
want to wear them all day.
Kegel balls add some intensity
to your Kegels.
If you want to have a stronger workout, just
do your Kegels with the ball (or balls) in.
When it comes to choosing right Kegel balls
there is no one size fits all. There are many
different sizes, shapes, weights, and
materials you can get for yourself and since
it can be exhausting finding the right thing,
this guide will help you get all the
information you need.
The first thing to know about the shape is
that you can get a single ball or dual balls.
You don’t want to put too much pressure
down there so if you are beginner you want
to go with single one.
Some dual balls are mold together, others
are held together with a harness. Certain
types of harness connected balls even have
an option to tie two or more balls together.
That makes it convenient because you can
individually increase the intensity of
workout as you progress, and save some
money along the way.
Other than regular round balls there are
many different shapes on the market. Most of
them are egg-shaped, strawberry (or tear)
shaped or formed like a bullet vibrator. There
is even one set that looks like cherry.
The design is totally up to you. Since it does
not affect the exercise itself as much as the
size and weight, pick something that you like.
It is all about internal size. It’s
recommended for beginners to start with
larger sizes since it’s easier to hold and
contract them.
But if you are tighter and have a smaller
internal size you should definitely go for
smaller size. If you are not as tight and
have medium internal size, go for medium
But be careful and don’t pick something too
big because you want them to feel
comfortable and to stay in place when you
stand. For large internal size (usually after
childbirth) you can choose larger size
because you don’t want them to slide out
before even starting with your exercises.
It is really important to pick a safe and
comfortable material since you want to be
able to have them inside you for as long as
you feel like it.
The best options on the market are silicone,
glass, jade, metal and ABS plastic. A
personal favorite for me is 100% medical
grade silicone as it feels soft, comes in a
variety of colors and it’s easy to clean.
Another thing you want to consider is a
removal string. Choosing one with it will
make it easier to remove and it kind of feels
better knowing they won’t get stuck.
Pay attention to string material and
thickness also. You don’t want the string to
poke you. Therefore choose a thin and soft
Plastic and silicone balls are not as heavy
as balls from other materials, which makes
it perfect for beginners. That doesn’t mean
you have to give up plastic or silicone if it’s
your favorite material as you become more
familiar with the practice.
You can always add more weight like another
ball, or just get one with a bigger weight. Buy
only products which have labeled weight
because it’s important to know the used
weight in order to track your progress.
Usually, weights range from 28 grams to 78
grams (usually, packages with few different
balls). Some other standard weights on
market are 30 grams and 42 grams. For more
experienced exercisers, that range increases
to 140 grams.
You don’t want to hurt yourself or push
yourself too far with this exercise that’s why
you want to start with a low weight and slowly
progress to bigger ones.
For beginners, I would recommend starting
with 28 grams and after a few weeks of
practicing you can add 10 grams.
Intermediates could start somewhere in
between, for example with 48 grams, also
adding 10 grams after few weeks of exercising.
But don’t go too far if you are just now adding
some weights to your practice as it’s not the
same working out with or without them.
Now that you know all the important
characteristics, it’s time for some high tech
options. Kegel exercises are so popular that
manufacturers took a step further to
revolutionize the way they work.
Doing research and exploring all the
options is important before getting your
first Kegel balls because it greatly affects
not only the comfort and pleasure but also
the quality of the exercises themselves and
ultimately the results you achieve.
Kegel balls are meant to be inserted in the
vagina ONLY. They are not the same as anal
beads. If you want something that is similar to
Kegel balls but inserted anally go for anal beads.
How To Guide
First, prepare yourself and
your balls by washing
thoroughly with mild soap
and warm water and dry
them with a clean towel.
It will be easier to insert
them if you rub some
lubricant on them. Put some lubricant on your
vaginal opening too, as that will make it more
Water-based lubricants are always a better
choice. Keep in mind that your muscles are
trying to keep the balls in and if you use too
much lubricant it will be easier for them to
fall out. After trying a few times you will
find the right amount that works for you.
Lie down, or find any other
position that feels
comfortable and slowly
insert ball in your vagina
about 2 centimeters deep. If
you feel that it will fall out or
can even see ball outside
your vagina, push it deeper.
Be careful to always keep removal string outside
the vagina. If you are using multiple balls, push
first one deeper and slowly insert the second one
just as you did with the first one. If you have balls
without string, insertion is the same, just don’t go
too deep.
3. USE
Using them is pretty much the
same as doing Kegel
exercises. You want to
contract your muscles for 5
seconds, release for 5 seconds
and repeat 10 times. If this is
challenging for you, reduce
repetitions to an amount that
comfortable. And if it’s not challenging enough
you can always add more repetitions.
There is another way of using them and it’s even
simpler than doing Kegels. The trick is to go on
with your day and move as much as possible.
While moving around gravity will pull the ball
downwards and your muscles will automatically
contract to try and keep it in.
The more you practice, the easier will be to move
around with them.
When you are done with
a workout, lie down, add
more lubricant to the
vaginal opening, grab
removal string and
slowly pull ball (or balls)
out. If you are using ball
without string you will
want to stand in squat position and squeeze
vaginal muscles until they slide out.
Don’t panic if the balls don’t come out right
away as panicking will just clench your
muscles. Just relax, add more lube and
squeeze your muscles. You can even jump
around and they will slide out.
Kegel balls, like
any other sex toy, needs
to be cleaned after
every use. There are
many solutions made
for cleaning but water
and soap work great too.
Wash them with mild
soap and warm water and dry them thoroughly
with a clean towel. If you can, let them air dry
for an hour or two. Once they are dry, store
them in their own case. It is really important to
clean them every time to prevent the
appearance of bacteria.
At the end of this guide you can find cute and
simple info graphic on How To Use Kegel Balls.
Even thought Kegel balls are not regular sex toy
they can be used as one. A good one, too. You can
use them to play with yourself or to play with
your partner.
For solo sexual pleasure, you can move balls
inside as you would with a vibrator. While that is
pretty pleasurable you might find that leaving
them inside while exploring your erogenous zones
or rubbing your clitoris is even more pleasurable.
Contracting those muscles when you are horny is
a real bliss.
If you want to try them in public, they can be just
your sexy secret when you commute or maybe
when you try to have a presentation in front of
your colleagues.
Are you curious about how to use Kegel
balls during foreplay and intercourse?
If you want to use them with a partner,
here’s a great idea. Let your SO slowly put
them in before you go out. That way you can
have a fun little secret and always growing
desire to go home and finish what you have
started. The longer they stay in, the more
excited you’ll be when the time comes for
Another great thing is that they do not
have to be used for foreplay alone, but can
also be added to intercourse. This means
you can leave them in while your partner
slowly penetrates in you. Using them this
way should be slow and in your most
comfortable position.
Kegel balls can also make anal sex more
pleasurable. This works in a way that anal
penetration pushes the ball against your G-
spot and thus adding even more ecstasy to
your sex.
For downloading and reading this
Handbook. We hope it was an
interesting and helpful. If You have
any questions, suggestions or
critics feel free to contact us on:
Spices of Lust
Copyright 2019 - - All rights reserved

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Kegels - How To Guide & More About

  • 2. WHO IS KEGEL? WHAT CAN YOU GET OUT OF THIS GUIDE? Arnold Henry Kegel was an American gynecologist who invented the Kegel perineometer (an instrument for measuring the strength of voluntary contractions of the pelvic floor muscles) and Kegel exercises (squeezing of the muscles of the pelvic floor) as non-surgical treatment of genital relaxation. This handbook is giving an overview on Kegels. It consists of 5 main sections: 1. Kegel Exercises - general information 2. Kegels For Women - How To Guide 3. Kegels For Men - How To Guide 4. Kegel Balls - How To Choose 5. Kegel Balls - How to Guide At the end of this handbook you can find simple infographics and Training Chart.
  • 3. A Path To Stronger Orgasms KEGEL EXERCISES Have you ever noticed that you leaked a few drops of urine while sneezing, laughing or coughing? Or maybe you get a strong urge to urinate all of a sudden? Kegel exercises are probably the answer you’ve been looking for. These exercises can not only prevent urinary problems but can also help you reach better and stronger orgasm. Sounds good right? Let’s talk about those miraculous exercises Kegel exercises are also known as Kegel floor exercises because they strengthen your pelvic floor muscles.
  • 4. What exactly are pelvic floor muscles? Since pelvis is an area that holds your reproductive organs, a layer of these muscles supports bladder and bowel. They support uterus as well in women. Exercising your pelvic muscles can lead to many health benefits such as reduction or even complete elimination of urinary incontinence symptoms. Other than helping you control your bladder they also help you control your bowels and can minimize problems with hemorrhoids. And the best thing is there is no age limit, so both women and men at any age can benefit from them.
  • 5. These benefits are: Benefits of Kegel exercises are not only limited to your health but can also improve your sexual health and pleasure. Better blood circulation to reproductive organs Stronger ability to reach or delay orgasm Increased sexual pleasure Increased desire for sex
  • 6. How To Guide KEGELS FOR WOMEN As you already know, Kegels have many benefits not only for your health but also for your sexual life. Pelvic floor muscles in women can get weakened by constipation, aging and gaining weight, but what weakens them the most is pregnancy and childbirth. Doing Kegel exercises regularly throughout life helps you to strengthen your vaginal muscles, which leads to easier childbirth. Strengthening those muscles during pregnancy and after childbirth will help you to recover faster. That’s another reason to start doing it.
  • 7. Let’s start with locating your pelvic floor muscles Try to stop urinating mid-flow. You will feel the contraction of pelvic floor muscles. An important thing to know is that you should use this action ONLY for finding the right muscles as doing Kegel exercises during urination and with a full bladder can lead to UTI (urinary tract infection). Another way to locate this muscle is to pretend you are trying to avoid passing gas. (© Harvard Health Publishing)
  • 8. This is how you do your Kegels: When you locate the right muscles, you are ready to go. 1. Make sure that your bladder is empty before you start 2. Choose your position – It is better for beginners to lie down on the back until you get the hang of it. Then you can practice sitting or standing. 3. Don’t forget to breathe – you want to breathe normally during exercises 4. Exercise to contract and release technique: Contract your muscles for 5 second Release your muscles for 5 seconds Repeat 10 times
  • 9. 5. Try not to contract surrounding muscles –  such as buttock, leg or abdominal 6. Try to slowly increase the length of contracting and releasing to up to 10 seconds 7. Try to exercise 3-4 times a day – the best thing about Kegels is that you can do them anywhere, anytime, and no one has to know you are doing them 8. Switch it up – adding some diversification to your exercise, try doing short, 2 seconds contractions and releases, as opposed to longer ones
  • 10. These easy exercises can do so much for your sexual health – getting you tighter, increasing your odds to reach vaginal orgasm, tightening muscle that contracts during orgasm (pubococcygeal muscle). They can even help you reach multiple orgasms, and they only take a few minutes. At the end of this guide you can find cute and simple info graphic on How To Do Your Kegels.
  • 11. There is a common belief that these exercises are intended exclusively for women, but are they really? There are many known benefits that Kegels carry, both for health and sexual performance. Have you ever had a problem with getting an erection? Or it just wasn’t hard enough? You have come to the right place. Today’s world is often turned towards female health and pleasure, but what about men? Male pelvic floor muscles can also get weakened due to aging, frequent digestive problems, overactive bladder or weight gain. These muscles get especially weak after prostate surgery. KEGELS FOR MEN How To Guide
  • 12. What can Kegels do for you Doing them on regular basis can help you control your bladder and bowel movements. Easing prostate symptoms is also one of the benefits. But other than that, they can do wonders for your sexual performance. Key benefits include: Harder erection – strengthening the muscle that supports your erection as well as improving blood flow to that area leads to stronger erection Lasting longer – getting these muscles in form makes it possible to contract on demand which helps to delay ejaculations More pleasurable – good blood flow, better pleasure Stronger orgasms – or even multiple orgasms
  • 13. With that being said, let’s start with locating your pelvic floor muscles. Pretend you are trying to avoid passing gas. The muscle that contracts is pelvic floor muscle. Another way to locate this muscle is trying to stop urinating mid-flow. Use this technique for locating purposes only, as doing Kegels during urination and with a full bladder can lead to UTI (urinary tract infection). If you are doing that squeeze right, your penis should ‘’jump’’ a little. If you are not sure you’re doing it right you can check by placing a finger behind your testicles and feeling the contractions.
  • 14. Now that you located the right muscle, all you have to do is contract it for 5 seconds, release for 5 seconds and repeat 10-20 times, 3 times a day. Don’t forget to breathe normally during exercises and try not to squeeze surrounding muscles (buttock, leg or abdominal). When you get used to it, try to increase the length of contracting and releasing to up to 10 seconds (© Harvard Health Publishing)
  • 15. You can even switch it up a bit by doing short, 2 seconds contractions and releases, as opposed to longer ones. You can work that muscles out with a few other exercises such as the squat or the bridge. (
  • 16. Your Workout Partner Kegel balls, or as they are commonly known – Ben Wa balls are cute little, weighted balls that help you work your Pelvic floor muscles even more. And they can also be used as a sex toy. Sounds like a win-win right? They have small weights in them so when they begin to slide towards your vaginal wall, your muscles will contract, and practically do your workout for you. And they are pretty comfortable therefore you’ll want to wear them all day. KEGEL BALLS Kegel balls add some intensity to your Kegels.
  • 17. If you want to have a stronger workout, just do your Kegels with the ball (or balls) in. When it comes to choosing right Kegel balls there is no one size fits all. There are many different sizes, shapes, weights, and materials you can get for yourself and since it can be exhausting finding the right thing, this guide will help you get all the information you need.
  • 18. The first thing to know about the shape is that you can get a single ball or dual balls. You don’t want to put too much pressure down there so if you are beginner you want to go with single one. Some dual balls are mold together, others are held together with a harness. Certain types of harness connected balls even have an option to tie two or more balls together. That makes it convenient because you can individually increase the intensity of workout as you progress, and save some money along the way. HOW TO CHOOSE Shape
  • 19. Other than regular round balls there are many different shapes on the market. Most of them are egg-shaped, strawberry (or tear) shaped or formed like a bullet vibrator. There is even one set that looks like cherry. The design is totally up to you. Since it does not affect the exercise itself as much as the size and weight, pick something that you like.
  • 20. Size It is all about internal size. It’s recommended for beginners to start with larger sizes since it’s easier to hold and contract them. But if you are tighter and have a smaller internal size you should definitely go for smaller size. If you are not as tight and have medium internal size, go for medium size. But be careful and don’t pick something too big because you want them to feel comfortable and to stay in place when you stand. For large internal size (usually after childbirth) you can choose larger size because you don’t want them to slide out before even starting with your exercises.
  • 21. It is really important to pick a safe and comfortable material since you want to be able to have them inside you for as long as you feel like it. The best options on the market are silicone, glass, jade, metal and ABS plastic. A personal favorite for me is 100% medical grade silicone as it feels soft, comes in a variety of colors and it’s easy to clean. Another thing you want to consider is a removal string. Choosing one with it will make it easier to remove and it kind of feels better knowing they won’t get stuck. Pay attention to string material and thickness also. You don’t want the string to poke you. Therefore choose a thin and soft thread. Material
  • 22. Plastic and silicone balls are not as heavy as balls from other materials, which makes it perfect for beginners. That doesn’t mean you have to give up plastic or silicone if it’s your favorite material as you become more familiar with the practice. Weight
  • 23. You can always add more weight like another ball, or just get one with a bigger weight. Buy only products which have labeled weight because it’s important to know the used weight in order to track your progress. Usually, weights range from 28 grams to 78 grams (usually, packages with few different balls). Some other standard weights on market are 30 grams and 42 grams. For more experienced exercisers, that range increases to 140 grams. You don’t want to hurt yourself or push yourself too far with this exercise that’s why you want to start with a low weight and slowly progress to bigger ones. For beginners, I would recommend starting with 28 grams and after a few weeks of practicing you can add 10 grams.
  • 24. Intermediates could start somewhere in between, for example with 48 grams, also adding 10 grams after few weeks of exercising. But don’t go too far if you are just now adding some weights to your practice as it’s not the same working out with or without them. Extra Now that you know all the important characteristics, it’s time for some high tech options. Kegel exercises are so popular that manufacturers took a step further to revolutionize the way they work.
  • 25. Doing research and exploring all the options is important before getting your first Kegel balls because it greatly affects not only the comfort and pleasure but also the quality of the exercises themselves and ultimately the results you achieve.
  • 26. Kegel balls are meant to be inserted in the vagina ONLY. They are not the same as anal beads. If you want something that is similar to Kegel balls but inserted anally go for anal beads. KEGELS BALLS How To Guide WARNING: 1. PREPARE First, prepare yourself and your balls by washing thoroughly with mild soap and warm water and dry them with a clean towel. It will be easier to insert them if you rub some lubricant on them. Put some lubricant on your vaginal opening too, as that will make it more pleasurable.
  • 27. Water-based lubricants are always a better choice. Keep in mind that your muscles are trying to keep the balls in and if you use too much lubricant it will be easier for them to fall out. After trying a few times you will find the right amount that works for you. Lie down, or find any other position that feels comfortable and slowly insert ball in your vagina about 2 centimeters deep. If you feel that it will fall out or can even see ball outside your vagina, push it deeper. 2. INSERT Be careful to always keep removal string outside the vagina. If you are using multiple balls, push first one deeper and slowly insert the second one just as you did with the first one. If you have balls without string, insertion is the same, just don’t go too deep.
  • 28. 3. USE Using them is pretty much the same as doing Kegel exercises. You want to contract your muscles for 5 seconds, release for 5 seconds and repeat 10 times. If this is challenging for you, reduce repetitions to an amount that comfortable. And if it’s not challenging enough you can always add more repetitions. There is another way of using them and it’s even simpler than doing Kegels. The trick is to go on with your day and move as much as possible. While moving around gravity will pull the ball downwards and your muscles will automatically contract to try and keep it in. The more you practice, the easier will be to move around with them.
  • 29. When you are done with a workout, lie down, add more lubricant to the vaginal opening, grab removal string and slowly pull ball (or balls) out. If you are using ball without string you will 4. REMOVE want to stand in squat position and squeeze vaginal muscles until they slide out. Don’t panic if the balls don’t come out right away as panicking will just clench your muscles. Just relax, add more lube and squeeze your muscles. You can even jump around and they will slide out.
  • 30. Kegel balls, like any other sex toy, needs to be cleaned after every use. There are many solutions made for cleaning but water and soap work great too. Wash them with mild 5. CLEAN AND STORE soap and warm water and dry them thoroughly with a clean towel. If you can, let them air dry for an hour or two. Once they are dry, store them in their own case. It is really important to clean them every time to prevent the appearance of bacteria. At the end of this guide you can find cute and simple info graphic on How To Use Kegel Balls.
  • 31. Even thought Kegel balls are not regular sex toy they can be used as one. A good one, too. You can use them to play with yourself or to play with your partner. For solo sexual pleasure, you can move balls inside as you would with a vibrator. While that is pretty pleasurable you might find that leaving them inside while exploring your erogenous zones or rubbing your clitoris is even more pleasurable. Contracting those muscles when you are horny is a real bliss. If you want to try them in public, they can be just your sexy secret when you commute or maybe when you try to have a presentation in front of your colleagues. Are you curious about how to use Kegel balls during foreplay and intercourse?
  • 32. If you want to use them with a partner, here’s a great idea. Let your SO slowly put them in before you go out. That way you can have a fun little secret and always growing desire to go home and finish what you have started. The longer they stay in, the more excited you’ll be when the time comes for penetration. Another great thing is that they do not have to be used for foreplay alone, but can also be added to intercourse. This means you can leave them in while your partner slowly penetrates in you. Using them this way should be slow and in your most comfortable position. Kegel balls can also make anal sex more pleasurable. This works in a way that anal penetration pushes the ball against your G- spot and thus adding even more ecstasy to your sex.
  • 33. THANK YOU For downloading and reading this Handbook. We hope it was an interesting and helpful. If You have any questions, suggestions or critics feel free to contact us on: @spicesoflust Spices of Lust @LustSpices Copyright 2019 - - All rights reserved