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Exercises |
This guide has been specially created to provide information about various types of physical
exercises and fitness programs. Here you'll encounter information about the best exercises ever;
including advice from fitness experts on a wide variety of fitness activities. You can delve deeper into
the world of yoga, aerobic dance, workout programs, bodybuilding, etc. Learn different types of
physical exercises and workouts, and integrate some personal fitness activities and a physical
exercise plan in your daily routine.
Inguinal Ligament Exercises
The inguinal ligament supports the area around the groin and thereby prevents an inguinal hernia
from forming. In this following Buzzle article, we will jot down some exercises that can be
undertaken to prevent the hernia from...
Difference Between Active and Passive Range of Motion Exercises
Range of motion exercises are extremely important for maintaining joint mobility. Their two main
types are active and passive. This Buzzle article provides some information about them and gives
you a comparison between active and...
Cool Down Exercises
What exercises should one do after an intense workout? Go through this article for a brief overview
about post-workout cooling down.
Flutter Kick Vs. Scissor Kick
In order to swim in an efficient manner or while doing light exercises, it is required that you
coordinate your stroke with a suitable kick. While some strokes make use of a flutter kick, only one
employs the scissor kick. This...
Simple but Effective Exercises You Can Do Anywhere
A busy schedule can sometimes get in the way of a fitness routine, making it hard to get into shape.
The best thing about some forms of exercise, is that they can be performed practically anyplace that
you see fit. Whether at home...
Exercises to Lose FUPA
FUPA, or Fatty Upper Penile/Pubic Area, is often seen in extremely obese people and new mothers.
Though it has been classified a genetic problem, in several instances the condition can significantly
improve with exercises and a...
Different Types of Exercise
Exercise can be categorized under three major types, viz. flexibility (stretching), aerobic
(cardiovascular), and anaerobic exercise (weight training). Here is a brief about the different
exercise types, and how they are performed.
Couch Potato Exercises
Not motivated enough to get up and head to the gym? If yes, then here are some couch potato
exercises that may be of some help...
Home Exercise Routine
If you can't find time to hit the gym every day, then how about following a home exercise routine.
Read the following article that has various exercises for different muscle groups...
Importance of Exercise
Working out is vitally important for living a healthy life, and this article will briefly explain to you the
importance of exercise. Many people ignore this activity, only to regret it at a later stage. You must
not make that...
Eccentric Exercise
Eccentric exercises are nothing but the overall lengthening of muscles against an external
resistance. Although, these exercises help to achieve the desired muscle definition, the body may
suffer from extensive muscle soreness if...
How to Do Roman Chair Exercises
Exercising is the best way to keep your body fit and in perfect shape. You may have a lot of
equipment to perform exercises on, but using a roman chair is the most common of them all.
However, using it in the right way is very...
Great Ideas to Start Exercising When You are Busy
Most people complain that they do not get enough time to exercise, the most common reason being
overly busy schedule. If you have faced a similar problem, here are some great ideas on how to start
exercising even when you are busy.
Simple Exercises to Do While Watching TV
Do you avoid exercising saying you don't have time? Is it really justified? After all that you put your
body through during the day, is it okay if you don't exercise? Well... not really! However, this article
will help you out with...
How to Exercise While Sitting at Your Computer
Is your work stressing you out? Is your work making you fat? Of course, it is. If you sit at your desk
all day long, what else do you expect. But, do you know? You can get fit while sitting in front of your
computer too! Aah. See,...
Contortion Backbend Training: Learn How to do a Backbend
Here is detailed information about contortion backbend training, and instructions to do it.
Signs that Show You are Overtraining
Exercising is great for the body, but overtraining may cause more harm than good. The following
Buzzle article will tell you a few symptoms that will help you realize whether your workout routine is
taking a toll on your body.
Lightheadedness After Exercise
The experience of lightheadedness after exercise is a problem of common occurrence in our daily
life. If the causes of lightheadedness are understood properly and necessary precautions taken, one
can easily deal with this problem.
Is Exercising on an Empty Stomach Good or Bad?
Everyone advises you to exercise, but very few can tell you how to exercise. Is exercising on an
empty stomach good? Does it help in burning the fat? Or is it bad? I'll try to answer your questions.
Exercises for Sprained Wrist
A sprained wrist can affect the mobility and strength of the entire wrist to a great extent! If you are
looking for some effective and helpful exercises for sprained wrist, then this article is something that
you must definitely go...
Diet Pills vs Exercise
The debate on diet pills vs exercise is an old one, and has been raging since the early 1990s when
doctors started prescribing diet pills to obese people...
Easy Exercise Tips
Daily exercise does not mean having a gym membership. The tips and techniques mentioned here
will help you know how to exercise at home without spending excess time and money.
Things You should Know about Over Exercising
Many a time, people tend to over exercise in order to slim down fast, which makes them feel dizzy
and in the process, they begin ruining their health. Read through to understand when you are over-
How to Motivate Yourself to Exercise
Self-motivation and deriving inspiration from others are two probable ways of motivating yourself for
achieving a purpose. This Buzzle article will tell you how to go about it.
Mental Benefits of Exercise
Do you know there are both physical and mental benefits of exercises? Read on to know how
exercising every day positively impacts our mind and body...
V-Shaped Torso
Getting the perfect V-shaped torso is hard work and won't happen in a few days. It will require
unflinching dedication and constant workout in order to yield results.
Exercise Tips for Women
When it comes to women, exercise can be the best way to not only stay fit, but to maintain their trim
figure as well. In this article, we give you tips on the best way to keep fit.
Exercise Tips for Kids
We all know that exercises are important for everyone including kids. A lot of parents want to learn
a few tips, which will help them plan an exercise routine for their kids. This Buzzle article provides
information about the...
Strenuous Exercises
What exactly do strenuous exercises entail? And is this form of exercise beneficial or detrimental to
the body and health? We will try and focus on this issue in the article that follows.
Balance Exercises for Seniors
Balance exercises are important in old age, as they can prevent many accidental falls and more
serious consequences. Read on to know more...
Chair Exercises
The chair exercises we are about to discuss in this Buzzle article will help in stretching the stiff
joints and muscles, along with strengthening them. To find out how these exercises are performed,
go through the instructions.
Indoor Exercises
Sometimes it is not possible to go out exercising, especially during winters. Here are various indoor
exercises, that will help you burn calories and stay fit.
Wrist Curls
If you wish to develop well-toned forearms, you should include wrist curls in your workout routine.
The following Buzzle write-up provides information on the variations of this exercise.
Exercises for Foot and Ankle
Foot and ankle exercises are meant for strengthening these parts of the body. You can get to know
the different types of such exercises from this article.
Chair Exercises for Seniors
A properly designed workout routine is very important, especially, for the well-being of the elderly.
The first and foremost thing to keep in mind is their age and their comfort level. Therefore, this
Buzzle article presents a few...
How to Perform the Burpee Exercise
If you want an exercise which will help you in strength training as well as give you some aerobic
exercise, then the burpee exercise is the one for you. In this write up, we will see the benefits of this
exercise, along with the...
Exercises for Women Over 60
There are a number of simple exercises for women over 60 that are safe for them and suits their
body requirements. Go through this article to know about a few such exercises for aged women.
Morning Exercise Routine
This article will give you some tips to establish a morning exercise routine, which can help you stay
fit and healthy.
Red Face after Exercise
A lot of people suffer from red face after exercise. In this article we will find out the cause of this
condition, along with the remedies to get rid of the problem.
How to Strengthen Ankles
Ankles are an often overlooked component of human anatomy. They have a crucial job in something
as simple as walking as well as something as complex as a roundhouse kick. Read on to know more
about strengthening this vital joint...
Physical Exercises
There are varied benefits of physical exercises that range from both the physical to the
psychological, and lead to the overall development of an individual. In this following article we will
list out what these benefits are, and...
LL Cool J Workout
LL cool J workout is a type of fitness regime mainly for men. It has different stages which includes
various exercises and diet patterns to achieve a lean and physically fit body. Here is more on this...
Physical Training Exercises
The following article takes you through a detailed account of what some of the physical training
exercises are and focuses on providing you with some examples as well.
How Does Physical Exercise Help the Brain?
The relation between physical exercises and a healthy mind has been established deeply. In fact,
physical activity has been linked to improved physical and mental efficiency. That is why, students
are encouraged to participate in...
Why is Exercising Important for Children
The following article will take you through the key aspects of the importance of exercising with
special focus on children. If there was ever a doubt regarding this issue, you should read the
following piece for some clarity.
Exercises for Women Over 50
There are various exercises for women over 50 which can help maintain an hourglass figure and
have a fit body. This article discusses some exercises that might prove beneficial.
Effects of Over Exercising
While exercising can give you a healthy body, over exercising can lead to a host of problems.
Identifying if you're over doing any exercise is essential to eliminate various problems that may pop
Exercises to Do at Your Desk
You don't necessarily have to get out of the office in order to do a few exercises. Read the Buzzle
article to find simple, easy-to-follow exercises that can be done at your desk.
How to Get Muscle Tone Fast
Getting muscle tone is not very difficult if one resorts to a good amount of exercise and makes the
necessary dietary changes. Read on for some tips on the same.
Should One Exercise with a Cold?
Wondering whether one should continue exercising with a cold? Read on, to learn how to continue
working out, and when to stop working out when affected by a cold.
Best Time to Exercise
Exercise is a natural catharsis of our mind and body. It is essentially a way of refining oneself in
body and mind, increasing intrinsic sharpness and a portent stimulating agent which evolves our
imagination and ideas.
Exercises to Improve Your Balance
Whether you're recovering from an injury or developing your overall strength, it's essential to
perform exercises to improve your balance. Read the Buzzle article to find the exercises that provide
a well-rounded fitness and...
Daily Exercise Tips
Exercising on a daily basis is necessary to lead a healthy life. The article given below deals with
some useful daily exercise tips that you can follow. Read on...
Exercises at Your Desk
With the increasing number of work hours, most people rarely get any time to include proper
exercises into their routine. If you're one of them, there is no need to fret--there are certain simple
exercises that can be done at your...
Exercises to Build Strength for Rock Climbing
Are you planning to go rock climbing next month? If so, it is essential for you to read the article
below, as it provides you some simple, yet effective climbing exercises to improve your endurance
while climbing.
Daily Exercise Plan
Exercising daily guarantees good health and fewer visits to the doctor. Even if you are busy, you
should take out some time to exercise. In this Buzzle article, we give you a simple daily exercise plan
to start with.
Exercises that Burn the Most Calories
Did you know that our bodies constantly burn calories in order to keep it functioning properly? But if
you wish to burn the most calories, in a healthy way, here is a Buzzle article that will give you details
on the exercises you...
Ankle Strengthening Exercises for Runners
Ankle injuries are very common among runners, which is why ankle strengthening exercises are a
must for athletes. Strengthening exercises not only aid in keeping injuries at bay, but they also help
to heal sprains and other injuries.
Fun Exercises for Kids
According to a report by the World Health Organization (WHO) every fourth child in the United
States is obese. If you are concerned about your child's weight issues; read this article on fun
exercises for kids.
Foot Exercises
Foot exercises may be undertaken for several reasons--they could be used for building the muscles
in the legs or for alleviating foot and ankle pain. In this following article we will look through certain
exercises that will help...
Daily Exercise Routine
Following a daily exercise routine can go a long way in maintaining good health and decrease the
number of visits to the doctor, thereby reducing health care expenses.
Jumping Jacks Exercise
To perform the jumping jacks exercise, you need to jump on quick succession. You can use it as a
form of warm-up, as well as an aerobic exercise.
Exercises to Do in the Office
Body aches, pain, and stiffness is common while working in front of a desk all day. This Buzzle
article focuses on office exercises and stretches for different body parts that get frigid while sitting
at the desk for too long.
Torso Strengthening Exercises
Most of us do not look at torso exercises as they should be looked at. These exercises help in
strengthening the trunk of the body. Let's see, what these exercises are.
Mountain Climber Exercise
Mountain climber exercises are great full body workouts. In this Buzzle write-up, we will learn about
the benefits of these exercises, and the various types of mountain climber workouts.
Foam Roller Exercises
Foam roller is a very useful exercise equipment that helps your body in many ways. Here are some
of the basic foam roller exercises which you can perform using the same.
Low Impact Exercise
Low impact exercise helps in improving health and fitness, but does not cause harm to the weight
bearing joints of the body. Scroll down to know which exercises are low on impact...
Isotonic Contraction
Isotonic contractions are those contractions in which the muscles contract and shorten, causing
movement of the body part. Know more about isotonic contraction of muscles with this Buzzle
Isokinetic Exercise
Isokinetic exercises are very popular. They add resistance to the exercise, which gives better
stability to the muscles.
Functional Exercises
The latest trend in the world of fitness are functional exercises. It originated in rehabilitation
processes. However, more and more people are looking at them as a form of fitness as well.
Body Toning Exercises
Who would not want a well-toned, well-sculpted body? Performing toning exercises helps in getting
the desired results. Let's see which are the exercises to be followed.
Hand Strengthening Exercises
Hand strengthening exercises are important to improve the grip and flexibility of our wrists and
forearms. The following article provides information about some useful exercises for strengthening
the muscles in your hands.
Isotonic Exercise
The term 'isotonic' is used with reference to muscle contraction. Isotonic exercises are exercises
wherein a constant or variable outside force is applied on a muscle, thereby causing it to shorten or
lengthen. This principle is...
Red Face When Exercising
It is not uncommon to see bright red faces when exercising. This article provides some information
about this condition and some tips to reduce the same.
Home Exercises Without Equipment
Simple home exercises are an effective way to maintain body weight, and stay fit, without hitting the
gym. Here are some of the best home exercises that do not require any equipment.
Wrist Strengthening Exercises
The joints in our body offer us the mobility and ease to perform numerous tasks in our daily life.
Since, the wrist joint is one of the most used joints, it often experiences maximum wear and tear. To
protect this vital joint from...
Stretches for Splits
Performing splits is displaying the apex of your body's flexibility. Although difficult, splits can be
done well. However, you need to do some stretches also, and that is what is mentioned in this
Home Exercises for Women
There are a number of exercises, which can easily be done at home without any sort of equipment in
order to continue your fitness regime.
Wrist Exercises
Our wrist is a very complex joint and hence it is very susceptible to injuries and pain. Wrist exercises
help to alleviate the pain caused due to various reasons. The following article provides information
about the various...
Body Toning Exercises for Men
Body toning exercises for men are meant to build the muscles, and decrease the amount of fat in the
body. If you are on the lookout for such exercises that are effective, go through this Buzzle article.
Tone Muscles Without Weights
There are a number of exercises, with the help of which you can tone the muscles in your body.
Some exercises don't even require weights for it. The following article provides information about a
few of these exercises.
Tone Muscles at Home
The following article deals with information about the different ways to tone muscles in the comforts
of your home.
Toning Exercises for Men
The secret of a lean and toned body lies in having good amount of muscle mass and optimum body
fat. You may get both of them by performing a few effective exercises meant to tone each body part.
Toning Exercises at Home
Not everyone has the privilege of visiting a gym. But don't fret, there are many toning exercises that
can be done at home which will fetch you the same results as a gym workout.
Benefits of Exercising in The Morning
Everyone knows that there are plenty of benefits of morning exercise. This Buzzle article will give
you an overview about the same.
Toning Exercises Without Weights
Toning exercises aim to reduce body fat and build muscle. This article deals with different types of
toning exercises which can be done without weights. These exercises would definitely help in
developing strong and toned muscles.
Exercise Routines for Beginners
Are you new to workout routines? Do you want to know, what is best for beginners? This article will
guide you in a weekly program especially designed for the newbies.
Balance Exercises for Athletes
It is necessary for sports people to have conditioned muscles and improved reflexes. This article
provides a few balance exercises for the same.
Stretching Exercises for Seniors
Stretching exercises are necessary for people of all age groups to increase muscle flexibility and
improve their overall fitness. This article discusses a few stretching exercises for the elderly.
Exercise Routines for Women
There is a slight difference between the exercise routines that are suitable for women, who are
beginners and those who have a few months of experience in working out. This Buzzle article exactly
pin points this difference and...
Exercises to Grow Taller
There are some exercises that can really help you to increase your height and get that towering
personality look. In this article, you will get some valuable information on various exercises to grow
Exercises for the Elderly
Regular exercising is important for the elderly in order to stay fit and to strengthen the muscles of
the body. The following article has highlighted some simple stretching exercises for the elderly.
Exercise Band Workouts
An exercise band is an elastic band, and this exercise accessory can be used anywhere for a
workout. Through this article, learn more about the different workouts which can be done using this
Why Should People Exercise?
If you have often wondered about why should people exercise, then you can take a look at some of
the reasons and benefits mentioned below, that will surely entice you to exercise daily!
Psychological Benefits of Exercise
Improved self-esteem is a key psychological benefit of daily exercise. This article provides more
information about the various benefits of these physical activities.
Top Ten Reasons to Exercise
Why do we need to exercise? The reasons are many. Here we give you ten.
Stretching Exercises and Techniques
s article tells you about the beneficial effects of stretching muscles and joints. It includes a number
of stretching exercises that will keep your body supple and flexible.
Creating an Exercise Routine - How to Start a Habit for Your Health
A plan for beginning to exercise with the hopes of making it a permanent habit rather than a
temporary fix.
Exercise Myths
Many people try to take a shortcut to fitness. This has lead to the creation of many myths concerning

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Exercises |

  • 1. Exercises | This guide has been specially created to provide information about various types of physical exercises and fitness programs. Here you'll encounter information about the best exercises ever; including advice from fitness experts on a wide variety of fitness activities. You can delve deeper into the world of yoga, aerobic dance, workout programs, bodybuilding, etc. Learn different types of physical exercises and workouts, and integrate some personal fitness activities and a physical exercise plan in your daily routine. Inguinal Ligament Exercises The inguinal ligament supports the area around the groin and thereby prevents an inguinal hernia from forming. In this following Buzzle article, we will jot down some exercises that can be undertaken to prevent the hernia from... Difference Between Active and Passive Range of Motion Exercises Range of motion exercises are extremely important for maintaining joint mobility. Their two main types are active and passive. This Buzzle article provides some information about them and gives you a comparison between active and... Cool Down Exercises What exercises should one do after an intense workout? Go through this article for a brief overview about post-workout cooling down. Flutter Kick Vs. Scissor Kick In order to swim in an efficient manner or while doing light exercises, it is required that you coordinate your stroke with a suitable kick. While some strokes make use of a flutter kick, only one employs the scissor kick. This... Simple but Effective Exercises You Can Do Anywhere A busy schedule can sometimes get in the way of a fitness routine, making it hard to get into shape. The best thing about some forms of exercise, is that they can be performed practically anyplace that you see fit. Whether at home... Exercises to Lose FUPA FUPA, or Fatty Upper Penile/Pubic Area, is often seen in extremely obese people and new mothers. Though it has been classified a genetic problem, in several instances the condition can significantly improve with exercises and a... Different Types of Exercise Exercise can be categorized under three major types, viz. flexibility (stretching), aerobic (cardiovascular), and anaerobic exercise (weight training). Here is a brief about the different exercise types, and how they are performed.
  • 2. Couch Potato Exercises Not motivated enough to get up and head to the gym? If yes, then here are some couch potato exercises that may be of some help... Home Exercise Routine If you can't find time to hit the gym every day, then how about following a home exercise routine. Read the following article that has various exercises for different muscle groups... Importance of Exercise Working out is vitally important for living a healthy life, and this article will briefly explain to you the importance of exercise. Many people ignore this activity, only to regret it at a later stage. You must not make that... Eccentric Exercise Eccentric exercises are nothing but the overall lengthening of muscles against an external resistance. Although, these exercises help to achieve the desired muscle definition, the body may suffer from extensive muscle soreness if... How to Do Roman Chair Exercises Exercising is the best way to keep your body fit and in perfect shape. You may have a lot of equipment to perform exercises on, but using a roman chair is the most common of them all. However, using it in the right way is very... Great Ideas to Start Exercising When You are Busy Most people complain that they do not get enough time to exercise, the most common reason being overly busy schedule. If you have faced a similar problem, here are some great ideas on how to start exercising even when you are busy. Simple Exercises to Do While Watching TV Do you avoid exercising saying you don't have time? Is it really justified? After all that you put your body through during the day, is it okay if you don't exercise? Well... not really! However, this article will help you out with... How to Exercise While Sitting at Your Computer Is your work stressing you out? Is your work making you fat? Of course, it is. If you sit at your desk all day long, what else do you expect. But, do you know? You can get fit while sitting in front of your computer too! Aah. See,... Contortion Backbend Training: Learn How to do a Backbend Here is detailed information about contortion backbend training, and instructions to do it. Signs that Show You are Overtraining
  • 3. Exercising is great for the body, but overtraining may cause more harm than good. The following Buzzle article will tell you a few symptoms that will help you realize whether your workout routine is taking a toll on your body. Lightheadedness After Exercise The experience of lightheadedness after exercise is a problem of common occurrence in our daily life. If the causes of lightheadedness are understood properly and necessary precautions taken, one can easily deal with this problem. Is Exercising on an Empty Stomach Good or Bad? Everyone advises you to exercise, but very few can tell you how to exercise. Is exercising on an empty stomach good? Does it help in burning the fat? Or is it bad? I'll try to answer your questions. Exercises for Sprained Wrist A sprained wrist can affect the mobility and strength of the entire wrist to a great extent! If you are looking for some effective and helpful exercises for sprained wrist, then this article is something that you must definitely go... Diet Pills vs Exercise The debate on diet pills vs exercise is an old one, and has been raging since the early 1990s when doctors started prescribing diet pills to obese people... Easy Exercise Tips Daily exercise does not mean having a gym membership. The tips and techniques mentioned here will help you know how to exercise at home without spending excess time and money. Things You should Know about Over Exercising Many a time, people tend to over exercise in order to slim down fast, which makes them feel dizzy and in the process, they begin ruining their health. Read through to understand when you are over- exercising. How to Motivate Yourself to Exercise Self-motivation and deriving inspiration from others are two probable ways of motivating yourself for achieving a purpose. This Buzzle article will tell you how to go about it. Mental Benefits of Exercise Do you know there are both physical and mental benefits of exercises? Read on to know how exercising every day positively impacts our mind and body... V-Shaped Torso Getting the perfect V-shaped torso is hard work and won't happen in a few days. It will require unflinching dedication and constant workout in order to yield results.
  • 4. Exercise Tips for Women When it comes to women, exercise can be the best way to not only stay fit, but to maintain their trim figure as well. In this article, we give you tips on the best way to keep fit. Exercise Tips for Kids We all know that exercises are important for everyone including kids. A lot of parents want to learn a few tips, which will help them plan an exercise routine for their kids. This Buzzle article provides information about the... Strenuous Exercises What exactly do strenuous exercises entail? And is this form of exercise beneficial or detrimental to the body and health? We will try and focus on this issue in the article that follows. Balance Exercises for Seniors Balance exercises are important in old age, as they can prevent many accidental falls and more serious consequences. Read on to know more... Chair Exercises The chair exercises we are about to discuss in this Buzzle article will help in stretching the stiff joints and muscles, along with strengthening them. To find out how these exercises are performed, go through the instructions. Indoor Exercises Sometimes it is not possible to go out exercising, especially during winters. Here are various indoor exercises, that will help you burn calories and stay fit. Wrist Curls If you wish to develop well-toned forearms, you should include wrist curls in your workout routine. The following Buzzle write-up provides information on the variations of this exercise. Exercises for Foot and Ankle Foot and ankle exercises are meant for strengthening these parts of the body. You can get to know the different types of such exercises from this article. Chair Exercises for Seniors A properly designed workout routine is very important, especially, for the well-being of the elderly. The first and foremost thing to keep in mind is their age and their comfort level. Therefore, this Buzzle article presents a few... How to Perform the Burpee Exercise If you want an exercise which will help you in strength training as well as give you some aerobic
  • 5. exercise, then the burpee exercise is the one for you. In this write up, we will see the benefits of this exercise, along with the... Exercises for Women Over 60 There are a number of simple exercises for women over 60 that are safe for them and suits their body requirements. Go through this article to know about a few such exercises for aged women. Morning Exercise Routine This article will give you some tips to establish a morning exercise routine, which can help you stay fit and healthy. Red Face after Exercise A lot of people suffer from red face after exercise. In this article we will find out the cause of this condition, along with the remedies to get rid of the problem. How to Strengthen Ankles Ankles are an often overlooked component of human anatomy. They have a crucial job in something as simple as walking as well as something as complex as a roundhouse kick. Read on to know more about strengthening this vital joint... Physical Exercises There are varied benefits of physical exercises that range from both the physical to the psychological, and lead to the overall development of an individual. In this following article we will list out what these benefits are, and... LL Cool J Workout LL cool J workout is a type of fitness regime mainly for men. It has different stages which includes various exercises and diet patterns to achieve a lean and physically fit body. Here is more on this... Physical Training Exercises The following article takes you through a detailed account of what some of the physical training exercises are and focuses on providing you with some examples as well. How Does Physical Exercise Help the Brain? The relation between physical exercises and a healthy mind has been established deeply. In fact, physical activity has been linked to improved physical and mental efficiency. That is why, students are encouraged to participate in... Why is Exercising Important for Children The following article will take you through the key aspects of the importance of exercising with special focus on children. If there was ever a doubt regarding this issue, you should read the following piece for some clarity.
  • 6. Exercises for Women Over 50 There are various exercises for women over 50 which can help maintain an hourglass figure and have a fit body. This article discusses some exercises that might prove beneficial. Effects of Over Exercising While exercising can give you a healthy body, over exercising can lead to a host of problems. Identifying if you're over doing any exercise is essential to eliminate various problems that may pop up. Exercises to Do at Your Desk You don't necessarily have to get out of the office in order to do a few exercises. Read the Buzzle article to find simple, easy-to-follow exercises that can be done at your desk. How to Get Muscle Tone Fast Getting muscle tone is not very difficult if one resorts to a good amount of exercise and makes the necessary dietary changes. Read on for some tips on the same. Should One Exercise with a Cold? Wondering whether one should continue exercising with a cold? Read on, to learn how to continue working out, and when to stop working out when affected by a cold. Best Time to Exercise Exercise is a natural catharsis of our mind and body. It is essentially a way of refining oneself in body and mind, increasing intrinsic sharpness and a portent stimulating agent which evolves our imagination and ideas. Exercises to Improve Your Balance Whether you're recovering from an injury or developing your overall strength, it's essential to perform exercises to improve your balance. Read the Buzzle article to find the exercises that provide a well-rounded fitness and... Daily Exercise Tips Exercising on a daily basis is necessary to lead a healthy life. The article given below deals with some useful daily exercise tips that you can follow. Read on... Exercises at Your Desk With the increasing number of work hours, most people rarely get any time to include proper exercises into their routine. If you're one of them, there is no need to fret--there are certain simple exercises that can be done at your... Exercises to Build Strength for Rock Climbing
  • 7. Are you planning to go rock climbing next month? If so, it is essential for you to read the article below, as it provides you some simple, yet effective climbing exercises to improve your endurance while climbing. Daily Exercise Plan Exercising daily guarantees good health and fewer visits to the doctor. Even if you are busy, you should take out some time to exercise. In this Buzzle article, we give you a simple daily exercise plan to start with. Exercises that Burn the Most Calories Did you know that our bodies constantly burn calories in order to keep it functioning properly? But if you wish to burn the most calories, in a healthy way, here is a Buzzle article that will give you details on the exercises you... Ankle Strengthening Exercises for Runners Ankle injuries are very common among runners, which is why ankle strengthening exercises are a must for athletes. Strengthening exercises not only aid in keeping injuries at bay, but they also help to heal sprains and other injuries. Fun Exercises for Kids According to a report by the World Health Organization (WHO) every fourth child in the United States is obese. If you are concerned about your child's weight issues; read this article on fun exercises for kids. Foot Exercises Foot exercises may be undertaken for several reasons--they could be used for building the muscles in the legs or for alleviating foot and ankle pain. In this following article we will look through certain exercises that will help... Daily Exercise Routine Following a daily exercise routine can go a long way in maintaining good health and decrease the number of visits to the doctor, thereby reducing health care expenses. Jumping Jacks Exercise To perform the jumping jacks exercise, you need to jump on quick succession. You can use it as a form of warm-up, as well as an aerobic exercise. Exercises to Do in the Office Body aches, pain, and stiffness is common while working in front of a desk all day. This Buzzle article focuses on office exercises and stretches for different body parts that get frigid while sitting at the desk for too long. Torso Strengthening Exercises
  • 8. Most of us do not look at torso exercises as they should be looked at. These exercises help in strengthening the trunk of the body. Let's see, what these exercises are. Mountain Climber Exercise Mountain climber exercises are great full body workouts. In this Buzzle write-up, we will learn about the benefits of these exercises, and the various types of mountain climber workouts. Foam Roller Exercises Foam roller is a very useful exercise equipment that helps your body in many ways. Here are some of the basic foam roller exercises which you can perform using the same. Low Impact Exercise Low impact exercise helps in improving health and fitness, but does not cause harm to the weight bearing joints of the body. Scroll down to know which exercises are low on impact... Isotonic Contraction Isotonic contractions are those contractions in which the muscles contract and shorten, causing movement of the body part. Know more about isotonic contraction of muscles with this Buzzle article. Isokinetic Exercise Isokinetic exercises are very popular. They add resistance to the exercise, which gives better stability to the muscles. Functional Exercises The latest trend in the world of fitness are functional exercises. It originated in rehabilitation processes. However, more and more people are looking at them as a form of fitness as well. Body Toning Exercises Who would not want a well-toned, well-sculpted body? Performing toning exercises helps in getting the desired results. Let's see which are the exercises to be followed. Hand Strengthening Exercises Hand strengthening exercises are important to improve the grip and flexibility of our wrists and forearms. The following article provides information about some useful exercises for strengthening the muscles in your hands. Isotonic Exercise The term 'isotonic' is used with reference to muscle contraction. Isotonic exercises are exercises wherein a constant or variable outside force is applied on a muscle, thereby causing it to shorten or lengthen. This principle is...
  • 9. Red Face When Exercising It is not uncommon to see bright red faces when exercising. This article provides some information about this condition and some tips to reduce the same. Home Exercises Without Equipment Simple home exercises are an effective way to maintain body weight, and stay fit, without hitting the gym. Here are some of the best home exercises that do not require any equipment. Wrist Strengthening Exercises The joints in our body offer us the mobility and ease to perform numerous tasks in our daily life. Since, the wrist joint is one of the most used joints, it often experiences maximum wear and tear. To protect this vital joint from... Stretches for Splits Performing splits is displaying the apex of your body's flexibility. Although difficult, splits can be done well. However, you need to do some stretches also, and that is what is mentioned in this article. Home Exercises for Women There are a number of exercises, which can easily be done at home without any sort of equipment in order to continue your fitness regime. Wrist Exercises Our wrist is a very complex joint and hence it is very susceptible to injuries and pain. Wrist exercises help to alleviate the pain caused due to various reasons. The following article provides information about the various... Body Toning Exercises for Men Body toning exercises for men are meant to build the muscles, and decrease the amount of fat in the body. If you are on the lookout for such exercises that are effective, go through this Buzzle article. Tone Muscles Without Weights There are a number of exercises, with the help of which you can tone the muscles in your body. Some exercises don't even require weights for it. The following article provides information about a few of these exercises. Tone Muscles at Home The following article deals with information about the different ways to tone muscles in the comforts of your home.
  • 10. Toning Exercises for Men The secret of a lean and toned body lies in having good amount of muscle mass and optimum body fat. You may get both of them by performing a few effective exercises meant to tone each body part. Toning Exercises at Home Not everyone has the privilege of visiting a gym. But don't fret, there are many toning exercises that can be done at home which will fetch you the same results as a gym workout. Benefits of Exercising in The Morning Everyone knows that there are plenty of benefits of morning exercise. This Buzzle article will give you an overview about the same. Toning Exercises Without Weights Toning exercises aim to reduce body fat and build muscle. This article deals with different types of toning exercises which can be done without weights. These exercises would definitely help in developing strong and toned muscles. Exercise Routines for Beginners Are you new to workout routines? Do you want to know, what is best for beginners? This article will guide you in a weekly program especially designed for the newbies. Balance Exercises for Athletes It is necessary for sports people to have conditioned muscles and improved reflexes. This article provides a few balance exercises for the same. Stretching Exercises for Seniors Stretching exercises are necessary for people of all age groups to increase muscle flexibility and improve their overall fitness. This article discusses a few stretching exercises for the elderly. Exercise Routines for Women There is a slight difference between the exercise routines that are suitable for women, who are beginners and those who have a few months of experience in working out. This Buzzle article exactly pin points this difference and... Exercises to Grow Taller There are some exercises that can really help you to increase your height and get that towering personality look. In this article, you will get some valuable information on various exercises to grow taller.
  • 11. Exercises for the Elderly Regular exercising is important for the elderly in order to stay fit and to strengthen the muscles of the body. The following article has highlighted some simple stretching exercises for the elderly. Exercise Band Workouts An exercise band is an elastic band, and this exercise accessory can be used anywhere for a workout. Through this article, learn more about the different workouts which can be done using this equipment. Why Should People Exercise? If you have often wondered about why should people exercise, then you can take a look at some of the reasons and benefits mentioned below, that will surely entice you to exercise daily! Psychological Benefits of Exercise Improved self-esteem is a key psychological benefit of daily exercise. This article provides more information about the various benefits of these physical activities. Top Ten Reasons to Exercise Why do we need to exercise? The reasons are many. Here we give you ten. Stretching Exercises and Techniques s article tells you about the beneficial effects of stretching muscles and joints. It includes a number of stretching exercises that will keep your body supple and flexible. Creating an Exercise Routine - How to Start a Habit for Your Health A plan for beginning to exercise with the hopes of making it a permanent habit rather than a temporary fix. Exercise Myths
  • 12. Many people try to take a shortcut to fitness. This has lead to the creation of many myths concerning healthcare.