SlideShare a Scribd company logo
. A study of how a practical effects is really made and all the steps that go
into the production of practical effects, props and models, this will be
shot in a prop house, special effects and model making company in
Earlsfield Asylum and one in Wembley Artem
.Interviews with management and employees about their roles in the
process of production, so this will include office workers and the
people in the workshops
.The documentary will be split into two parts office work (communication)
and manual work (making the practical effects, props and models)
.Possibly a history on practical effects and famous uses of them e.g John
Carpenters “The Thing”
.The target audience for this documentary will be people who are in the
prop making/special effects industry and also people aspiring to enter
the prop making/special effects industry as the topic of the
documentary will be very interesting to people in this demographic as it
specifically focuses on a significant aspect of their lives
.The secondary target audience for this documentary will be active viewers
of films and media as props an effects are major factors in the film
making process which these people focus on sometimes obsessively.
.The mode of address in this documentary will be both formal and informal
as the segments that focus on the office work will be formal as they
work in management and communications and the segments when the
employees in the workshops are focused on it will be informal as they
are conduction manual labor.
.This documentary will be informative and investigative as it will inform the
audience of what actually goes into creating practical effects and it will
be done in an investigative way
.The conventions featured in this documentary will be
.Narration- This will introduce the employees of the company, what they do,
what they are currently doing and what the job/jobs they are working on
.Cutaways-These will be used to show the audience the area that the
company is based in and the workspaces the employees inhabit.
.Montage-This will be used when I need to show what the people in the
workshop are doing as it will be more time efficient this way
.Interviews-These will be used when I would like to obtain some information
about the individual people who work at the company, for example, how
long they have been in the business, how the got started and what are
you proudest moments of their career. This will also be used when I
have to gain some information on the industry in general, e.g. the
current state of the industry and individuals opinions on their jobs
whether they enjoy it or not etc.
.The purpose of this documentary is to inform people of the process of
creating practical effects and the amount of time and hard work that
goes into producing practical effects especially since the creation of HD
cameras and 4K resolution.
.I am also making this because I have a passion and am somewhat
knowledgeable of this topic and it is something I would like to peruse in
the future and I believe making a documentary on a subject that I want
to peruse a university degree on will look good to and impress the
course leaders of the Universities I will be applying for.
.The length of this documentary will be 10 mins because so much goes into
the creating of a practical effect, for example the manual work of
actually making and putting together practical effect and any office
work done also for example finalizing a deal with a studio and the
communication that will have to take place between the company,
studio and the filmmakers.
Secondary research-
The Google definition of prop is “a portable object other than furniture or
costumes used on the set of a play or film”
Some of the most famous props in the world were partly put together from
household objects for example, the main body of Luke Skywalks light
saber in A New Hope was made out of a Graflex Flashgun, the bottom of
Obi Wan Kenobi’s light saber was a tap handle and Han Solos blaster
was put together from a Russian hand gun and other early 20th century
fire arms.
Primary Research Survey-
Secondary research-
The results of this survey has told me that most of the people polled would
be most familiar with props that are weapons, I infer this from the
question what is your favourite film.
I have also inferred that more people believe that small objects a character
can hold and manipulate are props.
I have also found out that people if asked think of a prop immediately think
of some sort of weapon, this correlates with the findings of the first
I have also inferred that more people generally believe that props are very
important to film and TV productions.
Finally I have discovered one that the majority of people believe that props
have meaning but also that the majority of people believe that props
help build a realistic character and story.
.Discuss what commercial consulting is.
.Focus on one company, who their clients are, give some examples of ads
they have been involved in, interview some major individuals in the
company, when did they get involved in commercial consulting, explain
the details and nuances of the ins and outs of commercial consulting,
how to successfully sign a client.
.Possibly follow the day or week in the life of a person who works in
commercial consulting, as in I will follow their day to day tasks and
activities in commercial consulting.
.Similarly to the previous documentary idea the primary target audience for
this documentary will be people who work in the field of commercial
consulting and to an extent people who work in commercial production
in general.
. The secondary target audience for this documentary will be people who
know individuals who work n commercial consulting for example
someone who's mother or father works in commercial consulting and
the might wish to know more about what the friends or family do for a
.The mode of address in this documentary will be formal as the working
environment of the company I will be focusing on is very professional
and the work being done requires a formal demeanor as they have to
communicate with important clients daily.
.The style of this documentary will be observational as the documentary
will take the audience through an average day of work at CCC and will
show the audience the role each individual person plays in the
.The conventions that will be featured in this documentary will be
.Narration-This will be used when I need to explain what someone's role in
the company is, what that person may be currently doing and any
events that may occur during that day
.Interviews-This will be used for the employees of the company to explain
how long the have been in the industry, if they have had any other jobs
connected to advertising before consulting and where did they start.
.Cutaways-This will be used when a client of theirs is mentioned and to
establish the area of where their offices or workspaces are.
.I am want to possibly make this documentary because my mother works in
commercials consulting and I would like to really get to know the
business that she is in and I would like to understand what she spends
the majority of her days doing and how she earns her money from
which I benefit from, as she has discussed it with me before and I have
also talked to her boss before, but I have never observed it or paid it
very much attention and I would like that to change. Another reason I
have is that I consulting is a major part of creating a commercial,
however it occurs in the financial area of production therefore I believe
that consulting goes unrecognized, in the public eye at least.
This documentary would be 8 to 12 minutes long as there are many factors
that go into consulting and cost control, for example moving image
content, determining digital advertising content, print and out of home-
big bill boards, bus advertising, live events advertising also processes
and procedures, producing bespoke reports. And there is constant turn
over and overlap of these projects.
Secondary Research
This article attempts to teach the reader on hoe to create a successful
consulting business and how to promote it and get yourself noticed.
This article explains to the readers why advertisers should stop pushing
age stereotypes in their advertising, more specifically age stereotypes,
one reason is that studies apparently show that people are fed up with
being stereotyped and “categorized” in the media
Primary Research Focus Group-
1.What role do you think commercial consultants play in advertising?
Person 1-I think that they probably consult companies on what should be shown or represented in their commercials.
Person 2-I think that consult on what the companies should spend their money on whilst making their commercial.
Person 3- I think they go on set and oversee the production
2.Do you think commercial consulting is a good topic to base a
documentary on?
Person 1-no
Person 2-no
Person 3-depends on the angle you take it on
3.How should this documentary be approached e.g. in an observational,
biographic or investigative?
Person 1-observational
Person 2-observational
Person 3-observational
.This documentary will explore the both good and bad affects of visual
effects on the film industry and audiences.
.I will explore the affects on the industry through a contact that I have in
Method Studios a global visual effects company that most notably
works on the Disney Marvel Films.
.I will explore the affects on audiences through interviews with my friend
and family, these interviews will include a range of age demographics
.A brief history on Method Studios
.The primary target audience for this documentary will be people who are
actively interested and involved in film a TV as visual effects are giant
aspects of both these mediums.
.The secondary target audience for this documentary will be people who
are employed in the field as they would enjoy seeing their profession
and people who are in the same position as they are represented and
.The mode of address for this documentary will be informal as I would like
the people that I interviews personality’s to come across and be
apparent to the audience and not have their interviews be tame and
formal. However when I narrate the other aspects of the documentary
for example brief history's and introductions it will be formal
.The style of this documentary will be observational and will mainly be
participant led as the majority of people that will be talking and taking
the audience through the documentary will be people who I interview
e.g. my contact in Method Studios and the audiences that I will
interview on their opinions on visual effects.
.The conventions that will be featured in this documentary will be
.Narration-This will be used when I need to explain the history of visual
effects and Method Studios.
.Interviews-These will be used when my contact in method studios will talk
about his career and the company he works for
.Cutaways-These will be used when images or footage need to be used to
emphasize or give context to a point or just something my contact,
myself or what the people I will be interviewing are saying.
.Graphics-These will be used when I want to communicate information via
.I want to possibly make this documentary as it links to my interest in props
and practical effects as I also have somewhat of an interest for visual
affects as, if done well can be incredibly impressive and convincing,
and because of this I have tremendous respect for people who produce
such complex imagery as hundreds of man hours and patients go into
the creation of these effects, and I want to delve deeper into this field
and relay learn the ins and outs of this industry.
.This documentary will be 7 to 9 minutes long as there is decent amount of
information that needs to be included in this documentary for example
the the history of visual effects and Method Studios, the process of
creating a visual effect e.g. collaborating with the film makers, planning,
all the stages of actually making the effect and then convincingly
integrating it into the film. And exploring the affects visual effects have
on the film industry and audiences.
Secondary research
.The first ever use of a 2D computer animated image was in the Westworld
1973 and was a POV shot of the visual display of the android character
in the film. This image was created by John Whitney Sr. and John
Whitney Jr.
The digital shot from West-
World 1978
Primary Research Survey-
The results of this survey has told me that most people know the meaning
of CGI.
I have also found out that the majority of people can recognize that
difference between in camera and CGI effects.
I have also discovered that the majority of people would prefer that this
documentary focusses on the Computer animation company itself.
Another thing I have discovered is that people both find living creatures
rather than inanimate objects more impressive in CGI form.
I have also discovered that the majority of people think that CGI is more
expensive to produce than in camera effects.
Finally I have discovered that there is parity between the results of the
question What do you think is easier to produce CGI or in camera
.This documentary will explore the affects of depression on a female
teenager and a female adult and the different ways it has affected both
of their lives.
.There will be interviews with two expert in the field of psychology one in
treatment and the other in management and they will give their
professional opinion on why both these peoples depression manifested,
and explain the long term affects of teenage and adult depression.
.There will be interviews with the two individuals concerning how they used
to live their lives with depression and how it affected everyday activities
and interactions and how they got better and if they have taken
anything away from their experience with depression.
.The target audience of this documentary will be people currently suffer
from depression as it will offer advice to them on how to deal with
depression and get past it, it will appeal to people who used to have
depression as the people being represented will be very relatable and
sympathetic to them as they have experienced the exact same thing
they have, it may also give them more insight into their own prior
affliction as the people on screen could have dealt with it and found a
different solution to their depression compared to the audience
members who are in the same position.
It will also appeal to people who know individuals who suffer and or used
to suffer from depression as it could help them understand their friends
or families affliction and therefore sympathies with them more.
.This documentary will be informative and will both be participant and
presenter led as it will inform people on the different affects of
depression on teenagers and adults, how it manifests, how to deal with
it and how to overcome it through the individuals and experts but a
presenter will be appropriate when facts or figures need to be brought
up in.
It will also be informal as the two people being observed will voice their
opinions and experiences so their personalities and humor will come
through, the same is a possibility for the two experts I will be speaking
to, as similarly to the teenager and adult, the experts will have strong
opinions on the topics explored in this documentary, and they may
express these in an informal fashion.
.The conventions featured in this documentary will be
.Interviews-These will be used then the subjects talk about their
experiences and feelings, and when the experts talk about their
opinions and professional knowledge.
.Narration-This will be used when I introduce the people starring in the
documentary and what they have been suffering from and why, it will
also be utilized when I talk about the professionals credentials and as
previously stated facts and figures.
Cutaway footage-This will be used when the two subjects are talking about
the causes and effects of their depression and it will cut to relevant
images or footage, and the same goes to when the expert talk about the
common affects of depression and any common triggers of depression.
.The propose of this documentary is to educate the audience on the the
different affects of teenage depression and adult depression, and on
how depression can manifest in these two demographics. It will also
educate the audience on techniques of living with depression and how
to get help if you are suffering from depression. A more personnel
reason I would like to make this documentary is because the adult case
that will be included in documentary is my mum and the teenager case
is a friend of mine and I would like to explore and understand the
experiences they have had.
Melancholia I by Albrecht
This Documentary will be 7 to 9 minutes long as both the sufferers and
experts will have to talk at length about their experiences and opinions
with and on depression and mental health in general. Things will also
have to be explained, for example how depression can be triggered. I
will need a 1 to 2 minutes for the introduction of the documentary where
the subjects and the experts will be introduced, There will be a 3 to 4
minute segment where the subjects talk about the causes and
experiences with their depression and also the experts discussing the
difference between the manifestation and effects of teenage and adult
depression and then there will be 3 minute long segment where the two
subjects talk about how the got better and how they are doing at the
moment and also the expert talking about the lasting effects if any
depression has on people who have overcome it.
Secondary Research
This article explains why older children living with their parents will
decrease the chances of the parents becoming depressed.
This article states that the rate of depression and self harm in young girls
in England is rising.
Primary Research focus group-
1.Do you think that depression is a major or minor issue in our society?
Person 1-I think that in the grand scheme of things it is a minor issue
Person 2-I agree with person 1
Person 3-I think it is a major issue
2.Should I focus on the people who suffer from depression or the people
that study it and treat it?
Person 1-The people who suffer from it
Person2-The people that treat it
Person 3-The people who suffer from it as it would be more interesting
3.Do you have any personnel experiences with depression?
Person 1-yes my mother suffered from depression
Person 2-none
Person 3-none

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Jack brothwell year 13 4 documentary ideas pitch

  • 1.
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  • 3. CONTENT . A study of how a practical effects is really made and all the steps that go into the production of practical effects, props and models, this will be shot in a prop house, special effects and model making company in Earlsfield Asylum and one in Wembley Artem .Interviews with management and employees about their roles in the process of production, so this will include office workers and the people in the workshops .The documentary will be split into two parts office work (communication) and manual work (making the practical effects, props and models) .Possibly a history on practical effects and famous uses of them e.g John Carpenters “The Thing”
  • 4. TARGET AUDIENCE .The target audience for this documentary will be people who are in the prop making/special effects industry and also people aspiring to enter the prop making/special effects industry as the topic of the documentary will be very interesting to people in this demographic as it specifically focuses on a significant aspect of their lives .The secondary target audience for this documentary will be active viewers of films and media as props an effects are major factors in the film making process which these people focus on sometimes obsessively.
  • 5. MODE OF ADDRESS .The mode of address in this documentary will be both formal and informal as the segments that focus on the office work will be formal as they work in management and communications and the segments when the employees in the workshops are focused on it will be informal as they are conduction manual labor. .This documentary will be informative and investigative as it will inform the audience of what actually goes into creating practical effects and it will be done in an investigative way
  • 6. CONVENTIONS .The conventions featured in this documentary will be .Narration- This will introduce the employees of the company, what they do, what they are currently doing and what the job/jobs they are working on .Cutaways-These will be used to show the audience the area that the company is based in and the workspaces the employees inhabit. .Montage-This will be used when I need to show what the people in the workshop are doing as it will be more time efficient this way .Interviews-These will be used when I would like to obtain some information about the individual people who work at the company, for example, how long they have been in the business, how the got started and what are you proudest moments of their career. This will also be used when I have to gain some information on the industry in general, e.g. the current state of the industry and individuals opinions on their jobs whether they enjoy it or not etc.
  • 7. PURPOSE .The purpose of this documentary is to inform people of the process of creating practical effects and the amount of time and hard work that goes into producing practical effects especially since the creation of HD cameras and 4K resolution. .I am also making this because I have a passion and am somewhat knowledgeable of this topic and it is something I would like to peruse in the future and I believe making a documentary on a subject that I want to peruse a university degree on will look good to and impress the course leaders of the Universities I will be applying for.
  • 8. LENGTH .The length of this documentary will be 10 mins because so much goes into the creating of a practical effect, for example the manual work of actually making and putting together practical effect and any office work done also for example finalizing a deal with a studio and the communication that will have to take place between the company, studio and the filmmakers.
  • 9. RESEARCH Secondary research- The Google definition of prop is “a portable object other than furniture or costumes used on the set of a play or film” Some of the most famous props in the world were partly put together from household objects for example, the main body of Luke Skywalks light saber in A New Hope was made out of a Graflex Flashgun, the bottom of Obi Wan Kenobi’s light saber was a tap handle and Han Solos blaster was put together from a Russian hand gun and other early 20th century fire arms. designed
  • 11. RESEARCH Secondary research- The results of this survey has told me that most of the people polled would be most familiar with props that are weapons, I infer this from the question what is your favourite film. I have also inferred that more people believe that small objects a character can hold and manipulate are props. I have also found out that people if asked think of a prop immediately think of some sort of weapon, this correlates with the findings of the first question. I have also inferred that more people generally believe that props are very important to film and TV productions. Finally I have discovered one that the majority of people believe that props have meaning but also that the majority of people believe that props help build a realistic character and story.
  • 12.
  • 13. CONTENT .Discuss what commercial consulting is. .Focus on one company, who their clients are, give some examples of ads they have been involved in, interview some major individuals in the company, when did they get involved in commercial consulting, explain the details and nuances of the ins and outs of commercial consulting, how to successfully sign a client. .Possibly follow the day or week in the life of a person who works in commercial consulting, as in I will follow their day to day tasks and activities in commercial consulting.
  • 14. TARGET AUDIENCE .Similarly to the previous documentary idea the primary target audience for this documentary will be people who work in the field of commercial consulting and to an extent people who work in commercial production in general. . The secondary target audience for this documentary will be people who know individuals who work n commercial consulting for example someone who's mother or father works in commercial consulting and the might wish to know more about what the friends or family do for a living.
  • 15. MODE OF ADDRESS .The mode of address in this documentary will be formal as the working environment of the company I will be focusing on is very professional and the work being done requires a formal demeanor as they have to communicate with important clients daily. .The style of this documentary will be observational as the documentary will take the audience through an average day of work at CCC and will show the audience the role each individual person plays in the company.
  • 16. CONVENTIONS .The conventions that will be featured in this documentary will be .Narration-This will be used when I need to explain what someone's role in the company is, what that person may be currently doing and any events that may occur during that day .Interviews-This will be used for the employees of the company to explain how long the have been in the industry, if they have had any other jobs connected to advertising before consulting and where did they start. .Cutaways-This will be used when a client of theirs is mentioned and to establish the area of where their offices or workspaces are.
  • 17. PURPOSE .I am want to possibly make this documentary because my mother works in commercials consulting and I would like to really get to know the business that she is in and I would like to understand what she spends the majority of her days doing and how she earns her money from which I benefit from, as she has discussed it with me before and I have also talked to her boss before, but I have never observed it or paid it very much attention and I would like that to change. Another reason I have is that I consulting is a major part of creating a commercial, however it occurs in the financial area of production therefore I believe that consulting goes unrecognized, in the public eye at least.
  • 18. LENGTH This documentary would be 8 to 12 minutes long as there are many factors that go into consulting and cost control, for example moving image content, determining digital advertising content, print and out of home- big bill boards, bus advertising, live events advertising also processes and procedures, producing bespoke reports. And there is constant turn over and overlap of these projects.
  • 19. RESEARCH Secondary Research business.html This article attempts to teach the reader on hoe to create a successful consulting business and how to promote it and get yourself noticed. business-by-pushing-age-stereotypes-in-their-ads/ This article explains to the readers why advertisers should stop pushing age stereotypes in their advertising, more specifically age stereotypes, one reason is that studies apparently show that people are fed up with being stereotyped and “categorized” in the media
  • 20. RESEARCH Primary Research Focus Group- 1.What role do you think commercial consultants play in advertising? Person 1-I think that they probably consult companies on what should be shown or represented in their commercials. Person 2-I think that consult on what the companies should spend their money on whilst making their commercial. Person 3- I think they go on set and oversee the production 2.Do you think commercial consulting is a good topic to base a documentary on? Person 1-no Person 2-no Person 3-depends on the angle you take it on 3.How should this documentary be approached e.g. in an observational, biographic or investigative? Person 1-observational Person 2-observational Person 3-observational
  • 21.
  • 22. CONTENT .This documentary will explore the both good and bad affects of visual effects on the film industry and audiences. .I will explore the affects on the industry through a contact that I have in Method Studios a global visual effects company that most notably works on the Disney Marvel Films. .I will explore the affects on audiences through interviews with my friend and family, these interviews will include a range of age demographics .A brief history on Method Studios
  • 23. TARGET AUDIENCE .The primary target audience for this documentary will be people who are actively interested and involved in film a TV as visual effects are giant aspects of both these mediums. .The secondary target audience for this documentary will be people who are employed in the field as they would enjoy seeing their profession and people who are in the same position as they are represented and observed.
  • 24. MODE OF ADDRESS .The mode of address for this documentary will be informal as I would like the people that I interviews personality’s to come across and be apparent to the audience and not have their interviews be tame and formal. However when I narrate the other aspects of the documentary for example brief history's and introductions it will be formal .The style of this documentary will be observational and will mainly be participant led as the majority of people that will be talking and taking the audience through the documentary will be people who I interview e.g. my contact in Method Studios and the audiences that I will interview on their opinions on visual effects.
  • 25. CONVENTIONS .The conventions that will be featured in this documentary will be .Narration-This will be used when I need to explain the history of visual effects and Method Studios. .Interviews-These will be used when my contact in method studios will talk about his career and the company he works for .Cutaways-These will be used when images or footage need to be used to emphasize or give context to a point or just something my contact, myself or what the people I will be interviewing are saying. .Graphics-These will be used when I want to communicate information via text.
  • 26. PURPOSE .I want to possibly make this documentary as it links to my interest in props and practical effects as I also have somewhat of an interest for visual affects as, if done well can be incredibly impressive and convincing, and because of this I have tremendous respect for people who produce such complex imagery as hundreds of man hours and patients go into the creation of these effects, and I want to delve deeper into this field and relay learn the ins and outs of this industry.
  • 27. LENGTH .This documentary will be 7 to 9 minutes long as there is decent amount of information that needs to be included in this documentary for example the the history of visual effects and Method Studios, the process of creating a visual effect e.g. collaborating with the film makers, planning, all the stages of actually making the effect and then convincingly integrating it into the film. And exploring the affects visual effects have on the film industry and audiences.
  • 28. RESEARCH Secondary research .The first ever use of a 2D computer animated image was in the Westworld 1973 and was a POV shot of the visual display of the android character in the film. This image was created by John Whitney Sr. and John Whitney Jr. westworld-pioneered-modern-special-effects The digital shot from West- World 1978
  • 30. RESEARCH The results of this survey has told me that most people know the meaning of CGI. I have also found out that the majority of people can recognize that difference between in camera and CGI effects. I have also discovered that the majority of people would prefer that this documentary focusses on the Computer animation company itself. Another thing I have discovered is that people both find living creatures rather than inanimate objects more impressive in CGI form. I have also discovered that the majority of people think that CGI is more expensive to produce than in camera effects. Finally I have discovered that there is parity between the results of the question What do you think is easier to produce CGI or in camera effects.
  • 31.
  • 32. CONTENT .This documentary will explore the affects of depression on a female teenager and a female adult and the different ways it has affected both of their lives. .There will be interviews with two expert in the field of psychology one in treatment and the other in management and they will give their professional opinion on why both these peoples depression manifested, and explain the long term affects of teenage and adult depression. .There will be interviews with the two individuals concerning how they used to live their lives with depression and how it affected everyday activities and interactions and how they got better and if they have taken anything away from their experience with depression.
  • 33. TARGET AUDIENCE .The target audience of this documentary will be people currently suffer from depression as it will offer advice to them on how to deal with depression and get past it, it will appeal to people who used to have depression as the people being represented will be very relatable and sympathetic to them as they have experienced the exact same thing they have, it may also give them more insight into their own prior affliction as the people on screen could have dealt with it and found a different solution to their depression compared to the audience members who are in the same position. It will also appeal to people who know individuals who suffer and or used to suffer from depression as it could help them understand their friends or families affliction and therefore sympathies with them more.
  • 34. MODE OF ADDRESS .This documentary will be informative and will both be participant and presenter led as it will inform people on the different affects of depression on teenagers and adults, how it manifests, how to deal with it and how to overcome it through the individuals and experts but a presenter will be appropriate when facts or figures need to be brought up in. It will also be informal as the two people being observed will voice their opinions and experiences so their personalities and humor will come through, the same is a possibility for the two experts I will be speaking to, as similarly to the teenager and adult, the experts will have strong opinions on the topics explored in this documentary, and they may express these in an informal fashion.
  • 35. CONVENTIONS .The conventions featured in this documentary will be .Interviews-These will be used then the subjects talk about their experiences and feelings, and when the experts talk about their opinions and professional knowledge. .Narration-This will be used when I introduce the people starring in the documentary and what they have been suffering from and why, it will also be utilized when I talk about the professionals credentials and as previously stated facts and figures. Cutaway footage-This will be used when the two subjects are talking about the causes and effects of their depression and it will cut to relevant images or footage, and the same goes to when the expert talk about the common affects of depression and any common triggers of depression.
  • 36. PURPOSE .The propose of this documentary is to educate the audience on the the different affects of teenage depression and adult depression, and on how depression can manifest in these two demographics. It will also educate the audience on techniques of living with depression and how to get help if you are suffering from depression. A more personnel reason I would like to make this documentary is because the adult case that will be included in documentary is my mum and the teenager case is a friend of mine and I would like to explore and understand the experiences they have had. Melancholia I by Albrecht Durer
  • 37. LENGTH This Documentary will be 7 to 9 minutes long as both the sufferers and experts will have to talk at length about their experiences and opinions with and on depression and mental health in general. Things will also have to be explained, for example how depression can be triggered. I will need a 1 to 2 minutes for the introduction of the documentary where the subjects and the experts will be introduced, There will be a 3 to 4 minute segment where the subjects talk about the causes and experiences with their depression and also the experts discussing the difference between the manifestation and effects of teenage and adult depression and then there will be 3 minute long segment where the two subjects talk about how the got better and how they are doing at the moment and also the expert talking about the lasting effects if any depression has on people who have overcome it.
  • 38. RESEARCH Secondary Research protects-parents-against-depression/ This article explains why older children living with their parents will decrease the chances of the parents becoming depressed. This article states that the rate of depression and self harm in young girls in England is rising.
  • 39. RESEARCH Primary Research focus group- 1.Do you think that depression is a major or minor issue in our society? Person 1-I think that in the grand scheme of things it is a minor issue Person 2-I agree with person 1 Person 3-I think it is a major issue 2.Should I focus on the people who suffer from depression or the people that study it and treat it? Person 1-The people who suffer from it Person2-The people that treat it Person 3-The people who suffer from it as it would be more interesting 3.Do you have any personnel experiences with depression? Person 1-yes my mother suffered from depression Person 2-none Person 3-none