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VOL 4, NO 7
Muhammad Bilal, Imran Khan*
Department of Management Sciences, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur.
*Corresponding Author
This study aims to look on different issues behind the failure of higher education in Pakistan and
identifying the factors which prevent it to achieve its ultimate goals. As the sustainable
development and prosperity of societies in this dynamic age is largely depend upon the quality of
higher education but our education system seems to be gruesome and is failed to respond
according to need of the society and dynamic environment. Through the study it is found that
number of internal and external factors influence the higher educational institutes which lead the
higher education towards poor quality.
The worldwide mobility of higher education in not a new phenomenon but in twenty first century
the speed and level of emergent is remarkable. The major trends are shaping higher education
according to international scenario but in Pakistan inequalities between academic institutes are
continuously increasing and our country reveals severe deficiency and the demand for increased
access of quality education remain strong. Today as the wealth or poverty is depend upon the
quality of education and is considered as benchmark for the success of nations so the countries
are realizing the emerging need of educational development and taking adequate steps to
enhance the standard of education. HEC (Higher Education Commission) also taking steps to
improve the quality of education but is facing certain obstacles to ensure it. The present study
explores the issues behind the poor quality of education in Pakistan. It has been found that the
present system of education in Pakistan is not performing well and this knowledge about the
problems and prospects of the higher education will help the reader to understand the present
status and find the possible solution for the education faced in the country and will support to
getting novel ideas. The development of a society depends to a large extent on the standard and
nature of higher education. It is the responsibility of the higher educational institutes to produce
knowledgeable, far-sighted competent people, equipping them advance knowledge and skills to
fill the sphere of societies and the various responsibilities to lead the nation. As HEC takes
certain initiative to achieve the success in respective fields but a number of internal and external
factors proves as an obstacle to streamline the universities to achieve the quality of education and
to safe guard the national interest. As HEC chairman admitted that higher education survives in
form of three challenges access, relevance and quality so it is required to overcome these
problems if we want to become emerging nation.
Pakistan education statistics
Improvement in the quality of higher education in fields of academic standard and research is the
top priority of HEC and there should be at least five Pakistani universities included in the
ranking of top 300 universities of the world till 2015 (HEC, 2012) and further stated that now
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VOL 4, NO 7
25% faculty members are holding PHD degrees but the Pakistan need to double it till 2015 and
this will be increased up to 40%
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
118 121 126 127 132
Enrollment 521473 639597 738373 803507 948268
PHD Faculty 2686 3312 3483 3586 *
PHD Faculty
22.6 23.9 23.06 21.8 *
9192 10691 11616 12860 *
Ranking in
the World
47 * 45 * 43
Grant Per
37,183 38,352 24,945 24,777 26,975
10097 11522 13131 9107 5239
(Higher Education Commission Statistical Survey Unit September 5, 2011)
Literature Review
Universities are liable to providing the intellectual capital, creative human force and entrepreneur
to build up the economy and nation and there is direct relation of knowledge, capital and
economy so the universities act as catalyst by developing the mature and responsible leaders
having creative and problem solving approach to develop the nations in the community of world
but as Pakistan (2009) stated thatwe are caught up in educational crises and the quality of
education is very poor as compared to international standard. Higher Educational Institutes are
the main supplier of qualified, skilled and talented human resource for the social development to
any country (Lowe, 2002) and the Universities are like a greenhouse which grows healthy plants
in form of graduates who can batter use their leisure time to develop the healthy society
otherwise society destroys them. Higher education is facing an extensive trace of crisis and no
one can be considered as world Class University in term of academic activities and knowledge
creation and almost all the universities facing the problems of shortage of infrastructure,
laboratories, library, inadequate faculty and even the lack of academically equipped student to
study in universities but on the other hand the budget provided by the HEC is spend on
unnecessary activities (Hoodbhoy, 2005). For the quality of education different author suggest
the different internal and external factors as Mughal et al., (2011)stated that the sustainable
development is dependent upon the quality of education which depend upon the curriculum,
education according to the dynamic environment and changed industrial needs and further
Monem and Baniamin (2010)correlates the quality of education through different internal and
external factors (student intake, faculty development, teaching methods, resource, politicization,
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VOL 4, NO 7
Financial Constraints
and Accountability
Corruption and
External Influence
Student Intake
Unethical Activities
Corruption and
Assessment, Accountability
and Governance
Influence and Unethical
Management Policies and
Faculty Development
Conflicts, Reward and
Curriculum and Research
Quality of
University Industry-Gap
financial constraint and faculty evolution).Quality of education is based upon the equal
opportunities, appraising of academic staff, curriculum review, interaction between the institute
and professional organizations, involvement of students in academic matters, allocation of
resources, self-assessment, and appointment of academic staff (Sanyal, 1992) and more AASCU
(2012) indicated the different problems and prospects like state support, governance,
infrastructure, capital improvement and performance based funding which influence and change
the shape of educational system. Poverty and Economic development are correlates with the
quality of education which depends upon the interactive network, faculty, curriculum and
facilities (Chen et al., 2007).Blend et al., (2005) identified different individual and institutional
factors which influence the quality and productivity of higher education and as according to
Blend individual factors consist of motivation, skills, commitment, autonomy and work habits
and institutional factors are resource availability, research culture, emphasize on research,
communication, commitment toward goals, work time, recruitment and selection and reward and
support. The mission of HEC is to facilitate the higher educational institutes so they can serve as
an engine of growth and socio-economic development but some poisonous activities derailed the
mission.Corruption, lack of accountability and Governance lead the institution towards the poor
quality (Hallak & Poisson, 2007)7
.Thesedeficiencies in the educational system of Pakistan
hinders the development.
Theoretical Framework
Mughal et al., 2011; Monem and Baniamin, 2010; Mikas Sanyal, 1992; Chen et al., 2007; Blend
et al., 2005; Hoodbhoy, 2005.
We are focusing on quantity not quality so we are surviving at both economic and defense level
due to the unavailability of the update curriculum to compete the modern world and we are
incapable to build the power of reasoning in our students (Rehman & Khan, 2012) and as
according to DART Newsletter(2011) the curricula developed in universities just for the sake of
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awarding degree not to produce the entrepreneur. Teachers and students both feel the study as
worthless and useless this is because of curriculum problem as the most of the teachers use very
old edition of text books (Obaid, 2012).Courses are not designed according to international
standards and so many important and modern courses are not taught yet and the teachers select
the curriculum according to their personal interest, like, dislike and experience (Haider, 2008).
Universities need to remodel the curricula, process of teaching, enhancing their competencies
and grooming/furnishing the students according to international standard to meet the Increasing
demand for quality education in this era of competition (Raza & Naqvi, 2011) and further
elaborate thatto enhance the competencies of the students and to meet the international standards
there is need to reshape the curricula. The countries where the universities are regulated as a
national developmental institute such universities change their curricula and research policies
rendering to the change in policies and investment structure and when the industry re-locate and
change the business and policies the universities also change the curricula according to the
changed industrial requirement (the management university of Africa, 2012) and further says that
The quality of education can be enhanced by the decolonization of curricula and by bridging up
the gap between what is taught and what is expected.
Concluding Remarks
We need to develop the people mentally so for this we mustapprove the appropriate integrated
form of curricula to meet the set objectives at every step of higher education and adopt a gradual
practical learning through informative and interesting documentaries, videosand activities related
to self-motivated practical life.
University-Industry Gap
There is lack of linkage between academic circles and industry in Pakistan and the educational
institutes are not capable to develop the practical skill related to business and commerce and is
the serious problems which hampering the performance of industry and business education in
country (Khan et al., 2011). As Rehman and Khan (2012) elaborate that our education has no
direct connection to the practical life and the students face a lot of problem in the social life. The
employers are not fully satisfied to the quality of Pakistani university graduates in term of their
professional, personal, social and intellectual skills because the population of the universities
graduates increasing day by day and students perceive their degree as a source of employment
this situation empowering the employer so his expectation and demand for quality of education
increased (Raza & Naqvi, 2011). Quality of anything can always measure through its usage and
the skills of the graduates can be batter measured through the perception of user/employer. To
meet the international standards there is essential to develop the employability skills of the
students (Raza & Naqvi, 2011).Performance of Pakistani universities is blow the standard of
market job so to uphill the performance of universities there is need to bridge up the gap between
institute and industry this can be done through regular interaction and knowledge sharing.
University and industry are two main entities of any country which can lead the country toward
the development but in Pakistan there is huge gap between these two pillars universities are
unable to attain the excellency in research and academic fieldon the other hand corporate sector
have also a lot of problems to achieve the competitive advantage so this gap can be filled by
successfully respond to the changing environment and can achieve the win-win situation through
the collaboration and strategic alliance between these two sectors (Ahmad & Junaid, 2008).
Failures are facing in both sides but they are not concerned to preparing any mechanism against
it although through the participation we can restructure both the entities. The factors which
hampering the linkage between government, industry and university is the lack of trust,
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government policies, lack of entrepreneurial activities and technology (DART Newsletter,
2011).There is a need to develop the acceptable application, enhance communication and create
a link between industry and educational institutes and do not compromise on the cost of quality
of higher education so that we can move toward Excellency(the third annual international
conference on industry and higher education, 2012). The education can be improved through the
intervention of technology, establishing the virtual class rooms and by increasing the concern of
the students toward market oriented learning not only to secure the marks, (Levidow, 2000) and
further says that the efficiency and quality should be increased if we define education system in
market term and teacher act as a producer and student act as a consumer.
Concluding Remarks
To meet the needs of the business world it is the responsibility of the institute to produce the
capable, skilled and proficient graduates so for this grades should be allocated on the bases of
their industrial relevant competencies.Students should train in real practical environment for this
the collaboration and frequent visit from the both side (Industry & Institute) is essential. We
must learn as an advanced nation and the first stair is to makesucceeding higher educational
Reward and Motivation
As Rasheed et al., (2010) stated that there is lack of motivation in teachers at higher education
level in Pakistan due to high burden, overcrowded classes and the absence of monitory and
nonmonetary motivators which hindering the quality of education in current changing scenario of
hyper competition and further identified the communication gap between teachers and the
chairman which also demotivate the teachers. Motivated teachers motivate the students which
cause the success of students and the institute this can be possible by linking the needs and
success of the institute to the needs and success of the individual. Higher educational institutes
are indifferent about the problems of the teachers which create number of problems in term of
motivation, performance, teacher and student development (Malik et al., 2010). In Pakistan
young, talented and qualified people do not prefer teaching as a profession because they consider
that there is no specific mechanism to evaluate the teachers, give them performance based
incentives and consider the poor quality of standards prevailing in universities of Pakistan
(Obaid, 2012).Financial rewards, supports for the faculty, salaries and fringe benefits are very
low as compared to the increased living cost to attract the highly qualified educators (Haider,
Concluding Remarks
Human resources are the vital element for the success of any institute which acceleratesthe
organizational development. The efficiency and effectiveness suffers only when the organization
demotivates their employeesso we need to motivate our employees through the different
monitory and nonmonetary motivators and make efforts to solve the problems of these
developers so that we can leads the society toward progress.
Politicization and conflicts
The educational crises in Pakistan is the outcome of increased level of conflicts this is because of
politicization within the institute and no attention is paid to resolve it and the results comes in
form of indiscipline, lower educational standard, violence and lockouts (Mukhtar et al., 2012)
and further Hoodbhoy (1998) identified that the higher education in Pakistan is serious ill as
compared to third world countries. Professional deficiencies are exist in the field of teaching due
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to the high involvement of politic in the educational institutes(Rehman & Khan, 2012). Due to
the high political pressure the educational leaders cannot assure the quality of education (Iqbal,
2011) and the educational activities are politically controlled in universities of Pakistan. Political
culture of the universities pollute the other noble professions so due to this culture we are unable
to make the nation but we are in trying to run on the road to just to educate the nation (Subhani et
al., 2012) and further elaborate that the employees are appreciated not on the bases of their hard
working but on the bases of favoritism/association/influential background and it leads the
organization toward ill image, gossip lobbies, tension in working environment, employees
switching due to intolerable political pressure. The education system is design just for earn, to
reach higher post and to consider as an elate one (Subhani et al., 2012). Politics involves at
executive level for the professional development in academic career, self-rule and authority.
Politics within the universities of Pakistan is exist among the managerial staff, faculty and
students which causes competition, jealously, bad word of mouth, bad work orientation, salary,
bonuses and incentive issues and red alert the different individual against each other which
proves disastrous for the organization (Subhani et al., 2012).
In our system nothing is done on merit assume „A‟ is saying something and he/she is the friend
of the chair then this will be immediately done and if „A‟ is saying something and he/she is not a
friend of the chair then he will be simply denied. These things create a problem for us.
Concluding Remarks
Higher educational institutes are pampered in the dirty game of politics. Certain actions are take
place within the institute is the result of politicization as it runs in veins of every individual and
institution. Biasness within the institute and boost up certain employees on the base of influential
background, favoritism and association continuously demotivate the employees and create
tension in the working environment. Every individual and institute putting their efforts to leg
pulling each other. So for grooming up the educational system there is necessity to get rid of
from these gossiping lobbies.
Recruitment, Retention and Method of Teaching
Business education in Pakistan suffers and cannot meet the international standards due to the
lack of specialized and professional teachers having a strong academic and business background
so due to this they cannot disclose the real image to students (Khan et al., 2011). Any institute is
eminent through its faculty members but the Pakistani universities are almost weak in faculty
development and have only 1700 PHD faculty membersbeside the requirement of 7000 (Analysis
of higher education in Pakistan, 2011).Recruitment and retention of staff and teachers is the
weak area of Pakistani universities (Mahmood & Shafique, 2010) and also the University
teachers are somewhat weak to the art of problem and process based teaching and used specific
stereotype teaching methods so is essential to develop and assess them in field of intellectual,
personal, professional and social development (Raza et al., 2011). The method of teaching is
stereotype and there is no grooming in the educational system due to the lack of professional
teachers this is because involvement of politics in teacher appointment and the teacher teaches
just to earn (Rehman & Khan, 2012). Our faculty is more concerned about money and promotion
they are not concerned about research, knowledge creation, teaching and working on social
issues (Hoodbhoy, 2005). There is no balance between teacher student ratio in universities of
Pakistan, the enrollment of students are continuously increased but no increase in specialized
faculty to encounter the requirements of different areas and several faculty members in
universities are holding just master degrees have no higher education experience and practical
knowledge (Haider, 2008) and further elaborated that the physical and educational facilities are
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not satisfactory and hindering the development; most of the teachers in Pakistani universities are
not competent and have very limited knowledge about the subject matter and research.
Concluding Remarks
Study suggested to increase the present supply of qualified faculty members having practical
knowledge and provide them attractive salary, reasonable teaching and research assignment and
fringe benefits to attract the top ranking faculty members. We also entail to set the rules for
teaching evolution.
The other destructive element for the quality of education is corruption that has deprived the
Pakistan from a respectable place in the comity of nations and as Hallak and Poisson (2012)
argued that corruption occurs at all level and intake a number of stakeholders including faculty,
students, examination body and other officials and employees. Corruption is the major
contributing factor of educational failure this is due to the absence of accountabilityand the
record under which an institute is operating may not actually exist (Rehman & Khan, 2012) they
further disclose that due to the low pay employees get the support of certain unethical way of
earning like bribery. Corruption, illegal promotion, illegal foreign tours, heavy salaries, un-
necessary utility bills and dictatorship is undesirable issues of Pakistani universities (Voice of
Pakistan, 2011).Corruption, scandal and seedy affairs are also taking place in this holy profession
inside the faculty and administration (Dawn, Feb10, 2012). As Dawn Feb10, (2012) explore the
shocking IIUI(International Islamic University Islamabad) rape case scandal in which a staff
member forced a female student to offer sexual favor in return for grades and make immediate
superior and report further disclose that a librarian forced to resign due to the harassment of
assistant. So the grades are traded in return of sexual favor and the authority remains silent to this
entire happening.
Concluding Remarks
The purpose of education is only to make money instead of learning this is due to the existing of
corruption and it exists at every step in form of moral, social cultural and also political
corruption in our educational system due to unavailability of transparency and accountability.
As Iqbal (2011) stated that there should be the accountability of the universities because
universities are liable to providing quality education and making excellence research and are
responsible to society, students and employers. The educational system of Pakistan is unable to
produce the people who have logical thinking and equipped with research (Mahmood&Shafique,
2010). Due to the absence of accountability the number of unethical activities are exist in the
educational institute like corruption (Rehman & Khan, 2012). Resources should be allocated to
the faculty on the base of specific criteria and the term accountability refers towards those who
manage and allocate the resources toward others (spathis & Ananiadis, 2004). Through this we
can fully utilize the resources for the common cause and to achieve the ultimate goal. We can
manage the organizational complexity by establishing the specific structure for accountability
and autonomy through adopting the system of learning by monitoring and by defining the
responsibilities between the state and the universities in form of co-operative federalism and a
systematic balance of power between state and universities (Kreysing, 2002).Although the
financial constraints are exist in higher educational institutes but in present situation the real need
is to take administrator and institutional reforms (Hoodbhoy, 2005).
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Concluding Remarks
There is need to adopt the accounting and effective monitoring system to control the allocated
funds, make there effective use, toavoid the unethical activities so that we can access the quality
of education according to international standards. This will also provide a strong base for
effective decision making.
Research culture and Support for Research
There is an appalling need to uplift the quality of higher education in field of research to enhance
the expertise, skills and to fulfill the social requirements (Analysis of higher education in
Pakistan, 2011). A huge gap is exist between the theory and practices in Pakistan because the
lack of research facilities, problem in updating of data base, no specific remuneration on
conducting research and work burden on teachers (Khan et al., 2011).Most of the teachers and
students perceive that their head of department and senior colleagues are not honest with the
research activities and are incapable to keep the department/institute on the track of research
(Lodhi, 2011) so leaders are the barriers to promote the research culture. Existing research
facilities are underutilized due to the lack of motivation, pitiable student interest, lack of
knowledge, lack of favorable research environment, pathetic research background, shortage of
HEC accepted supervisor, incapability to use the available resources, teacher attitude toward
students, lack of updated curricula, less focus on practical knowledge and character building, gap
between university-industry and no system of governance (Niwaz, 2010; Iqbal, 2004). HEC
requisite to review the quality criteria standards and work as a co-partner with educational
institutes to advance the research culture and uplift the universities according to international
standard (Akhtar et al., 2012). Universities are research institutes and it is the responsibility of
the university to generate and disseminate the knowledge but as Niwaz (2010) identified that due
to unavailability of the professional faculty the usage of research facilities are dubious in
universities of Pakistan. Universities should works in a broader set of functions like making a
focused research, producing creative minds instead of just economic utilities and organized
dialogues/debates on emergent social, cultural and political issues (Hoodbhoy, 2005). Higher
education of Pakistan is not performing will and both quality and research output is weak
(Mahmood & Shafique, 2010). Through the communal governance system of faculty,
administration and governance board universities can yield the new knowledge and develop the
human lives (Lee & Land, 2010).
Concluding Remarks
Research is the back bone for progress of any nation so we need to cultivate the research culture
in a long run prospects so for this we need strategic planning, favor able climate and the most
important committed leadership through all that we can mold our higher education institutes as a
research oriented institutes.
Management and Policies
Pakistan is facing the lack of educational front and requires developing and implementing the
policies through setting the new benchmarks according to international standards so that we can
establish the well planned educational system for the socio-economic development of Pakistan
(Analysis of higher education in Pakistan, 2011). Due to the poor university industry interaction
we cannot prepare the efficient developmental policies as Saeed (1996) identify that there is very
little or no relationship between existing policies, their implementation and the international
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environment and As Khalid Saeed (1996) further says that although we are suffering in the
problem of lack of resources and facilities but we are unable to capture the results of available
resources and facilities due to the poor policies of management. Pakistani universities have no
clear, distinguished and direction oriented policies (Hoodbhoy, 2005) and further identified that
there is need to stop the establishing worthless new universities, rewarding research that really
not a research, stop playing number game and rest academic corruption. There are no clearly
defined standards for the higher education so we are unable to expose the clear picture even
wherever these are established and there is no measurement or follow up (NEP, 2009) and
further stated that the basic reason of low quality of education in Pakistan is the gap of
commitment and policies implementation and as planning commission pointed out that we
cannot spend a huge amount on education sector and after that imagine to become an energetic
knowledge based economy.Quality of education is already exist within the educational
community but the educational institute are not capable to utilize them (Iqbal, 2012) and further
says that quality of education can be enhanced by developing the cooperation, team work,
administration, teaching staff, leadership and board member.The reason of declining the standard
of education in Pakistan is poor management and policies (Lodhi, 2011). Higher education of
Pakistan is not performing will this is because of inadequate recruitment, retain the proficient
faculty and staff, absence of resources, improper allocation,no Incentives and rewards on
conducting research and ignoring the performance based pay system(Mahmood & Shafique,
2010) and further Higher education policy note (2006) disclose that the Management and
Governance of the higher educational institutes hampering the quality of education because of
ignoring the federal university ordinance and appointment of voice chancellors on the bases of
political influences by ignoring the criteria and merit based selection and these practices causes
the increased external influenced and hindering the participation of members in different
decision making activities.
Concluding Remarks
The major contributor for the decline of higher education is ineffective policies,administration
and governance. There is need to introduce unfair and consistent educational policies according
to the ground realities without any external pressure. Although some educational policies are
introduced time to time but due to lack of implementation and inconsistency it revealed no result.
Governance and Self-Assessment
Assessment provide the response which helps to design the policies and develop the all layers
from class room to national system but Pakistan does not have assessment system it is only
limited to the examination (Aly, 2007). To assure the quality of education in Pakistan there is
necessity to develop the criteria and standards for internal and external audit to assess the quality
of education at both department and university level so for this, self-assessment at both academic
and administration level must be the first stair on the track of quality (Ismail, 2012). State and
community establish and develop the educational system of any country and they are responsible
to develop the standard for the quality of knowledge and every institute must operate under a
governing body of the institute which work under the government governing body and these
governing bodies control the management and oversee all the affairs within the institute (Lee &
Land, 2010). For the continuous improvement there is necessitate to establish the self-assessment
methodology so that we can incessantly evaluate the input, process and output through the
predetermined strategies (Raouf, 2008) and further says that we cannot assure the quality of
education due to the absence of self-assessment policies and he conclude that we can improve
the higher educational system through establishing the internal and external assessment teams.
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There is need to review the institutions against the international quality benchmarking by
developing the evaluation criteria to take into account the international varied situation and to
improve the weak areas of higher educational institutes like curriculum standard, infrastructure,
technology, administrative policies, policies implementation, standards of student intake and
research environment (Hamid Ullah et al., 2012).As the World Bank Report (2000) suggest an
annual conference on national level about the current situation and future scenario in which the
higher educational institutes explain their annual actions in term of their success or failure and
the purpose is to forecast the future challenges, make suggestions for the effective use of
resources and propose the set of principles to improve the educational system.
Concluding Remarks
Self-assessment and governance is the first stair on the road of quality.Through the consolidated
measures and well documented reports we can control and measures the performance of the
institute in an effective way. So there is prerequisite to review the governance system and self-
assessment policies against the international quality benchmarksso that we can batter design and
control the policies.
Financial constraints
We are spending 1.8% of GDP on education which is very low as compared to developed nation
(VC Dr. Mukhtiar speech, 2012). Enormous and unmanageable gap is exist between the
resources and the expenses of the universities (Higher education policy note, 2006). Universities
find the solution of this problem by increasing the number of students which decrease the
efficiency of institute. The higher educational institute faces financial problems which lead the
technological constraints in term of lack of laboratories and libraries that adversely effect on
teaching and quality of education (khan et al., 2010). As the Daily Times (Wednesday, Sep 14,
2011) disclose that the HEC and universities are both facing a worst financial crisis and the HEC
cut down the budget of universities 10-15% as well as the chairman of HEC says that the they
have no more funds to the universities on the other hand management of the universities facing a
savior budget problem even to pay the salaries and to cope with the day to day
affairs.Universities are facing financial crises but on the other hand Government of Pakistan
diminishes the fund for HEC from 15.827bn to 14bn for the fiscal year 2011-2012. As the HEC
News latter (2010) disclose that at the end of this fiscal year there will be no growth, no new
project and no money for the 200 projects which are at the different phases of completion. There
are only six countries that spend less then Pakistan which will cause irreparable success
misfortune, dipping standards and loss of billions invested in this sector and leads us toward
ignorant and far from creating of minds. Due to the unavailability of sufficient infrastructure
universities of Pakistan are unable to meet the increasing market demand but the enrollment rate
is continuously increasing (Analysis of higher education in Pakistan, 2011). Universities should
adopt the revenue diversification process in form of different alternative of revenue like
philanthropy, entrepreneurship activities, student fee and the revenue from the asset management
(Besana, 2011). Universities should adopt the diversified revenue method to handle the
unforeseeable situation.
Concluding Remarks
According to UNO standard a country must spend 4% of GDP on education but in Pakistan it is
only 1.8% and to overcome the resource constraint the universities use the other unproductive
means of earning. Through this we cannot compete the world. This is the responsibility of the
government to provide sufficient funds to universities so we can produce creative minds.
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Student Intake
As Win and Miller (2012) stated that the individual own ability and school level learning
imparting a great impact on the academic performance of student in university and further
Retallick & Mithani (2003) elaborate that the education can be improved by developing the
educational strategies at school based level and the deficiencies are exist in both private and
public schools in Pakistan which operate without proper infrastructure, equipment, professional
teachers, old age educational technique and the absence of libraries so this traditional educational
system leads away from the quality education.
Concluding Remarks
Higher education is adversely affected by the poor base line. The quality of education at primary
and secondary level is unfortunate which creates a negative impact on the quality of education at
higher education level. So there is a need to elevate the quality of education from base line level.
Internal and external influence
Internal and external factor influence the teachers which deprived education from quality; in
internal influence some time their colleagues and administration approach‟s them for the favor of
their favorite student or the student to whom they have relation and some time student threaten
the teachers for marks and external influence consist of political, relatives, friends and
government servant (Sarwar, 2011).For the encouragement of teacher and to build up the quality
of education there is obligatory to ensure the influence free environment.
Concluding Remarks
Internal and external factors not only put negative impact on the teaching process but also
influence the educational ambiance. We need to prevent the process of learning and educational
environment from the halted and condemnable activities so that we canelevate the quality of
Universities should mold the students toward social developmental work and prefer those
students who work for the best of society but our students are involves in political and certain
other unethical activities (VC Dr. Mukhtiar speech, 2012) and further says that students should
act and behave like a students and come forward to lead the country. Teachers and students
associate to the different association/groups to make their influence on institute which deviate
them from their basic purpose. As Obaid (2012) identified that theuniversities consist of different
actors who make the internal and external influence to control the decision making process, to
gain their personal interest and to achieve their personal objectives. As Hoodbhoy (2005) stated
that most of the university students cannot speak or write any language well, they cannot express
intelligible argument, not learned how to think and have no creative expression but are involved
in disputable unions and lethal activities. The academic institutes are dishonest to develop the
ethics and moralities in the students and students perform the different unethical
practices/cheating within the institute and after that these practices used in the professional life
so the academic need to develop and implement the policies, norms, rules and regulation and
greater sense of responsibility within the institute (Aslam & Nazir, 2012) On the other side as
Jawaid et al., (2008) mention that the majority of the university students start smoking and water
pipe and the factors that linked them to these evil practices are peer relation, pleasure seeking,
COPY RIGHT © 2012 Institute of Interdisciplinary Business Research 168
VOL 4, NO 7
academic stress, boredom, closeness between persons of opposite sex caused by water pipe
sharing. Medical profession can play a vital role to control the usage of smoking and to create
awareness about its dangerous effects but the students and the teachers of medical colleges and
universities are also involves in this hazardous activity according to the survey in 2003, 32% of
doctors are involves in smoking and according to most recent survey 19-26% male and 1-5%
female students in Pakistan are involve in smoking (Mubeem et al., 2012).
Concluding Remarks
If people himself wrong doing the activities which they are getting done from others then it is
very difficult to handle the situation and perform the activity suitably. That‟s the same situation
in Pakistan. The unethical activities are performs in those institutes which are responsible for the
development of the nation. So for the progress of the nation it is essential for us to take action to
control these fatal and periloushappenings.
The purpose of the universities is to change and develop the societies through the improvement
of quality of education by the combination of science and technology based education according
to dynamic environment, changed international scenario and changed social and industrial needs
through the creation and dissemination of knowledge but our universities are very weak and do
not change anything because a number of internal and external deficiencies are exist that prevent
the universities to moves towards the quality and efficiency. It is the responsibilities of the
universities to produce the scholars, business men, political leaders and the potential
professionals who can better serve and lead the society which is directly related to the students,
teachers and the resources and parallels to these curricula and student intake are also the major
contributors the quality of education. The higher educational system of Pakistan is very poor as
we are ignoring the basic necessities for the quality of education and are unable to gain the
benefits associated with universities. Education is discouraged at all level and is need to purify
the educational system to the different influences, illegal and unethical activities by adopting the
system of learning by monitoring. It‟s an uphill task to assure the quality of education at higher
educational level through the involvement of all concerned including administration this can be
done in batter way through the self-assessment and accountability. Some flaws are exist in our
system in form of lack of capable teachers, appraisal system, inadequate resources and
infrastructure, educational policies, poor management system, poor linkage of educational
institutes and industry and political interference which thwart our system to adopt the changes.
Quality improvement should be priority mater but the universities are involves in different
unethical activities like corruption, politics, internal and external influence and is need to
develop an academic calendar, strategic plan and take the measures to the concern authorities to
bring up discipline within the entire system. Although the funding from the government for
higher education and research is inadequate according to the need of the universities to respond
the dynamic environment but the amount provided is not used efficiently and do not made the
certainty of performance and information based resource allocation. So there is a swear need to
implement the quality control standards to uphill the quality of higher education on the other
hand universities are sick due to their static and non-cooperative culture which leads us far from
the base of development.
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VOL 4, NO 7
 Education is the main pillar for the development of any society but we are continuously ignoring
it so it is obligatory to take the higher education on top priority, provide it sufficient amount of
finance and then adopt the accountability system to insure its effective usage.
 Bring the educational reforms through the collation of Government, HEC, institutes and industry
and then held open discussion on the strength and weaknesses of the universities on continuous
 Develop a governance board to confirm the accountability and an influence free environment.
 Manage and maintaining technical infrastructure and make sure their usage with the cooperation
of industry for the greater benefit of the society.
 Strict rule of discipline must be adopted.
 Loyal and persistent leader ship.
 We can never learn and progress under a corrupt education system so to get red from this system
we must adopt the proper monitoring system on both institution and government level.
 Fair recruitment of faculty having experience of practical life, provide them training, reward them
on the bases of performance and support them on conducting research.
COPY RIGHT © 2012 Institute of Interdisciplinary Business Research 170
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Issues and Prospects behind the depressed higher education in Pakistan

  • 1. INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH IN BUSINESS COPY RIGHT © 2012 Institute of Interdisciplinary Business Research 157 NOVEMBER 2012 VOL 4, NO 7 ISSUES AND PROSPECTS BEHIND THE DEPRESSED HIGHER EDUCATION IN PAKISTAN Muhammad Bilal, Imran Khan* Department of Management Sciences, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur. *Corresponding Author Abstract This study aims to look on different issues behind the failure of higher education in Pakistan and identifying the factors which prevent it to achieve its ultimate goals. As the sustainable development and prosperity of societies in this dynamic age is largely depend upon the quality of higher education but our education system seems to be gruesome and is failed to respond according to need of the society and dynamic environment. Through the study it is found that number of internal and external factors influence the higher educational institutes which lead the higher education towards poor quality. Keywords: ISSUES ; PROSPECTS ; BEHIND ; DEPRESSED HIGHER EDUCATION IN PAKISTAN Introduction The worldwide mobility of higher education in not a new phenomenon but in twenty first century the speed and level of emergent is remarkable. The major trends are shaping higher education according to international scenario but in Pakistan inequalities between academic institutes are continuously increasing and our country reveals severe deficiency and the demand for increased access of quality education remain strong. Today as the wealth or poverty is depend upon the quality of education and is considered as benchmark for the success of nations so the countries are realizing the emerging need of educational development and taking adequate steps to enhance the standard of education. HEC (Higher Education Commission) also taking steps to improve the quality of education but is facing certain obstacles to ensure it. The present study explores the issues behind the poor quality of education in Pakistan. It has been found that the present system of education in Pakistan is not performing well and this knowledge about the problems and prospects of the higher education will help the reader to understand the present status and find the possible solution for the education faced in the country and will support to getting novel ideas. The development of a society depends to a large extent on the standard and nature of higher education. It is the responsibility of the higher educational institutes to produce knowledgeable, far-sighted competent people, equipping them advance knowledge and skills to fill the sphere of societies and the various responsibilities to lead the nation. As HEC takes certain initiative to achieve the success in respective fields but a number of internal and external factors proves as an obstacle to streamline the universities to achieve the quality of education and to safe guard the national interest. As HEC chairman admitted that higher education survives in form of three challenges access, relevance and quality so it is required to overcome these problems if we want to become emerging nation. Pakistan education statistics Improvement in the quality of higher education in fields of academic standard and research is the top priority of HEC and there should be at least five Pakistani universities included in the ranking of top 300 universities of the world till 2015 (HEC, 2012) and further stated that now
  • 2. INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH IN BUSINESS COPY RIGHT © 2012 Institute of Interdisciplinary Business Research 158 NOVEMBER 2012 VOL 4, NO 7 25% faculty members are holding PHD degrees but the Pakistan need to double it till 2015 and this will be increased up to 40% 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Higher Education Institutes 118 121 126 127 132 Enrollment 521473 639597 738373 803507 948268 PHD Faculty 2686 3312 3483 3586 * PHD Faculty % 22.6 23.9 23.06 21.8 * Non PHD Faculty 9192 10691 11616 12860 * Research Ranking in the World 47 * 45 * 43 Grant Per Student (Real Rupees) 37,183 38,352 24,945 24,777 26,975 Citation 10097 11522 13131 9107 5239 (Higher Education Commission Statistical Survey Unit September 5, 2011) Literature Review Universities are liable to providing the intellectual capital, creative human force and entrepreneur to build up the economy and nation and there is direct relation of knowledge, capital and economy so the universities act as catalyst by developing the mature and responsible leaders having creative and problem solving approach to develop the nations in the community of world but as Pakistan (2009) stated thatwe are caught up in educational crises and the quality of education is very poor as compared to international standard. Higher Educational Institutes are the main supplier of qualified, skilled and talented human resource for the social development to any country (Lowe, 2002) and the Universities are like a greenhouse which grows healthy plants in form of graduates who can batter use their leisure time to develop the healthy society otherwise society destroys them. Higher education is facing an extensive trace of crisis and no one can be considered as world Class University in term of academic activities and knowledge creation and almost all the universities facing the problems of shortage of infrastructure, laboratories, library, inadequate faculty and even the lack of academically equipped student to study in universities but on the other hand the budget provided by the HEC is spend on unnecessary activities (Hoodbhoy, 2005). For the quality of education different author suggest the different internal and external factors as Mughal et al., (2011)stated that the sustainable development is dependent upon the quality of education which depend upon the curriculum, education according to the dynamic environment and changed industrial needs and further Monem and Baniamin (2010)correlates the quality of education through different internal and external factors (student intake, faculty development, teaching methods, resource, politicization,
  • 3. INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH IN BUSINESS COPY RIGHT © 2012 Institute of Interdisciplinary Business Research 159 NOVEMBER 2012 VOL 4, NO 7 Financial Constraints and Accountability Corruption and politicization External Influence Student Intake Unethical Activities Corruption and politicization Assessment, Accountability and Governance Influence and Unethical Activities Management Policies and Faculty Development Conflicts, Reward and Motivation Curriculum and Research External Factors Internal Factors Quality of Education University Industry-Gap financial constraint and faculty evolution).Quality of education is based upon the equal opportunities, appraising of academic staff, curriculum review, interaction between the institute and professional organizations, involvement of students in academic matters, allocation of resources, self-assessment, and appointment of academic staff (Sanyal, 1992) and more AASCU (2012) indicated the different problems and prospects like state support, governance, infrastructure, capital improvement and performance based funding which influence and change the shape of educational system. Poverty and Economic development are correlates with the quality of education which depends upon the interactive network, faculty, curriculum and facilities (Chen et al., 2007).Blend et al., (2005) identified different individual and institutional factors which influence the quality and productivity of higher education and as according to Blend individual factors consist of motivation, skills, commitment, autonomy and work habits and institutional factors are resource availability, research culture, emphasize on research, communication, commitment toward goals, work time, recruitment and selection and reward and support. The mission of HEC is to facilitate the higher educational institutes so they can serve as an engine of growth and socio-economic development but some poisonous activities derailed the mission.Corruption, lack of accountability and Governance lead the institution towards the poor quality (Hallak & Poisson, 2007)7 .Thesedeficiencies in the educational system of Pakistan hinders the development. Theoretical Framework Mughal et al., 2011; Monem and Baniamin, 2010; Mikas Sanyal, 1992; Chen et al., 2007; Blend et al., 2005; Hoodbhoy, 2005. Curricula We are focusing on quantity not quality so we are surviving at both economic and defense level due to the unavailability of the update curriculum to compete the modern world and we are incapable to build the power of reasoning in our students (Rehman & Khan, 2012) and as according to DART Newsletter(2011) the curricula developed in universities just for the sake of
  • 4. INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH IN BUSINESS COPY RIGHT © 2012 Institute of Interdisciplinary Business Research 160 NOVEMBER 2012 VOL 4, NO 7 awarding degree not to produce the entrepreneur. Teachers and students both feel the study as worthless and useless this is because of curriculum problem as the most of the teachers use very old edition of text books (Obaid, 2012).Courses are not designed according to international standards and so many important and modern courses are not taught yet and the teachers select the curriculum according to their personal interest, like, dislike and experience (Haider, 2008). Universities need to remodel the curricula, process of teaching, enhancing their competencies and grooming/furnishing the students according to international standard to meet the Increasing demand for quality education in this era of competition (Raza & Naqvi, 2011) and further elaborate thatto enhance the competencies of the students and to meet the international standards there is need to reshape the curricula. The countries where the universities are regulated as a national developmental institute such universities change their curricula and research policies rendering to the change in policies and investment structure and when the industry re-locate and change the business and policies the universities also change the curricula according to the changed industrial requirement (the management university of Africa, 2012) and further says that The quality of education can be enhanced by the decolonization of curricula and by bridging up the gap between what is taught and what is expected. Concluding Remarks We need to develop the people mentally so for this we mustapprove the appropriate integrated form of curricula to meet the set objectives at every step of higher education and adopt a gradual practical learning through informative and interesting documentaries, videosand activities related to self-motivated practical life. University-Industry Gap There is lack of linkage between academic circles and industry in Pakistan and the educational institutes are not capable to develop the practical skill related to business and commerce and is the serious problems which hampering the performance of industry and business education in country (Khan et al., 2011). As Rehman and Khan (2012) elaborate that our education has no direct connection to the practical life and the students face a lot of problem in the social life. The employers are not fully satisfied to the quality of Pakistani university graduates in term of their professional, personal, social and intellectual skills because the population of the universities graduates increasing day by day and students perceive their degree as a source of employment this situation empowering the employer so his expectation and demand for quality of education increased (Raza & Naqvi, 2011). Quality of anything can always measure through its usage and the skills of the graduates can be batter measured through the perception of user/employer. To meet the international standards there is essential to develop the employability skills of the students (Raza & Naqvi, 2011).Performance of Pakistani universities is blow the standard of market job so to uphill the performance of universities there is need to bridge up the gap between institute and industry this can be done through regular interaction and knowledge sharing. University and industry are two main entities of any country which can lead the country toward the development but in Pakistan there is huge gap between these two pillars universities are unable to attain the excellency in research and academic fieldon the other hand corporate sector have also a lot of problems to achieve the competitive advantage so this gap can be filled by successfully respond to the changing environment and can achieve the win-win situation through the collaboration and strategic alliance between these two sectors (Ahmad & Junaid, 2008). Failures are facing in both sides but they are not concerned to preparing any mechanism against it although through the participation we can restructure both the entities. The factors which hampering the linkage between government, industry and university is the lack of trust,
  • 5. INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH IN BUSINESS COPY RIGHT © 2012 Institute of Interdisciplinary Business Research 161 NOVEMBER 2012 VOL 4, NO 7 government policies, lack of entrepreneurial activities and technology (DART Newsletter, 2011).There is a need to develop the acceptable application, enhance communication and create a link between industry and educational institutes and do not compromise on the cost of quality of higher education so that we can move toward Excellency(the third annual international conference on industry and higher education, 2012). The education can be improved through the intervention of technology, establishing the virtual class rooms and by increasing the concern of the students toward market oriented learning not only to secure the marks, (Levidow, 2000) and further says that the efficiency and quality should be increased if we define education system in market term and teacher act as a producer and student act as a consumer. Concluding Remarks To meet the needs of the business world it is the responsibility of the institute to produce the capable, skilled and proficient graduates so for this grades should be allocated on the bases of their industrial relevant competencies.Students should train in real practical environment for this the collaboration and frequent visit from the both side (Industry & Institute) is essential. We must learn as an advanced nation and the first stair is to makesucceeding higher educational policies. Reward and Motivation As Rasheed et al., (2010) stated that there is lack of motivation in teachers at higher education level in Pakistan due to high burden, overcrowded classes and the absence of monitory and nonmonetary motivators which hindering the quality of education in current changing scenario of hyper competition and further identified the communication gap between teachers and the chairman which also demotivate the teachers. Motivated teachers motivate the students which cause the success of students and the institute this can be possible by linking the needs and success of the institute to the needs and success of the individual. Higher educational institutes are indifferent about the problems of the teachers which create number of problems in term of motivation, performance, teacher and student development (Malik et al., 2010). In Pakistan young, talented and qualified people do not prefer teaching as a profession because they consider that there is no specific mechanism to evaluate the teachers, give them performance based incentives and consider the poor quality of standards prevailing in universities of Pakistan (Obaid, 2012).Financial rewards, supports for the faculty, salaries and fringe benefits are very low as compared to the increased living cost to attract the highly qualified educators (Haider, 2008). Concluding Remarks Human resources are the vital element for the success of any institute which acceleratesthe organizational development. The efficiency and effectiveness suffers only when the organization demotivates their employeesso we need to motivate our employees through the different monitory and nonmonetary motivators and make efforts to solve the problems of these developers so that we can leads the society toward progress. Politicization and conflicts The educational crises in Pakistan is the outcome of increased level of conflicts this is because of politicization within the institute and no attention is paid to resolve it and the results comes in form of indiscipline, lower educational standard, violence and lockouts (Mukhtar et al., 2012) and further Hoodbhoy (1998) identified that the higher education in Pakistan is serious ill as compared to third world countries. Professional deficiencies are exist in the field of teaching due
  • 6. INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH IN BUSINESS COPY RIGHT © 2012 Institute of Interdisciplinary Business Research 162 NOVEMBER 2012 VOL 4, NO 7 to the high involvement of politic in the educational institutes(Rehman & Khan, 2012). Due to the high political pressure the educational leaders cannot assure the quality of education (Iqbal, 2011) and the educational activities are politically controlled in universities of Pakistan. Political culture of the universities pollute the other noble professions so due to this culture we are unable to make the nation but we are in trying to run on the road to just to educate the nation (Subhani et al., 2012) and further elaborate that the employees are appreciated not on the bases of their hard working but on the bases of favoritism/association/influential background and it leads the organization toward ill image, gossip lobbies, tension in working environment, employees switching due to intolerable political pressure. The education system is design just for earn, to reach higher post and to consider as an elate one (Subhani et al., 2012). Politics involves at executive level for the professional development in academic career, self-rule and authority. Politics within the universities of Pakistan is exist among the managerial staff, faculty and students which causes competition, jealously, bad word of mouth, bad work orientation, salary, bonuses and incentive issues and red alert the different individual against each other which proves disastrous for the organization (Subhani et al., 2012). In our system nothing is done on merit assume „A‟ is saying something and he/she is the friend of the chair then this will be immediately done and if „A‟ is saying something and he/she is not a friend of the chair then he will be simply denied. These things create a problem for us. Concluding Remarks Higher educational institutes are pampered in the dirty game of politics. Certain actions are take place within the institute is the result of politicization as it runs in veins of every individual and institution. Biasness within the institute and boost up certain employees on the base of influential background, favoritism and association continuously demotivate the employees and create tension in the working environment. Every individual and institute putting their efforts to leg pulling each other. So for grooming up the educational system there is necessity to get rid of from these gossiping lobbies. Recruitment, Retention and Method of Teaching Business education in Pakistan suffers and cannot meet the international standards due to the lack of specialized and professional teachers having a strong academic and business background so due to this they cannot disclose the real image to students (Khan et al., 2011). Any institute is eminent through its faculty members but the Pakistani universities are almost weak in faculty development and have only 1700 PHD faculty membersbeside the requirement of 7000 (Analysis of higher education in Pakistan, 2011).Recruitment and retention of staff and teachers is the weak area of Pakistani universities (Mahmood & Shafique, 2010) and also the University teachers are somewhat weak to the art of problem and process based teaching and used specific stereotype teaching methods so is essential to develop and assess them in field of intellectual, personal, professional and social development (Raza et al., 2011). The method of teaching is stereotype and there is no grooming in the educational system due to the lack of professional teachers this is because involvement of politics in teacher appointment and the teacher teaches just to earn (Rehman & Khan, 2012). Our faculty is more concerned about money and promotion they are not concerned about research, knowledge creation, teaching and working on social issues (Hoodbhoy, 2005). There is no balance between teacher student ratio in universities of Pakistan, the enrollment of students are continuously increased but no increase in specialized faculty to encounter the requirements of different areas and several faculty members in universities are holding just master degrees have no higher education experience and practical knowledge (Haider, 2008) and further elaborated that the physical and educational facilities are
  • 7. INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH IN BUSINESS COPY RIGHT © 2012 Institute of Interdisciplinary Business Research 163 NOVEMBER 2012 VOL 4, NO 7 not satisfactory and hindering the development; most of the teachers in Pakistani universities are not competent and have very limited knowledge about the subject matter and research. Concluding Remarks Study suggested to increase the present supply of qualified faculty members having practical knowledge and provide them attractive salary, reasonable teaching and research assignment and fringe benefits to attract the top ranking faculty members. We also entail to set the rules for teaching evolution. Corruption The other destructive element for the quality of education is corruption that has deprived the Pakistan from a respectable place in the comity of nations and as Hallak and Poisson (2012) argued that corruption occurs at all level and intake a number of stakeholders including faculty, students, examination body and other officials and employees. Corruption is the major contributing factor of educational failure this is due to the absence of accountabilityand the record under which an institute is operating may not actually exist (Rehman & Khan, 2012) they further disclose that due to the low pay employees get the support of certain unethical way of earning like bribery. Corruption, illegal promotion, illegal foreign tours, heavy salaries, un- necessary utility bills and dictatorship is undesirable issues of Pakistani universities (Voice of Pakistan, 2011).Corruption, scandal and seedy affairs are also taking place in this holy profession inside the faculty and administration (Dawn, Feb10, 2012). As Dawn Feb10, (2012) explore the shocking IIUI(International Islamic University Islamabad) rape case scandal in which a staff member forced a female student to offer sexual favor in return for grades and make immediate superior and report further disclose that a librarian forced to resign due to the harassment of assistant. So the grades are traded in return of sexual favor and the authority remains silent to this entire happening. Concluding Remarks The purpose of education is only to make money instead of learning this is due to the existing of corruption and it exists at every step in form of moral, social cultural and also political corruption in our educational system due to unavailability of transparency and accountability. Accountability As Iqbal (2011) stated that there should be the accountability of the universities because universities are liable to providing quality education and making excellence research and are responsible to society, students and employers. The educational system of Pakistan is unable to produce the people who have logical thinking and equipped with research (Mahmood&Shafique, 2010). Due to the absence of accountability the number of unethical activities are exist in the educational institute like corruption (Rehman & Khan, 2012). Resources should be allocated to the faculty on the base of specific criteria and the term accountability refers towards those who manage and allocate the resources toward others (spathis & Ananiadis, 2004). Through this we can fully utilize the resources for the common cause and to achieve the ultimate goal. We can manage the organizational complexity by establishing the specific structure for accountability and autonomy through adopting the system of learning by monitoring and by defining the responsibilities between the state and the universities in form of co-operative federalism and a systematic balance of power between state and universities (Kreysing, 2002).Although the financial constraints are exist in higher educational institutes but in present situation the real need is to take administrator and institutional reforms (Hoodbhoy, 2005).
  • 8. INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH IN BUSINESS COPY RIGHT © 2012 Institute of Interdisciplinary Business Research 164 NOVEMBER 2012 VOL 4, NO 7 Concluding Remarks There is need to adopt the accounting and effective monitoring system to control the allocated funds, make there effective use, toavoid the unethical activities so that we can access the quality of education according to international standards. This will also provide a strong base for effective decision making. Research culture and Support for Research There is an appalling need to uplift the quality of higher education in field of research to enhance the expertise, skills and to fulfill the social requirements (Analysis of higher education in Pakistan, 2011). A huge gap is exist between the theory and practices in Pakistan because the lack of research facilities, problem in updating of data base, no specific remuneration on conducting research and work burden on teachers (Khan et al., 2011).Most of the teachers and students perceive that their head of department and senior colleagues are not honest with the research activities and are incapable to keep the department/institute on the track of research (Lodhi, 2011) so leaders are the barriers to promote the research culture. Existing research facilities are underutilized due to the lack of motivation, pitiable student interest, lack of knowledge, lack of favorable research environment, pathetic research background, shortage of HEC accepted supervisor, incapability to use the available resources, teacher attitude toward students, lack of updated curricula, less focus on practical knowledge and character building, gap between university-industry and no system of governance (Niwaz, 2010; Iqbal, 2004). HEC requisite to review the quality criteria standards and work as a co-partner with educational institutes to advance the research culture and uplift the universities according to international standard (Akhtar et al., 2012). Universities are research institutes and it is the responsibility of the university to generate and disseminate the knowledge but as Niwaz (2010) identified that due to unavailability of the professional faculty the usage of research facilities are dubious in universities of Pakistan. Universities should works in a broader set of functions like making a focused research, producing creative minds instead of just economic utilities and organized dialogues/debates on emergent social, cultural and political issues (Hoodbhoy, 2005). Higher education of Pakistan is not performing will and both quality and research output is weak (Mahmood & Shafique, 2010). Through the communal governance system of faculty, administration and governance board universities can yield the new knowledge and develop the human lives (Lee & Land, 2010). Concluding Remarks Research is the back bone for progress of any nation so we need to cultivate the research culture in a long run prospects so for this we need strategic planning, favor able climate and the most important committed leadership through all that we can mold our higher education institutes as a research oriented institutes. Management and Policies Pakistan is facing the lack of educational front and requires developing and implementing the policies through setting the new benchmarks according to international standards so that we can establish the well planned educational system for the socio-economic development of Pakistan (Analysis of higher education in Pakistan, 2011). Due to the poor university industry interaction we cannot prepare the efficient developmental policies as Saeed (1996) identify that there is very little or no relationship between existing policies, their implementation and the international
  • 9. INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH IN BUSINESS COPY RIGHT © 2012 Institute of Interdisciplinary Business Research 165 NOVEMBER 2012 VOL 4, NO 7 environment and As Khalid Saeed (1996) further says that although we are suffering in the problem of lack of resources and facilities but we are unable to capture the results of available resources and facilities due to the poor policies of management. Pakistani universities have no clear, distinguished and direction oriented policies (Hoodbhoy, 2005) and further identified that there is need to stop the establishing worthless new universities, rewarding research that really not a research, stop playing number game and rest academic corruption. There are no clearly defined standards for the higher education so we are unable to expose the clear picture even wherever these are established and there is no measurement or follow up (NEP, 2009) and further stated that the basic reason of low quality of education in Pakistan is the gap of commitment and policies implementation and as planning commission pointed out that we cannot spend a huge amount on education sector and after that imagine to become an energetic knowledge based economy.Quality of education is already exist within the educational community but the educational institute are not capable to utilize them (Iqbal, 2012) and further says that quality of education can be enhanced by developing the cooperation, team work, administration, teaching staff, leadership and board member.The reason of declining the standard of education in Pakistan is poor management and policies (Lodhi, 2011). Higher education of Pakistan is not performing will this is because of inadequate recruitment, retain the proficient faculty and staff, absence of resources, improper allocation,no Incentives and rewards on conducting research and ignoring the performance based pay system(Mahmood & Shafique, 2010) and further Higher education policy note (2006) disclose that the Management and Governance of the higher educational institutes hampering the quality of education because of ignoring the federal university ordinance and appointment of voice chancellors on the bases of political influences by ignoring the criteria and merit based selection and these practices causes the increased external influenced and hindering the participation of members in different decision making activities. Concluding Remarks The major contributor for the decline of higher education is ineffective policies,administration and governance. There is need to introduce unfair and consistent educational policies according to the ground realities without any external pressure. Although some educational policies are introduced time to time but due to lack of implementation and inconsistency it revealed no result. Governance and Self-Assessment Assessment provide the response which helps to design the policies and develop the all layers from class room to national system but Pakistan does not have assessment system it is only limited to the examination (Aly, 2007). To assure the quality of education in Pakistan there is necessity to develop the criteria and standards for internal and external audit to assess the quality of education at both department and university level so for this, self-assessment at both academic and administration level must be the first stair on the track of quality (Ismail, 2012). State and community establish and develop the educational system of any country and they are responsible to develop the standard for the quality of knowledge and every institute must operate under a governing body of the institute which work under the government governing body and these governing bodies control the management and oversee all the affairs within the institute (Lee & Land, 2010). For the continuous improvement there is necessitate to establish the self-assessment methodology so that we can incessantly evaluate the input, process and output through the predetermined strategies (Raouf, 2008) and further says that we cannot assure the quality of education due to the absence of self-assessment policies and he conclude that we can improve the higher educational system through establishing the internal and external assessment teams.
  • 10. INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH IN BUSINESS COPY RIGHT © 2012 Institute of Interdisciplinary Business Research 166 NOVEMBER 2012 VOL 4, NO 7 There is need to review the institutions against the international quality benchmarking by developing the evaluation criteria to take into account the international varied situation and to improve the weak areas of higher educational institutes like curriculum standard, infrastructure, technology, administrative policies, policies implementation, standards of student intake and research environment (Hamid Ullah et al., 2012).As the World Bank Report (2000) suggest an annual conference on national level about the current situation and future scenario in which the higher educational institutes explain their annual actions in term of their success or failure and the purpose is to forecast the future challenges, make suggestions for the effective use of resources and propose the set of principles to improve the educational system. Concluding Remarks Self-assessment and governance is the first stair on the road of quality.Through the consolidated measures and well documented reports we can control and measures the performance of the institute in an effective way. So there is prerequisite to review the governance system and self- assessment policies against the international quality benchmarksso that we can batter design and control the policies. Financial constraints We are spending 1.8% of GDP on education which is very low as compared to developed nation (VC Dr. Mukhtiar speech, 2012). Enormous and unmanageable gap is exist between the resources and the expenses of the universities (Higher education policy note, 2006). Universities find the solution of this problem by increasing the number of students which decrease the efficiency of institute. The higher educational institute faces financial problems which lead the technological constraints in term of lack of laboratories and libraries that adversely effect on teaching and quality of education (khan et al., 2010). As the Daily Times (Wednesday, Sep 14, 2011) disclose that the HEC and universities are both facing a worst financial crisis and the HEC cut down the budget of universities 10-15% as well as the chairman of HEC says that the they have no more funds to the universities on the other hand management of the universities facing a savior budget problem even to pay the salaries and to cope with the day to day affairs.Universities are facing financial crises but on the other hand Government of Pakistan diminishes the fund for HEC from 15.827bn to 14bn for the fiscal year 2011-2012. As the HEC News latter (2010) disclose that at the end of this fiscal year there will be no growth, no new project and no money for the 200 projects which are at the different phases of completion. There are only six countries that spend less then Pakistan which will cause irreparable success misfortune, dipping standards and loss of billions invested in this sector and leads us toward ignorant and far from creating of minds. Due to the unavailability of sufficient infrastructure universities of Pakistan are unable to meet the increasing market demand but the enrollment rate is continuously increasing (Analysis of higher education in Pakistan, 2011). Universities should adopt the revenue diversification process in form of different alternative of revenue like philanthropy, entrepreneurship activities, student fee and the revenue from the asset management (Besana, 2011). Universities should adopt the diversified revenue method to handle the unforeseeable situation. Concluding Remarks According to UNO standard a country must spend 4% of GDP on education but in Pakistan it is only 1.8% and to overcome the resource constraint the universities use the other unproductive means of earning. Through this we cannot compete the world. This is the responsibility of the government to provide sufficient funds to universities so we can produce creative minds.
  • 11. INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH IN BUSINESS COPY RIGHT © 2012 Institute of Interdisciplinary Business Research 167 NOVEMBER 2012 VOL 4, NO 7 Student Intake As Win and Miller (2012) stated that the individual own ability and school level learning imparting a great impact on the academic performance of student in university and further Retallick & Mithani (2003) elaborate that the education can be improved by developing the educational strategies at school based level and the deficiencies are exist in both private and public schools in Pakistan which operate without proper infrastructure, equipment, professional teachers, old age educational technique and the absence of libraries so this traditional educational system leads away from the quality education. Concluding Remarks Higher education is adversely affected by the poor base line. The quality of education at primary and secondary level is unfortunate which creates a negative impact on the quality of education at higher education level. So there is a need to elevate the quality of education from base line level. Internal and external influence Internal and external factor influence the teachers which deprived education from quality; in internal influence some time their colleagues and administration approach‟s them for the favor of their favorite student or the student to whom they have relation and some time student threaten the teachers for marks and external influence consist of political, relatives, friends and government servant (Sarwar, 2011).For the encouragement of teacher and to build up the quality of education there is obligatory to ensure the influence free environment. Concluding Remarks Internal and external factors not only put negative impact on the teaching process but also influence the educational ambiance. We need to prevent the process of learning and educational environment from the halted and condemnable activities so that we canelevate the quality of education. UnethicalActivities Universities should mold the students toward social developmental work and prefer those students who work for the best of society but our students are involves in political and certain other unethical activities (VC Dr. Mukhtiar speech, 2012) and further says that students should act and behave like a students and come forward to lead the country. Teachers and students associate to the different association/groups to make their influence on institute which deviate them from their basic purpose. As Obaid (2012) identified that theuniversities consist of different actors who make the internal and external influence to control the decision making process, to gain their personal interest and to achieve their personal objectives. As Hoodbhoy (2005) stated that most of the university students cannot speak or write any language well, they cannot express intelligible argument, not learned how to think and have no creative expression but are involved in disputable unions and lethal activities. The academic institutes are dishonest to develop the ethics and moralities in the students and students perform the different unethical practices/cheating within the institute and after that these practices used in the professional life so the academic need to develop and implement the policies, norms, rules and regulation and greater sense of responsibility within the institute (Aslam & Nazir, 2012) On the other side as Jawaid et al., (2008) mention that the majority of the university students start smoking and water pipe and the factors that linked them to these evil practices are peer relation, pleasure seeking,
  • 12. INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH IN BUSINESS COPY RIGHT © 2012 Institute of Interdisciplinary Business Research 168 NOVEMBER 2012 VOL 4, NO 7 academic stress, boredom, closeness between persons of opposite sex caused by water pipe sharing. Medical profession can play a vital role to control the usage of smoking and to create awareness about its dangerous effects but the students and the teachers of medical colleges and universities are also involves in this hazardous activity according to the survey in 2003, 32% of doctors are involves in smoking and according to most recent survey 19-26% male and 1-5% female students in Pakistan are involve in smoking (Mubeem et al., 2012). Concluding Remarks If people himself wrong doing the activities which they are getting done from others then it is very difficult to handle the situation and perform the activity suitably. That‟s the same situation in Pakistan. The unethical activities are performs in those institutes which are responsible for the development of the nation. So for the progress of the nation it is essential for us to take action to control these fatal and periloushappenings. Conclusion The purpose of the universities is to change and develop the societies through the improvement of quality of education by the combination of science and technology based education according to dynamic environment, changed international scenario and changed social and industrial needs through the creation and dissemination of knowledge but our universities are very weak and do not change anything because a number of internal and external deficiencies are exist that prevent the universities to moves towards the quality and efficiency. It is the responsibilities of the universities to produce the scholars, business men, political leaders and the potential professionals who can better serve and lead the society which is directly related to the students, teachers and the resources and parallels to these curricula and student intake are also the major contributors the quality of education. The higher educational system of Pakistan is very poor as we are ignoring the basic necessities for the quality of education and are unable to gain the benefits associated with universities. Education is discouraged at all level and is need to purify the educational system to the different influences, illegal and unethical activities by adopting the system of learning by monitoring. It‟s an uphill task to assure the quality of education at higher educational level through the involvement of all concerned including administration this can be done in batter way through the self-assessment and accountability. Some flaws are exist in our system in form of lack of capable teachers, appraisal system, inadequate resources and infrastructure, educational policies, poor management system, poor linkage of educational institutes and industry and political interference which thwart our system to adopt the changes. Quality improvement should be priority mater but the universities are involves in different unethical activities like corruption, politics, internal and external influence and is need to develop an academic calendar, strategic plan and take the measures to the concern authorities to bring up discipline within the entire system. Although the funding from the government for higher education and research is inadequate according to the need of the universities to respond the dynamic environment but the amount provided is not used efficiently and do not made the certainty of performance and information based resource allocation. So there is a swear need to implement the quality control standards to uphill the quality of higher education on the other hand universities are sick due to their static and non-cooperative culture which leads us far from the base of development.
  • 13. INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH IN BUSINESS COPY RIGHT © 2012 Institute of Interdisciplinary Business Research 169 NOVEMBER 2012 VOL 4, NO 7 Recommendations  Education is the main pillar for the development of any society but we are continuously ignoring it so it is obligatory to take the higher education on top priority, provide it sufficient amount of finance and then adopt the accountability system to insure its effective usage.  Bring the educational reforms through the collation of Government, HEC, institutes and industry and then held open discussion on the strength and weaknesses of the universities on continuous bases.  Develop a governance board to confirm the accountability and an influence free environment.  Manage and maintaining technical infrastructure and make sure their usage with the cooperation of industry for the greater benefit of the society.  Strict rule of discipline must be adopted.  Loyal and persistent leader ship.  We can never learn and progress under a corrupt education system so to get red from this system we must adopt the proper monitoring system on both institution and government level.  Fair recruitment of faculty having experience of practical life, provide them training, reward them on the bases of performance and support them on conducting research.
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