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Brief Introduction
Strategic Planning
Roberto Rocco
Chair Spatial Planning and Strategy

TU Delft



Introduction to
general concepts of
strategic planning
This lecture is composed of
two parts

The shift in urban planning and
This lecture is composed of
two parts

to part

A brief description of
strategic planning
The shift in
urban planning
and design
Point of Departure:
Space is Socially Produced

Spatial planning deals with ‘inhabited’ space: a space of frictions but also a space of shared societal goals
Roots of Urbanism: Main
Hygiene/ Health
Separation of activities
Beauty/ grandeur/ monumentality/
representation of power
Circulation/ accessibility (first
connected to control and
military purposes)
Mobility (car/tram/train) and the
Fordist mode of production
But lately, there is a
radical change in how
we approach urban
Broadly, urbanism focuses on
It focuses on how people,
structures and activities are
distributed over space (a territory)
and how they are articulated by
spaces, structures and
infrastructures, as well as rules.
Because the task of URBANISM is
very complex, the SCOPE of the
discipline is very wide.
A very wide scope

Mind map on urbanism, MSC2 students, TU Delft
Spatial planning deals
with ‘inhabited’ space
This is a space of social
friction but also a space
of shared societal goals
Peter Hall
(UCL) said…

Cities in Civilization: Culture, Technology, and Urban Order, London, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1998; New
York, Pantheon Books, 1998
Peter Hall’s sending a man to the moon X planning and designing a

What’s so
Governance: positive tension
creates some kind of equilibrium
In liberal democracies: there
is friction and negotiation
Because it is all about
people and how they use
space, we need to have
an ethical attitude
(social responsibility)

The field of ethics (or
moral philosophy)
involves systematising,
defending, and
recommending concepts
of right and wrong
See more about ethics at the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy at http:// (this is a peer-reviewed resource, not Wikipedia. But the
article at Wikipedia is not bad! If you want to understand the point being made at the
lecture, albeit in a very simplified way, please have a look at “applied ethics”)
Increasing complexity


The increasing complexity of
living environments results in
increasingly complex research
After all, there are new tools for
analysis, new combinations of
disciplines and new QUESTIONS
that need to be answered.
Increasing complexity
The increasing complexity of
research paradigms in
urbanism results in the
perception that a practical
education on design skills
alone is insufficient to deal
with the broader task at
The broader task at hand
To understand the context,
the role and wishes of
stakeholders and the sociopolitical forces that
ultimately produce ‘real
world’ space in order to be
able to intervene
Sao Paulo, Brazil, pop. 16 million (2010)
But THIS is not so complex... Or is it?

Delft, The Netherlands, pop.: 96.000 (2008)

Urbanisation in the Netherlands, 1950


Urbanisation in the Netherlands, 2010

Urbanisation in the Randstad, 1950


Urbanisation in the Randstad, 2010
enough for
Commuting patterns in The
Randstad (2008), source:
KLM Routes 1964

KLM Routes 2004
The future looks more like this
Visualizing Friendships

by Paul Butler on Tuesday, 14 December 2010 at 02:16
Metropolitain de Paris 2005

Tokyo Subway system 2008
The nature of Urbanism
The stretched scope of
urbanism, with its large range
of inputs drawn from various
disciplines, demands another
approach by urban planners
and designers, where
communication and negotiation
have a more central role.
A brief
description of
Introduction on Strategic
Let us start with a analogy

to 42
Military origins:
Strategos in ancient
Greek means
“General of the Army”:
The Strategos
formulated the strategy
to win the war
In many fields
A strategy is a long term plan of
action designed to achieve a
particular goal.
Strategy applies to many different fields, such as:
*Military strategy*Marketing strategies*Strategic
management*Football strategy*Game theoretical
strategy*Economic strategy* etc.
Origins of Strategic

(M. Porter: Competitive
Origins of Strategic
1920: Harvard Business School: New
Policy Model for Businesses: emphasis on
organisational policy and structure
1950s: emphasis on risk, growth and
competitiveness: strategic decisions
derive from analyses of competitive power
Mid 1980s: leakage into the public sector
and public management ▶ “run the
government like business” ► city
competitiveness ▶strategic planning
In the 1980s and 90s

Rapid Transition
From Land Use Planning to Strategic
From Hard Planning to ‘Soft Planning’
From ‘master plans’ to ‘Strategic Plans’
From ‘Zones’ to ‘Networks’
from ‘government’ to ‘governance’
Le Plan Voisin
Le Corbusier: Paris 1925
Bijlmermeer, Amsterdam,

Siegfried Nassuth, urban designer
Today: A new Paradigm
Strategic Planning today is
based on social and
environmental sustainability
and global awareness
✤Planning is an instrument to
increase participation and
strengthen societal
Today: A new Paradigm
The Three Ps

New Emphasis in Strategic

Strategic urban planning is a
process that allows the
articulation of the initiatives of
public and private stakeholders
which seek synergies for the
development of a city.
(Source: Steinberg, 2003)
TODAY Strategic Planning is
1. A tool for local development which
conceives strategic interventions that
guarantee the quality of life, and economic
and social progress
2. A mechanism to promote progressive forms
of governance, substantially improving
local democracy through collaboration
between public and private urban
3. A modern, participatory and democratic
form of thinking about urban development
which allows the establishment of
references for all economic and social
4. A new instrument which facilitates the
management of a city in a period of
frequent and substantial changes (various
So what is ‘Strategic
Long-term plans based on overall
objectives. Strategic plans are typically
long term plans that use Scenarios and
Visions in order to:
Test Assumptions
✤Set Specific Goals
✤Investigate Strengths
✤Examine Weaknesses
✤Check Risks

Generally, strategic planning involves continuous/
periodical/reassessment of these aspects
Spatial strategy

H e t k a b in e t k ie s t
- V e ilig h e id te g e n o v e r s tr o m in g e n

- V a n G r o e n e H a r t n a a r G r o e n b la u w e D e lta
w a t e r r ijk e r, a a n t r e k k e lijk e r, g r o t e r

- In z e t o p in te r n a tio n a le , e c o n o m is c h e k r a c h te n in d e R a n d s ta d
m e t r o p o lit a n e p o s it ie A m s t e r d a m , s p e c if ie k e k r a c h t e n R o t t e r d a m ,
D e n H a a g e n U t r e c h t , h a v e n s , lu c h t h a v e n , g r e e n p o r t s , k e n n is c lu s t e r s ,
a a n s lu it in g o p in t e r n a t io n a a l v e r v o e r s n e t w e r k

- B r u is e n d e s te d e n in e e n a a n tr e k k e lijk e o m g e v in g
v e r d ic h t in g , h o o g b o u w , u it b r e id in g v a n A lm e r e , k a n s e n v o o r O V ,
m e t r o p o lit a n e p a r k e n e n g r o e n b la u w e w o o n -w e r k m ilie u s
National spatial structure
A quick overview
Based on

the role and
the wishes of
The spatial plan

Based on

or desirable
the role and
the wishes of


Scenarios (a metaphor)


In 2 weeks
Divergent scenarios
(but I eliminated already several possibilities!)
Most desirable


Most probable

Active in
the water


Cozy and

Cozy and
Active in the water
Cosy and cuddly
The Perfect Tan
VISION: Active and healthy
in all weather scenario
The scenario
The ‘scenario’ (perspective) is
“a plausible description of
how the future may develop,
based on a coherent and
internally consistent set of
assumptions about key
relationships and driving
forces” (Watson et al., 1996)
Scenarios are tools
for the formulation of
a vision. But why do we
need a vision?
In the Dutch language, the use
of the word ‘visie’ (vision)
refers to a vsualization of
one or various desirable
aspects of ‘scenarios’.
The ‘vision’ is an ‘image of the
future’ which articulates an
individual’s or group's
values, ideals, and goals.
But what do I need to
do to get there?

The STRATEGY is...
a flexible set of steps and
actions taken over a certain
time frame, within the
framework of a desirable
VISION, used in order to
fulfil the achievement of
societal goals connected to
the organisation of space
In other words, A strategy
composed by several actions
and interventions laid down
in a time frame (short term/
middle term/ long term)
which will probably lead
you to the most desirable
outcome within the
constraints given
But the vision (the
objective) is likely to
change over time. Moreover,
we cannot control all
factors, so the role of the
strategy is to STEER
towards a desirable overall
outcome, rather than FIX a
precise objective.
In spatial planning
The steps are represented
by ACTIONS and
times in the form of
also in the form of
Steps or Co-ordinated
These steps and actions must
have ‘strategic value’; they
must be part of a systematic
plan. In other words, each step
or action must be part of a
coherent and co-ordinated
strategy designed to achieve
those goals.
Flexible sequence of steps
Therefore, strategic planning
involves a flexible sequence of
steps and co-ordinated
processes, rather than a rigid
set of actions towards a strict
target. In strategic planning,
once each step is completed, the
whole strategy is re-evaluated
and the targets are readjusted.
Not all steps are the same
Some steps (projects) are more
important than others.
Some steps are ESSENTIAL for the
strategy, other support the
strategy but are not ESSENTIAL
One or more steps are the
TRIGGERS of change (after all,
you need to give the first step. If it
is a good one, others will follow
and you will mobilize support
Bilbao Ria 2000 project:
The trigger

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Bilbao: Aban



Please visit!
Bilbao Ria 2000

Randstad Key projects
Den Haag centraal

Utrecht centraal

Rotterdam centraal
STEP 1: Analysis/ Research:
Problem Statement
1. Analysis:
The analysis of the political, social,
economic and technical
environment and
The consideration of various driving
forces in the environment
considered (for example,
increasing complexity of flows,
technological advancements,
changing demographics, etc.).
STEP 1: Analysis/ Research:
Problem Statement
Planners also look at the various
Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities and Threats (the SWOT
analysis) regarding the position of a
region or a city (McNamara, 2000).
The analysis helps building up possible
‘scenarios’ (a description of possible
developments) which will ground the
‘vision’ (the societal aspirations).
1. Planners come to conclusions
about possible scenarios and
desirable visions.
2. Typically, scenarios can be
very different from one
another. Sometimes, planners
make use of opposite scenarios
or extreme scenarios in order
to establish strategic goals.
1. Planners work with various possible

and desirable scenarios in order to
talk to several stakeholders and find
out what are their wishes and
objectives and to ENGAGE them in the
2. By engaging stakeholders you warrant
support (political/economic/) to your
strategy later on.
3. You also deal with real world forces
that will effectively support or
benefit from your strategy.
STEP 4: VISION▶Strategy
The ‘vision statement’ should be designed
and explained in full detail.
It is usually an inspiring and compelling
description of the benefits society will
draw from the overall plan, and it is often
used to engage support and participation
among different actors in society.
In order to be effective, the vision statement
must be specific, measurable and realistic;
and it must contain a detailed explanation
of the strategic goals (steps) used in
order to achieve it.
STEP 4: VISION▶ Strategy
Setting a clear vision is important to
engage different stakeholders in a
process called ‘participatory
Very shortly put, participatory planning
concerns the participation of various
stakeholders at the establishment or
reformulation of the vision and the
elaboration of the strategy.
Rotterdam Feijnoord (gebiedsvisie)
The Olympic legacy, London
London Olympic legacy
Olympic Legacy London [UK]

The Olympic Legacy Masterplan can be considered as one
of the biggest London’s redevelopment projects from
the last decades; it consists on the redevelopment of
the Olympic Park and Lea Vally, after the 2012 Summer
Olympic Games.
KCAP’s vision for the Legacy is based on an urban mosaic structure that develops on a flexible way, from
time to time. The mosaic will become an organism, concentrations of social groups and functional differentiations, an overlapping archipelago of social and
urban islands. The ‘open city’ will emerge through the
interaction, cross-fertilization and friction among
these groups and networks, which leads to the emergence of new architecture, networks and urban cultures.

KCAP Architects&Planners

London Development Agency
Vision for the structural development of
the Lower Lea Valley following the Olympic
games; 7 ha
2007 - present

Olympic Legacy London
London legacy development

But there are serious
STEP 5: Strategic goals
Strategic goals are
overall accomplishments
or steps in a general plan
that must be accomplished
in order to arrive at the
VISION (but the objectives
change along the way!)
STEP 6 : Spatial
Spatial Planning means laying out how the
strategic goals will be accomplished in
order to arrive at the ‘vision’ using spatial
Spatial interventions can be part of a broader
strategy which involves other tools (nonspatial strategies and interventions) for
the achievement of the vision.
However, it is the specific task of spatial
planners to plan and design space. Spatial
interventions are therefore a crucial
part of any spatial planning strategy.
Regeneration of EAST
The future of eight out of eight retained
Olympic Park venues has been secured within one
year of the Games.
 Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park is re-opening to
the public between summer 2013 and spring 2014.
 iCity has been confirmed as the occupier of the
Press and Broadcast Centre with tenants including
BT Sport, Loughborough University and Infinity.
 £6.5 billion of transport investment has
supported development across London.
 11,000 homes are planned and more than 10,000
jobs will be created on the Park – conversion of
the Athletes’ Village into homes is well advanced
and developers are preparing to start building on
Chobham Manor.
Inspired by 2012: The legacy from the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games
A joint UK Government and Mayor of London report JULY 2013
STEP 7 : Repositioning
Assessment and Repositioning
Strategic planning often includes
specifying intermediate
objectives, which will produce
specific midway results.
These midway results typically
imply an assessment and a
repositioning of the strategy
and sometimes also the vision
STEP 7 : Repositioning
Assessment and Repositioning
Thus, reaching a strategic goal
involves accomplishing a set of
objectives along the way.
Once the strategic goal is reached,
the whole strategy is assessed,
re-evaluated and then adjusted.
Spatial interventions must be
coherent and coordinated within
the framework of the overall
strategy and the vision.
But: What about Governance?
Planning also includes specifying
responsibilities and timelines for each
In other words: who needs to do what and
by when?
It should also include methods to monitor
and evaluate the plan:
[1] how society will control the process
[2] how different stakeholders can
participate, influence and adjust the plan
(adapted from McNamara, 2000)
Thanks for listening
Any questions?
Prepared by
Roberto Rocco
Chair Spatial Planning and Strategy,
TU Delft
Evolution of the
object of urbanism
according to
different ideologies
Urbanism of Monumentality,
Hygiene and Military

Haussmann Renovations :
Urbanisme Militariste et Higieniste

New road system in Paris under the Second Empire
(Histoire de la France urbaine, tome 4, p. 90)
The Urbanism of Technical Networks:
Cerda: Barcelona 1897
The Cerda block
The Urbanism of Technical Networks:
Cerda: Barcelona 1897
The messiah

charles-Édouard Jeanneret, who chose to be known as Le Corbusier, October 6, 1887 – August 27, 1965)
Le Plan Voisin
Le Corbusier: Paris 1925

Modernism: Rationality, order and the motorcar
The modulor

The Modulor is an anthropometric scale of proportions devised by the Swiss-born French architect Le Corbusier
It was developed as a visual bridge between two incompatible scales, the Imperial system and the Metric system. It is
based on the height of an English man with his arm raised. Source: wikipedia.
Le Plan Voisin
Le Corbusier: Paris 1925
Brasilia: brazil, 1956-1960
Bijlmermeer, Amsterdam,

Siegfried Nassuth, urban designer
Brief Introduction to Strategic Planning

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Brief Introduction to Strategic Planning

  • 1. Brief Introduction to Strategic Planning Roberto Rocco Chair Spatial Planning and Strategy TU Delft Challenge(the(future SpatialPlanning &Strategy
  • 3. Introduction to general concepts of contemporary strategic planning
  • 4. This lecture is composed of two parts 1 The shift in urban planning and design
  • 5. This lecture is composed of two parts 2 click to part 2 A brief description of strategic planning
  • 6. The shift in urban planning and design
  • 7. Point of Departure: Space is Socially Produced Spatial planning deals with ‘inhabited’ space: a space of frictions but also a space of shared societal goals
  • 8. Roots of Urbanism: Main concerns Hygiene/ Health Separation of activities Beauty/ grandeur/ monumentality/ representation of power Circulation/ accessibility (first connected to control and military purposes) Mobility (car/tram/train) and the Fordist mode of production
  • 9. But lately, there is a radical change in how we approach urban development
  • 10. URBANISM Broadly, urbanism focuses on INHABITED SPACES. It focuses on how people, structures and activities are distributed over space (a territory) and how they are articulated by spaces, structures and infrastructures, as well as rules. Because the task of URBANISM is very complex, the SCOPE of the discipline is very wide.
  • 11. A very wide scope Mind map on urbanism, MSC2 students, TU Delft
  • 12.
  • 13.
  • 14. So? Spatial planning deals with ‘inhabited’ space This is a space of social friction but also a space of shared societal goals
  • 15. Peter Hall (UCL) said… Cities in Civilization: Culture, Technology, and Urban Order, London, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1998; New York, Pantheon Books, 1998
  • 16. Peter Hall’s sending a man to the moon X planning and designing a city What’s so different?
  • 17. Governance: positive tension creates some kind of equilibrium
  • 18. In liberal democracies: there is friction and negotiation
  • 19. Because it is all about people and how they use space, we need to have an ethical attitude (social responsibility) X
  • 20. Ethics The field of ethics (or moral philosophy) involves systematising, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong behaviour. See more about ethics at the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy at http:// (this is a peer-reviewed resource, not Wikipedia. But the article at Wikipedia is not bad! If you want to understand the point being made at the lecture, albeit in a very simplified way, please have a look at “applied ethics”)
  • 21. Increasing complexity ✤ ✤ The increasing complexity of living environments results in increasingly complex research paradigms. After all, there are new tools for analysis, new combinations of disciplines and new QUESTIONS that need to be answered.
  • 22. Increasing complexity The increasing complexity of research paradigms in urbanism results in the perception that a practical education on design skills alone is insufficient to deal with the broader task at hand:
  • 23. The broader task at hand To understand the context, the role and wishes of stakeholders and the sociopolitical forces that ultimately produce ‘real world’ space in order to be able to intervene effectively.
  • 25. Sao Paulo, Brazil, pop. 16 million (2010)
  • 26. But THIS is not so complex... Or is it? Delft, The Netherlands, pop.: 96.000 (2008)
  • 27. Delft Urbanisation in the Netherlands, 1950 Delft Urbanisation in the Netherlands, 2010
  • 28. Delft Urbanisation in the Randstad, 1950 Delft Urbanisation in the Randstad, 2010
  • 29. Complex enough for you? Commuting patterns in The Randstad (2008), source: VROM.
  • 30. KLM Routes 1964 KLM Routes 2004
  • 31.
  • 32. The future looks more like this Visualizing Friendships by Paul Butler on Tuesday, 14 December 2010 at 02:16
  • 33. Metropolitain de Paris 2005 Tokyo Subway system 2008
  • 34. The nature of Urbanism The stretched scope of urbanism, with its large range of inputs drawn from various disciplines, demands another approach by urban planners and designers, where communication and negotiation have a more central role.
  • 37. Let us start with a analogy jump to 42
  • 38. STRATEGY Military origins: Strategos in ancient Greek means “General of the Army”: The Strategos formulated the strategy to win the war
  • 39. In many fields A strategy is a long term plan of action designed to achieve a particular goal. Strategy applies to many different fields, such as: *Military strategy*Marketing strategies*Strategic management*Football strategy*Game theoretical strategy*Economic strategy* etc.
  • 40. Origins of Strategic Planning WAR + BUSINESS = COMPETITION (M. Porter: Competitive Advantages)
  • 41. Origins of Strategic Planning 1920: Harvard Business School: New Policy Model for Businesses: emphasis on organisational policy and structure 1950s: emphasis on risk, growth and competitiveness: strategic decisions derive from analyses of competitive power relationships Mid 1980s: leakage into the public sector and public management ▶ “run the government like business” ► city competitiveness ▶strategic planning
  • 42. In the 1980s and 90s Rapid Transition From Land Use Planning to Strategic Planning & From Hard Planning to ‘Soft Planning’ & From ‘master plans’ to ‘Strategic Plans’ & From ‘Zones’ to ‘Networks’ & from ‘government’ to ‘governance’
  • 43. Le Plan Voisin Le Corbusier: Paris 1925
  • 45.
  • 46. Today: A new Paradigm Strategic Planning today is based on social and environmental sustainability and global awareness ✤Planning is an instrument to increase participation and strengthen societal cohesion. ✤
  • 47. Today: A new Paradigm The Three Ps People Planet Profit Prosperity!
  • 48. New Emphasis in Strategic Planning SYNERGY + PARTICIPATION Strategic urban planning is a process that allows the articulation of the initiatives of public and private stakeholders which seek synergies for the development of a city. (Source: Steinberg, 2003)
  • 49. TODAY Strategic Planning is about… 1. A tool for local development which conceives strategic interventions that guarantee the quality of life, and economic and social progress 2. A mechanism to promote progressive forms of governance, substantially improving local democracy through collaboration between public and private urban stakeholders 3. A modern, participatory and democratic form of thinking about urban development which allows the establishment of references for all economic and social actors 4. A new instrument which facilitates the management of a city in a period of frequent and substantial changes (various sources)
  • 50. So what is ‘Strategic Planning’? Long-term plans based on overall objectives. Strategic plans are typically long term plans that use Scenarios and Visions in order to: Test Assumptions ✤Set Specific Goals ✤Investigate Strengths ✤Examine Weaknesses ✤Check Risks ✤ Generally, strategic planning involves continuous/ periodical/reassessment of these aspects
  • 51. Spatial strategy H e t k a b in e t k ie s t - V e ilig h e id te g e n o v e r s tr o m in g e n - V a n G r o e n e H a r t n a a r G r o e n b la u w e D e lta w a t e r r ijk e r, a a n t r e k k e lijk e r, g r o t e r - In z e t o p in te r n a tio n a le , e c o n o m is c h e k r a c h te n in d e R a n d s ta d m e t r o p o lit a n e p o s it ie A m s t e r d a m , s p e c if ie k e k r a c h t e n R o t t e r d a m , D e n H a a g e n U t r e c h t , h a v e n s , lu c h t h a v e n , g r e e n p o r t s , k e n n is c lu s t e r s , a a n s lu it in g o p in t e r n a t io n a a l v e r v o e r s n e t w e r k - B r u is e n d e s te d e n in e e n a a n tr e k k e lijk e o m g e v in g v e r d ic h t in g , h o o g b o u w , u it b r e id in g v a n A lm e r e , k a n s e n v o o r O V , m e t r o p o lit a n e p a r k e n e n g r o e n b la u w e w o o n -w e r k m ilie u s
  • 53. A quick overview Based on socio economic trends Importance of research understands the role and the wishes of stakeholders
  • 54. The spatial plan Possible scenario Based on socio economic trends Alternative or desirable scenarios understands the role and the wishes of stakeholders Desirable scenario Probable scenario
  • 56. Divergent scenarios (but I eliminated already several possibilities!) Scheveningen Most desirable Shopping TV! Most probable
  • 57. OUTSIDE The perfect tan scenario Active in the water scenario RAINY ! SUNNY! Cozy and cuddly scenario Cozy and sticky scenario INSIDE
  • 58. Active in the water
  • 61. VISION: Active and healthy in all weather scenario
  • 62. The scenario The ‘scenario’ (perspective) is “a plausible description of how the future may develop, based on a coherent and internally consistent set of assumptions about key relationships and driving forces” (Watson et al., 1996)
  • 63. Scenarios are tools for the formulation of a vision. But why do we need a vision?
  • 64. The VISION In the Dutch language, the use of the word ‘visie’ (vision) refers to a vsualization of one or various desirable aspects of ‘scenarios’. The ‘vision’ is an ‘image of the future’ which articulates an individual’s or group's values, ideals, and goals.
  • 65. But what do I need to do to get there? The STRATEGY!
  • 66. The STRATEGY is... a flexible set of steps and actions taken over a certain time frame, within the . framework of a desirable VISION, used in order to fulfil the achievement of societal goals connected to the organisation of space
  • 67. In other words, A strategy is... composed by several actions and interventions laid down in a time frame (short term/ middle term/ long term) which will probably lead you to the most desirable outcome within the constraints given
  • 68. But… But the vision (the objective) is likely to change over time. Moreover, we cannot control all factors, so the role of the strategy is to STEER towards a desirable overall outcome, rather than FIX a precise objective.
  • 69. In spatial planning The steps are represented by ACTIONS and INTERVENTIONS, many times in the form of PROJECTS or DESIGNS, but also in the form of policies
  • 70. Steps or Co-ordinated Actions These steps and actions must have ‘strategic value’; they must be part of a systematic plan. In other words, each step or action must be part of a coherent and co-ordinated strategy designed to achieve those goals.
  • 71. Flexible sequence of steps Therefore, strategic planning involves a flexible sequence of steps and co-ordinated processes, rather than a rigid set of actions towards a strict target. In strategic planning, once each step is completed, the whole strategy is re-evaluated and the targets are readjusted.
  • 72. Not all steps are the same Some steps (projects) are more important than others. Some steps are ESSENTIAL for the strategy, other support the strategy but are not ESSENTIAL One or more steps are the TRIGGERS of change (after all, you need to give the first step. If it is a good one, others will follow and you will mobilize support
  • 73. Bilbao Ria 2000 project: The trigger All rights reserved by johnjohn1974 at FLICKR
  • 77. Please visit! Bilbao Ria 2000 http://
  • 78. Randstad Key projects Den Haag centraal Utrecht centraal Rotterdam centraal
  • 79.
  • 80.
  • 81.
  • 82. STEP 1: Analysis/ Research: Problem Statement 1. Analysis: The analysis of the political, social, economic and technical environment and The consideration of various driving forces in the environment considered (for example, increasing complexity of flows, technological advancements, changing demographics, etc.).
  • 83. STEP 1: Analysis/ Research: Problem Statement Planners also look at the various Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (the SWOT analysis) regarding the position of a region or a city (McNamara, 2000). The analysis helps building up possible ‘scenarios’ (a description of possible developments) which will ground the ‘vision’ (the societal aspirations).
  • 84. STEP 3: SCENARIOS► Vision 1. Planners come to conclusions about possible scenarios and desirable visions. 2. Typically, scenarios can be very different from one another. Sometimes, planners make use of opposite scenarios or extreme scenarios in order to establish strategic goals.
  • 85. STEP 2: SCENARIOS► Vision 1. Planners work with various possible and desirable scenarios in order to talk to several stakeholders and find out what are their wishes and objectives and to ENGAGE them in the process. 2. By engaging stakeholders you warrant support (political/economic/) to your strategy later on. 3. You also deal with real world forces that will effectively support or benefit from your strategy.
  • 86. STEP 4: VISION▶Strategy The ‘vision statement’ should be designed and explained in full detail. It is usually an inspiring and compelling description of the benefits society will draw from the overall plan, and it is often used to engage support and participation among different actors in society. In order to be effective, the vision statement must be specific, measurable and realistic; and it must contain a detailed explanation of the strategic goals (steps) used in order to achieve it.
  • 87. STEP 4: VISION▶ Strategy Setting a clear vision is important to engage different stakeholders in a process called ‘participatory planning’. Very shortly put, participatory planning concerns the participation of various stakeholders at the establishment or reformulation of the vision and the elaboration of the strategy.
  • 88.
  • 91.
  • 92. London Olympic legacy Olympic Legacy London [UK] The Olympic Legacy Masterplan can be considered as one of the biggest London’s redevelopment projects from the last decades; it consists on the redevelopment of the Olympic Park and Lea Vally, after the 2012 Summer Olympic Games. KCAP’s vision for the Legacy is based on an urban mosaic structure that develops on a flexible way, from time to time. The mosaic will become an organism, concentrations of social groups and functional differentiations, an overlapping archipelago of social and urban islands. The ‘open city’ will emerge through the interaction, cross-fertilization and friction among these groups and networks, which leads to the emergence of new architecture, networks and urban cultures. KCAP Architects&Planners Client London Development Agency Program Vision for the structural development of the Lower Lea Valley following the Olympic games; 7 ha Time 2007 - present Role Masterplanner Olympic Legacy London
  • 94. But there are serious concerns: v=6MiBv72WP4o v=2BsZxDAaTE0
  • 95. STEP 5: Strategic goals Strategic goals are overall accomplishments or steps in a general plan that must be accomplished in order to arrive at the VISION (but the objectives change along the way!)
  • 96. STEP 6 : Spatial Interventions Spatial Planning means laying out how the strategic goals will be accomplished in order to arrive at the ‘vision’ using spatial interventions. Spatial interventions can be part of a broader strategy which involves other tools (nonspatial strategies and interventions) for the achievement of the vision. However, it is the specific task of spatial planners to plan and design space. Spatial interventions are therefore a crucial part of any spatial planning strategy.
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  • 101. Regeneration of EAST LONDON • The future of eight out of eight retained Olympic Park venues has been secured within one year of the Games. • Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park is re-opening to the public between summer 2013 and spring 2014. • iCity has been confirmed as the occupier of the Press and Broadcast Centre with tenants including BT Sport, Loughborough University and Infinity. • £6.5 billion of transport investment has supported development across London. • 11,000 homes are planned and more than 10,000 jobs will be created on the Park – conversion of the Athletes’ Village into homes is well advanced and developers are preparing to start building on Chobham Manor. Inspired by 2012: The legacy from the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games A joint UK Government and Mayor of London report JULY 2013
  • 102. STEP 7 : Repositioning Assessment and Repositioning Strategic planning often includes specifying intermediate objectives, which will produce specific midway results. These midway results typically imply an assessment and a repositioning of the strategy and sometimes also the vision itself.
  • 103. STEP 7 : Repositioning Assessment and Repositioning Thus, reaching a strategic goal involves accomplishing a set of objectives along the way. Once the strategic goal is reached, the whole strategy is assessed, re-evaluated and then adjusted. Spatial interventions must be coherent and coordinated within the framework of the overall strategy and the vision.
  • 104. But: What about Governance? Planning also includes specifying responsibilities and timelines for each objective. In other words: who needs to do what and by when? It should also include methods to monitor and evaluate the plan: [1] how society will control the process [2] how different stakeholders can participate, influence and adjust the plan (adapted from McNamara, 2000)
  • 107. Prepared by Roberto Rocco Chair Spatial Planning and Strategy, TU Delft
  • 108. APPENDIX: Evolution of the object of urbanism according to different ideologies
  • 109. Urbanism of Monumentality, Hygiene and Military Strategy Haussmann Renovations : Paris1852-1870
  • 110. Haussmann: Urbanisme Militariste et Higieniste New road system in Paris under the Second Empire (Histoire de la France urbaine, tome 4, p. 90)
  • 113. The Urbanism of Technical Networks: Cerda: Barcelona 1897
  • 115. The Urbanism of Technical Networks: Cerda: Barcelona 1897
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  • 118. The messiah charles-Édouard Jeanneret, who chose to be known as Le Corbusier, October 6, 1887 – August 27, 1965)
  • 119. Le Plan Voisin Le Corbusier: Paris 1925 Modernism: Rationality, order and the motorcar
  • 120. The modulor The Modulor is an anthropometric scale of proportions devised by the Swiss-born French architect Le Corbusier (1887–1965). It was developed as a visual bridge between two incompatible scales, the Imperial system and the Metric system. It is based on the height of an English man with his arm raised. Source: wikipedia.
  • 121. Le Plan Voisin Le Corbusier: Paris 1925
  • 123.