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Introduction to Marketing
         Week 3

         ITM SEPTEMBER 2012
 Promotion and Advertising                  Pricing and Distribution
     Promotional activities                     Cost based pricing
     Trade shows, sponsorship, trade-           Value based pricing
      fairs, contests, coupon                    Premium pricing
      programme, community projects              Discount / promotional pricing
 Advertising                                    Price Skimming
     TV, radio, trade magazines, direct         Psychological pricing
      mailing, billboards, packaging,
                                                 Geographic pricing
 Public Relations
                                                 Product line pricing
     Relationships with media,
      customer’s community, public
      speaking, research
 Personal Selling
     B2B and B2C
 Marketing Accessories
     Brochures, newsletters, fliers,
Promotion & Advertising
Learning Goals

 Discuss how integrated marketing communications relates
  to a firm’s overall promotion strategy.
 Explain promotional mix and outline the objectives of
 Summarize the different types of advertising and
  advertising media.
 Outline the roles of sales promotion, personal selling, and
  public relations.
 Describe pushing and pulling promotional strategies.
 Discuss the major ethical issues involved in promotion.
Promotions – What is it?

Promotion is the function of
 informing, persuading, and
 influencing a purchase decision.
Integrated marketing
 communications (IMC) Coordination
 of all promotional activities—media
 advertising, direct mail, personal
 selling, sales promotion, and public
 relations—to produce a unified
 customer-focused message.
Integrated Marketing Communications

Must take a broad view and plan for all form of
 customer contact.
Create unified personality and message for the good,
 service, or brand.
Elements include personal selling, advertising, sales
 promotion, publicity, and public relations.
Promotional Mix

Promotional mix Combination of personal and
 nonpersonal selling techniques designed to achieve
 promotional objectives.
    Personal selling Interpersonal promotional process involving a
     seller’s face-to-face presentation to a prospective buyer.
    Nonpersonal selling Advertising, sales promotion, direct
     marketing, and public relations.
Components of Promotional Mix
Objectives of Promotional Strategy
Objectives of Promotional Strategy

Providing Information
    Major portion of advertising provides information about a product.
Differentiating a Product
    Communicate to buyers meaningful distinctions about the attributes,
     price, quality, or use of a good or service.
Increasing Sales
    Most common objective of a promotional strategy.
Stabilizing Sales
    Stable sales evens out the production cycle, reduces some
     management and production costs, and simplifies financial,
     purchasing, and marketing planning.
Accentuating the Product’s Value
    Explaining hidden benefits of ownership.
Promotional Planning

Product placement Marketers pay placement fees to
 have their products showcased in various media,
 ranging from newspapers and magazines to
 television and movies.
Guerilla marketing Innovative, low-cost marketing
 efforts designed to get consumers’ attention in
 unusual ways.

 Advertising Paid nonpersonal communication delivered
  through various media and designed to inform, persuade,
  or remind members of a particular audience.
 Consumers receive 3,500 to 5,000 marketing messages
  each day.
 Types of Advertising
    Product advertising Messages designed to sell a particular good or service.
    Institutional advertising – Messages that promote concepts, ideas,
     philosophies, or goodwill for industries, companies, organizations, or
     government entities.
    Cause advertising – Form of institutional messaging that promotes a specific
     viewpoint on a public issue as a way to influence public opinion and the
     legislative process
Advertising and the Product Life Cycle

 Informative advertising – Used to build initial demand for
  a product in the introductory phase of the product life cycle.
 Persuasive advertising – Attempts to improve the
  competitive status of a product, institution, or concept,
  usually in the growth and maturity stages of the product life
     Comparative advertising – Compares products directly with their
      competitors either by name or by inference.
 Reminder-oriented advertising – Appears in the late
  maturity or decline stages of the product life cycle to
  maintain awareness of the importance and usefulness of a
Advertising and the Product Life Cycle

                           Entertain emind


Advertising and the Product Life Cycle

              •Only few brands available in its         •High involvement / High Risk

              space                                     • Can’t afford to make mistakes
                                                        • Includes existing users also
              • Promiscuous users
                                                        • Ex: Durables / Hospitals
              • The job of Advertising is to            • The job of Advertising is to

              ‘ENTERTAIN’                               ‘CONVINCE’
              • Marketing Paradigm: FEEL / DO /         • Marketing Paradigm: LEARN / FEEL /
              FEEL                                      DO

              •Commoditised Brands                      •Commoditised Brands
              • Predominantly speaking to ‘Own Past     • Experienced by ‘New Brands’ entering
              Users                                     an existing market
              • The job of Advertising is to ‘REMIND’   • Talks predominantly to ‘New users’
              • Marketing Paradigm: DO / FEEL / DO      only
                                                        • The job of Advertising is to ‘ATTRACT

                                                        • Marketing Paradigm: LEARN / DO /

                     Low                     Brand Risk                             High
 Television                                Direct Mail
     Largest reach                             High per person cost, but can be
     Large variety of channels with             carefully targeted and highly
      varied interests                           effective.
     Expensive                             Outdoor Advertising
 Newspapers                                    Requires brief messages.
     Short life span                       Online and Interactive
     Possibility to localize                Advertising
     Easy to coordinate with other             Experts predict sales from online
      promotional efforts.                       advertising will double in 2012.
 Radio                                         Virals – Kolaveridi?
     Latest entrant (after a hiatus)
                                                Low cost
     Car commuters – captive audience
                                                Sometimes Intrusive
 Magazines
     Including Consumer publications
      and trade journals.
More Vehicles…

    Providing funds for a sporting or cultural event in exchange for
     a direct association with the event.
    Benefits: Exposure to target audience and association with
     image of the event.
Other Media Options
    Marketers look for novel ways to reach customers.
    Examples: infomercials, ATM receipts, directory advertising

Sales promotion Nonpersonal
 marketing activities other than
 advertising, personal selling,
 and public relations that
 stimulate consumer
 purchasing and dealer
Consumer-Oriented Promotions

Premiums, Coupons, Rebates, Samples
    Two of every five promotion dollars are spent on premiums, items
     given free or at reduced price with the purchase of another product.
    Coupons attract new customers but focus on price rather than brand
    Rebates increase purchase rates, promote multiple purchases, and
     reward product users.
    Three of every four consumers who receive a sample will try it
Games, Contest, and Sweepstakes
    Often used to introduce new goods and attract new customers.
    Subject to legal restrictions.
Specialty Advertising
    Gift of useful merchandise carrying the name, logo, or slogan
     of an organization.
Trade-Oriented Promotions

Sales promotion geared to marketing intermediaries
 rather than to consumers.
    Encourage retailers in several ways:
        To stock new products.
        To continue carrying existing ones.
        To promote both new and existing products effectively to
    Point-of-purchase (POP) advertising Displays or
     demonstrations that promote products when and where
     consumers buy them, such as in retail stores.
    Promote goods and services at trade shows

A person-to-person promotional presentation to a
 potential buyer.
Usually used under four conditions:
    Customers are relatively few in number and geographically
    The product is technically complex, involves trade-ins, and
     requires special handling.
    The product carries a relatively high price.
    It moves through direct-distribution channels.
        Example: Selling to the government or military.
The Sales Process
Public Relations

Public organization’s communications and
 relationships with its various audience.
    Helps a firm establish awareness of goods and services and
     builds a positive image of them.
    Publicity Stimulation of demand for a good, service, place,
     idea, person, or organization by disseminating news or
     obtaining favorable unpaid media presentations.
    Good publicity can promote a firm’s positive image
    Negative publicity can cause problems.

Pushing and Pulling Strategies
  Pushing strategy Relies on personal selling to market an item
   to wholesalers and retailers in a company’s distribution
         Companies promote the product to members of the marketing
          channel, not to end users.
     Pulling strategy Promote a product by generating consumer
      demand for it, primarily through advertising and sales
      promotion appeals.
         Potential buyers will request that their suppliers—retailers or local
          distributors—carry the product, thereby pulling it through the
          distribution channel.
     Most marketing situations require combinations of pushing
      and pulling strategies, although the primary emphasis can
Pricing Strategies
Learning Goals

1.   Identify and define the internal factors
     affecting a firm’s pricing decisions
2.   Identify and define the external factors
     affecting pricing decisions, including the
     impact of consumer perceptions of price and
3.   Contrast the three general approaches to
     setting prices

    The amount of money charged for a product or service, or the
     sum of the values that consumers exchange for the benefits of
     having or using the product or service.

Rent                     Tuition              • Bribe
Fee                      Fare                 • Salary
Rate                     Toll                 • Wage
Commission               Premium              • Interest
Assessment               Retainer             • Tax
Factors in Setting Price
Factors to Consider When Setting Price

                          Market positioning influences
 Internal Factors          pricing strategy
                          Other pricing objectives:
 Marketing objectives      Survival

 Marketing mix             Current profit maximization

                            Market share leadership
                            Product quality leadership
 Costs
 Organizational
Factors to Consider When Setting Price

 Internal Factors         Pricing must be carefully
                           coordinated with the other
 Marketing objectives     marketing mix elements
                          Target costing is often used to
 Marketing mix
                           support product positioning
  strategies               strategies based on price
 Costs                   Non-price positioning can also

 Organizational           be used

Factors to Consider When Setting Price

 Internal Factors         Types of costs:
                             Variable
 Marketing objectives      Fixed

 Marketing mix             Total costs

                          How costs vary at different
                           production levels will
 Costs
                           influence price setting
 Organizational          Experience (learning) curve
  considerations           affects price
Factors to Consider When Setting Price

                          Who sets the price?
 Internal Factors           Small companies: CEO or
                             top management
 Marketing objectives      Large companies: Divisional

 Marketing mix              or product line managers
  strategies              Price negotiation is common in
                           industrial settings where
 Costs
                           pricing departments may be
 Organizational           created
Factors to Consider When Setting Price

                          Types of markets
External Factors            Pure competition
                            Monopolistic competition
 Nature of market and      Oligopolistic competition
  demand                    Pure monopoly

 Competitors’ costs,     Consumer perceptions of price
  prices, and offers       and value
                          Price-demand relationship
 Other environmental
                            Demand curve
                            Price elasticity of demand
Factors to Consider When Setting Price

                          Consider competitors’ costs,
                           prices, and possible reactions
External Factors          Pricing strategy influences the
                           nature of competition
                            Low-price low-margin
 Nature of market and
                             strategies inhibit competition
  demand                    High-price high-margin
 Competitors’ costs,        strategies attract competition
  prices, and offers      Benchmarking costs against the
 Other environmental      competition is recommended
Factors to Consider When Setting Price

External Factors          Economic conditions
                             Affect production costs
                            Affect buyer perceptions of
 Nature of market and
                              price and value
  demand                  Reseller reactions to prices
 Competitors’ costs,      must be considered
  prices, and offers      Government may restrict or
 Other environmental      limit pricing options
                          Social considerations may be
                           taken into account
General Pricing Approaches

Cost-Based Pricing: Cost-Plus Pricing
    Adding a standard markup to cost
    Ignores demand and competition
    Popular pricing technique because:
        It simplifies the pricing process
        Price competition may be minimized
        It is perceived as more fair to both buyers and sellers
General Pricing Approaches

                Cost-Based Pricing Example
- Variable costs: Rs.20             - Fixed costs: Rs.500,000
- Expected sales: 100,000 units - Desired Sales Markup: 20%

          Variable Cost + Fixed Costs/Unit Sales = Unit Cost
           Rs.20 + Rs.500,000/100,000 = Rs.25 per unit

       Unit Cost/(1 – Desired Return on Sales) = Markup Price
                      Rs.25 / (1 - .20) = Rs.31.25
General Pricing Approaches

Cost-Based Pricing: Break-Even Analysis and
 Target Profit Pricing
  Break-even charts show total cost and total revenues at
   different levels of unit volume.
  The intersection of the total revenue and total cost curves
   is the break-even point.
  Companies wishing to make a profit must exceed the
   break-even unit volume.
Breakeven Analysis

Breakeven analysis Pricing technique used to determine the
minimum sales volume a product must generate at a
certain price level to cover all costs.
                 Finding the Breakeven Point
General Pricing Approaches

Value-Based Pricing:
  Uses buyers’ perceptions of value rather than seller’s
   costs to set price.
  Measuring perceived value can be difficult.

  Consumer attitudes toward price and quality have shifted
   during the last decade.
  Value pricing at the retail level
        Everyday low pricing (EDLP) vs. high-low pricing
General Pricing Approaches

Competition-Based Pricing:
    Also called going-rate pricing
    May price at the same level, above, or below the competition
    Bidding for jobs is another variation of competition-based
        Sealed bid pricing
Equilibrium Price: Supply = Demand

   Price per flash drive/memory stick

                                        Number of flash drives/memory sticks demanded
Elasticity of Demand

   measure of the sensitivity of demand to changes in prices

        Inelastic Demand                              Elastic Demand

                      Electricity                            Recreational
   P2                                       P2                 Vehicles
   P1                                       P1

               Q2 Q1 Quantity                    Q2          Q1
            not price sensitive
        no real change in demand             price sensitive - changes in demand
Marketing Strategy Over the Product Life Cycle
                     INTRODUCTION         GROWTH            MATURITY             DECLINE
Marketing strategy   Market development   Increase market   Defend market        Maintain efficiency in
emphasis                                  share             share                exploiting product

Pricing              High price, unique   Lower price       Price at or below    Set price to remain
strategy             product / cover      over time         competition          profitable or reduce
                     production costs                                            to liquidate

Promotion            Mount sales          Appeal to         Emphasize            Reinforce loyal
Strategy             promotion for        mass market       brand differences,   customers; reduce
                     product awareness                      benefits & loyalty   promotion costs

Place strategy       Distribute through   Build intensive   Enlarge              Be selective in
                     selective outlets    network of        distribution         distribution, trim
                                          outlets           network              unprofitable outlets
Alternative Pricing Strategies

Pricing Existing Products/Services - 3 options
    Pricing below market prices - Price wars
        EX: airlines, store brand vs. manufacturer’s brand
        Dumping
    Pricing above prevailing market prices for similar products
        EX: Sony – higher price = higher quality?
    Pricing at or near market prices
Alternative Pricing Strategies
        Penetration Price Strategy
                                      Penetration

                                        Low price  establish
                                         product in the market
                                        Elastic demand; Predatory

        Skimming Price Strategy          pricing
                                      Skimming

                                        High price; unique product;
                                         appeal to early adopters;
                                         Prestige pricing
                                        Recovering high R&D
          Skimming > Penetration         costs

                                      Combination
                                        Move inventory; stimulate D;
                                         extend product life
Penetration Pricing

Applies to large markets with elastic
demand, economies of scale, intense
Pricing of iPhones
Market Skimming

Applies to new, distinctive
products, early in the PLC
Pricing Tactics

 Price Lining
     Setting a limited number of prices for certain categories of products
 Psychological Pricing
     Pricing to take advantage of the fact that consumers do not always
      respond rationally to stated prices
 Discounting
     Price reductions offered as an incentive to purchase
 High tech Pricing: giving it away!
Captive Product Pricing

      Gillette Fusion Manual Razor

        Gillette Fusion Manual Razor
        with cartridges
Price Adjustment Strategies

   Strategies                  Types of discounts
                                   Cash discount
                                   Quantity discount
 Discount / allowance
                                   Seasonal discount
 Segmented                    Allowances
 Psychological                    Trade-in allowances
 Promotional                      Promotional allowances
 International
Seasonal Discounts
(Mixed) Bundling
Price Adjustment Strategies

   Strategies             Types of segmented pricing
                              Product-line pricing
 Discount / allowance        Location pricing
 Segmented                   Time pricing
                          Also called revenue or yield
 Psychological
 Promotional             Certain conditions must exist
 International            for segmented pricing to be
Segmented Pricing Effectiveness

   Market must be “segmentable”
   Segments must show different demand
   Pricing must be legal
   Costs of segmentation cannot exceed revenues earned
   Segmented pricing must reflect real differences in customers’
    perceived value
Pricing a Product Line

Quality                     Toyota Camry

                            Toyota Corolla
Quality                     Altis

Time Pricing
Price Adjustment Strategies

   Strategies             The price is used to say
                           something about the product.
                              Price-quality relationship
 Discount / allowance        Reference prices
 Segmented                   Differences as small as Re.1 can
                               be important
 Psychological               Numeric digits may have
 Promotional                  symbolic and visual qualities
                               that psychologically influence
 International                the buyer

Psychological Pricing

Mercs can actually be
 more important to
  many people than
their spouses. That is
   a price they are
    willing to pay.
     Luxury Car!
Price Adjustment Strategies

   Strategies            Temporarily pricing
                          products below the list
 Discount / allowance    price or even below cost
 Segmented
                             Contracts, Special-event
 Psychological              Cash rebates
 Promotional                Low-interest financing,
 International               warranties
                             Loss leaders
P   Promotional Cellphone
O    P

M    R
O    I
T    C
I    I
O    N
N    G
No Promotional Pricing
Price Adjustment Strategies

   Strategies                  Prices charged in a specific
                                country depend on many
 Discount / allowance             Economic conditions
 Segmented                        Competitive situation
 Psychological                    Laws / regulations
 Promotional                      Distribution system
                                   Consumer perceptions
 International
                                   Corporate marketing objectives
                                   Cost considerations
India   USA
Price Transparency
Select the appropriate pricing strategy.
          Explain your choice.
                       Wal-Mart launches a new range
                        of own-label soups.
                       Cunard launches two new
                        cruise ships.
                       A cable TV provider moves into
                        a new area and needs to
                        achieve a market share.
                       Holiday Inns try to fill hotels
                        during winter weekends.
                       Burger King introduces a new
                        range of value meals.
                       Nokia launches a new
What is the need for a Marketing Channel?

Many producers lack the financial resources to carry
 out direct marketing
In some cases direct marketing simply is not feasible
Producers who do establish their own channels can
 often earn a greater return by increasing their
 investment in their main business
Role of Intermediaries

Greater efficiency in making goods available to
 target markets.
Intermediaries provide
    Contacts
    Experience
    Specialization
    Scale of operation
Match supply and demand
What does a channel do?

Key functions include:
    Gather information about potential and current customers,
     competitors, and others
    Develop and disseminate persuasive communications to
     stimulate purchasing
    Reach agreements on price and other terms so that transfer of
     ownership or possession can be effected
    Place orders with manufacturers
    Acquire funds to finance inventories at different levels in the
     marketing channel
    Assume risk connected with carrying out channel work
    Provide for the successive storage and movement of physical
    Oversee actual transfer of ownership from one organization or
     person to another
What does a channel do?

Breaking bulk
Reduce number of transactions and create bulk for
Accessibility to markets
Provide specialist support service

    M             C                   M         C

    M             C                             C
                                      M   I
    M             C                   M         C
Channel intermediaries - Wholesalers

Break down ‘bulk’
    buys from producers and sell small quantities to retailers
Provides storage facilities
    reduces contact cost between producer and consumer
Wholesaler takes some of the marketing
 responsibility e.g sales force, promotions

Selling and promoting
Buying and assortment building
Bulk breaking
Risk bearing
Market information
Management services and counseling
Wholesaler Marketing Decisions

Target Market
Product Assortment and Services
Price Decision
Promotion Decision
Place Decision
Channel intermediaries - Agents

Mainly used in international markets
Commission agent - does not take title of the goods.
 Secures orders.
Stockist agent - hold ‘consignment’ stock
Control is difficult due to cultural differences
Training, motivation, etc are expensive
Channel intermediaries - Retailer

Much stronger personal relationship with the
Hold a variety of products
Offer consumers credit
Promote and merchandise products
Price the final product
Build retailer ‘brand’ in the high street
Types of Retailers

 Specialty Store:
     Narrow product line with a deep assortment.
 Department Store
     Several product lines with each line operated as a separate department
 Supermarket
     Relatively large, low-cost, low-margin, high volume, selfservice operation
 Convenience Store
     Relatively small store located near residential area
 Nonstore retailing
     Categories of nonstore retailing
         Direct selling
         Direct marketing
           Telemarketing
           Television direct-response marketing
           Electronic shopping
         Automatic vending
         Buying service
 Corporate Retailing

Marketing Decisions
Target Market
Product Assortment and Procurement
    Breadth
    Depth
Product-differentiation Strategy Possibilities
    Feature exclusive national brands that are not available at competing
    Feature mostly private branded merchandise
    Feature blockbuster distinctive merchandise events
    Feature surprise or ever-changing merchandise
    Feature the latest or newest merchandise first
    Offer merchandise customizing services
    Offer a highly targeted assortment
Channel intermediaries - Internet

Sell to a geographically disperse market
Able to target and focus on specific segments
Relatively low set-up costs
Use of e-commerce technology (for payment,
 shopping software, etc)
Paradigm shift in commerce and consumption
Six basic channel decisions

Direct or indirect channels
Single or multiple channels
Length of channel
Types of intermediaries
Number of intermediaries at each level
Which intermediaries? Avoid intrachannel conflict
Marketing Flows in the Channel
Channel-Design Decisions

  Analyzing Consumer Service Needs
  Analyzing Consumer Service Needs

Setting Channel Objectives & Constraints
Setting Channel Objectives & Constraints

      Identifying Major Alternatives
       Identifying Major Alternatives

     Intensive     Selective
                    Selective     Exclusive
   Distribution   Distribution
                  Distribution   Distribution

    Evaluating the Major Alternatives
    Evaluating the Major Alternatives
The Value-Adds versus Costs of Different Channels
Channel Strategy

•Market factors                  •Intensive distribution             •Conventional channels
   •Buyer behavior,                  •use of all available markets      •Independence of channel
   geographical concentration        (e.g. cigarettes)                  members, little or no control
   of customers                  •Selective distribution                (e.g. pricing, brand image)
•Producer factors                    •use of a limited number of     •Franchise operation
   •Available resources              outlets in a geographical          •Legal contract in which
   product mix offered               area (e.g. computers)              producer and channel
•Product factors                 •Exclusive distribution                intermediaries agree each a
   •Product size, bulky or           •only one intermediary is          member’s rights and
   difficult to handle?              used in a geographic area          obligations
•Competitive factors                 (e.g. cars sold by only one     •Channel ownership
   •Competitor’s control over        dealer in each town)               •By purchasing retail outlets,
   traditional distribution                                             producers control their
   channels)                                                            purchasing, production and
                                                                        marketing activities
Channel Behavior and Conflict

The channel will be most effective when:
    Each member is assigned tasks it can do best.
    All members cooperate to attain overall channel goals and
     satisfy the target market.
Focus on individual goals leads to conflict
    Horizontal Conflict occurs among firms at the same level of the
    Vertical Conflict occurs between different levels of the same
Channel Management Decisions




Involves entire supply chain
Increasing importance of logistics
    Effective logistics is becoming a key to winning and keeping
    Logistics is a major cost element for most companies
    The explosion in product variety has created a need for
     improved logistics management
    Information technology has created opportunities for major
     gains in distribution efficiency
Goals of Logistics system

Provide a Targeted Level of Customer Service at
the Least Cost.
Maximize Profits, Not Sales.

                  Higher Distribution Costs/ Higher
                  Customer Service Levels

                  Lower Distribution Costs/ Lower
                  Customer Service Levels
Logistics Functions

Order Processing
Inventory Management
Design system to minimize costs of attaining
Transportation Modes

Nation’s largest carrier, cost-effective
 Nation’s largest carrier, cost-effective
for shipping bulk products, piggyback
 for shipping bulk products, piggyback

      Flexible in routing & time schedules, efficient
       Flexible in routing & time schedules, efficient
           for short-hauls of high value goods
            for short-hauls of high value goods

                           Low cost for shipping bulky, low-value
                            Low cost for shipping bulky, low-value
                                   goods, slowest form
                                     goods, slowest form

                                        Ship petroleum, natural gas, and chemicals
                                         Ship petroleum, natural gas, and chemicals
                                                 from sources to markets
                                                  from sources to markets

                                               High cost, ideal when speed is needed or to
                                                High cost, ideal when speed is needed or to
                                                     ship high-value, low-bulk items
                                                      ship high-value, low-bulk items
Selection consideration

Market segment - must know the specific
 segment and target customer
Changes during plc - different channels are
 exploited at various stages of plc
Producer-distributor fit - their policies,
 strategies and image
Qualification assessment - experience and
 track record must be established
Distributor training and support
End of Day 3

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Intro to mktg_itm_sept-2012_session-3

  • 1. Introduction to Marketing Week 3 NANDA KISHORE SETHURAMAN ITM SEPTEMBER 2012
  • 2. Agenda  Promotion and Advertising  Pricing and Distribution  Promotional activities  Cost based pricing  Trade shows, sponsorship, trade-  Value based pricing fairs, contests, coupon  Premium pricing programme, community projects  Discount / promotional pricing  Advertising  Price Skimming  TV, radio, trade magazines, direct  Psychological pricing mailing, billboards, packaging, internet  Geographic pricing  Public Relations  Product line pricing  Relationships with media, customer’s community, public speaking, research  Personal Selling  B2B and B2C  Marketing Accessories  Brochures, newsletters, fliers, give-aways
  • 4. Learning Goals  Discuss how integrated marketing communications relates to a firm’s overall promotion strategy.  Explain promotional mix and outline the objectives of promotion.  Summarize the different types of advertising and advertising media.  Outline the roles of sales promotion, personal selling, and public relations.  Describe pushing and pulling promotional strategies.  Discuss the major ethical issues involved in promotion.
  • 5. Promotions – What is it? Promotion is the function of informing, persuading, and influencing a purchase decision. Integrated marketing communications (IMC) Coordination of all promotional activities—media advertising, direct mail, personal selling, sales promotion, and public relations—to produce a unified customer-focused message.
  • 6. Integrated Marketing Communications Must take a broad view and plan for all form of customer contact. Create unified personality and message for the good, service, or brand. Elements include personal selling, advertising, sales promotion, publicity, and public relations.
  • 7. Promotional Mix Promotional mix Combination of personal and nonpersonal selling techniques designed to achieve promotional objectives.  Personal selling Interpersonal promotional process involving a seller’s face-to-face presentation to a prospective buyer.  Nonpersonal selling Advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing, and public relations.
  • 10. Objectives of Promotional Strategy Providing Information  Major portion of advertising provides information about a product. Differentiating a Product  Communicate to buyers meaningful distinctions about the attributes, price, quality, or use of a good or service. Increasing Sales  Most common objective of a promotional strategy. Stabilizing Sales  Stable sales evens out the production cycle, reduces some management and production costs, and simplifies financial, purchasing, and marketing planning. Accentuating the Product’s Value  Explaining hidden benefits of ownership.
  • 11. Promotional Planning Product placement Marketers pay placement fees to have their products showcased in various media, ranging from newspapers and magazines to television and movies. Guerilla marketing Innovative, low-cost marketing efforts designed to get consumers’ attention in unusual ways.
  • 12. Advertising  Advertising Paid nonpersonal communication delivered through various media and designed to inform, persuade, or remind members of a particular audience.  Consumers receive 3,500 to 5,000 marketing messages each day.  Types of Advertising  Product advertising Messages designed to sell a particular good or service.  Institutional advertising – Messages that promote concepts, ideas, philosophies, or goodwill for industries, companies, organizations, or government entities.  Cause advertising – Form of institutional messaging that promotes a specific viewpoint on a public issue as a way to influence public opinion and the legislative process
  • 13. Advertising and the Product Life Cycle  Informative advertising – Used to build initial demand for a product in the introductory phase of the product life cycle.  Persuasive advertising – Attempts to improve the competitive status of a product, institution, or concept, usually in the growth and maturity stages of the product life cycle.  Comparative advertising – Compares products directly with their competitors either by name or by inference.  Reminder-oriented advertising – Appears in the late maturity or decline stages of the product life cycle to maintain awareness of the importance and usefulness of a product.
  • 14. Advertising and the Product Life Cycle Entertain emind R Convince Attract Attention
  • 15. Advertising and the Product Life Cycle •Only few brands available in its •High involvement / High Risk High space • Can’t afford to make mistakes • Includes existing users also • Promiscuous users • Ex: Durables / Hospitals • The job of Advertising is to • The job of Advertising is to Involvement ‘ENTERTAIN’ ‘CONVINCE’ • Marketing Paradigm: FEEL / DO / • Marketing Paradigm: LEARN / FEEL / FEEL DO •Commoditised Brands •Commoditised Brands • Predominantly speaking to ‘Own Past • Experienced by ‘New Brands’ entering Users an existing market • The job of Advertising is to ‘REMIND’ • Talks predominantly to ‘New users’ • Marketing Paradigm: DO / FEEL / DO only • The job of Advertising is to ‘ATTRACT Low ATTENTION’ • Marketing Paradigm: LEARN / DO / FEEL Low Brand Risk High
  • 16. Vehicles  Television  Direct Mail  Largest reach  High per person cost, but can be  Large variety of channels with carefully targeted and highly varied interests effective.  Expensive  Outdoor Advertising  Newspapers  Requires brief messages.  Short life span  Online and Interactive  Possibility to localize Advertising  Easy to coordinate with other  Experts predict sales from online promotional efforts. advertising will double in 2012.  Radio  Virals – Kolaveridi?  Latest entrant (after a hiatus)  Low cost  Car commuters – captive audience  Sometimes Intrusive  Magazines  Including Consumer publications and trade journals.
  • 17. More Vehicles… Sponsorship  Providing funds for a sporting or cultural event in exchange for a direct association with the event.  Benefits: Exposure to target audience and association with image of the event. Other Media Options  Marketers look for novel ways to reach customers.  Examples: infomercials, ATM receipts, directory advertising
  • 18. SALES PROMOTION Sales promotion Nonpersonal marketing activities other than advertising, personal selling, and public relations that stimulate consumer purchasing and dealer effectiveness.
  • 19. Consumer-Oriented Promotions Premiums, Coupons, Rebates, Samples  Two of every five promotion dollars are spent on premiums, items given free or at reduced price with the purchase of another product.  Coupons attract new customers but focus on price rather than brand loyalty.  Rebates increase purchase rates, promote multiple purchases, and reward product users.  Three of every four consumers who receive a sample will try it Games, Contest, and Sweepstakes  Often used to introduce new goods and attract new customers.  Subject to legal restrictions. Specialty Advertising  Gift of useful merchandise carrying the name, logo, or slogan of an organization.
  • 20. Trade-Oriented Promotions Sales promotion geared to marketing intermediaries rather than to consumers.  Encourage retailers in several ways:  To stock new products.  To continue carrying existing ones.  To promote both new and existing products effectively to consumers.  Point-of-purchase (POP) advertising Displays or demonstrations that promote products when and where consumers buy them, such as in retail stores.  Promote goods and services at trade shows
  • 21. PERSONAL SELLING A person-to-person promotional presentation to a potential buyer. Usually used under four conditions:  Customers are relatively few in number and geographically concentrated.  The product is technically complex, involves trade-ins, and requires special handling.  The product carries a relatively high price.  It moves through direct-distribution channels.  Example: Selling to the government or military.
  • 23. Public Relations Public organization’s communications and relationships with its various audience.  Helps a firm establish awareness of goods and services and builds a positive image of them. Publicity  Publicity Stimulation of demand for a good, service, place, idea, person, or organization by disseminating news or obtaining favorable unpaid media presentations.  Good publicity can promote a firm’s positive image  Negative publicity can cause problems.
  • 24. PROMOTIONAL STRATEGY Pushing and Pulling Strategies  Pushing strategy Relies on personal selling to market an item to wholesalers and retailers in a company’s distribution channels.  Companies promote the product to members of the marketing channel, not to end users.  Pulling strategy Promote a product by generating consumer demand for it, primarily through advertising and sales promotion appeals.  Potential buyers will request that their suppliers—retailers or local distributors—carry the product, thereby pulling it through the distribution channel.  Most marketing situations require combinations of pushing and pulling strategies, although the primary emphasis can vary.
  • 26. Learning Goals 1. Identify and define the internal factors affecting a firm’s pricing decisions 2. Identify and define the external factors affecting pricing decisions, including the impact of consumer perceptions of price and value 3. Contrast the three general approaches to setting prices
  • 27. Definition Price  The amount of money charged for a product or service, or the sum of the values that consumers exchange for the benefits of having or using the product or service. Rent Tuition • Bribe Fee Fare • Salary Rate Toll • Wage Commission Premium • Interest Assessment Retainer • Tax
  • 29. Factors to Consider When Setting Price  Market positioning influences Internal Factors pricing strategy  Other pricing objectives:  Marketing objectives  Survival  Marketing mix  Current profit maximization  Market share leadership strategies  Product quality leadership  Costs  Organizational considerations
  • 30. Factors to Consider When Setting Price Internal Factors  Pricing must be carefully coordinated with the other  Marketing objectives marketing mix elements  Target costing is often used to  Marketing mix support product positioning strategies strategies based on price  Costs  Non-price positioning can also  Organizational be used considerations
  • 31. Factors to Consider When Setting Price Internal Factors  Types of costs:  Variable  Marketing objectives  Fixed  Marketing mix  Total costs  How costs vary at different strategies production levels will  Costs influence price setting  Organizational  Experience (learning) curve considerations affects price
  • 32. Factors to Consider When Setting Price  Who sets the price? Internal Factors  Small companies: CEO or top management  Marketing objectives  Large companies: Divisional  Marketing mix or product line managers strategies  Price negotiation is common in industrial settings where  Costs pricing departments may be  Organizational created considerations
  • 33. Factors to Consider When Setting Price  Types of markets External Factors  Pure competition  Monopolistic competition  Nature of market and  Oligopolistic competition demand  Pure monopoly  Competitors’ costs,  Consumer perceptions of price prices, and offers and value  Price-demand relationship  Other environmental  Demand curve elements  Price elasticity of demand
  • 34. Factors to Consider When Setting Price  Consider competitors’ costs, prices, and possible reactions External Factors  Pricing strategy influences the nature of competition  Low-price low-margin  Nature of market and strategies inhibit competition demand  High-price high-margin  Competitors’ costs, strategies attract competition prices, and offers  Benchmarking costs against the  Other environmental competition is recommended elements
  • 35. Factors to Consider When Setting Price External Factors  Economic conditions  Affect production costs  Affect buyer perceptions of  Nature of market and price and value demand  Reseller reactions to prices  Competitors’ costs, must be considered prices, and offers  Government may restrict or  Other environmental limit pricing options  Social considerations may be elements taken into account
  • 36. General Pricing Approaches Cost-Based Pricing: Cost-Plus Pricing  Adding a standard markup to cost  Ignores demand and competition  Popular pricing technique because:  It simplifies the pricing process  Price competition may be minimized  It is perceived as more fair to both buyers and sellers
  • 37. General Pricing Approaches Cost-Based Pricing Example - Variable costs: Rs.20 - Fixed costs: Rs.500,000 - Expected sales: 100,000 units - Desired Sales Markup: 20% Variable Cost + Fixed Costs/Unit Sales = Unit Cost Rs.20 + Rs.500,000/100,000 = Rs.25 per unit Unit Cost/(1 – Desired Return on Sales) = Markup Price Rs.25 / (1 - .20) = Rs.31.25
  • 38. General Pricing Approaches Cost-Based Pricing: Break-Even Analysis and Target Profit Pricing  Break-even charts show total cost and total revenues at different levels of unit volume.  The intersection of the total revenue and total cost curves is the break-even point.  Companies wishing to make a profit must exceed the break-even unit volume.
  • 39. Breakeven Analysis Breakeven analysis Pricing technique used to determine the minimum sales volume a product must generate at a certain price level to cover all costs. Finding the Breakeven Point
  • 40. General Pricing Approaches Value-Based Pricing:  Uses buyers’ perceptions of value rather than seller’s costs to set price.  Measuring perceived value can be difficult.  Consumer attitudes toward price and quality have shifted during the last decade.  Value pricing at the retail level  Everyday low pricing (EDLP) vs. high-low pricing
  • 41. General Pricing Approaches Competition-Based Pricing:  Also called going-rate pricing  May price at the same level, above, or below the competition  Bidding for jobs is another variation of competition-based pricing  Sealed bid pricing
  • 42. Equilibrium Price: Supply = Demand Price per flash drive/memory stick Number of flash drives/memory sticks demanded
  • 43. Elasticity of Demand measure of the sensitivity of demand to changes in prices Inelastic Demand Elastic Demand Price Price Electricity Recreational P2 P2 Vehicles P1 P1 Q2 Q1 Quantity Q2 Q1 not price sensitive Quantity no real change in demand price sensitive - changes in demand
  • 44. Marketing Strategy Over the Product Life Cycle INTRODUCTION GROWTH MATURITY DECLINE Marketing strategy Market development Increase market Defend market Maintain efficiency in emphasis share share exploiting product Pricing High price, unique Lower price Price at or below Set price to remain strategy product / cover over time competition profitable or reduce production costs to liquidate Promotion Mount sales Appeal to Emphasize Reinforce loyal Strategy promotion for mass market brand differences, customers; reduce product awareness benefits & loyalty promotion costs Place strategy Distribute through Build intensive Enlarge Be selective in selective outlets network of distribution distribution, trim outlets network unprofitable outlets
  • 45. Alternative Pricing Strategies Pricing Existing Products/Services - 3 options  Pricing below market prices - Price wars  EX: airlines, store brand vs. manufacturer’s brand  Dumping  Pricing above prevailing market prices for similar products  EX: Sony – higher price = higher quality?  Pricing at or near market prices
  • 46. Alternative Pricing Strategies Penetration Price Strategy  Penetration PRICE  Low price  establish product in the market  Elastic demand; Predatory Skimming Price Strategy pricing  Skimming PRICE  High price; unique product; appeal to early adopters; Prestige pricing  Recovering high R&D Skimming > Penetration costs PRICE  Combination  Move inventory; stimulate D; extend product life
  • 47. Penetration Pricing Applies to large markets with elastic demand, economies of scale, intense competition
  • 49. Market Skimming Applies to new, distinctive products, early in the PLC
  • 50. Pricing Tactics  Price Lining  Setting a limited number of prices for certain categories of products  Psychological Pricing  Pricing to take advantage of the fact that consumers do not always respond rationally to stated prices  Discounting  Price reductions offered as an incentive to purchase  High tech Pricing: giving it away!
  • 51. Captive Product Pricing Gillette Fusion Manual Razor Gillette Fusion Manual Razor with cartridges
  • 52. Price Adjustment Strategies 52 Strategies  Types of discounts  Cash discount  Quantity discount  Discount / allowance  Seasonal discount  Segmented  Allowances  Psychological  Trade-in allowances  Promotional  Promotional allowances  International
  • 56. Price Adjustment Strategies Strategies  Types of segmented pricing strategies:  Product-line pricing  Discount / allowance  Location pricing  Segmented  Time pricing  Also called revenue or yield  Psychological management  Promotional  Certain conditions must exist  International for segmented pricing to be effective
  • 57. Segmented Pricing Effectiveness  Market must be “segmentable”  Segments must show different demand  Pricing must be legal  Costs of segmentation cannot exceed revenues earned  Segmented pricing must reflect real differences in customers’ perceived value
  • 58. Pricing a Product Line High Quality Toyota Camry W1 Low Toyota Corolla Quality Altis 58
  • 60. Price Adjustment Strategies Strategies  The price is used to say something about the product.  Price-quality relationship  Discount / allowance  Reference prices  Segmented  Differences as small as Re.1 can be important  Psychological  Numeric digits may have  Promotional symbolic and visual qualities that psychologically influence  International the buyer
  • 62. Psychological Pricing Mercs can actually be more important to many people than their spouses. That is a price they are willing to pay. Luxury Car!
  • 63. Price Adjustment Strategies Strategies Temporarily pricing products below the list  Discount / allowance price or even below cost  Segmented  Contracts, Special-event pricing  Psychological  Cash rebates  Promotional  Low-interest financing,  International warranties  Loss leaders
  • 64. P Promotional Cellphone R O P Pricing 64 M R O I T C I I O N N G A L
  • 66. Price Adjustment Strategies 66 Strategies  Prices charged in a specific country depend on many factors  Discount / allowance  Economic conditions  Segmented  Competitive situation  Psychological  Laws / regulations  Promotional  Distribution system  Consumer perceptions  International  Corporate marketing objectives  Cost considerations
  • 67. India USA
  • 69. Select the appropriate pricing strategy. Explain your choice.  Wal-Mart launches a new range of own-label soups.  Cunard launches two new cruise ships.  A cable TV provider moves into a new area and needs to achieve a market share.  Holiday Inns try to fill hotels during winter weekends.  Burger King introduces a new range of value meals.  Nokia launches a new videophone.
  • 70. What is the need for a Marketing Channel? Many producers lack the financial resources to carry out direct marketing In some cases direct marketing simply is not feasible Producers who do establish their own channels can often earn a greater return by increasing their investment in their main business
  • 71. Role of Intermediaries Greater efficiency in making goods available to target markets. Intermediaries provide  Contacts  Experience  Specialization  Scale of operation Match supply and demand
  • 72. What does a channel do? Key functions include:  Gather information about potential and current customers, competitors, and others  Develop and disseminate persuasive communications to stimulate purchasing  Reach agreements on price and other terms so that transfer of ownership or possession can be effected  Place orders with manufacturers  Acquire funds to finance inventories at different levels in the marketing channel  Assume risk connected with carrying out channel work  Provide for the successive storage and movement of physical products  Oversee actual transfer of ownership from one organization or person to another
  • 73. What does a channel do? Breaking bulk Reduce number of transactions and create bulk for transport Accessibility to markets Provide specialist support service M C M C M C C M I M C M C
  • 74. Channel intermediaries - Wholesalers Break down ‘bulk’  buys from producers and sell small quantities to retailers Provides storage facilities  reduces contact cost between producer and consumer Wholesaler takes some of the marketing responsibility e.g sales force, promotions
  • 75. Wholesaling Selling and promoting Buying and assortment building Bulk breaking Warehousing Transportation Financing Risk bearing Market information Management services and counseling
  • 76. Wholesaler Marketing Decisions Target Market Product Assortment and Services Price Decision Promotion Decision Place Decision
  • 77. Channel intermediaries - Agents Mainly used in international markets Commission agent - does not take title of the goods. Secures orders. Stockist agent - hold ‘consignment’ stock Control is difficult due to cultural differences Training, motivation, etc are expensive
  • 78. Channel intermediaries - Retailer Much stronger personal relationship with the consumer Hold a variety of products Offer consumers credit Promote and merchandise products Price the final product Build retailer ‘brand’ in the high street
  • 79. Types of Retailers  Specialty Store:  Narrow product line with a deep assortment.  Department Store  Several product lines with each line operated as a separate department  Supermarket  Relatively large, low-cost, low-margin, high volume, selfservice operation  Convenience Store  Relatively small store located near residential area  Nonstore retailing  Categories of nonstore retailing  Direct selling  Direct marketing  Telemarketing  Television direct-response marketing  Electronic shopping  Automatic vending  Buying service  Corporate Retailing
  • 80. Retailing Marketing Decisions Target Market Product Assortment and Procurement  Breadth  Depth Product-differentiation Strategy Possibilities  Feature exclusive national brands that are not available at competing retailers  Feature mostly private branded merchandise  Feature blockbuster distinctive merchandise events  Feature surprise or ever-changing merchandise  Feature the latest or newest merchandise first  Offer merchandise customizing services  Offer a highly targeted assortment
  • 81. Channel intermediaries - Internet Sell to a geographically disperse market Able to target and focus on specific segments Relatively low set-up costs Use of e-commerce technology (for payment, shopping software, etc) Paradigm shift in commerce and consumption
  • 82. Six basic channel decisions Direct or indirect channels Single or multiple channels Length of channel Types of intermediaries Number of intermediaries at each level Which intermediaries? Avoid intrachannel conflict
  • 83. Marketing Flows in the Channel
  • 84. Channel-Design Decisions Analyzing Consumer Service Needs Analyzing Consumer Service Needs Setting Channel Objectives & Constraints Setting Channel Objectives & Constraints Identifying Major Alternatives Identifying Major Alternatives Intensive Intensive Selective Selective Exclusive Exclusive Distribution Distribution Distribution Distribution Distribution Distribution Evaluating the Major Alternatives Evaluating the Major Alternatives
  • 85. The Value-Adds versus Costs of Different Channels
  • 86. Channel Strategy •Market factors •Intensive distribution •Conventional channels •Buyer behavior, •use of all available markets •Independence of channel geographical concentration (e.g. cigarettes) members, little or no control of customers •Selective distribution (e.g. pricing, brand image) •Producer factors •use of a limited number of •Franchise operation •Available resources outlets in a geographical •Legal contract in which product mix offered area (e.g. computers) producer and channel •Product factors •Exclusive distribution intermediaries agree each a •Product size, bulky or •only one intermediary is member’s rights and difficult to handle? used in a geographic area obligations •Competitive factors (e.g. cars sold by only one •Channel ownership •Competitor’s control over dealer in each town) •By purchasing retail outlets, traditional distribution producers control their channels) purchasing, production and marketing activities
  • 88. Channel Behavior and Conflict The channel will be most effective when:  Each member is assigned tasks it can do best.  All members cooperate to attain overall channel goals and satisfy the target market. Focus on individual goals leads to conflict  Horizontal Conflict occurs among firms at the same level of the channel.  Vertical Conflict occurs between different levels of the same channel.
  • 89. Channel Management Decisions Selecting Selecting FEEDBACK Motivating Motivating Evaluating Evaluating
  • 90. Logistics Involves entire supply chain Increasing importance of logistics  Effective logistics is becoming a key to winning and keeping customers  Logistics is a major cost element for most companies  The explosion in product variety has created a need for improved logistics management  Information technology has created opportunities for major gains in distribution efficiency
  • 91. Goals of Logistics system Provide a Targeted Level of Customer Service at the Least Cost. Maximize Profits, Not Sales. Higher Distribution Costs/ Higher Customer Service Levels Lower Distribution Costs/ Lower Customer Service Levels
  • 92. Logistics Functions Order Processing Warehousing Inventory Management Transportation Design system to minimize costs of attaining objectives
  • 93. Transportation Modes Rail Rail Nation’s largest carrier, cost-effective Nation’s largest carrier, cost-effective for shipping bulk products, piggyback for shipping bulk products, piggyback Truck Truck Flexible in routing & time schedules, efficient Flexible in routing & time schedules, efficient for short-hauls of high value goods for short-hauls of high value goods Water Water Low cost for shipping bulky, low-value Low cost for shipping bulky, low-value goods, slowest form goods, slowest form Pipeline Pipeline Ship petroleum, natural gas, and chemicals Ship petroleum, natural gas, and chemicals from sources to markets from sources to markets Air Air High cost, ideal when speed is needed or to High cost, ideal when speed is needed or to ship high-value, low-bulk items ship high-value, low-bulk items
  • 94. Selection consideration Market segment - must know the specific segment and target customer Changes during plc - different channels are exploited at various stages of plc Producer-distributor fit - their policies, strategies and image Qualification assessment - experience and track record must be established Distributor training and support

Editor's Notes

  1. What is the cost of the coke bottle? How much does making a ‘Maruti 800’ cost? Why is it priced at what each of these products are priced at?
  2. When you set the price for your products or service, what factors influence? Pricing decisions are influenced by various factors:  Cost of the product  Economic conditions  Competition  Customer needs and characteristics (age, taste, geography)  Company objectives
  3. Positioning. Can’t price cheaply if your position is ‘premium’. Premium ‘ Kitna deta hai’ – Maruti example isn’t just a funny tale. If Lambhorghini sells for the price of ALTO then premium value is lost. Various stages of organisation also decide pricing
  4. Pricing is never a stand alone decision
  5. Economies of Scale Lower costs at same pricing will also increase profits
  6. Monopolistic competition – MS Oligopolistic competition – Big 4 accounting firms Pure monopoly
  7. Share examples of when one entity reduced prices because of competition
  8. Fuel costs Subsidies Taxes
  9. Q: How many memory sticks/flash drives are you willing to buy at Rs.200? (20) At Rs.300? (15) The D curve indicates the QD by customers at a particular price level. The D curve slopes downward, from left to right  as the P goes down, the Q D goes up. Q: As a producer, how many flash drives are you willing to produce at Rs.200? At Rs.300? (25) The Supply curve indicates the Q that producers are willing to produce and offer to customers at a given price level. Producers are willing to produce more (QS) if they can get a higher P. When QD = QS, we have an equilibrium price and a sale can be made. Both parts of the exchange are satisfied with the price.
  10. Q: At what stage is it? How are you pricing it? (How much does it cost?) Have you changed the price? Are you planning to change the price? When and why? Q: As a producer, what pricing strategy would you use when you introduce a product ? high volume/low price or high price/lower volume  must recover R&D investment; penetration or skimming. Flying Machine as against Newport. What was the idea behind the different pricing between the two brands from same stable? Q: What would you do regarding the price as the product enters the growth and maturity stage? Lower price  Competitive pricing (Most Shampoos) Q: At what stages do you think it is really important to promote the product to ensure its survival? Q: What would you do in terms of amount of promotion to introduce a product? Special sales promotions; displays; flyers to raise awareness Emphasize uniqueness of product! Q: What would you do in the maturity stage – increase or decrease advertising? Advertising = heaviest; highest cost outlay for the product
  11. In general, for EXISTING PRODUCTS/SERVICES (mature) producers have 3 options for pricing: below, above, or at market prices as established by S + D forces. 1. Pricing below market prices  price wars EX: airlines, store brand vs. manufacturer’s brand Extreme example: DUMPING = illegal (U.S. has been accused of dumping tomatoes in foreign countries to get rid of oversupply) 2. Pricing above prevailing market prices for similar products EX: Sony  higher price = higher quality? 3. Pricing at or near market prices, especially for products with elastic D  customers switch brands easily (food items; toothbrushes)
  12. Penetration Pricing: More common in FMCG. Just to ensure that there is some amount of testing which happens Skimming: Very typical of electronic goods. Example Apple.
  13. As discussed in earlier slide, it is possible to do Penetration pricing in FMCG. Markets are large, demand is elastic, large production can help in economies of scale and there is always intense competition and hence less uniqueness.
  14. Q: What pricing strategy would you suggest for this product?
  15. Big Bazaar or any other retail chain. Bundles of household goods made at the retailers end sold at a competitive price.
  16. Contribution
  17. Bata 
  18. What is an appropriate pricing strategy for each of these situations. Wal-Mart launches a new range of own-label soups.  ECONOMY > PENETRATION Cunard launches two new cruise ships.  SKIMMING or PREMIUM A cable TV provider moves into a new area and needs to achieve a market share.  PENETRATION Holiday Inns try to fill hotels during winter weekends.  PENETRATION Burger King introduces a new range of value meals.  PENETRATION Nokia launches a new videophone.  SKIMMING
  19. India is not a major hub for manufacturing ‘tech products’, but is amongst the largest consumer. How would it be possible if: The producer / marketer did not identify this ‘need’ The producer / marketer did not find a ‘nearby’ manufacturing hub The producer / marketer did not find a way to make these products available in India. Example: Dell products.
  20. Producers may not have knowledge of all markets. More often than not, the channel provides effective and inexpensive ways to reach end consumers and the information required to decide on such markets.
  21. Speciality Store : Ex: The Body Shop, Croma Department Store : Ex: Big Bazaar Supermarket : Ex. Hypercity Convenience Store : Mom-and-pop stores, Kirana stores Non-Store Retailing : Direct Selling: Financial Services products (Ex: Mutual Funds) Direct Marketing Telemarketing: Cards Television Direct Response Marketing: TSN Network products Electronic Shopping: All internet stores Automatic vending: Not a concept in India yet Buying service: Catalogue marketing Corporate Retailing : Bulk retailers
  22. Retailing in itself is a huge topic and there are specialist courses for retailing as a subject. With the advent of international trade and availability of investments across the world, logistics and channels have become increasingly important. How else would you have Aldo, Tag Heuer, Fossil, Benetton, FCUK etc in India?
  23. Probably the biggest game-changer in marketing as it stands today. Selling / marketing / communicating etc has been made easy to a larger section of the public because of internet.
  24. Forward & Backward Flow
  25. Analyze Customers’ Desired Service Output Levels Lot size Waiting time Spatial convenience Product variety Service backup ===== Establish Objectives and Constraints Identify Major Channel Alternatives Types of Intermediaries Number of Intermediaries Exclusive distribution Exclusive dealing Selective distribution Intensive distribution ===== Terms and Responsibilities of Channel Members Price policy Conditions of sale Distributors’ territorial rights Evaluate the Major Alternatives Economic Criteria =====
  26. Selection : Identification of candidates(trade sources, reseller enquiries) Development of selection criteria (knowledge (market, product, customer); market coverage; quality and size of sales force} Motivation : Motivate channel members to (act as distributors; Allocate adequate commitment and ;resources to producer’s lines) Possible motivators ( financial rewards; Territorial exclusivity Development of strong work relationship Training : Product knowledge Company knowledge Evaluation : Identification of shortfalls in distributor skills and Competencies; lack of distributors motivation Important for (retention, training and motivation decisions) Criteria include (sales volume and value; Profitability, Level of stocks, Quality and position of display) Managing Conflict : Sources of channel conflict: differences in goals; Differences in desired product line Avoiding and resolving conflict: training in conflict handling, Developing a partnership approach, Channel ownership, coercion
  27. McDonalds in India has a logistics chain which is highly effective. The trucks never go empty. On way up to ‘picking up produce’ like lettuce, they deliver the buns (which are centrally produced) thereby achieving maximum efficiency.