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Introduction to Marketing
         Week 2

         ITM SEPTEMBER 2012
 Targeting                                  Product
   What is good marketing research?           Product Strategy
   Marketing research Questions               Product Essentials
   Types of information                       Features and Benefits
   Types of market research                   Classifying products
   Market research summary                    Product line and mix
   Test Market                                Branding
   Define Target Audience                     Packaging and Labeling Trademarks
   Estimate market potential                Positioning and Brand Building
   Analyze market share/share of              The Art of Positioning is Marketing
    customer                                   Positioning the game of Mind and
   Track competitors
   Identify market characteristics &          Brand is a Promise
    trends                                     Brand is owned by Customers
   Analyze sales data
                                               Understanding Brand Drivers
   Sales forecasting: Existing / new
                                               Brand Attributes
                                               Brand Architecture
                                               The Positioning Template
Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning
Research – An Introduction
The Process
                 Understand the environment and the market
                 Identify threats and opportunities
  Analysis       Assess the competitive position

                 Define the business scope and served market
  Strategy       segments
                 Establish competitive advantages
                 Set performance objectives.
                 Product and channel decision
 Marketing       Communication decisions
  Program        Pricing
Development      Personal selling decisions

                 Performance monitoring
Implementation   Refining strategies and program
Marketing Research in Practice

Programmatic Research
    Develops market options through market segmentation,
     market opportunity analysis, or consumer attitude and product
     usage studies
Selective Research
    Tests different decision alternatives such as new product
     testing, advertising copy testing, pre-test marketing, and test
Evaluative Research
    Evaluation of performance of programs
Marketing Decision Support Systems

Characteristics of MDSS:
  Interactive

  Flexible

  Discovery oriented
  User friendly
Marketing Decision Support Systems

Four components of MDSS:
  Database
  Reports and Displays

  Analysis capabilities

  Models
Gaining Insight from a MDSS


Modeling                  Display

 Analysis                 Database

Participants in marketing research activities

                              Information Users
                      • General management
                      • Planning
                      • Marketing and sales managers
                      • Product managers
                      • Lawyers
     Information Suppliers:                      Information Suppliers:
        Inside Company                             Outside Company
• Marketing research department            • Research consultants
• Sales analysis group                     • Marketing research suppliers
• Accounting department                    • Advertising agencies
• Corporate strategic planning
Marketing Research Process

 MR Process Evolves From Answers to Five Key
  Why should we do research?
  What research should be done?

  Is it worth doing the research?

  How should the research be designed to achieve the
   research objectives?
  What will we do with the research?
Marketing Planning & Information System

    Planning system                Information system
     • Strategic plans               • Databases
     • Tactical plans                • DSS

     • Problems or opportunities
     • Decision alternatives
     • Research users
      • Problems or opportunities
      • Decision alternatives
      • Research users

  the value of                  NO   Do not conduct
  information                        marketing research
   Is benefit >

     • Problems or opportunities
     • Decision alternatives
     • Research users



The Marketing Research Process

Step 1
Research Purpose
    Problem or opportunity analysis
        Which problems or opportunities are anticipated
        What is the scope of the problems and the possible reasons?
    Evaluation of decision alternatives
        What are the alternatives being studied?
        What are the criteria for choosing among the alternatives?
    Research users
        Who are the decision makers?
        Are there any covert purposes?
The Marketing Research Process (Contd.)

Step 2
Research Objective
    A statement, in as precise terminology as possible, of what
     information is needed
    Should be framed to ensure information obtained will satisfy
     research purpose
Research Question
Hypothesis Development
Research Boundaries
The Marketing Research Process (Contd.)

Research Question
    Asks what specific information is required to achieve the
     research purpose
    Sample questions to determine if a specific advertisement
     should be run:
        Will the advertisement be noticed?
        Will it be interpreted accurately?
        Will it influence attitudes?
The Marketing Research Process (Contd.)

Hypothesis Development
    A possible answer to a research question.
Generating a hypothesis
    Draw on previous research efforts
    Borrow from other disciplines such as:
        Psychology
        Sociology
        Marketing
        Economics
    Manager’s experience with related problems, coupled with
     knowledge and the use of judgment
           • Theory
           • Management experience
           • Exploratory research

Research   Research                        Research
           Question           Hypothesis    Design

The Marketing Research Process (Contd.)

Step 3
Estimating the Value of Information
    Value depends on:
      Importance of decision
      Uncertainty that surrounds it
      Influence of research information on the decision
Illustrative Decision Models               $ 4 million
                 Introduce     Success

                                           $ 1 million
 Product A                     Failure

                  Do not

                                             $ 4 million

 Product B                                -$ 2.5 million
                  Do not
Research Design and Implementation

Research Design
The detailed blueprint to guide the
 implementation of a research study toward
 the realization of its objectives
Categories of Research

 Exploratory Research
   Used when seeking insights into the general nature of a problem, the
    possible decision alternatives, and the relevant variables that need to be
 Descriptive Research
   Provides an accurate snapshot of some aspect of the market
    environment, such as:
        Consumer evaluation of the attributes of our product versus competing
        The socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of the readership of a
        The proportion of all possible outlets that are carrying, displaying, or
         merchandising our products
 Causal Research
   Used when it is necessary to show that one variable causes or determines
    the values of other variables, a causal research approach must be used
Detective Funnel

Uses Combination of All Three Research
  Exploratory  techniques generate all possible
   reasons for a problem
  Descriptive and Causal approaches narrow the
   possible causes
Detective Funnel



  Possible              Research
causes of the
Methods & Data Collection.
Data Sources

Secondary Data
Primary Data
Sources of Secondary Data
                                             •SALES/PATRONAGE RESULTS ( OUTCOMES )
                                             •MARKETING ACTIVITY ( INPUTS )
          SOURCES     INTERNAL
                                             •COST INFORMATION
                                             •DISTRIBUTOR REPORTS AND FEEDBACK
                                             •CUSTOMER FEEDBACK

          DATA                                                                   •GOVERNMENT
          SOURCES                                                                •TRADE ASSOCIATIONS
                                                                                 •ANNUAL REPORTS
                                                              PRINTED            •PRIVATE STUDIES

                      SOURCES        STANDARDIZED
                                     SOURCES OF
                                                                  •STORE AUDITS
                                                                  •WAREHOUSE WITHDRAWAL SERVICES
                                                                  •CONSUMER PURCHASE PANELS
                                                                  •SINGLE SOURCE DATA
                                                                  •NIELSEN’S TELEVISION INDEX
                                                                  •STARCH SCORES
                                                                  •ARBITRON PANEL
                                                                  •MULTIMEDIA SERVICES
Uses of Secondary Data

Can solve the problem on hand all by its own
Can lead to new ideas and other sources
Helps to define the problem more clearly
Can help in designing the primary data collections
Helps in defining the population / sample
Can serve as a reference base
Benefits and Limitations of Secondary Data

Benefits                 Limitations

Low cost                 Collected for some other
Less effort              No control over data
Less time
                          May not be accurate
At times, more           May not be in correct form
 accurate                 May be outdated
                          May not meet data
At times, only way to     requirements
 obtain data              Assumptions have to be
Internal Sources of Secondary Data

Internal Records
  Accounting Data
  Sales Reports

  Inventory Management

  Customer Database
External Sources of Secondary Data

Published data sources (Census, publications of
 various trade associations)
Trade directories
Computer retrievable databases ("online" databases)
Practical Applications
New Product Research

New Product Research Process
    Generation of new product concepts
    Evaluation and development of those concepts
    Evaluation and development of the actual products
    Testing in the context of the marketing program
Need Identification
    Perceptual maps
    Social and environmental trends
    Benefit structure analysis
    Product users
    Focus-group interviews
    Lead user analysis
Concept Identification
New Product Research (Contd.)

Test Marketing
    Designing the sell-in market test
    Selecting the test cities
    Implementing and controlling the test
    Timing
    Measurement
    Costs of a test market
Controlled Distribution Scanner Markets (CDSM)
Projecting Trial, Repeat and Usage Rate Using Panel
Other Applications

Pricing Research
    Research for Profit-oriented Pricing
    Research for Share-oriented Pricing
Distribution Research
    Warehouse and Retail Location Research
      Center-of-gravity Simulation
      Computerized Simulation Models
      Catchment Area Analysis
      Outlet Location Research
    Number and Location of Sales Representatives
      Sales effort approach
      Statistical analysis of sales data
      Field experiments
      Computerized models of sales force size and allocation by market and
       by product line
Advertising Research
Criteria                        Copy Test Validity
  Recognition                     Qualitative Research
  Recall
                                   Audience Impressions of
  Persuasion
                                    the Ad
       Forced exposure, brand
                                   Adjective Checklist
        preference change
       On-air tests -- brand      Eye Movement
        preference change          Physiological
   Customized Measures of           Measurement
   Communication / Attitude      Budget Decision
Purchase Behavior
  Coupon stimulated
                                 Media Research
                                   Measuring print vehicle
  Split-cable tests                audiences
Tracking Studies                  Measuring broadcast
Diagnostic Testing                 vehicles audiences
Sales Promotion Research

Promotional Tools
    Price Discounts
    Features
    Displays
    Coupons / Rebates
    Sweepstakes
Promotional Strategy
    Hi-lo
    Every Day Low Price (EDLP)
Target Market
Evaluating Segment Attractiveness
Let’s sell to segments with big eyes and lips
Factors driving a Target Marketing Strategy
Selling Ice Cream to Eskimos
Target Marketing Strategies

Target Marketing

Socially Responsible Targeting
        Some segments, especially children, are at special risk
        Many potential abuses on the Internet, including fraud
         Internet shoppers
        Controversy occurs when the methods used are questionable

7 - 47
What is a product?

A product is anything that can offered to market for
attention, acquisition ,use, consumption that might
satisfy a want or need.

Tangible products              Intangible products

GOODS                           SEVICES
Features of product

                                   Features of         attributes
                        Exchange                   Customer
                          value                   satisfaction
Levels of product

Unexpected features

  Luxury features

 Expected features

  Basic features

Basic product
Classifying Products

Consumer products
Business products

Durables                  Services

Consumer Products
Business products

Materials and parts
    Raw materials and parts
    Manufactured materials and parts
Capital items
    Installation
    Equiptment
Suppliers and business services
    Maintenance and repair items
    Operating suppliers
Raw Materials

                 Natural Products
Farm Products
Manufactured materials and parts
Capital items


Suppliers and business services


and repair items
Product mix
Product Mix

 The assortment of products that a company offers to
 a market
Width – how many different product lines?
Length – the number of items in the product mix
Depth – The no. of variants offered in a product line
Consistency – how closely the product lines are
 related in usage
Product Line & Product Mix

Product Mix

   Product       Product       Product
    Line 1        Line 2        Line 3

LAMPS            TABLES          CHAIRS
•Table         •Kitchen       •Dining Room
•Ceiling       •Dining Room   •Living Room
•Track         •End           •Bedroom
•Desk          •Coffee        •Outdoor
               •Outdoor       •Desk

                                    Width (# of product lines)

                     Hair Care     Salty            Dental         Soft Drinks
                                   Snacks           Care
Depth (# of items)

                     Shampoo       Chips            Tooth Brush    Cola

                     Conditioner   Nuts             Tooth Paste    Ginger Ale
                     Hair Spray    Crackers         Dental Floss   Root Beer
Factors influencing change in product mix

Changes in market demand
Cost of production
Quantity of production
Changes in company desire
Competitors actions and reactions
Product Mix Strategies

Expansion of product mix
Contracting or dropping the product mix
Alteration of existing product s
Trading up/trading down strategies
Product management

Marketing of products of a company is product
Objectives of product management

To design product strategies
To spot market opportunities
To develop strategies for each stage of product life
To generate new product ideas
Product Innovation – New Product Types
Importance of new product

To meet consumer needs and wants
To meet competition
To increase profits
To avoid threats from substitutes
New Product Development Process

Step 1. Idea Generation
Systematic Search for New Product Ideas
    Internal sources
    Customers
    Competitors
    Distributors
    Suppliers
Step 2. Idea Screening
Process to spot good ideas and drop poor ones
Technically feasibility
Financially viable
New Product Development Process

Step 3. Concept Development & Testing
New Product Development Process

Step 4. Marketing Strategy Development
New Product Development Process

Step 5. Business Analysis
Step 6. Product Development
New Product Development Process

Step 7. Test Marketing
New Product Development Process

Step-8 commercialization

     Introducing the product into the market
      Introducing the product into the market
Profit per unit Product category sales
                    (real dollars)
                                                              Product Life Cycle

                                                                                                           Life cycle

(real dollars)

                                                                                                 Maturity             Decline or
                                                      Growth turbulence
                                                                      Time (years)
                        Source: Reprinted with permission from p. 60 of Analysis for Strategic Marketing Decisions, by George Day. Copyright © 1986 by West Publishing
                                                                                  Company. All rights reserved.

Marketing Strategies: Introduction Stage

      Sales                     Low sales
                                Low sales
      Costs             High cost per customer
                        High cost per customer
     Profits                      Negative
Marketing Objectives   Create product awareness and
                       Create product awareness and
Marketing Objectives               trial
    Product               Offer a basic product
                          Offer a basic product
      Price                  Use cost-plus basis
                             Use cost-plus basis
  Distribution         Build selective distribution
                       Build selective distribution
  Advertising           Build awareness among innovators,
                        Build awareness among innovators,
                                  early adopters
                                  early adopters
Marketing Strategies: Growth Stage

      Sales                  Rapidly rising sales
                             Rapidly rising sales

     Costs                Average cost per customer
                          Average cost per customer

    Profits                      Rising profits
                                 Rising profits

Marketing Objectives
Marketing Objectives        Maximize market share
                            Maximize market share

    Product            Offer product extensions, service,
                       Offer product extensions, service,
    Product                       warranty
      Price                   Penetration Pricing
                              Penetration Pricing

Distribution              Build intensive distribution
                          Build intensive distribution

Advertising              Build awareness in the mass market
                         Build awareness in the mass market
Marketing Strategies: Maturity Stage

      Sales                         Peak sales
                                    Peak sales

      Costs                   Low cost per customer
                              Low cost per customer

     Profits                       High profits
                                   High profits

Marketing Objectives     Maximize profit while defending
                         Maximize profit while defending
Marketing Objectives
                                 market share
                                  market share
    Product                Diversify brand and models
                           Diversify brand and models

      Price             Price to match or best competitors
                        Price to match or best competitors

 Distribution           Build more intensive distribution
                        Build more intensive distribution

  Advertising          Stress brand differences and benefits
                       Stress brand differences and benefits
Marketing Strategies: Decline Stage

      Sales                      Declining sales
                                 Declining sales

      Costs                  Low cost per customer
                             Low cost per customer

     Profits                    Declining profits
                                Declining profits

Marketing Objectives    Reduce expenditure and milk the
                        Reduce expenditure and milk the
Marketing Objectives
    Product                   Phase out weak items
                              Phase out weak items

      Price                         Cut price
                                    Cut price

 Distribution          Go selective: phase out unprofitable
                       Go selective: phase out unprofitable
 Distribution                         outlets
 Advertising            Reduce to level needed to retain
                         Reduce to level needed to retain
                           hard-core loyal customers
                            hard-core loyal customers
Causes of New Product Failures

Overestimation of Market Size
Product Design Problems
Product Incorrectly Positioned, Priced or Advertised
Costs of Product Development
Competitive Actions
Technical problems
Poor planning
Inadequate promotion
Poor packing
Fault pricing
Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning

     The place the product occupies in consumers’ minds
      relative to competing products.
     Typically defined by consumers on the basis of important
     Involves implanting the brand’s unique benefits and
      differentiation in the customer’s mind.
     Positioning maps that plot perceptions of brands are
      commonly used.

7 - 85
Choosing a Positioning Strategy

         Topics               Differentiation can be based on
                                  Products
   Identifying possible          Services
    competitive advantages        Channels
                                  People
   Choosing the right            Image
    competitive advantage
   Choosing a positioning

7 - 87
Choosing a Positioning Strategy

         Topics              • How many differences to
                                 Unique selling proposition
   Identifying possible
                                 Several benefits
    competitive advantages
                             • Which differences to promote?
   Choosing the right
                               Criteria include:
    competitive advantage        Important
   Choosing a positioning       Distinctive

    strategy                     Superior

                                 Communicable

                                 Preemptive

                                 Affordable

                                 Profitable
7 - 88
Choosing a Positioning Strategy

         Topics              •   Value propositions represent
                                 the full positioning of the brand
   Identifying possible
                             •   Possible value propositions:
    competitive advantages         More for More
   Choosing the right             More for the Same
    competitive advantage          More for Less
   Choosing a positioning         The Same for Less

    strategy                       Less for Much Less

7 - 89
Developing a Positioning Statement

Positioning statements summarize the company or
    brand positioning
        EXAMPLE: To (target segment and need) our (brand) is
         (concept) that (point-of-difference)

7 - 90
Communicating the Positioning

Companies must be certain to DELIVER their value
Positions must be monitored and adapted over time.

7 - 91
Market Segmentation Process

                            6. Develop Marketing
                            Mix for Each Target Segment          Market
                    5. Develop Positioning                     Positioning
                    for Each Target Segment
               4. Select Target
          3. Develop Measures
          of Segment Attractiveness
     2. Develop Profiles
     of Resulting Segments
1. Identify Bases                            Market Segmentation
for Segmenting the Market
Brand Identity Prism

KAPFERER represents brand identity diagrammatically as a
           six-sided prism as shown below:

                  Constructed Source/Sender

 E                                                   I
 x                                                   n
 t                                                   t
 e                                                   e
 r                                                   r
 n                                                   n
 a                                                   a
 l                                                   l
 i                                                   i
 s                                                   s
 a                                                   a
 t                                                   t
 i                                                   i
 o                                                   o
 n                                                   n
                   Constructed Receiver
Brand Identity Prism

Physique according to him is the basis of the brand.
    E.G. the physique of Philips is “technology and reliability”
     while for the brand Tata it is “trust”
Personality is same as Aaker, it answers the question
 “what happens to this brand when it becomes a
Culture symbolizes the organization, its country-of-
 origin and the values it stands for.
    E.G. traditional brands like balsara, dabur and zandu.
Brand Identity Prism

Relationship is the handshake between consumer
 and the organisation.
    E.G. the relationship with “safola” is safety.
Reflection is the consumer’s perception for what the
 brands stands for.
    E.G. coke’s image more attract youth.
Self-image is what the consumer think of himself.
    E.G. benz Car owner think that since he has bought the car he
     is treating himself to one of the best car in the world.
Let us understand the model in detail…
What is a Brand???

“ A Brand is a complex symbol. It is the intangible
sum of a product’s attributes, its name, packaging
and price, its history, reputation, and the way it’s
advertised. A brand is also defined by consumer’s
impression of people who use it, as well as their own
experience ”
- David Ogilvy
Now let us look at how Brand Experience is differentiated…
Brand Experience are of Two types
The External Brand Experience includes

Brand Identity
Products & Service
The Internal Brand Experience includes

Business Process
Customer Relations
Brand Values
Staff Motivation
Recruitment Policies
Technology etc..
Now let us look at the Brand Identity Prism based on
  Kapferer model and the 6 key dimensions in it
-Name           -Logo                                         -Business Process       -Customer Relations
-Advertising    -Brand Identity                               -Brand Values           -Training
-Environments    -Products & Service                          -Quality                -Staff Motivation
                                                              -Recruitment Policies   -Technology etc..
                                        Constructed Source

         E                                                                                    I
         x                                                                                    n
         t                                                                                    t
         e                                                                                    e
         r                                                                                    r
         n                                                                                    n
         a                                                                                    a
         l                                                                                    l
         i                                                                                    i
         s                                                                                    s
         a                                                                                    a
         t                                                                                    t
         i                                                                                    i
         o                                                                                    o
         n                                                                                    n

                                       Constructed Receiver
    Product features, symbols & attributes
    Character & attitude
    Beliefs & association
    Set of Values
    Customer’s view of the brand
    Internal mirror of customer as user of brand
Let us now understand the prism with some examples…
For Sify India let us look at how they have built the brand basis the
                          Kapferer Model
Sify India

    Kite Symbol, Online Access
    Innovative & Tech savvy
    Customer centric & Indian
Self -image
    "net" way of life empowered
    Consistent & dependable performer
    Best guide to the net
Sify India

 Physical
     Kite Symbol, Online Access

 Personality
     Innovative & Tech savvy

 Culture
     Customer centric & Indian

 Self -image
     "net" way of life empowered

 Reflection
     Consistent & dependable performer

 Relationship
     Best guide to the net
End of Day 2

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Intro to mktg_itm_sept-2012_session-2

  • 1. Introduction to Marketing Week 2 NANDA KISHORE SETHURAMAN ITM SEPTEMBER 2012
  • 2. Agenda  Targeting  Product  What is good marketing research?  Product Strategy  Marketing research Questions  Product Essentials  Types of information  Features and Benefits  Types of market research  Classifying products  Market research summary  Product line and mix  Test Market  Branding  Define Target Audience  Packaging and Labeling Trademarks  Estimate market potential  Positioning and Brand Building  Analyze market share/share of  The Art of Positioning is Marketing customer  Positioning the game of Mind and  Track competitors Heart  Identify market characteristics &  Brand is a Promise trends  Brand is owned by Customers  Analyze sales data  Understanding Brand Drivers  Sales forecasting: Existing / new  Brand Attributes products  Brand Architecture  The Positioning Template
  • 4. Research – An Introduction
  • 5. The Process Understand the environment and the market Situation Identify threats and opportunities Analysis Assess the competitive position Define the business scope and served market Strategy segments Establish competitive advantages Development Set performance objectives. Product and channel decision Marketing Communication decisions Program Pricing Development Personal selling decisions Performance monitoring Implementation Refining strategies and program
  • 6. Marketing Research in Practice Programmatic Research  Develops market options through market segmentation, market opportunity analysis, or consumer attitude and product usage studies Selective Research  Tests different decision alternatives such as new product testing, advertising copy testing, pre-test marketing, and test marketing Evaluative Research  Evaluation of performance of programs
  • 7. Marketing Decision Support Systems Characteristics of MDSS:  Interactive  Flexible  Discovery oriented  User friendly
  • 8. Marketing Decision Support Systems Four components of MDSS:  Database  Reports and Displays  Analysis capabilities  Models
  • 9. Gaining Insight from a MDSS Manager Modeling Display Analysis Database Environment
  • 10. Participants in marketing research activities Information Users • General management • Planning • Marketing and sales managers • Product managers • Lawyers Information Suppliers: Information Suppliers: Inside Company Outside Company • Marketing research department • Research consultants • Sales analysis group • Marketing research suppliers • Accounting department • Advertising agencies • Corporate strategic planning
  • 11. Marketing Research Process  MR Process Evolves From Answers to Five Key Questions  Why should we do research?  What research should be done?  Is it worth doing the research?  How should the research be designed to achieve the research objectives?  What will we do with the research?
  • 12. Marketing Planning & Information System MARKETING PLANNING AND INFORMATION SYSTEM Planning system Information system • Strategic plans • Databases • Tactical plans • DSS 1. AGREE ON RESEARCH PROCESS • Problems or opportunities • Decision alternatives • Research users
  • 13. 2. ESTABLISH RESEARCH OBJECTIVES • Problems or opportunities • Decision alternatives • Research users Estimate the value of NO Do not conduct information marketing research Is benefit > cost Yes
  • 15. The Marketing Research Process Step 1 Research Purpose  Problem or opportunity analysis  Which problems or opportunities are anticipated  What is the scope of the problems and the possible reasons?  Evaluation of decision alternatives  What are the alternatives being studied?  What are the criteria for choosing among the alternatives?  Research users  Who are the decision makers?  Are there any covert purposes?
  • 16. The Marketing Research Process (Contd.) Step 2 Research Objective  A statement, in as precise terminology as possible, of what information is needed  Should be framed to ensure information obtained will satisfy research purpose Research Question Hypothesis Development Research Boundaries
  • 17. The Marketing Research Process (Contd.) Research Question  Asks what specific information is required to achieve the research purpose  Sample questions to determine if a specific advertisement should be run:  Will the advertisement be noticed?  Will it be interpreted accurately?  Will it influence attitudes?
  • 18. The Marketing Research Process (Contd.) Hypothesis Development  A possible answer to a research question. Generating a hypothesis  Draw on previous research efforts  Borrow from other disciplines such as:  Psychology  Sociology  Marketing  Economics  Manager’s experience with related problems, coupled with knowledge and the use of judgment
  • 19. Source • Theory • Management experience • Exploratory research Research Research Research Question Hypothesis Design Purpose Research Objective
  • 20. The Marketing Research Process (Contd.) Step 3 Estimating the Value of Information  Value depends on:  Importance of decision  Uncertainty that surrounds it  Influence of research information on the decision
  • 21. Illustrative Decision Models $ 4 million Introduce Success $ 1 million Product A Failure Do not Introduce $ 4 million Success Introduce Product B -$ 2.5 million Failure Do not Introduce
  • 22. Research Design and Implementation Research Design The detailed blueprint to guide the implementation of a research study toward the realization of its objectives
  • 23. Categories of Research  Exploratory Research  Used when seeking insights into the general nature of a problem, the possible decision alternatives, and the relevant variables that need to be considered  Descriptive Research  Provides an accurate snapshot of some aspect of the market environment, such as:  Consumer evaluation of the attributes of our product versus competing products.  The socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of the readership of a magazine  The proportion of all possible outlets that are carrying, displaying, or merchandising our products  Causal Research  Used when it is necessary to show that one variable causes or determines the values of other variables, a causal research approach must be used
  • 24. Detective Funnel Uses Combination of All Three Research Techniques  Exploratory techniques generate all possible reasons for a problem  Descriptive and Causal approaches narrow the possible causes
  • 25. Detective Funnel Problem Exploratory Research Descriptive Possible Research causes of the problem Causal Research Probable Causes
  • 26. Methods & Data Collection.
  • 29. Uses of Secondary Data Can solve the problem on hand all by its own Can lead to new ideas and other sources Helps to define the problem more clearly Can help in designing the primary data collections process Helps in defining the population / sample Can serve as a reference base
  • 30. Benefits and Limitations of Secondary Data Benefits Limitations Low cost  Collected for some other purpose Less effort  No control over data collection Less time  May not be accurate At times, more  May not be in correct form accurate  May be outdated  May not meet data At times, only way to requirements obtain data  Assumptions have to be made
  • 31. Internal Sources of Secondary Data Internal Records  Accounting Data  Sales Reports  Inventory Management  Customer Database
  • 32. External Sources of Secondary Data Published data sources (Census, publications of various trade associations) Trade directories Computer retrievable databases ("online" databases)
  • 34. New Product Research New Product Research Process  Generation of new product concepts  Evaluation and development of those concepts  Evaluation and development of the actual products  Testing in the context of the marketing program Need Identification  Perceptual maps  Social and environmental trends  Benefit structure analysis  Product users  Focus-group interviews  Lead user analysis Concept Identification
  • 35. New Product Research (Contd.) Test Marketing  Designing the sell-in market test  Selecting the test cities  Implementing and controlling the test  Timing  Measurement  Costs of a test market Controlled Distribution Scanner Markets (CDSM) Projecting Trial, Repeat and Usage Rate Using Panel Data
  • 36. Other Applications Pricing Research  Research for Profit-oriented Pricing  Research for Share-oriented Pricing Distribution Research  Warehouse and Retail Location Research  Center-of-gravity Simulation  Computerized Simulation Models  Catchment Area Analysis  Outlet Location Research  Number and Location of Sales Representatives  Sales effort approach  Statistical analysis of sales data  Field experiments  Computerized models of sales force size and allocation by market and by product line
  • 37. Advertising Research Criteria Copy Test Validity  Recognition  Qualitative Research  Recall  Audience Impressions of  Persuasion the Ad  Forced exposure, brand  Adjective Checklist preference change  On-air tests -- brand  Eye Movement preference change  Physiological Customized Measures of Measurement Communication / Attitude Budget Decision Purchase Behavior  Coupon stimulated Media Research  Measuring print vehicle purchasing  Split-cable tests audiences Tracking Studies  Measuring broadcast Diagnostic Testing vehicles audiences
  • 38. Sales Promotion Research Promotional Tools  Price Discounts  Features  Displays  Coupons / Rebates  Sweepstakes Promotional Strategy  Hi-lo  Every Day Low Price (EDLP)
  • 40. 40
  • 42. Let’s sell to segments with big eyes and lips 42
  • 43. Factors driving a Target Marketing Strategy 43
  • 44. Selling Ice Cream to Eskimos 44
  • 45.
  • 47. Target Marketing Socially Responsible Targeting  Some segments, especially children, are at special risk  Many potential abuses on the Internet, including fraud Internet shoppers  Controversy occurs when the methods used are questionable 7 - 47
  • 49. What is a product? A product is anything that can offered to market for attention, acquisition ,use, consumption that might satisfy a want or need.
  • 50. Products Tangible products Intangible products GOODS SEVICES
  • 51. Features of product tangibility Associated attributes Intangible Features of attributes product Exchange Customer value satisfaction
  • 52. Levels of product Unexpected features Luxury features Expected features Basic features Basic product
  • 54. Durables Durables Services Non-Durables
  • 56. Business products Materials and parts  Raw materials and parts  Manufactured materials and parts Capital items  Installation  Equiptment Suppliers and business services  Maintenance and repair items  Operating suppliers
  • 57. Raw Materials Natural Products Farm Products
  • 59. Capital items Equipment Installation
  • 60. Suppliers and business services Operating Suppliers Mainteinance and repair items
  • 62. Product Mix The assortment of products that a company offers to a market Width – how many different product lines? Length – the number of items in the product mix Depth – The no. of variants offered in a product line Consistency – how closely the product lines are related in usage
  • 63. Product Line & Product Mix LAMPS •Table •Ceiling •Track •Desk
  • 64. Product Mix Product Product Product Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 LAMPS TABLES CHAIRS •Table •Kitchen •Dining Room •Ceiling •Dining Room •Living Room •Track •End •Bedroom •Desk •Coffee •Outdoor •Outdoor •Desk •Conference •Computer
  • 65. PRODUCT MIX EXAMPLE Width (# of product lines) Hair Care Salty Dental Soft Drinks Snacks Care Depth (# of items) Shampoo Chips Tooth Brush Cola Conditioner Nuts Tooth Paste Ginger Ale Hair Spray Crackers Dental Floss Root Beer
  • 66. Factors influencing change in product mix Changes in market demand Cost of production Quantity of production Changes in company desire Competitors actions and reactions
  • 67. Product Mix Strategies Expansion of product mix Contracting or dropping the product mix Alteration of existing product s Trading up/trading down strategies
  • 68. Product management Planning Forecasting Marketing of products of a company is product management
  • 69. Objectives of product management To design product strategies To spot market opportunities To develop strategies for each stage of product life cycle To generate new product ideas
  • 70. Product Innovation – New Product Types
  • 71. Importance of new product To meet consumer needs and wants To meet competition To increase profits To avoid threats from substitutes
  • 72. New Product Development Process Step 1. Idea Generation Systematic Search for New Product Ideas  Internal sources  Customers  Competitors  Distributors  Suppliers Step 2. Idea Screening Process to spot good ideas and drop poor ones Technically feasibility Financially viable
  • 73. New Product Development Process Step 3. Concept Development & Testing
  • 74. New Product Development Process Step 4. Marketing Strategy Development
  • 75. New Product Development Process Step 5. Business Analysis Step 6. Product Development
  • 76. New Product Development Process Step 7. Test Marketing
  • 77. New Product Development Process Step-8 commercialization Introducing the product into the market Introducing the product into the market
  • 78. Profit per unit Product category sales (real dollars) Product Life Cycle Life cycle extension Profit/unit Sales (real dollars) Introduction Maturity Decline or extension Competitive Growth turbulence Time (years) Source: Reprinted with permission from p. 60 of Analysis for Strategic Marketing Decisions, by George Day. Copyright © 1986 by West Publishing Company. All rights reserved. 8-78 8-3
  • 79. Marketing Strategies: Introduction Stage Sales Sales Low sales Low sales Costs Costs High cost per customer High cost per customer Profits Profits Negative Negative Marketing Objectives Create product awareness and Create product awareness and Marketing Objectives trial trial Product Product Offer a basic product Offer a basic product Price Price Use cost-plus basis Use cost-plus basis Distribution Distribution Build selective distribution Build selective distribution Advertising Advertising Build awareness among innovators, Build awareness among innovators, early adopters early adopters
  • 80. Marketing Strategies: Growth Stage Sales Sales Rapidly rising sales Rapidly rising sales Costs Costs Average cost per customer Average cost per customer Profits Profits Rising profits Rising profits Marketing Objectives Marketing Objectives Maximize market share Maximize market share Product Offer product extensions, service, Offer product extensions, service, Product warranty warranty Price Price Penetration Pricing Penetration Pricing Distribution Distribution Build intensive distribution Build intensive distribution Advertising Advertising Build awareness in the mass market Build awareness in the mass market
  • 81. Marketing Strategies: Maturity Stage Sales Sales Peak sales Peak sales Costs Costs Low cost per customer Low cost per customer Profits Profits High profits High profits Marketing Objectives Maximize profit while defending Maximize profit while defending Marketing Objectives market share market share Product Product Diversify brand and models Diversify brand and models Price Price Price to match or best competitors Price to match or best competitors Distribution Distribution Build more intensive distribution Build more intensive distribution Advertising Advertising Stress brand differences and benefits Stress brand differences and benefits
  • 82. Marketing Strategies: Decline Stage Sales Sales Declining sales Declining sales Costs Costs Low cost per customer Low cost per customer Profits Profits Declining profits Declining profits Marketing Objectives Reduce expenditure and milk the Reduce expenditure and milk the Marketing Objectives brand brand Product Product Phase out weak items Phase out weak items Price Price Cut price Cut price Distribution Go selective: phase out unprofitable Go selective: phase out unprofitable Distribution outlets outlets Advertising Advertising Reduce to level needed to retain Reduce to level needed to retain hard-core loyal customers hard-core loyal customers
  • 83. Causes of New Product Failures Overestimation of Market Size Product Design Problems Product Incorrectly Positioned, Priced or Advertised Costs of Product Development Competitive Actions Technical problems Poor planning Inadequate promotion Poor packing Fault pricing
  • 85. Positioning Positioning:  The place the product occupies in consumers’ minds relative to competing products.  Typically defined by consumers on the basis of important attributes.  Involves implanting the brand’s unique benefits and differentiation in the customer’s mind.  Positioning maps that plot perceptions of brands are commonly used. 7 - 85
  • 86.
  • 87. Choosing a Positioning Strategy Topics  Differentiation can be based on  Products  Identifying possible  Services competitive advantages  Channels  People  Choosing the right  Image competitive advantage  Choosing a positioning strategy 7 - 87
  • 88. Choosing a Positioning Strategy Topics • How many differences to promote?  Unique selling proposition  Identifying possible  Several benefits competitive advantages • Which differences to promote?  Choosing the right Criteria include: competitive advantage  Important  Choosing a positioning  Distinctive strategy  Superior  Communicable  Preemptive  Affordable  Profitable 7 - 88
  • 89. Choosing a Positioning Strategy Topics • Value propositions represent the full positioning of the brand  Identifying possible • Possible value propositions: competitive advantages  More for More  Choosing the right  More for the Same competitive advantage  More for Less  Choosing a positioning  The Same for Less strategy  Less for Much Less 7 - 89
  • 90. Developing a Positioning Statement Positioning statements summarize the company or brand positioning  EXAMPLE: To (target segment and need) our (brand) is (concept) that (point-of-difference) 7 - 90
  • 91. Communicating the Positioning Companies must be certain to DELIVER their value propositions. Positions must be monitored and adapted over time. 7 - 91
  • 92. Market Segmentation Process 6. Develop Marketing Mix for Each Target Segment Market 5. Develop Positioning Positioning for Each Target Segment 4. Select Target Segment(s) Market 3. Develop Measures of Segment Attractiveness Targeting 2. Develop Profiles of Resulting Segments 1. Identify Bases Market Segmentation for Segmenting the Market
  • 93. Brand Identity Prism (KAPFERER)
  • 94. KAPFERER represents brand identity diagrammatically as a six-sided prism as shown below: Constructed Source/Sender E I x n t t e e r r n n a a l l i i s s a a t t i i o o n n Constructed Receiver
  • 95. Brand Identity Prism Physique according to him is the basis of the brand.  E.G. the physique of Philips is “technology and reliability” while for the brand Tata it is “trust” Personality is same as Aaker, it answers the question “what happens to this brand when it becomes a person?” Culture symbolizes the organization, its country-of- origin and the values it stands for.  E.G. traditional brands like balsara, dabur and zandu.
  • 96. Brand Identity Prism Relationship is the handshake between consumer and the organisation.  E.G. the relationship with “safola” is safety. Reflection is the consumer’s perception for what the brands stands for.  E.G. coke’s image more attract youth. Self-image is what the consumer think of himself.  E.G. benz Car owner think that since he has bought the car he is treating himself to one of the best car in the world.
  • 97. Let us understand the model in detail…
  • 98. What is a Brand??? “ A Brand is a complex symbol. It is the intangible sum of a product’s attributes, its name, packaging and price, its history, reputation, and the way it’s advertised. A brand is also defined by consumer’s impression of people who use it, as well as their own experience ” - David Ogilvy
  • 99. Now let us look at how Brand Experience is differentiated…
  • 100. Brand Experience are of Two types
  • 101. The External Brand Experience includes Name Logo Advertising Brand Identity Environments Products & Service
  • 102. The Internal Brand Experience includes Business Process Customer Relations Brand Values Training Quality Staff Motivation Recruitment Policies Technology etc..
  • 103. Now let us look at the Brand Identity Prism based on Kapferer model and the 6 key dimensions in it
  • 104. -Name -Logo -Business Process -Customer Relations -Advertising -Brand Identity -Brand Values -Training -Environments -Products & Service -Quality -Staff Motivation -Recruitment Policies -Technology etc.. Constructed Source E I x n t t e e r r n n a a l l i i s s a a t t i i o o n n Constructed Receiver
  • 105. Physical  Product features, symbols & attributes Personality  Character & attitude Relationship  Beliefs & association Culture  Set of Values Reflection  Customer’s view of the brand Self-Image  Internal mirror of customer as user of brand
  • 106. Let us now understand the prism with some examples…
  • 107. For Sify India let us look at how they have built the brand basis the Kapferer Model
  • 108. Sify India Physical  Kite Symbol, Online Access Personality  Innovative & Tech savvy Culture  Customer centric & Indian Self -image  "net" way of life empowered Reflection  Consistent & dependable performer Relationship  Best guide to the net
  • 109. Sify India  Physical  Kite Symbol, Online Access  Personality  Innovative & Tech savvy  Culture  Customer centric & Indian  Self -image  "net" way of life empowered  Reflection  Consistent & dependable performer  Relationship  Best guide to the net

Editor's Notes

  1. Convenience goods – consumers use minimal effort for frequently purchased low cost items Shopping goods - consumers make a considerable effort to evaluate Consumers make product comparison(s) They seek information before purchase They are not impulsive Moderate substitutions are made Product’s last a considerable time Monetary & social costs may be high
  2. Is the product life cycle concept useful? Why or why not? The product life cycle is concerned with the sales history of a product or product class. The concept holds that a product’s sales change over time in a predictable way and that products go through a series of five distinct stages: introduction, growth, shakeout, maturity, and decline. Each of these stages provides distinct opportunities and threats, thereby affecting the firm’s strategy as well as its marketing programs. Despite the fact that many new products do not follow such a prescribed route because of failure, the concept is valuable in helping management look into the future and better anticipate what changes will need to be made in strategic marketing programs. What are the product life-cycle limitations? The product life-cycle model’s major weakness lies in its normative approach to prescribing strategies based on assumptions about the features or characteristics of each stage. It fails to take into account that the product life cycle is driven by market forces expressing the evolution of consumer preferences (the market), technology (the product), and competition (the supply side).
  3. Introduction. In this stage marketers spend heavily on promotions to inform the target market about the new product's benefits. Low or negative profits may encourage the company to price the product high to help offset expenses. companies can concentrate on skimming strategies to generate high profits now or on penetration strategies to build market share and dominant the market for larger profits once the market stabilizes. Although this is a broad guideline, this may not be entirely true for some categories. For instance, pricing say Nokia Lumia on a cost plus basis would be impossible. Margins would be high because of the ‘novelty’ factor and tech products typically end up skimming. And they spend the most on advertising their new products.
  4. Product Life-Cycle Strategies Growth. In this stage the company experiences both increasing sales and competition. Promotion costs are spread over larger volume and strategic decisions focus on growth strategies. Strategies include adding new features, improving quality, increasing distribution, and entering new market segments.
  5. Product Life Cycle Strategies Maturity. In this stage the company must manage slower growth over a longer period of time. Strategic decisions made in the growth stage may limit choices now. Marketing managers must proactively seek advantage by either market modification to increase consumption, product modification to attract new users (quality, feature, and style improvements), or marketing mix modification in an attempt to improve competitive position.
  6. Product Life Cycle Strategies Decline. In this stage the costs of managing the product may eventually exceed profits. Rate of decline is a major factor in setting strategy. Management may maintain the brand as competitors drop out, harvest the brand by reducing costs of support for short term profit increases, or drop the product (divest) altogether.
  7. Steps in Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning Market Segmentation. Market segmentation is the process of dividing a market into distinct groups of buyers who might require separate products or marketing mixes. All buyers have unique needs and wants. Still it is usually possible in consumer markets to identify relatively homogeneous portions or segments of the total market according to shared preferences, attitudes, or behaviors that distinguish them from the rest of the market. These segments may require different products and/or separate mixes. Market Targeting. Market targeting is the process of evaluating each market segment's attractiveness and selecting one or more segments to enter. Given effective market segmentation, the firm must choose which markets to serve and how to serve them. Discussion Note: In targeting markets to serve the firm must consider its resources and objectives in setting strategy. Market Positioning. Market positioning is the process of formulating competitive positioning for a product and a detailed marketing mix. Marketers must plan how to present the product to the consumer. Discussion Note: The product's position is defined by how consumers view it on important attributes. Steps in Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning This CTR corresponds to Figure 7-1 on p. 196 and relates to the material on pp. 196.