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Communicating in a Crisis:
How to Prepare, Respond & Recover
Krista Farley Raines
Regional Communications Officer
Session Overview:
This session will demonstrate communication, public affairs and
marketing practices employed by the American Red Cross. When
disaster strikes,America relies on the American Red Cross, and
the Red Cross relies on its communicators to tell the story of the
important work down the street, across the country and around
the world. During times of disaster, public affairs ensures all of
our constituents — clients, donors, partners, workers and the
public — are fully informed about Red Cross activities and clients
and victims need to know where and how they can get help. Using
a combination of proactive, reactive and interactive tactics public
affairs provides guidance, messaging, training, tools and real-time
support to staff and volunteers throughout West Virginia.
Key Takeaways
How to use social media to prepare,
respond and recover from a crisis.
Utilize communication tools to promote
Red Cross down the street, across the
country and around the world.
Ensure consumers are equipped with
information to ensure their safety and
International Federation
of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
To improve the lives
of vulnerable people
by mobilizing
the power of humanity
International Federation
of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
International Federation
of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
A Global Agenda for the International Federation
 Goal 1: Reduce the number of deaths, injuries and impact
from disasters.
 Goal 2: Reduce the number of deaths, illnesses and impact
from diseases and public health emergencies.
 Goal 3: Increase the capacity of local community, civil
society and Red Cross Red Crescent to address the most
urgent situations of vulnerability.
 Goal 4: Promote respect for diversity and human dignity,
and reduce intolerance, discrimination and social exclusion.
365 days a year
in your community and
around the world…
8 | American Red Cross Partnership Opportunity
TheAmerican Red Cross is there.
Seven Fundamental Principles
• Humanity
• Impartiality
• Neutrality
• Independence
• Voluntary Service
• Unity
• Universality
The American Red Cross, through its strong network of
volunteers, donors and partners, is always there in times of
need. We aspire to turn compassion into action so that...
...all people affected by disaster across the country and
around the world receive care, shelter and hope;
...our communities are ready and prepared for disasters;
...everyone in our country has access to safe, lifesaving
blood and blood products;
...all members of our armed services and their families find
support and comfort whenever needed; and an emergency, there are always trained individuals
nearby, ready to use their Red Cross skills to save lives.
Sources of Governing Authority
Committee of the Red
Cross & Red Crescent
Federation of the Red
Cross & Red Crescent
National Societies
(More Than 175)
International Red Cross
and Red Crescent
The American National
Red Cross
Board of Governors
7 Fundamental
U.S. Congress Congressional
Our Brand is Trusted and
• More trustworthy than 99% of brands
in the study, including nonprofit and profit.
• More socially responsible, straightforward, helpful
and friendly than 95% of brands
in the study, including nonprofit and profit.
• More brand stature than any major charity,
in terms of knowledge and esteem.
The Young & Rubicam BrandAsset Valuator (BAV) is the world’s longest-running and most
extensive study of brands, covering 35,000 brands and dating back to 1993. The U.S. panel
includes 15,600 nationally representative adults, with data collected quarterly. Base: BAV
June 2012.
The Power of the Red Cross Brand
The Red Cross has the most brand stature, reflecting the public’s strong
esteem and respect of the brand. These attributes drive loyalty and awareness.
x 1.96x
1.65x 1.56x 1.33x
1.18x 1.17x
Multiples show how each
charity compares to the
average charity in
brand stature.
(Source: BrandAsset® Consulting; Base: BAV June 2012)
Our Efficiency
An average of
91 cents of every dollar
Our Services
Down the Street. Across the Country. Around the World.
Health &
Service to the
Armed Forces
Providing Immediate
Assistance Following
…when a family’s home catches fire
and they lose everything.
…when a house is flooded and a
family is left with nowhere to go.
…when loved ones are separated
during a disaster and need to be
Securing the Nation’s
Largest Supply of
Blood and Blood
…when there is a catastrophic
accident and an 18-year-old boy
needs 36 blood transfusions, 13
plasma treatments and 14
operations to save his life.
…when a newborn needs blood
transfusions every 3–4 weeks just to
survive the first few months of life.
Teaching Lifesaving
First Aid, CPR,
Swimming and
Lifeguarding Skills
…when your friend suddenly chokes
on food.
…when your family member
suddenly goes into cardiac arrest.
…when you want to prepare your
child for summer fun in the water.
Saving Lives in the
World’s Most
Vulnerable Places
…when a devastating earthquake
occurs half way around the world.
…when a child needs a measles
vaccine to save his or her life.
Supporting Military
Members, Veterans
and Their Families
…when a member of the Armed
Forces needs to be urgently
connected with his family back home.
…when a military veteran needs
additional support.
…when a wounded service member
needs care during his or her
Disasters on the Rise
Reported disasters have increased globally
by nearly 60 percent over the last 20 years.
Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters, 2013
More People Affected
Each Decade
Nearly 21 million U.S. adults were affected by
disasters between 2004 and 2013. That’s more
than four times more than in the prior decade.
20,894,963People Reported
Affected 2004-2013
4,787,883People Reported
Affected 1994-2003
World Disaster Report, 2014
Red Cross is the
Premier Emergency
Relief Organization
In FY14, we responded to more than 63,000
disasters, including…
57,851 Fires
728 Floods
Other storms and
102 Tornadoes
404 Explosions/hazardous
81 Blizzards/snow storms
4 Hurricanes/tropical
60 seconds
63people are assisted
by the American
Red Cross.
Every 390,000
times a day a child
receives a measles
vaccination from the
Red Cross and our partners.
times a day a person
receives lifesaving Red
Cross health, safety and
preparedness training.
380times a day we
provide emergency
assistance to
military members
their families.
times a day Red Cross
volunteers help a family
affected by a house fire
or disaster.
Our Work Impacts Lives Every Day
Red Cross by the Numbers
2.6 million
Supporters reached via
email monthly
National employees
Unique daily visitors
1 million+
Red Cross chapters
As of July 2, 2013
Disaster Cycle Services
WV Responses in 2015
In 2015, the American Red Cross in
West Virginia assisted 1,117
households and supported 3,254
people who were impacted by a
disaster, most commonly home fires.
Larger scale local disasters included:
In February, the Train Derailment
In March, Winter Storm Thor
In April, Easter Flooding
In July, Flooding
In December, Christmas Flooding
Red Cross Priorities During a Response
• Provide initial sheltering
• Conduct fixed and mobile feeding operations
• Staff local government Emergency Operations
Centers and coordinate with local government
and partner relief agencies
• Assess the impact of the disaster
• Conduct Public Affairs
• Begin Disaster Fundraising
Shealsohelpsinstallfreesmokealarmsandprovides safetyeducationaspart
Disaster Services – Our Clients
 Our services span the entire disaster cycle, are predictable and repeatable
and are applied consistently across the country to ensure the community
knows what to expect from us.
 Services and programs are designed based first on the needs and
expectations of clients and community consistent with the mission.
 The Red Cross will align with government and work to enable the entire
community to participate in all phases of the disaster cycle.
 A single integrated approach to building personal and community resilience
encompasses services delivered through a single comprehensive disaster
management process (whole cycle) which integrates and unifies programs
and activities across the entire enterprise.
 Our organization and culture continually innovate in response to client and
constituent needs.
 The speed and accessibility of our services meets the urgent needs of our
Disaster Services – Our Workers
 Design programs and work efforts around the
features of a primarily volunteer workforce and
where volunteers are encompassed and integrated
as part of (and not an extension of) the workforce.
 Systems/processes are designed to include a
mechanism that ensures the employee and
volunteer executing them are appropriately trained,
skilled and supported by the organization.
 Effective stewardship of time, talent and dollars.
Disaster Services – Our Systems
 One operating model (a collection of tools and processes) that
scales from a single, local event to multiple very large
 A system that preserves and builds on existing local
commitments, capabilities and relationships.
 Ensure effective and efficient decision making closest to the
 Need to be able to measure impact.
 Systems/processes and technologies need to operate both
during steady-state as well as major response periods.
 Leverage current technology for efficient service delivery.
Crisis Management
• The American Red Cross is adept at
responding and managing a crisis.
• Planning for crisis management is the key to
our success and any leaders’ successful
navigation of a crisis situation.
• While no disaster or crisis is identical in scope
and need, we plan for leadership models in
both “blue skies” and “gray skies.”
Disaster Services
Leadership Perspective
The Clients (victims, first responders)
Volunteers (DAT, CW, HS, MH)
DPMs and DPSs
Regional staff (RDPO, COO, CDO)
CEO/Div Support
The Client is most important and Clients come first.
The nearer someone is to the Client, the more support that person needs.
Enable the person above you.
Soliciting Donations
Using consistent language across all disaster solicitations ensures uniformity and
clarity, which nurtures the trust between donors and the Red Cross through all
channels including:
– A-Spots
– Case Statements
– Cause Marketing with Partners
– Celebrity Engagement
– Direct Mail
– Donor Bulletin
– E-Gram
– Major Gift Solicitation Materials
– Microsites
– Text
Helping people impacted by disasters big and small.
Crisis Communication
• When an emergency or disaster happens you
must be able to respond to target audiences:
– Promptly (or Timely)
– Accurately
– Appropriately
– Confidently
Crisis Communication
Plan Components
• Create a Crisis Communication Team
• Identify Your Target Audience(s)
• Define Potential Risk or Scenarios
• Prioritize the Communication Methods
• Prepare Multiple Message/Scalability Templates
• Develop a Communication Plan & Backup Plan
• Select a Spokesperson(s)
• Activate a Plan
• Encourage Coordination and Collaboration
• Evaluate, Reassess and Improve
• Clients/Customers
• Impacted Individuals and Their Families
• Employees and Their Families
• Community
• Donors
• Sponsors
• Partners
• Government Officials
• Proactive
– Press Releases
– Pitching Stories
– Press Conferences
• Interactive
– Social Engagement
– Community Outreach
• Reactive
– Responding to Media
– Protecting Reputation
Content Planning Worksheet
• You should develop a plan before a disaster
happens for how content will be produced
and how that content will be posted.
• You should answer are a few questions to
focus planning efforts.
– Who are the leaders involved with creating the
public affairs and social engagement strategies
during a disaster?
– What role do they fill in developing the strategy?
– Who fills in for those people when they are
One Voice is Essential
Red Cross Media Interview Policy
• Every Red Cross worker should feel
empowered to talk to the media when
approached and tell our disaster relief story.
• Every Red Crosser can safely talk about two
– What you do (job in the operation, how its
helping, why you became a Red Crosser)?
– What you know (what you can see around you,
how is the Red Cross helping, what do you know
Deliver Your Message
• Tell a story
• Show emotion and convey hope by expressing
empathy, concern and compassion
• Highlight services and people
• Plan for the future
• Avoid jargon
• Give a call to action
• Keep comments positive but realistic and
Promote on Social Media
• New standard for all communication
– Immediate and direct connection
• One on one interaction
– Transparency and personality
• No longer faceless
• Not closed to scrutiny
– Community
• The strength of engagement relies
on employees, volunteers, citizens, partners...
Nepal Earthquake
• On April 25, 2015 a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal
killing over 8,000 people and injuring more than 21,000.
• Red Cross teams provided food, water, emergency shelter
materials, healthcare, water and sanitation to people. As
winter approached, the American Red Cross and the global
Red Cross network distributed cash grants to approximately
50,000 families so they could buy shelter materials, warm
clothes, blankets, insulation or other supplies.
• The American Red Cross also deployed 40 disaster specialist
to Nepal.
• Red Cross teams continue to help survivors rebuild their lives
through activities like restoring access to water, teaching safe
construction skills and helping people regain their sources of
• Red Cross is helping building water tanks and taps in
communities that lost steady access to water, constructed a
potato seed storage facility for a community of farmers whose
warehouse collapsed during the quake.
• All the work is in conjunction with the Neal Red Cross.
Boston Marathon Bombings
• The bombings at the Boston Marathon
on April 15, 2013 turned a setting of
athletic triumph into a scene of tragedy.
The American Red Cross supported the
Family Assistance Center and events
such as the Memorial Service for Officer
Sean Collier, as well as provided
emotional support to people struggling
to cope in the community.
• The American Red Cross has been part
of the Boston Marathon for decades,
offering first aid and encouragement to
the athletes on the sidelines.
• After the bombing the Red Cross
response to the Boston Marathon
included taking a central role in Disaster
Mental Health, aid to the families of the
injured and deceased, and a role in
helping the community heal.
Winter Storm Jonas
• Beginning on Friday, January 22nd, Winter Storm Jonas impacted West Virginia with two
West Virginia communities receiving the largest snowfall totals of the storm, Glengary with
42” and Shepherdstown with 40.5”.
• The Red Cross provided messaging before, during and after the storm through press
releases, social media post, volunteer notices, talking points and donor appeals to providing
residents with critical information.
• Thirty-five Red Cross Volunteers and twenty-one Red Cross Staff responded throughout
West Virginia with another eighty-one volunteers available if needed.
• During and after the storm, several people spent the night in Red Cross operated or
supported shelters in Barbour, Berkeley, Boone, Jackson, Jefferson, Putnam and Randolph
Counties with thirty-three other shelters on standby, if needed.
• Messaging included:
• Get an emergency kit with 3 days of supplies
• Download the Red Cross Emergency App
• Cold safety tips
• Winter driving
• Power outage/generator safety
• Space heater safety to prevent home fires
• Emergency need for blood and platelet donors
• Plea for financial contributions
Social Media Helps Share Our Work
WV Water Crisis Response
January 2014
 13 Emergency Response Vehicles
 Over 90 volunteers
 600,000 bottles
Be A Hero – Volunteer Today
• Communication & Marketing – Help public affairs raise awareness
of the mission of the Red Cross and how it is met through our five
lines of service.
• Disaster Response – Help people affected by disasters ranging from
home fires to hurricanes by providing food, shelter, essential relief
supplies and comfort and hope.
• Preparedness Education – Teach families, people in classrooms,
organizations and corporations how to be Red Cross Ready for
disasters and emergencies.
• Service to the Armed Forces – Connect families and veterans with
resources to emergencies, train military families in coping and
resiliency skills, and supply recreational and therapeutic support in
military and VA health care facilities.
• Leadership – Serve on a Red Cross board or decision-making
committee, manage a program, or chair an activity.
A few hours, every day, once a week, once a month –
whatever time you have can make a difference.
113 Lakeview Drive
Charleston, WV 25313
Main: (304) 340-3650
Direct: (304) 759-6320
Cell: (304) 417-0207
Facebook: RedCrossWV
Twitter: @ARCWV
Chapter Offices
Satellite Offices
Wheeling Office
193 29th Street
Wheeling, WV 26003
(304) 232-0711
Morgantown Office
1299 Pineview Drive, Suite 300
Morgantown, WV 26505
(304) 598-9500
Parkersburg Office
220 8th Street
Parkersburg, WV 26101
(304) 485-7311
Charleston Office
113 Lakeview Drive
Charleston, WV 25313
(304) 340-3650
Beckley Office
200 Industrial Drive
Beckley, WV 25801
(304) 255-1508
Ronceverte Office
722 Ronceverte Avenue
Ronceverte, WV 24970
(304) 922-8565
Kearneysville Office
1948 Wiltshire Road, Suite 2
Kearneysville, WV 25430
(304) 725-5015
Elkins Office
4 Randolph Street
Elkins, WV 26241
(304) 415-6944
Bluefield Office
261 Mercer Mall Road
Bluefield, WV 24701
(304) 327-5017
The American Red Cross of
Northwest West Virginia The American Red Cross of
Northeast West Virginia
The American Red Cross of
Southeast West VirginiaThe American
Red Cross of
Southwest West Virginia
Huntington Office
1111 Veterans Memorial Blvd
Huntington, WV 25701
(304) 526-2900
There cannot be a crisis next week.
My schedule is already full.
Henry A. Kissinger
Thank You!
For more information visit

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INTEGRATE 2016 - Krista Farley Raines

  • 1. Communicating in a Crisis: How to Prepare, Respond & Recover Krista Farley Raines Regional Communications Officer
  • 2. Session Overview: This session will demonstrate communication, public affairs and marketing practices employed by the American Red Cross. When disaster strikes,America relies on the American Red Cross, and the Red Cross relies on its communicators to tell the story of the important work down the street, across the country and around the world. During times of disaster, public affairs ensures all of our constituents — clients, donors, partners, workers and the public — are fully informed about Red Cross activities and clients and victims need to know where and how they can get help. Using a combination of proactive, reactive and interactive tactics public affairs provides guidance, messaging, training, tools and real-time support to staff and volunteers throughout West Virginia.
  • 3. Key Takeaways How to use social media to prepare, respond and recover from a crisis. Utilize communication tools to promote Red Cross down the street, across the country and around the world. Ensure consumers are equipped with information to ensure their safety and wellbeing.
  • 4. International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies To improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity
  • 5. International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
  • 6. International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies A Global Agenda for the International Federation  Goal 1: Reduce the number of deaths, injuries and impact from disasters.  Goal 2: Reduce the number of deaths, illnesses and impact from diseases and public health emergencies.  Goal 3: Increase the capacity of local community, civil society and Red Cross Red Crescent to address the most urgent situations of vulnerability.  Goal 4: Promote respect for diversity and human dignity, and reduce intolerance, discrimination and social exclusion.
  • 7. 365 days a year in your community and around the world…
  • 8. 8 | American Red Cross Partnership Opportunity TheAmerican Red Cross is there.
  • 9.
  • 10. Seven Fundamental Principles • Humanity • Impartiality • Neutrality • Independence • Voluntary Service • Unity • Universality
  • 11. Vision The American Red Cross, through its strong network of volunteers, donors and partners, is always there in times of need. We aspire to turn compassion into action so that... ...all people affected by disaster across the country and around the world receive care, shelter and hope; ...our communities are ready and prepared for disasters; ...everyone in our country has access to safe, lifesaving blood and blood products; ...all members of our armed services and their families find support and comfort whenever needed; and an emergency, there are always trained individuals nearby, ready to use their Red Cross skills to save lives.
  • 12. Sources of Governing Authority International Committee of the Red Cross & Red Crescent (ICRC) International Federation of the Red Cross & Red Crescent Societies National Societies (More Than 175) International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement The American National Red Cross Board of Governors (BoG) Geneva Conventions 7 Fundamental Principles U.S. Congress Congressional Charter Corporate Bylaws
  • 13. Our Brand is Trusted and Respected • More trustworthy than 99% of brands in the study, including nonprofit and profit. • More socially responsible, straightforward, helpful and friendly than 95% of brands in the study, including nonprofit and profit. • More brand stature than any major charity, in terms of knowledge and esteem. The Young & Rubicam BrandAsset Valuator (BAV) is the world’s longest-running and most extensive study of brands, covering 35,000 brands and dating back to 1993. The U.S. panel includes 15,600 nationally representative adults, with data collected quarterly. Base: BAV June 2012.
  • 14. The Power of the Red Cross Brand The Red Cross has the most brand stature, reflecting the public’s strong esteem and respect of the brand. These attributes drive loyalty and awareness. 2.16 x 1.96x 1.85x 1.65x 1.56x 1.33x 1.18x 1.17x 0.64x Multiples show how each charity compares to the average charity in brand stature. (Source: BrandAsset® Consulting; Base: BAV June 2012)
  • 15. Our Efficiency An average of 91 cents of every dollar theRedCrossspendsisinvested inhumanitarianservices&programs.
  • 16. Disaster Relief Our Services Down the Street. Across the Country. Around the World. Biomedical Preparedness Health & Safety Services International Service to the Armed Forces
  • 17. Providing Immediate Assistance Following Disasters …when a family’s home catches fire and they lose everything. …when a house is flooded and a family is left with nowhere to go. …when loved ones are separated during a disaster and need to be reunited.
  • 18. Securing the Nation’s Largest Supply of Blood and Blood Products …when there is a catastrophic accident and an 18-year-old boy needs 36 blood transfusions, 13 plasma treatments and 14 operations to save his life. …when a newborn needs blood transfusions every 3–4 weeks just to survive the first few months of life.
  • 19. Teaching Lifesaving First Aid, CPR, Swimming and Lifeguarding Skills …when your friend suddenly chokes on food. …when your family member suddenly goes into cardiac arrest. …when you want to prepare your child for summer fun in the water.
  • 20. Saving Lives in the World’s Most Vulnerable Places …when a devastating earthquake occurs half way around the world. …when a child needs a measles vaccine to save his or her life.
  • 21. Supporting Military Members, Veterans and Their Families …when a member of the Armed Forces needs to be urgently connected with his family back home. …when a military veteran needs additional support. …when a wounded service member needs care during his or her rehabilitation.
  • 22. Disasters on the Rise Reported disasters have increased globally by nearly 60 percent over the last 20 years. Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters, 2013
  • 23. More People Affected Each Decade Nearly 21 million U.S. adults were affected by disasters between 2004 and 2013. That’s more than four times more than in the prior decade. 20,894,963People Reported Affected 2004-2013 4,787,883People Reported Affected 1994-2003 World Disaster Report, 2014
  • 24. Red Cross is the Premier Emergency Relief Organization In FY14, we responded to more than 63,000 disasters, including… 57,851 Fires 728 Floods 6,248 Other storms and disasters 102 Tornadoes 404 Explosions/hazardous materials/transportation accidents 81 Blizzards/snow storms 4 Hurricanes/tropical storms/typhoons
  • 25. 60 seconds 63people are assisted by the American Red Cross. Every 390,000 times a day a child receives a measles vaccination from the Red Cross and our partners. 30,000 times a day a person receives lifesaving Red Cross health, safety and preparedness training. 380times a day we provide emergency assistance to military members and their families. 190 times a day Red Cross volunteers help a family affected by a house fire or disaster. Our Work Impacts Lives Every Day
  • 26. Red Cross by the Numbers 2.6 million Supporters reached via email monthly 32,000 National employees 50,000 Unique daily visitors to 1 million+ Followers 530,000+ Followers 12,000+ Subscribers 526 Red Cross chapters As of July 2, 2013
  • 28. WV Responses in 2015 In 2015, the American Red Cross in West Virginia assisted 1,117 households and supported 3,254 people who were impacted by a disaster, most commonly home fires. Larger scale local disasters included: In February, the Train Derailment In March, Winter Storm Thor In April, Easter Flooding In July, Flooding In December, Christmas Flooding
  • 29. Red Cross Priorities During a Response • Provide initial sheltering • Conduct fixed and mobile feeding operations • Staff local government Emergency Operations Centers and coordinate with local government and partner relief agencies • Assess the impact of the disaster • Conduct Public Affairs • Begin Disaster Fundraising
  • 31. Disaster Services – Our Clients  Our services span the entire disaster cycle, are predictable and repeatable and are applied consistently across the country to ensure the community knows what to expect from us.  Services and programs are designed based first on the needs and expectations of clients and community consistent with the mission.  The Red Cross will align with government and work to enable the entire community to participate in all phases of the disaster cycle.  A single integrated approach to building personal and community resilience encompasses services delivered through a single comprehensive disaster management process (whole cycle) which integrates and unifies programs and activities across the entire enterprise.  Our organization and culture continually innovate in response to client and constituent needs.  The speed and accessibility of our services meets the urgent needs of our clients.
  • 32. Disaster Services – Our Workers  Design programs and work efforts around the features of a primarily volunteer workforce and where volunteers are encompassed and integrated as part of (and not an extension of) the workforce.  Systems/processes are designed to include a mechanism that ensures the employee and volunteer executing them are appropriately trained, skilled and supported by the organization.  Effective stewardship of time, talent and dollars.
  • 33. Disaster Services – Our Systems  One operating model (a collection of tools and processes) that scales from a single, local event to multiple very large disasters.  A system that preserves and builds on existing local commitments, capabilities and relationships.  Ensure effective and efficient decision making closest to the client.  Need to be able to measure impact.  Systems/processes and technologies need to operate both during steady-state as well as major response periods.  Leverage current technology for efficient service delivery.
  • 34. Crisis Management • The American Red Cross is adept at responding and managing a crisis. • Planning for crisis management is the key to our success and any leaders’ successful navigation of a crisis situation. • While no disaster or crisis is identical in scope and need, we plan for leadership models in both “blue skies” and “gray skies.”
  • 35. Disaster Services Leadership Perspective The Clients (victims, first responders) Volunteers (DAT, CW, HS, MH) DPMs and DPSs Regional staff (RDPO, COO, CDO) CEO/Div Support The Client is most important and Clients come first. The nearer someone is to the Client, the more support that person needs. Enable the person above you.
  • 36. Soliciting Donations Using consistent language across all disaster solicitations ensures uniformity and clarity, which nurtures the trust between donors and the Red Cross through all channels including: – A-Spots – Case Statements – Cause Marketing with Partners – Celebrity Engagement – Direct Mail – Donor Bulletin – E-Gram – Major Gift Solicitation Materials – Microsites – Text Helping people impacted by disasters big and small.
  • 37. Crisis Communication • When an emergency or disaster happens you must be able to respond to target audiences: – Promptly (or Timely) – Accurately – Appropriately – Confidently
  • 38. Crisis Communication Plan Components • Create a Crisis Communication Team • Identify Your Target Audience(s) • Define Potential Risk or Scenarios • Prioritize the Communication Methods • Prepare Multiple Message/Scalability Templates • Develop a Communication Plan & Backup Plan • Select a Spokesperson(s) • Activate a Plan • Encourage Coordination and Collaboration • Evaluate, Reassess and Improve
  • 39. Audiences • Clients/Customers • Impacted Individuals and Their Families • Employees and Their Families • Community • Donors • Sponsors • Partners • Government Officials
  • 40. Content • Proactive – Press Releases – Pitching Stories – Press Conferences • Interactive – Social Engagement – Community Outreach • Reactive – Responding to Media – Protecting Reputation
  • 41. Content Planning Worksheet • You should develop a plan before a disaster happens for how content will be produced and how that content will be posted. • You should answer are a few questions to focus planning efforts. – Who are the leaders involved with creating the public affairs and social engagement strategies during a disaster? – What role do they fill in developing the strategy? – Who fills in for those people when they are unavailable?
  • 42. One Voice is Essential
  • 43. Red Cross Media Interview Policy • Every Red Cross worker should feel empowered to talk to the media when approached and tell our disaster relief story. • Every Red Crosser can safely talk about two things: – What you do (job in the operation, how its helping, why you became a Red Crosser)? – What you know (what you can see around you, how is the Red Cross helping, what do you know firsthand)?
  • 44.
  • 45. Deliver Your Message • Tell a story • Show emotion and convey hope by expressing empathy, concern and compassion • Highlight services and people • Plan for the future • Avoid jargon • Give a call to action • Keep comments positive but realistic and truthful
  • 46. Promote on Social Media • New standard for all communication – Immediate and direct connection • One on one interaction – Transparency and personality • No longer faceless • Not closed to scrutiny – Community • The strength of engagement relies on employees, volunteers, citizens, partners...
  • 47.
  • 48. Nepal Earthquake • On April 25, 2015 a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal killing over 8,000 people and injuring more than 21,000. • Red Cross teams provided food, water, emergency shelter materials, healthcare, water and sanitation to people. As winter approached, the American Red Cross and the global Red Cross network distributed cash grants to approximately 50,000 families so they could buy shelter materials, warm clothes, blankets, insulation or other supplies. • The American Red Cross also deployed 40 disaster specialist to Nepal. • Red Cross teams continue to help survivors rebuild their lives through activities like restoring access to water, teaching safe construction skills and helping people regain their sources of income. • Red Cross is helping building water tanks and taps in communities that lost steady access to water, constructed a potato seed storage facility for a community of farmers whose warehouse collapsed during the quake. • All the work is in conjunction with the Neal Red Cross.
  • 49. Boston Marathon Bombings • The bombings at the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013 turned a setting of athletic triumph into a scene of tragedy. The American Red Cross supported the Family Assistance Center and events such as the Memorial Service for Officer Sean Collier, as well as provided emotional support to people struggling to cope in the community. • The American Red Cross has been part of the Boston Marathon for decades, offering first aid and encouragement to the athletes on the sidelines. • After the bombing the Red Cross response to the Boston Marathon included taking a central role in Disaster Mental Health, aid to the families of the injured and deceased, and a role in helping the community heal.
  • 50. Winter Storm Jonas • Beginning on Friday, January 22nd, Winter Storm Jonas impacted West Virginia with two West Virginia communities receiving the largest snowfall totals of the storm, Glengary with 42” and Shepherdstown with 40.5”. • The Red Cross provided messaging before, during and after the storm through press releases, social media post, volunteer notices, talking points and donor appeals to providing residents with critical information. • Thirty-five Red Cross Volunteers and twenty-one Red Cross Staff responded throughout West Virginia with another eighty-one volunteers available if needed. • During and after the storm, several people spent the night in Red Cross operated or supported shelters in Barbour, Berkeley, Boone, Jackson, Jefferson, Putnam and Randolph Counties with thirty-three other shelters on standby, if needed. • Messaging included: • Get an emergency kit with 3 days of supplies • Download the Red Cross Emergency App • Cold safety tips • Winter driving • Power outage/generator safety • Space heater safety to prevent home fires • Emergency need for blood and platelet donors • Plea for financial contributions
  • 51. Social Media Helps Share Our Work WV Water Crisis Response January 2014  13 Emergency Response Vehicles  Over 90 volunteers  600,000 bottles
  • 52.
  • 53. Be A Hero – Volunteer Today • Communication & Marketing – Help public affairs raise awareness of the mission of the Red Cross and how it is met through our five lines of service. • Disaster Response – Help people affected by disasters ranging from home fires to hurricanes by providing food, shelter, essential relief supplies and comfort and hope. • Preparedness Education – Teach families, people in classrooms, organizations and corporations how to be Red Cross Ready for disasters and emergencies. • Service to the Armed Forces – Connect families and veterans with resources to emergencies, train military families in coping and resiliency skills, and supply recreational and therapeutic support in military and VA health care facilities. • Leadership – Serve on a Red Cross board or decision-making committee, manage a program, or chair an activity. A few hours, every day, once a week, once a month – whatever time you have can make a difference.
  • 54. 113 Lakeview Drive Charleston, WV 25313 Main: (304) 340-3650 Direct: (304) 759-6320 Cell: (304) 417-0207 Facebook: RedCrossWV Twitter: @ARCWV
  • 55. Mason Boone Webster Gilmer Lincoln Clay Calhoun Upshur Roane Monongalia Marshall Jackson Barbour Jefferson Putnam Raleigh Wayne Pocahontas Berkeley Braxton Morgan Ritchie Taylor Logan Doddridge Pleasants PrestonTyler Randolph Mingo Lewis Mineral Summers Monroe Hampshire Nicholas Fayette Wirt Greenbrier Kanawha Grant Wyoming Brooke Hardy Harrison Wood Cabell McDowell Mercer Pendleton Wetzel Tucker Ohio Hancock Marion Chapter Offices Satellite Offices Wheeling Office 193 29th Street Wheeling, WV 26003 (304) 232-0711 Morgantown Office 1299 Pineview Drive, Suite 300 Morgantown, WV 26505 (304) 598-9500 Parkersburg Office 220 8th Street Parkersburg, WV 26101 (304) 485-7311 Charleston Office 113 Lakeview Drive Charleston, WV 25313 (304) 340-3650 Beckley Office 200 Industrial Drive Beckley, WV 25801 (304) 255-1508 Ronceverte Office 722 Ronceverte Avenue Ronceverte, WV 24970 (304) 922-8565 Kearneysville Office 1948 Wiltshire Road, Suite 2 Kearneysville, WV 25430 (304) 725-5015 Elkins Office 4 Randolph Street Elkins, WV 26241 (304) 415-6944 Bluefield Office 261 Mercer Mall Road Bluefield, WV 24701 (304) 327-5017 The American Red Cross of Northwest West Virginia The American Red Cross of Northeast West Virginia The American Red Cross of Southeast West VirginiaThe American Red Cross of Southwest West Virginia Huntington Office 1111 Veterans Memorial Blvd Huntington, WV 25701 (304) 526-2900
  • 56. There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full. Henry A. Kissinger
  • 57. Thank You! For more information visit