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Information And Governance Of Haiti
Naturally, the capital of any country, state, or territory is the nucleus of information and governance;
it is the source for relief for most tension points experienced by a unified body of people. Haiti's
nucleus, its capital, Port au Prince, suffered a catastrophic 7.0 level earthquake on 12 January 2010
damaging countless buildings and taking over 230,000 lives. For a small country like Haiti, this
impact caused the entire country to be inoperable and paralyzed with no source of self–relief.
Immediately assisting Haiti became over 140 nations and 1,000 non–governmental organizations
(NGOs), charities, and private organizations' (US Joint Forces Command, 2010) priority. In that
moment the country of Haiti and its people needed the detailed coordination of many people and
groups to provide facilities and supplies. Haiti needed logistics.
Due to the location of Haiti and the nature of United States Southern Command's (USSOUTHCOM)
mission; support interagency efforts that promote regional security cooperation, they lead the
Department of Defense's (DOD) efforts of providing assistance and standing up Joint Task Force
Haiti (JTF–H). Ultimately, USSOUTHCOM's execution of Operation Unified Response resulted in
immeasurable successes however; it did not come without challenges.
At the core of any Humanitarian Assistance/Disaster Relief (HADR) operation is the need for
responsive and flexible logistics. Logistics is only possible through coordination, collaboration,
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The United Republic Of Haiti
English is the most broadly spoken language worldwide. However, there are many non–English
speaking countries in the Americas and the Caribbean. Haiti is one of the non– English speaking
Caribbean countries. Their way of life of a group of people developed over time and passed down
from generation to generation. The Republic of Haiti is located in the Caribbean Sea, between Cuba
and Puerto– Rico. It is a tropical country with an average temperature of 80 degrees Fahrenheit. The
capital of Haiti is Port–au–Prince and its official languages are French and Creole. It would be
impossible to cover every aspect of Haitian culture in a short cultural paper. We have therefore,
chosen to take a values approach to discuss power, prestige, filial responsibility, modernization,
status and roles of older adults in that culture.
Family power is significant to understand how families functions as a unit. It helps the family to
make important decisions about how to manage their lives, whether it financially, about where to
live, educational choices, or even about leisure time, and so on. In Haiti, women play a major role in
the culture. They referred to them as the "Central Pillar" They endure most of the burden of
childcare, making sure that the children are well fed and healthy, and keep the house cleaned. They
also work in the agriculture. They cultivated goods, carried them in their head, and walked miles to
sell at the supermarket to pay for their children's school
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Haiti Case Study
On 12 January 2010 Haiti's capital city, Port–au–Prince, was rocked by a 7.0 earthquake. Being that
it is an island with minimal internal support, they have to rely on external sources in the world for
help and rebuilding their own infrastructure. While there are numerous governmental and non–
governmental organizations to assist, no one is better equipped for immediate worldwide response
than the United States Army. We'll look at the equipment the U.S Army had available and how they
employed these assets to help the Haitian's. G Company, 407 Brigade Support Battalion was the
Forward Support Company (FSC) called to the task of humanitarian aid for the Haitian people. At
any time, the FSC usually had around 14 vehicles on the ground ranging from high mobility multi
wheeled vehicles (HMMWV's) to wreckers and fuelers. The primary use of these vehicles was
transportation of goods and services from transport aircraft of boats to provide assistance for feeding
the local populace and rebuilding the crippled infrastructure. The FSC did not have its own
ambulance or hospital teams so the vehicles were also used to transport Haitian's to the hospital in
Port–au–Prince or to the ocean port to be transported to the USS Comfort for medical treatment. The
Disaster Medical Assistance Team (DMAT) from Dayton, Ohio was also ... Show more content on ...
The U.S Military had to deploy in joined forces including the Army and Navy, if not other forces
with them. They had to work together with other organizations of medical and construction to help
the Haitian people rebuild their infrastructure, as well as their lives. Many lives were saved in the
process of providing relief. In a time when the U.S. Military is by and large "war weary," we can
also look at these sustainment operation successes as encouragement that we don't just bring war
and death to a country's doorstep, but relief and hope as
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2010 Haiti Earthquake Essay
Earthquakes have afflicted the world since its inception. The sudden release of energy from
volcanoes or displacing of earth plates can result in disasters of extreme magnitude. These usually
naturally occurring phenomenon have been responsible from wiping out entire towns throughout
history and until today continue to produce major loss of life and infrastructure. It can take years for
a city or country to recover from a major event of this kind and when a third world country is
involved, the result is usually exponentially worse than in a developed country. In the past decades
Japan, Chile and Haiti have suffered the devastation an earthquake produces. This document will
concentrate in Haiti, a small country in the Caribbean. On ... Show more content on
The environmental dilapidation rendered Haiti, to this day, an inhospitable dry ground where only
36% of the soil is suitable for crops growth. Its climate is tropical and semi–arid. In the 1800th
century, Haiti rebelled against the French government and after considerable struggle declared its
independence in 1804.
Geopolitical description of Haiti prior to the Earthquake, including major health problems and
infrastructure. Haiti is located between the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. It occupies one
third of the Hispaniola Island, the other two thirds belong to its neighbor: the Dominican Republic.
It measures 27, 750 sq km, just a little smaller than the state of Maryland. It is unfortunately located
in a highly active hurricane area prone to storms and flooding between the months of June to
October. Haiti is the poorest country of the western hemisphere. Political turmoil is part of the
country's history. Currently it counts with a democratically elected president, Michael Martelly, as
Chief of State and a Prime Minister, Laurent Latmothe, as head of the government. A new president
is elected every five years and the president cannot serve consecutive periods. The Prime Minister is
appointed by the president and ratified by the National Assembly. The National Assembly is made
up of 30 senators, elected by popular vote for six years terms and 99 deputies, also elected by
popular vote, for four years terms; a little bit complex
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Essay On Haiti Earthquake
"Haiti is still recovering from the devastating earthquake of 2010." (UNWTO, 2012) The earthquake
that occurred on January 12th of that year was devastating to the people of Haiti. Although it was
not the largest earthquake of the year, that honour going to an 8.8 magnitude earthquake near Maule,
Chile on February 27th, it was certainly the most destructive. (U.S. Geological Survey, 2015) It has
had a lasting impact on Haiti with rebuilding efforts still ongoing in 2016.
The most widespread impact of the earthquake and the resulting tsunami to was the loss of housing.
It is estimated that "three million people were affected by the quake – nearly one–third of the
country's total population." (Pallardy, 2016). This includes the originally estimated 222,570 people
who died in the initial crisis and the more than one million individuals who were left homeless. This
massive destruction of housing was due to ... Show more content on ...
This is a direct effect of globalization and how people are becoming more aware of the world that
they live in. The Haitian earthquake of 2010 is a perfect example of how the world can come
together to support a population in need. "When you look at the history of humanitarian relief,
there's never been a situation when such a small country has been the target of such a massive influx
of money and assistance in such a short span of time." (Laurent, 2015) During the disaster following
the earthquake that decimated Port–au–Prince, individuals and organizations alike raised money to
help fund the relief efforts being undertaken in Haiti. Financial assistance was also provided to Haiti
through the reduction of the country's debt. In the months following the earthquake, the G7
countries forgave the debts that were owed to them, and the Inter–American Development Bank and
World Bank both forgave debts of $447 million and $36 million respectively. (Pallardy,
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The Crisis Of The Caribbean
Crisis in the Caribbean Just before 5pm on January 12, 2010, a fierce earthquake struck Haiti. It was
the worst earthquake to hit the region in two hundred years. The death toll was over two hundred
thousand people. Haiti resides in the area of responsibility (AOR) of SOUTHCOM, the Department
of Defense's geographic combatant command for the South American and Caribbean region. Since
the natural disaster took place in SOUTHCOM's AOR, the Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff
(CJCS) appointed SOUTHCOM as the DOD's lead agency. Although initial SOUTHCOM
organization was not ideal and the earthquake rendered communications inoperable, SOUTHCOM 's
response to the crisis was astonishing because SOUTHCOM organized a force of twenty–two ...
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All of this was just to organize the Combatant Command Headquarters. A Joint Task Force still
needed to be stood up and damage on the ground still needed to be assessed in order to determine
what kind of aid Haiti was going to need. Selecting the JTF Commander was pretty easy for
SOUTHCOM. LTG Keen was identified as the JTF Commander for a plethora of reasons. He had
vast experience in the region, had built a personal relationship with the Commander of the
MINUSTAH contingent and he was on the ground in Haiti when the earthquake happened. Once
identified as the JTF–H Commander, LTG Keen had to start piecing together a capable Joint Task
Force. Pieces of the puzzle, such as the USS Carl Vincent, the 22nd and 24th Expeditionary Strike
Forces as well as a BCT from the 82nd Airborne Division were identified almost immediately as
parts of the newly formed JTF. After reading this case study and some articles online, I initially
thought that the Department of Defense's response was going to be a huge failure. Failure in the
sense that this Geographic Combatant Command (GCC) was undermanned and unprepared and this
was going to cost the people of Haiti dearly due to the delayed response times while this GCC was
getting fully manned and properly organized; then I looked at the timeline. It is astonishing what
was accomplished so quickly by both the DOD and SOUTHCOM. Were they fully prepared for the
crisis? No. Were they
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Haiti Earthquake Research Paper
The Haiti earthquake of 2010 was a 7.0Mw. The focus was 13 km deep close by Haiti's capitol Port
Au Prince. It was determined that this was a left lateral fault in association with many strike slip
faults in the surrounding areas. This earthquake was part of the Enriquillo Plantain Garden fault
zone which causes many strike slip fault earthquakes as it slides part the Caribian plate as well as
the North American plate.
The epicenter of this earthquake was relatively shallow at 13km, which caused there to be more
traumatic shaking. It was given a 9 on the Mercalli scale for the destructive shaking. Nearly two
weeks after this event, a Tsunami hit a little town called Petit Paradis stated to be a result of the Haiti
The main causes
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Causes Of Haiti Earthquake
Despite the fact that the 2010 Haiti Earthquake had a magnitude of 7.0, it caused 316000 deaths,
destroyed over 105000 buildings and left the whole country in rubble. Human contribution
contributed greatly to the casualties and the severity of the earthquake.
A social factor that influenced the severity of the earthquake was where people chose to live. Haiti is
located on fault lines, where the epicentre of the earthquake is and where the earthquake is most
severe. The earthquake's epicentre was estimated to be around a mere 25 km away from the Port–
au–prince, the capital of Haiti and home to ¼ of the population. The closer the area was to the
epicentre, the more intense the earthquake was and the greater the destruction. The area was also
urbanised with many buildings, due to the great number of people who resided there which meant
that many buildings were destroyed and many people were killed.
Poverty was an economic factor that greatly influenced how the earthquake affected the population.
In Haiti, 80% of the population was under the poverty line. ⅔ of Labor force employees relied on
agriculture and due to high unemployment levels, many did not have a job and the population
owned an average of under $2 a day. During the earthquake, Haiti's agricultural industries were
destroyed, leaving most of the county unemployed and unable to produce its main exports. This
further exacerbated the problem of poverty and left the population without resources, food and
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Earthquake Problems
The Earthquake struck the country at 4:53 p.m, it was a time that many people were out and about,
at school, at work or just outside doing things. It was pure chaos from the moment it struck the
overly populated city. There were very few rescues that first evening of the earthquake, and as night
fell, residents found themselves in a world of darkness and grief" (Petrou). One of the larger
problems with the earthquake was that it destroyed much of it's government offices and the capital
city of Port–au–Prince, many of the resources that would have helped rescue people and revive the
city were destroyed. Port–au–Prince had a population of 2 million people at the time, that's almost a
fourth of the countries population, but the capitals infrastructure is layed out to support just over
115,000. So on top of the overpopulation in the area, you have a massive catastrophe and a whole lot
of people with nowhere to go, especially with all of the rubble. There wasn't much of anything that
residents could do, other than to help each other. Fredson Demostherma, a resident of Leogane said
"Haiti's future is in the hands of other nations, and God,"(Petrou). Fredson was with his family in his
home when the tragedy struck, he jumped out of his second floor window, only to see the the rest of
his family get trapped among the rubble. That was the scene for many residents, seeing their loved
ones die instantly or not being able to help, or have someone to call. There were no resources to go
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Life Is A Of Life
Life is something that requires a considerable amount of physical and mental effort. Some are
fortunate enough to have everything prepared for them. Such as some are born into money; some
come across good fortune yet most work hard from the start to get somewhere in the world. It just
all depends on how you were brought into this world. For some people, life is full of stress and
hardships. That's how life was for someone very dear to me Kimberly Domonique. She had it
difficult from the start however, she chose not to let life get her down. When life gave her lemons,
she made lemonade.
Kimberly is from the island of Haiti, she moved to the states at the age of ten years old. She lived in
Queens, New York with her step ... Show more content on ...
She moved to New Jersey to get away from the violence and that's when she started high school.
When she got to high school at the age of fourteen years old, that is when she met other students of
Haitian descent. She thought she moved away from the discrimination but she actually ran head onto
it. In school the Haitians and the black Americans were separated voluntarily because of the same
issues that occurred in Queens. The difference was that there were more Haitians in New Jersey and
they stood together to defend each other. Meanwhile during the drama, she found her high school
sweetheart which became her husband of twenty five years. Throughout the years of their
relationship they went through several changes and hardships, they were blessed with three amazing
kids who reside in the USA today.
Life in Haiti was not a walk in the park for Kimberly. Now, school is extremely difficult and back
then the competition for scholarships was at an all–time high. Not many people were wealthy. Most
could barely afford to pay for school and only a small amount was considered well off.
Placing monetary value on an individual's life is measured not by the way an individual has lived,
but rather the individual's income; at least that is how society views life. Every individual values life
from a different perspective. And while every human will find value in life, those values will not be
the same as everybody else. Some people will value life as a privilege and believe life
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Cathero's Place Analysis
Music has been integrated in our lives more than before. In an era where portable music players and
cellphones give people access to thousands of songs anywhere they go, music has easily become a
soundtrack to our life. In our current era, children by the age of five will have listened to more
music than Mozart was exposed to his entire life. This past winter I had the privilege of visiting
Theo's Place, a children's home in Fond Doux Haiti. Before leaving the United States, I had been
told that there would be a language barrier. As much as I tried to imagine what that would be like, I
failed. I grew up with the privilege of Spanish–speaking parents, and so Spanish became my first
language. On my first day of 1st grade, I was introduced to ... Show more content on ...
I am able to express and transmit messages through love, a hug, a smile an affirming nod or loud
laughter. I am able to express myself through the universal magic of music. Sing a song, hum a long
and learn that although songs can be written and sung in multiple languages, they all are created by
the same notes. It was extremely refreshing to be able to forget about what my English major has
forced me to see in language. I wasn't worried about syntax, connotations or tone. There is less
chance of the message being lost when the delivery is prompt and clear. I am smiling at you because
I am happy, because I love you, because you are beautiful. Coming back to the United States meant
taking for granted the fact that I could communicate with most people but it was when I couldn't, in
Haiti, where I truly learned the purpose of language and the strength of other forms of
communication. It was only in Haiti where I strengthened my skills in the language of love and the
language of
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Case Study : Haiti The Word Hazard
Grade 11
Miss Nugent
The meaning of the word hazard can be confusing. It can be often combined with the term "risk". A
hazard is any source of potential damage or harm and has effects on something or someone under
certain conditions. Basically, a hazard can cause harm to individuals or to organizations as property
of losses. There are different types of hazards, environmental, biological .etc. Environmental
hazards consist of destructive forces e.g. Tsunami, typhoon, earthquakes... An earthquake is usually
considered to be the most frightening and destructive force of nature. Earthquakes are sudden
movements of a portion of the earth 's tectonic plate, which is followed by a series of vibrations.
Aftershocks of similar or lesser intensity can follow the main quake, this can also be referred to as
tremors. Earthquakes can be measured using data from seismometers Earthquakes can occur at any
time of the year and happen in irregular intervals. They can also trigger tsunamis, landslide and
volcanic activity, but they are usually limited to small areas.
Earthquake casualties, like those of other disasters, tend to cause more injuries and deaths in LEDCs
and cause more financial losses in MEDCs (industrialized countries). LEDCs lack the infrastructure
needed to make their buildings sturdy, due to that, the buildings usually gets damage or destroyed.
An example of this would be the Haiti earthquake of 2010.
The earthquake struck at
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Haiti And Natural Disaster : Causes And Natural Disaster
Natural disaster occur quite often and can be a cause of tragic outcomes. Some of the incidents
resulted in loss of human lives, infrastructure damages and economic position that a country was put
in. According to Farfel (2011) on Tuesday, January 12th an earthquake with a 7.0 magnitude struck
Haiti leaving more than 1 million people homeless, 300000 injured and an estimated number of
316000 deceased. This paper will discuss how Haiti in 2010 could have been more prepared for the
earthquake with the building standards being adequate, having an advantage of support by Haitian
government and abundant response to those in need, as well as more coordinated help from other
countries. One of the reasons Haiti had suffered such catastrophic ... Show more content on ...
This failure to consider what chaos these safety violations can create is one of the reasons so many
people had to suffer. Furthermore, the support that Haiti's government has provided was not
sufficient enough. Hou and Shi (2011) argued that the state of emergency was not proclaimed until
day 6, only 3433 nearby area policeman out of 6000 responded, the Haitian government and
MINUSTAH have been out of synchronization with responding to issues due to their building
collapsing. Many haitians have been wounded and in critical condition, perhaps if the rescue teams
have been there faster this could have been avoided. Limited numbers of 3433 policeman were
helping those in critical condition for the amount of people that needed help, as mentioned before
300000 were injured and 316000 deceased. The government has been slow with issuing units and
resources and could not address the issues right away, this put a lot of lives in jeopardy. With no
government building to be able to administer help it leaves people to rely on outside help and that
takes extra time. The damage to the presidential house was extremely significant, as Hou and Shi
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Cause And Effects Of The Haiti Earthquake
On January 12th, 2010, the small country of Haiti was hit by a 7.0 magnitude earthquake that
devastated the city of Port–au–Prince and surrounding areas (Haiti earthquake of 2010, 2015). The
30–second disaster was just the beginning of a collection of aftershocks that then struck the country
relentlessly for days (Haiti earthquake of 2010, 2015). Many areas were reduced to rubble leaving
approximately one million Haitians homeless and 350 000 dead and another 300 000 injured (Haiti
earthquake of 2010, 2015). The ill–prepared country was sitting on two tectonic plates– the
Caribbean and the North American, where there was slippage resulting in the earthquake (KS3
Bitesize Geography). Following the environmental catastrophe, the international community
responded, and a relief effort began (Haiti earthquake of 2010, 2015). Though the earthquake
happened quickly, the lasting impact and trauma remained. In an article from the Wall Street
Journal, Luhnow and Dugan stated that following the event many people went searching for
psychological support and aid instead of physical (2010). After having buildings tumble and fall
onto people, many suffered from PTSD and survivors guilt; children were the most emotionally
traumatized, and there was a fundamental lack of aid for facing psychological traumas endured by
so many (Luhnow & Dugan, 2010). As a society, an increase in crime and violence is on the rise;
Haitians had no defined structure in communities, and most established norms
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The Hardship of Haiti Essay
Haiti is a beautiful Caribbean country that has had more than its fair share of hardship. A culture of
strength and perseverance is evident from the moment one arrives and it only feels stronger the
further one travels from Port au Prince. The people are of African descent, with a strong French
influence creating a uniquely mixed culture that is rare in the western hemisphere. The business
climate is such that there are very few foreign businesses or joint ventures in Haiti and although
there are many historic reasons for that, there now sits immense opportunity. First–mover advantage
is only an advantage if the first–mover is successful. A firm in the initial stages of market research
into Haiti will be drawn to the dream of ... Show more content on ...
Safety and security is a big risk in most underdeveloped nations, and Haiti is riskier than most.
Finally, the provision of broad based orientation to this new market as it applies directly to business
operations in this new market.
Understanding Haiti's past will grant an ideal window into the cultural soul of this nation and may
aid in a deeper realization of why many things appear as they do in this country. Cultural
intelligence is defined as "an individual's capability to function and manage effectively in culturally
diverse setting" (Ahn & Ettner, 2013). This is a highly sought after skill in the interconnected world
of globalization where this individual appears to hold a "seemingly natural ability to interpret
someone's unfamiliar and ambiguous gestures in just the way that person's compatriots and
colleagues would" (Ahn & Ettner, 2013). Having an individual with these skills in a firm would
reduce the likelihood of communicating a cultural faux pas that would inadvertently hinder business
relations. Gaining knowledge will greatly contribute to the competitive advantage of a firm. To
understand Haiti, one must start in 1492, when the Island of Hispaniola was first discovered by
Christopher Columbus (Central, n.d.). In the initial 25 years of Spanish control of the island the
Spanish settlers killed off almost all of the indigenous people who had originally occupied the island
(Central, n.d.). "In 1697, Spain ceded to
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Economic Impact Of The Earthquake
Earthquakes and Society
On January 12, 2010 a 7.0 earthquake struck the Republic of Haiti. This earthquake caused a large
amount of destruction and devastation. In order to understand this earthquake more in depth, it will
be discussed on how it affected the earth, the damages and death tolls, the economic impact, and the
permanent consequences.
Affecting the Earth
The earthquake happened about 15 miles southwest from the Haitian capital of Port–au–Prince at
4:35pm. The geology of Haiti consists of igneous rocks formed within a volcanic island arc. Haiti is
situated on the North American Plate and the Caribbean Plate is below. The Enriquillo–Plaintain
Garden Fault which accounts for over half of the movement between the Caribbean and North
American plates which equals to about 7 millimeters per year. (Cressey, 2010). The earthquake
occurred on the Enriquillo–Plaintain Garden fault system. The plates move in an east–west direction
and which had caused the energy release. ("What Caused the Devastating Haiti Earthquake?," 2010)
Since the American North American and the Caribbean plates slide past each other, the movement
creates a strike–strip fault. Because of famous strike–strip faults like San Andreas, it seems
reasonable that the earthquake did take place. In fact, for some scientists there was concern about
this earthquake happening. A professor emeritus in geoscience at Oregon State University stated
only 6 days before the earthquake, ""If they have an earthquake on this
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Haiti Earthquake 7.0 Earthquake
A natural disaster has the capability to cause large scale damage and destruction to an area. Seismic
events have been known to alter landscapes and affect the livelihoods, health and development of
communities. No two earthquake events are the same and the level of threat posed by an earthquake
can vary due to both the human and physical factors of an area. The 2010 magnitude – 7.0
earthquake that occurred in Haiti is an example of where a natural disaster caused a previously
vulnerable area to suffer tremendous loss and debilitating socio–economic impacts, to an already
poverty–stricken nation.
The earthquake occurred on the 12th of January 2010, a slip along the conservative boundary
situated along Haiti caused a significant earthquake with subsequent damaging aftershocks. As can
be seen in figure 1 the shaking intensity was strongest at the epicentre of the ... Show more content
on ...
The key lessons that have been learnt from the event is that those in charge of ensuring the safety of
Haiti's citizens need to recognize the risk of their location and acknowledge the advice of
seismologists for any future seismic events. The implementation of early warning systems and the
use of SMS messaging as seen in Japan would greatly reduce the hazard of an earthquake. In
addition, environmental management is crucial for the long term survival of Haiti, strategies to
reduce deforestation and claiming back land unsuitable for housing would lead to better soil quality
and less risk of landslides and liquefaction to buildings should another event occur. However, the
main lesson to be drawn from the disaster is the need for proper construction techniques and
guidelines. Education and training to provide construction workers with enough knowledge to make
future infrastructure earthquake
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The Earthquake In Haiti
On January twelfth 2010, a deadly earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0 hit the coast of Port au
prince, Haiti for 35 seconds, killing around 200,000 and leaving approximately to 1.5 million of the
population homeless including kids who became orphans and vice versa in a matter of less than a
minute. Before the earthquake, the way of life was not as bad as portrayed back at home, most of the
news broadcasted in the mainstream media were exaggerated news, negative light and unfair tales to
make Haiti look inferior. Many international organizations including NGO's opted to help after this
tragedy, the country was in extreme scarcity, for once the social classes were little to nonexistent.
Me being in the scene of the incident I started to believe ... Show more content on ...
Sugarcoating the problem of Haiti's image and tourism industry must be genuine and for that it
should be more than nice–looking pictures. It needs to start with getting real ourselves and
acknowledging that we have issues that beautiful sceneries and beaches alone won't change. A
prosperous Haiti open for business should also include achieving political stability, rebuilding our
infrastructures and raising awareness about the importance of education and by promoting self–
reliability to an uneducated population that relies mostly on the diaspora to consume since their own
government with zero concern has failed them, grounding NGO's and "messiah's" with no regulation
using the situation to make profit. Without all these changes tourism, will only be an ideal since a
country cannot solely rely on tourism as its primary source of revenue, especially since the
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2010 Haiti Earthquake Analysis
The local ecosystem affected / at risk by the 2010 Haiti Earthquake:
–Natural Water Sources: Became contaminated (e.g. To date, over 470,000 people have Cholera in
Haiti from contaminated water, 6,631of the cases resulted in death).
–Agricultural Industry: Displacement of soil (e.g. nutrient–rich topsoil became displaced, soil
became dry and infertile; it became difficult for the people to re–grow back their crops and produce
after the earthquake).
–Forests: Destruction of Forest Covers (Haiti lost 98% of its forest cover after the Earthquake in
Animals killed by the Earthquake:
(There were many animals that were affected by the 2010 Earthquake in Haiti, but the animals listed
below, were both affected by the earthquake and majorly impacted the food chain of the ecosystem).
–Mice ... Show more content on ...
Summary of the 2010 Haiti Earthquake:
The crust of the Earth is broken into pieces, called tectonic plates. Tectonic plates are constantly
moving, the continents are part of these plates and are also moving. The cause of the 2010 Haiti
Earthquake were the movements of the Caribbean and North American tectonic plates.
The 2010 Haiti Earthquake hit about 24 kilometres from it's capital, Port–au–Prince. The earthquake
measured 7.0 in magnitude (on the Richter Scale) and is estimated to be responsible for 50,000 to
100,000 deaths. 80% to 100% of structures in some places/areas of Haiti were destroyed.
As the earth 'quakes', the ground can split; with both the vibrations of the surface and the cracks in
the ground, structures can collapse; and often on top of people.
The sea levels in the area increased, some parts of land were sinking below the sea and the number
of forests found in the country decreased. In 1923, 60% of the country was forest, now forest only
covers around 2% of Haiti, as a result of the 2010
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The Haiti Earthquake And Health Care
The Haiti earthquake and health care
Samantha Sherrod
Miller–Motte Technical College
Emergency Procedures
Mrs. Christina
June 14, 2015 Abstract
The Haiti earthquake and health care Health care can bring people together when there is equal
access, or divide people when there is not. On January 12, 2010, Haiti was hit by an magnitude–7.0
earthquake. More than half a million people dies or was injured, and approximately 2 million people
were displayed from their homes. Overcrowded and poor living conditions increased Haitians risk
for communicable diseases. The earthquake destroyed most government buildings, schools, homes,
hospitals, and transportation and communication infrastructure in the western part of the country,
including the capital Port–au–Prince and much of the southeastern part of the country. This
earthquake that struck Haiti caused an estimated 222,570 deaths and 300,000 injuries. In
impoverished countries, like Haiti analyzing the causes of deaths and injuries post–disaster can help
countries better prepare for disasters in the future. In the wake of the earthquake the International
Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) mobilized the biggest single–country
emergency mounted. Deployments included field hospitals, one of which was a specially designed
rapid response mobile and light hospital with 30 expatriate staff. This was set up in Port–au–Prince
at the main
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The 2010 Haiti Earthquake
The task at hand is due to the recent earthquake in Haiti. Due to this earthquake many survivors
have been left homeless and without a bed to sleep on. It is then our job as the called upon engineers
to design a suitable bed for the surviving population in which will provide them with a comfortable
night's sleep.
In order for this task to be a success many specifications and constraints will need to be considered
as this designed bed must be suitable for their living conditions and must be a long lasting solution
to the problem at hand.
The 2010 Haiti earthquake was a catastrophic 7.0 magnitude earthquake, with an epicenter near the
town of Léogâne (18°27′25″N 72°31′59″W), approximately 25 kilometers west of Port–au–Prince,
Haiti's capital
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Haiti Earthquake Research Paper
Imagine you are in the country Haiti and you are sitting in your house in the country's capital, Port–
au–Prince. You are sitting in your living room and talking to your family when you begin to feel the
ground shake. You all look around confused for a second until you realize it is an earthquake. You
watch in terror as things begin to fall on the ground and break. Then, you hear a loud noise from
above. You look up and watch as the ceiling begins to collapse. You and your family are only a few
out of many victims of the 2010 Haiti Earthquake. The Haiti Earthquake was the most devastating
earthquake to ever hit Haiti. The magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck about 16 miles away from the
nation's capital, Port–au–Prince. Because Haiti was a very poor country at the time, over 230,000
people lost their lives. The quake also caused at least 50 aftershocks measuring 4.5 or higher. The
2010 Haiti Earthquake greatly damaged the country, and it also affected the economy and people. ...
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For example, the article "Overview of the 2010 Haiti Earthquake" by Reginald Des Roches, Mary
Comerio, Marc Eberhard, Walter Mooney, and Glen J. Rix, around 50% of hospitals in Haiti were
affected, and 80% of schools were destroyed or damaged. If 80% of schools were destroyed or
damaged, many people would be out of school for a long period of time. Also, there won't be many
places for the wounded to go if half of the hospitals were affected. According to an article called
"Haiti Earthquake: Facts, Damage, Effects on Economy" by Kimberly Amadeo, 6 months after the
earthquake, around 98% of rubble still remained. This shows how serious the damage was, and it
shows that they had a limited amount of help. Therefore, the country was in much need at this time
and didn't have enough
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Personal Narrative: The 2010 Earthquake In Haiti
"Concrete walls quivered like Jello. Dirt floors rippled like water. I felt the house dancing around
me. I didn't know if I was up or down," said Emanuel Buso who was trapped under a building in
Haiti for 10 days before his rescue (CBN News, 2010). Houses collapsed and buildings crumbled,
leaving devastation and homelessness across the poor island nation. Just eight months earlier at a
robotics competition in Atlanta, I had met six exuberant students from Haiti. At the time, I knew
very little about earthquakes, and never imagined that such a disaster could ever happen in their
...I was relieved to find out that none of my six friends were hurt in the 2010 earthquake. However,
Haiti remains at constant risk, and in fact, the U.S. Geological
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Cultural Assessment : Developing Awareness Of Cultural...
Cultural Assessment Developing awareness of cultural diversity can help an individual accept the
practices and beliefs of another cultural group other than their own. As a health care professional
learning about different cultures, can help assist with providing culturally competent care. Before
working with a patient from a different ethnicity, you should familiarize yourself with the different
beliefs, practices, and rituals derived from their cultural. "Organizations and individuals who
understand their clients' cultural values, beliefs, and practices are in a better position to be
coparticipants with their clients in providing culturally acceptable care" (Purnell & Paulanka, 2008,
p. 2). After interviewing my co–worker Mrs. C.D., whom is from Haitian decent, I was able to
obtain a clear understanding of her cultural common practices and belief. I will discuss Mrs. C.D.
cultural background, communication patterns, family roles and organization of Haitian culture. I will
also provide details on her cultural lifestyle and workforce issue, high risk behaviors within the
Haitian cultural and their meaning of food, pregnancy and childbearing practices, and death rituals.
Finally I will describe the spirituality of the Haitian culture and how as health care professional are
able to care for a patient from this descent and collaborating with other health care practitioners to
achieve the goal of providing cultural competent care. Learning and familiarizing yourself with
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The Big Truck That Went : An Inside Look Into The...
The Big Truck That Went By: How the World Came to Save Haiti and Left Behind a Disaster is an
inside look into the realities behind international aid and intervention. The book answers the
question of whether or not international efforts in Haiti really benefited the nation in the long term.
The book argues that the international community failed in their efforts to rebuild Haiti due to their
mismatched military approaches, failed monetary pledges and how the how billions of dollars were
ineffective, having served only short term needs instead of, rebuilding solid foundations and
institutions that would serve as the first step toward sustainable development.
I argue that while the author does well to argue his thesis in a logical sequence, in the narrative the
author fails to include a direct Haitian perspective, which is integral to the readers' understanding of
life in port au prince as they lost far more in the catastrophe. Furthermore he fails in his attempt to
provide a solution that is economically suitable and thus dismissed short–term models that could
benefit the population. Finally blinded by journalistic ambitions I believe that his excessive
coverage of his breakthrough story on the cholera out break overshadows the earthquake story, as it
becomes the main focus toward the end.
The author should be credited because this book was a well written. As a journalist that had lived in
Haiti at the time, his knowledge and research skills proved an asset. This book
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Earthquake's Impact on the People of Haiti
On January 12th, 2010, the small Caribbean nation of Haiti was struck by a 7.0 magnitude
earthquake. This was the worst earthquake to hit the region in over two centuries (BBC News).
More than fifty aftershocks measuring over 4.5 followed within the next two weeks. The
earthquakes left Haiti in shambles and exacerbated their conditions. There were 3.5 million people
affected and over 220 thousand killed (Disasters Emergency Committee). Major damage was caused
at the Haitian capital, Port–au–Prince. The country was manifestly unprepared for this event and
Haiti was propelled into a downward spiral. The 2010 Haiti earthquake was a devastating event
which furthered the country's social, economic, and political instability.
The earthquake ... Show more content on ...
However, by purchasing imported food instead of locally–grown food, the prosperity of local
farmers becomes undermined. This highlights Haiti's lack of self–sufficiency as a country. Haiti has
become extremely reliant on other countries for it to barely scrape by. In response to the horrific
earthquake, the world rallied together and pledged over $4.5 billion in aid to help alleviate Haiti's
troubles. Of the pledged aid, $2.3 billion has already been disbursed (Washington Post). Yet, years
after the incident, the country is still struggling to recover. The money is crucial for restoration, but
it does not create opportunities for the people. The unemployment rate before the earthquake was at
a staggering 70 percent (Global Post). Instead of empowering locals, projects have been created to
provide instant, quantifiable results. As the country becomes more reliant on foreign aid, their
development as a nation is hindered. This, in turn, continues the vicious cycle of unsustainability. To
quote a Chinese proverb, "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and
you feed him for a lifetime." International aid would also have been more beneficial if the Haitian
government had an honourable reputation.
The earthquake unveiled the Haitian government's underlying problems. In addition to having a long
history of poverty, Haiti was also infamous famous for political corruption. In
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Port Au Prince In Haiti
Haiti is located in the Caribbean, sharing the island of Hispaniola with Dominican Republic to the
east, with which it also shares nearly 390 km of border. The results of the last census, indicates that
the total population is 10.9 million inhabitants. Port au Prince is the country's capital and it is
situated in the coast of the Gulf of Gonave. This paper will address Port au Prince as the
Metropolitan Area, which is comprised by six municipalities, better known as communes: Delmas,
Cité Soleil, Tabarre, Carrefour, Pétion Ville, and Port au Prince. (Direction des Statistiques
Démographiques et Sociales, 2015; Haiti–Référence, 2015)
According to the 4th national census results that were made public in March 2015, the communes
conforming the ... Show more content on ...
Within the unprecedented challenges posed by the explosive growth of urban population, the lack of
water supply and sanitation is one of the most urgent and harmful issues. The relationship between
water supply and cities' welfare is very important, as cities require a huge supply of fresh water, and
in turn, the way in which the city makes use of water has an impact on the availability of fresh
water. It is impossible to consider a city as being 'sustainable', if it cannot ensure safe access to
drinking water and suitable sanitation to its habitants. (Naciones Unidas, 2010)
Before the earthquake in 2010, the water and sanitation situation was already very troubling. The
provided services were defined by low potable
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My Growing In Port-Au-Prince, Haiti
Growing in Port–au–Prince, Haiti, I truly was not receiving a proper education and I knew that my
education was the only way for a more successful future. When I was young, my mother read a book
to me every day until I was old enough to read by myself. She would purchase English and I would
read them to the best of my ability. This is how I began teaching myself English. I came to the
United States at the age of five years old because of all the violence, and was able to because of my
status as a Canadian citizen. The court assigned my aunt legal guardianship of me, the reason being
that it was not a safe choice for me to go back to Haiti, I became active in the U.S and attended
school. My mother always pushed me to be and do better, this is ... Show more content on ...
I am driven by my ambitions and thrive to learn not only to educate myself, but to use my
knowledge to educate others. Learning is not always associated with school; we learn things through
experiences, mistakes, life lessons, people around us, and most importantly ourselves. In life I aspire
to become a neurosurgeon like Dr. Ben Carson who has truly inspired me in various ways, and have
what is called "Healing Hands". My favorite quote is from his mother, "You can do anything
anybody else can do, except you can do it better." I carry these words with me every single day, with
ever decision I make. One of my main goals in life is to visit Africa and build schools and manage a
hospital so children in the area will receive a proper education, as well as a proper care. Through my
own experience, I can truly say that life in a developing country is very challenging and I believe
that these children deserve, as well as anyone else, the chance to learn in order to be successful in
the future. This audacious path, which I have chosen, involves a great deal of learning and I know
that I am most ready to do what is necessary for my
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Haiti Earthquake Report
Have you ever heard of an earthquake? an earthquake is shaking or trembling of the ground. on
January 12th 2010 a tragic event occurred in an island called Haiti. it was one of the highest rank
earthquake that happened in over centuries. it was rated 7.0. million of dollars worth of damage, the
even killed over a quarter million and left countless Haitians on the streets homeless. many had no
homes because it was destroyed, today six and a half years later the people of the island still live
with physical and mental scars from the tragic event ( Gael Turine , , November 28
2014). Planes could not of flew , cars could not of drove because most of the streets and run ways
were badly damaged or destroyed. many people were lucky to have walk away with their lives but ,
... Show more content on ...
the earthquake lasted over 4 minutes in some areas while in other it only lasted seconds. the nations
who gathers their heads and put aside their difference and decided to help them saved hundreds of
thousand lives but, that day about 316 thousands people were killed. by January 24 2010 at least 52
after shocks from the earthquake were reported. most of those after shocks were ranked at about a
4.5 and were strong enough to bring down many homes and buildings (, n/a,
January 12 2010) A brief moment not long after the earthquake, a tsunami occurred in a small region
of the island which was caused by the quake. that day not only did humans past away but many
different creatures also died.many of the sea creatures were thrown to the land could not of breathe
and many of the land creatures were killed by rolling rocks from the mountains. After the
earthquake half the people that lived in the capital of Haiti had no access to any food to nor clean
water to drink. until the troop sent army food many people were not eating much and some were not
eating at all. (, organization # 1062058, December
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The Disaster Of The Haiti Earthquake : 2010 Disaster
Haiti Earthquake: 2010 Disaster The Haiti Earthquake was a major catastrophic event that shook the
ground for around 35 seconds which registered 7.0 magnitude on the Richter Scale on January 12,
2010, at around 4:53 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. The earthquake hit The Republic of Haiti with the
epicenter near the capital of Haiti– Port–au–Prince region ("The Devastating Haiti Earthquake:
Questions and Answers"). The region includes the cities of Carrefour, Petion–Ville, Delmas,
Tabarre, Cite Soleil, and Kenscoff, which were severely affected by the quake. However, the city of
Leogane, which was the city closest to the epicenter, took the brunt of the force damaging and
destroying 80%–90% of structures in the area. The earthquake led to more than 316,000 people dead
or missing, 300,000 wounded, and over 1.3 million displaced from their homes and the majority of
the people devastated (DesRoches, et al.).
Let us take a look at how this earthquake in Haiti occurred. Earthquakes happen on the Earth's
lithosphere, which is the outer layer of the Earth. There are three types of plate boundaries:
extensional (divergent), compressional (convergent), and transform (J. Louie et al.). In a transform
boundary, which is more relevant to the topic at hand, two massive plates called plate tectonics lock
up against each other laterally preventing further movement and eventually building up pressure on
themselves. This pressure buildup stores potential energy which ultimately translates into kinetic
energy when the rocks can no longer hold onto the amount of pressure that builds up causing the
two plates to horizontally move or slide abruptly, which is what we know as an 'Earthquake' (Tom
Harris et al.). Earthquakes can also happen along fault lines, which are cracks that develop from the
movement of the tectonic plates. Similarly, as with the plate tectonics, there are three types of faults:
normal faults– up and down slippage of rocks or plates–, reverse faults– when a plate goes under
another as a result of pushing against each other– and finally, the strike–slip faults– when two plates
slip past each other laterally. They are usually found near the edges of the plates– such as the San
Andreas Fault in California which
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Why Is Everyone A Shot At Social Injustice
Giving Everyone a Shot at Social Justice
Social injustice is quite possibly the sneakiest and most infamous crime in all of the world. A crime
that is committed right under the noses of innocent people, but do these people even know what a
social injustice is? Social justice is the concern for human rights and whether or not these rights are
equally distributed to people of different cultures, religions, social status, and gender. Social
injustice occurs whenever human rights are stripped from the public. A social injustice that was
particularly prominent was the cholera outbreak of 2010 in Haiti. This social injustice involved a
legal dispute trying to assume money to help victims of the cholera outbreak, but was shut down due
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Port-Au-Au-Prince Haiti
Stepping off the plane in Port–Au–Prince, Haiti, a certain nervous and excitement feeling rushes
through the body as Haiti greets with its intense heat. Port–Au–Prince is the capital of Haiti, and
when thought of, a capitol looks like a nice city with wealthy people walking around to their busy
jobs. In Port–Au–Prince however, jumbles of people run around with rags for clothes, sitting on the
side of the street trying to sell to us "wealthy Americans" (or so they call us and so they think) what
they can. Driving out of the city there are seldom any cars but there are motorcycles and dirtbikes in
which the Haitians will pile on five people to get around. The children run up and greet people as if
they have known them their whole lives, with ... Show more content on ...
Going to Haiti is an incredible adventure and it really puts in perspective how much I take for
granted everyday. Most Haitians my age have no bed to sleep on, a small shack which they call
home and share with their extensive families, and not a clue what they are going to do that day when
they wake up. In a way, which may sound selfish, I wish to live like them to feel what it's like to
always be happy and full of spirit regardless of the food they eat or the clothes on their backs. I have
many memories and experiences similar to the ones shared and I had moments like those spent with
Kata and the man during village ministry every day with various Haitians. The Haitians impact my
life more and more every second I am there, and even though Haiti may seem like the poorest
country in the world and the mosquitos are horrible, and the heat could drive one mad, I will always
choose Haiti over any other place in the world as my happy place, and there is not a place I'd rather
be than
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Informative Speech On Hurricanes
I am speaking to you today at the annual Caribbean Studies Association conference to discuss and
address the concerns and issues surrounding the rebuilding of many of the Caribbean islands, which
have been devastated after this past 2017 hurricane season. Hurricanes Irma and Maria, both
category four hurricanes, have wreaked havoc on the Caribbean islands of Barbuda, Puerto Rico,
and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Both of these hurricanes were catastrophic, causing significant deaths
and infrastructure damages costing billions of dollars. Recently, it seems like there have been
significantly more of these types of disasters happening than in the past; and the intensity of these
disasters have increased as well. But let's delve into why these post–colonial societies are so
vulnerable to these types of natural disasters and what can be done to better prepare for these
disasters in the future, by looking at one of the large–scale earthquakes that has shaken the
Caribbean island of Haiti. Haiti was struck with "a magnitude size 7.0 earthquake...outside of the
Haitian capital of Port au Prince" (COHA 2) in January 2010. This disaster killed several hundred
thousand people and caused many others to no longer have their homes. Billions of dollars in aid
have assisted Haiti in their efforts to rebuild the country. But, "three years later, 80 percent of the
population still subsists below the poverty line with an unemployment rate of 40 percent" (COHA
3). What is wrong with this picture?
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Life Is The Way Life
Life is something that requires a lot of physical and mental exertion. Some are sufficiently lucky to
have everything arranged for them. For example, some are naturally introduced to cash; some run
over favorable luck yet most buckle down from the begin to get some place on the planet. It simply
all relies on upon how you were brought into this world. For a few individuals, life is brimming with
anxiety and hardships. That is the way life was for somebody dear to me Kimberly Domonique. She
had it troublesome from the beginning however, she picked not to give life a chance to get her
down. At the point when life gave her lemons, she made lemonade.
Kimberly is from the island of Haiti, she moved to the states at the age of ten years old. She lived in
Queens, New York with her step mother, she was enrolled in public school shortly after her arrival.
Going to school in America was difficult for her because she did not know how to speak nor
understand the English language. She told me that what was also hard for her was developing
friendships because there was no one like her that had her background. She moved out of Queens
because of the violence that was occurring between black Americans and foreigners. The problem
was that the foreigners used their methods of learning from their country and used it to their
advantage because education was not free for them like it is here in the states. So this allowed them
to get good grades and advance well, which made the black
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Research Paper On Haiti Earthquake
Nice post. The earthquake that struck Haiti on January 2010 measured 7.0 on the Richter scale.
Approximately 220,000 people died, three hundred thousand were injured and two million people
were suddenly made homeless. The earthquake happened in the urban areas and caused most of the
buildings to collapse, even the presidential palace and many other government buildings were
damaged. Since Haiti being one of the poorest countries has poor quality of buildings which are not
at par with seismic codes endured vast damages financially and resulted in high mortality rate.
Similar to hurricane Katrina people who were considered the leaders and responders in such
disasters were themselves affected by the earthquake. To make matters worse many hospitals
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Reflection Paper On Haiti
My church was planning a mission trip to Haiti in Summer of 2016. As soon as I heard the
announcement I knew I was going. My husband, my then nineteen–year–old son and myself started
our plans to travel. Passports were bought, fundraisers were planned and me thinking I needed to
know everything there was to know about Haiti started my searches on the internet. I went into this
trip thinking I knew all about the culture, country, the people and what I could do for them. I quickly
found out just how wrong I was.
As soon as our flight started descending over Port–Au–Prince Haiti every ounce of knowledge I
thought I had vanished. There were fires in the distance and crumbled building as far as I could see.
As we exited the airport and once I caught my breath from how hot it was we had a mob of people
all over us like fleas on a stray dog. They wanted to help us so we will give them money. And once
we could get past that, a smell hit us from every direction. Burning garbage and burning charcoal
filled the air. Our drive was almost four hours to where we were staying and in that four–hour trip I
saw more naked people, garbage, crumbling buildings and wild animals then I had ever even known
existed. There was so much new information to take in it was so overwhelming. This was not
something I had planned for.
After a night of rest, it was time to get to it. Here I am, ready to help. We can now fix everyone's
problems! Well, not so much. That thought had to leave my mind. There
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Hazards Research Assignment : Haiti Earthquake And Landslide
Geomorphic Hazards research assignment
2010 Haiti Earthquake and landslide
By: Yashas Narayan
Teacher: Ms Bilton
Due Date: Monday 11th September 2017 Week 9, Term 3
Subject: Geography
Task description: Geomorphic Hazards
2010 Haiti earthquake and landslide
What is an earthquake?
An earthquake would be classified as a sudden ferocious shaking of the ground, typically causing
great obliteration because of manoeuvre within the earth's crust or volcanic action.
What is a landslide?
A landslide would be tabulated as a disintegrate mass of earth or rock to configurate a mountain,
cliff or a summit.
The 2010 Haiti earthquake
The geomorphic hazard that I have researched is an earthquake and ... Show more content on ...
prodigious earthquakes frequently befell on these plate barriers.
The Caribbean plate had been steadily moving about a quarter of an inch per year. But the two plates
don 't directly drift past one another. Struggle builds up along inaccuracy at the plate borderlines
until it 's emancipated in a sudden burst of exuberance.
The image below shows orange dotted lines representing fault lines which led to the earthquake.
This image below shows which direction the North American plates and the Caribbean plates are
Impacts of the disaster
Social impacts of the earthquake (consequences of the earthquake)
3 million people affected.
Over 220,000 deaths.
300,000 injured.
1.3 million were made homeless after the earthquake.
Economical impacts of the earthquake (effects on money and jobs)
More than 30,000 commercial buildings collapsed.
Many businesses destroyed.
Damage made to the main clothing industry.
Several airports damaged.
1 in 5 people lost their jobs.
Environmental affects
At least 25 aftershocks had occurred by January 24th measuring 4.5 on the righter scale.
The immense Toll
Around close to 220,000–316,000 people died during the earthquake
About 300,000 people were injured
1.5 million people initially displaced
55,107 displaced people remain as of September 2016
Strategies used to manage the geomorphic hazard
There were many strategies used to manage the hazard including SMS broadcasts, Mission 4636,
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In Leonard Pitt's Essay 'Sometimes, The Earth Is Cruel'
As I have grown up there has been terrible things happen to me and the places around the world. Did
they give up? Did they leave the land they were living on? No they found solutions to their problems
and moved on. Some things were worse than others but they all came together and found ways to
live. The essay Sometimes, the Earth is Cruel written by Leonard Pitts tells us about the terrible
Earthquake that happened in Haiti Earthquake in 2010 and how bad it hurt the people living on the
island. He also points out the bad things happen all around the world, but it seems that the worst
things happen to the poorest of the people. To me I think that we are never given more than we can
handle. In 2010 Haiti was hit with a 7.0 Magnitude Earthquake the biggest one on the Earth to that
day. Haiti is one of the poorest places that we know of and they always seem to have the worse luck.
The people in Haiti were hurt by this, but they knew that they had to figure things bout and build
their town back up. When it first happened they were hurting and weren't sure ... Show more content
on ...
"Sometimes the skies turn barren and will not rain."(Sometimes, the Earth is Cruel John Pitts.)
When Pitt said this it made me think not just the actual skies, but to think about life. Sometimes
seems like it will never let you get a break from the struggles, but if you just keep pushing on you
will soon find something that will help you. We know people that break down when they are handed
a hardship, but we also see people that will adapt to the struggle and work around it, there back to
the we are never handed more than we can handle. "Bad enough, Haiti is wretchedly poor."
(Sometimes, the Earth is Cruel John Pitts). Haiti itself may look poor, but the people that live there
are people that know how to live and make a living off of the little thing that the Earth gives
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Haiti Earthquake Essay
The January 12, 2010 Haiti Earthquake caused an enormous destruction in the Caribbean nation.
Hospitals and government buildings collapsed along with an unbelievable amount of homes. Tens of
thousands of people were killed, and many more were wounded. The disaster added more misery to
people already struggling to get by with everyday life. Haiti is one of the poorest nations in the
world. The January 12 quake demolished almost every major building in Port–au–Prince, Haiti's
capital. About 5,000 schools in the city were destroyed or damaged. Throughout Haiti, more than
220,000 people were killed, and more than 1 million were left homeless. A few days after the quake,
the number of survivors stood at 121 as hopes of finding more became ... Show more content on ...
The most recent cyclones to hit the island before the earthquake were Tropical Storm Fay and
Hurricanes Gustav, Hanna and Ike, all in the summer of 2008, causing nearly 800 deaths.[27]
USGS intensity map
Map showing regional tectonic setting of the Enriquillo–Plantain Garden fault zone
Tiny dots of white against the plant–covered landscape (red in this image) are possible landslides, a
common occurrence in mountainous terrain after large earthquakes. The Enriquillo–Plantain Garden
fault zone runs along the two linear valleys at the top of the imageThe magnitude 7.0 Mw
earthquake occurred inland,
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Information And Governance Of Haiti

  • 1. Information And Governance Of Haiti Naturally, the capital of any country, state, or territory is the nucleus of information and governance; it is the source for relief for most tension points experienced by a unified body of people. Haiti's nucleus, its capital, Port au Prince, suffered a catastrophic 7.0 level earthquake on 12 January 2010 damaging countless buildings and taking over 230,000 lives. For a small country like Haiti, this impact caused the entire country to be inoperable and paralyzed with no source of self–relief. Immediately assisting Haiti became over 140 nations and 1,000 non–governmental organizations (NGOs), charities, and private organizations' (US Joint Forces Command, 2010) priority. In that moment the country of Haiti and its people needed the detailed coordination of many people and groups to provide facilities and supplies. Haiti needed logistics. Due to the location of Haiti and the nature of United States Southern Command's (USSOUTHCOM) mission; support interagency efforts that promote regional security cooperation, they lead the Department of Defense's (DOD) efforts of providing assistance and standing up Joint Task Force Haiti (JTF–H). Ultimately, USSOUTHCOM's execution of Operation Unified Response resulted in immeasurable successes however; it did not come without challenges. At the core of any Humanitarian Assistance/Disaster Relief (HADR) operation is the need for responsive and flexible logistics. Logistics is only possible through coordination, collaboration, ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. The United Republic Of Haiti English is the most broadly spoken language worldwide. However, there are many non–English speaking countries in the Americas and the Caribbean. Haiti is one of the non– English speaking Caribbean countries. Their way of life of a group of people developed over time and passed down from generation to generation. The Republic of Haiti is located in the Caribbean Sea, between Cuba and Puerto– Rico. It is a tropical country with an average temperature of 80 degrees Fahrenheit. The capital of Haiti is Port–au–Prince and its official languages are French and Creole. It would be impossible to cover every aspect of Haitian culture in a short cultural paper. We have therefore, chosen to take a values approach to discuss power, prestige, filial responsibility, modernization, status and roles of older adults in that culture. Power Family power is significant to understand how families functions as a unit. It helps the family to make important decisions about how to manage their lives, whether it financially, about where to live, educational choices, or even about leisure time, and so on. In Haiti, women play a major role in the culture. They referred to them as the "Central Pillar" They endure most of the burden of childcare, making sure that the children are well fed and healthy, and keep the house cleaned. They also work in the agriculture. They cultivated goods, carried them in their head, and walked miles to sell at the supermarket to pay for their children's school ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Haiti Case Study On 12 January 2010 Haiti's capital city, Port–au–Prince, was rocked by a 7.0 earthquake. Being that it is an island with minimal internal support, they have to rely on external sources in the world for help and rebuilding their own infrastructure. While there are numerous governmental and non– governmental organizations to assist, no one is better equipped for immediate worldwide response than the United States Army. We'll look at the equipment the U.S Army had available and how they employed these assets to help the Haitian's. G Company, 407 Brigade Support Battalion was the Forward Support Company (FSC) called to the task of humanitarian aid for the Haitian people. At any time, the FSC usually had around 14 vehicles on the ground ranging from high mobility multi wheeled vehicles (HMMWV's) to wreckers and fuelers. The primary use of these vehicles was transportation of goods and services from transport aircraft of boats to provide assistance for feeding the local populace and rebuilding the crippled infrastructure. The FSC did not have its own ambulance or hospital teams so the vehicles were also used to transport Haitian's to the hospital in Port–au–Prince or to the ocean port to be transported to the USS Comfort for medical treatment. The Disaster Medical Assistance Team (DMAT) from Dayton, Ohio was also ... Show more content on ... The U.S Military had to deploy in joined forces including the Army and Navy, if not other forces with them. They had to work together with other organizations of medical and construction to help the Haitian people rebuild their infrastructure, as well as their lives. Many lives were saved in the process of providing relief. In a time when the U.S. Military is by and large "war weary," we can also look at these sustainment operation successes as encouragement that we don't just bring war and death to a country's doorstep, but relief and hope as ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. 2010 Haiti Earthquake Essay Earthquakes have afflicted the world since its inception. The sudden release of energy from volcanoes or displacing of earth plates can result in disasters of extreme magnitude. These usually naturally occurring phenomenon have been responsible from wiping out entire towns throughout history and until today continue to produce major loss of life and infrastructure. It can take years for a city or country to recover from a major event of this kind and when a third world country is involved, the result is usually exponentially worse than in a developed country. In the past decades Japan, Chile and Haiti have suffered the devastation an earthquake produces. This document will concentrate in Haiti, a small country in the Caribbean. On ... Show more content on ... The environmental dilapidation rendered Haiti, to this day, an inhospitable dry ground where only 36% of the soil is suitable for crops growth. Its climate is tropical and semi–arid. In the 1800th century, Haiti rebelled against the French government and after considerable struggle declared its independence in 1804. Geopolitical description of Haiti prior to the Earthquake, including major health problems and infrastructure. Haiti is located between the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. It occupies one third of the Hispaniola Island, the other two thirds belong to its neighbor: the Dominican Republic. It measures 27, 750 sq km, just a little smaller than the state of Maryland. It is unfortunately located in a highly active hurricane area prone to storms and flooding between the months of June to October. Haiti is the poorest country of the western hemisphere. Political turmoil is part of the country's history. Currently it counts with a democratically elected president, Michael Martelly, as Chief of State and a Prime Minister, Laurent Latmothe, as head of the government. A new president is elected every five years and the president cannot serve consecutive periods. The Prime Minister is appointed by the president and ratified by the National Assembly. The National Assembly is made up of 30 senators, elected by popular vote for six years terms and 99 deputies, also elected by popular vote, for four years terms; a little bit complex ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Essay On Haiti Earthquake "Haiti is still recovering from the devastating earthquake of 2010." (UNWTO, 2012) The earthquake that occurred on January 12th of that year was devastating to the people of Haiti. Although it was not the largest earthquake of the year, that honour going to an 8.8 magnitude earthquake near Maule, Chile on February 27th, it was certainly the most destructive. (U.S. Geological Survey, 2015) It has had a lasting impact on Haiti with rebuilding efforts still ongoing in 2016. Housing The most widespread impact of the earthquake and the resulting tsunami to was the loss of housing. It is estimated that "three million people were affected by the quake – nearly one–third of the country's total population." (Pallardy, 2016). This includes the originally estimated 222,570 people who died in the initial crisis and the more than one million individuals who were left homeless. This massive destruction of housing was due to ... Show more content on ... This is a direct effect of globalization and how people are becoming more aware of the world that they live in. The Haitian earthquake of 2010 is a perfect example of how the world can come together to support a population in need. "When you look at the history of humanitarian relief, there's never been a situation when such a small country has been the target of such a massive influx of money and assistance in such a short span of time." (Laurent, 2015) During the disaster following the earthquake that decimated Port–au–Prince, individuals and organizations alike raised money to help fund the relief efforts being undertaken in Haiti. Financial assistance was also provided to Haiti through the reduction of the country's debt. In the months following the earthquake, the G7 countries forgave the debts that were owed to them, and the Inter–American Development Bank and World Bank both forgave debts of $447 million and $36 million respectively. (Pallardy, ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. The Crisis Of The Caribbean Crisis in the Caribbean Just before 5pm on January 12, 2010, a fierce earthquake struck Haiti. It was the worst earthquake to hit the region in two hundred years. The death toll was over two hundred thousand people. Haiti resides in the area of responsibility (AOR) of SOUTHCOM, the Department of Defense's geographic combatant command for the South American and Caribbean region. Since the natural disaster took place in SOUTHCOM's AOR, the Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff (CJCS) appointed SOUTHCOM as the DOD's lead agency. Although initial SOUTHCOM organization was not ideal and the earthquake rendered communications inoperable, SOUTHCOM 's response to the crisis was astonishing because SOUTHCOM organized a force of twenty–two ... Show more content on ... All of this was just to organize the Combatant Command Headquarters. A Joint Task Force still needed to be stood up and damage on the ground still needed to be assessed in order to determine what kind of aid Haiti was going to need. Selecting the JTF Commander was pretty easy for SOUTHCOM. LTG Keen was identified as the JTF Commander for a plethora of reasons. He had vast experience in the region, had built a personal relationship with the Commander of the MINUSTAH contingent and he was on the ground in Haiti when the earthquake happened. Once identified as the JTF–H Commander, LTG Keen had to start piecing together a capable Joint Task Force. Pieces of the puzzle, such as the USS Carl Vincent, the 22nd and 24th Expeditionary Strike Forces as well as a BCT from the 82nd Airborne Division were identified almost immediately as parts of the newly formed JTF. After reading this case study and some articles online, I initially thought that the Department of Defense's response was going to be a huge failure. Failure in the sense that this Geographic Combatant Command (GCC) was undermanned and unprepared and this was going to cost the people of Haiti dearly due to the delayed response times while this GCC was getting fully manned and properly organized; then I looked at the timeline. It is astonishing what was accomplished so quickly by both the DOD and SOUTHCOM. Were they fully prepared for the crisis? No. Were they ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Haiti Earthquake Research Paper The Haiti earthquake of 2010 was a 7.0Mw. The focus was 13 km deep close by Haiti's capitol Port Au Prince. It was determined that this was a left lateral fault in association with many strike slip faults in the surrounding areas. This earthquake was part of the Enriquillo Plantain Garden fault zone which causes many strike slip fault earthquakes as it slides part the Caribian plate as well as the North American plate. The epicenter of this earthquake was relatively shallow at 13km, which caused there to be more traumatic shaking. It was given a 9 on the Mercalli scale for the destructive shaking. Nearly two weeks after this event, a Tsunami hit a little town called Petit Paradis stated to be a result of the Haiti earthquake. The main causes ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Causes Of Haiti Earthquake Despite the fact that the 2010 Haiti Earthquake had a magnitude of 7.0, it caused 316000 deaths, destroyed over 105000 buildings and left the whole country in rubble. Human contribution contributed greatly to the casualties and the severity of the earthquake. A social factor that influenced the severity of the earthquake was where people chose to live. Haiti is located on fault lines, where the epicentre of the earthquake is and where the earthquake is most severe. The earthquake's epicentre was estimated to be around a mere 25 km away from the Port– au–prince, the capital of Haiti and home to ¼ of the population. The closer the area was to the epicentre, the more intense the earthquake was and the greater the destruction. The area was also urbanised with many buildings, due to the great number of people who resided there which meant that many buildings were destroyed and many people were killed. Poverty was an economic factor that greatly influenced how the earthquake affected the population. In Haiti, 80% of the population was under the poverty line. ⅔ of Labor force employees relied on agriculture and due to high unemployment levels, many did not have a job and the population owned an average of under $2 a day. During the earthquake, Haiti's agricultural industries were destroyed, leaving most of the county unemployed and unable to produce its main exports. This further exacerbated the problem of poverty and left the population without resources, food and water. Lack ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Earthquake Problems The Earthquake struck the country at 4:53 p.m, it was a time that many people were out and about, at school, at work or just outside doing things. It was pure chaos from the moment it struck the overly populated city. There were very few rescues that first evening of the earthquake, and as night fell, residents found themselves in a world of darkness and grief" (Petrou). One of the larger problems with the earthquake was that it destroyed much of it's government offices and the capital city of Port–au–Prince, many of the resources that would have helped rescue people and revive the city were destroyed. Port–au–Prince had a population of 2 million people at the time, that's almost a fourth of the countries population, but the capitals infrastructure is layed out to support just over 115,000. So on top of the overpopulation in the area, you have a massive catastrophe and a whole lot of people with nowhere to go, especially with all of the rubble. There wasn't much of anything that residents could do, other than to help each other. Fredson Demostherma, a resident of Leogane said "Haiti's future is in the hands of other nations, and God,"(Petrou). Fredson was with his family in his home when the tragedy struck, he jumped out of his second floor window, only to see the the rest of his family get trapped among the rubble. That was the scene for many residents, seeing their loved ones die instantly or not being able to help, or have someone to call. There were no resources to go ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Life Is A Of Life Life is something that requires a considerable amount of physical and mental effort. Some are fortunate enough to have everything prepared for them. Such as some are born into money; some come across good fortune yet most work hard from the start to get somewhere in the world. It just all depends on how you were brought into this world. For some people, life is full of stress and hardships. That's how life was for someone very dear to me Kimberly Domonique. She had it difficult from the start however, she chose not to let life get her down. When life gave her lemons, she made lemonade. Kimberly is from the island of Haiti, she moved to the states at the age of ten years old. She lived in Queens, New York with her step ... Show more content on ... She moved to New Jersey to get away from the violence and that's when she started high school. When she got to high school at the age of fourteen years old, that is when she met other students of Haitian descent. She thought she moved away from the discrimination but she actually ran head onto it. In school the Haitians and the black Americans were separated voluntarily because of the same issues that occurred in Queens. The difference was that there were more Haitians in New Jersey and they stood together to defend each other. Meanwhile during the drama, she found her high school sweetheart which became her husband of twenty five years. Throughout the years of their relationship they went through several changes and hardships, they were blessed with three amazing kids who reside in the USA today. Life in Haiti was not a walk in the park for Kimberly. Now, school is extremely difficult and back then the competition for scholarships was at an all–time high. Not many people were wealthy. Most could barely afford to pay for school and only a small amount was considered well off. Placing monetary value on an individual's life is measured not by the way an individual has lived, but rather the individual's income; at least that is how society views life. Every individual values life from a different perspective. And while every human will find value in life, those values will not be the same as everybody else. Some people will value life as a privilege and believe life ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Cathero's Place Analysis Music has been integrated in our lives more than before. In an era where portable music players and cellphones give people access to thousands of songs anywhere they go, music has easily become a soundtrack to our life. In our current era, children by the age of five will have listened to more music than Mozart was exposed to his entire life. This past winter I had the privilege of visiting Theo's Place, a children's home in Fond Doux Haiti. Before leaving the United States, I had been told that there would be a language barrier. As much as I tried to imagine what that would be like, I failed. I grew up with the privilege of Spanish–speaking parents, and so Spanish became my first language. On my first day of 1st grade, I was introduced to ... Show more content on ... I am able to express and transmit messages through love, a hug, a smile an affirming nod or loud laughter. I am able to express myself through the universal magic of music. Sing a song, hum a long and learn that although songs can be written and sung in multiple languages, they all are created by the same notes. It was extremely refreshing to be able to forget about what my English major has forced me to see in language. I wasn't worried about syntax, connotations or tone. There is less chance of the message being lost when the delivery is prompt and clear. I am smiling at you because I am happy, because I love you, because you are beautiful. Coming back to the United States meant taking for granted the fact that I could communicate with most people but it was when I couldn't, in Haiti, where I truly learned the purpose of language and the strength of other forms of communication. It was only in Haiti where I strengthened my skills in the language of love and the language of ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Case Study : Haiti The Word Hazard King.A.Suleiman Grade 11 Miss Nugent 5/4/2016 CASE STUDY: Haiti The meaning of the word hazard can be confusing. It can be often combined with the term "risk". A hazard is any source of potential damage or harm and has effects on something or someone under certain conditions. Basically, a hazard can cause harm to individuals or to organizations as property of losses. There are different types of hazards, environmental, biological .etc. Environmental hazards consist of destructive forces e.g. Tsunami, typhoon, earthquakes... An earthquake is usually considered to be the most frightening and destructive force of nature. Earthquakes are sudden movements of a portion of the earth 's tectonic plate, which is followed by a series of vibrations. Aftershocks of similar or lesser intensity can follow the main quake, this can also be referred to as tremors. Earthquakes can be measured using data from seismometers Earthquakes can occur at any time of the year and happen in irregular intervals. They can also trigger tsunamis, landslide and volcanic activity, but they are usually limited to small areas. Earthquake casualties, like those of other disasters, tend to cause more injuries and deaths in LEDCs and cause more financial losses in MEDCs (industrialized countries). LEDCs lack the infrastructure needed to make their buildings sturdy, due to that, the buildings usually gets damage or destroyed. An example of this would be the Haiti earthquake of 2010. The earthquake struck at ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Haiti And Natural Disaster : Causes And Natural Disaster Natural disaster occur quite often and can be a cause of tragic outcomes. Some of the incidents resulted in loss of human lives, infrastructure damages and economic position that a country was put in. According to Farfel (2011) on Tuesday, January 12th an earthquake with a 7.0 magnitude struck Haiti leaving more than 1 million people homeless, 300000 injured and an estimated number of 316000 deceased. This paper will discuss how Haiti in 2010 could have been more prepared for the earthquake with the building standards being adequate, having an advantage of support by Haitian government and abundant response to those in need, as well as more coordinated help from other countries. One of the reasons Haiti had suffered such catastrophic ... Show more content on ... This failure to consider what chaos these safety violations can create is one of the reasons so many people had to suffer. Furthermore, the support that Haiti's government has provided was not sufficient enough. Hou and Shi (2011) argued that the state of emergency was not proclaimed until day 6, only 3433 nearby area policeman out of 6000 responded, the Haitian government and MINUSTAH have been out of synchronization with responding to issues due to their building collapsing. Many haitians have been wounded and in critical condition, perhaps if the rescue teams have been there faster this could have been avoided. Limited numbers of 3433 policeman were helping those in critical condition for the amount of people that needed help, as mentioned before 300000 were injured and 316000 deceased. The government has been slow with issuing units and resources and could not address the issues right away, this put a lot of lives in jeopardy. With no government building to be able to administer help it leaves people to rely on outside help and that takes extra time. The damage to the presidential house was extremely significant, as Hou and Shi ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Cause And Effects Of The Haiti Earthquake On January 12th, 2010, the small country of Haiti was hit by a 7.0 magnitude earthquake that devastated the city of Port–au–Prince and surrounding areas (Haiti earthquake of 2010, 2015). The 30–second disaster was just the beginning of a collection of aftershocks that then struck the country relentlessly for days (Haiti earthquake of 2010, 2015). Many areas were reduced to rubble leaving approximately one million Haitians homeless and 350 000 dead and another 300 000 injured (Haiti earthquake of 2010, 2015). The ill–prepared country was sitting on two tectonic plates– the Caribbean and the North American, where there was slippage resulting in the earthquake (KS3 Bitesize Geography). Following the environmental catastrophe, the international community responded, and a relief effort began (Haiti earthquake of 2010, 2015). Though the earthquake happened quickly, the lasting impact and trauma remained. In an article from the Wall Street Journal, Luhnow and Dugan stated that following the event many people went searching for psychological support and aid instead of physical (2010). After having buildings tumble and fall onto people, many suffered from PTSD and survivors guilt; children were the most emotionally traumatized, and there was a fundamental lack of aid for facing psychological traumas endured by so many (Luhnow & Dugan, 2010). As a society, an increase in crime and violence is on the rise; Haitians had no defined structure in communities, and most established norms ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. The Hardship of Haiti Essay Haiti is a beautiful Caribbean country that has had more than its fair share of hardship. A culture of strength and perseverance is evident from the moment one arrives and it only feels stronger the further one travels from Port au Prince. The people are of African descent, with a strong French influence creating a uniquely mixed culture that is rare in the western hemisphere. The business climate is such that there are very few foreign businesses or joint ventures in Haiti and although there are many historic reasons for that, there now sits immense opportunity. First–mover advantage is only an advantage if the first–mover is successful. A firm in the initial stages of market research into Haiti will be drawn to the dream of ... Show more content on ... Safety and security is a big risk in most underdeveloped nations, and Haiti is riskier than most. Finally, the provision of broad based orientation to this new market as it applies directly to business operations in this new market. History Understanding Haiti's past will grant an ideal window into the cultural soul of this nation and may aid in a deeper realization of why many things appear as they do in this country. Cultural intelligence is defined as "an individual's capability to function and manage effectively in culturally diverse setting" (Ahn & Ettner, 2013). This is a highly sought after skill in the interconnected world of globalization where this individual appears to hold a "seemingly natural ability to interpret someone's unfamiliar and ambiguous gestures in just the way that person's compatriots and colleagues would" (Ahn & Ettner, 2013). Having an individual with these skills in a firm would reduce the likelihood of communicating a cultural faux pas that would inadvertently hinder business relations. Gaining knowledge will greatly contribute to the competitive advantage of a firm. To understand Haiti, one must start in 1492, when the Island of Hispaniola was first discovered by Christopher Columbus (Central, n.d.). In the initial 25 years of Spanish control of the island the Spanish settlers killed off almost all of the indigenous people who had originally occupied the island (Central, n.d.). "In 1697, Spain ceded to ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Economic Impact Of The Earthquake Earthquakes and Society On January 12, 2010 a 7.0 earthquake struck the Republic of Haiti. This earthquake caused a large amount of destruction and devastation. In order to understand this earthquake more in depth, it will be discussed on how it affected the earth, the damages and death tolls, the economic impact, and the permanent consequences. Affecting the Earth The earthquake happened about 15 miles southwest from the Haitian capital of Port–au–Prince at 4:35pm. The geology of Haiti consists of igneous rocks formed within a volcanic island arc. Haiti is situated on the North American Plate and the Caribbean Plate is below. The Enriquillo–Plaintain Garden Fault which accounts for over half of the movement between the Caribbean and North American plates which equals to about 7 millimeters per year. (Cressey, 2010). The earthquake occurred on the Enriquillo–Plaintain Garden fault system. The plates move in an east–west direction and which had caused the energy release. ("What Caused the Devastating Haiti Earthquake?," 2010) Since the American North American and the Caribbean plates slide past each other, the movement creates a strike–strip fault. Because of famous strike–strip faults like San Andreas, it seems reasonable that the earthquake did take place. In fact, for some scientists there was concern about this earthquake happening. A professor emeritus in geoscience at Oregon State University stated only 6 days before the earthquake, ""If they have an earthquake on this ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Haiti Earthquake 7.0 Earthquake A natural disaster has the capability to cause large scale damage and destruction to an area. Seismic events have been known to alter landscapes and affect the livelihoods, health and development of communities. No two earthquake events are the same and the level of threat posed by an earthquake can vary due to both the human and physical factors of an area. The 2010 magnitude – 7.0 earthquake that occurred in Haiti is an example of where a natural disaster caused a previously vulnerable area to suffer tremendous loss and debilitating socio–economic impacts, to an already poverty–stricken nation. The earthquake occurred on the 12th of January 2010, a slip along the conservative boundary situated along Haiti caused a significant earthquake with subsequent damaging aftershocks. As can be seen in figure 1 the shaking intensity was strongest at the epicentre of the ... Show more content on ... The key lessons that have been learnt from the event is that those in charge of ensuring the safety of Haiti's citizens need to recognize the risk of their location and acknowledge the advice of seismologists for any future seismic events. The implementation of early warning systems and the use of SMS messaging as seen in Japan would greatly reduce the hazard of an earthquake. In addition, environmental management is crucial for the long term survival of Haiti, strategies to reduce deforestation and claiming back land unsuitable for housing would lead to better soil quality and less risk of landslides and liquefaction to buildings should another event occur. However, the main lesson to be drawn from the disaster is the need for proper construction techniques and guidelines. Education and training to provide construction workers with enough knowledge to make future infrastructure earthquake ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. The Earthquake In Haiti On January twelfth 2010, a deadly earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0 hit the coast of Port au prince, Haiti for 35 seconds, killing around 200,000 and leaving approximately to 1.5 million of the population homeless including kids who became orphans and vice versa in a matter of less than a minute. Before the earthquake, the way of life was not as bad as portrayed back at home, most of the news broadcasted in the mainstream media were exaggerated news, negative light and unfair tales to make Haiti look inferior. Many international organizations including NGO's opted to help after this tragedy, the country was in extreme scarcity, for once the social classes were little to nonexistent. Me being in the scene of the incident I started to believe ... Show more content on ... Sugarcoating the problem of Haiti's image and tourism industry must be genuine and for that it should be more than nice–looking pictures. It needs to start with getting real ourselves and acknowledging that we have issues that beautiful sceneries and beaches alone won't change. A prosperous Haiti open for business should also include achieving political stability, rebuilding our infrastructures and raising awareness about the importance of education and by promoting self– reliability to an uneducated population that relies mostly on the diaspora to consume since their own government with zero concern has failed them, grounding NGO's and "messiah's" with no regulation using the situation to make profit. Without all these changes tourism, will only be an ideal since a country cannot solely rely on tourism as its primary source of revenue, especially since the ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. 2010 Haiti Earthquake Analysis The local ecosystem affected / at risk by the 2010 Haiti Earthquake: –Natural Water Sources: Became contaminated (e.g. To date, over 470,000 people have Cholera in Haiti from contaminated water, 6,631of the cases resulted in death). –Agricultural Industry: Displacement of soil (e.g. nutrient–rich topsoil became displaced, soil became dry and infertile; it became difficult for the people to re–grow back their crops and produce after the earthquake). –Forests: Destruction of Forest Covers (Haiti lost 98% of its forest cover after the Earthquake in 2010). Animals killed by the Earthquake: (There were many animals that were affected by the 2010 Earthquake in Haiti, but the animals listed below, were both affected by the earthquake and majorly impacted the food chain of the ecosystem). –Mice ... Show more content on ... Summary of the 2010 Haiti Earthquake: The crust of the Earth is broken into pieces, called tectonic plates. Tectonic plates are constantly moving, the continents are part of these plates and are also moving. The cause of the 2010 Haiti Earthquake were the movements of the Caribbean and North American tectonic plates. The 2010 Haiti Earthquake hit about 24 kilometres from it's capital, Port–au–Prince. The earthquake measured 7.0 in magnitude (on the Richter Scale) and is estimated to be responsible for 50,000 to 100,000 deaths. 80% to 100% of structures in some places/areas of Haiti were destroyed. As the earth 'quakes', the ground can split; with both the vibrations of the surface and the cracks in the ground, structures can collapse; and often on top of people. The sea levels in the area increased, some parts of land were sinking below the sea and the number of forests found in the country decreased. In 1923, 60% of the country was forest, now forest only covers around 2% of Haiti, as a result of the 2010 ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. The Haiti Earthquake And Health Care The Haiti earthquake and health care Samantha Sherrod Miller–Motte Technical College Emergency Procedures MA125 Mrs. Christina June 14, 2015 Abstract The Haiti earthquake and health care Health care can bring people together when there is equal access, or divide people when there is not. On January 12, 2010, Haiti was hit by an magnitude–7.0 earthquake. More than half a million people dies or was injured, and approximately 2 million people were displayed from their homes. Overcrowded and poor living conditions increased Haitians risk for communicable diseases. The earthquake destroyed most government buildings, schools, homes, hospitals, and transportation and communication infrastructure in the western part of the country, including the capital Port–au–Prince and much of the southeastern part of the country. This earthquake that struck Haiti caused an estimated 222,570 deaths and 300,000 injuries. In impoverished countries, like Haiti analyzing the causes of deaths and injuries post–disaster can help countries better prepare for disasters in the future. In the wake of the earthquake the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) mobilized the biggest single–country emergency mounted. Deployments included field hospitals, one of which was a specially designed rapid response mobile and light hospital with 30 expatriate staff. This was set up in Port–au–Prince at the main ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. The 2010 Haiti Earthquake The task at hand is due to the recent earthquake in Haiti. Due to this earthquake many survivors have been left homeless and without a bed to sleep on. It is then our job as the called upon engineers to design a suitable bed for the surviving population in which will provide them with a comfortable night's sleep. In order for this task to be a success many specifications and constraints will need to be considered as this designed bed must be suitable for their living conditions and must be a long lasting solution to the problem at hand. The 2010 Haiti earthquake was a catastrophic 7.0 magnitude earthquake, with an epicenter near the town of Léogâne (18°27′25″N 72°31′59″W), approximately 25 kilometers west of Port–au–Prince, Haiti's capital ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Haiti Earthquake Research Paper Imagine you are in the country Haiti and you are sitting in your house in the country's capital, Port– au–Prince. You are sitting in your living room and talking to your family when you begin to feel the ground shake. You all look around confused for a second until you realize it is an earthquake. You watch in terror as things begin to fall on the ground and break. Then, you hear a loud noise from above. You look up and watch as the ceiling begins to collapse. You and your family are only a few out of many victims of the 2010 Haiti Earthquake. The Haiti Earthquake was the most devastating earthquake to ever hit Haiti. The magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck about 16 miles away from the nation's capital, Port–au–Prince. Because Haiti was a very poor country at the time, over 230,000 people lost their lives. The quake also caused at least 50 aftershocks measuring 4.5 or higher. The 2010 Haiti Earthquake greatly damaged the country, and it also affected the economy and people. ... Show more content on ... For example, the article "Overview of the 2010 Haiti Earthquake" by Reginald Des Roches, Mary Comerio, Marc Eberhard, Walter Mooney, and Glen J. Rix, around 50% of hospitals in Haiti were affected, and 80% of schools were destroyed or damaged. If 80% of schools were destroyed or damaged, many people would be out of school for a long period of time. Also, there won't be many places for the wounded to go if half of the hospitals were affected. According to an article called "Haiti Earthquake: Facts, Damage, Effects on Economy" by Kimberly Amadeo, 6 months after the earthquake, around 98% of rubble still remained. This shows how serious the damage was, and it shows that they had a limited amount of help. Therefore, the country was in much need at this time and didn't have enough ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Personal Narrative: The 2010 Earthquake In Haiti "Concrete walls quivered like Jello. Dirt floors rippled like water. I felt the house dancing around me. I didn't know if I was up or down," said Emanuel Buso who was trapped under a building in Haiti for 10 days before his rescue (CBN News, 2010). Houses collapsed and buildings crumbled, leaving devastation and homelessness across the poor island nation. Just eight months earlier at a robotics competition in Atlanta, I had met six exuberant students from Haiti. At the time, I knew very little about earthquakes, and never imagined that such a disaster could ever happen in their country. ...I was relieved to find out that none of my six friends were hurt in the 2010 earthquake. However, Haiti remains at constant risk, and in fact, the U.S. Geological ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Cultural Assessment : Developing Awareness Of Cultural... Cultural Assessment Developing awareness of cultural diversity can help an individual accept the practices and beliefs of another cultural group other than their own. As a health care professional learning about different cultures, can help assist with providing culturally competent care. Before working with a patient from a different ethnicity, you should familiarize yourself with the different beliefs, practices, and rituals derived from their cultural. "Organizations and individuals who understand their clients' cultural values, beliefs, and practices are in a better position to be coparticipants with their clients in providing culturally acceptable care" (Purnell & Paulanka, 2008, p. 2). After interviewing my co–worker Mrs. C.D., whom is from Haitian decent, I was able to obtain a clear understanding of her cultural common practices and belief. I will discuss Mrs. C.D. cultural background, communication patterns, family roles and organization of Haitian culture. I will also provide details on her cultural lifestyle and workforce issue, high risk behaviors within the Haitian cultural and their meaning of food, pregnancy and childbearing practices, and death rituals. Finally I will describe the spirituality of the Haitian culture and how as health care professional are able to care for a patient from this descent and collaborating with other health care practitioners to achieve the goal of providing cultural competent care. Learning and familiarizing yourself with ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. The Big Truck That Went : An Inside Look Into The... The Big Truck That Went By: How the World Came to Save Haiti and Left Behind a Disaster is an inside look into the realities behind international aid and intervention. The book answers the question of whether or not international efforts in Haiti really benefited the nation in the long term. The book argues that the international community failed in their efforts to rebuild Haiti due to their mismatched military approaches, failed monetary pledges and how the how billions of dollars were ineffective, having served only short term needs instead of, rebuilding solid foundations and institutions that would serve as the first step toward sustainable development. I argue that while the author does well to argue his thesis in a logical sequence, in the narrative the author fails to include a direct Haitian perspective, which is integral to the readers' understanding of life in port au prince as they lost far more in the catastrophe. Furthermore he fails in his attempt to provide a solution that is economically suitable and thus dismissed short–term models that could benefit the population. Finally blinded by journalistic ambitions I believe that his excessive coverage of his breakthrough story on the cholera out break overshadows the earthquake story, as it becomes the main focus toward the end. The author should be credited because this book was a well written. As a journalist that had lived in Haiti at the time, his knowledge and research skills proved an asset. This book ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Earthquake's Impact on the People of Haiti On January 12th, 2010, the small Caribbean nation of Haiti was struck by a 7.0 magnitude earthquake. This was the worst earthquake to hit the region in over two centuries (BBC News). More than fifty aftershocks measuring over 4.5 followed within the next two weeks. The earthquakes left Haiti in shambles and exacerbated their conditions. There were 3.5 million people affected and over 220 thousand killed (Disasters Emergency Committee). Major damage was caused at the Haitian capital, Port–au–Prince. The country was manifestly unprepared for this event and Haiti was propelled into a downward spiral. The 2010 Haiti earthquake was a devastating event which furthered the country's social, economic, and political instability. The earthquake ... Show more content on ... However, by purchasing imported food instead of locally–grown food, the prosperity of local farmers becomes undermined. This highlights Haiti's lack of self–sufficiency as a country. Haiti has become extremely reliant on other countries for it to barely scrape by. In response to the horrific earthquake, the world rallied together and pledged over $4.5 billion in aid to help alleviate Haiti's troubles. Of the pledged aid, $2.3 billion has already been disbursed (Washington Post). Yet, years after the incident, the country is still struggling to recover. The money is crucial for restoration, but it does not create opportunities for the people. The unemployment rate before the earthquake was at a staggering 70 percent (Global Post). Instead of empowering locals, projects have been created to provide instant, quantifiable results. As the country becomes more reliant on foreign aid, their development as a nation is hindered. This, in turn, continues the vicious cycle of unsustainability. To quote a Chinese proverb, "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." International aid would also have been more beneficial if the Haitian government had an honourable reputation. The earthquake unveiled the Haitian government's underlying problems. In addition to having a long history of poverty, Haiti was also infamous famous for political corruption. In ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Port Au Prince In Haiti Haiti is located in the Caribbean, sharing the island of Hispaniola with Dominican Republic to the east, with which it also shares nearly 390 km of border. The results of the last census, indicates that the total population is 10.9 million inhabitants. Port au Prince is the country's capital and it is situated in the coast of the Gulf of Gonave. This paper will address Port au Prince as the Metropolitan Area, which is comprised by six municipalities, better known as communes: Delmas, Cité Soleil, Tabarre, Carrefour, Pétion Ville, and Port au Prince. (Direction des Statistiques Démographiques et Sociales, 2015; Haiti–Référence, 2015) According to the 4th national census results that were made public in March 2015, the communes conforming the ... Show more content on ... Within the unprecedented challenges posed by the explosive growth of urban population, the lack of water supply and sanitation is one of the most urgent and harmful issues. The relationship between water supply and cities' welfare is very important, as cities require a huge supply of fresh water, and in turn, the way in which the city makes use of water has an impact on the availability of fresh water. It is impossible to consider a city as being 'sustainable', if it cannot ensure safe access to drinking water and suitable sanitation to its habitants. (Naciones Unidas, 2010) Before the earthquake in 2010, the water and sanitation situation was already very troubling. The provided services were defined by low potable ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. My Growing In Port-Au-Prince, Haiti Growing in Port–au–Prince, Haiti, I truly was not receiving a proper education and I knew that my education was the only way for a more successful future. When I was young, my mother read a book to me every day until I was old enough to read by myself. She would purchase English and I would read them to the best of my ability. This is how I began teaching myself English. I came to the United States at the age of five years old because of all the violence, and was able to because of my status as a Canadian citizen. The court assigned my aunt legal guardianship of me, the reason being that it was not a safe choice for me to go back to Haiti, I became active in the U.S and attended school. My mother always pushed me to be and do better, this is ... Show more content on ... I am driven by my ambitions and thrive to learn not only to educate myself, but to use my knowledge to educate others. Learning is not always associated with school; we learn things through experiences, mistakes, life lessons, people around us, and most importantly ourselves. In life I aspire to become a neurosurgeon like Dr. Ben Carson who has truly inspired me in various ways, and have what is called "Healing Hands". My favorite quote is from his mother, "You can do anything anybody else can do, except you can do it better." I carry these words with me every single day, with ever decision I make. One of my main goals in life is to visit Africa and build schools and manage a hospital so children in the area will receive a proper education, as well as a proper care. Through my own experience, I can truly say that life in a developing country is very challenging and I believe that these children deserve, as well as anyone else, the chance to learn in order to be successful in the future. This audacious path, which I have chosen, involves a great deal of learning and I know that I am most ready to do what is necessary for my ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Haiti Earthquake Report Have you ever heard of an earthquake? an earthquake is shaking or trembling of the ground. on January 12th 2010 a tragic event occurred in an island called Haiti. it was one of the highest rank earthquake that happened in over centuries. it was rated 7.0. million of dollars worth of damage, the even killed over a quarter million and left countless Haitians on the streets homeless. many had no homes because it was destroyed, today six and a half years later the people of the island still live with physical and mental scars from the tragic event ( Gael Turine , , November 28 2014). Planes could not of flew , cars could not of drove because most of the streets and run ways were badly damaged or destroyed. many people were lucky to have walk away with their lives but , ... Show more content on ... the earthquake lasted over 4 minutes in some areas while in other it only lasted seconds. the nations who gathers their heads and put aside their difference and decided to help them saved hundreds of thousand lives but, that day about 316 thousands people were killed. by January 24 2010 at least 52 after shocks from the earthquake were reported. most of those after shocks were ranked at about a 4.5 and were strong enough to bring down many homes and buildings (, n/a, January 12 2010) A brief moment not long after the earthquake, a tsunami occurred in a small region of the island which was caused by the quake. that day not only did humans past away but many different creatures also died.many of the sea creatures were thrown to the land could not of breathe and many of the land creatures were killed by rolling rocks from the mountains. After the earthquake half the people that lived in the capital of Haiti had no access to any food to nor clean water to drink. until the troop sent army food many people were not eating much and some were not eating at all. (, organization # 1062058, December ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. The Disaster Of The Haiti Earthquake : 2010 Disaster Haiti Earthquake: 2010 Disaster The Haiti Earthquake was a major catastrophic event that shook the ground for around 35 seconds which registered 7.0 magnitude on the Richter Scale on January 12, 2010, at around 4:53 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. The earthquake hit The Republic of Haiti with the epicenter near the capital of Haiti– Port–au–Prince region ("The Devastating Haiti Earthquake: Questions and Answers"). The region includes the cities of Carrefour, Petion–Ville, Delmas, Tabarre, Cite Soleil, and Kenscoff, which were severely affected by the quake. However, the city of Leogane, which was the city closest to the epicenter, took the brunt of the force damaging and destroying 80%–90% of structures in the area. The earthquake led to more than 316,000 people dead or missing, 300,000 wounded, and over 1.3 million displaced from their homes and the majority of the people devastated (DesRoches, et al.). Let us take a look at how this earthquake in Haiti occurred. Earthquakes happen on the Earth's lithosphere, which is the outer layer of the Earth. There are three types of plate boundaries: extensional (divergent), compressional (convergent), and transform (J. Louie et al.). In a transform boundary, which is more relevant to the topic at hand, two massive plates called plate tectonics lock up against each other laterally preventing further movement and eventually building up pressure on themselves. This pressure buildup stores potential energy which ultimately translates into kinetic energy when the rocks can no longer hold onto the amount of pressure that builds up causing the two plates to horizontally move or slide abruptly, which is what we know as an 'Earthquake' (Tom Harris et al.). Earthquakes can also happen along fault lines, which are cracks that develop from the movement of the tectonic plates. Similarly, as with the plate tectonics, there are three types of faults: normal faults– up and down slippage of rocks or plates–, reverse faults– when a plate goes under another as a result of pushing against each other– and finally, the strike–slip faults– when two plates slip past each other laterally. They are usually found near the edges of the plates– such as the San Andreas Fault in California which ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Why Is Everyone A Shot At Social Injustice Giving Everyone a Shot at Social Justice Social injustice is quite possibly the sneakiest and most infamous crime in all of the world. A crime that is committed right under the noses of innocent people, but do these people even know what a social injustice is? Social justice is the concern for human rights and whether or not these rights are equally distributed to people of different cultures, religions, social status, and gender. Social injustice occurs whenever human rights are stripped from the public. A social injustice that was particularly prominent was the cholera outbreak of 2010 in Haiti. This social injustice involved a legal dispute trying to assume money to help victims of the cholera outbreak, but was shut down due to ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Port-Au-Au-Prince Haiti Stepping off the plane in Port–Au–Prince, Haiti, a certain nervous and excitement feeling rushes through the body as Haiti greets with its intense heat. Port–Au–Prince is the capital of Haiti, and when thought of, a capitol looks like a nice city with wealthy people walking around to their busy jobs. In Port–Au–Prince however, jumbles of people run around with rags for clothes, sitting on the side of the street trying to sell to us "wealthy Americans" (or so they call us and so they think) what they can. Driving out of the city there are seldom any cars but there are motorcycles and dirtbikes in which the Haitians will pile on five people to get around. The children run up and greet people as if they have known them their whole lives, with ... Show more content on ... Going to Haiti is an incredible adventure and it really puts in perspective how much I take for granted everyday. Most Haitians my age have no bed to sleep on, a small shack which they call home and share with their extensive families, and not a clue what they are going to do that day when they wake up. In a way, which may sound selfish, I wish to live like them to feel what it's like to always be happy and full of spirit regardless of the food they eat or the clothes on their backs. I have many memories and experiences similar to the ones shared and I had moments like those spent with Kata and the man during village ministry every day with various Haitians. The Haitians impact my life more and more every second I am there, and even though Haiti may seem like the poorest country in the world and the mosquitos are horrible, and the heat could drive one mad, I will always choose Haiti over any other place in the world as my happy place, and there is not a place I'd rather be than ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Informative Speech On Hurricanes I am speaking to you today at the annual Caribbean Studies Association conference to discuss and address the concerns and issues surrounding the rebuilding of many of the Caribbean islands, which have been devastated after this past 2017 hurricane season. Hurricanes Irma and Maria, both category four hurricanes, have wreaked havoc on the Caribbean islands of Barbuda, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Both of these hurricanes were catastrophic, causing significant deaths and infrastructure damages costing billions of dollars. Recently, it seems like there have been significantly more of these types of disasters happening than in the past; and the intensity of these disasters have increased as well. But let's delve into why these post–colonial societies are so vulnerable to these types of natural disasters and what can be done to better prepare for these disasters in the future, by looking at one of the large–scale earthquakes that has shaken the Caribbean island of Haiti. Haiti was struck with "a magnitude size 7.0 earthquake...outside of the Haitian capital of Port au Prince" (COHA 2) in January 2010. This disaster killed several hundred thousand people and caused many others to no longer have their homes. Billions of dollars in aid have assisted Haiti in their efforts to rebuild the country. But, "three years later, 80 percent of the population still subsists below the poverty line with an unemployment rate of 40 percent" (COHA 3). What is wrong with this picture? ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Life Is The Way Life Life is something that requires a lot of physical and mental exertion. Some are sufficiently lucky to have everything arranged for them. For example, some are naturally introduced to cash; some run over favorable luck yet most buckle down from the begin to get some place on the planet. It simply all relies on upon how you were brought into this world. For a few individuals, life is brimming with anxiety and hardships. That is the way life was for somebody dear to me Kimberly Domonique. She had it troublesome from the beginning however, she picked not to give life a chance to get her down. At the point when life gave her lemons, she made lemonade. Kimberly is from the island of Haiti, she moved to the states at the age of ten years old. She lived in Queens, New York with her step mother, she was enrolled in public school shortly after her arrival. Going to school in America was difficult for her because she did not know how to speak nor understand the English language. She told me that what was also hard for her was developing friendships because there was no one like her that had her background. She moved out of Queens because of the violence that was occurring between black Americans and foreigners. The problem was that the foreigners used their methods of learning from their country and used it to their advantage because education was not free for them like it is here in the states. So this allowed them to get good grades and advance well, which made the black ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Research Paper On Haiti Earthquake Nice post. The earthquake that struck Haiti on January 2010 measured 7.0 on the Richter scale. Approximately 220,000 people died, three hundred thousand were injured and two million people were suddenly made homeless. The earthquake happened in the urban areas and caused most of the buildings to collapse, even the presidential palace and many other government buildings were damaged. Since Haiti being one of the poorest countries has poor quality of buildings which are not at par with seismic codes endured vast damages financially and resulted in high mortality rate. Similar to hurricane Katrina people who were considered the leaders and responders in such disasters were themselves affected by the earthquake. To make matters worse many hospitals ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Reflection Paper On Haiti My church was planning a mission trip to Haiti in Summer of 2016. As soon as I heard the announcement I knew I was going. My husband, my then nineteen–year–old son and myself started our plans to travel. Passports were bought, fundraisers were planned and me thinking I needed to know everything there was to know about Haiti started my searches on the internet. I went into this trip thinking I knew all about the culture, country, the people and what I could do for them. I quickly found out just how wrong I was. As soon as our flight started descending over Port–Au–Prince Haiti every ounce of knowledge I thought I had vanished. There were fires in the distance and crumbled building as far as I could see. As we exited the airport and once I caught my breath from how hot it was we had a mob of people all over us like fleas on a stray dog. They wanted to help us so we will give them money. And once we could get past that, a smell hit us from every direction. Burning garbage and burning charcoal filled the air. Our drive was almost four hours to where we were staying and in that four–hour trip I saw more naked people, garbage, crumbling buildings and wild animals then I had ever even known existed. There was so much new information to take in it was so overwhelming. This was not something I had planned for. After a night of rest, it was time to get to it. Here I am, ready to help. We can now fix everyone's problems! Well, not so much. That thought had to leave my mind. There ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Hazards Research Assignment : Haiti Earthquake And Landslide Geomorphic Hazards research assignment 2010 Haiti Earthquake and landslide By: Yashas Narayan Teacher: Ms Bilton Due Date: Monday 11th September 2017 Week 9, Term 3 Subject: Geography Task description: Geomorphic Hazards 2010 Haiti earthquake and landslide What is an earthquake? An earthquake would be classified as a sudden ferocious shaking of the ground, typically causing great obliteration because of manoeuvre within the earth's crust or volcanic action. What is a landslide? A landslide would be tabulated as a disintegrate mass of earth or rock to configurate a mountain, cliff or a summit. The 2010 Haiti earthquake The geomorphic hazard that I have researched is an earthquake and ... Show more content on ... prodigious earthquakes frequently befell on these plate barriers. The Caribbean plate had been steadily moving about a quarter of an inch per year. But the two plates don 't directly drift past one another. Struggle builds up along inaccuracy at the plate borderlines until it 's emancipated in a sudden burst of exuberance. The image below shows orange dotted lines representing fault lines which led to the earthquake. This image below shows which direction the North American plates and the Caribbean plates are moving Impacts of the disaster Social impacts of the earthquake (consequences of the earthquake) 3 million people affected. Over 220,000 deaths. 300,000 injured. 1.3 million were made homeless after the earthquake.
  • 74. Economical impacts of the earthquake (effects on money and jobs) More than 30,000 commercial buildings collapsed. Many businesses destroyed. Damage made to the main clothing industry. Several airports damaged. 1 in 5 people lost their jobs. Environmental affects At least 25 aftershocks had occurred by January 24th measuring 4.5 on the righter scale. The immense Toll Around close to 220,000–316,000 people died during the earthquake About 300,000 people were injured 1.5 million people initially displaced 55,107 displaced people remain as of September 2016 Strategies used to manage the geomorphic hazard There were many strategies used to manage the hazard including SMS broadcasts, Mission 4636, ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. In Leonard Pitt's Essay 'Sometimes, The Earth Is Cruel' As I have grown up there has been terrible things happen to me and the places around the world. Did they give up? Did they leave the land they were living on? No they found solutions to their problems and moved on. Some things were worse than others but they all came together and found ways to live. The essay Sometimes, the Earth is Cruel written by Leonard Pitts tells us about the terrible Earthquake that happened in Haiti Earthquake in 2010 and how bad it hurt the people living on the island. He also points out the bad things happen all around the world, but it seems that the worst things happen to the poorest of the people. To me I think that we are never given more than we can handle. In 2010 Haiti was hit with a 7.0 Magnitude Earthquake the biggest one on the Earth to that day. Haiti is one of the poorest places that we know of and they always seem to have the worse luck. The people in Haiti were hurt by this, but they knew that they had to figure things bout and build their town back up. When it first happened they were hurting and weren't sure ... Show more content on ... "Sometimes the skies turn barren and will not rain."(Sometimes, the Earth is Cruel John Pitts.) When Pitt said this it made me think not just the actual skies, but to think about life. Sometimes seems like it will never let you get a break from the struggles, but if you just keep pushing on you will soon find something that will help you. We know people that break down when they are handed a hardship, but we also see people that will adapt to the struggle and work around it, there back to the we are never handed more than we can handle. "Bad enough, Haiti is wretchedly poor." (Sometimes, the Earth is Cruel John Pitts). Haiti itself may look poor, but the people that live there are people that know how to live and make a living off of the little thing that the Earth gives ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Haiti Earthquake Essay The January 12, 2010 Haiti Earthquake caused an enormous destruction in the Caribbean nation. Hospitals and government buildings collapsed along with an unbelievable amount of homes. Tens of thousands of people were killed, and many more were wounded. The disaster added more misery to people already struggling to get by with everyday life. Haiti is one of the poorest nations in the world. The January 12 quake demolished almost every major building in Port–au–Prince, Haiti's capital. About 5,000 schools in the city were destroyed or damaged. Throughout Haiti, more than 220,000 people were killed, and more than 1 million were left homeless. A few days after the quake, the number of survivors stood at 121 as hopes of finding more became ... Show more content on ... The most recent cyclones to hit the island before the earthquake were Tropical Storm Fay and Hurricanes Gustav, Hanna and Ike, all in the summer of 2008, causing nearly 800 deaths.[27] Geology USGS intensity map Map showing regional tectonic setting of the Enriquillo–Plantain Garden fault zone Tiny dots of white against the plant–covered landscape (red in this image) are possible landslides, a common occurrence in mountainous terrain after large earthquakes. The Enriquillo–Plantain Garden fault zone runs along the two linear valleys at the top of the imageThe magnitude 7.0 Mw earthquake occurred inland, ... Get more on ...