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Haiti Swot Analysis
Christopher Columbus discovered the island of Hispaniola on December 5, 1492. The French also
laid claim to the island, and the Spanish and French would debate the ownership of the island until
the Treaty of Ryswick, which split the island into the modern day Haiti and the Dominican
Republic. The French soon became very prosperous, thanks to many African slaves. In 1791, the
slaves started to revolt, and by 1804, the Haitian slaves were free. Haiti is very politically unstable
and has suffered many rebellions. In 2010, the worst earthquake that has occurred in the last 200
years struck with a 7.0 magnitude that left more than 1.5 million people homeless and killed more
than 316,000.
Haiti is a country that has suffered greatly through the years. Under French rule, the Haitians were
slaves and forced to overwork the ground, nearly destroying all chances of later farming. This factor
has greatly affected the current economic situation. Another factor that has greatly affected Haitian
economy is ... Show more content on ...
Like the United States, Haiti has three branches of government: the executive branch, judicial
branch, and the legislative branch. A president, his cabinet, and a prime minister lead the executive
branch. The president of Haiti is elected by popular vote, and the president chooses the prime
minister. The cabinet is led by the prime minister and is composed of 19 ministries. The current
president is Michel Martelly and the prime minister is Evans Paul. The judicial branch is composed
of the Supreme Court, and is based off Napoleon's Code civil des Français. The nation is split up
into ten departments, and each department is split into three to seven arrondissements, and these
arrondissements are split up into communes. The legislative branch is bicameral, meaning that it has
two houses or sections. The National Assembly of Haiti consists of the Senate and the Chamber of
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Dominican Republic vs. Haiti
Dominican Republic and Haiti: A Comparison of How One Island Has Two Complete Different
Dominican Republic and Haiti: A Comparison of How One Island Has Two Complete Different
Ends The Hispaniola is a small island in the Caribbean which is currently composed by the
Dominican Republic and the Republic of Haiti. These two countries despite sharing an island and
historical institutions are completely different. While the Dominican Republic enjoys the beauty of
the Caribbean and its weather, Haiti suffers the consequences of it. These two countries share certain
similarities, but within these similarities there is a big difference. The Dominican Republic and Haiti
have a similar economy, environment, and education system, but in ... Show more content on ...
The rates of unemployment are extremely high, that is why Haitians migrate to the Dominican
Republic to perform the lowest job positions at a minimum wage jobs that Dominicans will never
do. (Minority Rights Group International, 2008)
The Dominican Republic gets its wealth from the exportation of sugar, tobacco and coffee, but
recently they have grown in the agriculture and telecommunications field. Another important part of
this country's economy is the tourism and remittances that are sent from the US or Europe. Haiti's
economy, on the other hand, due to corruption and poverty hasn't been able to grow like the
Dominican Republic's. Part of this country's economy beside the exportation of clothing to the
United States, is remittances and agriculture (Dominican Republic vs. Haiti, n.d).
Figure 1. GDP per Capita in Latin America Although, Haiti's economy hasn't been able to grow due
to poverty and corruption, their vulnerability to natural disasters and deforestation has also
influenced. The border between Haiti and the Dominican Republic is what best reflects the amount
of deforestation occurring in Haiti. Even though, they share the same climate, ocean access, and
location, there is a huge divergence of growth between these two countries.
According to Diamond (2005), the rapid deforestation in Haiti is caused by lower rainfall compared
to the Dominican Republic. The
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The Indemnity In Haiti
First, simply as a matter of clarification, I believe slavery was abolished in the French empire in
February 1794 thanks to a Decree of the National Convention. (As we know, slaves in Saint–
Domingue [colonial Haiti] had already started a massive uprising in August 1791 and fearing for the
future of the French colony, the French commissioners Étienne Polverel and Léger–Félicité
Sonthonax gradually abolished slavery in the island starting in 1793. By 1794, this decision would
extend to the entire empire [at least in theory] due to the Convention. As you pointed out, this
measure was largely overturned by Napoleon who in his 1799 Constitution, specified that colonies
had to be governed by "special laws" and hence re–opened the doors to slavery. ... Show more
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It may shock some to learn that, for instance, up until the 1880s and the major world recession that
greatly affected Haiti's coffee industry, the country was not doing too bad financially. I suggest
reading Victor Bulmer–Thomas' The Economic History of Latin America Since Independence, in
contains a very well–written chapter on "Haiti from Independence to US Occupation". Furthermore,
while the indemnity did take an important (if not the most important) segment of the Haitian
economy for most of the nineteenth century, there is usually little outcry outside of Haiti for how
much the Haitian army and other government expenditures (such as useless and expensive
diplomatic posts given to men of good families) also absorbed what little money the Haitian state
had. Additionally, it goes without saying that the problem of political instability also greatly played
into Haiti's underdevelopment in this period (in fact, I would say it is a vicious circle when one
problem helps reinforces the other). My point is that while we must absolutely look at the question
of the indemnity, it should not be done at the detriment of starting a broader conversation about how
the Haitian government has dealt with its finances if indeed the question we are trying to answer is
what are the root of Haiti's
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Haiti's Poverty : Haiti Is A Natural Disaster, A Human...
Student Number: 1001720060
Course Code: GGRA02H3
TA' Name: Kelly Chan
Haiti's poverty When people start to talk about Haiti, the first word come out in my mind is
"poverty", and second is "tragedies". Unlike other countries, Haiti's problems are continuous for
decades. According to Haiti's Disasters, Noriega claims that Haiti is not only suffering from natural
disasters, but also a human disaster. After the 2010 Haiti earthquake, more and more countries start
to put their attention on Haiti and providing humanitarian help. However, Haiti's poverty is not an
accident or simply caused by a natural disaster, but a necessary consequence of both external and
internal issues, which involves historical, economic, political, environmental issues and influence
from other countries. First of all, Haiti's poverty is historical. Anup Shah introduces Haiti in her
article "Haiti" as: "Before the 'discovery' of Hispaniola (the island that is now Haiti and the
Dominican Republic) by Christopher Columbus, there was a thriving civilization of native
Americans, known as the Arawak–speaking Taino Indians. The arrival of Columbus and European
colonialism brought disease, slavery, misery and death. They were soon wiped out from the island
and black slave labor from Africa was needed to replace them. What was thought of as a rich and
profitable Western colony, Haiti today is the poorest country in the western hemisphere" (Shah, A,
2010). Haiti's problems are long–term, which
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Essay on The Basics of the Country of Haiti
Off the Gulf of Mexico, lies one of the most densely populated and least developed countries in the
Western Hemisphere with a population of almost 10 million people. The country faces many natural
disaster and challenges, including a poor educational system, lack of sanitary water access, and
inferior living conditions. This country is Haiti. Haiti was ranked 145 out of 169 countries on the
UN Human Development Index, the lowest ranked country in the Western Hemisphere. More than
70% of Haiti's population lives on less than $2 a day. Haiti has a population of 9.893.945 people,
95% of the population is black and 5% is mulatto and white, with a median age of 21.9 years old.
The religious makeup of the country consists of 80% Roman ... Show more content on ...
In late August, Tropical Storm Isaac hit Haiti with rains and winds causing flooding and mudslides.
Though the tropical storm did not cause widespread damage as initially feared, it was still a large
obstacle for a nation still recovering. The response for the natural disasters that hit Haiti in 2010 was
slow. Haiti improved the water supply of 340,000 people, supplied drugs to five cholera treatment
facilities, provided free medical care to 39,000, and gave tools and seeds to help 23,000 people in
farming households to help support themselves. These services not only improved shelters for
34,000 people but gave information to 116,000 people about disaster preparation. Volunteers ran
literacy classes for 60,000 vulnerable women to help them support themselves and their families;
additionally, they helped defend 25,000 residents from forced eviction. However, 3.5 years after the
earthquake, the nation is still struggling with recovery with hundreds of thousands of people still
living in tent camps. Poverty, corruption, and poor access to education are the most serious
disadvantages that Haiti faces. Two–thirds of the country depends on agriculture, consisting of
mainly small–scale subsistence farming. This sector is high vulnerable to damage from natural
disasters and the country's widespread deforestation (which have caused periodic flooding).
Additionally, Haiti suffers from high inflation, lack of investment,
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Disenfranchisement in Haiti Essay
Often time disenfranchisement is shown in various places throughout the world. Although
saddening, people face tragedies that cause them to lose things most important to them every day.
For example, when the earthquake in Haiti struck, the people of Haiti lost everything they
considered valuable. Having faced many obstacles, Haitian people dealt with the disenfranchisement
of their pride and their possessions; there are endless amounts of literature that reference to the
tragedies that occurred in Haiti and how these mishaps have affected the life that they are having to
Haiti is one of the more indigent countries in the world; the country also holds a low economic
status. Over time Haiti's economy grew gradually at around 2.3 ... Show more content on ...
The earthquake of 2010 altered the way the people of Haiti looked at everyday life, as well as, it
caused them to be deprived of all hope on creating a new beginning. On Tuesday January 12, 2010,
the Haitian society knew that their world would never be the same. Having killed over 300,000
people and wounded more than 200,000 people, the magnitude 7.0 earthquake was demoralizing to
the Haitians ("The 2010 Haiti Earthquake"). To make matters worse, following the magnitude 7.0
earthquake there were twelve aftershocks containing a magnitude larger than 5.0 ("Earthquake in
Haiti"). The outcome of the earthquake was devastating to the extent that the minority of people
who survived stood on the remains of their churches, grocery stores, and even their own homes.
Corporations like Merlin USA and others around the globe are contributing in various ways to help
try to rebuild Haiti's nation. Working to repair Haiti's demolished society, Merlin tries to bring
appropriate health care to all susceptible associations in Haiti ("Haiti"). Strongly, Merlin continues
to put in a great effort and they have tended to around 47,986 patients merely in Port–au–Prince
("Haiti"). Sorrowfully, people are constantly dying from Cholera in Haiti; nevertheless, it seems to
them that nothing the world can offer will be able to cure the adversity they have encountered. The
disenfranchisement in Haiti is beyond the grasp of many people
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Who Do Not Study The Past, The Great American Philosopher...
Melissa Lichota
"Those who do not study the past, the great American philosopher and historian George Santayana
once observed, are condemned to repeat it." (Schmidt, 1) This is not only true for the present we live
in today, but is held true for the future tomorrow. In 2010 Haiti was hit with traumatic earthquake
that has still left 150,000 people not re–housed and live in tents. "It was devastating because a
history of adverse social conditions and extreme ecological fragility primed Port–au–Prince for
massive loss of life and destruction when the ground began shaking on January 12th." (Farmer, 3)
The history of Haiti has caused the country a great struggle to rebuild after the earthquake and the
1825 settlement between Haiti and France, the occupation of Haiti from 1915 to 1934, and the
Duvalier dictatorships from 1957 to 1986 events prove that history has a substantial impact upon the
future after a devastating "natural" disaster.
Haiti's independence created new difficulties and led to a spiral of independent debt. "The prospect
of slave rebellion terrified every slave–holding elite and now their own restless slaves had a bloody
example to emulate." (Phillips, 4) Other colonies relied heavily on slave labor and could not risk
losing property, which resulted in Haiti being quarantined to hide the independence. Slave
plantations in Haiti were French owned, but when the country became independent the French lost
property, or slaves, and forced
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President Franklin Roosevelt And The Great Depression
What comes to mind when it comes to Changes? Is the changes necessary? There were changes in
the United States specifically in the 1920s until 1945. There were some illustrations that relates to
the ideology and the reasoning to these changes in the United States. The ideology itself relates to
the focus of the economic liberties of the American people and their foreign policy. The changes in
the United States during the 1920s were often called in the "Roaring 20s" after the end of World War
I. The years that the United States mired in despair and marked by "Hoovervilles", was during the
Great Depression in the early 30s. The late 1930s lead to the presidential election of Franklin Delano
Roosevelt and the led to changes in the United ... Show more content on ...
Both in Haiti and Nicaragua 's occupations was due to financial interest. The United States took over
both countries ' customhouse and took control of their natural recourses. The dollar diplomacy in
both Haiti and Nicaragua have things in common that relates to economic liberties. One thing is that
the United States ' control of the countries ' customhouse means that they control the countries '
economy. This limits Haiti 's and Nicaragua 's economic liberties because the United States
controlled their economy and both occupied countries have limited control of economic operations.
The limited Control of the economy in both Haiti and Nicaragua can result in a puppet government
ran by the United States government. A puppet government during that time was controlled by a
dictators supported by the United States. This type of government limited the people of Haiti and
Nicaragua 's freedom and liberty while being under a tyrant. The dollar diplomacy in Haiti and
Nicaragua is due to the financial interest of these countries. Another thing is that they are
inconsistent to the economic liberties due to the fact that the United States took control of their
economy and support a puppet government to occupy the countries. The United States also used the
national guard who were paramilitary force who had loyalty to the puppet dictator to keep the
occupation under control. The economic liberties were inconsistent to the United States ' citizen in
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Haiti Economy
The main purpose of this essay is to examine the current economic development and the future
economy of Haiti. Haiti has ranked #1 as the poorest country in the Americas consecutively for the
past decade. It has experienced a lot of political violence throughout history. Some events that have
left an indelible mark are the colonization and the 2010 earthquake. The Republic of Haiti is located
in the Caribbean neighboring the Dominican Republic. Haiti has also encountered rivalry with its
neighboring countries such as the Dominican Republic. The official languages spoken in the nation
are French and Creole. There are several other languages spoken in different parts of the country.
Haiti was first independent nation in Latin America that gained ... Show more content on ...
The 2010 earthquake was one of the most lethal natural disasters that have ever occurred. In the
earthquake, many people lost their lies however that's not it the GDP rate dropped drastically. The
country had no immediate support consequently creating more problems. "The GDP fell 8% in 2010
(from $12.15 billion to $11.18 billion) and the GDP per capita remained unchanged at (PPP US$)
1,200."(BBC). Social and economic problems just increased there after. Haiti is one of the poorest
countries. United Nations Human Development suggests that 57.8% of the people ate deprived of
basic necessities such as food and water. CNN reports a shortage of skilled labor and widespread
diseases in Haiti. Even today, Haiti has the highest rate of unemployment and poverty in the
Americas. About 82% of the population lives on less than $2 per day. The literacy rate is
unbelievably low. Adult literacy is variously reported as 52.9% [World Fact book] and 65.3%
[United Nations]. Most importantly nobody is coming to rescue the situation in Haiti. Most young
children are searching for food and don't have the time and money to afford an education. The
young boys are compelled to work as a laborer at a young age and the women are marred off.
According to UNICEF, the women to men ratio for education in 2014 is 1:3. So for every 3 boys
only 1 girl is
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Problems Affecting Haiti's Economy
Since 1804, after Haitians slave revolution brought independence from France; Haiti is a very
unstable country. With its high corruption, crime rate, poverty and natural disasters it's one of the
poorest areas in the Americas. The enormous earthquake from January 2010 made their situation
even worse. Already struggling country had to face even more difficulties to raise their economy.
Even though Haiti received very generous amounts of donation their economy is still in a bad shape.
The World Bank "ranks Haiti as the 162nd worst place in the world to do business out of 183
economies" (Adelman, 91). Moreover Haiti is the most corrupted country in the world. Therefore,
"Approximately 54 percent of the population lives on less than $1 a day and 78 percent on less than
$2 a day" (Adelman, 92). So why the aid Haiti received was not effective in repairing the country?
What happened with all the effort and plans that were supposed to rebuild Haiti's economy? ... Show
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We can keep pouring money on Haiti, but we're not going to see any progress until there're going to
be more jobs created and private business sector will develop. Haiti has a lot of potential, but they
need a good plan and help to bring it to life. For example they have mangos and coffee that could be
an excellent products for export. Instead mangos are rotting and coffee is being sold informally to
Dominican Republic who made most of the profit. Another sector that could be developed in Haiti is
tourism. Their warm climate, amazing beaches and waters could bring money to bust their economy.
Even thought tourism almost doesn't exist there. The earthquake definitely made it harder for Haiti
to developed those sectors, but with all the aid government should notice the potential and work
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Krik Krak By Edwidge Danticat Essay
Past & Present The book "Krik Krak" written by Edwidge Danticat contains a story of Danticat in
the past and how could she became a famous author today. She was born Haiti and a survivor who
escaped oversea to the United States. Danticat's past is painful and horrible but it influenced her
present. The Haitian politics repressed certain group of women and the fear surrounded them
everyday. To find her own freedom and her rights, Danticat got on board then arrived at New York.
The racist weighed on her but she didn't give up on the path that she chose. She learned English and
had a dream to become a writer but that also an issue for Danticat. The Haitian writer often killed
but it didn't quench Danticat's desire to keep their history ... Show more content on
Many struggles but I believe if you I work hard, it will paid off in the future. Logic or Intuition
Decisions are important and hard to make. People maybe decide quickly without thinking about the
consequences but on the other half, they will think about it back and forth then they will reply.
Christopher makes his point that people rely on their intuition so much, but I'm kindly disagree with
him because it usually based on the ages. As people get older, they become more aware of they're
doing. Intuition usually evolves in easy decision, without any reasons they just decide as quickly as
possible to get out of that problem. I can't say which one people rely on more because they are
different and they solve the problem with their way. Did I used mostly logic or intuition to make the
decision? My answer is I used mostly logic to decide something. I feel like to have the comfortable
feeling, I should think back and forth, then use reasons so I don't have to hold any consequences
later. The way I solve the problem should comfortable others too because I don't want anyone get in
trouble. One time, I had to decide the money I have left, should I buy my favorite shoes or birthday
gift for my friend then I decided to buy birthday gift because shoes I can buy at anytime but my
friend's birthday happens only once a year; so I want to put my selfish aside and make everyone is
happy. Your own selfish will make you move to the intuition side,
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Positive And Negative Effects Of Globalization In Haiti
Globalization is when international organization influence on other countries. It seems that Haiti is a
country with a strong dignity that oppose globalization as a force that have an effect on most aspects
of economic experience. However, globalization has had both positive and negative effects.
Globalization has impacted poverty in Haiti by free trading and many workers works unpaid for
many international factories. For many years Haiti was the center of tourism, which was helping the
economy, but now it has declined as a source of income . Official data say Haiti is one of the poorest
countries in the Western Hemisphere( Global Finance) . The free trade promoted by global financial
organizations has involved the country's economy in a deep retrocession that obliges to neglect
barriers and not obstructive goods of developed countries.
In Haiti they practice free trade. Free trade is an international trade without a tariff. Based on the
article "Made in Haiti" , free trade creates more misery for the workers. Instead of creating work that
can develop reduce poverty they are not doing it. And are just producing more challenging
circumstances for workers. With this in mind many workers are even working unpaid for many
international factories. In those factories they increase the minimum wage, but is honestly not
helping all the workers because it only increase for those who work in the factories not everyone.
Based on the article "Haiti minimum wage", "Minimum wage
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Marie-Jeanne And Solange: The Impacts Of Globalization In...
This documentary focused on globalization, how it is gendered, and the impacts of globalization in
Haiti. It also focused on the working conditions, violence, poverty, poor health care system, and the
lack of education. The documentary is narrated through the personal stories of women like Marie–
Jeanne, Solange, Frisline, etc. At the beginning of the documentary, Marie–Jeanne talked about the
working conditions that workers faced while working in the factories in Haiti. The conditions that
these workers are in are miserable. For example, the workers are discriminated in the sense that they
do not drink the same water as their bosses who employs them. The water given to them are
contaminated unlike that of their bosses. Their bosses make little to no effort when it come to the
health of their workers. In the case of Marie, she had to toil under those wretched condition to send
her children to school because she was denied education because of the gender discrimination and
the expensive cost of school. ... Show more content on ...
Because of the socioeconomic structure and marginalization of the country's economy, more than
60% of the youth are unemployed which yield rise to violence, like theft, shootings, rape, etc.
According to the documentary, children who live in Haiti can't go to school because of how
expensive it is. Also, the government provides no funding for education. As one interviewee puts it,
"the Haitian government likes the pressure from other countries, the World Bank, IMF, before they
can provide for their citizens, education being the most exploited
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The Big Truck That Went : An Inside Look Into The...
The Big Truck That Went By: How the World Came to Save Haiti and Left Behind a Disaster is an
inside look into the realities behind international aid and intervention. The book answers the
question of whether or not international efforts in Haiti really benefited the nation in the long term.
The book argues that the international community failed in their efforts to rebuild Haiti due to their
mismatched military approaches, failed monetary pledges and how the how billions of dollars were
ineffective, having served only short term needs instead of, rebuilding solid foundations and
institutions that would serve as the first step toward sustainable development.
I argue that while the author does well to argue his thesis in a logical sequence, in the narrative the
author fails to include a direct Haitian perspective, which is integral to the readers' understanding of
life in port au prince as they lost far more in the catastrophe. Furthermore he fails in his attempt to
provide a solution that is economically suitable and thus dismissed short–term models that could
benefit the population. Finally blinded by journalistic ambitions I believe that his excessive
coverage of his breakthrough story on the cholera out break overshadows the earthquake story, as it
becomes the main focus toward the end.
The author should be credited because this book was a well written. As a journalist that had lived in
Haiti at the time, his knowledge and research skills proved an asset. This book
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The Culture Of The Caribbean
The Caribbean is a widely known tourist attraction, and in the center of the Caribbean is a small
island named Haiti. Home to about ten million people, this island country serves as a exports a
variety of goods from cocoa to clothing around the world but mainly to the United States. But
behind their massive amounts of exports there is plenty of history behind how the country was
formed and important events that led to its independence and creation of the Government. Haiti was
unexpectedly found by Christopher Columbus. While trying to sail and find a faster route from
Europe to India, he ran into the Caribbean Islands instead. Haiti's first name was Hispaniola, named
by the native Taino that lived there before French and Spanish settlers that landed there. During the
18th century Haiti was one of the wealthiest islands in the Caribbean due to its exportation of sugar.
During that time there was also a large population of slaves that lived there. Nearly a half a million
slaves lived in Haiti during that time. Due to the amount of slaves and the way they were treated by
the European slave owners, a rebel group led by Toussaint l 'Ouverture ended slavery in Haiti and
gained independence in 1804. The Western Imperialism in Haiti turned out to be a mishap and ended
up dismantling and dividing the country.
Due to the small size of the country, Christopher Columbus was able set up a settlement on the north
coast of Hispaniola easily, although it was later destroyed by the natives.
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Haiti Is Located In Central America, And Is Also Bordered
Haiti is located in Central America, and is also bordered by the Caribbean Sea. The size of the
country is comparable to the state of Maryland in the United States; however, it is marginally
smaller. As of July 2016, the estimated population was 10,485,800. (CIA) Haiti is probably most
well known for being the location where a devastating earthquake hit. This earthquake took place in
2010, and it killed more than 200,000 people. (BBC News) The earthquake completely destroyed
not only the land, but also the economy. I chose this country because I was curious to find out
exactly how the earthquake affected the country's economy. I also chose this country because not a
whole lot of people talk about Haiti, and I don't really know anything ... Show more content on ...
They were losing money, because they were just handing the rice out for free. It also put local
businesses out of business because people weren't going there and paying to get rice. Instead, they
were getting it for free. As the import issue gets fixed, things will start going back to normal and
people will start paying cash for their food. Relief agencies were going to transition into handing out
food vouchers for the people to use to get their rice. (Frontline) This could be good, but if you hand
out too many and increase demand a lot at the same time there is limited supply; moreover, this
could cause prices to increase tremendously. This would then cause inflation. As the ports are being
fixed, then rice wholesalers can get their rice, sell it to vendors, which can then sell rice to
wholesalers on the street, and then finally sell food on the streets. (Frontline) As a result of this, the
prices will then decrease. Economic Costs are payments that every country has to involve in their
economy. Violent crime is a conflict that most people may not think affects a country's economic
status. Every country has some form of security to keep the population safe, and to try and limit the
amount of crimes committed throughout the country. Security is a necessity; however, it requires
money to keep the system going. When a country like Haiti has to have lots of security, that requires
what is called
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Similarities Between Hispaniola And Haiti
The Dominican Republic and Haiti
Imagine yourself as a businessperson on a trip to the island of Hispaniola to check on how
production is faring. You land in Santo Domingo to transfer to a short commuter flight to Port–au–
Prince. During the flight, you gaze outside your window to admire the breathtaking view of the
Sierra de Baoruco, with its luscious forests. As the plane approaches the Haiti–Dominican Republic
border, you notice that the land has been completely denuded of trees directly on the other side of
the border, creating a clear demarcation between Haiti and the Dominican Republic.
This physical border is only one indication of the clear contrast between the two countries that share
Hispaniola. According ... Show more content on ...
During Napoleon's reign in France, Napoleon sought to control the entire island of Hispaniola
through control of Spain and the reacquisition of Haiti. Harsh rule by the governors–general induced
loyalists to form the movement La Reconquista to rise up in order to restore Spanish sovereignty.
(Metibag 91)
Though the colony was returned to Spain in 1809, weak support led to a decay in colonial
infrastructure, leading to a revolt, led by José Núñez de Cáceres and Don Manuel Carvajal, which
declared "Spanish Haiti" independent. However, the new nation was vulnerable, and Boyer
immediately seized on the opportunity to unite the island for security purposes, seeking to impose
"Haitianization" on Santo Domingo economically and politically. Such aspects of "Haitianization"
included abolition of slavery, land redistribution, settlement of Haitians, and forced cultivation of
crops in a region dominated by cattle ranchers. (Moya Pons 123, 133) An insurrection group named
los trinitarios seized on the discontent of the Dominican people in the 1830s and 1840s, leading to
independence in 1844. (Black 19)
The new republic was founded on anti–Haitianism in reaction to the occupation and control by a
commercial bourgeoisie, which inevitably caused factioning among supporters of independence and
protectionism by Spain. Authoritarianism was employed by the factions–the protectionists,
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Inequality And Corruplity In Haiti
Haiti gained independence in 1804 from France, but two decades later the country has an influential
and visible deplorable in the economy. At the time, the French colonists used African slaves to work
on large sugar plantations. The plantations were owned by white elite unto which the level of socio–
economic inequality increased. Constant foreign intervention has led to factionalism, broken
policies and corruption. Two dictatorial leaders led the country after its independence to recently. It
has faced several coup leadership, for instance, Francois Duvalier. The period of the dictatorship led
to increasing inequality and corruption. Haiti has experienced various regime changes since 1970 to
2003.The period experienced lack of political stability which is very crucial for the economic
growth of any country. In contrast, the Dominican Republic has had fewer changes in the regime
which has had higher economic growth compared to Haiti. Transparency International has ranked
Haiti the fourth most corrupt nation in the world. Corruption and other issues have discouraged
investment by foreign investors in the country. Some of the long–term solutions have been futile to
Haiti. For the state to meet the goal of enhancing the level of inequality, it must combat issues such
as corruption, criminal activities, and drug trafficking.
Areas of Development
Imports and Food Most of the population living in Haiti live in abject poverty. The country is one of
the world most unfortunate as
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Haiti : A Weak State Essay
This paper 's thesis is that Haiti is a weak state because of the large spread corruption that is seen
throughout its government. Corruption, in any government can lead to the creation of a weak state.
Haiti is a classic example of this. The corruption in Haiti has created a distrust between the people
and the government. Haiti itself provides a perfect example of how the government corruption has
robbed the country of an infrastructure that has the ability to deal with natural disasters. This
corruption is causing the continued issues in Haiti and preventing international aid from reaching the
areas where it would benefit the most.
Haiti has been given a bad break in its global positioning and environment. Every year tropical
storms and Hurricanes cause large amounts of damage to the region. To make things even more
difficult for Haiti, in 2010 there was a magnitude of 7 earthquake near the Haitian capital, Port Au
Prince, which further contributed to the issues faced by the Haitian government (DEC 2015). All of
these factors lead to a large amount of refugee work and rebuilding that needs to be done in order for
a state to function properly. The Haitian government is struggling with the rebuilding of homes for
refugees . In order to do this it needs to work on its infrastructure. The issue is that when people are
homeless they take priority not the country 's infrastructure. The government 's inability to help has
led to a large amount of aid
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Haiti Cause And Effect
The relationship between the values of cause and effect is formed through the significance of time
and occurrence. Development in any aspect of life; let it be of the past, present or the known future,
is dependent on these three variants. Though it is a commonly held belief that events of the past, and
the actions of individuals in the past, have no connection to the world of today, nor any impact upon
what is happening in the present. But, the truth is that there are a large number of features that make
the past vitally effective in the present (Lieb p.155). Thus, it would be considered inappropriate to
state that history has no effect on the modern world because of the distance in time and space,
between historical events and the present ... Show more content on ...
The US occupation of Haiti was intended towards using the region as a naval base, during an era
when Haiti was under a huge foreign debt and had already lost power over trade and finances to
France. Considering the stance of Germany, which was establishing its presence in Haiti for trade
and business purpose; the US feared any foreign intervention. Thus, the aim of protecting "U.S.
assets in the area" and preventing "a possible German invasion"; gave birth to the Haitian–American
Treaty of 1915 (U.S Department of State p.1). During the invasion some of the most evil concepts
like racial discrimination were brought forward, which were not practiced before the US invasion
(Schmidt p.136). The aspect of having great control over the financial aspects of Haiti gave US the
chance to intervene whenever they wanted to (U.S Department of State
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Haiti 's Recovery Of Haiti
Haiti's Recovery
To improve after a natural disaster such as an earthquake, recovery takes a lot out of the
government, the people, and the allied countries. When an unexpected major earthquake hit Haiti, a
country in the Caribbean, in 2010, at least 200,000 to 316,000 deaths occurred. The many deaths,
displaced people, and destroyed buildings left Haiti in ruins. The government and the people were
filled with dreadful sorrows as these truths about a ruined Haiti came to light. Immediately after this
disaster, allied countries such as the United States and Canada stepped in to pay for search parties
and repairing Haiti, physically and emotionally. Even with the support of allied countries and the
government, the development of Haiti is still in need of assistance. Six years later, after the 7.0
magnitude earthquake hit Haiti, the handouts and help from allied countries have not been enough to
create a fully developed economy and efficient government.
In 2010, a parliamentary election was scheduled to be held in Haiti. The earthquake on January 12,
2010 caused this election to be delayed and Haiti in need of a new leader. The destruction of the
earthquake caused many important political buildings to be destroyed. This is one of the reasons that
Haiti's developmental and democratization status began to fail. The people needed a new leader,
someone to help them through this time of loss. Many angry crowds gathered to protest the lack of
government help during the earthquake
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Haiti 's Recovery Of Haiti
Haiti's Recovery
To improve after a natural disaster such as an earthquake, recovery takes a lot out of the
government, the people, and the allied countries. When an unexpected major earthquake hit Haiti, a
country in the Caribbean, in 2010, at least 200,000 to 316,000 deaths occurred. The many deaths,
displaced people, and destroyed buildings left Haiti in ruins. The government and the people were
filled with dreadful sorrows as these truths about a ruined Haiti came to light. Immediately after this
disaster, allied countries such as the United States and Canada stepped in to pay for search parties
and repairing Haiti, physically and emotionally. Even with the support of allied countries and the
government, the development of Haiti is still in need of assistance. Six years later, after the 7.0
magnitude earthquake hit Haiti, the handouts and help from allied countries have not been enough to
create a fully developed economy and efficient government.
In 2010, a parliamentary election was scheduled to be held in Haiti. The earthquake on January 12,
2010 caused this election to be delayed and Haiti in need of a new leader. The destruction of the
earthquake caused many important political buildings to be destroyed. This is one of the reasons that
Haiti's developmental and democratization status began to fail. The people needed a new leader,
someone to help them through this time of loss. Many angry crowds gathered to protest the lack of
government help during the earthquake
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Foreign Aid In Haiti
A majority of Haiti's economy relies on foreign aid, with over half of its annual budget coming from
outside sources. In 2010 a 7.0 magnitude earthquake hit Haiti which inflicted $7.8 billion in damage
which caused the GDP to contract by 5.4%. Foreign aid skyrocketed and about $13.5 billion in
donations and pledges flooded in with 75% of them coming from donor nations and the other 25%
coming from private charities or organizations. Even 5 years after the earthquake, the situation
hasn't improved. Haitians are still dependent on foreign donations to live. The heavy dependence on
donations makes up for Haiti's low participation in the global economy, which is also negative.
Besides the foreign aid, Haiti exports very few products –– with annual exports that are about a third
of Jamaica's exports. The United States, a country that has trade ... Show more content on ...
If the government were to open up opportunities for entrepreneurs, small businesses could be
established and there would be less dependence on large corporations. Non–governmental and aid
organizations have slightly helped conditions in Haiti, but they will not help the self sufficiency
needed to make Haiti prosper. If the government were to take advantage of the NGO and foreign
aid, progress could be made. However, there are holes. This solution is similar to the import
substitution industrialization policy in which governments encourage local production of items that
had previously been imported. While local production would decrease dependence on imports, Haiti
does not have the funds to industrialize their economy. If Haiti were to industrialize the majority of
their economy, these industries would most likely not be globally competitive enough to attract
more trade partners. Plus, if Haiti were to take advantage of the foreign aid, this would contradict
the point of becoming financially
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A Wall Of Fire Rising Summary
"Haiti is a nation debilitated by a postcolonial legacy of racial division, debt and underdevelopment.
It is also a remarkably rich nation culturally and continues and continues to produce authors,
intellectuals, and artists of note." (Munro). Edwidge Danticat is one of those notable authors.
Danticat wrote an insightful story called "A Wall of Fire Rising" to explore the historical and
economic issues of Haiti. Haiti has always had a troubled past. Guy represents Haiti's future.
National Geographic states that "There is a huge income gap between Creole–speaking black
majority and French–speaking Mulattos who, control most of the wealth" ("Haiti: Republic of
Haiti"). The low literacy rate of 53 percent contributes to this wealth gap and forces ... Show more
content on ...
Guy is not the only poor person. In fact, " the poorest in the Western Hemisphere, Urban
poverty existing at a 65 percent level and rural at 80 percent" ("Haiti"). It is extremely hard not to be
poor in a terrible economy. Danticat even shortly mentioned child labor, which is a large factor in
Haitian contemporary issues. Guy says, "I was thinking of putting the boy on the list now, so maybe
by the time he becomes a man he can be up for a job" (372). "Many parents convey hopes of upward
social mobility as a result of their children obtaining skills, contacts, and education through their
work..." (Sommerfelt and Pedersen). However his wife was against the idea of having their son
destined to be a labor worker. "Some...[children] are forcibly recruited into prostitution or into
armed gangs" (Sommerfelt and Pedersen). It becomes clear why Little Guy's mother does not want
him entering the workforce at such a young age. "Children who live away from their parents and
who are engaged in domestic work are sometimes referred to as restavèk in Creole,...The term
illustrates the blurry distinction between fosterage arrangements and child labor" (Sommerfelt and
Pedersen). Some sources even go as far as saying that child labor is merely a result of slavery. "
[Child Labor] is less a part of the heritage from colonial times, slavery, or the nineteenth century"
(Haiti Soldarite Internationale 2001) Although Haitians
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Haiti Earthquake Research Paper
Haiti is located in the Caribbean between the Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean. It is located west of
the Dominican Republic on the western third of Hispaniola.This means that Haiti is bordered by
water on three out of its four sides. The terrain of Haiti is mostly mountainous. Elevation ranges
from 0 meters at the Caribbean Sea to 2,680 meters at Chaine de la Selle. The land area is 27,560
square kilometers which makes Haiti slightly smaller in size than Maryland. With a population of
10,485,800 people the distribution is relatively even. However, there are higher concentrations of
people located along the coastlines. (CIA, 2017)
The climate of Haiti is tropical. In the mountains where trade winds are cut off there is a semiarid
climate. Natural disasters are large contribution to food insecurity in Haiti. Haiti has been hit with
numerous earthquakes and hurricanes. These catastrophes lead to the death of crops that are already
growing and prevent the growth of new crops for a period of time. Haiti is unable to sustain
themselves on the food that ... Show more content on ...
It also has the second highest population. The bottom forty percent have control over only six
percent of the available income, while the top two percent control twenty six percent. (Food
Security Portal, 2012) According to the Global Hunger Index, Haiti has a GHI score of 36.9 which is
ranked as alarming. It is fourth highest ranked country in the world just behind Central African
Republic, Chad, and Zambia. This is score is down 14.7 points from 1992.. In 1992 the score was
extremely alarming at 51.6. In 2000 it was down to only being alarming at 42.8. Eight years later
2008 it was still only at an alarming rate but the score went up to 43.4. It may seem like Haiti is
doing better today. However it is doing worse compared to the rest of the world. In previous years
Haiti was not one of the top five hungriest countries in the world. (Global Hunger Index,
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Haiti : A Poor State Essay
This paper 's thesis is that Haiti is such a poor state because of the large spread corruption that is
seen throughout its government. Corruption, in any government can lead to the creation of a weak
state. Haiti is a classic example of how the government corruption has robbed the country of an
ability to deal with natural disaster. This corruption is causing the continued issues in Haiti and
preventing international aid from reaching the areas where it would benefit the most.
Haiti has been given a bad break in its global positioning and environment. Every year tropical
storms and Hurricanes cause large amounts of damage to the region. To make things even more
difficult for Haiti, in 2010 there was a magnitude of 7 earthquake near the Haitian capital, Port Au
Prince, which further contributed to decimating the region. All of these factors lead to a large
amount of refugee and rebuilding that needs to be done for a state to function properly. The Haitian
government is struggling with the rebuilding of homes for refugees let alone work on the country 's
infrastructure. The government 's inability to help has led to a large amount of aid coming into the
country to help with the rebuilding. The International community was quick in its response to try
and help rebuild Haiti. However, shortly after the arrival of the aid to Haiti a Cholera epidemic
began in the region. The United Nations is blamed for bringing Cholera into Haiti and spreading it
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Breath Eyes Memory Analysis
In the book Breath Eyes Memory by Edwin Dedicat, Sophie lived in a time and place where there
were significant societal issues. As pertains to Haiti, genders are not seen as equal with women put
under pressure to conform to the masculine idea of what a female should look and act like. In the
book, a woman's fingers symbolize her purpose in life, with each of her ten fingers representing a
different role, such as loving and washing. Sophie's aunt, Tante Atie, reflects on this stating, "The
men in this area, they insist that their women are virgins and have ten fingers... Sometimes, she even
wished she had six fingers on each hand so she could have two left for herself," (Danticat 151). The
social standards of women, such as Tante Atie, are causing them to conform to the masculine ideal.
The roles assigned to the women revolve around caring for men's needs, leaving them with little
time and opportunities for their own wants and needs. In wishing she had two fingers to herself,
Tante is showing that she feels like she doesn't have control over her own life and can't do as she
pleases in Haiti's civilization. In this male dominated society, women have little power, causing
Tante Atie, Sophie, and other women like them to struggle to succeed and support themselves
without the contribution of a male figure. In addition to women in Haiti having little power, their
civilization created a hostile environment for the women of the country. During Tante Atie's time in
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Similarities Between Dominican Republic And Haiti
The development of racial tensions between Dominicans and Haitians is linked to the stark cultural
differences and a racist ideology that dominated Dominican thought and culture and was propagated
by Dominican leaders like Rafael Trujillo. Antihaitianismo is rooted in deep–set cultural differences,
historical events, and economic differences between the neighboring countries. The Dominican
Republic and Haiti although widely different have shared the same fight for independence and for
the establishment of a free and independent state without the influence of any outside powers. For a
brief period between 1822 to 1844 both nations were united. However, after the fall of Boyer, the
Haitian president, Dominicans quickly established themselves as an independent nation from Haiti.
Today, the Dominican Republic and Haiti share Hispaniola. The Dominican Republic takes up ⅔ of
the island of Hispaniola. The west of the island is occupied by the Republic of Haiti while the east is
occupied by the Dominican ... Show more content on ...
Haiti has had a series of failed dictatorship, coups and revolutions all throughout its political history.
In 1964, Duvalier assumes power and he becomes the dictator for Haiti. Once he dies, his son takes
over as dictator. In 1990, there is the very first election in Haiti and Jean Bertrand wins the election.
However, his power is short–lived because there is a coup in Haiti and he is forced to flee for his
safety. In an effort to help maintain peace and tranquility in Haiti, the United States decides to send
in troops into Haiti. After four years of U.S involvement and intervention, the U.S makes the
decision to finally withdraw their troops. Bertrand returns to Haiti and assumes the presidency until
he is overthrown by the opposition after there are several riots against
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Economy In Haiti
From 1996, GDP (current US$) increased from $2.9 billion to $4.15 billion in 1999 as a result of the
1996 Haiti economic reforms designed by the Haitian Ministry of Economy and Finance after the
significant economic downturns from previous years. Then it started decreasing until 2003 where it
was $2.9 billion and started increasing again until 2008 where GDP stayed stationary between $6.5
and $6.6 billion for 3 years. During 2001 and 2002 the economy was affect by the political
instability, the collapse of informal banking cooperatives, which restricted investment and
international capital flows from abroad .However, in 2003 the economy stabilized and the
government discussed and negotiated with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Inter–
American Development Bank and the World Bank for the reinforcement of new fiscal and monetary
policy reforms. This led to the steady increase of up to $8.9 billion in GDP in 2015.
However, even though we have seen an increase in the value of GDP the annual percentage growth
of GDP has fluctuated hugely during the years. As you can see from the graph, in 2004 the growth
rate declined by –3.5% due ... Show more content on ...
Most banks are in the capital city and people in rural areas do not have access to any sort of loans,
impeding their development in all areas. If people can't get loans they can't go to school and get an
education, modernize their machinery to be more efficient, etc. leaving them at a disadvantage and
stopping the development of the country. Tourism in Haiti has been limited due to the inadequate
infrastructure and poverty. The island's image wasn't appealing as a tourist destination for all the
destruction from the natural hazards, the unstable economy and government and the extreme
poverty. Improvements in hotels, restaurants and general infrastructure need to be done to promote
the tourism
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What Is The Purpose Of Caroline's Wedding
Without purpose, all people would not have the strength to get up and face the challenges that
present themselves during the course of every day, regardless of the background they come from.
Krik? Krak!, a novel by Edwidge Danticat, tells several stories of people connected to Haiti that live
or have lived in terrible conditions. Finding a purpose allows the people to survive and press on
despite the adversities they face. While some of the novel's characters succumb and break down,
many find different meanings in life such as family, love, and passions that extend into something
larger than themselves.
Bonds within families are very powerful, allowing family members to support each other through
hardship. The story "Caroline's Wedding" centers around an immigrant family from Haiti that moves
to New York. The ... Show more content on ...
My father pulled heavy carts for pennies. My mother sold jugs of water from the public fountain,
charcoal, and grilled peanuts to get us something to eat" (166). Grace's mother and father work hard
to provide for her. Raising Grace is their primary goal, and later in their lives, they take it a step
further and move to America to provide better opportunities for Grace. Having a child in Haiti
forces Grace's parents to view Haiti differently than before. Rather than just surviving and making
ends meet they also have to address that they are going to raise a child in the poor conditions around
them. This motivates her parents to work harder and eventually move to provide better opportunities
for their children. "Night Women" is another story that shows how family is an important motivator.
The narrator of this story resorts to prostitution to provide for her son.
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Haitian Revolution Research Paper
The Haitian Revolution was an iconic and world altering overthrow of power that took place on the
French colonized island of Saint Domingue in August 1791, two years after the more famous French
Revolution. The mistreated slaves of the colony banded together to abolish slavery on the island
once and for all, and it was one of the first slave revolutions in history to succeed. The idea of the
revolution emerged during religious meetings celebrating the colony's native religion, voodoo.
During these meetings the slaves hatched a plan to overthrow the system they were trapped in. They
carried the plan through, and during the chaos and bloodbath that followed, the new leaders of Haiti
came into power. The main leader that emerged from the ashes was a man named Toussaint
L'Ouverture, who became the first governor of Haiti and wrote the constitution. Though the newly
freed slave society faced many struggles, including military opposition from France, the colony
remained free and slavery never ... Show more content on ...
"Despite the egalitarianism of the new revolutionary regime, Haitian society remained hierarchical,
with deep disparities in wealth between the mixed–race mulatto freedmen and newly emancipated
blacks. Following the departure of most of the French Creoles [Haitian–born whites], the mulatto
minority took their place as the new elite within Haitian society. Rural laborers resisted efforts by
mulatto landowners to rebuild sugar plantations, preferring instead to work the land independently."
Somehow, even after a revolution, there was still a strong racial hierarchy in place, and the mulattos
were still on top. In this way, the revolution failed and was a waste of blood, sweat, and tears, as it
created new problems in the place of the old. Race relations in Haiti are still chaotic to this day,
though not as much so as some other
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Government In Haiti
Many countries in the world have a unique history when it comes to the general health of their
economies, governments, and society however not all countries are able to thrive and make
advancements as well as others. Haiti has gone through the good, and the very bad. The unfortunate
outcome for Haiti has been plagued by poor leadership, civil unrest, and the idea that human
trafficking and slavery is still acceptable in today's society. The main focal points which need to be
examined to fully understand what the culture is all about are, the government leadership, the
economy as a whole unit, and the contradiction of freedom from their past history. The government
in Haiti has been overwhelmed over the last two centuries with a plethora of ... Show more content
on ...
Haiti was the first country to abolish slavery, also was the first country to declare its independence
in Latin America from the harshly ruled French. Haiti was ruled by white slave owners, and during
the Haitian Revolution in 1798 lead by Toussaint L'Ouverture, black slaves outnumbered the white
owners by hundreds of thousands. It was apparently easy to take over the country and declare its
freedom from France. Though during this revolt thousands of people died, Napoleon Bonaparte
knew Haiti must be taken back and order restored. He relinquished his Louisiana efforts and sold
Thomas Jefferson the Territory of Louisiana for 15 million dollars. However, his efforts never paid
off and Haiti declared its independence in 1804. Ironically enough, the contradiction between what
Haitians wanted (freedom) and what is currently happening in the region is astonishing. Currently,
human trafficking and the use of sex slaves is running rampart in the region. The region has no
organized military; the increase of corruption on a political, economic level has set Haiti back before
their Revolution. "Poor, mostly rural families send their children to cities to live with relatively
wealthier "host" families, whom they expect to provide the children with food, shelter, and an
education in exchange for domestic work. While some restaveks are cared for and sent to school,
most of
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Economics of Haiti
The economics of Haiti has deceased in the last 4 years after the devastating earthquake that struck
it 4 years ago. The Haiti economy has become very poor and one of the poorest country in the south,
Central America and Caribbean region making it ranked 24 out of 29 countries in this area and its
overall score is below average. Haiti's economic freedom is 48.1 making it economy the 151st freest
country while in the last several years Declines in the management of government spending,
freedom from corruption, and labor freedom make its overall score 2.6 points lower than last year.
Recovering from the disastrous earthquake in 2010 with the support of the U.S. recovering efforts
"Haiti's post–earthquake reconstruction efforts continue, ... Show more content on
The current structure of Haiti's political system was set forth in the Constitution of March 29, 1987."
(Princeton). Corruption is major problem in the country of Haiti and is why the government of Haiti
is one of the most corrupted nation in the world. "A measure of perceived political corruption. In
2006, Haiti was ranked as the most corrupt nation out of the 163 that were surveyed for the Index.
The International Red Cross reported that Haiti was 155th out of 159 countries in a similar survey of
corrupt countries."(Red cross) one example of Haiti corruption in politics is in an article from
October 2012 where a Haitian dictator is charged for murder "Former Haitian dictator Jean Claude
"Baby Doc" Duvalier will face trial for corruption during his 15–year rule, but not for human rights
abuses, a senior judicial official told Reuters. "(Delva Joseph). This article is an example of a
corrupt form of government since the president is selected by popular votes giving anyone a chance
to become president even those corrupted dictators have a chance to rule and since in a semi
presidential republic a president can stay in service for a fixed term, they have power. Australia
politics is federal parliamentary constitutional democracy framework with constitutional democracy.
Meaning that a person is in charge, the citizens must listen and can revolt back if necessary. Other
example of how Australia government is superior to Haiti Is because
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Analysis: Toward The End Of Poverty In Haiti
Society must have wonder how could the first powerful black nation become the poorest country in
the western hemisphere in just two centuries. Though many things could have contributed to the fall
of Haiti, however the shot that delivered the biggest blow to the country's economy was the accepted
150 million franc loan from France in 1838. This set–up loan gathered up such a ridiculously
amount of debt over the course of 80 years that kept Haiti's economy in a downwards path to
destruction and poverty. People could even say that this loan was France's ploy to punish island for
its past rebellion that gained them their independence. With that being said my proposed topic is the
investigation of economic development and growth through governmental decisions and how these
decisions is affecting Haiti present–day economy.
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Compare And Contrast Haiti Vs Usa
Though Haiti might be beautiful, I would rather live in the United States. There are plenty of
beautiful in this county. The United States is better because the economy is greater, the food is
better, and there are way better living conditions than Haiti.
To begin, our country the U.S.A is better because it has a more advantageous economy than Haiti.
People who live in the U.S.A can live in any house they can afford, which means they have a better
shelter made from more fortunate materials that will protect you from any harsh climates or storms.
Haitians live in a one room house made from sticks and dried mud.The houses do not give much
protection against the climate and the many natural disasters that occur there.In addition, to their
multiple natural disasters Haiti's average tempature is 75 degrees to 80 degrees and they get 80
inches of rain. And ... Show more content on ...
Most of the food cooked there is based on meat, salads, and fruit and they add spices to make the
food hotter. If they can afford it they eat three meals a day but in more rural areas they may eat
breakfast than not eat again until later that evening. There are definitely no cheeseburgers or
delivery pizza in Haiti. In the United States though can eat whatever and whenever they want. They
can afford eating three times a day and do not have to harvest or kill their food before then, they can
buy their food in a store and not have to worry when their next meal will be. Especially since they
have good paying jobs, like a lawyer or an engineer, to buy lots of food.
So if I had the choice to live in Haiti or the United States, the United States is a better country to live
in compared to Haiti. Reason for this are the economy is better, there is more acceptable food, and a
way better shelters/living conditions. Even though Haiti is beautiful and the people are warm and
friendly, I would rather live in the United States of
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Haiti Earthquake Research Paper
In Haiti, there are still about 55,000 people in makeshift camps/homes, many are still living in
unsanitary conditions due to displacement caused by the earthquake. According to the article Haiti
Politics, "Political violence is rare now, although demonstrations are frequent in Port–au–Prince and
other outlying areas for various reasons, to include dissatisfaction of infrastructure and utilities to
disapproval of Haitian government entities or UN presence. Any demonstration is capable of turning
violent, and innocent bystanders or travelers can be caught up in a clash, rock throwing, and tire
burning roadblocks," ( Regarding
Haiti's healthcare, the article Haiti's struggling healthcare system, it says, "The problem with ...
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The article Housing & Settlements states, "Roughly 70 percent of Port–au–Prince's pre–earthquake
population lived in informal settlements. These neighborhoods lack access to basic services and are
often located in high–risk zones," (–and–housing). According to
the CIA Factbook, it says, "Haiti is a free market economy with low labor costs and tariff–free
access to the US for many of its exports. Two–fifths of all Haitians depend on the agricultural sector,
mainly small–scale subsistence farming, which remains vulnerable to damage from frequent natural
disasters, exacerbated by the country's widespread deforestation. Poverty, corruption, vulnerability
to natural disasters, and low levels of education for much of the population are among Haiti's most
serious impediments to economic growth,"
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Remittance In Haiti
Remittance occurs when an expatriate sends funds to their country of origin. It provides an outside
source of income for the country while forcing citizens to look for jobs outside of these
underdeveloped nations. Investopedia mentions the importance of this to the economic development
of countries by stating that "in 2014 $583 billion in USD was transferred between countries, $436
Billion in USD was transferred was received by developing countries" (Investopedia, 2005). This
fact demonstrates how the emergence of remittance with globalization has opened up developing
countries to new economic opportunities. Haiti has become a key example of how a country has
become reliable on this form of economic contribution. According to a 2010 report ... Show more
content on ...
The migrants are desperate for work and finances, thus making them susceptible to the exploitation.
The extremely low wages and inhumane working environment are accepted because of the
desperation of the workers. According to a report by the Migration Policy Institute "Haitian
immigrants were as likely to live in poverty (i.e., with incomes below 100 percent of the federal
poverty level)" (Batalova&Nwosu, 2014). The inability of these workers to voice against their pay
or treatment result in the common exploitation of their labor. As seen in the Migration Policy
Institute's statement where Haitian immigrants earn incomes below 100 percent of the federal
poverty rate in the United States. These remitters are living and working in an exploitative
environment whereas they are forced to work and earn in an inhumane manner. The main driving
force to these jobs is the lack of opportunity in their native
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Difference Between Haiti And Dominican Republic
Haiti and the Dominican Republic: Their Economy Haiti and The Dominican Republic (DR) are on
the same island called Hispaniola. However, these two countries can't really be any more different.
Haiti is the poorest in the Western Hemisphere but, the DR has a growing economy due to tourism.
How can these two countries be extremely different but be on the same island? This all has to do
with the difference between how each country recovered after their revolutions. The Haitian
Revolution started because France had created the Constitution of 1801 that said all men are created
equal. The Haitian slaves demanded that if all men are created equal, then they should be free.
Therefore, France decided to make all of the slaves free,
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Haiti Earthquake Research Paper
Imagine you are in the country Haiti and you are sitting in your house in the country's capital, Port–
au–Prince. You are sitting in your living room and talking to your family when you begin to feel the
ground shake. You all look around confused for a second until you realize it is an earthquake. You
watch in terror as things begin to fall on the ground and break. Then, you hear a loud noise from
above. You look up and watch as the ceiling begins to collapse. You and your family are only a few
out of many victims of the 2010 Haiti Earthquake. The Haiti Earthquake was the most devastating
earthquake to ever hit Haiti. The magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck about 16 miles away from the
nation's capital, Port–au–Prince. Because Haiti was a very poor country at the time, over 230,000
people lost their lives. The quake also caused at least 50 aftershocks measuring 4.5 or higher. The
2010 Haiti Earthquake greatly damaged the country, and it also affected the economy and people. ...
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For example, the article "Overview of the 2010 Haiti Earthquake" by Reginald Des Roches, Mary
Comerio, Marc Eberhard, Walter Mooney, and Glen J. Rix, around 50% of hospitals in Haiti were
affected, and 80% of schools were destroyed or damaged. If 80% of schools were destroyed or
damaged, many people would be out of school for a long period of time. Also, there won't be many
places for the wounded to go if half of the hospitals were affected. According to an article called
"Haiti Earthquake: Facts, Damage, Effects on Economy" by Kimberly Amadeo, 6 months after the
earthquake, around 98% of rubble still remained. This shows how serious the damage was, and it
shows that they had a limited amount of help. Therefore, the country was in much need at this time
and didn't have enough
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Haiti Swot Analysis

  • 1. Haiti Swot Analysis HISTORY Christopher Columbus discovered the island of Hispaniola on December 5, 1492. The French also laid claim to the island, and the Spanish and French would debate the ownership of the island until the Treaty of Ryswick, which split the island into the modern day Haiti and the Dominican Republic. The French soon became very prosperous, thanks to many African slaves. In 1791, the slaves started to revolt, and by 1804, the Haitian slaves were free. Haiti is very politically unstable and has suffered many rebellions. In 2010, the worst earthquake that has occurred in the last 200 years struck with a 7.0 magnitude that left more than 1.5 million people homeless and killed more than 316,000. ECONOMY Haiti is a country that has suffered greatly through the years. Under French rule, the Haitians were slaves and forced to overwork the ground, nearly destroying all chances of later farming. This factor has greatly affected the current economic situation. Another factor that has greatly affected Haitian economy is ... Show more content on ... Like the United States, Haiti has three branches of government: the executive branch, judicial branch, and the legislative branch. A president, his cabinet, and a prime minister lead the executive branch. The president of Haiti is elected by popular vote, and the president chooses the prime minister. The cabinet is led by the prime minister and is composed of 19 ministries. The current president is Michel Martelly and the prime minister is Evans Paul. The judicial branch is composed of the Supreme Court, and is based off Napoleon's Code civil des Français. The nation is split up into ten departments, and each department is split into three to seven arrondissements, and these arrondissements are split up into communes. The legislative branch is bicameral, meaning that it has two houses or sections. The National Assembly of Haiti consists of the Senate and the Chamber of ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Dominican Republic vs. Haiti Dominican Republic and Haiti: A Comparison of How One Island Has Two Complete Different Ends Dominican Republic and Haiti: A Comparison of How One Island Has Two Complete Different Ends The Hispaniola is a small island in the Caribbean which is currently composed by the Dominican Republic and the Republic of Haiti. These two countries despite sharing an island and historical institutions are completely different. While the Dominican Republic enjoys the beauty of the Caribbean and its weather, Haiti suffers the consequences of it. These two countries share certain similarities, but within these similarities there is a big difference. The Dominican Republic and Haiti have a similar economy, environment, and education system, but in ... Show more content on ... The rates of unemployment are extremely high, that is why Haitians migrate to the Dominican Republic to perform the lowest job positions at a minimum wage jobs that Dominicans will never do. (Minority Rights Group International, 2008) The Dominican Republic gets its wealth from the exportation of sugar, tobacco and coffee, but recently they have grown in the agriculture and telecommunications field. Another important part of this country's economy is the tourism and remittances that are sent from the US or Europe. Haiti's economy, on the other hand, due to corruption and poverty hasn't been able to grow like the Dominican Republic's. Part of this country's economy beside the exportation of clothing to the United States, is remittances and agriculture (Dominican Republic vs. Haiti, n.d). Figure 1. GDP per Capita in Latin America Although, Haiti's economy hasn't been able to grow due to poverty and corruption, their vulnerability to natural disasters and deforestation has also influenced. The border between Haiti and the Dominican Republic is what best reflects the amount of deforestation occurring in Haiti. Even though, they share the same climate, ocean access, and location, there is a huge divergence of growth between these two countries. According to Diamond (2005), the rapid deforestation in Haiti is caused by lower rainfall compared to the Dominican Republic. The ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. The Indemnity In Haiti First, simply as a matter of clarification, I believe slavery was abolished in the French empire in February 1794 thanks to a Decree of the National Convention. (As we know, slaves in Saint– Domingue [colonial Haiti] had already started a massive uprising in August 1791 and fearing for the future of the French colony, the French commissioners Étienne Polverel and Léger–Félicité Sonthonax gradually abolished slavery in the island starting in 1793. By 1794, this decision would extend to the entire empire [at least in theory] due to the Convention. As you pointed out, this measure was largely overturned by Napoleon who in his 1799 Constitution, specified that colonies had to be governed by "special laws" and hence re–opened the doors to slavery. ... Show more content on ... It may shock some to learn that, for instance, up until the 1880s and the major world recession that greatly affected Haiti's coffee industry, the country was not doing too bad financially. I suggest reading Victor Bulmer–Thomas' The Economic History of Latin America Since Independence, in contains a very well–written chapter on "Haiti from Independence to US Occupation". Furthermore, while the indemnity did take an important (if not the most important) segment of the Haitian economy for most of the nineteenth century, there is usually little outcry outside of Haiti for how much the Haitian army and other government expenditures (such as useless and expensive diplomatic posts given to men of good families) also absorbed what little money the Haitian state had. Additionally, it goes without saying that the problem of political instability also greatly played into Haiti's underdevelopment in this period (in fact, I would say it is a vicious circle when one problem helps reinforces the other). My point is that while we must absolutely look at the question of the indemnity, it should not be done at the detriment of starting a broader conversation about how the Haitian government has dealt with its finances if indeed the question we are trying to answer is what are the root of Haiti's ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Haiti's Poverty : Haiti Is A Natural Disaster, A Human... Name: JIAYUN CANG Student Number: 1001720060 Course Code: GGRA02H3 TA' Name: Kelly Chan Haiti's poverty When people start to talk about Haiti, the first word come out in my mind is "poverty", and second is "tragedies". Unlike other countries, Haiti's problems are continuous for decades. According to Haiti's Disasters, Noriega claims that Haiti is not only suffering from natural disasters, but also a human disaster. After the 2010 Haiti earthquake, more and more countries start to put their attention on Haiti and providing humanitarian help. However, Haiti's poverty is not an accident or simply caused by a natural disaster, but a necessary consequence of both external and internal issues, which involves historical, economic, political, environmental issues and influence from other countries. First of all, Haiti's poverty is historical. Anup Shah introduces Haiti in her article "Haiti" as: "Before the 'discovery' of Hispaniola (the island that is now Haiti and the Dominican Republic) by Christopher Columbus, there was a thriving civilization of native Americans, known as the Arawak–speaking Taino Indians. The arrival of Columbus and European colonialism brought disease, slavery, misery and death. They were soon wiped out from the island and black slave labor from Africa was needed to replace them. What was thought of as a rich and profitable Western colony, Haiti today is the poorest country in the western hemisphere" (Shah, A, 2010). Haiti's problems are long–term, which ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Essay on The Basics of the Country of Haiti Off the Gulf of Mexico, lies one of the most densely populated and least developed countries in the Western Hemisphere with a population of almost 10 million people. The country faces many natural disaster and challenges, including a poor educational system, lack of sanitary water access, and inferior living conditions. This country is Haiti. Haiti was ranked 145 out of 169 countries on the UN Human Development Index, the lowest ranked country in the Western Hemisphere. More than 70% of Haiti's population lives on less than $2 a day. Haiti has a population of 9.893.945 people, 95% of the population is black and 5% is mulatto and white, with a median age of 21.9 years old. The religious makeup of the country consists of 80% Roman ... Show more content on ... In late August, Tropical Storm Isaac hit Haiti with rains and winds causing flooding and mudslides. Though the tropical storm did not cause widespread damage as initially feared, it was still a large obstacle for a nation still recovering. The response for the natural disasters that hit Haiti in 2010 was slow. Haiti improved the water supply of 340,000 people, supplied drugs to five cholera treatment facilities, provided free medical care to 39,000, and gave tools and seeds to help 23,000 people in farming households to help support themselves. These services not only improved shelters for 34,000 people but gave information to 116,000 people about disaster preparation. Volunteers ran literacy classes for 60,000 vulnerable women to help them support themselves and their families; additionally, they helped defend 25,000 residents from forced eviction. However, 3.5 years after the earthquake, the nation is still struggling with recovery with hundreds of thousands of people still living in tent camps. Poverty, corruption, and poor access to education are the most serious disadvantages that Haiti faces. Two–thirds of the country depends on agriculture, consisting of mainly small–scale subsistence farming. This sector is high vulnerable to damage from natural disasters and the country's widespread deforestation (which have caused periodic flooding). Additionally, Haiti suffers from high inflation, lack of investment, ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Disenfranchisement in Haiti Essay Often time disenfranchisement is shown in various places throughout the world. Although saddening, people face tragedies that cause them to lose things most important to them every day. For example, when the earthquake in Haiti struck, the people of Haiti lost everything they considered valuable. Having faced many obstacles, Haitian people dealt with the disenfranchisement of their pride and their possessions; there are endless amounts of literature that reference to the tragedies that occurred in Haiti and how these mishaps have affected the life that they are having to live. Haiti is one of the more indigent countries in the world; the country also holds a low economic status. Over time Haiti's economy grew gradually at around 2.3 ... Show more content on ... The earthquake of 2010 altered the way the people of Haiti looked at everyday life, as well as, it caused them to be deprived of all hope on creating a new beginning. On Tuesday January 12, 2010, the Haitian society knew that their world would never be the same. Having killed over 300,000 people and wounded more than 200,000 people, the magnitude 7.0 earthquake was demoralizing to the Haitians ("The 2010 Haiti Earthquake"). To make matters worse, following the magnitude 7.0 earthquake there were twelve aftershocks containing a magnitude larger than 5.0 ("Earthquake in Haiti"). The outcome of the earthquake was devastating to the extent that the minority of people who survived stood on the remains of their churches, grocery stores, and even their own homes. Corporations like Merlin USA and others around the globe are contributing in various ways to help try to rebuild Haiti's nation. Working to repair Haiti's demolished society, Merlin tries to bring appropriate health care to all susceptible associations in Haiti ("Haiti"). Strongly, Merlin continues to put in a great effort and they have tended to around 47,986 patients merely in Port–au–Prince ("Haiti"). Sorrowfully, people are constantly dying from Cholera in Haiti; nevertheless, it seems to them that nothing the world can offer will be able to cure the adversity they have encountered. The disenfranchisement in Haiti is beyond the grasp of many people ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Who Do Not Study The Past, The Great American Philosopher... Title Melissa Lichota "Those who do not study the past, the great American philosopher and historian George Santayana once observed, are condemned to repeat it." (Schmidt, 1) This is not only true for the present we live in today, but is held true for the future tomorrow. In 2010 Haiti was hit with traumatic earthquake that has still left 150,000 people not re–housed and live in tents. "It was devastating because a history of adverse social conditions and extreme ecological fragility primed Port–au–Prince for massive loss of life and destruction when the ground began shaking on January 12th." (Farmer, 3) The history of Haiti has caused the country a great struggle to rebuild after the earthquake and the 1825 settlement between Haiti and France, the occupation of Haiti from 1915 to 1934, and the Duvalier dictatorships from 1957 to 1986 events prove that history has a substantial impact upon the future after a devastating "natural" disaster. Haiti's independence created new difficulties and led to a spiral of independent debt. "The prospect of slave rebellion terrified every slave–holding elite and now their own restless slaves had a bloody example to emulate." (Phillips, 4) Other colonies relied heavily on slave labor and could not risk losing property, which resulted in Haiti being quarantined to hide the independence. Slave plantations in Haiti were French owned, but when the country became independent the French lost property, or slaves, and forced ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. President Franklin Roosevelt And The Great Depression What comes to mind when it comes to Changes? Is the changes necessary? There were changes in the United States specifically in the 1920s until 1945. There were some illustrations that relates to the ideology and the reasoning to these changes in the United States. The ideology itself relates to the focus of the economic liberties of the American people and their foreign policy. The changes in the United States during the 1920s were often called in the "Roaring 20s" after the end of World War I. The years that the United States mired in despair and marked by "Hoovervilles", was during the Great Depression in the early 30s. The late 1930s lead to the presidential election of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the led to changes in the United ... Show more content on ... Both in Haiti and Nicaragua 's occupations was due to financial interest. The United States took over both countries ' customhouse and took control of their natural recourses. The dollar diplomacy in both Haiti and Nicaragua have things in common that relates to economic liberties. One thing is that the United States ' control of the countries ' customhouse means that they control the countries ' economy. This limits Haiti 's and Nicaragua 's economic liberties because the United States controlled their economy and both occupied countries have limited control of economic operations. The limited Control of the economy in both Haiti and Nicaragua can result in a puppet government ran by the United States government. A puppet government during that time was controlled by a dictators supported by the United States. This type of government limited the people of Haiti and Nicaragua 's freedom and liberty while being under a tyrant. The dollar diplomacy in Haiti and Nicaragua is due to the financial interest of these countries. Another thing is that they are inconsistent to the economic liberties due to the fact that the United States took control of their economy and support a puppet government to occupy the countries. The United States also used the national guard who were paramilitary force who had loyalty to the puppet dictator to keep the occupation under control. The economic liberties were inconsistent to the United States ' citizen in ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Haiti Economy The main purpose of this essay is to examine the current economic development and the future economy of Haiti. Haiti has ranked #1 as the poorest country in the Americas consecutively for the past decade. It has experienced a lot of political violence throughout history. Some events that have left an indelible mark are the colonization and the 2010 earthquake. The Republic of Haiti is located in the Caribbean neighboring the Dominican Republic. Haiti has also encountered rivalry with its neighboring countries such as the Dominican Republic. The official languages spoken in the nation are French and Creole. There are several other languages spoken in different parts of the country. Haiti was first independent nation in Latin America that gained ... Show more content on ... The 2010 earthquake was one of the most lethal natural disasters that have ever occurred. In the earthquake, many people lost their lies however that's not it the GDP rate dropped drastically. The country had no immediate support consequently creating more problems. "The GDP fell 8% in 2010 (from $12.15 billion to $11.18 billion) and the GDP per capita remained unchanged at (PPP US$) 1,200."(BBC). Social and economic problems just increased there after. Haiti is one of the poorest countries. United Nations Human Development suggests that 57.8% of the people ate deprived of basic necessities such as food and water. CNN reports a shortage of skilled labor and widespread diseases in Haiti. Even today, Haiti has the highest rate of unemployment and poverty in the Americas. About 82% of the population lives on less than $2 per day. The literacy rate is unbelievably low. Adult literacy is variously reported as 52.9% [World Fact book] and 65.3% [United Nations]. Most importantly nobody is coming to rescue the situation in Haiti. Most young children are searching for food and don't have the time and money to afford an education. The young boys are compelled to work as a laborer at a young age and the women are marred off. According to UNICEF, the women to men ratio for education in 2014 is 1:3. So for every 3 boys only 1 girl is ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Problems Affecting Haiti's Economy Since 1804, after Haitians slave revolution brought independence from France; Haiti is a very unstable country. With its high corruption, crime rate, poverty and natural disasters it's one of the poorest areas in the Americas. The enormous earthquake from January 2010 made their situation even worse. Already struggling country had to face even more difficulties to raise their economy. Even though Haiti received very generous amounts of donation their economy is still in a bad shape. The World Bank "ranks Haiti as the 162nd worst place in the world to do business out of 183 economies" (Adelman, 91). Moreover Haiti is the most corrupted country in the world. Therefore, "Approximately 54 percent of the population lives on less than $1 a day and 78 percent on less than $2 a day" (Adelman, 92). So why the aid Haiti received was not effective in repairing the country? What happened with all the effort and plans that were supposed to rebuild Haiti's economy? ... Show more content on ... We can keep pouring money on Haiti, but we're not going to see any progress until there're going to be more jobs created and private business sector will develop. Haiti has a lot of potential, but they need a good plan and help to bring it to life. For example they have mangos and coffee that could be an excellent products for export. Instead mangos are rotting and coffee is being sold informally to Dominican Republic who made most of the profit. Another sector that could be developed in Haiti is tourism. Their warm climate, amazing beaches and waters could bring money to bust their economy. Even thought tourism almost doesn't exist there. The earthquake definitely made it harder for Haiti to developed those sectors, but with all the aid government should notice the potential and work towards ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Krik Krak By Edwidge Danticat Essay Past & Present The book "Krik Krak" written by Edwidge Danticat contains a story of Danticat in the past and how could she became a famous author today. She was born Haiti and a survivor who escaped oversea to the United States. Danticat's past is painful and horrible but it influenced her present. The Haitian politics repressed certain group of women and the fear surrounded them everyday. To find her own freedom and her rights, Danticat got on board then arrived at New York. The racist weighed on her but she didn't give up on the path that she chose. She learned English and had a dream to become a writer but that also an issue for Danticat. The Haitian writer often killed but it didn't quench Danticat's desire to keep their history ... Show more content on ... Many struggles but I believe if you I work hard, it will paid off in the future. Logic or Intuition Decisions are important and hard to make. People maybe decide quickly without thinking about the consequences but on the other half, they will think about it back and forth then they will reply. Christopher makes his point that people rely on their intuition so much, but I'm kindly disagree with him because it usually based on the ages. As people get older, they become more aware of they're doing. Intuition usually evolves in easy decision, without any reasons they just decide as quickly as possible to get out of that problem. I can't say which one people rely on more because they are different and they solve the problem with their way. Did I used mostly logic or intuition to make the decision? My answer is I used mostly logic to decide something. I feel like to have the comfortable feeling, I should think back and forth, then use reasons so I don't have to hold any consequences later. The way I solve the problem should comfortable others too because I don't want anyone get in trouble. One time, I had to decide the money I have left, should I buy my favorite shoes or birthday gift for my friend then I decided to buy birthday gift because shoes I can buy at anytime but my friend's birthday happens only once a year; so I want to put my selfish aside and make everyone is happy. Your own selfish will make you move to the intuition side, ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Positive And Negative Effects Of Globalization In Haiti Globalization is when international organization influence on other countries. It seems that Haiti is a country with a strong dignity that oppose globalization as a force that have an effect on most aspects of economic experience. However, globalization has had both positive and negative effects. Globalization has impacted poverty in Haiti by free trading and many workers works unpaid for many international factories. For many years Haiti was the center of tourism, which was helping the economy, but now it has declined as a source of income . Official data say Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the Western Hemisphere( Global Finance) . The free trade promoted by global financial organizations has involved the country's economy in a deep retrocession that obliges to neglect barriers and not obstructive goods of developed countries. In Haiti they practice free trade. Free trade is an international trade without a tariff. Based on the article "Made in Haiti" , free trade creates more misery for the workers. Instead of creating work that can develop reduce poverty they are not doing it. And are just producing more challenging circumstances for workers. With this in mind many workers are even working unpaid for many international factories. In those factories they increase the minimum wage, but is honestly not helping all the workers because it only increase for those who work in the factories not everyone. Based on the article "Haiti minimum wage", "Minimum wage ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Marie-Jeanne And Solange: The Impacts Of Globalization In... This documentary focused on globalization, how it is gendered, and the impacts of globalization in Haiti. It also focused on the working conditions, violence, poverty, poor health care system, and the lack of education. The documentary is narrated through the personal stories of women like Marie– Jeanne, Solange, Frisline, etc. At the beginning of the documentary, Marie–Jeanne talked about the working conditions that workers faced while working in the factories in Haiti. The conditions that these workers are in are miserable. For example, the workers are discriminated in the sense that they do not drink the same water as their bosses who employs them. The water given to them are contaminated unlike that of their bosses. Their bosses make little to no effort when it come to the health of their workers. In the case of Marie, she had to toil under those wretched condition to send her children to school because she was denied education because of the gender discrimination and the expensive cost of school. ... Show more content on ... Because of the socioeconomic structure and marginalization of the country's economy, more than 60% of the youth are unemployed which yield rise to violence, like theft, shootings, rape, etc. According to the documentary, children who live in Haiti can't go to school because of how expensive it is. Also, the government provides no funding for education. As one interviewee puts it, "the Haitian government likes the pressure from other countries, the World Bank, IMF, before they can provide for their citizens, education being the most exploited ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. The Big Truck That Went : An Inside Look Into The... The Big Truck That Went By: How the World Came to Save Haiti and Left Behind a Disaster is an inside look into the realities behind international aid and intervention. The book answers the question of whether or not international efforts in Haiti really benefited the nation in the long term. The book argues that the international community failed in their efforts to rebuild Haiti due to their mismatched military approaches, failed monetary pledges and how the how billions of dollars were ineffective, having served only short term needs instead of, rebuilding solid foundations and institutions that would serve as the first step toward sustainable development. I argue that while the author does well to argue his thesis in a logical sequence, in the narrative the author fails to include a direct Haitian perspective, which is integral to the readers' understanding of life in port au prince as they lost far more in the catastrophe. Furthermore he fails in his attempt to provide a solution that is economically suitable and thus dismissed short–term models that could benefit the population. Finally blinded by journalistic ambitions I believe that his excessive coverage of his breakthrough story on the cholera out break overshadows the earthquake story, as it becomes the main focus toward the end. The author should be credited because this book was a well written. As a journalist that had lived in Haiti at the time, his knowledge and research skills proved an asset. This book ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. The Culture Of The Caribbean The Caribbean is a widely known tourist attraction, and in the center of the Caribbean is a small island named Haiti. Home to about ten million people, this island country serves as a exports a variety of goods from cocoa to clothing around the world but mainly to the United States. But behind their massive amounts of exports there is plenty of history behind how the country was formed and important events that led to its independence and creation of the Government. Haiti was unexpectedly found by Christopher Columbus. While trying to sail and find a faster route from Europe to India, he ran into the Caribbean Islands instead. Haiti's first name was Hispaniola, named by the native Taino that lived there before French and Spanish settlers that landed there. During the 18th century Haiti was one of the wealthiest islands in the Caribbean due to its exportation of sugar. During that time there was also a large population of slaves that lived there. Nearly a half a million slaves lived in Haiti during that time. Due to the amount of slaves and the way they were treated by the European slave owners, a rebel group led by Toussaint l 'Ouverture ended slavery in Haiti and gained independence in 1804. The Western Imperialism in Haiti turned out to be a mishap and ended up dismantling and dividing the country. Due to the small size of the country, Christopher Columbus was able set up a settlement on the north coast of Hispaniola easily, although it was later destroyed by the natives. ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Haiti Is Located In Central America, And Is Also Bordered Haiti is located in Central America, and is also bordered by the Caribbean Sea. The size of the country is comparable to the state of Maryland in the United States; however, it is marginally smaller. As of July 2016, the estimated population was 10,485,800. (CIA) Haiti is probably most well known for being the location where a devastating earthquake hit. This earthquake took place in 2010, and it killed more than 200,000 people. (BBC News) The earthquake completely destroyed not only the land, but also the economy. I chose this country because I was curious to find out exactly how the earthquake affected the country's economy. I also chose this country because not a whole lot of people talk about Haiti, and I don't really know anything ... Show more content on ... They were losing money, because they were just handing the rice out for free. It also put local businesses out of business because people weren't going there and paying to get rice. Instead, they were getting it for free. As the import issue gets fixed, things will start going back to normal and people will start paying cash for their food. Relief agencies were going to transition into handing out food vouchers for the people to use to get their rice. (Frontline) This could be good, but if you hand out too many and increase demand a lot at the same time there is limited supply; moreover, this could cause prices to increase tremendously. This would then cause inflation. As the ports are being fixed, then rice wholesalers can get their rice, sell it to vendors, which can then sell rice to wholesalers on the street, and then finally sell food on the streets. (Frontline) As a result of this, the prices will then decrease. Economic Costs are payments that every country has to involve in their economy. Violent crime is a conflict that most people may not think affects a country's economic status. Every country has some form of security to keep the population safe, and to try and limit the amount of crimes committed throughout the country. Security is a necessity; however, it requires money to keep the system going. When a country like Haiti has to have lots of security, that requires what is called ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Similarities Between Hispaniola And Haiti The Dominican Republic and Haiti Imagine yourself as a businessperson on a trip to the island of Hispaniola to check on how production is faring. You land in Santo Domingo to transfer to a short commuter flight to Port–au– Prince. During the flight, you gaze outside your window to admire the breathtaking view of the Sierra de Baoruco, with its luscious forests. As the plane approaches the Haiti–Dominican Republic border, you notice that the land has been completely denuded of trees directly on the other side of the border, creating a clear demarcation between Haiti and the Dominican Republic. This physical border is only one indication of the clear contrast between the two countries that share Hispaniola. According ... Show more content on ... During Napoleon's reign in France, Napoleon sought to control the entire island of Hispaniola through control of Spain and the reacquisition of Haiti. Harsh rule by the governors–general induced loyalists to form the movement La Reconquista to rise up in order to restore Spanish sovereignty. (Metibag 91) Though the colony was returned to Spain in 1809, weak support led to a decay in colonial infrastructure, leading to a revolt, led by José Núñez de Cáceres and Don Manuel Carvajal, which declared "Spanish Haiti" independent. However, the new nation was vulnerable, and Boyer immediately seized on the opportunity to unite the island for security purposes, seeking to impose "Haitianization" on Santo Domingo economically and politically. Such aspects of "Haitianization" included abolition of slavery, land redistribution, settlement of Haitians, and forced cultivation of crops in a region dominated by cattle ranchers. (Moya Pons 123, 133) An insurrection group named los trinitarios seized on the discontent of the Dominican people in the 1830s and 1840s, leading to independence in 1844. (Black 19) The new republic was founded on anti–Haitianism in reaction to the occupation and control by a commercial bourgeoisie, which inevitably caused factioning among supporters of independence and protectionism by Spain. Authoritarianism was employed by the factions–the protectionists, ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Inequality And Corruplity In Haiti Haiti gained independence in 1804 from France, but two decades later the country has an influential and visible deplorable in the economy. At the time, the French colonists used African slaves to work on large sugar plantations. The plantations were owned by white elite unto which the level of socio– economic inequality increased. Constant foreign intervention has led to factionalism, broken policies and corruption. Two dictatorial leaders led the country after its independence to recently. It has faced several coup leadership, for instance, Francois Duvalier. The period of the dictatorship led to increasing inequality and corruption. Haiti has experienced various regime changes since 1970 to 2003.The period experienced lack of political stability which is very crucial for the economic growth of any country. In contrast, the Dominican Republic has had fewer changes in the regime which has had higher economic growth compared to Haiti. Transparency International has ranked Haiti the fourth most corrupt nation in the world. Corruption and other issues have discouraged investment by foreign investors in the country. Some of the long–term solutions have been futile to Haiti. For the state to meet the goal of enhancing the level of inequality, it must combat issues such as corruption, criminal activities, and drug trafficking. Areas of Development Imports and Food Most of the population living in Haiti live in abject poverty. The country is one of the world most unfortunate as ... Get more on ...
  • 36.
  • 37. Haiti : A Weak State Essay Intro This paper 's thesis is that Haiti is a weak state because of the large spread corruption that is seen throughout its government. Corruption, in any government can lead to the creation of a weak state. Haiti is a classic example of this. The corruption in Haiti has created a distrust between the people and the government. Haiti itself provides a perfect example of how the government corruption has robbed the country of an infrastructure that has the ability to deal with natural disasters. This corruption is causing the continued issues in Haiti and preventing international aid from reaching the areas where it would benefit the most. Environment Haiti has been given a bad break in its global positioning and environment. Every year tropical storms and Hurricanes cause large amounts of damage to the region. To make things even more difficult for Haiti, in 2010 there was a magnitude of 7 earthquake near the Haitian capital, Port Au Prince, which further contributed to the issues faced by the Haitian government (DEC 2015). All of these factors lead to a large amount of refugee work and rebuilding that needs to be done in order for a state to function properly. The Haitian government is struggling with the rebuilding of homes for refugees . In order to do this it needs to work on its infrastructure. The issue is that when people are homeless they take priority not the country 's infrastructure. The government 's inability to help has led to a large amount of aid ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Haiti Cause And Effect The relationship between the values of cause and effect is formed through the significance of time and occurrence. Development in any aspect of life; let it be of the past, present or the known future, is dependent on these three variants. Though it is a commonly held belief that events of the past, and the actions of individuals in the past, have no connection to the world of today, nor any impact upon what is happening in the present. But, the truth is that there are a large number of features that make the past vitally effective in the present (Lieb p.155). Thus, it would be considered inappropriate to state that history has no effect on the modern world because of the distance in time and space, between historical events and the present ... Show more content on ... The US occupation of Haiti was intended towards using the region as a naval base, during an era when Haiti was under a huge foreign debt and had already lost power over trade and finances to France. Considering the stance of Germany, which was establishing its presence in Haiti for trade and business purpose; the US feared any foreign intervention. Thus, the aim of protecting "U.S. assets in the area" and preventing "a possible German invasion"; gave birth to the Haitian–American Treaty of 1915 (U.S Department of State p.1). During the invasion some of the most evil concepts like racial discrimination were brought forward, which were not practiced before the US invasion (Schmidt p.136). The aspect of having great control over the financial aspects of Haiti gave US the chance to intervene whenever they wanted to (U.S Department of State ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Haiti 's Recovery Of Haiti Haiti's Recovery To improve after a natural disaster such as an earthquake, recovery takes a lot out of the government, the people, and the allied countries. When an unexpected major earthquake hit Haiti, a country in the Caribbean, in 2010, at least 200,000 to 316,000 deaths occurred. The many deaths, displaced people, and destroyed buildings left Haiti in ruins. The government and the people were filled with dreadful sorrows as these truths about a ruined Haiti came to light. Immediately after this disaster, allied countries such as the United States and Canada stepped in to pay for search parties and repairing Haiti, physically and emotionally. Even with the support of allied countries and the government, the development of Haiti is still in need of assistance. Six years later, after the 7.0 magnitude earthquake hit Haiti, the handouts and help from allied countries have not been enough to create a fully developed economy and efficient government. In 2010, a parliamentary election was scheduled to be held in Haiti. The earthquake on January 12, 2010 caused this election to be delayed and Haiti in need of a new leader. The destruction of the earthquake caused many important political buildings to be destroyed. This is one of the reasons that Haiti's developmental and democratization status began to fail. The people needed a new leader, someone to help them through this time of loss. Many angry crowds gathered to protest the lack of government help during the earthquake ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Haiti 's Recovery Of Haiti Haiti's Recovery To improve after a natural disaster such as an earthquake, recovery takes a lot out of the government, the people, and the allied countries. When an unexpected major earthquake hit Haiti, a country in the Caribbean, in 2010, at least 200,000 to 316,000 deaths occurred. The many deaths, displaced people, and destroyed buildings left Haiti in ruins. The government and the people were filled with dreadful sorrows as these truths about a ruined Haiti came to light. Immediately after this disaster, allied countries such as the United States and Canada stepped in to pay for search parties and repairing Haiti, physically and emotionally. Even with the support of allied countries and the government, the development of Haiti is still in need of assistance. Six years later, after the 7.0 magnitude earthquake hit Haiti, the handouts and help from allied countries have not been enough to create a fully developed economy and efficient government. In 2010, a parliamentary election was scheduled to be held in Haiti. The earthquake on January 12, 2010 caused this election to be delayed and Haiti in need of a new leader. The destruction of the earthquake caused many important political buildings to be destroyed. This is one of the reasons that Haiti's developmental and democratization status began to fail. The people needed a new leader, someone to help them through this time of loss. Many angry crowds gathered to protest the lack of government help during the earthquake ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Foreign Aid In Haiti A majority of Haiti's economy relies on foreign aid, with over half of its annual budget coming from outside sources. In 2010 a 7.0 magnitude earthquake hit Haiti which inflicted $7.8 billion in damage which caused the GDP to contract by 5.4%. Foreign aid skyrocketed and about $13.5 billion in donations and pledges flooded in with 75% of them coming from donor nations and the other 25% coming from private charities or organizations. Even 5 years after the earthquake, the situation hasn't improved. Haitians are still dependent on foreign donations to live. The heavy dependence on donations makes up for Haiti's low participation in the global economy, which is also negative. Besides the foreign aid, Haiti exports very few products –– with annual exports that are about a third of Jamaica's exports. The United States, a country that has trade ... Show more content on ... If the government were to open up opportunities for entrepreneurs, small businesses could be established and there would be less dependence on large corporations. Non–governmental and aid organizations have slightly helped conditions in Haiti, but they will not help the self sufficiency needed to make Haiti prosper. If the government were to take advantage of the NGO and foreign aid, progress could be made. However, there are holes. This solution is similar to the import substitution industrialization policy in which governments encourage local production of items that had previously been imported. While local production would decrease dependence on imports, Haiti does not have the funds to industrialize their economy. If Haiti were to industrialize the majority of their economy, these industries would most likely not be globally competitive enough to attract more trade partners. Plus, if Haiti were to take advantage of the foreign aid, this would contradict the point of becoming financially ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. A Wall Of Fire Rising Summary "Haiti is a nation debilitated by a postcolonial legacy of racial division, debt and underdevelopment. It is also a remarkably rich nation culturally and continues and continues to produce authors, intellectuals, and artists of note." (Munro). Edwidge Danticat is one of those notable authors. Danticat wrote an insightful story called "A Wall of Fire Rising" to explore the historical and economic issues of Haiti. Haiti has always had a troubled past. Guy represents Haiti's future. National Geographic states that "There is a huge income gap between Creole–speaking black majority and French–speaking Mulattos who, control most of the wealth" ("Haiti: Republic of Haiti"). The low literacy rate of 53 percent contributes to this wealth gap and forces ... Show more content on ... Guy is not the only poor person. In fact, " the poorest in the Western Hemisphere, Urban poverty existing at a 65 percent level and rural at 80 percent" ("Haiti"). It is extremely hard not to be poor in a terrible economy. Danticat even shortly mentioned child labor, which is a large factor in Haitian contemporary issues. Guy says, "I was thinking of putting the boy on the list now, so maybe by the time he becomes a man he can be up for a job" (372). "Many parents convey hopes of upward social mobility as a result of their children obtaining skills, contacts, and education through their work..." (Sommerfelt and Pedersen). However his wife was against the idea of having their son destined to be a labor worker. "Some...[children] are forcibly recruited into prostitution or into armed gangs" (Sommerfelt and Pedersen). It becomes clear why Little Guy's mother does not want him entering the workforce at such a young age. "Children who live away from their parents and who are engaged in domestic work are sometimes referred to as restavèk in Creole,...The term illustrates the blurry distinction between fosterage arrangements and child labor" (Sommerfelt and Pedersen). Some sources even go as far as saying that child labor is merely a result of slavery. " [Child Labor] is less a part of the heritage from colonial times, slavery, or the nineteenth century" (Haiti Soldarite Internationale 2001) Although Haitians ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Haiti Earthquake Research Paper Haiti is located in the Caribbean between the Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean. It is located west of the Dominican Republic on the western third of Hispaniola.This means that Haiti is bordered by water on three out of its four sides. The terrain of Haiti is mostly mountainous. Elevation ranges from 0 meters at the Caribbean Sea to 2,680 meters at Chaine de la Selle. The land area is 27,560 square kilometers which makes Haiti slightly smaller in size than Maryland. With a population of 10,485,800 people the distribution is relatively even. However, there are higher concentrations of people located along the coastlines. (CIA, 2017) The climate of Haiti is tropical. In the mountains where trade winds are cut off there is a semiarid climate. Natural disasters are large contribution to food insecurity in Haiti. Haiti has been hit with numerous earthquakes and hurricanes. These catastrophes lead to the death of crops that are already growing and prevent the growth of new crops for a period of time. Haiti is unable to sustain themselves on the food that ... Show more content on ... It also has the second highest population. The bottom forty percent have control over only six percent of the available income, while the top two percent control twenty six percent. (Food Security Portal, 2012) According to the Global Hunger Index, Haiti has a GHI score of 36.9 which is ranked as alarming. It is fourth highest ranked country in the world just behind Central African Republic, Chad, and Zambia. This is score is down 14.7 points from 1992.. In 1992 the score was extremely alarming at 51.6. In 2000 it was down to only being alarming at 42.8. Eight years later 2008 it was still only at an alarming rate but the score went up to 43.4. It may seem like Haiti is doing better today. However it is doing worse compared to the rest of the world. In previous years Haiti was not one of the top five hungriest countries in the world. (Global Hunger Index, ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Haiti : A Poor State Essay Intro This paper 's thesis is that Haiti is such a poor state because of the large spread corruption that is seen throughout its government. Corruption, in any government can lead to the creation of a weak state. Haiti is a classic example of how the government corruption has robbed the country of an ability to deal with natural disaster. This corruption is causing the continued issues in Haiti and preventing international aid from reaching the areas where it would benefit the most. Environment Haiti has been given a bad break in its global positioning and environment. Every year tropical storms and Hurricanes cause large amounts of damage to the region. To make things even more difficult for Haiti, in 2010 there was a magnitude of 7 earthquake near the Haitian capital, Port Au Prince, which further contributed to decimating the region. All of these factors lead to a large amount of refugee and rebuilding that needs to be done for a state to function properly. The Haitian government is struggling with the rebuilding of homes for refugees let alone work on the country 's infrastructure. The government 's inability to help has led to a large amount of aid coming into the country to help with the rebuilding. The International community was quick in its response to try and help rebuild Haiti. However, shortly after the arrival of the aid to Haiti a Cholera epidemic began in the region. The United Nations is blamed for bringing Cholera into Haiti and spreading it across ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Breath Eyes Memory Analysis In the book Breath Eyes Memory by Edwin Dedicat, Sophie lived in a time and place where there were significant societal issues. As pertains to Haiti, genders are not seen as equal with women put under pressure to conform to the masculine idea of what a female should look and act like. In the book, a woman's fingers symbolize her purpose in life, with each of her ten fingers representing a different role, such as loving and washing. Sophie's aunt, Tante Atie, reflects on this stating, "The men in this area, they insist that their women are virgins and have ten fingers... Sometimes, she even wished she had six fingers on each hand so she could have two left for herself," (Danticat 151). The social standards of women, such as Tante Atie, are causing them to conform to the masculine ideal. The roles assigned to the women revolve around caring for men's needs, leaving them with little time and opportunities for their own wants and needs. In wishing she had two fingers to herself, Tante is showing that she feels like she doesn't have control over her own life and can't do as she pleases in Haiti's civilization. In this male dominated society, women have little power, causing Tante Atie, Sophie, and other women like them to struggle to succeed and support themselves without the contribution of a male figure. In addition to women in Haiti having little power, their civilization created a hostile environment for the women of the country. During Tante Atie's time in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Similarities Between Dominican Republic And Haiti The development of racial tensions between Dominicans and Haitians is linked to the stark cultural differences and a racist ideology that dominated Dominican thought and culture and was propagated by Dominican leaders like Rafael Trujillo. Antihaitianismo is rooted in deep–set cultural differences, historical events, and economic differences between the neighboring countries. The Dominican Republic and Haiti although widely different have shared the same fight for independence and for the establishment of a free and independent state without the influence of any outside powers. For a brief period between 1822 to 1844 both nations were united. However, after the fall of Boyer, the Haitian president, Dominicans quickly established themselves as an independent nation from Haiti. Today, the Dominican Republic and Haiti share Hispaniola. The Dominican Republic takes up ⅔ of the island of Hispaniola. The west of the island is occupied by the Republic of Haiti while the east is occupied by the Dominican ... Show more content on ... Haiti has had a series of failed dictatorship, coups and revolutions all throughout its political history. In 1964, Duvalier assumes power and he becomes the dictator for Haiti. Once he dies, his son takes over as dictator. In 1990, there is the very first election in Haiti and Jean Bertrand wins the election. However, his power is short–lived because there is a coup in Haiti and he is forced to flee for his safety. In an effort to help maintain peace and tranquility in Haiti, the United States decides to send in troops into Haiti. After four years of U.S involvement and intervention, the U.S makes the decision to finally withdraw their troops. Bertrand returns to Haiti and assumes the presidency until he is overthrown by the opposition after there are several riots against ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Economy In Haiti From 1996, GDP (current US$) increased from $2.9 billion to $4.15 billion in 1999 as a result of the 1996 Haiti economic reforms designed by the Haitian Ministry of Economy and Finance after the significant economic downturns from previous years. Then it started decreasing until 2003 where it was $2.9 billion and started increasing again until 2008 where GDP stayed stationary between $6.5 and $6.6 billion for 3 years. During 2001 and 2002 the economy was affect by the political instability, the collapse of informal banking cooperatives, which restricted investment and international capital flows from abroad .However, in 2003 the economy stabilized and the government discussed and negotiated with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Inter– American Development Bank and the World Bank for the reinforcement of new fiscal and monetary policy reforms. This led to the steady increase of up to $8.9 billion in GDP in 2015. However, even though we have seen an increase in the value of GDP the annual percentage growth of GDP has fluctuated hugely during the years. As you can see from the graph, in 2004 the growth rate declined by –3.5% due ... Show more content on ... Most banks are in the capital city and people in rural areas do not have access to any sort of loans, impeding their development in all areas. If people can't get loans they can't go to school and get an education, modernize their machinery to be more efficient, etc. leaving them at a disadvantage and stopping the development of the country. Tourism in Haiti has been limited due to the inadequate infrastructure and poverty. The island's image wasn't appealing as a tourist destination for all the destruction from the natural hazards, the unstable economy and government and the extreme poverty. Improvements in hotels, restaurants and general infrastructure need to be done to promote the tourism ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. What Is The Purpose Of Caroline's Wedding Purpose Without purpose, all people would not have the strength to get up and face the challenges that present themselves during the course of every day, regardless of the background they come from. Krik? Krak!, a novel by Edwidge Danticat, tells several stories of people connected to Haiti that live or have lived in terrible conditions. Finding a purpose allows the people to survive and press on despite the adversities they face. While some of the novel's characters succumb and break down, many find different meanings in life such as family, love, and passions that extend into something larger than themselves. Bonds within families are very powerful, allowing family members to support each other through hardship. The story "Caroline's Wedding" centers around an immigrant family from Haiti that moves to New York. The ... Show more content on ... My father pulled heavy carts for pennies. My mother sold jugs of water from the public fountain, charcoal, and grilled peanuts to get us something to eat" (166). Grace's mother and father work hard to provide for her. Raising Grace is their primary goal, and later in their lives, they take it a step further and move to America to provide better opportunities for Grace. Having a child in Haiti forces Grace's parents to view Haiti differently than before. Rather than just surviving and making ends meet they also have to address that they are going to raise a child in the poor conditions around them. This motivates her parents to work harder and eventually move to provide better opportunities for their children. "Night Women" is another story that shows how family is an important motivator. The narrator of this story resorts to prostitution to provide for her son. ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Haitian Revolution Research Paper The Haitian Revolution was an iconic and world altering overthrow of power that took place on the French colonized island of Saint Domingue in August 1791, two years after the more famous French Revolution. The mistreated slaves of the colony banded together to abolish slavery on the island once and for all, and it was one of the first slave revolutions in history to succeed. The idea of the revolution emerged during religious meetings celebrating the colony's native religion, voodoo. During these meetings the slaves hatched a plan to overthrow the system they were trapped in. They carried the plan through, and during the chaos and bloodbath that followed, the new leaders of Haiti came into power. The main leader that emerged from the ashes was a man named Toussaint L'Ouverture, who became the first governor of Haiti and wrote the constitution. Though the newly freed slave society faced many struggles, including military opposition from France, the colony remained free and slavery never ... Show more content on ... "Despite the egalitarianism of the new revolutionary regime, Haitian society remained hierarchical, with deep disparities in wealth between the mixed–race mulatto freedmen and newly emancipated blacks. Following the departure of most of the French Creoles [Haitian–born whites], the mulatto minority took their place as the new elite within Haitian society. Rural laborers resisted efforts by mulatto landowners to rebuild sugar plantations, preferring instead to work the land independently." Somehow, even after a revolution, there was still a strong racial hierarchy in place, and the mulattos were still on top. In this way, the revolution failed and was a waste of blood, sweat, and tears, as it created new problems in the place of the old. Race relations in Haiti are still chaotic to this day, though not as much so as some other ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Government In Haiti Many countries in the world have a unique history when it comes to the general health of their economies, governments, and society however not all countries are able to thrive and make advancements as well as others. Haiti has gone through the good, and the very bad. The unfortunate outcome for Haiti has been plagued by poor leadership, civil unrest, and the idea that human trafficking and slavery is still acceptable in today's society. The main focal points which need to be examined to fully understand what the culture is all about are, the government leadership, the economy as a whole unit, and the contradiction of freedom from their past history. The government in Haiti has been overwhelmed over the last two centuries with a plethora of ... Show more content on ... Haiti was the first country to abolish slavery, also was the first country to declare its independence in Latin America from the harshly ruled French. Haiti was ruled by white slave owners, and during the Haitian Revolution in 1798 lead by Toussaint L'Ouverture, black slaves outnumbered the white owners by hundreds of thousands. It was apparently easy to take over the country and declare its freedom from France. Though during this revolt thousands of people died, Napoleon Bonaparte knew Haiti must be taken back and order restored. He relinquished his Louisiana efforts and sold Thomas Jefferson the Territory of Louisiana for 15 million dollars. However, his efforts never paid off and Haiti declared its independence in 1804. Ironically enough, the contradiction between what Haitians wanted (freedom) and what is currently happening in the region is astonishing. Currently, human trafficking and the use of sex slaves is running rampart in the region. The region has no organized military; the increase of corruption on a political, economic level has set Haiti back before their Revolution. "Poor, mostly rural families send their children to cities to live with relatively wealthier "host" families, whom they expect to provide the children with food, shelter, and an education in exchange for domestic work. While some restaveks are cared for and sent to school, most of ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Economics of Haiti The economics of Haiti has deceased in the last 4 years after the devastating earthquake that struck it 4 years ago. The Haiti economy has become very poor and one of the poorest country in the south, Central America and Caribbean region making it ranked 24 out of 29 countries in this area and its overall score is below average. Haiti's economic freedom is 48.1 making it economy the 151st freest country while in the last several years Declines in the management of government spending, freedom from corruption, and labor freedom make its overall score 2.6 points lower than last year. Recovering from the disastrous earthquake in 2010 with the support of the U.S. recovering efforts "Haiti's post–earthquake reconstruction efforts continue, ... Show more content on ... The current structure of Haiti's political system was set forth in the Constitution of March 29, 1987." (Princeton). Corruption is major problem in the country of Haiti and is why the government of Haiti is one of the most corrupted nation in the world. "A measure of perceived political corruption. In 2006, Haiti was ranked as the most corrupt nation out of the 163 that were surveyed for the Index. The International Red Cross reported that Haiti was 155th out of 159 countries in a similar survey of corrupt countries."(Red cross) one example of Haiti corruption in politics is in an article from October 2012 where a Haitian dictator is charged for murder "Former Haitian dictator Jean Claude "Baby Doc" Duvalier will face trial for corruption during his 15–year rule, but not for human rights abuses, a senior judicial official told Reuters. "(Delva Joseph). This article is an example of a corrupt form of government since the president is selected by popular votes giving anyone a chance to become president even those corrupted dictators have a chance to rule and since in a semi presidential republic a president can stay in service for a fixed term, they have power. Australia politics is federal parliamentary constitutional democracy framework with constitutional democracy. Meaning that a person is in charge, the citizens must listen and can revolt back if necessary. Other example of how Australia government is superior to Haiti Is because ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Analysis: Toward The End Of Poverty In Haiti Society must have wonder how could the first powerful black nation become the poorest country in the western hemisphere in just two centuries. Though many things could have contributed to the fall of Haiti, however the shot that delivered the biggest blow to the country's economy was the accepted 150 million franc loan from France in 1838. This set–up loan gathered up such a ridiculously amount of debt over the course of 80 years that kept Haiti's economy in a downwards path to destruction and poverty. People could even say that this loan was France's ploy to punish island for its past rebellion that gained them their independence. With that being said my proposed topic is the investigation of economic development and growth through governmental decisions and how these decisions is affecting Haiti present–day economy. ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Compare And Contrast Haiti Vs Usa Though Haiti might be beautiful, I would rather live in the United States. There are plenty of beautiful in this county. The United States is better because the economy is greater, the food is better, and there are way better living conditions than Haiti. To begin, our country the U.S.A is better because it has a more advantageous economy than Haiti. People who live in the U.S.A can live in any house they can afford, which means they have a better shelter made from more fortunate materials that will protect you from any harsh climates or storms. Haitians live in a one room house made from sticks and dried mud.The houses do not give much protection against the climate and the many natural disasters that occur there.In addition, to their multiple natural disasters Haiti's average tempature is 75 degrees to 80 degrees and they get 80 inches of rain. And ... Show more content on ... Most of the food cooked there is based on meat, salads, and fruit and they add spices to make the food hotter. If they can afford it they eat three meals a day but in more rural areas they may eat breakfast than not eat again until later that evening. There are definitely no cheeseburgers or delivery pizza in Haiti. In the United States though can eat whatever and whenever they want. They can afford eating three times a day and do not have to harvest or kill their food before then, they can buy their food in a store and not have to worry when their next meal will be. Especially since they have good paying jobs, like a lawyer or an engineer, to buy lots of food. So if I had the choice to live in Haiti or the United States, the United States is a better country to live in compared to Haiti. Reason for this are the economy is better, there is more acceptable food, and a way better shelters/living conditions. Even though Haiti is beautiful and the people are warm and friendly, I would rather live in the United States of ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Haiti Earthquake Research Paper In Haiti, there are still about 55,000 people in makeshift camps/homes, many are still living in unsanitary conditions due to displacement caused by the earthquake. According to the article Haiti Politics, "Political violence is rare now, although demonstrations are frequent in Port–au–Prince and other outlying areas for various reasons, to include dissatisfaction of infrastructure and utilities to disapproval of Haitian government entities or UN presence. Any demonstration is capable of turning violent, and innocent bystanders or travelers can be caught up in a clash, rock throwing, and tire burning roadblocks," ( Regarding Haiti's healthcare, the article Haiti's struggling healthcare system, it says, "The problem with ... Show more content on ... The article Housing & Settlements states, "Roughly 70 percent of Port–au–Prince's pre–earthquake population lived in informal settlements. These neighborhoods lack access to basic services and are often located in high–risk zones," (–and–housing). According to the CIA Factbook, it says, "Haiti is a free market economy with low labor costs and tariff–free access to the US for many of its exports. Two–fifths of all Haitians depend on the agricultural sector, mainly small–scale subsistence farming, which remains vulnerable to damage from frequent natural disasters, exacerbated by the country's widespread deforestation. Poverty, corruption, vulnerability to natural disasters, and low levels of education for much of the population are among Haiti's most serious impediments to economic growth," ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Remittance In Haiti Remittance occurs when an expatriate sends funds to their country of origin. It provides an outside source of income for the country while forcing citizens to look for jobs outside of these underdeveloped nations. Investopedia mentions the importance of this to the economic development of countries by stating that "in 2014 $583 billion in USD was transferred between countries, $436 Billion in USD was transferred was received by developing countries" (Investopedia, 2005). This fact demonstrates how the emergence of remittance with globalization has opened up developing countries to new economic opportunities. Haiti has become a key example of how a country has become reliable on this form of economic contribution. According to a 2010 report ... Show more content on ... The migrants are desperate for work and finances, thus making them susceptible to the exploitation. The extremely low wages and inhumane working environment are accepted because of the desperation of the workers. According to a report by the Migration Policy Institute "Haitian immigrants were as likely to live in poverty (i.e., with incomes below 100 percent of the federal poverty level)" (Batalova&Nwosu, 2014). The inability of these workers to voice against their pay or treatment result in the common exploitation of their labor. As seen in the Migration Policy Institute's statement where Haitian immigrants earn incomes below 100 percent of the federal poverty rate in the United States. These remitters are living and working in an exploitative environment whereas they are forced to work and earn in an inhumane manner. The main driving force to these jobs is the lack of opportunity in their native ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Difference Between Haiti And Dominican Republic Haiti and the Dominican Republic: Their Economy Haiti and The Dominican Republic (DR) are on the same island called Hispaniola. However, these two countries can't really be any more different. Haiti is the poorest in the Western Hemisphere but, the DR has a growing economy due to tourism. How can these two countries be extremely different but be on the same island? This all has to do with the difference between how each country recovered after their revolutions. The Haitian Revolution started because France had created the Constitution of 1801 that said all men are created equal. The Haitian slaves demanded that if all men are created equal, then they should be free. Therefore, France decided to make all of the slaves free, ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Haiti Earthquake Research Paper Imagine you are in the country Haiti and you are sitting in your house in the country's capital, Port– au–Prince. You are sitting in your living room and talking to your family when you begin to feel the ground shake. You all look around confused for a second until you realize it is an earthquake. You watch in terror as things begin to fall on the ground and break. Then, you hear a loud noise from above. You look up and watch as the ceiling begins to collapse. You and your family are only a few out of many victims of the 2010 Haiti Earthquake. The Haiti Earthquake was the most devastating earthquake to ever hit Haiti. The magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck about 16 miles away from the nation's capital, Port–au–Prince. Because Haiti was a very poor country at the time, over 230,000 people lost their lives. The quake also caused at least 50 aftershocks measuring 4.5 or higher. The 2010 Haiti Earthquake greatly damaged the country, and it also affected the economy and people. ... Show more content on ... For example, the article "Overview of the 2010 Haiti Earthquake" by Reginald Des Roches, Mary Comerio, Marc Eberhard, Walter Mooney, and Glen J. Rix, around 50% of hospitals in Haiti were affected, and 80% of schools were destroyed or damaged. If 80% of schools were destroyed or damaged, many people would be out of school for a long period of time. Also, there won't be many places for the wounded to go if half of the hospitals were affected. According to an article called "Haiti Earthquake: Facts, Damage, Effects on Economy" by Kimberly Amadeo, 6 months after the earthquake, around 98% of rubble still remained. This shows how serious the damage was, and it shows that they had a limited amount of help. Therefore, the country was in much need at this time and didn't have enough ... Get more on ...