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                                      Infor Systems –Intelligent Marketing <br />Social Media Networking is on the face of your new Client to be sign up and find out what you can do for the Client online.<br />Questionnaire for you to see if you know about the power of SOCIAL MEDIA NETWORKS<br />,[object Object]
How important is your Business to your Customer Online?
Does your Business have an online presence to date?
How much do you know about Social Media Networking?
Do you understand the relevance and benefits of bringing in a Social Media such as Face book?
Have you been told by other Business Colleagues to get on to Face book?                       If you have answered more than 3 to 4 with a No <br />                           Than the Infor System Social Media Networking Training is for you <br />PUT YOUR BUSINESS ON THE SOCIAL MEDIA NETWORK MAP AND START REAPING THE REWARDS <br />BY GENERATING LEADS ON A DALIY BASIS <br />                                      Infor Systems –Intelligent Marketing <br />Is your Business looking for new growth and would like to see it grown daily 24 hours a day even we they sleep?<br />Does your Business feel it needs to implement some sort of Social Media in their business to keep up with World Business Trends?<br />Do you feel your business is lagging behind in knowledge base to do with Social Media Leads?<br />Does your Business need a fresh approach to online Social Media Networking bringing them in line with what the World Trends are doing to date?<br />Does your Business lack knowledge about any type Social Media Network? Example Face book<br />LET YOUR BUSINESS GET, ONLINE SOCIAL MEDIA SAWVY! GROW YOUR MONEY TREE AT THE COMFORT OF YOUR OWN HOME, OFFICE.<br />                                      Infor Systems –Intelligent Marketing <br />Introduction to the next Gold Online commodity –Face book, Digger, Ning, Linkmen, My    Space, Twitter<br />Today we have many business tools to use to benefit our businesses in many ways to attract new customer and new leads.<br />Although Online Social Media Network platforms tells us different, at present NZ has a  small percent on a major Social Media Face book ,which puts us out of the mainstream business sector worldwide when this company is developing its Billion Dollar Empire .<br />Unfortunately since the growth of this Billion Dollar Empire Face book NZ is still behind in the benefits this business can do for them.<br />This is the biggest fast growing Online Social Network in the World Face book boasting<br />400,000 00 million members as at May 31st 2010<br />What Face book that no other business in the world can match<br />1   Active users daily – World Wide<br />2   24 hour service <br />3 Selection of Business Tools to advance your business in the Business World<br />4<br />5<br />6<br />                              <br />                                      Infor Systems –Intelligent Marketing <br />,[object Object],Face book <br />   <br />                              <br />                                      Inform Systems –Intelligent Marketing <br />Introduction<br />Social Media – Face book, Twitter, Ning,  Web  ,My Space,<br />Advantages of using these business tools as your next Online Gold Commodity Face book, Twitter <br />Hi my name is Michelle Lagatule my background is Community 20 years plus<br />Management, Finances, Funding Consultant, Business Owner.<br />Four years ago I was introduced to Facebook, at the time I was using My Space and Bebo as my Social Networking tools.<br />I didn’t use them for any other purpose than that, plus at the time I was on parent leave so the business interest didn’t dawn on me at the time.<br />But since that time I have been able to free up my time and concentrate on work again, navigating different types of business tools online for proposed businesses I was working on, I decided to investigate more .<br />Six months later I have created businesses pages that have a feel good following of friends, all my pages are focused on a specific area that would benefit my business concepts.<br />Today I am to teach you the fundamental ways and being Social Media Savvy getting you prepared to take your business to the next level of advertising on a Social Network egg Face book.<br />                                      Inform Systems –Intelligent Marketing <br />History on Face book<br />TIME MAGAZINE <br />TAKES NOTE ON WHAT FACEBOOK IS DOING WITH 500 MILLION USERS WORLDWIDE TODAY AND HOW IT IS REDINFING PRIVACY  WITH USERS CONNEC TING IN THE MILLIONS EACH DAY.<br />Time Magazine quotes friend without borders, there is nearly 500 million signed up to face book and if given the title a Country would be voted the third largest Country in the World.<br />Just some information on how many people surf the net each day 1 in 4 of its users use this site daily with all signing up with them as a member.<br /> Because each face book member coming back within a month to use the site again.<br />How did Face book come about? <br />A few friends from Harvard undergraduate Mark Zukerberg helped found Face book in his dorm room as a way for Ivy League students to keep tabs on each other. Since then the company has joined the ranks of the Webs great superpowers. Microsoft made computers easy for everyone to use and goggle helps us search for data, Utube keeps us entertained.<br />But Facebook is a World on its own and has a Hugh advantage over the other SUPERPOWERS<br /> As its Emotional investment of users in its business face book.<br />Face book Advantages as follows <br />1 Make us Smile<br />2 Shudder squeeze into photographs<br />3 We can also see us online later with a live feed page linking your page into it<br />4. Updating of stats on relationships<br />5 Can debate openly <br />6 Business tools to enhance your page  <br />We are getting to the point that face book users are 28% 34 years old and up making it a tremendous cultural shift.<br />Face book have changed our social expectant making us more accustomed to openness<br />Face book is rich in intimate opportunities you can celebrate your niece’s first steps there and mourn the death of a close friend and the company are making money because you are on some king of level<br />Broastcasting those moment s online, the experiences you feel face book are heartfelt the data you are feeding, feeds to a bottom line.<br />How feeling of complaint that we share and over share can break or make success, thus face book pressures users to share more.<br />Although face book finds itself fighting for what they believe in, classic example happened in 2007 when a setting that sent all face book users information on what purchases were made ,Zuckerberg apologised saying this was a grave era and this wouldn’t happen again.<br />But again it happened and now it has been filed Federal Trade Commission which takes issues like <br />Changing its settings frequently and designing private controls that are less deceptive less than institutive.<br />The 38 page document complaints asks face book to clarify the privacy setting on all information stored and posted and also what happens to the data once it’s been shared.<br />Face book is readjusting its privacy policies where a time where its stake in mining our personal preferences have been greater.<br />In April 2010 this year Face book integrated Open Graph where you could a product here and  you could recommend to your friends since its inception Open Graph has attracted nearly 100 thousand companies sites have integrated there business into this system Open Graph.<br />The logic in this move is if friends like something uploaded than many others would follow in other types of products.<br />Face book is well positioned display preferences on any website, the mission of the company is to make the world more opened and connected.<br />Zuckerberg said, by expanding face book to include other functionalities to extend the site, was inevitable in where the company was moving with new technology on its pathway to success.<br />Targeting your likes<br />Zuckerberg unveiled the second big initiative, Open Graph as explained previously that this application will let websites put a like next to their webpage where friends can hit it where it will be saved in the web pages on their profile page access for more friends to view.<br />Face book wants fans and friends to be familiar with the like button next to content on a page they enjoy.<br />Less than a month of Launching, Open Graph is making its debut with 30 content partners, including <br />Facebook is quickly approaching the point where it will process 100 million unique hits a day by hitting the like button.<br />                                      Infor Systems –Intelligent Marketing <br />Time Magazine – Overview Face book the next best Gold Commodity <br />Zuckerberg sees social benefit to with new content and more openness of what is shared.<br />Even to the ones that he employs, Facebook Chief Officer is at her most enthusiastic when she is describing peace part of the website that attracts groups that disagree such as Israelis<br /> Palestinians Sunnis and Shiites’.<br />We don’t pretend Facebook, s this profound all the time Sandberg says, but it’s harder to shoot someone who you’ve connected to personally Yeah .It is harder to shoot at someone who’s connected personally when you’ve seen pictures of that persons kids. We think the answer is yes <br />At the same time creating peace worldwide, Face book is not philanthropic organisation .It’s a business and there’s a tremendous business opportunity around face book member data.<br />Sandberg knows it .She joined the company in 2008 after helping Google build a ad platform into a multibillion dollar business .Much like Google ,Face book is free to users but makes a lot of money (Some analysts estimate the privately held company will generate 1biilion in revenues in 2010 from its robust ads system. According to the Web research firm com score, Face book flashed more than 176 billion banner ads at users in the first three months of this year, more than any other site.<br />The way Face book works the more you upload new information and share, the more data it’s able to pool for advertisers.<br />Google spearheaded targeted advertisement and knows what you’re interested in only on the basis what you are interested in only on the basis of what your query in its search engine is and if you have a Gmail account what topics you are emailing about.<br />Face book is a amassing a much more rounded picture .And having those Like Buttons 100 million times a day gives the company 100 million more data point to package and sell.<br />The result for this type of advertising Open Graph is that for example if you like a pizza and you push like you might find that an ad on your page with your name supporting the product shared, giving more suggestion’s that your friends might try the pizza to.<br />Peer Pressures advertising Sandberg and other Face book execs understand the value of context in selling a product and few contexts are more powerful than friendships.<br />Marketers have known this for a very long time, “I am more likely to do something if it is suggested by a friend” Sandberg says.<br />As powerful as each piece of Face book s strategy is, the company isn’t forcing users to drink the cool aid; it’s just serving nice cold glasses and was gulping them up, the friends the connections the likes<br />Theses all produced by the Face book Team.<br />Face book is the ultimate enabler, its enabling us to give cornucopia of information about ourselves .It’s a brilliant model, and Face book, through its skill at weaving the site into the fabric of modern day life, has made it work better than other Superpower.<br />What Voldemort Is to Harry Potter?<br />Zukerberg believes that most people want to share more about themselves online.Hes almost paternalistic in describing the trend “The way that people think about privacy is changing a bit he’s says ‘What people want is not privacy at all its just they want to have more control on what they share and what they don’t .<br />Unfortunately, Facebook had a shakeup history of granting people that control  in November 2007 when the company first tried to make it first foray into the broader Web, it rolled out Facebook Beacon, in which users were automatically signed up for the program that sent a notice to all their friends on Facebook ,example say they made a purchase on a third party site like movie tickets and the person said no, the purchase was still sent to Facebook which the company then deleted amid torrents of complaints.<br />Facebook quickly changed the Beacon to opt in system, and by December 2007, the company gave users the option of turning off the beacon completely.<br />Ask Zukerberg and other executives about the program now, and you’ll notice that Beacon has become to Facebook like Voldermort is to Harry Potters, World-the thing that shall not be named.<br />Facebook isn’t the only company to have made a serious social networking infraction, Google apologised after the rollout of its twittersque Buzz application briefly revealed whom its users emailed and chatted with most ,a move that alarmed ,among people and others political dissidents <br />And cheating spouses, but at Facebook, the Beacon debacle didn’t stop the company from pushing to make more information public.<br />This winter the company changed its privacy settings and made certain profile details, public including users, name, and file, profile photo status updates and any college or professional networks. During the transition, Zukerbergs private photos were briefly visible to all including several pictures in which he looks, shall we say over served  he quickly altered his settings .<br />This Spring Facebook also launched something called instant personalisation which lets a few sites piggyback onto Facebook user data to create recommendation engines. Once again, as Beacon, users were automatically enrolled.<br />With each of the changes Facebook evolving privacy policy, protest groups form and users spread warnings via status updates, without much warning, titbits’ that you used to have to seek out by going to an individual profile page were suddenly being broadcast to everyone on that persons lists of friends.<br />What Voldemort Is to Harry Potter?<br />And the response in the year 2006 were outcries of sizeable amounts says Zukerberg, when users complained about the use of live news feeds, a streaming compilation of your friends status updates<br />Without much warning broadcastings to all your friends on your list, Zukerberg quotes only having 10 million friends signed than out of that 1 million were complaining, “Now to think that there wouldn’t be a live news feed is insane”<br />He’s right protesting the existence of a news feed seems silly in hindsight, Twitter built its entire site around a news feed concept, so give Zukerberg some credit for prescience – and perseverance and that’s a big part of what the Facebook want to do find the next things that everyone will adapt to then bringing them along to get then there, he says.<br />But corralling 500 million people is a lot harder than corralling 10 million and some users are ready to pull the plug entirely, searches are put in place how to delete Facebook.<br />The Webs Sketchy Big Brother<br />                                      Inform Systems –Intelligent Marketing <br />
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