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S O C I A L M E D I A C A L E N D A R . C O
J E R R Y H I E T A N I E M I ’ S
About the Author........................................................................	4
Introduction...................................................................................	5
Why Choose Facebook?........................................................	7
Benefits of Facebook.............................................................	12
Universal Laws of Facebook...........................................	20
How the Facebook Algorithm Woks........................	30
How to Get One Million Subscribers......................	40
Phase 1: First 100 Followers...........................................	43
The 5 W’s (And H)...................................................................................... 	44
Set Up Your Business Page............................................................... 	47
Facebook Business Manager........................................................... 	51
Set Up Your Ad Account....................................................................... 	56
Use Facebook Creator Studio............................................................ 	57
Phase 2: First 1,000 Followers......................................	61
Optimize Your Content........................................................................ 	62
Popular Facebook Post Types....................................................... 	67
Track & Measure with Analytics.................................................. 	72
Engage with Followers...................................................................... 	80
Create Facebook a Group................................................................. 	80
Phase 3: First 10,000 Followers...................................	90
Create a Custom Audience................................................................ 	91
Perfom a Competitive Analysis...................................................... 	92
Best Facebook Ad Types...................................................................... 	94
Anatomy of a Great Ad........................................................................ 	96
Create Your First Ad Campaign.................................................... 	97
Phase 4: First 100,000 Followers...............................	103
Monetize Your Page............................................................................... 	104
Direct Facebook Monetization..................................................... 	107
Other Monetization Methods........................................................ 	109
Facebook Marketplace....................................................................... 	110
Phase 5: First 1,000,000 Followers...........................	114
Influencer Marketing.......................................................................... 	115
Host Live Streams................................................................................... 	117
Organize Facebook Events............................................................... 	120
Key Take-Aways..............................................................................	124
Closing Remarks & Thanks.....................................................	128
4 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Jerry Hietaniemi is a digital marketing strategist and creative
visionary. As one of the top names in paid advertising, he provides
tailored, winning solutions for his clients while focusing on the
growth of his own business, Social Media Calendar.
Jerry helps his clients leverage the power of social media and
personal branding into profit growth techniques and strategies.
Jerry’s biggest strength is selling design: he has the ability to
shape things into understandable, easy to market, and productive
His passion for marketing flourished as an entrepreneur at the age
of 20 in the fitness industry. The rapid success in the fitness niche
attracted the interest of major Finnish fitness brands, and Jerry
took point on consulting companies on digital marketing and sales
The secret to success lies in action, continuous improvement, the
ability to change, and be one step ahead. Solutions must always
exceed the customer’s expectations, and the best results are
achieved in cooperation with the client.
5 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Since Facebook’s conception and early launch in 2004, the
social network has redefined our community and social groups’
paradigms. By the mere age of four, in 2008, Facebook boasted
over 100 million users and an online chat that permitted active
users to engage in textual dialogue in real-time. In 2009, Facebook
pioneered the online social seal of approval, the like, which would
later be reinforced by virtual reactions in 2016, and messenger.
By creating such an autonomous and interactive virtual social
network, Facebook undoubtedly grew to be the most adopted
social media platform in history, with nearly one-third of the global
spurts, Facebook encountered some growing pains, primarily its
responsibility for the intellectual property of its plethora of users
and the ethical considerations therein.
In 2019, Facebook faced significant backlash for discriminatory
advertising, breaching civil rights, and allegedly unethical data
trafficking. However, given that Facebook’s business model as
a free platform depends on marketing (98% of its revenue), and
the target audience for the ads is selected by the user, one could
argue a shared responsibility. Despite legal setbacks, Facebook
marketing is a very granular and cost-effective form of building
brand awareness and favorability despite legal setbacks.
6 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Facebook continually implements new features to engage its
users and expose them to useful content, even in the worst of
times. In the wake of the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and​tsunami,
they developed the crisis check-in to safely connect people in
disasters. In 2020, with the global Covid-19 pandemic, Facebook
implemented a paid event feature to protect performers and
Now any postponed live events may be monetized and marketed
through the platform in a zoom-like fashion. Moreover, Facebook
is not collecting fees from the events, therefore offering a great
complement to its existing groups and community pages.
The 24-hour stories and live events are an excellent means for
building and maintaining relationships with
customers. Plus, customers report higher
satisfaction from being able to
socially engage with brands
through Facebook.
Facebook Dating (2019)
and Marketplace (2016) are
also in the realm of Facebook
marketing. As long as one of
the more than two billion users
is active on Facebook, there is
potential for exposure and building
brand awareness through the
platform’s marketing services.
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Facebook marketing offers a versatile array of brand advertising
tools in many formats, from video streaming to community groups,
to monetized live events. To understand the full capacity and value
that Facebook marketing can offer, it’s important to look back
through its history and development.
Following Facebook’s annual 12% growth to 2.74 billion monthly
and 1.82 billion daily active users,Facebookcontinuestodominate
as one of the three most visited websites on the internet. In 2019,
Facebook received 21.18 billion site visits, with Its only
contenders being Google and YouTube, at 63.14 and
25.19 billion site visits, respectively. However, while
Facebook had fewer domain visits, according to the
literature, 74% of U.S. adults who use the social
network visit the site at least once a day.
Moreover, the quantity of adult Facebook users
who visited the site at least once a day was higher
than the number of Instagram users (63%) and
If that’s not a favorable statistic to highlight the
value of Facebook marketing, then the fact
that nearly 75% of high-income earners use
Facebook should be.
Gary Vaynerchuk said, “... you can’t be alive in the
Gary Vaynerchuk said, “... you can’t be alive in the
game without a Facebook [and an Instagram]. I
game without a Facebook [and an Instagram]. I
genuinely believe that.”
genuinely believe that.”
9 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Data strongly indicates an annual increase of not only Facebook
users but active high-earning users wishing to socially engage
with brands in new ways, which Facebook community groups,
pages, stories, and events all endorse. With over 1.4 billion people
actively using Facebook groups every month, building brand
awareness can coincide with advertising to one-third of the global
Facebook marketing also offers a useful feature called ‘lookalike
audiences,’ in which the characteristics of existing clients may be
uploaded to the platform and used to identify audiences exhibiting
the same traits, and therefore likely to be interested in the brand.
This is a handy feature if a brand has an already established client
base and serves well to the smaller brand owner looking to reach a
specific demographic.
For example, a brand selling niche products, like adjustable
Christmas neckties for cats, might want to target Christian pet
owners. Or a large company selling home insurance might choose
to target people over the age of thirty-three, given that this is the
median age for first time home buyers in the U.S.
Facebook’s lookalike audiences are conducive to the marketing
goals of both small independent brands and larger businesses.
ads exhibit great potential return on investment (ROI). While
Google’s AdWords helps a brand find new customers, Facebook
marketing helps new customers find their brand through social
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Moreover, WordStream gurus suggest that a return on investment
of $4 per $1 spent is a good ROI, with many brands exceeding $8
ROI per $1 spent on Facebook marketing. For example, Pandora,
a Danish jewelry store, promoted a re-adapted TV commercial to
a 15 second in-stream mobile responsive Facebook video ad, and
by targeting German audiences between the ages of 18-50 years
old, were able to catapult their favorability. During the 2017 holiday
season, Pandora’s campaign provided an ROI with a 61% increase
in sales and a 42% increase in new buyers.
Rock & Roll Hall of Fame wanted to boost their brand awareness
and ticket sales for their museum and utilized another aspect
of Facebook marketing: messenger. To create a novel outreach
to customers, the museum put a ‘Get Started’ button on their
business page that customers could use to ask questions, to which
representatives and managers could then respond. The museum
raised its audience size by 81% and its sales prospects by 12% from
their messenger launch.
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78% of American consumers have
discovered products to buy via Facebook.
7 out of 10, or 69% of adults in the
U.S. claim that they use Facebook.
86% of US marketers are using
Facebook for advertising
Facebook is the leading social
platform, reaching 60.6% of
internet users.
Facebook has more than 80
million small businesses around
the world using Facebook Pages.
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Brand promotion can take a lot of work. Creating an identity for the
brand and its products is just the first step in an involved marketing
process. Getting the word out is vital for any brand to have lasting
appeal and continued sales. There are many ways to promote a
brand, and Facebook is one such way to get out the word.
Facebook might be loathed by some, but it remains a valuable
marketing tool. As a social media platform, it can be a powerful
promotion tool if used properly. Facebook offers several advantages
that other means of promotion lack. The trick is knowing how to
actively use those benefits for your brand.
One obvious benefit of brand promotion through Facebook is the
sheer scale involved. With over a billion account holders across
the globe, aptly points out that “Facebook offers
multiple platforms for marketing in the form of pages, groups,
and ads. Facebook page for an individual or a business is the most
popular way to represent an individual or a business.”
For example, as they make note, “A group page can be opened by
a business or an organization to promote activities. Users can join
this group and also post comments on the group page called a
wall. They can also interact through discussion threads.”
This means that the customer base, potential, future, and present,
can chime in and contribute to the discussion and get involved in
the marketing process.
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14 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Word of mouth remains a powerful promotion tool, and Facebook’s
widespread use makes it easier than ever for people to spread the
word. Having a strong Facebook presence means you can get the
word out to potential and long-standing customers, who will, in
turn, help spread the word on and off the website.
Facebook on its own is completely free, no matter how many of its
various options you take advantage of to spread your brand. The
exception there, of course, is Facebook ads, but a Facebook page,
Facebook Groups, and the like are all free to start and maintain.
You might need to hire someone to handle all the promotional
work on the site, but odds are good you already have someone like
that on staff or contract.
Some businesses forgo the cost of maintaining a regular website
and just maintain a Facebook page to further cut down on costs.
This is an excellent idea for smaller businesses that are locally
strong and looking to either spread the word to nearby regions or
expand online.
Facebook ads cost money, but they
are considering such an investment
should feel free to take a closer
look and see if the cost is worth
it to spread the word.
L O W ( O R N O ) C O S T
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To make this easier, according to, “Users can set
a daily limit on the amount to be spent in a day, to keep expenses
or modified in real-time if the results are not on expected lines.
Most Facebook ads are created for mobile devices, which currently
make up about 66% of Facebook ad revenue.”
It’s hard to argue with the chance to budget your spent marketing
on a website without having to look after it yourself. Facebook
understands its benefits and wants to make sure that those who
utilize it for brand promotion can take the most advantage of its
varied features.
For example, as noted yet again by, “Once you
have made a Facebook ad, you can get a lot of useful information
from Facebook insights. Data on the number of page likes, total
reach of your post, people engaged with the post is provided by
Facebook. Some useful data about individual post’s performance
is also made available.”
Online marketing has one word that can make brand promotion
a lot easier: algorithms. Simply put, you can target your ads and
posts more easily toward your demographic. In turn, the said
demographic is more likely to see your posts and ads than those
not relevant to their interest. This means that you can more easily
expand your customer base through Facebook.
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As explains, “Facebook’s algorithm is designed to
encourage interaction among page owners (FB account holders)
and the audience. Apart from posting any message or picture or
video for your audience, at your chosen time and frequency, you can
create and launch online marketing campaigns too on Facebook.”
Algorithms can be fiddly creations, though, so don’t rely on them
entirely. Also, give them time to grow and fine-tune themselves,
as algorithms are responsive, ever active creations. Some
experimentation might be needed, but since Facebook’s system
works on both ads and just regular posts, you can test the waters
with free posts before committing to ads and other expenses.
This is a critical one for new companies with new brands out
on the market. Still, even established companies can benefit
from this handy feature of Facebook’s existence. The benefits
here are several. The big, obvious one is interacting directly with
the customer base, established and future, to get the word out
regarding new products. This interaction can be done in real-time,
making it even easier to keep in touch with customers, spread the
word, and garner feedback and reviews.
As a result of this massive direct interaction, you can engage
directly with the customer based. points out that
“Facebook also builds engagement like no other. Engagement, in
the form of likes, comments, and interactions on your post, leads
to a strong connection with your prospects.
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The stronger the connection, the more likely it would be for your
leads to convert. Of course, word of mouth and referral also expand
the reach of your brand.”
The ways this helps brand customer loyalty are pretty obvious.
An engaged customer base that believes in the company and its
brands will return for more. Regular customer engagement brings
humanity to any brand; you just can’t beat it with commercials
or other ads. Actual human interaction is still an essential part
of marketing. As mentioned earlier, word of mouth is powerful,
whether online or in person. Put a face to the names, and sales will
Source: Rival IQ
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This one can be a bit tricky because it works best by linking other
websites to Facebook. Obviously, you can generate increased
web traffic on Facebook through the power of the algorithm,
community outreach via ads and posts, and the like. Increasing
traffic to other websites through Facebook can be the sticky part.
As DigitalVidya points out, “Through suitable links, Facebook users
can be guided to your website. Once on your landing page, the
visitor can be exposed to a more direct marketing pitch in the form
of a call to action or ask them to view the product or service they
are offering.”
Facebook is continually adapting and adjusting the site and its
algorithm to better cater to its users and expand an increasing
stake in the social media world. This means tools like the algorithm
might be tweaked and adjusted, reflecting page links and other
such tools to increase web traffic to other websites.
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Obviously, this benefit matters less to companies and businesses
using just Facebook to spread the word on new brands and
products. Still, the constantly adjusting and adapting nature of
Facebook means even users on the site need to keep an eye out for
what is changed and how it can affect their Facebook presence.
Brand promotion through online resources is almost always a great
idea. One way to do that is through social media platforms like
Facebook. Facebook offers groups, posting abilities, chats, direct
messaging, and even advertisements to expand brand promotion
for new products or services.
You don’t have to have an established presence on Facebook to
take advantage of these features because almost all of them are
free. Facebook accounts are free to set up and utilize, allowing you
to connect to over one billion potential customers. You probably
don’t need that many, but it never hurts to work on a big scale, as
long as you have a handle on your plans and budget.
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You may have heard of the 12 universal laws or the law of universal
gravitation, but are you familiar with the universal laws of Facebook
marketing for success? They are just as important if you have a
business! What makes these laws universal is that they apply to over
1.6 billion Facebook users worldwide! Every social media platform
has its own set of universal rules, and what may work on Instagram
won’t necessarily work on Facebook.
If you have a Facebook page for your business just because you feel
like you should, I’m going to recommend some personal reflection.
Ask yourself the following questions:
This doesn’t have to be a direct route. Do you want Facebook users
to sign up for your newsletter, where you will then ask them to buy,
or do you want them to go directly to your sales page and buy?
Write down the action and make it clear.
•	 What do I want to achieve through Facebook? For
example, do you want to increase your sales by 15% over
the next 3 months?
•	 Do you want to increase your followers by 10% this
month? Write down your goals. Make them measurable,
and give yourself a reasonable timeline.
•	 What do I want the people on my Facebook page to do?
Let’s say your goal is to increase sales.
S E T C L E A R & C O N C I S E G O A L S
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Without clear and concise goals, you probably won’t get very far.
Measurable goals will show you what is working well and what
isn’t to adjust accordingly. Additionally, consistent messaging and
posting (see Law #2) will be better received by users.
No matter what your Facebook marketing goals are, you need to be
consistent with your posting. Research suggests that users check
their Facebook more than 25 times a week! That is, over 25 times,
you can be getting your product or business in front of potential
customers. You should post one to two times a day. Although you
want to post frequently, you don’t want to overwhelm people.
Flooding their newsfeed is a sure-fire way to lose a friend. In fact,
companies with 10,000 followers or less that post more than 60
times a month (about 3x a day) have 60% less engagement.
Quality is better than quantity! Post one to two times every day
and mix up your posts with text, pictures, and videos.
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A variety of different posts using various types of media will give you
better insight into what performs best if you are starting out. Keep
your posts interesting to keep people engaged. Like we discussed
in Law 2, users can become overwhelmed if you post too much,
and this is especially true if you are posting the same thing again
and again.
Videos are an incredibly effective way to get organic views. Videos
are much more likely to be shared when compared to text or image-
based posts. These videos do not have to be long, highly edited,
and professional. In fact, raw, unedited footage is what users are
looking for. We can see with the success of TikTok and Instagram
reels that short videos that are less than one minute are high in
demand. Short entertaining or educational clips perform best!
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24 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Although Bill Gates had said “content is king,” in 2020, it’s
engagement that’s king. Engagement is everything and is missed
way too often. Whenever someone comments under a post or
sends you a message, you should reply and do it as quickly as
possible. When you post something on Facebook, monitor the
post for engagement.
When someone comments, try to respond immediately with a
personal, genuine remark. An emoji is fine, but always replying
with a heart or smiley will not build relationships.
You want to build personal connections
that will create a sense of loyalty to you
and your business. Sometimes replying
to every comment right away isn’t
possible. Try to respond to comments
and messages within 24hrs. Engage and
respond to all comments and Facebook
messages within 24 hours.
T I M E LY E N G A G E M E N T &
25 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Facebook insights will tell you who is following you, who is
engaging, liking, and clicking on your posts. It’s not going to tell
you exactly who, but it will break down the demographics like age
and location and highlight which posts performed the best. Your
job as a Facebook marketer is to look at these insights and deliver
more of what your demographic wants to see.
For your top-performing posts, consider the content type, the
day of the week, and the time it was posted. You may see that
videos posted in the evening get the most likes, comments, and
shares from your insights. With this information, you can continue
to post more videos in the evening!
I N S I G H T S & P I V O T A S N E E D E D
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Your CTA must direct people to do what you ask of them; you
cannot have a misleading CTA on a Facebook ad. Facebook states
that any information obtained after a Facebook user clicks the CTA
must only be used to provide the service outlined with the CTA. For
example, if your CTA was to sign-up for your newsletter and then
directed to a sales page – this would be considered misleading.
(And you don’t want to upset Facebook!)
Whenever you post, include a call-to-action (CTA). It doesn’t have to
be something as direct as Buy Now! It can be something general,
like “comment below and share your favorite holiday meal!” or
“drop a like if you love chocolate too.” When you think of CTA’s,
like subscribe, sign-up, or shop now, you need to make sure it is
I N S I G H T S & P I V O T A S N E E D E D
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Facebook writes and enforces the rules, and you can be penalized
if you don’t follow them - even have your page taken down!
Always read and follow Facebook rules for posts, ads, contests, and
giveaways. It can be a bit more challenging to reach Facebook
followers organically, which means you may need to draw people
in with paid ads. The lists are long, and there’s a fair amount of
information that you must read and acknowledge, but you need
to read it closely and not skip over the policies! Here are just a few
to note:
•	 For every promotion, you must also inform participants
that their entry releases Facebook from liability. They
have nothing to do with your promo.
•	 You can’t ask people to tag a friend or share your post
to enter into a contest or giveaway.
•	 When choosing a page name, don’t use profanity or
generic terms (e.g., shoes) or locations (e.g., Barcelona).
•	 If you mention Facebook in your ads, there are rules
about using it, including font size, style, capitalization,
and logo use.
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Your profile picture should be consistent with your brand and be
recognizable. An image that is vague or unclear means people are
less likely to click and engage. If you are your business, a picture
versus your logo will be more effective. Users like to talk to people,
not businesses. Keep this in mind for your photos, as well as when
you are writing on Facebook.
Your cover page should also be consistent with your brand, profile
picture, and website for a cohesive, complementary look. When
you direct people to your website from your Facebook page, it
should have a similar look and feel. If it looks too different, you’ll
lose people quickly.
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You want to provide people with everything they want to know
about your business. Make sure you fill in the About section and
include all contact details, including email and website. You
wouldn’t skip out on an About page on your website, and it’s just
as important on your Facebook page. You should go through your
Facebook page and try to look at it as a new visitor and someone
who isn’t familiar with you and your business and ask yourself the
following questions:
Specific nuances of Facebook marketing can change with the
seasons, like the colors in your photos and the time you should post.
When planning your Facebook content, it’s essential to consider
these nuances and as well as these universal laws. The universal
laws of Facebook marketing for success will help you reach your
business goals and put together a marketing strategy that works!
•	 Can they easily find my website?
•	 Do they know what my business does? What I sell?
•	 If they want to buy from me, is it easy to do?
•	 Are my contact details easy to find?
31 | o n e m i l l i o n s u b s c r i b e r s
Have you ever wondered how a Facebook video or post seemed to
skyrocket in popularity overnight? It’s not magic; it’s the Facebook
algorithm hard at work. While other factors do play into a brand or
business’ success on the platform, the Facebook algorithm is what
looks at those factors and affects engagement, views, comments,
follows, and everything else.
Facebook’s algorithm is a mysterious thing; well, it used to be.
The legendary social media company has been slowly revealing
the method to its algorithm over the past few years. Now, in 2020,
we’ve got it down to a science. You don’t have to spend your whole
paycheck on ads and marketing just to get an engagement boost.
You do need to understand how the Facebook algorithm works in
2020 and how to beat it.
Before you go diving into the depths of the Facebook algorithm, it
might help to know a few important stats first. Understanding the
facts about what you are working with will help your brand and
business strategy excel rather than getting sunk to the bottom.
•	 Facebook has over 3 billion registered users.
•	 Facebook is the third-most visited website.
•	 About 75% of high-income earners are on Facebook.
•	 86% of marketers use Facebook for advertising.
•	 Users spend an average of 58.5 minutes a day on
the platform.
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“my goal for this next
decade isn’t to be liked,
but to be understood.”
- Mark Zuckerberg
According to a survey by the Pew Research Center, 53% of adult
Facebook users do not understand how their news feed works. If
half of Facebook users don’t understand how something appears
on their feed, chances are they don’t know about the algorithm
From its inception until 2019, Facebook was carefully working
behind the scenes to create the user experience we know today.
The developers always left this curtain half-closed and half-open,
revealing new updates that kept users interested while guarding
their all-knowing software’s inner workings.
Apparently, 2020 is the year of transparency for the social media
platform. They actually want users to be aware of their AI and data
collection practices, so everyone knows what’s happening. (Being
aware- on our end- helps FB create better software, so it works in
their favor too.)
Source: The Daily Dot
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Facebook even went as far as surveying users in 2019 to get the
bigger picture of their platform experience. The responses were
used as feedback to tweak the algorithm for 2020 and add extra
Thus, we now have the “Why am I seeing this?” and “I do/do
not want to see this content.” icons aside from sponsored and
suggested content. Just like any AI or software program, the
Facebook algorithm will always be a constant work in progress. It
is a (theoretical) living entity that morphs and adapts over time
to keep up with online trends & practices.
The first definition that you need to understand as a brand or
business is ranking signals. These “ranking signals” are data points
that correspond to specific user behavior. Each data point tells
something about how you use the platform, and then factored
into what you see and how your content is ranked in search, news
feeds, etc.
For example, the post type (image, video, text) you interact with
most often would be a data point. Other data points (ranking
signals) include how often you like posts by x brand, if you watch
videos at all, which group you interact with, how often you make a
post, and the list goes on and on.
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Facebook’s algorithm takes in hundreds upon hundreds of data
points about a single user to create an individualized experience.
It might sound crazy at first, but it works out really well for the
platform, and users don’t complain unless it’s about an ad. After
all, how exactly did the AI know you needed more Purina cat food?
Dozens of factors are considered within each category. Meaningful
experience and predicted response are two critical factors that
contribute to your ranking score.
and who is commenting vs. just liking in your friend’s list? If you
post a video, are people watching it until the end or clicking X after
10 seconds? What emotional reaction are your posts receiving?
The layers of Facebook’s software get quite complex. But, at least
we know what’s happening behind the curtain so that we can use
the knowledge to our advantage as a brand or business.
3 Primary Ranking Categories
•	 Who you usually interact with and how often you
•	 The media format (video, link, image, text, etc.) you
both engage with and post.
•	 How popular a specific post is, based on a combination
of views, comments, likes, and shares.
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Remember, the #1 priority of the social media platform is to keep
users engaged & online for as long as possible. They want to give
people a reason to come back to the site every day. Learning how
to beat the Facebook algorithm in 2020 is a continual learning
process. To truly beat the system, you’ll have to test what works
and ditch what doesn’t. Adapt, change, and go with the flow.
To start, let’s say you’ve posted the beach selfie of the century, but
where are all the likes? You thought for sure that the beautiful
backdrop of Cancun would pique interest. Well, fear not, content
Here is our list of Facebook algorithm hacks for 2020 that can help
you beat the software. Say hello to boosted brand engagement.
Since Instagram is also run by Facebook, many of these hacks can
be applied to that platform as well. However, check out our post
that goes in-depth about Instagram’s own algorithm.
Source: HootSuite
36 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Genuinely Post & Interact: AI heavily values meaningful content
and interactions. In fact, how meaningful a piece of content is
perceived to be is factored into those ranking signals we talked
about earlier. So, when you post, make it genuine.
Emotion → meaning → value → high importance
This is especially true for brands and businesses who want to beat
the algorithm. Business content is typically too salesy, which is
what repels most viewers. Try attaching a story to your next product
feature so viewers can form an emotional connection. Meaningfully
interacting with your friends and fans is equally important. Are
you reacting or replying to comments? Do you leave an emotional
reaction to their response to your response?
Go Live or Post a Story: If you actively use all of Facebook’s
features, your ranking score is likely to increase. So, utilize all of
the features that Facebook has to offer. Yes, the algorithm knows
if you’ve been posting to your story or not. Even if you only post a
story or go live every now and then, showing some activity is better
than not showing any at all.
A great tip for brands and businesses is
utilizing the story function to highlight
your most recent post. For businesses
your product in all of its glory. This is
a fantastic way to boost activity,
provide value, and generate
engagement all in one swoop.
37 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Aim for Organic Reach, Then Market: Another top Facebook
algorithm hack for 2020 involves reach- organic reach, that is. Let’s
say you made a post with a clever caption + corresponding picture,
and it really struck home with your audience. Next thing you
know, 15 likes has turned into 100, and there’s nothing but praise
in the comment section. Now, you didn’t spend a penny for that
engagement; it was all organic.
The algorithm is already favoring your post due to its organic reach,
so why not take that momentum and keep it going with an ad?
You’ll pay less CPC (cost per click), and since organic got results,
an ad definitely will.
38 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Know Your Audience: You really need to know who your audience
is, not just in 2020, but all the time. If you are a brand or a business,
you must define your target market before expecting a genuine
connection. Think about who you are as a business, what you
represent, and the type of people who can personally identify with
your brand.
Also, pay attention to what your fans and friends like the most. Do
they respond well to short videos? Are they tuning in to your live
sessions? What type of pictures get the most reactions? The more
you get to know your audience, the better your posts will perform.
Clickbait is a Huge No: Clickbait is the nuisance of the internet
and the destroyer of engagement for brands and businesses. No
one wants to feel tricked into doing something, even on Facebook.
The quickest way to receive disapproval from the Facebook
algorithm is to bait your audience to like, comment, share, or click
a link. Engagement baiting doesn’t fly. After all, if it doesn’t provide
value to your fans and friends, why even post it?
Now, we don’t think you’d
do this, but know that
misinformation or harmful
content will get you
downranked ASAP. This
includes fake news, links to
faulty websites, and offensive
content. No questions asked.
39 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Reshare Old Content That Performed Well: Most brands and
business owners don’t realize that repurposing old content can be
just as powerful as creating new content. If you posted a certain
style of photography that got great engagement, chances are that
your audience would love to see it again. Now, that doesn’t mean
reposting the exact same picture but posting something very
People are naturally drawn to what they enjoy. Beat Facebook’s
algorithm without even whipping up a new piece of content.
Make Use of Facebook Groups: A not-so-common Facebook
algorithm hack is taking advantage of groups. Joining groups that
correspond to your brand’s values could help you make genuine
connections with people who could turn into followers.
For instance, you might join a group for animal rights activists. Well,
your brand supports animal rights and sells 100% vegan products.
This is a direct connection between values and branding.
Don’t blatantly advertise
your business in the group
(it’s against some group’s
information and find a subtle
way to mention, “Oh, by the
way, my brand sells X. Any
support is appreciated.”
41 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
A lot has changed since Facebook launched in 2004! Take this
Facebook offers when setting up your account for improved
features like business and advertising.
We all know the basics of posting on Facebook. What you may
not know is how to optimize your posts to get the most amount of
likes and followers. In stage two, you’ll learn what types of content
perform the best, how to create that content, and how to track
your progress.
Optimize Your Content
| How to Get the First 100 Followers |
| How to Get the First 1,000 Followers |
Get to Know the New Facebook
As the backbone of the Facebook platform, running proper
advertising campaigns has become an art form. We’ll provide
insight on how to create the best target audience, getting to know
the different types of ads, and how to start your first campaign.
Getting Started with Facebook Ads
| How to Get the First 10,000 Followers |
42 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
While social media popularity is all well and good, all your hard
work deserves a reward. Learn all the different ways you can make
money on Facebook, from offering marketing services to offering
physical products!
Learn how to make the most out of your extensive follower base!
Learn how to host Facebook events and live video streams and
take advantage of influencer marketing opportunities.
Make Money on Facebook
Utilize Your Influence on Facebook
| How to Get the First 100,000 Followers |
| How to Get the First 1,000,000 Followers |
P H A S E 1
44 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
T H E 5 W ’ S ( A N D H ) O F Y O U R
Formulating a Facebook marketing strategy is not a process you
should ever rush. Answering the five Ws and one H above takes
dedicated research and time to compile information. Strategic
content creation might be a time-consuming task. Still, it’s well
worth the effort once you get your marketing campaign underway.
As long as you have the above questions answered, you’re sure to
have a much more successful Facebook campaign than posting
random pieces of content.
A clear audience is vital for a successful marketing campaign. Not
only do you need to understand who your product or service is
meant to serve, but you also need to know how best to reach them
through the Facebook platform. The more specific you get on who
the audience is, the more accurate you’ll be with your content
strategy when looking at your Facebook options.
Ask yourself what your audience is looking for as you outline your
Facebook marketing strategy. You need to know what your target
customer wants and needs in their lives. Once you know that, you
can make sure your advertisements and content posts show how
your company is solving their problems.
WHO is Your Audience?
WHAT Does Your Audience Want?
The “when” of this equation is more about consistency. Consistently
producing content for your company’s Facebook page is more
important than the time of day you post. The best times to reach
people with your content will depend on who your targeting is and
when they’re typically active.
However, as long as you regularly post and provide valuable
information, your brand will start to see engagement and build a
following. If your audience sees that you’re committed to engaging
with them, you’ll also build trust with potential customers.
Where your customers are located physically and where they
can be found online can help you hone your marketing strategy.
For instance, if your audience is mainly based in the U.S. that will
impact the time you post and the type of content you provide. Plus,
customers in the U.S. could have very different needs than your
customers in, say, the U.K. Recognize where your main client base
is located, so you get your content strategy right.
Where people are spending time on their Facebook pages can
also make a difference. Suppose your target audience plays a lot
of games on Facebook or visits certain types of pages. In that case,
you could focus some of your advertisements on those specific
aspects of the platform. Details like this can help you reach a larger
audience and connect with people on a deeper level.
45 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
WHEN to Publish?
WHERE Are Your Customers?
46 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
You need to make it obvious why your audience should care about
your content and why they should answer your call to action. Your
audience will be much more likely to purchase a product or sign up
for your newsletter if they understand how your product or service
will make their lives better.
After you’ve inspired your audience to care, clearly state in your
post the next step they should take. When you give easy actions
for people to learn more, you’ll receive more engagement and see
better sales.
As you begin releasing your content, you need a clear way of
determining whether your campaigns were successful. Define
the metrics you’d like to see for each post before pushing out
the content. If you know your marketing strategy goals, it’ll help
give you a solid understanding of your brand’s well-being on the
Facebook platform.
Maybe you want to increase traffic to your website, add emails to
your newsletter sign-up, or simply increase brand searches online.
Whatever your goal for each post, have a number in mind so you
can measure your success to see what works and what doesn’t.
WHY Should They Care?
HOW Do You Measure Success?
47 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Step 1: Log in to your personal Facebook account (or create one
following the prompts if you don’t already have one) since you’ll be
managing your business account as an additive of your personal
account. Next, visit
Step 2: Choose a page name and category. Facebook has a list
of predetermined categories that will pop up as you type in your
category type. Keep in mind that changing your Page Name and
URL is possible but tedious - choose your name wisely. You can also
write a brief description of your Page should you choose to, or skip
it for now. When you’re finished, click the ‘Create Page’ button.
It’s time to graduate beyond your personal Facebook page and
create a business profile. Facebook tactfully just calls these ‘Pages’
and are used to show business-specific information like location,
websites, and more. Let’s get started:
48 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Step 3: Next, add a Profile Photo and Cover Photo. It’s always a
good rule of thumb to use a logo as your profile photo. We created
the following logo and cover image using the free design tool, in about 10 minutes. (Your cover image should be 851
x 315 pixels for desktop and 640 x 360 for mobile.) Hit the ‘Save’
button when finished.
Step 4: Create a Username for your Page. This will appear in a
custom URL (or vanity URL) for your Facebook Page. Facebook will
automatically alert you if the Username is already in use. You can
use this unique URL to cross-promote on different social media
channels as well.
49 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Step 5: Now that you’ve completed the basics, set up ‘Page
Roles’ if plan on having other people run your Facebook page. In
the navigation bar, click ‘Settings’ and then ‘Page Roles’ to add a
Step 6: While you’re in settings, take the opportunity to customize
how you get alerts for different page activity types by clicking on
Step 7: From the main Manage Page section, add a call to action
button by clicking on the blue ‘Add a Button’ button under the
Cover Image. You can choose from various button types depending
on the action you’d like people to take on your Page.
Also, be sure to complete the Facebook recommended actions
under the ‘Set Your Page up for Success’ section.
50 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Step 8: Organize the tabs users see to guide them through your
content. Do this by clicking on ‘Settings’ in the navigation bar
followed by ‘Templates and Tabs.’ You can drag and drop tabs in
the order of your choosing or add/remove additional tabs to your
51 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Facebook Manager is where you will manage all marketing
advertising, create digital catalogs, allow account access to other
users, and more. From Hootsuite, its key functions include:
Since making updates to the Business Manager in September of
2020, you’ll find that visiting will take you
to a page that’s now called the Facebook Business Suite. Facebook
describes this new app as a way to “manage your business across
Facebook and Instagram in one place. It offers a new look and a
variety of tools that can help make it easier for you to manage your
business presence online and reach more customers.” However,
it’s not quite as versatile as the Business Manager, so you’ll want to
switch over to that.
•	 It keeps your business activities separate from your
personal profile, so you don’t have to worry about posting in
the wrong place (or getting distracted by cat videos when
you’re trying to work).
•	 It’s a central place to track Facebook ads, with detailed
reports that show how your ads are performing.
•	 It allows you to give vendors, partners, and agencies access
to your pages and ads, without handing over ownership of
the assets.
•	 Coworkers don’t see your personal Facebook information—
just your name, work email, and pages and ad accounts.
52 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Step 1: After visiting, click ‘Give Feedback’
from the main navigation menu located at the bottom of your left
sidebar and select ‘Switch to Business Manager.’ You’ll be asked for
feedback. You can put in whatever information you’d like, or feel
free to copy the example below.
You can switch back at any time by following these directions:
To switch back to Business Suite from Business Manager, go to
Business Tools, which looks like a square with dots, in the top left
of your Page. Then, click on Business Suite under the Manage
Business section. Your Page should reload to the Business Suite
53 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Step 2: From the Business Manager
dashboard, you can add people
to help you manage your Page if
needed. Simply click on Business
Settings, then ‘People’ under the
‘Users’ drop-down. Then click the
‘Add’ button to invite others to help
manage your Page. Should you
decide to work with a professional
agency in the future, you can also
click on ‘Partners’ to share your
Note: If, for some reason, your Page isn’t showing on Business
Manager, try these steps:
1.	 Go to Business Settings. It looks
like a gear icon in your sidebar.
2.	In the Business Assets section,
click Accounts. Then, click Pages.
3.	 Click Add in the drop-down menu.
4.	Select Add a Page.
5.	 Enter the Facebook Page name
or custom URL.
6.	Click Add Page. You should see your
Page on the next screen. From here,
you can add Page managers.
54 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Step 3: Since Instagram was bought out by Facebook in 2012, it’s
a good idea to integrate the two applications. If you have your
Instagram account already set up, go ahead and add it by clicking
‘Instagram Accounts’ under the ‘Accounts’ section. Then click ‘Add’
and connect your Instagram Account using your credentials.
Step 4: Set up your Facebook Pixel to help with tracking across
your website. From Hootsuite, a Facebook Pixel is simply a bit of
you access to information that will allow you to track conversions,
optimize Facebook ads, build targeted audiences for your ads, and
remarket to leads.”
Still in the Business Settings section of your Business Manager,
click on the Data Sources tab in the navigation to expand it and
click on ‘Pixels’ followed by the blue ‘Add’ button.
55 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Step 5: Since this is your business account, and you’ll be running
and paying for ads, it’s always a good rule of thumb to have extra
security. Luckily, Facebook makes this easy to manage. Start
by clicking on the ‘Security Center’ tab near the bottom of the
navigation. Set up two-factor authentication for everyone for the
highest level of security.
Step 6: We’ve covered all the Business Manager Essentials, but we
encourage you to explore the other tabs in the Business Settings
to familiarize yourself with all that’s available
Name your Pixel and enter your website for recommendations on
how to best set up your Pixel. Click continue to agree to Facebook’s
pixel terms and conditions. Be sure to set up your Pixel now, so
you don’t forget later on. Facebook allows you to create up to 10
different Pixels.
56 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Now that you’ve set up your Business Manager, you can set up
your Ad Account. It’s important to note that you won’t be able to
run any advertising campaigns without first pairing an ad account
with your business page. Let’s do that now.
From the Business Manager page, find the ‘Add Ad Account” tab
in the navigation, then click ‘Create Account.’
Next, enter your details and select the ‘My business’ option before
clicking ‘Create.’
Once you gather more followers and get a better feel for who your
audience is, we’ll go into more detail on how to create and manage
ad campaigns in Phase 3.
57 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Creator Studio brings together all the tools
you need to effectively post, manage, monetize
and measure content across all your Facebook
Pages and Instagram accounts.It also helps you
take advantage of new features and monetization
opportunities when they become available. -
Unlike the Business Manager, the Creator Studio is used for
managing your Page’s content vs. managing multiple Pages and
Ad Accounts. Think of it as a simplified version of Business Manager;
you can still view insights, but it’s more of a content hub to help you
with things like scheduling, tracking, publishing, and monitoring,
with the added benefit of more in-depth video post metrics. You
can also utilize the mobile app version to manage your content on
the go.
58 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Another benefit is that you can sync changes among different team
members in real-time (if you have people helping you manage your
Page). You can add position roles to your Creator Studio, separate
from any permissions given to people in the Business Manager.
Let’s get introduced to Creator Studio by scheduling your first post:
Step 1: To access Creator Studio, visit https://business.facebook.
Step 2: There will be two icons in
the top navigation bar indicative of
Facebook and Instagram. Clicking on
these logos will change where your
posts are being published. Let’s start
with Facebook.
Clicking on the ‘Create Post’ button
will show a drop-down menu of all
the different Post options to choose
from. For this example, let’s do a
simple post by selecting ‘Create Post.’
Step 3: A pop-up looking similar to your typical posting options will
show. Upload an image by clicking on ‘Share a Photo’ and write a
brief description to invite engagement.
59 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Step 4: To schedule your post, click the arrow icon next to the
‘Publish’ button and hit ‘Schedule’ to set a given time for your post
to show. Finalize by clicking ‘Schedule.’
Step 5: From the Creator Studio Home, click on the ‘Content Library’
tab in the main navigation to see published, schedules, drafts, and
expired posts all on one page.
60 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Discover the 5 W’s (and an H) of Your Facebook
Marketing Strategy: Take time to research the Who, What,
When, Where, Why, and How of your Facebook strategy.
Set Up Your Facebook Business Page: Facebook Pages
are used to show business-specific information like location,
websites, and more.
Get to Know Your Facebook Business Manager: Facebook
Manager is where you will manage all marketing advertising,
create digital catalogs, allow account access to other users,
and more.
Set Up Your Facebook Advertising Account: This will
connect your business page to any advertising effots once
your start creating ad campaigns.
Use Facebook Creator Studio to Manage Your Posts:
Creator Studio brings together all the tools you need to
effectively post, manage, monetize and measure content
across all your Facebook Pages and Instagram accounts.
Complete tasks like:
•	 Scheduling
•	 Tracking
•	 Publishing
•	 Monitoring
•	 In-depth video post metrics
•	 View simplified insights
61 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
P H A S E 2
62 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
To obtain a higher than average social media presence , you’ll need
to optimize your posts. There are several strategies for attracting
more attention to your posts and encouraging your audience to
engage via a reply or emoticon.
Communication: Like communicating with people face to face,
you get a different response from people when you talk “to them”
instead of “at them.” The difference is when you talk to someone,
you include open-ended statements or questions in hopes of
getting a response.
For example, people are more likely to respond when you say
something like, “How do you improve your summer tan?” Asking
questions or utilizing open-ended statements allows your
audience to respond and triggers a response.
Tell Stories:Gettingpersonalwithyouraudienceisahugebenefit.
It’s vital because it strengthens a connection between you and
your audience, builds trust, and aligns people with your message.
Telling a story is a perfect way to connect with your audience on a
personal level.
Personality: With so much competition abound on social media,
a great way to set yourself apart is to utilize your personality. After
all, there’s only one “you.” Mixing in an occasional post that exposes
something close to your heart strengthens the bond between you
and your audience.
63 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Hop on the Newest (Relevent) Trend: Highlight and target trends
that appeal to your audience. This is incredibly important because
the better you become with targeting trends, the more potential
your posts have of attracting more people. Ultimately, staying
with trending topics keeps your posts relevant and increases your
chances of appearing in feeds.
Trends evolve rapidly, and that can be intimidating. However, a
rapidly evolving environment supplies ample content for posts.
Predicting trends is priceless and is the ultimate goal of most
social media presences. It’s an essential factor in attaining a “viral”
presence with a post.
64 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Utilize Branded Graphics: People are dynamic, with a desire to
soak up a lot of information in a short amount of time. As a result,
we gravitate toward pictures because they offer an opportunity to
absorb information rapidly and be visually stimulated at the same
time. Pictures relating to the topic you’re posting about are helpful,
but finding the right picture can boost engagement.
Keep in mind that certain colors
trigger responses in specific
content. For example, the color
red in a picture of a traffic light
can trigger tension or anxiety
for a reader, which might cause
them to skim over your post
and move on without engaging.
However, the color red in a picture
of a makeup ad might attract
the reader to your post because
it’s tied to an emotion of passion,
love, or seduction. If the post is
related to your business, try to
find pictures that have colors
similar to your business colors.
It creates a direct correlation
between the trend you’re posting
about and your company.
65 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Offer Industry tips: Everyone loves a “hack,” and there’s still
some overlooked magic in this world. Take some of your specific
problem avoidance, and/or innovations. This unique approach puts
you front and center and time in the spotlight.
Offer Discounts or sales: If your social media presence revolves
around a business, and you shy away from utilizing contests as a
tool to increase social exposure, discounts or sales promotions are
a perfect way for you to shine light on what you have to offer. When
highlighting your promotion, don’t forget to include content like
pictures, video, and make it unique.
Post at optimal times: Timing is key and when you post is just
as important as what you post. Identify and target peak times
that your audience is on Facebook, so you can engage the largest
portion of your audience. Sprout Social is designed to identify and
aid in targeting when your audience is at its peak and when you
should post.
66 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
However, if you’re looking for something a bit more exact, Sprout
Social pulled information from over 20,000 accounts to try and
pinpoint the best times to post. As indicated by the chart on the
previous page, they found that the best day was Wednesday, with
times ranging between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.
Test various posting frequencies: A tailored suit fits best because
everybody is different. The most crucial strategy is to test and track
results from the tools listed above. Augmenting how much of each
tool you implement is exactly like tailoring a suit to fit. The end
result is the best fitting overall strategy that gets you the best
Coschedule worked together with 14 other sources to determine
the best posting frequency for Facebook, so you have one less thing
to worry about. They recommend posting “a minimum of three
times per week while keeping your maximum posting frequency
to 10 times per week.”
67 | o n e m i l l i o n s u b s c r i b e r s
Blog posts: Blogs are the
building blocks of social
interaction in the digital world.
They’ve been around since the
beginning, and they haven’t lost
their value. Integrate your blog
posts onto Facebook; it creates
cohesion between social media
platforms and brings strength to
your Facebook presence.
Worldwide, more than 2.4 billion people use Facebook, making
it the largest social network of them all. Over 90 million small
businesses take advantage of this vast user base to create content
for their customers and work to connect with a broader audience. In
short, if you’re not using Facebook, you’re missing out on increased
retention rates, better brand awareness, and higher levels of trust.
Of course, this is easy to say, but posting for crickets isn’t exactly
To help you grow on Facebook and see the engagement you need,
here are 5 of the best types of posts you should utilize on Facebook
to increase followers and engagement rates.
68 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Questions and Polls: The easiest way to engage with your
Facebook audience is to create posts that ask questions or create
a poll. As humans, we love to offer our own opinion and insight on
a topic, so when we see a post asking for help or our opinion, we
stop and think about replying.
Questions can encourage meaningful conversations between
you and your followers as well as within your audience. What you
ask can be derisive but playful, such as “Tacos or Burritos?” or more
meaningful. Where possible, ask them to be a part of your business,
as this can increase loyalty, too.
For example, when you’re comparing designs for something, run
it by them. “Do you like A, B, C, or D?” Whether or not you choose
their option is irrelevant, but they’ll feel like they played a part in
the decision-making process and thus more inclined to check in
with you regularly.
Polls create something visual and interactive for your audience,
and see high engagement rates because they require almost no
effort to engage with, and can help you collect valuable data.
Giveaways&Competitions: Agreatwaytoencourageengagement
is by offering regular giveaways and competitions for your followers.
Running competitions where users must like your Page and post
and either share your post to their Page or tag one or more of their
friends is one of the most effective ways to encourage users to
follow your brand and engage with your content.
69 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Special Treatment for Followers: If you want to see real
engagement, you need to treat your Facebook followers as
“insiders.” They’re the lucky people who get to know what you’re
offering “before the rest.” What this is will depend on your business
model and your values, but can be:
Important Data as Infographics: If you want to present relevant
data to your followers, creating infographics is the best way to
do this. Many people can take in more information when visually
presented to them, and they’re incredibly sharable.
These types of posts are simple but effective. Ensure your Facebook
followers know they’re a part of your community in every post, and
reward them regularly.
Alternatively, you could encourage your followers to create their
own content using a hashtag created by your brand to be in
with the chance of winning a prize. If you create a fun, engaging
competition, more and more people will want to join in and will
come across your brand in the process.
•	 Early access to new product launches
•	 Special discounts
•	 Early notification of sales
•	 Opportunities to do things other customers wouldn’t (enter
competitions, name a new product, early video access, etc.)
70 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Creating a simple infographic that matches your brand, with the
right color scheme and fonts allows you to present important data,
such as insights, faces, and figures, to your Facebook followers
without creating confusion.
Remember, infographics can be fun as well as informative! You
don’t have to be in a particular industry to create one. For example,
if you run a fleet of food trucks, you could make an infographic that
compares stats for each of your regular locations. Perhaps one type
of burger is more popular on one side of the city than the other – it
doesn’t have to be meaningful, but it will create conversation!
Engaging videos: The
popularity of video is
growing all the time.
Facebook would love to
steal some of that watch
time away from YouTube.
For that reason, video posts
still see more of an organic
boost from Facebook than
other types of posts. In
other words, video posts
equal to more views.
71 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Facebook 360: As the name implies, these are videos or images
that your fans can view in 360 vision! From Facebook, “Facebook
360 has a special icon that indicates interactivity, capturing your
viewers’ attention and allowing them to discover and experience
your content. 360 Content on Facebook is easily shared across
Pages, Groups, and News Feed, allowing you to reach a broad
To post a 360 image, simply select the 3D Photo option when
you make a post and select the image you’d like to feature. (This
works best with a 360 camera, but you can use whatever you
have available.)
Videos are the perfect way to promote your brand, convey your
message, give out important information, provide helpful
tutorials about using your product or service, or simply create
something fun that your target audience will enjoy watching.
The key with video is to not overthink it. Many businesses have
seen better engagement from unproduced video clips than
those with high-quality setups, so simply grab your smartphone
and start filming.
Remember, don’t overthink it too much – frequent posting
is better than one perfect post every so often. Just share and
start conversations frequently, and you’ll be ahead of your
72 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Accessing your Facebook Analytics Page is simple: From your
business Page, click on the ‘Insights’ tab in the left-hand navigation,
and you’ll see an overview of your data so far. You can also view more
in-depth versions of the charts displayed in the Page Summary via
the main navigation.
H O W T O T R A C K & M E A S U R E
73 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Below the Page Summary section, you’ll see ‘Your 5 Most Recent
Posts’, which gives you an overview of engagement metrics. For
example, you might find out that your image posts outperform
your blog posts.
Below that is the ‘Pages to Watch’ section, where you can add
theirs. This is one of Buffer’s favorite Facebook features, saying, “this
section is great for seeing how your Facebook Page is performing
among your peers and competitors. By looking at the top posts
of those Pages, you can also stay in touch with what’s trending in
your industry or curate great content for your Facebook fans.”
All this information is valuable in its own way, but how do you
know what to focus on and how to measure your Facebook page’s
74 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Understanding your metrics can help you determine what types of
content or ads are resonating with your particular audience, how
quickly or slowly your following is growing, your engagement rate,
and much more!
Let’s do a brief explanation of what kind of information each
Facebook Insight metric has to offer:
Followers: Total number of organic Page follows, paid Page
follows and unfollows, and where people followed you. This is a
great way to track the effectiveness of scheduled posts or when
followers are most active. Hootsuite recommends that “if you see a
spike of people choosing to unfollow your page, look at the content
you posted that day.” It’s just as important to know what entices
followers as well as what annoys them.
75 | o n e m i l l i o n s u b s c r i b e r s
Likes: Total number of new likes shown in growth rate, averages,
and sources. This is great for spotting upwards and downwards
trends over time, monitoring the sources of your likes and dislikes
(organic vs. net vs. paid), and noting where your likes came from.
feed, either organically or through promotions. You’ll also be able to
monitor Reactions, Comments, and Shares. Because of Facebook’s
algorithm, posts with higher engagement rates will be served to
more people, increasing your post’s reach.
76 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Alternatively, the Hide, Report as Spam, and Unikes section
indicates negative feedback, which can lower your reach. Buffer
offers the following tip when monitoring your reach: If you see a
spike of reach, engagement, or negative feedback, you can click or
drag to select that section of the graph and find out more. Facebook
will show you the active posts during that period, in decreasing
impression order.
Page Views: Total amount of times people have viewed your
Page, whether they were logged into Facebook or not. Because
this measures the same person visiting your Page twice as two
views, the ‘Total People Who Viewed’ metric is a more accurate
You can also view the ‘Top Sources’ section to see what other online
sources have brought people to your Page. For example, you may
find that more people find your Facebook page through Google
than Facebook itself.
77 | o n e m i l l i o n s u b s c r i b e r s
Page Previews: Anyone who previewed your Page via a mouse-
over but did not necessarily view your Page. You’ll also be able to
see who clicked your CTA based on certain demographics.
Posts: Combines the total number of shares, comments, likes, etc.,
to determine how well your posts perform. This is where you can
see when your followers are online, which can be incredibly helpful
when trying to determine the best times to post.
Also, you can see what types of posts perform the best, be it images,
links, or videos. Finally, you can see what post types perform well for
your competitors in the ‘Top Posts from Pages You Watch’ section.
You can try replicating their success with a similar post type.
Actions on Page: The combined clicks collected from people who
clicked on your CTA, contact info, website link, or any other activity.
78 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Since your primary focus is earning followers, we recommend
viewing the following metrics in this section:
•	 Post Clicks / Reactions, Comments & Shares
•	 Reactions / Comments / Shares
•	 Post Hides, Hides of All Posts, Reports of Spam, Unlikes
•	 Engagement Rates
Events: Indicates how well your event pages perform, including
event reach, how many people responded to your event, and their
demographics. You can also view event stats, including Awareness,
Engagement, Tickets, and Audience. This section also factors in
things like unique vs. repeat views and auto-played vs. clicked-to-
79 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Videos: Total number of video views that exceeded 3 seconds.
Both organic and paid video posts get their own section due to
determining success factors like view views, 10-second views,
and top videos overall. According to Sprout Social, “videos are
becoming increasingly popular post types, accounting for about
11% of Facebook posts. Between video ads, video posts, stories, and
live streams, Facebook videos garner up to 8 billion views per day.”
Stories: To ride the wave of success that Snapchat saw with 24-
hour mini videos, Facebook decided to utilize the same feature on
their platform with Stories in 2016.
According to Buffer, “the feature is focused around Facebook’s in-
app camera which allows users to overlay fun filters and Snapchat-
like lenses to their content as well as add visual geolocation tags to
their photos and videos. To access the camera, simply swipe right
on Facebook’s mobile app.” Much like Instagram stories, Facebook
stories will appear at the top of the app and be visible for 24 hours.
80 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Messages: Showperformancemetricsofmessengerconversations.
Since messenger is an excellent way to engage with followers
personally, keep your responsiveness and total conversations high.
Everyone is trying to get social media users to follow their groups
and pages these days. With that much competition, you’ve got to
get pretty savvy about making sure that you are using the actual
real, helpful tools to get customers to engage with you.
Unless you are a Facebook pro, you could probably use a little
bit of a boost for Facebook engagement, right? Even if it’s just a
refresher course, knowing how to get your Facebook followers to
pay attention is going to always boost you in the right direction,
81 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Use a chatbot (wisely): Chatbots are fantastic little helpers to
answer questions and direct customers to contact you and your
brand. Chatbots can be used effectively on Facebook to answer
questions, get information on your location or hours, and more.
They can also be used to direct customers to discounted items in
your store and more. Embrace them and use them to help wherever
possible. It also cuts down on your response time, which is a serious
help to the chronically impatient customer.
82 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Reply to comments: Whenever someone posts a comment on
your Page, make sure that you reply to it. You can choose to tag or
no tag, depending. No matter how many times you have to respond
to the same question, reply to it!
Bonus points: Include a link to help direct them. This is something
that a chatbot can help with, and it really does make a difference.
If the comment doesn’t have anything to reply to, logically, use an
emoji (more on that in a minute) or “like” the comment! It shows
those reading and commenting that you’ve seen it and that you
are acknowledging it, too.
Embrace those emojis: Maybe you love ‘em, and maybe you hate
‘em, but emojis are certainly here to stay. You’ll want to use them
liberally in your posts, comments, replies, and more. Don’t spam
people with 60 of them if just 3 will do, however.
Not sure what some of them mean? Check out your competition
and see what ones are most used and which ones seem to go over
the best. You can just dabble here and there, so don’t worry about
being fluent in emoji!!
83 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Everyone loves a good GIF: From funny photos to memes to
GIFs to videos, customers love, love, love media. While you’ll want
to rely on hashtags to properly tag and get people’s attention, you
can keep your posts short and rely on the visuals to attract people
to tag their friends and share the content. T
he modern-day customer and follower respond best to video and
image content, so this is the best way to get them to share and
boost Facebook engagement easily. We recommend
for all your GIF needs.
Incentivizecustomerstocheck-in: Ifyou’vegotaphysicallocation
that you want to get people to come to, make sure that customers
and Facebook followers are incentivized to check in there. Maybe
they get a discount or a freebie, or an exclusive coupon. Whatever
goodie they get, they’ll be more likely to check-in, which does a lot
for your authority and also gets their friends interested in you, too,
since they’ll see the check-in!
84 | o n e m i l l i o n F o l l o w e r s
Try a giveaway: Giveaways
are relatively new to Facebook,
but they’re great ways to really
increase engagement. Give away
something from your brand,
whatever it may be selling and
publicizing. Freebies are pretty
much the best way to get the
savings-motivated customer to
like, share, or otherwise engage.
You can make that a condition,
too! For instance: if a follower
likes and shares their Page,
they’re interested in the draw to
win the giveaway. It’s a fun way
to really see how competitive
people can be and enjoy some
great new additions.
Partner with someone: If you’ve got a connection to an influencer
or another local business that is a logical connection, partner with
them through tags and shared posts and boosts, etc.
Connecting with someone online is as profitable as in-person
connecting these days for the skeptical Facebook followers. It also
shows customers that you are rooted in the community, and you
have connections - giving you better authority and trustworthiness.
85 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
The popularity of Facebook Groups is backed by the similarities of
top forums like Reddit and Quora. With Groups, you can create an
exclusive online space where like-minded followers can connect
with each other and build an engaged community. Facebook
Groups offer additional features like:
Besides building a sense of inclusion and comradery, the benefits
of Facebook Groups are too good to pass up. Did we mention it’s
free? Let’s set up your group now:
More than 1 billion people around the world use
More than 1 billion people around the world use
Groups. And more than 100 million people see Groups
Groups. And more than 100 million people see Groups
as the most important part of their experience on
as the most important part of their experience on
Facebook. -Buffer
Facebook. -Buffer
•	 Built-in analytics (a.k.a. Group Insights)
•	 Ability to host private groups
•	 Post documents, create polls, and even buy and sell options
•	 Group chat with your members
•	 Members receive notifications about new group posts
Step 1: Visit and click on the
‘Create New Group’ option.
86 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Step 2: Name your group and choose your desired settings. Public
Groups allow anyone to see what’s posted, whether they’re part of
the group or not. Private Groups ensure that only group members
can see what’s posted.
According to Oneupapp, “Private Groups tend to have better
community and engagement, as there are many people on
Facebook that do not want their friends and family to see their
comments made in a Public Group.”
Additionally, visible groups are the recommended option if you
want to grow your group size. Once done, click the ‘Create’ button.
Step 3: You’ll be taken to your new Group page, where you can
customize your Page with a cover photo and description. Again,
we recommend using to come up with an attractive
cover image.
87 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Step 4: Select the ‘Edit Group Settings’ option by clicking on the
‘More’ button. From here, you’ll have the option to change several
elements, including Group type, tags, linked pages, colors, post
topics, and more. The more details you can provide, the more
appealing your group will be to followers.
88 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Optimize Your Content for Likes: Implement strategies
for attracting more attention to your posts and encourage
audience engagement.
Test Popular Types of Facebook Posts: Switch up your
content between blogs, images, videos, polls, giveaways,
infographics, and more to see what resonates with your fans.
Track & Measure with Analytics: Pay close attention to Post
Clicks / Reactions, Comments & Shares, Post Hides, Hides of All
Posts, Reports of Spam, Unlikes, and Engagement Rates.
Engage with Your Followers: Respond to your followers
within a reasonable time and utilize reactions, emojis, check-
ins, and other tactics to increase engagement.
Create a Facebook Group: Besides building a sense of
inclusion and comradery, the benefits of Facebook Groups are
great for encreasing engagement and building brand loyalty.
PHASE 2: 100-1,000 FOLLOWERS
•	 Offer Advice/Tips
•	 Offer Discounts/Sales
•	 Test Posting Times
•	 Utilize Relevent Trends
•	 Create Branded Graphic
•	 Tell Stories
P H A S E 3
90 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
who you want to see them and why. Much like a buyer persona, a
follower profile should paint a clear picture of what kind of person
is going to be the most interested in your Page. You should have a
strong understanding of factors like their demographics, interests,
and behaviors. Keep in mind that it’s totally fine to have more than
one target audience.
You can find useful demographics data on your insights Page. The
‘Actions on Page’ tab is most helpful for indicating what types of
people are the most interested in your Page. This section will also
reveal helpful stats like age and gender, country, city, and device.
Once you have a good profile, you can put your audience together
in the Audience Manager Tool. Here’s how:
Step 1: From the Business Manager tool, click on ‘Audiences’ in the
‘Advertise’ section in the main navigation.
Step 2: Since we haven’t run any ads yet, click ‘Create Audience’
and select ‘Custom Audience.’
Step 3: There are various ways you can create a relevant audience,
whether it’s using data from your personal website or Facebook
sources from Instagram, videos, and more. In this example, we will
utilize the ‘Facebook Page’ option to build an audience based on
people who already follow you.
91 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Step 4: Since people who engage with your content are more
qualified to follow you, add people to the audience who have
‘engaged with any post or ad’ in the past year. (365 days is the
placeholder default.) Be sure to give your audience a distinct name
and, if you’d like, a description and click ‘Create Audience’ and hit
92 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
92 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Great competitive analysis not only gives you the insider scoop on
what’s working for your competitors but allows you to plan your ads
out in advance to give your strategy a boost. A little bit of sleuthing
can go a long way. Start by visiting - you guessed it - a competitor’s
business page. We’ll continue with our Happy Skincare profile. In
our case, we started by looking up organic skincare in the search
bar and clicking ‘Pages’ in the main navigation.
Evaluating competitors on Facebook essentially
revolves around identifying your key rivals in the
niche and analyzing what all strategies they are
leveraging to grab leads. Also, it involves spotting
are using and enhancing on the same to snatch away
some of their customers. - Social Pilot
93 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Le Pur Organic and their
43k followers seemed to be
a strong contender, so we
visited their Page to see what
we could find. Since the goal
is to attract more followers,
we want to see what kind
of engagement rates their
posts have. Of the 100 or so
studied posts, we noticed that
video posts and behind the
scenes posts had the highest
engagement, closely followed
by image posts about organic
skincare benefits.
There are plenty of other factors that can be gleaned from studying
your competitors: who their audience members are and what
they’re saying, the mistakes your competitors are making (and
how you can avoid doing the same), how often you should post,
and more.
Remember to refer back to your Insights to add competitors to
your ‘Pages to Watch’ and ‘Top posts from Pages you watch’
sections to track more detailed metrics, including engagement
rates, types of engagement, and post frequency.
Pro tip from Social Pilot: this section great for exploring the top
posts shared by your competitors that will give you an idea of what’s
trending in your niche.
94 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Post Engagement: If you’re regularly posting on Facebook, it’s
obvious to identify which posts are performing better than others.
Facebook post engagement ads are designed to be paired with
positioning content specific people to favor and most likely will
follow. As a result, you gain more followers.
95 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Video Ads: Video ads are incredibly useful and engaging with
today’s audience. This is a strong tool if used properly. The best
results come from videos in the highest resolution, in aspect ratios
of 9:16 or 16:9. They should be no longer than 240 minutes.
Page Like Ads: Facebook ads are still a convenient tool to entice
new users to “like” your Page so that they get to keep up to date
with your content as you post it. Hubpost explains that “Page like
campaigns are best for advertisers who put lots of effort into their
social media presence and produce content specifically for their
Facebook users to drive engagement.”
Carousel Ads: Carousel Ads give you more flexibility and are
designed for situations where one picture just isn’t enough because
they allow you to upload up to 10 pictures. These are perfect ads for
telling a story, new product launches, and Facebook hosts them
on their Page, as well as on Instagram, Messenger, and Audience
96 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Slideshow Ads: These ads cost less than video ads and are perfect
for attracting new users who don’t have the time to sit through a
video ad. Slideshow ads are just like rotating billboards that give
users a quick glimpse of what you have to offer.
Image Ads: If you’re a fan of keeping it simple, Image ads are right
up your alley. They’re easy to create and efficient at driving visitors
to your site. People are greeted by a high-quality image that clearly
expresses what you’re about.
Source: WordStream
97 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Facebook ads do cost money, but they offer plenty of benefits in
their own right, with all manner of algorithms and tracking boosts
of the biggest benefits of Facebook: that it happens in real-time.
This makes it fast and direct that both customers and businesses
can create a real bond and brand loyalty. You can’t beat that, and
doing it for free is just even better.
Since our 30-day goal is to reach one million followers, you’re going
Acquisition, “campaign objectives are particularly important in
light of how much control we’ve given over to the algorithm.
Picking the right campaign objective is one of the last levers
we’ve got to manage our campaigns with, so choose it
wisely.” An Engagement campaign
will encourage your audience to
take some sort of action on your
Page, particularly likes and post
engagement. Let’s dive into exactly
how to make one.
Over 85% of social marketers are using Facebook
Over 85% of social marketers are using Facebook
ads, so if you’re not using them, it is extremely likely
ads, so if you’re not using them, it is extremely likely
that your competitors are. - Khoros
that your competitors are. - Khoros
98 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Step 1: Go to your Ads Manager or visit
Step 2: Click the green ‘Create’ button. Choose ‘Engagement’ as
your Campaign Objective and ‘Page likes’ as your Engagement
Step 3: Name your campaign and set your budget. Note that
choosing the Lifetime Budget option will allow you to schedule
your ad to show during specific times.
Since we know Wednesdays between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. perform
better than other times, this is highly recommended.
99 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Step 4: Choose a name for your Ad Set. This should be descriptive
of the specific type of ad you’d like to create.
Next, decide how long you’d like to stretch your budget. In the Ad
Scheduling section, you click and drag to fill in the weekly calendar
according to your preferred dates and times.
100 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Next, upload the audience we created at the beginning of this
phase by clicking on the ‘Used Saved Audience’ drop down and
selecting your audience.
Next, choose your ad placements. Automatic Placements will
allow Facebook to show your ad where they think it will perform
the best. Manual Placements allow you to choose where you’d
like your ad to appear.
101 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Step 4: Almost done! Since we learned from our competitive
analysis that posts about videos and posts skin benefits do well,
we’ll combine the two ideas to make what’s sure to be a successful
ad. (And yes, we’re designing our ad in Canva!) Write your ad copy,
upload your image, and review your finished ad before publishing
and launching your ad!
102 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Create a Custom Audience: Much like a buyer persona, a
follower profile should paint a clear picture of what kind of
person is going to be the most interested in your Page. You
should have a strong understanding of factors like
•	 Demographics
•	 Interests
•	 Behaviors
Perform a Competitive Analysis: Great competitive
analysis not only gives you the insider scoop on what’s
working for your competitors but allows you to plan your ads
out in advance to give your strategy a boost.
Best Facebook Ad Types to Get More Followers: Decide
what Facebook ads types work best for your brand from post
engagement campagins to like campaigns.
Put Together Your First Advertising Campaign: Put
everything you’ve learned so far together to craft your first
Facebook Ad campaign!
PHASE 3: 1,000-10,000 FOLLOWERS
P H A S E 4
104 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
You’ve seen plenty of Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube pages
where people are garnering thousands of views, likes, and
followers. They have obviously branded their personalities and are
monetizing their influencer status. They could be the face of their
own line of products or consulting in some manner. Regardless,
the main unifying commonality is using social media to drive traffic
and convert visitors to customers. This isn’t a flash in the pan.
Digital social media is here to
stay, and it will be the thread that
connects all demographics. When
or business on Facebook, there
is no button that does it all for
you. Instead, you need a plan of
tour of the potential methods
for money-making with your
Facebook page.
105 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Facebook Community Standards: The Facebook Community
Standards are a policy that all pages must follow. This includes
non-monetized pages. So, if you currently have a page and are
in good standing (i.e., haven’t been suspended or banned), then
you are most likely following the rules. Facebook does not allow
graphic violence, nudity, and hate speech. These standards also
incorporate intellectual property and “catfishing.”
Partner Monetization Policies: Partner Monetization Policies
are the core standards for all brands wanting to monetize their
Facebook page. These policies include nationality requirements,
authentic engagement standards, payment terms, lists of eligible
and content monetization policies.
Content Monetization Policies: The Content Monetization
Policies are focused on the individual pieces of content that you
create. Not all forms of content are allowed or can be monetized.
These standards list prohibited types of content, prohibited
behaviors, and restricted categories. Before you start creating
content or decide what to sell, make sure you check this list out.
Money generated on Facebook does not go through a third-party
page, like a separate webpage, PayPal, or an affiliate marketing
website. Facebook allows for certain direct monetization of your
Page as long as you stick to their policies and standards outlined
Check Your Facebook Monetization Eligibility
106 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
To check your eligibility, visit the Creator Studio Page, and click
on the ‘Monetization’ tab in the main navigation. A pop up should
show a notification letting you know if your account is eligible and
tell you what setup tasks to complete to get started.
You must adhere to Facebook’s policies and standards to be eligible
for monetization.
107 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
The following activities are specifically designed to be directly
integrated into the Facebook platform. These monetized activities
are regulated by Facebook as they exist on your Page or in the
Marketplace. If you are looking for a low management method,
these on-site techniques are a great way to start.
In-Stream Ads: Just like on YouTube, if your videos are getting a
lot of traffic, you can have Facebook insert ads at the beginning or
partially through the video. You will get paid a rate proportional to
the volume of views.
Fan Subscriptions: If you have a large fan base, you can create a
paywall on certain content. Facebook will set up a subscription-
based system for visitors to access your content. You can easily
adjust the pricing and timing schemes.
Branded Content: Branded content is the Facebook term for a
sponsored post, or influencer marketing. Brands and businesses
can pay you for official Facebook certified sponsor posts and other
content for your Page.
108 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s
Stars: Stars are relatively new. These are gifts given to content
creators. Visitors can gift anyone stars, which have a certain
monetary value. All Facebook users can buy stars and give them
freely to deserving Facebook pages and other profiles.
Paid Online Events: If you are hosting a webinar or other live-
streamed event, you can sell digital tickets directly through
Facebook. The platform acts as an event planner and ticket box
office. This is great for influencers that regularly do tutorials and
are looking to have a live Q&A session or live performance of some
1 m fb followers in 30 days ebook
1 m fb followers in 30 days ebook
1 m fb followers in 30 days ebook
1 m fb followers in 30 days ebook
1 m fb followers in 30 days ebook
1 m fb followers in 30 days ebook
1 m fb followers in 30 days ebook
1 m fb followers in 30 days ebook
1 m fb followers in 30 days ebook
1 m fb followers in 30 days ebook
1 m fb followers in 30 days ebook
1 m fb followers in 30 days ebook
1 m fb followers in 30 days ebook
1 m fb followers in 30 days ebook
1 m fb followers in 30 days ebook
1 m fb followers in 30 days ebook
1 m fb followers in 30 days ebook
1 m fb followers in 30 days ebook
1 m fb followers in 30 days ebook
1 m fb followers in 30 days ebook
1 m fb followers in 30 days ebook

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1 m fb followers in 30 days ebook

  • 2. About the Author........................................................................ 4 Introduction................................................................................... 5 PART 1 Why Choose Facebook?........................................................ 7 Benefits of Facebook............................................................. 12 PART 2 Universal Laws of Facebook........................................... 20 How the Facebook Algorithm Woks........................ 30 How to Get One Million Subscribers...................... 40 PART 3 Phase 1: First 100 Followers........................................... 43 The 5 W’s (And H)...................................................................................... 44 Set Up Your Business Page............................................................... 47 Facebook Business Manager........................................................... 51 Set Up Your Ad Account....................................................................... 56 Use Facebook Creator Studio............................................................ 57 Phase 2: First 1,000 Followers...................................... 61 Optimize Your Content........................................................................ 62 Popular Facebook Post Types....................................................... 67 Track & Measure with Analytics.................................................. 72 Contents Contents
  • 3. Engage with Followers...................................................................... 80 Create Facebook a Group................................................................. 80 Phase 3: First 10,000 Followers................................... 90 Create a Custom Audience................................................................ 91 Perfom a Competitive Analysis...................................................... 92 Best Facebook Ad Types...................................................................... 94 Anatomy of a Great Ad........................................................................ 96 Create Your First Ad Campaign.................................................... 97 Phase 4: First 100,000 Followers............................... 103 Monetize Your Page............................................................................... 104 Direct Facebook Monetization..................................................... 107 Other Monetization Methods........................................................ 109 Facebook Marketplace....................................................................... 110 Phase 5: First 1,000,000 Followers........................... 114 Influencer Marketing.......................................................................... 115 Host Live Streams................................................................................... 117 Organize Facebook Events............................................................... 120 PART 4 Key Take-Aways.............................................................................. 124 Closing Remarks & Thanks..................................................... 128
  • 4. 4 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Jerry Hietaniemi is a digital marketing strategist and creative visionary. As one of the top names in paid advertising, he provides tailored, winning solutions for his clients while focusing on the growth of his own business, Social Media Calendar. Jerry helps his clients leverage the power of social media and personal branding into profit growth techniques and strategies. Jerry’s biggest strength is selling design: he has the ability to shape things into understandable, easy to market, and productive entities. His passion for marketing flourished as an entrepreneur at the age of 20 in the fitness industry. The rapid success in the fitness niche attracted the interest of major Finnish fitness brands, and Jerry took point on consulting companies on digital marketing and sales strategies. The secret to success lies in action, continuous improvement, the ability to change, and be one step ahead. Solutions must always exceed the customer’s expectations, and the best results are achieved in cooperation with the client. ABOUT THE AUTHOR
  • 5. 5 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s INTRO Since Facebook’s conception and early launch in 2004, the social network has redefined our community and social groups’ paradigms. By the mere age of four, in 2008, Facebook boasted over 100 million users and an online chat that permitted active users to engage in textual dialogue in real-time. In 2009, Facebook pioneered the online social seal of approval, the like, which would later be reinforced by virtual reactions in 2016, and messenger. By creating such an autonomous and interactive virtual social network, Facebook undoubtedly grew to be the most adopted social media platform in history, with nearly one-third of the global populationbeingmonthlyactiveusers.Unfortunately,likeallgrowth spurts, Facebook encountered some growing pains, primarily its responsibility for the intellectual property of its plethora of users and the ethical considerations therein. In 2019, Facebook faced significant backlash for discriminatory advertising, breaching civil rights, and allegedly unethical data trafficking. However, given that Facebook’s business model as a free platform depends on marketing (98% of its revenue), and the target audience for the ads is selected by the user, one could argue a shared responsibility. Despite legal setbacks, Facebook marketing is a very granular and cost-effective form of building brand awareness and favorability despite legal setbacks.
  • 6. 6 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Facebook continually implements new features to engage its users and expose them to useful content, even in the worst of times. In the wake of the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and​tsunami, they developed the crisis check-in to safely connect people in disasters. In 2020, with the global Covid-19 pandemic, Facebook implemented a paid event feature to protect performers and businesses. Now any postponed live events may be monetized and marketed through the platform in a zoom-like fashion. Moreover, Facebook is not collecting fees from the events, therefore offering a great complement to its existing groups and community pages. The 24-hour stories and live events are an excellent means for building and maintaining relationships with customers. Plus, customers report higher satisfaction from being able to socially engage with brands through Facebook. Facebook Dating (2019) and Marketplace (2016) are also in the realm of Facebook marketing. As long as one of the more than two billion users is active on Facebook, there is potential for exposure and building brand awareness through the platform’s marketing services.
  • 8. 8 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Facebook marketing offers a versatile array of brand advertising tools in many formats, from video streaming to community groups, to monetized live events. To understand the full capacity and value that Facebook marketing can offer, it’s important to look back through its history and development. Following Facebook’s annual 12% growth to 2.74 billion monthly and 1.82 billion daily active users,Facebookcontinuestodominate as one of the three most visited websites on the internet. In 2019, Facebook received 21.18 billion site visits, with Its only contenders being Google and YouTube, at 63.14 and 25.19 billion site visits, respectively. However, while Facebook had fewer domain visits, according to the literature, 74% of U.S. adults who use the social network visit the site at least once a day. Moreover, the quantity of adult Facebook users who visited the site at least once a day was higher than the number of Instagram users (63%) and Snapchatusers(61%)whovisitedthosesitesdaily. If that’s not a favorable statistic to highlight the value of Facebook marketing, then the fact that nearly 75% of high-income earners use Facebook should be. Gary Vaynerchuk said, “... you can’t be alive in the Gary Vaynerchuk said, “... you can’t be alive in the game without a Facebook [and an Instagram]. I game without a Facebook [and an Instagram]. I genuinely believe that.” genuinely believe that.”
  • 9. 9 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Data strongly indicates an annual increase of not only Facebook users but active high-earning users wishing to socially engage with brands in new ways, which Facebook community groups, pages, stories, and events all endorse. With over 1.4 billion people actively using Facebook groups every month, building brand awareness can coincide with advertising to one-third of the global population. Facebook marketing also offers a useful feature called ‘lookalike audiences,’ in which the characteristics of existing clients may be uploaded to the platform and used to identify audiences exhibiting the same traits, and therefore likely to be interested in the brand. This is a handy feature if a brand has an already established client base and serves well to the smaller brand owner looking to reach a specific demographic. For example, a brand selling niche products, like adjustable Christmas neckties for cats, might want to target Christian pet owners. Or a large company selling home insurance might choose to target people over the age of thirty-three, given that this is the median age for first time home buyers in the U.S. Facebook’s lookalike audiences are conducive to the marketing goals of both small independent brands and larger businesses. AccordingtotheonlineadvertisinggurusatWordStream,Facebook ads exhibit great potential return on investment (ROI). While Google’s AdWords helps a brand find new customers, Facebook marketing helps new customers find their brand through social presence.
  • 10. 10 | o n e m i l l i o n s u b s c r i b e r s Moreover, WordStream gurus suggest that a return on investment of $4 per $1 spent is a good ROI, with many brands exceeding $8 ROI per $1 spent on Facebook marketing. For example, Pandora, a Danish jewelry store, promoted a re-adapted TV commercial to a 15 second in-stream mobile responsive Facebook video ad, and by targeting German audiences between the ages of 18-50 years old, were able to catapult their favorability. During the 2017 holiday season, Pandora’s campaign provided an ROI with a 61% increase in sales and a 42% increase in new buyers. Rock & Roll Hall of Fame wanted to boost their brand awareness and ticket sales for their museum and utilized another aspect of Facebook marketing: messenger. To create a novel outreach to customers, the museum put a ‘Get Started’ button on their business page that customers could use to ask questions, to which representatives and managers could then respond. The museum raised its audience size by 81% and its sales prospects by 12% from their messenger launch.
  • 11. 11 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s L E T T H E N U M B E R S T A L K 78% of American consumers have discovered products to buy via Facebook. 7 out of 10, or 69% of adults in the U.S. claim that they use Facebook. 86% of US marketers are using Facebook for advertising Facebook is the leading social platform, reaching 60.6% of internet users. Facebook has more than 80 million small businesses around the world using Facebook Pages.
  • 13. 13 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Brand promotion can take a lot of work. Creating an identity for the brand and its products is just the first step in an involved marketing process. Getting the word out is vital for any brand to have lasting appeal and continued sales. There are many ways to promote a brand, and Facebook is one such way to get out the word. Facebook might be loathed by some, but it remains a valuable marketing tool. As a social media platform, it can be a powerful promotion tool if used properly. Facebook offers several advantages that other means of promotion lack. The trick is knowing how to actively use those benefits for your brand. One obvious benefit of brand promotion through Facebook is the sheer scale involved. With over a billion account holders across the globe, aptly points out that “Facebook offers multiple platforms for marketing in the form of pages, groups, and ads. Facebook page for an individual or a business is the most popular way to represent an individual or a business.” For example, as they make note, “A group page can be opened by a business or an organization to promote activities. Users can join this group and also post comments on the group page called a wall. They can also interact through discussion threads.” This means that the customer base, potential, future, and present, can chime in and contribute to the discussion and get involved in the marketing process. S C A L E O F O U T R E A C H
  • 14. 14 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s 14 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Word of mouth remains a powerful promotion tool, and Facebook’s widespread use makes it easier than ever for people to spread the word. Having a strong Facebook presence means you can get the word out to potential and long-standing customers, who will, in turn, help spread the word on and off the website. Facebook on its own is completely free, no matter how many of its various options you take advantage of to spread your brand. The exception there, of course, is Facebook ads, but a Facebook page, Facebook Groups, and the like are all free to start and maintain. You might need to hire someone to handle all the promotional work on the site, but odds are good you already have someone like that on staff or contract. Some businesses forgo the cost of maintaining a regular website and just maintain a Facebook page to further cut down on costs. This is an excellent idea for smaller businesses that are locally strong and looking to either spread the word to nearby regions or expand online. Facebook ads cost money, but they canbeverybudget-friendly.Thosewho are considering such an investment should feel free to take a closer look and see if the cost is worth it to spread the word. L O W ( O R N O ) C O S T
  • 15. 15 | o n e m i l l i o n s u b s c r i b e r s H Y P E R T A R G E T I N G To make this easier, according to, “Users can set a daily limit on the amount to be spent in a day, to keep expenses withinabudget.YoursalescampaignsonFacebookcanbeadjusted or modified in real-time if the results are not on expected lines. Most Facebook ads are created for mobile devices, which currently make up about 66% of Facebook ad revenue.” It’s hard to argue with the chance to budget your spent marketing on a website without having to look after it yourself. Facebook understands its benefits and wants to make sure that those who utilize it for brand promotion can take the most advantage of its varied features. For example, as noted yet again by, “Once you have made a Facebook ad, you can get a lot of useful information from Facebook insights. Data on the number of page likes, total reach of your post, people engaged with the post is provided by Facebook. Some useful data about individual post’s performance is also made available.” Online marketing has one word that can make brand promotion a lot easier: algorithms. Simply put, you can target your ads and posts more easily toward your demographic. In turn, the said demographic is more likely to see your posts and ads than those not relevant to their interest. This means that you can more easily expand your customer base through Facebook.
  • 16. 16 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s As explains, “Facebook’s algorithm is designed to encourage interaction among page owners (FB account holders) and the audience. Apart from posting any message or picture or video for your audience, at your chosen time and frequency, you can create and launch online marketing campaigns too on Facebook.” Algorithms can be fiddly creations, though, so don’t rely on them entirely. Also, give them time to grow and fine-tune themselves, as algorithms are responsive, ever active creations. Some experimentation might be needed, but since Facebook’s system works on both ads and just regular posts, you can test the waters with free posts before committing to ads and other expenses. This is a critical one for new companies with new brands out on the market. Still, even established companies can benefit from this handy feature of Facebook’s existence. The benefits here are several. The big, obvious one is interacting directly with the customer base, established and future, to get the word out regarding new products. This interaction can be done in real-time, making it even easier to keep in touch with customers, spread the word, and garner feedback and reviews. As a result of this massive direct interaction, you can engage directly with the customer based. points out that “Facebook also builds engagement like no other. Engagement, in the form of likes, comments, and interactions on your post, leads to a strong connection with your prospects. C R E A T I N G B R A N D L O Y A LT Y
  • 17. 17 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s The stronger the connection, the more likely it would be for your leads to convert. Of course, word of mouth and referral also expand the reach of your brand.” The ways this helps brand customer loyalty are pretty obvious. An engaged customer base that believes in the company and its brands will return for more. Regular customer engagement brings humanity to any brand; you just can’t beat it with commercials or other ads. Actual human interaction is still an essential part of marketing. As mentioned earlier, word of mouth is powerful, whether online or in person. Put a face to the names, and sales will follow. Source: Rival IQ
  • 18. 18 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s This one can be a bit tricky because it works best by linking other websites to Facebook. Obviously, you can generate increased web traffic on Facebook through the power of the algorithm, community outreach via ads and posts, and the like. Increasing traffic to other websites through Facebook can be the sticky part. As DigitalVidya points out, “Through suitable links, Facebook users can be guided to your website. Once on your landing page, the visitor can be exposed to a more direct marketing pitch in the form of a call to action or ask them to view the product or service they are offering.” Facebook is continually adapting and adjusting the site and its algorithm to better cater to its users and expand an increasing stake in the social media world. This means tools like the algorithm might be tweaked and adjusted, reflecting page links and other such tools to increase web traffic to other websites. B E T T E R W E B T R A F F I C
  • 19. 19 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Obviously, this benefit matters less to companies and businesses using just Facebook to spread the word on new brands and products. Still, the constantly adjusting and adapting nature of Facebook means even users on the site need to keep an eye out for what is changed and how it can affect their Facebook presence. Brand promotion through online resources is almost always a great idea. One way to do that is through social media platforms like Facebook. Facebook offers groups, posting abilities, chats, direct messaging, and even advertisements to expand brand promotion for new products or services. You don’t have to have an established presence on Facebook to take advantage of these features because almost all of them are free. Facebook accounts are free to set up and utilize, allowing you to connect to over one billion potential customers. You probably don’t need that many, but it never hurts to work on a big scale, as long as you have a handle on your plans and budget.
  • 21. 21 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s You may have heard of the 12 universal laws or the law of universal gravitation, but are you familiar with the universal laws of Facebook marketing for success? They are just as important if you have a business! What makes these laws universal is that they apply to over 1.6 billion Facebook users worldwide! Every social media platform has its own set of universal rules, and what may work on Instagram won’t necessarily work on Facebook. If you have a Facebook page for your business just because you feel like you should, I’m going to recommend some personal reflection. Ask yourself the following questions: This doesn’t have to be a direct route. Do you want Facebook users to sign up for your newsletter, where you will then ask them to buy, or do you want them to go directly to your sales page and buy? Write down the action and make it clear. • What do I want to achieve through Facebook? For example, do you want to increase your sales by 15% over the next 3 months? • Do you want to increase your followers by 10% this month? Write down your goals. Make them measurable, and give yourself a reasonable timeline. • What do I want the people on my Facebook page to do? Let’s say your goal is to increase sales. LAW 1 S E T C L E A R & C O N C I S E G O A L S F O R Y O U R F A C E B O O K P A G E
  • 22. 22 | o n e m i l l i o n s u b s c r i b e r s Without clear and concise goals, you probably won’t get very far. Measurable goals will show you what is working well and what isn’t to adjust accordingly. Additionally, consistent messaging and posting (see Law #2) will be better received by users. No matter what your Facebook marketing goals are, you need to be consistent with your posting. Research suggests that users check their Facebook more than 25 times a week! That is, over 25 times, you can be getting your product or business in front of potential customers. You should post one to two times a day. Although you want to post frequently, you don’t want to overwhelm people. Flooding their newsfeed is a sure-fire way to lose a friend. In fact, companies with 10,000 followers or less that post more than 60 times a month (about 3x a day) have 60% less engagement. Quality is better than quantity! Post one to two times every day and mix up your posts with text, pictures, and videos. LAW 2 Y O U M U S T B E C O N S I S T E N T
  • 23. 23 | o n e m i l l i o n s u b s c r i b e r s A variety of different posts using various types of media will give you better insight into what performs best if you are starting out. Keep your posts interesting to keep people engaged. Like we discussed in Law 2, users can become overwhelmed if you post too much, and this is especially true if you are posting the same thing again and again. Videos are an incredibly effective way to get organic views. Videos are much more likely to be shared when compared to text or image- based posts. These videos do not have to be long, highly edited, and professional. In fact, raw, unedited footage is what users are looking for. We can see with the success of TikTok and Instagram reels that short videos that are less than one minute are high in demand. Short entertaining or educational clips perform best! LAW 3 M I X U P Y O U R P O S T T Y P E S
  • 24. 24 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s 24 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Although Bill Gates had said “content is king,” in 2020, it’s engagement that’s king. Engagement is everything and is missed way too often. Whenever someone comments under a post or sends you a message, you should reply and do it as quickly as possible. When you post something on Facebook, monitor the post for engagement. When someone comments, try to respond immediately with a personal, genuine remark. An emoji is fine, but always replying with a heart or smiley will not build relationships. You want to build personal connections that will create a sense of loyalty to you and your business. Sometimes replying to every comment right away isn’t possible. Try to respond to comments and messages within 24hrs. Engage and respond to all comments and Facebook messages within 24 hours. LAW 4 T I M E LY E N G A G E M E N T & R E S P O N S E R A T E S
  • 25. 25 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Facebook insights will tell you who is following you, who is engaging, liking, and clicking on your posts. It’s not going to tell you exactly who, but it will break down the demographics like age and location and highlight which posts performed the best. Your job as a Facebook marketer is to look at these insights and deliver more of what your demographic wants to see. For your top-performing posts, consider the content type, the day of the week, and the time it was posted. You may see that videos posted in the evening get the most likes, comments, and shares from your insights. With this information, you can continue to post more videos in the evening! LAW 5 M O N I T O R F A C E B O O K I N S I G H T S & P I V O T A S N E E D E D
  • 26. 26 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Your CTA must direct people to do what you ask of them; you cannot have a misleading CTA on a Facebook ad. Facebook states that any information obtained after a Facebook user clicks the CTA must only be used to provide the service outlined with the CTA. For example, if your CTA was to sign-up for your newsletter and then directed to a sales page – this would be considered misleading. (And you don’t want to upset Facebook!) Whenever you post, include a call-to-action (CTA). It doesn’t have to be something as direct as Buy Now! It can be something general, like “comment below and share your favorite holiday meal!” or “drop a like if you love chocolate too.” When you think of CTA’s, like subscribe, sign-up, or shop now, you need to make sure it is accurate. LAW 6 M O N I T O R F A C E B O O K I N S I G H T S & P I V O T A S N E E D E D
  • 27. 27 | o n e m i l l i o n s u b s c r i b e r s LAW 7 F O L L O W A D P O L I C I E S Facebook writes and enforces the rules, and you can be penalized if you don’t follow them - even have your page taken down! Always read and follow Facebook rules for posts, ads, contests, and giveaways. It can be a bit more challenging to reach Facebook followers organically, which means you may need to draw people in with paid ads. The lists are long, and there’s a fair amount of information that you must read and acknowledge, but you need to read it closely and not skip over the policies! Here are just a few to note: • For every promotion, you must also inform participants that their entry releases Facebook from liability. They have nothing to do with your promo. • You can’t ask people to tag a friend or share your post to enter into a contest or giveaway. • When choosing a page name, don’t use profanity or generic terms (e.g., shoes) or locations (e.g., Barcelona). • If you mention Facebook in your ads, there are rules about using it, including font size, style, capitalization, and logo use.
  • 28. 28 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Your profile picture should be consistent with your brand and be recognizable. An image that is vague or unclear means people are less likely to click and engage. If you are your business, a picture versus your logo will be more effective. Users like to talk to people, not businesses. Keep this in mind for your photos, as well as when you are writing on Facebook. Your cover page should also be consistent with your brand, profile picture, and website for a cohesive, complementary look. When you direct people to your website from your Facebook page, it should have a similar look and feel. If it looks too different, you’ll lose people quickly. LAW 8 E N G A G E W I T H Y O U R F A N S
  • 29. 29 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s LAW 9 P R O V I D E D E T A I L S You want to provide people with everything they want to know about your business. Make sure you fill in the About section and include all contact details, including email and website. You wouldn’t skip out on an About page on your website, and it’s just as important on your Facebook page. You should go through your Facebook page and try to look at it as a new visitor and someone who isn’t familiar with you and your business and ask yourself the following questions: Specific nuances of Facebook marketing can change with the seasons, like the colors in your photos and the time you should post. When planning your Facebook content, it’s essential to consider these nuances and as well as these universal laws. The universal laws of Facebook marketing for success will help you reach your business goals and put together a marketing strategy that works! • Can they easily find my website? • Do they know what my business does? What I sell? • If they want to buy from me, is it easy to do? • Are my contact details easy to find?
  • 31. 31 | o n e m i l l i o n s u b s c r i b e r s Have you ever wondered how a Facebook video or post seemed to skyrocket in popularity overnight? It’s not magic; it’s the Facebook algorithm hard at work. While other factors do play into a brand or business’ success on the platform, the Facebook algorithm is what looks at those factors and affects engagement, views, comments, follows, and everything else. Facebook’s algorithm is a mysterious thing; well, it used to be. The legendary social media company has been slowly revealing the method to its algorithm over the past few years. Now, in 2020, we’ve got it down to a science. You don’t have to spend your whole paycheck on ads and marketing just to get an engagement boost. You do need to understand how the Facebook algorithm works in 2020 and how to beat it. Before you go diving into the depths of the Facebook algorithm, it might help to know a few important stats first. Understanding the facts about what you are working with will help your brand and business strategy excel rather than getting sunk to the bottom. • Facebook has over 3 billion registered users. • Facebook is the third-most visited website. • About 75% of high-income earners are on Facebook. • 86% of marketers use Facebook for advertising. • Users spend an average of 58.5 minutes a day on the platform.
  • 32. 32 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s “my goal for this next decade isn’t to be liked, but to be understood.” - Mark Zuckerberg F A C E B O O K A I According to a survey by the Pew Research Center, 53% of adult Facebook users do not understand how their news feed works. If half of Facebook users don’t understand how something appears on their feed, chances are they don’t know about the algorithm either. From its inception until 2019, Facebook was carefully working behind the scenes to create the user experience we know today. The developers always left this curtain half-closed and half-open, revealing new updates that kept users interested while guarding their all-knowing software’s inner workings. Apparently, 2020 is the year of transparency for the social media platform. They actually want users to be aware of their AI and data collection practices, so everyone knows what’s happening. (Being aware- on our end- helps FB create better software, so it works in their favor too.) Source: The Daily Dot
  • 33. 33 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s H O W T H E A L G O R I T H M W O R K S Facebook even went as far as surveying users in 2019 to get the bigger picture of their platform experience. The responses were used as feedback to tweak the algorithm for 2020 and add extra transparency. Thus, we now have the “Why am I seeing this?” and “I do/do not want to see this content.” icons aside from sponsored and suggested content. Just like any AI or software program, the Facebook algorithm will always be a constant work in progress. It is a (theoretical) living entity that morphs and adapts over time to keep up with online trends & practices. The first definition that you need to understand as a brand or business is ranking signals. These “ranking signals” are data points that correspond to specific user behavior. Each data point tells something about how you use the platform, and then factored into what you see and how your content is ranked in search, news feeds, etc. For example, the post type (image, video, text) you interact with most often would be a data point. Other data points (ranking signals) include how often you like posts by x brand, if you watch videos at all, which group you interact with, how often you make a post, and the list goes on and on.
  • 34. 34 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Facebook’s algorithm takes in hundreds upon hundreds of data points about a single user to create an individualized experience. It might sound crazy at first, but it works out really well for the platform, and users don’t complain unless it’s about an ad. After all, how exactly did the AI know you needed more Purina cat food? Dozens of factors are considered within each category. Meaningful experience and predicted response are two critical factors that contribute to your ranking score. So,evenifyourpostisgettinglotsoflikes,isitalsogettingcomments, and who is commenting vs. just liking in your friend’s list? If you post a video, are people watching it until the end or clicking X after 10 seconds? What emotional reaction are your posts receiving? The layers of Facebook’s software get quite complex. But, at least we know what’s happening behind the curtain so that we can use the knowledge to our advantage as a brand or business. 3 Primary Ranking Categories • Who you usually interact with and how often you interact. • The media format (video, link, image, text, etc.) you both engage with and post. • How popular a specific post is, based on a combination of views, comments, likes, and shares.
  • 35. 35 | o n e m i l l i o n s u b s c r i b e r s Remember, the #1 priority of the social media platform is to keep users engaged & online for as long as possible. They want to give people a reason to come back to the site every day. Learning how to beat the Facebook algorithm in 2020 is a continual learning process. To truly beat the system, you’ll have to test what works and ditch what doesn’t. Adapt, change, and go with the flow. To start, let’s say you’ve posted the beach selfie of the century, but where are all the likes? You thought for sure that the beautiful backdrop of Cancun would pique interest. Well, fear not, content creator. Here is our list of Facebook algorithm hacks for 2020 that can help you beat the software. Say hello to boosted brand engagement. Since Instagram is also run by Facebook, many of these hacks can be applied to that platform as well. However, check out our post that goes in-depth about Instagram’s own algorithm. B E A T I N G T H E A L G O R I T H M Source: HootSuite
  • 36. 36 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Genuinely Post & Interact: AI heavily values meaningful content and interactions. In fact, how meaningful a piece of content is perceived to be is factored into those ranking signals we talked about earlier. So, when you post, make it genuine. Emotion → meaning → value → high importance This is especially true for brands and businesses who want to beat the algorithm. Business content is typically too salesy, which is what repels most viewers. Try attaching a story to your next product feature so viewers can form an emotional connection. Meaningfully interacting with your friends and fans is equally important. Are you reacting or replying to comments? Do you leave an emotional reaction to their response to your response? Go Live or Post a Story: If you actively use all of Facebook’s features, your ranking score is likely to increase. So, utilize all of the features that Facebook has to offer. Yes, the algorithm knows if you’ve been posting to your story or not. Even if you only post a story or go live every now and then, showing some activity is better than not showing any at all. A great tip for brands and businesses is utilizing the story function to highlight your most recent post. For businesses thatsellproducts,golivetodemonstrate your product in all of its glory. This is a fantastic way to boost activity, provide value, and generate engagement all in one swoop.
  • 37. 37 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Aim for Organic Reach, Then Market: Another top Facebook algorithm hack for 2020 involves reach- organic reach, that is. Let’s say you made a post with a clever caption + corresponding picture, and it really struck home with your audience. Next thing you know, 15 likes has turned into 100, and there’s nothing but praise in the comment section. Now, you didn’t spend a penny for that engagement; it was all organic. The algorithm is already favoring your post due to its organic reach, so why not take that momentum and keep it going with an ad? You’ll pay less CPC (cost per click), and since organic got results, an ad definitely will.
  • 38. 38 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Know Your Audience: You really need to know who your audience is, not just in 2020, but all the time. If you are a brand or a business, you must define your target market before expecting a genuine connection. Think about who you are as a business, what you represent, and the type of people who can personally identify with your brand. Also, pay attention to what your fans and friends like the most. Do they respond well to short videos? Are they tuning in to your live sessions? What type of pictures get the most reactions? The more you get to know your audience, the better your posts will perform. Clickbait is a Huge No: Clickbait is the nuisance of the internet and the destroyer of engagement for brands and businesses. No one wants to feel tricked into doing something, even on Facebook. The quickest way to receive disapproval from the Facebook algorithm is to bait your audience to like, comment, share, or click a link. Engagement baiting doesn’t fly. After all, if it doesn’t provide value to your fans and friends, why even post it? Now, we don’t think you’d do this, but know that misinformation or harmful content will get you downranked ASAP. This includes fake news, links to faulty websites, and offensive content. No questions asked.
  • 39. 39 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Reshare Old Content That Performed Well: Most brands and business owners don’t realize that repurposing old content can be just as powerful as creating new content. If you posted a certain style of photography that got great engagement, chances are that your audience would love to see it again. Now, that doesn’t mean reposting the exact same picture but posting something very similar. People are naturally drawn to what they enjoy. Beat Facebook’s algorithm without even whipping up a new piece of content. Make Use of Facebook Groups: A not-so-common Facebook algorithm hack is taking advantage of groups. Joining groups that correspond to your brand’s values could help you make genuine connections with people who could turn into followers. For instance, you might join a group for animal rights activists. Well, your brand supports animal rights and sells 100% vegan products. This is a direct connection between values and branding. Don’t blatantly advertise your business in the group (it’s against some group’s rules).Instead,sharevaluable information and find a subtle way to mention, “Oh, by the way, my brand sells X. Any support is appreciated.”
  • 41. 41 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s PHASE 2 A lot has changed since Facebook launched in 2004! Take this opportunitytostartfreshandtakeadvantageofallthenewfeatures Facebook offers when setting up your account for improved features like business and advertising. We all know the basics of posting on Facebook. What you may not know is how to optimize your posts to get the most amount of likes and followers. In stage two, you’ll learn what types of content perform the best, how to create that content, and how to track your progress. Optimize Your Content | How to Get the First 100 Followers | | How to Get the First 1,000 Followers | PHASE 1 Get to Know the New Facebook PHASE 3 As the backbone of the Facebook platform, running proper advertising campaigns has become an art form. We’ll provide insight on how to create the best target audience, getting to know the different types of ads, and how to start your first campaign. Getting Started with Facebook Ads | How to Get the First 10,000 Followers |
  • 42. 42 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s PHASE 4 PHASE 5 While social media popularity is all well and good, all your hard work deserves a reward. Learn all the different ways you can make money on Facebook, from offering marketing services to offering physical products! Learn how to make the most out of your extensive follower base! Learn how to host Facebook events and live video streams and take advantage of influencer marketing opportunities. Make Money on Facebook Utilize Your Influence on Facebook | How to Get the First 100,000 Followers | | How to Get the First 1,000,000 Followers |
  • 44. 44 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s T H E 5 W ’ S ( A N D H ) O F Y O U R F A C E B O O K S T R A T E G Y Formulating a Facebook marketing strategy is not a process you should ever rush. Answering the five Ws and one H above takes dedicated research and time to compile information. Strategic content creation might be a time-consuming task. Still, it’s well worth the effort once you get your marketing campaign underway. As long as you have the above questions answered, you’re sure to have a much more successful Facebook campaign than posting random pieces of content. A clear audience is vital for a successful marketing campaign. Not only do you need to understand who your product or service is meant to serve, but you also need to know how best to reach them through the Facebook platform. The more specific you get on who the audience is, the more accurate you’ll be with your content strategy when looking at your Facebook options. Ask yourself what your audience is looking for as you outline your Facebook marketing strategy. You need to know what your target customer wants and needs in their lives. Once you know that, you can make sure your advertisements and content posts show how your company is solving their problems. WHO is Your Audience? WHAT Does Your Audience Want?
  • 45. The “when” of this equation is more about consistency. Consistently producing content for your company’s Facebook page is more important than the time of day you post. The best times to reach people with your content will depend on who your targeting is and when they’re typically active. However, as long as you regularly post and provide valuable information, your brand will start to see engagement and build a following. If your audience sees that you’re committed to engaging with them, you’ll also build trust with potential customers. Where your customers are located physically and where they can be found online can help you hone your marketing strategy. For instance, if your audience is mainly based in the U.S. that will impact the time you post and the type of content you provide. Plus, customers in the U.S. could have very different needs than your customers in, say, the U.K. Recognize where your main client base is located, so you get your content strategy right. Where people are spending time on their Facebook pages can also make a difference. Suppose your target audience plays a lot of games on Facebook or visits certain types of pages. In that case, you could focus some of your advertisements on those specific aspects of the platform. Details like this can help you reach a larger audience and connect with people on a deeper level. 45 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s WHEN to Publish? WHERE Are Your Customers?
  • 46. 46 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s You need to make it obvious why your audience should care about your content and why they should answer your call to action. Your audience will be much more likely to purchase a product or sign up for your newsletter if they understand how your product or service will make their lives better. After you’ve inspired your audience to care, clearly state in your post the next step they should take. When you give easy actions for people to learn more, you’ll receive more engagement and see better sales. As you begin releasing your content, you need a clear way of determining whether your campaigns were successful. Define the metrics you’d like to see for each post before pushing out the content. If you know your marketing strategy goals, it’ll help give you a solid understanding of your brand’s well-being on the Facebook platform. Maybe you want to increase traffic to your website, add emails to your newsletter sign-up, or simply increase brand searches online. Whatever your goal for each post, have a number in mind so you can measure your success to see what works and what doesn’t. WHY Should They Care? HOW Do You Measure Success?
  • 47. 47 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s S E T U P Y O U R F A C E B O O K B U S I N E S S P A G E Step 1: Log in to your personal Facebook account (or create one following the prompts if you don’t already have one) since you’ll be managing your business account as an additive of your personal account. Next, visit Step 2: Choose a page name and category. Facebook has a list of predetermined categories that will pop up as you type in your category type. Keep in mind that changing your Page Name and URL is possible but tedious - choose your name wisely. You can also write a brief description of your Page should you choose to, or skip it for now. When you’re finished, click the ‘Create Page’ button. It’s time to graduate beyond your personal Facebook page and create a business profile. Facebook tactfully just calls these ‘Pages’ and are used to show business-specific information like location, websites, and more. Let’s get started:
  • 48. 48 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Step 3: Next, add a Profile Photo and Cover Photo. It’s always a good rule of thumb to use a logo as your profile photo. We created the following logo and cover image using the free design tool, in about 10 minutes. (Your cover image should be 851 x 315 pixels for desktop and 640 x 360 for mobile.) Hit the ‘Save’ button when finished. Step 4: Create a Username for your Page. This will appear in a custom URL (or vanity URL) for your Facebook Page. Facebook will automatically alert you if the Username is already in use. You can use this unique URL to cross-promote on different social media channels as well.
  • 49. 49 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Step 5: Now that you’ve completed the basics, set up ‘Page Roles’ if plan on having other people run your Facebook page. In the navigation bar, click ‘Settings’ and then ‘Page Roles’ to add a collaborator. Step 6: While you’re in settings, take the opportunity to customize how you get alerts for different page activity types by clicking on ‘Notifications.’ Step 7: From the main Manage Page section, add a call to action button by clicking on the blue ‘Add a Button’ button under the Cover Image. You can choose from various button types depending on the action you’d like people to take on your Page. Also, be sure to complete the Facebook recommended actions under the ‘Set Your Page up for Success’ section.
  • 50. 50 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Step 8: Organize the tabs users see to guide them through your content. Do this by clicking on ‘Settings’ in the navigation bar followed by ‘Templates and Tabs.’ You can drag and drop tabs in the order of your choosing or add/remove additional tabs to your liking.
  • 51. 51 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s G E T T O K N O W F A C E B O O K B U S I N E S S M A N A G E R Facebook Manager is where you will manage all marketing advertising, create digital catalogs, allow account access to other users, and more. From Hootsuite, its key functions include: Since making updates to the Business Manager in September of 2020, you’ll find that visiting will take you to a page that’s now called the Facebook Business Suite. Facebook describes this new app as a way to “manage your business across Facebook and Instagram in one place. It offers a new look and a variety of tools that can help make it easier for you to manage your business presence online and reach more customers.” However, it’s not quite as versatile as the Business Manager, so you’ll want to switch over to that. • It keeps your business activities separate from your personal profile, so you don’t have to worry about posting in the wrong place (or getting distracted by cat videos when you’re trying to work). • It’s a central place to track Facebook ads, with detailed reports that show how your ads are performing. • It allows you to give vendors, partners, and agencies access to your pages and ads, without handing over ownership of the assets. • Coworkers don’t see your personal Facebook information— just your name, work email, and pages and ad accounts.
  • 52. 52 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Step 1: After visiting, click ‘Give Feedback’ from the main navigation menu located at the bottom of your left sidebar and select ‘Switch to Business Manager.’ You’ll be asked for feedback. You can put in whatever information you’d like, or feel free to copy the example below. You can switch back at any time by following these directions: To switch back to Business Suite from Business Manager, go to Business Tools, which looks like a square with dots, in the top left of your Page. Then, click on Business Suite under the Manage Business section. Your Page should reload to the Business Suite interface.
  • 53. 53 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Step 2: From the Business Manager dashboard, you can add people to help you manage your Page if needed. Simply click on Business Settings, then ‘People’ under the ‘Users’ drop-down. Then click the ‘Add’ button to invite others to help manage your Page. Should you decide to work with a professional agency in the future, you can also click on ‘Partners’ to share your assets. Note: If, for some reason, your Page isn’t showing on Business Manager, try these steps: 1. Go to Business Settings. It looks like a gear icon in your sidebar. 2. In the Business Assets section, click Accounts. Then, click Pages. 3. Click Add in the drop-down menu. 4. Select Add a Page. 5. Enter the Facebook Page name or custom URL. 6. Click Add Page. You should see your Page on the next screen. From here, you can add Page managers.
  • 54. 54 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Step 3: Since Instagram was bought out by Facebook in 2012, it’s a good idea to integrate the two applications. If you have your Instagram account already set up, go ahead and add it by clicking ‘Instagram Accounts’ under the ‘Accounts’ section. Then click ‘Add’ and connect your Instagram Account using your credentials. Step 4: Set up your Facebook Pixel to help with tracking across your website. From Hootsuite, a Facebook Pixel is simply a bit of Facebookgeneratedcodethat,whenplacedonyourwebsite,“gives you access to information that will allow you to track conversions, optimize Facebook ads, build targeted audiences for your ads, and remarket to leads.” Still in the Business Settings section of your Business Manager, click on the Data Sources tab in the navigation to expand it and click on ‘Pixels’ followed by the blue ‘Add’ button.
  • 55. 55 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Step 5: Since this is your business account, and you’ll be running and paying for ads, it’s always a good rule of thumb to have extra security. Luckily, Facebook makes this easy to manage. Start by clicking on the ‘Security Center’ tab near the bottom of the navigation. Set up two-factor authentication for everyone for the highest level of security. Step 6: We’ve covered all the Business Manager Essentials, but we encourage you to explore the other tabs in the Business Settings to familiarize yourself with all that’s available Name your Pixel and enter your website for recommendations on how to best set up your Pixel. Click continue to agree to Facebook’s pixel terms and conditions. Be sure to set up your Pixel now, so you don’t forget later on. Facebook allows you to create up to 10 different Pixels.
  • 56. 56 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s S E T U P Y O U R F A C E B O O K A D V E R T I S I N G A C C O U N T Now that you’ve set up your Business Manager, you can set up your Ad Account. It’s important to note that you won’t be able to run any advertising campaigns without first pairing an ad account with your business page. Let’s do that now. From the Business Manager page, find the ‘Add Ad Account” tab in the navigation, then click ‘Create Account.’ Next, enter your details and select the ‘My business’ option before clicking ‘Create.’ Once you gather more followers and get a better feel for who your audience is, we’ll go into more detail on how to create and manage ad campaigns in Phase 3.
  • 57. 57 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Creator Studio brings together all the tools you need to effectively post, manage, monetize and measure content across all your Facebook Pages and Instagram accounts.It also helps you take advantage of new features and monetization opportunities when they become available. - U S E F A C E B O O K C R E A T O R S T U D I O T O M A N A G E P O S T S Unlike the Business Manager, the Creator Studio is used for managing your Page’s content vs. managing multiple Pages and Ad Accounts. Think of it as a simplified version of Business Manager; you can still view insights, but it’s more of a content hub to help you with things like scheduling, tracking, publishing, and monitoring, with the added benefit of more in-depth video post metrics. You can also utilize the mobile app version to manage your content on the go.
  • 58. 58 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Another benefit is that you can sync changes among different team members in real-time (if you have people helping you manage your Page). You can add position roles to your Creator Studio, separate from any permissions given to people in the Business Manager. Let’s get introduced to Creator Studio by scheduling your first post: Step 1: To access Creator Studio, visit https://business.facebook. com/creatorstudio. Step 2: There will be two icons in the top navigation bar indicative of Facebook and Instagram. Clicking on these logos will change where your posts are being published. Let’s start with Facebook. Clicking on the ‘Create Post’ button will show a drop-down menu of all the different Post options to choose from. For this example, let’s do a simple post by selecting ‘Create Post.’ Step 3: A pop-up looking similar to your typical posting options will show. Upload an image by clicking on ‘Share a Photo’ and write a brief description to invite engagement.
  • 59. 59 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Step 4: To schedule your post, click the arrow icon next to the ‘Publish’ button and hit ‘Schedule’ to set a given time for your post to show. Finalize by clicking ‘Schedule.’ Step 5: From the Creator Studio Home, click on the ‘Content Library’ tab in the main navigation to see published, schedules, drafts, and expired posts all on one page.
  • 60. 60 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Discover the 5 W’s (and an H) of Your Facebook Marketing Strategy: Take time to research the Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How of your Facebook strategy. Set Up Your Facebook Business Page: Facebook Pages are used to show business-specific information like location, websites, and more. Get to Know Your Facebook Business Manager: Facebook Manager is where you will manage all marketing advertising, create digital catalogs, allow account access to other users, and more. Set Up Your Facebook Advertising Account: This will connect your business page to any advertising effots once your start creating ad campaigns. Use Facebook Creator Studio to Manage Your Posts: Creator Studio brings together all the tools you need to effectively post, manage, monetize and measure content across all your Facebook Pages and Instagram accounts. Complete tasks like: • Scheduling • Tracking • Publishing • Monitoring • In-depth video post metrics • View simplified insights PHASE 1: FIRST 100 FOLLOWERS WHAT SHOULD YOU DO TODAY?
  • 61. 61 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s HOW TO GET THE FIRST 1,000 FOLLOWERS P H A S E 2 OPTIMIZING OPTIMIZING YOUR CONTENT FOR LIKES & FOLLOWS
  • 62. 62 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s O P T I M I Z E Y O U R C O N T E N T To obtain a higher than average social media presence , you’ll need to optimize your posts. There are several strategies for attracting more attention to your posts and encouraging your audience to engage via a reply or emoticon. Communication: Like communicating with people face to face, you get a different response from people when you talk “to them” instead of “at them.” The difference is when you talk to someone, you include open-ended statements or questions in hopes of getting a response. For example, people are more likely to respond when you say something like, “How do you improve your summer tan?” Asking questions or utilizing open-ended statements allows your audience to respond and triggers a response. Tell Stories:Gettingpersonalwithyouraudienceisahugebenefit. It’s vital because it strengthens a connection between you and your audience, builds trust, and aligns people with your message. Telling a story is a perfect way to connect with your audience on a personal level. Personality: With so much competition abound on social media, a great way to set yourself apart is to utilize your personality. After all, there’s only one “you.” Mixing in an occasional post that exposes something close to your heart strengthens the bond between you and your audience.
  • 63. 63 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Hop on the Newest (Relevent) Trend: Highlight and target trends that appeal to your audience. This is incredibly important because the better you become with targeting trends, the more potential your posts have of attracting more people. Ultimately, staying with trending topics keeps your posts relevant and increases your chances of appearing in feeds. Trends evolve rapidly, and that can be intimidating. However, a rapidly evolving environment supplies ample content for posts. Predicting trends is priceless and is the ultimate goal of most social media presences. It’s an essential factor in attaining a “viral” presence with a post.
  • 64. 64 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Utilize Branded Graphics: People are dynamic, with a desire to soak up a lot of information in a short amount of time. As a result, we gravitate toward pictures because they offer an opportunity to absorb information rapidly and be visually stimulated at the same time. Pictures relating to the topic you’re posting about are helpful, but finding the right picture can boost engagement. Keep in mind that certain colors trigger responses in specific content. For example, the color red in a picture of a traffic light can trigger tension or anxiety for a reader, which might cause them to skim over your post and move on without engaging. However, the color red in a picture of a makeup ad might attract the reader to your post because it’s tied to an emotion of passion, love, or seduction. If the post is related to your business, try to find pictures that have colors similar to your business colors. It creates a direct correlation between the trend you’re posting about and your company.
  • 65. 65 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Offer Industry tips: Everyone loves a “hack,” and there’s still some overlooked magic in this world. Take some of your specific knowledgeforgettingthejobdoneandshareyourtipsforefficiency, problem avoidance, and/or innovations. This unique approach puts you front and center and time in the spotlight. Offer Discounts or sales: If your social media presence revolves around a business, and you shy away from utilizing contests as a tool to increase social exposure, discounts or sales promotions are a perfect way for you to shine light on what you have to offer. When highlighting your promotion, don’t forget to include content like pictures, video, and make it unique. Post at optimal times: Timing is key and when you post is just as important as what you post. Identify and target peak times that your audience is on Facebook, so you can engage the largest portion of your audience. Sprout Social is designed to identify and aid in targeting when your audience is at its peak and when you should post.
  • 66. 66 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s However, if you’re looking for something a bit more exact, Sprout Social pulled information from over 20,000 accounts to try and pinpoint the best times to post. As indicated by the chart on the previous page, they found that the best day was Wednesday, with times ranging between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. Test various posting frequencies: A tailored suit fits best because everybody is different. The most crucial strategy is to test and track results from the tools listed above. Augmenting how much of each tool you implement is exactly like tailoring a suit to fit. The end result is the best fitting overall strategy that gets you the best results. Coschedule worked together with 14 other sources to determine the best posting frequency for Facebook, so you have one less thing to worry about. They recommend posting “a minimum of three times per week while keeping your maximum posting frequency to 10 times per week.”
  • 67. 67 | o n e m i l l i o n s u b s c r i b e r s Blog posts: Blogs are the building blocks of social interaction in the digital world. They’ve been around since the beginning, and they haven’t lost their value. Integrate your blog posts onto Facebook; it creates cohesion between social media platforms and brings strength to your Facebook presence. M O S T P O P U L A R T Y P E S O F F A C E B O O K P O S T S Worldwide, more than 2.4 billion people use Facebook, making it the largest social network of them all. Over 90 million small businesses take advantage of this vast user base to create content for their customers and work to connect with a broader audience. In short, if you’re not using Facebook, you’re missing out on increased retention rates, better brand awareness, and higher levels of trust. Of course, this is easy to say, but posting for crickets isn’t exactly rewarding. To help you grow on Facebook and see the engagement you need, here are 5 of the best types of posts you should utilize on Facebook to increase followers and engagement rates.
  • 68. 68 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Questions and Polls: The easiest way to engage with your Facebook audience is to create posts that ask questions or create a poll. As humans, we love to offer our own opinion and insight on a topic, so when we see a post asking for help or our opinion, we stop and think about replying. Questions can encourage meaningful conversations between you and your followers as well as within your audience. What you ask can be derisive but playful, such as “Tacos or Burritos?” or more meaningful. Where possible, ask them to be a part of your business, as this can increase loyalty, too. For example, when you’re comparing designs for something, run it by them. “Do you like A, B, C, or D?” Whether or not you choose their option is irrelevant, but they’ll feel like they played a part in the decision-making process and thus more inclined to check in with you regularly. Polls create something visual and interactive for your audience, and see high engagement rates because they require almost no effort to engage with, and can help you collect valuable data. Giveaways&Competitions: Agreatwaytoencourageengagement is by offering regular giveaways and competitions for your followers. Running competitions where users must like your Page and post and either share your post to their Page or tag one or more of their friends is one of the most effective ways to encourage users to follow your brand and engage with your content.
  • 69. 69 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Special Treatment for Followers: If you want to see real engagement, you need to treat your Facebook followers as “insiders.” They’re the lucky people who get to know what you’re offering “before the rest.” What this is will depend on your business model and your values, but can be: Important Data as Infographics: If you want to present relevant data to your followers, creating infographics is the best way to do this. Many people can take in more information when visually presented to them, and they’re incredibly sharable. These types of posts are simple but effective. Ensure your Facebook followers know they’re a part of your community in every post, and reward them regularly. Alternatively, you could encourage your followers to create their own content using a hashtag created by your brand to be in with the chance of winning a prize. If you create a fun, engaging competition, more and more people will want to join in and will come across your brand in the process. • Early access to new product launches • Special discounts • Early notification of sales • Opportunities to do things other customers wouldn’t (enter competitions, name a new product, early video access, etc.)
  • 70. 70 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Creating a simple infographic that matches your brand, with the right color scheme and fonts allows you to present important data, such as insights, faces, and figures, to your Facebook followers without creating confusion. Remember, infographics can be fun as well as informative! You don’t have to be in a particular industry to create one. For example, if you run a fleet of food trucks, you could make an infographic that compares stats for each of your regular locations. Perhaps one type of burger is more popular on one side of the city than the other – it doesn’t have to be meaningful, but it will create conversation! Engaging videos: The popularity of video is growing all the time. Facebook would love to steal some of that watch time away from YouTube. For that reason, video posts still see more of an organic boost from Facebook than other types of posts. In other words, video posts equal to more views.
  • 71. 71 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Facebook 360: As the name implies, these are videos or images that your fans can view in 360 vision! From Facebook, “Facebook 360 has a special icon that indicates interactivity, capturing your viewers’ attention and allowing them to discover and experience your content. 360 Content on Facebook is easily shared across Pages, Groups, and News Feed, allowing you to reach a broad audience.” To post a 360 image, simply select the 3D Photo option when you make a post and select the image you’d like to feature. (This works best with a 360 camera, but you can use whatever you have available.) Videos are the perfect way to promote your brand, convey your message, give out important information, provide helpful tutorials about using your product or service, or simply create something fun that your target audience will enjoy watching. The key with video is to not overthink it. Many businesses have seen better engagement from unproduced video clips than those with high-quality setups, so simply grab your smartphone and start filming. Remember, don’t overthink it too much – frequent posting is better than one perfect post every so often. Just share and start conversations frequently, and you’ll be ahead of your competition.
  • 72. 72 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Accessing your Facebook Analytics Page is simple: From your business Page, click on the ‘Insights’ tab in the left-hand navigation, and you’ll see an overview of your data so far. You can also view more in-depth versions of the charts displayed in the Page Summary via the main navigation. H O W T O T R A C K & M E A S U R E W I T H A N A LY T I C S
  • 73. 73 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Below the Page Summary section, you’ll see ‘Your 5 Most Recent Posts’, which gives you an overview of engagement metrics. For example, you might find out that your image posts outperform your blog posts. Below that is the ‘Pages to Watch’ section, where you can add competitorsorsimilarPagestocompareandcontrastyoureffortsto theirs. This is one of Buffer’s favorite Facebook features, saying, “this section is great for seeing how your Facebook Page is performing among your peers and competitors. By looking at the top posts of those Pages, you can also stay in touch with what’s trending in your industry or curate great content for your Facebook fans.” All this information is valuable in its own way, but how do you know what to focus on and how to measure your Facebook page’s success?
  • 74. 74 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Understanding your metrics can help you determine what types of content or ads are resonating with your particular audience, how quickly or slowly your following is growing, your engagement rate, and much more! Let’s do a brief explanation of what kind of information each Facebook Insight metric has to offer: Followers: Total number of organic Page follows, paid Page follows and unfollows, and where people followed you. This is a great way to track the effectiveness of scheduled posts or when followers are most active. Hootsuite recommends that “if you see a spike of people choosing to unfollow your page, look at the content you posted that day.” It’s just as important to know what entices followers as well as what annoys them.
  • 75. 75 | o n e m i l l i o n s u b s c r i b e r s Likes: Total number of new likes shown in growth rate, averages, and sources. This is great for spotting upwards and downwards trends over time, monitoring the sources of your likes and dislikes (organic vs. net vs. paid), and noting where your likes came from. Reach:TotalnumberofpeoplethatsawyourpostsintheirFacebook feed, either organically or through promotions. You’ll also be able to monitor Reactions, Comments, and Shares. Because of Facebook’s algorithm, posts with higher engagement rates will be served to more people, increasing your post’s reach.
  • 76. 76 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Alternatively, the Hide, Report as Spam, and Unikes section indicates negative feedback, which can lower your reach. Buffer offers the following tip when monitoring your reach: If you see a spike of reach, engagement, or negative feedback, you can click or drag to select that section of the graph and find out more. Facebook will show you the active posts during that period, in decreasing impression order. Page Views: Total amount of times people have viewed your Page, whether they were logged into Facebook or not. Because this measures the same person visiting your Page twice as two views, the ‘Total People Who Viewed’ metric is a more accurate representation. You can also view the ‘Top Sources’ section to see what other online sources have brought people to your Page. For example, you may find that more people find your Facebook page through Google than Facebook itself.
  • 77. 77 | o n e m i l l i o n s u b s c r i b e r s Page Previews: Anyone who previewed your Page via a mouse- over but did not necessarily view your Page. You’ll also be able to see who clicked your CTA based on certain demographics. Posts: Combines the total number of shares, comments, likes, etc., to determine how well your posts perform. This is where you can see when your followers are online, which can be incredibly helpful when trying to determine the best times to post. Also, you can see what types of posts perform the best, be it images, links, or videos. Finally, you can see what post types perform well for your competitors in the ‘Top Posts from Pages You Watch’ section. You can try replicating their success with a similar post type. Actions on Page: The combined clicks collected from people who clicked on your CTA, contact info, website link, or any other activity.
  • 78. 78 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Since your primary focus is earning followers, we recommend viewing the following metrics in this section: • Post Clicks / Reactions, Comments & Shares • Reactions / Comments / Shares • Post Hides, Hides of All Posts, Reports of Spam, Unlikes • Engagement Rates Events: Indicates how well your event pages perform, including event reach, how many people responded to your event, and their demographics. You can also view event stats, including Awareness, Engagement, Tickets, and Audience. This section also factors in things like unique vs. repeat views and auto-played vs. clicked-to- play.
  • 79. 79 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Videos: Total number of video views that exceeded 3 seconds. Both organic and paid video posts get their own section due to determining success factors like view views, 10-second views, and top videos overall. According to Sprout Social, “videos are becoming increasingly popular post types, accounting for about 11% of Facebook posts. Between video ads, video posts, stories, and live streams, Facebook videos garner up to 8 billion views per day.” Stories: To ride the wave of success that Snapchat saw with 24- hour mini videos, Facebook decided to utilize the same feature on their platform with Stories in 2016. According to Buffer, “the feature is focused around Facebook’s in- app camera which allows users to overlay fun filters and Snapchat- like lenses to their content as well as add visual geolocation tags to their photos and videos. To access the camera, simply swipe right on Facebook’s mobile app.” Much like Instagram stories, Facebook stories will appear at the top of the app and be visible for 24 hours.
  • 80. 80 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Messages: Showperformancemetricsofmessengerconversations. Since messenger is an excellent way to engage with followers personally, keep your responsiveness and total conversations high. Everyone is trying to get social media users to follow their groups and pages these days. With that much competition, you’ve got to get pretty savvy about making sure that you are using the actual real, helpful tools to get customers to engage with you. Unless you are a Facebook pro, you could probably use a little bit of a boost for Facebook engagement, right? Even if it’s just a refresher course, knowing how to get your Facebook followers to pay attention is going to always boost you in the right direction, business-wise. E N G A G E W I T H F O L L O W E R S
  • 81. 81 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Use a chatbot (wisely): Chatbots are fantastic little helpers to answer questions and direct customers to contact you and your brand. Chatbots can be used effectively on Facebook to answer questions, get information on your location or hours, and more. They can also be used to direct customers to discounted items in your store and more. Embrace them and use them to help wherever possible. It also cuts down on your response time, which is a serious help to the chronically impatient customer.
  • 82. 82 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Reply to comments: Whenever someone posts a comment on your Page, make sure that you reply to it. You can choose to tag or no tag, depending. No matter how many times you have to respond to the same question, reply to it! Bonus points: Include a link to help direct them. This is something that a chatbot can help with, and it really does make a difference. If the comment doesn’t have anything to reply to, logically, use an emoji (more on that in a minute) or “like” the comment! It shows those reading and commenting that you’ve seen it and that you are acknowledging it, too. Embrace those emojis: Maybe you love ‘em, and maybe you hate ‘em, but emojis are certainly here to stay. You’ll want to use them liberally in your posts, comments, replies, and more. Don’t spam people with 60 of them if just 3 will do, however. Not sure what some of them mean? Check out your competition and see what ones are most used and which ones seem to go over the best. You can just dabble here and there, so don’t worry about being fluent in emoji!!
  • 83. 83 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Everyone loves a good GIF: From funny photos to memes to GIFs to videos, customers love, love, love media. While you’ll want to rely on hashtags to properly tag and get people’s attention, you can keep your posts short and rely on the visuals to attract people to tag their friends and share the content. T he modern-day customer and follower respond best to video and image content, so this is the best way to get them to share and boost Facebook engagement easily. We recommend for all your GIF needs. Incentivizecustomerstocheck-in: Ifyou’vegotaphysicallocation that you want to get people to come to, make sure that customers and Facebook followers are incentivized to check in there. Maybe they get a discount or a freebie, or an exclusive coupon. Whatever goodie they get, they’ll be more likely to check-in, which does a lot for your authority and also gets their friends interested in you, too, since they’ll see the check-in!
  • 84. 84 | o n e m i l l i o n F o l l o w e r s Try a giveaway: Giveaways are relatively new to Facebook, but they’re great ways to really increase engagement. Give away something from your brand, whatever it may be selling and publicizing. Freebies are pretty much the best way to get the savings-motivated customer to like, share, or otherwise engage. You can make that a condition, too! For instance: if a follower likes and shares their Page, they’re interested in the draw to win the giveaway. It’s a fun way to really see how competitive people can be and enjoy some great new additions. Partner with someone: If you’ve got a connection to an influencer or another local business that is a logical connection, partner with them through tags and shared posts and boosts, etc. Connecting with someone online is as profitable as in-person connecting these days for the skeptical Facebook followers. It also shows customers that you are rooted in the community, and you have connections - giving you better authority and trustworthiness.
  • 85. 85 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s The popularity of Facebook Groups is backed by the similarities of top forums like Reddit and Quora. With Groups, you can create an exclusive online space where like-minded followers can connect with each other and build an engaged community. Facebook Groups offer additional features like: Besides building a sense of inclusion and comradery, the benefits of Facebook Groups are too good to pass up. Did we mention it’s free? Let’s set up your group now: C R E A T E A F A C E B O O K G R O U P More than 1 billion people around the world use More than 1 billion people around the world use Groups. And more than 100 million people see Groups Groups. And more than 100 million people see Groups as the most important part of their experience on as the most important part of their experience on Facebook. -Buffer Facebook. -Buffer • Built-in analytics (a.k.a. Group Insights) • Ability to host private groups • Post documents, create polls, and even buy and sell options • Group chat with your members • Members receive notifications about new group posts Step 1: Visit and click on the ‘Create New Group’ option.
  • 86. 86 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Step 2: Name your group and choose your desired settings. Public Groups allow anyone to see what’s posted, whether they’re part of the group or not. Private Groups ensure that only group members can see what’s posted. According to Oneupapp, “Private Groups tend to have better community and engagement, as there are many people on Facebook that do not want their friends and family to see their comments made in a Public Group.” Additionally, visible groups are the recommended option if you want to grow your group size. Once done, click the ‘Create’ button. Step 3: You’ll be taken to your new Group page, where you can customize your Page with a cover photo and description. Again, we recommend using to come up with an attractive cover image.
  • 87. 87 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Step 4: Select the ‘Edit Group Settings’ option by clicking on the ‘More’ button. From here, you’ll have the option to change several elements, including Group type, tags, linked pages, colors, post topics, and more. The more details you can provide, the more appealing your group will be to followers.
  • 88. 88 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Optimize Your Content for Likes: Implement strategies for attracting more attention to your posts and encourage audience engagement. Test Popular Types of Facebook Posts: Switch up your content between blogs, images, videos, polls, giveaways, infographics, and more to see what resonates with your fans. Track & Measure with Analytics: Pay close attention to Post Clicks / Reactions, Comments & Shares, Post Hides, Hides of All Posts, Reports of Spam, Unlikes, and Engagement Rates. Engage with Your Followers: Respond to your followers within a reasonable time and utilize reactions, emojis, check- ins, and other tactics to increase engagement. Create a Facebook Group: Besides building a sense of inclusion and comradery, the benefits of Facebook Groups are great for encreasing engagement and building brand loyalty. PHASE 2: 100-1,000 FOLLOWERS WHAT SHOULD YOU DO TODAY? • Offer Advice/Tips • Offer Discounts/Sales • Test Posting Times • Utilize Relevent Trends • Create Branded Graphic • Tell Stories
  • 90. 90 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s C R E A T E A C U S T O M A U D I E N C E ThemostimportantpartofcreatingFacebookAdsisunderstanding who you want to see them and why. Much like a buyer persona, a follower profile should paint a clear picture of what kind of person is going to be the most interested in your Page. You should have a strong understanding of factors like their demographics, interests, and behaviors. Keep in mind that it’s totally fine to have more than one target audience. You can find useful demographics data on your insights Page. The ‘Actions on Page’ tab is most helpful for indicating what types of people are the most interested in your Page. This section will also reveal helpful stats like age and gender, country, city, and device. YoucanusethisinformationtobuildastrongerFacebookAudience. Once you have a good profile, you can put your audience together in the Audience Manager Tool. Here’s how: Step 1: From the Business Manager tool, click on ‘Audiences’ in the ‘Advertise’ section in the main navigation. Step 2: Since we haven’t run any ads yet, click ‘Create Audience’ and select ‘Custom Audience.’ Step 3: There are various ways you can create a relevant audience, whether it’s using data from your personal website or Facebook sources from Instagram, videos, and more. In this example, we will utilize the ‘Facebook Page’ option to build an audience based on people who already follow you.
  • 91. 91 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Step 4: Since people who engage with your content are more qualified to follow you, add people to the audience who have ‘engaged with any post or ad’ in the past year. (365 days is the placeholder default.) Be sure to give your audience a distinct name and, if you’d like, a description and click ‘Create Audience’ and hit ‘Done.’
  • 92. 92 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s 92 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s P E R F O R M A F A C E B O O K C O M P E T I T I V E A N A LY S I S Great competitive analysis not only gives you the insider scoop on what’s working for your competitors but allows you to plan your ads out in advance to give your strategy a boost. A little bit of sleuthing can go a long way. Start by visiting - you guessed it - a competitor’s business page. We’ll continue with our Happy Skincare profile. In our case, we started by looking up organic skincare in the search bar and clicking ‘Pages’ in the main navigation. Evaluating competitors on Facebook essentially revolves around identifying your key rivals in the niche and analyzing what all strategies they are leveraging to grab leads. Also, it involves spotting thebottlenecksinthepoliciesthatyourcompetitors are using and enhancing on the same to snatch away some of their customers. - Social Pilot
  • 93. 93 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Le Pur Organic and their 43k followers seemed to be a strong contender, so we visited their Page to see what we could find. Since the goal is to attract more followers, we want to see what kind of engagement rates their posts have. Of the 100 or so studied posts, we noticed that video posts and behind the scenes posts had the highest engagement, closely followed by image posts about organic skincare benefits. There are plenty of other factors that can be gleaned from studying your competitors: who their audience members are and what they’re saying, the mistakes your competitors are making (and how you can avoid doing the same), how often you should post, and more. Remember to refer back to your Insights to add competitors to your ‘Pages to Watch’ and ‘Top posts from Pages you watch’ sections to track more detailed metrics, including engagement rates, types of engagement, and post frequency. Pro tip from Social Pilot: this section great for exploring the top posts shared by your competitors that will give you an idea of what’s trending in your niche.
  • 94. 94 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s B E S T F A C E B O O K A D T Y P E S T O G E T M O R E F O L L O W E R S Post Engagement: If you’re regularly posting on Facebook, it’s obvious to identify which posts are performing better than others. Facebook post engagement ads are designed to be paired with betterperformingpoststoboosttheirengagementbyconveniently positioning content specific people to favor and most likely will follow. As a result, you gain more followers.
  • 95. 95 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Video Ads: Video ads are incredibly useful and engaging with today’s audience. This is a strong tool if used properly. The best results come from videos in the highest resolution, in aspect ratios of 9:16 or 16:9. They should be no longer than 240 minutes. Page Like Ads: Facebook ads are still a convenient tool to entice new users to “like” your Page so that they get to keep up to date with your content as you post it. Hubpost explains that “Page like campaigns are best for advertisers who put lots of effort into their social media presence and produce content specifically for their Facebook users to drive engagement.” Carousel Ads: Carousel Ads give you more flexibility and are designed for situations where one picture just isn’t enough because they allow you to upload up to 10 pictures. These are perfect ads for telling a story, new product launches, and Facebook hosts them on their Page, as well as on Instagram, Messenger, and Audience Network.
  • 96. 96 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Slideshow Ads: These ads cost less than video ads and are perfect for attracting new users who don’t have the time to sit through a video ad. Slideshow ads are just like rotating billboards that give users a quick glimpse of what you have to offer. Image Ads: If you’re a fan of keeping it simple, Image ads are right up your alley. They’re easy to create and efficient at driving visitors to your site. People are greeted by a high-quality image that clearly expresses what you’re about. Source: WordStream A N A T O M Y O F A G R E A T F A C E B O O K A D
  • 97. 97 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Facebook ads do cost money, but they offer plenty of benefits in their own right, with all manner of algorithms and tracking boosts totheiruse.Thisletsyouseetheireffectivenessfirsthand.Thatisone of the biggest benefits of Facebook: that it happens in real-time. This makes it fast and direct that both customers and businesses can create a real bond and brand loyalty. You can’t beat that, and doing it for free is just even better. Since our 30-day goal is to reach one million followers, you’re going toputtogetheranEngagementcampaign.AccordingtoConsumer Acquisition, “campaign objectives are particularly important in light of how much control we’ve given over to the algorithm. Picking the right campaign objective is one of the last levers we’ve got to manage our campaigns with, so choose it wisely.” An Engagement campaign will encourage your audience to take some sort of action on your Page, particularly likes and post engagement. Let’s dive into exactly how to make one. P U T T O G E T H E R Y O U R F I R S T A D V E R T I S I N G C A M P A I G N Over 85% of social marketers are using Facebook Over 85% of social marketers are using Facebook ads, so if you’re not using them, it is extremely likely ads, so if you’re not using them, it is extremely likely that your competitors are. - Khoros that your competitors are. - Khoros
  • 98. 98 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Step 1: Go to your Ads Manager or visit business/tools/ads-manager Step 2: Click the green ‘Create’ button. Choose ‘Engagement’ as your Campaign Objective and ‘Page likes’ as your Engagement type. Step 3: Name your campaign and set your budget. Note that choosing the Lifetime Budget option will allow you to schedule your ad to show during specific times. Since we know Wednesdays between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. perform better than other times, this is highly recommended.
  • 99. 99 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Step 4: Choose a name for your Ad Set. This should be descriptive of the specific type of ad you’d like to create. Next, decide how long you’d like to stretch your budget. In the Ad Scheduling section, you click and drag to fill in the weekly calendar according to your preferred dates and times.
  • 100. 100 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Next, upload the audience we created at the beginning of this phase by clicking on the ‘Used Saved Audience’ drop down and selecting your audience. Next, choose your ad placements. Automatic Placements will allow Facebook to show your ad where they think it will perform the best. Manual Placements allow you to choose where you’d like your ad to appear.
  • 101. 101 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Step 4: Almost done! Since we learned from our competitive analysis that posts about videos and posts skin benefits do well, we’ll combine the two ideas to make what’s sure to be a successful ad. (And yes, we’re designing our ad in Canva!) Write your ad copy, upload your image, and review your finished ad before publishing and launching your ad!
  • 102. 102 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Create a Custom Audience: Much like a buyer persona, a follower profile should paint a clear picture of what kind of person is going to be the most interested in your Page. You should have a strong understanding of factors like • Demographics • Interests • Behaviors Perform a Competitive Analysis: Great competitive analysis not only gives you the insider scoop on what’s working for your competitors but allows you to plan your ads out in advance to give your strategy a boost. Best Facebook Ad Types to Get More Followers: Decide what Facebook ads types work best for your brand from post engagement campagins to like campaigns. Put Together Your First Advertising Campaign: Put everything you’ve learned so far together to craft your first Facebook Ad campaign! PHASE 3: 1,000-10,000 FOLLOWERS WHAT SHOULD YOU DO TODAY?
  • 104. 104 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s M O N E T I Z E Y O U R P A G E F O R Y O U R B R A N D O R B U S I N E S S You’ve seen plenty of Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube pages where people are garnering thousands of views, likes, and followers. They have obviously branded their personalities and are monetizing their influencer status. They could be the face of their own line of products or consulting in some manner. Regardless, the main unifying commonality is using social media to drive traffic and convert visitors to customers. This isn’t a flash in the pan. Digital social media is here to stay, and it will be the thread that connects all demographics. When youarereadytolaunchyourbrand or business on Facebook, there is no button that does it all for you. Instead, you need a plan of attack.Readonforyourguided tour of the potential methods for money-making with your Facebook page.
  • 105. 105 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Facebook Community Standards: The Facebook Community Standards are a policy that all pages must follow. This includes non-monetized pages. So, if you currently have a page and are in good standing (i.e., haven’t been suspended or banned), then you are most likely following the rules. Facebook does not allow graphic violence, nudity, and hate speech. These standards also incorporate intellectual property and “catfishing.” Partner Monetization Policies: Partner Monetization Policies are the core standards for all brands wanting to monetize their Facebook page. These policies include nationality requirements, authentic engagement standards, payment terms, lists of eligible platforms,authenticandoriginalcontent,verificationrequirements, and content monetization policies. Content Monetization Policies: The Content Monetization Policies are focused on the individual pieces of content that you create. Not all forms of content are allowed or can be monetized. These standards list prohibited types of content, prohibited behaviors, and restricted categories. Before you start creating content or decide what to sell, make sure you check this list out. Money generated on Facebook does not go through a third-party page, like a separate webpage, PayPal, or an affiliate marketing website. Facebook allows for certain direct monetization of your Page as long as you stick to their policies and standards outlined below. Check Your Facebook Monetization Eligibility
  • 106. 106 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s To check your eligibility, visit the Creator Studio Page, and click on the ‘Monetization’ tab in the main navigation. A pop up should show a notification letting you know if your account is eligible and tell you what setup tasks to complete to get started. You must adhere to Facebook’s policies and standards to be eligible for monetization.
  • 107. 107 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s The following activities are specifically designed to be directly integrated into the Facebook platform. These monetized activities are regulated by Facebook as they exist on your Page or in the Marketplace. If you are looking for a low management method, these on-site techniques are a great way to start. D I R E C T F A C E B O O K M O N E T I Z A T I O N A C T I V I T I E S In-Stream Ads: Just like on YouTube, if your videos are getting a lot of traffic, you can have Facebook insert ads at the beginning or partially through the video. You will get paid a rate proportional to the volume of views. Fan Subscriptions: If you have a large fan base, you can create a paywall on certain content. Facebook will set up a subscription- based system for visitors to access your content. You can easily adjust the pricing and timing schemes. Branded Content: Branded content is the Facebook term for a sponsored post, or influencer marketing. Brands and businesses can pay you for official Facebook certified sponsor posts and other content for your Page.
  • 108. 108 | o n e m i l l i o n f o l l o w e r s Stars: Stars are relatively new. These are gifts given to content creators. Visitors can gift anyone stars, which have a certain monetary value. All Facebook users can buy stars and give them freely to deserving Facebook pages and other profiles. Paid Online Events: If you are hosting a webinar or other live- streamed event, you can sell digital tickets directly through Facebook. The platform acts as an event planner and ticket box office. This is great for influencers that regularly do tutorials and are looking to have a live Q&A session or live performance of some kind.