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magazine presents VOLUME FIVE
the WONDER SPICE solution
Healing Power of
volume fivemagazine presents
for natural
Since1938,Better Nutrition’s
mission is to responsibly inform health-food-store
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tional approaches to optimal health and ongoing
research into vitamins, botanicals (herbs), minerals
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the link between consumers, independent health
food store, and the products carefully formulated
by natural-product companies.
The most widely read
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8 0 0 . 4 4 3 . 4 9 7 4
better nutrition is your powerto shop smart.
by Terry Lemerond
magazine presents
Copyright © 2008 by Terry Lemerond and Active Interest Media, Inc.
All rights reserved. No part of this booklet may be reproduced, stored in an electronic
retrieval system, or transcribed in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying and recording, without the prior written permission of the pub-
lisher, except for the inclusion of quotations in a review.
Published by:
Active Interest Media, Inc.
300 N. Continental Blvd., Suite 650
El Segundo, CA 90245
This booklet is part of the Better Nutrition Healthy Living Guide series. For more informa-
tion, visit Better Nutrition magazine is available at fine natural
health stores throughout the United States. Design by Aline Design: Bellingham, Wash.
The information in this booklet is for educational purposes only and is not recommended
as a means of diagnosing or treating an illness. All health matters should be supervised by
a qualified healthcare professional. The publisher and the author(s) are not responsible for
individuals who choose to self-diagnose and/or self-treat.
Introduction: The Wonder Spice..................................4
Chapter One: Complex Chemistry..............................7
Chapter Two: Heart Disease And Cancer...............16
Chapter Three: Other Conditions.................................23
Chapter Four: The Right Choice...................................28
Selected References.............................................................30
4 I N F L A M M A T I O N
The Wonder Spice
aving spent more than 40 years in the natural-health industry, I
have had the privilege to help research and develop more than
300 nutritional formulations. I am proud to say that most of
those products are still available in natural-health stores throughout
North America. My journey has taken me to many areas of the world as I
study and learn about innovative natural substances that can help allevi-
ate sickness and suffering.
I have helped inform countless individuals that natural molecules
can be just as effective—sometimes even more effective—than over-the-
counter (OTC) and prescription drugs. In fact, nearly 74 percent of all
approved drugs come from natural sources, were based on natural sourc-
es (primarily herbs), or are designed to mimic natural substances. I have
witnessed and experienced the power of natural medicine first-hand.
It has been my life’s work to discover the most innovative, effective
natural substances possible. Over the years as I continued my research,
one natural molecule kept coming to my attention. Turmeric, a spice
that so many of us love to eat, contains curcumin and several key cur-
cuminoid compounds. After traveling the world and spending four de-
cades researching natural substances, even I was amazed by the research
on curcumin.
I N F L A M M A T I O N 5
Curious About Curcumin
Curious by nature, I spend several hours each day pouring through
medical journals and reading materials on natural health and nutrition in
general. During my decades of research, I continued to see a wide range of
scientific data on curcumin, and wondered why curcumin was attracting
so much attention by scientists around the world.
Curcumin has antioxidant activity, which explains why it is important
to immune function. It also has anti-inflammatory properties, which ex-
plains why it may help a variety of conditions. But could it be that cur-
cumin is so powerful it can help prevent and treat cancer, heart disease, ar-
thritis, diabetes, and even Alzheimer’s? I needed to find out more. For the
past several years, I have spent countless hours traveling, talking directly
to researchers, and studying the clinical data on curcumin. What I have
found is truly amazing, and the reason I wanted to write this booklet.
I contacted some of the leading scientists in the world who have re-
searched curcumin extensively. These same scientists invited me to attend
a conference on curcumin in Delhi, India. My wife, Debra, and I spent
several weeks in India. As a part of that trip, I was invited to visit a tur-
meric plantation on the border of India and Nepal. It is believed that the
soil, climate, and elevation in this part of India are ideal for growing tur-
meric plants highly concentrated with curcumin compounds. Preliminary
research shows that the turmeric grown in this area has a 6 percent to 8
percent level of curcumin, whereas most turmeric has between 2 percent
and 3 percent. The passionate scientists who discovered this turmeric were
eager to show me how they enhanced their curcumin to be absorbed in
the body at a rate 8 times that of standard curcumin. This piqued my cu-
riosity once again.
After 10 air flights to various parts of India, hundreds of miles by Jeep
touring a variety of plantations, and numerous conversations with those
scientists, I have become even more passionate about this highly concen-
trated form of Indian curcumin. The conference Debra and I attended was
outstanding. Two medical doctors and a former Pfizer PhD conducted the
conference and provided us with a wealth of information.
My visits throughout India have been memorable. Debra and I are col-
laborating with the village close to where the turmeric is grown. Our goal
is to help the farmers improve their economy. We have set up a co-op and
a 51-percent ownership with them for each crop. These farmers must feed
and clothe their families on an annual income of $100. Thanks to this
new co-op, the farmers will now be paid a fair-trade price, with remain-
ing profits to be used to build a hospital and a school. Our visits with the
farmers have been life-changing. We are proud to be working with them
to cultivate this incredible healing herb.
6 I N F L A M M A T I O N
Steep Tradition
Historically, in India and other countries turmeric was considered sa-
cred. It was used in rituals and religious ceremonies, and as a dye for holy
robes. Turmeric was typically hung in kitchens as a good-luck charm and
was associated with fertility and prosperity. Newborn babies were rubbed
with turmeric for good luck, and it was even sprinkled in places to keep
away evil spirits.
Today, turmeric is most known as a favorite and flavorful Indian spice.
Almost all Indian dishes include turmeric. The women in India not only
use turmeric in the kitchen, they also use it in their personal body care.
The medicinal use of turmeric is more than 5,000 years old. In addition
to its use in India, turmeric is also one of the most commonly used tradi-
tional Chinese medicines.
Turmeric’s historical use in both Chinese and Indian cultures is diverse
and extensive. It has always been considered a medicinal staple used for
a variety of ailments—everything from abdominal pain to smallpox. Tur-
meric was used internally and externally as a paste applied to fresh wounds,
sprains, or swelling. Traditionally, turmeric was used for nearly every health
condition known. While much of this is considered folk medicine, the sci-
entific community is confirming the clinical effectiveness of curcumin for
many illnesses. Turmeric has certainly stood the test of time. It’s exciting to
see such a revered home remedy receive scientific validation.
Terry Lemerond
at a turmeric
plantation in India.
I N F L A M M A T I O N 7
o understand inflammation is to understand curcumin. I have
found that an inflammatory response can be linked to nearly every
serious illness diagnosed in modern medicine. Curcumin’s power-
ful anti-inflammatory properties explain why it can help prevent and treat
so many different health conditions.
What do heart disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, asthma, Alzheimer’s,
bowel disorders, and even obesity have in common? Inflammation. The
body’s inflammatory response is a primary component of most chronic
diseases. Acute, chronic internal inflammation can be linked to a wide
range of health conditions and overall poor health.
You may associate inflammation with a bump on the head or a swollen
joint. However, the complex signaling cascade in the body that is designed
to help the body defend itself against infection, injury, and foreign invad-
ers can also lead to an incessant, imbalanced response to inflammation.
To maintain optimal health, our body constantly searches to achieve a
fine balance between opposing forces. When this balance is consistently
disrupted, chronic disease and poor health can result. Aspects that disrupt
Chapter One:
Complex Chemistry
8 I N F L A M M A T I O N
our internal balance include prolonged stress, poor diet, sedentary life-
style, prescription or OTC drug use, and many other factors.
Our body’s inflammatory response keeps us healthy and safe from a
wide range of illnesses. But often, we are balancing on a razor’s edge. The
same cells, systems, and enzymes needed to alleviate pain and inflam-
mation can actually contribute to chronic internal inflammation, with
dangerous ramifications.
Inflammation can be linked to a
wide range of health conditions
and overall poor health.
The link between inflammation and illness typically begins with a cir-
cumstance or set of circumstances that stimulate an over-expression of
our body’s own healing mechanisms. For example, tumor necrosis factor
alpha (TNF-a) is an important component of the immune system that
helps us kill bacteria, certain fungi, viruses, and parasites, and can even
prevent cancer. TNF-a is also an inflammatory cytokine that becomes ac-
tive during periods of inflammation. Some drugs reduce inflammation by
inhibiting TNF-a activity. As you can see, this can be dangerous because
TNF-a plays an important role in the immune system. Influencing TNF-a
along one pathway can have negative, long-term ramifications along a
different pathway.
When inflammatory molecules are secreted continuously, they disrupt
vital checks and balances that keep us healthy. An increase in inflamma-
tory enzymes, for example, stimulates hormone production, specifically
estrogen. An increase in estrogen activity has been directly linked to many
hormone-dependent cancers such as breast, prostate, and ovarian. That’s
one of many ways inflammation can contribute to cancer.
Another example is with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, also
called NSAIDs. These drugs block COX-1 and COX-2 enzyme activity.
This reduces inflammation, but what else does it do? COX enzymes assist
with prostaglandin production. Prostaglandins influence blood flow, di-
gestion, and wakefulness. Therefore, blocking prostaglandin production
can result in a wide range of health problems.
NSAIDs and other anti-inflammatory drugs simply mask symptoms—
they do not correct the underlying cause or address the long-term rami-
fications of an overactive inflammatory response. These drugs also have
numerous side effects. NSAIDs can cause abdominal cramping, gas, con-
I N F L A M M A T I O N 9
stipation, diarrhea, dizziness, fatigue, headaches, nausea, heartburn, ring-
ing in the ears, and many other ailments. It is estimated that up to 60 per-
cent of individuals taking NSAIDs will experience side effects. The NSAID
naproxen was shown to contribute to a 50 percent higher risk of heart
attack and stroke with long-term use. As a result, naproxen should never
be taken for more than 10 days in a row.
Although NSAIDs are often used to ease joint pain, the reality is that
continuous use of them actually causes joints to deteriorate by inhibit-
ing the repair of joint cartilage. These drugs also destroy the lining of the
stomach, causing ulcers severe enough to be deadly.
COX-2 inhibitors are drugs used to reduce inflammation. It’s not sur-
prising that these drugs have been shown to cause heart attacks and sud-
den cardiac deaths. For a short time, these drugs were removed from the
market. Unfortunately, they are back on the market, and manufacturers
were only required to add stronger warning language. NSAIDs and COX-2
inhibitor drugs should be avoided whenever possible. These drugs do not
safely reduce prolonged inflammation.
“Merely interfering with the inflammatory response, as with NSAIDs
or COX-2 inhibitors, carries too much risk of collateral damage in the
long run,” explains author and naturopathic physician Lise Alschuler, ND.
“Conventional medicine also falls short in effectively managing or even
detecting a chronic inflammatory internal environment that has not yet
manifested in acute symptoms of inflammation.”
Millions of Americans take these drugs every day. Estimates show that
more than 100,000 Americans end up in the hospital each year because
of ulcers and gastrointestinal bleeding due to NSAID use. The fact is most
people don’t need these drugs and can completely avoid the uncomfort-
able and dangerous side effects. Concentrated curcumin that is easily
absorbed will not only effectively reduce pain, it will also help correct
the underlying cause of chronic internal inflammation as well. Curcumin
controls the over-expression of the inflammatory response without inhib-
iting it altogether. Curcumin can be considered an effective alternative to
NSAIDs, COX-2 inhibitors, and other anti-inflammatory drugs.
Compared to Drugs
As I have described with NSAIDs and COX-2 inhibitors, drugs affect a
single pathway to alleviate a symptom. Most drugs are not designed to
treat the cause—they simply mitigate symptoms. By working on a single
pathway and ignoring all other pathways, most drugs cause severe distur-
bances that can lead to side effects. For the consumer, it often comes down
to a difficult decision: What’s worse, the symptoms or the side effects of
the drugs?
10 I N F L A M M A T I O N
All bodily functions depend on highly complex networks of both ex-
tracellular and intracellular signals that orchestrate complex and diverse
cell-to-cell communication. These intricate biological processes cannot be
inhibited or manipulated in isolation. The attempt to do so results in
consequences elsewhere. The repercussions of medicating with a drug that
works on only one pathway are side effects.
Most chronic diseases are caused by multiple factors. Diseases such as
heart disease, cancer, arthritis, diabetes, and others manifest by touching
many systems in the body. When something is internally amiss, our body
has a variety of signaling pathways to “correct” the situation. Sometimes
cells can also communicate undesirable activities, such as when a cancer
cell tells a mutated cell to divide rapidly to form a cancerous mass. In
its infinite wisdom, the body has many methods to keep us healthy. But
sometimes because of a variety of factors, those smooth running systems
can malfunction.
The key to preventing and treating illness is to use this same multifac-
tor approach. Rather than influencing just one pathway, as most drugs
do, curcumin, which has 112 different molecules, simultaneously influ-
ences multiple pathways on multiple levels. During a conversation I had
with one of the leading experts on curcumin, he commented that this one
substance could replace at least 15 prescription drugs, without the side
effects. The reason curcumin works, he said, is because it balances key
glands and organs such as those associated with inflammation.
Numerous examples of how curcumin outperformed pharmaceuti-
cal drugs exists in scientific literature. Razelle Kurzrock, MD, professor
of medicine at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston made this
interesting comment about curcumin and cancer: “It was clear that this
agent was just as potent at killing tumor cells in the lab as any experimen-
tal drug I’ve seen.”
In a recent study comparing curcumin to NSAIDs, curcumin was found
to be more potent than aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, and several others.
Curcumin has also been shown to counter inflammatory responses simi-
lar to the action of steroids, but without the side effects.
One of the reasons curcumin is such an effective anti-inflammatory
agent is because it is also a potent antioxidant. This provides the body
with the protection it needs while fighting inflammation. This most likely
also explains why curcumin is not only effective, but also does not cause
side effects. Antioxidants have been proven to prevent a wide range of ill-
nesses and help protect the body from disease.
I N F L A M M A T I O N 11
Powerful Antioxidant
Free radicals and inflammation go hand in hand. Inflammation dam-
ages cells and tissues by creating free radicals. Free radicals are generated
as a result of inflammation and can also cause inflammation. Free radicals
cause oxidative damage that has been directly linked to accelerated aging,
as well as a variety of serious illnesses including the No. 1 and No. 2 killer
diseases of our time: heart disease and cancer.
Curcumin influences
multiple pathways on
multiple levels.
But what exactly is a free radical? It is any molecule that has a single,
unpaired electron in an outer shell. Free-radical damage is closely associ-
ated with oxidative damage. Our cells can be damaged in a way similar
to the browning of an apple that has been cut open — the flesh of the
apple deteriorates — or similar to iron rusting. Free radicals are created
as a result of various reactions in the body. Remember, the body oper-
ates on various complex pathways and uses multiple factors to heal. This
same multifactor system can also create illness. One way is through the
creation of free radicals.
In his book Immunotics, author Robert Rountree, MD, compares free
radicals to small sparks in the forest. “Extinguished early on, they pose no
threat,” he explains. “Left to spread, they can cause a catastrophe.”
Free radicals damage cellular DNA and weaken our immune system.
Chronic inflammation combined with a weakened immune system is ex-
tremely dangerous. Experts have estimated that free-radical damage con-
tributes to more than one-third of all deaths and about 40 percent of total
medical expenses in industrialized countries. Free radicals can negatively
affect all key bodily systems, including our inflammatory response.
“Free radicals also amplify inflammation by increasing the activity of
several different enzymes and proteins,” explains Alschuler. “One critical
way to reduce inflammation without compromising healthy body func-
tion is to quench free radicals.”
We quench free radicals with antioxidants. Antioxidants are found in
the diet (fruits and vegetables) and dietary supplements. At varying levels,
and depending on the specific antioxidant, they can prevent or reduce
12 I N F L A M M A T I O N
free-radical oxidative damage. Antioxidants can also help break the cycle
of chronic inflammation while simultaneously stimulating the immune
system. This is the powerful combination that helps prevent and treat
nearly all diseases known.
Illness is created when there are too many free radicals and too few an-
tioxidants. The only way to change this is to increase our antioxidant in-
take. Fruits and vegetables are high in antioxidants, so it is absolutely criti-
cal to eat at least five servings of vegetables and two servings of fruit every
day—more is even better! Be sure to choose colorful fruits and vegetables
because that indicates they have high antioxidant value. Colorful berries,
for example, have compounds called flavonoids, which have antioxidant
activity. As for vegetables, the more vibrant the green color, the better. The
spice turmeric, where curcumin comes from, is a vibrant yellow packed
with antioxidant power.
Several nutrients and herbs have antioxidant activity including:
•	 vitamins A, C, E, and beta carotene
•	 garlic and green tea
•	 the trace mineral selenium
•	 flavonoids such as 	resveratrol and
Be sure to choose colorful fruits and
vegetables because that indicates
they have high antioxidant value.
I N F L A M M A T I O N 13
Omega-3 essential fatty acids, specifically DHA and EPA, not only have
antioxidant properties, they are also anti-inflammatory agents. I recom-
mend an omega-3 essential oil complex from salmon that uses a patented,
chemical-free process. The reason I like this patented process is because
it utilizes only natural enzymes and a cold-water flush. The quality of the
omega-3 product you choose will determine its effectiveness and dictate
your results.
I supplement my diet daily with a formula containing extracts of black
currant, grape seed, and pine bark. I also feel that most individuals need
a multivitamin and mineral supplement. My favorite antioxidants, es-
pecially as we age, are resveratrol, green tea, and curcumin. One of the
reasons I like these three antioxidants is because they also have anti-in-
flammatory properties. We need both if we are to successfully prevent and
treat illness.
Curcumin’s antioxidant properties are many times more potent than
nutrients like vitamins E and C. Antioxidant vitamins fall short in cases
where free-radical formation and damage is excessive. In addition, these
antioxidants only work on already formed free radicals and have difficulty
preventing the actual creation of these damaging molecules. Curcumin,
on the other hand, works on all facets of free-radical development, in-
cluding preventing their formation and promoting their destruction.
Unlike other antioxidants, curcumin contains hundreds of molecules
that work on multiple levels as a powerful immune stimulant and anti-
inflammatory agent. For this reason, it can be used to help prevent and
treat a wide range of health conditions.	
Indications For Use
The scientific research on curcumin is exploding. I’ve included some
recent, important clinical studies in the reference section of this booklet.
However, it would be impossible to include them all in a booklet
of this size. After an extensive search of published literature on
curcumin, I have found more than 2,000 scientific reports fea-
tured on PubMed, the database of published studies provided
by the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National
Institutes of Health. In 2006 alone, there were more than
250 reports featured in PubMed. This is further testimony of
the increasing scientific interest by researchers worldwide.
In the next chapters, I will review some of the key indications for
use. All of these conditions can be linked to inflammation and the im-
mune system, and that’s why curcumin is effective. In most cases, curcum-
in is an effective treatment or a complementary treatment. In all cases,
14 I N F L A M M A T I O N
curcumin can help prevent serious illness and enhance your overall health
and well-being.
After analyzing the studies to date, curcumin has demonstrated positive
healing benefits for the following conditions:
•	 cancer, specifically prostate, colon, lung, breast, pancreatic, skin,
	 and leukemia
•	 heart disease
•	 diabetes
•	 asthma
•	 psoriasis
•	 Alzheimer’s
•	 arthritis, including rheumatoid arthritis
•	 inflammatory bowel disease
•	 Parkinson’s
•	 allergies
Yes, this is certainly a diverse list of illnesses, many of which
are life-threatening and/or debilitating. That’s why I call curcum-
in the “wonder spice.” I’m continually impressed with scientific
data and conclusions made by researchers throughout the world.
Curcumin is definitely part of my overall personal health plan.
Practicing stress-reduction
techniques helps in
achieving optimum health.
I N F L A M M A T I O N 15
My Optimum Health Plan
For the past 40 years, I have been involved in the natural-health indus-
try, not just because I find it interesting, but because I personally want to
achieve vibrant health. I am well aware that there are no magic bullets.
Good health begins and ends with a comprehensive mind-body-spirit ap-
proach that includes diet, exercise, and dietary supplements. Here are my
top 10 tips to achieving optimum health:
•	 Increase consumption of fruits and vegetables (at least five to seven 	
	 servings per day), with an emphasis on berries.
•	 Eliminate or reduce refined sugars and carbohydrates.
•	 Exercise consistently to maintain normal body weight, at least 30 	
	 minutes three times weekly, biking, swimming, or walking.
•	 Get enough sleep, and practice stress-reduction techniques like 	
	 yoga, prayer, or meditation.
•	 Drink eight to 10 glasses of pure mineral water daily; never drink 	
	 city tap water because it contains sodium fluoride and chlorine, 	
	 which are cancer-causing chemicals.
•	 Eat organic foods whenever possible.
•	 Surround yourself with people and activities you love.
•	 Consult a health care practitioner who specializes in dietary 		
	 supplements that will support your health goals.
•	 Maintain a positive attitude.
•	 Have a strong relationship with God.
Living life with vitality is more than simply preventing illness. I person-
ally want to live a vibrant life so I can play with my grandchildren and
travel extensively with my wife. I don’t want to just get by—I want to thrive
and enjoy each moment of my life. I can do that because of a healthy diet,
lifestyle, and dietary supplements. Of course I also follow the 80/20 rule,
which means that my diet and lifestyle do not have to be perfect all the
time. That’s another reason why dietary supplements are so important.
I want to thrive and enjoy each
moment of my life. I can do that
because of a healthy diet, lifestyle,
and dietary supplements.
16 I N F L A M M A T I O N
Chapter Two:
Heart Disease
And Cancer
wo key diseases that plague our society are heart disease and cancer.
In the United States alone, nearly 81 million people have some form
of heart disease. Every 20 seconds, a person in the United States has
a heart attack. Every 34 seconds, a person dies of a heart attack, and every
30 seconds someone dies of cancer. The American Cancer Society reports
that one in two men and one in three women will develop cancer. Each
year, more than a million Americans are given a cancer diagnosis. The
number of people suffering due to heart disease and cancer is overwhelm-
ing. And the toll these diseases take on loved ones is just as devastating.
Just to be clear, I do not advocate self-diagnosis. If you are experiencing
symptoms and feel you may be at risk of heart disease or cancer, please
seek medical attention.
Heart Attack
Heart disease is a very serious group of illnesses that can include:
•	 high blood pressure
•	 high cholesterol
•	 angina (chest pain)
•	 stroke
•	 myocardial infarction (heart attack)
According to cardiologist and author Matthew Budoff, MD, “I am frus-
trated that death is often the first and last symptom of heart disease.” Of
course, Budoff is talking about a heart attack. When you think of a heart
attack, you may think of the dramatic television version. The fact is, how-
ever, many people don’t experience a heart attack that way. Most people
have mild pain and discomfort that escalates. According to the American
Heart Association, here are the key warning signs of a heart attack:
•	 Chest discomfort, typically in the center of the chest, that lasts
	 for more than a few minutes; the pain can go away and come back,
	 and many people report that it feels like an uncomfortable
	 pressure, squeezing, fullness, or pain
•	 Shortness of breath with or without chest discomfort
I N F L A M M A T I O N 17
•	 Upper body discomfort that includes one or both arms, the back,
	 neck, jaw, or stomach
•	 Other signs like breaking out in a cold sweat, light-headedness,
	 or nausea
“Women are somewhat more likely than men to experience some of the
other common symptoms, particularly shortness of breath, nausea/vom-
iting, and back or jaw pain,” warns the American Heart Association.
When it comes to a heart attack, every second counts. If you notice signs
of a heart attack, don’t wait, call 9-1-1 right away.
Of course, the best way to prevent a heart attack is to support healthy
heart function. That’s where curcumin comes in.
Curcumin And The Heart
Over the years, I have talked to countless individuals who have a family
history of heart disease or are at high risk of having a heart attack. They
are frightened, and I don’t blame them. After I talk to them about diet and
lifestyle, I tell them about curcumin.
The reason I often recommend curcumin for heart health is because it
enhances heart function on many levels. Heart disease is a multifactor dis-
ease, and curcumin can help mitigate heart disease at virtually every stage.
From the initial deposits of plaque in the coronary arteries all the way to
Heart disease
due to plaque
18 I N F L A M M A T I O N
complete blockage due to plaque buildup, curcumin can have a positive
impact on heart tissue.
As an antioxidant, curcumin can help prevent free-radical damage to
the arteries. As an anti-inflammatory, curcumin can protect arteries from
plaque buildup. New research has concluded that inflammation is a root
cause of plaque buildup. It is believed that an overreaction to plaque in
the artery causes an acute inflammatory response, which leads to more
plaque buildup. An inflamed artery causes plaque to stick to the arterial
wall where it then accumulates. Curcumin helps control the over reac-
tive, chronic inflammatory response in the artery. Plaque can then move
through the artery freely without building up to dangerous levels. Cur-
cumin also controls and stabilizes the enzymes involved in the degrada-
tion of the artery, thereby preventing an acute coronary episode.
Animal studies have demonstrated that curcumin can also help low-
er cholesterol. In one study, LDL (“bad” cholesterol) was reduced by 21
percent and HDL (“good” cholesterol) was increased more than twelve-
fold. It has been discovered that red blood cells are significantly depleted
in animals on a high cholesterol diet. Animal studies have shown that
curcumin increases red blood cell counts.
Although studies relating to curcumin’s effect on heart disease are not
extensive, there is enough data to demonstrate its effectiveness. More hu-
man clinical trials are needed to confirm the full scope of benefits.
Conversely, there is an amazing amount of research regarding curcumin
and cancer prevention and treatment. This is where the scientific com-
munity, including prestigious United States research centers such as M.D.
Anderson, are really noticing the power of curcumin.
Curcumin And Cancer
Many cancers are not only difficult to treat, they can be deadly. While
cancer is not the most common illness, surveys indicate it is often the
most feared. Conventional medicine offers three basic treatments: surgery,
drugs, and radiation. In many cases, the treatment is brutal. Of course, the
best way to treat cancer is to prevent it before it can take over.
We have the best chance of preventing cancer by paying attention to
diet, lifestyle, and dietary supplements. I consider curcumin to be a staple
to any anticancer dietary-supplement regimen.
Cancer is a complex condition that actually includes more than 200
types of cancer. Chemoprevention is the prevention of initiation, promo-
tion, and progression of cancer. This is an exciting area of interest because
conventional treatments can be pretty harsh, so let’s try to stop the cancer
before it progresses.
I N F L A M M A T I O N 19
We all have cancer cells in our body. Our bodies are designed to recog-
nize cancer cells and eliminate them before they become problematic.
Transformation of normal tissue to a cancerous tumor is a dynamic pro-
cess that takes years or even decades to develop.
As I began researching the scientific effectiveness of curcumin, I was
most impressed by the data involving cancer prevention and treatment.
Curcumin has clearly been shown to prevent and inhibit cancer develop-
ment in a number of studies. When studying potential anticancer sub-
stances, there are four key pathways researchers look at:
	 1.	 Inhibiting cellular proliferation = stopping the cancer cells from
		 dividing and spreading
	 2.	 Poor cell differentiation = when the cancer cells bear little
		 resemblance to normal tissue cells
	 3. 	Encouraging apoptosis = cell death and destruction by immune
		 system cells
	 4.	 Anti-angiogenesis = cutting off the blood supply to cancer cells
A substance that can modulate one or more of these factors is consid-
ered promising. Curcumin has been shown to influence all four pathways
by positively impacting these three key bodily systems:
	 1. 	Stimulates immunity so we can kill cancer cells and stop them
		 from multiplying
	 2. 	Balances inflammatory responses to reduce inflammation
	 3. 	Improves detoxification so we can eliminate cancer cells
Key to research is discovering
how to stop cancer cells from
dividing and spreading.
20 I N F L A M M A T I O N
All of these body systems must function at peak capacity if we are to
successfully prevent and treat cancer. If a substance can stimulate all three
key bodily systems along with the four significant pathways, it has the
potential to prevent and treat a wide variety of cancers. The studies have
shown that curcumin is just that type of substance. Let’s take a closer look
at some of the specific research involving certain types of cancer.
Cancer Types
What exactly is cancer? According to Alschuler, “A seemingly innocent
mutation multiplies exponentially with no boundaries or limitations,
following its own rules. The aggressive intruder steals oxygen, nutrients,
and blood from unassuming healthy cells in order to survive and thrive.”
She concludes, “A bountiful blood supply, growth factors, circulating hor-
mones, and many other contributors encourage its growth and sustain-
ability.” This is cancer—cunning, virulent, and certainly a formidable op-
However, thanks to efforts that encourage chemoprevention, many
people are winning their battle against cancer. Scientists from prestigious
research facilities throughout the world concur that curcumin is one of
the most promising chemoprevention molecules discovered to date. Re-
searchers from the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center concluded in 2003, “Ex-
tensive research over the last 50 years has indicated that this polyphenol
[curcumin] can both prevent and treat cancer.”
There have even been human clinical trials demonstrating curcumin’s
effectiveness and safety. According to M.D. Anderson researcher Bharat
Aggarwal, PhD, “Pharmacologically, curcumin has been found to be
safe…curcumin has enormous potential in the prevention and therapy
of cancer.”
Positive research results involving curcumin have been achieved with
breast, ovarian, pancreatic, prostate, colon, and lung cancers. Recently,
researchers at M.D. Anderson even demonstrated that curcumin has anti-
cancer effects against glioma brain cancer cells. This is significant because
glioma brain tumors are often deadly. Cellular studies have shown that
curcumin can also induce apoptosis in leukemia cells.
Several studies are even combining curcumin with conventional thera-
pies to help offset side effects and enhance the effectiveness of the overall
treatment. Exciting new research from Wayne State University in Detroit,
Mich., demonstrated that curcumin enhanced the effectiveness of the che-
motherapy agent 5-fluorouracil against colon cancer. They even went so
far as to recommend the inclusion of curcumin to this treatment regimen
for people with colon cancer. The goal of this research is to lower the dos-
I N F L A M M A T I O N 21
age of chemotherapy in those patients with advanced colon cancer. They
believe adding curcumin may also prove to help prevent cancer recurrence
in these high-risk individuals.
Previous cellular studies have shown curcumin to be an effective anti-
cancer agent against colon cancer cells. In addition, researchers combined
curcumin with radiation therapy and found that curcumin enhanced the
anti-tumor effects of radiation by inhibiting angiogenesis and colon can-
cer cell proliferation.
One of the most difficult to treat and deadly cancers is pancreatic. Often
dubbed the “silent killer,” pancreatic cancers are hard to diagnose and of-
ten found after they have metastasized (spread) to other parts of the body.
Several cellular studies have demonstrated that curcumin can kill pancre-
atic cancer cells. In a recent study, also from M.D. Anderson, curcumin
was combined with the chemotherapy agent gemcitabine. The researchers
concluded that curcumin enhanced the anti-tumor effects of the drug.
Prostate cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers in men.
Prostate cancer is very treatable unless it has spread beyond the prostate.
Researchers from Seoul, South Korea, found in 2006 that curcumin helped
prevent the spread of prostate cancer cells. This confirmed earlier research
from the University of Minnesota School of Medicine.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed among women.
Several cellular studies have demonstrated that curcumin is an effective
anticancer agent against breast cancer cells. The most exciting research in
this area comes from the University of Palermo in Italy. Italian researchers
found that curcumin can promote the development of anticancer com-
pounds in both chemosensitive and multidrug-resistent cells.
Other cancers such as ovarian, lung, and skin have also responded to
curcumin therapy. Combining curcumin with chemotherapy proved ef-
fective in studies involving lung cancer tissue. A topical curcumin showed
benefits in cases of skin tumors. Researchers at M.D. Anderson combined
curcumin with the chemotherapy drug docetaxel to successfully kill ovar-
ian cancer cells. Curcumin was also shown to kill human leukemia cells,
which can be another hard-to-treat cancer. Successful preliminary re-
search has been done with curcumin on bladder cancer, as well as head
and neck cancer.
While more human clinical trials are needed in some cases, it is clear
that curcumin has incredible value not only in cancer prevention and
treatment, but also in some cases as an effective complementary therapy
to conventional treatments. When conventional therapy is needed, offset-
ting side effects and enhancing the treatment are absolutely critical. It’s
exciting to think that we may have found the answer with curcumin.
22 I N F L A M M A T I O N
Cancer Prevention
Proactive cancer prevention is essential if we are going to stop the pres-
ent epidemic cancer trends. Debra and I have seen an increasing number
of people coming to our natural-health store with a cancer diagnosis. To
help restore them to optimal health following their illness, we counsel
them about diet, nutrition, lifestyle, and dietary supplements. We encour-
age the following proactive, anticancer prevention plan:
•	 Eat more fruits and vegetables (five to seven servings per day,
	 with an emphasis on berries), or use a supplement containing
	 black currant, grape seed extract and pine bark extract.
•	 Eat organic foods whenever possible.
•	 Avoid sugar and trans fats, and do not smoke.
•	 Use nontoxic body care products.
•	 Exercise consistently, at least 30 minutes three times weekly, biking,
	 swimming, or walking.
•	 Drink five to seven cups of green tea per day, or take a dietary
	 supplement containing curcumin, green tea, and resveratrol.
•	 As dietary supplements, take resveratrol, omega-3 EPA 	
	 (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) fatty
	 acids (a natural, whole-food complex with DHA/EPA that is
	 absorbed up to 50 times greater than typical fish oil),
	 and curcumin.
•	 Avoid all alcohol with the exception of an occasional
	 glass of red wine.
•	 Drink fermented milk products such as yogurt or keifer,
	 homemade if possible.
Cancer may seem like a daunting illness, but it can be prevented. If you
are faced with a cancer diagnosis, you can use a comprehensive approach
to treat your illness and help your body heal.
Cancer is a daunting
illness, but it can
be prevented.
I N F L A M M A T I O N 23
’ve described the amazing power that curcumin can have in prevent-
ing and treating the No. 1 and No. 2 killer diseases in North America.
But there are other illnesses that can be just as devastating as cancer
and heart disease. Fortunately, curcumin shows promise with these condi-
tions as well.
Diabetes has grown to epidemic proportions. Every 10 seconds, two
people develop diabetes and one person dies from a diabetes-related
cause. It affects nearly 250 million people worldwide.
The body makes insulin, a hormone, to convert sugar, starches, and oth-
er foods into energy. This is the energy we need to function. Diabetes oc-
curs when there is a problem associated with insulin production. Perhaps
there is too much, not enough, or some other malfunction.
There are two types of diabetes. Type 1 diabetes, previously called juve-
nile diabetes, is typically diagnosed in children and young adults. With
this type of diabetes, the body does not produce enough insulin. Insulin
levels must be carefully monitored with type 1 diabetes. Only about 5
percent to 10 percent of Americans have type 1 diabetes, which is believed
to have some genetic component. The most common diabetes is type 2.
It is believed that lifestyle factors are the primary cause of type 2 dia-
betes, with the most dangerous risk factors being obesity and lack of ex-
ercise. With type 2 diabetes, the body does not produce enough insulin
or the cells in our body ignore the insulin and, therefore, do not get the
energy they need.
After we eat, the sugar and starch components are broken down into
glucose or sugar molecules that are used for energy. If our cells don’t rec-
ognize these molecules because of a diabetic malfunction, they will build
up in the blood stream. This is known as insulin resistance and can cause
all kinds of problems.
Curcumin helps people with type 2 diabetes in two ways. As an anti-
inflammatory and antioxidant agent, it will help correct insulin resistance
and improve insulin sensitivity so the cells can recognize and utilize glu-
cose. Most importantly, clinical studies have demonstrated that curcumin
can alleviate or lessen the side effects associated with type 2 diabetes. Type
2 diabetes can bring with it a variety of serious complications including
Chapter Three:
Other Conditions
24 I N F L A M M A T I O N
heart disease, blindness, nerve damage, and kidney failure. Researchers at
Wayne State University in Detroit, Mich., found that curcumin inhibited
the development of diabetic nerve damage in animals.
Preliminary data demonstrates that curcumin has the potential to actu-
ally reverse insulin resistance and prevent the progression of type 2 diabe-
tes. This is an exciting area of research.
Alzheimer’s Disease
When an older individual experiences memory loss and other intellec-
tual capabilities, it is known as dementia. Alzheimer’s-type dementia is a
progressive, fatal brain disease that destroys brain cells, causing memory
problems and severe behavioral issues. There is no known cure for Al-
zheimer’s as it progressively gets worse. According to the Alzheimer’s As-
sociation, it is the seventh-leading cause of death in the United States.
Conversely, in India, where turmeric is a staple of the diet, Alzheimer’s is
much more rare, affecting less than 1 percent of the population.
While we don’t know exactly what causes Alzheimer’s, we do know that
some forms of dementia are caused by reduced blood flow to the brain.
For this reason, any cure or treatment must successfully pass the blood-
brain barrier. Animal studies have already demonstrated that curcumin
not only passes the blood-brain barrier, it also reduces inflammation in
the brain and can help prevent brain degeneration.
The most exciting research involving curcumin and Alzheimer’s is com-
ing from a collaboration between UCLA and the Veterans Administration.
Greg Cole, PhD, associate director of research at the UCLA Alzheimer Dis-
ease Center, is leading this progressive research involving patients with
Alzheimer’s disease. In fact, Cole’s curcumin research has been cited in
a variety of mainstream publications including Newsweek and Consumer
Reports. In addition to curcumin, Cole and his team are also evaluating the
effects of DHA, an important omega-3 essential fatty acid.
“Recent successful studies in animal models support a growing interest
in [curcumin’s] possible use for diseases of aging involving damage and
inflammation like Alzheimer’s, cancer, and heart disease,” concludes Cole.
He says, “We have found that the yellow pigment in turmeric, curcumin,
can act at multiple steps in Alzheimer pathogenesis to stop and even re-
verse damage.” His research is providing us with human clinical trials,
which is an important missing link regarding curcumin and Alzheimer’s.
Data from 2005 released by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in-
dicated that one in five American adults received a doctor diagnosis of
I N F L A M M A T I O N 25
some form of arthritis. Arthritis is recognized as a leading cause of dis-
ability in the United States.
There are two main types of arthritis, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid ar-
thritis. Osteoarthritis is the most common type, and it occurs when the
cartilage in the joints breaks down. It typically affects the knees, hips,
spine, and hands. Key contributors to osteoarthritis are injury to a joint,
wear and tear that comes with aging, and being overweight because it puts
extra pressure on the joints.
The primary treatment for osteoarthritis is with anti-inflammatory
drugs and eventually surgery to replace the damaged joint. Curcumin is
an effective and safe treatment for osteoarthritis. Curcumin is a powerful
anti-inflammatory agent without the side effects. Most anti-inflammatory
prescription and over-the-counter drugs cause stomach problems and also
joint damage (I know that sounds odd, but over time, these drugs can far
worsen the problem even though they provide immediate pain relief).
Cole and his UCLA research team report that curcumin is often referred
to as “Asian aspirin” because of its effective traditional applications in
Chinese medicine.
In 2006, researchers from the Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center in Israel
found that combining curcumin with a COX-2 inhibitor (celecoxib) en-
abled them to reduce the medication to “lower and safer concentrations.”
Anti-inflammatory drugs known as corticosteroids are also used to treat
arthritis. Unfortunately, these drugs are associated with serious side effects
including glaucoma, high blood pressure, menstrual irregularities, weight
gain, mood swings, and slow wound healing. Curcumin provides a safe
alternative to corticosteroids.
While rheumatoid arthritis begins by affecting the joints, it is com-
pletely different than osteoarthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is considered
an autoimmune disease, which means the body’s immune system tissues
attack themselves. This results in pain, swelling, stiffness, and loss of joint
function. Rheumatoid arthritis can become so severe it affects other parts
of the body such as the eyes and lungs.
Researchers from the University of British Columbia in Canada wanted
to study curcumin for rheumatoid arthritis because of its “antioxidant, an-
ti-proliferative, anti-inflammatory, and immuno-modulating activities.”
They found that curcumin offers therapeutic treatment potential for rheu-
matoid arthritis, which can be more difficult to treat than osteoarthritis.
In cases of arthritis, diet and lifestyle must be evaluated. Maintaining a
healthy weight and getting exercise before the arthritis takes hold is criti-
cal. In cases of rheumatoid arthritis, food allergies can sometimes be an
issue. Using a comprehensive treatment plan is important in both cases.
26 I N F L A M M A T I O N
Inflammatory Bowel Disorders
Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis are chronic inflammatory bowel
disorders that affect millions of people. According to the National Insti-
tutes of Health, in 2002, 169,000 people were hospitalized for inflamma-
tory bowel disorders, with 62 percent of those cases related to Crohn’s.
Both conditions can vary in their severity, waxing and waning some-
times over a lifetime. They share common symptoms including diarrhea,
bloody stools, weight loss, abdominal pain, fever, and fatigue. Ulcerative
colitis is inflammation of the large intestine, while Crohn’s is inflamma-
tion of the digestive tract and can affect any part of that system from the
mouth to the anus.
The common theme with both conditions is inflammation. The key
to both conditions and to any inflammatory bowel issue is to control
inflammation. When inflammation is controlled, there are no symptoms.
Alleviating inflammation also helps heal the colon and digestive tract.
The connection with curcumin and inflammatory bowel disorders is
clear. In animal studies, curcumin reduced colon damage. Curcumin also
improved symptoms associated with these two conditions including im-
proved body weight and reduced loose/bloody stools.
In cases of bowel disorders, it is important to have a healthy amount
of gut flora (the good bacteria). I recommend using a quality probiotic.
Probiotics are designed to repopulate the good bacteria that we need and
kill the bad bacteria that can harm us. Bad bacteria can also increase in-
flammation of the intestinal lining.
Probiotics and curcumin can also be effective in easing irritable bowel
syndrome (IBS). This condition is associated with an irritated intestinal
tract that causes gas, bloating, abdominal pain, and intermittent diarrhea
and constipation. It is one of the most common bowel disorders with one
in 10 Americans displaying symptoms of IBS. According to researchers
at Georgetown University Hospital, “Despite its prevalence, IBS is often
Asthma And Others
When the airways in the lungs become inflamed and swollen, a condi-
tion known as asthma develops. As the airways become more narrow, it
becomes difficult to breathe and can cause wheezing, coughing, and tight-
ness in the chest. This is known as an asthma attack. Asthma attacks are
the most common reason children visit the emergency room.
Lung disorders are actually more common than we may think. Chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) occurs when lungs become dam-
I N F L A M M A T I O N 27
aged. Conditions such as emphysema and chronic bronchitis fall into the
COPD category. This is primarily due to smoking. However, other lung
irritants such as pollution, dust, or chemicals can also cause or contribute
to COPD. Difficulty breathing is the primary concern with COPD as it af-
fects the tiny air sacs in the lungs.
Anti-inflammatory drugs known as corticosteroids are often used to
treat both of these lung conditions. As mentioned previously, these drugs
are riddled with side effects and, if possible, should be avoided. In addi-
tion, many individuals with inflammatory lung conditions are resistant
to steroid treatment. A 2008 study from the University of Rochester Medi-
cal Center in Rochester, New York, found that curcumin’s ability to treat
COPD is due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity. The re-
searchers confirm that corticosteroids have failed to help many asthmatics
and people with COPD, and they feel curcumin may prove to be an effec-
tive treatment for these individuals. Certainly curcumin is a safer choice.
The Super Spice
We have seen time and time again that modern medicine treats chronic
disease symptomatically—treating the result rather than the underlying
cause. There is no question that pain relief is important. But what if we
could get pain relief and ease inflammation without the side effects that
come with many drugs? What if we could actually heal the underlying
cause of these chronic illnesses?
Scientists have discovered that the root cause of most chronic illnesses
is due to oxidative damage and/or inflammation. This is true for heart dis-
ease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, and many others. Even obesity is now
considered to have some type of inflammatory component.
I understand that I have gone over a long list of conditions that can
benefit from curcumin. At first I, too, was skeptical. But after researching
the mechanisms of action, the multiple pathways, and the powerful one-
two punch of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action, it made perfect
sense to me.
I’ve also discovered that curcumin is not perfect and all forms of cur-
cumin are not created equal. Special care must be taken when choosing
the most effective curcumin dietary supplement.
The key is to
control inflammation.
28 I N F L A M M A T I O N
was proud to be instrumental in helping to bring herbal standardiza-
tion to the United States. In fact, I always insisted that, when possible,
herbal extracts be standardized to the exact percentage used in the
scientific studies. I feel strongly that dietary supplements must be held to
a high level of scientific excellence. This means specific attention must be
paid to concentration, absorption, and efficacy.
When it comes to natural substances, I have spent my entire career find-
ing ways to take something good and make it better. This is a common
bond I shared with the researchers I met in India who are applying this
same principle to curcumin.
Making Curcumin Perfect
There are numerous studies confirming that curcumin has an amazing
range of bioactivity against a wide range of illnesses. Many studies have
also demonstrated that curcumin is safe even at very high dosages. So
what’s the problem? As it turns out, curcumin isn’t rapidly absorbed in
the human body, which makes bioavailability an issue.
For example, I have described how cellular studies have clearly shown
that curcumin can directly kill cancer cells. However, if curcumin can’t do
that in the human body, we have a substance that is virtually useless. Bio-
availability has been the key obstacle to performing human clinical trials.
We really need more human clinical trials if something is to have broad
appeal and help a wide range of people.
An interesting part of the curcumin story is that animal studies show
desired results even at small dosages. This is because there are major dif-
ferences between animals and humans in the metabolism of many sub-
stances. Therefore, the question of curcumin absorption remains unclear.
There is no denying that considerable metabolism of curcumin occurs
in the body after ingestion. There have been some attempts to increase
curcumin’s bioavailability. Some researchers have isolated curcumin ana-
logs or sub-particles, such as dimethoxycurcumin. However, in most cas-
es, the entire curcumin molecule with its 100-plus known constituents is
proving to be more active.
Binding curcumin with piperine, an alkaloid of black pepper, will in-
crease its absorption. Another strategy has been discovered by researchers
Chapter Four:
The Right Choice
I N F L A M M A T I O N 29
in India. Through a proprietary patented process, they have combined mi-
cronized curcumin with important phospholipids and tumeric essential
oils to create a curcumin that is not only better absorbed, it is eight times
stronger. This curcumin extract, known simply as CRX 791, has also been
shown to be seven times stronger than the curcumin/pepper combina-
tion. It’s true that the sum is greater than the individual parts.
In order for curcumin to be effective, especially when dealing with a
serious illness, the dosage often needs to be high. In some cases, studies
were conducted using as much as 3 ounces of turmeric. That’s a lot of tur-
meric. In dietary supplement form, that’s also a lot of pills.
What to Look For
With 40 years experience in the health industry, I have had the privilege
to develop more than 300 different nutritional formulations. As with any
nutritional substance, quality is the only factor that makes a difference
between a highly effective formulation as opposed to one that wastes time
Curcumin: the
medicine of the future.
30 I N F L A M M A T I O N
and money. The research scientists that I visited in India have discovered a
micronized curcumin extract bound to phospholipids and essential oils.
This new form of curcumin is much stronger than any other form. For ex-
ample, 600 mg of this new curcumin extract equals 4,000 mg of any other
form of curcumin and 85,000 mg of tumeric. The most effective way to
alleviate pain and inflammation is to combine curcumin with boswellia,
another powerful anti-inflammatory Indian herb. This should also be
combined with dl Phenylanine (DLPA) for its feel-good anti-depressive
effects and enhanced endorphine activity. Nattokinase is also important
because it improves blood flow to the inflamed areas. Much research is
based on the following formula:
Each 2 capsules: Proprietary EP612 complex....1,005 mg
Containing curcumin, curcuminoid, boswellia,
DLPA (dl Phenylanine), nattokinase.
Final Thoughts
It’s obvious that I believe a concentrated curcumin extract can help al-
leviate suffering and prevent illness. I believe it will turn out to be one of
the most significant natural-healing discoveries of our time. But that is not
to say that this is the magic bullet for which we have longed. Curcumin
must be used responsibly as a part of a healthful diet, health-promoting
lifestyle, and quality dietary supplement program. As a part of this potent
wellness plan, curcumin can provide powerful support to anyone looking
for great health and vitality. 	
Selected References:
Aggarwal S, et al. Curcumin (diferuloylmethane) down-regulates expression of cell
proliferation and antiapoptotic and metastatic gene products through suppression of
IkappaBalpha kinase and Akt activation. Mol Pharmacol 69(1):195-206, Oct 2005.
Aggarwal BB, Kumar A, Bharti AC. Anticancer potential of curcumin: preclinical and
clinical studies. Anticancer Res 23(1A):363-98, Jan-Feb 2003.
Anand P, et al. Curcumin and cancer: An “old-age” disease with an “age-old” solution.
Cancer Letter, May 5, 2008.
Aoki H, et al. Evidence that curcumin suppresses the growth of malignant gliomas in vitro
and in vivo through induction of autophagy: role of Akt and extracellular signal-regulated
kinase signaling pathways. Mol Pharmacol 72(1):29-39, Jul 2007.
Arafa HM. Curcumin attenuates diet-induced hypercholesterolemia in rats. Med Sci Monit
11(7):228-234 July 2005.
I N F L A M M A T I O N 31
Begum AN, et al. Curcumin structure-function, bioavailability and efficacy in models of
neuroinflammation and Alzheimer’s. J Pharmacol Exp Ther, Apr 16, 2008.
Biswas S, Rahman I. Modulation of steroid activity in chronic inflammation: A novel
anti-inflammatory role for curcumin. Mol Nutr Food Res, Mar 2008.
Chainani-Wu N. Safety and anti-inflammatory activity of curcumin: a component of
tumeric (Curcuma longa). J Altern Complement Med 9(1):161-8, Feb 2003.
Chen A, Xu J, Johnson AC. Curcumin inhibits human colon cancer cell growth by
suppressing gene expression of epidermal growth factor receptor through reducing the
activity of the transcription factor Egr-1. Oncogene 25(2):278-87, Jan 2006.
Cole GM, et al. NSAID and antioxidant prevention of Alzheimer’s disease: lessons from in
vitro and animal models. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1035:68-84, Dec 2004.
Holy J. Curcumin inhibits cell motility and alters microfilament organization and function
in prostate cancer cells. Cell Motil Cytoskeleton 58(4):253-68, Aug 2004.
Hong JH, et al. The effects of curcumin on the invasiveness of prostate cancer in vitro and
in vivo. Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis 9(2):147-42, Jan 2006.
Jackson JK, et al. The antioxidants curcumin and quercetin inhibit inflammatory processes
associated with arthritis. Inflamm Res 55(4):168-75, Apr 2006.
Jagetia GC, Aggarwal BB. “Spicing up” of the immune system by curcumin. J Clin Immunol
27(1):19-35, Jan 2007.
Kowluru RA, Kanwar M. Effects of curcumin on retinal oxidative stress and inflammation
in diabetes. Nutr Metab 4:8, Apr 2007.
Kunnumakkara AB, et al. Curcumin potentiates antitumor activity of gemcitabine in an
orthotopic model of pancreatic cancer through suppression of proliferation, angiogenesis,
and inhibition of nuclear factor-kappaB-regulated gene products. Cancer Res 67(8):3853-
61, Apr 2007.
Kunnumakkara AB, et al. Curcumin sensitizes human colorectal cancer xenografts in nude
mice to gamma-radiation by targeting nuclear factor-kappaB-regulated gene products.
Clin Cancer Res 14(7):2128-36, Apr 2008.
Lev-Ari S, et al. Curcumin augments gemcitabine cytotoxic effect on pancreatic
adenocarcinoma cell lines. Cancer Invest 25(6):411-8, Sept 2007.
Lev-Ari S, et al. Curcumin synergistically potentiates the growth-inhibitory and
proapoptotic effects of celecoxib in osteoarthritis synovial adherent cells. Rheumatology
45(2):171-7, Feb 2006.
Lim GP, et al. The curry spice curcumin reduces oxidative damage and amyloid pathology
in an Alzheimer transgenic mouse. Journal of Neuroscience 21(21):8370-7, Nov 2001.
Lin YG, et al. Curcumin inhibits tumor growth and angiogenesis in ovarian carcinoma by
targeting the nuclear factor-kappaB pathway. Clin Cancer Res 13(11):3423-30, Jun 2007.
32 I N F L A M M A T I O N
Moragoda L, Jaszewski R, Majumdar AP. Curcumin induced modulation of cell cycle and
apoptosis in gastric and colon cancer cells. Anticancer Research 21(2A):873-8, Mar/Apr
Patel BB, et al. Curcumin enhances the effects of 5-flourouracil and oxaliplatin in
mediating growth inhibition of colon cancer cells by modulating EGFR and IGF-1R.
International Journal of Cancer 122(2):267-2, Jan 2008.
Poma P, et al. The activities of curcumin and of its isoxazole analogue are not affected by
multiple gene expression changes in an MDR model of the MCF-7 breast cancer cell line:
analysis of the possible molecular basis. Int J Mol Med 20(3):329-35, Sept 2007.
Shankar S, et al. Curcumin sensitizes TRAIL-resistant xenografts: molecular mechanisms of
apoptosis, metastasis, and angiogenesis. Mol Cancer 7:16, Jan 2008.
Shishodia S, Sethi G, Aggarwal BB. Curcumin: getting back to the roots. Ann N Y Acad Sci
1056:206-17, Nov 2005.
Steward WP, Geshcher AJ. Curcumin in cancer management: Recent results of analogue
design and clinical studies and desirable future research. Mol Nutr Food Res, Jan 2008.
Sun M, et al. Curcumin (diferuloylmethane) alters the expression profiles of microRNAs in
human pancreatic cancer cells. Mol Cancer Ther 7(3):464-73, Mar 2008.
Published studies provided by the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National
Institutes of Health
Educational news articles on a variety of health concerns
The author’s website
Consumer medical news provided by News-Medical.Net
The website of the American Heart Association
Information on the research done by Greg Cole, PhD, with UCLA,
involving curcumin and Alzheimer’s patients
Website for the Centers for Disease Control
IBS article by Georgetown University Hospital
This booklet is a part of the Better Nutrition Healthy
Living Guide series. For more information about
other topics in this series, visit your local independent
health food store or visit us online.
early every major illness can be linked to a common
contributor—inflammation. If we can ease chronic, internal
inflammation, we can help prevent and treat cancer,
heart disease, Alzheimer's, and more. There is amazing research
available on the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of cur-
cumin, the active compound in the spice turmeric. Natural health
veteran Terry Lemerond has traveled extensively to uncover the
true healing power of curcumin. He shares exciting new research
from India, as well as scientific validation from M.D. Anderson
Cancer Center and other prestigious research centers here in the
United States. Lemerond shows readers how to ease inflammation,
alleviate pain, and boost immunity.
Terry Lemerond has more than 40 years’ experience in
the health food industry. Terry is the recipient of the
2008 Natural Products Association Industry Champion
Award, which recognizes individuals who have made
notable contributions to the natural products industry
above and beyond commercial success. Terry has created
more than 300 formulations and has tremendous expe-
rience and knowledge in developing natural products.
Terry's mission is to introduce revolutionary natural
products that will improve the health of Americans.
magazine presentsmagazine presents
magazine presents

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  • 1. INFLAMMATION magazine presents VOLUME FIVE the WONDER SPICE solution RESEARCH CONFIRMS Healing Power of Curcumin STOP PAIN FAST volume fivemagazine presents
  • 2. knowledge ispower. the shopping magazine for natural living Since1938,Better Nutrition’s mission is to responsibly inform health-food-store shoppers about the latest breakthroughs in nutri- tional approaches to optimal health and ongoing research into vitamins, botanicals (herbs), minerals and other supplements. Better Nutrition provides the link between consumers, independent health food store, and the products carefully formulated by natural-product companies. ASK FORYOUR FREE COPY ATYOUR FAVORITE HEALTH FOOD STORE The most widely read in store magazine in the industry! 8 0 0 . 4 4 3 . 4 9 7 4 better nutrition is your powerto shop smart.
  • 4. Copyright © 2008 by Terry Lemerond and Active Interest Media, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this booklet may be reproduced, stored in an electronic retrieval system, or transcribed in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, without the prior written permission of the pub- lisher, except for the inclusion of quotations in a review. Published by: Active Interest Media, Inc. 300 N. Continental Blvd., Suite 650 El Segundo, CA 90245 This booklet is part of the Better Nutrition Healthy Living Guide series. For more informa- tion, visit Better Nutrition magazine is available at fine natural health stores throughout the United States. Design by Aline Design: Bellingham, Wash. The information in this booklet is for educational purposes only and is not recommended as a means of diagnosing or treating an illness. All health matters should be supervised by a qualified healthcare professional. The publisher and the author(s) are not responsible for individuals who choose to self-diagnose and/or self-treat.
  • 5. INFLAMMATION CONTENTS Introduction: The Wonder Spice..................................4 Chapter One: Complex Chemistry..............................7 Chapter Two: Heart Disease And Cancer...............16 Chapter Three: Other Conditions.................................23 Chapter Four: The Right Choice...................................28 Selected References.............................................................30
  • 6. 4 I N F L A M M A T I O N Introduction: The Wonder Spice H aving spent more than 40 years in the natural-health industry, I have had the privilege to help research and develop more than 300 nutritional formulations. I am proud to say that most of those products are still available in natural-health stores throughout North America. My journey has taken me to many areas of the world as I study and learn about innovative natural substances that can help allevi- ate sickness and suffering. I have helped inform countless individuals that natural molecules can be just as effective—sometimes even more effective—than over-the- counter (OTC) and prescription drugs. In fact, nearly 74 percent of all approved drugs come from natural sources, were based on natural sourc- es (primarily herbs), or are designed to mimic natural substances. I have witnessed and experienced the power of natural medicine first-hand. It has been my life’s work to discover the most innovative, effective natural substances possible. Over the years as I continued my research, one natural molecule kept coming to my attention. Turmeric, a spice that so many of us love to eat, contains curcumin and several key cur- cuminoid compounds. After traveling the world and spending four de- cades researching natural substances, even I was amazed by the research on curcumin.
  • 7. I N F L A M M A T I O N 5 Curious About Curcumin Curious by nature, I spend several hours each day pouring through medical journals and reading materials on natural health and nutrition in general. During my decades of research, I continued to see a wide range of scientific data on curcumin, and wondered why curcumin was attracting so much attention by scientists around the world. Curcumin has antioxidant activity, which explains why it is important to immune function. It also has anti-inflammatory properties, which ex- plains why it may help a variety of conditions. But could it be that cur- cumin is so powerful it can help prevent and treat cancer, heart disease, ar- thritis, diabetes, and even Alzheimer’s? I needed to find out more. For the past several years, I have spent countless hours traveling, talking directly to researchers, and studying the clinical data on curcumin. What I have found is truly amazing, and the reason I wanted to write this booklet. I contacted some of the leading scientists in the world who have re- searched curcumin extensively. These same scientists invited me to attend a conference on curcumin in Delhi, India. My wife, Debra, and I spent several weeks in India. As a part of that trip, I was invited to visit a tur- meric plantation on the border of India and Nepal. It is believed that the soil, climate, and elevation in this part of India are ideal for growing tur- meric plants highly concentrated with curcumin compounds. Preliminary research shows that the turmeric grown in this area has a 6 percent to 8 percent level of curcumin, whereas most turmeric has between 2 percent and 3 percent. The passionate scientists who discovered this turmeric were eager to show me how they enhanced their curcumin to be absorbed in the body at a rate 8 times that of standard curcumin. This piqued my cu- riosity once again. After 10 air flights to various parts of India, hundreds of miles by Jeep touring a variety of plantations, and numerous conversations with those scientists, I have become even more passionate about this highly concen- trated form of Indian curcumin. The conference Debra and I attended was outstanding. Two medical doctors and a former Pfizer PhD conducted the conference and provided us with a wealth of information. My visits throughout India have been memorable. Debra and I are col- laborating with the village close to where the turmeric is grown. Our goal is to help the farmers improve their economy. We have set up a co-op and a 51-percent ownership with them for each crop. These farmers must feed and clothe their families on an annual income of $100. Thanks to this new co-op, the farmers will now be paid a fair-trade price, with remain- ing profits to be used to build a hospital and a school. Our visits with the farmers have been life-changing. We are proud to be working with them to cultivate this incredible healing herb.
  • 8. 6 I N F L A M M A T I O N Steep Tradition Historically, in India and other countries turmeric was considered sa- cred. It was used in rituals and religious ceremonies, and as a dye for holy robes. Turmeric was typically hung in kitchens as a good-luck charm and was associated with fertility and prosperity. Newborn babies were rubbed with turmeric for good luck, and it was even sprinkled in places to keep away evil spirits. Today, turmeric is most known as a favorite and flavorful Indian spice. Almost all Indian dishes include turmeric. The women in India not only use turmeric in the kitchen, they also use it in their personal body care. The medicinal use of turmeric is more than 5,000 years old. In addition to its use in India, turmeric is also one of the most commonly used tradi- tional Chinese medicines. Turmeric’s historical use in both Chinese and Indian cultures is diverse and extensive. It has always been considered a medicinal staple used for a variety of ailments—everything from abdominal pain to smallpox. Tur- meric was used internally and externally as a paste applied to fresh wounds, sprains, or swelling. Traditionally, turmeric was used for nearly every health condition known. While much of this is considered folk medicine, the sci- entific community is confirming the clinical effectiveness of curcumin for many illnesses. Turmeric has certainly stood the test of time. It’s exciting to see such a revered home remedy receive scientific validation. Terry Lemerond at a turmeric plantation in India.
  • 9. I N F L A M M A T I O N 7 T o understand inflammation is to understand curcumin. I have found that an inflammatory response can be linked to nearly every serious illness diagnosed in modern medicine. Curcumin’s power- ful anti-inflammatory properties explain why it can help prevent and treat so many different health conditions. What do heart disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, asthma, Alzheimer’s, bowel disorders, and even obesity have in common? Inflammation. The body’s inflammatory response is a primary component of most chronic diseases. Acute, chronic internal inflammation can be linked to a wide range of health conditions and overall poor health. You may associate inflammation with a bump on the head or a swollen joint. However, the complex signaling cascade in the body that is designed to help the body defend itself against infection, injury, and foreign invad- ers can also lead to an incessant, imbalanced response to inflammation. To maintain optimal health, our body constantly searches to achieve a fine balance between opposing forces. When this balance is consistently disrupted, chronic disease and poor health can result. Aspects that disrupt Chapter One: Complex Chemistry
  • 10. 8 I N F L A M M A T I O N our internal balance include prolonged stress, poor diet, sedentary life- style, prescription or OTC drug use, and many other factors. Our body’s inflammatory response keeps us healthy and safe from a wide range of illnesses. But often, we are balancing on a razor’s edge. The same cells, systems, and enzymes needed to alleviate pain and inflam- mation can actually contribute to chronic internal inflammation, with dangerous ramifications. Inflammation can be linked to a wide range of health conditions and overall poor health. The link between inflammation and illness typically begins with a cir- cumstance or set of circumstances that stimulate an over-expression of our body’s own healing mechanisms. For example, tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a) is an important component of the immune system that helps us kill bacteria, certain fungi, viruses, and parasites, and can even prevent cancer. TNF-a is also an inflammatory cytokine that becomes ac- tive during periods of inflammation. Some drugs reduce inflammation by inhibiting TNF-a activity. As you can see, this can be dangerous because TNF-a plays an important role in the immune system. Influencing TNF-a along one pathway can have negative, long-term ramifications along a different pathway. When inflammatory molecules are secreted continuously, they disrupt vital checks and balances that keep us healthy. An increase in inflamma- tory enzymes, for example, stimulates hormone production, specifically estrogen. An increase in estrogen activity has been directly linked to many hormone-dependent cancers such as breast, prostate, and ovarian. That’s one of many ways inflammation can contribute to cancer. Another example is with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, also called NSAIDs. These drugs block COX-1 and COX-2 enzyme activity. This reduces inflammation, but what else does it do? COX enzymes assist with prostaglandin production. Prostaglandins influence blood flow, di- gestion, and wakefulness. Therefore, blocking prostaglandin production can result in a wide range of health problems. NSAIDs and other anti-inflammatory drugs simply mask symptoms— they do not correct the underlying cause or address the long-term rami- fications of an overactive inflammatory response. These drugs also have numerous side effects. NSAIDs can cause abdominal cramping, gas, con-
  • 11. I N F L A M M A T I O N 9 stipation, diarrhea, dizziness, fatigue, headaches, nausea, heartburn, ring- ing in the ears, and many other ailments. It is estimated that up to 60 per- cent of individuals taking NSAIDs will experience side effects. The NSAID naproxen was shown to contribute to a 50 percent higher risk of heart attack and stroke with long-term use. As a result, naproxen should never be taken for more than 10 days in a row. Although NSAIDs are often used to ease joint pain, the reality is that continuous use of them actually causes joints to deteriorate by inhibit- ing the repair of joint cartilage. These drugs also destroy the lining of the stomach, causing ulcers severe enough to be deadly. COX-2 inhibitors are drugs used to reduce inflammation. It’s not sur- prising that these drugs have been shown to cause heart attacks and sud- den cardiac deaths. For a short time, these drugs were removed from the market. Unfortunately, they are back on the market, and manufacturers were only required to add stronger warning language. NSAIDs and COX-2 inhibitor drugs should be avoided whenever possible. These drugs do not safely reduce prolonged inflammation. “Merely interfering with the inflammatory response, as with NSAIDs or COX-2 inhibitors, carries too much risk of collateral damage in the long run,” explains author and naturopathic physician Lise Alschuler, ND. “Conventional medicine also falls short in effectively managing or even detecting a chronic inflammatory internal environment that has not yet manifested in acute symptoms of inflammation.” Millions of Americans take these drugs every day. Estimates show that more than 100,000 Americans end up in the hospital each year because of ulcers and gastrointestinal bleeding due to NSAID use. The fact is most people don’t need these drugs and can completely avoid the uncomfort- able and dangerous side effects. Concentrated curcumin that is easily absorbed will not only effectively reduce pain, it will also help correct the underlying cause of chronic internal inflammation as well. Curcumin controls the over-expression of the inflammatory response without inhib- iting it altogether. Curcumin can be considered an effective alternative to NSAIDs, COX-2 inhibitors, and other anti-inflammatory drugs. Compared to Drugs As I have described with NSAIDs and COX-2 inhibitors, drugs affect a single pathway to alleviate a symptom. Most drugs are not designed to treat the cause—they simply mitigate symptoms. By working on a single pathway and ignoring all other pathways, most drugs cause severe distur- bances that can lead to side effects. For the consumer, it often comes down to a difficult decision: What’s worse, the symptoms or the side effects of the drugs?
  • 12. 10 I N F L A M M A T I O N All bodily functions depend on highly complex networks of both ex- tracellular and intracellular signals that orchestrate complex and diverse cell-to-cell communication. These intricate biological processes cannot be inhibited or manipulated in isolation. The attempt to do so results in consequences elsewhere. The repercussions of medicating with a drug that works on only one pathway are side effects. Most chronic diseases are caused by multiple factors. Diseases such as heart disease, cancer, arthritis, diabetes, and others manifest by touching many systems in the body. When something is internally amiss, our body has a variety of signaling pathways to “correct” the situation. Sometimes cells can also communicate undesirable activities, such as when a cancer cell tells a mutated cell to divide rapidly to form a cancerous mass. In its infinite wisdom, the body has many methods to keep us healthy. But sometimes because of a variety of factors, those smooth running systems can malfunction. The key to preventing and treating illness is to use this same multifac- tor approach. Rather than influencing just one pathway, as most drugs do, curcumin, which has 112 different molecules, simultaneously influ- ences multiple pathways on multiple levels. During a conversation I had with one of the leading experts on curcumin, he commented that this one substance could replace at least 15 prescription drugs, without the side effects. The reason curcumin works, he said, is because it balances key glands and organs such as those associated with inflammation. Numerous examples of how curcumin outperformed pharmaceuti- cal drugs exists in scientific literature. Razelle Kurzrock, MD, professor of medicine at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston made this interesting comment about curcumin and cancer: “It was clear that this agent was just as potent at killing tumor cells in the lab as any experimen- tal drug I’ve seen.” In a recent study comparing curcumin to NSAIDs, curcumin was found to be more potent than aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, and several others. Curcumin has also been shown to counter inflammatory responses simi- lar to the action of steroids, but without the side effects. One of the reasons curcumin is such an effective anti-inflammatory agent is because it is also a potent antioxidant. This provides the body with the protection it needs while fighting inflammation. This most likely also explains why curcumin is not only effective, but also does not cause side effects. Antioxidants have been proven to prevent a wide range of ill- nesses and help protect the body from disease.
  • 13. I N F L A M M A T I O N 11 Powerful Antioxidant Free radicals and inflammation go hand in hand. Inflammation dam- ages cells and tissues by creating free radicals. Free radicals are generated as a result of inflammation and can also cause inflammation. Free radicals cause oxidative damage that has been directly linked to accelerated aging, as well as a variety of serious illnesses including the No. 1 and No. 2 killer diseases of our time: heart disease and cancer. Curcumin influences multiple pathways on multiple levels. But what exactly is a free radical? It is any molecule that has a single, unpaired electron in an outer shell. Free-radical damage is closely associ- ated with oxidative damage. Our cells can be damaged in a way similar to the browning of an apple that has been cut open — the flesh of the apple deteriorates — or similar to iron rusting. Free radicals are created as a result of various reactions in the body. Remember, the body oper- ates on various complex pathways and uses multiple factors to heal. This same multifactor system can also create illness. One way is through the creation of free radicals. In his book Immunotics, author Robert Rountree, MD, compares free radicals to small sparks in the forest. “Extinguished early on, they pose no threat,” he explains. “Left to spread, they can cause a catastrophe.” Free radicals damage cellular DNA and weaken our immune system. Chronic inflammation combined with a weakened immune system is ex- tremely dangerous. Experts have estimated that free-radical damage con- tributes to more than one-third of all deaths and about 40 percent of total medical expenses in industrialized countries. Free radicals can negatively affect all key bodily systems, including our inflammatory response. “Free radicals also amplify inflammation by increasing the activity of several different enzymes and proteins,” explains Alschuler. “One critical way to reduce inflammation without compromising healthy body func- tion is to quench free radicals.” We quench free radicals with antioxidants. Antioxidants are found in the diet (fruits and vegetables) and dietary supplements. At varying levels, and depending on the specific antioxidant, they can prevent or reduce
  • 14. 12 I N F L A M M A T I O N free-radical oxidative damage. Antioxidants can also help break the cycle of chronic inflammation while simultaneously stimulating the immune system. This is the powerful combination that helps prevent and treat nearly all diseases known. Illness is created when there are too many free radicals and too few an- tioxidants. The only way to change this is to increase our antioxidant in- take. Fruits and vegetables are high in antioxidants, so it is absolutely criti- cal to eat at least five servings of vegetables and two servings of fruit every day—more is even better! Be sure to choose colorful fruits and vegetables because that indicates they have high antioxidant value. Colorful berries, for example, have compounds called flavonoids, which have antioxidant activity. As for vegetables, the more vibrant the green color, the better. The spice turmeric, where curcumin comes from, is a vibrant yellow packed with antioxidant power. Several nutrients and herbs have antioxidant activity including: • vitamins A, C, E, and beta carotene • garlic and green tea • the trace mineral selenium • flavonoids such as resveratrol and limonene Be sure to choose colorful fruits and vegetables because that indicates they have high antioxidant value.
  • 15. I N F L A M M A T I O N 13 Omega-3 essential fatty acids, specifically DHA and EPA, not only have antioxidant properties, they are also anti-inflammatory agents. I recom- mend an omega-3 essential oil complex from salmon that uses a patented, chemical-free process. The reason I like this patented process is because it utilizes only natural enzymes and a cold-water flush. The quality of the omega-3 product you choose will determine its effectiveness and dictate your results. I supplement my diet daily with a formula containing extracts of black currant, grape seed, and pine bark. I also feel that most individuals need a multivitamin and mineral supplement. My favorite antioxidants, es- pecially as we age, are resveratrol, green tea, and curcumin. One of the reasons I like these three antioxidants is because they also have anti-in- flammatory properties. We need both if we are to successfully prevent and treat illness. Curcumin’s antioxidant properties are many times more potent than nutrients like vitamins E and C. Antioxidant vitamins fall short in cases where free-radical formation and damage is excessive. In addition, these antioxidants only work on already formed free radicals and have difficulty preventing the actual creation of these damaging molecules. Curcumin, on the other hand, works on all facets of free-radical development, in- cluding preventing their formation and promoting their destruction. Unlike other antioxidants, curcumin contains hundreds of molecules that work on multiple levels as a powerful immune stimulant and anti- inflammatory agent. For this reason, it can be used to help prevent and treat a wide range of health conditions. Indications For Use The scientific research on curcumin is exploding. I’ve included some recent, important clinical studies in the reference section of this booklet. However, it would be impossible to include them all in a booklet of this size. After an extensive search of published literature on curcumin, I have found more than 2,000 scientific reports fea- tured on PubMed, the database of published studies provided by the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health. In 2006 alone, there were more than 250 reports featured in PubMed. This is further testimony of the increasing scientific interest by researchers worldwide. In the next chapters, I will review some of the key indications for use. All of these conditions can be linked to inflammation and the im- mune system, and that’s why curcumin is effective. In most cases, curcum- in is an effective treatment or a complementary treatment. In all cases,
  • 16. 14 I N F L A M M A T I O N curcumin can help prevent serious illness and enhance your overall health and well-being. After analyzing the studies to date, curcumin has demonstrated positive healing benefits for the following conditions: • cancer, specifically prostate, colon, lung, breast, pancreatic, skin, and leukemia • heart disease • diabetes • asthma • psoriasis • Alzheimer’s • arthritis, including rheumatoid arthritis • inflammatory bowel disease • Parkinson’s • allergies Yes, this is certainly a diverse list of illnesses, many of which are life-threatening and/or debilitating. That’s why I call curcum- in the “wonder spice.” I’m continually impressed with scientific data and conclusions made by researchers throughout the world. Curcumin is definitely part of my overall personal health plan. Practicing stress-reduction techniques helps in achieving optimum health.
  • 17. I N F L A M M A T I O N 15 My Optimum Health Plan For the past 40 years, I have been involved in the natural-health indus- try, not just because I find it interesting, but because I personally want to achieve vibrant health. I am well aware that there are no magic bullets. Good health begins and ends with a comprehensive mind-body-spirit ap- proach that includes diet, exercise, and dietary supplements. Here are my top 10 tips to achieving optimum health: • Increase consumption of fruits and vegetables (at least five to seven servings per day), with an emphasis on berries. • Eliminate or reduce refined sugars and carbohydrates. • Exercise consistently to maintain normal body weight, at least 30 minutes three times weekly, biking, swimming, or walking. • Get enough sleep, and practice stress-reduction techniques like yoga, prayer, or meditation. • Drink eight to 10 glasses of pure mineral water daily; never drink city tap water because it contains sodium fluoride and chlorine, which are cancer-causing chemicals. • Eat organic foods whenever possible. • Surround yourself with people and activities you love. • Consult a health care practitioner who specializes in dietary supplements that will support your health goals. • Maintain a positive attitude. • Have a strong relationship with God. Living life with vitality is more than simply preventing illness. I person- ally want to live a vibrant life so I can play with my grandchildren and travel extensively with my wife. I don’t want to just get by—I want to thrive and enjoy each moment of my life. I can do that because of a healthy diet, lifestyle, and dietary supplements. Of course I also follow the 80/20 rule, which means that my diet and lifestyle do not have to be perfect all the time. That’s another reason why dietary supplements are so important. I want to thrive and enjoy each moment of my life. I can do that because of a healthy diet, lifestyle, and dietary supplements.
  • 18. 16 I N F L A M M A T I O N Chapter Two: Heart Disease And Cancer T wo key diseases that plague our society are heart disease and cancer. In the United States alone, nearly 81 million people have some form of heart disease. Every 20 seconds, a person in the United States has a heart attack. Every 34 seconds, a person dies of a heart attack, and every 30 seconds someone dies of cancer. The American Cancer Society reports that one in two men and one in three women will develop cancer. Each year, more than a million Americans are given a cancer diagnosis. The number of people suffering due to heart disease and cancer is overwhelm- ing. And the toll these diseases take on loved ones is just as devastating. Just to be clear, I do not advocate self-diagnosis. If you are experiencing symptoms and feel you may be at risk of heart disease or cancer, please seek medical attention. Heart Attack Heart disease is a very serious group of illnesses that can include: • high blood pressure • high cholesterol • angina (chest pain) • stroke • myocardial infarction (heart attack) According to cardiologist and author Matthew Budoff, MD, “I am frus- trated that death is often the first and last symptom of heart disease.” Of course, Budoff is talking about a heart attack. When you think of a heart attack, you may think of the dramatic television version. The fact is, how- ever, many people don’t experience a heart attack that way. Most people have mild pain and discomfort that escalates. According to the American Heart Association, here are the key warning signs of a heart attack: • Chest discomfort, typically in the center of the chest, that lasts for more than a few minutes; the pain can go away and come back, and many people report that it feels like an uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness, or pain • Shortness of breath with or without chest discomfort
  • 19. I N F L A M M A T I O N 17 • Upper body discomfort that includes one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw, or stomach • Other signs like breaking out in a cold sweat, light-headedness, or nausea “Women are somewhat more likely than men to experience some of the other common symptoms, particularly shortness of breath, nausea/vom- iting, and back or jaw pain,” warns the American Heart Association. When it comes to a heart attack, every second counts. If you notice signs of a heart attack, don’t wait, call 9-1-1 right away. Of course, the best way to prevent a heart attack is to support healthy heart function. That’s where curcumin comes in. Curcumin And The Heart Over the years, I have talked to countless individuals who have a family history of heart disease or are at high risk of having a heart attack. They are frightened, and I don’t blame them. After I talk to them about diet and lifestyle, I tell them about curcumin. The reason I often recommend curcumin for heart health is because it enhances heart function on many levels. Heart disease is a multifactor dis- ease, and curcumin can help mitigate heart disease at virtually every stage. From the initial deposits of plaque in the coronary arteries all the way to Heart disease due to plaque buildup.
  • 20. 18 I N F L A M M A T I O N complete blockage due to plaque buildup, curcumin can have a positive impact on heart tissue. As an antioxidant, curcumin can help prevent free-radical damage to the arteries. As an anti-inflammatory, curcumin can protect arteries from plaque buildup. New research has concluded that inflammation is a root cause of plaque buildup. It is believed that an overreaction to plaque in the artery causes an acute inflammatory response, which leads to more plaque buildup. An inflamed artery causes plaque to stick to the arterial wall where it then accumulates. Curcumin helps control the over reac- tive, chronic inflammatory response in the artery. Plaque can then move through the artery freely without building up to dangerous levels. Cur- cumin also controls and stabilizes the enzymes involved in the degrada- tion of the artery, thereby preventing an acute coronary episode. Animal studies have demonstrated that curcumin can also help low- er cholesterol. In one study, LDL (“bad” cholesterol) was reduced by 21 percent and HDL (“good” cholesterol) was increased more than twelve- fold. It has been discovered that red blood cells are significantly depleted in animals on a high cholesterol diet. Animal studies have shown that curcumin increases red blood cell counts. Although studies relating to curcumin’s effect on heart disease are not extensive, there is enough data to demonstrate its effectiveness. More hu- man clinical trials are needed to confirm the full scope of benefits. Conversely, there is an amazing amount of research regarding curcumin and cancer prevention and treatment. This is where the scientific com- munity, including prestigious United States research centers such as M.D. Anderson, are really noticing the power of curcumin. Curcumin And Cancer Many cancers are not only difficult to treat, they can be deadly. While cancer is not the most common illness, surveys indicate it is often the most feared. Conventional medicine offers three basic treatments: surgery, drugs, and radiation. In many cases, the treatment is brutal. Of course, the best way to treat cancer is to prevent it before it can take over. We have the best chance of preventing cancer by paying attention to diet, lifestyle, and dietary supplements. I consider curcumin to be a staple to any anticancer dietary-supplement regimen. Cancer is a complex condition that actually includes more than 200 types of cancer. Chemoprevention is the prevention of initiation, promo- tion, and progression of cancer. This is an exciting area of interest because conventional treatments can be pretty harsh, so let’s try to stop the cancer before it progresses.
  • 21. I N F L A M M A T I O N 19 We all have cancer cells in our body. Our bodies are designed to recog- nize cancer cells and eliminate them before they become problematic. Transformation of normal tissue to a cancerous tumor is a dynamic pro- cess that takes years or even decades to develop. As I began researching the scientific effectiveness of curcumin, I was most impressed by the data involving cancer prevention and treatment. Curcumin has clearly been shown to prevent and inhibit cancer develop- ment in a number of studies. When studying potential anticancer sub- stances, there are four key pathways researchers look at: 1. Inhibiting cellular proliferation = stopping the cancer cells from dividing and spreading 2. Poor cell differentiation = when the cancer cells bear little resemblance to normal tissue cells 3. Encouraging apoptosis = cell death and destruction by immune system cells 4. Anti-angiogenesis = cutting off the blood supply to cancer cells A substance that can modulate one or more of these factors is consid- ered promising. Curcumin has been shown to influence all four pathways by positively impacting these three key bodily systems: 1. Stimulates immunity so we can kill cancer cells and stop them from multiplying 2. Balances inflammatory responses to reduce inflammation 3. Improves detoxification so we can eliminate cancer cells Key to research is discovering how to stop cancer cells from dividing and spreading.
  • 22. 20 I N F L A M M A T I O N All of these body systems must function at peak capacity if we are to successfully prevent and treat cancer. If a substance can stimulate all three key bodily systems along with the four significant pathways, it has the potential to prevent and treat a wide variety of cancers. The studies have shown that curcumin is just that type of substance. Let’s take a closer look at some of the specific research involving certain types of cancer. Cancer Types What exactly is cancer? According to Alschuler, “A seemingly innocent mutation multiplies exponentially with no boundaries or limitations, following its own rules. The aggressive intruder steals oxygen, nutrients, and blood from unassuming healthy cells in order to survive and thrive.” She concludes, “A bountiful blood supply, growth factors, circulating hor- mones, and many other contributors encourage its growth and sustain- ability.” This is cancer—cunning, virulent, and certainly a formidable op- ponent. However, thanks to efforts that encourage chemoprevention, many people are winning their battle against cancer. Scientists from prestigious research facilities throughout the world concur that curcumin is one of the most promising chemoprevention molecules discovered to date. Re- searchers from the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center concluded in 2003, “Ex- tensive research over the last 50 years has indicated that this polyphenol [curcumin] can both prevent and treat cancer.” There have even been human clinical trials demonstrating curcumin’s effectiveness and safety. According to M.D. Anderson researcher Bharat Aggarwal, PhD, “Pharmacologically, curcumin has been found to be safe…curcumin has enormous potential in the prevention and therapy of cancer.” Positive research results involving curcumin have been achieved with breast, ovarian, pancreatic, prostate, colon, and lung cancers. Recently, researchers at M.D. Anderson even demonstrated that curcumin has anti- cancer effects against glioma brain cancer cells. This is significant because glioma brain tumors are often deadly. Cellular studies have shown that curcumin can also induce apoptosis in leukemia cells. Several studies are even combining curcumin with conventional thera- pies to help offset side effects and enhance the effectiveness of the overall treatment. Exciting new research from Wayne State University in Detroit, Mich., demonstrated that curcumin enhanced the effectiveness of the che- motherapy agent 5-fluorouracil against colon cancer. They even went so far as to recommend the inclusion of curcumin to this treatment regimen for people with colon cancer. The goal of this research is to lower the dos-
  • 23. I N F L A M M A T I O N 21 age of chemotherapy in those patients with advanced colon cancer. They believe adding curcumin may also prove to help prevent cancer recurrence in these high-risk individuals. Previous cellular studies have shown curcumin to be an effective anti- cancer agent against colon cancer cells. In addition, researchers combined curcumin with radiation therapy and found that curcumin enhanced the anti-tumor effects of radiation by inhibiting angiogenesis and colon can- cer cell proliferation. One of the most difficult to treat and deadly cancers is pancreatic. Often dubbed the “silent killer,” pancreatic cancers are hard to diagnose and of- ten found after they have metastasized (spread) to other parts of the body. Several cellular studies have demonstrated that curcumin can kill pancre- atic cancer cells. In a recent study, also from M.D. Anderson, curcumin was combined with the chemotherapy agent gemcitabine. The researchers concluded that curcumin enhanced the anti-tumor effects of the drug. Prostate cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers in men. Prostate cancer is very treatable unless it has spread beyond the prostate. Researchers from Seoul, South Korea, found in 2006 that curcumin helped prevent the spread of prostate cancer cells. This confirmed earlier research from the University of Minnesota School of Medicine. Breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed among women. Several cellular studies have demonstrated that curcumin is an effective anticancer agent against breast cancer cells. The most exciting research in this area comes from the University of Palermo in Italy. Italian researchers found that curcumin can promote the development of anticancer com- pounds in both chemosensitive and multidrug-resistent cells. Other cancers such as ovarian, lung, and skin have also responded to curcumin therapy. Combining curcumin with chemotherapy proved ef- fective in studies involving lung cancer tissue. A topical curcumin showed benefits in cases of skin tumors. Researchers at M.D. Anderson combined curcumin with the chemotherapy drug docetaxel to successfully kill ovar- ian cancer cells. Curcumin was also shown to kill human leukemia cells, which can be another hard-to-treat cancer. Successful preliminary re- search has been done with curcumin on bladder cancer, as well as head and neck cancer. While more human clinical trials are needed in some cases, it is clear that curcumin has incredible value not only in cancer prevention and treatment, but also in some cases as an effective complementary therapy to conventional treatments. When conventional therapy is needed, offset- ting side effects and enhancing the treatment are absolutely critical. It’s exciting to think that we may have found the answer with curcumin.
  • 24. 22 I N F L A M M A T I O N Cancer Prevention Proactive cancer prevention is essential if we are going to stop the pres- ent epidemic cancer trends. Debra and I have seen an increasing number of people coming to our natural-health store with a cancer diagnosis. To help restore them to optimal health following their illness, we counsel them about diet, nutrition, lifestyle, and dietary supplements. We encour- age the following proactive, anticancer prevention plan: • Eat more fruits and vegetables (five to seven servings per day, with an emphasis on berries), or use a supplement containing black currant, grape seed extract and pine bark extract. • Eat organic foods whenever possible. • Avoid sugar and trans fats, and do not smoke. • Use nontoxic body care products. • Exercise consistently, at least 30 minutes three times weekly, biking, swimming, or walking. • Drink five to seven cups of green tea per day, or take a dietary supplement containing curcumin, green tea, and resveratrol. • As dietary supplements, take resveratrol, omega-3 EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) fatty acids (a natural, whole-food complex with DHA/EPA that is absorbed up to 50 times greater than typical fish oil), and curcumin. • Avoid all alcohol with the exception of an occasional glass of red wine. • Drink fermented milk products such as yogurt or keifer, homemade if possible. Cancer may seem like a daunting illness, but it can be prevented. If you are faced with a cancer diagnosis, you can use a comprehensive approach to treat your illness and help your body heal. Cancer is a daunting illness, but it can be prevented.
  • 25. I N F L A M M A T I O N 23 I ’ve described the amazing power that curcumin can have in prevent- ing and treating the No. 1 and No. 2 killer diseases in North America. But there are other illnesses that can be just as devastating as cancer and heart disease. Fortunately, curcumin shows promise with these condi- tions as well. Diabetes Diabetes has grown to epidemic proportions. Every 10 seconds, two people develop diabetes and one person dies from a diabetes-related cause. It affects nearly 250 million people worldwide. The body makes insulin, a hormone, to convert sugar, starches, and oth- er foods into energy. This is the energy we need to function. Diabetes oc- curs when there is a problem associated with insulin production. Perhaps there is too much, not enough, or some other malfunction. There are two types of diabetes. Type 1 diabetes, previously called juve- nile diabetes, is typically diagnosed in children and young adults. With this type of diabetes, the body does not produce enough insulin. Insulin levels must be carefully monitored with type 1 diabetes. Only about 5 percent to 10 percent of Americans have type 1 diabetes, which is believed to have some genetic component. The most common diabetes is type 2. It is believed that lifestyle factors are the primary cause of type 2 dia- betes, with the most dangerous risk factors being obesity and lack of ex- ercise. With type 2 diabetes, the body does not produce enough insulin or the cells in our body ignore the insulin and, therefore, do not get the energy they need. After we eat, the sugar and starch components are broken down into glucose or sugar molecules that are used for energy. If our cells don’t rec- ognize these molecules because of a diabetic malfunction, they will build up in the blood stream. This is known as insulin resistance and can cause all kinds of problems. Curcumin helps people with type 2 diabetes in two ways. As an anti- inflammatory and antioxidant agent, it will help correct insulin resistance and improve insulin sensitivity so the cells can recognize and utilize glu- cose. Most importantly, clinical studies have demonstrated that curcumin can alleviate or lessen the side effects associated with type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes can bring with it a variety of serious complications including Chapter Three: Other Conditions
  • 26. 24 I N F L A M M A T I O N heart disease, blindness, nerve damage, and kidney failure. Researchers at Wayne State University in Detroit, Mich., found that curcumin inhibited the development of diabetic nerve damage in animals. Preliminary data demonstrates that curcumin has the potential to actu- ally reverse insulin resistance and prevent the progression of type 2 diabe- tes. This is an exciting area of research. Alzheimer’s Disease When an older individual experiences memory loss and other intellec- tual capabilities, it is known as dementia. Alzheimer’s-type dementia is a progressive, fatal brain disease that destroys brain cells, causing memory problems and severe behavioral issues. There is no known cure for Al- zheimer’s as it progressively gets worse. According to the Alzheimer’s As- sociation, it is the seventh-leading cause of death in the United States. Conversely, in India, where turmeric is a staple of the diet, Alzheimer’s is much more rare, affecting less than 1 percent of the population. While we don’t know exactly what causes Alzheimer’s, we do know that some forms of dementia are caused by reduced blood flow to the brain. For this reason, any cure or treatment must successfully pass the blood- brain barrier. Animal studies have already demonstrated that curcumin not only passes the blood-brain barrier, it also reduces inflammation in the brain and can help prevent brain degeneration. The most exciting research involving curcumin and Alzheimer’s is com- ing from a collaboration between UCLA and the Veterans Administration. Greg Cole, PhD, associate director of research at the UCLA Alzheimer Dis- ease Center, is leading this progressive research involving patients with Alzheimer’s disease. In fact, Cole’s curcumin research has been cited in a variety of mainstream publications including Newsweek and Consumer Reports. In addition to curcumin, Cole and his team are also evaluating the effects of DHA, an important omega-3 essential fatty acid. “Recent successful studies in animal models support a growing interest in [curcumin’s] possible use for diseases of aging involving damage and inflammation like Alzheimer’s, cancer, and heart disease,” concludes Cole. He says, “We have found that the yellow pigment in turmeric, curcumin, can act at multiple steps in Alzheimer pathogenesis to stop and even re- verse damage.” His research is providing us with human clinical trials, which is an important missing link regarding curcumin and Alzheimer’s. Arthritis Data from 2005 released by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in- dicated that one in five American adults received a doctor diagnosis of
  • 27. I N F L A M M A T I O N 25 some form of arthritis. Arthritis is recognized as a leading cause of dis- ability in the United States. There are two main types of arthritis, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid ar- thritis. Osteoarthritis is the most common type, and it occurs when the cartilage in the joints breaks down. It typically affects the knees, hips, spine, and hands. Key contributors to osteoarthritis are injury to a joint, wear and tear that comes with aging, and being overweight because it puts extra pressure on the joints. The primary treatment for osteoarthritis is with anti-inflammatory drugs and eventually surgery to replace the damaged joint. Curcumin is an effective and safe treatment for osteoarthritis. Curcumin is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent without the side effects. Most anti-inflammatory prescription and over-the-counter drugs cause stomach problems and also joint damage (I know that sounds odd, but over time, these drugs can far worsen the problem even though they provide immediate pain relief). Cole and his UCLA research team report that curcumin is often referred to as “Asian aspirin” because of its effective traditional applications in Chinese medicine. In 2006, researchers from the Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center in Israel found that combining curcumin with a COX-2 inhibitor (celecoxib) en- abled them to reduce the medication to “lower and safer concentrations.” Anti-inflammatory drugs known as corticosteroids are also used to treat arthritis. Unfortunately, these drugs are associated with serious side effects including glaucoma, high blood pressure, menstrual irregularities, weight gain, mood swings, and slow wound healing. Curcumin provides a safe alternative to corticosteroids. While rheumatoid arthritis begins by affecting the joints, it is com- pletely different than osteoarthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is considered an autoimmune disease, which means the body’s immune system tissues attack themselves. This results in pain, swelling, stiffness, and loss of joint function. Rheumatoid arthritis can become so severe it affects other parts of the body such as the eyes and lungs. Researchers from the University of British Columbia in Canada wanted to study curcumin for rheumatoid arthritis because of its “antioxidant, an- ti-proliferative, anti-inflammatory, and immuno-modulating activities.” They found that curcumin offers therapeutic treatment potential for rheu- matoid arthritis, which can be more difficult to treat than osteoarthritis. In cases of arthritis, diet and lifestyle must be evaluated. Maintaining a healthy weight and getting exercise before the arthritis takes hold is criti- cal. In cases of rheumatoid arthritis, food allergies can sometimes be an issue. Using a comprehensive treatment plan is important in both cases.
  • 28. 26 I N F L A M M A T I O N Inflammatory Bowel Disorders Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis are chronic inflammatory bowel disorders that affect millions of people. According to the National Insti- tutes of Health, in 2002, 169,000 people were hospitalized for inflamma- tory bowel disorders, with 62 percent of those cases related to Crohn’s. Both conditions can vary in their severity, waxing and waning some- times over a lifetime. They share common symptoms including diarrhea, bloody stools, weight loss, abdominal pain, fever, and fatigue. Ulcerative colitis is inflammation of the large intestine, while Crohn’s is inflamma- tion of the digestive tract and can affect any part of that system from the mouth to the anus. The common theme with both conditions is inflammation. The key to both conditions and to any inflammatory bowel issue is to control inflammation. When inflammation is controlled, there are no symptoms. Alleviating inflammation also helps heal the colon and digestive tract. The connection with curcumin and inflammatory bowel disorders is clear. In animal studies, curcumin reduced colon damage. Curcumin also improved symptoms associated with these two conditions including im- proved body weight and reduced loose/bloody stools. In cases of bowel disorders, it is important to have a healthy amount of gut flora (the good bacteria). I recommend using a quality probiotic. Probiotics are designed to repopulate the good bacteria that we need and kill the bad bacteria that can harm us. Bad bacteria can also increase in- flammation of the intestinal lining. Probiotics and curcumin can also be effective in easing irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). This condition is associated with an irritated intestinal tract that causes gas, bloating, abdominal pain, and intermittent diarrhea and constipation. It is one of the most common bowel disorders with one in 10 Americans displaying symptoms of IBS. According to researchers at Georgetown University Hospital, “Despite its prevalence, IBS is often under-diagnosed.” Asthma And Others When the airways in the lungs become inflamed and swollen, a condi- tion known as asthma develops. As the airways become more narrow, it becomes difficult to breathe and can cause wheezing, coughing, and tight- ness in the chest. This is known as an asthma attack. Asthma attacks are the most common reason children visit the emergency room. Lung disorders are actually more common than we may think. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) occurs when lungs become dam-
  • 29. I N F L A M M A T I O N 27 aged. Conditions such as emphysema and chronic bronchitis fall into the COPD category. This is primarily due to smoking. However, other lung irritants such as pollution, dust, or chemicals can also cause or contribute to COPD. Difficulty breathing is the primary concern with COPD as it af- fects the tiny air sacs in the lungs. Anti-inflammatory drugs known as corticosteroids are often used to treat both of these lung conditions. As mentioned previously, these drugs are riddled with side effects and, if possible, should be avoided. In addi- tion, many individuals with inflammatory lung conditions are resistant to steroid treatment. A 2008 study from the University of Rochester Medi- cal Center in Rochester, New York, found that curcumin’s ability to treat COPD is due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity. The re- searchers confirm that corticosteroids have failed to help many asthmatics and people with COPD, and they feel curcumin may prove to be an effec- tive treatment for these individuals. Certainly curcumin is a safer choice. The Super Spice We have seen time and time again that modern medicine treats chronic disease symptomatically—treating the result rather than the underlying cause. There is no question that pain relief is important. But what if we could get pain relief and ease inflammation without the side effects that come with many drugs? What if we could actually heal the underlying cause of these chronic illnesses? Scientists have discovered that the root cause of most chronic illnesses is due to oxidative damage and/or inflammation. This is true for heart dis- ease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, and many others. Even obesity is now considered to have some type of inflammatory component. I understand that I have gone over a long list of conditions that can benefit from curcumin. At first I, too, was skeptical. But after researching the mechanisms of action, the multiple pathways, and the powerful one- two punch of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action, it made perfect sense to me. I’ve also discovered that curcumin is not perfect and all forms of cur- cumin are not created equal. Special care must be taken when choosing the most effective curcumin dietary supplement. The key is to control inflammation.
  • 30. 28 I N F L A M M A T I O N I was proud to be instrumental in helping to bring herbal standardiza- tion to the United States. In fact, I always insisted that, when possible, herbal extracts be standardized to the exact percentage used in the scientific studies. I feel strongly that dietary supplements must be held to a high level of scientific excellence. This means specific attention must be paid to concentration, absorption, and efficacy. When it comes to natural substances, I have spent my entire career find- ing ways to take something good and make it better. This is a common bond I shared with the researchers I met in India who are applying this same principle to curcumin. Making Curcumin Perfect There are numerous studies confirming that curcumin has an amazing range of bioactivity against a wide range of illnesses. Many studies have also demonstrated that curcumin is safe even at very high dosages. So what’s the problem? As it turns out, curcumin isn’t rapidly absorbed in the human body, which makes bioavailability an issue. For example, I have described how cellular studies have clearly shown that curcumin can directly kill cancer cells. However, if curcumin can’t do that in the human body, we have a substance that is virtually useless. Bio- availability has been the key obstacle to performing human clinical trials. We really need more human clinical trials if something is to have broad appeal and help a wide range of people. An interesting part of the curcumin story is that animal studies show desired results even at small dosages. This is because there are major dif- ferences between animals and humans in the metabolism of many sub- stances. Therefore, the question of curcumin absorption remains unclear. There is no denying that considerable metabolism of curcumin occurs in the body after ingestion. There have been some attempts to increase curcumin’s bioavailability. Some researchers have isolated curcumin ana- logs or sub-particles, such as dimethoxycurcumin. However, in most cas- es, the entire curcumin molecule with its 100-plus known constituents is proving to be more active. Binding curcumin with piperine, an alkaloid of black pepper, will in- crease its absorption. Another strategy has been discovered by researchers Chapter Four: The Right Choice
  • 31. I N F L A M M A T I O N 29 in India. Through a proprietary patented process, they have combined mi- cronized curcumin with important phospholipids and tumeric essential oils to create a curcumin that is not only better absorbed, it is eight times stronger. This curcumin extract, known simply as CRX 791, has also been shown to be seven times stronger than the curcumin/pepper combina- tion. It’s true that the sum is greater than the individual parts. Dosage In order for curcumin to be effective, especially when dealing with a serious illness, the dosage often needs to be high. In some cases, studies were conducted using as much as 3 ounces of turmeric. That’s a lot of tur- meric. In dietary supplement form, that’s also a lot of pills. What to Look For With 40 years experience in the health industry, I have had the privilege to develop more than 300 different nutritional formulations. As with any nutritional substance, quality is the only factor that makes a difference between a highly effective formulation as opposed to one that wastes time Curcumin: the medicine of the future.
  • 32. 30 I N F L A M M A T I O N and money. The research scientists that I visited in India have discovered a micronized curcumin extract bound to phospholipids and essential oils. This new form of curcumin is much stronger than any other form. For ex- ample, 600 mg of this new curcumin extract equals 4,000 mg of any other form of curcumin and 85,000 mg of tumeric. The most effective way to alleviate pain and inflammation is to combine curcumin with boswellia, another powerful anti-inflammatory Indian herb. This should also be combined with dl Phenylanine (DLPA) for its feel-good anti-depressive effects and enhanced endorphine activity. Nattokinase is also important because it improves blood flow to the inflamed areas. Much research is based on the following formula: Each 2 capsules: Proprietary EP612 complex....1,005 mg Containing curcumin, curcuminoid, boswellia, DLPA (dl Phenylanine), nattokinase. Final Thoughts It’s obvious that I believe a concentrated curcumin extract can help al- leviate suffering and prevent illness. I believe it will turn out to be one of the most significant natural-healing discoveries of our time. But that is not to say that this is the magic bullet for which we have longed. Curcumin must be used responsibly as a part of a healthful diet, health-promoting lifestyle, and quality dietary supplement program. As a part of this potent wellness plan, curcumin can provide powerful support to anyone looking for great health and vitality. Selected References: Aggarwal S, et al. Curcumin (diferuloylmethane) down-regulates expression of cell proliferation and antiapoptotic and metastatic gene products through suppression of IkappaBalpha kinase and Akt activation. Mol Pharmacol 69(1):195-206, Oct 2005. Aggarwal BB, Kumar A, Bharti AC. Anticancer potential of curcumin: preclinical and clinical studies. Anticancer Res 23(1A):363-98, Jan-Feb 2003. Anand P, et al. Curcumin and cancer: An “old-age” disease with an “age-old” solution. Cancer Letter, May 5, 2008. Aoki H, et al. Evidence that curcumin suppresses the growth of malignant gliomas in vitro and in vivo through induction of autophagy: role of Akt and extracellular signal-regulated kinase signaling pathways. Mol Pharmacol 72(1):29-39, Jul 2007. Arafa HM. Curcumin attenuates diet-induced hypercholesterolemia in rats. Med Sci Monit 11(7):228-234 July 2005.
  • 33. I N F L A M M A T I O N 31 Begum AN, et al. Curcumin structure-function, bioavailability and efficacy in models of neuroinflammation and Alzheimer’s. J Pharmacol Exp Ther, Apr 16, 2008. Biswas S, Rahman I. Modulation of steroid activity in chronic inflammation: A novel anti-inflammatory role for curcumin. Mol Nutr Food Res, Mar 2008. Chainani-Wu N. Safety and anti-inflammatory activity of curcumin: a component of tumeric (Curcuma longa). J Altern Complement Med 9(1):161-8, Feb 2003. Chen A, Xu J, Johnson AC. Curcumin inhibits human colon cancer cell growth by suppressing gene expression of epidermal growth factor receptor through reducing the activity of the transcription factor Egr-1. Oncogene 25(2):278-87, Jan 2006. Cole GM, et al. NSAID and antioxidant prevention of Alzheimer’s disease: lessons from in vitro and animal models. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1035:68-84, Dec 2004. Holy J. Curcumin inhibits cell motility and alters microfilament organization and function in prostate cancer cells. Cell Motil Cytoskeleton 58(4):253-68, Aug 2004. Hong JH, et al. The effects of curcumin on the invasiveness of prostate cancer in vitro and in vivo. Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis 9(2):147-42, Jan 2006. Jackson JK, et al. The antioxidants curcumin and quercetin inhibit inflammatory processes associated with arthritis. Inflamm Res 55(4):168-75, Apr 2006. Jagetia GC, Aggarwal BB. “Spicing up” of the immune system by curcumin. J Clin Immunol 27(1):19-35, Jan 2007. Kowluru RA, Kanwar M. Effects of curcumin on retinal oxidative stress and inflammation in diabetes. Nutr Metab 4:8, Apr 2007. Kunnumakkara AB, et al. Curcumin potentiates antitumor activity of gemcitabine in an orthotopic model of pancreatic cancer through suppression of proliferation, angiogenesis, and inhibition of nuclear factor-kappaB-regulated gene products. Cancer Res 67(8):3853- 61, Apr 2007. Kunnumakkara AB, et al. Curcumin sensitizes human colorectal cancer xenografts in nude mice to gamma-radiation by targeting nuclear factor-kappaB-regulated gene products. Clin Cancer Res 14(7):2128-36, Apr 2008. Lev-Ari S, et al. Curcumin augments gemcitabine cytotoxic effect on pancreatic adenocarcinoma cell lines. Cancer Invest 25(6):411-8, Sept 2007. Lev-Ari S, et al. Curcumin synergistically potentiates the growth-inhibitory and proapoptotic effects of celecoxib in osteoarthritis synovial adherent cells. Rheumatology 45(2):171-7, Feb 2006. Lim GP, et al. The curry spice curcumin reduces oxidative damage and amyloid pathology in an Alzheimer transgenic mouse. Journal of Neuroscience 21(21):8370-7, Nov 2001. Lin YG, et al. Curcumin inhibits tumor growth and angiogenesis in ovarian carcinoma by targeting the nuclear factor-kappaB pathway. Clin Cancer Res 13(11):3423-30, Jun 2007.
  • 34. 32 I N F L A M M A T I O N Moragoda L, Jaszewski R, Majumdar AP. Curcumin induced modulation of cell cycle and apoptosis in gastric and colon cancer cells. Anticancer Research 21(2A):873-8, Mar/Apr 2001. Patel BB, et al. Curcumin enhances the effects of 5-flourouracil and oxaliplatin in mediating growth inhibition of colon cancer cells by modulating EGFR and IGF-1R. International Journal of Cancer 122(2):267-2, Jan 2008. Poma P, et al. The activities of curcumin and of its isoxazole analogue are not affected by multiple gene expression changes in an MDR model of the MCF-7 breast cancer cell line: analysis of the possible molecular basis. Int J Mol Med 20(3):329-35, Sept 2007. Shankar S, et al. Curcumin sensitizes TRAIL-resistant xenografts: molecular mechanisms of apoptosis, metastasis, and angiogenesis. Mol Cancer 7:16, Jan 2008. Shishodia S, Sethi G, Aggarwal BB. Curcumin: getting back to the roots. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1056:206-17, Nov 2005. Steward WP, Geshcher AJ. Curcumin in cancer management: Recent results of analogue design and clinical studies and desirable future research. Mol Nutr Food Res, Jan 2008. Sun M, et al. Curcumin (diferuloylmethane) alters the expression profiles of microRNAs in human pancreatic cancer cells. Mol Cancer Ther 7(3):464-73, Mar 2008. Published studies provided by the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health Educational news articles on a variety of health concerns The author’s website Consumer medical news provided by News-Medical.Net The website of the American Heart Association Information on the research done by Greg Cole, PhD, with UCLA, involving curcumin and Alzheimer’s patients Website for the Centers for Disease Control IBS article by Georgetown University Hospital
  • 35. CHECK OUT ANOTHER BETTER NUTRITION HEALTHY LIVING GUIDE TODAY! This booklet is a part of the Better Nutrition Healthy Living Guide series. For more information about other topics in this series, visit your local independent health food store or visit us online.
  • 36. N early every major illness can be linked to a common contributor—inflammation. If we can ease chronic, internal inflammation, we can help prevent and treat cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's, and more. There is amazing research available on the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of cur- cumin, the active compound in the spice turmeric. Natural health veteran Terry Lemerond has traveled extensively to uncover the true healing power of curcumin. He shares exciting new research from India, as well as scientific validation from M.D. Anderson Cancer Center and other prestigious research centers here in the United States. Lemerond shows readers how to ease inflammation, alleviate pain, and boost immunity. Terry Lemerond has more than 40 years’ experience in the health food industry. Terry is the recipient of the 2008 Natural Products Association Industry Champion Award, which recognizes individuals who have made notable contributions to the natural products industry above and beyond commercial success. Terry has created more than 300 formulations and has tremendous expe- rience and knowledge in developing natural products. Terry's mission is to introduce revolutionary natural products that will improve the health of Americans. ABOUT THE AUTHOR OF THIS BOOKLET: INFLAMMATION magazine presentsmagazine presents SPICE UP Your HEALTH! magazine presents