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Imam husain (as) 
The Third Imam 
Name: Al-Hussain ibn Ali 
Father: ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) the first Imam 
Mother: Fatimah az-Zahra (a.s.), the daughter of the Holy Prophet 
Kunniyat (Patronymic): Abu 'Abdillah. 
Birth: He was born in Madina in the month of Shaban in the year 4 
Martyrdom: He was martyred with his companions by the army of 
Yazid in the month of Muharram 61 A.H. His tomb is in Karbala, 
Siblings: Hasan ibn Ali, Abbas ibn Ali, Zaynab bint Ali
Second son of Fatima (sa) and ‘Ali (as) Husain (as) was 
born on 3rd Shabaan, 4th year of Hijri (10.1.626 AD). 
When the good news of his birth reached the 
Holy Prophet,(saw) he came to his daughter's 
house, took the newly-born child in his arms, 
recited adhan and iqamah in his right and left 
ears respectively and named him al-Husain(as), 
in compliance with Allah's (Swt) command.
Husayn’s status with the All mighty 
On the very day when Imam Husain(as) was born, Allah ordered angel Jibrail to 
descend and congratulate the Holy Prophet(saw) 
While descending, Jibrail passed over an island where the angel Futrus had been 
banished, due to his delay in executing a commission assigned by ALLAH (swt). He was 
deprived of his wings and expelled to the island where he remained for several years 
praying and worshipping ALLAH (swt) and asking for His forgiveness. 
"When the angel Futrus saw Jibrail, he inquired to where he was going. When Jibrail 
replied: “Husain (as) the grandson of Muhammad is born, and for this very reason 
Allah has commanded me to convey His congratulations to His Apostle.” 
Thereupon, the angel requested: “ Can you carry me also along with you? Maybe 
Muhammad (saw) will vouch for my case to Allah.” 
Jibrail took Futrus along with him, came to the Holy Prophet, offered congratulations 
to him on behalf of ALLAH (swt) and himself and referred the case of the angel to him. 
The Holy Prophet said to Jibrail : “Ask the angel to touch the body of the newly-born 
child and return to his place in Heaven.” 
On doing this, the angel’s wings were restored by ALLAH’s (swt) command .
The sad revelation 
However, angel Jibrail also brought some very sad 
news that he conveyed to the holy Prophet. The 
Prophet’s eyes became tearful and his happiness 
turned into mourning. 
The holy prophet Informed Imam Ali (as) and he too 
began weeping. 
When Fatima Zahra(as) inquired why was there 
weeping instead of happiness, the Prophet gently 
told her: “Jibrail descended from Heaven and with 
the message of congratulations on the birth of your 
holy son. He also revealed the painful news of the 
martyrdom of my precious grandson Husain (as) 
thirsty and hungry in the far off plains of Karbala "
ALLAH’s Promise 
• Fatima Zahra(as) began to weep uncontrollably. 
• She inquired: “"O my father! when would my son 
be martyred?“ 
• The Holy Prophet replied “ When neither I nor you, 
nor Ali or Hassan would be alive.“ 
• she inquired again,"Who then, O my father, would 
weep over my Hussain? 
• The Holy Prophet said:"The men and the women 
of a particular sect of my followers, who will 
befriend my Ahlul-bayt, will mourn for Husain and 
commemorate his martyrdom each year in every 
Predicting Karbala 
• A Report from the wife of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) 
Umme Umme Salma, says that The Angel Jibrail brought 
some soil from the land of Karbala saying "This handful of 
soil is a trust with you." The Prophet (saw) smelt the soil 
and said, "This soil smells of sadness, calamity and 
• Umme Salma further adds, "The Holy Prophet (S) then 
told me : "O Umme Salma! When this soil turns into 
blood, you will know that my son has been martyred." 
• The narrator says, "Umme Salma poured the soil in a 
bottle and she used to look at it every day and say, "O 
soil! The day you turn into blood shall be a great day (of 
Verses of the holy Quran about Hussain(as) 
Imam Hussain (as) was still a child when several verses of the Holy Quran were 
revealed either about or referring to him. One of those verses is referred to as the 
verse of Mubahilah 
• If any one disputes in this matter with you, now after (full) 
knowledge Has come to you, say: "Come! let us gather together,- 
our sons and your sons, our women and your women, ourselves and 
yourselves: Then let us earnestly pray, and invoke the curse of Allah 
on those who lie!"(3:61). 
On the day ofMubahilah when a spiritual contest between Prophet 
Muhammad(saw) and the Christians of Najran was set up to invoke the curse of 
Allah (SWT) on the liars, Hussain (as) and his family were the only ones 
accompanying the Prophet. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) had orders from 
Almighty Allah (SWT) through the verse of Mubahilah to take Hassan and 
Hussain (PBUT) as his sons with him.
• Hussain (as) was one of the five people in regards to whom the verse 
of Tat'hir (Purification) was revealed. He, his father, brother, and 
mother were under the Prophet's cloak when Allah (SWT) revealed to 
His Messenger: 
Allah surely wants to keep the sin away from you, O People of the 
House! And to purify you an absolute purification. 
(The Holy Quran, 33:33) 
This verse of the Holy Quran is clear proof of the 
infallibility of this family and their separation from 
all sins and mistakes.
In another verse, Allah (SWT) commands all Muslims to love those 
closely related to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP): 
"Say: I do not ask of you any reward for it but love 
for my near relatives?" 
(The Holy Quran, 42:32) 
When the companions asked Prophet 
Muhammad(saw) who these "near relatives" were, 
the Prophet (saw) replied: "They are Ali, Fatimah 
and their two children."
Imam Husayn’s childhood 
Hussain (as) spent his childhood with Lady Fatima 
Zahra (as), Imam Ali (as), and especially with Prophet 
Muhammad (saw). 
The love and affection Prophet Muhammad (saw) had 
towards Hussain (as) was so unique that all the 
companions were aware of it, had frequently seen the 
Prophet express it, and evenhad heard him speak of 
it repeatedly.
The extent of the love of Husayn (as) by 
Prophet (saww) 
In one account it has been said that the Prophet's 
prostration took longer than usual in his prayer. 
People came to the Prophet and asked, "Were you 
receiving a revelation or order from Allah during 
prostration?" Prophet Muhammad (saww) replied, 
"No, my son Hussain had climbed onto my back; I 
waited until he wished to come down." This is an 
example showing how the best creature of 
Allah(SWT) treated Hussain (as) while he was in the 
best state of worship.
The Prophet’s flowers 
The companions had seen Prophet 
Muhammad (saw) repeatedly put Hassan (as) and 
Hussain (as) on his shoulders and play with them. At 
other times he would kiss Hussain (as) and say: 
"Hussain is from me, and I am from Hussain. May 
Allah love him who loves Hussain.“ 
In other traditions the Prophet would say, "Hassan (as) 
and Hussain (as) are my two aromatic flowers from 
this world."
Prophet Muhammad (saww) said: 
"Hassan and Hussain are masters of the youth in 
heaven. Whosoever loves them has loved me, and 
whosoever has animosity with them, is my enemy." 
"You came to awareness by me; you found the right path 
and were guided by Ali; you were given blessings 
through Hassan; but your eternal salvation is with 
Hussain. Be aware that Hussain is a door from the doors 
of heaven. Whosoever has animosity towards him can 
never enter heaven."
Zeid, the son of Harith, narrates: 
I wanted to go see the Prophet (S.A.W.) regarding a task. I went to his house at night and 
knocked on the door. The Prophet (S.A.W.) opened the door, while he had something 
hidden under his cloak. I told him about my task and when we were finished, I asked 
him: "O' the Messenger of Allah, what do you have under your cloak?" 
He opened his cloak and showed Hassan (as) and Hussain (as). He said, "These are my 
children and the children of my daughter." At that moment the Prophet (S.A.W.) looked 
towards the sky and said: 
"O Allah! You are aware that I love these two children, so You love them too, and love 
those who love these two 
The Prophet (S.A.W.) was invited to dinner. As he was walking with his 
companions, he saw his little grandson, Imam Hussain (A.S.) playing in 
the valley. The Prophet (S.A.W.) went forward to grab him, but he ran 
away childishly. With a gentle smile on his face, the Prophet (S.A.W.) 
started running after him until he finally caught him. He then put a 
hand around the Imams neck, another hand under his chin, and 
kissed him. The Prophet (S.A.W.) then said: "Hussain is from me and I am 
from Hussain. May Allah love that person who loves Hussain."
Husain’s early years 
Unfortunately, the sweet years of Hussain's 
childhood were soon over. He was about seven years 
old when the Prophet departed from this world. 
The Prophet’s followers and companions began 
jostling for power and position and completely 
ignored his sayings and commandments
Prophet’s message is ignored when he passes 
The Prophet's burial ceremony was not over yet, when the conspiracies 
were applied to rob the caliphate from Ali,(as) -Husain’s (as)father. 
People ignored all the numerous commandments and 
recommendations the Holy Prophet had made in regards to his 
The great event of Ghadir had been disregarded and 
ignored, and despite Prophet Muhammad's (saw) frequent 
emphasis on Ali (as) as his successor, his right for Islamic 
governorship was usurped. 
Even Fadak, a fertile land given by the Prophet to his 
daughter, was seized from the Prophet's family by the 
The Prophet's (saw) beloved Husain(as) witnessed the harms and injuries caused upon his mother-Fatima (as) 
over the conflicts of allegiance, and as a result, lost his mother at the age of eight because of the crisis. 
The loss of his grandfather and mother on the one hand, and the oppression metted upon his father on the 
other hand, were bothered Hussain' (as) dearly
During this turbulent time Hussain (as), followed the 
path of Ali (as) and was determined to defend truth 
with any opportunity he received, even though he 
was in his youth. 
He would warn people, in the best of manners, about 
the alterations made to Islam after the demise of his 
grandfather Prophet Muhammad (saw). 
In one of the cases for example, the third Caliph had 
exiled Abu Dhar, a close companion of the Prophet. 
Although the Caliph had banned anyone from 
meeting Abu Dhar, Imam Ali (as) Hassan(as), and 
Hussain (as) all went to bid farewell to Abu Dhar to 
express their support to this companion.
Hussain (as) was about 32 when the authority over 
Muslims was handed back to its rightful owner, as 
people paid their allegiance to imam Ali(as). 
After some time, Imam Ali (as) migrated 
to Kufah with his sons, and therein established the 
new capital of the Islamic government. During the 
span of his father's rule, Hussain (as) was a true 
supporter and close assistant to his Imam and father 
in all political and military stages. He showed his 
utmost respect to his father and remained obedient 
to his commands at all times. 
Trained by the best 
Hussain (as) was trained and raised by the greatest 
defender of Islam-his father. From him he learnt the true 
art of fighting with courage and bravery. 
Hussain (as) was totally involved in the three wars during 
his father's reign. 
• In the battle of Jamal, Hussain (as) was responsible for 
commanding the left side of the army of Ali (as). 
• He also achieved the first victory for the army of 
Ali (as) in the battle of Siffin, where he and his 
companions freed the river Euphrates from the 
clutches of Muawiya- son of Abu Sufyan 
• He was a witness in the arbitration between Muawiya 
and his father, Imam Ali (as).
Imam Ali (as) was martyred in the mosque of Kufa, on 
January 27, 661 AD. 
Imam Hassan (as), by the will of ALLAH (SWT) and the 
recommendations of Pr. Muhammad (saw), became the 
2nd Imam and leader of the Muslims. 
He took the responsibility in leading the Islamic 
society and in preaching the religion of Allah (SWT)
The greatest supporter of Imam Hassan(as) 
• As in the case of his father, Hussain (as), continued to obey and 
respect his brother, while remaining firmly obedient to him in 
even the smallest matters. 
• His manners and obedience towards his brother was so 
exemplary that historians have acknowledged and recorded 
many of the cases. In one example, they have recorded a 
narration from Imam Baqir (as) as follows: "Due to the high 
respect that Imam Hussain (as) held for his brother, he 
refrained from walking ahead of or talking before his brother, 
Imam Hassan (as).“ 
• When Imam Hassan(as) was chastised when he signed the 
peace treaty with Muawiya, it was Imam Hussain(as) who was 
the rock of support. He firmly believed that peace at that 
time, was the key factor in Islam's preservation. 
Hussain(as) becomes Imam 
After the peace treaty, Imams hassan (as) and 
Hussain(as) moved from Kufah to Medina, their birth 
place . 
In Medina, they continued to educate, enlighten, 
interpret, and explain the commandments of 
ALLAH (SWT) to the people. Not long after, however, 
Imam Hassan (as) was poisoned and martyred by his 
own wife on the urging of Muawiya. 
As Imam Hassan (as) departed this world, the divine 
position of Imamate was once again passed to the 
most deserving. His brother Hussain (as) became the 
next Imam in Islam.
Imam hassan (as) poisoned by his wife
Muawiya’s conspiracy 
• Imam Husayn (as) was Imam for a period of ten years, 
all but the last six months coinciding with the 
caliphate of Muawiya. 
• Imam Husayn (as) lived under the most difficult 
outward conditions of suppression and persecution, 
because religious laws and regulations had lost 
much of their weight and credit, because of 
Muawia’s Umayyad government in power. 
• Secondly, Muawiya and his aides made use of every 
possible means to shove awaythe Household of the 
Prophet (saw) and the Shias, and thus destroy the 
name of Ali (as) and his family.
Muawiya’s evil plan 
Muawiya wanted to bequeath the caliphate to his 
son, Yazid, who because of his lack of principles and 
morals was opposed by a large group of Muslims. 
Therefore, in order to quell all opposition, Muawiya 
had implemented severe measures. Imam Hussain 
(as)thus had to endure these days and to tolerate 
every kind of mental and spiritual agony and affliction 
forced on him by Muawiya and his aides.,until 60 
A.H., when Muawiya died and his son Yazid took his 
Demanding the pledge of allegiance 
• Muawiya had asked the distinguished among the 
people to give their allegiance of support to Yazid, but 
had not imposed this request upon Imam Husayn(as) 
• He had especially advised Yazid in his last will that if 
Hussain(as) refused to pay allegiance to him, he should 
pass over it in silence, as Muawiya knew the 
consequences which would follow if the issue were to 
be pressed. 
• But because of his egoism and recklessness, Yazid 
ignored his father's advice and immediately after the 
death of his father ordered the governor of Medina 
either to force a pledge of allegiance from Imam Husayn 
(as) or send his head to Damascus.
The governor of Medina summoned Imam Husayn(as) and 
informed him of the death of Muawiya and also demanded 
his allegiance to his heir apparent-his son Yazid. Imam did not 
answer immediately, but asked for time. 
One of Yazid’s advisors- Marwan wanted an immediate 
answer and urged the governor to kill Imam Hussayn (as), 
Imam knew what would happen and he went prepared. He 
made a signal and Imam’s brother Abbas and son Akbar 
appeared from outside scaring off Marwan and his soldiers. 
Imam Hussain (as) knew that this was not going to end and to 
avoid bloodshed, decided to leave Madina for Makkah
Imam Hussain (as) had a lengthy conversation with his 
eldest brother Muhammad Ibn Hanafiyyah, who, wanted to 
accompany him on this fateful journey. Imam, however, told 
him to stay and send him the reports of everyday events that 
passed in Madina during his absence.
The second person was Zainab (as) his younger sister, the wife of Abdullah son of Ja'far. When 
she saw that Imam Hussain's decision was final she pleaded, with tears in her eyes, as she 
spoke to him : 
"Dear brother! After Grandfather, father, Mother and Brother Hassan (as), only you remain to 
console my heart and of all of them it is only you who are left. I cannot bear your separation. 
How can I stay here with unbearable worry and anxiety about what may happen? Is it not 
possible that I might be of some service to you if I come along?" 
Imam Hussain (as) replied: "No sister. You are a woman with a house, husband and 
children to take care of. I am not the one to decide about your affairs. It is Abdullah 
son of Ja'far who can give you the permission. As to myself, I have no alternative but to 
Abdullah (who was ill) agreed to Zainab's accompanying her brother on the journey. 
Not only this, he sent two of his sons Aun and Muhammad to accompany her by 
saying; "Aun will represent his maternal Grandfather Imam Ali (as) and Muhammad 
will represent his paternal Grandfather Ja'far-e-Tayyar." 
Not more than a few hours were left for his departure when for the last 
time he visited the graves of his Grandfather, the Holy Prophet 
Muhammad (as), his mother, Bibi Fatima (as) & his brother Imam 
Hassan Mujtaba (as).
Just before Imam Hussain (as) left Madina, Ummul 
Banin the mother of Abbas (as). Summoned all her four 
sons (Abbas, Abdulla, Ja'far and Uthman) and said to 
"My sons you must remember that, Imam Hussain (as) is 
your Master. If Imam or his sisters or his children get 
injured or hurt while you are still alive, I will never 
forgive you." 
There were tears in Abbas's eyes as he promised his 
mother that he and his brothers would lay down their 
lives for Imam Hussain (as) and his children.
4 MAY 680 AD- Sensing danger from Yazid’s 
henchmen, Hussain (as) leaves his beloved home town 
of Madina, in the company of his family and friends 
and heads towards Mecca. 
9th MAY 680 AD- Hussain (as) arrives in Mecca. 
Whilst there, he receives thousands of letters of 
support from the people of the city of Kufa, inviting 
him to go to Kufa.
Imam Hussain(as) forced to leave Mecca 
9th JULY 680 Imam Hussain (as) as the Imam of the 
time has to respond to the invitation and thus sends 
his cousin Muslim Bin Aqil to Kufa. Muslim arrives to 
a massive welcome and sends word to Hussain (as) that 
Kufans support him. 
Meanwhile Imam learns that Yazid has sent his 
agents to kill him in Mecca. To avoid bloodshed on 
sacred land, Hussain (as) leaves Mecca, accompanied 
by his family and friends, in the middle of the Hajj 
ceremonies and journeys towards Kufa.
Ibn Ziyad tricks the Kufans into abandoning 
Muslim Ibn Aqil 
While Hussain(as) is en route to Kufa, Yazid’s 
henchman ibn Ziyad, enters Kufa and threatens the 
families of those supporting Hussain (as). He sends his 
people to the homes of the kufans and scares the 
wives that their husbands and sons will all be killed 
and they will lose their source of income. 
The strategy works and the women pull their family 
members one by one. Eventually Muslim bin Aqil is 
left alone, he is hunted down and martyred at the 
hands of Ibn Ziyad.
• October 1 680 AD Imam Hussain (as) his family and 
followers are accosted by Yazid’s 1,000 strong army 
led by Hurr. Hurr was under orders not to let Imam 
reach Kufa. 
• Hurr and his army’ water supply had run out and they 
were thirsty . When the Imam noted this, he asked his 
followers to give them and their horses some water to 
quench their thirst, knowing that the same enemy will 
deny him water in the days to come-such was the 
magnanimity of Hussain(as) 
• Eventually the caravan moves forward until Imam 
Hussain’s (as) horse stops at a desolate place and refuses 
to go further. Imam (as) knows that this is his final 
destination-The land of Karbala.
Purchasing land for their final resting place 
October 2, 680 AD Imam Hussain (as), aware of what 
would happen, meets the locals and purchases about 4 
square miles of land from them, which would eventually be 
the site for his and his family's graves. 
October 3, 680 AD 
4000 additional troops under the command of Umar 
ibn Sa'd arrive and surround Hussain’s (as) camp, 
completely cutting them off from the river Euphrates, 
their only source of water.
Hussain(as) tries to avoid bloodshed 
October 4, 680 AD Imam Hussain (as) tries to 
dialogue with ibn Sa'd, stressing he has no desire to 
initiate bloodshed and asks to be allowed to leave, 
but ibn Sa'd refuses to relent. Meanwhile the 
situation in Hussain's camp is becoming more and 
more desperate due to the lack of water and fresh 
supplies. The children are crying for water. 
October 5, 680 AD The size of Yazid’s army swells 
to 30,000 as more troops arrive and surround Imam 
Hussain’s camp.
The situation gets worse 
October 6, 680 AD 
Imam Hussain (as) and his brother Abbas (as) use a tent 
pole to dig a well, but their relief is short-lived as it dries 
up. More enemy troops arrive 
October 7, 680 AD 
Fearing for the health of the women and children, Imam 
Hussain (as) asks his brother Abbas (as) to conduct a 
midnight raid past the Caliphate troops to bring back 
water from the river. Despite a brief skirmish, Abbas(as) 
brings back some precious water to camp, earning 
himself the title, 'Saqqa', or water bearer. However, the 
water is not enough to ease the thirst of the entire 
Sa’d refuses to relent 
October 8, 680 AD 
Hussain (as) tries to reason with the commander of Yazid’s 
army-Umar Ibn Sa'd. He asks Sa'd; "Don't you fear God on 
the Day of Judgement? Don’t you know who I am?” 
Ibn Sa'd's loyalty to Yazid is unshaken as Yazid has 
promised him great rewards including the 
governorship of Rey (modern day Iran), if he brings 
him Hussain’s head
The last night 
October 9, 680 AD 
After a long, hot day in the desert filled with the cries of 
children for water, Hussain’s (as) camp prepares for the attack 
they know is coming. 
Imam Hussain (as) gathers his companions and pleads with 
them; "Whoever remains with me will be killed tomorrow; so 
take advantage of the darkness and leave." He then extinguishes 
all the lights in the camp to allow those who want to leave to do 
so. His followers weep and reply, "Oh Hussain even if we are 
killed and brought back to life and killed again, we will never 
ever leave your side ". 
Imam Hussain (as) sends a message to Ibn Sa'd asking to be 
spared one last night so that they may supplicate and recite the 
Qur'an. Ibn Sa'd reluctantly agrees and the Imam gathers his 
followers together for one last sermon.
The day of Ashura 
Friday October 10, 680 AD the day of 'Ashura' ) 
On what was to be his last day,Imam Hussain (as) and some of 
his followers implore Umar ibn Sa'd and his troops not to shed 
the blood of the Prophet's house. But ibn Sa'd replies by firing 
an arrow into imam Hussain’s (as) camp. 
Hurr, after a night of heavy contemplation and soul searching 
realizes his error and switches sides along with with his son . 
He leaves Yazid’s camp and approaches Imam Hussain(as) in a 
state of humbleness, profusely apologizing for what he had 
done. Imam welcomes him. Hurr’s son goes to fight and Hurr 
soon follows, thus they became one of the first martyrs to fall 
from Imam Hussain’s (as) side. 
Despite their lack of numbers, the 72 brave ones fight 
ferociously refusing to give up. However hunger and thirst and 
being heavily outnumbered , the brave fall one by one.
Ali Akbar 
Imam Hussain’s (as) 18 year old Son-Ali Akbar , asked 
permission to go and fight. Imam Hussain tearfully (as) 
accepts and bids him farewell. 
When he faced the enemy it did not matter to the so 
called Muslims that Ali Akbar’s face bore a striking 
resemblance to his grandfather Prophet 
Muhammad(saw), they were blinded by hatred and the 
desire of rewards. 
Ali Akbar fought valiantly, but finally fell with a 
spear imbedded in his heart.
Imam Hussain(as) tends to his dying son – Ali Akbar
The Brave Abbas (as) 
Abbas (as), Imam’s brother keeps on asking for permission 
to fight. Imam Hussain (as) does not grant him permission, 
Finally imam gives Abbas (as) permission not to fight, 
but to try and get water for the children. 
Abbas (as) , an elite and brave warrior trained by his father 
Imam Ali (as), who had waited all his life for this day, bows 
his head in humility and without a word, prepares to go. 
Abbas (as) heads towards the river armed with just a 
spear for defense. Yazid’s soldiers run away when they 
see Abbas, well aware of his fighting power. Abbas (as) 
reaches the river easily and fills the water-bag. He takes 
some water in his hands to drink, but remembering the 
thirst of his family, throws back the water.
Abbas enters the river to get the water
Yazid’s cowards attack Abbas (as) from 
• On the way back, As Abbas (as) passes through some palms 
trees, the enemy too scared to confront Abbas from the front, 
hide behind the trees and attack him from behind, cutting off 
both his arms. 
• The brave Abbas (as), determined to get the water back to 
Sakina and the children, clutches on to the water bag with 
his teeth, but the enemy rains arrows, one of which pierce 
the water bag and another his eyes as Abbas (as) falls to the 
ground with no arms to cushion his fall. As the water from 
the bag drains away, so do the hopes of Abbas (as) quenching 
the thirst of his beloved niece, Sakina. 
• Imam Hussain (as) rushes to his dying brother and Abbas (as). 
Abbas (as) requests his brother not take his body back to the 
camp, as he was too embarrassed that he could not get the 
much needed water back to Sakina and the other children.
Imam Hussain(as) comforting Abbas (as)
Ali Asghar 
Imam Hussain (as), takes his thirsty six months old 
baby son in front of the enemy and pleads for water 
for him. The enemy responds by shooting a 3 
pronged arrow (used to kill camels), which slices 
through the tiny neck of the baby, killing him 
Imam Hussain (as) hesitantly returns to the tents, 
taking steps forward and backward with the body of 
his son, not knowing how to show the limp body to 
the mother of Ali Asghar . The parents dig a small 
grave behind their tent and bury their infant child.
Imam confronts the enemy 
Finally Imam Hussain (as) is the last one left standing. 
He bids farewell to his family. As he mounts his horse 
and prepares to leave, his daughter Sakina holds on 
to the horses legs. Imam Hussain (as) gets down and 
comforts the crying little girl. Eventually Sakina falls 
asleep on her father’s chest,- something that always 
did. Imam Hussain (as) then heads to the battlefield. 
After a valiant fight, a thirsty, wounded and tired 
Hussain(as) finally falls on the battlefield next to his 
dead comrades. The evil enemy then decapitate and 
mutilate the imam’s body order to send souvenirs to 
their master Yazid.
The Martyrs of Kabala 
In less than half a day on the 10th of Muharram 680 
A.D. on the hot desert sands of Karbala, Imam 
Hussain(as), and 72 of his family and friends, were 
martyred under most gruesome circumstances. 
The martyrs were beheaded & their heads were put 
on spears, while their corpses were trampled upon by 
horses and left unburied, on the sands of Karbala. 
Ali Asghar, the 6 month old baby was not spared 
either, as the enemy dug up his small body and hung 
his head on a spear- Such was the barbaric 
demeanor of these people
The barbaric acts continye do not stop 
The ordeal does not stop here, as Ibn Sa’d orders his men 
towards Imam Hussain’s (as) camp. The Imam’s family 
members were whipped, and beaten. Their tents were 
burned down and their possessions looted. Imam’s 
daughter Sakina was slapped and her earrings torn from 
her ears. Amongst the prisoners were Husain’s sister 
The only adult male survivor was Imam Zainul Abideen 
(as) son of Imam Hussain (as) who was ill and could not 
fight. He was chained with spiked iron collars pierced in 
his neck, hands and legs. The captives were forced into a 
long and arduous journey to Damascus, with little food 
and water, all tied up in ropes. They were paraded in 
front of Yazid and later imprisoned in Yazid’s dungeon.
Imam Zainul Abedin (as) in the burning tents of Karbala
• Imam Hussain(as), his family and friends sacrificed 
everything that they had ,in their struggle against tyranny 
and despotism and for upholding the human values of 
truth, justice and liberty. Their struggle was aimed at the 
ultimate goal of awakening human beings of all times to 
uplift the human spirit beyond short-sighted materialistic 
pursuits, and establish a just and equitable order in 
• Imam Hussain(as), explains the mission of his sacrifice in his 
own words, extracted from a farewell letter written to his 
brother Mohamed Hannafiyah: 
“I have taken this stand not out of arrogance or pride, 
neither out of mischief or injustice. I have risen to seek 
reform in the community of my grandfather. I would 
like to bid good, forbid evil, and follow the tradition of 
my grandfather Muhammad(as) and my father Ali (as)
What the says about Imam Hussain(as)
Imam Hussain’s (as) sayings
Imam husain (as)
Imam husain (as)
Imam husain (as)
Imam husain (as)
Imam husain (as)
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Imam husain (as)

  • 1. Imam husain (as) The Third Imam Name: Al-Hussain ibn Ali Father: ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) the first Imam Mother: Fatimah az-Zahra (a.s.), the daughter of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.). Kunniyat (Patronymic): Abu 'Abdillah. Birth: He was born in Madina in the month of Shaban in the year 4 A.H. Martyrdom: He was martyred with his companions by the army of Yazid in the month of Muharram 61 A.H. His tomb is in Karbala, Iraq. Siblings: Hasan ibn Ali, Abbas ibn Ali, Zaynab bint Ali
  • 2. Birth Second son of Fatima (sa) and ‘Ali (as) Husain (as) was born on 3rd Shabaan, 4th year of Hijri (10.1.626 AD). When the good news of his birth reached the Holy Prophet,(saw) he came to his daughter's house, took the newly-born child in his arms, recited adhan and iqamah in his right and left ears respectively and named him al-Husain(as), in compliance with Allah's (Swt) command.
  • 3. Husayn’s status with the All mighty On the very day when Imam Husain(as) was born, Allah ordered angel Jibrail to descend and congratulate the Holy Prophet(saw) While descending, Jibrail passed over an island where the angel Futrus had been banished, due to his delay in executing a commission assigned by ALLAH (swt). He was deprived of his wings and expelled to the island where he remained for several years praying and worshipping ALLAH (swt) and asking for His forgiveness. "When the angel Futrus saw Jibrail, he inquired to where he was going. When Jibrail replied: “Husain (as) the grandson of Muhammad is born, and for this very reason Allah has commanded me to convey His congratulations to His Apostle.” Thereupon, the angel requested: “ Can you carry me also along with you? Maybe Muhammad (saw) will vouch for my case to Allah.” Jibrail took Futrus along with him, came to the Holy Prophet, offered congratulations to him on behalf of ALLAH (swt) and himself and referred the case of the angel to him. The Holy Prophet said to Jibrail : “Ask the angel to touch the body of the newly-born child and return to his place in Heaven.” On doing this, the angel’s wings were restored by ALLAH’s (swt) command .
  • 4. The sad revelation However, angel Jibrail also brought some very sad news that he conveyed to the holy Prophet. The Prophet’s eyes became tearful and his happiness turned into mourning. The holy prophet Informed Imam Ali (as) and he too began weeping. When Fatima Zahra(as) inquired why was there weeping instead of happiness, the Prophet gently told her: “Jibrail descended from Heaven and with the message of congratulations on the birth of your holy son. He also revealed the painful news of the martyrdom of my precious grandson Husain (as) thirsty and hungry in the far off plains of Karbala "
  • 5. ALLAH’s Promise • Fatima Zahra(as) began to weep uncontrollably. • She inquired: “"O my father! when would my son be martyred?“ • The Holy Prophet replied “ When neither I nor you, nor Ali or Hassan would be alive.“ • she inquired again,"Who then, O my father, would weep over my Hussain? • The Holy Prophet said:"The men and the women of a particular sect of my followers, who will befriend my Ahlul-bayt, will mourn for Husain and commemorate his martyrdom each year in every century."
  • 6. Predicting Karbala • A Report from the wife of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) Umme Umme Salma, says that The Angel Jibrail brought some soil from the land of Karbala saying "This handful of soil is a trust with you." The Prophet (saw) smelt the soil and said, "This soil smells of sadness, calamity and tragedy." • Umme Salma further adds, "The Holy Prophet (S) then told me : "O Umme Salma! When this soil turns into blood, you will know that my son has been martyred." • The narrator says, "Umme Salma poured the soil in a bottle and she used to look at it every day and say, "O soil! The day you turn into blood shall be a great day (of sadness)!"
  • 7. Verses of the holy Quran about Hussain(as) Imam Hussain (as) was still a child when several verses of the Holy Quran were revealed either about or referring to him. One of those verses is referred to as the verse of Mubahilah • If any one disputes in this matter with you, now after (full) knowledge Has come to you, say: "Come! let us gather together,- our sons and your sons, our women and your women, ourselves and yourselves: Then let us earnestly pray, and invoke the curse of Allah on those who lie!"(3:61). On the day ofMubahilah when a spiritual contest between Prophet Muhammad(saw) and the Christians of Najran was set up to invoke the curse of Allah (SWT) on the liars, Hussain (as) and his family were the only ones accompanying the Prophet. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) had orders from Almighty Allah (SWT) through the verse of Mubahilah to take Hassan and Hussain (PBUT) as his sons with him.
  • 8. • Hussain (as) was one of the five people in regards to whom the verse of Tat'hir (Purification) was revealed. He, his father, brother, and mother were under the Prophet's cloak when Allah (SWT) revealed to His Messenger: Allah surely wants to keep the sin away from you, O People of the House! And to purify you an absolute purification. (The Holy Quran, 33:33) This verse of the Holy Quran is clear proof of the infallibility of this family and their separation from all sins and mistakes.
  • 9. In another verse, Allah (SWT) commands all Muslims to love those closely related to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP): "Say: I do not ask of you any reward for it but love for my near relatives?" (The Holy Quran, 42:32) When the companions asked Prophet Muhammad(saw) who these "near relatives" were, the Prophet (saw) replied: "They are Ali, Fatimah and their two children."
  • 10. Imam Husayn’s childhood Hussain (as) spent his childhood with Lady Fatima Zahra (as), Imam Ali (as), and especially with Prophet Muhammad (saw). The love and affection Prophet Muhammad (saw) had towards Hussain (as) was so unique that all the companions were aware of it, had frequently seen the Prophet express it, and evenhad heard him speak of it repeatedly.
  • 11. The extent of the love of Husayn (as) by Prophet (saww) In one account it has been said that the Prophet's prostration took longer than usual in his prayer. People came to the Prophet and asked, "Were you receiving a revelation or order from Allah during prostration?" Prophet Muhammad (saww) replied, "No, my son Hussain had climbed onto my back; I waited until he wished to come down." This is an example showing how the best creature of Allah(SWT) treated Hussain (as) while he was in the best state of worship.
  • 12. The Prophet’s flowers The companions had seen Prophet Muhammad (saw) repeatedly put Hassan (as) and Hussain (as) on his shoulders and play with them. At other times he would kiss Hussain (as) and say: "Hussain is from me, and I am from Hussain. May Allah love him who loves Hussain.“ In other traditions the Prophet would say, "Hassan (as) and Hussain (as) are my two aromatic flowers from this world."
  • 13. Prophet Muhammad (saww) said: "Hassan and Hussain are masters of the youth in heaven. Whosoever loves them has loved me, and whosoever has animosity with them, is my enemy." "You came to awareness by me; you found the right path and were guided by Ali; you were given blessings through Hassan; but your eternal salvation is with Hussain. Be aware that Hussain is a door from the doors of heaven. Whosoever has animosity towards him can never enter heaven."
  • 14. Zeid, the son of Harith, narrates: I wanted to go see the Prophet (S.A.W.) regarding a task. I went to his house at night and knocked on the door. The Prophet (S.A.W.) opened the door, while he had something hidden under his cloak. I told him about my task and when we were finished, I asked him: "O' the Messenger of Allah, what do you have under your cloak?" He opened his cloak and showed Hassan (as) and Hussain (as). He said, "These are my children and the children of my daughter." At that moment the Prophet (S.A.W.) looked towards the sky and said: "O Allah! You are aware that I love these two children, so You love them too, and love those who love these two The Prophet (S.A.W.) was invited to dinner. As he was walking with his companions, he saw his little grandson, Imam Hussain (A.S.) playing in the valley. The Prophet (S.A.W.) went forward to grab him, but he ran away childishly. With a gentle smile on his face, the Prophet (S.A.W.) started running after him until he finally caught him. He then put a hand around the Imams neck, another hand under his chin, and kissed him. The Prophet (S.A.W.) then said: "Hussain is from me and I am from Hussain. May Allah love that person who loves Hussain."
  • 15. Husain’s early years Unfortunately, the sweet years of Hussain's childhood were soon over. He was about seven years old when the Prophet departed from this world. The Prophet’s followers and companions began jostling for power and position and completely ignored his sayings and commandments
  • 16. Prophet’s message is ignored when he passes The Prophet's burial ceremony was not over yet, when the conspiracies were applied to rob the caliphate from Ali,(as) -Husain’s (as)father. People ignored all the numerous commandments and recommendations the Holy Prophet had made in regards to his successor. The great event of Ghadir had been disregarded and ignored, and despite Prophet Muhammad's (saw) frequent emphasis on Ali (as) as his successor, his right for Islamic governorship was usurped. Even Fadak, a fertile land given by the Prophet to his daughter, was seized from the Prophet's family by the government.
  • 17. The Prophet's (saw) beloved Husain(as) witnessed the harms and injuries caused upon his mother-Fatima (as) over the conflicts of allegiance, and as a result, lost his mother at the age of eight because of the crisis. The loss of his grandfather and mother on the one hand, and the oppression metted upon his father on the other hand, were bothered Hussain' (as) dearly
  • 18. During this turbulent time Hussain (as), followed the path of Ali (as) and was determined to defend truth with any opportunity he received, even though he was in his youth. He would warn people, in the best of manners, about the alterations made to Islam after the demise of his grandfather Prophet Muhammad (saw). In one of the cases for example, the third Caliph had exiled Abu Dhar, a close companion of the Prophet. Although the Caliph had banned anyone from meeting Abu Dhar, Imam Ali (as) Hassan(as), and Hussain (as) all went to bid farewell to Abu Dhar to express their support to this companion.
  • 19. Hussain (as) was about 32 when the authority over Muslims was handed back to its rightful owner, as people paid their allegiance to imam Ali(as). After some time, Imam Ali (as) migrated to Kufah with his sons, and therein established the new capital of the Islamic government. During the span of his father's rule, Hussain (as) was a true supporter and close assistant to his Imam and father in all political and military stages. He showed his utmost respect to his father and remained obedient to his commands at all times. •
  • 20. Trained by the best Hussain (as) was trained and raised by the greatest defender of Islam-his father. From him he learnt the true art of fighting with courage and bravery. Hussain (as) was totally involved in the three wars during his father's reign. • In the battle of Jamal, Hussain (as) was responsible for commanding the left side of the army of Ali (as). • He also achieved the first victory for the army of Ali (as) in the battle of Siffin, where he and his companions freed the river Euphrates from the clutches of Muawiya- son of Abu Sufyan • He was a witness in the arbitration between Muawiya and his father, Imam Ali (as).
  • 21. Imam Ali (as) was martyred in the mosque of Kufa, on January 27, 661 AD. Imam Hassan (as), by the will of ALLAH (SWT) and the recommendations of Pr. Muhammad (saw), became the 2nd Imam and leader of the Muslims. He took the responsibility in leading the Islamic society and in preaching the religion of Allah (SWT)
  • 22. The greatest supporter of Imam Hassan(as) • As in the case of his father, Hussain (as), continued to obey and respect his brother, while remaining firmly obedient to him in even the smallest matters. • His manners and obedience towards his brother was so exemplary that historians have acknowledged and recorded many of the cases. In one example, they have recorded a narration from Imam Baqir (as) as follows: "Due to the high respect that Imam Hussain (as) held for his brother, he refrained from walking ahead of or talking before his brother, Imam Hassan (as).“ • When Imam Hassan(as) was chastised when he signed the peace treaty with Muawiya, it was Imam Hussain(as) who was the rock of support. He firmly believed that peace at that time, was the key factor in Islam's preservation. •
  • 23. Hussain(as) becomes Imam After the peace treaty, Imams hassan (as) and Hussain(as) moved from Kufah to Medina, their birth place . In Medina, they continued to educate, enlighten, interpret, and explain the commandments of ALLAH (SWT) to the people. Not long after, however, Imam Hassan (as) was poisoned and martyred by his own wife on the urging of Muawiya. As Imam Hassan (as) departed this world, the divine position of Imamate was once again passed to the most deserving. His brother Hussain (as) became the next Imam in Islam.
  • 24. Imam hassan (as) poisoned by his wife
  • 25. Muawiya’s conspiracy • Imam Husayn (as) was Imam for a period of ten years, all but the last six months coinciding with the caliphate of Muawiya. • Imam Husayn (as) lived under the most difficult outward conditions of suppression and persecution, because religious laws and regulations had lost much of their weight and credit, because of Muawia’s Umayyad government in power. • Secondly, Muawiya and his aides made use of every possible means to shove awaythe Household of the Prophet (saw) and the Shias, and thus destroy the name of Ali (as) and his family.
  • 26. Muawiya’s evil plan Muawiya wanted to bequeath the caliphate to his son, Yazid, who because of his lack of principles and morals was opposed by a large group of Muslims. Therefore, in order to quell all opposition, Muawiya had implemented severe measures. Imam Hussain (as)thus had to endure these days and to tolerate every kind of mental and spiritual agony and affliction forced on him by Muawiya and his aides.,until 60 A.H., when Muawiya died and his son Yazid took his place.
  • 27. Demanding the pledge of allegiance • Muawiya had asked the distinguished among the people to give their allegiance of support to Yazid, but had not imposed this request upon Imam Husayn(as) • He had especially advised Yazid in his last will that if Hussain(as) refused to pay allegiance to him, he should pass over it in silence, as Muawiya knew the consequences which would follow if the issue were to be pressed. • But because of his egoism and recklessness, Yazid ignored his father's advice and immediately after the death of his father ordered the governor of Medina either to force a pledge of allegiance from Imam Husayn (as) or send his head to Damascus.
  • 28. THE QUESTION OF ALLEGIANCE The governor of Medina summoned Imam Husayn(as) and informed him of the death of Muawiya and also demanded his allegiance to his heir apparent-his son Yazid. Imam did not answer immediately, but asked for time. One of Yazid’s advisors- Marwan wanted an immediate answer and urged the governor to kill Imam Hussayn (as), Imam knew what would happen and he went prepared. He made a signal and Imam’s brother Abbas and son Akbar appeared from outside scaring off Marwan and his soldiers. Imam Hussain (as) knew that this was not going to end and to avoid bloodshed, decided to leave Madina for Makkah
  • 29. THIS DECISION WAS ANNOUNCED BEFORE THE MEMBERS OF HIS FAMILY. AND CLAN. SOME TRIED TO DISCOURAGE HIM FROM LEAVING. UMM-E-SALAMA, ONE OF THE PROPHETS WIVES, CLUNG TO HIM AND INSISTED HIM NOT TO GO. THEN TOLD HIM, QUOTING FROM THE APOSTLE OF GOD (SAW) THAT HE WOULD BE MARTYRED. IMAM HUSSAIN (AS) INFORMED HER KINDLY, "INDEED, I KNOW I AM GOING TO BE MARTYRED, MOTHER." Imam Hussain (as) had a lengthy conversation with his eldest brother Muhammad Ibn Hanafiyyah, who, wanted to accompany him on this fateful journey. Imam, however, told him to stay and send him the reports of everyday events that passed in Madina during his absence.
  • 30. The second person was Zainab (as) his younger sister, the wife of Abdullah son of Ja'far. When she saw that Imam Hussain's decision was final she pleaded, with tears in her eyes, as she spoke to him : "Dear brother! After Grandfather, father, Mother and Brother Hassan (as), only you remain to console my heart and of all of them it is only you who are left. I cannot bear your separation. How can I stay here with unbearable worry and anxiety about what may happen? Is it not possible that I might be of some service to you if I come along?" Imam Hussain (as) replied: "No sister. You are a woman with a house, husband and children to take care of. I am not the one to decide about your affairs. It is Abdullah son of Ja'far who can give you the permission. As to myself, I have no alternative but to leave." Abdullah (who was ill) agreed to Zainab's accompanying her brother on the journey. Not only this, he sent two of his sons Aun and Muhammad to accompany her by saying; "Aun will represent his maternal Grandfather Imam Ali (as) and Muhammad will represent his paternal Grandfather Ja'far-e-Tayyar." Not more than a few hours were left for his departure when for the last time he visited the graves of his Grandfather, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (as), his mother, Bibi Fatima (as) & his brother Imam Hassan Mujtaba (as).
  • 31. ABBAS(as) Just before Imam Hussain (as) left Madina, Ummul Banin the mother of Abbas (as). Summoned all her four sons (Abbas, Abdulla, Ja'far and Uthman) and said to them: "My sons you must remember that, Imam Hussain (as) is your Master. If Imam or his sisters or his children get injured or hurt while you are still alive, I will never forgive you." There were tears in Abbas's eyes as he promised his mother that he and his brothers would lay down their lives for Imam Hussain (as) and his children.
  • 32. IMAM HUSSAIN’S (AS) TIMELINE FROM MADINA TO KARBALA 4 MAY 680 AD- Sensing danger from Yazid’s henchmen, Hussain (as) leaves his beloved home town of Madina, in the company of his family and friends and heads towards Mecca. 9th MAY 680 AD- Hussain (as) arrives in Mecca. Whilst there, he receives thousands of letters of support from the people of the city of Kufa, inviting him to go to Kufa.
  • 33. Imam Hussain(as) forced to leave Mecca 9th JULY 680 Imam Hussain (as) as the Imam of the time has to respond to the invitation and thus sends his cousin Muslim Bin Aqil to Kufa. Muslim arrives to a massive welcome and sends word to Hussain (as) that Kufans support him. Meanwhile Imam learns that Yazid has sent his agents to kill him in Mecca. To avoid bloodshed on sacred land, Hussain (as) leaves Mecca, accompanied by his family and friends, in the middle of the Hajj ceremonies and journeys towards Kufa.
  • 34. Ibn Ziyad tricks the Kufans into abandoning Muslim Ibn Aqil While Hussain(as) is en route to Kufa, Yazid’s henchman ibn Ziyad, enters Kufa and threatens the families of those supporting Hussain (as). He sends his people to the homes of the kufans and scares the wives that their husbands and sons will all be killed and they will lose their source of income. The strategy works and the women pull their family members one by one. Eventually Muslim bin Aqil is left alone, he is hunted down and martyred at the hands of Ibn Ziyad.
  • 35.
  • 36. HURR BLOCKS IMAM (AS) • October 1 680 AD Imam Hussain (as) his family and followers are accosted by Yazid’s 1,000 strong army led by Hurr. Hurr was under orders not to let Imam reach Kufa. • Hurr and his army’ water supply had run out and they were thirsty . When the Imam noted this, he asked his followers to give them and their horses some water to quench their thirst, knowing that the same enemy will deny him water in the days to come-such was the magnanimity of Hussain(as) • Eventually the caravan moves forward until Imam Hussain’s (as) horse stops at a desolate place and refuses to go further. Imam (as) knows that this is his final destination-The land of Karbala.
  • 37. Purchasing land for their final resting place October 2, 680 AD Imam Hussain (as), aware of what would happen, meets the locals and purchases about 4 square miles of land from them, which would eventually be the site for his and his family's graves. October 3, 680 AD 4000 additional troops under the command of Umar ibn Sa'd arrive and surround Hussain’s (as) camp, completely cutting them off from the river Euphrates, their only source of water.
  • 38. Hussain(as) tries to avoid bloodshed October 4, 680 AD Imam Hussain (as) tries to dialogue with ibn Sa'd, stressing he has no desire to initiate bloodshed and asks to be allowed to leave, but ibn Sa'd refuses to relent. Meanwhile the situation in Hussain's camp is becoming more and more desperate due to the lack of water and fresh supplies. The children are crying for water. October 5, 680 AD The size of Yazid’s army swells to 30,000 as more troops arrive and surround Imam Hussain’s camp.
  • 39. The situation gets worse October 6, 680 AD Imam Hussain (as) and his brother Abbas (as) use a tent pole to dig a well, but their relief is short-lived as it dries up. More enemy troops arrive October 7, 680 AD Fearing for the health of the women and children, Imam Hussain (as) asks his brother Abbas (as) to conduct a midnight raid past the Caliphate troops to bring back water from the river. Despite a brief skirmish, Abbas(as) brings back some precious water to camp, earning himself the title, 'Saqqa', or water bearer. However, the water is not enough to ease the thirst of the entire camp.
  • 40. Sa’d refuses to relent October 8, 680 AD Hussain (as) tries to reason with the commander of Yazid’s army-Umar Ibn Sa'd. He asks Sa'd; "Don't you fear God on the Day of Judgement? Don’t you know who I am?” Ibn Sa'd's loyalty to Yazid is unshaken as Yazid has promised him great rewards including the governorship of Rey (modern day Iran), if he brings him Hussain’s head
  • 41. The last night October 9, 680 AD After a long, hot day in the desert filled with the cries of children for water, Hussain’s (as) camp prepares for the attack they know is coming. Imam Hussain (as) gathers his companions and pleads with them; "Whoever remains with me will be killed tomorrow; so take advantage of the darkness and leave." He then extinguishes all the lights in the camp to allow those who want to leave to do so. His followers weep and reply, "Oh Hussain even if we are killed and brought back to life and killed again, we will never ever leave your side ". Imam Hussain (as) sends a message to Ibn Sa'd asking to be spared one last night so that they may supplicate and recite the Qur'an. Ibn Sa'd reluctantly agrees and the Imam gathers his followers together for one last sermon.
  • 42. The day of Ashura Friday October 10, 680 AD the day of 'Ashura' ) On what was to be his last day,Imam Hussain (as) and some of his followers implore Umar ibn Sa'd and his troops not to shed the blood of the Prophet's house. But ibn Sa'd replies by firing an arrow into imam Hussain’s (as) camp. Hurr, after a night of heavy contemplation and soul searching realizes his error and switches sides along with with his son . He leaves Yazid’s camp and approaches Imam Hussain(as) in a state of humbleness, profusely apologizing for what he had done. Imam welcomes him. Hurr’s son goes to fight and Hurr soon follows, thus they became one of the first martyrs to fall from Imam Hussain’s (as) side. Despite their lack of numbers, the 72 brave ones fight ferociously refusing to give up. However hunger and thirst and being heavily outnumbered , the brave fall one by one.
  • 43. Ali Akbar Imam Hussain’s (as) 18 year old Son-Ali Akbar , asked permission to go and fight. Imam Hussain tearfully (as) accepts and bids him farewell. When he faced the enemy it did not matter to the so called Muslims that Ali Akbar’s face bore a striking resemblance to his grandfather Prophet Muhammad(saw), they were blinded by hatred and the desire of rewards. Ali Akbar fought valiantly, but finally fell with a spear imbedded in his heart.
  • 44. Imam Hussain(as) tends to his dying son – Ali Akbar
  • 45. The Brave Abbas (as) Abbas (as), Imam’s brother keeps on asking for permission to fight. Imam Hussain (as) does not grant him permission, Finally imam gives Abbas (as) permission not to fight, but to try and get water for the children. Abbas (as) , an elite and brave warrior trained by his father Imam Ali (as), who had waited all his life for this day, bows his head in humility and without a word, prepares to go. Abbas (as) heads towards the river armed with just a spear for defense. Yazid’s soldiers run away when they see Abbas, well aware of his fighting power. Abbas (as) reaches the river easily and fills the water-bag. He takes some water in his hands to drink, but remembering the thirst of his family, throws back the water.
  • 46. Abbas enters the river to get the water
  • 47. Yazid’s cowards attack Abbas (as) from behind • On the way back, As Abbas (as) passes through some palms trees, the enemy too scared to confront Abbas from the front, hide behind the trees and attack him from behind, cutting off both his arms. • The brave Abbas (as), determined to get the water back to Sakina and the children, clutches on to the water bag with his teeth, but the enemy rains arrows, one of which pierce the water bag and another his eyes as Abbas (as) falls to the ground with no arms to cushion his fall. As the water from the bag drains away, so do the hopes of Abbas (as) quenching the thirst of his beloved niece, Sakina. • Imam Hussain (as) rushes to his dying brother and Abbas (as). Abbas (as) requests his brother not take his body back to the camp, as he was too embarrassed that he could not get the much needed water back to Sakina and the other children.
  • 48.
  • 50. Ali Asghar Imam Hussain (as), takes his thirsty six months old baby son in front of the enemy and pleads for water for him. The enemy responds by shooting a 3 pronged arrow (used to kill camels), which slices through the tiny neck of the baby, killing him instantly. Imam Hussain (as) hesitantly returns to the tents, taking steps forward and backward with the body of his son, not knowing how to show the limp body to the mother of Ali Asghar . The parents dig a small grave behind their tent and bury their infant child.
  • 51.
  • 52.
  • 53. Imam confronts the enemy Finally Imam Hussain (as) is the last one left standing. He bids farewell to his family. As he mounts his horse and prepares to leave, his daughter Sakina holds on to the horses legs. Imam Hussain (as) gets down and comforts the crying little girl. Eventually Sakina falls asleep on her father’s chest,- something that always did. Imam Hussain (as) then heads to the battlefield. After a valiant fight, a thirsty, wounded and tired Hussain(as) finally falls on the battlefield next to his dead comrades. The evil enemy then decapitate and mutilate the imam’s body order to send souvenirs to their master Yazid.
  • 54.
  • 55. The Martyrs of Kabala In less than half a day on the 10th of Muharram 680 A.D. on the hot desert sands of Karbala, Imam Hussain(as), and 72 of his family and friends, were martyred under most gruesome circumstances. The martyrs were beheaded & their heads were put on spears, while their corpses were trampled upon by horses and left unburied, on the sands of Karbala. Ali Asghar, the 6 month old baby was not spared either, as the enemy dug up his small body and hung his head on a spear- Such was the barbaric demeanor of these people
  • 56. The barbaric acts continye do not stop The ordeal does not stop here, as Ibn Sa’d orders his men towards Imam Hussain’s (as) camp. The Imam’s family members were whipped, and beaten. Their tents were burned down and their possessions looted. Imam’s daughter Sakina was slapped and her earrings torn from her ears. Amongst the prisoners were Husain’s sister Zainab. The only adult male survivor was Imam Zainul Abideen (as) son of Imam Hussain (as) who was ill and could not fight. He was chained with spiked iron collars pierced in his neck, hands and legs. The captives were forced into a long and arduous journey to Damascus, with little food and water, all tied up in ropes. They were paraded in front of Yazid and later imprisoned in Yazid’s dungeon.
  • 57.
  • 58. Imam Zainul Abedin (as) in the burning tents of Karbala
  • 59.
  • 60. • Imam Hussain(as), his family and friends sacrificed everything that they had ,in their struggle against tyranny and despotism and for upholding the human values of truth, justice and liberty. Their struggle was aimed at the ultimate goal of awakening human beings of all times to uplift the human spirit beyond short-sighted materialistic pursuits, and establish a just and equitable order in society. • Imam Hussain(as), explains the mission of his sacrifice in his own words, extracted from a farewell letter written to his brother Mohamed Hannafiyah: “I have taken this stand not out of arrogance or pride, neither out of mischief or injustice. I have risen to seek reform in the community of my grandfather. I would like to bid good, forbid evil, and follow the tradition of my grandfather Muhammad(as) and my father Ali (as)
  • 61.
  • 62. What the says about Imam Hussain(as)
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  • 65.