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IGAD is a Regional Economic
Community (REC) in Eastern Africa and
one of the eight building blocks of the
African Economic Community (AEC) of the
African Union (AU), (IAD,2016).
The Intergovernmental Authority on
Development (IGAD) in Eastern Africa was
created in 1996 to supersede the
Intergovernmental Authority on Drought
and Development (IGADD) which was
founded in 1986 to mitigate the effects of
the recurring severe droughts and other
natural disasters that resulted in widespread
famine, ecological degradation and
economic hardship in the region. Djibouti,
Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan and
Uganda – took action through the United
Nations to establish the intergovernmental
body for development and drought control in
their region. Eritrea became the seventh
member after attaining independence in
1993 and in 2011 South Sudan joined IGAD
as the eighth member state (IGAD, 2016).
With the inauguration of IGAD,
great emphasis was given to the peaceful
settlement of regional conflicts as a means
for achieving sustainable development.
IGAD member states agreed: a) to take
effective collective measures to eliminate
threats to regional cooperation, peace, and
stability; b) to establish effective
mechanisms of consultation and cooperation
for the peaceful settlement of differences
and disputes; and c) to agree to deal with
disputes between member states within this
sub-regional mechanism before they are
referred to other regional or international
organizations (IGAD 1996). With this aim,
three priority areas were identified: conflict
prevention, management and humanitarian
affairs; infrastructure development and food
security; and the environment.
IGAD originated from regional
attempts to address environmental
challenges, such as drought. As it evolved, it
increasingly looked at peace and security
measures. It is a Regional economic block
created for regional economic cooperation
and integration, to create an open, unified,
regional economic space for the business
community with the vision to create a single
market open to competitive entry and well
integrated into the continental and global
economies. Among the IGAD‘s major areas
of focus is the Economic Cooperation and
Integration and Social Development
Division which has the following
programme areas: Trade, Tourism and
Industry; Infrastructure Development; and
Health and Social Development (IGAD,
The political geography of the Horn
of Africa region comprises of Djibouti,
Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan,
Southern Sudan and Uganda. One typical
feature that distinguishes the Horn of Africa
from other sub regions of the continent is its
security stakes and challenges. The region
has a reputation as one of the most conflict-
affected areas in the world (Kessels, Durner
and Schwartz, 2016). This region has been
termed as one of Africa‘s hotspots sub
region and over the last four decades, this
area has been wracked by major conflicts in
Somalia, Sudan, Ethiopia, and Eritrea.
Within the past 30 years, the region has
‗witnessed wars between states, secessionist
movements, intra-state violent conflicts,
foreign interventions, terrorist attacks and
piracy, as well as violence after contested
elections‘ (Witt, 2014). The region
characterized by ‗the prevalence and
longevity of its multiple conflicts. It has
been the scene of two of Africa‘s longest
wars, the thirty year liberation struggle in
Eritrea and the equally protracted war
between North and South Sudan‘ (Healy,
2014). Moreover, the region still exhibited a
host of ‗unresolved issues-boundary
demarcation, citizenship, trade and resource
sharing have ensured that political tensions
and episodes of violent conflict continue to
characterize relations between the former
adversaries after separation‘. Horn of Africa
is markedly different from the other regions
of Africa because of ‗the level of conflict
and rivalries between and within the states‘
(Allehone, 2008).
IGAD as legitimacy provider for
intra-regional and extra-regional
IGAD and extra regional actors
‗have some agency and do influence norm
change and international legitimacy even
within existing power structures. They are
dependent on international validation from
the…United Nation Security Council, but
they are not predetermined subordinates‘
(Bergholm, 2010). International legitimacy
is the property of IGAD in the maintenance
of regional peace and security (Williams,
2013) as a result of the principle of
subsidiarity. In this relationship primacy is
given to IGAD as a legitimacy provider for
extra-regional actors on the common value
of regional peace and security provision.
The norms of subsidiarity which refers to a
principle of locating governance at the
lowest possible (Slaughter 2004) could
provide ‗an appropriate guideline for
establishing the order of precedence in
peacemaking on the region and thereby
avoid the problem of organizational rivalry‘
(Nathan, 2016). The core issue of the
principle of subsidiarity ‗means that a
central authority should play a secondary
role, performing only those functions that
cannot be performed at a more local level‘.
As a regional organization, IGAD has a role
in providing an important legitimizing
function for the UN and other international
actors (MacFarlane, 2014).
Major achievements of IGAD
The IGAD community achieved
success at a number of specific sectors. With
regard to communications, the IGAD
Secretariat has helped member states
establish an effective information network
using modern information technology. The
Internet Connectivity Project among
member states aims at human resources
capacity building to improve communication
technology skills. It also aims to develop a
comprehensive IGAD strategy for
acquisition and use of information and
communication technology (ECA, 2004).
IGAD also initiated a household
energy project to help solve major energy
and environmental problems confronting the
region, assisted member states in
diversifying their energy sources and
promoting optimal energy use through the
transfer of appropriate energy-efficient
technologies, and trained decision-makers,
government officials and other stakeholders
(particularly women) on household energy
use. The region‘s achievement in the area of
trade logistics, transport and other trade
related infrastructures, however, is not
significant compared with other regional
economic communities. For instance the
level of intra-regional roads and railways
among the IGAD member states remain
absent and under developed if any. Market
access within IGAD is limited and so it is
with international markets (Ali & Edris,
IGAD from Regional Integration
Theoretical Perspective
Regional integration in general
describes the process of states entering into
a regional agreement, in order to achieve
specific, agreement-dependent goals through
enhancing regional cooperation. The Group
member adopts Liberal
Intergovernmentalism to analyze IGAD and
regional integration process in its member
countries. The theory was developed by
Andrew Moravcsik in 1993 to provide an
explanation for European integration
process. It is an improved version of
intergovernmentalist theory with a
combination of neo-liberal and realist
perspectives (Cini and Perez, 2015).
According to Laursen (2008) Moravcsik
formulated the theory to explain the
European integration process based on the
combined liberal theory of national
preference formation and on
intergovernmental theory of interstate
bargaining to substantial outcome. And that
Moravcsik adopted three steps in his
analysis of integration viz; national
preference formation, interstate bargain and
institutional choice, stressing with regard to
the first, that economic interest are more
important than the geo-political (Lame:
2007). In a nutshell, the main thrust of this
theory ―is that member states are main
drivers of European integration process.
Member states have interests and it is based
on those interests that they decide whether
they will pursue a certain policy or not‖
(Lame: 2007).
Moravcsik brought some new
concepts to intergovernmentalist theory,
specifically in the course of examining the
relaunch of the EU. The main difference
from classical intergovernmentalist theory is
that supranational institutions can play a role
in regional integration processes, albeit in a
limited way. They can reinforce interstate
agreements as a basis for integration, and
nation-states can profit from them for the
purposes of domestic legitimation and the
pursuit of their domestic preferences.
Moravcsik strongly defends the
importance of two components of the
integration process: bargaining among
nation-states, and national preference
formation. In his view, the formation of
national preferences results from interaction
between society and government. As an
intergovernmentalist liberal, Moravcsik
accepted multi-causal explanations of the
phenomenon of regional integration, and
confirmed the postulates of both neo-realists
and neoliberals by accepting that states were
the main actors in the integration process,
but that the process was largely driven by
economic interests. In this perspective,
integration in Europe could be quickly
explained as a ‗series of rational choices
made by national leaders‘ (Moravcsik 1998),
which were previously restricted to their
domestic terrains alone.
As we can see from the objectives of
IGAD the integration among members of
IGAD countries could be quickly explained
by liberal intergovernmental theories,
because as a series of rational choices made
by national leaders that the process was
largely driven by peace and security, and
economic interests. For instance some of the
objectives of IGAD mention as follow;
promote joint development strategies and
gradually harmonize macroeconomic
policies and programmers in the social,
technological and scientific fields.
Harmonize policies with regard to trade,
customs, transport, communications,
agriculture, and natural resources, and
promote free movement of goods, services
and people within the region. Create an
enabling environment for foreign, cross-
border and domestic trade and investments.
And, achieve regional food security and
encourage and assist efforts of Member
States to collectively combat drought and
other natural and man-made disasters and
their natural consequences.
Moravcsik (1998) displayed a liberal
vision of integration, and the primacy of
relationships between social groups. He used
liberal theory to empirically explain the rela-
tionship between state and society. For him,
liberal theory is the starting point for study-
ing international politics, aimed at
illuminating the interactions among social
groups such as employers, unions, political
parties, and churches, and their influence
over state decisions. In order to rectify the
theoretical failure to address these dynamics,
Moravcsik developed a state-centric
approach which he labelled ‗liberal
intergovernmentalism‘. First, he connected a
liberal theory of national preference
formation (i.e. ‗domestic politics‘) to an
intergovernmentalist analysis of inter-state
negotiations in a two-level game, and then
added a regime theory component. In this
approach, states, as rational decision-
makers, are prepared to relinquish aspects of
their sovereignty in order to increase the
efficiency of inter-state co-operation. They
accept this diminution of their sovereignty
because EU institutions ‗strengthen the
autonomy of national political leaders vis-à-
vis particularistic societal groups within
their domestic polity‘ (Moravcsik 1993).
In liberal intergovernmentalism,
there is a direct connection between
interdependence and the international
system. States are shaped not only by
domestic actors, but are also influenced and
constrained by the international system.
Moreover, each state makes an effort to
demonstrate its preferences externally. This
will eventually impact on the preferences of
other states, especially those that are less
Using the theory the paper argues
that since the decisions and activities of
IGAD are still being controlled by member
states liberal intergovernmentalism remains
the suitable framework for analysis. Also
since the founder of the theory has made the
framework ―a general one, which can be
applied to any kind of regional integration‖
(Lame, 2007).
The Intergovernmental Authority on
Development (IGAD) in Eastern Africa was
created in 1996 to supersede the
Intergovernmental Authority on Drought
and Development (IGADD) which was
founded in 1986 to mitigate the effects of
the recurring severe droughts and other
natural disasters that resulted in widespread
famine, ecological degradation and
economic hardship in the region. Using the
theory the paper argues that since the
decisions and activities of IGAD are still
being controlled by member states liberal
inter-governmentalism remains the suitable
framework for analysis. The IGAD
community achieved success at a number of
specific sectors, but still the regional
integration efforts in the IGAD region have
been weak due to many challenges
confronting member countries.
Ali I. Abdi & Edris H. Seid (2013).
Assessment of Economic Integration in
IGAD. The Horn Economic and Social
Policy Institute (HESPI),Policy Papers No.
13/2. August 2013.p.17
Allehone, M. (2008) 'Promises and
Challenges of a Sub-Regional Force for the
Horn of Africa', International Peacekeeping,
vol. 15, no. 2.p17
Bergholm, L. (2010) The African Union, the
United Nations and civilian protection
challenges in Darfur, RSC WORKING
PAPER SERIES NO. 63, Oxford: Refugee
Studies Centre. P.19
Cini, M. and Perez, N. (2015). European
Union Politics. UK: Oxford University Press
Healy, S.H. (2014). IGAD and Regional
security in the Horn', in Hentz, J.J. (ed.)
Routledge Handbook of African security,
Oxon: Routledge.p. 217
Kessels, E., Durner, T. and Schwartz, M.
(2016) Violent Extremism and Instability in
the Greater Horn of Africa: An Examination
of Drivers and Responses, Goshen: Global
Center on Cooperative Security.
Intergovernmental Authority on
Development- IGAD (2016). IGAD
Regional Strategy; Volume 1: the
framework. Published by; IGAD Secretariat,
the Republic of Djibouti, 2016. P.2
Inter-Governmental Authority for
Development –IGAD (1996). Agreement
Establishing the IGAD.
DEVELOPMENT-IAD (2016). Formulation
of IGAD Strategy and Medium-Term
Implementation Plan 2016 – 2020. Baseline
Studies at the National Level on IGAD
Priority Sectors, 2016. Published by; IGAD
Secretariat. The Republic of Djibouti, 2016.
P. 3
Lame, E. (2007). ―In between the Domestic
and the Supranational: Explaining the Lack
Harmonization of EU Labor Immigration
Policy‖ Being a Master of Arts Dissertation
Submitted to Central European University
IRES Department.p13,19,21
Laursen, F. (2008). ―The Theory and
Practice of Regional Integration‖. Jean
Monnet/ Robert
Schuman Paper Series Vol.8 No.3,
February, 2008.p3
MacFarlane, S.N. (2014). Regional
Organizations and Global Security
Governance, in Weiss, T.G. and Wilkinson,
R. (ed.) International organization and
Global governance, London: Routledge.
Moravcsik, Andrew, (1998). The Choice for
Europe: Social Purpose and State Power
from Messina to Maastricht. Ithaca: Cornell
University Press.p.18
Moravcsik, Andrew, (1993). ‗Preferences
and power in the European Community: A
liberal intergovernmentalist approach‘.
Journal of Common Market Studies 31(4):
Nathan, L. (2016). Will the lowest be first?
Subsidiarity in peacemaking in Africa',
Presented at the International Studies
Association 2016 Annual Convention
Atlanta, 16-19 March 2016.p. 1
Slaughter, A.-M. (2004) A New World
Order, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University
Witt, A. (2014) 'Introduction: Paradoxes of
Regional Security in the Horn of Africa',
10th FES Annual Conference: Peace and
Security in the Horn of Africa
―Consolidating Regional Cooperation While
Protecting National Security Interests:
Diametric Opposition or Precondition for
Peace and Security?‖ Nairobi, Kenya,
p.21—22, 1-15.

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IGAD: Establishment And Functions of IGAD Based on one of regional integration theories

  • 1.
  • 2. 2 Introduction IGAD is a Regional Economic Community (REC) in Eastern Africa and one of the eight building blocks of the African Economic Community (AEC) of the African Union (AU), (IAD,2016). The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) in Eastern Africa was created in 1996 to supersede the Intergovernmental Authority on Drought and Development (IGADD) which was founded in 1986 to mitigate the effects of the recurring severe droughts and other natural disasters that resulted in widespread famine, ecological degradation and economic hardship in the region. Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan and Uganda – took action through the United Nations to establish the intergovernmental body for development and drought control in their region. Eritrea became the seventh member after attaining independence in 1993 and in 2011 South Sudan joined IGAD as the eighth member state (IGAD, 2016). With the inauguration of IGAD, great emphasis was given to the peaceful settlement of regional conflicts as a means for achieving sustainable development. IGAD member states agreed: a) to take effective collective measures to eliminate threats to regional cooperation, peace, and stability; b) to establish effective mechanisms of consultation and cooperation for the peaceful settlement of differences and disputes; and c) to agree to deal with disputes between member states within this sub-regional mechanism before they are referred to other regional or international organizations (IGAD 1996). With this aim, three priority areas were identified: conflict prevention, management and humanitarian affairs; infrastructure development and food security; and the environment. IGAD originated from regional attempts to address environmental challenges, such as drought. As it evolved, it increasingly looked at peace and security measures. It is a Regional economic block created for regional economic cooperation and integration, to create an open, unified, regional economic space for the business community with the vision to create a single market open to competitive entry and well integrated into the continental and global economies. Among the IGAD‘s major areas of focus is the Economic Cooperation and Integration and Social Development Division which has the following programme areas: Trade, Tourism and Industry; Infrastructure Development; and Health and Social Development (IGAD, 2017)
  • 3. 3 The political geography of the Horn of Africa region comprises of Djibouti, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan, Southern Sudan and Uganda. One typical feature that distinguishes the Horn of Africa from other sub regions of the continent is its security stakes and challenges. The region has a reputation as one of the most conflict- affected areas in the world (Kessels, Durner and Schwartz, 2016). This region has been termed as one of Africa‘s hotspots sub region and over the last four decades, this area has been wracked by major conflicts in Somalia, Sudan, Ethiopia, and Eritrea. Within the past 30 years, the region has ‗witnessed wars between states, secessionist movements, intra-state violent conflicts, foreign interventions, terrorist attacks and piracy, as well as violence after contested elections‘ (Witt, 2014). The region characterized by ‗the prevalence and longevity of its multiple conflicts. It has been the scene of two of Africa‘s longest wars, the thirty year liberation struggle in Eritrea and the equally protracted war between North and South Sudan‘ (Healy, 2014). Moreover, the region still exhibited a host of ‗unresolved issues-boundary demarcation, citizenship, trade and resource sharing have ensured that political tensions and episodes of violent conflict continue to characterize relations between the former adversaries after separation‘. Horn of Africa is markedly different from the other regions of Africa because of ‗the level of conflict and rivalries between and within the states‘ (Allehone, 2008). IGAD as legitimacy provider for intra-regional and extra-regional action IGAD and extra regional actors ‗have some agency and do influence norm change and international legitimacy even within existing power structures. They are dependent on international validation from the…United Nation Security Council, but they are not predetermined subordinates‘ (Bergholm, 2010). International legitimacy is the property of IGAD in the maintenance of regional peace and security (Williams, 2013) as a result of the principle of subsidiarity. In this relationship primacy is given to IGAD as a legitimacy provider for extra-regional actors on the common value of regional peace and security provision. The norms of subsidiarity which refers to a principle of locating governance at the lowest possible (Slaughter 2004) could provide ‗an appropriate guideline for establishing the order of precedence in peacemaking on the region and thereby
  • 4. 4 avoid the problem of organizational rivalry‘ (Nathan, 2016). The core issue of the principle of subsidiarity ‗means that a central authority should play a secondary role, performing only those functions that cannot be performed at a more local level‘. As a regional organization, IGAD has a role in providing an important legitimizing function for the UN and other international actors (MacFarlane, 2014). Major achievements of IGAD The IGAD community achieved success at a number of specific sectors. With regard to communications, the IGAD Secretariat has helped member states establish an effective information network using modern information technology. The Internet Connectivity Project among member states aims at human resources capacity building to improve communication technology skills. It also aims to develop a comprehensive IGAD strategy for acquisition and use of information and communication technology (ECA, 2004). IGAD also initiated a household energy project to help solve major energy and environmental problems confronting the region, assisted member states in diversifying their energy sources and promoting optimal energy use through the transfer of appropriate energy-efficient technologies, and trained decision-makers, government officials and other stakeholders (particularly women) on household energy use. The region‘s achievement in the area of trade logistics, transport and other trade related infrastructures, however, is not significant compared with other regional economic communities. For instance the level of intra-regional roads and railways among the IGAD member states remain absent and under developed if any. Market access within IGAD is limited and so it is with international markets (Ali & Edris, 2013). IGAD from Regional Integration Theoretical Perspective Regional integration in general describes the process of states entering into a regional agreement, in order to achieve specific, agreement-dependent goals through enhancing regional cooperation. The Group member adopts Liberal Intergovernmentalism to analyze IGAD and regional integration process in its member countries. The theory was developed by Andrew Moravcsik in 1993 to provide an explanation for European integration process. It is an improved version of intergovernmentalist theory with a
  • 5. 5 combination of neo-liberal and realist perspectives (Cini and Perez, 2015). According to Laursen (2008) Moravcsik formulated the theory to explain the European integration process based on the combined liberal theory of national preference formation and on intergovernmental theory of interstate bargaining to substantial outcome. And that Moravcsik adopted three steps in his analysis of integration viz; national preference formation, interstate bargain and institutional choice, stressing with regard to the first, that economic interest are more important than the geo-political (Lame: 2007). In a nutshell, the main thrust of this theory ―is that member states are main drivers of European integration process. Member states have interests and it is based on those interests that they decide whether they will pursue a certain policy or not‖ (Lame: 2007). Moravcsik brought some new concepts to intergovernmentalist theory, specifically in the course of examining the relaunch of the EU. The main difference from classical intergovernmentalist theory is that supranational institutions can play a role in regional integration processes, albeit in a limited way. They can reinforce interstate agreements as a basis for integration, and nation-states can profit from them for the purposes of domestic legitimation and the pursuit of their domestic preferences. Moravcsik strongly defends the importance of two components of the integration process: bargaining among nation-states, and national preference formation. In his view, the formation of national preferences results from interaction between society and government. As an intergovernmentalist liberal, Moravcsik accepted multi-causal explanations of the phenomenon of regional integration, and confirmed the postulates of both neo-realists and neoliberals by accepting that states were the main actors in the integration process, but that the process was largely driven by economic interests. In this perspective, integration in Europe could be quickly explained as a ‗series of rational choices made by national leaders‘ (Moravcsik 1998), which were previously restricted to their domestic terrains alone. As we can see from the objectives of IGAD the integration among members of IGAD countries could be quickly explained by liberal intergovernmental theories, because as a series of rational choices made by national leaders that the process was largely driven by peace and security, and economic interests. For instance some of the
  • 6. 6 objectives of IGAD mention as follow; promote joint development strategies and gradually harmonize macroeconomic policies and programmers in the social, technological and scientific fields. Harmonize policies with regard to trade, customs, transport, communications, agriculture, and natural resources, and promote free movement of goods, services and people within the region. Create an enabling environment for foreign, cross- border and domestic trade and investments. And, achieve regional food security and encourage and assist efforts of Member States to collectively combat drought and other natural and man-made disasters and their natural consequences. Moravcsik (1998) displayed a liberal vision of integration, and the primacy of relationships between social groups. He used liberal theory to empirically explain the rela- tionship between state and society. For him, liberal theory is the starting point for study- ing international politics, aimed at illuminating the interactions among social groups such as employers, unions, political parties, and churches, and their influence over state decisions. In order to rectify the theoretical failure to address these dynamics, Moravcsik developed a state-centric approach which he labelled ‗liberal intergovernmentalism‘. First, he connected a liberal theory of national preference formation (i.e. ‗domestic politics‘) to an intergovernmentalist analysis of inter-state negotiations in a two-level game, and then added a regime theory component. In this approach, states, as rational decision- makers, are prepared to relinquish aspects of their sovereignty in order to increase the efficiency of inter-state co-operation. They accept this diminution of their sovereignty because EU institutions ‗strengthen the autonomy of national political leaders vis-à- vis particularistic societal groups within their domestic polity‘ (Moravcsik 1993). In liberal intergovernmentalism, there is a direct connection between interdependence and the international system. States are shaped not only by domestic actors, but are also influenced and constrained by the international system. Moreover, each state makes an effort to demonstrate its preferences externally. This will eventually impact on the preferences of other states, especially those that are less powerful. Using the theory the paper argues that since the decisions and activities of IGAD are still being controlled by member states liberal intergovernmentalism remains the suitable framework for analysis. Also
  • 7. 7 since the founder of the theory has made the framework ―a general one, which can be applied to any kind of regional integration‖ (Lame, 2007). Conclusions The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) in Eastern Africa was created in 1996 to supersede the Intergovernmental Authority on Drought and Development (IGADD) which was founded in 1986 to mitigate the effects of the recurring severe droughts and other natural disasters that resulted in widespread famine, ecological degradation and economic hardship in the region. Using the theory the paper argues that since the decisions and activities of IGAD are still being controlled by member states liberal inter-governmentalism remains the suitable framework for analysis. The IGAD community achieved success at a number of specific sectors, but still the regional integration efforts in the IGAD region have been weak due to many challenges confronting member countries. Reference Ali I. Abdi & Edris H. Seid (2013). Assessment of Economic Integration in IGAD. The Horn Economic and Social Policy Institute (HESPI),Policy Papers No. 13/2. August 2013.p.17 Allehone, M. (2008) 'Promises and Challenges of a Sub-Regional Force for the Horn of Africa', International Peacekeeping, vol. 15, no. 2.p17 Bergholm, L. (2010) The African Union, the United Nations and civilian protection challenges in Darfur, RSC WORKING PAPER SERIES NO. 63, Oxford: Refugee Studies Centre. P.19 Cini, M. and Perez, N. (2015). European Union Politics. UK: Oxford University Press Healy, S.H. (2014). IGAD and Regional security in the Horn', in Hentz, J.J. (ed.) Routledge Handbook of African security, Oxon: Routledge.p. 217 Kessels, E., Durner, T. and Schwartz, M. (2016) Violent Extremism and Instability in the Greater Horn of Africa: An Examination of Drivers and Responses, Goshen: Global Center on Cooperative Security. Intergovernmental Authority on Development- IGAD (2016). IGAD
  • 8. 8 Regional Strategy; Volume 1: the framework. Published by; IGAD Secretariat, the Republic of Djibouti, 2016. P.2 Inter-Governmental Authority for Development –IGAD (1996). Agreement Establishing the IGAD. INTERGOVERNMENT AUTHORITY ON DEVELOPMENT-IAD (2016). Formulation of IGAD Strategy and Medium-Term Implementation Plan 2016 – 2020. Baseline Studies at the National Level on IGAD Priority Sectors, 2016. Published by; IGAD Secretariat. The Republic of Djibouti, 2016. P. 3 Lame, E. (2007). ―In between the Domestic and the Supranational: Explaining the Lack of Harmonization of EU Labor Immigration Policy‖ Being a Master of Arts Dissertation Submitted to Central European University IRES Department.p13,19,21 Laursen, F. (2008). ―The Theory and Practice of Regional Integration‖. Jean Monnet/ Robert Schuman Paper Series Vol.8 No.3, February, 2008.p3 MacFarlane, S.N. (2014). Regional Organizations and Global Security Governance, in Weiss, T.G. and Wilkinson, R. (ed.) International organization and Global governance, London: Routledge. Moravcsik, Andrew, (1998). The Choice for Europe: Social Purpose and State Power from Messina to Maastricht. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.p.18 Moravcsik, Andrew, (1993). ‗Preferences and power in the European Community: A liberal intergovernmentalist approach‘. Journal of Common Market Studies 31(4): 473-525. Nathan, L. (2016). Will the lowest be first? Subsidiarity in peacemaking in Africa', Presented at the International Studies Association 2016 Annual Convention Atlanta, 16-19 March 2016.p. 1 Slaughter, A.-M. (2004) A New World Order, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Witt, A. (2014) 'Introduction: Paradoxes of Regional Security in the Horn of Africa', 10th FES Annual Conference: Peace and Security in the Horn of Africa ―Consolidating Regional Cooperation While
  • 9. 9 Protecting National Security Interests: Diametric Opposition or Precondition for Peace and Security?‖ Nairobi, Kenya, p.21—22, 1-15.