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From Collateral Damage to Mass
Killing: Unfair Usage of UAVs on
Civilians in Ethiopia
Fact Corner: Justice for the Innocent
ቅጽ.1 ቁጥር.02.ህዳር. 2016
Vol.1 No.02.Nov.2023
Chief editor: Belayneh Zelelew
የሚስጥር ዘበኛ The Secret Guard
In recent years, the use of
unmanned aerial vehicles
(UAVs), commonly known
as drones, has rapidly in-
creased across the world.
Unmanned aerial vehicles
(UAVs), commonly known
as drones, are aircraft that
are operated without a hu-
man pilot on board. They
can be controlled remote-
ly by a human operator or
autonomously by onboard
computers. UAVs have
gained significant attention
and popularity in recent
years due to their versatility
and wide range of applica-
tions in various industries,
From Collateral Damage to Mass Killing: Unfair Usage of UAVs on
Civilians in Ethiopia
including military, commer-
cial, and recreational use.
Their ability to gather data,
conduct surveillance, and
perform tasks in hard-to-
reach or dangerous areas
makes them a valuable tool
in many different fields. As
technology continues to ad-
vance, the capabilities and
potential uses of UAVs are
only expected to grow, mak-
ing them an increasingly im-
portant and relevant topic in
today’s world.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
initially developed for mili-
tary purposes, UAVs have
become increasingly preva-
lent in civilian life, aiding in
By: Belayneh Zelelew Negash
various fields such as agri-
culture, research, and sur-
veillance. However, the se-
curity implications of these
autonomous flying machines
are becoming more appar-
ent, especially when de-
ployed in conflict zones.
This article aims to shed
light on the unfair usage of
UAVs on civilian populations
in Ethiopia, where collateral
damage has escalated into
indiscriminate mass killings.
The Rising Trend of UAVs:
Unmanned aerial vehicles
have revolutionized modern
warfare, offering advantages
such as surveillance capa-
bilities, targeted assassina-
tions, and reduced risks to
mission personnel. As a re-
sult, many countries, includ-
ing Ethiopia, have incorporat-
ed UAVs into their national
defense strategies. Ethiopia
employs UAVs for surveil-
lance, reconnaissance, and
occasional strikes against
armed opposition groups.
Nonetheless, in the pro-
cess, innocent civilians have
increasingly fallen victim to
this technology.
Collateral Damage Turns to
Mass Killing:
The term “unmanned aerial
vehicles” (UAVs), common-
ly referred to as drones,
has been a subject of de-
bate and concern, particu-
larly in relation to collateral
damage. Collateral damage
refers to unintentional or in-
cidental damage to persons
or objects that are not the
intended target during a mil-
itary operation or strike.
UAVs can be used for var-
ious purposes, including re-
connaissance, surveillance,
and targeted strikes. While
they offer advantages such
as reduced risk to human
pilots and the ability to op-
erate in dangerous or re-
mote areas, concerns arise
when it comes to minimizing
collateral damage.
Several factors contribute to
the potential for collateral
damage in UAV operations:
1. Precision of Strikes:
UAVs are equipped with
የሚስጥር ዘበኛ The Secret Guard
advanced targeting systems,
and many are capable of
highly precise strikes. How-
ever, errors can still occur,
and the accuracy of strikes
depends on the technology,
the quality of intelligence,
and the training of opera-
2. Rules of Engagement:
The rules of engagement
(ROE) for UAV operations
play a crucial role in deter-
mining when and how these
vehicles are used. Stringent
ROE can help minimize the
risk of collateral damage
by imposing restrictions on
when and where UAVs can
engage targets.
3. Civilian Presence: The
presence of civilians in or
near the target area in-
creases the risk of collateral
damage. It can be challeng-
ing to distinguish between
combatants and non-com-
batants, and mistakes or
miscalculations can lead to
unintended harm.
4. Technology Limitations:
Despite advancements in
technology, UAVs may still
face limitations in target
identification and discrimina-
tion, especially in complex
and dynamic environments.
5. Ethical and Legal Con-
cerns: The use of UAVs in
military operations raises
ethical and legal questions.
International humanitarian
law and human rights law
require parties in conflict to
take all feasible precautions
to minimize harm to civilians
and civilian objects.
Efforts are ongoing to ad-
dress these concerns and
enhance the precision and
ethical use of UAVs. Tech-
nological advancements,
improved intelligence gath-
ering, and adherence to
strict rules of engagement
are crucial elements in mit-
igating the risk of collateral
damage associated with un-
manned aerial vehicles. Ad-
ditionally, ongoing dialogue
among nations, international
organizations, and advocacy
groups seeks to establish
guidelines and norms for
the responsible use of this
technology in armed con-
In Ethiopia, the line between
collateral damage and de-
liberate attacks on civil-
ians has blurred. Instances
where UAV strikes were in-
itially justified as necessary
to neutralize terrorist threats
have evolved into cases of
mass killings, raising serious
concerns about the legality,
ethics, and human rights
implications of drone usage.
The Controversial Case of
the Tigray and Amhara re-
gions Conflicts:
The use of unmanned aerial
vehicles (UAVs) on civilians
that results in mass killings
is a grave violation of in-
ternational humanitarian law
and human rights. Deliber-
ate and indiscriminate at-
tacks on civilians are consid-
ered war crimes and crimes
against humanity. Such
actions are condemned by
the international community,
and those responsible may
be held accountable under
international law.
Key considerations in this
context include:
1. War Crimes and Crimes
Against Humanity:
Intentional targeting of civil-
ians with UAVs, leading to
mass killings, constitutes war
crimes and crimes against
humanity. These acts are
prohibited under internation-
al law, including the Geneva
Conventions and their Addi-
tional Protocols.
2. Accountability and Re-
Individuals, military person-
nel, and political leaders
responsible for ordering or
carrying out such attacks
can be held accountable
before international tribu-
nals, national courts, or oth-
er mechanisms designed to
address violations of inter-
national law.
3. International Humanitari-
an Law (IHL):
IHL places strict limitations
on the use of force, empha-
sizing the principle of dis-
tinction between combatants
and civilians. Deliberate at-
tacks on civilians, as well as
indiscriminate attacks that
do not distinguish between
military targets and civilians,
are clear violations of IHL.
4. Human Rights Law:
UAV attacks on civilians
also implicate human rights
law, which protects the right
የሚስጥር ዘበኛ The Secret Guard
to life, security, and digni-
ty. States are obligated to
respect and protect these
rights, and any violation can
lead to legal consequences.
5. Investigations and Ac-
countability Mechanisms:
In cases of mass killings in-
volving UAVs, there should
be thorough and impartial
investigations to determine
the facts, identify respon-
sible parties, and ensure
accountability. This may in-
volve international bodies,
national authorities, or a
combination of both.
6. Global Condemnation:
The international community
typically condemns such ac-
tions, and nations may face
diplomatic and economic
consequences for their in-
volvement in mass killings
of civilians.
7. Prevention and Mitigation:
Efforts should be made to
prevent such atrocities in
the first place. International
actors, including the United
Nations and human rights
organizations, may work to
mediate conflicts, promote
peace, and encourage ad-
herence to international le-
gal standards.
It is essential for the interna-
tional community to respond
decisively to such egregious
violations to prevent impu-
nity and uphold the princi-
ples of international law that
protect civilians in times of
armed conflict. The respon-
sibility to protect civilians
is a shared global commit-
ment, and actions that lead
to mass killings, whether
conducted using UAVs or
other means, are universally
One of the most concern-
ing situations involving
UAV usage in Ethiopia is
the ongoing conflict in the
Tigray region. Reports indi-
cate that Ethiopian federal
forces, supported by UAVs,
have targeted civilian are-
as, resulting in a significant
number of casualties and
widespread displacement.
These attacks go beyond
the concept of collateral
damage and breach inter-
national humanitarian law,
raising questions about the
accountability and oversight
of drone operations.
According Unit Nation Hu-
man Right commission re-
port entitle Ethiopia: Vio-
lence in Amhara region,
Continued human rights
violations and abuses, in-
cluding arbitrary arrests, in
Ethiopia’s north-western Am-
hara region and other parts
of the country are deeply
concerning. They undermine
any ongoing efforts by the
Government of Ethiopia on
the peace process, includ-
ing transitional justice.
It is imperative that all par-
ties refrain from unlawful
attacks and take all nec-
essary measures to protect
civilians. Security operations
by the Ethiopian Nation-
al Defence Forces (ENDF)
and its allies must be con-
ducted in full compliance
with Ethiopia’s human rights
The UN Human Rights Of-
fice is troubled by the dev-
astating impact of drone
strikes and other violence
on the population in the
Amhara region as clashes
continue between the ENDF
and its allies and ethnic Am-
hara militia known as Fano.
On 6 November, a drone
allegedly launched by Gov-
ernment forces struck a pri-
mary school in the Wadera
district, killing seven people,
including three teachers.
Reports also suggest Fano
militias had occupied some
parts of the campus.
Another drone attack hit a
bus station in Waber town
on 9 November, killing 13
people who were waiting to
board a bus. Fano militias
were reportedly active in the
area and attacking ENDF
camps in Debre Markos and
other smaller towns in East
and West Gojjam zones,
when the drone struck.
Such attacks amount to
arbitrary deprivation of life
under international human
rights law.
In an earlier incident, six
people were killed and 14
others injured when Govern-
ment forces shelled residen-
tial areas in Chuahit town,
in Central Gondar Zone on
4 November. Many of the
የሚስጥር ዘበኛ The Secret Guard
victims were killed in their
In the same context, 21 peo-
ple, including government
and ruling party officials,
were killed by Fano militia
in two separate incidents in
Alem Ber, in South Gondar,
and in Jibayt district, in the
Awi zone, on 9 and 28 Oc-
tober, respectively.
Lack of Transparency and
The lack of transparency
and accountability in the
usage of unmanned aerial
vehicles (UAVs), especially
under directorship, is a sig-
nificant concern that spans
ethical, legal, and geopolit-
ical dimensions. Here are
several key points to con-
1. Targeted Killings and Ex-
trajudicial Actions:
In some instances, UAVs
have been employed for
targeted killings. The lack
of transparency in deci-
sion-making processes,
target selection, and the
absence of a clear legal
framework raises concerns
about the potential for ex-
trajudicial actions.
2. Civilian Casualties and
Collateral Damage:
Lack of transparency can
contribute to difficulties in
assessing the accuracy of
strikes and the extent of
civilian casualties. Without
clear information on the
rules of engagement and
the criteria for target selec-
tion, it becomes challenging
to hold parties accountable
for instances of collateral
3. Legal and Ethical Impli-
The use of UAVs in military
and intelligence operations
raises legal and ethical
questions. Lack of transpar-
ency can hinder efforts to
evaluate the compliance of
UAV operations with interna-
tional humanitarian law and
human rights standards.
4. Accountability for Mis-
Transparency is crucial for
holding individuals and or-
ganizations accountable in
cases of mistakes or errors
in UAV operations. Accurate
reporting and investigation
of incidents are essential for
learning from mistakes and
improving operational proce-
5. National Security and
National security concerns
often lead to the classifica-
tion of information related
to UAV operations. While
some level of secrecy may
be necessary, there is a
delicate balance between
protecting sensitive informa-
tion and ensuring public ac-
6. Public Trust and Percep-
Lack of transparency can
erode public trust in govern-
ment actions. It is important
የሚስጥር ዘበኛ The Secret Guard
for democratic societies to have mechanisms in place to
ensure oversight and accountability in the use of military
technologies, including UAVs.
7. International Relations:
The use of UAVs in a secretive manner can strain interna-
tional relations. Lack of transparency may lead to misunder-
standings, accusations, and tensions between nations.
Addressing the lack of transparency and accountability in the
usage of UAVs requires a comprehensive approach:
•Policy and Legal Frameworks: Establish clear policies and
legal frameworks governing the use of UAVs, including mech-
anisms for oversight, accountability, and reporting.
•International Cooperation: Encourage international coopera-
tion and dialogue to establish norms and guidelines for the
responsible use of UAVs.
•Independent Oversight: Implement mechanisms for inde-
pendent oversight and review of UAV operations to ensure
compliance with legal and ethical standards.
•Public Engagement: Foster public engagement and aware-
ness regarding the use of UAVs to ensure that citizens are
informed about government actions and can contribute to the
democratic debate on mili-
tary and intelligence oper-
Striking the right balance
between national security
and the principles of trans-
parency and accountability
is crucial for responsible
and ethical use of UAVs un-
der any form of leadership
or directorship.
One of the biggest challeng-
es in addressing the unfair
usage of UAVs in Ethiopia
is the lack of transparency
surrounding these opera-
tions. The government and
military forces have been
tight-lipped about the extent
of their drone programs,
making it difficult to hold
perpetrators accountable for
their actions. This secrecy
exacerbates the plight of
the innocent civilians caught
in the crossfire.
International Implications:
The abuse of unmanned
aerial vehicles (UAVs) can
have significant international
implications, affecting dip-
lomatic relations, regional
stability, and the global per-
ception of the responsible
parties. Here are some key
international implications as-
sociated with the misuse or
abuse of UAVs:
Diplomatic Tensions: The
misuse of UAVs, especially
if it results in civilian casu-
alties or violations of inter-
national law, can lead to
diplomatic tensions between
the countries involved. The
affected country may lodge
formal complaints, and dip-
lomatic relations may be
strained. Violation of Sover-
eignty: Unauthorized or ag-
gressive use of UAVs in the
airspace of another country
can be perceived as a vi-
olation of sovereignty. This
can escalate tensions and
lead to disputes between
International Law and Hu-
man Rights Concerns: Viola-
tions of international human-
itarian law and human rights
law through the misuse of
UAVs can attract condem-
nation from the international
community. This can result
in calls for investigations,
sanctions, or other meas-
የሚስጥር ዘበኛ The Secret Guard
ures to hold the responsible parties accountable.
Global Perception and Reputation: The misuse of UAVs can
tarnish the global perception and reputation of the country or
entity responsible. Negative publicity, especially if it involves
civilian casualties or human rights abuses, can have lasting
effects on a nation’s standing in the international community.
Arms Control and Non-Proliferation: The misuse of armed
UAVs may prompt discussions on the need for internation-
al agreements and arms control measures to regulate the
development, production, and use of such technology. The
international community may seek to prevent the proliferation
of armed UAVs and establish norms for responsible use.
United Nations Involvement: The United Nations (UN) may
become involved in cases where the misuse of UAVs results
in international disputes, human rights violations, or threats
to peace and security. The UN may play a role in mediating
conflicts, conducting investigations, or implementing sanctions.
Regional Stability: Misuse of UAVs in conflict zones can
destabilize regions and contribute to ongoing conflicts. It may
also hinder diplomatic efforts to achieve peace and resolution
in affected areas.
Global Security Concerns: The proliferation and potential mis-
use of UAV technology raise broader global security con-
cerns. There may be calls for international cooperation to
establish norms and guidelines for the responsible use of
UAVs to prevent unintended consequences.
Addressing the international implications of the abuse of
UAVs requires collaborative efforts, adherence to international
law, and diplomatic initiatives. It underscores the importance
of responsible and transparent use of technology in a man-
ner consistent with established legal and ethical standards to
maintain international peace and security.
The international community cannot turn a blind eye to the
unfair usage of UAVs on civilian populations in Ethiopia.
The Ethiopian government must be held accountable for its
actions and be urged to implement stricter regulations on
drone operations to prevent further mass killings. Additionally,
international organizations and human rights groups should
conduct investigations and shed light on the extent of civilian
casualties caused by these UAV attacks.
የሚስጥር ዘበኛ The Secret Guard
The unfair usage of UAVs on civilians in Ethiopia poses a
significant threat to human rights and international law. What
initially started as collateral damage resulting from drone
operations has transcended into mass killings, indicating a
dire need for stricter regulations and greater accountability.
Unless action is taken promptly, innocent lives will continue
to be lost, and the unethical use of technology will perpetuate
suffering in conflict-stricken regions such as Ethiopia.
Fact Corner
“In the picture, the young man standing behind Bini (a man
with blue tie) is named John. He was a brave and moral-
ly commendable commando, ultimately becoming the Prime
Minister’s escort. During the June 16 bomb blast, he was
one of the escorts who swiftly took the Prime Minister by the
hand and shielded him from the platform. This moment was
captured in a picture (available on YouTube).
Recently, I came across news circulating on social media, re-
porting the tragic deaths of heroic comrades, including John,
who worked with us. Upon learning this, I felt a profound
sense of sorrow. I do not intend to apportion blame for these
deaths, but it grieves me deeply to witness the senseless
massacre of innocent people in their ancestral villages and
the targeted killings of citizens based on their identities, even
in urban areas.
የሚስጥር ዘበኛ The Secret Guard
It is important to note that Jonina and Tagai Godou were
arrested and subsequently killed in connection with the dev-
astating conflict in northern Ethiopia. Following the outbreak
of the war, it was reported that they were disarmed and
detained for a period before being transferred to a military
camp in Arba Minch, where they met their tragic fate. The
circumstances surrounding their deaths have left me ques-
tioning why such atrocities occurred.
As the war unfolded, the leaders orchestrating events from
both sides continued to live. They assured us that the con-
flict would end, yet their political maneuvers resulted in the
tragedy of numerous young individuals like Johnnys, Tolesas,
Donsas, and countless others.
To this day, many young people in Oromia, Amhara, and
various regions across the country continue to face hardship
and untimely demise. These youths are merely pawns for
calculating politicians, their lives treated as expendable com-
modities. As it has been said, ‘for a parent - a beloved son,
for a child - an irreplaceable father, and for a wife - the best
husband, but for the nation.”
Justice for the innocent

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The secret Guard Vol.02.pdf

  • 1. 1 የሚስጥር ዘበኛ From Collateral Damage to Mass Killing: Unfair Usage of UAVs on Civilians in Ethiopia Fact Corner: Justice for the Innocent ቅጽ.1 ቁጥር.02.ህዳር. 2016 Vol.1 No.02.Nov.2023 Chief editor: Belayneh Zelelew
  • 2. የሚስጥር ዘበኛ The Secret Guard 2 Introduction: In recent years, the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), commonly known as drones, has rapidly in- creased across the world. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), commonly known as drones, are aircraft that are operated without a hu- man pilot on board. They can be controlled remote- ly by a human operator or autonomously by onboard computers. UAVs have gained significant attention and popularity in recent years due to their versatility and wide range of applica- tions in various industries, From Collateral Damage to Mass Killing: Unfair Usage of UAVs on Civilians in Ethiopia including military, commer- cial, and recreational use. Their ability to gather data, conduct surveillance, and perform tasks in hard-to- reach or dangerous areas makes them a valuable tool in many different fields. As technology continues to ad- vance, the capabilities and potential uses of UAVs are only expected to grow, mak- ing them an increasingly im- portant and relevant topic in today’s world. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles initially developed for mili- tary purposes, UAVs have become increasingly preva- lent in civilian life, aiding in By: Belayneh Zelelew Negash
  • 3. 3 various fields such as agri- culture, research, and sur- veillance. However, the se- curity implications of these autonomous flying machines are becoming more appar- ent, especially when de- ployed in conflict zones. This article aims to shed light on the unfair usage of UAVs on civilian populations in Ethiopia, where collateral damage has escalated into indiscriminate mass killings. The Rising Trend of UAVs: Unmanned aerial vehicles have revolutionized modern warfare, offering advantages such as surveillance capa- bilities, targeted assassina- tions, and reduced risks to mission personnel. As a re- sult, many countries, includ- ing Ethiopia, have incorporat- ed UAVs into their national defense strategies. Ethiopia employs UAVs for surveil- lance, reconnaissance, and occasional strikes against armed opposition groups. Nonetheless, in the pro- cess, innocent civilians have increasingly fallen victim to this technology. Collateral Damage Turns to Mass Killing: The term “unmanned aerial vehicles” (UAVs), common- ly referred to as drones, has been a subject of de- bate and concern, particu- larly in relation to collateral damage. Collateral damage refers to unintentional or in- cidental damage to persons or objects that are not the intended target during a mil- itary operation or strike. UAVs can be used for var- ious purposes, including re- connaissance, surveillance, and targeted strikes. While they offer advantages such as reduced risk to human pilots and the ability to op- erate in dangerous or re- mote areas, concerns arise when it comes to minimizing collateral damage. Several factors contribute to the potential for collateral damage in UAV operations: 1. Precision of Strikes: UAVs are equipped with
  • 4. የሚስጥር ዘበኛ The Secret Guard 4 advanced targeting systems, and many are capable of highly precise strikes. How- ever, errors can still occur, and the accuracy of strikes depends on the technology, the quality of intelligence, and the training of opera- tors. 2. Rules of Engagement: The rules of engagement (ROE) for UAV operations play a crucial role in deter- mining when and how these vehicles are used. Stringent ROE can help minimize the risk of collateral damage by imposing restrictions on when and where UAVs can engage targets. 3. Civilian Presence: The presence of civilians in or near the target area in- creases the risk of collateral damage. It can be challeng- ing to distinguish between combatants and non-com- batants, and mistakes or miscalculations can lead to unintended harm. 4. Technology Limitations: Despite advancements in technology, UAVs may still face limitations in target identification and discrimina- tion, especially in complex and dynamic environments. 5. Ethical and Legal Con- cerns: The use of UAVs in military operations raises ethical and legal questions. International humanitarian law and human rights law require parties in conflict to take all feasible precautions to minimize harm to civilians and civilian objects. Efforts are ongoing to ad- dress these concerns and enhance the precision and ethical use of UAVs. Tech- nological advancements, improved intelligence gath- ering, and adherence to strict rules of engagement are crucial elements in mit- igating the risk of collateral damage associated with un- manned aerial vehicles. Ad- ditionally, ongoing dialogue among nations, international organizations, and advocacy groups seeks to establish guidelines and norms for the responsible use of this technology in armed con- flicts. In Ethiopia, the line between collateral damage and de-
  • 5. 5 liberate attacks on civil- ians has blurred. Instances where UAV strikes were in- itially justified as necessary to neutralize terrorist threats have evolved into cases of mass killings, raising serious concerns about the legality, ethics, and human rights implications of drone usage. The Controversial Case of the Tigray and Amhara re- gions Conflicts: The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) on civilians that results in mass killings is a grave violation of in- ternational humanitarian law and human rights. Deliber- ate and indiscriminate at- tacks on civilians are consid- ered war crimes and crimes against humanity. Such actions are condemned by the international community, and those responsible may be held accountable under international law. Key considerations in this context include: 1. War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity: Intentional targeting of civil- ians with UAVs, leading to mass killings, constitutes war crimes and crimes against humanity. These acts are prohibited under internation- al law, including the Geneva Conventions and their Addi- tional Protocols. 2. Accountability and Re- sponsibility: Individuals, military person- nel, and political leaders responsible for ordering or carrying out such attacks can be held accountable before international tribu- nals, national courts, or oth- er mechanisms designed to address violations of inter- national law. 3. International Humanitari- an Law (IHL): IHL places strict limitations on the use of force, empha- sizing the principle of dis- tinction between combatants and civilians. Deliberate at- tacks on civilians, as well as indiscriminate attacks that do not distinguish between military targets and civilians, are clear violations of IHL. 4. Human Rights Law: UAV attacks on civilians also implicate human rights law, which protects the right
  • 6. የሚስጥር ዘበኛ The Secret Guard 6 to life, security, and digni- ty. States are obligated to respect and protect these rights, and any violation can lead to legal consequences. 5. Investigations and Ac- countability Mechanisms: In cases of mass killings in- volving UAVs, there should be thorough and impartial investigations to determine the facts, identify respon- sible parties, and ensure accountability. This may in- volve international bodies, national authorities, or a combination of both. 6. Global Condemnation: The international community typically condemns such ac- tions, and nations may face diplomatic and economic consequences for their in- volvement in mass killings of civilians. 7. Prevention and Mitigation: Efforts should be made to prevent such atrocities in the first place. International actors, including the United Nations and human rights organizations, may work to mediate conflicts, promote peace, and encourage ad- herence to international le- gal standards. It is essential for the interna- tional community to respond decisively to such egregious violations to prevent impu- nity and uphold the princi- ples of international law that protect civilians in times of armed conflict. The respon- sibility to protect civilians is a shared global commit- ment, and actions that lead to mass killings, whether conducted using UAVs or other means, are universally condemned. One of the most concern- ing situations involving UAV usage in Ethiopia is the ongoing conflict in the Tigray region. Reports indi- cate that Ethiopian federal forces, supported by UAVs, have targeted civilian are- as, resulting in a significant number of casualties and widespread displacement. These attacks go beyond the concept of collateral damage and breach inter- national humanitarian law, raising questions about the accountability and oversight
  • 7. 7 of drone operations. According Unit Nation Hu- man Right commission re- port entitle Ethiopia: Vio- lence in Amhara region, Continued human rights violations and abuses, in- cluding arbitrary arrests, in Ethiopia’s north-western Am- hara region and other parts of the country are deeply concerning. They undermine any ongoing efforts by the Government of Ethiopia on the peace process, includ- ing transitional justice. It is imperative that all par- ties refrain from unlawful attacks and take all nec- essary measures to protect civilians. Security operations by the Ethiopian Nation- al Defence Forces (ENDF) and its allies must be con- ducted in full compliance with Ethiopia’s human rights obligations. The UN Human Rights Of- fice is troubled by the dev- astating impact of drone strikes and other violence on the population in the Amhara region as clashes continue between the ENDF and its allies and ethnic Am- hara militia known as Fano. On 6 November, a drone allegedly launched by Gov- ernment forces struck a pri- mary school in the Wadera district, killing seven people, including three teachers. Reports also suggest Fano militias had occupied some parts of the campus. Another drone attack hit a bus station in Waber town on 9 November, killing 13 people who were waiting to board a bus. Fano militias were reportedly active in the area and attacking ENDF camps in Debre Markos and other smaller towns in East and West Gojjam zones, when the drone struck. Such attacks amount to arbitrary deprivation of life under international human rights law. In an earlier incident, six people were killed and 14 others injured when Govern- ment forces shelled residen- tial areas in Chuahit town, in Central Gondar Zone on 4 November. Many of the
  • 8. የሚስጥር ዘበኛ The Secret Guard 8 victims were killed in their homes. In the same context, 21 peo- ple, including government and ruling party officials, were killed by Fano militia in two separate incidents in Alem Ber, in South Gondar, and in Jibayt district, in the Awi zone, on 9 and 28 Oc- tober, respectively. Lack of Transparency and Accountability: The lack of transparency and accountability in the usage of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), especially under directorship, is a sig- nificant concern that spans ethical, legal, and geopolit- ical dimensions. Here are several key points to con- sider: 1. Targeted Killings and Ex- trajudicial Actions: In some instances, UAVs have been employed for targeted killings. The lack of transparency in deci- sion-making processes, target selection, and the absence of a clear legal framework raises concerns about the potential for ex- trajudicial actions. 2. Civilian Casualties and Collateral Damage: Lack of transparency can contribute to difficulties in assessing the accuracy of strikes and the extent of civilian casualties. Without clear information on the rules of engagement and the criteria for target selec- tion, it becomes challenging
  • 9. 9 to hold parties accountable for instances of collateral damage. 3. Legal and Ethical Impli- cations: The use of UAVs in military and intelligence operations raises legal and ethical questions. Lack of transpar- ency can hinder efforts to evaluate the compliance of UAV operations with interna- tional humanitarian law and human rights standards. 4. Accountability for Mis- takes: Transparency is crucial for holding individuals and or- ganizations accountable in cases of mistakes or errors in UAV operations. Accurate reporting and investigation of incidents are essential for learning from mistakes and improving operational proce- dures. 5. National Security and Classification: National security concerns often lead to the classifica- tion of information related to UAV operations. While some level of secrecy may be necessary, there is a delicate balance between protecting sensitive informa- tion and ensuring public ac- countability. 6. Public Trust and Percep- tion: Lack of transparency can erode public trust in govern- ment actions. It is important
  • 10. የሚስጥር ዘበኛ The Secret Guard 10 for democratic societies to have mechanisms in place to ensure oversight and accountability in the use of military technologies, including UAVs. 7. International Relations: The use of UAVs in a secretive manner can strain interna- tional relations. Lack of transparency may lead to misunder- standings, accusations, and tensions between nations. Addressing the lack of transparency and accountability in the usage of UAVs requires a comprehensive approach: •Policy and Legal Frameworks: Establish clear policies and legal frameworks governing the use of UAVs, including mech- anisms for oversight, accountability, and reporting. •International Cooperation: Encourage international coopera- tion and dialogue to establish norms and guidelines for the responsible use of UAVs. •Independent Oversight: Implement mechanisms for inde- pendent oversight and review of UAV operations to ensure compliance with legal and ethical standards. •Public Engagement: Foster public engagement and aware- ness regarding the use of UAVs to ensure that citizens are informed about government actions and can contribute to the
  • 11. 11 democratic debate on mili- tary and intelligence oper- ations. Striking the right balance between national security and the principles of trans- parency and accountability is crucial for responsible and ethical use of UAVs un- der any form of leadership or directorship. One of the biggest challeng- es in addressing the unfair usage of UAVs in Ethiopia is the lack of transparency surrounding these opera- tions. The government and military forces have been tight-lipped about the extent of their drone programs, making it difficult to hold perpetrators accountable for their actions. This secrecy exacerbates the plight of the innocent civilians caught in the crossfire. International Implications: The abuse of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) can have significant international implications, affecting dip- lomatic relations, regional stability, and the global per- ception of the responsible parties. Here are some key international implications as- sociated with the misuse or abuse of UAVs: Diplomatic Tensions: The misuse of UAVs, especially if it results in civilian casu- alties or violations of inter- national law, can lead to diplomatic tensions between the countries involved. The affected country may lodge formal complaints, and dip- lomatic relations may be strained. Violation of Sover- eignty: Unauthorized or ag- gressive use of UAVs in the airspace of another country can be perceived as a vi- olation of sovereignty. This can escalate tensions and lead to disputes between nations. International Law and Hu- man Rights Concerns: Viola- tions of international human- itarian law and human rights law through the misuse of UAVs can attract condem- nation from the international community. This can result in calls for investigations, sanctions, or other meas-
  • 12. የሚስጥር ዘበኛ The Secret Guard 12 ures to hold the responsible parties accountable. Global Perception and Reputation: The misuse of UAVs can tarnish the global perception and reputation of the country or entity responsible. Negative publicity, especially if it involves civilian casualties or human rights abuses, can have lasting effects on a nation’s standing in the international community. Arms Control and Non-Proliferation: The misuse of armed UAVs may prompt discussions on the need for internation- al agreements and arms control measures to regulate the development, production, and use of such technology. The international community may seek to prevent the proliferation of armed UAVs and establish norms for responsible use. United Nations Involvement: The United Nations (UN) may become involved in cases where the misuse of UAVs results in international disputes, human rights violations, or threats to peace and security. The UN may play a role in mediating conflicts, conducting investigations, or implementing sanctions. Regional Stability: Misuse of UAVs in conflict zones can destabilize regions and contribute to ongoing conflicts. It may also hinder diplomatic efforts to achieve peace and resolution in affected areas.
  • 13. 13 Global Security Concerns: The proliferation and potential mis- use of UAV technology raise broader global security con- cerns. There may be calls for international cooperation to establish norms and guidelines for the responsible use of UAVs to prevent unintended consequences. Addressing the international implications of the abuse of UAVs requires collaborative efforts, adherence to international law, and diplomatic initiatives. It underscores the importance of responsible and transparent use of technology in a man- ner consistent with established legal and ethical standards to maintain international peace and security. The international community cannot turn a blind eye to the unfair usage of UAVs on civilian populations in Ethiopia. The Ethiopian government must be held accountable for its actions and be urged to implement stricter regulations on drone operations to prevent further mass killings. Additionally, international organizations and human rights groups should conduct investigations and shed light on the extent of civilian casualties caused by these UAV attacks.
  • 14. የሚስጥር ዘበኛ The Secret Guard 14 Conclusion: The unfair usage of UAVs on civilians in Ethiopia poses a significant threat to human rights and international law. What initially started as collateral damage resulting from drone operations has transcended into mass killings, indicating a dire need for stricter regulations and greater accountability. Unless action is taken promptly, innocent lives will continue to be lost, and the unethical use of technology will perpetuate suffering in conflict-stricken regions such as Ethiopia.
  • 15. 15 Fact Corner “In the picture, the young man standing behind Bini (a man with blue tie) is named John. He was a brave and moral- ly commendable commando, ultimately becoming the Prime Minister’s escort. During the June 16 bomb blast, he was one of the escorts who swiftly took the Prime Minister by the hand and shielded him from the platform. This moment was captured in a picture (available on YouTube). Recently, I came across news circulating on social media, re- porting the tragic deaths of heroic comrades, including John, who worked with us. Upon learning this, I felt a profound sense of sorrow. I do not intend to apportion blame for these deaths, but it grieves me deeply to witness the senseless massacre of innocent people in their ancestral villages and the targeted killings of citizens based on their identities, even in urban areas.
  • 16. የሚስጥር ዘበኛ The Secret Guard 16 It is important to note that Jonina and Tagai Godou were arrested and subsequently killed in connection with the dev- astating conflict in northern Ethiopia. Following the outbreak of the war, it was reported that they were disarmed and detained for a period before being transferred to a military camp in Arba Minch, where they met their tragic fate. The circumstances surrounding their deaths have left me ques- tioning why such atrocities occurred. As the war unfolded, the leaders orchestrating events from both sides continued to live. They assured us that the con- flict would end, yet their political maneuvers resulted in the tragedy of numerous young individuals like Johnnys, Tolesas, Donsas, and countless others.
  • 17. 17 To this day, many young people in Oromia, Amhara, and various regions across the country continue to face hardship and untimely demise. These youths are merely pawns for calculating politicians, their lives treated as expendable com- modities. As it has been said, ‘for a parent - a beloved son, for a child - an irreplaceable father, and for a wife - the best husband, but for the nation.” Justice for the innocent