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IESD 2013 – 2014
Advocacy in Wirral
PARTNERING WITH University of Liverpool
Addressing mental health inequalities:
integration of a non-medical mental health
model into primary care
Key Objectives
This project aims to address the growing burden of mental health problems within the
community through developing innovative approaches for accessing care in the primary
care setting.
Our particular concern is to address inequity of care provision for people with complex
needs. We will do this by integrating a new service into primary care: offering innovation in
access to care in terms of how needs are assessed. There are 2 elements to our planned
change – influencing how GPs discuss mental health issues with patients presenting to
them; and providing ready access to the non-medical needs assessment process that is the
AiW model.
This innovation project will deliver on 3 aims: to integrate the AiW model into a primary care
(general practice) setting – being the context in which we know our target groups often seek
help; to apply the model and deliver care to clients over a 12 month period, supporting by
an integrated evaluation run on action-learning principles to identify learning and benefit for
patients, primary care teams, health services, and communities; to inspire wider change in
service design and provision through disseminating learning through conversations with
commissioners, education programmes, community groups.
Based on AiW’s past experience of delivering care, we anticipate
our proposal will improve productivity of services through delivering
i) improved mental health outcomes ii) reduced service use
including GP appointments, medication use and referrals to
specialist mental health services through better targeting of care to
needs (see below) and through enhancing resilience. Improved
outcomes for individuals will include improved mental health and
improved daily living (engagement in meaningful occupation, quality
of life) Improved outcomes for primary care in addressing
inequalities will include: i) improvements in candidacy (in people
identifying themselves as eligible for care, and improved uptake by
hard to reach groups; ii) improved concordance (satisfaction and
engagement with service, including evidence of self-activity e.g.
engagement with meaningful occupation); and improved recursivity
(resilience, less repeat GP visits)
The innovation will improve productivity for service users by
targeting access to the most appropriate and best care to support
individual needs. Currently the primary route of access to support is
through General Practice, and assessment of a PHQ-9 score. From
there people may be referred to IAPT services, or similar, for
support. During the needs assessment and intervention process,
practical problems which both contribute to distress and limit
recovery are often identified. It is only at this stage that individuals
may be referred on/flagged up for practical support. Experience at
AiW highlights that for some people, especially the exemplar
groups highlighted, addressing practical problems at the outset can
improve mental health outcomes and avoid
unnecessary/inappropriate medicalisation of distress.
Delivery Methods
Through GP practices, and working with Health Care Professionals Dissemination
i) Negotiation with local commissioners for continuation of the local
ii) Hold a stakeholder conference/workshop to discuss innovation in
needs assessment with national stakeholders and explore how
stakeholders can integrate findings into their own context.
iii) Outreach: development of educational packages for potential
future service providers and for GPs on how to assess mental
health needs using a non-biomedical approach.
iv) Reports and publications via clinical and academic journals,
social media, AiW/CPCD websites and via press releases.
Service Users
In particular, our work has focused on supporting traditionally disadvantaged groups:
including those with complex mental health needs (ADHD, PD, MUS); people with
comorbidity; and vulnerable groups from socioeconomically deprived communities e.g.
those who are unemployed or at high risk. We will target a population who may experience
depressed mood as a result of feeling ‘overwhelmed’ or exhausted by the pressures
(practical problems) of daily living (Reeve et al 2009).
AVA (Against Violence & Abuse)
In partnership with the Institute of Psychiatry
Promoting recovery:
improving mental health
service responses to
violence against women
Key objectives: To introduce a recovery-based ap-
proach to working with mental health patients who are
victims of violence against women. We will work strategi-
cally with two Mental Health Trusts to develop Trust-wide
responses which move beyond managing risk to also fo-
cus on recovery.
Delivery methods:
 Provide expert input to Trust safeguarding, clinical and recovery frameworks to develop holistic re-
sponses to VAW
 Mentor team managers/senior practitioners to become VAW champions for their service
 Deliver train the trainer training and develop a VAW competency framework to inform long-term
workforce development
 Strengthen relationships with local VAW services
1. Clearer strategic framework to implement
work around violence against women
2. Improved practitioner responses to vio-
lence against women
3. Improved experience of services for pa-
tients who are survivors of abuse
Service users: Our service users are sur-
vivors of domestic and sexual violence
who access a range of mental health ser-
vices in two Mental Health Trusts in Eng-
land. Based on current research, we esti-
mate that around 30% of female mental
health patients and a smaller number of
male patients in each Trust will benefit
Dissemination: We will dissemi-
nate our findings through our estab-
lished networks of domestic and
sexual violence, mental health and
substance use practitioners, policy
makers and academics. Together
with our partners, we will write arti-
cles for journals and practitioners
Age Concern Yorkshire & Humber
PARTNERING WITH Age UK Barnsley, Age UK Wakefield District,
Age UK Bradford District, REACT
Together for Health
Barnsley, Wakefield, Castleford, Bradford, Keighley, North Yorkshire
Key Objectives
• Design a referral process for health and social care professionals to ‘prescribe’ Age UK
interventions for older people
• Motivate and link older people into their community and networks of support
• Offer activities in local communities using volunteers
• Evaluate how we identify older people who are isolated and lonely so people who are
functioning in their homes can also function in their communities
• Older people feel less isolated and levels of
loneliness is reduced amongst disadvantaged older
• Older people need less health interventions
because they are independent / have support
networks in their community
• The voluntary sector has a role in integrated health
and social care teams
Delivery Methods
• Work with secondary care and integrated health and social care teams to identify older
people in need of support to link into their community
• Use LEAF (an outcomes assessment tool) to help older people assess their own
needs, identify the changes they need to make to take control of their lives and their
own health and wellbeing
• Recruit volunteers to run activities in local communities
• To Age UKs nationally through national
communication channels
• Through national and regional networks of
commissioners and publications
• To older people through forums; Age Action
Alliance and DWPs AGEnda
Service Users
• People over 50 who are at risk of being lonely or
isolated. The risk factors could be they live alone, are
recently bereaved or divorced, prone to falling, family
lives far away, becoming a carer or giving up caring,
• Their health is affected by their loneliness and
isolation: they have been in hospital in the last 12
months; they are a ‘frequent flyer’ at their GP or A&E.
Key Objectives
• To empower users of services to influence the direction of
health and social care.
• To equip users of services with the skills to collect feedback
and act as advocates on behalf of their communities.
• To help to drive improvements in service quality and
outcomes for users of services.
• Increase in the skills and knowledge and of service users
• Increase in numbers of service users who provide feedback on health and
social care services
• Improved services resulting from improved feedback
• Increase in the use of the SpeakOut network by other national and local
organisations to consult with hard to reach and disadvantaged groups
Delivery Methods
Development of training package which:
• Provides a number of easy to access and use routes for feedback into
health and social care systems
• Increases health and social care information sharing within
• Provides individuals and communities with a range of skills to
understand and challenge systems in relation to their access to health
and social careDissemination
The final report will be widely disseminated through health and
social care networks using the access to these networks that
CQC enjoys. It will demonstrate the impact simple creative
techniques for consultation, engagement and feedback collection
and the use of these tools in system design can have on allowing
the voice of those most affected by health inequalities to be
heard. The training will be available for further individuals and
organisations to use.
Service Users
We will work with members of the SpeakOut network, a national network of over
80 groups who represent hard to reach and disadvantaged communities across
England. We also hope to work additionally with members of Local
Healthwatches across the country.
Bliss – The national charity of the newborn
The Bliss guide for families of late pre-term
and sick babies National
Key Objectives
• Building on the success of the Bliss Family Handbook
we will provide a new publication which focuses on the
needs of families with later pre term babies born after
32 weeks.
• Drawing on evidence that the needs of this group of
parents is not being met, we will provide an information
resource which supports parents of later pre term and
sick babies supported by online information.
• Improving health outcomes for parents and babies born
between 32 – 36 weeks.
• Improvements in health
outcomes to babies born
between 32 – 36 week
• Increasing the confidence of
• Increased take up of
information by ‘hard to reach
• Enabling parents to take
greater responsibility for the
care of their baby while in the
neonatal unit and to help them
interact confidently with
neonatal healthcare
• Reduction in parental anxiety
by providing practical support.
• Healthcare professionals gain
better appreciation of the
needs of parents with babies in
these categories resulting in
improved outcomes for babies.
Delivery Methods
• Establish working group consisting of staff, parents and
healthcare professionals to develop the new Bliss guide.
• Writing and editing of new guide.
• Series of short videos researched and produced.
• Web based resources developed.
• 40,000 guides printed.
• Distribution to all neonatal units in England.
• Promotion of the new guide in all neonatal
units across the UK.
• Distribution of 40,000 guides per year.
• Evaluation of the guide with relevant
stakeholders and by external independent
• Disseminate relevant findings with our
partners in Perinatal support networks.
Service Users
• Families of the 42,000 babies born
between 32 – 36 weeks facing their own
unique health and developmental
challenges. This document and online
resource will directly support the parents
whose babies are born between this
• Healthcare professionals.
• Increasing access to support for young
parents and BME groups.
Books Beyond Words (BBW)
Books Beyond Words Social Enterprise
Working Nationally
Key Objectives
Over three years Books Beyond Words will
build its capacity to assist more people with
learning disabilities to understand their
situations, access information and participate
fully in making decisions.
Books Beyond Words will continue to develop
as a social enterprise, with sustainable core
income, by:
• increasing accessibility to our books
• developing our training for using the
books in different contexts
• developing partnerships for collaborative
work, including book clubs
Improved ability of carers and professionals to
• recognise the needs of people with learning
• understand their situations
• develop person centred responses to needs of
each person with learning disabilities
More people with learning disabilities:
• having access to in-depth communication
• greater involvement in the personalisation of
their own health and social care
Books Beyond Words developing
• a strengthened core team and finances, to
build its capacity to fulfil its mission to support
people with learning disabilities.
Delivery Methods
• Increasing the staff team to build the capacity of the organisation
Creating eBooks of all 39 titles in 6 languages, including out of print titles, to increase
accessibility. This includes over 50 healthcare scenarios being available for health
professionals to access electronically
• A variety of training courses to help careers and professionals use the books
• Partnering with local libraries and organisations to develop Book Clubs
We will work with a university or research student to
undertake a process of measuring the quantitative
impact that Books Beyond Words makes in the lives
of people with learning disabilities, and the help they
offer professionals.
We will also undertake qualitative research on how
these books, and the method of picture story-telling,
effect the situations, understanding and decisions of
people with learning disabilities.
Service Users
The books, eBooks, clubs and training all benefit
people with learning disabilities to access
information, explore their own lives, and take part in
the decisions and situations which affect them. The
books are used by family carers, support workers,
or health and social care professionals, who are
trained through the books and/or training resources
and workshops
Books Beyond Words
Key Objectives
• To develop and publish a picture book that will directly benefit those experiencing
domestic abuse as well as their supporters and health and social care workers
• The book will be a communication, educational and preventative tool that will focus
• personal safety and reporting
• giving people with learning disabilities a better understanding of abuse
• helping people know when to seek help
Books Beyond Words: Surviving Domestic Abuse
• Improve the quality of care of people with
learning disabilities who are in abusive
• Provide health and social care professionals
and advocacy workers with a book illustrating
best practice
• Be available in an eBook version from
Bespoke training will be provided for those working in
a therapeutic setting.
Delivery Methods
• An Editorial Team of three authors and an artist creates the storyline with about 50
pictures . The team is supported by:
• an advisory group of experts, including four people with learning disabilities who
monitor the pictures and agree
• an extensive picture trialling by individuals and groups of people with learning
• the authors prepare the text, including a storyline and guidelines for supporters, health
and social care professionals
The book will be available in all areas of the UK, and
also worldwide. It can be ordered through bookshops
and Amazon UK as well as from our website. It will
be promoted by the websites of our partners EDV and
Respond and at their conferences and seminars and,
in the case of the latter, to individuals and groups of
people with learning disabilities who are being
abused. We will also advertise training workshops,
focussing specifically on Surviving Domestic Abuse.
Service Users
Service users with learning disabilities in advocacy
groups and NHS units in different parts of the UK play
a vital role in the development of the book by trialling
the pictures, making sure they will be understood by
future readers. Pictures can be re-drawn if they
cause anxiety or are not understood.
Their comments also inform the text of the book which
is written after the picture trialling.
Breakthrough Breast Cancer
Embedding patient partnership and
service improvement through the
Service Pledge
Key Objectives
• To ensure patients’ feedback on their local breast service is
embedded in the process of improving services
• To understand patients’ experiences of their local services
using comprehensive questionnaires and face to face
• To ensure improvement goals are set and reached based on
this feedback
• To ensure seldom heard groups of patients are involved in this
• Breast cancer patients will receive the best
possible care appropriate to their situation and
clear information on what to expect from their
local breast service throughout their treatment
• Impact of improvements in patients' care will be
maximised because they will reflect local
patients’ key concerns.
• A sense of joint ownership and a genuine culture
of partnership between healthcare professionals
and patients will be created.
Delivery Methods
• At each participating breast unit, patient surveys and interviews
are conducted that enable patients to comment on the service
they receive and recommend areas for improvement.
• Breast units use the information gathered to review their
existing services and agree feasible improvements with patient
• A Service Pledge booklet is published for each unit and is given
to breast cancer patients at the point of diagnosis. The booklet
contains both the standards of care patients can expect to
receive at every stage in their treatment journey and
commitments to making a minimum of three improvements
within a specific timescale.
Through active sharing of best practice and learning
via Cancer Networks, events and the publication of
a Pledge programme, other charities and NHS
organisations could adopt Breakthrough’s model
and apply it to services within their field of expertise
– an efficient and effective method of achieving
objectives and improving standards of service user
Service Users
50,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer
each year in the UK. Breakthrough Breast Cancer
works with hospital breast services around the
country, aiming to ensure each of these women is
offered the best possible care. We have spoken to
10,000 patients at over 50 hospitals so far,
implementing improvements for up to 30,000
Bristol Drugs Project
11, Brunswick Sq, Bristol BS2 8PE
Enabling independence and
inclusion amongst older
marginalised drug and alcohol
Key Objectives
Older drug and alcohol users are hidden, marginalised, socially
isolated, have a high burden of ill health and under-consult primary
care. We aim to develop a substantial service for this group to:
• build confidence and enable re-enfranchisement
• open doors to drug and alcohol treatment and promote
Hepatitis C testing and treatment
• promote life-long learning, access to training, work and
• improve relationships with families/concerned others
We will recruit 90 people over three years and involve Peers with
lived experience at every stage in planning and delivery.
Outcomes (Arial 14)
• Increased numbers accessing support for drug and alcohol misuse problems
• Reduced substance misuse resulting in earlier consultations, and better
outcomes in primary care for age-related and other complaints
• Over 50% of injecting drug users in Bristol have Hepatitis C, very few are
treated. We will encourage, facilitate and support Hepatitis C treatment.
• Improved self-confidence, reduced anxiety and health gains leading to
improvements in housing security, family and community relationships and
access to learning, training and employment
Delivery Methods
A fulfilling ‘day care’ programme with the following components:
• social group, building on existing weekly provision
• topic-based ‘recovery’ groups for reducing problematic drug
and alcohol use
• arts and community engagement groups
• supported by Peers with lived experience
• key-working and care-planning for individuals
Training to local organisations working with older people to:
• raise the profile of older drug and alcohol users in Bristol
• understand the stigma and discrimination preventing access to services
• identify and signpost older drug and alcohol users to our service
Writing for national journals to:
• inspire drug and alcohol services to establish age-specific projects
• provide a mentoring role to those wishing to replicate the service
• alert professionals working with older people to the hidden nature of substance
misuse and the potential for change and recovery
Presenting posters and an academic paper at the end of the project
Service Users
A group of hidden and highly marginalised drug and alcohol users aged 50 and over,
who do not access services, under-report their substance use and delay consulting
about other health complaints. They tell us they feel isolated, lonely, fearful of
services for younger people and shameful of their on-going substance dependence.
We know that older drug and alcohol users:
• can have poor psychological and physical health and longer hospital stays
• do well in treatment with age-adjusted detoxification and rehabilitation regimes
• may experience late-onset substance misuse triggered by psychological and
health problems associated with aging.
British Association of Dermatologists
Psychological Support for Skin Conditions online resource
• To create an interactive, mobile-phone accessible website for sufferers of skin conditions seeking psychological support.
• To unite the specialties of dermatology and mental health, which have a significant overlap.
• To bring together, and link to, existing disease specific resources, support groups, forums and help-lines.
By being able to see easily the range of options available, skin patients
will be able to make better informed choices about their health and care
and understand how to access the help that they need. We will provide
guided, personalised access to self-help tools, information on support
groups, and advice on types of guided therapies and other psychological
Delivery Methods
We will work closely with patient/service user representatives who will
input into each stage and we will be working alongside a multi-
disciplinary panel of medical professionals and experts.
We will also involve the different skin condition-specific support groups
and other patient/public stakeholders.
The involvement of patients/service users and public stakeholders at
every step of the development process and testing of the resource will
create a body of advocates for the project and its aims.
• Parliamentary launch, press event, separate stakeholder event
• Reflective learning symposium.
• BAD’s literature and at the BAD’s national events
• Partner organisation’s literature and events
• Key professional stakeholder groups
• Key patient support groups
Service Users
• Skin conditions and their associated psychological burden affect all
ages, ethnicities, genders and social demographics, and the
website based resource would be available freely to all.
• The website will also have an area for use by medical
The Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Services (CAMHS) Evidence Based Practice
Unit (EBPU) at the Anna Freud Centre
CAMHSweb: Web Supported Care in CAMHS
Working with CAMHS nationally
Key Objectives
• To develop an innovative interactive portal and support package to
promote self-management and shared decision making in CAMHS.
• To increase access to new and developing forms of information that
promote choice and control so children and young people accessing
CAMHS are actively engaged in their health and care at all stages along
the clinical care pathway.
• To enhance engagement and service efficiency
We anticipate the portal will aid the following areas:
• Clinical outcomes will be improved in terms of both
symptom change and functioning.
• Collaborative working and shared decision making
will enhance patient experience.
• Increase efficiency in CAMHS in various ways
including shortening the number of sessions
needed to reach positive outcomes, enhancing
interagency integration and reducing DNAs.
• All learning and best practice materials will
be made freely available and accessible for
use across the NHS and beyond.
• Findings will be disseminated through a
range of media including peer reviewed
publication, conference presentation and
research reports.
• A major focus is to ensure the findings have
real impact on the management of health
services and on improving practice and
service delivery in the NHS.
Delivery Methods
• Recruitment of services to test
and use the portal
• On-going consultation and
iterative feedback process to
enhance portal
• Training in use of the portal
• Delivery through range of mobile
and digital technology platforms
Service Users
Service users are and will remain key
contributors to this project:
• A number of young people involvement
groups have already been consulted on
aspects of the design of this project and
their views have been incorporated in
shaping and refining the proposal.
• Service user focus groups
• Service users will form part of steering
• The portal will support some of the most
vulnerable and disadvantaged groups in
our society to ensure their voices are
heard and that they are central to the
clinical interaction.
Council for Disabled Children
PARTNERING WITH National Children’s Bureau
Right to Voice
Geographical area project will cover: England
Key Objectives
• To enable commissioners and those responsible for developing JSNAs to
see how they can ensure that children and young people’s voice and
priorities are woven into their work
• Ensure that the concepts and rights enshrined in the NHS constitution are
accessible to children and young people
• Ensure that professionals throughout the health system understand what
those rights mean in practice
• The effective involvement of children and young people in
their own care will have a beneficial impact on their
physical and psychological health, but will also lead to
improvements in services.
• With children and young people better able to understand
how to make the health system work for them we would
expect in the longer term to see increased treatment
compliance and a decrease in ‘do not attend’ figures
• Ensuring children and young people’s voice is effective will
make the system safer for vulnerable children and young
Delivery Methods
• Desk research and advisory group to ensure project builds on existing
knowledge and practice
• Work with 6-8 CCGs and Local Healthwatches to understand the
resources and additional support they need to enable them to effectively
involve children and young people. Deliver support.
• Work with children and young people to co-produce those resources
• Work with young people to produce materials for young people informing
them of their rights under the constitution; including an accessible version
of the constitution
CDC and NCB have extensive membership networks which
reach out to professionals, children and young people and
parents. Dissemination will include children and young people
themselves in terms of the materials aimed at them and
professionals working with children and young people.
Materials for CCG and Local Health watch organisations will be
disseminated through local networks. We will also work with
NHS England and appropriate Royal Colleges and Workforce
and education Providers.
Service Users
Whilst this project is being led by the Council for Disabled
Children (CDC) we are working closely with the National
Children’s Bureau (NCB) and will be involving disabled children,
those with long term conditions and those identified as
vulnerable: young carers, young people in and leaving care, and
those in the youth justice system.
Dementia Adventure CIC
Connecting people living with dementia to nature
Natural Leaders
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can
change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
2 posts covering the Midlands and the South of England in 2013
Key Objectives
 To recruit, train and manage two new members of
staff for Dementia Adventure in 2013, 1 in 2014, 1
in 2015
 Business development & delivery
 Enabling many organisations which provide
services for people living with dementia to
improve their approach and outcomes
 We assume that the benefits of nature are
universal and that by connecting more people with
nature we will bring more health benefits to people
living with dementia, reducing co-morbidity and
increasing longevity.
 Enabling thousands more people living with dementia to live healthier, more
active lives, resulting in fewer crisis points.
 Higher quality personalised services for people living with dementia both for
those living in care and in their own homes.
 Care providers have better staff morale, lower turnover and reduced use of
anti-psychotic medication.
 National Dementia Strategy quality of life outcomes.
 Greater social inclusion and equality for people living with dementia and their
carers; greater visibility in social and green space.
 To enable Dementia Adventure to become self-sustaining.
Delivery Methods
 Dementia Adventure is a CIC which seeks to connect people
living with dementia to nature. We do this by providing training
to providers of care to people living with dementia.
 We use an approach called thinking differently, and use
experiential training as much as possible, in natural
 Consultancy at a strategic level to improve the variety of
services across the board.
 Providing adventurous activities on a small local scale which
are easily replicable.
 Working on innovative offerings with our partners and keeping
an open mind.
 Video
 Events
 Social media
 DA website
 Email newsletter
 Qualitative evidence
 Quantitative evidence
 Objective studies carried
out by 3rd
 Articles and books
 Conference appearances
 Awards
Service Users
 People living with dementia
 Carers for people living with
 CCGs
 Commissioners of services for
people living with dementia
 Green space providers & managers
 Housing Associations
 Day Care providers
 Residential care providers
 Natural Heritage organisations
interested in social inclusion
Disabled Living Foundation (DLF)
Reablement resource suite
Key Objectives
• Create an innovative suite of web and mobile device
applications (apps) designed to support individuals
(and their families and carers), before, during and
after the reablement process.
• Provide a reference point for reablement teams,
newly qualified OTs and care home staff. The
information will be accredited by the DH’s
Information Standard.
• Raise awareness of assistive technology in general
and specifically the kind of aids and equipment that
may be provided during reablement or
recommended for self purchase.
• Improved access to impartial advice & information
relevant to reablement techniques and equipment whilst
at home, in the office, or in the community.
• This information is accessible beyond the 6 week
reablement course.
• Reablement teams and care home staff gain
confidence and use the resources to build care plans.
• Families and carers will feel better informed about
reablement objectives and treatment plans.
• Improved cost effectiveness of reablement services
e.g. a reduction in the care hours required to support an
individual in the home and reduced hospital re-
admission rates.
Delivery Methods
The resources will be available to download free of charge and will be designed to work on a number of platforms to suit a range of budgets. DLF will aim to
address the digital divide by ensuring that the applications are easy to use and are more intuitive than a computer, with the older user in mind.
The information on techniques within the apps will have a web based PC version optimised for printing. Reablers will be able to select specific techniques
suitable for their service users and print these out to leave with service users who have no access to a mobile device themselves.
DLF will disseminate effective practice from the project through our partners and allies including local authorities. Several of these have already licenced DLF’s
web technology in the form of AskSARA. DLF will share its experience of creating and using the apps with these partners giving them the opportunity to use
similar platforms to disseminate their information and services.
Delegates attending DLF training courses will be shown the Reablement apps thereby increasing dissemination among their colleagues and organisation. Details
will also be included in training newsletters and on our websites.
Service Users
The main users will be:
a) Service users who are receiving reablement services
or have completed a course of reablement
b) Health care professionals delivering or supporting
reablement services
East Lancashire Deaf Society
BSL Health Trainer Project
Key Objectives
• Raise awareness, engage and inform the Deaf community of healthy lifestyles &
self care
• Improve interaction and engage existing health services with awareness of the
Deaf community
• Create & improve independence and reduce dependency
• Educate on healthy lifestyle choices; providing courses/training/information in
their first language of British Sign Language
• Work towards improving health inequalities
• Health inequalities to be improved with better access
and communication
• Clients to achieve independence and gain new skills
• Outcomes to be measured through monitoring
attendance, progress reports, questionnaires and
• Reduce dependency on GP’s/ Hospitals
Delivery Methods
• Regular advice/support on 1-1 basis or in group settings
• Provide & produce information in an accessible format
• Develop & signposting Deaf people with self-care support and to run health &
wellbeing sessions
• Regular forums on various health topics
• Publish articles via monthly newsletters
• Deliver workshops and preventative work on specific topics through exhibitions
We will share our research/ findings through publications
and working in partnership and networking with other Health
Professionals/ Commissioners. The information we collate
from the Deaf community will be delivered in different
formats. This will be a unique project enabling the Deaf
Community to access all Health Services as an equal.
Service Users
Potentially, and with closely-monitored research, the tally of
clients in this region alone, is over 5,000. This is mainly
aimed for Deaf people who use British Sign Language (BSL)
as their first and as our main culture of language. The
various backgrounds of support will be tailor-made for as
follows:Elderly people, isolated clients, single parents, Deaf
adults (no independency), employed/unemployed, on
benefits, low educational standards to degree level.
Guide Dogs
Guide Dogs Children and Young People’s Habilitation Service
For England.
“No one should have
to endure the hell I
went through as a
kid, and at present
they still do”
John Hillbourne
Trustee, Guide Dogs
Key Objectives
• To train more children’s habilitation
instructors to national standards.
• To increase the number of children
receiving habilitation support from an early
age across England.
Delivery Methods
! Recruit 8 habilitation trainees to start
September 2013.
! July 2014 – able to work in their teams as
habilitation assistants.
! July 2015 – qualified to deliver habilitation
training to national standards.
! Once qualified (Sept 2015) in total 400 children
per year will receive habilitation support from this
cohort of graduates.
! Individual outcomes will be measured both
clinically and qualitatively to build the evidence
for more support of this kind.
Service Users
! 43% of parents surveyed said their children had
received no mobility training at all. This rose to
80% for under 5’s.
! 79% of children with a visual impairment surveyed
found it “difficult” or “impossible” to get around
outside the home in unfamiliar places.
(2008 Functionality and Needs Survey – Guide Dogs)
As the evidence grows we will disseminate best
practice and evidence of the service impact through
all our mobility teams.
We will also work shoulder to shoulder with other
providers and local authorities to develop stronger
evidence based habilitation services in as many areas
of the UK.
Therapeutic Addiction Networks
Key Objectives
• To demonstrate that meeting the needs of people in second stage
drug and alcohol recovery is cost effective and of benefit to the
community and service users.
• To test and evaluate a network model of supported living plus
easy access to therapists
• To share learning and create a replicable model
• To enhance the life chances of those whom we support
• Relapse rates decrease (frequency &
• SU’s stability increases enabling recovery
• SUs are ready to move on to no or less
supportive environments (depending on their
on-going needs)
• The community benefits from reduced ASB
• The model is evaluated
Delivery Methods
A Network of support which provides:
• Multiple layers of formal support (incl from a
local volunteer)
• Mutual support
• Group work & 1:1 therapy, tapering in year 3
• Community connections
• Communication plan – segmented messages
& audiences
• Local and national decision makers targeted
• E-bulletins / newsletters
• Presence at conferences
• Use of existing networks
• Briefings, reports and evaluation
Service Users
Vulnerable adults with a history of substance and alcohol misuse
Lancashire Mind Partnering with Care Network
Supported by Blackburn with Darwen Clinical Commissioning Group and
Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council
The Accessible Self Care Project (The ASC
Project) working in Blackburn with Darwen
Key Objectives
The ASC Project is an innovative project incorporating the
recommended elements of a risk stratification tool, roles devoted to
motivate and sustain change and self care, a holistic approach to
health and social care and integrated working systems.
Inspired by the community orientated primary care approach, the
project aims to improve the long-term care and support of people
across the South East of Blackburn with Darwen and to reduce
inappropriate use of statutory health and social care services. This
will be achieved through improving individual self care skills and
social capital.
• Improved quality of life for people with long
term conditions
• Increased numbers of people feeling
confident in managing their conditions
• Increased number of people with long term
health conditions in employment
• Reduced number of inappropriate primary
care consultations
• Increased number of Admissions prevented
• Reduction in sickness absence
• Increased number of volunteer opportunities
Delivery Methods
The proposal has two main elements 1) Self care facilitation and 2)
Building Community Assets:
• Self- Care Facilitators will work with individuals to support
and motivate citizens to engage in and sustain healthy
behaviors to improve their health and wellbeing by utilizing
community resources.
• Community Wellbeing Coordinators will work to generate
new community solutions to improve wellbeing; increasing
community support and resilience against the risks of poor
health and wellbeing.
We will share our findings through regional and
national networks including through the network of
over 170 local mind associations.
• We have also planned to develop training
packages around the innovation project roles to
assist the development of similar projects in
other areas.
Service Users
Based in deprived areas of Blackburn the presence of
multiple long term health conditions is common.
Whilst resources to support healthy lifestyles are
available residents lack the motivation and knowledge
to access these resources.
The ASC Project will not only offer information around
community support but also one to one support to
build motivation amongst residents to access these
resources and develop self care skills.
Connecting Care
Working across England
Key Objectives
• Improve the capacity of care providers to manage and use Information &
Communication technologies (ICTs) effectively to deliver better services and
increase efficiency
• Develop care staff skills and confidence to use technology to support their care
practice through e-learning and online peer support
• Develop care staff ability to help service users engage with technology
enhancing personalisation and choice of care and support
• Develop opportunities for service users to use technology to increase access
to peer support, knowledge and information; to increase communication, build
confidence and manage care needs.
• Improved capacity of care providers to procure, manage and
use ICTs effectively & strategically to deliver better services
• Increased efficiency and effectiveness of administrative and
business systems e.g. internal communication and reporting,
supplies, care plans
• Improved ability to share best practise and learning through
relevant networks for the benefit of the care sector
• Developed care staff skills and confidence to use technology
to support their care practice through e-learning, online peer
support and knowledge sharing
• Increased personalisation, autonomy and reducing isolation
of care service users through use of technology to increase
access to peer support, knowledge and information, thereby
building confidence and enabling users to manage care
needs, finances, pursue hobbies and social activities.
Delivery Methods
• Telephone, email and web-based advice and guidance;
• Consultancy visits to participating organisations;
• Online and offline events - podcasts, guides and ‘Ask the Expert’ advice
• Access to ICT Knowledgebase and Suppliers Directory;
• Online peer support community signposting to relevant ICT information and
case studies together with links to useful online services and a discussion
forum for the sharing of good practice;
• Use of volunteers to provide practical ICT advice.
We will share our findings with technology audiences through
our ICT events programme, websites, publications and email
lists, and through our close working relationships with Charity
Technology Trust, AbilityNet, Go On, National Digital Leaders &
KnowHowNonprofit. Social care audiences will be reached
through the communication channels of national representative
bodies - Skills for Care, SCIE, NCF, NCA & SCA.
Service Users
We will be working primarily with charitable providers of social
care across England to build their organisational capacity to
better use technology and respond to social change. For care
staff access to ICT is essential for professional development.
For care service users, ICT supports active citizenship,
communication with services and personal advocacy.
Action for Blind People
In partnership with blind and partially sighted people and local and national groups operating in the sight loss sector.
Action for Blind People reg. charity no. 205913 (England and Wales)
Living with Sight
Loss Course
Rolling out at locations
across England
• Increased empowerment and
independence of visually
impaired people.
• More people with sight loss
reached at the point of diagnosis.
• Improvements to the long-term
health and well-being of blind
and partially sighted people.
• To develop a national operating framework based on a 6-8 week Living with Sight Loss course.
• To provide timely information, advice, guidance and practical life skills for people diagnosed with sight loss.
• To reach more visually impaired people by offering intensive group support with a focus on prevention and
development of self-help techniques.
Delivery methods
• This is a modular, community based
course, delivered one day a week for
6-8 weeks to approximately 15 visually
impaired people, at each cohort.
• Action is committed to working in
partnership with people who are visually
impaired, therefore, local blind and
partially sighted people facilitate parts
of the course - providing advice and
sharing their first-hand experience.
• The use of peer support empowers
• Other organisations in the health and
well-being sector, both nationally and
locally, deliver key aspects of the course.
Service Users
Blind and partially sighted people,
families, friends and carers of all
The number of people in the UK
with sight loss is set to increase
dramatically. There is a strong body
of evidence that many people
diagnosed with sight loss do not
get the information or support they
need at the right point in their sight
loss journey.
People feel isolated at a time when
suffering emotional turmoil and in
need of practical support and
Effective practice from Living with
Sight Loss course will be
disseminated to Commissioners of
health and social care, internal
Action colleagues, service delivery
partners, voluntary sector and blind
and partially sighted
people using an integrated
communications and
engagement programme.
Working in London Borough of Haringey
An online GP service designed by Haringey men for Haringey
• providing online access to health professionals for men who don’t
use traditional services
• in partnership with Haringey Men’s Health Group, local borough
public health team, CCGs, pharmacies and community
• working with local men, particularly those in hard to reach groups,
on design, marketing and delivery
• training local men’s health champions
• To design and pilot a model that works in
Haringey and could be replicated in other
localities or in other contexts such as the
• To help embed a gender-sensitive approach to
health in all other aspects of local health service
provision and public health messaging.
Delivery Methods
• Men are reluctant users of health services. So Man MOT uses
‘internet chat’ via website or smartphone to bring health services to
• Virtual surgeries could feature GPs, pharmacists, fitness advisors,
nutritionists, counsellors, relationship counsellors and other
services identified locally
• Innovative on and offline marketing to target hard to reach groups.
• We commit to widely disseminating the findings of this
project with a portfolio of best practice
• Newsletter for stakeholders
• Seminars locally and in other regions
• Engage with the Department as well as other national
agencies and think tanks.
Service Users
The service is for all men but will target those men
who aren’t engaged with traditional health services
connecting and demystifying local health services
through a focus on prevention, early intervention and
local signposting
Partnering with Manchester Mind,
Oxfordshire Mind, another Mind (TBC)
and VCS partner(s) (TBC)
Service Transformation across One Mind
Piloting in Manchester and the West Midlands, rolling out across England & Wales
Key Objective
Design, develop and test a new model for developing
excellent, recovery focused and integrated mental health
services and support that is proven to deliver greater
impact on health and social care outcomes for individuals
who have a long term physical condition and are therefore
at increased risk of developing mental health problems.
1. Produce an excellence model that ensures
100% of new mental health services
developed using it are person centred,
recovery orientated and holistic, involve
service users in their design and support
individuals to access timely and individual
support to make their own choices. (Apr ‘14)
2. Mind’s new excellence model will enable us to
reach 10,000 new users of Mind’s services
3. Create a range of core services and scale for
national impact. Extend coverage and
diversify income streams by working in
partnership with local Minds and other
external partners including statutory, private
and other voluntary sector partners. (Mar ‘16)
4. Reduce the likelihood of people with long term
conditions developing mental health problems
Delivery Methods
• Develop methodology including training, testing,
refining, co-designing and service user
• Deliver pilot interventions consisting of: Initial
training of staff (provided by Oxfordshire Mind);
recruiting groups of local people with long term
physical conditions in Manchester and the West
Midlands; holding a 10 week intervention course to
reduce their risk of developing depression;
providing further training for those wanting to
become peer supporters.
• External evaluation, including baseline and post
intervention outcomes measurement with pilot
beneficiaries, qualitative interviews, and economic
analysis of potential cost savings.
• Develop plans for dissemination of findings
• Dissemination plans will be included in the excellence model and tailored for each service model
• Evaluation Report and key learning will be disseminated throughout the Mind network (154 local Minds
across England and Wales) utilising our annual CEO conference, the Gentian Group (key CEOs) centres of
expertise and regional structure.
• Develop communications plan to key external audiences including commissioners, funders and other
voluntary sector organisations.
• Work with partners to disseminate to other local support groups and organisations supporting people with
long term physical conditions.
• Direct to service users via peer support roadshows and online, as well as through our voluntary and
statutory partners.
Service Users
Pilots in Manchester and the West Midlands will work
with 560 people with long term conditions who have
an increased risk of developing mental health
Once developed, the new excellence model will
enable us to reach 10,000 new users of Mind’s
services by 2016.
Co-morbidity of
long term physical
health conditions &
mental health
problems can lead
to significantly
poorer health
outcomes &
reduced quality of
BRIDGING THE GAP: developing a model
of patient-commissioner partnership for
specialised commissioning
Working across England
Key Objectives
• Ensure new NHS commissioning bodies are equipped to provide effective,
integrated care for neuromuscular conditions – delivering improved health
outcomes for patients and cost savings for the NHS.
• Ensure people with muscle-wasting conditions have a voice in service
• Increase understanding of neuromuscular conditions among NHS
commissioners and non-specialist health professionals.
• Ensure people with muscle-wasting conditions are fully informed and able to
access health services.
• Increase the charity’s engagement of beneficiaries and capacity for local
grassroots activity.
• Effective commissioning for all stages of neuromuscular patient
pathway thanks to co-ordination and information for commissioners
through forum network.
• Up-to-date, easily accessible online information supports effective
commissioning and straightforward access to services.
• Improved health outcomes for patients, with resulting NHS cost
savings thanks to reduced emergency hospital admissions.
• Larger and stronger network of regional beneficiary-led groups
increases charity’s capacity for local reach and impact
Delivery Methods
• Bring together people with muscle-wasting conditions, NHS commissioners,
health professionals, in a network of new neuromuscular forums.
• Develop online map of services available regionally, supporting access,
referral, and commissioning to fill gaps.
• Meetings and webinars to share information.
• Volunteers meet with patients at clinic to support, advise, and engage with the
charity and with health services
Information will be shared through the forums, website and webinars, and
through our range of networks:
- Beneficiary-led Muscle Groups (to reach patients and their families)
- Networks of clinicians and other health professionals (e.g. British
Myology Society)
- Clinical Reference Groups
- Other charities working with individual muscle-wasting conditions
- Coalitions supporting rare diseases
Service Users
60,000 people in England live with muscular dystrophy & related
neuromuscular conditions – complex, progressive disorders causing
muscle wasting and leading to disability and often premature death.
Streamlined specialist treatment covering a range of disciplines is vital to
maintain health and mobility, and indeed prolong life. As the conditions
are rare, with needs not fully shared by any others, awareness among
non-specialist professionals is low, and people’s health often suffers
because their treatment needs are not fully or appropriately met.
The Muscular Dystrophy Campaign is the only UK charity supporting
people with all forms of muscle-wasting conditions, and working with
commissioners and health professionals to meet their needs effectively.
National Council for Voluntary Organisations
(now merged with Volunteering England)
Volunteering in care homes for older people
Key Objectives
• To increase and enhance volunteering in care homes for older people so as to
improve the quality of life of residents
• To demonstrate the value of effective volunteering to promote improved health care
outcomes through personalisation and choice of support in social care homes
• To identify and develop good practice though an inclusive approach involving staff,
volunteers and service users
• To develop a national standard of good practice
• To disseminate the learning from this project to policy-makers and practitioners in
social care and volunteering
• National good practice standard for volunteering in
care homes
• Greater understanding and evidence of how
volunteering can contribute to improved personalised
care outcomes and better quality of life for residents
• Care providers from public, private and voluntary
sectors confident and supported in developing
volunteering in their homes
Delivery Methods
• Three-year project, with the care sector and national associations and through an
advisory group, to explore and develop good practice
• Five localities working with the clinical commissioning group and local volunteer
centre (to be selected) to help broker increased numbers of volunteers in two care
homes in each locality, and support staff and volunteers with training
• Ten care homes to be demonstration projects for volunteer involvement, gaining
Investing in Volunteers
• Suite of good practice documents and case studies
(incl. video) to support care homes in working with
volunteers and to support volunteers and volunteer
centres in working in social care, embedded in Good
Practice Bank on our website
• Events, webinars and online communications to
disseminate the good practice standard and
champion improved volunteer involvement
Service Users
• Residents to benefit from enhanced involvement of
volunteers, from their local communities
• Volunteers recruited and trained to help with activities
supporting staff and benefiting residents;
recreational, social and care activities to be more
satisfying; stronger advocacy for older people’s
• Opportunities for development of volunteering by
service users
• Service users’ experience evaluated
Next Link Domestic Abuse Services
PARTNERING WITH nia & AVA (Against Violence and Abuse)
IRIS (Identification & Referral to Improve Safety)
IRIS is a national project currently working in 8 areas of England
Key Objectives
• To establish a national, self-sustaining programme based on a
social enterprise model to enable ongoing commissioning of
IRIS, a general-practice based domestic violence training,
support and referral programme
• To grow IRIS across the country, support and develop new
areas to implement the IRIS programme, grow and maintain the
existing IRIS network and continue to support the eight localities
already implementing the IRIS programme
• To develop a sound business model allowing the project to be
self sustaining by the end of funding cycle
• IRIS model commissioned and supported in 16
new areas and so an increasing number of
Domestic Violence Aware Practices
• IRIS exists as a self-sustaining programme
beyond the grant period
• Continuing improvement in the health care
response to domestic violence and abuse
• Improved quality of life for patients with
experience of DVA
Delivery Methods
• Promoting IRIS at a national and local level including to Clinical
Commissioning Groups (CCGs), Health and Wellbeing Boards, Public
Health and Community Safety teams
• Supporting local teams to develop a business plan to promote and secure
the commissioning of IRIS in their area
• Running training course induction courses for each newly commissioned
IRIS team
• Providing ongoing support to local IRIS teams
We want out learning from IRIS to continue to inform policy and
best practice at all levels. We are linked in to regional and
national networks in both the health and violence against
women and girls (VAWG) sectors. We will continue to write and
publish articles and papers as well as speaking at conferences,
delivering workshops and investigating promoting IRIS within
other parts of the health service.
Service Users
Our service users range from frontline staff in DVA
services to commissioners within CCGs and from
health care professionals to the administrative staff
who support them.
We offer support to professionals from the health
and DVA sector to enable IRIS to be commissioned
locally and then support the local teams to deliver
the IRIS model. This in turn leads to better trained
and supported health care practitioners who are
then better able to respond to their patients with
experience of DVA.
Parents Against Child Sexual
Exploitation – Pace
Pace Business Development
Working in England
Key Objectives
• Extend and improve Pace’s support to parents of children who are sexually
exploited by perpetrators external to the family.
• Strengthen Pace’s ability to evidence the effectiveness of parent
involvement in tackling child sexual exploitation.
• Increase the recognition and integration of affected parents into health and
social care practice and the judicial process.
• Diversify income streams through local authority commissioning of Pace
support to affected parents, and through corporate sponsorship and online
Delivery Methods
• Develop relations within national and local government, health and social
care, and the judiciary to promote parent involvement in tackling child
sexual exploitation (CSE).
• Work with local partners and commissioners to adopt family-centred
approach to CSE.
• Develop the database record-keeping, online resources and social media
capacity of Pace
• Develop an effective communications strategy with external stakeholders
We will share our findings through Pace’s biennial national
conference, through a national training programme for the police,
social care, health, and education professionals, through
publications and research, and by contributing to media coverage of
CSE investigations.
Service Users
Pace works with parents affected by CSE. No parent wants their
son or daughter to be raped, drugged, trafficked or exploited.
Parents who work with Pace appreciate the vital role agencies play
in safeguarding their child and in disrupting and prosecuting the
perpetrators. They want to work with agencies confident that they
will be treated as a valued partner and shown respect and empathy.
Neither the parents not the child should be blamed for child sexual
exploitation. The blame lies with the individuals who commit the
• Improved online resources for parents e.g. online diary to record
what’s going on with child, secure online parent forum
• Improved communication with parents and external stakeholders
• Integration of affected parents into health & social care practice
and judicial process
• Four areas commission Pace’s work parents
• More donated income through online giving
• infousing online parent forum online diary through online tools to
assist parents e.g. online diary to log what is going on for child
• Extending peer support through online parent forum
partnering with
Bevan Healthcare
Pathway Hospital Care Coordination For
Homeless People – Can Primary Care Lead?
Working in Bradford, West Yorkshire
Key Objectives:
o Test whether the Pathway coordinated care service can
work by being based in a primary care setting
o Extend the service to a more broadly defined group of
vulnerable & excluded people in addition to homeless
people and monitor the results
o Prove that helping tri-morbid, complex patients being
admitted to hospital is not difficult, is cost & quality
effective & thereby benefit many more patients
Service Users: Bevan Healthcare had 1,869 registered
patients as at Aug 2012. Of these:
o 51% were homeless, living in hostels or squats or were
sofa surfers
o 30% were refugees or asylum seekers.
In 2011/12 Bevan Healthcare patients attended A&E 1,024
times including 568 ambulance call outs, the top eight
patients attended A&E between 15 & 43 times in that year.
Bevan Healthcare patients were admitted to hospital 250
times in 2011/12 at an estimated cost of more than £300k to
the NHS.
Using London data, we estimate that there are a further 25-
30% more excluded and homeless patients in Bradford who
are not registered with Bevan or any GP service but who will
be using A&E department and thereby generate more
emergency admissions.
o Approx 300 vulnerable and excluded patients to benefit
from enhanced care of a Pathway hospital team
o Provide support in A&E leading to improved treatment
and outcomes for frequent attenders by producing
bespoke health and social care summaries
o Reduce the likelihood and length of a subsequent
hospital admission by getting it right first time
o 25% reduction in the number of in-patient bed days in
first full year of service – financial saving >£100k Dissemination:
o Local business case - prepared and shared with Bradford
CCG, Bradford Health and Wellbeing Board & Bradford
Royal Infirmary Trust Board
o Learning shared across Pathway’s existing homeless
health network & with the Faculty for Homeless &
Inclusion Health, & findings fed into future revisions of the
Faculty’s Standards for Service Providers &
Delivery Methods:
o Dedicated Pathway trained Nurse employed in hospital
to work with this group of patients
o 3 sessions per week of specialist GP to work with
hospital clinicians to coordinate treatment
o weekly multi-disciplinary team meetings with other
agencies to ensure appropriate treatment and discharge
of patient with care plans
Working in England
Key objectives
• Develop online networks and peer-to-peer
support for residents to enable them to create
more opportunities for street play
• Enable resident–led street play in nine target
communities with high levels of deprivation
and health inequalities
• Embed street play in local health strategies to
address children’s health issues: to increase
physical activity/ reduce sedentary behaviour.
The key outcome for the project is to reactivate a culture of children
playing out on the streets, near where they live, so they can spend
more time outdoors and increase the time spent in Moderate to
Vigorous Physical Activity (MVPA).
Service users
This project will support children and families to
take control of their own streets. Over the lifetime
of the project:
• 11,000 children will be able to play out on
streets near their homes
• 1,000 adults will become Street Play
• 10,000 adults will take part in and build
resident-led Street Play projects.
Play England will lead a national campaign to
generate public, media and political interest
The Playing Out website and social media will
provide a portal for parents and residents looking
for support to help their children play out more
London Play will promote the project in the capital
Bristol University will evaluate the health and
economic impact of the project.
Delivery methods
Provide residents with advice on street play through
the Playing Out website and social media
Develop packages of support and training for: local
authority transport teams so they can develop the
right legal structures and guidance to enable street
play; health and well being boards so they can
work effectively with transport, housing and
planning teams and local community
organisations to support resident-led street play.
Race Equality Foundation
In partnership with Everyday Language Solutions & Mothertongue
Improving the commissioning of
communication services
Working across the English Regions
Key Objectives
• To work with CCGs to develop better practice in the commissioning of communication
services for disadvantaged, hard to reach and seldom heard groups.
• Assist CCGs in developing effective commissioning models contributing to effective
use of funds
• Increase CCGs knowledge in assessing quality with different models of
communication services
• Contribute to CCGs addressing health inequalities and equality objectives
• Increased confidence from clinicians in dealing with
hard to reach/disadvantaged groups
• Improvement in patient experiences
• Effective practice in use of interpreters
• Development of models of commissioning
communication services
• More efficient use of funds
• Case studies for wider dissemination
Delivery Methods
A programme of action learning will be undertaken with thirty clinical commissioning groups
in six area clusters. Five facilitated sessions will take place using latest evidence on
effective partnership as part of the learning programme for clinicians/CCGs. From the
identification and understanding of communication needs; assessing quality of range of
providers, CCGs will be enabled to develop models for effective commissioning of
communications services. Evaluation of learning for participant’s pre and post programme
participation and feedback from patients.
• Through a dedicated commissioning website
• Electronic newsletter
• Regional workshops directed at CCGs and partners
in local authorities, social care, secondary care,
patients groups and the voluntary and community
• An evaluation report
Service Users
The focus is on those who are hard to reach or socially
excluded including:
• Black and minority ethnic communities
• Disabled
• Deaf people
• New migrant groups
Working across England
Key Objectives
• Inform and support policy and practice development for recovery from drug and
alcohol dependency.
• Improve service delivery and outcomes for people with drug and alcohol
• Address ‘barriers to recovery’ – e.g., opening opportunities for employment,
tackling stigma and supporting ‘recovery champions’.
• Informing and supporting the drug and alcohol sector on the new public health
and funding and commissioning environment.
• Local drug and alcohol treatment and recovery
services working effectively to support recovery.
• Policy and cultural change (nationally and locally)
addressing barriers and a ‘level playing field’ for
people in recovery.
• Improved service user, family and carer
experience of treatment.
Delivery Methods
• Meeting regularly with Government officials, statutory bodies and others on
achieving ambitions for recovery.
• Facilitating the sharing of information, networking and best practice and
providing ‘spotlight on recovery’ briefings.
• Providing resources for employers and others on addressing barriers to
• Monitoring and sharing findings on the new public health system.
We will share information (e.g., briefings and examples
of good practice) and learning through our respective
memberships, networks and publications – including DS
Daily, a daily news bulletin on substance misuse. We will
meet regularly with Government officials, provide
updates for Ministers and facilitate local dissemination
through regional events and public health agencies.
Service Users
The Recovery Partnership is supported by service users
and people in recovery – e.g., in our memberships and
participation in ‘expert groups’, consultations and events.
We will support the development of ‘recovery
champions’ and showcase and celebrate recovery in all
aspects of our work – including with employers and
service providers.
RAWM, VSNW, VONNE, Involve Y+H and FaithAction
Supporting Influence- Health and
Wellbeing Boards Covering all nine English regions
Key Objectives- This project will create regional networks that will:
• Deliver effective VCS engagement with HWBs according to models developed
• Create a learning exchange network to share good practice that supports
individuals, board structures and government
• Develop effective and robust routes for dissemination and collation of
information to support HWBs
• VCS influence supported on HWBs, JSNA and
JHWS, in areas where there is and where there
isn’t a VCS representative on the board.
• Accountability, understanding and routes to
influence nurtured in each local area.
• Close working between the VCS and Healthwatch
facilitated to ensure that needs of the public,
patients and service users are represented on
Delivery Methods
• Support meetings across the 9 regions – bringing
together VCS representatives with their relevant
Healthwatch counterpart, when appropriate, to
share learning and experience
• Ebulletins and online networking
• Resources and training on specific support
needs identified by VCS representatives
• Regular surveys to understand how
representation and influence are developing and
what support needs are.
The basis of this project is communication of good
practice between localities- both peer support within
regions and sharing learning across the country, through
ebulletins. Resources produced and findings from
surveys will be shared widely.
Service Users
• Voluntary sector representatives on HWBs (75)
• Local Healthwatch reps on HWBs (150)
• The wider voluntary sector and the communities it
supports (20,000)
Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB)
PARTNERING WITH Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Electronic Certificate of Vision Impairment
A pilot in four locations in England
Key objectives
The overall aim of the project is to assess the impact of an electronic Certificate of Vision
Impairment (eCVI) on the process of certification within the hospital ophthalmology
department and referral to the local social services departments (SSD).
The specific aims of the project are to:
• Improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the certification and registration (C&R)
process, resulting in increased integration of Health and Social Care (H&SC) provision
and support.
• Increase patient choice and control over their C&R so that patients are actively engaged in
their own H&SC.
• Improve access to information and support resulting in speedier referral to intervention
services, promoting a positive approach to well-being.
• More timely referral of patients from hospital care to
• Patients take a more proactive role in their H&SC
following sight loss.
• Greater access to new routes of information about
H&SC services, advice and support, through the option
for referral to other agencies.
Delivery Methods
• The project will be managed by a project manager
based in the Certifications Office of Moorfields Eye
• Delivery of the project will be a collaborative
process between the ophthalmology departments
in the participating hospitals, the associated SSD,
and RNIB and Moorfields Eye Hospital.
• The project will run from July 2013 until March
Dissemination of learning, encouragement to replicate best practise and take up of the eCVI will be
achieved via:
• Presenting the findings at the major certifying hospitals and associated SDD.
• Publication of articles in relevant bodies' new letters and open access peer review journals.
• Presenting the findings to the All Party Eye Health Group.
• Working with the Royal College of Ophthalmologists and H&SC to develop guidance on the key
benefits of C&R, aimed at health professionals who advise patients during the process.
• Dissemination of the report and findings via RNIB group and partners' websites.
Service Users
• Participants in the study are people certified as
severely sight impaired (blind) or sight impaired
(partially sighted) in the ophthalmology departments of
the hospitals taking part in the study.
• The study will also work with H&SC professionals in
each site to test the feasibility and acceptance of the
NHS Trust Hospitals to Community Care:
Led by Volunteers42 NHS Trusts across England
Key Objectives
• Provide self-management websites for NHS Trusts to support the management and
booking of volunteers.
• Set up local volunteer-led health and care projects including preventative care
schemes, volunteer recruitment initiatives, support leaving hospital and voluntary care
for those in financial hardship.
• Self-management websites enable NHS Trusts and the local voluntary sector to
establish a shared volunteer platform and collaborate on joint projects.
• Support locally developed approaches that build resilience against the risks of poor
health and well-being.
• Enable NHS Trusts to manage volunteers & their
activities more effectively through providing a funded
self-management & administration website
• Implement Slivers-of-Time systems in 42 NHS Trusts
and local areas across England
• Increase volunteer capacity in NHS Trusts by 25%
• Increase in volunteer activity in each NHS Trust
engaged by 25%
• SROI – monetary value of the time unlocked by the
volunteer self-management system
Delivery Methods
• Setting up 42 local volunteer-led projects across England that support the delivery of
long-term care & support enabled through self-management websites
• Implementation of shared self-management websites which improve the capacity of
42 NHS Trusts to:
• Manage & track volunteer recruitment & approval more effectively
• Find & book approved volunteers at short-notice
• Recruit volunteers through new online channels
• Record and report on volunteering activities
• Open flexible volunteering opportunities to volunteers on their terms
• Engage more volunteers and use them more effectively
The proposal will enable the establishment of projects that support locally developed
approaches that build resilience against the risks of poor health and well-being.
• An independent assessment and evaluation is planned
to be completed by March 2016.
• All learning from the project will be promoted through
the press and umbrella bodies backed up by detailed
• Methods of dissemination are tailored to different
stages in the project and a repository of learning will
be created.
• A group of national Volunteer Involving Organisations
will be convened to share best practice & shape the
Service Users
• People with long term conditions
• Older people
• Carers
• People with a disability
• People with a learning disability
• People experiencing social exclusion
• Groups/communities experiencing health inequalities
• 42 NHS Trusts, 8,400 volunteers, 21,000 beneficiaries
in total over 3 years
England wide, children and young people with SEND aged 0 to 25 years and intermediaries
Key Objectives
To develop a new, intelligent online brokerage platform
known as SENDirect, that will support parent/carers and
their intermediaries to access and purchase health,
education, social care and leisure services.
To develop a quality accreditation system around
featured providers that is influenced by those accessing
To develop the specifications and build for SENDirect in
partnership with a wide range of stakeholders.
To identify and develop partnerships with local
authorities and providers to enable the pilot and eventual
launch of SENDirect.
• Support parent/carers of young people with
special educational needs or disabilites to
access information and support about the
services they want and need.
• Provide online tools and information to enable
them to manage personal budgets or direct
• Provide support across sector’s to develop
products to meet identified needs and
therefore create a sustainable marketplace of
• Improve the efficiency of commissioning by
local authorities by providing needs led data to
inform their decisions
• Develop universal and commercial provision to
embrace a culture of inclusion for children and
young people with additional support needs
• Improve collaboration within and across
Delivery Methods
SENDirect’s specification and build will be informed by an Expert Reference Group
made up of an extensive range of stakeholders, followed by four consultation events
aimed at parent/carers and providers. Nine local authorities will also be recruited to
drive the development and then pilot the service.
The online platform will feature open access to the
public and enable providers and commissioners to
view data and identify trends around the activities of
those with personal budgets.
An evaluation framework for the project will be
developed and the results published.
Service Users
As we age, our hearing and sight will deteriorate. Too often, people think this is just part of
getting older and assume nothing can be done. Having both hearing and sight problems
makes it hard for older people to have a conversation, read a book or participate in social
activities they enjoy, to get out and about and to remain independent.
This project is relevant for everyone who knows or cares for an older person who may be
experiencing hearing and sight problems.
Delivery Methods
•	 Train public sector and private care 			
	 providers on using our dual-sensory loss 		
	 ‘early recognition’ screening tool and 		
	 information about ways to help people in 		
	 their care.
•	 Community outreach to BME groups to talk 	
	 about and tailor our information to better 		
	 reflect their needs and care choices.
•	 Meetings and seminars with MPs, health 		
	 and care commissioners and regulators 		
	 to influence sensory support provided to 	 	
	 older people in care or living at home.
•	 Meetings, seminars, articles, networking 		
	 events with local, regional and 			
	 national voluntary sector organisations 		
	 to raise issues and solutions about ageing 	
	 and dual sensory loss.
•	 Older people with hearing and sight problems will be able to choose the care and 		
	 support that’s right for them using information and advice produced by Sense.
•	 Families and professional care providers will be able to spot the signs of hearing 		
	 and sight problems in older people and identify ways to help them to make the 		
	 most of their senses.
•	 Health and social care providers, commissioners and regulators are better 			
	 informed about the benefits of early recognition of hearing and sight loss in older 	 	
Supporting older people with vision and
hearing loss (England)
Dissemination In addition to delivering training to care providers, we will place
tailored information on our website; actively share it with harder to reach
groups using their websites and community networks; and share with the
voluntary and public sector through articles, networks and conferences.
Key Objectives
1.	 To raise awareness about signs of 	
	 hearing and sight loss in older 		
	 people to individuals, their 		
	 families, and care providers.
2.	 To promote Sense’s screening 		
	 tool and training package 		
	 on the early recognition of sight 	
	 and hearing loss in older people 	
	 to residential care home providers 	
	 across England.
3.	 To encourage health and care 		
	 providers, commissioners 		
	 and regulators to consider 		
	 the long-term health and 		
	 care options provided for people 	
	 with age-related hearing and 		
	 sight loss.
Social Enterprise UK
Institute for Voluntary Action Research
Social Value in Health
Working in twelve regions over three years (regions tbc)
Key Objectives
• To support the implementation of the public services (social value) Act 2012 in
health commissioning.
• To support clinical commissioning groups (CCG) and health & wellbeing boards
(HWB) to commission for social value
• To improve the voluntary, community and social enterprise sectors
understanding of their own impact on social value and increase their knowledge
of the commissioning process
• Improved health commissioning and thereby health
care which takes into account the wider social value
for the community.
• VCSE have a greater understanding and ability to
demonstrate their social value.
• CCGs and HWB commissioning health services
taking social value into account
Delivery Methods
We are taking a facilitated partnership approach, using a series of workshops to bring
together CCGs, HWBs, VCSE organisations, healthwatch and members of the
community to jointly consider what social value means for their locality and how this
relates to health outcomes. They will them be supported to develop a bespoke
learning programme, including expert seminars and mentoring which over 12 months,
will establish a local social value strategy and enable VCSE to measure and
demonstrate their social value.
For each region involved in the programme an online ‘social
value’ depository is being created as a means of identifying
best practice, which will feed into a national depository. This
will be promoted and accessible to all. This information and
findings from the facilitated partnership work will input into the
production of a practical toolkit, which will be shared
nationally with all the CCGs and through our networks to
VCSE organisations.
Service Users
We are working with CCGs, HWB and voluntary and
community groups, local healthwatch groups and social
enterprises, who all have a different understanding of social
value and its implications. Ultimately it is the local community
who will benefit from this work, with the wider social impacts
of health commissioning being considered.
Clinical services based in South East London.
Training osteopaths throughout the UK.
Key Objectives
OsteoMAP is a new service which integrates mindfulness and acceptance-
based pain management with osteopathic care in a personalised programme
of six individual treatment sessions.
It will support people with long-term musculoskeletal pain, which is likely to
be helped but not completely relieved by manual therapy alone.
The programme aims to promote quality of life and well-being, despite
ongoing physical symptoms, by increasing people’s capacity to respond
more flexibly to pain and to engage more fully with meaningful, valued
activities which are related to their personal goals.
Increase patient choice and access to low cost, integrated
healthcare services within their local communities.
Increase osteopaths’ abilities to offer effective care for people with
complex long-term physical health problems.
Improve care outcomes by decreasing the use of healthcare
interventions with limited effects and encouraging appropriate
self-management and active engagement with valued social roles.
Delivery Methods
In the first year, OsteoMAP will be based within the BSO’s Clinical Centre in
SE1, as a service for existing patients, but in years two and three it will
become available in selected GP surgeries and health centres in London.
OsteoMAP training courses will be provided for student osteopaths at the
BSO, and later in other UK osteopathic training schools.
A series of training courses will also be provided for qualified osteopaths,
who will then use the programme within their practices throughout the UK.
Information about OsteoMAP services will be shared with local
GPs, health centres, self-help groups and the public through
published and online information leaflets and inter-active seminars
and meetings.
Outcomes will be shared with osteopaths, other physical
therapists and health practitioner training schools through
publications in professional healthcare journals, multi-disciplinary
and international conferences and via BSO website resources.
Service Users
OsteoMAP is for patients with complex, long-term physical health
conditions and disabilities that are unlikely to be fully resolved by
medical treatment.
Service users will initially be patients who are already being
treated in the BSO clinic or by practising osteopaths who have
completed the training course. Later service users will include
patients in GP surgeries, community health centres in SE London
and clinics at other osteopathic training schools.
PROJECT: The creation of a standardised
evaluative tool for the Butterfly Scheme
for use by member hospitals all across the UK and by the Scheme itself
Key Objectives of the Project
• Post-launch: to enable hospitals to identify
where the Scheme is embedding well and
where it needs targeted support
• Once embedded: to enable hospitals to
monitor areas of continued strength and
identify those which require additional input
• To enable the Scheme itself to have a
standardised system of quality control
• To create an IT-based tool which supports this
Where the Butterfly Scheme is embedded
• patient well-being and safety are greatly enhanced
through a personalised care approach
• family carers are less stressed and are better able to
work in partnership with hospital staff
• care homes are encouraged to liaise with hospitals to
enhance the care of their residents during
• hospital staff enjoy delivering excellent dementia care
and gain greater job satisfaction
• where dementia care is appropriately delivered as part
of a reliable hospital-wide system, length of stay is
minimised; inappropriate dementia care actively extends
length of hospital stay
Delivery Methods
The Butterfly Scheme was itself shaped using input from all user groups and it continues to
apply a collaborative system for all developments and amendments. Butterfly Scheme Leads
from member hospitals are therefore feeding into the creation of an IT-based evaluative
mechanism, led by the project team, ensuring that the finished tool will be user-friendly,
practical and will enhance reliable delivery of the Scheme.
• the tool created
through this project
will be used by all
member hospitals
across the UK
• the Scheme actively
shares its news about
best practice via
conferences, events
and through articles
in relevant
• the Scheme’s own
website will publicise
Service Users
The Butterfly Scheme allows people with memory
impairment, assisted by their usual carer or an
advocate, to request the Scheme’s specific care
response whilst in hospital. Staff at Butterfly Scheme
hospitals are taught this simple but very effective
care response and apply it when they see the
discreet Butterfly symbol the service user has
chosen to display. Partnership working between
hospital staff and carers is greatly enhanced by the
Ending Homophobia, Empowering People
Ending Homophobia,
Empowering People
Registered Charity No.1070904
Greater Manchester
Key Objectives
•	 Work with NHS organisations to better address health
inequalities experienced by lesbian, gay, bisexual (LGB)
•	 Train a pool of LGB Community Champion Volunteers  
to attend relevant local meetings, events and forums to
champion the needs of LGB communities.
•	 Encourage LGB individuals to have a greater voice within the
healthcare system.
•	 Engage with local Healthwatch organisations, Patient Advice
& Liaison Groups, Clinical Commissioning Groups.
Delivery Methods
•	 Train 40 Volunteers (4 in each area of Gtr Mancs) to ensure
LGB voices are heard.
•	 Compile Case Studies around the impact our engagement
has on design and delivery of services.
•	 Ensure services can meet need via promotion of Sexual
Orientation Monitoring.
•	 Annual Impact Survey for NHS to measure awareness.
•	 Annual Volunteer Survey to monitor involvement,influence.
•	 Annual Impact Survey with wider LGB Community.
•	 Address health inequalities by improving services most
relevant to LGB people.
•	 Community Leaders advocate for LGB communities  to
ensure services are designed to meet LGB needs.
•	 Ensure LGB people feel more able to access services
•	 Facillitate authentic voice to bring to the fore issues
experienced by LGB people.
Services Users
•	 Lack of Sexual Orientation Monitoring means there is a lack
of information relating to health and social care needs of LGB
•	 Health inequalities experienced are made worse by LGB
people less likely to use mainstream health services for fear
of discrimination.
•	 Once trained we will ensure our LGB Community Leaders
continue to build their skills and ability to influence .
•	 Integrate with our standard volunteering.
•	 We will share our findings through monthly e-bulletin’s,
involvement in consultations, attendance at seminars,
feedback to health organisations,
•	 At the end of each year publish a progress report.
•	 Share best practice through linking up key contacts within the
Our vision is of a fair and equal society in which LGB people can
achieve their full potential. We provide activities and support across four
strategic goals: • Supporting Individuals • Strengthening Communities •
Promoting Equality • Developing Excellence
Key Objectives
• To put into practice the principles outlined in the ‘Caring For
Our Future’ white paper
• To assesses the quality of health and social care provision
including services that are not currently assessed by other
• To recruit quality checkers who are also users of health and
social care services.
• To report findings to Healthwatch, local commissioners,
CCGs and CQC.
• To roll the pilot out nationally.
• Improve the quality of health and social care services
as defined by the Health and Social Care white paper
by training and working with providers who have signed
up to the Quality Mark scheme
• Increase awareness of service quality among personal
budget holders, commissioners, Healthwatch and CQC
• Reduce the risk of abuse by identifying and alerting
providers and local authorities to safeguarding
Delivery Methods
• A 3 year pilot quality checking service will be delivered in 6 NorthWest London boroughs
and overseen by the NorthWest London Mencap consortium.
• A team of paid quality checkers will be trained, supervised and co-ordinated by team
leaders and a director who will be employed by the consortium’s delivery partners.
• Quality assessment tools will be based on the white paper’s 8 statements which indicate
a high quality service. Quality checkers will gather qualitative information about customer
• A Quality Mark will be awarded to providers when users of their services feel they working
in accordance with the white paper’s principles.
• Local authorities will endorse the scheme and encourage provider sign-up.
National Mencap is working alongside the consortium and
will be involved in evaluating the project, promoting its
achievements and disseminating information about learning
from the pilot to heads of social services and providers
Conferences will be held in Q5 and Q10.
Service Users
Making The System Work For Me will employ and train
quality checkers who have direct personal experience of
using health and social care services.
They will use their own experiences to engage with personal
budget holders in boroughs other than the one they reside in.
Tools and systems will be adapted to take into account the
needs of the quality checker and the customers they will be
Feedback from quality checking visits will be published on
Careplace and the MTSWFM website to help to inform the
choices made by personal budget holders and the people
who support them when selecting health and social care
Evaluating a new model of residential support
Key Objectives:
• To independently evaluate a new integrated
residential service prototype model for people with
complex needs, including people with forensic
• The model is based on a personalisation approach
and is designed to improve engagement with and
promote reliable, timely and positive outcomes for
this often overlooked client group.
• The model builds people’s confidence and capacity
to take control of their own health and wellbeing so
that they are able to move away from regulated
environments and back into the community.
Delivery Methods:
• Evaluate the service model at six pathfinder sites to
demonstrate that Together’s approach offers a
significantly lower cost alternative to oversubscribed
secure hospital and forensic settings, as well as
having the additional benefit of bringing individuals
back into their localities.
• 48 new service users across the six sites will be
interviewed to establish baseline data, then again at
six month intervals to track individual progress. This
data will then be aggregated to demonstrate the
overall effectiveness of the approach.
• The evaluation and learning will be actively shared and widely promoted, using a
wide range of networks and consortia including the Mental Health Providers
Forum, the NHS Confederation Mental Health Network, and the Ministry of Justice.
• In addition we will use our involvement in the Ministerial Advisory Group on
Equalities, and the Future Vision Coalition, to share learning with policy makers.
Service Users:
Our service users are people who have been given a primary
diagnosis of serious and enduring mental health problems, and
who may also:
• experience substance misuse problems
• be accommodated in medium/low secure hospital settings
or prison
• be subject to Community Treatment Orders
• experience learning disabilities/difficulties alongside their
mental health needs
• have received a diagnosis of Personality Disorder
• An evidenced alternative to costly, out of area specialist
residential mental health services for individuals with
complex needs.
• Innovative use of personalisation within a restricted
residential setting, resulting in greater engagement by
service users.
• Individuals moving through the service in a shorter
timeframe, thereby freeing up beds
• A community-based, safe alternative to forensic and secure
hospital settings, thus ensuring that people’s needs can be
met in the least restrictive environment.
Key Objectives
This work aims to ensure accessibility to children’s palliative care services at local level to
meet the needs of individuals and their families through effective planning and
commissioning of a range of services designed to meet local needs.
It aims to develop a new approach to supporting the commissioning of children’s palliative
care, for the benefit of children and families, providers and commissioners
Anticipated outcomes:
• The further development of children’s palliative care
networks to significantly improve the quality of
• The promotion of effective integration within and
between health, community, primary, acute and
social care services.
• Approaches established to ensure that services are
designed and commissioned focusing on the needs
of children and young people and their families,
carers and communities.
Delivery Methods
In year 1 we will work with two regional network pilot sites to establish sufficient capacity to
undertake the activity representatives from each of the lead CCGs. 3 workshops will be
held in both pilot areas with commissioners and networks. The children needing support in
the pilot areas will be identified and we will work with the networks to identify how best to
commission services for them. The pilot work will be evaluated during May 2014 before
commencing wider roll out across England.
We will disseminate the learning in a number of ways
including through a regular e-newsletter to share progress
and evidence; via Relay, Together for Short Lives’
professional journal; through NHS England’s web-portal;
at our regular Network summit events
Through conference presentations; va media –trade and
specialist press and social media channels and via our
Service Users
There are 49000 children and young people living with a
life-limiting condition in the UK, about 39000 of these live
in England, it is predicted that about half of these will
require palliative care at some point in their care journey.
IESD case studies
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IESD case studies

  • 1. IESD 2013 – 2014 Posters
  • 2. Advocacy in Wirral PARTNERING WITH University of Liverpool Addressing mental health inequalities: integration of a non-medical mental health model into primary care Merseyside Key Objectives This project aims to address the growing burden of mental health problems within the community through developing innovative approaches for accessing care in the primary care setting. Our particular concern is to address inequity of care provision for people with complex needs. We will do this by integrating a new service into primary care: offering innovation in access to care in terms of how needs are assessed. There are 2 elements to our planned change – influencing how GPs discuss mental health issues with patients presenting to them; and providing ready access to the non-medical needs assessment process that is the AiW model. This innovation project will deliver on 3 aims: to integrate the AiW model into a primary care (general practice) setting – being the context in which we know our target groups often seek help; to apply the model and deliver care to clients over a 12 month period, supporting by an integrated evaluation run on action-learning principles to identify learning and benefit for patients, primary care teams, health services, and communities; to inspire wider change in service design and provision through disseminating learning through conversations with commissioners, education programmes, community groups. Outcomes Based on AiW’s past experience of delivering care, we anticipate our proposal will improve productivity of services through delivering i) improved mental health outcomes ii) reduced service use including GP appointments, medication use and referrals to specialist mental health services through better targeting of care to needs (see below) and through enhancing resilience. Improved outcomes for individuals will include improved mental health and improved daily living (engagement in meaningful occupation, quality of life) Improved outcomes for primary care in addressing inequalities will include: i) improvements in candidacy (in people identifying themselves as eligible for care, and improved uptake by hard to reach groups; ii) improved concordance (satisfaction and engagement with service, including evidence of self-activity e.g. engagement with meaningful occupation); and improved recursivity (resilience, less repeat GP visits) The innovation will improve productivity for service users by targeting access to the most appropriate and best care to support individual needs. Currently the primary route of access to support is through General Practice, and assessment of a PHQ-9 score. From there people may be referred to IAPT services, or similar, for support. During the needs assessment and intervention process, practical problems which both contribute to distress and limit recovery are often identified. It is only at this stage that individuals may be referred on/flagged up for practical support. Experience at AiW highlights that for some people, especially the exemplar groups highlighted, addressing practical problems at the outset can improve mental health outcomes and avoid unnecessary/inappropriate medicalisation of distress. Delivery Methods Through GP practices, and working with Health Care Professionals Dissemination i) Negotiation with local commissioners for continuation of the local service ii) Hold a stakeholder conference/workshop to discuss innovation in needs assessment with national stakeholders and explore how stakeholders can integrate findings into their own context. iii) Outreach: development of educational packages for potential future service providers and for GPs on how to assess mental health needs using a non-biomedical approach. iv) Reports and publications via clinical and academic journals, social media, AiW/CPCD websites and via press releases. Service Users In particular, our work has focused on supporting traditionally disadvantaged groups: including those with complex mental health needs (ADHD, PD, MUS); people with comorbidity; and vulnerable groups from socioeconomically deprived communities e.g. those who are unemployed or at high risk. We will target a population who may experience depressed mood as a result of feeling ‘overwhelmed’ or exhausted by the pressures (practical problems) of daily living (Reeve et al 2009).
  • 3. AVA (Against Violence & Abuse) In partnership with the Institute of Psychiatry Promoting recovery: improving mental health service responses to violence against women Key objectives: To introduce a recovery-based ap- proach to working with mental health patients who are victims of violence against women. We will work strategi- cally with two Mental Health Trusts to develop Trust-wide responses which move beyond managing risk to also fo- cus on recovery. Delivery methods:  Provide expert input to Trust safeguarding, clinical and recovery frameworks to develop holistic re- sponses to VAW  Mentor team managers/senior practitioners to become VAW champions for their service  Deliver train the trainer training and develop a VAW competency framework to inform long-term workforce development  Strengthen relationships with local VAW services Outcomes: 1. Clearer strategic framework to implement work around violence against women 2. Improved practitioner responses to vio- lence against women 3. Improved experience of services for pa- tients who are survivors of abuse Service users: Our service users are sur- vivors of domestic and sexual violence who access a range of mental health ser- vices in two Mental Health Trusts in Eng- land. Based on current research, we esti- mate that around 30% of female mental health patients and a smaller number of male patients in each Trust will benefit Dissemination: We will dissemi- nate our findings through our estab- lished networks of domestic and sexual violence, mental health and substance use practitioners, policy makers and academics. Together with our partners, we will write arti- cles for journals and practitioners publications.
  • 4. Age Concern Yorkshire & Humber PARTNERING WITH Age UK Barnsley, Age UK Wakefield District, Age UK Bradford District, REACT Together for Health Barnsley, Wakefield, Castleford, Bradford, Keighley, North Yorkshire Key Objectives • Design a referral process for health and social care professionals to ‘prescribe’ Age UK interventions for older people • Motivate and link older people into their community and networks of support • Offer activities in local communities using volunteers • Evaluate how we identify older people who are isolated and lonely so people who are functioning in their homes can also function in their communities Outcomes • Older people feel less isolated and levels of loneliness is reduced amongst disadvantaged older people • Older people need less health interventions because they are independent / have support networks in their community • The voluntary sector has a role in integrated health and social care teams Delivery Methods • Work with secondary care and integrated health and social care teams to identify older people in need of support to link into their community • Use LEAF (an outcomes assessment tool) to help older people assess their own needs, identify the changes they need to make to take control of their lives and their own health and wellbeing • Recruit volunteers to run activities in local communities Dissemination • To Age UKs nationally through national communication channels • Through national and regional networks of commissioners and publications • To older people through forums; Age Action Alliance and DWPs AGEnda Service Users • People over 50 who are at risk of being lonely or isolated. The risk factors could be they live alone, are recently bereaved or divorced, prone to falling, family lives far away, becoming a carer or giving up caring, retirement. AND • Their health is affected by their loneliness and isolation: they have been in hospital in the last 12 months; they are a ‘frequent flyer’ at their GP or A&E.
  • 5. ARTWORKS CREATIVE COMMUNITIES PARTNERING WITH THE CARE QUALITY COMMISSION (CQC), UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL LANCASTER AND THE SPEAKOUT NETWORK ENGAGE FOR CHANGE England Key Objectives • To empower users of services to influence the direction of health and social care. • To equip users of services with the skills to collect feedback and act as advocates on behalf of their communities. • To help to drive improvements in service quality and outcomes for users of services. Outcomes • Increase in the skills and knowledge and of service users • Increase in numbers of service users who provide feedback on health and social care services • Improved services resulting from improved feedback • Increase in the use of the SpeakOut network by other national and local organisations to consult with hard to reach and disadvantaged groups Delivery Methods Development of training package which: • Provides a number of easy to access and use routes for feedback into health and social care systems • Increases health and social care information sharing within communities • Provides individuals and communities with a range of skills to understand and challenge systems in relation to their access to health and social careDissemination The final report will be widely disseminated through health and social care networks using the access to these networks that CQC enjoys. It will demonstrate the impact simple creative techniques for consultation, engagement and feedback collection and the use of these tools in system design can have on allowing the voice of those most affected by health inequalities to be heard. The training will be available for further individuals and organisations to use. Service Users We will work with members of the SpeakOut network, a national network of over 80 groups who represent hard to reach and disadvantaged communities across England. We also hope to work additionally with members of Local Healthwatches across the country.
  • 6. Bliss – The national charity of the newborn The Bliss guide for families of late pre-term and sick babies National Key Objectives • Building on the success of the Bliss Family Handbook we will provide a new publication which focuses on the needs of families with later pre term babies born after 32 weeks. • Drawing on evidence that the needs of this group of parents is not being met, we will provide an information resource which supports parents of later pre term and sick babies supported by online information. • Improving health outcomes for parents and babies born between 32 – 36 weeks. Outcomes • Improvements in health outcomes to babies born between 32 – 36 week gestation. • Increasing the confidence of parents. • Increased take up of information by ‘hard to reach groups’. • Enabling parents to take greater responsibility for the care of their baby while in the neonatal unit and to help them interact confidently with neonatal healthcare professionals. • Reduction in parental anxiety by providing practical support. • Healthcare professionals gain better appreciation of the needs of parents with babies in these categories resulting in improved outcomes for babies. Delivery Methods • Establish working group consisting of staff, parents and healthcare professionals to develop the new Bliss guide. • Writing and editing of new guide. • Series of short videos researched and produced. • Web based resources developed. • 40,000 guides printed. • Distribution to all neonatal units in England. Dissemination • Promotion of the new guide in all neonatal units across the UK. • Distribution of 40,000 guides per year. • Evaluation of the guide with relevant stakeholders and by external independent evaluator. • Disseminate relevant findings with our partners in Perinatal support networks. Service Users • Families of the 42,000 babies born between 32 – 36 weeks facing their own unique health and developmental challenges. This document and online resource will directly support the parents whose babies are born between this gestation. • Healthcare professionals. • Increasing access to support for young parents and BME groups.
  • 7. + Books Beyond Words (BBW) Books Beyond Words Social Enterprise Working Nationally Key Objectives Over three years Books Beyond Words will build its capacity to assist more people with learning disabilities to understand their situations, access information and participate fully in making decisions. Books Beyond Words will continue to develop as a social enterprise, with sustainable core income, by: • increasing accessibility to our books • developing our training for using the books in different contexts • developing partnerships for collaborative work, including book clubs Outcomes Improved ability of carers and professionals to • recognise the needs of people with learning disabilities • understand their situations • develop person centred responses to needs of each person with learning disabilities More people with learning disabilities: • having access to in-depth communication tools • greater involvement in the personalisation of their own health and social care Books Beyond Words developing • a strengthened core team and finances, to build its capacity to fulfil its mission to support people with learning disabilities. Delivery Methods • Increasing the staff team to build the capacity of the organisation Creating eBooks of all 39 titles in 6 languages, including out of print titles, to increase accessibility. This includes over 50 healthcare scenarios being available for health professionals to access electronically • A variety of training courses to help careers and professionals use the books • Partnering with local libraries and organisations to develop Book Clubs Dissemination We will work with a university or research student to undertake a process of measuring the quantitative impact that Books Beyond Words makes in the lives of people with learning disabilities, and the help they offer professionals. We will also undertake qualitative research on how these books, and the method of picture story-telling, effect the situations, understanding and decisions of people with learning disabilities. Service Users The books, eBooks, clubs and training all benefit people with learning disabilities to access information, explore their own lives, and take part in the decisions and situations which affect them. The books are used by family carers, support workers, or health and social care professionals, who are trained through the books and/or training resources and workshops
  • 8. Books Beyond Words PARTNERING WITH THE GLOBAL FOUNDATION FOR ELIMINATING DOMESTIC VIOLENCE (EDV) AND RESPOND BOOKS BEYOND WORDS: SURVIVING DOMESTIC ABUSE National Key Objectives • To develop and publish a picture book that will directly benefit those experiencing domestic abuse as well as their supporters and health and social care workers • The book will be a communication, educational and preventative tool that will focus on: • personal safety and reporting • giving people with learning disabilities a better understanding of abuse • helping people know when to seek help Outcomes Books Beyond Words: Surviving Domestic Abuse will • Improve the quality of care of people with learning disabilities who are in abusive situations • Provide health and social care professionals and advocacy workers with a book illustrating best practice • Be available in an eBook version from Bespoke training will be provided for those working in a therapeutic setting. Delivery Methods • An Editorial Team of three authors and an artist creates the storyline with about 50 pictures . The team is supported by: • an advisory group of experts, including four people with learning disabilities who monitor the pictures and agree • an extensive picture trialling by individuals and groups of people with learning disabilities • the authors prepare the text, including a storyline and guidelines for supporters, health and social care professionals Dissemination The book will be available in all areas of the UK, and also worldwide. It can be ordered through bookshops and Amazon UK as well as from our website. It will be promoted by the websites of our partners EDV and Respond and at their conferences and seminars and, in the case of the latter, to individuals and groups of people with learning disabilities who are being abused. We will also advertise training workshops, focussing specifically on Surviving Domestic Abuse. Service Users Service users with learning disabilities in advocacy groups and NHS units in different parts of the UK play a vital role in the development of the book by trialling the pictures, making sure they will be understood by future readers. Pictures can be re-drawn if they cause anxiety or are not understood. Their comments also inform the text of the book which is written after the picture trialling.
  • 9. Breakthrough Breast Cancer Embedding patient partnership and service improvement through the Service Pledge Key Objectives • To ensure patients’ feedback on their local breast service is embedded in the process of improving services • To understand patients’ experiences of their local services using comprehensive questionnaires and face to face interviews • To ensure improvement goals are set and reached based on this feedback • To ensure seldom heard groups of patients are involved in this process Outcomes • Breast cancer patients will receive the best possible care appropriate to their situation and clear information on what to expect from their local breast service throughout their treatment • Impact of improvements in patients' care will be maximised because they will reflect local patients’ key concerns. • A sense of joint ownership and a genuine culture of partnership between healthcare professionals and patients will be created. Delivery Methods • At each participating breast unit, patient surveys and interviews are conducted that enable patients to comment on the service they receive and recommend areas for improvement. • Breast units use the information gathered to review their existing services and agree feasible improvements with patient representatives. • A Service Pledge booklet is published for each unit and is given to breast cancer patients at the point of diagnosis. The booklet contains both the standards of care patients can expect to receive at every stage in their treatment journey and commitments to making a minimum of three improvements within a specific timescale. Dissemination Through active sharing of best practice and learning via Cancer Networks, events and the publication of a Pledge programme, other charities and NHS organisations could adopt Breakthrough’s model and apply it to services within their field of expertise – an efficient and effective method of achieving objectives and improving standards of service user involvement. Service Users 50,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer each year in the UK. Breakthrough Breast Cancer works with hospital breast services around the country, aiming to ensure each of these women is offered the best possible care. We have spoken to 10,000 patients at over 50 hospitals so far, implementing improvements for up to 30,000 patients.
  • 10. Bristol Drugs Project 11, Brunswick Sq, Bristol BS2 8PE Enabling independence and inclusion amongst older marginalised drug and alcohol users. Key Objectives Older drug and alcohol users are hidden, marginalised, socially isolated, have a high burden of ill health and under-consult primary care. We aim to develop a substantial service for this group to: • build confidence and enable re-enfranchisement • open doors to drug and alcohol treatment and promote Hepatitis C testing and treatment • promote life-long learning, access to training, work and pensions • improve relationships with families/concerned others We will recruit 90 people over three years and involve Peers with lived experience at every stage in planning and delivery. Outcomes (Arial 14) • Increased numbers accessing support for drug and alcohol misuse problems • Reduced substance misuse resulting in earlier consultations, and better outcomes in primary care for age-related and other complaints • Over 50% of injecting drug users in Bristol have Hepatitis C, very few are treated. We will encourage, facilitate and support Hepatitis C treatment. • Improved self-confidence, reduced anxiety and health gains leading to improvements in housing security, family and community relationships and access to learning, training and employment Delivery Methods A fulfilling ‘day care’ programme with the following components: • social group, building on existing weekly provision • topic-based ‘recovery’ groups for reducing problematic drug and alcohol use • arts and community engagement groups • supported by Peers with lived experience • key-working and care-planning for individuals Dissemination Training to local organisations working with older people to: • raise the profile of older drug and alcohol users in Bristol • understand the stigma and discrimination preventing access to services • identify and signpost older drug and alcohol users to our service Writing for national journals to: • inspire drug and alcohol services to establish age-specific projects • provide a mentoring role to those wishing to replicate the service • alert professionals working with older people to the hidden nature of substance misuse and the potential for change and recovery Presenting posters and an academic paper at the end of the project Service Users A group of hidden and highly marginalised drug and alcohol users aged 50 and over, who do not access services, under-report their substance use and delay consulting about other health complaints. They tell us they feel isolated, lonely, fearful of services for younger people and shameful of their on-going substance dependence. We know that older drug and alcohol users: • can have poor psychological and physical health and longer hospital stays • do well in treatment with age-adjusted detoxification and rehabilitation regimes • may experience late-onset substance misuse triggered by psychological and health problems associated with aging.
  • 11. British Association of Dermatologists Psychological Support for Skin Conditions online resource Objectives • To create an interactive, mobile-phone accessible website for sufferers of skin conditions seeking psychological support. • To unite the specialties of dermatology and mental health, which have a significant overlap. • To bring together, and link to, existing disease specific resources, support groups, forums and help-lines. Outcomes By being able to see easily the range of options available, skin patients will be able to make better informed choices about their health and care and understand how to access the help that they need. We will provide guided, personalised access to self-help tools, information on support groups, and advice on types of guided therapies and other psychological interventions. Delivery Methods We will work closely with patient/service user representatives who will input into each stage and we will be working alongside a multi- disciplinary panel of medical professionals and experts. We will also involve the different skin condition-specific support groups and other patient/public stakeholders. The involvement of patients/service users and public stakeholders at every step of the development process and testing of the resource will create a body of advocates for the project and its aims. Dissemination • Parliamentary launch, press event, separate stakeholder event launches. • Reflective learning symposium. • BAD’s literature and at the BAD’s national events • Partner organisation’s literature and events • Key professional stakeholder groups • Key patient support groups Service Users • Skin conditions and their associated psychological burden affect all ages, ethnicities, genders and social demographics, and the website based resource would be available freely to all. • The website will also have an area for use by medical professionals.
  • 12. The Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) Evidence Based Practice Unit (EBPU) at the Anna Freud Centre CAMHSweb: Web Supported Care in CAMHS Working with CAMHS nationally Key Objectives • To develop an innovative interactive portal and support package to promote self-management and shared decision making in CAMHS. • To increase access to new and developing forms of information that promote choice and control so children and young people accessing CAMHS are actively engaged in their health and care at all stages along the clinical care pathway. • To enhance engagement and service efficiency Outcomes We anticipate the portal will aid the following areas: • Clinical outcomes will be improved in terms of both symptom change and functioning. • Collaborative working and shared decision making will enhance patient experience. • Increase efficiency in CAMHS in various ways including shortening the number of sessions needed to reach positive outcomes, enhancing interagency integration and reducing DNAs. Dissemination • All learning and best practice materials will be made freely available and accessible for use across the NHS and beyond. • Findings will be disseminated through a range of media including peer reviewed publication, conference presentation and research reports. • A major focus is to ensure the findings have real impact on the management of health services and on improving practice and service delivery in the NHS. Delivery Methods • Recruitment of services to test and use the portal • On-going consultation and iterative feedback process to enhance portal • Training in use of the portal • Delivery through range of mobile and digital technology platforms Service Users Service users are and will remain key contributors to this project: • A number of young people involvement groups have already been consulted on aspects of the design of this project and their views have been incorporated in shaping and refining the proposal. • Service user focus groups • Service users will form part of steering groups • The portal will support some of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged groups in our society to ensure their voices are heard and that they are central to the clinical interaction.
  • 13. Council for Disabled Children PARTNERING WITH National Children’s Bureau Right to Voice Geographical area project will cover: England Key Objectives • To enable commissioners and those responsible for developing JSNAs to see how they can ensure that children and young people’s voice and priorities are woven into their work • Ensure that the concepts and rights enshrined in the NHS constitution are accessible to children and young people • Ensure that professionals throughout the health system understand what those rights mean in practice Outcomes • The effective involvement of children and young people in their own care will have a beneficial impact on their physical and psychological health, but will also lead to improvements in services. • With children and young people better able to understand how to make the health system work for them we would expect in the longer term to see increased treatment compliance and a decrease in ‘do not attend’ figures • Ensuring children and young people’s voice is effective will make the system safer for vulnerable children and young people. Delivery Methods • Desk research and advisory group to ensure project builds on existing knowledge and practice • Work with 6-8 CCGs and Local Healthwatches to understand the resources and additional support they need to enable them to effectively involve children and young people. Deliver support. • Work with children and young people to co-produce those resources • Work with young people to produce materials for young people informing them of their rights under the constitution; including an accessible version of the constitution Dissemination CDC and NCB have extensive membership networks which reach out to professionals, children and young people and parents. Dissemination will include children and young people themselves in terms of the materials aimed at them and professionals working with children and young people. Materials for CCG and Local Health watch organisations will be disseminated through local networks. We will also work with NHS England and appropriate Royal Colleges and Workforce and education Providers. Service Users Whilst this project is being led by the Council for Disabled Children (CDC) we are working closely with the National Children’s Bureau (NCB) and will be involving disabled children, those with long term conditions and those identified as vulnerable: young carers, young people in and leaving care, and those in the youth justice system.
  • 14. Dementia Adventure CIC Connecting people living with dementia to nature Natural Leaders "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." 2 posts covering the Midlands and the South of England in 2013 Key Objectives  To recruit, train and manage two new members of staff for Dementia Adventure in 2013, 1 in 2014, 1 in 2015  Business development & delivery  Enabling many organisations which provide services for people living with dementia to improve their approach and outcomes  We assume that the benefits of nature are universal and that by connecting more people with nature we will bring more health benefits to people living with dementia, reducing co-morbidity and increasing longevity. Outcomes  Enabling thousands more people living with dementia to live healthier, more active lives, resulting in fewer crisis points.  Higher quality personalised services for people living with dementia both for those living in care and in their own homes.  Care providers have better staff morale, lower turnover and reduced use of anti-psychotic medication.  National Dementia Strategy quality of life outcomes.  Greater social inclusion and equality for people living with dementia and their carers; greater visibility in social and green space.  To enable Dementia Adventure to become self-sustaining. Delivery Methods  Dementia Adventure is a CIC which seeks to connect people living with dementia to nature. We do this by providing training to providers of care to people living with dementia.  We use an approach called thinking differently, and use experiential training as much as possible, in natural environments  Consultancy at a strategic level to improve the variety of services across the board.  Providing adventurous activities on a small local scale which are easily replicable.  Working on innovative offerings with our partners and keeping an open mind. Dissemination  Video  Events  Social media  DA website  Email newsletter  Qualitative evidence  Quantitative evidence  Objective studies carried out by 3rd parties  Articles and books  Conference appearances  Awards Service Users  People living with dementia  Carers for people living with dementia  CCGs  Commissioners of services for people living with dementia  Green space providers & managers  Housing Associations  Day Care providers  Residential care providers  Natural Heritage organisations interested in social inclusion
  • 15. Disabled Living Foundation (DLF) Reablement resource suite National Key Objectives • Create an innovative suite of web and mobile device applications (apps) designed to support individuals (and their families and carers), before, during and after the reablement process. • Provide a reference point for reablement teams, newly qualified OTs and care home staff. The information will be accredited by the DH’s Information Standard. • Raise awareness of assistive technology in general and specifically the kind of aids and equipment that may be provided during reablement or recommended for self purchase. Outcomes • Improved access to impartial advice & information relevant to reablement techniques and equipment whilst at home, in the office, or in the community. • This information is accessible beyond the 6 week reablement course. • Reablement teams and care home staff gain confidence and use the resources to build care plans. • Families and carers will feel better informed about reablement objectives and treatment plans. • Improved cost effectiveness of reablement services e.g. a reduction in the care hours required to support an individual in the home and reduced hospital re- admission rates. Delivery Methods The resources will be available to download free of charge and will be designed to work on a number of platforms to suit a range of budgets. DLF will aim to address the digital divide by ensuring that the applications are easy to use and are more intuitive than a computer, with the older user in mind. The information on techniques within the apps will have a web based PC version optimised for printing. Reablers will be able to select specific techniques suitable for their service users and print these out to leave with service users who have no access to a mobile device themselves. Dissemination DLF will disseminate effective practice from the project through our partners and allies including local authorities. Several of these have already licenced DLF’s web technology in the form of AskSARA. DLF will share its experience of creating and using the apps with these partners giving them the opportunity to use similar platforms to disseminate their information and services. Delegates attending DLF training courses will be shown the Reablement apps thereby increasing dissemination among their colleagues and organisation. Details will also be included in training newsletters and on our websites. Service Users The main users will be: a) Service users who are receiving reablement services or have completed a course of reablement b) Health care professionals delivering or supporting reablement services
  • 16. East Lancashire Deaf Society BSL Health Trainer Project Lancashire Key Objectives • Raise awareness, engage and inform the Deaf community of healthy lifestyles & self care • Improve interaction and engage existing health services with awareness of the Deaf community • Create & improve independence and reduce dependency • Educate on healthy lifestyle choices; providing courses/training/information in their first language of British Sign Language • Work towards improving health inequalities Outcomes • Health inequalities to be improved with better access and communication • Clients to achieve independence and gain new skills • Outcomes to be measured through monitoring attendance, progress reports, questionnaires and observations • Reduce dependency on GP’s/ Hospitals Delivery Methods • Regular advice/support on 1-1 basis or in group settings • Provide & produce information in an accessible format • Develop & signposting Deaf people with self-care support and to run health & wellbeing sessions • Regular forums on various health topics • Publish articles via monthly newsletters • Deliver workshops and preventative work on specific topics through exhibitions Dissemination We will share our research/ findings through publications and working in partnership and networking with other Health Professionals/ Commissioners. The information we collate from the Deaf community will be delivered in different formats. This will be a unique project enabling the Deaf Community to access all Health Services as an equal. Service Users Potentially, and with closely-monitored research, the tally of clients in this region alone, is over 5,000. This is mainly aimed for Deaf people who use British Sign Language (BSL) as their first and as our main culture of language. The various backgrounds of support will be tailor-made for as follows:Elderly people, isolated clients, single parents, Deaf adults (no independency), employed/unemployed, on benefits, low educational standards to degree level.
  • 17. Guide Dogs Guide Dogs Children and Young People’s Habilitation Service For England. “No one should have to endure the hell I went through as a kid, and at present they still do” John Hillbourne Trustee, Guide Dogs Key Objectives • To train more children’s habilitation instructors to national standards. • To increase the number of children receiving habilitation support from an early age across England. Delivery Methods ! Recruit 8 habilitation trainees to start September 2013. ! July 2014 – able to work in their teams as habilitation assistants. ! July 2015 – qualified to deliver habilitation training to national standards. Outcomes ! Once qualified (Sept 2015) in total 400 children per year will receive habilitation support from this cohort of graduates. ! Individual outcomes will be measured both clinically and qualitatively to build the evidence for more support of this kind. Service Users ! 43% of parents surveyed said their children had received no mobility training at all. This rose to 80% for under 5’s. ! 79% of children with a visual impairment surveyed found it “difficult” or “impossible” to get around outside the home in unfamiliar places. (2008 Functionality and Needs Survey – Guide Dogs) Dissemination As the evidence grows we will disseminate best practice and evidence of the service impact through all our mobility teams. We will also work shoulder to shoulder with other providers and local authorities to develop stronger evidence based habilitation services in as many areas of the UK.
  • 18. Therapeutic Addiction Networks Oldham Key Objectives • To demonstrate that meeting the needs of people in second stage drug and alcohol recovery is cost effective and of benefit to the community and service users. • To test and evaluate a network model of supported living plus easy access to therapists • To share learning and create a replicable model • To enhance the life chances of those whom we support Outcomes • Relapse rates decrease (frequency & duration • SU’s stability increases enabling recovery • SUs are ready to move on to no or less supportive environments (depending on their on-going needs) • The community benefits from reduced ASB • The model is evaluated Delivery Methods A Network of support which provides: • Multiple layers of formal support (incl from a local volunteer) • Mutual support • Group work & 1:1 therapy, tapering in year 3 • Community connections Dissemination • Communication plan – segmented messages & audiences • Local and national decision makers targeted • E-bulletins / newsletters • Presence at conferences • Use of existing networks • Briefings, reports and evaluation KeyRing Service Users Vulnerable adults with a history of substance and alcohol misuse
  • 19. Lancashire Mind Partnering with Care Network Supported by Blackburn with Darwen Clinical Commissioning Group and Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council The Accessible Self Care Project (The ASC Project) working in Blackburn with Darwen Key Objectives The ASC Project is an innovative project incorporating the recommended elements of a risk stratification tool, roles devoted to motivate and sustain change and self care, a holistic approach to health and social care and integrated working systems. Inspired by the community orientated primary care approach, the project aims to improve the long-term care and support of people across the South East of Blackburn with Darwen and to reduce inappropriate use of statutory health and social care services. This will be achieved through improving individual self care skills and social capital. Outcomes • Improved quality of life for people with long term conditions • Increased numbers of people feeling confident in managing their conditions • Increased number of people with long term health conditions in employment • Reduced number of inappropriate primary care consultations • Increased number of Admissions prevented • Reduction in sickness absence • Increased number of volunteer opportunities Delivery Methods The proposal has two main elements 1) Self care facilitation and 2) Building Community Assets: • Self- Care Facilitators will work with individuals to support and motivate citizens to engage in and sustain healthy behaviors to improve their health and wellbeing by utilizing community resources. • Community Wellbeing Coordinators will work to generate new community solutions to improve wellbeing; increasing community support and resilience against the risks of poor health and wellbeing. Dissemination We will share our findings through regional and national networks including through the network of over 170 local mind associations. • We have also planned to develop training packages around the innovation project roles to assist the development of similar projects in other areas. Service Users Based in deprived areas of Blackburn the presence of multiple long term health conditions is common. Whilst resources to support healthy lifestyles are available residents lack the motivation and knowledge to access these resources. The ASC Project will not only offer information around community support but also one to one support to build motivation amongst residents to access these resources and develop self care skills.
  • 20. Lasa Connecting Care Working across England Key Objectives • Improve the capacity of care providers to manage and use Information & Communication technologies (ICTs) effectively to deliver better services and increase efficiency • Develop care staff skills and confidence to use technology to support their care practice through e-learning and online peer support • Develop care staff ability to help service users engage with technology enhancing personalisation and choice of care and support • Develop opportunities for service users to use technology to increase access to peer support, knowledge and information; to increase communication, build confidence and manage care needs. Outcomes • Improved capacity of care providers to procure, manage and use ICTs effectively & strategically to deliver better services • Increased efficiency and effectiveness of administrative and business systems e.g. internal communication and reporting, supplies, care plans • Improved ability to share best practise and learning through relevant networks for the benefit of the care sector • Developed care staff skills and confidence to use technology to support their care practice through e-learning, online peer support and knowledge sharing • Increased personalisation, autonomy and reducing isolation of care service users through use of technology to increase access to peer support, knowledge and information, thereby building confidence and enabling users to manage care needs, finances, pursue hobbies and social activities. Delivery Methods • Telephone, email and web-based advice and guidance; • Consultancy visits to participating organisations; • Online and offline events - podcasts, guides and ‘Ask the Expert’ advice sessions; • Access to ICT Knowledgebase and Suppliers Directory; • Online peer support community signposting to relevant ICT information and case studies together with links to useful online services and a discussion forum for the sharing of good practice; • Use of volunteers to provide practical ICT advice. Dissemination We will share our findings with technology audiences through our ICT events programme, websites, publications and email lists, and through our close working relationships with Charity Technology Trust, AbilityNet, Go On, National Digital Leaders & KnowHowNonprofit. Social care audiences will be reached through the communication channels of national representative bodies - Skills for Care, SCIE, NCF, NCA & SCA. Service Users We will be working primarily with charitable providers of social care across England to build their organisational capacity to better use technology and respond to social change. For care staff access to ICT is essential for professional development. For care service users, ICT supports active citizenship, communication with services and personal advocacy.
  • 21. Action for Blind People In partnership with blind and partially sighted people and local and national groups operating in the sight loss sector. Action for Blind People reg. charity no. 205913 (England and Wales) Living with Sight Loss Course Rolling out at locations across England Outcomes • Increased empowerment and independence of visually impaired people. • More people with sight loss reached at the point of diagnosis. • Improvements to the long-term health and well-being of blind and partially sighted people. Objectives • To develop a national operating framework based on a 6-8 week Living with Sight Loss course. • To provide timely information, advice, guidance and practical life skills for people diagnosed with sight loss. • To reach more visually impaired people by offering intensive group support with a focus on prevention and development of self-help techniques. Delivery methods • This is a modular, community based course, delivered one day a week for 6-8 weeks to approximately 15 visually impaired people, at each cohort. • Action is committed to working in partnership with people who are visually impaired, therefore, local blind and partially sighted people facilitate parts of the course - providing advice and sharing their first-hand experience. • The use of peer support empowers participants. • Other organisations in the health and well-being sector, both nationally and locally, deliver key aspects of the course. Service Users Blind and partially sighted people, families, friends and carers of all ages. The number of people in the UK with sight loss is set to increase dramatically. There is a strong body of evidence that many people diagnosed with sight loss do not get the information or support they need at the right point in their sight loss journey. People feel isolated at a time when suffering emotional turmoil and in need of practical support and information. Dissemination Effective practice from Living with Sight Loss course will be disseminated to Commissioners of health and social care, internal Action colleagues, service delivery partners, voluntary sector and blind and partially sighted people using an integrated communications and engagement programme.
  • 22. MEN’S HEALTH FORUM PARTNERING WITH LB OF HARINGEY HARINGEY MAN MOT Working in London Borough of Haringey An online GP service designed by Haringey men for Haringey men: • providing online access to health professionals for men who don’t use traditional services • in partnership with Haringey Men’s Health Group, local borough public health team, CCGs, pharmacies and community organisations • working with local men, particularly those in hard to reach groups, on design, marketing and delivery • training local men’s health champions Outcomes • To design and pilot a model that works in Haringey and could be replicated in other localities or in other contexts such as the workplace • To help embed a gender-sensitive approach to health in all other aspects of local health service provision and public health messaging. Delivery Methods • Men are reluctant users of health services. So Man MOT uses ‘internet chat’ via website or smartphone to bring health services to men • Virtual surgeries could feature GPs, pharmacists, fitness advisors, nutritionists, counsellors, relationship counsellors and other services identified locally • Innovative on and offline marketing to target hard to reach groups. Dissemination • We commit to widely disseminating the findings of this project with a portfolio of best practice • Newsletter for stakeholders • Seminars locally and in other regions • Engage with the Department as well as other national agencies and think tanks. Service Users The service is for all men but will target those men who aren’t engaged with traditional health services connecting and demystifying local health services through a focus on prevention, early intervention and local signposting
  • 23. Partnering with Manchester Mind, Oxfordshire Mind, another Mind (TBC) and VCS partner(s) (TBC) Service Transformation across One Mind Piloting in Manchester and the West Midlands, rolling out across England & Wales Key Objective Design, develop and test a new model for developing excellent, recovery focused and integrated mental health services and support that is proven to deliver greater impact on health and social care outcomes for individuals who have a long term physical condition and are therefore at increased risk of developing mental health problems. Outcomes 1. Produce an excellence model that ensures 100% of new mental health services developed using it are person centred, recovery orientated and holistic, involve service users in their design and support individuals to access timely and individual support to make their own choices. (Apr ‘14) 2. Mind’s new excellence model will enable us to reach 10,000 new users of Mind’s services 3. Create a range of core services and scale for national impact. Extend coverage and diversify income streams by working in partnership with local Minds and other external partners including statutory, private and other voluntary sector partners. (Mar ‘16) 4. Reduce the likelihood of people with long term conditions developing mental health problems (Mar’16) Delivery Methods • Develop methodology including training, testing, refining, co-designing and service user consultation. • Deliver pilot interventions consisting of: Initial training of staff (provided by Oxfordshire Mind); recruiting groups of local people with long term physical conditions in Manchester and the West Midlands; holding a 10 week intervention course to reduce their risk of developing depression; providing further training for those wanting to become peer supporters. • External evaluation, including baseline and post intervention outcomes measurement with pilot beneficiaries, qualitative interviews, and economic analysis of potential cost savings. • Develop plans for dissemination of findings Dissemination • Dissemination plans will be included in the excellence model and tailored for each service model developed. • Evaluation Report and key learning will be disseminated throughout the Mind network (154 local Minds across England and Wales) utilising our annual CEO conference, the Gentian Group (key CEOs) centres of expertise and regional structure. • Develop communications plan to key external audiences including commissioners, funders and other voluntary sector organisations. • Work with partners to disseminate to other local support groups and organisations supporting people with long term physical conditions. • Direct to service users via peer support roadshows and online, as well as through our voluntary and statutory partners. Service Users Pilots in Manchester and the West Midlands will work with 560 people with long term conditions who have an increased risk of developing mental health problems. Once developed, the new excellence model will enable us to reach 10,000 new users of Mind’s services by 2016. Co-morbidity of long term physical health conditions & mental health problems can lead to significantly poorer health outcomes & reduced quality of life.
  • 24. MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY CAMPAIGN BRIDGING THE GAP: developing a model of patient-commissioner partnership for specialised commissioning Working across England Key Objectives • Ensure new NHS commissioning bodies are equipped to provide effective, integrated care for neuromuscular conditions – delivering improved health outcomes for patients and cost savings for the NHS. • Ensure people with muscle-wasting conditions have a voice in service development. • Increase understanding of neuromuscular conditions among NHS commissioners and non-specialist health professionals. • Ensure people with muscle-wasting conditions are fully informed and able to access health services. • Increase the charity’s engagement of beneficiaries and capacity for local grassroots activity. Outcomes • Effective commissioning for all stages of neuromuscular patient pathway thanks to co-ordination and information for commissioners through forum network. • Up-to-date, easily accessible online information supports effective commissioning and straightforward access to services. • Improved health outcomes for patients, with resulting NHS cost savings thanks to reduced emergency hospital admissions. • Larger and stronger network of regional beneficiary-led groups increases charity’s capacity for local reach and impact Delivery Methods • Bring together people with muscle-wasting conditions, NHS commissioners, health professionals, in a network of new neuromuscular forums. • Develop online map of services available regionally, supporting access, referral, and commissioning to fill gaps. • Meetings and webinars to share information. • Volunteers meet with patients at clinic to support, advise, and engage with the charity and with health services Dissemination Information will be shared through the forums, website and webinars, and through our range of networks: - Beneficiary-led Muscle Groups (to reach patients and their families) - Networks of clinicians and other health professionals (e.g. British Myology Society) - Clinical Reference Groups - Other charities working with individual muscle-wasting conditions - Coalitions supporting rare diseases Service Users 60,000 people in England live with muscular dystrophy & related neuromuscular conditions – complex, progressive disorders causing muscle wasting and leading to disability and often premature death. Streamlined specialist treatment covering a range of disciplines is vital to maintain health and mobility, and indeed prolong life. As the conditions are rare, with needs not fully shared by any others, awareness among non-specialist professionals is low, and people’s health often suffers because their treatment needs are not fully or appropriately met. The Muscular Dystrophy Campaign is the only UK charity supporting people with all forms of muscle-wasting conditions, and working with commissioners and health professionals to meet their needs effectively.
  • 25. National Council for Voluntary Organisations (now merged with Volunteering England) Volunteering in care homes for older people Key Objectives • To increase and enhance volunteering in care homes for older people so as to improve the quality of life of residents • To demonstrate the value of effective volunteering to promote improved health care outcomes through personalisation and choice of support in social care homes • To identify and develop good practice though an inclusive approach involving staff, volunteers and service users • To develop a national standard of good practice • To disseminate the learning from this project to policy-makers and practitioners in social care and volunteering Outcomes • National good practice standard for volunteering in care homes • Greater understanding and evidence of how volunteering can contribute to improved personalised care outcomes and better quality of life for residents • Care providers from public, private and voluntary sectors confident and supported in developing volunteering in their homes Delivery Methods • Three-year project, with the care sector and national associations and through an advisory group, to explore and develop good practice • Five localities working with the clinical commissioning group and local volunteer centre (to be selected) to help broker increased numbers of volunteers in two care homes in each locality, and support staff and volunteers with training • Ten care homes to be demonstration projects for volunteer involvement, gaining Investing in Volunteers Dissemination • Suite of good practice documents and case studies (incl. video) to support care homes in working with volunteers and to support volunteers and volunteer centres in working in social care, embedded in Good Practice Bank on our website • Events, webinars and online communications to disseminate the good practice standard and champion improved volunteer involvement Service Users • Residents to benefit from enhanced involvement of volunteers, from their local communities • Volunteers recruited and trained to help with activities supporting staff and benefiting residents; recreational, social and care activities to be more satisfying; stronger advocacy for older people’s voices • Opportunities for development of volunteering by service users • Service users’ experience evaluated
  • 26. Next Link Domestic Abuse Services PARTNERING WITH nia & AVA (Against Violence and Abuse) IRIS (Identification & Referral to Improve Safety) IRIS is a national project currently working in 8 areas of England Key Objectives • To establish a national, self-sustaining programme based on a social enterprise model to enable ongoing commissioning of IRIS, a general-practice based domestic violence training, support and referral programme • To grow IRIS across the country, support and develop new areas to implement the IRIS programme, grow and maintain the existing IRIS network and continue to support the eight localities already implementing the IRIS programme • To develop a sound business model allowing the project to be self sustaining by the end of funding cycle Outcomes • IRIS model commissioned and supported in 16 new areas and so an increasing number of Domestic Violence Aware Practices • IRIS exists as a self-sustaining programme beyond the grant period • Continuing improvement in the health care response to domestic violence and abuse (DVA) • Improved quality of life for patients with experience of DVA Delivery Methods • Promoting IRIS at a national and local level including to Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs), Health and Wellbeing Boards, Public Health and Community Safety teams • Supporting local teams to develop a business plan to promote and secure the commissioning of IRIS in their area • Running training course induction courses for each newly commissioned IRIS team • Providing ongoing support to local IRIS teams Dissemination We want out learning from IRIS to continue to inform policy and best practice at all levels. We are linked in to regional and national networks in both the health and violence against women and girls (VAWG) sectors. We will continue to write and publish articles and papers as well as speaking at conferences, delivering workshops and investigating promoting IRIS within other parts of the health service. Service Users Our service users range from frontline staff in DVA services to commissioners within CCGs and from health care professionals to the administrative staff who support them. We offer support to professionals from the health and DVA sector to enable IRIS to be commissioned locally and then support the local teams to deliver the IRIS model. This in turn leads to better trained and supported health care practitioners who are then better able to respond to their patients with experience of DVA.
  • 27. Parents Against Child Sexual Exploitation – Pace Pace Business Development Working in England Key Objectives • Extend and improve Pace’s support to parents of children who are sexually exploited by perpetrators external to the family. • Strengthen Pace’s ability to evidence the effectiveness of parent involvement in tackling child sexual exploitation. • Increase the recognition and integration of affected parents into health and social care practice and the judicial process. • Diversify income streams through local authority commissioning of Pace support to affected parents, and through corporate sponsorship and online giving. Delivery Methods • Develop relations within national and local government, health and social care, and the judiciary to promote parent involvement in tackling child sexual exploitation (CSE). • Work with local partners and commissioners to adopt family-centred approach to CSE. • Develop the database record-keeping, online resources and social media capacity of Pace • Develop an effective communications strategy with external stakeholders Dissemination We will share our findings through Pace’s biennial national conference, through a national training programme for the police, social care, health, and education professionals, through publications and research, and by contributing to media coverage of CSE investigations. Service Users Pace works with parents affected by CSE. No parent wants their son or daughter to be raped, drugged, trafficked or exploited. Parents who work with Pace appreciate the vital role agencies play in safeguarding their child and in disrupting and prosecuting the perpetrators. They want to work with agencies confident that they will be treated as a valued partner and shown respect and empathy. Neither the parents not the child should be blamed for child sexual exploitation. The blame lies with the individuals who commit the crime. Outcomes • Improved online resources for parents e.g. online diary to record what’s going on with child, secure online parent forum • Improved communication with parents and external stakeholders • Integration of affected parents into health & social care practice and judicial process • Four areas commission Pace’s work parents • More donated income through online giving • infousing online parent forum online diary through online tools to assist parents e.g. online diary to log what is going on for child • Extending peer support through online parent forum
  • 28. Pathway partnering with Bevan Healthcare Pathway Hospital Care Coordination For Homeless People – Can Primary Care Lead? Working in Bradford, West Yorkshire Key Objectives: o Test whether the Pathway coordinated care service can work by being based in a primary care setting o Extend the service to a more broadly defined group of vulnerable & excluded people in addition to homeless people and monitor the results o Prove that helping tri-morbid, complex patients being admitted to hospital is not difficult, is cost & quality effective & thereby benefit many more patients Service Users: Bevan Healthcare had 1,869 registered patients as at Aug 2012. Of these: o 51% were homeless, living in hostels or squats or were sofa surfers o 30% were refugees or asylum seekers. In 2011/12 Bevan Healthcare patients attended A&E 1,024 times including 568 ambulance call outs, the top eight patients attended A&E between 15 & 43 times in that year. Bevan Healthcare patients were admitted to hospital 250 times in 2011/12 at an estimated cost of more than £300k to the NHS. Using London data, we estimate that there are a further 25- 30% more excluded and homeless patients in Bradford who are not registered with Bevan or any GP service but who will be using A&E department and thereby generate more emergency admissions. Outcomes: o Approx 300 vulnerable and excluded patients to benefit from enhanced care of a Pathway hospital team o Provide support in A&E leading to improved treatment and outcomes for frequent attenders by producing bespoke health and social care summaries o Reduce the likelihood and length of a subsequent hospital admission by getting it right first time o 25% reduction in the number of in-patient bed days in first full year of service – financial saving >£100k Dissemination: o Local business case - prepared and shared with Bradford CCG, Bradford Health and Wellbeing Board & Bradford Royal Infirmary Trust Board o Learning shared across Pathway’s existing homeless health network & with the Faculty for Homeless & Inclusion Health, & findings fed into future revisions of the Faculty’s Standards for Service Providers & Commissioners Delivery Methods: o Dedicated Pathway trained Nurse employed in hospital to work with this group of patients o 3 sessions per week of specialist GP to work with hospital clinicians to coordinate treatment o weekly multi-disciplinary team meetings with other agencies to ensure appropriate treatment and discharge of patient with care plans
  • 29. PLAY ENGLAND PARTNERING WITH PLAYING OUT, LONDON PLAY AND BRISTOL UNIVERSITY (WITH CENHS) STREET PLAY PROJECT Working in England Key objectives • Develop online networks and peer-to-peer support for residents to enable them to create more opportunities for street play • Enable resident–led street play in nine target communities with high levels of deprivation and health inequalities • Embed street play in local health strategies to address children’s health issues: to increase physical activity/ reduce sedentary behaviour. Outcomes The key outcome for the project is to reactivate a culture of children playing out on the streets, near where they live, so they can spend more time outdoors and increase the time spent in Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity (MVPA). Service users This project will support children and families to take control of their own streets. Over the lifetime of the project: • 11,000 children will be able to play out on streets near their homes • 1,000 adults will become Street Play Champions • 10,000 adults will take part in and build resident-led Street Play projects. Dissemination Play England will lead a national campaign to generate public, media and political interest The Playing Out website and social media will provide a portal for parents and residents looking for support to help their children play out more London Play will promote the project in the capital Bristol University will evaluate the health and economic impact of the project. Delivery methods Provide residents with advice on street play through the Playing Out website and social media Develop packages of support and training for: local authority transport teams so they can develop the right legal structures and guidance to enable street play; health and well being boards so they can work effectively with transport, housing and planning teams and local community organisations to support resident-led street play.
  • 30. Race Equality Foundation In partnership with Everyday Language Solutions & Mothertongue Improving the commissioning of communication services Working across the English Regions Key Objectives • To work with CCGs to develop better practice in the commissioning of communication services for disadvantaged, hard to reach and seldom heard groups. • Assist CCGs in developing effective commissioning models contributing to effective use of funds • Increase CCGs knowledge in assessing quality with different models of communication services • Contribute to CCGs addressing health inequalities and equality objectives Outcomes • Increased confidence from clinicians in dealing with hard to reach/disadvantaged groups • Improvement in patient experiences • Effective practice in use of interpreters • Development of models of commissioning communication services • More efficient use of funds • Case studies for wider dissemination Delivery Methods A programme of action learning will be undertaken with thirty clinical commissioning groups in six area clusters. Five facilitated sessions will take place using latest evidence on effective partnership as part of the learning programme for clinicians/CCGs. From the identification and understanding of communication needs; assessing quality of range of providers, CCGs will be enabled to develop models for effective commissioning of communications services. Evaluation of learning for participant’s pre and post programme participation and feedback from patients. Dissemination • Through a dedicated commissioning website • Electronic newsletter • Regional workshops directed at CCGs and partners in local authorities, social care, secondary care, patients groups and the voluntary and community sector • An evaluation report Service Users The focus is on those who are hard to reach or socially excluded including: • Black and minority ethnic communities • Disabled • Deaf people • New migrant groups
  • 31. RECOVERY PARTNERSHIP RECOVERY GROUP UK, DRUGSCOPE, SKILLS CONSORTIUM SUPPORTING RECOVERY & TREATMENT Working across England Key Objectives • Inform and support policy and practice development for recovery from drug and alcohol dependency. • Improve service delivery and outcomes for people with drug and alcohol problems. • Address ‘barriers to recovery’ – e.g., opening opportunities for employment, tackling stigma and supporting ‘recovery champions’. • Informing and supporting the drug and alcohol sector on the new public health and funding and commissioning environment. Outcomes • Local drug and alcohol treatment and recovery services working effectively to support recovery. • Policy and cultural change (nationally and locally) addressing barriers and a ‘level playing field’ for people in recovery. • Improved service user, family and carer experience of treatment. Delivery Methods • Meeting regularly with Government officials, statutory bodies and others on achieving ambitions for recovery. • Facilitating the sharing of information, networking and best practice and providing ‘spotlight on recovery’ briefings. • Providing resources for employers and others on addressing barriers to recovery. • Monitoring and sharing findings on the new public health system. Dissemination We will share information (e.g., briefings and examples of good practice) and learning through our respective memberships, networks and publications – including DS Daily, a daily news bulletin on substance misuse. We will meet regularly with Government officials, provide updates for Ministers and facilitate local dissemination through regional events and public health agencies. Service Users The Recovery Partnership is supported by service users and people in recovery – e.g., in our memberships and participation in ‘expert groups’, consultations and events. We will support the development of ‘recovery champions’ and showcase and celebrate recovery in all aspects of our work – including with employers and service providers.
  • 32. REGIONAL VOICES PARTNERING WITH SWF, RAISE, LVCS, ONE EM, COVER, RAWM, VSNW, VONNE, Involve Y+H and FaithAction Supporting Influence- Health and Wellbeing Boards Covering all nine English regions Key Objectives- This project will create regional networks that will: • Deliver effective VCS engagement with HWBs according to models developed locally • Create a learning exchange network to share good practice that supports individuals, board structures and government • Develop effective and robust routes for dissemination and collation of information to support HWBs Outcomes • VCS influence supported on HWBs, JSNA and JHWS, in areas where there is and where there isn’t a VCS representative on the board. • Accountability, understanding and routes to influence nurtured in each local area. • Close working between the VCS and Healthwatch facilitated to ensure that needs of the public, patients and service users are represented on HWBs. Delivery Methods • Support meetings across the 9 regions – bringing together VCS representatives with their relevant Healthwatch counterpart, when appropriate, to share learning and experience • Ebulletins and online networking • Resources and training on specific support needs identified by VCS representatives • Regular surveys to understand how representation and influence are developing and what support needs are. Dissemination The basis of this project is communication of good practice between localities- both peer support within regions and sharing learning across the country, through ebulletins. Resources produced and findings from surveys will be shared widely. Service Users • Voluntary sector representatives on HWBs (75) • Local Healthwatch reps on HWBs (150) • The wider voluntary sector and the communities it supports (20,000)
  • 33. Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) PARTNERING WITH Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Electronic Certificate of Vision Impairment A pilot in four locations in England Key objectives The overall aim of the project is to assess the impact of an electronic Certificate of Vision Impairment (eCVI) on the process of certification within the hospital ophthalmology department and referral to the local social services departments (SSD). The specific aims of the project are to: • Improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the certification and registration (C&R) process, resulting in increased integration of Health and Social Care (H&SC) provision and support. • Increase patient choice and control over their C&R so that patients are actively engaged in their own H&SC. • Improve access to information and support resulting in speedier referral to intervention services, promoting a positive approach to well-being. Outcomes • More timely referral of patients from hospital care to SSD. • Patients take a more proactive role in their H&SC following sight loss. • Greater access to new routes of information about H&SC services, advice and support, through the option for referral to other agencies. Delivery Methods • The project will be managed by a project manager based in the Certifications Office of Moorfields Eye Hospital. • Delivery of the project will be a collaborative process between the ophthalmology departments in the participating hospitals, the associated SSD, and RNIB and Moorfields Eye Hospital. • The project will run from July 2013 until March 2016. Dissemination Dissemination of learning, encouragement to replicate best practise and take up of the eCVI will be achieved via: • Presenting the findings at the major certifying hospitals and associated SDD. • Publication of articles in relevant bodies' new letters and open access peer review journals. • Presenting the findings to the All Party Eye Health Group. • Working with the Royal College of Ophthalmologists and H&SC to develop guidance on the key benefits of C&R, aimed at health professionals who advise patients during the process. • Dissemination of the report and findings via RNIB group and partners' websites. Service Users • Participants in the study are people certified as severely sight impaired (blind) or sight impaired (partially sighted) in the ophthalmology departments of the hospitals taking part in the study. • The study will also work with H&SC professionals in each site to test the feasibility and acceptance of the eCVI.
  • 34. WRVS PARTNERING WITH Slivers of Time NHS Trust Hospitals to Community Care: Led by Volunteers42 NHS Trusts across England Key Objectives • Provide self-management websites for NHS Trusts to support the management and booking of volunteers. • Set up local volunteer-led health and care projects including preventative care schemes, volunteer recruitment initiatives, support leaving hospital and voluntary care for those in financial hardship. • Self-management websites enable NHS Trusts and the local voluntary sector to establish a shared volunteer platform and collaborate on joint projects. • Support locally developed approaches that build resilience against the risks of poor health and well-being. Outcomes • Enable NHS Trusts to manage volunteers & their activities more effectively through providing a funded self-management & administration website • Implement Slivers-of-Time systems in 42 NHS Trusts and local areas across England • Increase volunteer capacity in NHS Trusts by 25% • Increase in volunteer activity in each NHS Trust engaged by 25% • SROI – monetary value of the time unlocked by the volunteer self-management system Delivery Methods • Setting up 42 local volunteer-led projects across England that support the delivery of long-term care & support enabled through self-management websites • Implementation of shared self-management websites which improve the capacity of 42 NHS Trusts to: • Manage & track volunteer recruitment & approval more effectively • Find & book approved volunteers at short-notice • Recruit volunteers through new online channels • Record and report on volunteering activities • Open flexible volunteering opportunities to volunteers on their terms • Engage more volunteers and use them more effectively The proposal will enable the establishment of projects that support locally developed approaches that build resilience against the risks of poor health and well-being. Dissemination • An independent assessment and evaluation is planned to be completed by March 2016. • All learning from the project will be promoted through the press and umbrella bodies backed up by detailed reports. • Methods of dissemination are tailored to different stages in the project and a repository of learning will be created. • A group of national Volunteer Involving Organisations will be convened to share best practice & shape the project. Service Users • People with long term conditions • Older people • Carers • People with a disability • People with a learning disability • People experiencing social exclusion • Groups/communities experiencing health inequalities • 42 NHS Trusts, 8,400 volunteers, 21,000 beneficiaries in total over 3 years
  • 35. SEND CONSORTIUM MADE UP OF CONTACT A FAMILY, SCOPE, MENCAP, NAS, AMBITIOUS ABOUT AUTISM, I CAN, DYSLEXIA ACTION and KIDS SENDirect England wide, children and young people with SEND aged 0 to 25 years and intermediaries Key Objectives To develop a new, intelligent online brokerage platform known as SENDirect, that will support parent/carers and their intermediaries to access and purchase health, education, social care and leisure services. To develop a quality accreditation system around featured providers that is influenced by those accessing them. To develop the specifications and build for SENDirect in partnership with a wide range of stakeholders. To identify and develop partnerships with local authorities and providers to enable the pilot and eventual launch of SENDirect. Outcomes: • Support parent/carers of young people with special educational needs or disabilites to access information and support about the services they want and need. • Provide online tools and information to enable them to manage personal budgets or direct payments. • Provide support across sector’s to develop products to meet identified needs and therefore create a sustainable marketplace of provision. • Improve the efficiency of commissioning by local authorities by providing needs led data to inform their decisions • Develop universal and commercial provision to embrace a culture of inclusion for children and young people with additional support needs • Improve collaboration within and across sectors Delivery Methods SENDirect’s specification and build will be informed by an Expert Reference Group made up of an extensive range of stakeholders, followed by four consultation events aimed at parent/carers and providers. Nine local authorities will also be recruited to drive the development and then pilot the service. Dissemination The online platform will feature open access to the public and enable providers and commissioners to view data and identify trends around the activities of those with personal budgets. An evaluation framework for the project will be developed and the results published.
  • 36. Service Users As we age, our hearing and sight will deteriorate. Too often, people think this is just part of getting older and assume nothing can be done. Having both hearing and sight problems makes it hard for older people to have a conversation, read a book or participate in social activities they enjoy, to get out and about and to remain independent. This project is relevant for everyone who knows or cares for an older person who may be experiencing hearing and sight problems. Delivery Methods • Train public sector and private care providers on using our dual-sensory loss ‘early recognition’ screening tool and information about ways to help people in their care. • Community outreach to BME groups to talk about and tailor our information to better reflect their needs and care choices. • Meetings and seminars with MPs, health and care commissioners and regulators to influence sensory support provided to older people in care or living at home. • Meetings, seminars, articles, networking events with local, regional and national voluntary sector organisations to raise issues and solutions about ageing and dual sensory loss. Outcomes • Older people with hearing and sight problems will be able to choose the care and support that’s right for them using information and advice produced by Sense. • Families and professional care providers will be able to spot the signs of hearing and sight problems in older people and identify ways to help them to make the most of their senses. • Health and social care providers, commissioners and regulators are better informed about the benefits of early recognition of hearing and sight loss in older people. Supporting older people with vision and hearing loss (England) Dissemination In addition to delivering training to care providers, we will place tailored information on our website; actively share it with harder to reach groups using their websites and community networks; and share with the voluntary and public sector through articles, networks and conferences. Key Objectives 1. To raise awareness about signs of hearing and sight loss in older people to individuals, their families, and care providers. 2. To promote Sense’s screening tool and training package on the early recognition of sight and hearing loss in older people to residential care home providers across England. 3. To encourage health and care providers, commissioners and regulators to consider the long-term health and care options provided for people with age-related hearing and sight loss.
  • 37. Social Enterprise UK Institute for Voluntary Action Research Social Value in Health Working in twelve regions over three years (regions tbc) Key Objectives • To support the implementation of the public services (social value) Act 2012 in health commissioning. • To support clinical commissioning groups (CCG) and health & wellbeing boards (HWB) to commission for social value • To improve the voluntary, community and social enterprise sectors understanding of their own impact on social value and increase their knowledge of the commissioning process Outcomes • Improved health commissioning and thereby health care which takes into account the wider social value for the community. • VCSE have a greater understanding and ability to demonstrate their social value. • CCGs and HWB commissioning health services taking social value into account Delivery Methods We are taking a facilitated partnership approach, using a series of workshops to bring together CCGs, HWBs, VCSE organisations, healthwatch and members of the community to jointly consider what social value means for their locality and how this relates to health outcomes. They will them be supported to develop a bespoke learning programme, including expert seminars and mentoring which over 12 months, will establish a local social value strategy and enable VCSE to measure and demonstrate their social value. Dissemination For each region involved in the programme an online ‘social value’ depository is being created as a means of identifying best practice, which will feed into a national depository. This will be promoted and accessible to all. This information and findings from the facilitated partnership work will input into the production of a practical toolkit, which will be shared nationally with all the CCGs and through our networks to VCSE organisations. Service Users We are working with CCGs, HWB and voluntary and community groups, local healthwatch groups and social enterprises, who all have a different understanding of social value and its implications. Ultimately it is the local community who will benefit from this work, with the wider social impacts of health commissioning being considered.
  • 38. THE BRITISH SCHOOL OF OSTEOPATHY Clinical services based in South East London. Training osteopaths throughout the UK. Key Objectives OsteoMAP is a new service which integrates mindfulness and acceptance- based pain management with osteopathic care in a personalised programme of six individual treatment sessions. It will support people with long-term musculoskeletal pain, which is likely to be helped but not completely relieved by manual therapy alone. The programme aims to promote quality of life and well-being, despite ongoing physical symptoms, by increasing people’s capacity to respond more flexibly to pain and to engage more fully with meaningful, valued activities which are related to their personal goals. Outcomes Increase patient choice and access to low cost, integrated healthcare services within their local communities. Increase osteopaths’ abilities to offer effective care for people with complex long-term physical health problems. Improve care outcomes by decreasing the use of healthcare interventions with limited effects and encouraging appropriate self-management and active engagement with valued social roles. Delivery Methods In the first year, OsteoMAP will be based within the BSO’s Clinical Centre in SE1, as a service for existing patients, but in years two and three it will become available in selected GP surgeries and health centres in London. OsteoMAP training courses will be provided for student osteopaths at the BSO, and later in other UK osteopathic training schools. A series of training courses will also be provided for qualified osteopaths, who will then use the programme within their practices throughout the UK. Dissemination Information about OsteoMAP services will be shared with local GPs, health centres, self-help groups and the public through published and online information leaflets and inter-active seminars and meetings. Outcomes will be shared with osteopaths, other physical therapists and health practitioner training schools through publications in professional healthcare journals, multi-disciplinary and international conferences and via BSO website resources. Service Users OsteoMAP is for patients with complex, long-term physical health conditions and disabilities that are unlikely to be fully resolved by medical treatment. Service users will initially be patients who are already being treated in the BSO clinic or by practising osteopaths who have completed the training course. Later service users will include patients in GP surgeries, community health centres in SE London and clinics at other osteopathic training schools.
  • 39. PROJECT: The creation of a standardised evaluative tool for the Butterfly Scheme for use by member hospitals all across the UK and by the Scheme itself Key Objectives of the Project • Post-launch: to enable hospitals to identify where the Scheme is embedding well and where it needs targeted support • Once embedded: to enable hospitals to monitor areas of continued strength and identify those which require additional input • To enable the Scheme itself to have a standardised system of quality control • To create an IT-based tool which supports this process Outcomes Where the Butterfly Scheme is embedded • patient well-being and safety are greatly enhanced through a personalised care approach • family carers are less stressed and are better able to work in partnership with hospital staff • care homes are encouraged to liaise with hospitals to enhance the care of their residents during hospitalisation • hospital staff enjoy delivering excellent dementia care and gain greater job satisfaction • where dementia care is appropriately delivered as part of a reliable hospital-wide system, length of stay is minimised; inappropriate dementia care actively extends length of hospital stay Delivery Methods The Butterfly Scheme was itself shaped using input from all user groups and it continues to apply a collaborative system for all developments and amendments. Butterfly Scheme Leads from member hospitals are therefore feeding into the creation of an IT-based evaluative mechanism, led by the project team, ensuring that the finished tool will be user-friendly, practical and will enhance reliable delivery of the Scheme. Dissemination • the tool created through this project will be used by all member hospitals across the UK • the Scheme actively shares its news about best practice via conferences, events and through articles in relevant publications • the Scheme’s own website will publicise findings Service Users The Butterfly Scheme allows people with memory impairment, assisted by their usual carer or an advocate, to request the Scheme’s specific care response whilst in hospital. Staff at Butterfly Scheme hospitals are taught this simple but very effective care response and apply it when they see the discreet Butterfly symbol the service user has chosen to display. Partnership working between hospital staff and carers is greatly enhanced by the Scheme.
  • 40. THE LESBIAN & GAY FOUNDATION Ending Homophobia, Empowering People Ending Homophobia, Empowering People Registered Charity No.1070904 LGB COMMUNITY LEADERS Greater Manchester Key Objectives • Work with NHS organisations to better address health inequalities experienced by lesbian, gay, bisexual (LGB) people. • Train a pool of LGB Community Champion Volunteers to attend relevant local meetings, events and forums to champion the needs of LGB communities. • Encourage LGB individuals to have a greater voice within the healthcare system. • Engage with local Healthwatch organisations, Patient Advice & Liaison Groups, Clinical Commissioning Groups. Delivery Methods • Train 40 Volunteers (4 in each area of Gtr Mancs) to ensure LGB voices are heard. • Compile Case Studies around the impact our engagement has on design and delivery of services. • Ensure services can meet need via promotion of Sexual Orientation Monitoring. • Annual Impact Survey for NHS to measure awareness. • Annual Volunteer Survey to monitor involvement,influence. • Annual Impact Survey with wider LGB Community. Outcomes • Address health inequalities by improving services most relevant to LGB people. • Community Leaders advocate for LGB communities to ensure services are designed to meet LGB needs. • Ensure LGB people feel more able to access services • Facillitate authentic voice to bring to the fore issues experienced by LGB people. Services Users • Lack of Sexual Orientation Monitoring means there is a lack of information relating to health and social care needs of LGB people. • Health inequalities experienced are made worse by LGB people less likely to use mainstream health services for fear of discrimination. • Once trained we will ensure our LGB Community Leaders continue to build their skills and ability to influence . • Integrate with our standard volunteering. Dissemination • We will share our findings through monthly e-bulletin’s, involvement in consultations, attendance at seminars, feedback to health organisations, • At the end of each year publish a progress report. • Share best practice through linking up key contacts within the NHS Our vision is of a fair and equal society in which LGB people can achieve their full potential. We provide activities and support across four strategic goals: • Supporting Individuals • Strengthening Communities • Promoting Equality • Developing Excellence
  • 41. THE NORTH WEST LONDON MENCAP CONSORTIUM LED BY EALING MENCAP MAKING THE SYSTEM WORK FOR ME EALING, HARROW, H&F, K&C, BARNET & BRENT Key Objectives • To put into practice the principles outlined in the ‘Caring For Our Future’ white paper • To assesses the quality of health and social care provision including services that are not currently assessed by other means. • To recruit quality checkers who are also users of health and social care services. • To report findings to Healthwatch, local commissioners, CCGs and CQC. • To roll the pilot out nationally. Outcomes • Improve the quality of health and social care services as defined by the Health and Social Care white paper by training and working with providers who have signed up to the Quality Mark scheme • Increase awareness of service quality among personal budget holders, commissioners, Healthwatch and CQC • Reduce the risk of abuse by identifying and alerting providers and local authorities to safeguarding concerns. Delivery Methods • A 3 year pilot quality checking service will be delivered in 6 NorthWest London boroughs and overseen by the NorthWest London Mencap consortium. • A team of paid quality checkers will be trained, supervised and co-ordinated by team leaders and a director who will be employed by the consortium’s delivery partners. • Quality assessment tools will be based on the white paper’s 8 statements which indicate a high quality service. Quality checkers will gather qualitative information about customer experience. • A Quality Mark will be awarded to providers when users of their services feel they working in accordance with the white paper’s principles. • Local authorities will endorse the scheme and encourage provider sign-up. Dissemination National Mencap is working alongside the consortium and will be involved in evaluating the project, promoting its achievements and disseminating information about learning from the pilot to heads of social services and providers nationally. Conferences will be held in Q5 and Q10. Service Users Making The System Work For Me will employ and train quality checkers who have direct personal experience of using health and social care services. They will use their own experiences to engage with personal budget holders in boroughs other than the one they reside in. Tools and systems will be adapted to take into account the needs of the quality checker and the customers they will be visiting. Feedback from quality checking visits will be published on Careplace and the MTSWFM website to help to inform the choices made by personal budget holders and the people who support them when selecting health and social care services.
  • 42. TOGETHER FOR MENTAL WELLBEING PARTNERING WITH MENTAL HEALTH FOUNDATION Evaluating a new model of residential support ENGLAND WIDE Key Objectives: • To independently evaluate a new integrated residential service prototype model for people with complex needs, including people with forensic histories. • The model is based on a personalisation approach and is designed to improve engagement with and promote reliable, timely and positive outcomes for this often overlooked client group. • The model builds people’s confidence and capacity to take control of their own health and wellbeing so that they are able to move away from regulated environments and back into the community. Delivery Methods: • Evaluate the service model at six pathfinder sites to demonstrate that Together’s approach offers a significantly lower cost alternative to oversubscribed secure hospital and forensic settings, as well as having the additional benefit of bringing individuals back into their localities. • 48 new service users across the six sites will be interviewed to establish baseline data, then again at six month intervals to track individual progress. This data will then be aggregated to demonstrate the overall effectiveness of the approach. Dissemination: • The evaluation and learning will be actively shared and widely promoted, using a wide range of networks and consortia including the Mental Health Providers Forum, the NHS Confederation Mental Health Network, and the Ministry of Justice. • In addition we will use our involvement in the Ministerial Advisory Group on Equalities, and the Future Vision Coalition, to share learning with policy makers. Service Users: Our service users are people who have been given a primary diagnosis of serious and enduring mental health problems, and who may also: • experience substance misuse problems • be accommodated in medium/low secure hospital settings or prison • be subject to Community Treatment Orders • experience learning disabilities/difficulties alongside their mental health needs • have received a diagnosis of Personality Disorder Outcomes: • An evidenced alternative to costly, out of area specialist residential mental health services for individuals with complex needs. • Innovative use of personalisation within a restricted residential setting, resulting in greater engagement by service users. • Individuals moving through the service in a shorter timeframe, thereby freeing up beds • A community-based, safe alternative to forensic and secure hospital settings, thus ensuring that people’s needs can be met in the least restrictive environment.
  • 43. TOGETHER FOR SHORT LIVES DEVELOPING CHILDREN’S PALLIATIVE CARE NETWORKS FOR BETTER HEALTH AND CARE OUTCOMES Key Objectives This work aims to ensure accessibility to children’s palliative care services at local level to meet the needs of individuals and their families through effective planning and commissioning of a range of services designed to meet local needs. It aims to develop a new approach to supporting the commissioning of children’s palliative care, for the benefit of children and families, providers and commissioners Outcomes Anticipated outcomes: • The further development of children’s palliative care networks to significantly improve the quality of commissioning. • The promotion of effective integration within and between health, community, primary, acute and social care services. • Approaches established to ensure that services are designed and commissioned focusing on the needs of children and young people and their families, carers and communities. Delivery Methods In year 1 we will work with two regional network pilot sites to establish sufficient capacity to undertake the activity representatives from each of the lead CCGs. 3 workshops will be held in both pilot areas with commissioners and networks. The children needing support in the pilot areas will be identified and we will work with the networks to identify how best to commission services for them. The pilot work will be evaluated during May 2014 before commencing wider roll out across England. Dissemination We will disseminate the learning in a number of ways including through a regular e-newsletter to share progress and evidence; via Relay, Together for Short Lives’ professional journal; through NHS England’s web-portal; at our regular Network summit events Through conference presentations; va media –trade and specialist press and social media channels and via our members Service Users There are 49000 children and young people living with a life-limiting condition in the UK, about 39000 of these live in England, it is predicted that about half of these will require palliative care at some point in their care journey.