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Do We Treat Male Infertility in the
         Era of ICSI ?

                      Dr. Anand K. Shinde
                                  M. D. (Gyn )
                      IVF Consultant
                      & Director of Andrology
                       At“IVF Pune”, 7th floor
                      Mangeshkar Hospital Pune-4
                      Tel : 40151777
Do We Treat Male Infertility in the Era
             of ICSI ?

     The Main Points of this presentation would be--
     What is “Era of ICSI”
     What is “ Treating the male factor ” ?
     Is there any controversy ?
Male Factor Infertility
    Barring coital difficulties or severe hypospadias or ejaculatory
    dysfunctions, the “Male factor” in Infertility means poor
    numbers or poor quality of Sperms.
    The Topic of Male factor Infertility is vast. We can give only a
    glimpse of it here.
    Quality & number of Sperms produced by the testes is
    determined mainly by the interaction of 3 factors-
    1. Genetic make up of the Spermatogonia
    2. Normal Sertoli and Leydig Cell function
    3. The interaction of Sertoli, Leydig & Germ cells
     with endogenous factors and the environment.
Male Factor Treatment
    For “Male Factor” Treatment there can be two
    strategies to optimize or “nurture” sperm production
    and quality

    1. Preproduction nurturing before ejaculation

    2. Post production nurturing for preserving and

       optimizing sperm quality and function after

Male Factor Treatment Means

1 Interventions for better production

  (numbers/qualities) of Sperm in fertile/
  infertile male
2 Interventions called Assisted
reproductive techniques used to bypass
defects in Sperm function.
Treating the Male Factor

    ICSI is one such 'Post Production' nurturing
    technique, which is effective in certain male

    First ICSI pregnancy was reported by
    Palermo ( Lancet 1992)

    So what does this ICSI era mean ?
Era of ICSI
  ICSI – Impressive, Complete Solution to Infertility?

'For decades, various therapies have been proposed to
  improve semen parameters in cases of male factor
Administration of antiestrogens & androgen have been found
  to be ineffective. No peer review data are available to
  demonstrate the benefit of the use of IUI or correction of
The conventional treatement for the male factor infertility
  has little value and has been revised & abandoned.
ICSI has to be considered as the method of choice and
  should replace ineffective conventional therapies (Devroey
  P, 1998)
Era of ICSI
    “There no longer seems to be any category of male factor infertility
    that cannot be treated with ICSI. Even for azoospermia caused by
    either obstruction or by germinal failure, ICSI may be performed
    successfully. Of all the factors studied, the only factor that seems
    to matter is the age of wife and her ovarian reserve”.(Silber 1998)
    Age of wife
    Under 20 --- 40% Live Deliveries / Cycle
    Under 35 --- 34%
    Under 40 --- 13%
    Above 40 --- 04% Live Deliveries / Cycle

    ICSI is actually the assisted fertilization technique with highest
    incidence of pregnancies & “take home baby rate” ( Garcea 1998)
If ICSI is the ultimate “Cure All” or “Panacea" then
           will there be “Disuse Atrophy”
          of the branch called Andrology?

    For the answer let us look at the 'text book' list of ICSI
    Immotile Cilia Syndrome
    Testicular/ Epididymal sperm retrieval(Azoospermia
    Frozen- thawed sperm with poor survival
    Poor fertilization with previous IVF attempt
    Severe O.A.T., Necrospermia.
Era of ICSI
      Now let us examine the first indication for ICSI
             viz.” Immolite Cilia Syndrome”.
           What are the 'Andrology' inputs here?
Do We just do ICSI & forget about the man and related health
                            No !
               Look at these brain teasers.

    How do we know which sperm is alive, when all Sperms
    are non motile? Answer : HOST
    Is sperm from ejaculate better or TESA is better for
    Are you sure that it is a case of Kartagener's Sydrome
    while talking to the couple? Answer : Difficult without
    Electron Microscopy.
    Are you sure it is not an E.coli seminal infection & not
    Kartagener's? Answer: You should have ruled it out first.
Look at these brain teasers.
    Kartagener's is considerd autosomal recessive but can
    it be autosomal dominant or X-linked? (Ans: May be)
    Are there inherited enzyme defects in Sperm Glycolysis
    Metabolism, in case of 100% Immobility ?
    ( Glyceraldehyde-3-phospate Dehydrogenase GAPDS)
    ( Ans: May be)
    Have you ruled out chronic sinusitis, situs inversus &
    autosomal dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease?
    ( Ans: No, sorry I forgot.)
     If you have not given regard to any of above what is
    doing “just ICSI” ?. It amounts to negligence!
    A Friend of mine said “Anand about 25% of my patients
    of hysterectomy for menorrhagia have constipation,
    weight gain lethergy”. He had not done TSH in any of
    the menorrhagia cases!
 Regarding these issues the comment by Hector Chemes &
  Craig Niederberger (J of Androl 2005 vol 26 ) is an eye
‘Should infertologists go ahead with assisted reproduction
  (particularly ICSI) without a proper diagnosis of patient's
  pathology? Is the role of the andrologist just to provide a
  technological solution' for the couple? To physicians treating
  infertility, ICSI provides a tool by which dsyfunctional, even
  dead sperms may be used to fertilize the ovum. Providers of
  this powerful technology may ask the question, why does one
  need a complete diagnosis if the therapy is highly effective
  regardless of of the aetiology, especially if the diagnosis
  involves sophisticated tools & test? The answer is :- ..... these
  forms of treatment involve reproduction & involve germ line
  transmission to the offspring. What use is counsellings if one
  does not know which disease you are dealing with?!
  ( Craig Niederberger 2005)
Welcome to S I G A

        SIGA -Andromeda

    Too few Sperms?           Use ICSI.
    Too few motile Sperms?    Use ICSI …
    Only non motile Sperms?     Use ICSI ….
    Only dead Sperms ?        Use ICSI …..
    No Sperms ?                 Try Spermatids …..

    No spermatids ? Try Stem cells or invitro
    Remember we are using ICSI to bypass
    Sperm dysfunction. What about the causes of
    dysfunction? Obviously we are neglecting
    other issues pertaining to the man.
Issues which should not be neglected
                      Issues of General Health of
                      the man –
                      A- Sepsis, M .A.G.I incidence-
                      15 to 40 % of infertile male.
                      Has implications as chronic
                      reservoir of infection/ U.T.I.
                      Transmission to wife
                      Obstructive Azoospermia,
                      Affects Sperm quality ,
                      aptoptosis & DNA damage.
                      Remember ‘Swim Up’ method
                      does not select non- apoptotic
     Issues which Andropause
    B) Hypogonadism &should not                  be neglected
    Hypogonatrophic Hypogonadism ( 1-2% of Male in fertility)
    Low FSH / LH
    Low Testosterone (less than 300 ng / dL)
    Severe Oligo /Azoospermia
            Whitten et al (Fertil Steril 2006)
    reported response to Clomiphene in a select
    Adult onset idiopathic form may benefit.
    C.C increases LH levels and intra-testicular

Hussein (J Androl 2005) reported 63% rate of
  sperms in
ejaculate in Nonobstructive Azoospermia cases,
Hypoandrogenism in infertile men

    Hypoandrogenism –      S. Testo < 300 ng / dL

   Non obstructive Azoo         45 %
   Oligospermia                 43%
   Normal Semen Analysis 35 %
   Obstructive Azoo             17%
   General Population           17%
  ( University of Illinois , Chicago- Aleksander
   Chudnovsky and Craig Niederberger)
Oral Testosterone in oil :
    Effects of 5 Alpha Reduction by
(J of Androl. Vol. 22, 2006)
The issue of prostate stimulation was addressed.
Natural Selection Versus Selection
              by man
                      Nature selects one sperm for
                      fertilizing depending on
                      normality of the sperm.
                      Man selects one sperm for
                      Human sperm bound to the
                      zona pellucida have normal
                      nuclear chromatin as
                      assessed by acridine orange
                      fluorescence – D.Y. Liu
                      ( Human Reproduction
                      Vol.22, 2007) - Sperm
                      binding to human ZP is highly
                      selective for double stranded
Issues which should not be neglected

          A)   Genetics & Male Factor
               Why does Varicocoele surgery fail
               in some and succeed in some?
               Which Oligo –asthenospermias will
               respond to Antioxidants?
               Why do we have fertilization failure,
               Arrested Embryos & 30 to 35%
               only pregnancy rate even with
               good ICSI?
               The answer could be in the ‘head’
               i.e. nucleus of the Sperm !
Normal Spermatogenesis
depends on mitosis and meiosis in
      orderly fashion …..
Histopathology – Biopsy – FNAC – TESE
 – TESA are all interlinked with genetics
         and environment …..
                      Open biopsy

     Needle biopsy
Histopathology – Biopsy – FNAC – TESE –
TESA are all interlinked with genetics and

                         Sertoli cells with sperms

Sertoli cell only syndrome
Histopath reporting should be as
    Testicular Biopsy ( Spermatogenesis Reporting)

    Normal Testicular Biopsy : Full Spermatogenesis
    in entire Biopsy and normal inter tubular tissues.
    Hypospermatogenesis : All stages of
    spermatogenesis are present , but reduced to
    varying degrees.
    Germ cell arrest : Total arrest at particular stage
    most often spermatogonial or primary spermatocyte
    stage. Arrest in Spermiogenesis is uncommon .
    If spermatids are seen don’t call it arrest but call it
Histopath reporting should be as
4. Sertoli cell only – No tubules contain any
  germ cells.
5. Seminiferous tubule Hyalinization – No germ cells.
  No Sertoli cell. Fibrosis present.
6. Carcinoma in Situ – Pre invasive malignant cells
  seen in place of Spermatogonia. Some tubules show
  ongoing Spermatogenesis.
7. Immature testis ( Prepubertal)- Rare , seen in
  hypogoado trophic Hypogonadism. Tubules lack
  lumen, cells are immature Sertoli cells- Gonocytes.
  Few Leydig cells.
Y chromosome :- Long Arm Microdeletions
Multiplex PCR is
 used to diagnose
micro delections on
 the long arm of Y
These deletions are
an important cause
of male infertility. It
     should be
 performed in all
Azoospermic and
Oligoseprmic men.
Does ICSI cause any chromosomal
                 defects ?
                              • ICSI as a procedure does
Embryos   ICSI-
                                not cause any chromosal
                                defects. But ICSI using
                                defective Sperms form
Normal    43%         25%       infertile male may transmit
                                Sex Chromosome
                                abnormalities, Autosomal
Aneuploid 26%         16%       abnormalities including
                                translocations (13,
                                14),inversions and
Mosaics   26%         56%       numerical abnormalities.
                                This is solved naturally by
                                nature in form of failure of
Polyploidy 04%        06%
Varicocoele and Genetics

    Monozygous and Dizygous twins show
    different pattern of scrotal temperature.
    Infertile men with varicocoele show high % of
    sperms with Intense Nuclear Damage – Maria
    Enciso – J of Androl. Vol. 27, 2006.
    Studies on Varicocoele III : Ultrastuctural
    Sperm Evaluation and 18, X & Y Aneuploidies,
    Baccio M Baccetti, J of Androl. Vol. 27, 2006.
DNA Damage in Sperms from Men with
(SCD Test- Sperm chromatin dispersion)
Sequential FISH on SCD Processed
 X= Green , Y = Red, 18 = Blue,
    Halo is Blue Grey (SCD)
Issues which should not be neglected
Candidates for ICSI also happen to be
candidates for testicular Tumours….
 High prevalence of testicular cancer in
azoopermic men
without spermatogenesis- M Mancini. Human
Reproduction Vol. 22, 2007.
The prevalence of testicular nodules and cancer
azoospermic men with complete SCOS is very
high. In
these subjects, the role of clinical evaluation,
Towards a non invasive method for early
  detection of testicular neoplasia in semen
 analysis by identification of fetal germ cell –
               specific markers
C.E. Hoei – Hansen
Human Reprod vol 22, 2007
  Immunocytological semen analysis based on
expression of fetal gem cell markers in exfoliated
cells has auxiliary diagnostic value , as it detects
some patients with CIS / incipient tumour but a
negative result does not exclude Testicular germ
cell tumours.
Immunocytological semen analysis for CIS
Positive                            Negative

             Positive Semen
                                 CIS Tubule
Sonographic Testicular Micro Lithiasis as an
   indicator of pre-malignant conditions in
            normal & infertile men
Sigrid V Eckardstein
( J of Androl Vol 22, 2001)
  Testicular Microlithiasis (USG) can indicate
 germ cell tumours.
  Infertility , Testicular Mal-descent, presence of
 atrophic testis are risk factors.
  2.3% showed Microlithiasis & were advised
 Biopsy &/or USG follow up.
  Microlithiasis in presence of atrophic testes is
 highly significant.
Breakthroughs in Andrology ?

 1. Reduced Seminal Parameters associated with
environmental DDT Exposure and p,p’- DDE
Concentrations in Men in Chiapas, Mexico – A Cross
Sectional study.
    Christiaan De Jager, J of Androl. Vol-27, 2006.
 2. Report from Andhra Pradesh - quarry town (Kadappa)
    has 5% Azoospermia rate in young married men !
(Stone Quarry Pollutants + Cotton Pesticides ) –
Embryo Talk 2006.
New frontiers..........

Promise & Limitations of
Germ cell transplantation in the Testis
M.D. Grisworld ( J. Anrolg. Vol 22, 2001)
In vitro culture systems hold promise of culturing
germ cells- to mature spermatozoa ( Sousa,
Conclusion !
• If there is azoospermia or
  severe oligospermia…
• If sperms cannot undergo
  Capacitation, bind to zona,
  undergo acrosome reaction
  or fuse with the Oocyte’s
  plasma membrane … ICSI
  would help.
• But , why these sperm
  defects arose & what can
  be done to ‘Nurturing’ the
  sperm, remains the
  Andrology domain …..!
Do We Treat Male Infertility in the Era of ICSI ?
    We Do Treat Male Infertility in the Era of ICSI !

 Thank You ......

     Dr. Anand K. Shinde

           M. D. (Gyn )
 IVF Consultant
 & Director of Andrology
  At “ IVF Pune”, 7th floor Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital
  Tel : 40151777
Dr. Anand K. Shinde

• Consultant at IVF Pune,
  DMH Pune - 4
• Director Andrology IVF Pune,
  DMH Pune - 4

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  • 1. Do We Treat Male Infertility in the Era of ICSI ?  Dr. Anand K. Shinde M. D. (Gyn ) IVF Consultant & Director of Andrology At“IVF Pune”, 7th floor Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital Pune-4 Tel : 40151777
  • 2.
  • 3. Do We Treat Male Infertility in the Era of ICSI ?  The Main Points of this presentation would be--  What is “Era of ICSI”  What is “ Treating the male factor ” ?  Is there any controversy ?
  • 4. Male Factor Infertility  Barring coital difficulties or severe hypospadias or ejaculatory dysfunctions, the “Male factor” in Infertility means poor numbers or poor quality of Sperms.  The Topic of Male factor Infertility is vast. We can give only a glimpse of it here.  Quality & number of Sperms produced by the testes is determined mainly by the interaction of 3 factors- 1. Genetic make up of the Spermatogonia 2. Normal Sertoli and Leydig Cell function 3. The interaction of Sertoli, Leydig & Germ cells with endogenous factors and the environment.
  • 5. Male Factor Treatment  For “Male Factor” Treatment there can be two strategies to optimize or “nurture” sperm production and quality 1. Preproduction nurturing before ejaculation 2. Post production nurturing for preserving and optimizing sperm quality and function after ejaculation.
  • 6. Male Factor Treatment Means 1 Interventions for better production (numbers/qualities) of Sperm in fertile/ infertile male 2 Interventions called Assisted reproductive techniques used to bypass defects in Sperm function.
  • 7. Treating the Male Factor  ICSI is one such 'Post Production' nurturing technique, which is effective in certain male factor.  First ICSI pregnancy was reported by Palermo ( Lancet 1992)  So what does this ICSI era mean ?
  • 8. Era of ICSI ICSI – Impressive, Complete Solution to Infertility? 'For decades, various therapies have been proposed to improve semen parameters in cases of male factor infertility. Administration of antiestrogens & androgen have been found to be ineffective. No peer review data are available to demonstrate the benefit of the use of IUI or correction of varicocoele. The conventional treatement for the male factor infertility has little value and has been revised & abandoned. ICSI has to be considered as the method of choice and should replace ineffective conventional therapies (Devroey P, 1998)
  • 9. Era of ICSI  “There no longer seems to be any category of male factor infertility that cannot be treated with ICSI. Even for azoospermia caused by either obstruction or by germinal failure, ICSI may be performed successfully. Of all the factors studied, the only factor that seems to matter is the age of wife and her ovarian reserve”.(Silber 1998)  Age of wife  Under 20 --- 40% Live Deliveries / Cycle  Under 35 --- 34%  Under 40 --- 13%  Above 40 --- 04% Live Deliveries / Cycle  ICSI is actually the assisted fertilization technique with highest incidence of pregnancies & “take home baby rate” ( Garcea 1998)
  • 10. If ICSI is the ultimate “Cure All” or “Panacea" then will there be “Disuse Atrophy” of the branch called Andrology?  For the answer let us look at the 'text book' list of ICSI indications.  Immotile Cilia Syndrome  Testicular/ Epididymal sperm retrieval(Azoospermia cases)  Globozoospermia  Frozen- thawed sperm with poor survival  Poor fertilization with previous IVF attempt  Severe O.A.T., Necrospermia.
  • 11. Era of ICSI Now let us examine the first indication for ICSI viz.” Immolite Cilia Syndrome”. What are the 'Andrology' inputs here? Do We just do ICSI & forget about the man and related health issues? No ! Look at these brain teasers.  How do we know which sperm is alive, when all Sperms are non motile? Answer : HOST  Is sperm from ejaculate better or TESA is better for fertilization?  Are you sure that it is a case of Kartagener's Sydrome while talking to the couple? Answer : Difficult without Electron Microscopy.  Are you sure it is not an E.coli seminal infection & not Kartagener's? Answer: You should have ruled it out first.
  • 12. Look at these brain teasers.  Kartagener's is considerd autosomal recessive but can it be autosomal dominant or X-linked? (Ans: May be)  Are there inherited enzyme defects in Sperm Glycolysis Metabolism, in case of 100% Immobility ? ( Glyceraldehyde-3-phospate Dehydrogenase GAPDS) ( Ans: May be)  Have you ruled out chronic sinusitis, situs inversus & autosomal dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease? ( Ans: No, sorry I forgot.)  If you have not given regard to any of above what is doing “just ICSI” ?. It amounts to negligence!  A Friend of mine said “Anand about 25% of my patients of hysterectomy for menorrhagia have constipation, weight gain lethergy”. He had not done TSH in any of the menorrhagia cases!
  • 13.  Regarding these issues the comment by Hector Chemes & Craig Niederberger (J of Androl 2005 vol 26 ) is an eye opener- ‘Should infertologists go ahead with assisted reproduction (particularly ICSI) without a proper diagnosis of patient's pathology? Is the role of the andrologist just to provide a technological solution' for the couple? To physicians treating infertility, ICSI provides a tool by which dsyfunctional, even dead sperms may be used to fertilize the ovum. Providers of this powerful technology may ask the question, why does one need a complete diagnosis if the therapy is highly effective regardless of of the aetiology, especially if the diagnosis involves sophisticated tools & test? The answer is :- ..... these forms of treatment involve reproduction & involve germ line transmission to the offspring. What use is counsellings if one does not know which disease you are dealing with?! ( Craig Niederberger 2005)
  • 14. Welcome to S I G A SIGA -Andromeda
  • 15. ICSI  Too few Sperms? Use ICSI.  Too few motile Sperms? Use ICSI …  Only non motile Sperms? Use ICSI ….  Only dead Sperms ? Use ICSI …..  No Sperms ? Try Spermatids …..  No spermatids ? Try Stem cells or invitro maturation. Remember we are using ICSI to bypass Sperm dysfunction. What about the causes of dysfunction? Obviously we are neglecting other issues pertaining to the man.
  • 16. Issues which should not be neglected  Issues of General Health of the man –  A- Sepsis, M .A.G.I incidence- 15 to 40 % of infertile male.  Has implications as chronic reservoir of infection/ U.T.I.  Transmission to wife  Obstructive Azoospermia, Necrospermia.  Affects Sperm quality , aptoptosis & DNA damage.  Remember ‘Swim Up’ method does not select non- apoptotic sperms!
  • 17. Issues which Andropause B) Hypogonadism &should not be neglected  Hypogonatrophic Hypogonadism ( 1-2% of Male in fertility)  Low FSH / LH  Low Testosterone (less than 300 ng / dL)  Severe Oligo /Azoospermia  Whitten et al (Fertil Steril 2006) reported response to Clomiphene in a select group. Adult onset idiopathic form may benefit. C.C increases LH levels and intra-testicular testosterone. Hussein (J Androl 2005) reported 63% rate of sperms in ejaculate in Nonobstructive Azoospermia cases,
  • 18. Hypoandrogenism in infertile men  Hypoandrogenism – S. Testo < 300 ng / dL  Non obstructive Azoo 45 %  Oligospermia 43%  Normal Semen Analysis 35 %  Obstructive Azoo 17%  General Population 17% ( University of Illinois , Chicago- Aleksander Chudnovsky and Craig Niederberger)
  • 19. Oral Testosterone in oil : Pharmacokinetic Effects of 5 Alpha Reduction by Finasteride  JOHN K. AMORY (J of Androl. Vol. 22, 2006) The issue of prostate stimulation was addressed.
  • 20. Natural Selection Versus Selection by man  Nature selects one sperm for fertilizing depending on normality of the sperm. OR  Man selects one sperm for ICISI.  Human sperm bound to the zona pellucida have normal nuclear chromatin as assessed by acridine orange fluorescence – D.Y. Liu ( Human Reproduction Vol.22, 2007) - Sperm binding to human ZP is highly selective for double stranded DNA.
  • 21. Issues which should not be neglected A) Genetics & Male Factor • Why does Varicocoele surgery fail in some and succeed in some? • Which Oligo –asthenospermias will respond to Antioxidants? • Why do we have fertilization failure, Arrested Embryos & 30 to 35% only pregnancy rate even with good ICSI? • The answer could be in the ‘head’ i.e. nucleus of the Sperm !
  • 22. Normal Spermatogenesis depends on mitosis and meiosis in orderly fashion …..
  • 23. Histopathology – Biopsy – FNAC – TESE – TESA are all interlinked with genetics and environment ….. Open biopsy Needle biopsy
  • 24. Histopathology – Biopsy – FNAC – TESE – TESA are all interlinked with genetics and environment Sertoli cells with sperms Sertoli cell only syndrome
  • 25. Histopath reporting should be as follows  Testicular Biopsy ( Spermatogenesis Reporting) • Normal Testicular Biopsy : Full Spermatogenesis in entire Biopsy and normal inter tubular tissues. • Hypospermatogenesis : All stages of spermatogenesis are present , but reduced to varying degrees. • Germ cell arrest : Total arrest at particular stage most often spermatogonial or primary spermatocyte stage. Arrest in Spermiogenesis is uncommon . If spermatids are seen don’t call it arrest but call it hypospermatogenesis.
  • 26. Histopath reporting should be as follows 4. Sertoli cell only – No tubules contain any germ cells. 5. Seminiferous tubule Hyalinization – No germ cells. No Sertoli cell. Fibrosis present. 6. Carcinoma in Situ – Pre invasive malignant cells seen in place of Spermatogonia. Some tubules show ongoing Spermatogenesis. 7. Immature testis ( Prepubertal)- Rare , seen in hypogoado trophic Hypogonadism. Tubules lack lumen, cells are immature Sertoli cells- Gonocytes. Few Leydig cells.
  • 27. Y chromosome :- Long Arm Microdeletions
  • 28. Multiplex PCR is used to diagnose micro delections on the long arm of Y chromosomes. These deletions are an important cause of male infertility. It should be performed in all Azoospermic and Oligoseprmic men.
  • 29. Does ICSI cause any chromosomal defects ? • ICSI as a procedure does Embryos ICSI- Ejaculate ICSI- TESE not cause any chromosal defects. But ICSI using defective Sperms form Normal 43% 25% infertile male may transmit Sex Chromosome abnormalities, Autosomal Aneuploid 26% 16% abnormalities including translocations (13, 14),inversions and Mosaics 26% 56% numerical abnormalities. This is solved naturally by nature in form of failure of implantation…… Polyploidy 04% 06%
  • 30. Varicocoele and Genetics  Monozygous and Dizygous twins show different pattern of scrotal temperature.  Infertile men with varicocoele show high % of sperms with Intense Nuclear Damage – Maria Enciso – J of Androl. Vol. 27, 2006.  Studies on Varicocoele III : Ultrastuctural Sperm Evaluation and 18, X & Y Aneuploidies, Baccio M Baccetti, J of Androl. Vol. 27, 2006.
  • 31. DNA Damage in Sperms from Men with Varicocele (SCD Test- Sperm chromatin dispersion)
  • 32. Sequential FISH on SCD Processed Spermatozoa X= Green , Y = Red, 18 = Blue, Halo is Blue Grey (SCD)
  • 33. Issues which should not be neglected Candidates for ICSI also happen to be candidates for testicular Tumours….  High prevalence of testicular cancer in azoopermic men without spermatogenesis- M Mancini. Human Reproduction Vol. 22, 2007. The prevalence of testicular nodules and cancer in azoospermic men with complete SCOS is very high. In these subjects, the role of clinical evaluation, ultrasound
  • 34. Towards a non invasive method for early detection of testicular neoplasia in semen analysis by identification of fetal germ cell – specific markers C.E. Hoei – Hansen Human Reprod vol 22, 2007 Immunocytological semen analysis based on expression of fetal gem cell markers in exfoliated cells has auxiliary diagnostic value , as it detects some patients with CIS / incipient tumour but a negative result does not exclude Testicular germ cell tumours.
  • 35. Immunocytological semen analysis for CIS Positive Negative Positive Semen Positive CIS Tubule
  • 36. Sonographic Testicular Micro Lithiasis as an indicator of pre-malignant conditions in normal & infertile men Sigrid V Eckardstein ( J of Androl Vol 22, 2001)  Testicular Microlithiasis (USG) can indicate germ cell tumours.  Infertility , Testicular Mal-descent, presence of atrophic testis are risk factors.  2.3% showed Microlithiasis & were advised Biopsy &/or USG follow up.  Microlithiasis in presence of atrophic testes is highly significant.
  • 37. Breakthroughs in Andrology ? 1. Reduced Seminal Parameters associated with environmental DDT Exposure and p,p’- DDE Concentrations in Men in Chiapas, Mexico – A Cross Sectional study. Christiaan De Jager, J of Androl. Vol-27, 2006. 2. Report from Andhra Pradesh - quarry town (Kadappa) has 5% Azoospermia rate in young married men ! (Stone Quarry Pollutants + Cotton Pesticides ) – Embryo Talk 2006.
  • 38. New frontiers.......... Promise & Limitations of Germ cell transplantation in the Testis M.D. Grisworld ( J. Anrolg. Vol 22, 2001) In vitro culture systems hold promise of culturing germ cells- to mature spermatozoa ( Sousa, 2002)
  • 39. Conclusion ! • If there is azoospermia or severe oligospermia… • If sperms cannot undergo Capacitation, bind to zona, undergo acrosome reaction or fuse with the Oocyte’s plasma membrane … ICSI would help. • But , why these sperm defects arose & what can be done to ‘Nurturing’ the sperm, remains the Andrology domain …..!
  • 40. Do We Treat Male Infertility in the Era of ICSI ? We Do Treat Male Infertility in the Era of ICSI ! Thank You ......  Dr. Anand K. Shinde M. D. (Gyn ) IVF Consultant & Director of Andrology At “ IVF Pune”, 7th floor Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital Pune-4., Tel : 40151777
  • 41. Dr. Anand K. Shinde M.D • Consultant at IVF Pune, DMH Pune - 4 • Director Andrology IVF Pune, DMH Pune - 4