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Okay, so that was kind of mean of me to leave it like that..



I want you to come PLAY with me, I‟m BORED.


And so Poxy ran back inside, and did the only thing that made sense to her – hide
in Oblivion‟s bed until she felt better.
And as the other Nightmare‟s started returning home, they were just as shocked as
the teenager by the addition of a new gravestone in the middle of the garden.


“That‟s my Big Brother!

Unable to find Poxy, C.D. tried to settle down with his homework – trying to pretend
that his life was still nice and normal..ish.
But of course it didn‟t work.
Luckily, reinforcements were on the way!

At 5 „o clock, Paris and Dongy both appeared home from work.


“Hello littlest bean, what‟s up! Oh, Ceedeedums.. You‟re shaking! What‟s wrong,
baby? I‟ll make it better.”

Sobbing, the little boy pointed across the garden.
“Oh no..

No no no no NO!

HOW could this POSSIBLY happen?”
“That‟s my biggest baby!

That‟s.. Not fair, it‟s not it‟s not IT‟S NOT.

I.. I-I-I-I have to DO something!”

And grabbing C.D.‟s hand, ran inside the house.
“I just hope that this doesn‟t take too long..”

“Oww.. My head.

What happened?

..Oh yeah. Garden, Yeah. Not so uber-fab.”

Is there anybody here?”

“Come here, child.”

“But who are you?”

“NEVER question me child!”
“No one EVER questions Evil Susan.

And I have to get out of here. And YOU, kid, are going to help me do it, whether
you like it or not.

This place isn‟t real, and I‟m damn sure going to go home, one way or another.”
“Well that doesn‟t sound too frienda-lommy..”

“I‟m not here to make friends.”
“Well it never hurts! So er, Evil Susan, my name is Oblivion! But everyone always
calls me-“
“I know who you are, moron.” ES snapped, pushing past Obi.

“Unfortunately I‟ve been watching you all for some time, I had no choice! Being
your goat-damned Great Grandmother after all. I‟ve been waiting for a bloody age
for one of you pathetic excuse for kids to snuff it and get down here and help me!
I‟ve been able to mess with the electrics in that house for ages, and then after all
that you..

Tripped and fell on your own shears!

It sickens me to know you‟re the spawn of the spawn of the spawn of MY spawn!”
“So I really am..?”

“Dead, yes. As am I.”

“So.. are all the dead people here with us?”
She hissed, and spun around.

“No. It‟s strange, I‟m alone and I actually seem to have some level of control down
here – and I‟m pretty damn sure that‟s not normal for an afterlife.

Much as it pained me to do so, I was able to intercept you – which is looking like it
was a pretty big waste of time. And the fact I‟ve been able to communicate with
RiverCrapBum in other ways than ghostly form.. Something‟s going on here.

And why would you care where the dead have gone, anyway?”
“I just wanted to apologise.”

“To who? And what the HELL FOR?”

He lowered his eyes.
“My.. my Aunty. She..

She‟s made someone dead.”
“Excuse me? Your Aunt has..

Well, this is something I wasn‟t expecting.

Tell me. Tell me everything.”
“I don‟t think we were supposed to hear, but Aunty Louse started shouting at
Grandaddy‟s birthday that Aunty Ruthless was a.. murderer.” he whispered.

“I have no idea why, but it sounds like a nastiness of NASTY thing to do! And I
don‟t really know her, I only met her once when I was really little because she and
Aunty Louse never got on and I LOVE my superfriend Aunty Louse! Oh BOY -
she‟s so lovely and always looks after everyone and..

Oh, I miss her. And Mum and Dad and Poxy and C.D. and.. and..”
But Evil Susan failed to care or notice that her recently deceased Great-Grandson
had dissolved into tears.

“Now. This Ruthless seems like she may be my kind of girl.. Maybe slightly
unstable but probably my best bet of some help out of all this bunch of annoyingly
happy wusses – no offence kid.”
“Oh dear.

Hey kid.. I have a feeling you won‟t be dead too long.


Two days later..

“Thank goodness they let me change careers so quickly.. But I‟ve got it. I‟ve finally
got the nomitroninom!

..Let‟s just hope the skimpy outfit and lack of stompy boots was worth it.”
“Wow Mum, that‟s certainly an.. Interesting choice of outfit!” giggled Poxy as the
family sat down to breakfast.

C.D. Shook his head.
“I don‟t think we should join the circus. Yet.”

“Hush you two, I‟ve got a big surprise! Now when you‟ve finished your grilled
cheese I want you all the join me outside.”
But the children were being rather slow to finish, and seemed more interested in
pushed the bread around rather than eating it.

Suddenly C.D. Spoke up.
“But it‟s my birthday tomorrow! I don‟t want to still be sad, and I want Obi HERE!”

Dongy sighed in understanding and patted his son‟s shoulder, but his Mother

“Guys – come with me.”
As they made their way outside, Paris quickly glanced over her notes once again.

Yes she had only been an exorcist for a day, but surely she could do this!
Just pick up the phone and ring, just pick up the phone and ring.. You can DO this

She gulped.

And picked up the phone and rang.
“Are we.. Are we getting Obi back?!” C.D. gasped excitedly, and leapt into Dongy‟s

“We sure are CeeDeedums!

Let‟s do this.”
“Why, hello there. I believe you have something that belongs to me.”

But as Reaper asked for her price, Paris‟s mind suddenly went blank. She knew
this, she knew it..

“Err.. 4000 simoleons?”

That probably sounded about right.

Dongy looked around in concern as he heard his wife‟s panicked voice.

“What do you MEAN you „hope I‟m happy with my purchase‟?

“Er.. Mum? Dad? Is this meant to happen?”

“No bean, it‟s not..”
“This doesn‟t seem right at all..”
“Wow is that the sky agaaaaaaaaaaain?

I missed the skyful sky!

I feel..”

“Obi..?” Paris quietly asked.

The teenager blinked.

“I‟m a zombiOM-zombie now, aren‟t I Mum?”
“OBI! It IS you! Oh pretty little baby baby, you come and give your Mum a BIG hug,
you had us all so worried!”

“Eeeew Mum, no! Love her because she aweSOME, but I‟m not Poxy, Mum! I‟m a
zombie now, and the most excitingest thing I can thing of right now is going and
having a big old bath of bubbly fun!”

“Oh. Right.. Yes, maybe that is a good idea Obiwoby.”
So the newly raised zombie began to wander inside.

“OBI! It‟s nice to see you again. And look – you‟ve brought your very own green
stink cloud with you!”

“Poxy.. I‟m a zombie now. Alas it‟s the stinkiestEST part of the job!”

“So proud of you brother, so proud.”
As the children headed away and towards either school or bathing, Paris and
Dongy looked at each other, as the gravity of what Paris had done set in.

Simultaneously, the same expression spread over their faces.
“Our baby is BACK, dear Dongy!

Upstairs, Oblivion gently popped some of the bubbles and had a bit of a think.

So – he was a teenage zombie.

And that weird woman had been right, he hadn‟t been dead long at all.

And he was back with all of his family, and would get to go to school tomorrow.

Overall.. Things were looking pretty-as-a-peacock-eating-peaches good!
With his skin and freckles quickly darkening to their new zombie tone, Obi decided
he didn‟t want to be the same colour all over and after his bath found a different set
of clothes stashed in his wardrobe.

And then sought out his Mother.
“Mum! Did you really give you your job as the LAW just so you could rescue me?”

“Oh Obi, as soon as I found out! I was worried that it would take them a while to
accept me as being the LAW is quite different from playing games with spirits, but
luckily they had an opening after only two days!

Was it really nastily awful?”

“It was super-weird-strange. There was this woman, I‟ll tell you about it later, but
Mummsy-Mum! You really gave up your dream for me?”

“Yes, I would never do anything else, baby. And.. I‟m sorry.”

What are you talking about Mum, that is as cool as a cool thing stuck inside and
even cooler thing! This is fabUlous! I‟m not dead and I missed you all when I was,
and now me and Poxy and C.D. all have different coloured skin and you can‟t just
buy that kind of amazeyment!

OH BOY, I‟m sure I‟m going to love being a zombOMBie!”
“Well, it‟s true I‟ve yet to see something that you don‟t love!” she smiled, and gave
him a big hug.

“I love you mostest.”

My son is still BRILLIANT even as a zombie!”

“..Did my nail just fall off?”
But Oblivion really didn‟t care two ticks if he was a zombie or not, he was just glad
to be home and quickly fell back into his old routines of all his most favourite and
yumNOMtastic things.
And as a Knowledge Sim, the chance to earn all those skill points all over again?

And with her son back, Paris was finally able to knuckle down and complete her
best selling novel!

But apparently I‟m not done because I have to have a Gen 3 heir do one which I
didn‟t know! But I should have done if I‟d read some of the uni rules! So I hope you
can write novels at uni! And have time to do all the other stuff I now need to! Not
that I‟m worrying! (!!!!!!)
Paris and Dongy clearly aren‟t worrying about that though, and are finally taking
some time to celebrate their parts being done, and the fact that they got their Obi

They make me happy 
“So are we all looking forward to Obiwoby‟s first day back at school, kidlets?”

“Oh BOY, oh cake, I know I can‟t wait to go! Oh I do hope my upmost hope that the
pencils still smell as beautifully new and graphitey as they did before, that would be

“Yes, I think he‟ll enjoy it.” nodded C.D.

“Meh. Eating.”

“Well have fun everybody!” Paris smiled, “and I look forward to it FOR you if I have
It was the happiest zombie in the world that went to play with new textbooks that
day 

So overcome by his happiness am I, I took a bad picture and didn‟t notice! So don‟t
you either, just look at his little faaaaace that‟s falling off.
“So.. How was it?”

“Oh just you wait till your in BIG school of BIG FUN! Which is tomorrow isn‟t it? Yes
yes! It will be scrum-diddley-umptious to have you come with us in the morning
“For I have not forgotten that‟s it‟s your birthday of magnificence this evening! Look!
I‟m so happy I‟ve lurched into the wall! Oh BOY what fun it‟ll be to have you big

“Yes. And if anyone can avoid dying this time that would be nice.”
So when 6pm rolled around everyone gathered in the living room to.. Promptly
wander off again.

“I, er.. Have an important game of red hands I‟ve suddenly remembered to play
with your sister!”

“Not me little brother, I‟m too EXCITED to MOVE!”

“Oh good.”
“Wow.. I mean, that‟s so..

WELL DONE for growing up, that is such a massIVE achievment!”
“But what happened to your hair?”

Wish I knew – let‟s fix it!
Now THAT‟S more like it, but er..

“Hello Dad! Where did C.D. Go?”

“Thanks Obi, I get the compliment somewhere and will trust you‟re not just
confused. Now I really want a cellphone, and I‟ll get you one too.”

“BEST brother EVER that ever everED!”
Why do you want one so much anyway?

“Let us just say I am going to have a lot of contacts.”

“Hi there.. You! How are things-”

“Oh hey! I think your Grandfather tried to hit on me once too!”
“Well, who wouldn‟t?”

“Don‟t puff your cheeks like that. Unless you‟re storing food in them for a lean
harvest as we have often had to do here in Riverblossom, it‟s a sign of mockery.”
“Sorry. My family have never been versed too well in the traditions here.”


“Yes, angel?”

“Leave my shop.”
Good fish in heaven help me, he rolled Romance and has already given me quite
the Want panel!

Certain Doom
Aries – 7 10 8 3 7
Romance – Woohoo 20 Different Sims

Because I‟m so GOOD at that! *headdesk* Okay to be fair, I am a lot better with
Romance than I used to be a few years ago.

But I‟ll leave you here for now! But before I go, on a purely technical note 
“YAY! I managed to find the job pretty quickly and not mess anything up!”

Just to say that obviously the stuff with Obi and ES was staged, and in a different
neighbour hood with totally different files. Everything you‟ve seen at the Nightmare
house HAPPENED, without any cheats, hacks, or exiting without saving.

When I‟m done with the challenge you‟ll get a BTS proper ;)

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The Science of a Legacy: Chapter 17The Science of a Legacy: Chapter 17
The Science of a Legacy: Chapter 17gintasticnecat
The Science of a Legacy: Chapter 16
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The Science of a Legacy: Chapter 13

ESWN Part 2.5

  • 1. Okay, so that was kind of mean of me to leave it like that.. So. WHAT HAPPENED NEXT:
  • 2. “OBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!! I want you to come PLAY with me, I‟m BORED. OBLIVION! WHERE ARE YOU! ..Obi?”
  • 4. And so Poxy ran back inside, and did the only thing that made sense to her – hide in Oblivion‟s bed until she felt better.
  • 5. And as the other Nightmare‟s started returning home, they were just as shocked as the teenager by the addition of a new gravestone in the middle of the garden. “But.. But..”
  • 6. “That‟s my Big Brother! I ONLY HAD ONE..”
  • 7. Unable to find Poxy, C.D. tried to settle down with his homework – trying to pretend that his life was still nice and normal..ish.
  • 8. But of course it didn‟t work.
  • 9. Luckily, reinforcements were on the way! At 5 „o clock, Paris and Dongy both appeared home from work. “MUM!” “Hello littlest bean, what‟s up! Oh, Ceedeedums.. You‟re shaking! What‟s wrong, baby? I‟ll make it better.” Sobbing, the little boy pointed across the garden.
  • 10. “Oh no.. No no no no NO! HOW could this POSSIBLY happen?”
  • 11. “That‟s my biggest baby! That‟s.. Not fair, it‟s not it‟s not IT‟S NOT. I.. I-I-I-I have to DO something!” And grabbing C.D.‟s hand, ran inside the house.
  • 12. “I just hope that this doesn‟t take too long..” ----
  • 15. “Oww.. My head. What happened? ..Oh yeah. Garden, Yeah. Not so uber-fab.”
  • 18. “Huh?” “Come here, child.” “But who are you?” “NEVER question me child!”
  • 19. “No one EVER questions Evil Susan. And I have to get out of here. And YOU, kid, are going to help me do it, whether you like it or not. This place isn‟t real, and I‟m damn sure going to go home, one way or another.”
  • 20. “Well that doesn‟t sound too frienda-lommy..” “I‟m not here to make friends.”
  • 21. “Well it never hurts! So er, Evil Susan, my name is Oblivion! But everyone always calls me-“
  • 22. “I know who you are, moron.” ES snapped, pushing past Obi. “Unfortunately I‟ve been watching you all for some time, I had no choice! Being your goat-damned Great Grandmother after all. I‟ve been waiting for a bloody age for one of you pathetic excuse for kids to snuff it and get down here and help me! I‟ve been able to mess with the electrics in that house for ages, and then after all that you.. Tripped and fell on your own shears! It sickens me to know you‟re the spawn of the spawn of the spawn of MY spawn!”
  • 23. “So I really am..?” “Dead, yes. As am I.” “So.. are all the dead people here with us?”
  • 24. She hissed, and spun around. “No. It‟s strange, I‟m alone and I actually seem to have some level of control down here – and I‟m pretty damn sure that‟s not normal for an afterlife. Much as it pained me to do so, I was able to intercept you – which is looking like it was a pretty big waste of time. And the fact I‟ve been able to communicate with RiverCrapBum in other ways than ghostly form.. Something‟s going on here. And why would you care where the dead have gone, anyway?”
  • 25. “I just wanted to apologise.” “To who? And what the HELL FOR?” He lowered his eyes. “My.. my Aunty. She.. She‟s made someone dead.”
  • 26. “Excuse me? Your Aunt has.. Well, this is something I wasn‟t expecting. Tell me. Tell me everything.”
  • 27. “I don‟t think we were supposed to hear, but Aunty Louse started shouting at Grandaddy‟s birthday that Aunty Ruthless was a.. murderer.” he whispered. “I have no idea why, but it sounds like a nastiness of NASTY thing to do! And I don‟t really know her, I only met her once when I was really little because she and Aunty Louse never got on and I LOVE my superfriend Aunty Louse! Oh BOY - she‟s so lovely and always looks after everyone and.. Oh, I miss her. And Mum and Dad and Poxy and C.D. and.. and..”
  • 28. But Evil Susan failed to care or notice that her recently deceased Great-Grandson had dissolved into tears. “Now. This Ruthless seems like she may be my kind of girl.. Maybe slightly unstable but probably my best bet of some help out of all this bunch of annoyingly happy wusses – no offence kid.”
  • 29. “Oh dear. Hey kid.. I have a feeling you won‟t be dead too long. K?” ----
  • 30. Two days later.. “Thank goodness they let me change careers so quickly.. But I‟ve got it. I‟ve finally got the nomitroninom! ..Let‟s just hope the skimpy outfit and lack of stompy boots was worth it.”
  • 31. “Wow Mum, that‟s certainly an.. Interesting choice of outfit!” giggled Poxy as the family sat down to breakfast. C.D. Shook his head. “I don‟t think we should join the circus. Yet.” “Hush you two, I‟ve got a big surprise! Now when you‟ve finished your grilled cheese I want you all the join me outside.”
  • 32. But the children were being rather slow to finish, and seemed more interested in pushed the bread around rather than eating it. Suddenly C.D. Spoke up. “But it‟s my birthday tomorrow! I don‟t want to still be sad, and I want Obi HERE!” Dongy sighed in understanding and patted his son‟s shoulder, but his Mother smiled. “Guys – come with me.”
  • 33. As they made their way outside, Paris quickly glanced over her notes once again. Yes she had only been an exorcist for a day, but surely she could do this!
  • 34. Just pick up the phone and ring, just pick up the phone and ring.. You can DO this Parasite. She gulped. And picked up the phone and rang.
  • 35. “Are we.. Are we getting Obi back?!” C.D. gasped excitedly, and leapt into Dongy‟s arms. “We sure are CeeDeedums! Let‟s do this.”
  • 36. “Why, hello there. I believe you have something that belongs to me.” But as Reaper asked for her price, Paris‟s mind suddenly went blank. She knew this, she knew it.. “Err.. 4000 simoleons?” That probably sounded about right.
  • 37. “WHAT?!” Dongy looked around in concern as he heard his wife‟s panicked voice. “What do you MEAN you „hope I‟m happy with my purchase‟? SHUT UP AND GIVE ME MY SON BACK.”
  • 38. “Er.. Mum? Dad? Is this meant to happen?” “No bean, it‟s not..”
  • 39. “This doesn‟t seem right at all..”
  • 40. “Wow is that the sky agaaaaaaaaaaain? I missed the skyful sky! I feel..”
  • 41. “Odd.” “Obi..?” Paris quietly asked. The teenager blinked. “I‟m a zombiOM-zombie now, aren‟t I Mum?”
  • 42. “OBI! It IS you! Oh pretty little baby baby, you come and give your Mum a BIG hug, you had us all so worried!” “Eeeew Mum, no! Love her because she aweSOME, but I‟m not Poxy, Mum! I‟m a zombie now, and the most excitingest thing I can thing of right now is going and having a big old bath of bubbly fun!” “Oh. Right.. Yes, maybe that is a good idea Obiwoby.”
  • 43. So the newly raised zombie began to wander inside. “OBI! It‟s nice to see you again. And look – you‟ve brought your very own green stink cloud with you!” “Poxy.. I‟m a zombie now. Alas it‟s the stinkiestEST part of the job!” “So proud of you brother, so proud.”
  • 44. As the children headed away and towards either school or bathing, Paris and Dongy looked at each other, as the gravity of what Paris had done set in. Simultaneously, the same expression spread over their faces.
  • 45. “Our baby is BACK, dear Dongy! This is the HAPPIEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!”
  • 46. Upstairs, Oblivion gently popped some of the bubbles and had a bit of a think. So – he was a teenage zombie. And that weird woman had been right, he hadn‟t been dead long at all. And he was back with all of his family, and would get to go to school tomorrow. Overall.. Things were looking pretty-as-a-peacock-eating-peaches good!
  • 47. With his skin and freckles quickly darkening to their new zombie tone, Obi decided he didn‟t want to be the same colour all over and after his bath found a different set of clothes stashed in his wardrobe. And then sought out his Mother.
  • 48. “Mum! Did you really give you your job as the LAW just so you could rescue me?” “Oh Obi, as soon as I found out! I was worried that it would take them a while to accept me as being the LAW is quite different from playing games with spirits, but luckily they had an opening after only two days! Was it really nastily awful?” “It was super-weird-strange. There was this woman, I‟ll tell you about it later, but Mummsy-Mum! You really gave up your dream for me?” “Yes, I would never do anything else, baby. And.. I‟m sorry.”
  • 49. “Sorry? What are you talking about Mum, that is as cool as a cool thing stuck inside and even cooler thing! This is fabUlous! I‟m not dead and I missed you all when I was, and now me and Poxy and C.D. all have different coloured skin and you can‟t just buy that kind of amazeyment! OH BOY, I‟m sure I‟m going to love being a zombOMBie!”
  • 50. “Well, it‟s true I‟ve yet to see something that you don‟t love!” she smiled, and gave him a big hug. “I love you mostest.”
  • 51. “YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY My son is still BRILLIANT even as a zombie!” “..Did my nail just fall off?”
  • 52. But Oblivion really didn‟t care two ticks if he was a zombie or not, he was just glad to be home and quickly fell back into his old routines of all his most favourite and yumNOMtastic things.
  • 53. And as a Knowledge Sim, the chance to earn all those skill points all over again? Amazing.
  • 54. And with her son back, Paris was finally able to knuckle down and complete her best selling novel! But apparently I‟m not done because I have to have a Gen 3 heir do one which I didn‟t know! But I should have done if I‟d read some of the uni rules! So I hope you can write novels at uni! And have time to do all the other stuff I now need to! Not that I‟m worrying! (!!!!!!)
  • 55. Paris and Dongy clearly aren‟t worrying about that though, and are finally taking some time to celebrate their parts being done, and the fact that they got their Obi back. They make me happy 
  • 56. “So are we all looking forward to Obiwoby‟s first day back at school, kidlets?” “Oh BOY, oh cake, I know I can‟t wait to go! Oh I do hope my upmost hope that the pencils still smell as beautifully new and graphitey as they did before, that would be TREEmendous!” “Yes, I think he‟ll enjoy it.” nodded C.D. “Meh. Eating.” “Well have fun everybody!” Paris smiled, “and I look forward to it FOR you if I have to!”
  • 57. It was the happiest zombie in the world that went to play with new textbooks that day  So overcome by his happiness am I, I took a bad picture and didn‟t notice! So don‟t you either, just look at his little faaaaace that‟s falling off.
  • 58. “So.. How was it?” “Oh just you wait till your in BIG school of BIG FUN! Which is tomorrow isn‟t it? Yes yes! It will be scrum-diddley-umptious to have you come with us in the morning C.D.!”
  • 59. “For I have not forgotten that‟s it‟s your birthday of magnificence this evening! Look! I‟m so happy I‟ve lurched into the wall! Oh BOY what fun it‟ll be to have you big too!” “Yes. And if anyone can avoid dying this time that would be nice.”
  • 60. So when 6pm rolled around everyone gathered in the living room to.. Promptly wander off again. “I, er.. Have an important game of red hands I‟ve suddenly remembered to play with your sister!” “Not me little brother, I‟m too EXCITED to MOVE!” “Oh good.”
  • 61. “Wow.. I mean, that‟s so.. WELL DONE for growing up, that is such a massIVE achievment!”
  • 62. “But what happened to your hair?” Wish I knew – let‟s fix it!
  • 63. Now THAT‟S more like it, but er.. “Hello Dad! Where did C.D. Go?” “Thanks Obi, I get the compliment somewhere and will trust you‟re not just confused. Now I really want a cellphone, and I‟ll get you one too.” “BEST brother EVER that ever everED!”
  • 64. Why do you want one so much anyway? “Let us just say I am going to have a lot of contacts.” Mmk..
  • 65. “Hi there.. You! How are things-” “Oh hey! I think your Grandfather tried to hit on me once too!”
  • 66. “Well, who wouldn‟t?” “Don‟t puff your cheeks like that. Unless you‟re storing food in them for a lean harvest as we have often had to do here in Riverblossom, it‟s a sign of mockery.”
  • 67. “Sorry. My family have never been versed too well in the traditions here.” “..Nightmare.” “Yes, angel?” “Leave my shop.”
  • 68. Good fish in heaven help me, he rolled Romance and has already given me quite the Want panel! Certain Doom Aries – 7 10 8 3 7 Romance – Woohoo 20 Different Sims Because I‟m so GOOD at that! *headdesk* Okay to be fair, I am a lot better with Romance than I used to be a few years ago. But I‟ll leave you here for now! But before I go, on a purely technical note 
  • 69. “YAY! I managed to find the job pretty quickly and not mess anything up!” Just to say that obviously the stuff with Obi and ES was staged, and in a different neighbour hood with totally different files. Everything you‟ve seen at the Nightmare house HAPPENED, without any cheats, hacks, or exiting without saving. When I‟m done with the challenge you‟ll get a BTS proper ;)