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Hi!  It’s chapter time again and since this one was getting a little long, it is getting broken up into three parts.   Last time, stuff happened.  I can’t really remember.  I blame Canada.  It’s all Canada’s fault!
At the Water Tower, which wasn’t very watery or tower-y, Orkney was preparing himself for another night of attempting to get abducted by aliens. “Narf!  This is almost as good as woohoo with Miss Fuzzy.”
“I said almost.  Poit!  Nothing could be as good as woohoo with you.” “Well good.”   “So did you see any aliens, narf?” “Wha?”
“Aliens.  Green.  Not Fuzzy.  Fly on unicorns!” “Oh Orkney, you’ve only got part of it right.” “So did you see any?” “No.  I saw one of my old neighbors doing the strip Macarena.” “Egad, The Strip Macarena?  Can I watch?” “No, I don’t think you really want to.”
“Is that your neighbor, Miss Fuzzy?” “Does he have a weird nose?” “Yes.” “Then that’s him.” “Do I have to poke her?  She looks scary.” “Poke her?  You hardly know her!  Poit!  Miss Fuzzy, I’ll save you!”
“Egad!  He’s lecturing nothing pointlessly,  he knew that Miss Fuzzy had an awesome husband like me to protect her.  Narf!  Alien unicorns here I come!”
On the other side of the house another sim was spying on people…
“Right, kiddo.  Into bed with you.” “Mama?” “Nope, kid.  Sister.  I think.  Just don’t hit on me and you will be fine, Israel.” “’Kay!”
“Yakko!  What are you doing out here?” “Yikes!  Nothing!  I absolutely wasn’t spying on Fuzzy with our son!”
“Why would you be spying on them?” “Well, you know how we’re not so young anymore?” “Speak for yourself.” “Right.  How about I’m not so young, is that better?”   “Not really.  Answer my question.” “Oh.  Well, I want to make sure Israel will be well cared for.”
“And spying is the way to go.” “Probably not the best idea I’ve ever had.  But, I want to make sure he’s got a good life.  After we’re gone, I mean.” “Oh you fruit loop!” “I’m a kind of cereal?” “You have about as much smarts as cereal right now.  If you want to make sure Izzie’s got a good life.  Go give him some good memories of his Dad-doo.”
“Okay, kid, I’m going to teach you all of the words of the English Language. This might take awhile.  Aardvark, abating, abet, abdicating, abandon, abase and abreast…” “Abreast!” “That’s my boy!”
“Narf!  Any time now, aliens!  I’m freezing my planets off!” ~*~
“You wanted to talk to me, Cee?” “I did.” “Okay.  What about?”
“I’m concerned about how you are treating your nephew.” “Kor?  He’s fine!” “No, he’s not.”
“Sure, he is.  He’s making friends and learning new things.  And he loves playing on the beach.” “Oman, it’s winter.  He’s not supposed to be playing on the beach.” “Pssssh!  He’s a tough kid, when I was his age…”
“When you were his age, what?” “Nothing.  It doesn’t matter.” “Oman, this is what I’m talking about.  You’re shutting Kor out just like you are shutting me out.” “I am not shutting you out.  I just don’t want to talk about the past.” “Why not?” “I just don’t.  It’s not important.  It doesn’t have any bearing on who I am anymore.”
“Doesn’t have any bearing?  Will you listen to yourself for a moment.  Maybe, just maybe, I’d like to know because I love you and want to know about you.  I know that Olive hurt you, but you need to get it through your head that I am not Olive!” “I know you’re not Olive. You’re nothing like her.” “And that doesn’t make me feel any better.  In fact, it makes me feel worse.  Like I don’t measure up.” “Cee, you know that isn’t the case.”
“Oh I do, do I?  Well, I sure don’t feel that way!” “What do you want me to say?” “How about acknowledging there is a big giant elephant in this room right now!” “I don’t have any idea what you are talking about!” “Obviously!”
Outside, Kor finished building his sandcastle when he heard his Mama’s raised voice.  Thinking she was calling him for lunch.  He trudged his way up the stairs; he wasn’t really all that hungry but he wanted to make the woman who cared for him happy.  He didn’t want to get sent away again.
When he reached the top, he heard his Uncle’s voice too.  Why were Mama and Uncakor yelling? Kor was worried.  Not willing to intrude, but still curious, Kor sank into the snow to listen…
“Look, I didn’t come here to get yelled at or my intelligence insulted.” “That’s part of your problem, Oman.   You’re so intelligent that you’ve forgotten how to be wise.” “I fail to see the difference.” “This isn’t easy for me.  You have no idea the sacrifices I’ve made to be with you.” “Well, if I’m that much of a burden you don’t have to stay.”
“Dammit, Oman!  Listen to me for a moment before you lash out!” “Fine!  I’m listening!”
“No, you’re not.  But I’m going to say my piece anyway.  Oman, you’ve been treating Kor, and me, for that matter, badly.  You’re almost ignoring Kor and if I hadn’t put my foot down, you wouldn’t have taken him in the first place.  That boy loves you.  And what’s more important, he needs you.  Don’t keep treating him like he’s some kind of bug to ignore or squash under your foot as you feel like.” “Cee…” “I’m not done!  Then there’s the way you’ve been treating me.  I know that you’re scared of commitment and I respect that.  But you’d think that the fact that I’ve borne your children would carry a little weight.”
“It does mean a lot to me.  I mean, I’m a father.  I never thought that would happen after…  But I can’t do what you want.  I’m not ready.” “But…” “You’ve said your bit, now let me say mine.  You’re right.  I have been treating Kor badly.  I mean, when the director-person has to send Spencer Fitzhugh to talk some sense into me, it’s obviously a problem.  I may not be wise, as you say, but I’m not stupid.”
“Still, Oman, I need something from you.  I need hope.  I need to know that all of the sacrifices that I’ve made haven’t been in vain.” “What are you looking for?” “A promise.  That one day I’ll get what I want most in this world.  You, as my husband.” “I can’t promise that.” “Then I can’t promise that I will be here forever.”
“You can’t go, Mama!  I won’t let you!” “Kor!”
“Kor, what did you hear?” “Nothing!  I mean, I didn’t mean to hear anything.  I just thought that Mama was calling me for lunch.  Just please don’t go, Mama!  I promise to eat everything on my plate.” “Oh, Kor, I’m not upset with you.”
“Please, Uncakor, don’t let Mama leave.  I don’t want her to go.  I don’t want to be sent away again.” “No one’s sending you away, Kor.” “I promise to be good.  Really, I will.  I’ll even wash my dishes after I’m done with them.” “I’m sure your Mama will appreciate that.” “Just don’t make her go!”
“The ball is in your court now, Oman.  It’s up to you.” “Dammit, Cee!” “Language!” “I don’t like being forced into a corner.  But here’s the best I can do, I promise to be a better partner to you.  Can you accept that?” “For now.”
“I’m sorry that we upset you, Kor.” “So Mama’s not leaving?” “No, I’m not.” “Yay!” Kor cried, leaping up to wrap his small arms around Oman’s neck.
Oman stiffened for a moment then let himself embrace the little boy.   “Doesn’t it feel good?  The love of a child?” “Yeah, it does.  I’m sorry, Cee.  I should have done this sooner.” “Yes, you should have.  But you are forgiven.” “Thanks.  I don’t know what I would do without you.” “Let’s hope you don’t find out.  Now, I’m going to check on our other children.”
“Today’s a good day, Jacob.  Your daddy’s promised to not be so much of a jerk to mommy and your big brother.  Isn’t that nice.” “Burp!” “That’s my boy.”
“Um, Cee, how do you do this?  I feel like I’m about to drop her.  I’m just no good at this parenting thing.”
“You’ve got to support her head,” Cee said without even turning around to look. “How?” “With your elbow.  Just have her body lie along your arm and have her bottom rest on your hand.” “But what if she goes potty?” “Then you will need to change her diaper and wash your hands.” “Oh.”
The following morning, Oman woke up and glanced at the woman sleeping next to him.  He owed her, he knew.  But he also couldn’t give her the one thing she really wanted.  Not yet, maybe not ever.  He knew he should just trust her, but there was something inside of him holding back, unable to take that final plunge into trust.   He sighed.  It was time to start his life over again.
Oman stared into the dresser his old haphazard clothes sitting on top, neatly folded, ready for him.  But he couldn’t bring himself to put them on.  They were a symbol of the old, callous, selfish Oman and he really didn’t want to be that man again. Cee’s voice roused him from his thoughts.  “Oman, is there anything wrong?” “No, it’s nothing.” “Oman…” He sighed.  “I just don’t know what to wear.” “Aren’t your everyday clothes right on top?  I could have sworn I put them there after I did laundry.” “They’re here, but, I’m not sure they’re the right clothes for me.”
“Ahh.  I see.  Why don’t you try the next drawer down.” Oman opened the drawer and pulled out a comfortable, yet obviously more put together outfit from it and pulled the garments on.  He straightened and looked down at the woman who shared his life.  “Cee, when did you get these.  Why did you get these?”
The woman smiled and walked away. “Cee…”  Oman repeated in an exasperated tone. “When I became a man, I put away childish things,” Cee quoted enigmatically. “What?” The simself paused in the doorway to the outside.  “I’ve always known that you would grow up someday and that when you did, you would need clothes that reflected the man you had become.” “Oh.  Thank you.” ~*~
“Who are you and why did you follow me home?” “Um.  I’m Kor.  I sit behind you in class, remember.” “Oh, right.  You’re the one who sits next to the guy who pelts Mrs. Skinner with spitballs.” “Yeah.  That’s my cousin, Joss.” “He’s cool.  So why’d you follow me home?  Don’t you gotta home to go to?”
Kor winced.  “I gotta home.” “So why aren’t you there?” “’Cause… ‘cause… causeIkindalikeyou!” “Wha?” “Cause I wanna be your friend, Lily!  So can we play now?”
“You want to be my friend?” “Yep!” “Really?” “Yep!” “Why?”
“I don’ know.  I just do.” “Uh-huh…  Fine!  We can play now.” “Really?” “Yeah.”
“Yay!” “Not so tight!” “Sorry!”
“So what’d you wanna do?” “I don’ know.  Play catch?” “Sure.  Whatever.”
“Aren’t you cold?” “Who’s that?” “My sister, Sakura.  But she’s got a point.  Let’s go inside, maybe my daddy made cake.” “’Kay!  I like cake.” “Who doesn’t?”
“Wow!  Your house is really big.  And pretty.” “Yeah, Mommy likes all of the stuff.  But she doesn’t let me play with it, says I’ll break it.” “Uh-huh.”
“Didjawanna know a secret?” “Sure!” “When Mommy’s gone, Daddy takes down some of the stuff and lets me play with it.” “I am so telling, Mom.” “Shut up, Sakura!” “Make me!”
“Who’re you?” “Teak.  Wanna watch T.V.?” “Okay.”
“You know you didn’t hafta tell me that secret.  I don’ want you to get in trouble.” “But I wanted to.  That’s what friends do, right?  They share secrets?” “I guess.” “’Sides, I won’t get into trouble.” “Why not?” “’Cause I know that Sakura’s been playing in Mommy’s make-up.”
“So she won’t tell on you because you’ll tell on her?” “Yep!  It’s what Daddy calls leverage.” “Your Daddy sounds like fun.”   “He’s the bestest Daddy in the whole world!” Kor winced again.
This time, Lily noticed the wince.  “What’s wrong?  I didn’t hit your hand too hard?  Daddy always says not everyone plays as hard as me.” “No, that’s not it.” “Then what?” “Can you keep a secret?” “Yeah.” “My daddy didn’t want me so he gave me to my mama.”
“Why?” “I don’t know.  If I knew, I’d try to make it better.”   “I believe you.” “Thanks.” “So, didja want to dance?”
“This isn’t what I thought you meant.” “Just don’t step on my toes.” “I’ll try not to.” ~*~
When we left off with Osaka, her family was expanding along with her waistline. “That wasn’t very nice to say, director-person.” But true, though.
Jace was trying his hardest to be a good husband and keep his promises to Osaka.  It wasn’t always easy, since things tended to break a lot.  But so long as the family was safe and healthy, Jace was content with his life.
And all too soon, it was time to toss Mika and Kyoko into toddlerdom.
“I think Kyoko has your nose, Yakko.” “Maybe, Hot Nurse.  Although I think they’ve both got your hair color.  Don’t you, Mika.  You’re gonna be a stunner like your Grandma.” “Muh!”
I don’t know if I would call either of them stunners.  But they are cute.
Mika Fuchs: Aries. 8/10/5/3/9 She’s neat, outgoing, and nice.  One of which is a bit of a mutation. “Yummy cat food!”
Kyoko Fuchs Libra 0/10/1/7/8 Messy, Outgoing and Lazy.  She’s going to be a handful. “I has a handful!” “Mrow!”
“Kyoko, sing with me. ‘I lumberjack and I okay.  I sleep night, work day!’” “Chibi-tamba-loo-nump…” “Again.”
“I couldn’t be happier, Sis, Jace is a fantastic husband and father.” “He seems nice.  But he talks so strangely.” “That’s just because he is from Three Lakes.  They speak differently there.” “If you say so.  So when are you due?”
“Right now!” “Can’t it wait until I finish eating?” “No!  Jace!” “Geez.  Rude much.  And I think you need to have your eyes checked.  I’m not Jace.” “Burundi?” “Yeah.” “Shut up.”
“Ahhh!  Osaka!  What I do help?” “Just stand there an make faces at me.” “I try real hard.”
“Here, hold your son, Hironobu.” “Kay.” ---- Hironobu is named after Hironobu Kageyama who is one of the members of JAM Project and the singer of the iconic Chala-head-chala opening song to DBZ.
“And we’ve got another boy, Miyavi.” --- Miyavi is named after another singer.  He’s best known as being part of the Visual Kei movement and a well known J-rock star.   ~*~
“So I was thinking, I need to buy a statue worth $1500 that should make me happy.” “Dude, it will only make you happy for like a minute.” “But…” “No buts, that Lark lady told you that if you wanted to be permanently happy you needed to change your aspiration.” “I know, Damian.  But I don’t have to like it.” “Frank!  Phone!”
“Hello?” “Hey, Frank, it’s Lark.  I’m going to be there in five minutes.” “Don’t I have any say in this?” “No.”
“Okay, you’re here.  What do you want so that you can leave?” “I wanted to introduce you to a few people.” “So introduce them and go home.”
“First, we have Ori.” “I suppose I should say I am pleased to meet you.” “You don’t have to.” “Just ignore him Ori, he’s going through his rebellious adolescent years.” “I am not a kid!” “Then stop acting like one.”
“Frank, this is…” “Mary!” “You remember me?” “Of course, I do.” “I am pleased that you do.  There is someone else who I believe Miss Lark wanted you to meet.” “You can’t mean…”
“Hello, Frank.” “Star… Are you… I mean… You’re real, right?”
“This answer your question?” “Ack!”
“I don’t know.  That felt pretty real.  But there is really only one way to test.” “How’s that?” “Hello nurse!” “Dammit Frank!  What have I said about grabbing my ass?” “That I can only do it with your permission.” “You got that right.”
“So do I have your permission to kiss you hello?” “You’re asking?” “I’ll take that as a yes.”
For the next few days, Star was all Frank could talk about much to his dormmate’s dismay. “Can you find another subject?  Maybe a horse you want to beat.” “I can’t help it.  She’s all I can think about.” “We’ve noticed.”
“Um.  Star.  I can’t stop thinking about you.  Would you like to go on a date?  With me?  A real one?  Not one in a stupid hottub surrounded by other girls, unless you want to, I mean.  I could-” “Frank!” “What?” “Took you long enough.” “I’ll take that as a yes.”
“Nice place.  I dig the whole pseudo goth thing going on.” “Um.  Okay.  So you want to go use the photobooth?” “Sure.”
“Um.  I didn’t think that actually taking pictures is what you had in mind.”
“What else would you use the photobooth for?” “What else indeed?”
“So, Star, I had a lot of fun on our last date I was wondering if you would come by and show me how to use a photobooth properly.” “Are you sure?” “Yeah.”
“So you’re ready to lose that innocence?” “Yeah.  It’s not like I’m doing anything with it anyway.” “Okay.  Give me a kiss.”
“Ow!” “I said give me a kiss not break your nose.” “Sorry about that.” “Don’t sweat it.  Just remind me to put you down for a few kissing lessons.”
“Can we start now?  I promise to be a quick learner.” “That’s the plan.  Now, lips on mouth, nose to the side.  Don’t try to approach straight on.” “I think I got it, teacher.”
“So are you sure that this isn’t just for taking pictures?” “Just get in here, Frank, and I’ll show you.” “I don’t know it looks pretty small in here.” “Just come in and shut the curtain, dumbass.” “Yes, ma’am.”
“Star?” “Expecting a call, Frank?” “Director-person.  What are you doing?” “Have you made a decision yet about your aspiration?” “No.” “Then you’d better stop thinking about your green girl and look into that.”
“Dammit, she’s right.  I don’t want her to be right.  Why can’t I be myself?  Still, she’s right.  I want to be happy and if I can’t be a city planner or get a promotion, I am going to be miserable.”
“I just hope I’ve made the right choice.”
“Hello Nurse…” “For me?” “A lovely flower for a lovely lady.” “I’m speechless.” “Can I show you an alternate use for a photobooth?” “Lead the way.”
“You’d better be right about this, director-person.” ~*~ Frank did take the re-roll and he is now a Romance/Popularity sim with the LTW to woohoo 20 sims.  Seriously, he was going to be miserable as a fortune sim without being able to get promoted.
“You ready?” “Yeah.  But I still think I’m not holding her right.”
“Just toss her, Oman, so I can blow out Jacob’s candles.  You’re friend’s waiting patiently for cake.” “Oh, all right.”
“Thanks for coming, Spencer.  You’ve been a good friend to the family.” “No problem.”
“I think I’ve got the hang of holding her now.” “Good, because your son is about to blow out his candles.” ~*~  Gracie is a Sagittarius with stats of 2/1/9/7/6.  Considering that both of her parents are slouchers or close to sloucher, the 9 active is a bit of a mutant.
“I don’t know how you make it look so easy.” “We can talk about that later.  It’s birthday time.”
“Who’s Mommy’s big boy?  Why yes you are, Jacob!” ~*~ Jacob is Capricorn with stats of 8/7/2/7/8.  He’s a pure mix of his two parents.
Despite his uncertainties, Oman found himself enjoying this new stage in his children’s lives.
And his children adored him in return.
Life was starting to come together for Oman… ~*~
Now to a family that didn’t need to be pulled together.  After all, the family that studies together, stays together.  Or something like that.  “Dad, this is interesting and all but I’m starting to get a little stir crazy.” “It could be worse, Joss.” “How?” “You could live in your mother’s legacy world and be sold pants fish.” “I heard that!” “Come on, Joss, let’s go outside.”
“Whee!!!  Higher, Dad!  Higher!” “No.  Your mother would kill me if I dropped you.” “I promise not to tell.” “Ha!  Right!”
“Hey Lark, long time no talk.  How’re things going?” “Pretty good.  Look I just wanted to check in with you on a few things.  You know that you still have to follow the rules right?  And with Oz that means he only can have 8 commands a day.”
“Trust me, I’ve got it.  If that’s it, I’ve gotta go.  The nanny’s here.” “Nanny!  You can’t have a nanny.  No NPCs allowed.” “I thought that was just for the main house.” “No.  At least not in my universe.  If you are part of the family you are bound to the same rules as the main house.” “Uh-huh.  So what am I supposed to do?” “Fire her or something.  Just no NPCs.” “If I wanted to be in an apocalypse, I’d have gone after Rhys.” “What was that?”
“Nothing.  Just ignore me.” “I mean it, Doc.  Get rid of the Nanny.” “Fine.  But there goes my plans for chocolate, a pedicure, and cute guy watching.” “I’m sure you’ll live.” “Maybe.  But I need to go.  Talk to you later, Lark.  Once I stop being annoyed at you.” “Fair enough. Bye.” “Bye.”
“Did you catch that?” “Yeah, I did.  I’d better call home, Kelvin should probably know that Nannies are now taboo.” “So you were using them too, huh?” “I thought it was okay, since I wasn’t the heiress.” “Me too.  So what are you doing to do about work?” “I’m not to worried about it.  I’ve got a lot of maternity leave saved up.  It should last until the oldest twins are teens and can start chipping in.” “Have I mentioned that you are entirely too perky about this?”
“So your creator just dropped a bomb on us today.” “Hmmm?” “No nannies.  No maids.  No creepy gardeners.” “And?” “So who’s going to stay home and take care of Joss and the unborn spawnlet?  I mean our schedules overlap.  And I haven’t lost a kid to the social worker yet and I refuse to lose my own.” “Don’t worry about it.  It isn’t good for the baby.” “Oz!  Are you even listening to me?”
“Am I listening to Mommy, baby mine?  I am?  Is she worrying too much?  She is!  Really?  Okay, I’ll let her know.” “Oz!  Will you stop that!” “Look, you don’t need to worry.  I’ll just quit my job and be your house husband.” “You’d do that, huh?” “Sure.  I mean we don’t really need the extra income, and if you’d rather work.  I can respect that.  Besides it gives me more time to play.” “I knew there was an ulterior motive.” “Yep!  Oh and by the way, the baby says it’s hungry.  You might want to do something about that.  Meanwhile I’ve got a sister to evict.”
“Hey, Burundi!  Time to go.” “What’s that?” “What?” “I think Doc’s spelling out her real name.” “What?  Where?”
“Ha!  Made you look!” “Dammit, sis!  I thought I was the one with only one nice point.” “Hey!  I can take after Dad-doo too!” “Apparently.  Since you are the one running around in winter in your bathing suit.” “You’re no fun!” “Burundi, go home.  Now.” “Pfft!  Fine.”
“Must eat… Zzzzz…” “Doc!”
“Wha?  What!  I’m fine!” “You don’t look fine.  Are you okay.” “I’m finer than a frog’s hair.”
“Right…  Should I mention that frogs don’t have hair?” “Zzzz…”
The end of Doc’s pregnancy finally came, this time around it was quite a bit more difficult with plummeting motives. “Hey!  Can I have less exposition and more spinning and twirling?” Oh Fine!
“Hello Wil Wheaton Warner.” Can I say I am happy at another singleton birth?  I am.  They are the exception, not the rule, in this generation.
“Mom’s thin again.” “Mmm.  She’s sexy.” “Again?” “You’re always sexy.” “Good answer.” “Ewww, gross.  I’m gonna go scrub my eyeballs out with bleach now.” “Have fun with that.  So Oz.  I was wondering if you could help me out with something.” “Sure.”
“No cake for you!” “I take it you have some pent up aggression.” “Not really.  There are some sims I’d like to punch though.” “Just long as it isn’t me, I’m fine.”
“Nope.  Not you.  Your brother maybe.  But not you.” “That’s good.  By the way you might want to loosen up a bit, your form is a bit tight.” “Yeaaargh!” “I think you’re fine, hun.  In fact, you are so fine that you don’t need my help anymore.”
“Are you and Mom done making kissy-face?” “That’s none of your business, Joss.” “Then what’s Mom doing right behind you?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.  Because she’s right behind you.” “You don’t expect me to fall for that do you?  There’s a wall behind me, Dad.” “It was worth a shot.” “A bad shot.  You wouldn’t cheat your own son would you?” “Of course I would.  It’s a time honored Warner tradition.”
“So how was your game with Joss?” “Interesting.  Did you know he takes after his grandfather quite a bit.” “Oh?” “He’s entirely too observant for his own good.” “So he caught you cheating.” “Yep.” “And he beat you too, didn’t he?” “I’m not that pathetic!”
“Of course you aren’t.  After all I wouldn’t be having naked time with you if you were.” “I like naked time.” “I know, Oz.  Trust me, I know.” ~*~
It’s been a while since we’ve been back to Club Acme.  So now that the triplets are toddlers it’s time to get that elusive Level 10 designation for the boolprop clubhouse point.   My goal with this run is to pass on a few of the more interesting perks from Yakko to Orkney while Fuzzy can use her 8 commands to actually take care of the business.
However, Fuzzy and Orkney had other ideas. “Can you two stop cuddling in the snow and actually do something useful?  Kids these days!” “Go away, old man.” “You take that back!  I am not old!” “Try looking in the mirror.” “Narf, It’s cold down here Miss Fuzzy.  I’m getting snow up my skirt.” “It’s called a kilt.” “Egad!  It is!  I figured since Miss Fuzzy wore the pants in the family.  That I’d wear the skirt.”
“Is it sad that makes sense?” “Nope!  Poit!” “Just change the weather, Orkney.” “Right away, Miss Fuzzy.” “You really do wear the pants, daughter-nurse-in-law.” “Was there any doubt?”
“Nope, narf!” “So.  You wanna test this thing out before the customers come?” “Hello nurse!”
Besides we didn’t have a lot of time to spare, the first customers were already beating down the door.   Mmmmm lovely Doran Eye Candy.
“Now, son, I know that woohoo is important.  But money’s good too.” “Narf!  I think you’re off, Dad-doo.  Nothing is as good as woohoo with Miss Fuzzy.” “That woman’s got you whipped doesn’t she?” “Me bum’s still hurting.”
While Yakko and Orkney were occupied elsewhere, Charlie Bigfoot decided that he needed to infect my hood with the slap dance/Macarena.  John Doran was the first to get sucked into the evil.
Liam Whedon from RoseFyre’sBuffyverse apocalypse wasn’t quite sure what to make of it.  Granted the place isn’t quite apoc legal.  But we’re not playing an apoc here. “For which I am extremely grateful.” Liam, I’m narrating here.  Less commentary, more silly actions. “You want silly from me?  You don’t know me very well.” Some people’s sims!  Geez.
“Mrs.  Warner, while I approve of the carefree atmosphere of this establishment, I must insist that you keep it cleaner.” “This from a guy who lived in a hut with a dirt floor.” “But my hut was immaculate.” “Sure it was.  Why don’t you talk to me when you are wearing pants.  Walking around naked is very distracting.” “Madame!”
“So as you can see, son, the most important thing is to make the customer think that they got the upper hand.  That way you can fleece them for more money.” “So, what you’re saying is that we shouldn’t have left Miss Fuzzy in charge of the place.” “Mmmmm… Yes.”
“Madame.  Do you mind if I join you?” “No, not at all.  Can I ask you a question?” “Certainly.” “Are you a real bigfoot?” “I am.” “You want to live with me?” “Are you always this forward?” “Only where bigfoots are involved.”
“See anything you like, Osaka?” “Yeah.  Lounging on the couch next to me.” “Mr. Pantsless?  Really?” “Yeah.  He’s a bigfoot.  I’ve always wanted one of those.” “I don’t suppose I can get you to take a bad dancer instead?” “Nope.” “Damn.”
Finally it was the countdown for the three final stars before the business reached level 10. Jessica Picaso was the first to throw a star.
Followed shortly by Liam.
Finally Andorra Ventinari from DocSupremeNerd’sVentinariDualegacy was our last star.   Woo!   Level 10!   Give me another point.   ~*~
On the outskirts of town,  a young man wheeled his wife into the Ambulance entrance of the St. Simis hospital. He’d tried other facilities and had been chased out of each one.  He hoped that relative obscurity of St. Simis would work in his favor and that Drea would have written the hospital off as too small and too unimportant.   It was his last hope.
Olive Warner let out a series of wet, choking coughs and Onslow closed his eyes and sent a silent prayer out to whomever would listen that this facility would be different from all of the others and treat his wife.   He’d been told the same thing at each hospital he’d visited; his family was on the ‘do not treat’ list.  Most had refused to tell him why.  One timid nurse had finally admitted that the administration had been threatened by someone with a great deal of influence.  Onslow didn’t need the nurse to tell him the name, although she did.   Drea was responsible.
“Is that them?” one of the residents asked the registration nurse. The woman glanced up at the couple and gave a slight nod.   “Damn,” he swore with heat.  “Do we have to turn them away?” The nurse nodded again.
“Let me check on that.  I…” “Excuse me.  My beloved spouse is ill, any care you could provide would be appreciated.” “Talk to him,” the nurse mumbled immersing herself into her computer.   “Thanks,” the resident muttered.
“Sir, my wife?” “We can’t help you.” “What!” “We can’t help you,” the resident reiterated. “But why?”
“But why, Director Wang?” “You don’t need to know why, you just have to do it, Dr. Knight.” “But this is a hospital, we’re supposed to help people!” “And we will be able to help so many more people after this generous grant in return for doing this one thing.” “So by refusing to treat this woman, we get money to treat others.” “Correct.” “I guess everyone does have their price.” “And if you want to keep your job, you will do as I tell you.”
“Look.  I’m sorry, Mr. Warner, but there’s nothing I can do.” “How did you know who I was?  I did not give my name.” Dr. Knight sighed.  “You didn’t have to.  Every hospital knows of you, Mr. Warner.  And we’ve all been told the same thing.” “Oh?” “To send you on your way… unaided.”
“What kind of Doctor are you?  Are all of you?!   What about your so-called oath to do no harm!  Look at my wife!  Your neglect is killing her!”
“Look, Mr. Warner.  It isn’t my call to make.” “Then whose call is it?” “Director Ima Wang.  She’s in charge of this facility and my boss.” “Then I demand to speak with her.” “Already on that.  Although I should let you know, she’s the one who told me to deny you care.”
“I see.” “You know, he could lose his job,” the nurse said lifting her head. “I would regret that, but my beloved is in dire need of medical care.  At this point, I do not have any other choice.” “I just wouldn’t get your hopes up.”
“Onslow Warner, Dr. Knight mentioned you wished to speak with me.” “I do.  Why are you ignoring your obligations to your fellow sims?  Why have you turned from your mission to do no harm?  It should be obvious to any with eyes that my Olive is clearly in need.  And that to deny her care is to cause her irrevocable harm.”
“While I cannot deny that your wife is not well, I do not believe our facility can treat her.” “Cannot or will not.” “Does it matter?” “It does.” “Fine.   Both.  We will not treat her, because we cannot.” “Explain yourself.” “No.  It is my prerogative as chair of this institution to admit or deny patients.  And I am choosing the latter.”
“What kind of doctor are you?” “Whoever said I was a doctor?  I am a business woman.” “No wonder this facility has the lowest ratings for doctors and patient care.  It is clear that quality is quashed for the sake of cash.” “Now, now no need to be so poetic.  It just isn’t in St. Simis best interest to care for your wife.” “I suppose that my ex-fiancee is behind all of this?” “I can’t say.” “Oh you don’t have to say,  your heartlessness speaks for you.”
“Now I have had quite enough of your insults.  It is time for you to go.” “Not until I have an answer that satisfies me.” “You want an answer?” “Have I not stated that I do?” “Fine.  Treating your wife is quite frankly a liability.  And not treating her is an asset.  If I treat her, Ms. Shin has promised that all support staff will walk from this facility.  If I don’t treat your wife, Ms. Shin has pledged a generous donation.  So generous that I could quite literally open a free clinic to serve all of Belladonna’s poor.  One woman versus thousands.  It is an easy choice to make.” “Director, I think you might want to keep your voice down.”
“So what you are saying is that my wife’s life isn’t important.” “Onslow.  Director.  Both of you, stop it,” Liv said painfully rising from the wheelchair. “Mrs. Warner?”
Liv coughed into her hand and then looked down at the red tinged flecks dotting her palm.   “Come on, Onslow.  Let’s go.” “But, Beloved…”
“It isn’t worth fighting.” “It is!” She coughed again.  “No, it isn’t.  The blood on my hands is at least my own.  If you continue to force this, I don’t know what Drea will do.  I just know that I couldn’t bear it if other people were hurt or died because of me.  Just let it go.” “I can’t.”
“You have to.  I’m the patient, Onslow.  And this patient is refusing treatment.” “Beloved, no!” “Just take me home.  Please.” Tears welled up in Onslow’s eyes and his shoulders sagged in defeat, but he nodded. Liv’s eyes caught the director’s and held them.  The two women stared at each other for a moment before Ima Wang was forced to drop her eyes.  Liv nodded once.   “Do you think I could get a tissue?” Director Wang reached over the counter and snagged a handful of tissues which she handed to Olive while escorting the Warners to the door.  “Of course.  It’s the least we can do.” The simself coughed again.  “Yes, it is.”
“Well, if that wasn’t just sickeningly sweet.  I think I need a doctor the self-sacrifice is so nauseating.  It’s just so very fortunate that I happen to be in a hospital.”
“So, Doctor Knight, do you think you could prescribe something that will make me feel better?” “No, Ms. Shin.  I don’t think I can.” “Oh?  Why is that?” “I don’t think there is anything out there that treats for vindictive bitch.”
“Oh that’s clever.  Did you think of that all on your own or did you have help?” “It’s all me.”
“Oh good.  That means I only need to deal with you.  Ima?” “Yes?” “Fire him.”
“What?  He’s the best E.R. Physician that we have at St. Simis.” “With the money that I’ve pledged you can hire a hundred of him.” “You make a good point.”
“Of course I do.  There is nothing more powerful in this world than money.  Money, not love, is the second most powerful force on this earth.” “What’s the first?”
“You had to ask?  Revenge.  Revenge is the most powerful thing.  Revenge can cause a man to cry or kill and it can raise a lowly maid to heights you can only dream of.” “Oh.” “And my revenge on Onslow Warner is not over yet.” ~*~
That is it for this part.  I’ve got the next two parts filmed and sorted but it may take a bit to get them out.  I am still recovering from Otakon and other real life things. A big thanks to all of the simselves and sims I torture in this.  I really do love you. Until next time!

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Yakko's World: Chapter 14.1

  • 1. Hi! It’s chapter time again and since this one was getting a little long, it is getting broken up into three parts. Last time, stuff happened. I can’t really remember. I blame Canada. It’s all Canada’s fault!
  • 2. At the Water Tower, which wasn’t very watery or tower-y, Orkney was preparing himself for another night of attempting to get abducted by aliens. “Narf! This is almost as good as woohoo with Miss Fuzzy.”
  • 4. “I said almost. Poit! Nothing could be as good as woohoo with you.” “Well good.” “So did you see any aliens, narf?” “Wha?”
  • 5. “Aliens. Green. Not Fuzzy. Fly on unicorns!” “Oh Orkney, you’ve only got part of it right.” “So did you see any?” “No. I saw one of my old neighbors doing the strip Macarena.” “Egad, The Strip Macarena? Can I watch?” “No, I don’t think you really want to.”
  • 6. “Is that your neighbor, Miss Fuzzy?” “Does he have a weird nose?” “Yes.” “Then that’s him.” “Do I have to poke her? She looks scary.” “Poke her? You hardly know her! Poit! Miss Fuzzy, I’ll save you!”
  • 7. “Egad! He’s lecturing nothing pointlessly, he knew that Miss Fuzzy had an awesome husband like me to protect her. Narf! Alien unicorns here I come!”
  • 8. On the other side of the house another sim was spying on people…
  • 9. “Right, kiddo. Into bed with you.” “Mama?” “Nope, kid. Sister. I think. Just don’t hit on me and you will be fine, Israel.” “’Kay!”
  • 10. “Yakko! What are you doing out here?” “Yikes! Nothing! I absolutely wasn’t spying on Fuzzy with our son!”
  • 11. “Why would you be spying on them?” “Well, you know how we’re not so young anymore?” “Speak for yourself.” “Right. How about I’m not so young, is that better?” “Not really. Answer my question.” “Oh. Well, I want to make sure Israel will be well cared for.”
  • 12. “And spying is the way to go.” “Probably not the best idea I’ve ever had. But, I want to make sure he’s got a good life. After we’re gone, I mean.” “Oh you fruit loop!” “I’m a kind of cereal?” “You have about as much smarts as cereal right now. If you want to make sure Izzie’s got a good life. Go give him some good memories of his Dad-doo.”
  • 13. “Okay, kid, I’m going to teach you all of the words of the English Language. This might take awhile. Aardvark, abating, abet, abdicating, abandon, abase and abreast…” “Abreast!” “That’s my boy!”
  • 14. “Narf! Any time now, aliens! I’m freezing my planets off!” ~*~
  • 15. “You wanted to talk to me, Cee?” “I did.” “Okay. What about?”
  • 16. “I’m concerned about how you are treating your nephew.” “Kor? He’s fine!” “No, he’s not.”
  • 17. “Sure, he is. He’s making friends and learning new things. And he loves playing on the beach.” “Oman, it’s winter. He’s not supposed to be playing on the beach.” “Pssssh! He’s a tough kid, when I was his age…”
  • 18. “When you were his age, what?” “Nothing. It doesn’t matter.” “Oman, this is what I’m talking about. You’re shutting Kor out just like you are shutting me out.” “I am not shutting you out. I just don’t want to talk about the past.” “Why not?” “I just don’t. It’s not important. It doesn’t have any bearing on who I am anymore.”
  • 19. “Doesn’t have any bearing? Will you listen to yourself for a moment. Maybe, just maybe, I’d like to know because I love you and want to know about you. I know that Olive hurt you, but you need to get it through your head that I am not Olive!” “I know you’re not Olive. You’re nothing like her.” “And that doesn’t make me feel any better. In fact, it makes me feel worse. Like I don’t measure up.” “Cee, you know that isn’t the case.”
  • 20. “Oh I do, do I? Well, I sure don’t feel that way!” “What do you want me to say?” “How about acknowledging there is a big giant elephant in this room right now!” “I don’t have any idea what you are talking about!” “Obviously!”
  • 21. Outside, Kor finished building his sandcastle when he heard his Mama’s raised voice. Thinking she was calling him for lunch. He trudged his way up the stairs; he wasn’t really all that hungry but he wanted to make the woman who cared for him happy. He didn’t want to get sent away again.
  • 22. When he reached the top, he heard his Uncle’s voice too. Why were Mama and Uncakor yelling? Kor was worried. Not willing to intrude, but still curious, Kor sank into the snow to listen…
  • 23. “Look, I didn’t come here to get yelled at or my intelligence insulted.” “That’s part of your problem, Oman. You’re so intelligent that you’ve forgotten how to be wise.” “I fail to see the difference.” “This isn’t easy for me. You have no idea the sacrifices I’ve made to be with you.” “Well, if I’m that much of a burden you don’t have to stay.”
  • 24. “Dammit, Oman! Listen to me for a moment before you lash out!” “Fine! I’m listening!”
  • 25. “No, you’re not. But I’m going to say my piece anyway. Oman, you’ve been treating Kor, and me, for that matter, badly. You’re almost ignoring Kor and if I hadn’t put my foot down, you wouldn’t have taken him in the first place. That boy loves you. And what’s more important, he needs you. Don’t keep treating him like he’s some kind of bug to ignore or squash under your foot as you feel like.” “Cee…” “I’m not done! Then there’s the way you’ve been treating me. I know that you’re scared of commitment and I respect that. But you’d think that the fact that I’ve borne your children would carry a little weight.”
  • 26. “It does mean a lot to me. I mean, I’m a father. I never thought that would happen after… But I can’t do what you want. I’m not ready.” “But…” “You’ve said your bit, now let me say mine. You’re right. I have been treating Kor badly. I mean, when the director-person has to send Spencer Fitzhugh to talk some sense into me, it’s obviously a problem. I may not be wise, as you say, but I’m not stupid.”
  • 27. “Still, Oman, I need something from you. I need hope. I need to know that all of the sacrifices that I’ve made haven’t been in vain.” “What are you looking for?” “A promise. That one day I’ll get what I want most in this world. You, as my husband.” “I can’t promise that.” “Then I can’t promise that I will be here forever.”
  • 28. “You can’t go, Mama! I won’t let you!” “Kor!”
  • 29. “Kor, what did you hear?” “Nothing! I mean, I didn’t mean to hear anything. I just thought that Mama was calling me for lunch. Just please don’t go, Mama! I promise to eat everything on my plate.” “Oh, Kor, I’m not upset with you.”
  • 30. “Please, Uncakor, don’t let Mama leave. I don’t want her to go. I don’t want to be sent away again.” “No one’s sending you away, Kor.” “I promise to be good. Really, I will. I’ll even wash my dishes after I’m done with them.” “I’m sure your Mama will appreciate that.” “Just don’t make her go!”
  • 31. “The ball is in your court now, Oman. It’s up to you.” “Dammit, Cee!” “Language!” “I don’t like being forced into a corner. But here’s the best I can do, I promise to be a better partner to you. Can you accept that?” “For now.”
  • 32. “I’m sorry that we upset you, Kor.” “So Mama’s not leaving?” “No, I’m not.” “Yay!” Kor cried, leaping up to wrap his small arms around Oman’s neck.
  • 33. Oman stiffened for a moment then let himself embrace the little boy. “Doesn’t it feel good? The love of a child?” “Yeah, it does. I’m sorry, Cee. I should have done this sooner.” “Yes, you should have. But you are forgiven.” “Thanks. I don’t know what I would do without you.” “Let’s hope you don’t find out. Now, I’m going to check on our other children.”
  • 34. “Today’s a good day, Jacob. Your daddy’s promised to not be so much of a jerk to mommy and your big brother. Isn’t that nice.” “Burp!” “That’s my boy.”
  • 35. “Um, Cee, how do you do this? I feel like I’m about to drop her. I’m just no good at this parenting thing.”
  • 36. “You’ve got to support her head,” Cee said without even turning around to look. “How?” “With your elbow. Just have her body lie along your arm and have her bottom rest on your hand.” “But what if she goes potty?” “Then you will need to change her diaper and wash your hands.” “Oh.”
  • 37. The following morning, Oman woke up and glanced at the woman sleeping next to him. He owed her, he knew. But he also couldn’t give her the one thing she really wanted. Not yet, maybe not ever. He knew he should just trust her, but there was something inside of him holding back, unable to take that final plunge into trust. He sighed. It was time to start his life over again.
  • 38. Oman stared into the dresser his old haphazard clothes sitting on top, neatly folded, ready for him. But he couldn’t bring himself to put them on. They were a symbol of the old, callous, selfish Oman and he really didn’t want to be that man again. Cee’s voice roused him from his thoughts. “Oman, is there anything wrong?” “No, it’s nothing.” “Oman…” He sighed. “I just don’t know what to wear.” “Aren’t your everyday clothes right on top? I could have sworn I put them there after I did laundry.” “They’re here, but, I’m not sure they’re the right clothes for me.”
  • 39. “Ahh. I see. Why don’t you try the next drawer down.” Oman opened the drawer and pulled out a comfortable, yet obviously more put together outfit from it and pulled the garments on. He straightened and looked down at the woman who shared his life. “Cee, when did you get these. Why did you get these?”
  • 40. The woman smiled and walked away. “Cee…” Oman repeated in an exasperated tone. “When I became a man, I put away childish things,” Cee quoted enigmatically. “What?” The simself paused in the doorway to the outside. “I’ve always known that you would grow up someday and that when you did, you would need clothes that reflected the man you had become.” “Oh. Thank you.” ~*~
  • 41. “Who are you and why did you follow me home?” “Um. I’m Kor. I sit behind you in class, remember.” “Oh, right. You’re the one who sits next to the guy who pelts Mrs. Skinner with spitballs.” “Yeah. That’s my cousin, Joss.” “He’s cool. So why’d you follow me home? Don’t you gotta home to go to?”
  • 42. Kor winced. “I gotta home.” “So why aren’t you there?” “’Cause… ‘cause… causeIkindalikeyou!” “Wha?” “Cause I wanna be your friend, Lily! So can we play now?”
  • 43. “You want to be my friend?” “Yep!” “Really?” “Yep!” “Why?”
  • 44. “I don’ know. I just do.” “Uh-huh… Fine! We can play now.” “Really?” “Yeah.”
  • 45. “Yay!” “Not so tight!” “Sorry!”
  • 46. “So what’d you wanna do?” “I don’ know. Play catch?” “Sure. Whatever.”
  • 47. “Aren’t you cold?” “Who’s that?” “My sister, Sakura. But she’s got a point. Let’s go inside, maybe my daddy made cake.” “’Kay! I like cake.” “Who doesn’t?”
  • 48. “Wow! Your house is really big. And pretty.” “Yeah, Mommy likes all of the stuff. But she doesn’t let me play with it, says I’ll break it.” “Uh-huh.”
  • 49. “Didjawanna know a secret?” “Sure!” “When Mommy’s gone, Daddy takes down some of the stuff and lets me play with it.” “I am so telling, Mom.” “Shut up, Sakura!” “Make me!”
  • 50. “Who’re you?” “Teak. Wanna watch T.V.?” “Okay.”
  • 51. “You know you didn’t hafta tell me that secret. I don’ want you to get in trouble.” “But I wanted to. That’s what friends do, right? They share secrets?” “I guess.” “’Sides, I won’t get into trouble.” “Why not?” “’Cause I know that Sakura’s been playing in Mommy’s make-up.”
  • 52. “So she won’t tell on you because you’ll tell on her?” “Yep! It’s what Daddy calls leverage.” “Your Daddy sounds like fun.” “He’s the bestest Daddy in the whole world!” Kor winced again.
  • 53. This time, Lily noticed the wince. “What’s wrong? I didn’t hit your hand too hard? Daddy always says not everyone plays as hard as me.” “No, that’s not it.” “Then what?” “Can you keep a secret?” “Yeah.” “My daddy didn’t want me so he gave me to my mama.”
  • 54. “Why?” “I don’t know. If I knew, I’d try to make it better.” “I believe you.” “Thanks.” “So, didja want to dance?”
  • 55. “This isn’t what I thought you meant.” “Just don’t step on my toes.” “I’ll try not to.” ~*~
  • 56. When we left off with Osaka, her family was expanding along with her waistline. “That wasn’t very nice to say, director-person.” But true, though.
  • 57. Jace was trying his hardest to be a good husband and keep his promises to Osaka. It wasn’t always easy, since things tended to break a lot. But so long as the family was safe and healthy, Jace was content with his life.
  • 58. And all too soon, it was time to toss Mika and Kyoko into toddlerdom.
  • 59. “I think Kyoko has your nose, Yakko.” “Maybe, Hot Nurse. Although I think they’ve both got your hair color. Don’t you, Mika. You’re gonna be a stunner like your Grandma.” “Muh!”
  • 60. I don’t know if I would call either of them stunners. But they are cute.
  • 61. Mika Fuchs: Aries. 8/10/5/3/9 She’s neat, outgoing, and nice. One of which is a bit of a mutation. “Yummy cat food!”
  • 62. Kyoko Fuchs Libra 0/10/1/7/8 Messy, Outgoing and Lazy. She’s going to be a handful. “I has a handful!” “Mrow!”
  • 63. “Kyoko, sing with me. ‘I lumberjack and I okay. I sleep night, work day!’” “Chibi-tamba-loo-nump…” “Again.”
  • 64. “I couldn’t be happier, Sis, Jace is a fantastic husband and father.” “He seems nice. But he talks so strangely.” “That’s just because he is from Three Lakes. They speak differently there.” “If you say so. So when are you due?”
  • 65. “Right now!” “Can’t it wait until I finish eating?” “No! Jace!” “Geez. Rude much. And I think you need to have your eyes checked. I’m not Jace.” “Burundi?” “Yeah.” “Shut up.”
  • 66. “Ahhh! Osaka! What I do help?” “Just stand there an make faces at me.” “I try real hard.”
  • 67. “Here, hold your son, Hironobu.” “Kay.” ---- Hironobu is named after Hironobu Kageyama who is one of the members of JAM Project and the singer of the iconic Chala-head-chala opening song to DBZ.
  • 68. “And we’ve got another boy, Miyavi.” --- Miyavi is named after another singer. He’s best known as being part of the Visual Kei movement and a well known J-rock star. ~*~
  • 69. “So I was thinking, I need to buy a statue worth $1500 that should make me happy.” “Dude, it will only make you happy for like a minute.” “But…” “No buts, that Lark lady told you that if you wanted to be permanently happy you needed to change your aspiration.” “I know, Damian. But I don’t have to like it.” “Frank! Phone!”
  • 70. “Hello?” “Hey, Frank, it’s Lark. I’m going to be there in five minutes.” “Don’t I have any say in this?” “No.”
  • 71. “Okay, you’re here. What do you want so that you can leave?” “I wanted to introduce you to a few people.” “So introduce them and go home.”
  • 72. “First, we have Ori.” “I suppose I should say I am pleased to meet you.” “You don’t have to.” “Just ignore him Ori, he’s going through his rebellious adolescent years.” “I am not a kid!” “Then stop acting like one.”
  • 73. “Frank, this is…” “Mary!” “You remember me?” “Of course, I do.” “I am pleased that you do. There is someone else who I believe Miss Lark wanted you to meet.” “You can’t mean…”
  • 74. “Hello, Frank.” “Star… Are you… I mean… You’re real, right?”
  • 75. “This answer your question?” “Ack!”
  • 76. “I don’t know. That felt pretty real. But there is really only one way to test.” “How’s that?” “Hello nurse!” “Dammit Frank! What have I said about grabbing my ass?” “That I can only do it with your permission.” “You got that right.”
  • 77. “So do I have your permission to kiss you hello?” “You’re asking?” “I’ll take that as a yes.”
  • 78. For the next few days, Star was all Frank could talk about much to his dormmate’s dismay. “Can you find another subject? Maybe a horse you want to beat.” “I can’t help it. She’s all I can think about.” “We’ve noticed.”
  • 79. “Um. Star. I can’t stop thinking about you. Would you like to go on a date? With me? A real one? Not one in a stupid hottub surrounded by other girls, unless you want to, I mean. I could-” “Frank!” “What?” “Took you long enough.” “I’ll take that as a yes.”
  • 80. “Nice place. I dig the whole pseudo goth thing going on.” “Um. Okay. So you want to go use the photobooth?” “Sure.”
  • 81. “Um. I didn’t think that actually taking pictures is what you had in mind.”
  • 82. “What else would you use the photobooth for?” “What else indeed?”
  • 83. “So, Star, I had a lot of fun on our last date I was wondering if you would come by and show me how to use a photobooth properly.” “Are you sure?” “Yeah.”
  • 84. “So you’re ready to lose that innocence?” “Yeah. It’s not like I’m doing anything with it anyway.” “Okay. Give me a kiss.”
  • 85. “Ow!” “I said give me a kiss not break your nose.” “Sorry about that.” “Don’t sweat it. Just remind me to put you down for a few kissing lessons.”
  • 86. “Can we start now? I promise to be a quick learner.” “That’s the plan. Now, lips on mouth, nose to the side. Don’t try to approach straight on.” “I think I got it, teacher.”
  • 87.
  • 88. “So are you sure that this isn’t just for taking pictures?” “Just get in here, Frank, and I’ll show you.” “I don’t know it looks pretty small in here.” “Just come in and shut the curtain, dumbass.” “Yes, ma’am.”
  • 89. “Star?” “Expecting a call, Frank?” “Director-person. What are you doing?” “Have you made a decision yet about your aspiration?” “No.” “Then you’d better stop thinking about your green girl and look into that.”
  • 90. “Dammit, she’s right. I don’t want her to be right. Why can’t I be myself? Still, she’s right. I want to be happy and if I can’t be a city planner or get a promotion, I am going to be miserable.”
  • 91. “I just hope I’ve made the right choice.”
  • 92. “Hello Nurse…” “For me?” “A lovely flower for a lovely lady.” “I’m speechless.” “Can I show you an alternate use for a photobooth?” “Lead the way.”
  • 93. “You’d better be right about this, director-person.” ~*~ Frank did take the re-roll and he is now a Romance/Popularity sim with the LTW to woohoo 20 sims. Seriously, he was going to be miserable as a fortune sim without being able to get promoted.
  • 94. “You ready?” “Yeah. But I still think I’m not holding her right.”
  • 95. “Just toss her, Oman, so I can blow out Jacob’s candles. You’re friend’s waiting patiently for cake.” “Oh, all right.”
  • 96. “Thanks for coming, Spencer. You’ve been a good friend to the family.” “No problem.”
  • 97. “I think I’ve got the hang of holding her now.” “Good, because your son is about to blow out his candles.” ~*~ Gracie is a Sagittarius with stats of 2/1/9/7/6. Considering that both of her parents are slouchers or close to sloucher, the 9 active is a bit of a mutant.
  • 98. “I don’t know how you make it look so easy.” “We can talk about that later. It’s birthday time.”
  • 99. “Who’s Mommy’s big boy? Why yes you are, Jacob!” ~*~ Jacob is Capricorn with stats of 8/7/2/7/8. He’s a pure mix of his two parents.
  • 100. Despite his uncertainties, Oman found himself enjoying this new stage in his children’s lives.
  • 101. And his children adored him in return.
  • 102. Life was starting to come together for Oman… ~*~
  • 103. Now to a family that didn’t need to be pulled together. After all, the family that studies together, stays together. Or something like that. “Dad, this is interesting and all but I’m starting to get a little stir crazy.” “It could be worse, Joss.” “How?” “You could live in your mother’s legacy world and be sold pants fish.” “I heard that!” “Come on, Joss, let’s go outside.”
  • 104. “Whee!!! Higher, Dad! Higher!” “No. Your mother would kill me if I dropped you.” “I promise not to tell.” “Ha! Right!”
  • 105. “Hey Lark, long time no talk. How’re things going?” “Pretty good. Look I just wanted to check in with you on a few things. You know that you still have to follow the rules right? And with Oz that means he only can have 8 commands a day.”
  • 106. “Trust me, I’ve got it. If that’s it, I’ve gotta go. The nanny’s here.” “Nanny! You can’t have a nanny. No NPCs allowed.” “I thought that was just for the main house.” “No. At least not in my universe. If you are part of the family you are bound to the same rules as the main house.” “Uh-huh. So what am I supposed to do?” “Fire her or something. Just no NPCs.” “If I wanted to be in an apocalypse, I’d have gone after Rhys.” “What was that?”
  • 107. “Nothing. Just ignore me.” “I mean it, Doc. Get rid of the Nanny.” “Fine. But there goes my plans for chocolate, a pedicure, and cute guy watching.” “I’m sure you’ll live.” “Maybe. But I need to go. Talk to you later, Lark. Once I stop being annoyed at you.” “Fair enough. Bye.” “Bye.”
  • 108. “Did you catch that?” “Yeah, I did. I’d better call home, Kelvin should probably know that Nannies are now taboo.” “So you were using them too, huh?” “I thought it was okay, since I wasn’t the heiress.” “Me too. So what are you doing to do about work?” “I’m not to worried about it. I’ve got a lot of maternity leave saved up. It should last until the oldest twins are teens and can start chipping in.” “Have I mentioned that you are entirely too perky about this?”
  • 109. “So your creator just dropped a bomb on us today.” “Hmmm?” “No nannies. No maids. No creepy gardeners.” “And?” “So who’s going to stay home and take care of Joss and the unborn spawnlet? I mean our schedules overlap. And I haven’t lost a kid to the social worker yet and I refuse to lose my own.” “Don’t worry about it. It isn’t good for the baby.” “Oz! Are you even listening to me?”
  • 110. “Am I listening to Mommy, baby mine? I am? Is she worrying too much? She is! Really? Okay, I’ll let her know.” “Oz! Will you stop that!” “Look, you don’t need to worry. I’ll just quit my job and be your house husband.” “You’d do that, huh?” “Sure. I mean we don’t really need the extra income, and if you’d rather work. I can respect that. Besides it gives me more time to play.” “I knew there was an ulterior motive.” “Yep! Oh and by the way, the baby says it’s hungry. You might want to do something about that. Meanwhile I’ve got a sister to evict.”
  • 111. “Hey, Burundi! Time to go.” “What’s that?” “What?” “I think Doc’s spelling out her real name.” “What? Where?”
  • 112. “Ha! Made you look!” “Dammit, sis! I thought I was the one with only one nice point.” “Hey! I can take after Dad-doo too!” “Apparently. Since you are the one running around in winter in your bathing suit.” “You’re no fun!” “Burundi, go home. Now.” “Pfft! Fine.”
  • 114. “Wha? What! I’m fine!” “You don’t look fine. Are you okay.” “I’m finer than a frog’s hair.”
  • 115. “Right… Should I mention that frogs don’t have hair?” “Zzzz…”
  • 116. The end of Doc’s pregnancy finally came, this time around it was quite a bit more difficult with plummeting motives. “Hey! Can I have less exposition and more spinning and twirling?” Oh Fine!
  • 117. “Hello Wil Wheaton Warner.” Can I say I am happy at another singleton birth? I am. They are the exception, not the rule, in this generation.
  • 118. “Mom’s thin again.” “Mmm. She’s sexy.” “Again?” “You’re always sexy.” “Good answer.” “Ewww, gross. I’m gonna go scrub my eyeballs out with bleach now.” “Have fun with that. So Oz. I was wondering if you could help me out with something.” “Sure.”
  • 119. “No cake for you!” “I take it you have some pent up aggression.” “Not really. There are some sims I’d like to punch though.” “Just long as it isn’t me, I’m fine.”
  • 120. “Nope. Not you. Your brother maybe. But not you.” “That’s good. By the way you might want to loosen up a bit, your form is a bit tight.” “Yeaaargh!” “I think you’re fine, hun. In fact, you are so fine that you don’t need my help anymore.”
  • 121. “Are you and Mom done making kissy-face?” “That’s none of your business, Joss.” “Then what’s Mom doing right behind you?”
  • 122. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Because she’s right behind you.” “You don’t expect me to fall for that do you? There’s a wall behind me, Dad.” “It was worth a shot.” “A bad shot. You wouldn’t cheat your own son would you?” “Of course I would. It’s a time honored Warner tradition.”
  • 123. “So how was your game with Joss?” “Interesting. Did you know he takes after his grandfather quite a bit.” “Oh?” “He’s entirely too observant for his own good.” “So he caught you cheating.” “Yep.” “And he beat you too, didn’t he?” “I’m not that pathetic!”
  • 124. “Of course you aren’t. After all I wouldn’t be having naked time with you if you were.” “I like naked time.” “I know, Oz. Trust me, I know.” ~*~
  • 125. It’s been a while since we’ve been back to Club Acme. So now that the triplets are toddlers it’s time to get that elusive Level 10 designation for the boolprop clubhouse point. My goal with this run is to pass on a few of the more interesting perks from Yakko to Orkney while Fuzzy can use her 8 commands to actually take care of the business.
  • 126. However, Fuzzy and Orkney had other ideas. “Can you two stop cuddling in the snow and actually do something useful? Kids these days!” “Go away, old man.” “You take that back! I am not old!” “Try looking in the mirror.” “Narf, It’s cold down here Miss Fuzzy. I’m getting snow up my skirt.” “It’s called a kilt.” “Egad! It is! I figured since Miss Fuzzy wore the pants in the family. That I’d wear the skirt.”
  • 127. “Is it sad that makes sense?” “Nope! Poit!” “Just change the weather, Orkney.” “Right away, Miss Fuzzy.” “You really do wear the pants, daughter-nurse-in-law.” “Was there any doubt?”
  • 128. “Nope, narf!” “So. You wanna test this thing out before the customers come?” “Hello nurse!”
  • 129. Besides we didn’t have a lot of time to spare, the first customers were already beating down the door. Mmmmm lovely Doran Eye Candy.
  • 130. “Now, son, I know that woohoo is important. But money’s good too.” “Narf! I think you’re off, Dad-doo. Nothing is as good as woohoo with Miss Fuzzy.” “That woman’s got you whipped doesn’t she?” “Me bum’s still hurting.”
  • 131. While Yakko and Orkney were occupied elsewhere, Charlie Bigfoot decided that he needed to infect my hood with the slap dance/Macarena. John Doran was the first to get sucked into the evil.
  • 132. Liam Whedon from RoseFyre’sBuffyverse apocalypse wasn’t quite sure what to make of it. Granted the place isn’t quite apoc legal. But we’re not playing an apoc here. “For which I am extremely grateful.” Liam, I’m narrating here. Less commentary, more silly actions. “You want silly from me? You don’t know me very well.” Some people’s sims! Geez.
  • 133. “Mrs. Warner, while I approve of the carefree atmosphere of this establishment, I must insist that you keep it cleaner.” “This from a guy who lived in a hut with a dirt floor.” “But my hut was immaculate.” “Sure it was. Why don’t you talk to me when you are wearing pants. Walking around naked is very distracting.” “Madame!”
  • 134. “So as you can see, son, the most important thing is to make the customer think that they got the upper hand. That way you can fleece them for more money.” “So, what you’re saying is that we shouldn’t have left Miss Fuzzy in charge of the place.” “Mmmmm… Yes.”
  • 135. “Madame. Do you mind if I join you?” “No, not at all. Can I ask you a question?” “Certainly.” “Are you a real bigfoot?” “I am.” “You want to live with me?” “Are you always this forward?” “Only where bigfoots are involved.”
  • 136. “See anything you like, Osaka?” “Yeah. Lounging on the couch next to me.” “Mr. Pantsless? Really?” “Yeah. He’s a bigfoot. I’ve always wanted one of those.” “I don’t suppose I can get you to take a bad dancer instead?” “Nope.” “Damn.”
  • 137. Finally it was the countdown for the three final stars before the business reached level 10. Jessica Picaso was the first to throw a star.
  • 139. Finally Andorra Ventinari from DocSupremeNerd’sVentinariDualegacy was our last star. Woo! Level 10! Give me another point. ~*~
  • 140. On the outskirts of town, a young man wheeled his wife into the Ambulance entrance of the St. Simis hospital. He’d tried other facilities and had been chased out of each one. He hoped that relative obscurity of St. Simis would work in his favor and that Drea would have written the hospital off as too small and too unimportant. It was his last hope.
  • 141. Olive Warner let out a series of wet, choking coughs and Onslow closed his eyes and sent a silent prayer out to whomever would listen that this facility would be different from all of the others and treat his wife. He’d been told the same thing at each hospital he’d visited; his family was on the ‘do not treat’ list. Most had refused to tell him why. One timid nurse had finally admitted that the administration had been threatened by someone with a great deal of influence. Onslow didn’t need the nurse to tell him the name, although she did. Drea was responsible.
  • 142. “Is that them?” one of the residents asked the registration nurse. The woman glanced up at the couple and gave a slight nod. “Damn,” he swore with heat. “Do we have to turn them away?” The nurse nodded again.
  • 143. “Let me check on that. I…” “Excuse me. My beloved spouse is ill, any care you could provide would be appreciated.” “Talk to him,” the nurse mumbled immersing herself into her computer. “Thanks,” the resident muttered.
  • 144. “Sir, my wife?” “We can’t help you.” “What!” “We can’t help you,” the resident reiterated. “But why?”
  • 145. “But why, Director Wang?” “You don’t need to know why, you just have to do it, Dr. Knight.” “But this is a hospital, we’re supposed to help people!” “And we will be able to help so many more people after this generous grant in return for doing this one thing.” “So by refusing to treat this woman, we get money to treat others.” “Correct.” “I guess everyone does have their price.” “And if you want to keep your job, you will do as I tell you.”
  • 146. “Look. I’m sorry, Mr. Warner, but there’s nothing I can do.” “How did you know who I was? I did not give my name.” Dr. Knight sighed. “You didn’t have to. Every hospital knows of you, Mr. Warner. And we’ve all been told the same thing.” “Oh?” “To send you on your way… unaided.”
  • 147. “What kind of Doctor are you? Are all of you?! What about your so-called oath to do no harm! Look at my wife! Your neglect is killing her!”
  • 148. “Look, Mr. Warner. It isn’t my call to make.” “Then whose call is it?” “Director Ima Wang. She’s in charge of this facility and my boss.” “Then I demand to speak with her.” “Already on that. Although I should let you know, she’s the one who told me to deny you care.”
  • 149. “I see.” “You know, he could lose his job,” the nurse said lifting her head. “I would regret that, but my beloved is in dire need of medical care. At this point, I do not have any other choice.” “I just wouldn’t get your hopes up.”
  • 150. “Onslow Warner, Dr. Knight mentioned you wished to speak with me.” “I do. Why are you ignoring your obligations to your fellow sims? Why have you turned from your mission to do no harm? It should be obvious to any with eyes that my Olive is clearly in need. And that to deny her care is to cause her irrevocable harm.”
  • 151. “While I cannot deny that your wife is not well, I do not believe our facility can treat her.” “Cannot or will not.” “Does it matter?” “It does.” “Fine. Both. We will not treat her, because we cannot.” “Explain yourself.” “No. It is my prerogative as chair of this institution to admit or deny patients. And I am choosing the latter.”
  • 152. “What kind of doctor are you?” “Whoever said I was a doctor? I am a business woman.” “No wonder this facility has the lowest ratings for doctors and patient care. It is clear that quality is quashed for the sake of cash.” “Now, now no need to be so poetic. It just isn’t in St. Simis best interest to care for your wife.” “I suppose that my ex-fiancee is behind all of this?” “I can’t say.” “Oh you don’t have to say, your heartlessness speaks for you.”
  • 153. “Now I have had quite enough of your insults. It is time for you to go.” “Not until I have an answer that satisfies me.” “You want an answer?” “Have I not stated that I do?” “Fine. Treating your wife is quite frankly a liability. And not treating her is an asset. If I treat her, Ms. Shin has promised that all support staff will walk from this facility. If I don’t treat your wife, Ms. Shin has pledged a generous donation. So generous that I could quite literally open a free clinic to serve all of Belladonna’s poor. One woman versus thousands. It is an easy choice to make.” “Director, I think you might want to keep your voice down.”
  • 154. “So what you are saying is that my wife’s life isn’t important.” “Onslow. Director. Both of you, stop it,” Liv said painfully rising from the wheelchair. “Mrs. Warner?”
  • 155. Liv coughed into her hand and then looked down at the red tinged flecks dotting her palm. “Come on, Onslow. Let’s go.” “But, Beloved…”
  • 156. “It isn’t worth fighting.” “It is!” She coughed again. “No, it isn’t. The blood on my hands is at least my own. If you continue to force this, I don’t know what Drea will do. I just know that I couldn’t bear it if other people were hurt or died because of me. Just let it go.” “I can’t.”
  • 157. “You have to. I’m the patient, Onslow. And this patient is refusing treatment.” “Beloved, no!” “Just take me home. Please.” Tears welled up in Onslow’s eyes and his shoulders sagged in defeat, but he nodded. Liv’s eyes caught the director’s and held them. The two women stared at each other for a moment before Ima Wang was forced to drop her eyes. Liv nodded once. “Do you think I could get a tissue?” Director Wang reached over the counter and snagged a handful of tissues which she handed to Olive while escorting the Warners to the door. “Of course. It’s the least we can do.” The simself coughed again. “Yes, it is.”
  • 158. “Well, if that wasn’t just sickeningly sweet. I think I need a doctor the self-sacrifice is so nauseating. It’s just so very fortunate that I happen to be in a hospital.”
  • 159. “So, Doctor Knight, do you think you could prescribe something that will make me feel better?” “No, Ms. Shin. I don’t think I can.” “Oh? Why is that?” “I don’t think there is anything out there that treats for vindictive bitch.”
  • 160. “Oh that’s clever. Did you think of that all on your own or did you have help?” “It’s all me.”
  • 161. “Oh good. That means I only need to deal with you. Ima?” “Yes?” “Fire him.”
  • 162. “What? He’s the best E.R. Physician that we have at St. Simis.” “With the money that I’ve pledged you can hire a hundred of him.” “You make a good point.”
  • 163. “Of course I do. There is nothing more powerful in this world than money. Money, not love, is the second most powerful force on this earth.” “What’s the first?”
  • 164. “You had to ask? Revenge. Revenge is the most powerful thing. Revenge can cause a man to cry or kill and it can raise a lowly maid to heights you can only dream of.” “Oh.” “And my revenge on Onslow Warner is not over yet.” ~*~
  • 165. That is it for this part. I’ve got the next two parts filmed and sorted but it may take a bit to get them out. I am still recovering from Otakon and other real life things. A big thanks to all of the simselves and sims I torture in this. I really do love you. Until next time!