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31st March 2008

             It's finally here! Chapter Nineteen of The Science of a Legacy, Older and Wiser.

             I've been looking forward to this chapter for a while, so I hope you enjoy it as much as I have! I'm
             going to trust your memories for a recap, but I would suggest going back a few chapters if you're
             a first time reader to save some confusion.

             Now I shall hand you over to SimGin.
"Y'ooookaaay.. We're opening on a couch scene at my house, therefore I clearly have
something of great importance to discuss with my Sims."
"And last time we did this, you told me to end the Legacy, Meloti. Promise not to say that this
time, k?"

"Oh my stars Gin, that was a momentary blip! But alright, I promise not to ask that of you this
time." said Meloti, the eldest of the fourth generation Tegenarias.

"What the Shrew are we here for anyway? My tail's all twitchy." asked his brother, Arvicanthis.
"Because, mainly through a lack of being-good-at-rotations on my part, tonight it is your little
sister's birthday. Cakes and balloons and of course, aging to greyness. So my question to you
two is this; would you like to age with her, or stay as you are? Allozyme's all immortal anyway,
so it's down to you two."

The Simself had avoided asking this question for as long as possible, it's not something I've
been looking forward to!

The brothers just looked at each other and shrugged.

"Oh Shrew, I just don't know! It'd be so strange staying the same while Meni doesn't, but I quite
like the idea of being able to date Maid Mallory forever!" squeaked the Shrew.

"But there's our children too, brother. What'll happen to them? I don't want to leave them, but
then again I don't want them to some day leave us!" sighed Meloti.

"Oh Shrew."
"I know! Let's all just move to Shrew Island!"

"No, Arvi." Gin groaned. "Plus it doesn't exist. I never had this much trouble with Corvus.."
"Oh Shrew, that's a point. Great Uncle Corvus! He's always been around, hasn't it?"

"You're right!" Meloti smiled at his brother. "He wanted to stay with his family, for always."
"And I think we do too, Gin." they both smiled.

"Awesome! That's sorted then. See you at the party!"

Grins were exchanged and the brothers left, Meloti to see if he could find any new constellations
before dinner, and Arvicanthis to brush his silky tail.
Meanwhile, at the Legacy House..

"Quick Ara! Finish fertilising those plots before you go to school, we've got to get that wishing
well before this evening.."

Heiress Menidia and her daughter Ara were busy prepping the garden for yet another visit from
the garden club, and I've completely re-built the thing following a bunch of people's tips, so am in
no mood to be foiled again!
Unluckily, it began to rain just before the kids left for school.

"GADUS!" Menidia shouted across the lawn, "Don't you know how much they hate puddles?
Quick, fetch a mop, or something!"

Her son just rolled his eyes. "Mum, it's not like it matters anyway! I thought it was Grandma who
wanted the well anyway? Can't we just all go back inside?"

Thankfully once the kids had left for school, the sun burst through the rain and the garden was a
puddle-less beauty. So Menidia called over our very very dear friend, Toby.

"Mr. Garden Club, the children and I have worked very hard on our garden, and Gin says it's the
best she's ever seen. So, well now please?" Menidia was using her dream date grin, nothing
could go wrong now.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Tegenaria, perhaps you should enlarge the size of your garden or take better
care of it, because simply - it's rubbish."

I hate you Toby Twitface, oooh, how I hate you. Has anyone else killed this guy? Who's the new
garden club head? Do they have a twit-ish face?
But today was not a day for dwelling on men and their ridiculous faces! Today was a day for par-

"And also of becoming so very very old.. Oh dear." Menidia sighed over the catering
"Oh Mum, don't worry!" Ara ran over and gave her mother huge 10 nice point hug. "You'll still be
just as beautiful as ever, more so I'll bet! And you and Dad can light so many fires - it'll be
unbelievable. Just not yourself or Gade again, ok?"

"Oh Ara.." she sniffed, "you always know just what to say!"

Gadus hung up the phone and shouted at the women; "Guests are on their way peeps! Let's get
that stereo on, pronto!"
It wasn't long before family and friends began to stream through the door, and everyone was
excited about the night ahead.

Having become very adept at it over the years, Ocean was right there to calm his wife's worries
before the party really started.

"You'll be fine Meni! Everyone's here for us, don't be scared, my love. As much of your family as
we can fit in the house is here to cheer us both! But they'll never love you as much as I do, so
let's do this thing!"

As was always the result, Menidia smiled and dived right into the fun!
As with any Tegenaria party, everyone decides that it's a good idea to congregate in the middle
of the entrance-way, making it impossible to take any form of sensible picture.

"Corvus has to be back in time to feed the little woofies, don't let Corvus forget!" Corvus asked
Ocean, "and why is my great-nephew doing this?"
But eventually everyone untangled themselves from the smustle pile as the birthday cakes were
brought into the main room.

Arvi was fascinated by them.

"I can see a hint of beetle here, a dash of caterpillar there.. And then this cake would be perfect!
I've no idea why Meni wouldn't let me help make it."
"Ready, Meni?"

"Um.. yes? No. Yes! Yes I am!"
For once, she wasn't actually panicking! ..That much.

"Right then, FAMILY! ASSEMBLE!" shouted Ocean, using his assertive, buck-up-Menidia-voice.
We've gotten to this stage now everyone, the family's big enough for inappropriate heart-farting!

"Menidia, Corvus thinks that you are looking most beautiful today!"

"Thanks Great-Uncle, but I'm going to be fine, I know it!" Luckily, I think Meni's missing the point.
"Man, good luck being old.. I would so not wish that on anyone! Just make sure you're hair's still
rockin', k?" Rutilus has an odd way of cheering on his relatives, it seems.

Gadus just laughed at his cousin, and through giggles said to his father, "Just go for it Dad, heh,
it can't get much worse, hehe!"

"Well, thank you both for your support." smiled Ocean.
"For my birthday, I wish for.. my husband! Oh, I do hope he loves me just as much when we're

"Oh, stop worrying - for goodness sake!" SimGin clearly has the right idea, "*TOOOOT!* Whoo!
Go my Sims!"
The result? Giant 'aww's all round!

I think Meni and Ocean have aged really well, the grey-ies really suit them. They were both
already perma-plat, so they'll be with us for a long time yet! But Menidia being Menidia, she just
had to ask..

"Ocean, you do still love me, right?"
"More than ever."

I love you guys too. So very very much.

Now, back to the party!
"..and so I was this close to winning the heart of Spider Jerusalem, but for some reason it just all
went wrong! You know what I'm talking about Gadus, right?"

"Erm.. No."

"Oh, well you will!" she cried, "you've got the whole world of Romance open to you! Have you
decide who your next date will be? Because I think-"

But luckily Root was there to jump in and save his cousin.

"You are one crazy lady, Gin.." he butted in.

"Pfft, said the mini-Pleasure Shrew!"
Happy that growing old wasn't the end of the world, Meni wanted to see all of her brothers

"Oh Shrew! Meni, you're all grey! That's so weird.."

Maybe Arvicanthis wasn't the best choice to start with.
"Yes, I know Arvi.. It is so weird!"

Then again, maybe not.

"And you're not! But we can still go to the fair next week and eat candy floss? You can even
catch spiders in yours!"

"Of course little sister Shrew, always."

She hugged him and went to find her oldest brother.
"Menidia, I'm sorry that Arvicanthis and I haven't.. you know. Oh my stars, it's all so confusing!"
Meloti sighed. But Menidia was still smiling.

"Don't worry Meloti, look at Uncle Corvus! It'll be fine."

"Thank you for understanding. You really do look beautiful little girl, and I'll always be here to
look after you."

"I know, you're so much like Grandpa Repens and Mum." And the two hugged again.
And finally, she launched herself upon the youngest of her three big brothers. Though a lot had
happened since they were children, the two had always had a special relationship despite their
opposing personalities!

"Allozyme! Oh Allo.. I'm so glad that we both made it here! I really love you, big brother."

"Mmmruv!" Allozyme was a pleased zombie this evening, it was always good to see his little
sister so happy.
" that is what Corvus shall do, so no one gets sad anymore."
"Man, that's so cool! That you're so ancient, I mean. What moisturiser do you use? A Shrew
needs to know these things for the future."

"Dad, what is up with your hair?"
"Eh? Congratulations of 5 BFFs, son!"
"Just kidding! Let's go light the fire, if your mother hasn't got there first."

With the evening pressing on, Root took it upon himself to start up the traditional group smustle.
His sister and father were quick to join, and soon everyone was getting up to join in.

"Yo, someone move this table! A Shrew's gotta have room to groove.."

But some got interrupted on the way.
Hi Sean!


"Argh! If you in-s-s-s-sist.." stammered the shocked Ocean.
"Oh no, this isn't a good start.. I was hoping to keep my bladder under control for a little longer!"
he sighed, and went to get a mop. "Oh, and your Dad says 'hi'."

"You got to see Dad's ghost! How unfair.. You Pleasure Sims just don't understand!"
Despite slight mishaps, the smustle continued.

"Yo Wes! You think you can pull moves as slick as this?" shouted Root, whilst doing something
particularly complicated and uncomfortable.

"As if you've got it in you, cuz!" jeered Gadus.

Wesley just scoffed at his cousins.
"Just watch me guys."
"Oooh, Oooh!"

"Whoa man, I was not expecting that!" Root was so shocked he nearly missed a beat. Only
nearly, mind.

"Where'd you learn?" Gadus was impressed with his cousin.

"Where do you think?!" Wesley smiled, "I've been watching you two for the last 10 years!"
But Menidia wasn't about to let the boys have all the fun.

"Now kids, let me show you how we did the smustle back in college.." and she jumped right in.

"Whoa, Aunty Menidia! You can shake a beat. You're even better than Dad! Geesh, I have to go
get him." and Root scampered off to the pinball machine that was currently stealing Arvi.
"Oooh, Oooh, I see an old and greying Mother!"

"Oh, hush you.."

But she grinned and walked over to her son.

"This is going to be you one day!" she told him.
"You're the next Tegenaria heir, Gadus." and she kissed him.

"What? No way! We were all so sure you'd choose Ara!" Clearly he was a bit shocked, but was
still smiling.

"Well, your Dad and I thought we'd see what you'd make of it." Menidia smiled back at him.
But then they both collapsed in fits of laughter!

"I'm really the heir? For serious? That's hilarious!" Gadus gulped through laughs.

"Yup! It's going to be a fun time, Gadus!" his mother giggled back.
But alas, all good things must come to an end and it was time for the Tegenarias to call it a

"That was one heck of a party!" Menidia thought, "Buuut.. clearing up can wait until the morning."
She snuggled up to Ocean on the couch as the kids trooped up to bed.

"You look radiant.." he remarked and gave his wife a squeeze.

"Oh I've had such a good night! Thank you so much for talking me into this, I don't think I've ever
been so happy."

"Just what I wanted to hear Meni.."
".. because we haven't finished raising the roof just yet!"

With a roof-raiser party and an heir chosen, it's fair to say that all's well at the main house for
now. So I think it's time we checked in with some others!
I've remodelled both Meloti's and Arvi's houses as though there were really pretty, they were a
bia-tch for me to navigate around because I hate having to camera swing. So we're back to
terrible things that I build, yay! But nobody seems to have minded the quick move, and it was
business as usual for everyone.

"Mooh! Gfuuhdn thfjnn lohhfji!"

"What, Fred's making friends with a Reaper child? Oh come on Uncle Allozyme, I know there's
no such thing.."
"When I'm an adult, no idea why I'm not actually, I really want to investigate sexy lamps. I've
heard they're ever so good." It was Spider Jerusalem Vetinari, who I really should grow up..

"That sounds amazing! I'll plus to that." But as a very outgoing Popularity Sim, there's not much
Fred won't plus to!

Spide-y J is from DrSupremeNerd's Vetinari Dualegacy, as if you didn't already know, pfft.
But Fred wasn't the only one chum-ing it up with a Vetinari.

"You know who'd make a really good zombie? My brother Cypress." said Larch, with just a touch
of eeevil..

"Hggffyuuum?" asked Allozyme.

"No, I don't know why we're both Captain Hero either.."
All that led to interesting conversations over the dinner table for this branch of the Tegenaria

"I was expecting him to be all skeleton-y, but he wasn't at all! He was actually.. kind of cute.
You'd have been fascinated Dad, he was nothing like Uncle Allozyme!"

"Fred. We don't need to hear about your latest pals every night of the week, ok?" Her brother, or
rather half-brother, Wesley had never actually got on too well with his sister, or she with him.
"It was kind of like, weird actually.. I thought it would be nice to have a friend who was a bit
different. There's no one quite like me I've met! Or like you, Uncle A. Doesn't it bother you?"

"Gfft. Lkkhoof mmmurgh ffuggh. Jug?" replied the zombie, in kindly moans.

"Yeah, I know our family totally rocks and it shouldn't matter. But it'd be super cool to have at
least one of my friends be a bit more like me. *Yawn* But I'm too tired to think about it tonight, I
need to re-organise my phone book before bed!"
It was unusual for Fred not to be a perky happy teen or question her alien roots, so the next
morning her parents were still worrying.

"She's never been upset about it before!" Styx sighed, "she's always loved being our little
princess, and the fact that she's so special. I can't think what's happened.."

"She was bound to question it at some point, my dear. I guess it's time I explained things to her."
Meloti looked at his pancakes. "The kids are just growing up so fast! I wish we had more time
with them.."

"Don't tempt the Family Sim!"
But these particular little Tegenarias seemed more than happy to moving onwards and upwards
in life, or in Wesley's case, just moving.

"I don't even know why I bother.. But I'm sure these skills will be of use in future in impressing
clients, I can see this drawing in business!"

Just as long as it's the kind with a cash register.
Fred's quest for friends was continuing, which had stopped her fretting over the previous
evening's worries for now.

"Really? Oh, thank you Fred. But my hair only looks like this because Lisa never cut it.. Of
course I'll be your friend, it's so wonderful to have so many!" smiled Norris, our resident tragic
yet handsome teenaged werewolf.

"Yes! This is going so well this week!" Fred smiled back.
"But hey," she whispered, "our house is kinda.. odd. My brother's a freak show anyway, but then
you've got my step-Mum's addiction to the sewing machine and my Dad's to the piano, plus my
Uncle. He's kind of like.. supernatural or something! It's a bit freaky."

"Oh.." Norris' face fell. "You're against anything otherworldy?"
"Dude! Hello-o, I'm a frickin' alien! This is just what my family is like, k?"

Norris breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank goodness! That's fine by me Fred, fine by me. But I should get going, it's nearly nightfall
and.. Yeah, I really should be going."
Norris half sprinted out the door, and Fred just shrugged and headed off to the kitchen to find
some dinner.

"New friend Fred?" Wes smirked, he always wondered why his sister be-friended so many
guys.. Though he needn't have.

"Yeah, totally! He was so cool.." Fred sighed. "He even thought our family was cool! Why we all
overlooked Norris for so long I'll never kno-"

A huge crash came from the other side of the kitchen.
Allozyme had just dropped everything mid-cook.

"Did you just say NORRIS?"
Norris had managed to make it home just before nightfall, and transformed as he fell through the
door. His mother and adopted sister didn't know about his condition and he planned to keep it
that way. 'Luckily', depending on how you look at it, they always left him to his own devices.

Norris was able to use the nights to do whatever he pleased, a freedom he loved.
He'd been waiting for a few nights to experiment with a mysterious lamp some strange old lady
had dropped off a while ago, he'd heard tales that they could grant wishes. And there was one
thing Norris wished for more than anything..

He waited until Lisa and Samantha were sound asleep, and brought the lamp upstairs from his
He gave it a sharp poke.

"Oh great.. What have I done now?!

This does not look good."
"Greetings, oh.. rather.. furry one! I am the great Trevor of the lamp, and have been blessed
upon your home as you have been deemed to be in need. So, are you in need? I may grant you
a clichéd three wishes, little fuzzball."

Norris really hoped the booming voice hadn't woken Lisa up, but was thrilled at what had

"Um.. hi?"
"My father died, and I want you to bring him back. Can you do that? Please?" Norris asked

"I can't bring people back from the dead, it's not a pretty picture, I don't like doing it!"

"..Really?" He looked a little crestfallen.

"Oh ho ho! I jest, fluffy child. Of course I can. Now, let me just search for his soul in the ether.."
The genie was silent for a good while, and Norris was afraid to say anything in case he
interrupted his train of thought, but was shaking with nerves and excitement. He could finally get
to meet his father! After all these years! He could leave Lisa, he could have a real family..

Suddenly, the genie spoke.

"I am sorry, I cannot bring your father back. Perhaps you wish to meet your grandparents?
Great-grandparents? Great-great-grandparents? But your father, I cannot summon.[i/]"

Norris was outraged, how dare this whisp-y being deny him his family?
"Why not!" he shouted (as quietly as possible, of course.) "Why can't you bring him back, this
isn't fair! This is why you're here, isn't it?"
"I cannot bring him back, little rabid fiend, because your father is not dead. Technically."

And with that, Trevor the genie vanished.

"My father's alive? My father's ALIVE?" he gasped. "Lisa lied.. Oh, but I can find him! I can go
and find my father!"
But then he stopped.

"Oh no.. Oh no.

How could anyone ever like a creature like me?"
And now, an interlude with Shrews.

"And then I just busted a move right there, in the middle of the dance floor, Dad! It was so
awesome, you should have been there."

Arvicanthis had burnt the beetle burgers again, so Rutilus had given up on eating and focused
on a Shews' favourite pastime - music and dance.

"Oh little Shrewlet! You're inspiring. But I think I hear Maid Mallory, I must sing to her! Hush and
eat your beetle burger."
"Mallory, Maid Mallory,
You've been out earning a salary,
But now you're back and so I sing,
Let's mix some drinks and have some gin!"

"I've missed you too dear. Date?"

Having been shot down by his father, Root turned to his best friend to share in his excitment.

"Plus 500 for dancing together?"

"Plus 500 for dancing together."

Really, I did not make their obsession up.
"So, you're going to be heir to the throne of Tegenaria-dom or something? What the Shrew does
that mean!" Root asked his cousin.

Dancing is also the best way to hold a conversation.

"Don't really know, but Mum and Dad got to go on a lot of dates, so I like the idea so far! Ara's a
bit cut up, but Mum says she's going to be fine, 'cause all my uncles were." Gadus boogied

"Urm.. Except for Unkey A?"
"Whatever. Speaking of dates, did you mean to set me up with that Grunt kid the other day?
That was not so hilarious, man." Gadus glared a little bit as his cousin.

"Eh what? You didn't like? I thought it was a Shrewtastic idea!" Rutilus was a bit confused.

"Ok, this is something we're going to have to sort out at college, Root. And it'll be my turn to set
you up with someone!"
"It's a deal, man. You wanna stay for dinner? It's worm wedges later!"

"Nah, I'm good cuz. I think I'll go eat, y'know, people food." Gadus grinned.

"Ok man, but it's your loss!"

The best friends hugged, and promised to dance again another day.
For Root, that day was now.

"Shrewlet, Shrewlet! Have you learnt the Shrew-trot yet?" Arvi called to his son.

"Oh Shrew! No Dad, but I have mastered the Shrew-slide and the Shrew-shimmy." and Root
rushed over to join him.

"It's simple little Shrewlet. Just watch!"

And the two were then lost for hours, hop, skip and jumping around the room without a care in
the world. Ah, to live the life of a Pleasure Shrew.
"Oh geesh, burnt beetle burgers? I do sometimes wish Arvi would pay more attention to what
he's doing and not wander off halfway through. Time to raid the fridge again!"

Mallory's slowly but surely working her way up through the athletics career. Perhaps she'd go
faster if she took over the cooking for once.

"But I don't want to take away Arvi's dreams of becoming a celebrity Shrew chef! Milk's fine with
Eventually Arvicanthis went to try and coax his wife with some worm wedges, and Rutilus made
a bee-line for the music room, where his sister Vole had been most of the day.

"Vole! I need quiet to prepare myself, for the ultimate Shrewly display of musical talent.." he

"As if, doofus!" Vole called over the ivories, "I'm on a roll here. Come on, let's do a duet instead!"

"Oh Shrew!"
Next-door, an urgent conversation was taking place.

"Please, tell me all you know about Norris." the zombie asked.

Allozyme sat down with his niece and nephew, with an eager look on his face.

But Fred and Wesley were silent - they'd never heard their Uncle speak before.
"Unkey A.. You've got your voice back? It's.. so strange! But kind of awesome." Fred said, a little

"I have? What? Oh, I see. Never mind that! Norris, tell me about Norris." he urged.

"Well.. He's just this kid at school, his Mum was our teacher when we were younger and she
was super-mean, so we.. We kind of just.."
"We ignored him because we hated Mrs. Bauchman, and thought he was a freak. He still kind of
is!" Wesley interrupted.

"Gee Wes, you don't have to be so blunt.. Unkey A, but we like him now! Voley-ole said we
should be nice to him because he doesn't have a real family, and I'm like so glad we did!"

"He does have a real family." Allozyme was smiling, really smiling, for the first time in far too
long. "We're his family. I thought Lisa would have moved far away by now, but.. Norris is my son.
He's a Tegenaria."
Fred ran straight for the phone and punched in Vole's number.

"Voley-ole! I have the most exciting news! I bought the most gorgeous pair of shoes this other
day! .. Yeah, they're pink and everything. We still on for tomorrow night? .. Awesome. What are
you going to wear? .. That sounds totally amazing! .. True. Sooo true. Oh, and by the way? That
Norris kid so totally cool, and get this! He's Unkey A's son! He's our cousin! .. .. .. No way. You
call Ara and Gadus, and we'll all meet there in the morning."
Fred was buzzing as she headed upstairs, where she promptly ran into Meloti.

"Dad, guess what! I found out tha-" she began, but was quickly cut off.

"Fredy-kins! Oh my stars, I've been waiting so long for this. But I have something I want to show
you. I feel awful that you were upset last night, and I want to do something about it."

"Oh Dad, it's nothing. So much has happened since then!"

"Winifred, this is important. Come with me." Meloti smiled so sweetly, that Fred followed him
onto the balcony.
"So like.. What are we doing out here in the middle of the night?" the teenager asked.

"Fred, I want to tell you about where you came from. No-one should be without their parents."

"But you and Stxy-y Mum are my parents! That's the way I like it." It's was Fred's turn to be
confused now.

"Well yes," Meloti smiled, "I'm glad you see it that way. But a long time ago, I was taken away to
meet some special people. Special like you. And they gave me the wonderful present of you as
my daughter. If you ever feel lonely again, just remember that you're really not alone. Your
mother is up there, always watching out for you. Maybe one day you'll even get to meet her
yourself if you look hard enough!"
"Thanks Dad.." Fred smiled. "I'll always think of Styx-y as my really Mum, but it's nice to know
that there are others like me!"

"Not as special as you princess." Meloti grinned.

"Oh, Dad!" But Fred gave him a big hug, glad to know that she would never be alone.
After Meloti had gone inside, she stepped up to the telescope.

"But I do wonder.. What's out there?"
The previous morning, Menidia and Ocean had woken up Ara at the crack of dawn, and driven
her to the nearby Bluewater Village.

"*Yawn* Ok Mum.. What is this? You name Gadus heir and then drive me all the way out to a
field, why exactly?" Ara stifled another yawn and look blearily at her parents.

"Because it's yours!" Menidia was excited about the field at any rate.

"An empty patch of land? Gee, thanks Mum.."
Menidia smiled. "It's yours to build your very own business on, Ara. We thought you could start
now, and work on it through college."

"WHOO YEAH! I love my field!"

And Ara whooped with joy and ran around her field three times.
But obviously it didn't stay a field for very long!

Ara's Aesthetics was up and running that very afternoon, and open just in time for that evening
Blue Water crowd.
And what it is we are offering, here at Ara's?

Why, only the finest garments, cheapest scents, most garish jewellery, and a changing room or
three for when necessary of course!

Oooh yes!

The dreaded makeover chair.

I'm going to really enjoy this, mass townie make over here we come.
Oh Wanda, could there have been anyone better for our first victim?

"You sure I can't tempt you with a new outfit?" Menidia tried. "Well, that's a pity. Say, how about
you go see my daughter? She's just over there."

..So, how would you feel about shopping here?
"Ok Mrs. Tinker! Now, I can give you anything you want. Short back and sides is it? No? Oh
wow, this is so exciting, you're my first client ever!"

Ara was more than ready to pick up her scissors and put her creativity points and love of art to
good use.

"Neeearly done there, Mrs. Tinker! You'll be looking hotter than a hot dog in two seconds flat!"

Come of girl, don't let me down here!
Oh Ara.

"I know Gin wanted to put a gorilla head on you Mrs. Tinker, but I think this is much better." she
smiled, very proud of herself. "Do you like it?"

She liked it enough to leave without paying, cheers Wanda.
"Why Mr. Gieke! That's a stunning new shirt. My wife pick that out for you by any chance?"

"Er.. Yes actually."

"Excellent! Now, why don't you go see my daughter? She's wonderful with a bit of hair gel."
Ocean smiled with his best till-monkey smile. Her parents had become so accomplished in their
business skills after running R's R 'n R that they were a great asset in getting Ara's Aesthetics
off the ground.
And Ara continued to deliver, causing Chester to magically sprout facial hair.

"Oh pi!" was his only response.
They all worked through the night, and by the time dawn broke Ara's was already up to a Level
5, and the teenager had not slipped up a single time in her makeovers.

"That's stunning! It's like a whole new me, yet somehow so familiar.." mused Lazlo.

"Oh, I knew you'd love it!" But Ara realised that after all these hours, she was kinda tired. "Mum,
I'm taking a break!" she yelled across the shop floor, and went to collapse on a bench outside in
the dawn light.
She let out a huge dawn and flopped down.

"Phew, who knew business would be such hard work! Gade's got it easy.."
Suddenly she noticed that a stranger was approaching the bench and looked up.

"Bit early to be out on a stroll, isn't it?" she asked him.

"Not really, I've found some of the best stores are open at this time." the stranger smiled. "May I
sit down?"

"Sure!" Ara was suddenly not quite sure why she said that, but though she trusted the way he
"My name is Goopy Gilscarbo," he said as he sat down, "you may have heard of me?"

"Nope!" Ara grinned. "But I'm Ara, and this is my business! It's it awesome?"

Goopy chuckled. "I figured as much from the big sign over the door. But you look a little down,
mind if I ask what the matter?"
Ara clearly didn't mind.

"It's just.." but the stopped. She didn't quite know what was the matter. So she tried again.

"I know it shouldn't bother me, but all our friends had always said how it'd be me that was made
heir because I have all the right qualities, or whatever, and Gadus didn't. But then Mum gave it
to him, and not me, and not that we'd ever really talked about beforehand, but.." she sighed. "I
guess I just wanted it to be me. Oh Mr. Giscarbo, listen to me! That sounds so selfish, and I'm
not like that, I'm really not, and I hardly know you."
But Goopy still smiled.

"I can tell you're a good person Ara, don't worry. I've heard a lot about legacies in my life, yes I
know that's what you Tegenarias are doing, and heirdom is not the be all and end all. You Ara,
may be meant for something greater."
"Greater? What do you mean greater? Like my business?" she asked, curious about what
Goopy had said.

"Well, I can't tell you that!" he shrugged. "But Ara.. I think you could go on to do greater and
more important things than your brother. You seem like a very special girl."
"Really? Oh wow.. Thank you, Mr. Gilscarbo!" The teenager was a bit overcome, but did feel
better than before she'd come outside.

"It's Goopy. Always Goopy to you, Ara. But don't let your brother being named heir get you
down, don't forget what I've told you." he grinned.

"Oh, I won't! But I should really be getting back now, those townies can't makeover themselves!
Say, do ya wanna..?"

"Oh, I was on that show 'Unbag That Sim!' a few months ago, I think I'm set for now. But thank
you all the same."
Ara got up and strode towards the store.

"That was reeeeally weird.." she thought to herself. "But he seems like a good man, and maybe
he's right. I can go on to do whatever I want with my life!"

With that thought, she skipped the remaining few steps whilst Goopy watched her go.
Once he was sure she was inside, he pulled a phone out of a patch-worked pocket.

"Yeah Boss? Yeah, I think I've got her.. The first target is acquired!"
Ara came back in the store to see Menidia nervously watching a woman in a green dress, who
appeared to be giving the perfume marks out of 10.

Menidia pulled her daughter to her side and told her to be quite. But she needn't have worried,
the reporter turned around with a big smile on her face.
Menidia squealed and hugged Ara.

"We did it! Or rather, you did it! Ara - you won the best of the best award!" and then she hugged
her more.

When she finally let Ara breathe a little, the teen was so excited. Everything was going so well!
All three Tegenarias were in a high mood, and kept the store open to the end of the day.
When they finally got back from Blue Water that evening, Gadus was waiting upstairs.

"I've been ready for ages for you guys to get home! And Vole called for you earlier." he said and
rolled his eyes. "But can we please just all play Don't Wake the Llama now?"
"YAY!" shouted the kids, still very much kiddish at heart.

"Oceeean.." Menidia whined. "Stop feeding the fish and come here! I don't want to get beaten by
our children at this again."

I think we'll leave them here, there are things a-brewing down the street..
"Norris! Have you scrubbed the bathroom like I told you to?" Lisa's shrill voice was still just as
ear piercing as ever to her son, but tonight just a little more so than usual.

"L-Lisa? What are you doing back? I thought you and Sam would be at your yoga class by now!"
He seemed unusually nervous, but then again the rest of his 'family' was never home at this

"No, we're not going tonight. Samantha isn't feeling well. Now, is the bathroom spotless for her?"
"NOOOOOOO... Not now!" Norris half cried and half howled in the middle of the living room,
much to Lisa's shock.

"Well you don't have to be so melodramatic about it, who do you think you are?" she scoffed.
"No.. No.. Lisa! LEAVE! NOW! ... Please.." he begged.

But the transformation had already begun.
It was too late. For the first time, Lisa saw her son as a werewolf.

She screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Oh my! This is disgusting.. You're a thing Norris! A thing.. Just like your father!"
And so the argument started.

Everything that had been bubbling under the surface between the two for 18 years finally burst
out. It was brutal, it was harsh, and it was something that should never be exchanged between a
mother and son. Never in a million years. The accusations, the lies.. and the complete absence
of love.

And it went on.
And on.
And on.
Until nearly dawn, when Lisa decided she had had enough. Of the arguing, and of her son.

"Just get out." she snarled. "You were never destined to be anything but a repeat of the failure of
your father, and I have no need for you. Get out of my house, and don't you dare ever, ever

She looked him squarely in the eyes.

"I have no son."
Norris didn't need telling twice, and walked out of the house towards the dawn without a
backwards glance.

He was more than ready to be finally free of his mother.
"I feel dirty from just have that thing in my house.." Lisa growled and hastily brushed herself

As the shouting had died down, Sam came out of her room where she'd been hiding all night,
listening to her adoptive mother and brother. She'd heard every word and ran towards the door.

She shouted at the disappearing figure,

"I love you Norris! And we'll be together again! I promise!"
But her cries fell on deaf ears, as the dawn brought about Norris' transformation back to human
But at the other end of the property, the first of the cavalry had arrived as the sun finally peeked
over the horizon.

Light began to spread and at last, Allozyme saw Norris. He gasped, and tears welled in his eyes.
He began to hobble towards his son as fast as he could in the new found daylight, but Norris
had already hailed a cab headed for La Fiesta Tech.
Allozyme tried to call out to him, but was so overcome with emotion that the words became stuck
in his throat.

"Norris.." he managed in a whisper.
But it was too late.

Norris had left Strangetown.

The zombie began to cry softly.

"It was never supposed to be like this."
"I've failed him. I've failed my son. Who can look after him now?"

But as he looked up, he found all six of his nieces and nephews smiling at him.
"Guys.. It looks like we're off to university!"


And there you have it folks! Man, have I been wanting to write this for ages. As always, thanks
so much for reading and Lisa-hating with me! Now, I'm sure you're all asking the same thing; can
we get through the university days without a murder for once? All shall be revealed.. whenever I
get round to writing the next chapter! Which probably won't be until July (aww) as I'm off to India
for 2/3 weeks on Wednesday and then am moving home from uni forever (argh!) when I get
back. So until then, this has been Gin - who for once isn't avoiding anything!

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The Science of a Legacy: Chapter 19

  • 1. 31st March 2008 It's finally here! Chapter Nineteen of The Science of a Legacy, Older and Wiser. I've been looking forward to this chapter for a while, so I hope you enjoy it as much as I have! I'm going to trust your memories for a recap, but I would suggest going back a few chapters if you're a first time reader to save some confusion. Now I shall hand you over to SimGin.
  • 2. "Y'ooookaaay.. We're opening on a couch scene at my house, therefore I clearly have something of great importance to discuss with my Sims."
  • 3. "And last time we did this, you told me to end the Legacy, Meloti. Promise not to say that this time, k?" "Oh my stars Gin, that was a momentary blip! But alright, I promise not to ask that of you this time." said Meloti, the eldest of the fourth generation Tegenarias. "What the Shrew are we here for anyway? My tail's all twitchy." asked his brother, Arvicanthis.
  • 4. "Because, mainly through a lack of being-good-at-rotations on my part, tonight it is your little sister's birthday. Cakes and balloons and of course, aging to greyness. So my question to you two is this; would you like to age with her, or stay as you are? Allozyme's all immortal anyway, so it's down to you two." The Simself had avoided asking this question for as long as possible, it's not something I've been looking forward to!
  • 5. "Erm.." The brothers just looked at each other and shrugged. "Oh Shrew, I just don't know! It'd be so strange staying the same while Meni doesn't, but I quite like the idea of being able to date Maid Mallory forever!" squeaked the Shrew. "But there's our children too, brother. What'll happen to them? I don't want to leave them, but then again I don't want them to some day leave us!" sighed Meloti. "Oh Shrew."
  • 6. "I know! Let's all just move to Shrew Island!" "No, Arvi." Gin groaned. "Plus it doesn't exist. I never had this much trouble with Corvus.."
  • 7. "Oh Shrew, that's a point. Great Uncle Corvus! He's always been around, hasn't it?" "You're right!" Meloti smiled at his brother. "He wanted to stay with his family, for always."
  • 8. "And I think we do too, Gin." they both smiled. "Awesome! That's sorted then. See you at the party!" Grins were exchanged and the brothers left, Meloti to see if he could find any new constellations before dinner, and Arvicanthis to brush his silky tail.
  • 9. Meanwhile, at the Legacy House.. "Quick Ara! Finish fertilising those plots before you go to school, we've got to get that wishing well before this evening.." Heiress Menidia and her daughter Ara were busy prepping the garden for yet another visit from the garden club, and I've completely re-built the thing following a bunch of people's tips, so am in no mood to be foiled again!
  • 10. Unluckily, it began to rain just before the kids left for school. "GADUS!" Menidia shouted across the lawn, "Don't you know how much they hate puddles? Quick, fetch a mop, or something!" Her son just rolled his eyes. "Mum, it's not like it matters anyway! I thought it was Grandma who wanted the well anyway? Can't we just all go back inside?" "NO!"
  • 11. Thankfully once the kids had left for school, the sun burst through the rain and the garden was a puddle-less beauty. So Menidia called over our very very dear friend, Toby. "Mr. Garden Club, the children and I have worked very hard on our garden, and Gin says it's the best she's ever seen. So, well now please?" Menidia was using her dream date grin, nothing could go wrong now. "I'm sorry Mrs. Tegenaria, perhaps you should enlarge the size of your garden or take better care of it, because simply - it's rubbish." I hate you Toby Twitface, oooh, how I hate you. Has anyone else killed this guy? Who's the new garden club head? Do they have a twit-ish face?
  • 12. But today was not a day for dwelling on men and their ridiculous faces! Today was a day for par- taying. "And also of becoming so very very old.. Oh dear." Menidia sighed over the catering arrangements.
  • 13. "Oh Mum, don't worry!" Ara ran over and gave her mother huge 10 nice point hug. "You'll still be just as beautiful as ever, more so I'll bet! And you and Dad can light so many fires - it'll be unbelievable. Just not yourself or Gade again, ok?" "Oh Ara.." she sniffed, "you always know just what to say!" Gadus hung up the phone and shouted at the women; "Guests are on their way peeps! Let's get that stereo on, pronto!"
  • 14. It wasn't long before family and friends began to stream through the door, and everyone was excited about the night ahead. Having become very adept at it over the years, Ocean was right there to calm his wife's worries before the party really started. "You'll be fine Meni! Everyone's here for us, don't be scared, my love. As much of your family as we can fit in the house is here to cheer us both! But they'll never love you as much as I do, so let's do this thing!" As was always the result, Menidia smiled and dived right into the fun!
  • 15. As with any Tegenaria party, everyone decides that it's a good idea to congregate in the middle of the entrance-way, making it impossible to take any form of sensible picture. "Corvus has to be back in time to feed the little woofies, don't let Corvus forget!" Corvus asked Ocean, "and why is my great-nephew doing this?"
  • 16. But eventually everyone untangled themselves from the smustle pile as the birthday cakes were brought into the main room. Arvi was fascinated by them. "I can see a hint of beetle here, a dash of caterpillar there.. And then this cake would be perfect! I've no idea why Meni wouldn't let me help make it."
  • 17. "Ready, Meni?" "Um.. yes? No. Yes! Yes I am!" For once, she wasn't actually panicking! ..That much. "Right then, FAMILY! ASSEMBLE!" shouted Ocean, using his assertive, buck-up-Menidia-voice.
  • 18. We've gotten to this stage now everyone, the family's big enough for inappropriate heart-farting! "Menidia, Corvus thinks that you are looking most beautiful today!" "Thanks Great-Uncle, but I'm going to be fine, I know it!" Luckily, I think Meni's missing the point.
  • 19. "Man, good luck being old.. I would so not wish that on anyone! Just make sure you're hair's still rockin', k?" Rutilus has an odd way of cheering on his relatives, it seems. Gadus just laughed at his cousin, and through giggles said to his father, "Just go for it Dad, heh, it can't get much worse, hehe!" "Well, thank you both for your support." smiled Ocean.
  • 20. "For my birthday, I wish for.. my husband! Oh, I do hope he loves me just as much when we're older.." "Oh, stop worrying - for goodness sake!" SimGin clearly has the right idea, "*TOOOOT!* Whoo! Go my Sims!"
  • 21. The result? Giant 'aww's all round! I think Meni and Ocean have aged really well, the grey-ies really suit them. They were both already perma-plat, so they'll be with us for a long time yet! But Menidia being Menidia, she just had to ask.. "Ocean, you do still love me, right?"
  • 22. "More than ever." I love you guys too. So very very much. Now, back to the party!
  • 23. "..and so I was this close to winning the heart of Spider Jerusalem, but for some reason it just all went wrong! You know what I'm talking about Gadus, right?" "Erm.. No." "Oh, well you will!" she cried, "you've got the whole world of Romance open to you! Have you decide who your next date will be? Because I think-" But luckily Root was there to jump in and save his cousin. "You are one crazy lady, Gin.." he butted in. "Pfft, said the mini-Pleasure Shrew!"
  • 24. Happy that growing old wasn't the end of the world, Meni wanted to see all of her brothers individually. "Oh Shrew! Meni, you're all grey! That's so weird.." Maybe Arvicanthis wasn't the best choice to start with.
  • 25. "Yes, I know Arvi.. It is so weird!" Then again, maybe not. "And you're not! But we can still go to the fair next week and eat candy floss? You can even catch spiders in yours!" "Of course little sister Shrew, always." She hugged him and went to find her oldest brother.
  • 26. "Menidia, I'm sorry that Arvicanthis and I haven't.. you know. Oh my stars, it's all so confusing!" Meloti sighed. But Menidia was still smiling. "Don't worry Meloti, look at Uncle Corvus! It'll be fine." "Thank you for understanding. You really do look beautiful little girl, and I'll always be here to look after you." "I know, you're so much like Grandpa Repens and Mum." And the two hugged again.
  • 27. And finally, she launched herself upon the youngest of her three big brothers. Though a lot had happened since they were children, the two had always had a special relationship despite their opposing personalities! "Allozyme! Oh Allo.. I'm so glad that we both made it here! I really love you, big brother." "Mmmruv!" Allozyme was a pleased zombie this evening, it was always good to see his little sister so happy.
  • 28. " that is what Corvus shall do, so no one gets sad anymore." "Man, that's so cool! That you're so ancient, I mean. What moisturiser do you use? A Shrew needs to know these things for the future." "Dad, what is up with your hair?" "Eh? Congratulations of 5 BFFs, son!" "..Dad?" "Just kidding! Let's go light the fire, if your mother hasn't got there first." "PinballPinballPinball"
  • 29. With the evening pressing on, Root took it upon himself to start up the traditional group smustle. His sister and father were quick to join, and soon everyone was getting up to join in. "Yo, someone move this table! A Shrew's gotta have room to groove.." But some got interrupted on the way.
  • 30. Hi Sean! "HAPPY BIRTHDAY SON-IN-LAW! SAY HELLO TO MY LOVELY CHILDREN FOR ME!" "Argh! If you in-s-s-s-sist.." stammered the shocked Ocean.
  • 31. "Oh no, this isn't a good start.. I was hoping to keep my bladder under control for a little longer!" he sighed, and went to get a mop. "Oh, and your Dad says 'hi'." "You got to see Dad's ghost! How unfair.. You Pleasure Sims just don't understand!"
  • 32. Despite slight mishaps, the smustle continued. "Yo Wes! You think you can pull moves as slick as this?" shouted Root, whilst doing something particularly complicated and uncomfortable. "As if you've got it in you, cuz!" jeered Gadus. Wesley just scoffed at his cousins. "Just watch me guys."
  • 33. "Oooh, Oooh!" "Whoa man, I was not expecting that!" Root was so shocked he nearly missed a beat. Only nearly, mind. "Where'd you learn?" Gadus was impressed with his cousin. "Where do you think?!" Wesley smiled, "I've been watching you two for the last 10 years!"
  • 34. But Menidia wasn't about to let the boys have all the fun. "Now kids, let me show you how we did the smustle back in college.." and she jumped right in. "Whoa, Aunty Menidia! You can shake a beat. You're even better than Dad! Geesh, I have to go get him." and Root scampered off to the pinball machine that was currently stealing Arvi.
  • 35. "Oooh, Oooh, I see an old and greying Mother!" "Oh, hush you.." But she grinned and walked over to her son. "This is going to be you one day!" she told him.
  • 36. "You're the next Tegenaria heir, Gadus." and she kissed him. "What? No way! We were all so sure you'd choose Ara!" Clearly he was a bit shocked, but was still smiling. "Well, your Dad and I thought we'd see what you'd make of it." Menidia smiled back at him.
  • 37. But then they both collapsed in fits of laughter! "I'm really the heir? For serious? That's hilarious!" Gadus gulped through laughs. "Yup! It's going to be a fun time, Gadus!" his mother giggled back.
  • 38. But alas, all good things must come to an end and it was time for the Tegenarias to call it a night. "That was one heck of a party!" Menidia thought, "Buuut.. clearing up can wait until the morning."
  • 39. She snuggled up to Ocean on the couch as the kids trooped up to bed. "You look radiant.." he remarked and gave his wife a squeeze. "Oh I've had such a good night! Thank you so much for talking me into this, I don't think I've ever been so happy." "Just what I wanted to hear Meni.."
  • 40. ".. because we haven't finished raising the roof just yet!" With a roof-raiser party and an heir chosen, it's fair to say that all's well at the main house for now. So I think it's time we checked in with some others!
  • 41. I've remodelled both Meloti's and Arvi's houses as though there were really pretty, they were a bia-tch for me to navigate around because I hate having to camera swing. So we're back to terrible things that I build, yay! But nobody seems to have minded the quick move, and it was business as usual for everyone. "Mooh! Gfuuhdn thfjnn lohhfji!" "What, Fred's making friends with a Reaper child? Oh come on Uncle Allozyme, I know there's no such thing.."
  • 42. "When I'm an adult, no idea why I'm not actually, I really want to investigate sexy lamps. I've heard they're ever so good." It was Spider Jerusalem Vetinari, who I really should grow up.. "That sounds amazing! I'll plus to that." But as a very outgoing Popularity Sim, there's not much Fred won't plus to! Spide-y J is from DrSupremeNerd's Vetinari Dualegacy, as if you didn't already know, pfft.
  • 43. But Fred wasn't the only one chum-ing it up with a Vetinari. "You know who'd make a really good zombie? My brother Cypress." said Larch, with just a touch of eeevil.. "Hggffyuuum?" asked Allozyme. "No, I don't know why we're both Captain Hero either.."
  • 44. All that led to interesting conversations over the dinner table for this branch of the Tegenaria family. "I was expecting him to be all skeleton-y, but he wasn't at all! He was actually.. kind of cute. You'd have been fascinated Dad, he was nothing like Uncle Allozyme!" "Fred. We don't need to hear about your latest pals every night of the week, ok?" Her brother, or rather half-brother, Wesley had never actually got on too well with his sister, or she with him.
  • 45. "It was kind of like, weird actually.. I thought it would be nice to have a friend who was a bit different. There's no one quite like me I've met! Or like you, Uncle A. Doesn't it bother you?" "Gfft. Lkkhoof mmmurgh ffuggh. Jug?" replied the zombie, in kindly moans. "Yeah, I know our family totally rocks and it shouldn't matter. But it'd be super cool to have at least one of my friends be a bit more like me. *Yawn* But I'm too tired to think about it tonight, I need to re-organise my phone book before bed!"
  • 46. It was unusual for Fred not to be a perky happy teen or question her alien roots, so the next morning her parents were still worrying. "She's never been upset about it before!" Styx sighed, "she's always loved being our little princess, and the fact that she's so special. I can't think what's happened.." "She was bound to question it at some point, my dear. I guess it's time I explained things to her." Meloti looked at his pancakes. "The kids are just growing up so fast! I wish we had more time with them.." "Don't tempt the Family Sim!"
  • 47. But these particular little Tegenarias seemed more than happy to moving onwards and upwards in life, or in Wesley's case, just moving. "I don't even know why I bother.. But I'm sure these skills will be of use in future in impressing clients, I can see this drawing in business!" Just as long as it's the kind with a cash register.
  • 48. Fred's quest for friends was continuing, which had stopped her fretting over the previous evening's worries for now. "Really? Oh, thank you Fred. But my hair only looks like this because Lisa never cut it.. Of course I'll be your friend, it's so wonderful to have so many!" smiled Norris, our resident tragic yet handsome teenaged werewolf. "Yes! This is going so well this week!" Fred smiled back.
  • 49. "But hey," she whispered, "our house is kinda.. odd. My brother's a freak show anyway, but then you've got my step-Mum's addiction to the sewing machine and my Dad's to the piano, plus my Uncle. He's kind of like.. supernatural or something! It's a bit freaky." "Oh.." Norris' face fell. "You're against anything otherworldy?"
  • 50. "Dude! Hello-o, I'm a frickin' alien! This is just what my family is like, k?" Norris breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness! That's fine by me Fred, fine by me. But I should get going, it's nearly nightfall and.. Yeah, I really should be going."
  • 51. Norris half sprinted out the door, and Fred just shrugged and headed off to the kitchen to find some dinner. "New friend Fred?" Wes smirked, he always wondered why his sister be-friended so many guys.. Though he needn't have. "Yeah, totally! He was so cool.." Fred sighed. "He even thought our family was cool! Why we all overlooked Norris for so long I'll never kno-" A huge crash came from the other side of the kitchen.
  • 52. Allozyme had just dropped everything mid-cook. "Did you just say NORRIS?"
  • 53. Norris had managed to make it home just before nightfall, and transformed as he fell through the door. His mother and adopted sister didn't know about his condition and he planned to keep it that way. 'Luckily', depending on how you look at it, they always left him to his own devices. Norris was able to use the nights to do whatever he pleased, a freedom he loved.
  • 54. He'd been waiting for a few nights to experiment with a mysterious lamp some strange old lady had dropped off a while ago, he'd heard tales that they could grant wishes. And there was one thing Norris wished for more than anything.. He waited until Lisa and Samantha were sound asleep, and brought the lamp upstairs from his basement.
  • 55. He gave it a sharp poke. "Oh great.. What have I done now?! This does not look good."
  • 56. "Greetings, oh.. rather.. furry one! I am the great Trevor of the lamp, and have been blessed upon your home as you have been deemed to be in need. So, are you in need? I may grant you a clichéd three wishes, little fuzzball." Norris really hoped the booming voice hadn't woken Lisa up, but was thrilled at what had happened. "Um.. hi?"
  • 57. "My father died, and I want you to bring him back. Can you do that? Please?" Norris asked eagerly. "I can't bring people back from the dead, it's not a pretty picture, I don't like doing it!" "..Really?" He looked a little crestfallen. "Oh ho ho! I jest, fluffy child. Of course I can. Now, let me just search for his soul in the ether.."
  • 58. The genie was silent for a good while, and Norris was afraid to say anything in case he interrupted his train of thought, but was shaking with nerves and excitement. He could finally get to meet his father! After all these years! He could leave Lisa, he could have a real family.. Suddenly, the genie spoke. "I am sorry, I cannot bring your father back. Perhaps you wish to meet your grandparents? Great-grandparents? Great-great-grandparents? But your father, I cannot summon.[i/]" Norris was outraged, how dare this whisp-y being deny him his family? "Why not!" he shouted (as quietly as possible, of course.) "Why can't you bring him back, this isn't fair! This is why you're here, isn't it?"
  • 59. "I cannot bring him back, little rabid fiend, because your father is not dead. Technically." And with that, Trevor the genie vanished. "My father's alive? My father's ALIVE?" he gasped. "Lisa lied.. Oh, but I can find him! I can go and find my father!"
  • 60. But then he stopped. "Oh no.. Oh no. How could anyone ever like a creature like me?"
  • 61. And now, an interlude with Shrews. "And then I just busted a move right there, in the middle of the dance floor, Dad! It was so awesome, you should have been there." Arvicanthis had burnt the beetle burgers again, so Rutilus had given up on eating and focused on a Shews' favourite pastime - music and dance. "Oh little Shrewlet! You're inspiring. But I think I hear Maid Mallory, I must sing to her! Hush and eat your beetle burger."
  • 62. "Mallory, Maid Mallory, You've been out earning a salary, But now you're back and so I sing, Let's mix some drinks and have some gin!" "I've missed you too dear. Date?" "Shrew!"
  • 63. Having been shot down by his father, Root turned to his best friend to share in his excitment. "Plus 500 for dancing together?" "Plus 500 for dancing together." Really, I did not make their obsession up.
  • 64. "So, you're going to be heir to the throne of Tegenaria-dom or something? What the Shrew does that mean!" Root asked his cousin. Dancing is also the best way to hold a conversation. "Don't really know, but Mum and Dad got to go on a lot of dates, so I like the idea so far! Ara's a bit cut up, but Mum says she's going to be fine, 'cause all my uncles were." Gadus boogied back. "Urm.. Except for Unkey A?"
  • 65. "Whatever. Speaking of dates, did you mean to set me up with that Grunt kid the other day? That was not so hilarious, man." Gadus glared a little bit as his cousin. "Eh what? You didn't like? I thought it was a Shrewtastic idea!" Rutilus was a bit confused. "Ok, this is something we're going to have to sort out at college, Root. And it'll be my turn to set you up with someone!"
  • 66. "It's a deal, man. You wanna stay for dinner? It's worm wedges later!" "Nah, I'm good cuz. I think I'll go eat, y'know, people food." Gadus grinned. "Ok man, but it's your loss!" The best friends hugged, and promised to dance again another day.
  • 67. For Root, that day was now. "Shrewlet, Shrewlet! Have you learnt the Shrew-trot yet?" Arvi called to his son. "Oh Shrew! No Dad, but I have mastered the Shrew-slide and the Shrew-shimmy." and Root rushed over to join him. "It's simple little Shrewlet. Just watch!" And the two were then lost for hours, hop, skip and jumping around the room without a care in the world. Ah, to live the life of a Pleasure Shrew.
  • 68. "Oh geesh, burnt beetle burgers? I do sometimes wish Arvi would pay more attention to what he's doing and not wander off halfway through. Time to raid the fridge again!" Mallory's slowly but surely working her way up through the athletics career. Perhaps she'd go faster if she took over the cooking for once. "But I don't want to take away Arvi's dreams of becoming a celebrity Shrew chef! Milk's fine with me."
  • 69. Eventually Arvicanthis went to try and coax his wife with some worm wedges, and Rutilus made a bee-line for the music room, where his sister Vole had been most of the day. "Vole! I need quiet to prepare myself, for the ultimate Shrewly display of musical talent.." he whispered. "As if, doofus!" Vole called over the ivories, "I'm on a roll here. Come on, let's do a duet instead!" "Oh Shrew!"
  • 70. Next-door, an urgent conversation was taking place. "Please, tell me all you know about Norris." the zombie asked. Allozyme sat down with his niece and nephew, with an eager look on his face. But Fred and Wesley were silent - they'd never heard their Uncle speak before.
  • 71. "Unkey A.. You've got your voice back? It's.. so strange! But kind of awesome." Fred said, a little unsurely. "I have? What? Oh, I see. Never mind that! Norris, tell me about Norris." he urged. "Well.. He's just this kid at school, his Mum was our teacher when we were younger and she was super-mean, so we.. We kind of just.."
  • 72. "We ignored him because we hated Mrs. Bauchman, and thought he was a freak. He still kind of is!" Wesley interrupted. "Gee Wes, you don't have to be so blunt.. Unkey A, but we like him now! Voley-ole said we should be nice to him because he doesn't have a real family, and I'm like so glad we did!" "He does have a real family." Allozyme was smiling, really smiling, for the first time in far too long. "We're his family. I thought Lisa would have moved far away by now, but.. Norris is my son. He's a Tegenaria."
  • 73. Fred ran straight for the phone and punched in Vole's number. "Voley-ole! I have the most exciting news! I bought the most gorgeous pair of shoes this other day! .. Yeah, they're pink and everything. We still on for tomorrow night? .. Awesome. What are you going to wear? .. That sounds totally amazing! .. True. Sooo true. Oh, and by the way? That Norris kid so totally cool, and get this! He's Unkey A's son! He's our cousin! .. .. .. No way. You call Ara and Gadus, and we'll all meet there in the morning."
  • 74. Fred was buzzing as she headed upstairs, where she promptly ran into Meloti. "Dad, guess what! I found out tha-" she began, but was quickly cut off. "Fredy-kins! Oh my stars, I've been waiting so long for this. But I have something I want to show you. I feel awful that you were upset last night, and I want to do something about it." "Oh Dad, it's nothing. So much has happened since then!" "Winifred, this is important. Come with me." Meloti smiled so sweetly, that Fred followed him onto the balcony.
  • 75. "So like.. What are we doing out here in the middle of the night?" the teenager asked. "Fred, I want to tell you about where you came from. No-one should be without their parents." "But you and Stxy-y Mum are my parents! That's the way I like it." It's was Fred's turn to be confused now. "Well yes," Meloti smiled, "I'm glad you see it that way. But a long time ago, I was taken away to meet some special people. Special like you. And they gave me the wonderful present of you as my daughter. If you ever feel lonely again, just remember that you're really not alone. Your mother is up there, always watching out for you. Maybe one day you'll even get to meet her yourself if you look hard enough!"
  • 76. "Thanks Dad.." Fred smiled. "I'll always think of Styx-y as my really Mum, but it's nice to know that there are others like me!" "Not as special as you princess." Meloti grinned. "Oh, Dad!" But Fred gave him a big hug, glad to know that she would never be alone.
  • 77. After Meloti had gone inside, she stepped up to the telescope. "But I do wonder.. What's out there?"
  • 78. The previous morning, Menidia and Ocean had woken up Ara at the crack of dawn, and driven her to the nearby Bluewater Village. "*Yawn* Ok Mum.. What is this? You name Gadus heir and then drive me all the way out to a field, why exactly?" Ara stifled another yawn and look blearily at her parents. "Because it's yours!" Menidia was excited about the field at any rate. "An empty patch of land? Gee, thanks Mum.."
  • 79. Menidia smiled. "It's yours to build your very own business on, Ara. We thought you could start now, and work on it through college." "WHOO YEAH! I love my field!" And Ara whooped with joy and ran around her field three times.
  • 80. But obviously it didn't stay a field for very long! Ara's Aesthetics was up and running that very afternoon, and open just in time for that evening Blue Water crowd.
  • 81. And what it is we are offering, here at Ara's? Why, only the finest garments, cheapest scents, most garish jewellery, and a changing room or three for when necessary of course! And..
  • 82. Oooh yes! The dreaded makeover chair. I'm going to really enjoy this, mass townie make over here we come.
  • 83. Oh Wanda, could there have been anyone better for our first victim? "You sure I can't tempt you with a new outfit?" Menidia tried. "Well, that's a pity. Say, how about you go see my daughter? She's just over there."
  • 84. "Hiiiii!" ..So, how would you feel about shopping here?
  • 85. "Ok Mrs. Tinker! Now, I can give you anything you want. Short back and sides is it? No? Oh wow, this is so exciting, you're my first client ever!" Ara was more than ready to pick up her scissors and put her creativity points and love of art to good use.
  • 86. Snipsnipsnipsnip. "Neeearly done there, Mrs. Tinker! You'll be looking hotter than a hot dog in two seconds flat!" Come of girl, don't let me down here!
  • 87. Oh Ara. "I know Gin wanted to put a gorilla head on you Mrs. Tinker, but I think this is much better." she smiled, very proud of herself. "Do you like it?" She liked it enough to leave without paying, cheers Wanda.
  • 88. "Why Mr. Gieke! That's a stunning new shirt. My wife pick that out for you by any chance?" "Er.. Yes actually." "Excellent! Now, why don't you go see my daughter? She's wonderful with a bit of hair gel." Ocean smiled with his best till-monkey smile. Her parents had become so accomplished in their business skills after running R's R 'n R that they were a great asset in getting Ara's Aesthetics off the ground.
  • 89. And Ara continued to deliver, causing Chester to magically sprout facial hair. "Oh pi!" was his only response.
  • 90. They all worked through the night, and by the time dawn broke Ara's was already up to a Level 5, and the teenager had not slipped up a single time in her makeovers. "That's stunning! It's like a whole new me, yet somehow so familiar.." mused Lazlo. "Oh, I knew you'd love it!" But Ara realised that after all these hours, she was kinda tired. "Mum, I'm taking a break!" she yelled across the shop floor, and went to collapse on a bench outside in the dawn light.
  • 91. She let out a huge dawn and flopped down. "Phew, who knew business would be such hard work! Gade's got it easy.."
  • 92. Suddenly she noticed that a stranger was approaching the bench and looked up. "Bit early to be out on a stroll, isn't it?" she asked him. "Not really, I've found some of the best stores are open at this time." the stranger smiled. "May I sit down?" "Sure!" Ara was suddenly not quite sure why she said that, but though she trusted the way he smiled..
  • 93. "My name is Goopy Gilscarbo," he said as he sat down, "you may have heard of me?" "Nope!" Ara grinned. "But I'm Ara, and this is my business! It's it awesome?" Goopy chuckled. "I figured as much from the big sign over the door. But you look a little down, mind if I ask what the matter?"
  • 94. Ara clearly didn't mind. "It's just.." but the stopped. She didn't quite know what was the matter. So she tried again. "I know it shouldn't bother me, but all our friends had always said how it'd be me that was made heir because I have all the right qualities, or whatever, and Gadus didn't. But then Mum gave it to him, and not me, and not that we'd ever really talked about beforehand, but.." she sighed. "I guess I just wanted it to be me. Oh Mr. Giscarbo, listen to me! That sounds so selfish, and I'm not like that, I'm really not, and I hardly know you."
  • 95. But Goopy still smiled. "I can tell you're a good person Ara, don't worry. I've heard a lot about legacies in my life, yes I know that's what you Tegenarias are doing, and heirdom is not the be all and end all. You Ara, may be meant for something greater."
  • 96. "Greater? What do you mean greater? Like my business?" she asked, curious about what Goopy had said. "Well, I can't tell you that!" he shrugged. "But Ara.. I think you could go on to do greater and more important things than your brother. You seem like a very special girl."
  • 97. "Really? Oh wow.. Thank you, Mr. Gilscarbo!" The teenager was a bit overcome, but did feel better than before she'd come outside. "It's Goopy. Always Goopy to you, Ara. But don't let your brother being named heir get you down, don't forget what I've told you." he grinned. "Oh, I won't! But I should really be getting back now, those townies can't makeover themselves! Say, do ya wanna..?" "Oh, I was on that show 'Unbag That Sim!' a few months ago, I think I'm set for now. But thank you all the same."
  • 98. Ara got up and strode towards the store. "That was reeeeally weird.." she thought to herself. "But he seems like a good man, and maybe he's right. I can go on to do whatever I want with my life!" With that thought, she skipped the remaining few steps whilst Goopy watched her go.
  • 99. Once he was sure she was inside, he pulled a phone out of a patch-worked pocket. "Yeah Boss? Yeah, I think I've got her.. The first target is acquired!"
  • 100. Ara came back in the store to see Menidia nervously watching a woman in a green dress, who appeared to be giving the perfume marks out of 10. Menidia pulled her daughter to her side and told her to be quite. But she needn't have worried, the reporter turned around with a big smile on her face.
  • 101. Menidia squealed and hugged Ara. "We did it! Or rather, you did it! Ara - you won the best of the best award!" and then she hugged her more. When she finally let Ara breathe a little, the teen was so excited. Everything was going so well! All three Tegenarias were in a high mood, and kept the store open to the end of the day.
  • 102. When they finally got back from Blue Water that evening, Gadus was waiting upstairs. "I've been ready for ages for you guys to get home! And Vole called for you earlier." he said and rolled his eyes. "But can we please just all play Don't Wake the Llama now?"
  • 103. "YAY!" shouted the kids, still very much kiddish at heart. "Oceeean.." Menidia whined. "Stop feeding the fish and come here! I don't want to get beaten by our children at this again." I think we'll leave them here, there are things a-brewing down the street..
  • 104. "Norris! Have you scrubbed the bathroom like I told you to?" Lisa's shrill voice was still just as ear piercing as ever to her son, but tonight just a little more so than usual. "L-Lisa? What are you doing back? I thought you and Sam would be at your yoga class by now!" He seemed unusually nervous, but then again the rest of his 'family' was never home at this time.. "No, we're not going tonight. Samantha isn't feeling well. Now, is the bathroom spotless for her?"
  • 105. "NOOOOOOO... Not now!" Norris half cried and half howled in the middle of the living room, much to Lisa's shock. "Well you don't have to be so melodramatic about it, who do you think you are?" she scoffed.
  • 106. "No.. No.. Lisa! LEAVE! NOW! ... Please.." he begged. But the transformation had already begun.
  • 107. It was too late. For the first time, Lisa saw her son as a werewolf. She screamed at the top of her lungs. "Oh my! This is disgusting.. You're a thing Norris! A thing.. Just like your father!"
  • 108. And so the argument started. Everything that had been bubbling under the surface between the two for 18 years finally burst out. It was brutal, it was harsh, and it was something that should never be exchanged between a mother and son. Never in a million years. The accusations, the lies.. and the complete absence of love. And it went on.
  • 111. Until nearly dawn, when Lisa decided she had had enough. Of the arguing, and of her son. "Just get out." she snarled. "You were never destined to be anything but a repeat of the failure of your father, and I have no need for you. Get out of my house, and don't you dare ever, ever return." She looked him squarely in the eyes. "I have no son."
  • 112. Norris didn't need telling twice, and walked out of the house towards the dawn without a backwards glance. He was more than ready to be finally free of his mother.
  • 113. "I feel dirty from just have that thing in my house.." Lisa growled and hastily brushed herself down. As the shouting had died down, Sam came out of her room where she'd been hiding all night, listening to her adoptive mother and brother. She'd heard every word and ran towards the door.
  • 114. "NORRIS!" She shouted at the disappearing figure, "I love you Norris! And we'll be together again! I promise!"
  • 115. But her cries fell on deaf ears, as the dawn brought about Norris' transformation back to human form.
  • 116. But at the other end of the property, the first of the cavalry had arrived as the sun finally peeked over the horizon. Light began to spread and at last, Allozyme saw Norris. He gasped, and tears welled in his eyes.
  • 117. He began to hobble towards his son as fast as he could in the new found daylight, but Norris had already hailed a cab headed for La Fiesta Tech.
  • 118. Allozyme tried to call out to him, but was so overcome with emotion that the words became stuck in his throat. "Norris.." he managed in a whisper.
  • 119. But it was too late. Norris had left Strangetown.
  • 120. "No.." The zombie began to cry softly. "It was never supposed to be like this."
  • 121. "I've failed him. I've failed my son. Who can look after him now?" But as he looked up, he found all six of his nieces and nephews smiling at him.
  • 122. "Guys.. It looks like we're off to university!" ---- And there you have it folks! Man, have I been wanting to write this for ages. As always, thanks so much for reading and Lisa-hating with me! Now, I'm sure you're all asking the same thing; can we get through the university days without a murder for once? All shall be revealed.. whenever I get round to writing the next chapter! Which probably won't be until July (aww) as I'm off to India for 2/3 weeks on Wednesday and then am moving home from uni forever (argh!) when I get back. So until then, this has been Gin - who for once isn't avoiding anything!