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HR Toolkit Forms

                   Dr.ABDELRAHMAN NABIL
                   Kelma HR Consultancy Group
HR Forms

Chapter 1: HR Planning                            Pages 2-5

Chapter 2: Job Analysis & Description             Pages 6-26

Chapter 3: Recruitment & Selection                Pages 27-52

Chapter 4: Employee Orientation & Socialization   Pages 53-66

Chapter 5: Training & Development                 Pages 67-79

Chapter 6: Compensation & Benefits                Pages 80-87

Chapter 7:   Employee Satisfaction & Motivation   Pages 88-110

Chapter 8:   Performance Appraisal                Pages 111-148

Chapter 9: Termination of Employee                Page 149-158

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            Chapter 1
           HR Planning

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How to write a KSA?
1. What is KSA?

KSA model includes elements of knowledge, skills and abilities. It is used for human resource
department to review applicants. So that it is very important to create your KSA for job profile.

2. Process of writing KSA includes steps:

Step 1: Review job advertisement

• First, you should read KSA carefully. If you do not understand each KSA, you will not be able to write
good responses.
• Find out nature of job. It will help you identify key tasks as well as reasons of recruitment.
• Identify list of task, duties, responsibility.

Step 2: Write your KSA by fact

With each task, you should answer questions:
• How to do this task?
• What are knowledge, skills, and abilities to perform this task?

Step 3: Comparison

• Make summary list of knowledge, skills, abilities to perform job.
• Classify each element of knowledge into: importance / medium / not importance. And same for skills,
• Comparison your competency and KSA requirements.
• You must pay attention to important KSA.

Step 4: Complete your KSA

• Write your KSA.
• Review your KSA before sending.

Competency mapping
What are competencies?

Competencies are the human capabilities and work-related behaviors that provide a competitive
advantage to an organization.

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What is competency mapping?

Competency Mapping is << a process of identifying key competencies for an organization and/or a
job and incorporating those competencies throughout the various processes of the organization.>>

Types of competencies

• Knowledge: Information and understanding needed to fulfill the responsibilities.
• Skills: Acquired ability or experience needed to fulfill the responsibilities.
• Attitudes: Way of thinking or behaving needed to fulfill the responsibilities.
• Aptitudes: Natural ability that prepares the person to fulfill the responsibilities.

Methods of conducting competency mapping

• In Basket Exercises
• Stress Interviews
• Structured Group Discussion
• Psychometric Tests
• Case Studies
• Peer Coaching & Counseling Exercises
• Focused Behavioral Event Interview
• Presentation Vision / Strategy Speeches
• Leaderless Group Exercises
• Role Play
• Business Games

Types of competency
1. Employee core competencies

Competency that relate to organization’s values, mission and strategy; these are competencies that
reflect organizational core capabilities.

Examples: Customer satisfaction; quality orientation or some “employee core competencies of 3M,

2. Managerial competency

Competencies that relate to skills needed to perform managerial work and process; it deals with the
interaction process either with individual or group of people.

In typical organizations, managerial competencies will play greater emphasis as the position progresses
within the organization.

3. Technical/Functional competency

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<<Competencies that pertain to specific bodies of knowledge and skills required. It includes the abilities
to use the procedures, techniques and knowledge of a specialized field. >>

4. Personal attribute

Competencies that relate to inherent personal characteristics (e.g. motives, self-image, self-concept, etc.)
and potentially affect work attitude and performance.

Process of competency mapping
Step 1: Identify customer value

Activities of any organization have to result into economic value to the customer. Organizations are
interested only in the products and services required by the customers. So that organizations have to
define their outcomes.

Step 2: Identify strategy and objectives

• Understand business strategy and objective of organization.
• What is objective behind doing competency mapping in organization?

Step 3: Build business process

Then organizations have to define their business process to enable them to deliver outcomes to customer
requirements in a brief time at an economical cost without sacrificing quality.

Step 4: Identify value of business process

Then companies have to define the time, cost and quality standards of each task of the business process.

Step 5: Job analysis

We can use 18 method of job analysis to analyze jobs.

Step 6: Identify competencies

• Then define the competencies required for each task in terms of knowledge, skills and attitudes to
complete the task within the quality standards defined.
• Connect the competency mapping with your any of above mentioned system
• Discuss with line managers about the project
• Find out the competencies required to perform each Job
• Rate the competencies according to importance to perform job

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                   Chapter 2
           Job Analysis & Description

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Job analysis example
It includes 6 types of question based on methods as follows:

1. Sample questions of critical incident technique

It is a job analysis form that includes factors:

• Context Questions
• Behavior question

2. Job analysis interview questions sample/example

It is a job analysis form that includes factors:

• Job purpose:
• Job duties
• Job criteria / results
• Records and Reports
• Supervisor
• Authority
• Working instruments
• Health and safety
• Working conditions
• Responsibilities
• Knowledge
• Skills/ Experience
• Abilities required

3. Job analysis interview questions for management positions sample/example

It is a job analysis form that includes factors:

• Management by functions
• Management by activities

4. Position analysis questionnaire sample/example

It is a job analysis form that include includes 195 items of job elements includes six categories.

These questions are designed base on Position Analysis Questionnaire model (PAQ model).

5. Functional job analysis questions sample/example

This sample include questions designed base on FJA method.

6. Job Analysis Questionnaires sample/example

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It is a job analysis form that include factors:
• Physical demands.
• Mental requirements.
• Education:
• Working experience
• Problem solving
• Decision making
• Management responsibilities.
• Contacts
• Job complexity
• Work environment
• Skills and/or licensing/certification required
• Employee info
• Key tasks and responsibilities:

Questions of critical incident technique
1. Contents of critical incident:

• Context – in which the incident occurred
• Behavior – exactly what the individual did that was effective or ineffective
• Consequences – of the behavior and whether or not consequences were in the employee’s control

2. Sample questions of critical incident technique

Context Questions

• Tell me what you know about what happened.
• Please think of what was happening when you were carrying out activity X.
• Were any events particularly good or helpful to you.
• Were any events particularly bad or unhelpful to you?
• Ask participants to describe an event, what let up to it, and what happened as a result.
• Incident context – What led up to the incident (background)? What was the situation?
• Describe what led up to the situation.
• What assumptions have I made about the client or problem or situation.
• What were the circumstances surrounding the incident? What was the situation?
• What will I do if I am faced with a similar situation in the future?

Behavior question:

• What exactly did the person do that was effective / ineffective?
• Exactly what did the person do or not do that was
• especially effective or ineffective?
• What was the outcome or result of this action?

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• Why was this action effective, or what more effective
• action might have been expected?

Consequence questions:

• What was the outcome of the behavior?
• What were the consequences of the behavior? Were the consequences due to the person’s behavior?
• How long ago the incident happened;
• What you observed being done, or not being done – the behavior; and
• What resulted that led you to believe the action was effective or ineffective – the consequences.
• You also will be asked to supply some descriptive information about the context in which the incident
• the circumstances leading up to the incident – the antecedents;

Job analysis interview questions
Job analysis interview questions include questions as follows:

1. Interview information

• Name of Employee:
• Job Title:
• Job Analyst:
• Department:
• Date:

2. Job introduction

• Describe: location of job and, if necessary or appropriate.

3. Job purpose:

• What is the essence of work in your position? What is the job’s overall purpose?

4. Job duties

• What are the main duties and responsibilities of your position?
• Describe your duties in the following categories: daily duties, periodic duties, duties performed at
irregular intervals
• How long do they take?
• How do you do them?
• Are you performing duties not presently included in your job description? Describe.
• Do you use special tools, equipment, or other sources of aid? If so, list the names of the principal tools,
equipment, or sources of aid you use.

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• Describe the frequency and degree to which you are engaged in such activities as: pushing, throwing,
pulling, carrying, sitting, running, kneeling, crawling, reaching, climbing…

5. Job criteria / results

• How would you define success in your work?
• Have work standards been established (errors allowed, time taken for a particular task, etc.)? If so,
what are they?
• Describe the successful completion and/or end results of the job.

6. Records and Reports

• What records or reports do you prepare as part of your job?
• Who do you have to send these reports?

7. Supervisor

• Who is your supervisor?
• What kinds of questions or problems would you ordinarily refer to your supervisor?
• Are the instructions you receive clear and consistent with your job description?

8. Authority

• What is the level of authority vested in your position?
• What is the level of accountability and to whom are you accountable?
• What kinds of independent action were you allowed to taking?

9. Responsibilities

• Are you responsible for any confidential material? If so, describe how you handle it.
• Are you responsible for any money or things of monetary value? If so, describe how you handle it.

10. Compensation

• Consider your level of productivity, and the skill level required to fulfill your responsibilities, do you
think that you are: underpaid? Equational paid? Overpaid?

11. Knowledge

• What special knowledge of specific work aids are needed for this position?
• Describe the level, degree, and breadth of knowledge required in these areas or subjects.
• Indicates the educational requirements for the job (not the educational background of the incumbent).
• What level of education is required for your position?
• What type of certification and licensing is required for your position?
• Can you specify the training time needed to arrive at a level of competence on the job?
• What sort of on the job training is needed for this position?

12. Skills/ Experience

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• What activities must you perform with ease and precision?
• What are the manual skills that are required to operate machines, vehicles, equipment, or to use tools?
• Indicates the amount of experience needed to perform the job.
• What level of experience and skills are required for your position?

13. Abilities required

• What mathematical ability must you have?
• What reasoning or problem solving ability must you have?
• What interpersonal abilities are required? What supervisory or managing abilities are required?
• What physical abilities such as strengths, coordination, a visually acuity must you have?

14. Working instruments

• Describe briefly what machines, tools, equipment or work aids the incumbent works with on a regular

15. Health and safety

• What is the safety conditions related to this position?
• Does your work present any type of hazardous or unusual working conditions?

16. Working conditions

• Describe your working conditions.
• Describe the frequency and degree to which you will encounter working conditions such as these:
cramped quarters, moving objects, vibration, inadequate ventilation.

Job analysis interview questions for management positions
Job analysis interview questions for management positions include questions as follows:

1. Management scope:

* How many staff do you supervise directly? ____ Indirectly? ____
* How many trainees do you supervise directly? Directly? ____ Indirectly? ____

2. Management by functions

2.1 Professional functions:

2.2 Human resource functions:

What is your power related to?

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* Recruitment and selection
* Training and development
* Performance appraisal
* Compensation and benefit

2.3 Accounting functions:

* What is financial matter you have to manage?
* What’s budget you have to manage?

2.4 Administration functions:

* List asset/instruments you have to manage?

2.5 Document authority

* What is document you are allowed to sign?

3. Management by activities

Describe the activities that are part of your supervisory duties:

* Work assignments
* Instruction and training
* Performance appraisal
* Discipline
* Grievance handling
* Placement
* Work flow
* Program improvements
* Developing new programs
* Troubleshooting
* Reports
* Follow through
* Other supervisory duties

How to write a job description
How to perform / conduct a job description? You should do 5 steps as follows for conducting /
writing a person description.

Step 1: Collect job information

•   Using methods of job analysis in order to collect job information.
•   Collect all written job description used.

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• Analyze organization chart to identify job location.

Step 2: Task analysis.

•   Identify and list the critical tasks that have to be carried out of job.
•   With each task, you should answer question: how to do this task and you will set up procedure,
    instructions. For each task, you should:

- Are arranged in order of importance that indicate the weight, or value, of each duty; weight of a duty

- Stress the responsibilities that duties entail and the results to be accomplished.

- Indicate the tools and equipment used by the employee in performing the job.

- Should comply with law by listing only the essential functions of the job to be performed.

•   Identify sub-task.
•   Identify elements of task:

- Frequency with which they are carried out.
- Chronological order
- 0rder of importance
- The main processes of management that are carried out.

•   Group related tasks should come under prescriptive headings to enable to a quick appreciation of the
    range of activities.

Step 3: Identify key results area, performance criteria

•   What are results of each task?
•   What are performance criteria for each task?

Step 4: Identify job specification and working condition

You should use post “contents of person specification” at the end of this post to identify person

Step 5: Create a job description

Based on above contents, you group them into category as tasks, duties, knowledge, skills…
You also can refer to posts: contents of a job description and job description form as below in order to
fulfill your job description.

How to develop job descriptions?

You can use “process method” (management by process) in ISO 9000 standard or job analysis methods
in order to develop person description. It is not difficult to create a job description if you use job
description form as below.

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 Job Description Format

 This is free sample job description form; you can convert it to work sheet in order to create your forms
 by yourself.


 1. Job title:
 2. Job code:
 3. Department:
 4. Job location:
 5. Manager / Supervisor’s title:
 6. FLSA status (exempt or non-exempt).
 7. Type of job: Regular, Temporary, Full-time, Part-time
 8. Hours worked: ………. /wk.
 9. Date revised of job description:
 10. Purpose of the job:


 1. List of main duties (include % time pent of each task)
 2. List of responsibilities
 3. List of employee empowerment:
 4. Employee relations: (Internal, External)                                               5. Supervision:
 • Number of employee:
 • List of employee (job title, number of employee (same job title), job nature).         6. Key result areas
 7. Standards of performance


 1. Knowledge              2. Skills                 3. Experience                  4. Abilities


 1. Environmental conditions
 2. Job hazards / safety
 3. Machine, tools and equipments

 _________________           __________________ ____________
 Prepared by (print)          Signature        Date

 Here are some Different Practical Samples of Job Description forms for different Jobs:

i.   Job Description for the position of Assistant Vice President - Training

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                        Job Description for the position of Assistant Vice President - Training

      Department      Training               Reporting to : First Vice President Training

      Required qualifications

      Essential      Graduation              Desired : Train The Trainer Certified, Green Belt Training
                     Train The Trainer
                     skills                                            Knowledge of Instructional Design
                                                                       Knowledge of latest training tools &

      Required work experience               Total                        Relevant (BPO)

      Number of years                        10 - 12                                   3 - 5+

      Specific Industry                      BPO / ITES / Sales / Hospitality / Collections / Customer Service

      Required Attributes (Analytical skills, Communication skills, etc.)

                                 Essential                                                Desired
      1. Develop Talent                                              1. Ability to lead a team, motivate & retain
      2. Communication skills                                        2. Public speaking / good presentation skills
      3. Decision making ability                                     3. Ability to take risk
      4. Collaborative approach                                      4. Networking skills - Global mindset
      5. People management skills                                    5. Speed & energy
      6. Solution oriented                                           6. Result oriented and open to change
      7. Exposure to American Accent Training
      8. Exposure to Customer Service Training.

      Job description
      Build a robust team - operationalize training - Meet/exceed customer expectations - build BCP/DRP -
      succession planning and focus on knowledge management ( documentation, compliance and audit)

ii.    Job information of compensation and benefits (C&B) manager

  1. Job title:
  2. Job Code:

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   3. Department:
   4. Report to:
   5. Job purpose:

        Key tasks of compensation and benefits manager

   1. To be a strong contributor to the development of new compensation strategies through creative input
       combined with data analysis and a deep understanding of the company’s future challenges (bonus
       plans, market position, salary range design, and pay mix analysis.).
   2. Design & deliver Remuneration & Benefits strategies for the organization.
   3. Implement a grading structure based on company methodology.
   4. Work closely with HR to design and deliver retention plan/schemes.
   5. Design and implement policies that support the rapid growth and expansion of the organization.
   6. Custodian of job evaluation and performance management processes within the organization.
   7. Identify and implement benefits that increase the quality of life for employees.
   8. Participate in remuneration networks representing the company.
   9. Coordinate and deploy performance management, annual salary reviews, bonus payout processes
       throughout the company.
   10. Ensure that a culture of performance is rooted deep in the organization through the definition of
       guidelines and KPIs related to performance assessment and their translation at the time of salary and
       bonus review.
   11. In cooperation with HR and Finance, establish budgeting guidelines for the different populations,
       countries and package components at the Group level (salary increases, allowances revision, bonus
   12. Act as a recognized subject matter expert, advising HR and business managers.
   13. Devise solutions for specific issues in countries or businesses, ensuring the respect of corporate
       philosophy on C&B while addressing the needs of the business (for example, inflation/devaluation
       approach, special adjustments.).
   14. Actively involved in the deployment of the grading system.
   15. Participate to the elaboration and deployment of the education program of HR, line managers,
       enhancing their C&B and performance management skills to support the growth of the company.
   16. Contribute to the education of employees on C&B matters to improve employee satisfaction and

        Job specification of compensation and benefits manager

   1.   5-7 years strong experience in design and / or administration of C&B programs.
   2.   Excellent Networks in the industry/sector.
   3.   At least a bachelor's degree (preferably in HR).
   4.   Proven track record of delivering remuneration strategies.
   5.   Is an intellectually astute with strong drive for results.
   6.   Excellent communication skills and cross-group collaboration.
   7.   Excellent Command of English.
   8.   Planning, organizing and coordinating competencies.
   9.   Advanced IT skills.

iii.    Job information of Banker:

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                Function                          Location

                Netherlands Intercompany          Mumbai – Mafatlal Chambers

                Job                               Reporting To

                Band 3 - Executive                Deputy Team Leader


    1. Overall responsible for service delivery              1. Strong interpersonal and influence
       (designated activities)                                  management skills

    2. Role will include, supporting NL Inter-               2. Good communication skills
       company process (against UK) -
       managing SLA requirements & metrics                   3. Ability to work and communicate with people
                                                                across organizational units
    3. Responsible for implementing tools and
                                                             4. Ability to think strategically and translate
       methods as per internal ACES
       requirements                                             strategy into action plans

    4. Focus on stabilizing the process and                  5. Strong analytical skills with an ability to problem
       meeting the customer expectation while                   solve with a win-win negotiation approach
       optimizing the cost.                                  6. Advanced knowledge of MS Office Applications
    5. Implement productivity improvement                    7. Excellent Customer facing skills and ability to
       methods/tools from time to time                          build rapport with clients.
    6. Implement and monitor various                         8. Knowledge of Customer’s Culture
       development initiatives identified for the
       domain                                                9. Excellent English written and communication

                                                             10. Knowledge of the derivatives industry is


    1. Preferably Graduate in Commerce/ Finance. CA Inter would be an added advantage

    2. 3+ years of Post Qualification experience in investment banking/brokerage/ custodian banking

    3. Previous experience in a BPO or Transaction processing business preferred.

    4. Good Communication skills

    5. Demonstrated Experience of handling large teams/ departments

    6. Good interpersonal skills with excellent man-management capabilities.                  17HR Forms | P a g e

    7. Good analytical skills.
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          8. Aptitude for understanding technology

          9. Independent decision making

iv.      Organization Development Manager (Change Agent) (Continuous Improvement)

  Function:              Training
      Title              Org Development Manager
  Job Summary       The Training manager is responsible for ensuring successful rollout and implementation of
                    Organizational Development Initiatives in the L&D function.
                    Responsible for the design, development, implementation, delivery and evaluation of OD
                    training projects.
  Principal/Primary Financial
  Accountabilities • Defines budget requirements to meet training objectives; tracks training costs for the
                    • Coordinates with local sites on all project specific updates and up training, tracking and
                    reporting all training hours for all positions.
                    • Maintain appropriate headcount and keep controllable costs to a minimum within the
                    • Effectively managing training by distributing workload appropriately, reviewing project
                    materials and developing skills necessary for performance, and evaluating performance.
                    • Oversees the development of instructional material in alignment with OD guidelines and
                    performance objectives (training content outline, flowcharts, quality guidelines, student guides,
                    facilitator guides, job aids, quality evaluation forms and other training and quality
                    • Oversees communication and delivery of programs and measures effectiveness of delivery
                    • Ensures Intelenet's policies and procedures are administered honestly, consistently, and with
                    sound judgment.
                    • Takes ownership of the training taking a leadership role from conception to completion.
                    • Builds a high-performing training team through recruiting, hiring, coaching, motivation,
                    recognition, self-development and support of career development
  Scope/Impact      • Defining the top talent management framework for the organization.
                    • Drive the performance management culture; design the framework to ensure goal settings,
                    review, consolidation, action planning and development planning.
                    • Supporting Training Head in development of the entire leadership development program for
                    the organization.
  Decision-         Will be responsible for managing training delivery at the local sites at par with organizational
  making/           expectations. Has a high degree of autonomy in the role.
  Freedom to Act
  Knowledge and     • Must have at least 2 years prior experience in Managing Organizational Development
  Skills            Initiatives in another company.
                    • Adapts strategies and solutions that are consistent with project goals and objectives,
                    demonstrating critical thinking when making decisions and problem solving.

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 Education/          • Must be in a role similar to the one being managed with a minimum of 2 years experience in a
 Licenses/           OD delivery environment or related position must be from the BPO background.
 Experience          • Comprehensive experience with all aspects of training (assessment, development, facilitation,
                     analysis, etc.)
                     • Minimum of 7 years of experience.
 Reports To          Corporate Training Head (Direct Line-Implementation and Delivery), Site head (Dotted Line-
                     Coordination at local level)
 Other               Extensive travel will be required. Able to work in a 24x7 call center environment. Position is
                     based in Mumbai
 Other               Graduate Degree, MBA preferred

v.   Job Information for National Sales Manager

 Job Title: National Sales Head Reporting Authority: Director

 Location: Mumbai Job Function: Business
 Key responsibilities
 ��� Preparation of long term & short term business plan for revenue generation PAN India.
 ��� planning and development of aggressive and imaginative marketing strategies for the company, with
 a view to ensure market penetration, increase in market share and correct brand positioning.
 ��� identifying potential Clients base across India
 ��� pioneering the diversification project of the company for providing services among BTL advertising
 across the country.
 ��� inventing new business strategies followed by its execution for the growth of company.
 ��� Manage and mentor a team of KAM / BDM / Sales professionals
 Qualification criteria:
 ��� Graduate / Post graduate from a reputed University.
 ��� Experience in a reputed Advertising Agency or Media House
 ��� Should have handled large budget, national client accounts.
 ��� Self-driven, results-oriented with a positive outlook, and a clear focus on high quality and business
 ��� A natural forward planner who critically assesses own performance.
 ��� Mature, credible, and comfortable in dealing with senior big company executives.
 ��� Reliable, tolerant, and determined.
 ��� Empathic communicator, able to see things from the other person's point of view.
 ��� Well-presented and businesslike.
 ��� Sufficiently mobile and flexible.
 ��� Keen for new experience, responsibility and accountability.
 ��� Able to get on with others and be a team-player.

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vi. Staffing representative

   Common Duties and Responsibilities:

   •   Participate in a variety of recruitment activities so that the organizations' recruitment process is
       efficient, effective and equitable.
   •   Ensure that all open positions are closed as per the pre decided timelines
   •   Prepare internal and external job advertisements, web postings, specifications for external
       recruitment agencies and other materials in accordance with the organization's recruitment
       standards and business needs so that potential job applicants have the information they need to
       decide whether, and how to, apply for a vacant position.
   •   Respond to enquiries from candidates, managers and external recruitment agencies about the
       organizations' recruitment activities and about the status of job vacancies so that interested parties
       are kept informed without compromising the organizations' standards of privacy and
   •   Contact candidates, arrange interview times and develop appropriate interview questions in
       collaboration with the hiring manager so that interviews are conducted efficiently and equitably.
   •   Interview, test, rank, check references, select candidates and provide feedback to unsuccessful
       candidates based on the job's pre-established selection criteria and the organizations' recruitment
   •   Prepare job offer materials in accordance with the agreed job specifications so that successful
       candidates have all the information they need to decide whether to accept the position.
   •   Represent the organization at job fairs and other recruitment venues so that potential candidates
       have an opportunity to learn about the organization and its recruitment activities.
   •   Conduct employee orientation/induction and introductory training so that new employees are
       quickly integrated into the organization.

   Knowledge / Skills/Attitude

       •   Minimum Qualifications: Degree or equivalent
       •   Years of Experience: 2 to 3
       •   Focused and detail oriented
       •   Timeline oriented
       •   Stretch and learnability
       •   Process oriented
       •   Good communication skills – both written and verbal
       •   God interpersonal skills

vii.   Job Description for Telecom Operation

   Designation: Sr. Engineer Telecom Operations

   Department: Information Technology

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    Work Experience: 3 or more years

    Job Profile:

           Managing the Telecom Infrastructure of Zenta at various sites
           Viz: Avaya ACD system, Nortel Passport, Nice Logger, CMS

           Troubleshoot tickets
           Create and Manage process requirements.
           Understand Business strategies.
           Implement new Projects.
           Launch new process.
           Attend weekly Conference calls with Clients ,Service providers, Vendors
           Render Remote support to Telecom department.

    Skill Set required:

           Diploma or degree Engineer in Telecommunications.
           Fluent in English.
           Good communication, Presentation skills.
           Understanding of business requirements related to BPO industry.
           Should be willing to work in shifts.
           Industry Certification
           IP telephony
           Experience on LAN/WAN technologies.
           Worked on Avaya CM 2.1 and above, CMS and Nice loggers
           Capable to give remote support manage remote sites

viii.   A.M./Mgr.-Information Security

    Position Name: A.M./Mgr.-Information Security

    Level: Manager/.Asst.Manager

    No of positions: 1

    Experience level: Overall 3 - 7 years

    Education: Graduation / MCA

    Salary: 7- 9Lakhs

    Date needed to join: ASAP

    Shift: General Shift (9.30 A.M -6.30 P.M) But must be willing for night shift


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  - Information Security Training programs
  - Certification programs such as SAS 70, ISO 27001:2005 etc.
  - BCP / DR Plans

  - Record Management Coordination
  - Development of various Policies, Procedures and Guidelines in align with Security Standards and best
  - Internal and Client Audits to meet Legal and Regulatory requirement of Indian and other countries
  - To provide various daily, weekly, fortnightly, monthly, quarterly, half yearly and annual reports
  - Anti-virus controls (Trojan horses, worms, malicious code, and other network threats)
  - Monitor Logs and evaluate Firewall / Intrusion detection systems
  - Incident response and prevention best practices
  - To monitor activities relating to change control


  - Hands on experience in ISO 27001:2005 implementations.

  - Good presentation skills with Power point to carry out various training programs.

  - Familiar with various network technologies and security products.

  - Configuration of network devices such as VPN and IDS solutions and firewalls.
  - Familiarity with risk analysis and mitigation methodology, security policy and procedure development,
  incident response, program, patch management and vulnerability management processes, security
  training and awareness

  - Development and implementation of security policies and procedures, and building security
  - 3-7; years relevant experience in the areas of IT security / Network and Infrastructure
  - Graduate / Post graduate degree in Computer Science, Information Systems Administration,
  Computer Applications or related field.
  - Additional security certification like ISO 27001:2005 / Ethical Hacker / CISA / CISSP / CISM desirable.


ix.      Sales Manager


a. University Graduate preferably with a postgraduate degree or diploma in Business Management.
b. Exposure in sales preferably in retail sales in consumer durables or automobiles (Some experience in
   direct sales will be an advantage).
c. Exposure in handling sales team with a large number of front line sales people reporting to him
   through junior supervisory and managerial staff.

                                                                                        22HR Forms | P a g e
HR Forms
d. Exposure to control administratively medium to large size automobile workshops & spare parts
e. Working knowledge of branch accounting, general administration & branch HR related matters.
f. Skills, experience & knowledge of modern business methods and controls.


a. Capital Expenditure: Limited only by resources, group policies from time to time & budgetary provision.
b. Personnel: Should work in conjunction with respective divisional heads like Branch Head, GM (Sales),
   GM (Service), Head (Parts) and also to work closely with the HR manager.
c. Operational: Authorized to operate the Branch to meet sales & service requirements and expectations
   within the budgeted norms.


   a. To ensure maximum efficiency and profitability of the Branch whilst giving a high level of customer
   b. To maximize sales potential of the assigned Branch, Maximize the bay utilization of the workshop
      at a level commensurate with budgetary profit requirements.
   c. To maximize Branch profitability through the sales of vehicles, accessories and other associated
      products like finance & insurance.
   d. To create and project and image both within the Branch and outside as a top class professional
      company with a total customer satisfaction as it’s main objective.
   e. To help and co-operate with the divisional heads in order to achieve the overall organizational


   a. Directly responsible to: Branch Head/GM-Sales and heads of the respective divisions for functional
      and administrative responsibilities.
   b. Responsible for: Sales team (both functional & administrative) Team Leaders, Warehouse
      management, processing management.
   c. Relationship with: Vehicle manufacturer, banks and other financial institutions (with whom the
      organization will have business relation from time to time), professional organizations, other motor
      vehicle dealers, Suppliers, automobile associations, chamber of commerce as well as all
      departmental heads of the organizations in order to ensure smooth function of day to day


      5.1 Improved Profitability:
      a. To ensure profitability targets are met on a regular basis from all the areas of operations like
         unit sales, accessories, finances, insurance, service & spare parts revenues.

                                                                                        23HR Forms | P a g e
HR Forms
  b. To ensure the Branch attains net profit as detailed in the business plan and annual budget.
  c. To device a mechanism in order to continually monitor the financial situation on a daily/weekly
     basis to ensure on target performance and suggest effective course correction to higher
     authority wherever and whenever necessary.
  d. To examine all accounts, operating controls and composite figures to initiate improvement.
  e. To ensure high level of contact with the banks and other financial institutions to ensure smooth
     and timely cash flow
  f. To maintain and increase market penetration to meet dealership objective.
  g. To improve stock turnover ratios, reduce stock holding value and increase sales to meet branch
  h. Always be on the lookout for new and related business opportunities to add to the bottom-line
     as well as enhance branch’s brand image amongst prospective buyers.

     5.2 Customer service and satisfaction:

a. To maintain high level of customer satisfaction whilst maximizing profit.
b. To improve the quality of customer service and retention by enhanced facilities and improved
   technical and soft skills resulting in lower cost of ownership and improved marketing methods.
c. To ensure high standard of quality both in terms of hardware and software (Facilities and Human
d. To stay in constant touch with the customer relation department real time to find out any
   dissatisfied customer and take immediate action.
e. To maintain a high level of relation with all corporate customers to ensure constant flow of
   profitable business and take care of all their problems irrespective of the source of the problem.

     5.3 Staff related matters:

a.     To establish and agree staff requirement with GM-Sales and departmental heads.
b.     To analyze the training requirement for providing a satisfactory staff development program.
c.     To ensure training needs are met and accurate records are kept to maximize effectiveness.
d.     To ensure all new recruits have gone through our orientation and induction program before
       assigned to a particular job.
e.     To operate a quarterly appraisal system to discuss individual and branch performance level with
       key branch personnel and ensure action is taken on results.
f.     To maintain an excellent and professional relations with all in order to achieve a very healthy
       working environment.
g.     To constantly motivate all staff reporting to him and maintain an environment of healthy
       competitiveness in order to achieve better results.
h.     To always encourage people to be innovative in order to maintain a competitive edge over others.
i.     To ensure correct reporting system and compliance.
j.     To establish KRAs for all staff members under him.

      5.4 Administration:

                                                                                   24HR Forms | P a g e
HR Forms
  a. To ensure that the Branch is operated within the law.
  b. To review from time to time all departmental activities and reporting systems.
  c. To ensure that adequate safety and security measures have been installed to meet municipal
  d. To strictly adhere to systems, procedures, credit policies, discount structure laid by the
      company from time to time.

   5.5 Communication:

   a. To maintain good liaison with directors and managers.
   b. To submit the day end, weekend & month end reports to the management in timely manner
      which should reflect the current sales/service situation vis-à-vis sales plan, shortfall if any,
      corrective action plan to make up the short fall, future projection, major achievements, lost
      opportunities etc.
   c. To ensure direct liaison with manufacturers, professional bodies, suppliers statutory
      representatives, corporate customers and all other contacts.
   d. To always maintain a healthy line of communication with all staff members.
   e. To maintain professional relation with the Honda co-dealers and to stay in touch with them and
      co-operate wherever possible.

   5.6 Marketing:

   a. To plan and oversee the execution of local area promotional activities in both sales and service.
      To agree plan with respective divisional head.
   b. To instigate research into customer satisfaction and requirements for improvement.
   c. To device strategies for effective and real time market intelligence in order to stay ahead of
   d. To come out with innovative and cost effective marketing ideas in order to stay always on top.
   e. To ensure approval has been taken before any campaign is initiated from competent authority
      and respective departmental head.
   f. To inform management any significant development in the market in terms of new launches,
      new campaign by competition or any other relevant matter which is significant and important
      in nature.
   g. To constantly be on the lookout for new business avenues and opportunities to increase market
      share both in sales and service.

   5.7 Finance:

   a. To keep the financial aspects of the business under constant review.
   b. To highlight all sales discounts, fleet discount and suggest necessary action to higher
      management whenever change is necessary.
   c. Collection of payment from customers should be on time as per the policy laid down by the
      management and outstanding amount should always be kept under control.

                                                                                  25HR Forms | P a g e
HR Forms
  d. Credit sales should be avoided as far as possible and extension of credit to any customer should
      only be done with prior management approval.
  e. To negotiate constantly with the banks and other financial institutions in order to derive
      maximum benefit for the organization as well as the customers.

5.8 Cost control:

   a.   To maintain effective control of expenses in line with budget objective.
   b.   To carry out monthly examinations of all expenses and look for saving potentials.
   c.   To ensure maximum cost effective stock turnover ratio.
   d.   To examine weekly/monthly debtor situation and effectiveness of credit control procedure.

                                                                                 26HR Forms | P a g e
HR Forms

                 Chapter 3
           Recruitment & Selection

                                     27HR Forms | P a g e
HR Forms


1. Position applied: _____________________________________
2. Name: ______________________________________
3. Email: ______________________________________________
4. Present Address ______________________________________
5. Permanent Address ___________________________________
6. Date of Birth: _________________________________________
7. Sex: Male / Female_____________________________________
8. Marital Status: ________________________________________
9. Date of Marriage: ______________________________________
10. Number of Children: ____________________________________
11. Age of Children: _______________________________________
12. Family Background
You design a table with columns: member, occupation, address, phone.


1. Language Spoken: (State Mother Tongue First)
You design a table with columns: Language, Spoken, Written, Both. And rating scales can be Native,
Fluent, Fair, Poor.

2. Academic Details:-
You design a table with columns: Course Main Subjects, Year of Passing, % of Marks Obtained, Name
of School / College / Institution (Along with University).


1. Work Experience Summary:
You design a table with columns: Company Name, Designation, Duration, Reason for Leaving.

2. Current Job Details:-
a) Company Name ____________________________________
b) Current Designation ____________________________________
c) Date of Joining ____________________________________
d) Current Salary (All Inclusive package) ______________________
e) Expected salary (All inclusive package) _____________________
f) Job Responsibilities ____________________________________

                                                                                 28HR Forms | P a g e
HR Forms
3. New Job:-
a) Do you have any experience in the XXXXXXX Industry? If yes, please specify the
Industry ________________________________________________
Position _________________________________________________
Tenure. _________________________________________________
b) what kind of growth are you looking for yourself in the next 3 years?

4. What do you feel is your major accomplishment? Give reason in support of your claims

5. Other Details:
a) Have you ever been convicted? ________________________
b) Do you have any political Involvement? __________________
c) Does any family relative have political involvement? ________
d) Do you have any relatives employed overseas ____________
e) Family Business / Service? ___________ if yes, give details _________________


1. What are your strengths?

2. What are your weaknesses?
3. What are your hobbies?
4. Have you applied to **************** before? YES / NO
If YES, when_____________________________________________
In what Capacity: _________________________________________
Final Outcome ____________________________________________
a) Do you wish to relocate? ______________________________
b) How may days’ time would you require to attend a personal interview in Mumbai ________
c) What is your notice period before you can join? ___________

5. List Three References (other than relatives)
You design a table with columns:, Name, Official Designation, Address & Phone No, Period for which
he knows you, Capacity in which he knows


                                                                                 29HR Forms | P a g e
HR Forms
I hereby declare that the information furnished above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. In
case any false statement is made by me, Company would have the right to terminate my services at any
DATE: ____________ PLACE: _____________ Signature: ____________

Pre-Employment Checklist

Applicant: __________________________________________________________

Position: ___________________________________________________________

     References Requested:           Date Received:
     ____________________            ______________
     ____________________            ______________
     ____________________            ______________

     Interviewed By:             Approved By:
     ____________________           ______________
     ____________________           ______________
     ____________________           ______________

Education verified: _________________________________________________

Licensure of certification verified: ________________________________

Bonding Company approval: ___________________________________________

Starting Salary $

Fringe Benefits [List]:

Effective starting date:

Recruitment request form

1. General information of recruitment request

You should design a table with columns and rows as follows:

• From
• Name

                                                                                     30HR Forms | P a g e
HR Forms
• Department
• Date:

2. Recruitment request form

You should design a table with columns as follows:

• No
• Designation
• No. Of Requirements
• Qualification
• Skill Sets
• Years of Experience
• Date of Joining
• Period of Requirement
• Salary Range
• Project to handle Expected

3. Remarks:

Please attach job description and job specification for each position.


Manpower requisition form

This form is applied for recruitment/hiring process.


You should design a table with column as follows:

1. No
2. Designation
3. No. of Requirements
4. Qualification
5. Skill Sets
6. Years of Experience
7. Project to handle
8. Expected Date of Joining
9. Period of Requirement
10. Salary Range

                                                                         31HR Forms | P a g e
HR Forms
Department head Signature

HR signature                (Please attach Job Specification and Job Requirement)

Appointment Letter Format
                                        Company Name / Logo

                                          Company Address

Dear Sir / Madam,                                          Dated.............................

Name: _____________________________

Father’s Name: _______________________

Address: ______________________________

       This has reference to your application dated__________________and the subsequent
Interview / test which you had with us. We are pleased to appoint you as_________________
(Designation) as per the following terms & conditions.

1. That your appointment as ___________________________________is affected form the date
   of issuance of this letter.
2. Your appointment is on probation. The initial period of probation is 3 months, which will
   automatically be extended up to a period of 6 month. Unless so confirmed in writing. During
   the period of probation or extended any period of probation your services can be conformed
   form the date orders are communicated in writing confirming your service.
3. That you will be paid a salary of Rs.__________________ in consolidation. You will not be
   eligible for any other allowance or benefit except as stated above.
4. That you headquarter for present is at                        but it can be changed to such other
   place that may be decided by the management & communication to you. Thus your head
   quarter is likely to be changed.
5. That you will be eligible for leave & other benefit as per service rule of the company as                  in
   vogue or altered from time to time. The company has right to amend the rule, which                      shall
   be applicable to you.

                                                                                            32HR Forms | P a g e
HR Forms
6. You duties will include for efficient, satisfactory and economical operation in the area        of
   responsibility that may be assigned to you from time to time. As an employee of the firm you
   will maintain a high standard of loyalty, efficiency, integrity, and secrecy and will liaison with
   employees working under your supervision or your colleagues and will be responsible for
   execution of the decision taken by the management from time to time.
7. You will devote your whole time and attention to the interest of the any company/ firm/
   establishment will not engage yourself in any other either paid or in honorary capacity
   without written permission.
8. In case there is any change in your residential address, you will intimate the same in writing
   to the personal department/manager within three days from the date of such change and get
   such change of address recorded
9. If by your conduct & performance, you will render yourself incompetent to perform the
   duties or you became dishonest, intemperate, irregular in attendance , negligence to work,
   disobedient & or commit any misconduct or any breach of condition of          employment then
   you render yourself liable for dismissal without any notice or compensation. Apart from this
   you shall make good the loss, if any arise out of your act.
         If the above terms and conditions are acceptable to you please sign the carbon copy in
taken of its acceptance and return the same for our record.

                                          For Authorized / Competent official

                              Declaration by the Employee

I accept the offer and the terms and conditions mentioned in the aforesaid letter.

Signature of the Employee


                                        Human Resources

Recruitment & Selection – Interview Agreement

                                                        APPLICANT DETAILS: (name)

                                                                                 33HR Forms | P a g e
HR Forms
VAC REF NO:              DATE:


(Completion of Section 1 by providing a consensus rating of each applicant against the selection
criteria may assist panels in formulating comments on each applicant required for Section 2)

All panel members to contribute to the justification of the rating between 1 - 5 based on thorough
discussion of the merit of each applicant against the selection criteria. A minority report may be
lodged if consensus cannot be reached. May be used to assist in consolidating panels' comments for
Section 2.

*Please use WHOLE NUMBERS only in your final consensus ratings (i.e. the use of + or –, or
fractions [e.g. 0.5] is not permitted)


Skills, abilities, knowledge, experience,       1      2       3       4      5       6      7
qualifications which are minimum
requirements for effective job performance.

                                                                                   34HR Forms | P a g e
HR Forms


Skills etc which would improve job
performance but are not essential for


This section seeks a summary report on each applicant against the selection criteria. Focus on each
applicant's demonstrated capacity to meet the essential selection criteria for this position. In some
instances it may be appropriate to address desirable criteria also (where there is a close field). Such
comments will be used as part justification for a recommendation (together with information
obtained in the application and referee reports), for feedback to unsuccessful applicants, immigration
and other matters as required.
APPLICANT NO 1              Appointable Yes / No         Rank

                                                                                    35HR Forms | P a g e
HR Forms
APPLICANT NO 2             Appointable Yes / No         Rank

APPLICANT NO 3             Appointable Yes / No         Rank

APPLICANT NO 4             Appointable Yes / No         Rank

APPLICANT NO 5             Appointable Yes / No         Rank

APPLICANT NO 6             Appointable Yes / No         Rank

                           Appointable Yes / No         Rank
APPLICANT NO 7                                          Position*

In determining rank order applicants who meet all (or a high proportion) of the essential criteria
should be ranked higher than those who meet a proportionately higher number of 'desirable' criteria.


                                                                                 36HR Forms | P a g e
HR Forms





DATE: _____/_____/_____

Attach this report to Recommendation to Appoint and other documentation.

                                          Human Resources

Recommendation to Appoint


Vacancy Reference
Number :

Position Title:


                                                                           37HR Forms | P a g e

HR Forms
 1.                                              2.

Professional Employees                         Academic Employees

USQ                                            USQ
Level:                                         Level:

Step:                                          Step:

   Continuing               Fixed Term            Continuing               Fixed Term

Probationary          Durati             yea   Probationary Period: Durati               years
Period:               on:                rs                         on:

             months   Expiry       ___/___/_                months/y   Expiry     ___/___/___
                      Date:        __                       ears       Date:

                      Probationary Period:                             Probationary Period:

                                    months                                         months

Start            /      /                      Start            /      /
Date:                                          Date:

Supervisin                                     Supervisin
g Position                                     g Position
Title:                                         Title:

Other                                          Other
Condition                                      Condition
s:                                             s:

                                                                                  38HR Forms | P a g e
HR Forms
Charge to:                                        Charge to:

                 Dept. ID     Program                                Dept. ID      Program
                      Project (if req)                          Project (if req)



Other Members:


     Please tick if unsuccessful notification is not to be sent until successful applicant accepts offer of


Panel Members:

                                                                                       39HR Forms | P a g e
HR Forms

Recommending Delegate: (if appropriate)

                                                         /        /

Approving Delegate:

                                                         /        /


   Position Description                                      Recommended Applicant’s Full Application

   Interview Consensus Summary                            Referee Reports on Recommended

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION if required (e.g. outlining developmental plans for probationary period,
reasons for waiving or shortening probationary period etc.)

                                                                                40HR Forms | P a g e
HR Forms


   All information provided is to remain confidential until the outcome of an offer made by the
   Executive Director, Human Resources is known
   Details outlined on this form must be in accordance with Human Resources Policy and Procedure
             Recruitment and Selection

   Satisfactory referees’ reports on the nominee must be obtained and attached. A minimum of two
   referee checks must be obtained for all advertised positions.
   In accordance with Human Resources Policy and Procedure Probationary Appointment, “the Vice-
   Chancellor approves any shortening or waiving of a r probationary period for” In such instances,
   please complete the “Additional Information” section above
   This form is to be forwarded to your HR Client Service team once completed (including all relevant
   signatures) and including attachments

                                                                                41HR Forms | P a g e
HR Forms
 Selection Forms
 Interview forms
        i.   Interview assessment form
       ii.   Interview questions form
     iii.    Job interview form
      iv.    Candidate interview form
       v.    2nd interview invitation letter
      vi.    Interview invitation letter
     vii.    Interview appraisal form

i.       Interview assessment form

 1. Candidate info:

 • Candidate name:
 • Sex:
 • Birth of date:
 • Apply to position:
 • Date of interview:
 • Interviewers:

 2. Rating scales:

 • Poor
 • Fair
 • Average
 • Good
 • Superior

 3. Interview appraisal factors:

         Education & Experience

 • Basic Qualifications
 • Other Relevant Courses
 • Years of Experience
 • Relevance of Experience

         Job Knowledge & Skills

 • Functional Knowledge
 • Thoroughness

                                               42HR Forms | P a g e
HR Forms
• General Knowledge
• Computer Skills

   Personal Attributes

• Personal Appearance
• Confidence & Assertiveness
• Team Spirit
• Analytical Ability
• Creativeness


• Emotional Stability
• General Attitude
• Diplomacy/Tactfulness


• Ability to Logically Organize Thoughts
• Ability to Express Ideas
• English Language Skills
• Arabic Language Skills

4. Overall rating:

• Outstanding
• Very Good
• Good
• Satisfactory
• Unsatisfactory

5. General Observations:

Joining Potential: Strong/Weak ________________

Expected Salary ______________ Previous Salary _____________

Offered Salary _________________

Interview Committee: 1. _____________, 2.______________, 3.____________________

Signature: 1._________________ 2.___________________3.______________________

Final Assessment.                          HR:

Concerned Dept.:

                                                                          43HR Forms | P a g e
HR Forms


  1. Candidate info:

  • Candidate name:
  • Sex:
  • Birth of date:
  • Apply to position:
  • Date of interview:
  • Interviewers:

  2. Rating scales:

  • Poor
  • Fair
  • Average
  • Good
  • Superior

  3. Interview appraisal factors:

  • Qualification (s)
  • Job knowledge
  • Experience Profile & Consistency in jobs
  • Personality (Appearance, Dress, Manners)
  • Awareness about technical Dynamics.
  • Interpersonal skills / team spirit.
  • Attitude towards tasks, people and technology.
  • Confidence level (Positive mental attitude)
  • Age Group suitability
  • Communication skills
  • Business Orientation
  • Analytical skills, logical reasoning
  • Clarity of thoughts
  • Maturity
  • Achievement Orientation.
  • Conceptual Clarity
  • Openness Of Mind
  • Leadership Ability / Proactive ness
  • Personal Profile
  • Careers Plan

  4. Overall rating:

  • Outstanding
  • Very Good

                                                     44HR Forms | P a g e
HR Forms
   • Good
   • Satisfactory
   • Unsatisfactory

   5. General Observations:

   Joining Potential: Strong/Weak ________________

   Expected Salary ______________ Previous Salary _____________

   Offered Salary _________________

   Interview Committee: 1. _____________,2.______________, 3.____________________

   Signature: 1._________________ 2.___________________3.______________________

   Final Assessment.

   Concerned Dept.:

iii.   Job interview form

   1. Candidate info:

   • Candidate name:
   • Sex:
   • Birth of date:
   • Apply to position:
   • Date of interview:
   • Interviewers:

   2. Rating scales:

   • Poor
   • Fair
   • Average
   • Good
   • Superior

   3. Appraisal factors:

   • APPEARANCE: Bearing and poise, neatness, physical fitness, dress mannerisms


                                                                                   45HR Forms | P a g e
HR Forms
  • EXPERIENCE Specific to the position being considered for

  • KNOWLEDGE Of the product or field

  • PERSONALITY Mature, sincere, courteous, likeable, enthusiastic, self-confident, introvert/ extrovert,
  loner/ team worker, at ease and friendly, ability to pick up the ball and carry it

  • ABILITY TO EXPRESS SELF: Clear and pleasing voice, expresses himself forcefully and clearly,
  uses hands, face and voice to add meaning to what he says

  • MENTAL ABILITY: Alertness, logic, perception, judgment, organization of thoughts, comprehends
  what you are trying to say, asks good questions, he structures answers to your questions

  • LEADERSHIP: Ambition, high energy level, initiative, decisiveness, record of accomplishment, plans
  for the future and has objectives, self – reliant

  • INTERESTS: Has breath of curiosity and information, good general knowledge, technical knowledge
  of a general character, social cultural and political

  • ATTITUDE: Willingness to learn and to work, co- operation, positive outlook on life, enthusiastic
  about his future, regard for former employers

iv.   Candidate interview evaluation form

  1. Candidate info:

  • Candidate name:
  • Sex:
  • Birth of date:
  • Apply to position:
  • Date of interview:
  • Interviewers:

  2. Rating scales:

  • Poor
  • Fair
  • Average
  • Good
  • Superior

  3. Appraisal factors:

  3.1 Appearance

                                                                                     46HR Forms | P a g e
HR Forms
• Dress
• Grooming
• Body Language
• Eye Contact

3.2 Characteristics
• Assertive
• Achievement-oriented
• Cooperative
• Responsible
• Outgoing
• Open
• Dedicated
• Poise
• Maturity
• Professional
• Verbal/persuasive
• Ability to learn

3.3 Goals/perception of self
• Realistic appraisal of self
• Reason for interest in field
• Realistic career goals

3.4 Qualifications
• Education/training
• Accomplishments
• Skills
• Relevant experience
• Potential

3.5 Decision making/problem solving
• Creativity
• Logic

3.6 Reasons for selecting particular organization
• Commitment
• Knowledge of organization
• Knowledge of industry

3.7 Job expectations
• Realistic
• Match employer’s needs

3.8 Long term objectives
Potential to grow

                                                    47HR Forms | P a g e
HR Forms
  3.9 Overall evaluation
  3.10 Additional comments:


  Interviewer 1 ——————Interviewer 2:

v.      1st Interview invitation letter

  Name of Applicant
  City – State

  Sub: interview Invitation for position of …………

  Dear Name of Applicant,

  Thank you for submitting an application form for the above post. I am delighted to invite you to attend
  on interviewing you for the position of sales manager.

  This letter confirms the phone conversation in which we scheduled your interview on……….

  The interview will consist of contents as follows:
  + Interview time:
  + Types of interview

  If you have any questions, please call me at………..

  Sincerely yours,
  John Tan

  HR coordinator

vi.     2nd interview invitation letter sample


  Dear [Name]

  Re: Vacancy for [position title]

  First of all, we thank you for your application for the above position.

                                                                                      48HR Forms | P a g e
HR Forms
   We would like to inform you that you pass 1st round interview. We are grateful if you could attend an
   2nd interview:

   At [Address].

   On [Date].

   At [Time].

   The interview will be with [name and job title of interviewer(s)].

   The interview is scheduled to last approximately [state duration] and will take the form of [short
   description of format of interview such as panel, group interview…].

   Please can you bring along the following documentation to the interview:

   Please contact [name of contact] on [telephone number] to confirm your attendance at the interview. If
   you have a any questions to assist you at the interview, please let [me/name of contact] know.

   A map showing the location of the interview venue is included.

   We are looking forward to meeting you.

   Yours sincerely

   John Tan
   HR manager


   1. Candidate details

   • Candidate name
   • Post Applied for
   • Date
   • Line Manager

   2. Appraisal

   You should design a table which includes columns such as No, Contents of appraisal, HR Manager, Line

   Contents of appraisal:

                                                                                        49HR Forms | P a g e
HR Forms
• Attitude
• Knowledge
• Communication
• Experience
• Loyalty Expectation
• Present ability
• Initiative
• Team Spirit

Rating scales:

(1-Poor, 2-Average, 3- Good, 4-V.Good, 5-Excellent)

3. Remarks:

a> Strengths
b> Weakness
Signature…………………………..HR Manager……………Line Manager……………Director

Sample interview questions

It includes types of question as follows:

1. Phone interview questions

Phone interview i a method to interview candidate by telephone. You have a little time to conduct it so
that you should just ask question about candidate’s basic job requirements.

2. Situational interview questions

In situational interviewing, job-seekers are asked to respond to a specific situation they may face on the
job, and some aspects of it are similar to behavioral interviews.

This type of interview is most often used with college graduates who do not have as much past work

3. Behavioral interview questions

In behavioral interviews, candidates are asked to explain their skills, experience, activities etc – as
examples of your past behavior.

                                                                                        50HR Forms | P a g e
HR Forms
It includes interview questions about knowledge, experience, soft skills, management skills, abilities …
of candidates.

4. Stress interview questions

The stress interview is designed to find applicants who can handle stress, and handle it well.

5. Tough / difficult Interview questions

It include 51 Tough / difficult interview questions about last job, competencies, new job etc.

Here is an example of difficult interview questions about Last Job & candidates their self.

I. Difficult interview questions of last job

1.   What do you think of your last boss?
2.   What is the riskiest thing you have ever done?
3.   Why are you leaving/did you leave your last position?
4.   What do you think of your previous manager?
5.   If you could change one thing about your last job, what would it be?
6.   Why you had so many jobs in such a short period of time?
7.   Tell me 3 good things and 3 bad things in your last company?

II. Difficult interview questions of candidates their self

1. How many hours a day/week do you need to work to get the job done?
2. If you stayed with your current company, what would be your next move?
3. How do you measure success?
4. Describe a job that would be your worst nightmare?
5. Where do you see yourself in ten years?
6. What is your long-range objective?
7. How do you balance life and work?
8. What is your favorite book? How about your favorite movie?
9. What did you do during this six month gap in employment?
10. What do you feel this position should pay?

6. Interview questions from companies

• Microsoft interview questions (Check over the internet)
• Google interview questions

7. Common interview questions

It includes questions as follows:

                                                                                      51HR Forms | P a g e
HR Forms
• 60 Common interview questions
• 36 Good interview questions
• Illegal interview questions
• Top interview questions

8. Interview questions by departments

• HR interview questions
• Training manager interview questions
• Secretary interview questions
• Administrative assistant interview questions
• Sales interview questions
• Marketing interview questions
• Accounting interview questions
• Finance interview questions
• CEO interview questions
• Production interview questions
• Quality interview questions
• Project interview questions
• Purchasing interview questions
• Health care interview questions
• IT interview questions

                                                 52HR Forms | P a g e
HR Forms

                  Chapter 4
     Employee Orientation & Socialization

                                   53HR Forms | P a g e
HR Forms
Hiring forms
You can refer more information about Hiring forms by topics as follows:

1. Job offer letter
2. Appointment letter
3. New hire integration feedback form
4. Confirmation of employment letter
5. New employee introduction letter
6. Welcome New Employee Letter
7. Probation extension letter
8. Employment rejection letter
9. 90 days evaluation form
10. Employment offer letter
11. Employment agreement checklist
12. Employee drug testing agreement

1. Samples / examples job offer letter

Anpha corporation
123 Ani St – Dapot
Phone 23245-0989-123
March 12, 2008

Jimmy Tan
12 VMP St
New De City, 12342

Dear Jimmy Tan


ANPHA CORP is pleased to offer you the position of Marketing Director for our organization. We are
excited about the potential that you bring to our company.

1. Job content

As we discussed during your interviews, you will be working in our office at………, where our
marketing departments are located.

You will report directly to the Vice-President of sales and marketing and be a member of our Executive
Management Team.

2. Compensation and benefits

                                                                                   54HR Forms | P a g e
HR Forms
Should you accept this job offer, per company policy you’ll be eligible to receive the following
beginning on your hire date.

Salary: Annual gross starting salary of $123,500, paid in biweekly installments by your choice of check
or direct deposit

Benefits: Standard, ANPHA-provided benefits for salaried-exempt employees, including the following

• 401(k) retirement account
• Health, dental, life and disability insurance
• Profit sharing
• Sick leave
• Vacation and personal days
• Annual stock options
• Child daycare assistance
• Education assistance

3. Process of joining

To accept this job offer:

• Sign and date this job offer letter where indicated below.
• Mail all pages of the signed and dated documents listed above back to us in the enclosed business-
reply envelope, to arrive by Monday, Oct 12, 2008.
• Attend new-hire orientation on Friday, Oct 16, 200x, beginning at 8:00 AM.

To decline this job offer:

• Sign and date this job offer letter where indicated below.
• Mail all pages of this job offer letter back to us in the enclosed business-reply envelope, to arrive by
Monday, Oct 12, 2008.

We look forward to your arrival at our company and are confident that you will play a key role in our
company’s expansion into national and international markets. Please let me know if you have any
questions or if I can do anything to make your arrival easier.



HR Coordinator, Human Resources

Accept Job Offer

Signature: _________________________________ Date:_____________

Decline Job Offer

                                                                                        55HR Forms | P a g e
HR Forms
Signature: _________________________________ Date:_____________



Dear Mr. Name.

Sub: Letter of Appointment

On the basis of interview held we are pleased to offer your services on our Company in the following

1. Job information

• Position
• Probation time
• Hours of work

2. Compensations and benefits

• Salary:
• Leave: 12 days for casual Leave; 12 days Sick Leave per year
• Break

3. General conditions

• During the probation period, the company may terminate your services without notice if your
performance is not up to our expectations or for any other reason.

• You will be governed by the service rules of this company as may be applicable to you from time to
• The company reserves the right to alter or modify its working hours or to increase them.
• This is a position of continuous responsibility and does not entail payment of extra time or overtime.
• All programs, System Designs, Manuals, Literature etc. developed by you, while in the company
service will at all times be deemed to be sole property of the company. Also, the company will at all
times, have the sole proprietary right in any new system which you may develop while in the company’s

• During the period of your employment, you will work honestly, faithfully, diligently and efficiently for
the growth of the company. You are expected to maintain utmost secrecy in regard to the affairs of the
company and shall keep confidential any

                                                                                     56HR Forms | P a g e
HR Forms
• Your appointment will be subject to being medically fit at the commencement of and at any time
during the tenure of your employment with the company; the company has a right at all times to send
you for a medical checkup to ascertain your fitness for the job.

We welcome you to our organization and look forward to your contribution to the growth of the
organization and yourself.

Name of the company.



Dear Mr/Mrs…………….

This form is intended to improve the over on boarding process and your feedback is important for us.
Thanks for your cooperation.

I/ Rating scales

1. 0 = not applicable
2. 1 = Completely Disagree
3. 2 = Somewhat Disagree
4. 3 = Somewhat Agree
5. 4 = Completely Agree

II/ Feedback questions

1. My Recruiting Process was well scheduled and arranged.

2. I found the information and learning provided during the orientation training sessions relevant in
helping me integrate better within………..

3. Guest House accommodation provided a comfortable stay for me.

4. I am satisfied with my overall experience with the following teams:

• Recruiting
• Transport
• IT (Computers, NT Login)
• Finance
• Training & Development
• Guest House Accommodation

                                                                                     57HR Forms | P a g e
HR Forms
5. I was given a useful ramp up for the project to help me learn fast.
6. I found the orientation program comprehensive and useful?

7. I found induction kit was useful.

What can we do better as a team to improve your on boarding experience?

Other remarks:

For company

HR Manager

4. Sample / Example Welcome New Employee Letter

New employee name


Sub: Welcome New Employee

Dear Mr John,

Welcome to FANDA CORP and sales department.

I am delighted you are joining us as corporate sales manager. I am very pleased that you have chosen to
accept our offer of employment and know that this is the beginning of a mutually beneficial association.

The enclosed information is designed to serve as an introduction to sales department and provide
resources that will help you make a smooth transition into your new role.

The sales team is here to support your transition so, please know that you can call on any of us to assist
you. We are looking forward to you joining our team and your success at FANDA.

Yours sincerely,
John Tam
Human Resources Manager

                                                                                      58HR Forms | P a g e
HR Forms
5. Employment offer letter

Date: ___________

Ms. / Mr. _________________


Dear ________________,

With reference to your application and subsequent interview with us, we are pleased to offer you the
position of ___________________ in our organization at a company of USD. __________________
(Rupees ___________________ only).

We would expect you to join as early as possible but not later than _________, beyond which the offer
would stand withdrawn, unless a new date is mutually agreed upon, by us in writing.

On the date of your joining, you may please bring along the following:

1. Proof of age
2. Copies of Educational Certificates
3. Copies of professional Certificates
4. Relieving certificate from the previous employer
5. Appointment letter of the previous employer and salary revision letters
6. Last pay slip received from the previous employer
7. 3 Passport Size photographs
8. An updated Curriculum Vita
9. Form 16 (TDS certificate)

This Offer of Employment is subject to receipt of satisfactory references.

This Letter of Offer is being sent in duplicate. Kindly sign the copy as a token of your acceptance of the
offer and return us the same.

For, Company Name

Name: Employee Name

6. Employment agreement checklist

This checklist is used to negotiate employment agreements between employer and employee.

                                                                                      59HR Forms | P a g e
HR Forms
1. Job description and specification

• What is the title of the employee’s job?
• Is employee guaranteed a seat on the board of directors while an employee?
• Where is the place of employment? What are the regular working hours?
• Can employee be relocated unilaterally to another city, or only with the employee’s consent?
• Is the employee allowed to be involved in other activities (e.g., a directorship on other boards,
involvement in community activities)?
• What are the employee’s responsibilities?
• Can the employee be demoted? Can employee’s responsibilities be substantially modified, decreased,
or increased?

2. Wage and Salary

• What is the base salary? What about overtime? What about commissions?
• Does the salary go up each year by a designated amount or by cost of living increases?
• Are there designated times for performance reviews?
• When is it payable?

3. Benefits

• Will the employee participate in all benefit plans of the company?
• Which of these plans should be in place for the employee? Are all of the payments for the benefits the
responsibility of the company? such as:

- Health and medical (including spouse and dependent coverage)
- Educational reimbursement
- executive financial counseling
- Disability
- 401(k)
- Pension
- Cafeteria plan
- Life insurance
- Stock option/stock grant
- Dental, vision
- Professional liability insurance

• Any special loans or forgiveness arrangements?
• Are some of the benefits taxable to the employee? Should employee be reimbursed for the tax?
• How much vacation per year is employee entitled? Does unused vacation continue to accrue for the
benefit of employee and payable on termination of employment?
• Is there a designated sick pay policy?

4. Bonus

• Are there bonuses to be tied to objective performance standards?
• Are target bonus levels or minimum bonuses to be established?

                                                                                    60HR Forms | P a g e
HR Forms
• Does employee get a signing bonus?
• Is employee entitled to a guaranteed bonus?

5. Reimbursement of expenses

• Are moving expenses to be reimbursed?
• Is there a relocation package available for employee (e.g., the company purchasing employee’s house
on a move?)
• Will the employee’s business expenses be reimbursed promptly?
• Is there a car or car allowance, cellular phone provided, or other such amenities?

6. Stock option grants

• Does the option exercise period terminate 90 days after termination of employment or can it be longer?
• Are the shares obtained upon exercise of an option subject to repurchase on termination of
employment? If so, at what price? (From the employee’s perspective, repurchase rights should not be
included or should be limited.)
• Are the shares obtained upon exercise of an option subject to a right of first refusal? If so, on what
• Is the option a tax advantaged incentive stock option?
• Does vesting of options accelerate on a change of control of the company? Or, on other events such as
termination of employment by the company without cause?
• Will employee get stock options?
• What percent of the company do the options represent? (Note: in venture capital backed privately held
companies, the usual price for common stock options is 1/10 of the price for the latest round of preferred
stock issuance.)
• What is the exercise price for the options?
• Are any options deemed automatically vested upon grant?
• How long will unvested options vest? Monthly? Yearly cliff vesting?
• How long is the option exercisable?

7. Stock grants

• Does vesting accelerate on a change of control of the company? Or, other event such as termination of
employment by the company without cause?
• Does employee have to pay anything for the grant?
• What tax will the employee have to pay for the grant? Will the company also pay employee an amount
to cover the tax?
• Does employee have a right of first refusal for future company stock issuances to avoid dilution?
• Will the employee be granted stock?
• Is this stock subject to vesting? What is the vesting period?
• Is this stock subject to repurchase rights or rights of first refusal?
• Should employee file a § 83(b) irc election?

8. Confidentiality restrictions

• If there are confidentiality restrictions on the employee, are the following excluded from the definition
of “confidential information”?:

                                                                                      61HR Forms | P a g e
HR Forms
• How long do the confidentiality restrictions last? Indefinitely? A set number of years after disclosure
to the employee?
• What restrictions have been imposed on the employee by the prior employer?
• The employee must be careful not to use or divulge confidential information of a prior employer – the
new employer will often want a covenant from the employee prohibiting such use or disclosure.

9. Invention assignment issues

• What is the scope of the company’s rights to the employee’s development of new inventions, trade
secrets, and ideas? Are these the company’s only if they specifically relate to company business and
developed during company time?
• Do the invention assignment provisions comply with the California labor code or other applicable law?

10. Term and termination

• How long is the employment term?
• What are the circumstances that the employee can be fired “for cause”, such as: Conviction of a felony
or any act involving moral turpitude; Commission of any act of theft, fraud, dishonesty or falsification of
an employment record; Material uncured breach of the employment agreement; Failure to perform
reasonable assigned duties; and/or Improper disclosure of the company’s confidential information; Loss
of licenses; Disability
• Avoid “for cause” definitions that give the company too much latitude for termination.
• Is employee entitled to severance pay on termination? How much?
• If the employee is terminated without cause, is it clear that employee will get all salary and benefits
that employee would otherwise have been entitled to for the remaining term of the agreement?
• If terminated without cause, is the company required to continue paying for benefits or cobra benefits
for some period of time?
• Is employee given the right to terminate at the employee’s discretion prior to the end of the term?
• Does the agreement get renewed automatically on a year-to-year basis unless the company gives the
employee notice of non-renewal at least 90 days in advance of the end of the term?
• Is the employment “at will”?
• What are the grounds, if any, on which employers can terminate?
• What are the terms, if any, for compensation in the event of early termination?

11. Liability protection for the employee

• Does the company’s articles of incorporation limit the liability of officers and directors to the
maximum extent permitted by law?
• Is there an indemnification agreement that protects the employee, covering: Indemnification protection
for claims; automatic advancement of legal expenses; Protection even if the employee is no longer
employed by the company? (Note statutory limitations on indemnification.)
• Does the company have directors’ & officers’ (“d&o”) insurance coverage? Is the company required to
maintain a minimum amount of such coverage?
• Do the company bylaws provide for indemnification protection for officers and employees?

12. Breach of agreement

                                                                                      62HR Forms | P a g e
HR Forms
• Is the company required to give notice to the employee of any alleged breaches of the agreement and
an opportunity to cure?

13. Disability and death

• What is a disability event?
• What happens on death? Can medical and other benefits continue for some period for the spouse and
• What happens on disability? Does the employee continue to receive salary and benefits?

14. Golden parachute

• What are the tax implications of the golden parachute payment? Will the company also gross up the
parachute payment to cover the tax?
• Will the company reimburse the employee’s expenses in connection with an IRS audit claiming
additional tax?
• In the event of a change of control of the company, is employee entitled to terminate employment and
receive a “golden parachute” payment (e.g., two or three times the yearly salary)?

15. Representations and warranties of the company

• Are there specific representations and warranties of the company that should be set forth (e.g.,
financial resources, venture capital backing)?
• Has employee been promised something orally that should be reflected in the employment agreement?

16. Post-employment limitations

• Are there limitations on the employee soliciting company employees? For what period?
• Is there a covenant not to compete after termination of employment?

17. Dispute resolution

• How are disputes to be resolved?
• Should arbitration be considered?
• In what city must disputes be brought if litigated or arbitrated?

18. Miscellaneous provisions

• Choice of law
• Integration clause
• Is the company prohibited from assigning the agreement?
• Is there an attorneys’ fees clause where the prevailing party in a dispute would be entitled to recoup its
attorneys’ fees incurred?

                                                                                       63HR Forms | P a g e
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Hr forms final

  • 1. 2011 HR Toolkit Forms Dr.ABDELRAHMAN NABIL Kelma HR Consultancy Group 9/11/2011
  • 2. HR Forms BRIEF INDEX OF HR FORMS Chapter 1: HR Planning Pages 2-5 Chapter 2: Job Analysis & Description Pages 6-26 Chapter 3: Recruitment & Selection Pages 27-52 Chapter 4: Employee Orientation & Socialization Pages 53-66 Chapter 5: Training & Development Pages 67-79 Chapter 6: Compensation & Benefits Pages 80-87 Chapter 7: Employee Satisfaction & Motivation Pages 88-110 Chapter 8: Performance Appraisal Pages 111-148 Chapter 9: Termination of Employee Page 149-158 1HR Forms | P a g e
  • 3. HR Forms Chapter 1 HR Planning 2HR Forms | P a g e
  • 4. HR Forms How to write a KSA? 1. What is KSA? KSA model includes elements of knowledge, skills and abilities. It is used for human resource department to review applicants. So that it is very important to create your KSA for job profile. 2. Process of writing KSA includes steps: Step 1: Review job advertisement • First, you should read KSA carefully. If you do not understand each KSA, you will not be able to write good responses. • Find out nature of job. It will help you identify key tasks as well as reasons of recruitment. • Identify list of task, duties, responsibility. Step 2: Write your KSA by fact With each task, you should answer questions: • How to do this task? • What are knowledge, skills, and abilities to perform this task? Step 3: Comparison • Make summary list of knowledge, skills, abilities to perform job. • Classify each element of knowledge into: importance / medium / not importance. And same for skills, abilities. • Comparison your competency and KSA requirements. • You must pay attention to important KSA. Step 4: Complete your KSA • Write your KSA. • Review your KSA before sending. Competency mapping What are competencies? Competencies are the human capabilities and work-related behaviors that provide a competitive advantage to an organization. 3HR Forms | P a g e
  • 5. HR Forms What is competency mapping? Competency Mapping is << a process of identifying key competencies for an organization and/or a job and incorporating those competencies throughout the various processes of the organization.>> Types of competencies • Knowledge: Information and understanding needed to fulfill the responsibilities. • Skills: Acquired ability or experience needed to fulfill the responsibilities. • Attitudes: Way of thinking or behaving needed to fulfill the responsibilities. • Aptitudes: Natural ability that prepares the person to fulfill the responsibilities. Methods of conducting competency mapping • In Basket Exercises • Stress Interviews • Structured Group Discussion • Psychometric Tests • Case Studies • Peer Coaching & Counseling Exercises • Focused Behavioral Event Interview • Presentation Vision / Strategy Speeches • Leaderless Group Exercises • Role Play • Business Games Types of competency 1. Employee core competencies Competency that relate to organization’s values, mission and strategy; these are competencies that reflect organizational core capabilities. Examples: Customer satisfaction; quality orientation or some “employee core competencies of 3M, Google…” 2. Managerial competency Competencies that relate to skills needed to perform managerial work and process; it deals with the interaction process either with individual or group of people. In typical organizations, managerial competencies will play greater emphasis as the position progresses within the organization. 3. Technical/Functional competency 4HR Forms | P a g e
  • 6. HR Forms <<Competencies that pertain to specific bodies of knowledge and skills required. It includes the abilities to use the procedures, techniques and knowledge of a specialized field. >> 4. Personal attribute Competencies that relate to inherent personal characteristics (e.g. motives, self-image, self-concept, etc.) and potentially affect work attitude and performance. Process of competency mapping Step 1: Identify customer value Activities of any organization have to result into economic value to the customer. Organizations are interested only in the products and services required by the customers. So that organizations have to define their outcomes. Step 2: Identify strategy and objectives • Understand business strategy and objective of organization. • What is objective behind doing competency mapping in organization? Step 3: Build business process Then organizations have to define their business process to enable them to deliver outcomes to customer requirements in a brief time at an economical cost without sacrificing quality. Step 4: Identify value of business process Then companies have to define the time, cost and quality standards of each task of the business process. Step 5: Job analysis We can use 18 method of job analysis to analyze jobs. Step 6: Identify competencies • Then define the competencies required for each task in terms of knowledge, skills and attitudes to complete the task within the quality standards defined. • Connect the competency mapping with your any of above mentioned system • Discuss with line managers about the project • Find out the competencies required to perform each Job • Rate the competencies according to importance to perform job 5HR Forms | P a g e
  • 7. HR Forms Chapter 2 Job Analysis & Description 6HR Forms | P a g e
  • 8. HR Forms Job analysis example It includes 6 types of question based on methods as follows: 1. Sample questions of critical incident technique It is a job analysis form that includes factors: • Context Questions • Behavior question 2. Job analysis interview questions sample/example It is a job analysis form that includes factors: • Job purpose: • Job duties • Job criteria / results • Records and Reports • Supervisor • Authority • Working instruments • Health and safety • Working conditions • Responsibilities • Knowledge • Skills/ Experience • Abilities required 3. Job analysis interview questions for management positions sample/example It is a job analysis form that includes factors: • Management by functions • Management by activities 4. Position analysis questionnaire sample/example It is a job analysis form that include includes 195 items of job elements includes six categories. These questions are designed base on Position Analysis Questionnaire model (PAQ model). 5. Functional job analysis questions sample/example This sample include questions designed base on FJA method. 6. Job Analysis Questionnaires sample/example 7HR Forms | P a g e
  • 9. HR Forms It is a job analysis form that include factors: • Physical demands. • Mental requirements. • Education: • Working experience • Problem solving • Decision making • Management responsibilities. • Contacts • Job complexity • Work environment • Skills and/or licensing/certification required • Employee info • Key tasks and responsibilities: Questions of critical incident technique 1. Contents of critical incident: • Context – in which the incident occurred • Behavior – exactly what the individual did that was effective or ineffective • Consequences – of the behavior and whether or not consequences were in the employee’s control 2. Sample questions of critical incident technique Context Questions • Tell me what you know about what happened. • Please think of what was happening when you were carrying out activity X. • Were any events particularly good or helpful to you. • Were any events particularly bad or unhelpful to you? • Ask participants to describe an event, what let up to it, and what happened as a result. • Incident context – What led up to the incident (background)? What was the situation? • Describe what led up to the situation. • What assumptions have I made about the client or problem or situation. • What were the circumstances surrounding the incident? What was the situation? • What will I do if I am faced with a similar situation in the future? Behavior question: • What exactly did the person do that was effective / ineffective? • Exactly what did the person do or not do that was • especially effective or ineffective? • What was the outcome or result of this action? 8HR Forms | P a g e
  • 10. HR Forms • Why was this action effective, or what more effective • action might have been expected? Consequence questions: • What was the outcome of the behavior? • What were the consequences of the behavior? Were the consequences due to the person’s behavior? • How long ago the incident happened; • What you observed being done, or not being done – the behavior; and • What resulted that led you to believe the action was effective or ineffective – the consequences. • You also will be asked to supply some descriptive information about the context in which the incident occurred • the circumstances leading up to the incident – the antecedents; Job analysis interview questions Job analysis interview questions include questions as follows: 1. Interview information • Name of Employee: • Job Title: • Job Analyst: • Department: • Date: 2. Job introduction • Describe: location of job and, if necessary or appropriate. 3. Job purpose: • What is the essence of work in your position? What is the job’s overall purpose? 4. Job duties • What are the main duties and responsibilities of your position? • Describe your duties in the following categories: daily duties, periodic duties, duties performed at irregular intervals • How long do they take? • How do you do them? • Are you performing duties not presently included in your job description? Describe. • Do you use special tools, equipment, or other sources of aid? If so, list the names of the principal tools, equipment, or sources of aid you use. 9HR Forms | P a g e
  • 11. HR Forms • Describe the frequency and degree to which you are engaged in such activities as: pushing, throwing, pulling, carrying, sitting, running, kneeling, crawling, reaching, climbing… 5. Job criteria / results • How would you define success in your work? • Have work standards been established (errors allowed, time taken for a particular task, etc.)? If so, what are they? • Describe the successful completion and/or end results of the job. 6. Records and Reports • What records or reports do you prepare as part of your job? • Who do you have to send these reports? 7. Supervisor • Who is your supervisor? • What kinds of questions or problems would you ordinarily refer to your supervisor? • Are the instructions you receive clear and consistent with your job description? 8. Authority • What is the level of authority vested in your position? • What is the level of accountability and to whom are you accountable? • What kinds of independent action were you allowed to taking? 9. Responsibilities • Are you responsible for any confidential material? If so, describe how you handle it. • Are you responsible for any money or things of monetary value? If so, describe how you handle it. 10. Compensation • Consider your level of productivity, and the skill level required to fulfill your responsibilities, do you think that you are: underpaid? Equational paid? Overpaid? 11. Knowledge • What special knowledge of specific work aids are needed for this position? • Describe the level, degree, and breadth of knowledge required in these areas or subjects. • Indicates the educational requirements for the job (not the educational background of the incumbent). • What level of education is required for your position? • What type of certification and licensing is required for your position? • Can you specify the training time needed to arrive at a level of competence on the job? • What sort of on the job training is needed for this position? 12. Skills/ Experience 10HR Forms | P a g e
  • 12. HR Forms • What activities must you perform with ease and precision? • What are the manual skills that are required to operate machines, vehicles, equipment, or to use tools? • Indicates the amount of experience needed to perform the job. • What level of experience and skills are required for your position? 13. Abilities required • What mathematical ability must you have? • What reasoning or problem solving ability must you have? • What interpersonal abilities are required? What supervisory or managing abilities are required? • What physical abilities such as strengths, coordination, a visually acuity must you have? 14. Working instruments • Describe briefly what machines, tools, equipment or work aids the incumbent works with on a regular basis. 15. Health and safety • What is the safety conditions related to this position? • Does your work present any type of hazardous or unusual working conditions? 16. Working conditions • Describe your working conditions. • Describe the frequency and degree to which you will encounter working conditions such as these: cramped quarters, moving objects, vibration, inadequate ventilation. Job analysis interview questions for management positions Job analysis interview questions for management positions include questions as follows: 1. Management scope: * How many staff do you supervise directly? ____ Indirectly? ____ * How many trainees do you supervise directly? Directly? ____ Indirectly? ____ 2. Management by functions 2.1 Professional functions: 2.2 Human resource functions: What is your power related to? 11HR Forms | P a g e
  • 13. HR Forms * Recruitment and selection * Training and development * Performance appraisal * Compensation and benefit 2.3 Accounting functions: * What is financial matter you have to manage? * What’s budget you have to manage? 2.4 Administration functions: * List asset/instruments you have to manage? 2.5 Document authority * What is document you are allowed to sign? 3. Management by activities Describe the activities that are part of your supervisory duties: * Work assignments * Instruction and training * Performance appraisal * Discipline * Grievance handling * Placement * Work flow * Program improvements * Developing new programs * Troubleshooting * Reports * Follow through * Other supervisory duties How to write a job description How to perform / conduct a job description? You should do 5 steps as follows for conducting / writing a person description. Step 1: Collect job information • Using methods of job analysis in order to collect job information. • Collect all written job description used. 12HR Forms | P a g e
  • 14. HR Forms • Analyze organization chart to identify job location. Step 2: Task analysis. • Identify and list the critical tasks that have to be carried out of job. • With each task, you should answer question: how to do this task and you will set up procedure, instructions. For each task, you should: - Are arranged in order of importance that indicate the weight, or value, of each duty; weight of a duty - Stress the responsibilities that duties entail and the results to be accomplished. - Indicate the tools and equipment used by the employee in performing the job. - Should comply with law by listing only the essential functions of the job to be performed. • Identify sub-task. • Identify elements of task: - Frequency with which they are carried out. - Chronological order - 0rder of importance - The main processes of management that are carried out. • Group related tasks should come under prescriptive headings to enable to a quick appreciation of the range of activities. Step 3: Identify key results area, performance criteria • What are results of each task? • What are performance criteria for each task? Step 4: Identify job specification and working condition You should use post “contents of person specification” at the end of this post to identify person specification. Step 5: Create a job description Based on above contents, you group them into category as tasks, duties, knowledge, skills… You also can refer to posts: contents of a job description and job description form as below in order to fulfill your job description. How to develop job descriptions? You can use “process method” (management by process) in ISO 9000 standard or job analysis methods in order to develop person description. It is not difficult to create a job description if you use job description form as below. 13HR Forms | P a g e
  • 15. HR Forms Job Description Format This is free sample job description form; you can convert it to work sheet in order to create your forms by yourself. I/ FORM OF JOB INFORMATION 1. Job title: 2. Job code: 3. Department: 4. Job location: 5. Manager / Supervisor’s title: 6. FLSA status (exempt or non-exempt). 7. Type of job: Regular, Temporary, Full-time, Part-time 8. Hours worked: ………. /wk. 9. Date revised of job description: 10. Purpose of the job: II/ FORM OF JOB DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1. List of main duties (include % time pent of each task) 2. List of responsibilities 3. List of employee empowerment: 4. Employee relations: (Internal, External) 5. Supervision: • Number of employee: • List of employee (job title, number of employee (same job title), job nature). 6. Key result areas 7. Standards of performance III/ FORM OF JOB SPECIFICATION 1. Knowledge 2. Skills 3. Experience 4. Abilities IV/ FORM OF WORKING CONDITIONS: 1. Environmental conditions 2. Job hazards / safety 3. Machine, tools and equipments _________________ __________________ ____________ Prepared by (print) Signature Date Here are some Different Practical Samples of Job Description forms for different Jobs: i. Job Description for the position of Assistant Vice President - Training 14HR Forms | P a g e
  • 16. HR Forms Job Description for the position of Assistant Vice President - Training Department Training Reporting to : First Vice President Training Required qualifications Essential Graduation Desired : Train The Trainer Certified, Green Belt Training Train The Trainer skills Knowledge of Instructional Design Knowledge of latest training tools & techniques eLearning Required work experience Total Relevant (BPO) Number of years 10 - 12 3 - 5+ Specific Industry BPO / ITES / Sales / Hospitality / Collections / Customer Service Required Attributes (Analytical skills, Communication skills, etc.) Essential Desired 1. Develop Talent 1. Ability to lead a team, motivate & retain 2. Communication skills 2. Public speaking / good presentation skills 3. Decision making ability 3. Ability to take risk 4. Collaborative approach 4. Networking skills - Global mindset 5. People management skills 5. Speed & energy 6. Solution oriented 6. Result oriented and open to change 7. Exposure to American Accent Training 8. Exposure to Customer Service Training. Job description Build a robust team - operationalize training - Meet/exceed customer expectations - build BCP/DRP - succession planning and focus on knowledge management ( documentation, compliance and audit) ii. Job information of compensation and benefits (C&B) manager 1. Job title: 2. Job Code: 15HR Forms | P a g e
  • 17. HR Forms 3. Department: 4. Report to: 5. Job purpose: Key tasks of compensation and benefits manager 1. To be a strong contributor to the development of new compensation strategies through creative input combined with data analysis and a deep understanding of the company’s future challenges (bonus plans, market position, salary range design, and pay mix analysis.). 2. Design & deliver Remuneration & Benefits strategies for the organization. 3. Implement a grading structure based on company methodology. 4. Work closely with HR to design and deliver retention plan/schemes. 5. Design and implement policies that support the rapid growth and expansion of the organization. 6. Custodian of job evaluation and performance management processes within the organization. 7. Identify and implement benefits that increase the quality of life for employees. 8. Participate in remuneration networks representing the company. 9. Coordinate and deploy performance management, annual salary reviews, bonus payout processes throughout the company. 10. Ensure that a culture of performance is rooted deep in the organization through the definition of guidelines and KPIs related to performance assessment and their translation at the time of salary and bonus review. 11. In cooperation with HR and Finance, establish budgeting guidelines for the different populations, countries and package components at the Group level (salary increases, allowances revision, bonus provisions). 12. Act as a recognized subject matter expert, advising HR and business managers. 13. Devise solutions for specific issues in countries or businesses, ensuring the respect of corporate philosophy on C&B while addressing the needs of the business (for example, inflation/devaluation approach, special adjustments.). 14. Actively involved in the deployment of the grading system. 15. Participate to the elaboration and deployment of the education program of HR, line managers, enhancing their C&B and performance management skills to support the growth of the company. 16. Contribute to the education of employees on C&B matters to improve employee satisfaction and retention. Job specification of compensation and benefits manager 1. 5-7 years strong experience in design and / or administration of C&B programs. 2. Excellent Networks in the industry/sector. 3. At least a bachelor's degree (preferably in HR). 4. Proven track record of delivering remuneration strategies. 5. Is an intellectually astute with strong drive for results. 6. Excellent communication skills and cross-group collaboration. 7. Excellent Command of English. 8. Planning, organizing and coordinating competencies. 9. Advanced IT skills. iii. Job information of Banker: 16HR Forms | P a g e
  • 18. HR Forms Function Location Netherlands Intercompany Mumbai – Mafatlal Chambers Job Reporting To Band 3 - Executive Deputy Team Leader PRINCIPAL RESPONSIBILITIES CRITICAL SKILLS REQUIRED 1. Overall responsible for service delivery 1. Strong interpersonal and influence (designated activities) management skills 2. Role will include, supporting NL Inter- 2. Good communication skills company process (against UK) - managing SLA requirements & metrics 3. Ability to work and communicate with people across organizational units 3. Responsible for implementing tools and 4. Ability to think strategically and translate methods as per internal ACES requirements strategy into action plans 4. Focus on stabilizing the process and 5. Strong analytical skills with an ability to problem meeting the customer expectation while solve with a win-win negotiation approach optimizing the cost. 6. Advanced knowledge of MS Office Applications 5. Implement productivity improvement 7. Excellent Customer facing skills and ability to methods/tools from time to time build rapport with clients. 6. Implement and monitor various 8. Knowledge of Customer’s Culture development initiatives identified for the domain 9. Excellent English written and communication skills 10. Knowledge of the derivatives industry is desirable CANDIDADATE SPECIFICATION 1. Preferably Graduate in Commerce/ Finance. CA Inter would be an added advantage 2. 3+ years of Post Qualification experience in investment banking/brokerage/ custodian banking 3. Previous experience in a BPO or Transaction processing business preferred. 4. Good Communication skills 5. Demonstrated Experience of handling large teams/ departments 6. Good interpersonal skills with excellent man-management capabilities. 17HR Forms | P a g e 7. Good analytical skills.
  • 19. HR Forms 8. Aptitude for understanding technology 9. Independent decision making iv. Organization Development Manager (Change Agent) (Continuous Improvement) Function: Training Title Org Development Manager Job Summary The Training manager is responsible for ensuring successful rollout and implementation of Organizational Development Initiatives in the L&D function. Responsible for the design, development, implementation, delivery and evaluation of OD training projects. Principal/Primary Financial Accountabilities • Defines budget requirements to meet training objectives; tracks training costs for the company. • Coordinates with local sites on all project specific updates and up training, tracking and reporting all training hours for all positions. • Maintain appropriate headcount and keep controllable costs to a minimum within the department. Performance • Effectively managing training by distributing workload appropriately, reviewing project materials and developing skills necessary for performance, and evaluating performance. • Oversees the development of instructional material in alignment with OD guidelines and performance objectives (training content outline, flowcharts, quality guidelines, student guides, facilitator guides, job aids, quality evaluation forms and other training and quality documentation). • Oversees communication and delivery of programs and measures effectiveness of delivery People • Ensures Intelenet's policies and procedures are administered honestly, consistently, and with sound judgment. • Takes ownership of the training taking a leadership role from conception to completion. • Builds a high-performing training team through recruiting, hiring, coaching, motivation, recognition, self-development and support of career development Scope/Impact • Defining the top talent management framework for the organization. • Drive the performance management culture; design the framework to ensure goal settings, review, consolidation, action planning and development planning. • Supporting Training Head in development of the entire leadership development program for the organization. Decision- Will be responsible for managing training delivery at the local sites at par with organizational making/ expectations. Has a high degree of autonomy in the role. Freedom to Act Knowledge and • Must have at least 2 years prior experience in Managing Organizational Development Skills Initiatives in another company. • Adapts strategies and solutions that are consistent with project goals and objectives, demonstrating critical thinking when making decisions and problem solving. 18HR Forms | P a g e
  • 20. HR Forms Education/ • Must be in a role similar to the one being managed with a minimum of 2 years experience in a Licenses/ OD delivery environment or related position must be from the BPO background. Experience • Comprehensive experience with all aspects of training (assessment, development, facilitation, analysis, etc.) • Minimum of 7 years of experience. Reports To Corporate Training Head (Direct Line-Implementation and Delivery), Site head (Dotted Line- Coordination at local level) Other Extensive travel will be required. Able to work in a 24x7 call center environment. Position is based in Mumbai Other Graduate Degree, MBA preferred v. Job Information for National Sales Manager Job Title: National Sales Head Reporting Authority: Director Location: Mumbai Job Function: Business Key responsibilities ��� Preparation of long term & short term business plan for revenue generation PAN India. ��� planning and development of aggressive and imaginative marketing strategies for the company, with a view to ensure market penetration, increase in market share and correct brand positioning. ��� identifying potential Clients base across India ��� pioneering the diversification project of the company for providing services among BTL advertising across the country. ��� inventing new business strategies followed by its execution for the growth of company. ��� Manage and mentor a team of KAM / BDM / Sales professionals Qualification criteria: ��� Graduate / Post graduate from a reputed University. ��� Experience in a reputed Advertising Agency or Media House ��� Should have handled large budget, national client accounts. Personality: ��� Self-driven, results-oriented with a positive outlook, and a clear focus on high quality and business profit. ��� A natural forward planner who critically assesses own performance. ��� Mature, credible, and comfortable in dealing with senior big company executives. ��� Reliable, tolerant, and determined. ��� Empathic communicator, able to see things from the other person's point of view. ��� Well-presented and businesslike. ��� Sufficiently mobile and flexible. ��� Keen for new experience, responsibility and accountability. ��� Able to get on with others and be a team-player. 19HR Forms | P a g e
  • 21. HR Forms vi. Staffing representative Common Duties and Responsibilities: • Participate in a variety of recruitment activities so that the organizations' recruitment process is efficient, effective and equitable. • Ensure that all open positions are closed as per the pre decided timelines • Prepare internal and external job advertisements, web postings, specifications for external recruitment agencies and other materials in accordance with the organization's recruitment standards and business needs so that potential job applicants have the information they need to decide whether, and how to, apply for a vacant position. • Respond to enquiries from candidates, managers and external recruitment agencies about the organizations' recruitment activities and about the status of job vacancies so that interested parties are kept informed without compromising the organizations' standards of privacy and confidentiality. • Contact candidates, arrange interview times and develop appropriate interview questions in collaboration with the hiring manager so that interviews are conducted efficiently and equitably. • Interview, test, rank, check references, select candidates and provide feedback to unsuccessful candidates based on the job's pre-established selection criteria and the organizations' recruitment policies. • Prepare job offer materials in accordance with the agreed job specifications so that successful candidates have all the information they need to decide whether to accept the position. • Represent the organization at job fairs and other recruitment venues so that potential candidates have an opportunity to learn about the organization and its recruitment activities. • Conduct employee orientation/induction and introductory training so that new employees are quickly integrated into the organization. Knowledge / Skills/Attitude • Minimum Qualifications: Degree or equivalent • Years of Experience: 2 to 3 • Focused and detail oriented • Timeline oriented • Stretch and learnability • Process oriented • Good communication skills – both written and verbal • God interpersonal skills vii. Job Description for Telecom Operation Designation: Sr. Engineer Telecom Operations Department: Information Technology 20HR Forms | P a g e
  • 22. HR Forms Work Experience: 3 or more years Job Profile: Managing the Telecom Infrastructure of Zenta at various sites Viz: Avaya ACD system, Nortel Passport, Nice Logger, CMS Troubleshoot tickets Create and Manage process requirements. Understand Business strategies. Implement new Projects. Launch new process. Attend weekly Conference calls with Clients ,Service providers, Vendors Render Remote support to Telecom department. Skill Set required: Diploma or degree Engineer in Telecommunications. Fluent in English. Good communication, Presentation skills. Understanding of business requirements related to BPO industry. Should be willing to work in shifts. Industry Certification IP telephony Experience on LAN/WAN technologies. Worked on Avaya CM 2.1 and above, CMS and Nice loggers Capable to give remote support manage remote sites viii. A.M./Mgr.-Information Security Position Name: A.M./Mgr.-Information Security Level: Manager/.Asst.Manager No of positions: 1 Experience level: Overall 3 - 7 years Education: Graduation / MCA Salary: 7- 9Lakhs Date needed to join: ASAP Shift: General Shift (9.30 A.M -6.30 P.M) But must be willing for night shift Description: 21HR Forms | P a g e
  • 23. HR Forms Coordinate - Information Security Training programs - Certification programs such as SAS 70, ISO 27001:2005 etc. - BCP / DR Plans - Record Management Coordination - Development of various Policies, Procedures and Guidelines in align with Security Standards and best practices - Internal and Client Audits to meet Legal and Regulatory requirement of Indian and other countries - To provide various daily, weekly, fortnightly, monthly, quarterly, half yearly and annual reports - Anti-virus controls (Trojan horses, worms, malicious code, and other network threats) - Monitor Logs and evaluate Firewall / Intrusion detection systems - Incident response and prevention best practices - To monitor activities relating to change control ESSENTIALS: - Hands on experience in ISO 27001:2005 implementations. - Good presentation skills with Power point to carry out various training programs. - Familiar with various network technologies and security products. - Configuration of network devices such as VPN and IDS solutions and firewalls. - Familiarity with risk analysis and mitigation methodology, security policy and procedure development, incident response, program, patch management and vulnerability management processes, security training and awareness - Development and implementation of security policies and procedures, and building security architecture - 3-7; years relevant experience in the areas of IT security / Network and Infrastructure - Graduate / Post graduate degree in Computer Science, Information Systems Administration, Computer Applications or related field. - Additional security certification like ISO 27001:2005 / Ethical Hacker / CISA / CISSP / CISM desirable. ******************** ix. Sales Manager 1. QUALIFICATIONS, EXPERIENCE & TRAINING a. University Graduate preferably with a postgraduate degree or diploma in Business Management. b. Exposure in sales preferably in retail sales in consumer durables or automobiles (Some experience in direct sales will be an advantage). c. Exposure in handling sales team with a large number of front line sales people reporting to him through junior supervisory and managerial staff. 22HR Forms | P a g e
  • 24. HR Forms d. Exposure to control administratively medium to large size automobile workshops & spare parts management. e. Working knowledge of branch accounting, general administration & branch HR related matters. f. Skills, experience & knowledge of modern business methods and controls. 2. LIMIT OF AUTHORITY a. Capital Expenditure: Limited only by resources, group policies from time to time & budgetary provision. b. Personnel: Should work in conjunction with respective divisional heads like Branch Head, GM (Sales), GM (Service), Head (Parts) and also to work closely with the HR manager. c. Operational: Authorized to operate the Branch to meet sales & service requirements and expectations within the budgeted norms. 3. MAIN PURPOSE OF JOB a. To ensure maximum efficiency and profitability of the Branch whilst giving a high level of customer satisfaction. b. To maximize sales potential of the assigned Branch, Maximize the bay utilization of the workshop at a level commensurate with budgetary profit requirements. c. To maximize Branch profitability through the sales of vehicles, accessories and other associated products like finance & insurance. d. To create and project and image both within the Branch and outside as a top class professional company with a total customer satisfaction as it’s main objective. e. To help and co-operate with the divisional heads in order to achieve the overall organizational objective. 4. RELATIONSHIP AND PERSONAL ACTIVITIES a. Directly responsible to: Branch Head/GM-Sales and heads of the respective divisions for functional and administrative responsibilities. b. Responsible for: Sales team (both functional & administrative) Team Leaders, Warehouse management, processing management. c. Relationship with: Vehicle manufacturer, banks and other financial institutions (with whom the organization will have business relation from time to time), professional organizations, other motor vehicle dealers, Suppliers, automobile associations, chamber of commerce as well as all departmental heads of the organizations in order to ensure smooth function of day to day business. 5. OBJECTIVES AND KEY RESULT AREAS 5.1 Improved Profitability: a. To ensure profitability targets are met on a regular basis from all the areas of operations like unit sales, accessories, finances, insurance, service & spare parts revenues. 23HR Forms | P a g e
  • 25. HR Forms b. To ensure the Branch attains net profit as detailed in the business plan and annual budget. c. To device a mechanism in order to continually monitor the financial situation on a daily/weekly basis to ensure on target performance and suggest effective course correction to higher authority wherever and whenever necessary. d. To examine all accounts, operating controls and composite figures to initiate improvement. e. To ensure high level of contact with the banks and other financial institutions to ensure smooth and timely cash flow f. To maintain and increase market penetration to meet dealership objective. g. To improve stock turnover ratios, reduce stock holding value and increase sales to meet branch objective. h. Always be on the lookout for new and related business opportunities to add to the bottom-line as well as enhance branch’s brand image amongst prospective buyers. 5.2 Customer service and satisfaction: a. To maintain high level of customer satisfaction whilst maximizing profit. b. To improve the quality of customer service and retention by enhanced facilities and improved technical and soft skills resulting in lower cost of ownership and improved marketing methods. c. To ensure high standard of quality both in terms of hardware and software (Facilities and Human elements). d. To stay in constant touch with the customer relation department real time to find out any dissatisfied customer and take immediate action. e. To maintain a high level of relation with all corporate customers to ensure constant flow of profitable business and take care of all their problems irrespective of the source of the problem. 5.3 Staff related matters: a. To establish and agree staff requirement with GM-Sales and departmental heads. b. To analyze the training requirement for providing a satisfactory staff development program. c. To ensure training needs are met and accurate records are kept to maximize effectiveness. d. To ensure all new recruits have gone through our orientation and induction program before assigned to a particular job. e. To operate a quarterly appraisal system to discuss individual and branch performance level with key branch personnel and ensure action is taken on results. f. To maintain an excellent and professional relations with all in order to achieve a very healthy working environment. g. To constantly motivate all staff reporting to him and maintain an environment of healthy competitiveness in order to achieve better results. h. To always encourage people to be innovative in order to maintain a competitive edge over others. i. To ensure correct reporting system and compliance. j. To establish KRAs for all staff members under him. 5.4 Administration: 24HR Forms | P a g e
  • 26. HR Forms a. To ensure that the Branch is operated within the law. b. To review from time to time all departmental activities and reporting systems. c. To ensure that adequate safety and security measures have been installed to meet municipal requirements. d. To strictly adhere to systems, procedures, credit policies, discount structure laid by the company from time to time. 5.5 Communication: a. To maintain good liaison with directors and managers. b. To submit the day end, weekend & month end reports to the management in timely manner which should reflect the current sales/service situation vis-à-vis sales plan, shortfall if any, corrective action plan to make up the short fall, future projection, major achievements, lost opportunities etc. c. To ensure direct liaison with manufacturers, professional bodies, suppliers statutory representatives, corporate customers and all other contacts. d. To always maintain a healthy line of communication with all staff members. e. To maintain professional relation with the Honda co-dealers and to stay in touch with them and co-operate wherever possible. 5.6 Marketing: a. To plan and oversee the execution of local area promotional activities in both sales and service. To agree plan with respective divisional head. b. To instigate research into customer satisfaction and requirements for improvement. c. To device strategies for effective and real time market intelligence in order to stay ahead of competition. d. To come out with innovative and cost effective marketing ideas in order to stay always on top. e. To ensure approval has been taken before any campaign is initiated from competent authority and respective departmental head. f. To inform management any significant development in the market in terms of new launches, new campaign by competition or any other relevant matter which is significant and important in nature. g. To constantly be on the lookout for new business avenues and opportunities to increase market share both in sales and service. 5.7 Finance: a. To keep the financial aspects of the business under constant review. b. To highlight all sales discounts, fleet discount and suggest necessary action to higher management whenever change is necessary. c. Collection of payment from customers should be on time as per the policy laid down by the management and outstanding amount should always be kept under control. 25HR Forms | P a g e
  • 27. HR Forms d. Credit sales should be avoided as far as possible and extension of credit to any customer should only be done with prior management approval. e. To negotiate constantly with the banks and other financial institutions in order to derive maximum benefit for the organization as well as the customers. 5.8 Cost control: a. To maintain effective control of expenses in line with budget objective. b. To carry out monthly examinations of all expenses and look for saving potentials. c. To ensure maximum cost effective stock turnover ratio. d. To examine weekly/monthly debtor situation and effectiveness of credit control procedure. 26HR Forms | P a g e
  • 28. HR Forms Chapter 3 Recruitment & Selection 27HR Forms | P a g e
  • 29. HR Forms Recruitment APPLICATION FORM I / CANDIDATE INFORMATION: 1. Position applied: _____________________________________ 2. Name: ______________________________________ 3. Email: ______________________________________________ 4. Present Address ______________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 5. Permanent Address ___________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 6. Date of Birth: _________________________________________ 7. Sex: Male / Female_____________________________________ 8. Marital Status: ________________________________________ 9. Date of Marriage: ______________________________________ 10. Number of Children: ____________________________________ 11. Age of Children: _______________________________________ 12. Family Background You design a table with columns: member, occupation, address, phone. II/ EDUCATION 1. Language Spoken: (State Mother Tongue First) You design a table with columns: Language, Spoken, Written, Both. And rating scales can be Native, Fluent, Fair, Poor. 2. Academic Details:- You design a table with columns: Course Main Subjects, Year of Passing, % of Marks Obtained, Name of School / College / Institution (Along with University). III/ EXPERIENCE 1. Work Experience Summary: You design a table with columns: Company Name, Designation, Duration, Reason for Leaving. 2. Current Job Details:- a) Company Name ____________________________________ b) Current Designation ____________________________________ c) Date of Joining ____________________________________ d) Current Salary (All Inclusive package) ______________________ e) Expected salary (All inclusive package) _____________________ f) Job Responsibilities ____________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 28HR Forms | P a g e
  • 30. HR Forms 3. New Job:- a) Do you have any experience in the XXXXXXX Industry? If yes, please specify the Industry ________________________________________________ Position _________________________________________________ Tenure. _________________________________________________ b) what kind of growth are you looking for yourself in the next 3 years? ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 4. What do you feel is your major accomplishment? Give reason in support of your claims ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 5. Other Details: a) Have you ever been convicted? ________________________ b) Do you have any political Involvement? __________________ c) Does any family relative have political involvement? ________ d) Do you have any relatives employed overseas ____________ e) Family Business / Service? ___________ if yes, give details _________________ ________________________________________________________ IV / GENERAL INFO 1. What are your strengths? ——- ——- 2. What are your weaknesses? ——- ——- 3. What are your hobbies? ——- ——- 4. Have you applied to **************** before? YES / NO If YES, when_____________________________________________ In what Capacity: _________________________________________ Final Outcome ____________________________________________ a) Do you wish to relocate? ______________________________ b) How may days’ time would you require to attend a personal interview in Mumbai ________ c) What is your notice period before you can join? ___________ 5. List Three References (other than relatives) You design a table with columns:, Name, Official Designation, Address & Phone No, Period for which he knows you, Capacity in which he knows V/ DECLARATION 29HR Forms | P a g e
  • 31. HR Forms I hereby declare that the information furnished above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. In case any false statement is made by me, Company would have the right to terminate my services at any time. DATE: ____________ PLACE: _____________ Signature: ____________ Pre-Employment Checklist Date: Applicant: __________________________________________________________ Position: ___________________________________________________________ References Requested: Date Received: ____________________ ______________ ____________________ ______________ ____________________ ______________ Interviewed By: Approved By: ____________________ ______________ ____________________ ______________ ____________________ ______________ Education verified: _________________________________________________ Licensure of certification verified: ________________________________ Bonding Company approval: ___________________________________________ Starting Salary $ Fringe Benefits [List]: Effective starting date: Recruitment request form 1. General information of recruitment request You should design a table with columns and rows as follows: • From • Name 30HR Forms | P a g e
  • 32. HR Forms • Department • Date: 2. Recruitment request form You should design a table with columns as follows: • No • Designation • No. Of Requirements • Qualification • Skill Sets • Years of Experience • Date of Joining • Period of Requirement • Salary Range • Project to handle Expected 3. Remarks: Please attach job description and job specification for each position. Signatures Manpower requisition form This form is applied for recruitment/hiring process. From: Department: Position: Date: You should design a table with column as follows: 1. No 2. Designation 3. No. of Requirements 4. Qualification 5. Skill Sets 6. Years of Experience 7. Project to handle 8. Expected Date of Joining 9. Period of Requirement 10. Salary Range 31HR Forms | P a g e
  • 33. HR Forms Department head Signature HR signature (Please attach Job Specification and Job Requirement) Appointment Letter Format Company Name / Logo Company Address Dear Sir / Madam, Dated............................. Name: _____________________________ Father’s Name: _______________________ Address: ______________________________ This has reference to your application dated__________________and the subsequent Interview / test which you had with us. We are pleased to appoint you as_________________ (Designation) as per the following terms & conditions. 1. That your appointment as ___________________________________is affected form the date of issuance of this letter. 2. Your appointment is on probation. The initial period of probation is 3 months, which will automatically be extended up to a period of 6 month. Unless so confirmed in writing. During the period of probation or extended any period of probation your services can be conformed form the date orders are communicated in writing confirming your service. 3. That you will be paid a salary of Rs.__________________ in consolidation. You will not be eligible for any other allowance or benefit except as stated above. 4. That you headquarter for present is at but it can be changed to such other place that may be decided by the management & communication to you. Thus your head quarter is likely to be changed. 5. That you will be eligible for leave & other benefit as per service rule of the company as in vogue or altered from time to time. The company has right to amend the rule, which shall be applicable to you. 32HR Forms | P a g e
  • 34. HR Forms 6. You duties will include for efficient, satisfactory and economical operation in the area of responsibility that may be assigned to you from time to time. As an employee of the firm you will maintain a high standard of loyalty, efficiency, integrity, and secrecy and will liaison with employees working under your supervision or your colleagues and will be responsible for execution of the decision taken by the management from time to time. 7. You will devote your whole time and attention to the interest of the any company/ firm/ establishment will not engage yourself in any other either paid or in honorary capacity without written permission. 8. In case there is any change in your residential address, you will intimate the same in writing to the personal department/manager within three days from the date of such change and get such change of address recorded 9. If by your conduct & performance, you will render yourself incompetent to perform the duties or you became dishonest, intemperate, irregular in attendance , negligence to work, disobedient & or commit any misconduct or any breach of condition of employment then you render yourself liable for dismissal without any notice or compensation. Apart from this you shall make good the loss, if any arise out of your act. If the above terms and conditions are acceptable to you please sign the carbon copy in taken of its acceptance and return the same for our record. For Authorized / Competent official Declaration by the Employee I accept the offer and the terms and conditions mentioned in the aforesaid letter. Signature of the Employee Date:- Human Resources Recruitment & Selection – Interview Agreement APPLICANT DETAILS: (name) 1 33HR Forms | P a g e
  • 35. HR Forms 2 POSITION: 3 SECTION: 4 VAC REF NO: DATE: 5 PANEL MEMBERS: 6 7 INSTRUCTIONS: SECTION 1 & 2 - MUST BE COMPLETED ON ALL APPLICANTS INTERVIEWED (Completion of Section 1 by providing a consensus rating of each applicant against the selection criteria may assist panels in formulating comments on each applicant required for Section 2) SECTION 1 - INTERVIEW CONSENSUS RATINGS All panel members to contribute to the justification of the rating between 1 - 5 based on thorough discussion of the merit of each applicant against the selection criteria. A minority report may be lodged if consensus cannot be reached. May be used to assist in consolidating panels' comments for Section 2. *Please use WHOLE NUMBERS only in your final consensus ratings (i.e. the use of + or –, or fractions [e.g. 0.5] is not permitted) ESSENTIAL SELECTION CRITERIA INTERVIEWED APPLICANT RATINGS (by consensus) Skills, abilities, knowledge, experience, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 qualifications which are minimum requirements for effective job performance. 34HR Forms | P a g e
  • 36. HR Forms DESIRABLE SELECTION CRITERIA Skills etc which would improve job performance but are not essential for appointment RANK ORDER OF APPLICANTS* SECTION 2 - CONSENSUS SUMMARY REPORT This section seeks a summary report on each applicant against the selection criteria. Focus on each applicant's demonstrated capacity to meet the essential selection criteria for this position. In some instances it may be appropriate to address desirable criteria also (where there is a close field). Such comments will be used as part justification for a recommendation (together with information obtained in the application and referee reports), for feedback to unsuccessful applicants, immigration and other matters as required. APPLICANT NO 1 Appointable Yes / No Rank Position* 35HR Forms | P a g e
  • 37. HR Forms APPLICANT NO 2 Appointable Yes / No Rank Position* APPLICANT NO 3 Appointable Yes / No Rank Position* APPLICANT NO 4 Appointable Yes / No Rank Position* APPLICANT NO 5 Appointable Yes / No Rank Position* APPLICANT NO 6 Appointable Yes / No Rank Position* Appointable Yes / No Rank APPLICANT NO 7 Position* In determining rank order applicants who meet all (or a high proportion) of the essential criteria should be ranked higher than those who meet a proportionately higher number of 'desirable' criteria. Comments: 36HR Forms | P a g e
  • 38. HR Forms SECTION 1 and SECTION 2 VERIFICATION PANEL MEMBERS' SIGNATURES: ____________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ DATE: _____/_____/_____ Attach this report to Recommendation to Appoint and other documentation. Human Resources Recommendation to Appoint VACANCY DETAILS Vacancy Reference Number : Position Title: Faculty/Section: 37HR Forms | P a g e
  • 39. NAME OF APPLICANT/S RECOMMENDED FOR APPOINTMENT HR Forms 1. 2. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPOINTMENT Professional Employees Academic Employees USQ USQ Level: Level: Step: Step: Continuing Fixed Term Continuing Fixed Term Probationary Durati yea Probationary Period: Durati years Period: on: rs on: months Expiry ___/___/_ months/y Expiry ___/___/___ Date: __ ears Date: Probationary Period: Probationary Period: months months Start / / Start / / Date: Date: Supervisin Supervisin g Position g Position Title: Title: Other Other Condition Condition s: s: 38HR Forms | P a g e
  • 40. HR Forms Charge to: Charge to: Dept. ID Program Dept. ID Program Project (if req) Project (if req) SELECTION PANEL MEMBERS Co-ordinator: Non-Faculty/Section Member: Other Members: NAME OF APPLICANTS INTERVIEWED Please tick if unsuccessful notification is not to be sent until successful applicant accepts offer of appointment. SIGNATURES Panel Members: 39HR Forms | P a g e
  • 41. HR Forms Recommending Delegate: (if appropriate) / / Approving Delegate: / / ATTACHMENTS Position Description Recommended Applicant’s Full Application Interview Consensus Summary Referee Reports on Recommended Applicant ADDITIONAL INFORMATION if required (e.g. outlining developmental plans for probationary period, reasons for waiving or shortening probationary period etc.) 40HR Forms | P a g e
  • 42. HR Forms NOTES All information provided is to remain confidential until the outcome of an offer made by the Executive Director, Human Resources is known Details outlined on this form must be in accordance with Human Resources Policy and Procedure Recruitment and Selection Satisfactory referees’ reports on the nominee must be obtained and attached. A minimum of two referee checks must be obtained for all advertised positions. In accordance with Human Resources Policy and Procedure Probationary Appointment, “the Vice- Chancellor approves any shortening or waiving of a r probationary period for” In such instances, please complete the “Additional Information” section above This form is to be forwarded to your HR Client Service team once completed (including all relevant signatures) and including attachments 41HR Forms | P a g e
  • 43. HR Forms Selection Forms Interview forms i. Interview assessment form ii. Interview questions form iii. Job interview form iv. Candidate interview form v. 2nd interview invitation letter vi. Interview invitation letter vii. Interview appraisal form i. Interview assessment form 1. Candidate info: • Candidate name: • Sex: • Birth of date: • Apply to position: • Date of interview: • Interviewers: 2. Rating scales: • Poor • Fair • Average • Good • Superior 3. Interview appraisal factors: Education & Experience • Basic Qualifications • Other Relevant Courses • Years of Experience • Relevance of Experience Job Knowledge & Skills • Functional Knowledge • Thoroughness 42HR Forms | P a g e
  • 44. HR Forms • General Knowledge • Computer Skills Personal Attributes • Personal Appearance • Confidence & Assertiveness • Team Spirit • Analytical Ability • Creativeness Maturity • Emotional Stability • General Attitude • Diplomacy/Tactfulness Communication • Ability to Logically Organize Thoughts • Ability to Express Ideas • English Language Skills • Arabic Language Skills 4. Overall rating: • Outstanding • Very Good • Good • Satisfactory • Unsatisfactory 5. General Observations: Joining Potential: Strong/Weak ________________ Expected Salary ______________ Previous Salary _____________ Offered Salary _________________ Interview Committee: 1. _____________, 2.______________, 3.____________________ Signature: 1._________________ 2.___________________3.______________________ Final Assessment. HR: Concerned Dept.: 43HR Forms | P a g e
  • 45. HR Forms ii. INTERVIEW QUESTIONS FORM 1. Candidate info: • Candidate name: • Sex: • Birth of date: • Apply to position: • Date of interview: • Interviewers: 2. Rating scales: • Poor • Fair • Average • Good • Superior 3. Interview appraisal factors: • Qualification (s) • Job knowledge • Experience Profile & Consistency in jobs • Personality (Appearance, Dress, Manners) • Awareness about technical Dynamics. • Interpersonal skills / team spirit. • Attitude towards tasks, people and technology. • Confidence level (Positive mental attitude) • Age Group suitability • Communication skills • Business Orientation • Analytical skills, logical reasoning • Clarity of thoughts • Maturity • Achievement Orientation. • Conceptual Clarity • Openness Of Mind • Leadership Ability / Proactive ness • Personal Profile • Careers Plan 4. Overall rating: • Outstanding • Very Good 44HR Forms | P a g e
  • 46. HR Forms • Good • Satisfactory • Unsatisfactory 5. General Observations: Joining Potential: Strong/Weak ________________ Expected Salary ______________ Previous Salary _____________ Offered Salary _________________ Interview Committee: 1. _____________,2.______________, 3.____________________ Signature: 1._________________ 2.___________________3.______________________ Final Assessment. HR: Concerned Dept.: iii. Job interview form 1. Candidate info: • Candidate name: • Sex: • Birth of date: • Apply to position: • Date of interview: • Interviewers: 2. Rating scales: • Poor • Fair • Average • Good • Superior 3. Appraisal factors: • APPEARANCE: Bearing and poise, neatness, physical fitness, dress mannerisms • EDUCATION 45HR Forms | P a g e
  • 47. HR Forms • EXPERIENCE Specific to the position being considered for • KNOWLEDGE Of the product or field • PERSONALITY Mature, sincere, courteous, likeable, enthusiastic, self-confident, introvert/ extrovert, loner/ team worker, at ease and friendly, ability to pick up the ball and carry it • ABILITY TO EXPRESS SELF: Clear and pleasing voice, expresses himself forcefully and clearly, uses hands, face and voice to add meaning to what he says • MENTAL ABILITY: Alertness, logic, perception, judgment, organization of thoughts, comprehends what you are trying to say, asks good questions, he structures answers to your questions • LEADERSHIP: Ambition, high energy level, initiative, decisiveness, record of accomplishment, plans for the future and has objectives, self – reliant • INTERESTS: Has breath of curiosity and information, good general knowledge, technical knowledge of a general character, social cultural and political • ATTITUDE: Willingness to learn and to work, co- operation, positive outlook on life, enthusiastic about his future, regard for former employers iv. Candidate interview evaluation form 1. Candidate info: • Candidate name: • Sex: • Birth of date: • Apply to position: • Date of interview: • Interviewers: 2. Rating scales: • Poor • Fair • Average • Good • Superior 3. Appraisal factors: 3.1 Appearance 46HR Forms | P a g e
  • 48. HR Forms • Dress • Grooming • Body Language • Eye Contact 3.2 Characteristics • Assertive • Achievement-oriented • Cooperative • Responsible • Outgoing • Open • Dedicated • Poise • Maturity • Professional • Verbal/persuasive • Ability to learn 3.3 Goals/perception of self • Realistic appraisal of self • Reason for interest in field • Realistic career goals 3.4 Qualifications • Education/training • Accomplishments • Skills • Relevant experience • Potential 3.5 Decision making/problem solving • Creativity • Logic 3.6 Reasons for selecting particular organization • Commitment • Knowledge of organization • Knowledge of industry 3.7 Job expectations • Realistic • Match employer’s needs 3.8 Long term objectives Realistic Potential to grow 47HR Forms | P a g e
  • 49. HR Forms 3.9 Overall evaluation 3.10 Additional comments: Signature: Interviewer 1 ——————Interviewer 2: v. 1st Interview invitation letter Date Name of Applicant Address City – State Sub: interview Invitation for position of ………… Dear Name of Applicant, Thank you for submitting an application form for the above post. I am delighted to invite you to attend on interviewing you for the position of sales manager. This letter confirms the phone conversation in which we scheduled your interview on………. The interview will consist of contents as follows: + Interview time: + Types of interview If you have any questions, please call me at……….. Sincerely yours, John Tan HR coordinator vi. 2nd interview invitation letter sample [Date] Dear [Name] Re: Vacancy for [position title] First of all, we thank you for your application for the above position. 48HR Forms | P a g e
  • 50. HR Forms We would like to inform you that you pass 1st round interview. We are grateful if you could attend an 2nd interview: At [Address]. On [Date]. At [Time]. The interview will be with [name and job title of interviewer(s)]. The interview is scheduled to last approximately [state duration] and will take the form of [short description of format of interview such as panel, group interview…]. Please can you bring along the following documentation to the interview: 1. 2. 3…. Please contact [name of contact] on [telephone number] to confirm your attendance at the interview. If you have a any questions to assist you at the interview, please let [me/name of contact] know. A map showing the location of the interview venue is included. We are looking forward to meeting you. Yours sincerely John Tan HR manager vii. INTERVIEW APPRAISAL FORM 1. Candidate details • Candidate name • Post Applied for • Date • Line Manager 2. Appraisal You should design a table which includes columns such as No, Contents of appraisal, HR Manager, Line Manager. Contents of appraisal: 49HR Forms | P a g e
  • 51. HR Forms • Attitude • Knowledge • Communication • Experience • Loyalty Expectation • Present ability • Initiative • Team Spirit Rating scales: (1-Poor, 2-Average, 3- Good, 4-V.Good, 5-Excellent) 3. Remarks: a> Strengths ….. …. b> Weakness …. …. Signature…………………………..HR Manager……………Line Manager……………Director Sample interview questions It includes types of question as follows: 1. Phone interview questions Phone interview i a method to interview candidate by telephone. You have a little time to conduct it so that you should just ask question about candidate’s basic job requirements. 2. Situational interview questions In situational interviewing, job-seekers are asked to respond to a specific situation they may face on the job, and some aspects of it are similar to behavioral interviews. This type of interview is most often used with college graduates who do not have as much past work experience. 3. Behavioral interview questions In behavioral interviews, candidates are asked to explain their skills, experience, activities etc – as examples of your past behavior. 50HR Forms | P a g e
  • 52. HR Forms It includes interview questions about knowledge, experience, soft skills, management skills, abilities … of candidates. 4. Stress interview questions The stress interview is designed to find applicants who can handle stress, and handle it well. 5. Tough / difficult Interview questions It include 51 Tough / difficult interview questions about last job, competencies, new job etc. Here is an example of difficult interview questions about Last Job & candidates their self. I. Difficult interview questions of last job 1. What do you think of your last boss? 2. What is the riskiest thing you have ever done? 3. Why are you leaving/did you leave your last position? 4. What do you think of your previous manager? 5. If you could change one thing about your last job, what would it be? 6. Why you had so many jobs in such a short period of time? 7. Tell me 3 good things and 3 bad things in your last company? II. Difficult interview questions of candidates their self 1. How many hours a day/week do you need to work to get the job done? 2. If you stayed with your current company, what would be your next move? 3. How do you measure success? 4. Describe a job that would be your worst nightmare? 5. Where do you see yourself in ten years? 6. What is your long-range objective? 7. How do you balance life and work? 8. What is your favorite book? How about your favorite movie? 9. What did you do during this six month gap in employment? 10. What do you feel this position should pay? 6. Interview questions from companies • Microsoft interview questions (Check over the internet) • Google interview questions 7. Common interview questions It includes questions as follows: 51HR Forms | P a g e
  • 53. HR Forms • 60 Common interview questions • 36 Good interview questions • Illegal interview questions • Top interview questions 8. Interview questions by departments • HR interview questions • Training manager interview questions • Secretary interview questions • Administrative assistant interview questions • Sales interview questions • Marketing interview questions • Accounting interview questions • Finance interview questions • CEO interview questions • Production interview questions • Quality interview questions • Project interview questions • Purchasing interview questions • Health care interview questions • IT interview questions 52HR Forms | P a g e
  • 54. HR Forms Chapter 4 Employee Orientation & Socialization 53HR Forms | P a g e
  • 55. HR Forms Hiring forms You can refer more information about Hiring forms by topics as follows: 1. Job offer letter 2. Appointment letter 3. New hire integration feedback form 4. Confirmation of employment letter 5. New employee introduction letter 6. Welcome New Employee Letter 7. Probation extension letter 8. Employment rejection letter 9. 90 days evaluation form 10. Employment offer letter 11. Employment agreement checklist 12. Employee drug testing agreement 1. Samples / examples job offer letter Anpha corporation 123 Ani St – Dapot Phone 23245-0989-123 March 12, 2008 Jimmy Tan 12 VMP St New De City, 12342 Dear Jimmy Tan JOB OFFER ANPHA CORP is pleased to offer you the position of Marketing Director for our organization. We are excited about the potential that you bring to our company. 1. Job content As we discussed during your interviews, you will be working in our office at………, where our marketing departments are located. You will report directly to the Vice-President of sales and marketing and be a member of our Executive Management Team. 2. Compensation and benefits 54HR Forms | P a g e
  • 56. HR Forms Should you accept this job offer, per company policy you’ll be eligible to receive the following beginning on your hire date. Salary: Annual gross starting salary of $123,500, paid in biweekly installments by your choice of check or direct deposit Benefits: Standard, ANPHA-provided benefits for salaried-exempt employees, including the following • 401(k) retirement account • Health, dental, life and disability insurance • Profit sharing • Sick leave • Vacation and personal days • Annual stock options • Child daycare assistance • Education assistance 3. Process of joining To accept this job offer: • Sign and date this job offer letter where indicated below. • Mail all pages of the signed and dated documents listed above back to us in the enclosed business- reply envelope, to arrive by Monday, Oct 12, 2008. • Attend new-hire orientation on Friday, Oct 16, 200x, beginning at 8:00 AM. To decline this job offer: • Sign and date this job offer letter where indicated below. • Mail all pages of this job offer letter back to us in the enclosed business-reply envelope, to arrive by Monday, Oct 12, 2008. We look forward to your arrival at our company and are confident that you will play a key role in our company’s expansion into national and international markets. Please let me know if you have any questions or if I can do anything to make your arrival easier. Sincerely, [Signature] John HR Coordinator, Human Resources Accept Job Offer Signature: _________________________________ Date:_____________ Decline Job Offer 55HR Forms | P a g e
  • 57. HR Forms Signature: _________________________________ Date:_____________ 2. SAMPLES / EXAMPLES APPOINTMENT LETTER Name Address: City Dear Mr. Name. Sub: Letter of Appointment On the basis of interview held we are pleased to offer your services on our Company in the following terms. 1. Job information • Position • Probation time • Hours of work 2. Compensations and benefits • Salary: • Leave: 12 days for casual Leave; 12 days Sick Leave per year • Break 3. General conditions • During the probation period, the company may terminate your services without notice if your performance is not up to our expectations or for any other reason. • You will be governed by the service rules of this company as may be applicable to you from time to time. • The company reserves the right to alter or modify its working hours or to increase them. • This is a position of continuous responsibility and does not entail payment of extra time or overtime. • All programs, System Designs, Manuals, Literature etc. developed by you, while in the company service will at all times be deemed to be sole property of the company. Also, the company will at all times, have the sole proprietary right in any new system which you may develop while in the company’s service. • During the period of your employment, you will work honestly, faithfully, diligently and efficiently for the growth of the company. You are expected to maintain utmost secrecy in regard to the affairs of the company and shall keep confidential any 56HR Forms | P a g e
  • 58. HR Forms • Your appointment will be subject to being medically fit at the commencement of and at any time during the tenure of your employment with the company; the company has a right at all times to send you for a medical checkup to ascertain your fitness for the job. We welcome you to our organization and look forward to your contribution to the growth of the organization and yourself. Sincerely, Name of the company. Name CEO 3. NEW HIRE INTEGRATION FEEDBACK FORM Dear Mr/Mrs……………. This form is intended to improve the over on boarding process and your feedback is important for us. Thanks for your cooperation. I/ Rating scales 1. 0 = not applicable 2. 1 = Completely Disagree 3. 2 = Somewhat Disagree 4. 3 = Somewhat Agree 5. 4 = Completely Agree II/ Feedback questions 1. My Recruiting Process was well scheduled and arranged. 2. I found the information and learning provided during the orientation training sessions relevant in helping me integrate better within……….. 3. Guest House accommodation provided a comfortable stay for me. 4. I am satisfied with my overall experience with the following teams: • Recruiting • Transport • IT (Computers, NT Login) • Finance • Training & Development • Guest House Accommodation 57HR Forms | P a g e
  • 59. HR Forms 5. I was given a useful ramp up for the project to help me learn fast. 6. I found the orientation program comprehensive and useful? 7. I found induction kit was useful. What can we do better as a team to improve your on boarding experience? Other remarks: For company Jimmy HR Manager 4. Sample / Example Welcome New Employee Letter New employee name Address: City Mr/Mrs Department FANDA CORP Address Phone: Sub: Welcome New Employee Dear Mr John, Welcome to FANDA CORP and sales department. I am delighted you are joining us as corporate sales manager. I am very pleased that you have chosen to accept our offer of employment and know that this is the beginning of a mutually beneficial association. The enclosed information is designed to serve as an introduction to sales department and provide resources that will help you make a smooth transition into your new role. The sales team is here to support your transition so, please know that you can call on any of us to assist you. We are looking forward to you joining our team and your success at FANDA. Yours sincerely, John Tam Human Resources Manager 58HR Forms | P a g e
  • 60. HR Forms 5. Employment offer letter Date: ___________ Ms. / Mr. _________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ Subject: EMPLOYMENT OFFER LETTER Dear ________________, With reference to your application and subsequent interview with us, we are pleased to offer you the position of ___________________ in our organization at a company of USD. __________________ (Rupees ___________________ only). We would expect you to join as early as possible but not later than _________, beyond which the offer would stand withdrawn, unless a new date is mutually agreed upon, by us in writing. On the date of your joining, you may please bring along the following: 1. Proof of age 2. Copies of Educational Certificates 3. Copies of professional Certificates 4. Relieving certificate from the previous employer 5. Appointment letter of the previous employer and salary revision letters 6. Last pay slip received from the previous employer 7. 3 Passport Size photographs 8. An updated Curriculum Vita 9. Form 16 (TDS certificate) This Offer of Employment is subject to receipt of satisfactory references. This Letter of Offer is being sent in duplicate. Kindly sign the copy as a token of your acceptance of the offer and return us the same. For, Company Name Name: Employee Name Designation: 6. Employment agreement checklist This checklist is used to negotiate employment agreements between employer and employee. 59HR Forms | P a g e
  • 61. HR Forms 1. Job description and specification • What is the title of the employee’s job? • Is employee guaranteed a seat on the board of directors while an employee? • Where is the place of employment? What are the regular working hours? • Can employee be relocated unilaterally to another city, or only with the employee’s consent? • Is the employee allowed to be involved in other activities (e.g., a directorship on other boards, involvement in community activities)? • What are the employee’s responsibilities? • Can the employee be demoted? Can employee’s responsibilities be substantially modified, decreased, or increased? 2. Wage and Salary • What is the base salary? What about overtime? What about commissions? • Does the salary go up each year by a designated amount or by cost of living increases? • Are there designated times for performance reviews? • When is it payable? 3. Benefits • Will the employee participate in all benefit plans of the company? • Which of these plans should be in place for the employee? Are all of the payments for the benefits the responsibility of the company? such as: - Health and medical (including spouse and dependent coverage) - Educational reimbursement - executive financial counseling - Disability - 401(k) - Pension - Cafeteria plan - Life insurance - Stock option/stock grant - Dental, vision - Professional liability insurance • Any special loans or forgiveness arrangements? • Are some of the benefits taxable to the employee? Should employee be reimbursed for the tax? • How much vacation per year is employee entitled? Does unused vacation continue to accrue for the benefit of employee and payable on termination of employment? • Is there a designated sick pay policy? 4. Bonus • Are there bonuses to be tied to objective performance standards? • Are target bonus levels or minimum bonuses to be established? 60HR Forms | P a g e
  • 62. HR Forms • Does employee get a signing bonus? • Is employee entitled to a guaranteed bonus? 5. Reimbursement of expenses • Are moving expenses to be reimbursed? • Is there a relocation package available for employee (e.g., the company purchasing employee’s house on a move?) • Will the employee’s business expenses be reimbursed promptly? • Is there a car or car allowance, cellular phone provided, or other such amenities? 6. Stock option grants • Does the option exercise period terminate 90 days after termination of employment or can it be longer? • Are the shares obtained upon exercise of an option subject to repurchase on termination of employment? If so, at what price? (From the employee’s perspective, repurchase rights should not be included or should be limited.) • Are the shares obtained upon exercise of an option subject to a right of first refusal? If so, on what terms? • Is the option a tax advantaged incentive stock option? • Does vesting of options accelerate on a change of control of the company? Or, on other events such as termination of employment by the company without cause? • Will employee get stock options? • What percent of the company do the options represent? (Note: in venture capital backed privately held companies, the usual price for common stock options is 1/10 of the price for the latest round of preferred stock issuance.) • What is the exercise price for the options? • Are any options deemed automatically vested upon grant? • How long will unvested options vest? Monthly? Yearly cliff vesting? • How long is the option exercisable? 7. Stock grants • Does vesting accelerate on a change of control of the company? Or, other event such as termination of employment by the company without cause? • Does employee have to pay anything for the grant? • What tax will the employee have to pay for the grant? Will the company also pay employee an amount to cover the tax? • Does employee have a right of first refusal for future company stock issuances to avoid dilution? • Will the employee be granted stock? • Is this stock subject to vesting? What is the vesting period? • Is this stock subject to repurchase rights or rights of first refusal? • Should employee file a § 83(b) irc election? 8. Confidentiality restrictions • If there are confidentiality restrictions on the employee, are the following excluded from the definition of “confidential information”?: 61HR Forms | P a g e
  • 63. HR Forms • How long do the confidentiality restrictions last? Indefinitely? A set number of years after disclosure to the employee? • What restrictions have been imposed on the employee by the prior employer? • The employee must be careful not to use or divulge confidential information of a prior employer – the new employer will often want a covenant from the employee prohibiting such use or disclosure. 9. Invention assignment issues • What is the scope of the company’s rights to the employee’s development of new inventions, trade secrets, and ideas? Are these the company’s only if they specifically relate to company business and developed during company time? • Do the invention assignment provisions comply with the California labor code or other applicable law? 10. Term and termination • How long is the employment term? • What are the circumstances that the employee can be fired “for cause”, such as: Conviction of a felony or any act involving moral turpitude; Commission of any act of theft, fraud, dishonesty or falsification of an employment record; Material uncured breach of the employment agreement; Failure to perform reasonable assigned duties; and/or Improper disclosure of the company’s confidential information; Loss of licenses; Disability • Avoid “for cause” definitions that give the company too much latitude for termination. • Is employee entitled to severance pay on termination? How much? • If the employee is terminated without cause, is it clear that employee will get all salary and benefits that employee would otherwise have been entitled to for the remaining term of the agreement? • If terminated without cause, is the company required to continue paying for benefits or cobra benefits for some period of time? • Is employee given the right to terminate at the employee’s discretion prior to the end of the term? • Does the agreement get renewed automatically on a year-to-year basis unless the company gives the employee notice of non-renewal at least 90 days in advance of the end of the term? • Is the employment “at will”? • What are the grounds, if any, on which employers can terminate? • What are the terms, if any, for compensation in the event of early termination? 11. Liability protection for the employee • Does the company’s articles of incorporation limit the liability of officers and directors to the maximum extent permitted by law? • Is there an indemnification agreement that protects the employee, covering: Indemnification protection for claims; automatic advancement of legal expenses; Protection even if the employee is no longer employed by the company? (Note statutory limitations on indemnification.) • Does the company have directors’ & officers’ (“d&o”) insurance coverage? Is the company required to maintain a minimum amount of such coverage? • Do the company bylaws provide for indemnification protection for officers and employees? 12. Breach of agreement 62HR Forms | P a g e
  • 64. HR Forms • Is the company required to give notice to the employee of any alleged breaches of the agreement and an opportunity to cure? 13. Disability and death • What is a disability event? • What happens on death? Can medical and other benefits continue for some period for the spouse and children? • What happens on disability? Does the employee continue to receive salary and benefits? 14. Golden parachute • What are the tax implications of the golden parachute payment? Will the company also gross up the parachute payment to cover the tax? • Will the company reimburse the employee’s expenses in connection with an IRS audit claiming additional tax? • In the event of a change of control of the company, is employee entitled to terminate employment and receive a “golden parachute” payment (e.g., two or three times the yearly salary)? 15. Representations and warranties of the company • Are there specific representations and warranties of the company that should be set forth (e.g., financial resources, venture capital backing)? • Has employee been promised something orally that should be reflected in the employment agreement? 16. Post-employment limitations • Are there limitations on the employee soliciting company employees? For what period? • Is there a covenant not to compete after termination of employment? 17. Dispute resolution • How are disputes to be resolved? • Should arbitration be considered? • In what city must disputes be brought if litigated or arbitrated? 18. Miscellaneous provisions • Choice of law • Integration clause • Is the company prohibited from assigning the agreement? • Is there an attorneys’ fees clause where the prevailing party in a dispute would be entitled to recoup its attorneys’ fees incurred? 63HR Forms | P a g e