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How Reading Changed My Life
By the time that I was twelve, I discovered that I love to read. It is the best pass time that I could find to do. Every time I open up a book it's as if
I'm in my own world, a place of bliss. Like I'm watching a movie in my head but I'm the director. I find it easier to read in complete silence that way
my thoughts can echo out much further and louder. One of the things that I usually do is stop in the page that I'm reading in and start asking myself
questions and try to foreshadow what I might believe will happen at the end.
Although, I am a realist, reading has been an escape from reality into a world where it feels like I'm living a different life. A place where the author
gives me the opportunity to expand my imagination. In my mind, opening up a new book is like opening up a door into the mind of someone else.
Reading to me is an escape from the hardships in my life. When there were problems that I need to get away from a book was always there for me.
No matter how good or bad my day was, reading improved it. It brought peace to my mind that while the world kept going on around me that I was
able to tone it out and focus on one thing only. That the book that I held in my hands was able to be a different place that I could travel.... Show more
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Reading is an important part of who I am however I find it difficult to find the perfect atmosphere to truly enjoy it 100%. I find it that the perfect
place that I can fully enjoy myself is a comfortable quiet place. A location where the only sound that should be there are my thoughts. That way I can
enjoy what I am reading and I can absorb the story entirely. It has to be cut off from anything disturbing; is able to provide me a place to
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Article Review : ' Using Nooks On Hook Reluctant Readers...
Research Summary Assignment The article titled, Using Nooks to Hook Reluctant Readers by Rebecca Dierking intrigued me to read this article
because the title related to both topics for the research assignment. The author shares the research of integrating the Nook into Sustained Silent Reading
to motivate reluctant readers to be more involved in the literacy process. Several factors, or threads defined by the author, affecting student engagement
evolved from the research. The threads reluctant readers expressed, consisted of convenience, novelty, escape, privacy, and flow through implementing
e–readers into the classroom to foster engagement of the reluctant readers through choice and time. Convenience 21st Century learner is naturally
interested in technology and they see the e–readers as being more convenient than the traditional text. The reluctant readers expressed several reasons
why they were compelled to read using an e–reader versus a traditional text. Students expressed they could change the font and size of the letters. Being
able to adjust the light on the e–reader was important to the readers. Students felt more engaged and the e–readers allowed the students to be active
readers, rather than just turning a page. The student expressed the importance of having the option of reading several books at one time, without
having a backpack full of books, therefore, not taking up a lot of space. However, students also express inconveniences as well, such as
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Personal Narrative: Life After The Rwanda Holocaust
Conversation opened. 1 unread message. Skip to content Using Denver School of Nursing Mail with screen readers Clarisse Looks like you don't
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1 of 6 Running head: POST–TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER 1 Life with Post–Traumatic Stress Disorder After the Rwanda Holocaust Clarisse
Makizimana Denver School of Nursing Page 2 of... Show more content on ...
I heard gun shot, and then couldn't hear her voice anymore and I felt numb as if it want real. While all this was happening the lady who had hide
us came and told us not to cry or scream because she didn't want no one to hear any noise that would make her look suspicious; which could put all of
us in the risk of being killed. I had to hold my emotions and Page 3 of 6 POST–TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER 3 my tears for very long time and
my heart was full of guilt asking God why it wasn't me. I lived many days with fear and I couldn't imagine or understand what happened to the
humanism and many of those days I kept questioning God why me? I was filled with anger and bitterness. After the period of three months they took us
to live in the shelters because many houses were destroyed; these shelter were created by international organizations that came from abroad to help our
country. Six months of life in the orphanage, I started s having symptoms such as flashback, intense fear, helplessness or horror, anxiety, depression and
hypervigilance of my surrounding. And I could cry spontaneously with a pounding headache that could never respond to any treatment. Most of my
symptoms were marked with insomnia and tears that couldn't
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My Educational Journey
My journey as a reader started even before I entered school, as my parents gave me books to read in the days before the inception of pre–school. My
love for sports helped to develop my reading skills, as I would, with great anticipation, wait for the paperboy to deliver the daily news, so I would be
able to devour all the information within the sports pages. Spurred by my passion for sports, I would go to the library and try to muster as many
sports magazines as allotted, and garner as much information as I could about my heroes in the athletic world. As I become older, this led to my
curiosity about the history of the sports legends that I followed and I wanted to garner more information, and began to read any biography about sports
that I could attain. In the same manner, throughout my educational journey, books that were mandatory for assignments and classroom... Show more
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Some of the books as a young man I recall reading were: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, The Grapes of Wrath, by John
Steinbeck, Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley, A Raisin in the Sun, by Lorraine Hansberry, Black Boy, by Richard Wright, 1984, by George Orwell,
Hiroshima, by John Hersey, Yes I Can, by Sammy Davis Jr. and Ball Four, by Jim Bouton just to name a few. The aforementioned books run the gamut
of some of my interests, as some were required reading related to school assignments, but others were for enjoyment in areas that I participated in or
had a keen interest in learning more about the subject matter or person. Books, with the content within them, can take a reader to places around the
world, invigorate a person's imagination, can be inspirational, and is the entrance into greater educational opportunities that open up avenues for
personal and societal
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Chinese Cinderella
The book I read over the summer was "Chinese Cinderella." It was made by Adeline Yen Mah. I was reading this book in different locations. The
location I mostly read in was in my room at night. I had peace and quiet so I could focus on the book easily. The only sound being made was from the
fan. The other place I read was in the car. The car was a very noisy place because I read there when both of my siblings were in the car. I sat in the
backseat so I could focus more on the book. My parents were also talking in the car which caused more noise. In the end I was able the book to focus
on the book. My favorite character in the book Adeline Yen. Adeline is a real life character. At the beginning of the book she is a little child
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Rhetorical Reading Strategies And The Construction Of...
Reading Deeper than the Words
In Christina Haas and Linda Flower's article "Rhetorical Reading Strategies and the Construction of Meaning", they point out, and break down, the
three reading strategies that are used by students when reading a passage, or paper. An experiment was constructed to show what each of these
strategies are like while being used and what the reader may ask, or get out of, a certain excerpt.
Even though Haas and Flower do not mention George Lakoff and Mark Johnson, or even metaphors, in their article, I will be using metaphors to get a
better understanding of what these reading strategies are like. Lakoff and Johnson's analytical tools and ideas about metaphors (, seen in Metaphors We
Live By, help me, and others, ... Show more content on ...
That is a lot like how a content reader reads. They get the idea of what the article, or story, is about, and that is it. They would be able to summarize
the reading to someone, but that is as far as their interpretation goes. They do not, and may not completely understand how to, go much deeper into
the reading to get a strong, and full, understanding of why that specific reading was written and what everything in the reading means. Words that
would work with both content reading and a child at a museum would be words along the lines of review. A reader reading for content sees their job
as understanding enough of the text to summarize it and get a general idea of what it is about. Lakoff and Johnson's analytical tool highlighting and
hiding presents readers with what is seen and unseen in a metaphor (10). In this case, this metaphor really highlights getting the general idea of what
is going on. In both situations, the person is getting a basic understanding of what they are looking at, or reading. This metaphor hides the fact that in
a museum getting the principal idea of what something is, is ok because there is another exhibit to look at, whereas while reading, it is ok to get the
general idea, but that chosen reading is all the reader is going to focus on, so getting a deeper, and fuller, understanding than just the basics would be
helpful, so they know what's going on and why. Although they only get the
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Dialogue Essay: Six And His Father
Six and his father had been very close to one another, as Six respected and looked up to his father. His father taught him to take pride in his own
nobility and empyrean bloodline, as well as value and develop his own intelligence through studies. Despite this closeness, Six had not been aware
of his father's illegal and corrupt actions. Eric Snow would promise his son of a bright future ahead of him, as he would begin negotiating with his
close friend and great emperor, Jason Rose III on plans for Isaac to marry Emily. Isaac would then accompany his father at all times, allowing him to
learn the ways of a nobleman and the daily activities of the government and empire. Preparing him for the possibility of becoming the emperor, and
being close
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Personal Narrative: Fox In Socks
I was around three–and–a–half years old when I encountered my first reading challenge. At that age, I fell in love with Dr. Seuss books like many
other children my age. From One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish, to The Cat in the Hat, I read them all. I spent hours hidden away in my
family's dimly lit storage closet reading. However, there was one Dr. Seuss book in my house that I purposely avoided: Fox in Socks. In other words, I
was afraid to read a seemingly innocent story about a fox wearing socks. The problem was that I listened to what my siblings told me prior. The
book, teeming with tongue twisters and traps, could trip up and trick the reader in the blink of an eye. I asked my older siblings for advice so I could
have a plan when
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How Quick We Can Gain Information
Our era is about how quick we can gain information in a short period of time. People including young adults often do not have the time or think they
do not have the time to sit down and read a book. This is sadly often a choice by many young adults by the ages of 12–18 there are many things that
motive a young adult to not want to read some sort of book whether it be a like graphic novels, which have less words in many cases and more
pictures but still stimulate the young readers mind; with this print books are also something that seem to be an issue with this age group as well.
According to our reading "Who are reluctant readers chapter 1" "persons ages 12–18 who, choose for whatever reason, not to read. They can read,
maybe not always at grade level, but it is not so much of skill as a matter of choice" (PG 7). There are four types of reluctant readers described in
our week twelve unit the first was described as a dormant reader this teens who do enjoy and may even identify themselves as a reader, but do not
want to because they don't want to take the time to read. The second is described, as uncommitted readers these teens on the other hand are a bit
different than the dormant readers. The uncommitted reader enjoys to read a book only if the opportunity has arisen for example; in school if there
has been reading assigned to them or a book given to them like the example in our reading also presents. The third type of reader is the; unmotivated
reader this group of
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Pedaology Is Politics By Peter J. Rabinowitz
In " Pedaology is Politics," Peter J. Rabinowitz expresses his feelings in a complex way about close readings. For those who don't know what a
close reading is, it's taking a text part by part and analyzing it to figure out the authors meaning behind the text. So why is Rabinowitz so strung up
about close readings? I am going to use my "close reading" analytic technique to understand why Rabinowitz is against close readings. Taking a text
and asking questions to why the text is itself doesn't seem to trouble me. In fact, by doing so you open the doors to literary heaven. As stated in
"Thinking on the Page" by Gwen Hyman and Martha Schulman, "It's the close reading of specific moments that will eventually allow you to say
something about a particular issue in a particular text." I am no scholar on close readings, but I am surely not against it.... Show more content on ...
He said something that stuck to me while I read through this chapter. "Close reading rests precariously on a number of shaky assumptions," and wraps
up the sentence with, "therefore, needs to be questioned. Rabinowitz refers to the professors and scholars who teach the close reading method. He
finds the technique unnatural and "not the best way to approach a text." (Rabinowitz 231) The first point he talks about is involving the authors. Going
off the topic of assumptions, Rabinowitz believes following the close reading guidelines will leave the reader with assumptions on how it "ought to be
read." (Rabinowitz
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The Perpetual Calendar Of Inspiration By Maya Angelou
"Whenever you read a good book, somewhere in the world, a door opens to allow in more light," Vera Nazarian quoted in her book The Perpetual
Calendar of Inspiration. Reading is an educational activity that opens the mind to new ideas and thoughts. The poem "I Love the Look of Words,"
by Maya Angelou is used to teach young children that reading is good for the brain, that the feeling one gets after reading a book is unique and
satisfying. Many people love reading but it is not a skill that one acquires in one day, it has to be learned from a young age. Angelou creates a
cognitive link between popcorn and words to make it comprehensible for young readers that reading is a main factor in learning. Maya Angelou uses
Metaphor, imagery and tone to encourage readers to read.
Throughout the whole poem, Angelou compares popcorn to words in a book (1–4). The way popcorn leaps from a bowl into the mouth is the same
way words jump from a book into the minds to create new ideas and thoughts. Metaphor is the strongest point of this poem because it makes the
reader think about making the right decision as metaphors are used to convey life changing messages/advice. Most important lessons in life are
given as metaphors, and if children are reading this they will take it more seriously since it is a message in form of a metaphor. In contrast to
metaphor, similes are more direct. There is no hidden message, it's clear for the reader too comprehend. For example in line 10 to 15, Angelou says,
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Chronicle Book Children Research Paper
I am a recent graduate of The University of the Incarnate Word's Graphic Design program; I am excited to apply to Chronicle Book's Children's
Books and Gifts Graphic Design fellowship.
I spent my childhood consumed by books. I kept one in my bag and took every spare moment that I could to read, even if it was only a page. My
parents made my teacher's promise that I wouldn't read during recess. In the mornings when they woke me up for school, they found me sleeping, still
clutching my book from the night before, unable to put it down in spite of the tug of sleep.
Books have fueled me in all my endeavors. They are something that I wish to share with others. As I've gotten older, books have always been there
opening up doors to new worlds.
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Hugh Jacob Llwyd Research Paper
Welsh from Wales in the united kingdom Llwyds moved to Canada before moving to the US. Hugh Jacob Llwyd was the first minister of Grace
Episcopal Church in Muskogee, Ok, and has two alter windows more than 10 feet tall dedicated to him. He was born in Canada. Edwin and his
brother were born in the US, the first US born generation in their family. He was drafted into World War II during law school where his job involved
diplomatic relations overseas. He went on to serve as an attorney in the military, retiring after more than 20 years and was an attorney for Muskogee
County for over 50 years. He died in 2003.
Originally from France, now called "Cajun", in Louisiana. Some branches of this line can be traced into the 1700's. In the 1800's, some family
came to the territory that would be later called the Louisiana Purchase. They were fur trappers, killing and skinning the animals to be sent home to
sell. The French Government saw the many single men over here as a problem because they weren't getting married and having children;the
government collected tax for each citizen, so less citizens mean less taxes. The government began a program known as the "Casket Girls". Usually,
it involved poor girls. The Government sent each girl to marry a fur trapper. Each girl had a box, or "casket", of new clothes, a fancy brush, and even
work animals like a horse or goats. We are ... Show more content on ...
Some members owned vineyards in france near the German Bakers. In the last 150 years, they were schoolteachers and Baptist ministers. Grace's dad
was a circuit preacher. Grace's nephew John Whisenaunt is a popular basketball coach with wikipedia page about his career. Charles's sister Mary
Alice Ferguson is a semi–retired school teacher In the early 1990's, at a family reunion, Whisenaunt cousins talked about learning french to visit distant
family, but when they arrived, the family all spoke
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Invisible Man
Growing up reading was my passion, and as I grew older my love for reading completely vanished. I hated reading! Sitting in Mrs. Wagner's cold,
English classroom half asleep as my class begin to read the novel that I have grown to love; I start to pay attention because we were notified that
we would have a quiz on the next day. Thinking "No one warned me that AP English 12 consisted of reading as many Bildungsroman novels as we
could in 18 weeks". I knew that I would have to read after I got off work that night. I remember Mrs. Wagner saying "Jamesa, you already not liking
Invisible Man?", but little did she know I had not heard a word she had read. I got home from work and immediately picked up my book, which
was very unusual for me. The Prologue was on our schedule to read, but Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison made me curious, so I read through chapter
three and could not wait to get in class for discussion. I am used to reading books that end happily, but Invisible Man was real and made me think
about life. Then is when I knew that this novel would mean much more to me than the other novels we had read in class.... Show more content on ...
I was the only African American student in AP English, so the entire novel landed on me. The narrator was an African American man who was
invisible because of the color of his skin, and I totally agreed with him. Many of my classmates thought I was just talking, but as I began to explain
how I could agree with the narrator because majority of the time my voice was not heard or simply overlooked because I was not one of them. They
were mind blown. Living in a cold, cruel world really makes you hesitate who to trust, and after reading Invisible Man, Ellison allowed me to put
myself in the narrator's shoes by his use of symbols, lessons presented, and
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Harold Blooms Why Read Analysis
In Harold Blooms Why Read, Bloom starts of the prologue by asking the readers why read. He backs up this statement with by saying "You can
read merely to pass the time, or you can read with an overt urgency, but eventually you will read against the clock."(Bloom 21). Here one could
assume that there is little time to read so many books that all around. As the reading goes on Bloom makes the agreement about how people should
have urgency about themselves when reading and how they should come to an understanding for their purpose of reading. He gives readers this
notion when states that "I turn to reading as a solitary praxis, rather than as an educational enterprise"(Bloom 21). but he also talks about how the best
reading is "never an easy pleasure" which questions why we read in our solitary time. This question then becomes look at. According... Show more
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But he goes on with the reminder that "The pleasures of reading indeed are selfish rather than social. You can't directly improve anyone's life by
reading better or more deeply" (Bloom 22). So if a person is reading to inspire then they are on the wrong track, but if they read for themselves, then
then they are good. From here Bloom speaks on the fourth princlple which tells readers that " one must be an inventor to read well"(Bloomer 25) this
tells readers that when they read they can't be original they must be creative and hav an open mind which is something that comes with reading .
Bloom states towards the end that "we read frequently if unknowingly, in quest of a mind more original than our own.(Bloom 25) The last principle
that he talks about is "recovery of the ironic" this right simply deals with the idea of metaphors. Irony is nothing but word useage which expresses
something other than as well as the opposite of the literal meaning.
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Summary Of Haywood Smith's 'Waking Up In Dixie'
Haywood Smith is the author of Waking up in Dixie and best–sellers The Red Hat Club, and Queen Bee of Mimosa Branch. Starting her writing career
at the age of 40, she has won several Awards such as the Romantic Times 1996 award, and the New York Times best seller award. Her typical writing
styles consist of the genre's historical fiction, humor and comedy, and self help. Waking up in Dixie is a historical fiction. Haywood presents the book
in chapters and delivers an intriguing yet problematic story. The book tells of a marriage at the crossroad. The tale of unfaithfulness and
miscommunication leads the readers into a web of lost love and lies. Waking up in Dixie takes place in a city named Whittington in Georgia. The
speaker is Elizabeth Whittington. The occasion is the journey of Elizabeth and Howell's marriage in this gossip–filled town. The storyline can be
referenced to events that happened in United States history.
Whittington, Georgia is a city controlled by generational wealth and power. The Whittington family has ruled that city for centuries on end. Elizabeth
has been married to Howell Whittington, the prince of Whittington, for quite some time. At first the marriage seemed like a dream but as years past
progressed, the love seemed like it had slowly disappeared. A near–death experience happens to Howell, and all of his suppressed emotions and
appetites were clearly made known when he awakened from his long coma and the years of bland hellos and
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Vladimir Nabokov What Makes A Good Reader
Good Readers Read for Enjoyment Many people have never considered, in–depth, the idea of what makes a good reader. Surface level first idea that
pops into many people's' heads is someone who can read fast and understand the text. In reality, the definition is debatable and much more complex.
Being able to define a good reader allows for us to have a goal or guideline of what we, as individual readers, should be doing or striving to do. Some
view a good reader as someone who can analyze and really dig into the text, while others argue that the reader should really have a passion for reading
and enjoy the text. Vladimir Nabokov is a Russian – American novelist who delivered the well–known speech, Good Readers and Good Writers. As he
delivers ... Show more content on ...
Imagination is important to make a good reader, but he argues that you need to have imagination but it needs to remain impersonal. The reader can
enjoy, but must know when to curb their imagination. In this form of reading the reader is almost always having to restrain themselves. Nabokov
said earlier that after closely studying the world that the author created the reader can then analyze connections to other worlds and branches of
knowledge. These are all valid points that he chooses to argue, but what Nabokov fails to see is that some of the best connections are made as an
impulse on a first read. These valuable pieces of information could be lost during one of the many rereads that Nabokov suggests. The line also
begins to blur when Nabokov refers to "other branches of knowledge". It is easy to assume he means that we can draw from the ideas of other authors.
But what makes it okay to connect to other authors and not your own thoughts? A good reader can receive the same, if not more, benefits if they are
able to make connections personally with the text than connecting to other
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For The Sake Of This Final Research Proposal, I Would Only
For the sake of this Final Research Proposal, I would only report my findings in Sasha's responses. These findings are reported in three mayor themes:
(1) Beliefs about Reading, (2) Beliefs about Themselves as Readers, and (3) Translanguaging as a Transaction Strategy.
Beliefs about Reading From Sasha's responses, it is possible to notice that her beliefs about what good readers do is grounded in her understanding of
how a story should be told. For Sasha, good readers are those who bring emotions to the act of reading.
PI: Muy bien, ВїQuiГ©n es un buen lector que tГє conoces? [ Very good, who is a goodreader you know?]
Sasha: ВїCГіmo asГ? [How does it come?]
PI: no se, alguien que lee bien, que tГє dices esta persona es un muy buen lector, ... Show more content on ...
PI: o, por quГ© tГє dices, no sГ© si soy una buena lectora, que quisieras tu saber para saber si eres una buena lectora [ or, why do you say I don't
know if I am a good reader, what else would you like to know to realize you are a good reader?]
Sasha: las otras personas opiniГіn, [ other people's opiniГіn]
PI: ВїquГ© opinan las otras personas? [what do other people think?]
Sasha: ajГЎ [yeah]
PI: ВїPor quГ© eso es importante para ti? [ why is that important for you?]
Sasha: ... uhm, 'cos I don't know how to rate myself
Sasha's beliefs about herself as a reader are based on other people's opinions and how these people rate her reading: " 'cos I don't know how to rate
Translanguaging as a Transactional Strategy
The aforementioned excerpts enlighten how Sasha's uses bilingual strategies to convey a very specific meaning within their answers. Sasha uses her
full linguistic repertoire in a socially constructed context (the BRI and during the RMA), which is defined as translanguaging (GarcГa & Kleyn, 2016).
Translanguaging as a transactional strategy was not considered to be a possible theme for this research project; however, Sasha's rich translanguaging
is worth to be analyzed.
Sasha used her translanguaging abilities in multiple times during BRI, RMI, and RMA. During the RMA session, Sasha expressed her frustration
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Reading Log Analysis
I was raised to love reading from a young age and that is exactly what happened. I learned how to read when I was about two years old and I haven't
stopped. There were stages to what and how I read, advancing with age. The levels of my literature preference is split into three separate intervals.
When I first began to read, I was lucky enough to have a house full of books and school with a library that had seemingly endless shelves. Rows and
rows full of separate worlds where anything was possible and I could immerse myself in the story. I used to read anything I could get my hands on.
Students were required to turn in 'Reading Logs' with what we read and how long we read. Many of my friends used to lie about fifteen or thirty
minutes of reading... Show more content on ...
I began to go to a used bookstore that sold books for a dollar and was a home to a bunny and a cat. I remember when I first walked in I would love
the smell of pages that had been turned too much, their magic had been spilled over and over again but they were all still enchanting. I enjoyed
the store as much as I enjoyed reading the books. This safe haven is where I found many books one could never find online or in a traditional
bookstore. They were strange but felt familiar in my hands. I loved these odd stories and just getting a taste of a few of them made me want more.
Seeking more unusual books I began searching for more in school. Hungry for these novelty stories became a sort of game: what's the weirdest book
I could find this week? I ended up with "Animal Farm" by George Orwell and I thought it was an amazing book without even realizing it's satirical
nature towards capitalism and
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Personal Narrative: My Love For Reading
I like to read because you can learn stuff about the world and it can make you smarter. I like reading because it gets me out of my problem and my
stress and i can go somewhere else and never have to do anything. Like for example I read the bible for church and I learn stuff about what
happened back in the time of Caesar it's intriguing and I like to know what happened and who was the most important person. Well I like social
studies and I like history and like to know what happened back then My strength are reading for a long time without stopping and I can read for
hour. Also I can read super fast and I can understand what i'm reading. But my weakness are falling asleep and I keep reading so i'm not
understanding anything so I have to read
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Literary Elements In 'The Jacket'
Mace Phillips Mrs. Alea Literature Studies 14 February 2018 The Literary Elements In The Jacket Ugly, sickening, disgusting, and disheartening all
describe the word "atrocious."Have you ever had an item that was atrocious, but you weren't able to dispose of it? That's how the main character of
Gary Soto's "The Jacket" felt. The story is about an unidentified kid whose mother grants him, or her, a very ugly jacket. The presumed theme of this
story is: Acceptance is gradual, it's never right away that one gets used to something. Three literary elements that influence the themen in "The Jacket"
are symbolism, personification, and metaphor. Starting off, the symbolism in "The Jacket" accentuates the overarching theme. The whole story can be
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Why Is Reading So Important To Me Essay
My Superhero: Making Reading Fun Do you remember that one person that made you just absolutely love reading? Everyone knows it is not easy
learning how to read and that is why most people dislike reading. For me, I had the same exact problem, but I had someone that helped me enhance
my reading and made me love it, my grandma, also known as my superhero. It all started one spring day when my mom and dad told me that
Granny was coming to babysit me for the weekend. My parents were going out to Rapid City, South Dakota for the annual Sturgis Bike Rally. I was
more than pleased to hear that Granny was coming babysit me. "Now Jason, you are going to have to read your book you got from your teacher today
to Granny," my mom demanded. "But mom,... Show more content on ...
"But, what if I don't actually know what I just read?" I questioned back. She replied back to me, "Then I will describe to you what it means, so you
can learn and understand." At the moment, I did not think this was going to pan out, but I was undeniably wrong. I was not expecting that this
idea would actually work out, but it did. I would read a few sentences and try to describe back to her what I just read. There were many times that I
definitely didn't understand what I read and times where I did understand. During the many times I didn't understand, we would pause and she
would help me understand by giving me a summarization. This honestly made reading fun. I was not just reading words on a page. I was actually
reading a story, understanding a story. As I continued to read those fragile and malodorously smelling book, I read about how Roberto Clemente
grew up. Roberto Clemente was born in Puerto Rico, and worked very hard at a young age by the side of his father. Since I was finally
understanding what I was reading, I was flying through the book. For the first time in my reading career, I was actually enjoying and having fun
reading. This book about Roberto Clemente made me finally realize I liked to read, and ever since then, I read almost every
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Jo Treggiari's Ashes, Ashes
Like reading? If so, Jo Treggiari's White Pine award winner, published in 2011, Ashes, Ashes, is a book which many people really enjoy. Everybody
who likes reading is most likely into certain themes, but some people try new things and change it up a little, and sometimes even find a new theme, or
even book. For sixteen year old Lucy Holloway, the end of the world came and went, taking ninety–nine percent of the population with it. This book is
full of excitement, which many thrive on. Jo Treggiari's book can be enjoyed by people who like reading because she uses the exciting themes of post
apocalypse, bravery, and violence.
Post apocalypse is one of the central themes in this book. One example of a post apocalypse in Ashes, Ashes is "small ... Show more content on ...
One example of violence in this book is when the dogs show up trying to eat Lucy. "He heaved, she kicked desperately her left foot hit something
with a solid thwack and a yelp, and all of a sudden her momentum carried her up to the high branch he straddled"(Treggiari 27). Lucy is in danger so
she attempts to injure the dog in order to survive, which is a case of violence. Another example of violence in this book is when the Sweepers show up
at Lucy's camp. ""Del!" Leo bellowed, appearing from an alleyway at a run and beating his way to the girl's side. He was armed with a two–by–four
studded with nails"(Treggiari 159). The Sweepers come to Lucy's camp and everyone started fighting, armed and un–armed, which is another example
of violence. The last example of violence being examined is when a German Shepherd is commanded to attack people. "The dog trainer made a
gesture with one hand, and immediately the German Shepherd was on the kid, hurling him backward, its jaws clamped on his forearm"(Treggiari
95). This is an example of violence because the trainer commands the dog to bite and scratch a person. This book's last intelligent theme is violence, it
is very exciting because it makes the reader hooked and intrigued, which makes people want to read
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Reading Admissions Essay
Since childhood, I have been enamored with reading. My passion for reading was passed from my mother who has always advocated literacy to my
siblings and me. During elementary school, my teachers would send report cards with comments admonishing me for reading throughout class. A
novel would be hidden behind a textbook or in my lap, and I would sneak a glance whenever possible. When school was dismissed, my nose would be
buried inside a book. I would read anything I could get my hands on: my brother's books, my mom's Women's Day magazines, and even the backs of
cereal boxes. I would snuggle up in blankets, grab the latest Magic Treehouse book, and plunge into magical worlds for countless hours. Every
summer break I would spend my time reading numerous books for my library's Summer Reading Program.
My preferences changed as I grew older. By age eleven, I was reading Young Adult Fiction, which challenged me more than children's novels. The
Harry Potter, Maximum Ride, and Lord of the Rings series enthralled me, and I waited desperately for each installment to be released. It was also
during this time that I read my family's collection of classics. The cultures and time periods in books like Austen's Emma, Lereaux's ... Show more
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I read most of the Teenage Fiction genres such as mystery, romance, fantasy, and science fiction. It wasn't long before the typical light teen fiction
novel became boring to me. For English class, we read many books such as To Kill a Mockingbird, Romeo and Juliet, Julius Caesar, and The Scarlet
Letter. They were intriguing and compelled me to read more classics. I soon fell in love with beautifully written and thought–provoking books like
Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier and Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy. Beloved and timeless, classics provide an insight into the society, beliefs, and
customs of other cultures, which in turn benefits me in understanding the
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Overcoming Obstacles Of Being A Bilingual Person
Being a bilingual person, reading for me was difficult. I began by reading short story children's books with an ESL teacher. At first , I hated
reading because most of the time I could not understand what I was reading. Once I learned how to read, I became interested in reading books. One
children book series that caught my attention the most as a child was the Clementine series. Many time in young children, one of the major obstacles
they go through is finding themselves . The Clementine series helps children find their identity and who they really are. Clementine and Margaret
remind me of when I was in school with my friends . I was the new kid in school , and I wanted to fit into the " best friend "group. I started by looking
at how
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Personal Narrative: My Autobiography Of A Reader
Justice Hitchcock Eran Eads ENGL:1200:0004 7 September, 2016 Autobiography of a Reader Reading has been one of the most important things
in my life since I was very young. Some of my earliest memories are of learning to read. Reading might actually have been the thing that brought
me out of the either of infancy into the stream of consciousness in which I currently live my life, because I don't have any clear memory of life
before I could read in some capacity. I used to read all of the billboards that I saw out loud to my mom as practice. I know that it was extremely
annoying to hear every billboard in town everyday from the back seat of the car, but my mom encouraged and helped me and I'm sure that reading
would not have been such an... Show more content on ...
I was first really introduced to literature by my sophomore English teacher and Catcher in the Rye. Catcher in the Rye, again was a good
introduction into the next phase of my life just like Smiles to Go. I learned about the loss of innocence and growing up and almost immediately
after finishing the book I experienced all of those things. Going forward from Catcher in the Rye I didn't read literary novels very much. I preferred to
read poetry and short stories, especially Edgar Allen Poe. His dark style is really fun, interesting, and weird. In high school though I lost a lot of time to
read to work and sports, so I didn't read as much as I always used to and it really negatively effected my
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Personal Narrative: Hippopotomonstrosquippedaliophony
I have a talent like most people often do something your good at, well for me that is spelling I have a really good memory and when I see a word I can
see it in my head and can spell the word depending on the word spelling is really easy for me I can spell all types of words short, medium, long words
hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia that means the fear of long words I can spell that word no problem because I can see it in my head and
read it in my head as I spell it out. So that is my talent I'm a good speller. I also have an interest something I love doing I love playing baseball that's
my favorite thing to do I want to do something with it I want to move on and keep going with baseball I have dreams to become something and yeah I
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Summary Of The Article 'Booing Of Goodes'
Another source that revolves around the topic of Booing of Goodes, is an article by Bob Murphy on The Sydney Morning Herald titled, Bob
Murphy: Booing directed at Adam Goodes makes me hang my head in despair. As the title suggests, the article takes in the form of a first person
view or personal opinion on the topic. Bob Murphy is a Western Bulldogs star football player, which holds credibility to what he says in relation to
the issues Goodes faces on the football field. The source's main difference to the ABC NEWS broadcast source is that this takes in the form of an
article which is a totally different medium as it presented different textual elements. An example is of the text written are more formal and are
seemingly directed to the audience
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Personal Narrative: What Influenced Me To Become The Reader
What influenced me to become the reader I am today is how when my parents read to me and how it made me feel. Growing up as a middle child
was always the worst compared to my sisters. My little sister was the baby and got away with everything, along with all of my parents attention. My
older sister was the "responsible" one so she got to do more and communicated a lot more with my parents. As the middle child to me the only time I
got alone with my parents is when they would read to me. The story I remember my parents reading to me is Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill
Martin, Jr. and John Archambault. It was a story about the baby letters of the alphabet climbing to the top of the coconut tree and then telling all the
other letters. This story
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Rhetorical Essay In Sherman Alexie's Superman And Me
In Sherman Alexie's "Superman and Me," he uses rhetorical strategies to achieve his purpose of reaching his audience. He uses analogies to depict
something confusing with something simple to understand. Syntax gives the readers an idea of Alexie when he was first learning to read.
Finally, his emphasis on anaphora allows the audience to see his relentlessness to keep reading. The use of analogy, syntax, and anaphora
persuades his audience to agree with Alexie's purpose of this essay. Throughout this essay, Alexie uses an extended analogy. Alexie's analogies
help the reader understand the purpose of a paragraph. He realized that "a paragraph was a fence that held words. The words inside a paragraph
worked together for a common purpose." He compares a paragraph with a fence which brings clarity to his understanding of a paragraph. From this
understanding, he began to think of everything in terms of paragraphs. For example, "Our reservation was a small paragraph within the United States.
My family's house was a paragraph, distinct from the other paragraphs of Labrets to the north, the Fords to our south and the Tribal School to the
west." He uses this idea that each paragraph is an identity and inside those identities are smaller ones. Alexie even says that his family is like a
seven–paragraph essay, each different but linked by genetics and common experiences. This allusion allows the audience to see Alexie's point of
view on the world. Syntax gives the readers an idea of Alexie when he was first learning to read. In the fourth paragraph, he explains on how he
started reading. As he was analogizing the world in paragraphs he began reading that Superman comic. For him to understand the text he began
piecing the pictures together into words. His use of simple sentences gives the reader a feel to be in his place. "Superman is breaking down the
door," he states that was what he was interpreting from the pictures and then pretended to say those words," Superman is breaking down the door."
With this picture and these words he concludes that Superman is saying words and those words, "I am breaking down the door." Alexie's way of
learning to read relates to other people. These readers could have used elements like
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Sioux Tribe Research Paper
Conversation opened. 1 read message. Skip to content Using Gmail with screen readers eddie Google+ Profile Icon Search Gmail COMPOSE Labels
Inbox (762) Starred Important Sent Mail Drafts (6) Circles @SaneArchive (39,352) @SaneLater (3,518) Personal (15) Travel More... Show more
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(Wikipedia, 2015) There were many subgroups or small divisions, Sioux people basic social unit was the tiyospe, which is a family group that
followed the buffalo herds together. Evert part of the animal they used for food, clothing, shelter, or tools. They took great advantage of available
horses to travel and gather what they need to survive and their diet was predominantly buffalo meat. Sioux had a distinguished look, they had straight
jet black long hair. Also very high cheek bones with a large nose. They celebrated a ceremony every year known as the powwows. This feature
dancing, singing, and lots of food. The Sioux were deeply spiritual people, they also communed with the spirit world through the music and dancing.
The sun dance was consider one of their most religious ceremonies that they demonstrated in this powwow celebration. By dancing and enduring the
pain self–inflicted wounds, they reasserted them to identity them as a Indian Warrior. The Dakota and Lakota are known for Siouan languages of the
Great Plains. These tribes are so close that most linguists consider them with a particular, but of the same language. It
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Bill Of Rights Reflection
From this lesson, I want to learn the many skills children develop by reading and how to use books to help them read more effectively. In return, this
lesson helped me to learn Pennac's "Reader's Bill of Rights". My previous knowledge and this lesson helped me also to realize these "Reader's Bill of
Rights" should be mandatory for children who are beginning to read or are readers. Each bill has a logical reason that supports it.
For one example, that is related to this lesson, is the first one. "The right not to read" has its own logical explanation. If children are force to read, it
can take away from the pleasure of reading. Additionally, the students might be busy, at the time,learning other skills like socializing or gaining more
experiences in life to be able to use their own repertoire to make meaning of what they are reading in the future. The second one, "the right to skip
pages", has additional reasons to make it a "Reader's Bill of Rights". Sometimes children might have developed many narrative conventions, which
allows them to infer the underlying themes. Therefore, they can predict what will happen in the story. These are important skills for children to
develop. It will help them to develop a frame of reference for narrations, and they will be more able to tell or write a well–structured story. By skipping
pages, students will maintain their interest in reading. Therefore, students will be more likely to read more and become better readers and writers. In
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My Love For Reading: Later Years Of Middle School
Ever since elementary school I've always been an avid reader. My favorite genre was always fantasy or medieval. Knights, wizards and dragons have
always captivated my mind as a child, and I still really enjoy that genre of books very much today. My comprehension was very good as well. In 7th
grade my reading comprehension was above high school level already, but I'm not sure how accurate it was because I still had a hard time reading
some novels in the later years of high school. My love for reading really died down around middle school because I started having less free time and
had other things to occupy my time, like using the computer or playing video games. But coming out of high school I started reading a lot more and
not in the traditional
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How Reading Has Positively Affected My Life
Reading Unlike most people my age, I enjoy a good book. From the classics we read as children to the older, more mature books we are required to
read in high school, a good book can take us places that we have never imagined going. In a way, books transport me out of time–into our past or
somewhere we aim to go one day. I believe that reading can and has positively affected me in my life. When I read, my mind wanders into different
directions visualizing what the character look like to how they act and talk. Having imagination when reading can make the reader turn into
someone they never knew existed through the complex plot lines and the captivating characters. Reading captivates me the most when I'm
imagining the history of the time period. It's amazing to see how authors can make a serious topic and turn it into something completely different. I
want to be like those writers and make an event or topic more relatable for both adults and children. One day, I hope to achieve that. In my life as a
reader, I've had some help finding books and learning more about topics I wanted to learn more about. As a youngster, I left my local library
overjoyed and with books tucked under my arms– with books, in my opinion, every child should... Show more content on ...
Since I am one of the youngest in my family, I can always ask my older siblings book advice and questions. Fortunately, most of the time, they have
read it and can answer my questions. Also, my friends are a big help in school. If I need homework help or I need them to reexplain something to
me, they always do. They are always there for me when I need any help whatsoever and am lucky to have a good support system both at school and
home. Teachers are also another good resource for book help. They can help me with the confusing aspects of a book and can tutor me if needed. They
understand that we might not get the same ideas; however, books can have several
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Four Theories : Learning And Read
Four Theories: Learning to Read Learning to read is beginning to develop earlier in elementary grades. Students are expected to be emergent readers
by the time he or she leaves kindergarten and enters first grade. If a child is not, he or she is labeled as being behind. According to Hughes (2007)
emergent readers are using early reading strategies in consistently, read easy patterned text, retell text with simple storyline, and respond to text at a
literal level. Hughes (2007) also says literacy develops in young children through play, daily conversation and interactions with text of all kinds. Many
children come with emergent literacy skills; can recognize signs and labels, scribble letters, retell stories by pointing at pictures and talking about
them, and some have varying degrees of phonemic and phonological awareness. This essay will define and explain implication for each theory in
learning to read.
Cueing Systems The cueing system is made up of four cueing systems: Grapho–phonemic, Syntactic, Semantic, and Pragmatic. Each is used in
language development and are important for communication. Grapho–phonemic cues are related to the sounds we hear (both individual letters and
letter combinations), the letters of the alphabet and the conventions of print (Hughes, The Four Cueing Systems, 2007). Syntactic cueing system is
having knowledge about language. The syntactic system provides information about the form and the structure of the language, including whether or not
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Personal Narrative In My Writing
As I've grown up I don't remember a time in which reading was enforced. Maybe only once or twice my parents would make me read the Spanish
newspaper but that was it. I grew up to be in 3rd grade when my neighbor suggested that I read to her every day after school. That's when I learned
how to be expressive in my reading. Getting out of the habit of skipping the crucial period pauses and taking my time without being so monotone.
"Okay but try to read that while you know that it's going to end eventually. It's okay to pause in a story." Miss Beverly would say.
"Okay." I would reply semi confident as picked up where I had left off.
"Alright now did you understand what you just read?" Miss Beverly would ask.
"No." I would respond.
"Well, read
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Readability And How It Is More Important Than Legibility...
Legibility vs. Readability
This evaluation explores the significance of readability and how it is more important than legibility with the assistance of articles found via the
internet. The articles found online express the importance of readability over legibility for three main reasons: readability prevents eye strain,
readability attracts readers, and readability can directly affect businesses. This evaluation examines why readability is crucial in the world today.
Readability refers to the text as a whole, whereas legibility refers to the individual aspects of the text such as letters and words. Readability is
especially important for continuous reading. Readable text prevents eye strain as it allows the reader to fluently read the text without the need to go
back to understand the text (Loyd, J. 2013, p. 1). Text with poor readability will cause eye strain over continuous periods of reading, which means
that the reader will not want to read on. Readability is especially important for individuals with vision problems, such as astigmatism, and the elderly,
as David Zacks, a retina specialist/ assistant professor of ophthalmology and visual sciences at the University of Michigan states, eyesight deteriorates
with age (Scientific American, 2006. p. 1). People who already have vision problems experience eye strain associated with their condition (Scientific
American, 2006. p. 1), so text that is not optimized for readability will give readers that
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Personal Narrative: How Literacy Has Changed My Life
My childhood was filled with literacy and I didn't even know it. When I was 6 years old I read books like The Cat in The Hat, Green Eggs and Ham,
and Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see? All of which were good books while I was growing up. These books taught me a lot when I was
younger and I didn't even realize it. I would enjoy reading them many times,as I grew older I got into heavier books. My literacy improved a lot
throughout my childhood.
When I was 12 years old I had started to read books like The Lost Hero, The Red Pyramid and The Diary of a Wimpy Kid series. I had found books
like Percy Jackson incredible for a while until the series became too long. Year after year they would come out with a newbook and I lost track of the
series ... Show more content on ...
Most teachers wanted to believe that most of those low tier students were going to fail in high school. They wanted to believe that they controlled our
future and knew exactly what we were going to do with our lives in the future. Middle school English is something I want to forget about because we
never learned anything down there. It was more in 8th grade that we learned some stuff, but for me, it was high school that got the concepts
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Their Eyes Were Watching God Summary
Information about the author and the book
I chose the book 'Their Eyes Were Watching God' from the Big Read Program. According to the Big Read's webpage, the Big Read is a program of
the National Endowment for the Arts, Managed by Arts Midwest. This program established in order to restore reading to the American culture center.
The Big Read program aims to support creative reading in specific communities. As literary reading started to decline among people, especially the
young, the Big read aims to support American literary reading by giving the readers the opportunity to read and discuss their reading within their
communities ("The Big Read," n.d.).
The book 'Their Eyes Were Watching God' was written by Zora Neale Hurston. According to Bush... Show more content on ...
However, new language learners most face some difficult and boredom in reading, so teachers should try to give students books that can attract
students interest and curiosity. Reading stories and novels can create great interest and suspense that ELL student's need. Through my reading to this
book 'Their Eyes Were Watching God' I strongly recommend it as one of these books that can benefit ELS students. According to Krashen (1993)
reading is an effective way to increasing and improving improve spelling, grammar, and writing for ELL students, especially reading for pleasure.
Krashen also said that students who read for pleasure have better reading comprehension, writing style, and increasing vocabulary. The author also
emphasized that the best way to develop Vocabulary is through real encounters words within context (Krashen,
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How Reading Changed My Life

  • 1. How Reading Changed My Life By the time that I was twelve, I discovered that I love to read. It is the best pass time that I could find to do. Every time I open up a book it's as if I'm in my own world, a place of bliss. Like I'm watching a movie in my head but I'm the director. I find it easier to read in complete silence that way my thoughts can echo out much further and louder. One of the things that I usually do is stop in the page that I'm reading in and start asking myself questions and try to foreshadow what I might believe will happen at the end. Although, I am a realist, reading has been an escape from reality into a world where it feels like I'm living a different life. A place where the author gives me the opportunity to expand my imagination. In my mind, opening up a new book is like opening up a door into the mind of someone else. Reading to me is an escape from the hardships in my life. When there were problems that I need to get away from a book was always there for me. No matter how good or bad my day was, reading improved it. It brought peace to my mind that while the world kept going on around me that I was able to tone it out and focus on one thing only. That the book that I held in my hands was able to be a different place that I could travel.... Show more content on ... Reading is an important part of who I am however I find it difficult to find the perfect atmosphere to truly enjoy it 100%. I find it that the perfect place that I can fully enjoy myself is a comfortable quiet place. A location where the only sound that should be there are my thoughts. That way I can enjoy what I am reading and I can absorb the story entirely. It has to be cut off from anything disturbing; is able to provide me a place to ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Article Review : ' Using Nooks On Hook Reluctant Readers... Research Summary Assignment The article titled, Using Nooks to Hook Reluctant Readers by Rebecca Dierking intrigued me to read this article because the title related to both topics for the research assignment. The author shares the research of integrating the Nook into Sustained Silent Reading to motivate reluctant readers to be more involved in the literacy process. Several factors, or threads defined by the author, affecting student engagement evolved from the research. The threads reluctant readers expressed, consisted of convenience, novelty, escape, privacy, and flow through implementing e–readers into the classroom to foster engagement of the reluctant readers through choice and time. Convenience 21st Century learner is naturally interested in technology and they see the e–readers as being more convenient than the traditional text. The reluctant readers expressed several reasons why they were compelled to read using an e–reader versus a traditional text. Students expressed they could change the font and size of the letters. Being able to adjust the light on the e–reader was important to the readers. Students felt more engaged and the e–readers allowed the students to be active readers, rather than just turning a page. The student expressed the importance of having the option of reading several books at one time, without having a backpack full of books, therefore, not taking up a lot of space. However, students also express inconveniences as well, such as ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Personal Narrative: Life After The Rwanda Holocaust Conversation opened. 1 unread message. Skip to content Using Denver School of Nursing Mail with screen readers Clarisse Looks like you don't have anyone to chat with yet. Invite some contacts to get started. Learn more More 2 of 559 (no subject) Inbox x Clarisse Makizimana Attachments7:10 AM (2 hours ago) to me 2 Attachments Preview attachment MH ESSAY 1.docx [Word] Preview attachment MH ESSAY 2.docx [Word] Click here to Reply or Forward Using 0.54 GB Manage Program Policies Powered by Google Last account activity: 0 minutes ago Details Page 1 of 6 Running head: POST–TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER 1 Life with Post–Traumatic Stress Disorder After the Rwanda Holocaust Clarisse Makizimana Denver School of Nursing Page 2 of... Show more content on ... I heard gun shot, and then couldn't hear her voice anymore and I felt numb as if it want real. While all this was happening the lady who had hide us came and told us not to cry or scream because she didn't want no one to hear any noise that would make her look suspicious; which could put all of us in the risk of being killed. I had to hold my emotions and Page 3 of 6 POST–TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER 3 my tears for very long time and my heart was full of guilt asking God why it wasn't me. I lived many days with fear and I couldn't imagine or understand what happened to the humanism and many of those days I kept questioning God why me? I was filled with anger and bitterness. After the period of three months they took us to live in the shelters because many houses were destroyed; these shelter were created by international organizations that came from abroad to help our country. Six months of life in the orphanage, I started s having symptoms such as flashback, intense fear, helplessness or horror, anxiety, depression and hypervigilance of my surrounding. And I could cry spontaneously with a pounding headache that could never respond to any treatment. Most of my symptoms were marked with insomnia and tears that couldn't ... Get more on ...
  • 4. My Educational Journey My journey as a reader started even before I entered school, as my parents gave me books to read in the days before the inception of pre–school. My love for sports helped to develop my reading skills, as I would, with great anticipation, wait for the paperboy to deliver the daily news, so I would be able to devour all the information within the sports pages. Spurred by my passion for sports, I would go to the library and try to muster as many sports magazines as allotted, and garner as much information as I could about my heroes in the athletic world. As I become older, this led to my curiosity about the history of the sports legends that I followed and I wanted to garner more information, and began to read any biography about sports that I could attain. In the same manner, throughout my educational journey, books that were mandatory for assignments and classroom... Show more content on ... Some of the books as a young man I recall reading were: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, The Grapes of Wrath, by John Steinbeck, Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley, A Raisin in the Sun, by Lorraine Hansberry, Black Boy, by Richard Wright, 1984, by George Orwell, Hiroshima, by John Hersey, Yes I Can, by Sammy Davis Jr. and Ball Four, by Jim Bouton just to name a few. The aforementioned books run the gamut of some of my interests, as some were required reading related to school assignments, but others were for enjoyment in areas that I participated in or had a keen interest in learning more about the subject matter or person. Books, with the content within them, can take a reader to places around the world, invigorate a person's imagination, can be inspirational, and is the entrance into greater educational opportunities that open up avenues for personal and societal ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Chinese Cinderella The book I read over the summer was "Chinese Cinderella." It was made by Adeline Yen Mah. I was reading this book in different locations. The location I mostly read in was in my room at night. I had peace and quiet so I could focus on the book easily. The only sound being made was from the fan. The other place I read was in the car. The car was a very noisy place because I read there when both of my siblings were in the car. I sat in the backseat so I could focus more on the book. My parents were also talking in the car which caused more noise. In the end I was able the book to focus on the book. My favorite character in the book Adeline Yen. Adeline is a real life character. At the beginning of the book she is a little child ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Rhetorical Reading Strategies And The Construction Of... Reading Deeper than the Words In Christina Haas and Linda Flower's article "Rhetorical Reading Strategies and the Construction of Meaning", they point out, and break down, the three reading strategies that are used by students when reading a passage, or paper. An experiment was constructed to show what each of these strategies are like while being used and what the reader may ask, or get out of, a certain excerpt. Even though Haas and Flower do not mention George Lakoff and Mark Johnson, or even metaphors, in their article, I will be using metaphors to get a better understanding of what these reading strategies are like. Lakoff and Johnson's analytical tools and ideas about metaphors (, seen in Metaphors We Live By, help me, and others, ... Show more content on ... That is a lot like how a content reader reads. They get the idea of what the article, or story, is about, and that is it. They would be able to summarize the reading to someone, but that is as far as their interpretation goes. They do not, and may not completely understand how to, go much deeper into the reading to get a strong, and full, understanding of why that specific reading was written and what everything in the reading means. Words that would work with both content reading and a child at a museum would be words along the lines of review. A reader reading for content sees their job as understanding enough of the text to summarize it and get a general idea of what it is about. Lakoff and Johnson's analytical tool highlighting and hiding presents readers with what is seen and unseen in a metaphor (10). In this case, this metaphor really highlights getting the general idea of what is going on. In both situations, the person is getting a basic understanding of what they are looking at, or reading. This metaphor hides the fact that in a museum getting the principal idea of what something is, is ok because there is another exhibit to look at, whereas while reading, it is ok to get the general idea, but that chosen reading is all the reader is going to focus on, so getting a deeper, and fuller, understanding than just the basics would be helpful, so they know what's going on and why. Although they only get the ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Dialogue Essay: Six And His Father Six and his father had been very close to one another, as Six respected and looked up to his father. His father taught him to take pride in his own nobility and empyrean bloodline, as well as value and develop his own intelligence through studies. Despite this closeness, Six had not been aware of his father's illegal and corrupt actions. Eric Snow would promise his son of a bright future ahead of him, as he would begin negotiating with his close friend and great emperor, Jason Rose III on plans for Isaac to marry Emily. Isaac would then accompany his father at all times, allowing him to learn the ways of a nobleman and the daily activities of the government and empire. Preparing him for the possibility of becoming the emperor, and being close ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Personal Narrative: Fox In Socks I was around three–and–a–half years old when I encountered my first reading challenge. At that age, I fell in love with Dr. Seuss books like many other children my age. From One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish, to The Cat in the Hat, I read them all. I spent hours hidden away in my family's dimly lit storage closet reading. However, there was one Dr. Seuss book in my house that I purposely avoided: Fox in Socks. In other words, I was afraid to read a seemingly innocent story about a fox wearing socks. The problem was that I listened to what my siblings told me prior. The book, teeming with tongue twisters and traps, could trip up and trick the reader in the blink of an eye. I asked my older siblings for advice so I could have a plan when ... Get more on ...
  • 9. How Quick We Can Gain Information Our era is about how quick we can gain information in a short period of time. People including young adults often do not have the time or think they do not have the time to sit down and read a book. This is sadly often a choice by many young adults by the ages of 12–18 there are many things that motive a young adult to not want to read some sort of book whether it be a like graphic novels, which have less words in many cases and more pictures but still stimulate the young readers mind; with this print books are also something that seem to be an issue with this age group as well. According to our reading "Who are reluctant readers chapter 1" "persons ages 12–18 who, choose for whatever reason, not to read. They can read, maybe not always at grade level, but it is not so much of skill as a matter of choice" (PG 7). There are four types of reluctant readers described in our week twelve unit the first was described as a dormant reader this teens who do enjoy and may even identify themselves as a reader, but do not want to because they don't want to take the time to read. The second is described, as uncommitted readers these teens on the other hand are a bit different than the dormant readers. The uncommitted reader enjoys to read a book only if the opportunity has arisen for example; in school if there has been reading assigned to them or a book given to them like the example in our reading also presents. The third type of reader is the; unmotivated reader this group of ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Pedaology Is Politics By Peter J. Rabinowitz In " Pedaology is Politics," Peter J. Rabinowitz expresses his feelings in a complex way about close readings. For those who don't know what a close reading is, it's taking a text part by part and analyzing it to figure out the authors meaning behind the text. So why is Rabinowitz so strung up about close readings? I am going to use my "close reading" analytic technique to understand why Rabinowitz is against close readings. Taking a text and asking questions to why the text is itself doesn't seem to trouble me. In fact, by doing so you open the doors to literary heaven. As stated in "Thinking on the Page" by Gwen Hyman and Martha Schulman, "It's the close reading of specific moments that will eventually allow you to say something about a particular issue in a particular text." I am no scholar on close readings, but I am surely not against it.... Show more content on ... He said something that stuck to me while I read through this chapter. "Close reading rests precariously on a number of shaky assumptions," and wraps up the sentence with, "therefore, needs to be questioned. Rabinowitz refers to the professors and scholars who teach the close reading method. He finds the technique unnatural and "not the best way to approach a text." (Rabinowitz 231) The first point he talks about is involving the authors. Going off the topic of assumptions, Rabinowitz believes following the close reading guidelines will leave the reader with assumptions on how it "ought to be read." (Rabinowitz ... Get more on ...
  • 11. The Perpetual Calendar Of Inspiration By Maya Angelou "Whenever you read a good book, somewhere in the world, a door opens to allow in more light," Vera Nazarian quoted in her book The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration. Reading is an educational activity that opens the mind to new ideas and thoughts. The poem "I Love the Look of Words," by Maya Angelou is used to teach young children that reading is good for the brain, that the feeling one gets after reading a book is unique and satisfying. Many people love reading but it is not a skill that one acquires in one day, it has to be learned from a young age. Angelou creates a cognitive link between popcorn and words to make it comprehensible for young readers that reading is a main factor in learning. Maya Angelou uses Metaphor, imagery and tone to encourage readers to read. Throughout the whole poem, Angelou compares popcorn to words in a book (1–4). The way popcorn leaps from a bowl into the mouth is the same way words jump from a book into the minds to create new ideas and thoughts. Metaphor is the strongest point of this poem because it makes the reader think about making the right decision as metaphors are used to convey life changing messages/advice. Most important lessons in life are given as metaphors, and if children are reading this they will take it more seriously since it is a message in form of a metaphor. In contrast to metaphor, similes are more direct. There is no hidden message, it's clear for the reader too comprehend. For example in line 10 to 15, Angelou says, ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Chronicle Book Children Research Paper I am a recent graduate of The University of the Incarnate Word's Graphic Design program; I am excited to apply to Chronicle Book's Children's Books and Gifts Graphic Design fellowship. I spent my childhood consumed by books. I kept one in my bag and took every spare moment that I could to read, even if it was only a page. My parents made my teacher's promise that I wouldn't read during recess. In the mornings when they woke me up for school, they found me sleeping, still clutching my book from the night before, unable to put it down in spite of the tug of sleep. Books have fueled me in all my endeavors. They are something that I wish to share with others. As I've gotten older, books have always been there opening up doors to new worlds. ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Hugh Jacob Llwyd Research Paper Welsh from Wales in the united kingdom Llwyds moved to Canada before moving to the US. Hugh Jacob Llwyd was the first minister of Grace Episcopal Church in Muskogee, Ok, and has two alter windows more than 10 feet tall dedicated to him. He was born in Canada. Edwin and his brother were born in the US, the first US born generation in their family. He was drafted into World War II during law school where his job involved diplomatic relations overseas. He went on to serve as an attorney in the military, retiring after more than 20 years and was an attorney for Muskogee County for over 50 years. He died in 2003. Touchette– Originally from France, now called "Cajun", in Louisiana. Some branches of this line can be traced into the 1700's. In the 1800's, some family came to the territory that would be later called the Louisiana Purchase. They were fur trappers, killing and skinning the animals to be sent home to sell. The French Government saw the many single men over here as a problem because they weren't getting married and having children;the government collected tax for each citizen, so less citizens mean less taxes. The government began a program known as the "Casket Girls". Usually, it involved poor girls. The Government sent each girl to marry a fur trapper. Each girl had a box, or "casket", of new clothes, a fancy brush, and even work animals like a horse or goats. We are ... Show more content on ... Some members owned vineyards in france near the German Bakers. In the last 150 years, they were schoolteachers and Baptist ministers. Grace's dad was a circuit preacher. Grace's nephew John Whisenaunt is a popular basketball coach with wikipedia page about his career. Charles's sister Mary Alice Ferguson is a semi–retired school teacher In the early 1990's, at a family reunion, Whisenaunt cousins talked about learning french to visit distant family, but when they arrived, the family all spoke ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Invisible Man Growing up reading was my passion, and as I grew older my love for reading completely vanished. I hated reading! Sitting in Mrs. Wagner's cold, English classroom half asleep as my class begin to read the novel that I have grown to love; I start to pay attention because we were notified that we would have a quiz on the next day. Thinking "No one warned me that AP English 12 consisted of reading as many Bildungsroman novels as we could in 18 weeks". I knew that I would have to read after I got off work that night. I remember Mrs. Wagner saying "Jamesa, you already not liking Invisible Man?", but little did she know I had not heard a word she had read. I got home from work and immediately picked up my book, which was very unusual for me. The Prologue was on our schedule to read, but Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison made me curious, so I read through chapter three and could not wait to get in class for discussion. I am used to reading books that end happily, but Invisible Man was real and made me think about life. Then is when I knew that this novel would mean much more to me than the other novels we had read in class.... Show more content on ... I was the only African American student in AP English, so the entire novel landed on me. The narrator was an African American man who was invisible because of the color of his skin, and I totally agreed with him. Many of my classmates thought I was just talking, but as I began to explain how I could agree with the narrator because majority of the time my voice was not heard or simply overlooked because I was not one of them. They were mind blown. Living in a cold, cruel world really makes you hesitate who to trust, and after reading Invisible Man, Ellison allowed me to put myself in the narrator's shoes by his use of symbols, lessons presented, and ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Harold Blooms Why Read Analysis In Harold Blooms Why Read, Bloom starts of the prologue by asking the readers why read. He backs up this statement with by saying "You can read merely to pass the time, or you can read with an overt urgency, but eventually you will read against the clock."(Bloom 21). Here one could assume that there is little time to read so many books that all around. As the reading goes on Bloom makes the agreement about how people should have urgency about themselves when reading and how they should come to an understanding for their purpose of reading. He gives readers this notion when states that "I turn to reading as a solitary praxis, rather than as an educational enterprise"(Bloom 21). but he also talks about how the best reading is "never an easy pleasure" which questions why we read in our solitary time. This question then becomes look at. According... Show more content on ... But he goes on with the reminder that "The pleasures of reading indeed are selfish rather than social. You can't directly improve anyone's life by reading better or more deeply" (Bloom 22). So if a person is reading to inspire then they are on the wrong track, but if they read for themselves, then then they are good. From here Bloom speaks on the fourth princlple which tells readers that " one must be an inventor to read well"(Bloomer 25) this tells readers that when they read they can't be original they must be creative and hav an open mind which is something that comes with reading . Bloom states towards the end that "we read frequently if unknowingly, in quest of a mind more original than our own.(Bloom 25) The last principle that he talks about is "recovery of the ironic" this right simply deals with the idea of metaphors. Irony is nothing but word useage which expresses something other than as well as the opposite of the literal meaning. ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Summary Of Haywood Smith's 'Waking Up In Dixie' Haywood Smith is the author of Waking up in Dixie and best–sellers The Red Hat Club, and Queen Bee of Mimosa Branch. Starting her writing career at the age of 40, she has won several Awards such as the Romantic Times 1996 award, and the New York Times best seller award. Her typical writing styles consist of the genre's historical fiction, humor and comedy, and self help. Waking up in Dixie is a historical fiction. Haywood presents the book in chapters and delivers an intriguing yet problematic story. The book tells of a marriage at the crossroad. The tale of unfaithfulness and miscommunication leads the readers into a web of lost love and lies. Waking up in Dixie takes place in a city named Whittington in Georgia. The speaker is Elizabeth Whittington. The occasion is the journey of Elizabeth and Howell's marriage in this gossip–filled town. The storyline can be referenced to events that happened in United States history. Whittington, Georgia is a city controlled by generational wealth and power. The Whittington family has ruled that city for centuries on end. Elizabeth has been married to Howell Whittington, the prince of Whittington, for quite some time. At first the marriage seemed like a dream but as years past progressed, the love seemed like it had slowly disappeared. A near–death experience happens to Howell, and all of his suppressed emotions and appetites were clearly made known when he awakened from his long coma and the years of bland hellos and ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Vladimir Nabokov What Makes A Good Reader Good Readers Read for Enjoyment Many people have never considered, in–depth, the idea of what makes a good reader. Surface level first idea that pops into many people's' heads is someone who can read fast and understand the text. In reality, the definition is debatable and much more complex. Being able to define a good reader allows for us to have a goal or guideline of what we, as individual readers, should be doing or striving to do. Some view a good reader as someone who can analyze and really dig into the text, while others argue that the reader should really have a passion for reading and enjoy the text. Vladimir Nabokov is a Russian – American novelist who delivered the well–known speech, Good Readers and Good Writers. As he delivers ... Show more content on ... Imagination is important to make a good reader, but he argues that you need to have imagination but it needs to remain impersonal. The reader can enjoy, but must know when to curb their imagination. In this form of reading the reader is almost always having to restrain themselves. Nabokov said earlier that after closely studying the world that the author created the reader can then analyze connections to other worlds and branches of knowledge. These are all valid points that he chooses to argue, but what Nabokov fails to see is that some of the best connections are made as an impulse on a first read. These valuable pieces of information could be lost during one of the many rereads that Nabokov suggests. The line also begins to blur when Nabokov refers to "other branches of knowledge". It is easy to assume he means that we can draw from the ideas of other authors. But what makes it okay to connect to other authors and not your own thoughts? A good reader can receive the same, if not more, benefits if they are able to make connections personally with the text than connecting to other ... Get more on ...
  • 18. For The Sake Of This Final Research Proposal, I Would Only For the sake of this Final Research Proposal, I would only report my findings in Sasha's responses. These findings are reported in three mayor themes: (1) Beliefs about Reading, (2) Beliefs about Themselves as Readers, and (3) Translanguaging as a Transaction Strategy. Beliefs about Reading From Sasha's responses, it is possible to notice that her beliefs about what good readers do is grounded in her understanding of how a story should be told. For Sasha, good readers are those who bring emotions to the act of reading. PI: Muy bien, ВїQuiГ©n es un buen lector que tГє conoces? [ Very good, who is a goodreader you know?] Sasha: ВїCГіmo asГ? [How does it come?] PI: no se, alguien que lee bien, que tГє dices esta persona es un muy buen lector, ... Show more content on ... PI: o, por quГ© tГє dices, no sГ© si soy una buena lectora, que quisieras tu saber para saber si eres una buena lectora [ or, why do you say I don't know if I am a good reader, what else would you like to know to realize you are a good reader?] Sasha: las otras personas opiniГіn, [ other people's opiniГіn] PI: ВїquГ© opinan las otras personas? [what do other people think?] Sasha: ajГЎ [yeah] PI: ВїPor quГ© eso es importante para ti? [ why is that important for you?] Sasha: ... uhm, 'cos I don't know how to rate myself Sasha's beliefs about herself as a reader are based on other people's opinions and how these people rate her reading: " 'cos I don't know how to rate myself". Translanguaging as a Transactional Strategy The aforementioned excerpts enlighten how Sasha's uses bilingual strategies to convey a very specific meaning within their answers. Sasha uses her full linguistic repertoire in a socially constructed context (the BRI and during the RMA), which is defined as translanguaging (GarcГa & Kleyn, 2016). Translanguaging as a transactional strategy was not considered to be a possible theme for this research project; however, Sasha's rich translanguaging is worth to be analyzed. Sasha used her translanguaging abilities in multiple times during BRI, RMI, and RMA. During the RMA session, Sasha expressed her frustration ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Reading Log Analysis I was raised to love reading from a young age and that is exactly what happened. I learned how to read when I was about two years old and I haven't stopped. There were stages to what and how I read, advancing with age. The levels of my literature preference is split into three separate intervals. When I first began to read, I was lucky enough to have a house full of books and school with a library that had seemingly endless shelves. Rows and rows full of separate worlds where anything was possible and I could immerse myself in the story. I used to read anything I could get my hands on. Students were required to turn in 'Reading Logs' with what we read and how long we read. Many of my friends used to lie about fifteen or thirty minutes of reading... Show more content on ... I began to go to a used bookstore that sold books for a dollar and was a home to a bunny and a cat. I remember when I first walked in I would love the smell of pages that had been turned too much, their magic had been spilled over and over again but they were all still enchanting. I enjoyed the store as much as I enjoyed reading the books. This safe haven is where I found many books one could never find online or in a traditional bookstore. They were strange but felt familiar in my hands. I loved these odd stories and just getting a taste of a few of them made me want more. Seeking more unusual books I began searching for more in school. Hungry for these novelty stories became a sort of game: what's the weirdest book I could find this week? I ended up with "Animal Farm" by George Orwell and I thought it was an amazing book without even realizing it's satirical nature towards capitalism and ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Personal Narrative: My Love For Reading I like to read because you can learn stuff about the world and it can make you smarter. I like reading because it gets me out of my problem and my stress and i can go somewhere else and never have to do anything. Like for example I read the bible for church and I learn stuff about what happened back in the time of Caesar it's intriguing and I like to know what happened and who was the most important person. Well I like social studies and I like history and like to know what happened back then My strength are reading for a long time without stopping and I can read for hour. Also I can read super fast and I can understand what i'm reading. But my weakness are falling asleep and I keep reading so i'm not understanding anything so I have to read ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Literary Elements In 'The Jacket' Mace Phillips Mrs. Alea Literature Studies 14 February 2018 The Literary Elements In The Jacket Ugly, sickening, disgusting, and disheartening all describe the word "atrocious."Have you ever had an item that was atrocious, but you weren't able to dispose of it? That's how the main character of Gary Soto's "The Jacket" felt. The story is about an unidentified kid whose mother grants him, or her, a very ugly jacket. The presumed theme of this story is: Acceptance is gradual, it's never right away that one gets used to something. Three literary elements that influence the themen in "The Jacket" are symbolism, personification, and metaphor. Starting off, the symbolism in "The Jacket" accentuates the overarching theme. The whole story can be ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Why Is Reading So Important To Me Essay My Superhero: Making Reading Fun Do you remember that one person that made you just absolutely love reading? Everyone knows it is not easy learning how to read and that is why most people dislike reading. For me, I had the same exact problem, but I had someone that helped me enhance my reading and made me love it, my grandma, also known as my superhero. It all started one spring day when my mom and dad told me that Granny was coming to babysit me for the weekend. My parents were going out to Rapid City, South Dakota for the annual Sturgis Bike Rally. I was more than pleased to hear that Granny was coming babysit me. "Now Jason, you are going to have to read your book you got from your teacher today to Granny," my mom demanded. "But mom,... Show more content on ... "But, what if I don't actually know what I just read?" I questioned back. She replied back to me, "Then I will describe to you what it means, so you can learn and understand." At the moment, I did not think this was going to pan out, but I was undeniably wrong. I was not expecting that this idea would actually work out, but it did. I would read a few sentences and try to describe back to her what I just read. There were many times that I definitely didn't understand what I read and times where I did understand. During the many times I didn't understand, we would pause and she would help me understand by giving me a summarization. This honestly made reading fun. I was not just reading words on a page. I was actually reading a story, understanding a story. As I continued to read those fragile and malodorously smelling book, I read about how Roberto Clemente grew up. Roberto Clemente was born in Puerto Rico, and worked very hard at a young age by the side of his father. Since I was finally understanding what I was reading, I was flying through the book. For the first time in my reading career, I was actually enjoying and having fun reading. This book about Roberto Clemente made me finally realize I liked to read, and ever since then, I read almost every ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Jo Treggiari's Ashes, Ashes Like reading? If so, Jo Treggiari's White Pine award winner, published in 2011, Ashes, Ashes, is a book which many people really enjoy. Everybody who likes reading is most likely into certain themes, but some people try new things and change it up a little, and sometimes even find a new theme, or even book. For sixteen year old Lucy Holloway, the end of the world came and went, taking ninety–nine percent of the population with it. This book is full of excitement, which many thrive on. Jo Treggiari's book can be enjoyed by people who like reading because she uses the exciting themes of post apocalypse, bravery, and violence. Post apocalypse is one of the central themes in this book. One example of a post apocalypse in Ashes, Ashes is "small ... Show more content on ... One example of violence in this book is when the dogs show up trying to eat Lucy. "He heaved, she kicked desperately her left foot hit something with a solid thwack and a yelp, and all of a sudden her momentum carried her up to the high branch he straddled"(Treggiari 27). Lucy is in danger so she attempts to injure the dog in order to survive, which is a case of violence. Another example of violence in this book is when the Sweepers show up at Lucy's camp. ""Del!" Leo bellowed, appearing from an alleyway at a run and beating his way to the girl's side. He was armed with a two–by–four studded with nails"(Treggiari 159). The Sweepers come to Lucy's camp and everyone started fighting, armed and un–armed, which is another example of violence. The last example of violence being examined is when a German Shepherd is commanded to attack people. "The dog trainer made a gesture with one hand, and immediately the German Shepherd was on the kid, hurling him backward, its jaws clamped on his forearm"(Treggiari 95). This is an example of violence because the trainer commands the dog to bite and scratch a person. This book's last intelligent theme is violence, it is very exciting because it makes the reader hooked and intrigued, which makes people want to read ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Reading Admissions Essay Since childhood, I have been enamored with reading. My passion for reading was passed from my mother who has always advocated literacy to my siblings and me. During elementary school, my teachers would send report cards with comments admonishing me for reading throughout class. A novel would be hidden behind a textbook or in my lap, and I would sneak a glance whenever possible. When school was dismissed, my nose would be buried inside a book. I would read anything I could get my hands on: my brother's books, my mom's Women's Day magazines, and even the backs of cereal boxes. I would snuggle up in blankets, grab the latest Magic Treehouse book, and plunge into magical worlds for countless hours. Every summer break I would spend my time reading numerous books for my library's Summer Reading Program. My preferences changed as I grew older. By age eleven, I was reading Young Adult Fiction, which challenged me more than children's novels. The Harry Potter, Maximum Ride, and Lord of the Rings series enthralled me, and I waited desperately for each installment to be released. It was also during this time that I read my family's collection of classics. The cultures and time periods in books like Austen's Emma, Lereaux's ... Show more content on ... I read most of the Teenage Fiction genres such as mystery, romance, fantasy, and science fiction. It wasn't long before the typical light teen fiction novel became boring to me. For English class, we read many books such as To Kill a Mockingbird, Romeo and Juliet, Julius Caesar, and The Scarlet Letter. They were intriguing and compelled me to read more classics. I soon fell in love with beautifully written and thought–provoking books like Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier and Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy. Beloved and timeless, classics provide an insight into the society, beliefs, and customs of other cultures, which in turn benefits me in understanding the ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Overcoming Obstacles Of Being A Bilingual Person Being a bilingual person, reading for me was difficult. I began by reading short story children's books with an ESL teacher. At first , I hated reading because most of the time I could not understand what I was reading. Once I learned how to read, I became interested in reading books. One children book series that caught my attention the most as a child was the Clementine series. Many time in young children, one of the major obstacles they go through is finding themselves . The Clementine series helps children find their identity and who they really are. Clementine and Margaret remind me of when I was in school with my friends . I was the new kid in school , and I wanted to fit into the " best friend "group. I started by looking at how ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Personal Narrative: My Autobiography Of A Reader Justice Hitchcock Eran Eads ENGL:1200:0004 7 September, 2016 Autobiography of a Reader Reading has been one of the most important things in my life since I was very young. Some of my earliest memories are of learning to read. Reading might actually have been the thing that brought me out of the either of infancy into the stream of consciousness in which I currently live my life, because I don't have any clear memory of life before I could read in some capacity. I used to read all of the billboards that I saw out loud to my mom as practice. I know that it was extremely annoying to hear every billboard in town everyday from the back seat of the car, but my mom encouraged and helped me and I'm sure that reading would not have been such an... Show more content on ... I was first really introduced to literature by my sophomore English teacher and Catcher in the Rye. Catcher in the Rye, again was a good introduction into the next phase of my life just like Smiles to Go. I learned about the loss of innocence and growing up and almost immediately after finishing the book I experienced all of those things. Going forward from Catcher in the Rye I didn't read literary novels very much. I preferred to read poetry and short stories, especially Edgar Allen Poe. His dark style is really fun, interesting, and weird. In high school though I lost a lot of time to read to work and sports, so I didn't read as much as I always used to and it really negatively effected my ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Personal Narrative: Hippopotomonstrosquippedaliophony I have a talent like most people often do something your good at, well for me that is spelling I have a really good memory and when I see a word I can see it in my head and can spell the word depending on the word spelling is really easy for me I can spell all types of words short, medium, long words hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia that means the fear of long words I can spell that word no problem because I can see it in my head and read it in my head as I spell it out. So that is my talent I'm a good speller. I also have an interest something I love doing I love playing baseball that's my favorite thing to do I want to do something with it I want to move on and keep going with baseball I have dreams to become something and yeah I know ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Summary Of The Article 'Booing Of Goodes' Another source that revolves around the topic of Booing of Goodes, is an article by Bob Murphy on The Sydney Morning Herald titled, Bob Murphy: Booing directed at Adam Goodes makes me hang my head in despair. As the title suggests, the article takes in the form of a first person view or personal opinion on the topic. Bob Murphy is a Western Bulldogs star football player, which holds credibility to what he says in relation to the issues Goodes faces on the football field. The source's main difference to the ABC NEWS broadcast source is that this takes in the form of an article which is a totally different medium as it presented different textual elements. An example is of the text written are more formal and are seemingly directed to the audience ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Personal Narrative: What Influenced Me To Become The Reader What influenced me to become the reader I am today is how when my parents read to me and how it made me feel. Growing up as a middle child was always the worst compared to my sisters. My little sister was the baby and got away with everything, along with all of my parents attention. My older sister was the "responsible" one so she got to do more and communicated a lot more with my parents. As the middle child to me the only time I got alone with my parents is when they would read to me. The story I remember my parents reading to me is Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin, Jr. and John Archambault. It was a story about the baby letters of the alphabet climbing to the top of the coconut tree and then telling all the other letters. This story ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Rhetorical Essay In Sherman Alexie's Superman And Me In Sherman Alexie's "Superman and Me," he uses rhetorical strategies to achieve his purpose of reaching his audience. He uses analogies to depict something confusing with something simple to understand. Syntax gives the readers an idea of Alexie when he was first learning to read. Finally, his emphasis on anaphora allows the audience to see his relentlessness to keep reading. The use of analogy, syntax, and anaphora persuades his audience to agree with Alexie's purpose of this essay. Throughout this essay, Alexie uses an extended analogy. Alexie's analogies help the reader understand the purpose of a paragraph. He realized that "a paragraph was a fence that held words. The words inside a paragraph worked together for a common purpose." He compares a paragraph with a fence which brings clarity to his understanding of a paragraph. From this understanding, he began to think of everything in terms of paragraphs. For example, "Our reservation was a small paragraph within the United States. My family's house was a paragraph, distinct from the other paragraphs of Labrets to the north, the Fords to our south and the Tribal School to the west." He uses this idea that each paragraph is an identity and inside those identities are smaller ones. Alexie even says that his family is like a seven–paragraph essay, each different but linked by genetics and common experiences. This allusion allows the audience to see Alexie's point of view on the world. Syntax gives the readers an idea of Alexie when he was first learning to read. In the fourth paragraph, he explains on how he started reading. As he was analogizing the world in paragraphs he began reading that Superman comic. For him to understand the text he began piecing the pictures together into words. His use of simple sentences gives the reader a feel to be in his place. "Superman is breaking down the door," he states that was what he was interpreting from the pictures and then pretended to say those words," Superman is breaking down the door." With this picture and these words he concludes that Superman is saying words and those words, "I am breaking down the door." Alexie's way of learning to read relates to other people. These readers could have used elements like ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Sioux Tribe Research Paper Conversation opened. 1 read message. Skip to content Using Gmail with screen readers eddie Google+ Profile Icon Search Gmail COMPOSE Labels Inbox (762) Starred Important Sent Mail Drafts (6) Circles @SaneArchive (39,352) @SaneLater (3,518) Personal (15) Travel More... Show more content on ... (Wikipedia, 2015) There were many subgroups or small divisions, Sioux people basic social unit was the tiyospe, which is a family group that followed the buffalo herds together. Evert part of the animal they used for food, clothing, shelter, or tools. They took great advantage of available horses to travel and gather what they need to survive and their diet was predominantly buffalo meat. Sioux had a distinguished look, they had straight jet black long hair. Also very high cheek bones with a large nose. They celebrated a ceremony every year known as the powwows. This feature dancing, singing, and lots of food. The Sioux were deeply spiritual people, they also communed with the spirit world through the music and dancing. The sun dance was consider one of their most religious ceremonies that they demonstrated in this powwow celebration. By dancing and enduring the pain self–inflicted wounds, they reasserted them to identity them as a Indian Warrior. The Dakota and Lakota are known for Siouan languages of the Great Plains. These tribes are so close that most linguists consider them with a particular, but of the same language. It ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Bill Of Rights Reflection From this lesson, I want to learn the many skills children develop by reading and how to use books to help them read more effectively. In return, this lesson helped me to learn Pennac's "Reader's Bill of Rights". My previous knowledge and this lesson helped me also to realize these "Reader's Bill of Rights" should be mandatory for children who are beginning to read or are readers. Each bill has a logical reason that supports it. For one example, that is related to this lesson, is the first one. "The right not to read" has its own logical explanation. If children are force to read, it can take away from the pleasure of reading. Additionally, the students might be busy, at the time,learning other skills like socializing or gaining more experiences in life to be able to use their own repertoire to make meaning of what they are reading in the future. The second one, "the right to skip pages", has additional reasons to make it a "Reader's Bill of Rights". Sometimes children might have developed many narrative conventions, which allows them to infer the underlying themes. Therefore, they can predict what will happen in the story. These are important skills for children to develop. It will help them to develop a frame of reference for narrations, and they will be more able to tell or write a well–structured story. By skipping pages, students will maintain their interest in reading. Therefore, students will be more likely to read more and become better readers and writers. In ... Get more on ...
  • 33. My Love For Reading: Later Years Of Middle School Ever since elementary school I've always been an avid reader. My favorite genre was always fantasy or medieval. Knights, wizards and dragons have always captivated my mind as a child, and I still really enjoy that genre of books very much today. My comprehension was very good as well. In 7th grade my reading comprehension was above high school level already, but I'm not sure how accurate it was because I still had a hard time reading some novels in the later years of high school. My love for reading really died down around middle school because I started having less free time and had other things to occupy my time, like using the computer or playing video games. But coming out of high school I started reading a lot more and not in the traditional ... Get more on ...
  • 34. How Reading Has Positively Affected My Life Reading Unlike most people my age, I enjoy a good book. From the classics we read as children to the older, more mature books we are required to read in high school, a good book can take us places that we have never imagined going. In a way, books transport me out of time–into our past or somewhere we aim to go one day. I believe that reading can and has positively affected me in my life. When I read, my mind wanders into different directions visualizing what the character look like to how they act and talk. Having imagination when reading can make the reader turn into someone they never knew existed through the complex plot lines and the captivating characters. Reading captivates me the most when I'm imagining the history of the time period. It's amazing to see how authors can make a serious topic and turn it into something completely different. I want to be like those writers and make an event or topic more relatable for both adults and children. One day, I hope to achieve that. In my life as a reader, I've had some help finding books and learning more about topics I wanted to learn more about. As a youngster, I left my local library overjoyed and with books tucked under my arms– with books, in my opinion, every child should... Show more content on ... Since I am one of the youngest in my family, I can always ask my older siblings book advice and questions. Fortunately, most of the time, they have read it and can answer my questions. Also, my friends are a big help in school. If I need homework help or I need them to reexplain something to me, they always do. They are always there for me when I need any help whatsoever and am lucky to have a good support system both at school and home. Teachers are also another good resource for book help. They can help me with the confusing aspects of a book and can tutor me if needed. They understand that we might not get the same ideas; however, books can have several ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Four Theories : Learning And Read Four Theories: Learning to Read Learning to read is beginning to develop earlier in elementary grades. Students are expected to be emergent readers by the time he or she leaves kindergarten and enters first grade. If a child is not, he or she is labeled as being behind. According to Hughes (2007) emergent readers are using early reading strategies in consistently, read easy patterned text, retell text with simple storyline, and respond to text at a literal level. Hughes (2007) also says literacy develops in young children through play, daily conversation and interactions with text of all kinds. Many children come with emergent literacy skills; can recognize signs and labels, scribble letters, retell stories by pointing at pictures and talking about them, and some have varying degrees of phonemic and phonological awareness. This essay will define and explain implication for each theory in learning to read. Cueing Systems The cueing system is made up of four cueing systems: Grapho–phonemic, Syntactic, Semantic, and Pragmatic. Each is used in language development and are important for communication. Grapho–phonemic cues are related to the sounds we hear (both individual letters and letter combinations), the letters of the alphabet and the conventions of print (Hughes, The Four Cueing Systems, 2007). Syntactic cueing system is having knowledge about language. The syntactic system provides information about the form and the structure of the language, including whether or not ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Personal Narrative In My Writing As I've grown up I don't remember a time in which reading was enforced. Maybe only once or twice my parents would make me read the Spanish newspaper but that was it. I grew up to be in 3rd grade when my neighbor suggested that I read to her every day after school. That's when I learned how to be expressive in my reading. Getting out of the habit of skipping the crucial period pauses and taking my time without being so monotone. "Okay but try to read that while you know that it's going to end eventually. It's okay to pause in a story." Miss Beverly would say. "Okay." I would reply semi confident as picked up where I had left off. "Alright now did you understand what you just read?" Miss Beverly would ask. "No." I would respond. "Well, read ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Readability And How It Is More Important Than Legibility... Legibility vs. Readability Abstract This evaluation explores the significance of readability and how it is more important than legibility with the assistance of articles found via the internet. The articles found online express the importance of readability over legibility for three main reasons: readability prevents eye strain, readability attracts readers, and readability can directly affect businesses. This evaluation examines why readability is crucial in the world today. Evaluation Readability refers to the text as a whole, whereas legibility refers to the individual aspects of the text such as letters and words. Readability is especially important for continuous reading. Readable text prevents eye strain as it allows the reader to fluently read the text without the need to go back to understand the text (Loyd, J. 2013, p. 1). Text with poor readability will cause eye strain over continuous periods of reading, which means that the reader will not want to read on. Readability is especially important for individuals with vision problems, such as astigmatism, and the elderly, as David Zacks, a retina specialist/ assistant professor of ophthalmology and visual sciences at the University of Michigan states, eyesight deteriorates with age (Scientific American, 2006. p. 1). People who already have vision problems experience eye strain associated with their condition (Scientific American, 2006. p. 1), so text that is not optimized for readability will give readers that ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Personal Narrative: How Literacy Has Changed My Life My childhood was filled with literacy and I didn't even know it. When I was 6 years old I read books like The Cat in The Hat, Green Eggs and Ham, and Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see? All of which were good books while I was growing up. These books taught me a lot when I was younger and I didn't even realize it. I would enjoy reading them many times,as I grew older I got into heavier books. My literacy improved a lot throughout my childhood. When I was 12 years old I had started to read books like The Lost Hero, The Red Pyramid and The Diary of a Wimpy Kid series. I had found books like Percy Jackson incredible for a while until the series became too long. Year after year they would come out with a newbook and I lost track of the series ... Show more content on ... Most teachers wanted to believe that most of those low tier students were going to fail in high school. They wanted to believe that they controlled our future and knew exactly what we were going to do with our lives in the future. Middle school English is something I want to forget about because we never learned anything down there. It was more in 8th grade that we learned some stuff, but for me, it was high school that got the concepts ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Their Eyes Were Watching God Summary Information about the author and the book I chose the book 'Their Eyes Were Watching God' from the Big Read Program. According to the Big Read's webpage, the Big Read is a program of the National Endowment for the Arts, Managed by Arts Midwest. This program established in order to restore reading to the American culture center. The Big Read program aims to support creative reading in specific communities. As literary reading started to decline among people, especially the young, the Big read aims to support American literary reading by giving the readers the opportunity to read and discuss their reading within their communities ("The Big Read," n.d.). The book 'Their Eyes Were Watching God' was written by Zora Neale Hurston. According to Bush... Show more content on ... However, new language learners most face some difficult and boredom in reading, so teachers should try to give students books that can attract students interest and curiosity. Reading stories and novels can create great interest and suspense that ELL student's need. Through my reading to this book 'Their Eyes Were Watching God' I strongly recommend it as one of these books that can benefit ELS students. According to Krashen (1993) reading is an effective way to increasing and improving improve spelling, grammar, and writing for ELL students, especially reading for pleasure. Krashen also said that students who read for pleasure have better reading comprehension, writing style, and increasing vocabulary. The author also emphasized that the best way to develop Vocabulary is through real encounters words within context (Krashen, ... Get more on ...