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History of orthodontics
-By Dr.Sumayya Shaikh
1st year MDS
Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics.
Evolution of the term
Prior to 1900s
Up to 1930s
Joachim Le Foulon
Up to 1970s
By Sir James Murray
BF Dewel
Right or Correct
Definition of Orthodontics
NOYES – 1911
First definition
- “The study of the relation of the teeth
to the development of the face, and the
correction of arrested and perverted
-“Orthodontics includes the study of the
growth and development of jaws and face
particularly, and the body generally,
as influencing the position of the teeth;
the study of action and reaction of internal
and external influences on the development,
and the prevention and correction of arrested
and perverted development.”
-“Orthodontics is that specific area of dental
practice that has as its responsibility,the study
and supervision of growth and development of
the dentition and the related anatomical
structures from birth to dental
maturity,including all preventive and corrective
procedures of dental irregularities,requiring the
repositioning of teeth by functional or
mechanical means to establish normal
occlusion and pleasing facial contours.”
Medicine Dentistry Orthodontic
Ancient Civilization
 Specimens dating back to the eight
century BC indicate that Etruscans may
have been the first people to employ
orthodontics to improve tooth alignment.
 Crude appliances to regulate teeth-
recovered among the archaelogical
remanants in Egypt,Greece and Mexico.
 First dental healers were physicians.
 Learned by trial,error and observations.
Sacerdotal Medicine
 Father of Medicine.
 First to separate medicine from fancy.
 ‘Corpus Hippocraticum’ – includes descriptions on
irregularity and crowding of teeth.
ARISTOTLE (384-322 BC)
 Greek philosopher
 Compared various dentitions of different species of
animals in his work ‘De Partibus Animalia’ or “On the
Parts of Animals.”
 Anatomist
 Classified teeth as bones; said they were unlike other
 First to recognize nerves (dental pulp) in the teeth.
 Anatomist.
 Dared to correct the errors in Galen’s work.
 Gave a much more accurate description of the
anatomy of teeth.
Aulius Cornelius Celsus (25 BC–50 AD)
 Use of finger pressure for the treatment of incorrectly
positioned teeth -‘De Re Medicinia.’
 “If a second tooth should happen to grow in children before the first has
fallen out, that which ought to be shed, is to be drawn out and the new
one daily pushed towards its place by means of the finger until it arrives
at its just proportion.”
Pliny the Elder (23 AD-79 AD)
 Advocated the first mechanical treatment
of malaligned teeth by filing elongated
(14th – 16th Century)
Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)
 First artist to dissect human body for anatomic knowledge.
 Drew accurate pictures of these dissections
 First to recognize tooth form and relationship of each tooth
to another tooth and to the opposing jaw.
 Described maxillary and frontal sinuses.
Leonardo Da Vinci's depiction of a skull.
Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564)
 Described minute anatomy of teeth,
particularly the dental follicle and
eruption pattern of teeth in his book ‘De
Corpori Humanis Fabrica’
Ambroise Pare (1517-1590)
 First to use obturator for treatment of cleft
Gabrile Fallopio(1523-1562)
 An Italian anatomist
 “Observationes Anatomica”
 A detailed description of dental follicle
 Wrote the terms hard and soft palate.
Bartholomaeus Eustachio(1520-1574)
 An italian anatomist
 Libellus de Dentibus(Book on the teeth)
in 1563.
 “ARZEI BUCHLEIN”(A Book of the
Surgical Art) published in 1530
AD(author unknown).
 “When the teeth begin to drop
out…push the new one every day
toward that place where the first one
was until it sits there and fits among
the others.”
World Leader
in dentistry
Pierre Fauchard (1678-1761)
‘Founder of Modern Dentistry’
 1728- Le Chirurgien Dentiste (The Surgeon Dentist, A Treatise
on the Teeth)- First complete scientific description of dentistry.
 Pioneer of Dental Prosthesis
 Introduced fillings for cavities
 BANDEAU- An expansion arch that became the basis for
Angle’s E-arch.
 Used “pelican” forceps for repositioning of teeth.
Etienne Bourdet (1722-1789)
 Refined Fauchard’s Bandeau
 First to recommend serial extraction (1757) and
premolars extraction.
 First to practise “lingual orthodontics,” expanding the
arch lingually.
John Hunter (1728- 1793)
 English anatomist and surgeon
 First to describe normal occlusion
 Established difference between teeth and bone
 First to describe the growth of jaws
Early Nineteenth Century
 Joseph Fox (1814) - First English dental textbook- The Natural History and Diseases
of the Human Teeth.
First to classify malocclusion.
First to give directions for correcting irregularities of teeth.
 Le Foulon- First to use the term ORTHODONTIA
 James Murray- Coined the term ORTHODONTICS
 Delabarre (1819)- Introduced the crib.
Separated crowded teeth by means of wooden wedges placed between
 J. M. Alexis Schange (1841)- Published the first work confined to orthodontics
Coined the term ‘anchorage’
 Kneisel (1836)- FIRST to use plaster models to record malocclusion.
FIRST to use a removable appliance.
FIRST introduced modern impression trays
 Joseph Sigmond (1825)- Recognised habit as factor in Malocclusion
 William Imrie (1834)- Thumb sucking as cause of dental abnormalities
 Rodrigues (1839)- Abnormal muscle pressure causes malocclusion
Year Author Contribution to
1840 JS Gunnell Introduced chin strap.
1841 William Lintott Introduced the use of screws.
1860 Emerson C Angel Introduced arch expansion by
opening midpalatal suture
“Father of expansion appliances”
1871 William and Magill Developed molar bands.
1888 and 1889 John Nutting Farrar “Father of American Orthodontics”
Wrote “irregularities of teeth and
their correction” first exclusive
textbook devoted to orthodontics.
1829 to 1913 Norman N Kingsley “Treatise on oral deformities”
worked on correction of cleft
Extraoral traction
1893 Henry A Baker Bakers anchorage(intermaxillary
Orthodontics In
United States
Chapin Harris (1806-1860)
 Editor- American Journal of Dental Science.
 Gave attention to orthodontics.
1840- FIRST dental college.
John Nutting Farrar (1839-1913)
 Father of American Orthodontics
 Published series of articles in Dental Cosmos between 1881-1887
stating “The principle that in regulating teeth traction must be
intermittent and not exceed fixed limits”
 1876- He published FIRST paper about movement of teeth in
 Originator of theory of intermittent force and FIRST to
recommend root or bodily movement.
Norman Kingsley (1829-1913)
 Among the first to use extraoral force to correct protruding teeth
 Introduced the term ‘Bite Plane.’
 Designed fixed and removable inclined planes to
correct Class II Malocclusion.
 Also, designed first soft-rubber palatal obturators
 “A Treatise on Oral Deformities as a Branch of
Mechanical Surgery”- First truly comprehensive
Textbook about orthodontic problems and treatments.
 Wrote over 100 articles on Cleft Lip and Palate Rehabilitation
Henry Baker (1893)
 Bakers Anchorage (Intermaxillary elastics
with rubber bands)
Eugene Talbot
• Stressed that key to treatment was to study
and understand causes of malocclusion.
• FIRST to recommend surgical exposure
of canines.
• FIRST to state endocrine glands as
agents in development of malocclusion
• FIRST to use X-Rays for orthodontic
 One of the EARLIEST attempts in
analysis of casts for measurement of jaws.
W.G.A Bonwill
 Bonwill Equilateral Triangle
 His measurements (2000 cases)
showed distance from one condylar
process to another is 4 inches and
that to the incisors is also 4 inches
 Used this in orthodontic treatment
 FIRST to limit his practice to orthodontics
 Paved way for Orthodontics to be recognised as a specialty.
 1887 - At the Ninth International Medical
Congress in Washington, DC, called for the
separation of orthodontics from dentistry.
 1899 - Angle’s Classification of Malocclusion
published in Dental Cosmos.
 1900 – Founded the first postgraduate school
of orthodontics (Angle School of Orthodontia).
 1907 - Founded the first orthodontic journal,
The American Orthodontist.
Angles classification of
 E (expansion) Arch Appliance (1907)
 Pin & Tube Appliance (1910)
 Ribbon Arch Appliance (1915)
 Edgewise Appliance (1925)
Calvin Case (1847-1923)
 Did extensive work on Cleft Lip and Palate
 Known to have developed Vellum Obturator
which allowed wearer to speak clearly
 Developed a classification of malocclusion (26)
 Advocated EXTRACTION of teeth
 He developed a technique for root movement.
 Introduced rubber elastics.
 Pioneered the use of retainers and
was the FIRST to use thinner, resilient wires
for tooth movement.
 In 1911, at the Annual meeting of ADA, the
between Angle’s student Dewey and Case.
Angle’s proposal and Beliefs-
 Ideal facial esthetics would result when the
teeth are placed in ideal occlusion.
 He believed this can be achieved when the
dental arches are expanded so that all the
teeth were in ideal occlusion.
Calvin Case
 Argued that although the arches could
always be expanded so that the teeth
could be placed in alignment, neither
esthetics nor stability would be
satisfactory in the long term for many
The Result
 Angle followers won- Extraction as
treatment modality reduced greatly
between World War I & II.
From 1930s to 1970s
Charles Tweed
 Re-treated the relapse cases with extraction
that were previously treated with non- extraction
methodology and found occlusion to be more
Late 1940s
 Extraction reintroduced widely
Dr Martin Dewey (1881-1933)
 Champion of Non-Extraction
 Founding Editor of International Journal Of Orthodontia
 Editor for 17 years
 In 1911, established Dewey School of Orthodontics in Kansas
City, Missouri
 1931- President of ADA
George Ainsworth (1904) –
Patented regulating appliance that used vertical tubes and
principle of loop wires.
Victor Jackson (1850-1929)-
Designed JACKSON CRIB,which incorporated finger
Charles Hawley (1861-1929)-
 Used celluloid sheet containing a geometric
figure that when adapted to a model determined
extent of proposed tooth movement
 Introduced Hawley’s Retainer.
Benno Lischer (1876-1959)-
 Founded International School Of Orthodontics(1907)
 Advocated Early Treatment.
 Introduced terms ‘neutro-occlusion’, ‘mesio-occlusion,
 Albin Oppenheim(1911)- Serious study of tissue changes during
orthodontic treatment
 Alfred Rogers(1873-1959)- Introduced concept of myofunctional therapy
 John V. Mershon(1867-1953)- Introduced removable lingual arch
 Albert Ketcham(1870-1935)- Founded American Board of
President- American Society of
 Milo Hellman(1873-1947)-
Introduced classification of dental development and craniofacial measurement
Pioneered use of HAND and Wrist X-rays to determine growth age and
status for patients
Coined the term DIVERGENCE OF FACE
Thomas Graber
 20 textbooks
 22 chapters in other textbooks
 180 publications in journals
 930 book and journal abstract reviews
1915- International Journal of Orthodontia and Oral Surgery
began publication
 Open tube appliance- James McCoy (1922)
 Removable appliance with spring- George
Crozat (1928)
 Universal appliance- Spencer Atkinson
(combination of ribbon arch and edgewise)
 Introduction of stainless steel to appliance
fabrication- Lucien de Coster
 Pacini (1922)- Introduced method for standardised
head radiography.
 Hofrath (1931)- Introduced standardised cephalometric
technique using high-powered X-ray Machine and head
holder called CEPHALOSTAT.
Holly Broadbent (1931)
 His article A New X-ray Technique and its Application to
Orthodontics was the introduction to the specialty and to
dentistry of Cephalometric Roentgenography andCephalometric
Tracing; Devised CEPHALOMETER.
 William Downs(1899-1966)- Introduced cephalometric analysis
 Wendell Wylie – Assessment of anteroposterior dysplasia
 Wilton Krogman(1903-1987)- Applied principles of
anthropology to dentofacial complex with Craniometry and
 Allan Brodie- Contributed to study of growth patterns of
human head.
 Weinmann and Sicher- Sutural theory of growth control.
 Joseph Jarabak- Introduced Jarabak Cephalometric Analysis.
Charles Tweed (1895-1970)
• Student of Dr. Angle in Pasadena.
• Chosen by Dr. Angle in preparing Edgewise bracket for
introduction and manufacture
• Returned to Phoenix to set up FIRST pure edgewise specialty
practice in U.S
• Initially treated patients without extraction, but was discouraged
by results
• In 1940, treated 100 patients without extraction and when
treatment failed, he treated them with extraction for no additional
• Angle gave orthodontics the edgewise bracket, but Tweed gave
orthodontists a way to use it.
 Under his leadership, extraction was reintroduced in 1940-50s to
enhance facial esthetics and occlusal relationships.
 William Wilding- Patent for use of alginate as
impression material.
 H.D Kesling- Introduced philosophy of tooth
movement by using rubber tooth positioning device in
which teeth were moved into ideal cuspid relationship
after completion of major occlusion.
 Upto 1940- Wrought gold alloys as arch wires
 1903- 1921- Brearly, Beckett, Strauss, Maurer
shared honors for development of stainless steel
 1940s- Austenitic Stainless Steel- Robert Austen
 1950s- Type 300 series of stainless steel alloys
most used
Martensitic Stainless Steel- Adolf Marten
Elgiloy- Elgin Watch Company made an alloy of
cobalt, chromium, iron and nickel marketed by
Rocky Mountain Orthodontics
Buonocore (1955)- Acid Etch Technique
Melvin Moss(1960)- Functional Matrix
Theory of Growth
 Newmann (1965)- Introduced Bonding.
 Wilson and Kent (1972)- Intoduced
Glass Ionomer Cement.
 Majjer and Smith (1979)- Introduced
crystal growth theory to promote
bonding (sulfated polyacrylic acid).
Percival Raymond Begg
 Worked with Dr. Angle in 1924-25
after which he began using
 In 1940s, along with Arthur Wilcock
did extensive research and produced
a cold drawn, heat treated wire that
combined a balance between
hardness and resilience with unique
property of zero stress relaxation.
 In 1954, he described his multiple
loop light force round wire technique
in Modified ribbon arch brackets.
 In 1956, introduced the concept of
 Lawrence Andrews – Straight Wire Appliance (1972)
 William Profitt- Author Contemporary Orthodontics (most widely used)
Co-author of 2 books on Surgical Orthodontics
125 scientific papers
 Peter Kesling (1980)- Tip Edge Appliance (combination of Begg and
straightwire appliance)
History of Archwire
 George Andreasen (1970s)- Nitinol
 Burstone (1980)- TMA (stabilised beta phase
titanium alloy)
 Tien Hua Cheng (1985)- Chinese NiTi
 Miura F et al (1986)- Japanese NiTi
 Rohit Sachdeva – Copper NiTi
 A.J Wilcock- alpha phase titanium wire
 Rohit Sachdeva- Titanium-Neobium finishing
 Deva Devanathan- Timolium
 Talass (1992)- Optiflex
In The United States-
 George Crozat- Crozat appliance
In Europe-
 Martin Schwarz – Split plate appliances
 Philip Adams – Adams Clasp/ Modified
arrowhead clasp
 Roux (1883)- FIRST articulated the principle
of functional appliance
 Pierre Robin (1902)- MONOBLOC
 Viggo Andresen (1910)- ACTIVATOR
 Balters- BIONATOR
 Ian Clark- TWIN BLOCK
Emil Herbst (1909)
 Introduced first fixed functional appliance.
 Also developed Quad Helix which was popularised
by Ricketts.
 Rolf Frankel (1969-73)-
FR 2
FR 3
 Angle’s progression to the Edgewise
E- Arch Pin and Tube Ribbon arch Edgewise
 Begg Appliance - Raymond Begg
 Pre-adjusted Edgewise/ Straight Wire
Appliance – Lawrence F. Andrews
 Tip- Edge Technique – Peter C. Kesling
 Lingual Technique – Craven Kurz
E-Arch Appliance (1900)
 First design of Angle
 Consisted of bands only
on the first molars
 Wire ligatures tied to a
heavy archwire.
 Each end of the wire
threaded, and a small nut
placed on the threaded
portion to advance it, to
advance arch perimeter.
Pin and Tube Appliance (1910)
• Placed bands on other teeth.
• Vertical tube on each tooth
into which a pin, soldered to
the archwire, was placed.
• Repositioned the pins.
Ribbon Arch Appliance (1916)
 Modified the bracket
• Provided a vertically
positioned rectangular slot
• 10 X 20 gold wire held
firmly with pins
• Small enough to have
good spring qualities
• Poor control of root
 Angle reoriented the slot from
vertical to horizontal and inserted a
rectangular wire “edgewise”— with
its greater dimension perpendicular
to the long axis of the teeth.
 Archwire was tied in place with steel
ligatures. The archwire was of .022 x
028-in gold.
 First bracket to move teeth in all 3
planes simultaneously.
 It soon became the most popular
appliance in the United States.
Begg Appliance
 Had been taught the ribbon arch appliance at
the Angle School .
 1925- Returned to Adelaide Used ribbon arch
appliances & non- extraction philosophy-
Severe relapses- Dissatisfied with the
treatment results
 1928- Began extraction
 Modified Ribbon arch –
- Replaced precious metal ribbon arch with
16mil round SS wire
- Slot pointed gingivally
- Added auxiliary springs for control of root
Straight Wire Appliance (1970s)
 Lawrence F Andrews – 6 keys of occlusion
 Modification of edgewise appliance
 Rectangular slots similar to edgewise
 Pre-programmed brackets
 No need for complex wire bending
The Roth Philosophy
 Roth introduced a bracket set up containing
modifications of the tip, torque, rotations and in-out
movements of the Andrew’s standard set up
 Purpose of the Roth Rx-
- To reduce the need for a large inventory of bands
and brackets.
- Over Correction : Roth propagated a therapy goal in
which at the end of treatment all teeth were
positioned slightly overcorrected and from which the
would most likely settle into a non orthodontic
normal position.
He developed his prescription through trial and error
on treated cases, and the Roth Rx was commercially
made available in 1975.
•Mclaughlin, Bennett and Trevisi redesigned the
entire standard bracket system to complement their
proven treatment philosophy and to overcome the
inadequacies of SWA.
•They re-examined Andrew’s original findings and
took into account additional research input from
Japanese sources.
•This 3rd generation bracket system is designed for
use with light continuous forces,
lacebacks,bendbacks and sliding mechanics.
Tip-Edge Technique
 Introduced by Dr. Peter Kesling
 Combined Begg’s light forces
with edgewise’s better finishing.
 Initial crown tipping done ,
which greatly facilitates tooth
movement, prior to edgewise
finishing– Differential Straight
Arch Technique
Parkhouse R. Tip Edge Orthodontics and the plus bracket.
2nd ed. Elsevier(2009).
Alexander (1978)
 "Vari" - variety of bracket types used.
 "Simplex" related to the concept of
keeping all aspects of the discipline as
simple as possible.
 Arch wire fabrication and the incorporation
of many aspects of treatment options into
the brackets (ie, elastics hooks and
rotational wings on the brackets) added up
to the "simplex" concept.
 Based on edgewise philosophy.
Contribution of
 Prof. and Head, Dept of
 University of Connecticut,
Bhavna Shroff
 Faculty member, Dept of
Orthodontics,University of
Maryland, Baltimore (1989-
 Currently, Professor,
Virginia Commonwealth
 Research Interests-
Dr. Rohit Sachdeva
 Professor, Orthodontics,
Baylor College of Dentistry
and Texas A and M
University, Dallas.
 Holds more than a dozen
 Introduced Copper-Nickel-
Titanium, Titanium- Neobium
alloys and Titanium brackets.
 Numerous honors and awards
including JAPANESE
History of
Orthodontic Societies
• World's first orthodontic society - "The Society of
• In 1902 the word "American" was added and it
became "The American Society of Orthodontists".
• This society of eleven men was the embryo which has
developed into the present American Association of
Orthodontists, now a representative group of some
fifteen hundred members.
• Established a quarterly magazine known as "The
American Orthodontist".
• It was financed by a contribution of one hundred
dollars from each member of the organization-a
considerable amount in those days.”
Northcroft Letter
 ‘Anyone may belong to us, whether
he practice dentistry or not, if only he
be interested in the problems that
interest us.’
- George Northcroft
 BOS came into existence on 1 July 1994 by the unification of the five
existing national orthodontic societies-
1. The British Society for the Study of Orthodontics, founded in 1907.
2. The Consultant Orthodontists Group, formed in 1964.
3. The Community Orthodontists Section of the British Association of
4. The British Association of Orthodontists (“BAO”), established in
5. The Association of University Teachers of Orthodontics.
 The Indian Orthodontic Society, a 6000 plus strong
professional Society is the first Speciality society in
Dentistry in India.
The IOS started as a Study Group in Bombay, now
Mumbai, way back in the year 1963 and was formally
established as the INDIAN ORTHODONTIC
SOCIETY on Friday the 5th October 1965.
The late Dr.H.D. Merchant was the founder President
and Dr. Naishadh Parikh the Founder Secretary and
treasurer. The other founder members were Late Dr.
A.B.Modi, Dr. Keki Mistry, Dr.Mohandas Bhat, Dr.
Prem Prakash and Late Dr. H.S.Shaikh.
History of Orthodontic
American Journal of
Orthodontics and Dentofacial
The Angle Orthodontist
Journal of Orthodontics
The European Journal of Orthodontics
The Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society
IN-office Cone Beam CT Scanners
Orthodontic Miniscrews
Clear Brackets
 Wilckodontics, also known as Accelerated Osteogenic Orthodontics
(AOO)™, begins with a minimally invasive surgical procedure,
usually done under general anesthesia, to remove a small portion of
the alveolar bone’s external surface. For a short period of time, the
bone’s mineral content will be decreased, allowing braces to quickly
move teeth into their desired positions. The alveolar bone will heal
quickly and actually become stronger than it was before the
 William Wilcko. M. Thomas Wilcko. Accelerated
tooth movement: The case of corticotomy-
induced orthodontics. AJODO. July 2013. Vol
144. Issue 1. pg 4 6 8 10 12
Bioprogressive Therapy
 Dr.Robert Murray Ricketts.
 It takes advantage of biological progression
including growth,development and function
and directs them in a fashion that
normalizes function and enhances esthetic
Lingual Orthodontics
 Dr. Craven Kurz in 1976.
 Advantages:
Highly esthetics
 Disadvantages:
Poor acess.
Difficulty in speech.
self-ligating brackets
 Since the first use of a small catgut cord or applying
finger pressure to slowly shift the teeth into proper
alignment, orthodontics has come a long way.
 It is an ever evolving field and orthodontists are able to
treat patients more efficiently, effectively and
comfortably than ever before.
 There is still room for growth in the world of
orthodontics. Advancements will decrease the length of
treatment and cost even further, so people seeking
orthodontic treatment will increase.

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History Of Orthodontics

  • 1. History of orthodontics -By Dr.Sumayya Shaikh 1st year MDS Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics.
  • 4. Evolution of the term ‘ORTHODONTICS’ Prior to 1900s “REGULATION” Up to 1930s “ORTHODONTIA” by Joachim Le Foulon Up to 1970s “ORTHODONTICS” By Sir James Murray Currently “ORTHODONTICS AND DENTOFACIAL ORTHOPAEDICS” by BF Dewel ORTHODONTICS
  • 6. Definition of Orthodontics NOYES – 1911 First definition - “The study of the relation of the teeth to the development of the face, and the correction of arrested and perverted development.”
  • 7. THE BRITISH SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF ORTHODONTICS – 1922 -“Orthodontics includes the study of the growth and development of jaws and face particularly, and the body generally, as influencing the position of the teeth; the study of action and reaction of internal and external influences on the development, and the prevention and correction of arrested and perverted development.”
  • 8. THE AMERICAN BOARD OF ORTHODONTICS (ABO) AND THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF ORTHODONTISTS(AAO) -“Orthodontics is that specific area of dental practice that has as its responsibility,the study and supervision of growth and development of the dentition and the related anatomical structures from birth to dental maturity,including all preventive and corrective procedures of dental irregularities,requiring the repositioning of teeth by functional or mechanical means to establish normal occlusion and pleasing facial contours.”
  • 10. Ancient Civilization  Specimens dating back to the eight century BC indicate that Etruscans may have been the first people to employ orthodontics to improve tooth alignment.
  • 11.  Crude appliances to regulate teeth- recovered among the archaelogical remanants in Egypt,Greece and Mexico.  First dental healers were physicians.  Learned by trial,error and observations.
  • 13. HIPPOCRATES (460-377 BC)  Father of Medicine.  First to separate medicine from fancy.  ‘Corpus Hippocraticum’ – includes descriptions on irregularity and crowding of teeth.
  • 14. ARISTOTLE (384-322 BC)  Greek philosopher  Compared various dentitions of different species of animals in his work ‘De Partibus Animalia’ or “On the Parts of Animals.”
  • 15. GALEN  Anatomist  Classified teeth as bones; said they were unlike other bones.  First to recognize nerves (dental pulp) in the teeth.
  • 16. ANDREAS VESALIUS  Anatomist.  Dared to correct the errors in Galen’s work.  Gave a much more accurate description of the anatomy of teeth.
  • 17. Aulius Cornelius Celsus (25 BC–50 AD)  Use of finger pressure for the treatment of incorrectly positioned teeth -‘De Re Medicinia.’  “If a second tooth should happen to grow in children before the first has fallen out, that which ought to be shed, is to be drawn out and the new one daily pushed towards its place by means of the finger until it arrives at its just proportion.”
  • 18. Pliny the Elder (23 AD-79 AD)  Advocated the first mechanical treatment of malaligned teeth by filing elongated teeth.
  • 19. RENAISSANCE PERIOD (14th – 16th Century) Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)  First artist to dissect human body for anatomic knowledge.  Drew accurate pictures of these dissections  First to recognize tooth form and relationship of each tooth to another tooth and to the opposing jaw.  Described maxillary and frontal sinuses.
  • 20. Leonardo Da Vinci's depiction of a skull.
  • 21. Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564)  Described minute anatomy of teeth, particularly the dental follicle and eruption pattern of teeth in his book ‘De Corpori Humanis Fabrica’
  • 22. Ambroise Pare (1517-1590)  First to use obturator for treatment of cleft palate.
  • 23. Gabrile Fallopio(1523-1562)  An Italian anatomist  “Observationes Anatomica”  A detailed description of dental follicle  Wrote the terms hard and soft palate.
  • 24. Bartholomaeus Eustachio(1520-1574)  An italian anatomist  Libellus de Dentibus(Book on the teeth) in 1563.
  • 25.  “ARZEI BUCHLEIN”(A Book of the Surgical Art) published in 1530 AD(author unknown).  “When the teeth begin to drop out…push the new one every day toward that place where the first one was until it sits there and fits among the others.”
  • 28. Pierre Fauchard (1678-1761) ‘Founder of Modern Dentistry’
  • 29.  1728- Le Chirurgien Dentiste (The Surgeon Dentist, A Treatise on the Teeth)- First complete scientific description of dentistry.  Pioneer of Dental Prosthesis  Introduced fillings for cavities  BANDEAU- An expansion arch that became the basis for Angle’s E-arch.  Used “pelican” forceps for repositioning of teeth. BANDEAU PELICAN FORCEP
  • 30. Etienne Bourdet (1722-1789)  Refined Fauchard’s Bandeau  First to recommend serial extraction (1757) and premolars extraction.  First to practise “lingual orthodontics,” expanding the arch lingually.
  • 31. John Hunter (1728- 1793)  English anatomist and surgeon  First to describe normal occlusion  Established difference between teeth and bone  First to describe the growth of jaws
  • 33. Early Nineteenth Century  Joseph Fox (1814) - First English dental textbook- The Natural History and Diseases of the Human Teeth. First to classify malocclusion. First to give directions for correcting irregularities of teeth.  Le Foulon- First to use the term ORTHODONTIA  James Murray- Coined the term ORTHODONTICS  Delabarre (1819)- Introduced the crib. Separated crowded teeth by means of wooden wedges placed between teeth.  J. M. Alexis Schange (1841)- Published the first work confined to orthodontics Coined the term ‘anchorage’  Kneisel (1836)- FIRST to use plaster models to record malocclusion. FIRST to use a removable appliance. FIRST introduced modern impression trays  Joseph Sigmond (1825)- Recognised habit as factor in Malocclusion  William Imrie (1834)- Thumb sucking as cause of dental abnormalities  Rodrigues (1839)- Abnormal muscle pressure causes malocclusion
  • 34. Year Author Contribution to Orthodontics 1840 JS Gunnell Introduced chin strap. 1841 William Lintott Introduced the use of screws. 1860 Emerson C Angel Introduced arch expansion by opening midpalatal suture “Father of expansion appliances” 1871 William and Magill Developed molar bands. 1888 and 1889 John Nutting Farrar “Father of American Orthodontics” Wrote “irregularities of teeth and their correction” first exclusive textbook devoted to orthodontics. 1829 to 1913 Norman N Kingsley “Treatise on oral deformities” worked on correction of cleft palate Extraoral traction 1893 Henry A Baker Bakers anchorage(intermaxillary elastics)
  • 36. Chapin Harris (1806-1860)  Editor- American Journal of Dental Science.  Gave attention to orthodontics.  Founded BALTIMORE COLLEGE OF DENTAL SURGERY in 1840- FIRST dental college.
  • 37. John Nutting Farrar (1839-1913)  Father of American Orthodontics  Published series of articles in Dental Cosmos between 1881-1887 stating “The principle that in regulating teeth traction must be intermittent and not exceed fixed limits”  1876- He published FIRST paper about movement of teeth in dentistry.  Originator of theory of intermittent force and FIRST to recommend root or bodily movement.
  • 38. Norman Kingsley (1829-1913)  FATHER OF ORTHODONTICS  Among the first to use extraoral force to correct protruding teeth  Introduced the term ‘Bite Plane.’  Designed fixed and removable inclined planes to correct Class II Malocclusion.  Also, designed first soft-rubber palatal obturators  “A Treatise on Oral Deformities as a Branch of Mechanical Surgery”- First truly comprehensive Textbook about orthodontic problems and treatments.  Wrote over 100 articles on Cleft Lip and Palate Rehabilitation
  • 39.
  • 40. Henry Baker (1893)  Bakers Anchorage (Intermaxillary elastics with rubber bands)
  • 41. Eugene Talbot • Stressed that key to treatment was to study and understand causes of malocclusion. • FIRST to recommend surgical exposure of canines. • FIRST to state endocrine glands as agents in development of malocclusion • FIRST to use X-Rays for orthodontic diagnosis.  One of the EARLIEST attempts in analysis of casts for measurement of jaws.
  • 42. W.G.A Bonwill  Bonwill Equilateral Triangle  His measurements (2000 cases) showed distance from one condylar process to another is 4 inches and that to the incisors is also 4 inches  Used this in orthodontic treatment
  • 44. EDWARD HARTLEY ANGLE (1855-1930) FATHER OF MODERN ORTHODONTICS  FIRST to limit his practice to orthodontics  Paved way for Orthodontics to be recognised as a specialty.
  • 45.  1887 - At the Ninth International Medical Congress in Washington, DC, called for the separation of orthodontics from dentistry.  1899 - Angle’s Classification of Malocclusion published in Dental Cosmos.  1900 – Founded the first postgraduate school of orthodontics (Angle School of Orthodontia).  1907 - Founded the first orthodontic journal, The American Orthodontist.
  • 47.  E (expansion) Arch Appliance (1907)  Pin & Tube Appliance (1910)
  • 48.  Ribbon Arch Appliance (1915)  Edgewise Appliance (1925)
  • 49. Calvin Case (1847-1923)  Did extensive work on Cleft Lip and Palate  Known to have developed Vellum Obturator which allowed wearer to speak clearly  Developed a classification of malocclusion (26) divisions)  Advocated EXTRACTION of teeth  He developed a technique for root movement.  Introduced rubber elastics.  Pioneered the use of retainers and was the FIRST to use thinner, resilient wires for tooth movement.
  • 52. EXTRACTION v/s NON-EXTRACTION  In 1911, at the Annual meeting of ADA, the GREAT EXTRACTION DEBATE took place between Angle’s student Dewey and Case. Angle’s proposal and Beliefs-  Ideal facial esthetics would result when the teeth are placed in ideal occlusion.  He believed this can be achieved when the dental arches are expanded so that all the teeth were in ideal occlusion.
  • 53. Calvin Case  Argued that although the arches could always be expanded so that the teeth could be placed in alignment, neither esthetics nor stability would be satisfactory in the long term for many patients. The Result  Angle followers won- Extraction as treatment modality reduced greatly between World War I & II.
  • 54. From 1930s to 1970s Charles Tweed  Re-treated the relapse cases with extraction that were previously treated with non- extraction methodology and found occlusion to be more stable. Late 1940s  Extraction reintroduced widely
  • 55. Dr Martin Dewey (1881-1933)  Champion of Non-Extraction  Founding Editor of International Journal Of Orthodontia  Editor for 17 years  In 1911, established Dewey School of Orthodontics in Kansas City, Missouri  1931- President of ADA
  • 56. George Ainsworth (1904) – Patented regulating appliance that used vertical tubes and principle of loop wires. Victor Jackson (1850-1929)- Designed JACKSON CRIB,which incorporated finger springs.
  • 57. Charles Hawley (1861-1929)-  Used celluloid sheet containing a geometric figure that when adapted to a model determined extent of proposed tooth movement  Introduced Hawley’s Retainer.
  • 58. Benno Lischer (1876-1959)-  Founded International School Of Orthodontics(1907)  Advocated Early Treatment.  Introduced terms ‘neutro-occlusion’, ‘mesio-occlusion, ‘disto-occlusion.’
  • 59.  Albin Oppenheim(1911)- Serious study of tissue changes during orthodontic treatment  Alfred Rogers(1873-1959)- Introduced concept of myofunctional therapy (1918)  John V. Mershon(1867-1953)- Introduced removable lingual arch  Albert Ketcham(1870-1935)- Founded American Board of Orthodontics President- American Society of Orthodontics(1929).  Milo Hellman(1873-1947)- Introduced classification of dental development and craniofacial measurement Pioneered use of HAND and Wrist X-rays to determine growth age and status for patients Coined the term DIVERGENCE OF FACE
  • 60. Thomas Graber  20 textbooks  22 chapters in other textbooks  180 publications in journals  930 book and journal abstract reviews 1915- International Journal of Orthodontia and Oral Surgery began publication
  • 61. 1920s  Open tube appliance- James McCoy (1922)  Removable appliance with spring- George Crozat (1928)  Universal appliance- Spencer Atkinson (combination of ribbon arch and edgewise)  Introduction of stainless steel to appliance fabrication- Lucien de Coster
  • 62. CEPHALOMETRICS  Pacini (1922)- Introduced method for standardised head radiography.  Hofrath (1931)- Introduced standardised cephalometric technique using high-powered X-ray Machine and head holder called CEPHALOSTAT.
  • 63. Holly Broadbent (1931)  His article A New X-ray Technique and its Application to Orthodontics was the introduction to the specialty and to dentistry of Cephalometric Roentgenography andCephalometric Tracing; Devised CEPHALOMETER.  William Downs(1899-1966)- Introduced cephalometric analysis  Wendell Wylie – Assessment of anteroposterior dysplasia
  • 64.  Wilton Krogman(1903-1987)- Applied principles of anthropology to dentofacial complex with Craniometry and Cephalometry.  Allan Brodie- Contributed to study of growth patterns of human head.  Weinmann and Sicher- Sutural theory of growth control.  Joseph Jarabak- Introduced Jarabak Cephalometric Analysis.
  • 65. Charles Tweed (1895-1970) • Student of Dr. Angle in Pasadena. • Chosen by Dr. Angle in preparing Edgewise bracket for introduction and manufacture • Returned to Phoenix to set up FIRST pure edgewise specialty practice in U.S • Initially treated patients without extraction, but was discouraged by results • In 1940, treated 100 patients without extraction and when treatment failed, he treated them with extraction for no additional fee. • Angle gave orthodontics the edgewise bracket, but Tweed gave orthodontists a way to use it.  Under his leadership, extraction was reintroduced in 1940-50s to enhance facial esthetics and occlusal relationships.
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  • 67.
  • 68.  William Wilding- Patent for use of alginate as impression material.  H.D Kesling- Introduced philosophy of tooth movement by using rubber tooth positioning device in which teeth were moved into ideal cuspid relationship after completion of major occlusion.
  • 70.  Upto 1940- Wrought gold alloys as arch wires  1903- 1921- Brearly, Beckett, Strauss, Maurer shared honors for development of stainless steel  1940s- Austenitic Stainless Steel- Robert Austen  1950s- Type 300 series of stainless steel alloys most used Martensitic Stainless Steel- Adolf Marten Elgiloy- Elgin Watch Company made an alloy of cobalt, chromium, iron and nickel marketed by Rocky Mountain Orthodontics
  • 71.
  • 72.
  • 73. Buonocore (1955)- Acid Etch Technique Melvin Moss(1960)- Functional Matrix Theory of Growth
  • 74.  Newmann (1965)- Introduced Bonding.  Wilson and Kent (1972)- Intoduced Glass Ionomer Cement.  Majjer and Smith (1979)- Introduced crystal growth theory to promote bonding (sulfated polyacrylic acid).
  • 75. Percival Raymond Begg (1898-1983)  Worked with Dr. Angle in 1924-25 after which he began using edgewise.  In 1940s, along with Arthur Wilcock did extensive research and produced a cold drawn, heat treated wire that combined a balance between hardness and resilience with unique property of zero stress relaxation.  In 1954, he described his multiple loop light force round wire technique in Modified ribbon arch brackets.  In 1956, introduced the concept of DIFFERENTIAL FORCE.
  • 76.  Lawrence Andrews – Straight Wire Appliance (1972)  William Profitt- Author Contemporary Orthodontics (most widely used) Co-author of 2 books on Surgical Orthodontics 125 scientific papers  Peter Kesling (1980)- Tip Edge Appliance (combination of Begg and straightwire appliance)
  • 77. History of Archwire  George Andreasen (1970s)- Nitinol  Burstone (1980)- TMA (stabilised beta phase titanium alloy)  Tien Hua Cheng (1985)- Chinese NiTi  Miura F et al (1986)- Japanese NiTi  Rohit Sachdeva – Copper NiTi  A.J Wilcock- alpha phase titanium wire  Rohit Sachdeva- Titanium-Neobium finishing archwire  Deva Devanathan- Timolium  Talass (1992)- Optiflex
  • 79. In The United States-  George Crozat- Crozat appliance In Europe-  Martin Schwarz – Split plate appliances  Philip Adams – Adams Clasp/ Modified arrowhead clasp
  • 81.  Roux (1883)- FIRST articulated the principle of functional appliance  Pierre Robin (1902)- MONOBLOC
  • 82.  Viggo Andresen (1910)- ACTIVATOR  Balters- BIONATOR  Ian Clark- TWIN BLOCK ACTIVATOR TWIN BLOCK BIONATOR
  • 83. Emil Herbst (1909)  Introduced first fixed functional appliance.  Also developed Quad Helix which was popularised by Ricketts.
  • 84.  Rolf Frankel (1969-73)- FUNCTIONAL REGULATOR FR 2
  • 85. FR 3
  • 87.  Angle’s progression to the Edgewise Appliance E- Arch Pin and Tube Ribbon arch Edgewise  Begg Appliance - Raymond Begg  Pre-adjusted Edgewise/ Straight Wire Appliance – Lawrence F. Andrews  Tip- Edge Technique – Peter C. Kesling  Lingual Technique – Craven Kurz
  • 88. E-Arch Appliance (1900)  First design of Angle  Consisted of bands only on the first molars  Wire ligatures tied to a heavy archwire.  Each end of the wire threaded, and a small nut placed on the threaded portion to advance it, to advance arch perimeter.
  • 89. Pin and Tube Appliance (1910) • Placed bands on other teeth. • Vertical tube on each tooth into which a pin, soldered to the archwire, was placed. • Repositioned the pins.
  • 90. Ribbon Arch Appliance (1916)  Modified the bracket • Provided a vertically positioned rectangular slot • 10 X 20 gold wire held firmly with pins • Small enough to have good spring qualities • Poor control of root position
  • 91. THE EDGEWISE APPLIANCE (1928)  Angle reoriented the slot from vertical to horizontal and inserted a rectangular wire “edgewise”— with its greater dimension perpendicular to the long axis of the teeth.  Archwire was tied in place with steel ligatures. The archwire was of .022 x 028-in gold.  First bracket to move teeth in all 3 planes simultaneously.  It soon became the most popular appliance in the United States.
  • 92. Begg Appliance  Had been taught the ribbon arch appliance at the Angle School .  1925- Returned to Adelaide Used ribbon arch appliances & non- extraction philosophy- Severe relapses- Dissatisfied with the treatment results  1928- Began extraction  Modified Ribbon arch – - Replaced precious metal ribbon arch with 16mil round SS wire - Slot pointed gingivally - Added auxiliary springs for control of root position
  • 93. Straight Wire Appliance (1970s)  Lawrence F Andrews – 6 keys of occlusion  Modification of edgewise appliance  Rectangular slots similar to edgewise  Pre-programmed brackets  No need for complex wire bending
  • 94. The Roth Philosophy  Roth introduced a bracket set up containing modifications of the tip, torque, rotations and in-out movements of the Andrew’s standard set up bracket.  Purpose of the Roth Rx- - To reduce the need for a large inventory of bands and brackets. - Over Correction : Roth propagated a therapy goal in which at the end of treatment all teeth were positioned slightly overcorrected and from which the would most likely settle into a non orthodontic normal position. He developed his prescription through trial and error on treated cases, and the Roth Rx was commercially made available in 1975.
  • 95. MBT •Mclaughlin, Bennett and Trevisi redesigned the entire standard bracket system to complement their proven treatment philosophy and to overcome the inadequacies of SWA. •They re-examined Andrew’s original findings and took into account additional research input from Japanese sources. •This 3rd generation bracket system is designed for use with light continuous forces, lacebacks,bendbacks and sliding mechanics.
  • 96. Tip-Edge Technique  Introduced by Dr. Peter Kesling  Combined Begg’s light forces with edgewise’s better finishing.  Initial crown tipping done , which greatly facilitates tooth movement, prior to edgewise finishing– Differential Straight Arch Technique Parkhouse R. Tip Edge Orthodontics and the plus bracket. 2nd ed. Elsevier(2009).
  • 97. Alexander (1978)  "Vari" - variety of bracket types used.  "Simplex" related to the concept of keeping all aspects of the discipline as simple as possible.  Arch wire fabrication and the incorporation of many aspects of treatment options into the brackets (ie, elastics hooks and rotational wings on the brackets) added up to the "simplex" concept.  Based on edgewise philosophy.
  • 99. Ravindra Nanda  Prof. and Head, Dept of Orthodontics,  University of Connecticut, Farmington.  INNOVATOR.  AUTHOR.  EDITOR.  LECTURER.  AWARDS RECIPIENT.  LIFE MEMBER of IOS.
  • 100. Bhavna Shroff  Faculty member, Dept of Orthodontics,University of Maryland, Baltimore (1989- 2002).  Currently, Professor, Virginia Commonwealth University.  Research Interests- FUNDAMENTALS MECHANISMS OF TOOTH ERUPTION
  • 101. Dr. Rohit Sachdeva  Professor, Orthodontics, Baylor College of Dentistry and Texas A and M University, Dallas.  Holds more than a dozen patents.  Introduced Copper-Nickel- Titanium, Titanium- Neobium alloys and Titanium brackets.  Numerous honors and awards including JAPANESE SOCIETY OF PROMOTION OF SCIENCE FELLOWSHIP AWARD
  • 103. • World's first orthodontic society - "The Society of Orthodontists". • In 1902 the word "American" was added and it became "The American Society of Orthodontists". • This society of eleven men was the embryo which has developed into the present American Association of Orthodontists, now a representative group of some fifteen hundred members. • Established a quarterly magazine known as "The American Orthodontist". • It was financed by a contribution of one hundred dollars from each member of the organization-a considerable amount in those days.”
  • 104. Northcroft Letter  ‘Anyone may belong to us, whether he practice dentistry or not, if only he be interested in the problems that interest us.’ - George Northcroft
  • 105.  BOS came into existence on 1 July 1994 by the unification of the five existing national orthodontic societies- 1. The British Society for the Study of Orthodontics, founded in 1907. 2. The Consultant Orthodontists Group, formed in 1964. 3. The Community Orthodontists Section of the British Association of Orthodontists. 4. The British Association of Orthodontists (“BAO”), established in 1965. 5. The Association of University Teachers of Orthodontics.
  • 106.  The Indian Orthodontic Society, a 6000 plus strong professional Society is the first Speciality society in Dentistry in India.  The IOS started as a Study Group in Bombay, now Mumbai, way back in the year 1963 and was formally established as the INDIAN ORTHODONTIC SOCIETY on Friday the 5th October 1965.  The late Dr.H.D. Merchant was the founder President and Dr. Naishadh Parikh the Founder Secretary and treasurer. The other founder members were Late Dr. A.B.Modi, Dr. Keki Mistry, Dr.Mohandas Bhat, Dr. Prem Prakash and Late Dr. H.S.Shaikh.
  • 108. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
  • 111. The European Journal of Orthodontics
  • 112. The Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society
  • 114. IN-office Cone Beam CT Scanners
  • 117.
  • 118. Wilckodontics  Wilckodontics, also known as Accelerated Osteogenic Orthodontics (AOO)™, begins with a minimally invasive surgical procedure, usually done under general anesthesia, to remove a small portion of the alveolar bone’s external surface. For a short period of time, the bone’s mineral content will be decreased, allowing braces to quickly move teeth into their desired positions. The alveolar bone will heal quickly and actually become stronger than it was before the procedure  William Wilcko. M. Thomas Wilcko. Accelerated tooth movement: The case of corticotomy- induced orthodontics. AJODO. July 2013. Vol 144. Issue 1. pg 4 6 8 10 12
  • 119.
  • 120. Bioprogressive Therapy  Dr.Robert Murray Ricketts.  It takes advantage of biological progression including growth,development and function and directs them in a fashion that normalizes function and enhances esthetic effects.
  • 121. Lingual Orthodontics  Dr. Craven Kurz in 1976.  Advantages: Highly esthetics  Disadvantages: Poor acess. Difficulty in speech.
  • 123.  Since the first use of a small catgut cord or applying finger pressure to slowly shift the teeth into proper alignment, orthodontics has come a long way.  It is an ever evolving field and orthodontists are able to treat patients more efficiently, effectively and comfortably than ever before.  There is still room for growth in the world of orthodontics. Advancements will decrease the length of treatment and cost even further, so people seeking orthodontic treatment will increase. CONCLUSION

Editor's Notes

  1. History is the study of past. Historical relation of current concept. Helps us develop a better understanding of the world. Understanding significance of human events. “the more you know about the past the better you are prepared for the future”
  2. Frederick bogue noise-american dentist.began dental practice before entering dental school. And while a student at northwestern university dental school 190organised first course on dental pathology.1908 started a new career as an orthodontist after studying with edward angle.
  3. BOS originally came into existence on 1 July 1994 by the unification of the five existing national orthodontic societies. The founding societies were: The British Society for the Study of Orthodontics, founded in 1907, and the oldest national orthodontic society. The Consultant Orthodontists Group, formed in 1964 to represent Orthodontic Consultants in the hospital service. The Community Orthodontists Section of the British Association of Orthodontists, to represent community orthodontists. The British Association of Orthodontists (“BAO”), established in 1965 to represent specialist orthodontic practitioners. The Community Orthodontists Section was founded in 1974 as the Association of Community Orthodontists, which then evolved into the Community Orthodontists Group and became affiliated to BAO in 1987, and changed its name in 1988. The Association of University Teachers of Orthodontics, to represent orthodontic teachers
  4. ABO is a non profit professional association for orthodontist founded in 1929.
  5. Dentistry as a part of medical art was 1st practised by priest
  6. Etruscans- modern name given to wealthy civilization of an ancient italy.
  7. The primitive people believed that afflicted person have been stricken by the wrath of some divinity.priest were ready to traet these persons.if they improve their prestige was increadse and if not it was believed that the person was not worthy to receive the desired pardon
  8. Greek physician.he estbalished medical tradition based on the fact and the collected information was gathered in a textbook called corpus hipocraticum
  9. First writer to study teeth in broad manner.
  10. Lived for 600 years after hippocrates.anatomist.a writer,he erroneously believed that teeth has something to do with anatomical researched he identified the seven pair of cranial nerve and classified trigeminal as third pair.he also gave an opinion that teeth grow and repair the wear on them
  11. At the age of 25 became a famous anatomist.his research in regard of teeth is incomplete as he stated that permanent teeth grows from the roots of the temporary teeth. he concluded this due to the fact that deciduous teeth has no roots when shed.
  12. Roman author
  13. LDV is remembered bcz he painted a smile on the lips of mona lisa.
  14. The image is one the vincis anatomical drawing of the skull.the left half is sectioned to reveal the frontal siuns which is close to orbit and maxillary sinus which was close to upper teeth.he made drawing of the number of teeth and their root formation.
  15. Belgian physician and anatomist His book become the foundation that reconstructed the knowledge of anatomy.
  16. Born in france. “father of modern surgery ” barber,surgeon barber,in 1562 a chief surgeon of the court.fracture of the jaw and their methods of reduction.
  17. After his patient research he brought light to macroscopic anatomy of teeth,the number and variations of roots,the alveoli.
  18. The first book in germany languauge to have reference to the teeth Contains following comment
  19. Witnessed major events in development of dental sciences.
  20. Born in saint-denis-de-gastines in 1678 , died in paris in 1761 PF was a french physician credited a sbeing the father of modern dentistry. He published his 2 volume book entitled”the surgeon dentist” and treatise on teeth which had an entire chapt on how to straightenb teeth
  21. Natural history of human teeth. Basic nomenclature of dentistry
  22. Foundatioon was laid
  23. In colonial America,primitive conditions for dental care existed for almost a century,untill european trained operators came to this country seeking fresh opportunities. The art of dentistry in america can said to have its origin due to imporation of these practitioners.
  24. Most influential dental surgeon Born in 1806 new york and died in 1860 in maryland The dental art,gold caps on molars to open bite,materials generally used were cotton silk ligature,metallic wedged arches and wooden wedges,vulcanite material were used for dentures and hence construction of bite plates were possible.
  25. Article”irregularities of teeth and their correction”
  28. Tripod shape of lower jaw
  29. JUNE 1 1855, on a farm INPENNSYLVANIA. Fifth of seven children. Never an outstanding student in book learning Ability to improve and create mechanical equipment on the farm Apprenticed himself to a dentist at his mothers request GRADUAATED FROM PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY. PRECEPTOR’S SON
  31. Designed a cephalostat for precise orienttaion of individual head. Cephalometry is usful not only in studying growth but also in diagnosis,treatment planing and evaluation of treatment results.
  32. 300 series stainless steel are classified as austenitic and hardened only by cold working.300 series are most corrosion resistant. Blue algiloy-bent easily with fingers and pliers Yellow elgiloy-ductile and more resilient than blue Green algiloy-more resistant than yellow Red elgiliy-most resilientof elgiloyy
  33. Elgiloy was developed by elgin national company as the metal for precison syringe. The adv of this wire is easier to bend then stainless steel. Composition: Cobalt,chromium,nickel,molybdenum,manganesecarbaon berrylium Manufactured in four tempers and each are color coded in increasing order of resistance. Blue algiloy(soft)-bent easily with fingers and pliers Yellow elgiloy(ductile)-ductile and more resilient than blue Green algiloy(semiresilient)-more resistant than yellow Red elgiliy(resilient)-most resilientof elgiloyy Reliency of wire is maximum amount of energy that a wire can absorb without undergoing permanent deformation
  34. It states that form of the cranial skeletal tissues(eg size and shape) is always response to the spatial,mechanical and energy demands of all the tissues,organs and cranial funtion is dominant.
  35. His observation was based on the work of storey and smith The range of light prssure which would cause the teeth to move at an optimum rate with minimal disturbance of the supporting tissue.pressure below this range would produce a slow rate of response while those above incurred a reaction within the bone supportreffered to as underminig resorption.applying theses princilples to the begg technique, the force of intermaxillary elastic used in stage I of treatment was kept light so that the upper labial segment was retracted while lower anchor moars has negligible mesial movement.
  36. Limited to tipping and simple rotatry movements of teeth. Bows springs elastics retractors and screws
  37. Crozart appliance-used for widening of dental arches fostering bone growth. Schwarz- used for expansion Adam –used as retentive component to retain the appliances.
  38. They are loose fitting or paasive appliance which harness natural forces of the orofacial musculature that are transmitted to the teeth through the medium of appliance.
  39. Monobloc-skeltal class 2 due to mandibular deficiency It will result in forward positioning of the mandible which will stretch the muscle and accelerate the mandibular growth
  40. Twin block-Made of 2 components upper and the lower plate which works together to posture the lower jaw forward. Bionator-used in reatment of class 2 div 1 and class 1 with narrow dental arches. Activator-actively growing individual with favourable patternare good caandidates.
  41. Used in correction of class 2 malocclusion due to retrognathic mandible.
  42. 1-class 1 and class 2 div1 2-class 2 div and div 2 3-class 3
  43. Appliance that are fitted on to the teeth by the opertor and cannot be removed by patient are called fixed appliances.various types of tooth movement like bodily movement,rottaion,tipping,intrusion extrusion and even root movements.components of fixed apliance:active arch wire,springs elastics and separators.passive component:bands,brackets,buccal tubes,lingual attachment, lock pins,ligature wires
  44. All the teeth were banded.vertical tubes were welded to the bands on the labial surface in the centre of the crown of all the teeth. Arch wire secured with soldered pins Tooth movement can be achieved by by altering the placement of these pins.
  45. Modification of pin and tube. Introduced in 1910 RA was the first applaince to use a true bracket The bracket has vertical slots facing occlusally The brackets were atached to the bands at the centre of the labial surface of the teeth.
  46. In order to overcome the deficiences encountered in his previous techniques angle designed a metal bracket which could give better control of tooth movement. Rectangular slot facing labially rather than occlusally or gingivally which recieves rectangular arch wires. This unique feature of rectangular arch wire in rectangular slot enabled tooth movement in all 3 planes. Bracket has four wings two occlusal and two gingival which increase the surface of the archwire with bracket slot and give accurate control.
  47. Begg modified angles ribbon arch technique and introduced begg light wire differential force technique.this appliance use the concept of differential force and tipping of teeth rather than bodily movement. It uses high strength ss wire along with number of auxillaries and springs to achieve the desired tooth movement. Adv use of light force relatively continuous force application Minimal friction betwwen wire and bracket Rapid alignment Extraoral forces are not required.
  48. Lawrence f andrews based on six Keys to normal occlusion The basic concept was to program the bracket to have 1st 2nd and 3rdorder componenets so that complex wire bending is not required.hence called as preadjusted edgewise appliance
  49. To combine advantages of both staraight wire and begg appliance It allows tipping in the initial stages of tooth movement. During later stages full size rectangular arch wires were used to give better degree of control.
  50. REFERENCE- The History and Philosophy of the  Edward H. Angle Society of Orthodontia*by GEORGE W. HAHN, DDS, Berkeley, California Read at the Twenty-fifth-Anniversary Biennial Meeting of the Edward H. Angle Society of Orthodontists, Chicago, November 6, 1955. –
  51. There was a growing interest in orthodontics at the beginning of the 20th century. Many dentists were choosing to study in America as more time and facilities were dedicated to the subject. It was felt that a society was needed to be able to devote more time and scope to orthodontics than could be provided by the existing dental societies, the British Dental Association and the Odontological Section of the Royal Society of Medicine. The driving force behind the establishing of a society dedicated to orthodontics came from George Northcroft. On 15th October 1907 he sent this letter to interested parties asking them to meet at his consulting rooms at 115 Harley Street on 21st October 1907. 12 members of the profession met that night and established the British Society for the Study of Orthodontia. J. H. Badcock was elected as President and in his Presidential address at the first meeting of the society on 22nd January 1908 stated the only requirement for membership:
  52.  Scientific journals contain articles that have been peer reviewed, in an attempt to ensure that articles meet the journal's standards of quality, and scientific validity.
  53.  It is published by Elsevier and is the official journal of the American Association of Orthodontists. The editor-in-chief is Rolf G. Behrents (Saint Louis University). The journal was established in 1915 and obtained its current name in 1986.[1]Previous names include American Journal of Orthodontics and American Journal of Orthodontics and Oral Surgery.[2
  54.  official journal of the Edward H. Angle Society of Orthodontia.  On November 17, 1930, 22 members of the former Edward H. Angle Society of Orthodontia met in Chicago. The purpose - "to find some way to carry forward Dr. Angle's ideals of Orthodontia." It was decided to reorganize the society which was functioning at the time of Dr. Angle's passing. A central organization was set up with four component societies, the Eastern, Midwestern, Northern California and Southern California. The Northwest component was accepted as such in March 1947. It was at this meeting in 1930 that The Angle Orthodontist was born. Mrs. Angle was named Editor-in-Chief, and Dr. Frank Gough of Brooklyn was appointed Business Manager. The first official address before this society was given by Charles Tweed, his subject, "The History and Revision of the Arizona Law." The first scientific paper was presented by Allan Brodie, his subject, "The New Mechanism."
  55. Currently known as: Journal of Orthodontics (2000 - current) Formerly known as British Journal of Orthodontics (1973 - 1999) Published on behalf of bos Volume 1, Number 1 issue appeared in August, 1973. The new publication incorporates two journals: The Transactions of the British Society for the Study of Orthodontics and Th.e Orthodontist. only British journal exclusively devoted to orthodontics. The first issue was devoted mostly to articles on clinical practice.
  56. The European Orthodontic Society decided to publish its own journal in 1979 and the European Journal of Orthodontics became the official journal of the Society. It has since become a journal of international repute 
  57. The Journal of the Indian Orthodontic Society was started by H. D. Merchant, its first Editor. He was also the founding President of the Society
  58. Helps in evaluation impacted teeth,oral anomalies Helps in evaluation on airway and sinus Helps in evaluation in alveolar bone height and volume Helps in tmj evaluation It displays the dentition 3 dimensionally
  59. Made of titanium alloys.
  60. Ceamic brackets came via indirect route. Translucent polycrystalline alumina(tpa) was developed by NASA and ceradyne,a leader in advanced ceramics for aerospace. In 1986,a dental equipment and supply company contacted cerdyne for an esthetic material to be used in orthodontics,and hence ceramics was introduced.
  61. It is an alternative to metal braces. The invisible way to straigten teeth with clear aligners.
  62. Bp was developede from the background of edgewise tech as well as begg tech. It is not an orthodontic tech but it encompass the total orthodontic philosophy. It involves the treatment of the whole face rather than the just the teeth or occlusion. It has got many principles and that is formulated based on four sciences”social biological clinical and mechanical”
  63. Bboth edgewise and begg principles can be emloyed.