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rosc    opy
         hip  arth
   T he                 ide    f or
            atio n gu
        ilit                    ists
re hab                 erap MCSP
                 d th Grant t,
      tien ts an By Louise therapis K
  pa              tered
                        Phys siocure
                         ar   Hip-
                                    P              01
               ali st Ch                  ug ust 2
          peci                   ri ght A
     Hip S                  Copy
•    About the author
        •    About this guide
  hip   •    Anatomy of the hip
        •    What is a hip arthroscopy?
        •    What might the surgeon do in the hip?
        •    Labral repair or resection

        •    Pincer decompression
        •    CAM decompression

Cont    •    Other surgical techniques
        •    Possible complications of surgery
        •    Getting ready for your operation
        •    Pre-op assessment record
        •    Post-operative advice
        •    Post-operative range of movement advice
        •    Precautions and considerations following surgery
        •    Awareness of negative findings that may impact on rehab
        •    Rehabilitation exercises following hip arthroscopy
        •    Six week reassessment record
        •    Twelve week reassessment record
        •    Rehabilitation pathway
        •    Rehabilitation summary charts
        •    References
        •    Acknowledgements
hip                            INTRODUCTION
                 Louise Grant is a Chartered Physiotherapist who qualified
                 in 1992. Since the year 2000, she has jointly owned
                 PHYSIOCURE, a private physiotherapy clinic. She is a

                 member of the Health Professions Council, The Society of

                 Orthopaedic Medicine, The Acupuncture Association of

                 Chartered Physiotherapists, PhysioFirst and the
                 Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Sports
                 Medicine. In 2005, Louise additionally qualified as a
                 Modern Pilates Instructor.
 t the

                 Louise is a private, independent hip specialist
                 physiotherapist who works with patients undergoing hip
                 arthroscopy, and in the management of femoral
                 acetabular hip impingement (FAI). She also sees other
                 types of hip surgery and conditions. She has written this

                 guide to assist in patient’s rehabilitation.

hip       This guide is not intended to replace your surgeon’s
              protocol, but to be used alongside it. Louise has
              gathered together various hip arthroscopy guides/
              protocols from around the world, research papers and

              books, her learning from attending international hip

              conferences and from individual teaching from top hip
              arthroscopy surgeons, to personally formulate this
              amalgamation of material. She has also collected data
              recording patient’s experiences of hip arthroscopy
              rehabilitation. Please note, this guide is general, and
              can not cover every eventuality.
 t this

              Louise has personal experience with living with
              femoral acetabular impingement (FAI) and has had a
              hip arthroscopy herself. Louise’s hip condition is in no
              means simple, and she understands fully the emotional

              rollercoaster some patients experience in recovery.
              Practical advice has been added into this guide from
              her Occupational Therapist mother who lived with hip
              dysplasia and had a early hip replacement, age 50.
              Louise has used this information to produce a useful
              guide aiming to aid patients and therapists in hip
              arthroscopy rehabilitation.


           Disclaimer – the author is not
           responsible for any person’s using
           this guide or for their interpretation
 t this
           of it. Hip arthroscopy rehabilitation
           should be done under the care of a
           suitably qualified Chartered

           Physiotherapist or equivalent

hip      It is important to note that any rehabilitation guide
             needs to be modified and adapted for the patient
             individually. Patient’s undergoing hip arthroscopy, vary.
             Has the surgery been complex or simple? Some are

             sports people who have a sudden onset of hip pain.
             Some, patients have had pain for many years, before

             they are diagnosed with femoral acetabular
             impingement. Therefore, people using this guide will be
             at different levels of fitness, have different pain scenarios
             and disability. Hence, staging a guide that is time framed
             is not always realistic, and can cause some patients huge
 t this
             distress when they feel they are not meeting time bound
             goals, so please remember the ‘weeks’ are only meant as
             a guide. It is important to be realistic with patients, judge
             their fitness, capabilities and operation findings. Some
             patient’s goal will be getting to level two/three stage

             exercises. If a non-athletic patient is painfree, with good
             symmetrical range of movement and power, is back at
             work/hobbies, and is happy with this recovery, do not
             push them to do exercises aimed at elite sports people.
             There are criteria to be met, and relevant tasks to be
             performed satisfactorily before moving onto a
             harder level in this guide.

‘3D’   Normal hip joint.
          hip                           The labrum (red),
                                          forms a ‘skirt’
                                                 the rim

     e h ip
   of th

                             Rim of acetabulum

                             Femoral head

                             Femoral Neck

                             Greater trochanter
A hip arthroscopy is when the surgeon uses ‘keyhole’
           hip        surgery to enter the hip joint. Normally, this involves
                      making two small incisions in the upper thigh area, but
                      on some occasions, a surgeon may choose to use

                      additional incisions (portals). One of the incisions is for

                      the camera, and the other is for the operating tool. The
                      operated leg is usually in traction throughout the
                      procedure to enable access to the central
      t is a
     osco             compartment of the joint. This is carefully controlled
                      and monitored. The traction is gently released for when
                      the surgeon accesses the peripheral compartment. The
                      surgeon will then carefully move the leg with the
                      camera in situ to check there is no impingement.

                      Bruising and swelling are normal post-surgery.

                                   Side of thigh
                   of                                 Some people are
                   thigh                              surprised to see
                                                      where the
                                                      incisions are, they
                                                      presume they would
                            Incisions                 be higher up.

                     You will have already been examined, xrayed
                     and possibly had an arthrogram/scan by the
                     surgeon; and a proposed treatment plan

                     discussed.(Ref 1).However, further examination
                     of the joint takes place, when the surgeon looks
surg t might
                     into the joint with their camera. They will then
        do in
                     fully assess the joint and decide on the
                     appropriate procedure. See the following pages
                     for common surgical techniques..

                      Copyright PHYSIOCURE

                     This is a picture of a labral tear. There are different
            ir o r
   debr ction/
                     classifications of tears (Ref 2). It will depend on the

                     type of tear and quality of the labrum as to whether
                     the surgeon repairs or resects /removes. (Ref 3)

Hip L

                     Below is a picture of a pincer deformity. The extra bone
                     can cause impingement in the hip. The surgeon may
                     remove/resect this boney deformity to alleviate

                     ‘pinching’ in the hip.

     f o rm                                           pincer
                                                               Red indicates
 er de


                  Green indicates
                  boney overcoverage
                  around the rim. A local
                  area =pincer, a global
                  area = coxa profunda.
hip     A CAM deformity can be found at the femoral
               neck, it can restrict hip movement and cause
               impingement. This can be resected during
               surgery and the area ‘decompressed’. Some

               people have a ‘mixed’ CAM and pincer

               deformity. (Ref 4,5)

                                                      Red indicates
                                      CAM                labrum


             Green indicates
             boney ‘bump’ on the
             femoral neck, this
             can vary in size and

                    Removal of a loose body – These are free-

                    floating catilage fragments usually originating
                    from traumatic injury, degenerative conditions or
                    synovial proliferative disorders.

        niqu        Microfracture/chondroplasty – Holes are made
     r sur
                    in the subchondral plate, in local contained areas ,
                    producing a marrow clot. The cells from this
                    change into a fibrocartilaginous material.

                    Psoas tendon release

                    Removal of adhesions
                    Ligamentum Teres Reconstruction
                    Labral Grafting

                                    (Ref 6,7,8,9,10,11)
With any surgery, there are complications and
                                       things to consider….
                           •     Infection, DVT, delayed wound healing,

           tions ible
                                 swelling, bruising.

                 of hi     •     Avascular necrosis of the femoral head,

                                 fracture, heterotopic ossifications,
                           •     Failure to resolve pre-operative
           py su
                                 symptoms, increased pain, damage to
                                 labrum or cartilage, traction related pain.
                           •     Sciatic and lateral cutaneous nerve
                                 injuries, pudendal nerve problems,

                                 impotence, pressure sores.
                           •     Instrument breakage, extravasation of
                                 irrigation fluid.

                                 For more information visit
                                Your surgeon will discuss complications in
                                              more detail.

               f or
                           Preparing yourself before surgery can help

                                  make your recovery easier.
                            Your physiotherapist can help you with –
                      •      Showing you pre-op exercises to maintain
                            your muscle tone and overall function .
                      •     Explanation of the post-op exercise routine
                            and advice. Remember new exercises can
    in g r

                            make you ache.
                      •     Practice crutch walking.

                      •     Assessing and measuring your hip before
                            surgery to establish pre-op function.

                      •     Record your pre-op pain and symptoms to
                            be able to gauge appropriate post-op

                 Shade in the areas on this body chart where you
                 have your pre-op pain. Scale the pain from 0-10
                       (0 is no pain and 10 is the worst pain

                 imaginable). Do this, as you may possibly forget
                  what you actually did feel like before surgery !

 p ass
hip     Diary page – write down here how you are
                   feeling in yourself and the things you are
                 currently finding a problem in day to day life.

 p ass
hip           Ask your physio to record these pre-op hip
                       measurements for you, so you can monitor your
                                    progress. (ref 12)

                 Hip                 Right          Left


 p ass



                 Int rot (neutral)

                 Ext rot (neutral)

                 test (ref 13)
Pre-op -Exercise record sheet (Your therapist can select exercises from this guide)


               f or
                               Items to help in your recovery –

                      •    Elbow crutches (essential) . Check if your
                           insurance company provides these. If not,
                           these can be purchased at the hospital.
                      •    Ice packs (essential). Ice is used to reduce
                           swelling, bruising and provide pain relief.
                           These can be bought on the internet or at
    in g r

                           the hospital. Get two, so one is always ready.
                      •    Non-slip shower mat (essential). You must

                           be careful that you do not jar your hip, so
                           think of safety aspects.

                      •    Exercise bike (advisable). As this is
                           recommended for daily use, and you can
                           not drive to the gym for a couple of weeks,
                           think about having a bike at home.

hip       Items to help in your recovery –
                       •    Shower stool, grab rails, raised toilet seat,

               f or
                            easy reach grabber, and long handled shoe

                            horn –
                       although these items are not essential, they can
                       really assist in making independence much
                       easier and may help prevent you jarring or
                       overstretching the hip.
                       •    Swiss ball, wobble board, inflatable balance
    in g r

                       •    Elastic resistance exercise band, ankle

                       •    Soft football, pilates ‘circle’, foam roller.

                       •    Scar massage oil.
                       •    Small rucksack and flask - useful as you
                            can’t carry things in your hands.
                       •    A couple of spare pillows – useful for
                            supporting your leg in different positions.


               f or
                              Items to take with you to the hospital –
                      •    Loose fitting jogging trousers (your leg may be
                           swollen after the operation).
                      •    Comfortable, flat, supportive non-slip shoes.
                      •    Nightwear, spare underwear and toiletries.
                      •    Phone and charger (headphones)
    in g r

                      •    Medications, hip xray (if you have been given
                           this by consultant), elbow crutches (if you are

                           having to provide your own).
                      •    Book, magazines, (earplugs!!!eye mask!!) etc..

                      •    Avoid taking any valuables, jewelry.
                      •    Glasses…you will be required to remove contact

For 2-6 weeks (6-8 weeks for a microfracture) you
                      will be partial weight bearing on elbow crutches.
                      You need to give the bone and soft tissues the
                      best environment to heal in. The joint may be

               f or
                      quite sore at first and it is important to let this

                      settle. Therefore, no lifting, twisting,
                      overstretching, jarring or movements/activities
                      that provoke the pain. Look around your home to
                      see what you can do now to make post-op
                      recovery easier. Consider organizing your home
                      so you can easily reach things, so you are not
                      having to bend down to a low drawer or
    in g r

                      overreach into a high cupboard. Check there are
                      no trip hazards. When it comes to eating, if you at
                      home alone, a high stool at the kitchen worktop

                      would mean you could safely prepare food and
                      eat it in the same place as you can not carry a

                      plate. Alternately, you could put food in a sealed
                      plastic container and have a flask/drink
                      container which could go in your rucksack…and
                      thus your food and drink can be transportable.
                      Consider stocking up on some easy freezer
                      meals. Enlist help if you can with children/pets/
                      laundry/cleaning/gardening/shopping, etc…
hip                 Using elbow crutches –
                     Walking – partial weight bearing is
                     approximately half of your body weight

                     going through the operated leg, whilst you
                     take a step with the non-operated leg.
                     Some surgeons specify less weight than

                     this, some more…so check with the
                     Begin by standing straight, in a good
                     posture, with weight fully through your non-
                     operated leg and partial through the

                     operated leg. Place both crutches a short

                     distance in front of you, then place the foot
                     of your operated leg level with the crutches,
                     keeping the foot flat on the floor. Next,
                     putting your weight through the crutches
                     and partially through the operated foot,
                     step through with the non-operated foot.
                     Take your weight fully through the non-
                     operated leg as you position the crutches
                     and operated leg for the next step..and so

Using elbow crutches – Stairs – Hold onto the
                      banister with one hand and the other should have
                      your crutch (place your other crutch horizontally
                      in the crutch hand, as shown in the photo).

                      UP STAIRS -

                      1.    Non-operated leg steps up.
                            Operated leg next onto the same step.
                      3.    Crutch goes last.
                      DOWN STAIRS –
                      1.    Crutch first.

                      2.    Operated leg.

                      3.    Non-operated leg onto the same step.


                    Using elbow crutches –

                    SITTING DOWN –

                    Walk right up to the chair, turn carefully around

                    so your bottom is facing the chair. Remove both
                    crutches from your arms and place in one hand,
                    so your hand is gripping the hand supports
                    across the top and you can still support yourself
                    safely. Next, with your other hand reach back and
                    place hand on the chair arm. Slowly lower

                    yourself carefully down into the chair.

                    STANDING FROM SITTING-
                    Move your bottom to the edge of the chair. Both
                    feet on the floor. With one hand, place on top of
                    the crutch handles, the other on the chair armrest.
                    Push up from the armrest. Once in standing, put
                    your crutches in the correct position.

                                             PAIN –
                   Pain, bruising, swelling and stiffness of the hip is normal

                   after the operation. You will be given medication to take
                   home following your surgery and repeat prescriptions
                   can be organized via your GP. It is advisable to take your

                   painkillers to keep any pain to a minimum to help your
                   rehabilitation, ensure a good nights sleep and enable
                   relaxation of the leg. The anti-inflammatories will help
                   the joint settle, and it is usually advised that these are
                   taken for at least two weeks. Be aware that some patients

                   can feel no pain straight after surgery and some feel like

                   they have ridden a horse! (due to the bolster used in the
                   traction procedure). It is normal to feel muscle soreness
                   in the leg from the traction, and sometimes knee or
                   ankle pain. Remember, as your activity level increases,
                   then there may be temporary increased soreness. So it
                   may not be wise to be weaning off your painkillers at the
                   same time as coming off your crutches/starting work/
                   increasing exercise levels, etc…

hip                         PAIN continued –
                     Drink plenty of water and have a healthy diet,

                     including fresh fruit and vegetables, as the medication

                     can make your ‘insides’a bit sluggish! See your GP if
                     constipation or stomach upset is a problem with the
                     medication. Getting enough rest and relaxation is
                     important in settling pain and ice is useful too(Ref
                     14,15,16). When using an ice pack, wrap it in a damp
                     tea towel to protect the skin. Leave it on for 10-20
                     minutes but be cautious of numb areas after surgery,
                     do not use ice on these areas. Keep checking the skin

                     to avoid ice burn/frost bite. Your physio can also help

                     with the pain – they may offer acupuncture and gentle
                     massage (avoid wound).Keep a diary, recording all the
                     positive progress you are making…some days may be
                     ‘bad’ days, this is normal. Listen to your body, there
                     maybe a reason that the pain has increased. Maybe
                     you overdid something the previous day, or have come
                     off your painkillers too soon or too suddenly? Learn
                     from this and make modifications, don’t try and battle
                     through pain..take things slowly (Ref 17).

hip                         WOUND CARE –
                   You will have dressings on your wounds after surgery
                   and will be told if your stitches are dissolvable or not.

                   With the latter, you will advised by the nurse on the

                   ward when these need to be removed (usually 7-10
                   days post op). This can be arranged at your GP

   advi            surgery. There may be a small amount of blood that
                   stains the dressings. This is normal, however, if it is
                   more than this, please contact the ward or the
                   consultant to report this. It is very important to keep
                   the wound dry until it has fully healed, to prevent

                   infection. You will be supplied with waterproof
                   dressings from the ward to ensure this when

                   showering. Alternatively, waterproof dressings can be
                   purchased from your chemist. Do not have a bath or
                   commence hydrotherapy until your wounds are fully
                   healed. Scar massage must only be started once the
                   wounds are fully healed and strong enough to cope
                   with this. Check with your physiotherapist when this is
                   suitable and ask them to show you the correct
                   massage technique.

                    •    Do not run/jump or do high impact sport for 6
                         weeks (13 weeks for microfracture) post surgery.
                         Some patients may be advised not to run at all, if

                         they have a particular hip condition.

                    •    Driving is at the discretion of the consultant.

                         Clutch use may flare up symptoms in the early
                         stages of recovery and it is essential that an
                         emergency stop can be fully performed before
                         driving is resumed.
                    •    A lot of consultants ban the use of treadmills

                         forever post surgery –check this with yours.

                    •    Check the appropriateness of the use of the rower
                         and breast stroke swimming post surgery with the
                         consultant and physio with your particular hip
                         problem – it may not be advisable.
                    •    Pay attention to good posture, do not sit in low soft
                         settees, do not cross your legs or sit with your legs
                         up on the settee in a twisted position. An ‘open
                         seat angle’, where the angle of the hips is more
                         than 90 degrees is recommended. A good
                         mattress is favourable, check yours isn’t sagging.

                                           continued -
                      Take good care of your hip for the first 8-12 weeks
                        following surgery, or longer if you have pain or

                     degeneration, or have been told to take rehabilitation

                     slower. These are some activities to be careful with –
                    •    Getting in/out of bed - assist and support your leg

                         when it is painful and weak initially following
                    •    Keep your knees together when getting in/out of
                         the car and bed.
                    •    Limit stair climbing, prolonged walking, standing,


                    •    Avoid heavy lifting and repetitive bending,
                         twisting or sudden/uncontrolled movements.
                    •    Caution with squatting, crouching and lying on
                         your operated side.
                    •    Take consideration with intercourse positions –
                         see the medical website , Herman and Wallace –
                         orthopaedic considerations for intercourse.
                    •    Do not provoke pain, if any exercises are
                         painful..STOP and report to your physio, who
                         will modify your program.
            hip       Returning to work –
                      This subject needs to be discussed pre-operatively
                      with your consultant/GP/physio and employer. It is

                      important that the positions and tasks you need to
                      carry out at work are analyzed realistically to avoid
                      any set-backs in recovery. With the UK consultants I

                      work with, their patients tend to have 2-6 weeks off
                      work in sedentary jobs. A longer time off is usual in
                      more manual jobs.It depends on the type of surgery
                      you have had, the condition of the joint and other
                      factors that indicate how long recovery might take. It

                      can vary.If you are in a sitting job, you need to make

                      sure you are going to be able to sit comfortably
                      before returning to work. This means giving the hip
                      adequate time to recover after surgery and
                      rehabilitate. A workplace assessment may need to be
                      done by your employer to check your desk and chair
                      ensure a correct posture. A staged return is often a
                      good idea. Feedback from my patients on this matter
                      is that once you are back at work, it is hard to find
                      time to do rehab exercises. This is why I have
                      included sitting/ standing exercises in my guide that
                      could be done ‘slottted’ in here and there in the day.
Labral repair and
                              capsular plication/repair considerations –
                           Some surgeons have a hip flexion up to 90’ limit for

                           10 days then 120’ until 4 weeks post-op, and a hip

                           abduction 25’ limit for 3 weeks. Hip extension and

                           external rotation gentle or nil for first 3 weeks (to
                           avoid stress on capsule and labrum) – check your
                           surgeon’s guidelines…it will differ from surgeon to
                           surgeon .
             ent a

                           No isometric or loaded hip flexion for the first two
                           weeks. After that period, avoid if painful and
                           introduce only when safe to do so, to avoid hip
                           flexor tendinitis.
      o pe r

                           Use night splints in internal rotation for capsular
                           plication/repair for 4 weeks.
                                          All hip arthroscopies –

                           Do not push into painful movements, especially with
of m

                           arthritic hips and it is important to ALWAYS avoid
                           aggressive hip extension.
                                              (ref 18,19,20,21)

•    Prevent hip flexor tendonitis.
                       •    Be aware of ‘normal’ and ‘abnormal’ post-op pain.
                       •    Check for trochanteric bursitis, sacroiliac joint
                  d         and lumbar spine dysfunction.

            tions      • 
           ns an

             h ip
                            Prevent, manage capsulitis / synovitis.

                       •    Manage scarring around portal sites.
                            Adhere to instructions given by the surgeon on

                            use of crutches – do not come off too soon.

                       •    Adhere to instructions given by the surgeon
                            regarding medication and rehabilitation plan and
                            any movement restrictions.

                       •    Attend post-operative appointments with your

                            surgeon so they can monitor your recovery.
                       •    Attend post-operative physiotherapy so they can
                            address any rehabilitation problems and assist
                            you in your recovery.
                       •    Expect new pains and adjustments occurring in
                            the rest of the body.
                       •    Be mindful of the other hip, especially if it is
                            possible that may also need surgery at a later
                  ss of
         impa gs
                ct on
                           Centre edge angle
                                                     Presence of advanced
                           below 20 degrees

                                                          OA changes

       tive f

                          hyperlaxity in patients    Low pre-op modified

                             with instability       harris hip score (MHHS)


                                       Pain and a negative hip

                              Information courtesy of Prof Schilders

                                 •  Early stage rehabilitation

                  tion           •  Patient on elbow crutches,

                                    partial weight bearing.

                                 •  Aim to decrease pain and

                                    inflammation, promote
                                    healing and protect
                                    repaired tissues.
                                 •  A whole body approach to
                                    aid circulation, relaxation,

                                    early joint mobility,
      Re h a

                                    maintenance of muscle
                                    tone, correct posture and to

                                    prevent musculoskeletal

  hip a

                                    compensatory issues in
                                    other parts of the body.
                                 •  Ensure hip joint neutral

                                    position is achieved in
                                    various postures and equal
                                    weight bearing through
                                    ischial tuberosities in

                                 •  Week 1(day1-7)

                                 •  Week 2(day 8-14)

                                 •  Week 3(day 15-21)
                                 •  Week 4 (day 22-28)

                                 •  Please note, some people
      Re h a

                                    may need to stay at week 1

                                    for longer, or week 2, etc..It
                                    is important to progress at a

  hip a

                                    speed that is appropriate to
                                    you. Pushing with exercises
                                    that are too hard or provoke

                                    pain is not advisable. The
                                    time frames in this
                                    handbook are meant as a
                                    general guide and may
                                    need to be modified to suit
                                    the individual.

                                        Week 1 exercises
                         1. Circulatory exercises – ankle pumps.
                         Point one foot and at the same time flex the

                         other foot back at the ankle, as shown below.
                         Repeat 10 times hourly while immobile.

                         Aim – to pump blood to encourage circulatory
                         flow whilst immobile.
      Re h a
  hip a

                                         Week 1 exercises
                         Static contractions, hold 5 seconds, 10 reps,
                         every 3 hours. Aim – to maintain muscle tone

                  tion   while immobile.

                          2. Quadriceps - Straighten one knee and tighten /

                         tense the muscles on the front of your thigh.
      Re h a

  hip a

                         3. Hamstrings – Bend one knee to approx 45
                         degrees. Push heel gently down into the bed to
                         tense the muscle at the back of the thigh.
               hip                           Week 1 exercises
                         Static contractions, hold 5 seconds, 10 reps, 2 times

                         a day. Aim – to maintain muscle tone while immobile.

                          4. Transversus Abdominis (T.Abs) – Lie on your

                         back with your hips and knees bent to approximately
                         45 degrees (as in exercise 5). Place a small pillow or
                         folded towel under your head if needed. It is important
                         that you feel relaxed and comfortable.
                         Next, keeping your bottom in contact with the bed/
                         floor, tuck your tailbone under so you flatten your
      Re h a

                         back against the bed/floor..then tilt the other way,
                         arching your lower back gently..this is called a pelvic

                         tilt. Do this a few times as it will help to gently mobilise
                         your lower back. Now, position your pelvis so your
  hip a

                         lower back is in what we call ‘neutral’, this is the
                         position in between the two movements you have just
                         done and your lower stomach should be level north-

                         south, east-west. Finally… without losing this position,
                         gently pull your lower tummy muscles (T.Abs) in, as if
                         you are pulling your navel towards your spine. Your
                         upper body should still be relaxed and you should try
                         to breathe normally as you do so.
                         As we go through this guide, we will exercise
                         this muscle in various positions. (Ref 22).
                                          Week 1 exercises
                          Static contractions, hold 5-10 seconds, 10 reps, 2

                         times a day. Aim – to maintain muscle tone while


                          5. Hip Abductors – Lie on back, hips and knees
                         bent to approx 45 degrees. Tie a belt around your
                         lower thighs. Use the techniques in exercise 4 to
                         find a neutral spine and to gently contract the
                         T.Abds. Gently push out sideways against the belt.
                         Make sure this does not provoke pain. Keep a
      Re h a

                         neutral pelvic position throughout. If you find
                         getting down to the floor a problem with these

                         following exercises, lie on the bed. Safety comes
  hip a


                                                             Caution - with
                                            Week 1 exercises
                           Static contractions, hold 5 seconds, 10 reps, every
                          3 hours. Aim – to maintain muscle tone while

                  tion    immobile.

                          6.Gluteals – Gently squeeze together your buttock

                          muscles. This can be done in the position shown in
                          exercise 5, or in sitting, or laid on your front, or in
                          standing….whichever is the most comfortable. If
                          lying on your front, place your feet in the position
                          shown in the picture, heels in neutral, ensure a
                          neutral lumbar spine, and gently contract your T.Abs
      Re h a

                          before squeezing your bottom. This exercise can be

                          improved by palpating your side hip bones to give
                          you feedback to check you are not gliding or rotating
  hip a

                          around the hip joint or pelvis as you contract your
                          gluts. The hip joint and pelvis should stay in neutral.
                          Then progress to individual glut (buttock) squeezes.

                                                         Therapists – please
                                                         read Sahrmann’s
                                                         work (ref 22)

                                           Week 1 exercises
                          Gentle stretches – Hold 10-20 seconds, 5 reps, 2
                         times a day. Aim- to maintain muscle length without

                         provoking inflammation/pain.

                         7. Quadriceps – Lie on your front with a folded towel

                         under your forehead so your head is supported and
                         not in a twisted position. Engage your T.Abs in a
                         neutral spine. Bend one knee bringing the heel of the
                         foot towards the bottom. A stretch in the front of the
                         thigh should be felt. Your lower back should not
      Re h a

                         hollow, your T.Abs and gluts should be maintaining
                         neutral spinal and pelvic position. If you can not

                         comfortably lie on your front, try a pillow under your
                         hips and/or ankles.
  hip a

                                               Week 1 exercises
                           Gentle stretches – Hold 10-20 seconds, 5 reps, 2 times
                          a day. Aim- to maintain muscle length without provoking


                          8. Iliotibial band and hip abductor stretch – Lie on your

                          non-operated side on the bed, near the edge, with the
                          underside knee/hip bent. Pillow under head. Straighten
                          the top leg. If a gentle stretch is felt in this position, do
                          not progress to the next stage. Hold in the gentle stretch
                          position. To progress this exercise, gently let the foot of
                          the top leg hand over the side of the bed, as shown in the
      Re h a

  hip a

                                                         Warning – do not do
                                                         if this causes any
                                                         ‘nipping’/pain in
                                                         the groin.

                                              Week 1 exercises
                           Gentle stretches – Hold 10-20 seconds, 5 reps, 2
                          times a day. Aim- to maintain muscle length without

                          provoking inflammation/pain.

                          9. Adductors – sit (not on a low seat), feet on the floor,

                          using your hands to support the operated leg, gently
                          take it out to the side. DO NOT LET IT ROTATE
                          OUTWARDS. Only a small careful movement should be
                          done at this early stage. A GENTLE stretch should be
      Re h a

                          felt in the inner thigh.
  hip a

                                                         Warning – do not do
                                                         if this causes any
                                                         soreness/pain in
                                                         the groin.
               hip                          Week 1 exercises
                          10. Exercise bike – the use of the bike post hip
                         arthroscopy varies from surgeon to surgeon, some
                         recommend immediately, some after 1 week, some

                         after 2, some after 4. Check your surgeon’s protocol.

                         We advise our patients use the bike, with the seat high,
                         to encourage early ACTIVE ASSISTED range of
                         movement of the hip, the day after surgery. The bike
                         should be set to zero resistance and the non operated
                         leg should do most of the work. Pedaling should be
                         done slowly, and the operated hip should not ‘hitch-
                         up’, it should feel relaxed during movement. Start by
      Re h a

                         doing the bike ‘little and often’ eg. 5-10 minutes 2-3

                         times a day, but you may increase this if it feels
                         comfortable and pain free. Increase SLOWLY by 5
  hip a

                         minutes. Keep at the same time for a few days before
                         increasing time. Maximum would be 45 mins, 2 x a day.
                                      No resistance until week 5-6.

                                        Warning – modify time
                                         used, if this causes any
                                        soreness/pain in the groin.
                                        Try pedaling backwards!
                                             Week 1 exercises

                         10. Exercise bike – continued ……
                         What do we do if for some reason the patient can not

                         go on an exercise bike?

                         Some surgeons recommend pendular hip movement
                         rather than the bike at this stage. This exercise could be
                         used for patients who can not use a bike .
                         •    Stand on a step with your non-operated leg, see
      Re h a

                              photo on the next page. Holding on with both
                              hands, to a secure support. Let the operated leg

                              hang in a heavy, relaxed fashion. Imagine your leg
                              to like a pendulum of a clock and gently swing it
  hip a

                              forwards then back to neutral (no hip extension ).
                              Repeat 10-20 times every 2 hours.

                         •    This movement can also be done in the pool as
                              long as the patient is safe to mobilise in this
                              environment and has waterproof wound dressings.
                         •    Water cycling can be done with floats assisting and
                              supporting – see separate hydrotherapy guide.

hip                         LEVEL ONE
                                        Week 1 exercises

                         Pendular exercise –

      Re h a
  hip a

                              Neutral               Forward

                                                Week 1 exercises
                            Aim – maintain upper body flexibility.
                             11. Supine chest openings – Lie on your back with

                            your knees and hips bent to approx 45 degrees. Ensure

                            good symmetrical alignment of the legs and a neutral

                            spine (see exercise 4). Bring your hands together in
                            front of you, in a prayer position. Connect your T.Abds
                            and as you breathe out, open out your arms as in the
                            picture below. Only go as far as comfortable. It is
                            important to keep a neutral spine and not let your rib
                            cage lift up or your spine hollow. Hold as you breathe in.
      Re h a

                            Then return to the start position as you breathe out.

                            Repeat 5-10 times, 1-2 times a day, as required. Can
                            be progressed to lying on a fit roll (not in week 1-3).
  hip a

                                                     Top tip – good for tightness

                                                     caused from crutch use

                         Early stage                      Advanced stage
               hip                          Week 1 exercises
                         Aim – maintain upper body flexibility.
                          12. Spinal extension – Lie on your front, prop yourself
                         up on your forearms. Slide your shoulder blades gently

                         down your back, gently tuck in your chin so you are

                         lengthening down the back of your neck (do not allow
                         chin poke). Connect through your T.Abds, keep your
                         lumbar spine and pelvis neutral. Gently push your
                         breastbone forwards as you breathe out so your thoracic
                         spine hollows(the bit between your lower neck and
                         lumbar spine). Hold the position as you breathe in, then
                         relax to the start position as you breathe out. Repeat
      Re h a

                         5-10 times, as required, 1-2 times a day.
  hip a

                                                      Top tip – this part of

                                                      spine can become
                                                       very stiff due to
                                                      body compensations
                                                      and use of crutches.
                               Incorrect              this exercise also gently
                               -’hinging’             stretches the hip flexors
                                             Week 1 exercises

                         13. PRONE LYING – try and spend one hour laid on

                  tion   your front in the morning and one hour in the afternoon.

                         This is to prevent the front of your hip becoming tight.

                         14. ICE – Use an ice gel pack wrapped in a damp tea
                         towel (to protect your skin). 20 minutes every 3 hours.
                         Do not use on numb skin and keep checking the area
                         and moving the ice pack to different parts of the leg/
                         hip/pelvis to avoid ice burns.
                         15. RELAXATION – Plenty of sleep and rest is needed
      Re h a

                         in recovery. Take things slow, be realistic, do not try and
                         rush recovery. Keep positive and keep stress to a

                         minimum. ‘Self Care – the seed of recovery. It is nearly
  hip a

                         impossible to use your body well and treat it wisely
                         when you feel hostile, fearful or harshly demanding
                         toward some part of yourself’ (ref 23).

                         Note to therapists – Acupuncture (Ref 24,25,26) and
                         gentle massage techniques for pain relief, muscle
                         spasm and swelling are helpful at this stage. Some
                         consultants advise hydrotherapy at this early stage.
                         Health and safety criteria must be met. See
                         ‘Hydrotherapy exercises following hip arthroscopy
                         guide’, by Louise Grant (HIP-PHYSIOCURE).
WEEK 1 -Exercise record sheet
     Day 1   Day 2     Day 3     Day 4     Day 5     Day 6    Day 7

                                              Week 2 exercises
                         Aim – Gentle transversus abdominis/hip/pelvic control

                  tion    16. Supported heel sides in supine. Lie on your back,

                         knees and hips bent to approx 45 degrees, ideally on a

                         ‘slidey’ surface that your heel can glide along. Use a
                         strong strap or belt to secure around your operated leg

                         foot, hold with both hands – as shown in the photo.
                         With relaxed breathing, a neutral pelvis and lumbar
                         spine and T.Abs engaged….and using the strap to
                         assist the movement of the operated leg, gently slide
      Re h a

                         the leg out straight, keeping the heel in contact with the

                         floor. Then assist the leg to bend. You are aiming to go
                         from 0-70 degrees hip flexion, keeping the heel in
  hip a

                         contact (no lifting) with the floor and the leg supported
                         at all times, to avoid activation of the hip flexor (ref 27).
                         Repeat 5-10 times, 2 times a day..SLOWLY

                                            Week 2 exercises
                         Aim – hip flexion mobility with lumbo-pelvic control and

                         early dissociation.

                          17. Four point kneeling hip rocks. Set yourself up as in

                         the first picture. Hands directly under shoulders, knees
                         under hips. Perform some pelvic tilts initially in the
                         position to mobilise the lumbar spine and eventually
                         find neutral. Gently draw your navel towards your spine,
                         activating the T.Abs but keeping the lumbar spine in
                         neutral. Now, gently ‘rock’ your bottom backwards
      Re h a

                         towards your heels, but do not bend in the back, keep

                         the spine neutral and T.Abs engaged. Do not rotate the
                         pelvis and aim for symmetry of movement. Hold for 5
  hip a

                         seconds, then ‘rock’ forward as in the last photo .
                         Hold 5 seconds. Repeat 10 times, 2 times a day.
                         (ref 22)

hip                             LEVEL ONE
                                            Week 2 exercises

                         Aim – early hip abduction/adduction mobility with

                         lumbo-pelvic control and early dissociation.

                          18. Four point kneeling hip glides. Set yourself up as
                         in the first picture. Hands directly under shoulders,
                         knees under hips. Perform some pelvic tilts initially in
                         the position to mobilise the lumbar spine and eventually
                         find neutral. Gently draw your navel towards your spine,
                         activating the T.Abs but keeping the lumbar spine in
      Re h a

                         neutral. Now, gently and slowly, ‘glide’ your hips to the

                         side. Do not rotate the pelvis. Aim for symmetry of
                         movement. Avoid painful ranges. Hold for 5 seconds,
  hip a

                         then ‘glide’ to the other side.
                         Repeat 10 times, 2 times a day. (ref 22)

                                            Week 2 exercises
                         Aim – Gentle hip mobility

                          19. Hip internal rotation. Lie on your front, neutral

                         lumbo-pelvic spine, T.Abs engaged. Bend your knees

                         up to 90 degrees bend, keeping them together. Slowly
                         and gently make a ‘V’ shape, separating your feet but
                         keep your knees together.
                         Hold 5 seconds, repeat 5-10 times, 2 times a day.
      Re h a
  hip a


                         20. Exercise bike (as per description in ex. 10)
                                              Week 2 exercises
                         Aim – maintain calf muscle strength

                  tion    21. Ankle plantar flexion with resistance band. Secure

                         a resistance band like a stirrup around the ball of the foot.

                         Hold with both hands. Firstly pull the foot back towards
                         you, pull the band tight so it under tension, then flex your
                         foot at the ankle pushing against the resistance of the
                         band. Hold 5 seconds, repeat 10 times, 2 times a day.
      Re h a
  hip a

                         TO BE WORN WITH THESE PRODUCTS.
                                             Week 2 exercises
                         Aim – maintain quadriceps and hamstring strength
                         and flexibility

                         22. Prone lying hamstring curls/Quads stretch.

                         Position yourself as in exercise 7 but with a small ankle

                         weight around your ankle. Perform the exercise as in
                         exercise 7, slowly.
                         Hold 10 seconds, 10 repetitions, 2 times a day.
                         This exercise aims to gently work your hamstrings and
                         at the same time stretch your quadriceps muscles. (ref
      Re h a

                         23. Seated knee quads extension/Hams stretch. Sit up

                         straight on a firm chair. Feet should be on the floor and
                         hips/knees at 90 degrees, or hips at more of an open
  hip a

                         angle if required. Gently draw in your lower stomach
                         muscles (T.Abs), lumbar spine in neutral. Straighten one
                         knee, tensing up the muscle on the front of the thigh…

                         try to keep your back straight.
                         Hold 10 seconds, 10 repetitions, 2 times a day.

                         Top tip- place one hand in the area between your
                         incisions and try and ‘tense’ contract that area as
                         you do exercise 23. This area may be inhibited with
                         muscular activity after surgery.
hip                                LEVEL ONE
                                               Week 2 exercises

                           Aim – maintain hip abductor and adductor length

                           and strength

                           24. Isometric hip abduction (as per exercise 5).
                           25. Hip Abductor/ITB stretch (as per exercise 8).
                           26. Hip Adductor stretch (as per exercise 9).
                           27. Isometric hip adduction. Gentle squeeze with a soft
      Re h a

                           football or pilates ‘magic-circle’. Try in sitting/lying/
                           standing, which ever is comfortable. Do not do if it

                           increase any adductor soreness.
  hip a

                           Squeeze for 5-10 seconds, 5-10 times, 2 times a day.

                         sitting         standing
                                            Week 2 exercises
                         Aim – maintain gluteal strength and length
                         28. Isometric hip gluteals (as per exercise 6).

                         29. Gluteal/piriformis stretch. Lie in the position

                         shown with your operated leg on top. Place a pillow
                         under the knee of your operated leg for comfort (if

                         required). You should feel a stretch in your bottom
                         muscles. If uncomfortable, try having your top foot
                         tucked behind the underneath foot, rather than behind
                         the knee. To increase the stretch, rotate upper body
                         backwards, or lie near the edge of a bed so you can drop
                         the knee of the top leg over. BE AWARE THAT THIS
                         EXERCISE CAN CAUSE NIPPING IN THE GROIN…if you
      Re h a

                         feel this, please do not do. Hold the stretch 5-10
                         seconds, as comfort allows, repeat 5-10 times, 2

                         times a day.
  hip a


                         30. Upper body stretches (as per exercises 11 and 12).
                                             Week 2 exercises

                                       Continue with as in week 1 –

                         Prone lying, rest, relaxation and ice (exercises 13-15)
                         Note to therapists – Early passive gentle hip
                         circumduction is recommended (Wahoff & Ryan, ref
                         20). Done passively with hip in 70 degrees flexion.
      Re h a

                         Gentle passive ‘log rolling’ of the leg in neutral is
                         also useful.

                         Appropriate joint mobilisations and soft tissue
  hip a

                         techniques, such as myofascial release (Ref
                         28,29,30,31,32,33,34) , positional release and active
                         release techniques can be beneficial. Emphasis is

                         placed on the iliopsoas, iliotibial band, adductors,
                         gluteus medius, quadratus lumborum and
                         quadriceps(Ref 20). Acupuncture and electro-
                         acupuncture can be helpful throughout
                         rehabilitation (Ref 24,25,26).

WEEK 2 - Exercise record sheet
     Day 8   Day 9     Day 10    Day 11    Day 12     Day 13    Day 14
               hip                           Week 3 exercises
                         Aim – improve hip/lumbo-pelvic control

                         31.Heel slides in supine. Progress exercise 16, to be

                         done without a strap, if adequate control is displayed

                         and it is pain free. Still keep heel in contact with the
                         floor at all times.
                         Repeat slide 5-10 times slowly, 1-2 times a day.
                         Aim – activation of gluteus medius with low iliopsoas
                         activation (exercise 32) (ref 27)
      Re h a

                         32. Double leg bridges. Lie on your back with your feet
                         flat on floor, knees and hips bent. Lumbo-pelvic neutral,

                         T.Abs engaged. Squeezing your bottom gently lift up
  hip a

                         your pelvis to bring your hips up into a neutral position.
                         Hold 5-10 seconds, 5-10 repetitions, 1-2 times a day.

                                            Week 3 exercises
                         Aim – weight transference to prepare for independent


                         33.Weight transference exercises.If your consultant

                         has given you consent to wean off crutches at the end
                         of two weeks, then you will need to do exercises so

                         you are balanced and do not have a limp.
                         DO NOT DO THIS EXERCISE IF YOU STILL HAVE
                         WEIGHT BEARING RESTRICTIONS
                         Stand near an appropriate support that you can
      Re h a

                         comfortably hold onto. Try and make sure your weight

                         is distributed equally between your feet. Imagine
                         each foot to be a tripod of weight bearing, (heel, the
  hip a

                         base of the big toe and the little toe) and try to evenly
                         distribute your weight through these three points.
                         Now, position your body alignment imagining a line

                         dissecting through your side ankle bone up to the
                         boney prominence of your lateral hip (greater
                         trochanter), the middle of the lateral aspect of your
                         shoulder, and finally your ear. Next, put your hands on
                         top of your pelvis and imagine this to be rim of a
                         bucket, tilt your pelvis anterior/posterior so the ‘rim’
                         is level. Engage your T.Abs and now you are ready to
                         do weight transference!...see next page….
                                               Week 3 exercises
                           Continued …. In the position detailed in exercise 33.
                           slowly and gently sway your body weight forwards over
                           your feet and then back into your heels. Keep your Trans
                           Abs engaged (Ref 35) and you should feel your gluteals

                           ‘switch on’ at certain points. Do this 20 times. Then try

                           side sways 20 times, get your physiotherapist to check
                           your technique with these. Progress standing posture
                           work with the ‘tight rope’ stance. One foot in front of the
                           other and gaining hip joint neutral (Ref 36)and lumbo-
                           pelvic neutral.
      Re h a

                           34. Hydrotherapy. (see separate hip arthroscopy
                           hydrotherapy guide).

                           Aim – as a medium to practice walking, weight
  hip a

                           transference, early hip mobility , early lumbo-pelvic
                           stability challenges and a ‘whole body’ approach.
                           (ref 37,38) Health and safety criteria must be met before

                                               commencing hydrotherapy – see
                                                separate hydro guide.

                                               Week 3 exercises
                            Aim – to develop calf muscle strength to aid gait re-

                  tion      35. Bilateral calf raises. Stand, facing an appropriate

                            support that you can hold onto. Modify weight bearing

                            on operated side as per surgeon’s instructions. Ensure
                            a good posture as you raise your heels so you are
                            standing on the balls of your feet. Keep your ankles
                            strong, do not let them rotate or twist. Repeat 10-20
                            times, 2 times a day.
                            Note – Progression to alternate calf raising and
      Re h a

                            single leg calf raises will all depend on how much

                            weight limit you have been instructed by your
                            surgeon to put through your leg. You must comply
  hip a

                            with this advice.

hip                            LEVEL ONE
                                            Week 3 exercises

                  tion   Aim – to improve lower limb flexibility

                         36. Hamstring stretch. Lie on your back with head

                         supported. Place an elastic resistance band (note
                         health & safety warning ex.21) like a stirrup around
                         your foot. Start position, knee and hip bent to 90
                         degrees. Shoulders relaxed, lumbo-pelvic neutral,
                         T.Abs engaged, band under tension. Use band to assist
                         straightening of the knee so a stretch in the back of
      Re h a

                         your thigh is felt. Hold 10-30 seconds, 5-10 times, 2

                         times a day.
  hip a

hip                            LEVEL ONE
                                            Week 3 exercises

                  tion     Aim – to improve lower limb flexibility

                           37. Calf stretch. Stand as in the picture. If still

                           partial weight bearing, use an appropriate
                           support to hold onto so you can take some weight
                           through your arms. Put one leg behind you, one in
                           front, feet pointing forwards. Slowly bend the knee
                           of the front leg, keep the heel of the back leg on
                           the floor and the knee straight. A stretch should be
      Re h a

                           felt in the back of the rear calf muscle. Hold 10-30

                           seconds, 5-10 times, 2 times a day.
  hip a

                                                       Try and maintain a
                                                       good posture, do not twist
                                                       in the pelvis;… use T.Abs
                                                       to control.

                                            LEVEL ONE

                  tion                   Week 3 exercises

                         Aim – to improve lower limb flexibility

                         38. Iliotibial band stretch. Sit on the floor, one
                         leg straight and the other crossed over it, as
                         shown in the photo. Pull your bent knee towards
                         your opposite shoulder and turn your body
                         slightly away so you feel a stretch in your lateral
      Re h a

                         thigh/buttock. Hold 10-30 seconds, 5-10 times, 2
                         times a day.
  hip a

                                                     Please check this
                                                     exercise does not pinch
                                                     in the groin.
                                                     Try exercise 8 if that
                     Copyright-PHYSIOCURE            is more comfortable.
                                               Week 3 exercises

                           Aim – to improve flexibility

                           39. Faber stretch. Lie on your back. Cross one leg, so

                           the foot is on the top of the opposite ankle, top leg is
                           turned slightly out (figure 4 position). You can place
                           some pillows under the knee of the top leg for support.
                           For an increased stretch, slide the top foot up the shin
                           towards the knee and let the top knee lower towards the
                           floor. Do not push on the knee or force the stretch.
      Re h a

                           An alternate position is to lie on your front in the

                           position shown below.
  hip a

                           Hold 10-30 seconds, 5-10 times, 2 times a day.

                                                             Check the limit
                                                             of external
                                                             rotation in surgeon’s
                                                             protocol. Some will
                                                             prefer this movement
                         Copyright-PHYSIOCURE                to be done later on.
                                              Week 3 exercises
                              40. Exercise Bike. As per exercise 10.
                              41. Hip rocks and glides. As per exercises 17
                              and 18.

                              42. Hip internal rotation. As per exercise 19.
                              43. Isometric hip adduction with ball. As per
                              exercise 27.
                              44. Resisted hamstring curls. As per exercise
      Re h a


                              45.Standing hip abduction of operated side.
  hip a

                              Stand near an appropriate support to hold on to.
                              Assume correct stand posture as in exercise 33.
                              Take your weight on to your un-operated side,

                              engaging T.Abs and gluteals. Slowly glide your
                              operated leg out sideways, a short distance so the
                              foot is clear of the floor, squeezing your bottom
                              gently. Hold 5-10 seconds, repeat 5-10 times, 2
                              times a day.

               hip              Week 3 exercises (additional suggestions)
                         Aim – lumbo-pelvic control and mobility

                  tion   Swiss Ball exercises. Sit on the swiss ball feet flat on

                         the floor, seated so your hips are NOT lower than your

                         knees, pic 1. Ensure you have equal weight through the
                         ‘sit bones’ (ischial tuberosities) by putting your hands
                         under your bottom. Adopt a good posture, engage your
                         T.Abs gently and engage pelvic floor, ref 39 (ask your
                         physio how to do this). Now tuck your ‘tailbone’ under,
                         pic 2 (posterior pelvic tilt), your ‘sit bones’ should feel
      Re h a

                         more flat, then roll back the other way, sticking your
                         bottom out so your lumbar spine has a hollow, pic 3,

                         (anterior pelvic tilt)…your ‘sit bones’ will feel more
  hip a

                         pointed. Repeat 10-20 times, 2 times a day.

                     1                 2                  3

                                                LEVEL ONE

                               Week 3 exercises (additional suggestions)

                         Aim – lumbo-pelvic control and mobility

                         Swiss Ball exercises. ..continued. Assume the

                         position as before. Lumbo-pelvic neutral, T.Abs
                         engaged, good overall posture. Glide your hips
                         laterally to the side, and then to the other side. Place
                         your hands under your ‘sit bones’ to monitor weight
      Re h a

                         bearing and weight transference being equal as you
                         go to one side and then another.

                         Repeat 10-20 times, 2 times day.
  hip a


                                             LEVEL ONE

                              Week 3 exercises (additional suggestions)

                         Aim – lumbo-pelvic control and mobility

                         Swiss Ball exercises. ..continued. These are

                         optional other exercises that may be useful…
      Re h a

                                        Alternate heel raises
  hip a

                                                     Progressing to alternate
                                                     foot lifts….


                                             LEVEL ONE

                              Week 3 exercises (additional suggestions)

                         Aim – lumbo-pelvic control and mobility

                         Swiss Ball exercises. ..continued. These are

                         optional other exercises that may be useful…
      Re h a

                                    Upper body rotations

                                    – early dissociation work of Tx/pelvis
  hip a

                                                    Upper body side

                                            LEVEL ONE
                             Week 3 exercises (additional suggestions)

                         Aim – lumbo-pelvic control and mobility

                         Swiss Ball exercises. ..continued. These are
                         optional other exercises that may be useful…
      Re h a

                                    Seated chest openings

                                    start position
  hip a

                                                   Seated chest openings
                                                   finish position


                                           Week 3 exercises
                         Note to therapists – Encourage your patient to still
                         get adequate rest and to use ice on areas that are
                         sore. Teach patient self-massage AROUND but not

                         on scars.

                         Some patients may be planning to returning to work

                         at this stage. If you have any concerns about this,
                         you must discuss with the patient/surgeon.
                         Pushing rehab/manual therapy to extremes of
                         movement will not enhance function, and will
      Re h a

                         increase soreness, inflammation and potentially

                         prolong recovery. Do not provoke hip flexor
                         tendinitis or bursitis, monitor exercises and modify
  hip a

                         if necessary.
                         Gentle hip gliding mobilizations and caudad

                         longitudinal distraction in neutral can be
                         performed if appropriate with the type of surgery
                         and type of protocol. Some surgeons do not allow
                         hip distraction manual techniques until a later
                         stage – check. (Ref 9 Chapter 25, and ref 6 Chapter

WEEK 3 - Exercise record sheet
     Day 15   Day 16     Day 17    Day 18    Day 19     Day 20    Day 21

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hip arthroscopy rehabilitation part one

  • 1. rosc opy hip arth T he ide f or atio n gu ilit ists re hab erap MCSP d th Grant t, tien ts an By Louise therapis K pa tered io Phys siocure hy ,U 1 ar Hip- P 01 ali st Ch ug ust 2 peci ri ght A Hip S Copy
  • 2. •  About the author •  About this guide hip •  Anatomy of the hip •  What is a hip arthroscopy? •  What might the surgeon do in the hip? •  Labral repair or resection nts •  Pincer decompression •  CAM decompression e Cont •  Other surgical techniques •  Possible complications of surgery •  Getting ready for your operation •  Pre-op assessment record •  Post-operative advice •  Post-operative range of movement advice •  Precautions and considerations following surgery •  Awareness of negative findings that may impact on rehab •  Rehabilitation exercises following hip arthroscopy •  Six week reassessment record •  Twelve week reassessment record •  Rehabilitation pathway •  Rehabilitation summary charts •  References •  Acknowledgements
  • 3. hip INTRODUCTION Louise Grant is a Chartered Physiotherapist who qualified in 1992. Since the year 2000, she has jointly owned PHYSIOCURE, a private physiotherapy clinic. She is a r member of the Health Professions Council, The Society of o Orthopaedic Medicine, The Acupuncture Association of auth Chartered Physiotherapists, PhysioFirst and the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Sports Medicine. In 2005, Louise additionally qualified as a Modern Pilates Instructor. t the Louise is a private, independent hip specialist physiotherapist who works with patients undergoing hip arthroscopy, and in the management of femoral acetabular hip impingement (FAI). She also sees other types of hip surgery and conditions. She has written this Abou guide to assist in patient’s rehabilitation. Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 4. hip This guide is not intended to replace your surgeon’s protocol, but to be used alongside it. Louise has gathered together various hip arthroscopy guides/ protocols from around the world, research papers and e books, her learning from attending international hip guid conferences and from individual teaching from top hip arthroscopy surgeons, to personally formulate this amalgamation of material. She has also collected data recording patient’s experiences of hip arthroscopy rehabilitation. Please note, this guide is general, and can not cover every eventuality. t this Louise has personal experience with living with femoral acetabular impingement (FAI) and has had a hip arthroscopy herself. Louise’s hip condition is in no means simple, and she understands fully the emotional Abou rollercoaster some patients experience in recovery. Practical advice has been added into this guide from her Occupational Therapist mother who lived with hip dysplasia and had a early hip replacement, age 50. Louise has used this information to produce a useful guide aiming to aid patients and therapists in hip arthroscopy rehabilitation. Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 5. hip e guid Disclaimer – the author is not responsible for any person’s using this guide or for their interpretation t this of it. Hip arthroscopy rehabilitation should be done under the care of a suitably qualified Chartered Abou Physiotherapist or equivalent therapist. Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 6. hip It is important to note that any rehabilitation guide needs to be modified and adapted for the patient individually. Patient’s undergoing hip arthroscopy, vary. Has the surgery been complex or simple? Some are e sports people who have a sudden onset of hip pain. Some, patients have had pain for many years, before guid they are diagnosed with femoral acetabular impingement. Therefore, people using this guide will be at different levels of fitness, have different pain scenarios and disability. Hence, staging a guide that is time framed is not always realistic, and can cause some patients huge t this distress when they feel they are not meeting time bound goals, so please remember the ‘weeks’ are only meant as a guide. It is important to be realistic with patients, judge their fitness, capabilities and operation findings. Some patient’s goal will be getting to level two/three stage Abou exercises. If a non-athletic patient is painfree, with good symmetrical range of movement and power, is back at work/hobbies, and is happy with this recovery, do not push them to do exercises aimed at elite sports people. There are criteria to be met, and relevant tasks to be performed satisfactorily before moving onto a harder level in this guide. Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 7. ‘3D’ Normal hip joint. hip The labrum (red), forms a ‘skirt’ around the rim e h ip of th omy Rim of acetabulum Femoral head Anat Femoral Neck Greater trochanter Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 8. A hip arthroscopy is when the surgeon uses ‘keyhole’ hip surgery to enter the hip joint. Normally, this involves making two small incisions in the upper thigh area, but on some occasions, a surgeon may choose to use hip additional incisions (portals). One of the incisions is for py? the camera, and the other is for the operating tool. The operated leg is usually in traction throughout the procedure to enable access to the central t is a osco compartment of the joint. This is carefully controlled and monitored. The traction is gently released for when the surgeon accesses the peripheral compartment. The surgeon will then carefully move the leg with the camera in situ to check there is no impingement. Wha arthr Bruising and swelling are normal post-surgery. Side of thigh Front of Some people are thigh surprised to see where the incisions are, they presume they would Incisions be higher up. Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 9. hip You will have already been examined, xrayed and possibly had an arthrogram/scan by the the the surgeon; and a proposed treatment plan hip? discussed.(Ref 1).However, further examination of the joint takes place, when the surgeon looks surg t might into the joint with their camera. They will then do in fully assess the joint and decide on the appropriate procedure. See the following pages for common surgical techniques.. eon Wha Copyright PHYSIOCURE
  • 10. hip This is a picture of a labral tear. There are different ir o r debr ction/ classifications of tears (Ref 2). It will depend on the ent type of tear and quality of the labrum as to whether the surgeon repairs or resects /removes. (Ref 3) repa idem rese l abra Hip L Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 11. hip Below is a picture of a pincer deformity. The extra bone can cause impingement in the hip. The surgeon may remove/resect this boney deformity to alleviate ity ‘pinching’ in the hip. ction f o rm pincer Red indicates labrum rese er de Copyright-PHYSIOCURE Pinc Green indicates boney overcoverage around the rim. A local area =pincer, a global area = coxa profunda.
  • 12. hip A CAM deformity can be found at the femoral neck, it can restrict hip movement and cause impingement. This can be resected during surgery and the area ‘decompressed’. Some CAM people have a ‘mixed’ CAM and pincer ssion deformity. (Ref 4,5) Red indicates CAM labrum mpre deco Copyright-PHYSIOCURE Green indicates boney ‘bump’ on the femoral neck, this can vary in size and situation.
  • 13. hip Removal of a loose body – These are free- l gica es floating catilage fragments usually originating from traumatic injury, degenerative conditions or synovial proliferative disorders. niqu Microfracture/chondroplasty – Holes are made r sur in the subchondral plate, in local contained areas , producing a marrow clot. The cells from this change into a fibrocartilaginous material. tech Psoas tendon release Othe Removal of adhesions Ligamentum Teres Reconstruction Labral Grafting (Ref 6,7,8,9,10,11)
  • 14. With any surgery, there are complications and hip things to consider…. •  Infection, DVT, delayed wound healing, tions ible p swelling, bruising. y of hi •  Avascular necrosis of the femoral head, rger fracture, heterotopic ossifications, Poss adhesions. •  Failure to resolve pre-operative py su symptoms, increased pain, damage to labrum or cartilage, traction related pain. •  Sciatic and lateral cutaneous nerve injuries, pudendal nerve problems, plica osco impotence, pressure sores. •  Instrument breakage, extravasation of irrigation fluid. com arthr For more information visit Your surgeon will discuss complications in more detail.
  • 15. hip f or Preparing yourself before surgery can help ation make your recovery easier. Your physiotherapist can help you with – eady •  Showing you pre-op exercises to maintain your muscle tone and overall function . oper •  Explanation of the post-op exercise routine and advice. Remember new exercises can in g r make you ache. •  Practice crutch walking. your •  Assessing and measuring your hip before surgery to establish pre-op function. Gett •  Record your pre-op pain and symptoms to be able to gauge appropriate post-op progress. Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 16. hip Shade in the areas on this body chart where you have your pre-op pain. Scale the pain from 0-10 (0 is no pain and 10 is the worst pain ent rd imaginable). Do this, as you may possibly forget what you actually did feel like before surgery ! reco essm p ass Pre-o
  • 17. hip Diary page – write down here how you are feeling in yourself and the things you are currently finding a problem in day to day life. ent rd reco essm p ass Pre-o
  • 18. hip Ask your physio to record these pre-op hip measurements for you, so you can monitor your progress. (ref 12) ent rd reco essm Hip Right Left Flexion Abduction p ass Adduction Faber Pre-o Int rot (neutral) Ext rot (neutral) Trendelenberg test (ref 13)
  • 19. Pre-op -Exercise record sheet (Your therapist can select exercises from this guide) 19
  • 20. hip f or Items to help in your recovery – ation •  Elbow crutches (essential) . Check if your insurance company provides these. If not, eady these can be purchased at the hospital. •  Ice packs (essential). Ice is used to reduce oper swelling, bruising and provide pain relief. These can be bought on the internet or at in g r the hospital. Get two, so one is always ready. •  Non-slip shower mat (essential). You must your be careful that you do not jar your hip, so think of safety aspects. Gett •  Exercise bike (advisable). As this is recommended for daily use, and you can not drive to the gym for a couple of weeks, think about having a bike at home. Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 21. hip Items to help in your recovery – •  Shower stool, grab rails, raised toilet seat, f or easy reach grabber, and long handled shoe ation horn – although these items are not essential, they can eady really assist in making independence much easier and may help prevent you jarring or overstretching the hip. oper •  Swiss ball, wobble board, inflatable balance cushion. in g r •  Elastic resistance exercise band, ankle weight. your •  Soft football, pilates ‘circle’, foam roller. Gett •  Scar massage oil. •  Small rucksack and flask - useful as you can’t carry things in your hands. •  A couple of spare pillows – useful for supporting your leg in different positions. Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 22. hip f or ation Items to take with you to the hospital – •  Loose fitting jogging trousers (your leg may be swollen after the operation). eady •  Comfortable, flat, supportive non-slip shoes. oper •  Nightwear, spare underwear and toiletries. •  Phone and charger (headphones) in g r •  Medications, hip xray (if you have been given this by consultant), elbow crutches (if you are your having to provide your own). •  Book, magazines, (earplugs!!!eye mask!!) etc.. Gett •  Avoid taking any valuables, jewelry. •  Glasses…you will be required to remove contact lenses. Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 23. For 2-6 weeks (6-8 weeks for a microfracture) you hip will be partial weight bearing on elbow crutches. You need to give the bone and soft tissues the best environment to heal in. The joint may be f or quite sore at first and it is important to let this ation settle. Therefore, no lifting, twisting, overstretching, jarring or movements/activities eady that provoke the pain. Look around your home to see what you can do now to make post-op recovery easier. Consider organizing your home oper so you can easily reach things, so you are not having to bend down to a low drawer or in g r overreach into a high cupboard. Check there are no trip hazards. When it comes to eating, if you at home alone, a high stool at the kitchen worktop your would mean you could safely prepare food and eat it in the same place as you can not carry a Gett plate. Alternately, you could put food in a sealed plastic container and have a flask/drink container which could go in your rucksack…and thus your food and drink can be transportable. Consider stocking up on some easy freezer meals. Enlist help if you can with children/pets/ laundry/cleaning/gardening/shopping, etc… Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 24. hip Using elbow crutches – Walking – partial weight bearing is approximately half of your body weight tive ce going through the operated leg, whilst you take a step with the non-operated leg. Some surgeons specify less weight than advi pera this, some more…so check with the surgeon. Begin by standing straight, in a good posture, with weight fully through your non- operated leg and partial through the o operated leg. Place both crutches a short Post- distance in front of you, then place the foot of your operated leg level with the crutches, keeping the foot flat on the floor. Next, putting your weight through the crutches and partially through the operated foot, step through with the non-operated foot. Take your weight fully through the non- operated leg as you position the crutches and operated leg for the next step..and so on. Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 25. Using elbow crutches – Stairs – Hold onto the banister with one hand and the other should have hip your crutch (place your other crutch horizontally in the crutch hand, as shown in the photo). tive UP STAIRS - ce 1.  Non-operated leg steps up. 2.  advi Operated leg next onto the same step. pera 3.  Crutch goes last. DOWN STAIRS – 1.  Crutch first. o 2.  Operated leg. Post- 3.  Non-operated leg onto the same step. Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 26. hip Using elbow crutches – tive SITTING DOWN – ce Walk right up to the chair, turn carefully around advi so your bottom is facing the chair. Remove both pera crutches from your arms and place in one hand, so your hand is gripping the hand supports across the top and you can still support yourself safely. Next, with your other hand reach back and place hand on the chair arm. Slowly lower o yourself carefully down into the chair. Post- STANDING FROM SITTING- Move your bottom to the edge of the chair. Both feet on the floor. With one hand, place on top of the crutch handles, the other on the chair armrest. Push up from the armrest. Once in standing, put your crutches in the correct position. Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 27. hip PAIN – Pain, bruising, swelling and stiffness of the hip is normal tive ce after the operation. You will be given medication to take home following your surgery and repeat prescriptions can be organized via your GP. It is advisable to take your advi pera painkillers to keep any pain to a minimum to help your rehabilitation, ensure a good nights sleep and enable relaxation of the leg. The anti-inflammatories will help the joint settle, and it is usually advised that these are taken for at least two weeks. Be aware that some patients o can feel no pain straight after surgery and some feel like Post- they have ridden a horse! (due to the bolster used in the traction procedure). It is normal to feel muscle soreness in the leg from the traction, and sometimes knee or ankle pain. Remember, as your activity level increases, then there may be temporary increased soreness. So it may not be wise to be weaning off your painkillers at the same time as coming off your crutches/starting work/ increasing exercise levels, etc… Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 28. hip PAIN continued – Drink plenty of water and have a healthy diet, tive including fresh fruit and vegetables, as the medication ce can make your ‘insides’a bit sluggish! See your GP if constipation or stomach upset is a problem with the medication. Getting enough rest and relaxation is advi pera important in settling pain and ice is useful too(Ref 14,15,16). When using an ice pack, wrap it in a damp tea towel to protect the skin. Leave it on for 10-20 minutes but be cautious of numb areas after surgery, do not use ice on these areas. Keep checking the skin o to avoid ice burn/frost bite. Your physio can also help Post- with the pain – they may offer acupuncture and gentle massage (avoid wound).Keep a diary, recording all the positive progress you are making…some days may be ‘bad’ days, this is normal. Listen to your body, there maybe a reason that the pain has increased. Maybe you overdid something the previous day, or have come off your painkillers too soon or too suddenly? Learn from this and make modifications, don’t try and battle through pain..take things slowly (Ref 17). Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 29. hip WOUND CARE – You will have dressings on your wounds after surgery and will be told if your stitches are dissolvable or not. tive With the latter, you will advised by the nurse on the ce ward when these need to be removed (usually 7-10 days post op). This can be arranged at your GP advi surgery. There may be a small amount of blood that pera stains the dressings. This is normal, however, if it is more than this, please contact the ward or the consultant to report this. It is very important to keep the wound dry until it has fully healed, to prevent o infection. You will be supplied with waterproof dressings from the ward to ensure this when Post- showering. Alternatively, waterproof dressings can be purchased from your chemist. Do not have a bath or commence hydrotherapy until your wounds are fully healed. Scar massage must only be started once the wounds are fully healed and strong enough to cope with this. Check with your physiotherapist when this is suitable and ask them to show you the correct massage technique. Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 30. ADDITIONAL ADVICE – hip •  Do not run/jump or do high impact sport for 6 weeks (13 weeks for microfracture) post surgery. Some patients may be advised not to run at all, if tive they have a particular hip condition. ce •  Driving is at the discretion of the consultant. advi Clutch use may flare up symptoms in the early pera stages of recovery and it is essential that an emergency stop can be fully performed before driving is resumed. •  A lot of consultants ban the use of treadmills o forever post surgery –check this with yours. Post- •  Check the appropriateness of the use of the rower and breast stroke swimming post surgery with the consultant and physio with your particular hip problem – it may not be advisable. •  Pay attention to good posture, do not sit in low soft settees, do not cross your legs or sit with your legs up on the settee in a twisted position. An ‘open seat angle’, where the angle of the hips is more than 90 degrees is recommended. A good mattress is favourable, check yours isn’t sagging. Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 31. ADDITIONAL ADVICE hip continued - Take good care of your hip for the first 8-12 weeks following surgery, or longer if you have pain or tive degeneration, or have been told to take rehabilitation ce slower. These are some activities to be careful with – •  Getting in/out of bed - assist and support your leg advi when it is painful and weak initially following pera surgery. •  Keep your knees together when getting in/out of the car and bed. •  Limit stair climbing, prolonged walking, standing, o sitting. Post- •  Avoid heavy lifting and repetitive bending, twisting or sudden/uncontrolled movements. •  Caution with squatting, crouching and lying on your operated side. •  Take consideration with intercourse positions – see the medical website , Herman and Wallace – orthopaedic considerations for intercourse. •  Do not provoke pain, if any exercises are painful..STOP and report to your physio, who will modify your program. Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 32. ADDITIONAL ADVICE continued – hip Returning to work – This subject needs to be discussed pre-operatively with your consultant/GP/physio and employer. It is tive ce important that the positions and tasks you need to carry out at work are analyzed realistically to avoid any set-backs in recovery. With the UK consultants I advi pera work with, their patients tend to have 2-6 weeks off work in sedentary jobs. A longer time off is usual in more manual jobs.It depends on the type of surgery you have had, the condition of the joint and other factors that indicate how long recovery might take. It o can vary.If you are in a sitting job, you need to make Post- sure you are going to be able to sit comfortably before returning to work. This means giving the hip adequate time to recover after surgery and rehabilitate. A workplace assessment may need to be done by your employer to check your desk and chair ensure a correct posture. A staged return is often a good idea. Feedback from my patients on this matter is that once you are back at work, it is hard to find time to do rehab exercises. This is why I have included sitting/ standing exercises in my guide that could be done ‘slottted’ in here and there in the day. Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 33. Labral repair and hip capsular plication/repair considerations – Some surgeons have a hip flexion up to 90’ limit for e 10 days then 120’ until 4 weeks post-op, and a hip e rang abduction 25’ limit for 3 weeks. Hip extension and dvic external rotation gentle or nil for first 3 weeks (to avoid stress on capsule and labrum) – check your surgeon’s guidelines…it will differ from surgeon to surgeon . ent a ative No isometric or loaded hip flexion for the first two weeks. After that period, avoid if painful and introduce only when safe to do so, to avoid hip flexor tendinitis. o pe r ovem Use night splints in internal rotation for capsular plication/repair for 4 weeks. All hip arthroscopies – Post- Do not push into painful movements, especially with of m arthritic hips and it is important to ALWAYS avoid aggressive hip extension. (ref 18,19,20,21) Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 34. •  Prevent hip flexor tendonitis. •  Be aware of ‘normal’ and ‘abnormal’ post-op pain. hip •  Check for trochanteric bursitis, sacroiliac joint d and lumbar spine dysfunction. tions •  ns an h ip Prevent, manage capsulitis / synovitis. py •  Manage scarring around portal sites. •  osco Adhere to instructions given by the surgeon on wing idera use of crutches – do not come off too soon. autio •  Adhere to instructions given by the surgeon regarding medication and rehabilitation plan and arthr any movement restrictions. follo cons •  Attend post-operative appointments with your Prec surgeon so they can monitor your recovery. •  Attend post-operative physiotherapy so they can address any rehabilitation problems and assist you in your recovery. •  Expect new pains and adjustments occurring in the rest of the body. •  Be mindful of the other hip, especially if it is possible that may also need surgery at a later date. Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 35. hip ss of impa gs ct on b Centre edge angle Presence of advanced indin below 20 degrees reha OA changes rene (dysplasia) tive f Awa Generalized hyperlaxity in patients Low pre-op modified may with instability harris hip score (MHHS) nega symptoms that Pain and a negative hip arthroscopy Information courtesy of Prof Schilders
  • 36. hip •  Early stage rehabilitation tion •  Patient on elbow crutches, wing partial weight bearing. y •  Aim to decrease pain and scop inflammation, promote bilita healing and protect repaired tissues. follo •  A whole body approach to rthro aid circulation, relaxation, Level early joint mobility, Re h a maintenance of muscle tone, correct posture and to cises prevent musculoskeletal one hip a compensatory issues in other parts of the body. •  Ensure hip joint neutral exer position is achieved in various postures and equal weight bearing through ischial tuberosities in sitting. Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 37. hip •  Week 1(day1-7) tion wing •  Week 2(day 8-14) y scop •  Week 3(day 15-21) bilita follo •  Week 4 (day 22-28) rthro Level •  Please note, some people Re h a may need to stay at week 1 cises for longer, or week 2, etc..It is important to progress at a one hip a speed that is appropriate to you. Pushing with exercises that are too hard or provoke exer pain is not advisable. The time frames in this handbook are meant as a general guide and may need to be modified to suit the individual. Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 38. LEVEL ONE hip Week 1 exercises 1. Circulatory exercises – ankle pumps. tion wing y Point one foot and at the same time flex the scop other foot back at the ankle, as shown below. Repeat 10 times hourly while immobile. bilita Aim – to pump blood to encourage circulatory follo flow whilst immobile. rthro Re h a cises hip a exer Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 39. LEVEL ONE Week 1 exercises hip Static contractions, hold 5 seconds, 10 reps, every 3 hours. Aim – to maintain muscle tone tion while immobile. wing y 2. Quadriceps - Straighten one knee and tighten / scop tense the muscles on the front of your thigh. bilita follo rthro Re h a Copyright-PHYSIOCURE cises hip a 3. Hamstrings – Bend one knee to approx 45 degrees. Push heel gently down into the bed to tense the muscle at the back of the thigh. exer
  • 40. LEVEL ONE hip Week 1 exercises Static contractions, hold 5 seconds, 10 reps, 2 times tion a day. Aim – to maintain muscle tone while immobile. wing y 4. Transversus Abdominis (T.Abs) – Lie on your scop back with your hips and knees bent to approximately 45 degrees (as in exercise 5). Place a small pillow or bilita folded towel under your head if needed. It is important follo that you feel relaxed and comfortable. Next, keeping your bottom in contact with the bed/ rthro floor, tuck your tailbone under so you flatten your Re h a back against the bed/floor..then tilt the other way, arching your lower back gently..this is called a pelvic cises tilt. Do this a few times as it will help to gently mobilise your lower back. Now, position your pelvis so your hip a lower back is in what we call ‘neutral’, this is the position in between the two movements you have just done and your lower stomach should be level north- exer south, east-west. Finally… without losing this position, gently pull your lower tummy muscles (T.Abs) in, as if you are pulling your navel towards your spine. Your upper body should still be relaxed and you should try to breathe normally as you do so. As we go through this guide, we will exercise this muscle in various positions. (Ref 22). Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 41. LEVEL ONE hip Week 1 exercises Static contractions, hold 5-10 seconds, 10 reps, 2 tion times a day. Aim – to maintain muscle tone while wing immobile. y scop 5. Hip Abductors – Lie on back, hips and knees bilita bent to approx 45 degrees. Tie a belt around your lower thighs. Use the techniques in exercise 4 to follo find a neutral spine and to gently contract the T.Abds. Gently push out sideways against the belt. rthro Make sure this does not provoke pain. Keep a Re h a neutral pelvic position throughout. If you find getting down to the floor a problem with these cises following exercises, lie on the bed. Safety comes hip a first. exer Copyright-PHYSIOCURE Caution - with trochanteric bursitis
  • 42. LEVEL ONE Week 1 exercises hip Static contractions, hold 5 seconds, 10 reps, every 3 hours. Aim – to maintain muscle tone while tion immobile. wing y 6.Gluteals – Gently squeeze together your buttock scop muscles. This can be done in the position shown in bilita exercise 5, or in sitting, or laid on your front, or in standing….whichever is the most comfortable. If follo lying on your front, place your feet in the position rthro shown in the picture, heels in neutral, ensure a neutral lumbar spine, and gently contract your T.Abs Re h a before squeezing your bottom. This exercise can be cises improved by palpating your side hip bones to give you feedback to check you are not gliding or rotating hip a around the hip joint or pelvis as you contract your gluts. The hip joint and pelvis should stay in neutral. Then progress to individual glut (buttock) squeezes. exer Therapists – please read Sahrmann’s work (ref 22) Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 43. LEVEL ONE hip Week 1 exercises Gentle stretches – Hold 10-20 seconds, 5 reps, 2 times a day. Aim- to maintain muscle length without tion wing provoking inflammation/pain. y 7. Quadriceps – Lie on your front with a folded towel scop under your forehead so your head is supported and bilita not in a twisted position. Engage your T.Abs in a follo neutral spine. Bend one knee bringing the heel of the foot towards the bottom. A stretch in the front of the rthro thigh should be felt. Your lower back should not Re h a hollow, your T.Abs and gluts should be maintaining neutral spinal and pelvic position. If you can not cises comfortably lie on your front, try a pillow under your hips and/or ankles. hip a exer Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 44. LEVEL ONE Week 1 exercises hip Gentle stretches – Hold 10-20 seconds, 5 reps, 2 times a day. Aim- to maintain muscle length without provoking tion inflammation/pain. wing y 8. Iliotibial band and hip abductor stretch – Lie on your scop non-operated side on the bed, near the edge, with the bilita underside knee/hip bent. Pillow under head. Straighten the top leg. If a gentle stretch is felt in this position, do follo not progress to the next stage. Hold in the gentle stretch position. To progress this exercise, gently let the foot of rthro the top leg hand over the side of the bed, as shown in the Re h a picture. cises hip a exer Warning – do not do if this causes any ‘nipping’/pain in the groin. Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 45. LEVEL ONE hip Week 1 exercises Gentle stretches – Hold 10-20 seconds, 5 reps, 2 tion wing times a day. Aim- to maintain muscle length without y provoking inflammation/pain. scop 9. Adductors – sit (not on a low seat), feet on the floor, bilita using your hands to support the operated leg, gently follo take it out to the side. DO NOT LET IT ROTATE OUTWARDS. Only a small careful movement should be rthro done at this early stage. A GENTLE stretch should be Re h a felt in the inner thigh. cises hip a exer Warning – do not do if this causes any soreness/pain in the groin. Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 46. LEVEL ONE hip Week 1 exercises 10. Exercise bike – the use of the bike post hip arthroscopy varies from surgeon to surgeon, some tion wing recommend immediately, some after 1 week, some y after 2, some after 4. Check your surgeon’s protocol. scop We advise our patients use the bike, with the seat high, bilita to encourage early ACTIVE ASSISTED range of movement of the hip, the day after surgery. The bike follo should be set to zero resistance and the non operated leg should do most of the work. Pedaling should be rthro done slowly, and the operated hip should not ‘hitch- up’, it should feel relaxed during movement. Start by Re h a doing the bike ‘little and often’ eg. 5-10 minutes 2-3 cises times a day, but you may increase this if it feels comfortable and pain free. Increase SLOWLY by 5 hip a minutes. Keep at the same time for a few days before increasing time. Maximum would be 45 mins, 2 x a day. No resistance until week 5-6. exer Warning – modify time used, if this causes any soreness/pain in the groin. Try pedaling backwards! Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 47. LEVEL ONE Week 1 exercises hip 10. Exercise bike – continued …… tion wing What do we do if for some reason the patient can not y go on an exercise bike? scop bilita Some surgeons recommend pendular hip movement rather than the bike at this stage. This exercise could be follo used for patients who can not use a bike . rthro •  Stand on a step with your non-operated leg, see Re h a photo on the next page. Holding on with both hands, to a secure support. Let the operated leg cises hang in a heavy, relaxed fashion. Imagine your leg to like a pendulum of a clock and gently swing it hip a forwards then back to neutral (no hip extension ). Repeat 10-20 times every 2 hours. exer •  This movement can also be done in the pool as long as the patient is safe to mobilise in this environment and has waterproof wound dressings. •  Water cycling can be done with floats assisting and supporting – see separate hydrotherapy guide. Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 48. hip LEVEL ONE Week 1 exercises tion wing y Pendular exercise – scop bilita follo rthro Re h a cises hip a exer Neutral Forward Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 49. LEVEL ONE Week 1 exercises hip Aim – maintain upper body flexibility. 11. Supine chest openings – Lie on your back with tion wing your knees and hips bent to approx 45 degrees. Ensure y good symmetrical alignment of the legs and a neutral scop spine (see exercise 4). Bring your hands together in bilita front of you, in a prayer position. Connect your T.Abds and as you breathe out, open out your arms as in the follo picture below. Only go as far as comfortable. It is important to keep a neutral spine and not let your rib rthro cage lift up or your spine hollow. Hold as you breathe in. Re h a Then return to the start position as you breathe out. cises Repeat 5-10 times, 1-2 times a day, as required. Can be progressed to lying on a fit roll (not in week 1-3). hip a Top tip – good for tightness exer caused from crutch use Early stage Advanced stage
  • 50. LEVEL ONE hip Week 1 exercises Aim – maintain upper body flexibility. 12. Spinal extension – Lie on your front, prop yourself tion wing up on your forearms. Slide your shoulder blades gently y down your back, gently tuck in your chin so you are scop lengthening down the back of your neck (do not allow bilita chin poke). Connect through your T.Abds, keep your lumbar spine and pelvis neutral. Gently push your follo breastbone forwards as you breathe out so your thoracic spine hollows(the bit between your lower neck and rthro lumbar spine). Hold the position as you breathe in, then relax to the start position as you breathe out. Repeat Re h a 5-10 times, as required, 1-2 times a day. cises hip a Top tip – this part of exer spine can become very stiff due to body compensations and use of crutches. Incorrect this exercise also gently -’hinging’ stretches the hip flexors Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 51. LEVEL ONE Week 1 exercises hip 13. PRONE LYING – try and spend one hour laid on tion your front in the morning and one hour in the afternoon. wing y This is to prevent the front of your hip becoming tight. scop 14. ICE – Use an ice gel pack wrapped in a damp tea bilita towel (to protect your skin). 20 minutes every 3 hours. Do not use on numb skin and keep checking the area follo and moving the ice pack to different parts of the leg/ hip/pelvis to avoid ice burns. rthro 15. RELAXATION – Plenty of sleep and rest is needed Re h a in recovery. Take things slow, be realistic, do not try and rush recovery. Keep positive and keep stress to a cises minimum. ‘Self Care – the seed of recovery. It is nearly hip a impossible to use your body well and treat it wisely when you feel hostile, fearful or harshly demanding toward some part of yourself’ (ref 23). exer Note to therapists – Acupuncture (Ref 24,25,26) and gentle massage techniques for pain relief, muscle spasm and swelling are helpful at this stage. Some consultants advise hydrotherapy at this early stage. Health and safety criteria must be met. See ‘Hydrotherapy exercises following hip arthroscopy guide’, by Louise Grant (HIP-PHYSIOCURE). Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 52. WEEK 1 -Exercise record sheet Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 52 14 15
  • 53. LEVEL ONE hip Week 2 exercises Aim – Gentle transversus abdominis/hip/pelvic control tion 16. Supported heel sides in supine. Lie on your back, wing y knees and hips bent to approx 45 degrees, ideally on a scop ‘slidey’ surface that your heel can glide along. Use a strong strap or belt to secure around your operated leg bilita foot, hold with both hands – as shown in the photo. follo With relaxed breathing, a neutral pelvis and lumbar rthro spine and T.Abs engaged….and using the strap to assist the movement of the operated leg, gently slide Re h a the leg out straight, keeping the heel in contact with the cises floor. Then assist the leg to bend. You are aiming to go from 0-70 degrees hip flexion, keeping the heel in hip a contact (no lifting) with the floor and the leg supported at all times, to avoid activation of the hip flexor (ref 27). Repeat 5-10 times, 2 times a day..SLOWLY exer Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 54. LEVEL ONE hip Week 2 exercises Aim – hip flexion mobility with lumbo-pelvic control and tion early dissociation. wing y 17. Four point kneeling hip rocks. Set yourself up as in scop the first picture. Hands directly under shoulders, knees bilita under hips. Perform some pelvic tilts initially in the position to mobilise the lumbar spine and eventually follo find neutral. Gently draw your navel towards your spine, rthro activating the T.Abs but keeping the lumbar spine in neutral. Now, gently ‘rock’ your bottom backwards Re h a towards your heels, but do not bend in the back, keep cises the spine neutral and T.Abs engaged. Do not rotate the pelvis and aim for symmetry of movement. Hold for 5 hip a seconds, then ‘rock’ forward as in the last photo . Hold 5 seconds. Repeat 10 times, 2 times a day. (ref 22) exer Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 55. hip LEVEL ONE Week 2 exercises tion Aim – early hip abduction/adduction mobility with wing y lumbo-pelvic control and early dissociation. scop 18. Four point kneeling hip glides. Set yourself up as bilita in the first picture. Hands directly under shoulders, knees under hips. Perform some pelvic tilts initially in follo the position to mobilise the lumbar spine and eventually rthro find neutral. Gently draw your navel towards your spine, activating the T.Abs but keeping the lumbar spine in Re h a neutral. Now, gently and slowly, ‘glide’ your hips to the cises side. Do not rotate the pelvis. Aim for symmetry of movement. Avoid painful ranges. Hold for 5 seconds, hip a then ‘glide’ to the other side. Repeat 10 times, 2 times a day. (ref 22) exer Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 56. LEVEL ONE hip Week 2 exercises Aim – Gentle hip mobility tion wing 19. Hip internal rotation. Lie on your front, neutral y lumbo-pelvic spine, T.Abs engaged. Bend your knees scop up to 90 degrees bend, keeping them together. Slowly bilita and gently make a ‘V’ shape, separating your feet but follo keep your knees together. Hold 5 seconds, repeat 5-10 times, 2 times a day. rthro Re h a cises hip a exer Copyright-PHYSIOCURE 20. Exercise bike (as per description in ex. 10)
  • 57. LEVEL ONE hip Week 2 exercises Aim – maintain calf muscle strength tion 21. Ankle plantar flexion with resistance band. Secure wing y a resistance band like a stirrup around the ball of the foot. scop Hold with both hands. Firstly pull the foot back towards you, pull the band tight so it under tension, then flex your bilita foot at the ankle pushing against the resistance of the follo band. Hold 5 seconds, repeat 10 times, 2 times a day. rthro Re h a cises hip a exer SAFETY WARNING – ALWAYS CHECK YOUR ELASTIC EXERCISE BAND BEFORE USE, THERE IS A DANGER THAT IT COULD SNAP. EYE GOGGLES ARE ADVISED TO BE WORN WITH THESE PRODUCTS.
  • 58. LEVEL ONE Week 2 exercises hip Aim – maintain quadriceps and hamstring strength and flexibility tion wing 22. Prone lying hamstring curls/Quads stretch. y Position yourself as in exercise 7 but with a small ankle scop weight around your ankle. Perform the exercise as in bilita exercise 7, slowly. Hold 10 seconds, 10 repetitions, 2 times a day. follo This exercise aims to gently work your hamstrings and at the same time stretch your quadriceps muscles. (ref rthro 27) Re h a 23. Seated knee quads extension/Hams stretch. Sit up cises straight on a firm chair. Feet should be on the floor and hips/knees at 90 degrees, or hips at more of an open hip a angle if required. Gently draw in your lower stomach muscles (T.Abs), lumbar spine in neutral. Straighten one knee, tensing up the muscle on the front of the thigh… exer try to keep your back straight. Hold 10 seconds, 10 repetitions, 2 times a day. Top tip- place one hand in the area between your incisions and try and ‘tense’ contract that area as you do exercise 23. This area may be inhibited with muscular activity after surgery. Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 59. hip LEVEL ONE Week 2 exercises tion Aim – maintain hip abductor and adductor length wing and strength y scop 24. Isometric hip abduction (as per exercise 5). bilita 25. Hip Abductor/ITB stretch (as per exercise 8). follo 26. Hip Adductor stretch (as per exercise 9). rthro 27. Isometric hip adduction. Gentle squeeze with a soft Re h a football or pilates ‘magic-circle’. Try in sitting/lying/ standing, which ever is comfortable. Do not do if it cises increase any adductor soreness. hip a Squeeze for 5-10 seconds, 5-10 times, 2 times a day. exer sitting standing lying Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 60. LEVEL ONE Week 2 exercises hip Aim – maintain gluteal strength and length 28. Isometric hip gluteals (as per exercise 6). tion wing 29. Gluteal/piriformis stretch. Lie in the position y shown with your operated leg on top. Place a pillow under the knee of your operated leg for comfort (if scop required). You should feel a stretch in your bottom bilita muscles. If uncomfortable, try having your top foot tucked behind the underneath foot, rather than behind follo the knee. To increase the stretch, rotate upper body backwards, or lie near the edge of a bed so you can drop rthro the knee of the top leg over. BE AWARE THAT THIS EXERCISE CAN CAUSE NIPPING IN THE GROIN…if you Re h a feel this, please do not do. Hold the stretch 5-10 seconds, as comfort allows, repeat 5-10 times, 2 cises times a day. hip a Copyright-PHYSIOCURE exer 30. Upper body stretches (as per exercises 11 and 12).
  • 61. LEVEL ONE hip Week 2 exercises tion wing Continue with as in week 1 – y scop Prone lying, rest, relaxation and ice (exercises 13-15) bilita follo Note to therapists – Early passive gentle hip circumduction is recommended (Wahoff & Ryan, ref rthro 20). Done passively with hip in 70 degrees flexion. Re h a Gentle passive ‘log rolling’ of the leg in neutral is also useful. cises Appropriate joint mobilisations and soft tissue hip a techniques, such as myofascial release (Ref 28,29,30,31,32,33,34) , positional release and active release techniques can be beneficial. Emphasis is exer placed on the iliopsoas, iliotibial band, adductors, gluteus medius, quadratus lumborum and quadriceps(Ref 20). Acupuncture and electro- acupuncture can be helpful throughout rehabilitation (Ref 24,25,26). Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 62. WEEK 2 - Exercise record sheet Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 62 29 30
  • 63. LEVEL ONE hip Week 3 exercises Aim – improve hip/lumbo-pelvic control tion wing 31.Heel slides in supine. Progress exercise 16, to be y done without a strap, if adequate control is displayed scop and it is pain free. Still keep heel in contact with the bilita floor at all times. Repeat slide 5-10 times slowly, 1-2 times a day. follo Aim – activation of gluteus medius with low iliopsoas rthro activation (exercise 32) (ref 27) Re h a 32. Double leg bridges. Lie on your back with your feet flat on floor, knees and hips bent. Lumbo-pelvic neutral, cises T.Abs engaged. Squeezing your bottom gently lift up hip a your pelvis to bring your hips up into a neutral position. Hold 5-10 seconds, 5-10 repetitions, 1-2 times a day. exer Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 64. LEVEL ONE hip Week 3 exercises Aim – weight transference to prepare for independent tion walking wing y 33.Weight transference exercises.If your consultant scop has given you consent to wean off crutches at the end of two weeks, then you will need to do exercises so bilita you are balanced and do not have a limp. follo DO NOT DO THIS EXERCISE IF YOU STILL HAVE WEIGHT BEARING RESTRICTIONS rthro Stand near an appropriate support that you can Re h a comfortably hold onto. Try and make sure your weight cises is distributed equally between your feet. Imagine each foot to be a tripod of weight bearing, (heel, the hip a base of the big toe and the little toe) and try to evenly distribute your weight through these three points. Now, position your body alignment imagining a line exer dissecting through your side ankle bone up to the boney prominence of your lateral hip (greater trochanter), the middle of the lateral aspect of your shoulder, and finally your ear. Next, put your hands on top of your pelvis and imagine this to be rim of a bucket, tilt your pelvis anterior/posterior so the ‘rim’ is level. Engage your T.Abs and now you are ready to do weight transference!...see next page…. Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 65. LEVEL ONE Week 3 exercises hip Continued …. In the position detailed in exercise 33. slowly and gently sway your body weight forwards over your feet and then back into your heels. Keep your Trans tion wing Abs engaged (Ref 35) and you should feel your gluteals y ‘switch on’ at certain points. Do this 20 times. Then try scop side sways 20 times, get your physiotherapist to check bilita your technique with these. Progress standing posture work with the ‘tight rope’ stance. One foot in front of the follo other and gaining hip joint neutral (Ref 36)and lumbo- rthro pelvic neutral. Re h a 34. Hydrotherapy. (see separate hip arthroscopy hydrotherapy guide). cises Aim – as a medium to practice walking, weight hip a transference, early hip mobility , early lumbo-pelvic stability challenges and a ‘whole body’ approach. (ref 37,38) Health and safety criteria must be met before exer commencing hydrotherapy – see separate hydro guide. Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 66. LEVEL ONE Week 3 exercises hip Aim – to develop calf muscle strength to aid gait re- education tion 35. Bilateral calf raises. Stand, facing an appropriate wing y support that you can hold onto. Modify weight bearing scop on operated side as per surgeon’s instructions. Ensure bilita a good posture as you raise your heels so you are standing on the balls of your feet. Keep your ankles follo strong, do not let them rotate or twist. Repeat 10-20 times, 2 times a day. rthro Note – Progression to alternate calf raising and Re h a single leg calf raises will all depend on how much cises weight limit you have been instructed by your surgeon to put through your leg. You must comply hip a with this advice. exer Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 67. hip LEVEL ONE Week 3 exercises tion Aim – to improve lower limb flexibility wing y 36. Hamstring stretch. Lie on your back with head scop supported. Place an elastic resistance band (note bilita health & safety warning ex.21) like a stirrup around your foot. Start position, knee and hip bent to 90 follo degrees. Shoulders relaxed, lumbo-pelvic neutral, rthro T.Abs engaged, band under tension. Use band to assist straightening of the knee so a stretch in the back of Re h a your thigh is felt. Hold 10-30 seconds, 5-10 times, 2 cises times a day. hip a exer Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 68. hip LEVEL ONE Week 3 exercises tion Aim – to improve lower limb flexibility wing y 37. Calf stretch. Stand as in the picture. If still scop partial weight bearing, use an appropriate bilita support to hold onto so you can take some weight through your arms. Put one leg behind you, one in follo front, feet pointing forwards. Slowly bend the knee rthro of the front leg, keep the heel of the back leg on the floor and the knee straight. A stretch should be Re h a felt in the back of the rear calf muscle. Hold 10-30 cises seconds, 5-10 times, 2 times a day. hip a exer Try and maintain a good posture, do not twist in the pelvis;… use T.Abs to control. Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 69. hip LEVEL ONE tion Week 3 exercises wing y Aim – to improve lower limb flexibility scop bilita 38. Iliotibial band stretch. Sit on the floor, one leg straight and the other crossed over it, as follo shown in the photo. Pull your bent knee towards your opposite shoulder and turn your body rthro slightly away so you feel a stretch in your lateral Re h a thigh/buttock. Hold 10-30 seconds, 5-10 times, 2 times a day. cises hip a exer Please check this exercise does not pinch in the groin. Try exercise 8 if that Copyright-PHYSIOCURE is more comfortable.
  • 70. LEVEL ONE hip Week 3 exercises tion Aim – to improve flexibility wing y 39. Faber stretch. Lie on your back. Cross one leg, so scop the foot is on the top of the opposite ankle, top leg is bilita turned slightly out (figure 4 position). You can place some pillows under the knee of the top leg for support. follo For an increased stretch, slide the top foot up the shin towards the knee and let the top knee lower towards the rthro floor. Do not push on the knee or force the stretch. Re h a An alternate position is to lie on your front in the cises position shown below. hip a Hold 10-30 seconds, 5-10 times, 2 times a day. exer Check the limit of external rotation in surgeon’s protocol. Some will prefer this movement Copyright-PHYSIOCURE to be done later on.
  • 71. LEVEL ONE hip Week 3 exercises 40. Exercise Bike. As per exercise 10. tion wing y 41. Hip rocks and glides. As per exercises 17 and 18. scop bilita 42. Hip internal rotation. As per exercise 19. follo 43. Isometric hip adduction with ball. As per exercise 27. rthro 44. Resisted hamstring curls. As per exercise Re h a 22. cises 45.Standing hip abduction of operated side. hip a Stand near an appropriate support to hold on to. Assume correct stand posture as in exercise 33. Take your weight on to your un-operated side, exer engaging T.Abs and gluteals. Slowly glide your operated leg out sideways, a short distance so the foot is clear of the floor, squeezing your bottom gently. Hold 5-10 seconds, repeat 5-10 times, 2 times a day. Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 72. LEVEL ONE hip Week 3 exercises (additional suggestions) Aim – lumbo-pelvic control and mobility tion Swiss Ball exercises. Sit on the swiss ball feet flat on wing y the floor, seated so your hips are NOT lower than your scop knees, pic 1. Ensure you have equal weight through the bilita ‘sit bones’ (ischial tuberosities) by putting your hands under your bottom. Adopt a good posture, engage your follo T.Abs gently and engage pelvic floor, ref 39 (ask your physio how to do this). Now tuck your ‘tailbone’ under, rthro pic 2 (posterior pelvic tilt), your ‘sit bones’ should feel Re h a more flat, then roll back the other way, sticking your bottom out so your lumbar spine has a hollow, pic 3, cises (anterior pelvic tilt)…your ‘sit bones’ will feel more hip a pointed. Repeat 10-20 times, 2 times a day. exer 1 2 3 Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 73. hip LEVEL ONE tion Week 3 exercises (additional suggestions) wing y Aim – lumbo-pelvic control and mobility scop Swiss Ball exercises. ..continued. Assume the bilita position as before. Lumbo-pelvic neutral, T.Abs follo engaged, good overall posture. Glide your hips laterally to the side, and then to the other side. Place rthro your hands under your ‘sit bones’ to monitor weight Re h a bearing and weight transference being equal as you go to one side and then another. cises Repeat 10-20 times, 2 times day. hip a exer Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 74. hip LEVEL ONE tion Week 3 exercises (additional suggestions) wing y Aim – lumbo-pelvic control and mobility scop Swiss Ball exercises. ..continued. These are bilita optional other exercises that may be useful… follo rthro Re h a Alternate heel raises cises hip a exer Progressing to alternate foot lifts…. Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 75. hip LEVEL ONE tion Week 3 exercises (additional suggestions) wing y Aim – lumbo-pelvic control and mobility scop Swiss Ball exercises. ..continued. These are bilita optional other exercises that may be useful… follo rthro Re h a Upper body rotations cises – early dissociation work of Tx/pelvis hip a exer Upper body side bends Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 76. hip LEVEL ONE Week 3 exercises (additional suggestions) tion wing Aim – lumbo-pelvic control and mobility y scop Swiss Ball exercises. ..continued. These are bilita optional other exercises that may be useful… follo rthro Re h a Seated chest openings cises start position hip a exer Seated chest openings finish position Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 77. LEVEL ONE hip Week 3 exercises Note to therapists – Encourage your patient to still get adequate rest and to use ice on areas that are tion wing sore. Teach patient self-massage AROUND but not y on scars. scop Some patients may be planning to returning to work bilita at this stage. If you have any concerns about this, follo you must discuss with the patient/surgeon. rthro Pushing rehab/manual therapy to extremes of movement will not enhance function, and will Re h a increase soreness, inflammation and potentially cises prolong recovery. Do not provoke hip flexor tendinitis or bursitis, monitor exercises and modify hip a if necessary. Gentle hip gliding mobilizations and caudad exer longitudinal distraction in neutral can be performed if appropriate with the type of surgery and type of protocol. Some surgeons do not allow hip distraction manual techniques until a later stage – check. (Ref 9 Chapter 25, and ref 6 Chapter 17). Copyright-PHYSIOCURE
  • 78. WEEK 3 - Exercise record sheet Day 15 Day 16 Day 17 Day 18 Day 19 Day 20 Day 21 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 78 44 45