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High Performance Distributed
                 Computing with DDS and Scala
OpenSplice DDS

                                 Angelo CORSARO, Ph.D.
                                         Chief Technology Officer
                                         OMG DDS Sig Co-Chair
OpenSplice DDS

Data Distribution Service
                 For Real-Time Systems

                  ☐   Introduced in 2004 to address
                      the Data Distribution              Real-Timeliness                                                                                         Scale

                      challenges faced by a wide
                      class of Defense and
                      Aerospace Applications
OpenSplice DDS

                      Key requirement for the
                                                                   Parallelism      Determinism          Throughput, Availability   Scalability, Persistence, Security
                      standard were to deliver very    Systemic
                                                                     Data        Real-Time Information
                                                                                                         Near Real-Time Fault-
                                                                                                         Tolerant Information
                                                                                                                                       Complex Information

                      high and predictable
                                                                   Processing          Processing                                         Management
                                                      Processing                                              Processing

                      performance while scaling
                      from embedded to ultra-          Parallel Systems                                    Distributed Systems

                      large-scale deployments
Data Distribution Service
                 For Real-Time Systems

                  ☐   Recommended by key              Real-Timeliness                                                                                         Scale

                      administration worldwide,
                      e.g. DoD, MoD, EUROCAE,
OpenSplice DDS

                      Widely adopted across
                                                                Parallelism      Determinism          Throughput, Availability   Scalability, Persistence, Security
                      several different domains,    Systemic
                                                                  Data        Real-Time Information
                                                                                                      Near Real-Time Fault-
                                                                                                      Tolerant Information
                                                                                                                                    Complex Information

                      e.g., Automated Trading,
                                                                Processing          Processing                                         Management
                                                   Processing                                              Processing

                      Simulations, SCADA,
                      Telemetry, etc.               Parallel Systems                                    Distributed Systems
Core Standard

                  ☐   DDS is nowadays a family
                                                            Data Centric Publish Subscriber (DCPS)
                      of standards                                                                  Content
                                                       Ownership             Durability
OpenSplice DDS

                  ☐   The two standards at the                            Minimum Profile
                      core are:
                      ☐   DDS v1.2 -- API                  DDS Interoperability Wire Protocol - DDSI-RTPS

                      ☐   DDSI v2.1 -- Wire Protocol
Standards: What For?

                                Common “Language”
                   Data Model           +
OpenSplice DDS

                                 QoS Requirements

                     DDSI       Wire Interoperability
OpenSplice DDS


    API Standard
                                                                                                    Standards: What For?


Defense and Aerospace

OpenSplice DDS

                  Integrated Modular Vetronics     Training & Simulation Systems   Naval Combat Systems

                 Air Traffic Control & Management       Unmanned Air Vehicles       Aerospace Applications
Commercial Applications

OpenSplice DDS

                 Agricultural Vehicle Systems   Large Scale SCADA Systems          Smart Cities

                    Train Control Systems        Complex Medical Devices    High Frequency Auto-Trading
OpenSplice DDS

    BaS ics
Data Distribution Service
                 For Real-Time Systems

                 DDS provides a Topic-Based Publish/

                 Subscribe abstraction based on:                                                      Data
                 ☐   Topics: data distribution subject’s
OpenSplice DDS

                                                           Data                         TopicD
                     DataWriters: data producers
                                                                                       TopicB                 Reader
                 ☐   DataReaders: data consumers                             TopicC

                                                             Data                                         Data
                                                             Writer                                      Reader

                                                                             DDS Global Data Space
Data Distribution Service
                 For Real-Time Systems

                  ☐   DataWriters and DataReaders
                      are automatically and                                                       Data
                      dynamically matched by the                Data

                      DDS Dynamic Discovery
OpenSplice DDS

                                                       Data                         TopicD
                  ☐   A rich set of QoS allows to                                                          Data
                      control existential, temporal,
                      and spatial properties of data     Data                                         Data
                                                         Writer                                      Reader

                                                                         DDS Global Data Space
OpenSplice DDS

                 DDS Entities
Domain Participant
                         Domain (e.g. Domain 123)


                                 Partition (e.g. “Telemetry”, “Shapes”, )

                                                    T1                      Publisher
                                                  T1 T3                                               Subscriber
OpenSplice DDS

                                 Topic Instances/Samples
                                                 Ta                            DataWrter               DataReader

                  ☐   A DomainParticipant provides access to a DDS Domain
                  ☐   DDS Domains are identified by natural numbers, such as 0, 1, 2, ...
                  ☐   Each DDS Domain has associated some unique communication and
                      discovery endpoints, automatically deduced by the Domain ID
OpenSplice DDS

DDS Topics
                                                                  “Circle”, “Square”, “Triangle”, ...
                  ☐   A Topic defines a class of streams,

                      also called topic instances                             Name
                  ☐   A Topic has associated a unique                         Topic
                      name, a user defined extensible


OpenSplice DDS

                      type and a set of QoS policies                                            DURABILITY,

                  ☐   QoS Policies capture the Topic                                             PRIORITY,
                      non-functional invariants
                                                            struct ShapeType {
                  ☐   Topics can be discovered or              @Key
                                                               string   color;
                      locally defined                          long   x;
                                                               long   y;
                                                               long   shapesize;
Topic Instances
                  ☐   Each unique key value

                                                               Instances                                      Instances
                      identifies a unique stream
                      of data                          color =”Green”

                      DDS not only
                                                                                   struct ShapeType {
                  ☐                                  color =”red”                     @Key string    color;
OpenSplice DDS

                                                                                      long   x; long    y;

                      demultiplexes “streams” color = “Blue”
                                                                                      long   shapesize;};

                      but provides also lifecycle
                  ☐   A DDS DataWriter can
                      write multiple instances
OpenSplice DDS

                 Topic Types
Topic Types Type System
                  ☐   DDS features a structural type system and the sub-type

                      relationship ( <: ) defined by this type system is used to guide
                      subscription matching

                  ☐   In general, a DataReader[X] will match a DataWriter[Y], where
OpenSplice DDS

                      X and Y are DDS Topic types, iff Y <: X

                  ☐   Annotations available to:
                      ☐   Constraint the subtype relationship
                      ☐   Control the set of attributes considered when performing the
                          subtype test
Type-Level Annotations
                  ☐   The nature of a DDS Topic Type can be controlled through

                      annotations applicable at a type or attribute level

                  ☐   Specifically the @Extensibility annotation controls the allowed
                      “extensibility”, in the sense of sub-typing for the given type
OpenSplice DDS

                  ☐   Possible values are:
                      ☐   Final: the type is sealed and can’t be changed
                      ☐   Extensible: Only monotonic extensions are allowed, e.g. “adding
                          attributes to the end”
                      ☐   Mutable: Arbitrary extensions are allowed such as attribute re-ordering,
                          removal, etc.
Attribute-Level Annotations
                  ☐   Attribute semantics can also be controlled via an extensible

                      annotation system

                  ☐   Some of the most commonly used annotations are:
                          @Optional: This attribute is allowed to be “nil”
OpenSplice DDS

                      ☐   @Shared: This attribute behaves like a pointer
                      ☐   @MustUnderstand: This attribute must be present in order to match
                      ☐   @ID: Ordinal value associated to the type
                      ☐   @Key: This attribute is part of the topic key
Publishers and Subscribers
OpenSplice DDS
Publishers / Subscribers
                          Domain (e.g. Domain 123)


                                  Partition (e.g. “Telemetry”, “Shapes”, )

                                                     T1                      Publisher
                                                   T1 T3                                               Subscriber
OpenSplice DDS

                                  Topic Instances/Samples
                                                  Ta                            DataWrter               DataReader

                  Publishers and Subscribers in DDS play two roles:
                  ☐   Coordinate actions across DataReaders/DataWriters
                      ☐   e.g. Atomic writes across data-writers
                  ☐   Control access to DDS partitions, a mechanism provided by DDS to further
DDS Partitions

                           Partitions               DDS Publishers and

                                                    Subscribers can specify a
                     M:0:0     M:0:1    M:0:2       list of regular expressions
                                                    representing the partitions
OpenSplice DDS

                                                    to join
                     M:1:0     M:1:1    M:1:2
                                                ☐   Actual partition can be
                                                    any string, but some
                     M:2:0     M:2:1    M:2:2       structure can be given in
                                                    order mimic hierarchy
DDS Partitions Matching


                     M:0:0     M:0:1    M:0:2   M:0:*
OpenSplice DDS

                     M:1:0     M:1:1    M:1:2

                     M:2:0     M:2:1    M:2:2
DDS Partitions Matching


                     M:0:0     M:0:1    M:0:2
OpenSplice DDS

                     M:1:0     M:1:1    M:1:2

                     M:2:0     M:2:1    M:2:2
DDS Partitions Matching


                     M:0:0     M:0:1    M:0:2
OpenSplice DDS

                     M:1:0     M:1:1    M:1:2

                     M:2:0     M:2:1    M:2:2   M:0:0, M:1:1, M:2:2
DataReaders & DataWriters
OpenSplice DDS
DataReader / DataWriter
                         Domain (e.g. Domain 123)


                                 Partition (e.g. “Telemetry”, “Shapes”, )

                                                    T1                      Publisher
                                                  T1 T3                                               Subscriber
OpenSplice DDS

                                 Topic Instances/Samples
                                                 Ta                            DataWrter               DataReader

                  ☐   DataWriters allow to write samples for a specific Topic with a given QoS
                  ☐   DataReaders allow to read samples for a specific Topic with a given QoS
                  ☐   The Samples written/read are those belonging to the partitions associated with the
Subscription Matching
OpenSplice DDS
Subscription Matching
                  For a DataWriter and a DataReader to match the following

                  conditions have to hold:

                  ☐   The Topic Name has to be the identical
OpenSplice DDS

                  ☐   Said X the Topic Type associated with the DataWriter and Y the
                      Topic Type associated with the Data reader, then X <: Y (recall that
                      annotations control the result subtype test...)

                  ☐   The QoS with which the DataWriter produces data matches or
                      exceeds the DataReader QoS
Type Matching
                                           struct ShapeType3D {                           struct ShapeType3D {
                                              @Key                                           @Key
                                              string color;                                  string color;
                                              long x;                                        long x;
                                              long y;                                        long y;

                                              long shapesize;     DW                         long shapesize;
                                              long z;                                        long z;
                                           };                                             };

OpenSplice DDS


                  ☐   As ShapeType3D <: ShapeType
                      DW and DR2 match                                          Circle

                                                                                                                 struct ShapeType {

                      DDS will take care of projecting
                  ☐                                                                                      DR2
                                                                                                                    string color;

                      ShapeType3D into ShapeType
                                                                                                                    long x;
                                                                                                                    long y;
                                                                                                                    long shapesize;
Type Matching
                                              @Extensibility(MUTABLE_EXTENSIBILITY)            struct ShapeTypeC {
                                              struct ShapeTypeA {                                 @Key @ID(0)
                                                 @Key @ID(0)                                      string color;
                                                 string color;                                    @ID(10) @MustUnderstand
                                                 @ID(10) @MustUnderstand    DW1                   long x;

                                                 long x;                                         @ID(11) @MustUnderstand
                                                @ID(11) @MustUnderstand                           long y; };
                                                 long y;
                                                 @ID(12) @Optional
                                                 long z;
                                                 @ID(20) @Optional
                  ☐   In this example, as a      long shapesize; };                   Circle

                      consequence of
OpenSplice DDS

                      annotations, DR1                                                Circle

                      and DR2 match           @Extensibility(MUTABLE_EXTENSIBILITY)
                                              struct ShapeTypeB {

                      DW1 and DW2
                                              @Key @ID(0)
                                                 string color;
                                                                                                           struct ShapeTypeA {
                                                 @ID(10) @MustUnderstand
                                                                                                              @Key @ID(0)
                                                 long x;                                                                                DR2
                                                                                                              string color;
                                                @ID(11) @MustUnderstand    DW2                                @ID(10) @MustUnderstand
                                                 long y; };
                                                                                                              long x;
                                                                                                             @ID(11) @MustUnderstand
                                                                                                              long y;
                                                                                                              @ID(12) @Optional
                                                                                                              long z;
                                                                                                              @ID(20) @Optional
                                                                                                              long shapesize; };
Anatomy of a DDS Application
OpenSplice DDS
Stepping into Scala
OpenSplice DDS

                                Angelo CORSARO, Ph.D.
                                        Chief Technology Officer
                                        OMG DDS Sig Co-Chair
What is Scala

                  ☐   Scala (pronounced Skah-lah) stands for “Scalable language”

                  ☐   It is a language that carefully and creatively blends Object
                      Oriented and Functional constructs into a statically typed
OpenSplice DDS

                      language with sophisticated type inference

                  ☐   Scala targets the JVM and .NET runtime and is 100% compatible
                      with Java
Why Should You Care?
                      Scala is simple to write, extremely compact and easy to


                  ☐   Scala is strongly typed with a structural type system
OpenSplice DDS

                  ☐   Scala is an extensible language (many construct are build in the
                      standard library)

                  ☐   Scala makes it easy to design Domain Specific Language
Case Study: Complex Numbers
OpenSplice DDS
Complex Numbers

                  ☐   To explore some of the nice features of Scala, let’s see how we
                      might design a Complex number class

                  ☐   What we expect to be able to do is all mathematical operations
OpenSplice DDS

                      between complex numbers as well as scalar multiplications and
                      ☐   [(1+i2)+2*(3-i5)*(i4)]/(1+i3)
                      ☐   ~(1+i2) [conjugate]
                      ☐   !(3+i4) [Modulo]
                  ☐   Scala allows to implicitly create constructors and attributes starting from

                      a simple argument list associated with the class declaration
OpenSplice DDS

                           class Complex(val re: Float, val im: Float)
In Java
                           public class Complex {

                           !   private final float re;
                           !   private final float im;

                           !   public Complex(float re, float im) {
                           !   ! = re;
OpenSplice DDS

                           !   ! = im;
                           !   }
                           !   public Complex(float f) {
                           !   ! = f;
                           !   ! = 0;
                           !   }

                           !   public float re() { return re;}

                           !   public float im() { return im;}
                     ☐   Everything in Scala is a method even operators

                     ☐   Methods name can be symbols such as *, !, +, etc.
OpenSplice DDS

                         def + (c: Complex) : Complex = Complex(re +, im +

                 or, taking advantage of type inference....
                             def + (c: Complex) = Complex(re +, im +
In Java...

                     public Complex add(Complex that) {
                     	 	 return new Complex( +,
OpenSplice DDS

As a result...
                              val result = Complex(1,2) + Complex(2,3)

OpenSplice DDS

                             Complex c1 = new Complex(1, 2);
                             Complex c2 = new Complex (3,4);
                             Complex c3 = c1.add(c2);
                             Complex c3 = (new Complex(1, 2).add(new Complex (3,4));
Companion Object
                 ☐   Scala does not have the concept of static methods/attributes
                 ☐   On the other hand it provides built-in support for Singletons,

                     which are specified with the “object” keyword as opposed to
                     the “class” keyword
OpenSplice DDS

                                              object Complex {
                 The companion object, is     	 def apply(real: Float, img: Float) = new Complex(real, img)
                 the object associated with   	 def apply(real: Float) = new Complex(real, 0)
                 a class, which shares the    	
                 same name and provides       	 implicit def floatToReComplex (f: Float) = new ReComplex(f)
                 typically helper methods     	 implicit def intToReComplex(i : Int) = new ReComplex(i)
“apply” Magic
                  ☐   When an instance of a class is followed by parentheses with a list of zero

                      or more parameters, the compiler invokes the apply method for that
                  ☐   This is true for an object with a defined apply method (such as a
                      companion object), as well as an instance of a class that defines an
OpenSplice DDS

                      apply method

                                         val result = Complex(1,2)
                            is the same as....
                                         val result = Complex.apply(1,2)
Negation and Scalar Multiplication

                    ☐   In order to design a Complex class that is well integrated in our type
                        system we should be able to support the following cases:
                        ☐   -(a+ib)
                        ☐   c*(a+ib)
OpenSplice DDS

                        ☐   (a+ib)*c
                    ☐   How can we supporting something like -(a+ib) and c*(a+ib)?
Scala Unary Operators
                      ☐   Scala allows to define unary operators for the following method

                          identifiers +, -, !, ~

                                    def unary_-() = Complex(-re, -im)
OpenSplice DDS

                                    def unary_!() = Math.sqrt(re*re + im*im)
                                    def unary_~() = Complex(re, -im)
                 as a result we can write:
                                 val result = -Complex(1,2) + ~Complex(2,3)
Scala Implicit Conversions

                  ☐   The expression:      val c3 = 3*Complex(5, 7)

                  ☐   Is equivalent to:
OpenSplice DDS

                                          val c3 = 3.*(Complex(5, 7))
                  ☐   Yet, the method to multiply a Integer to a Complex is not present in the
                      Scala Int class
                  ☐   What can we do to make the trick?
Scala Implicit Conversions

                  ☐   Scala does not support Open Classes, thus allowing to add new
                      methods to existing classes
                  ☐   Yet Scala supports implicit conversions that can be used to achieve the
                      same result
OpenSplice DDS

                  ☐   Lets see how...
Scala Implicit Conversion
                 object Complex {

                 	 implicit def floatToReComplex (f: Float) = new ReComplex(f)
                 	 implicit def intToReComplex(i : Int) = new ReComplex(i)
OpenSplice DDS

                 class ReComplex(re: Float) {
                 	 def * (that: Complex) = Complex(re*,re*
The Result is...
                                     val c3 = 3*Complex(5, 7)

                   is converted automatically into:

                            val c3 = ReComplex(3).*(Complex(5, 7))
OpenSplice DDS
Putting it all together
                 case class Complex(val re: Float, val im: Float) {             // Unary Operators

                 	   	                                                      	    def unary_-() = Complex(-re, -im)
                 	   // Binary Operators                                    	    def unary_!() = Math.sqrt(re*re + im*im)
                 	   def + (c: Complex) = Complex(re +, im +     	    def unary_~() = Complex(re, -im)
                 	   def - (c: Complex) = Complex(re -, im -     	
                                                                            	   // Formatting
                 	   def * (f: Float) = Complex(f*re, f*im)	                	   override def toString() : String = {
OpenSplice DDS

                 	   def * (c: Complex) = Complex((re* - (im*,    	   	   if (im > 0) re + "+i" + im
                                                 ((re* + (im*   	   	   else if (im < 0) re + "-i" + (-im)
                 	                                                          	   	   else re.toString
                 	   def / (c: Complex) = {
                 	   	   val d =* +*
                 	   	   Complex(((re* + (im +,
                               ((im* - (re* )
Functions, Closures and Currying
OpenSplice DDS

                  ☐   Scala has first-class functions
                  ☐   Functions can be defined and called, but equally functions can
                      be defined as unnamed literals and passed as values
OpenSplice DDS

                  def inc(x: Int) = x + 1                 val vinc = (x: Int) => x+1
                  inc(5)                                  vinc(5)

                                  Notice once again the uniform access principle
Playing with Functions
                              val list = List(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)

                              val g5 = list.filter((x: Int) => x > 5)
                              g5: List[Int] = List(6, 7, 8, 9)
OpenSplice DDS

                 Or with placeholder syntax

                               val list = List(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
                                   val g5 = list.filter(_ > 5)
                                g5: List[Int] = List(6, 7, 8, 9)

                  ☐   Scala allows you to define functions which include free variables
                      meaning variables whose value is not bound to the parameter list
                  ☐   Free variable are resolved at runtime considering the closure of visible
OpenSplice DDS

                  ☐   Example:

                  def mean(e : Array[Float]) : Float = {        def mean(e : Array[Float]) : Float = {
                  	 	 var sum = 0.0F                                         var sum = 0.0F
                  	 	 e.foreach((x: Int) => sum += x)                      e.foreach(sum += _)
                  	 	 return sum/e.length                                  return sum/e.length
                  	 }                                                              }
                  ☐   Scala provides support for curried functions which are applied to

                      multiple argument lists, instead of just one
                  ☐   Currying is the mechanism Scala provides for introducing new control
OpenSplice DDS

                          def curriedSum(x: Int)(y: Int) = x + y

                          curriedSum(1) {
                            3 +5
OpenSplice DDS

                   ☐   Scala supports single inheritance from classes but can mix-in multiple

                   ☐   A trait is the unit of code reuse for Scala. It encapsulate methods and
                       field definitions
                       Traits usually expect a class to implement an abstract method, which
OpenSplice DDS

                       constitutes the “narrow” interface that allows to implement a rich
                   ☐   Traits are also very useful for dependency injection
Ordered Complex Numbers

                   ☐   Our complex numbers are not comparable
                   ☐   Let’s assume that we wanted to make them comparable, and lets
                       supposed that we define the total order as based on the module of the
                       complex number
OpenSplice DDS

                   ☐   How can we implement this behavior?
Ordered Trait

                  ☐   The Ordered[T] traits encapsulates the set of methods that allow to
                      define a total ordering over a type
                  ☐   All the behaviour is defined in terms of an abstract method, namely
OpenSplice DDS

                  ☐   Classes that mix-in this trait have to implement the “compare” method

                                class Complex(val re: Float, val im: Float) extends
                                Ordering[Complex] {
                                def compare(x: Complex, y: Complex) = {
                                	 	 if (x == y) 0
                                	 	 else if (!x > !y) 1
                                	 	 else -1
Case Classes
OpenSplice DDS

                 Pattern Matching
Case Classes and Pattern Matching

                    ☐   Case Classes and Pattern Matching are twin constructs that are pretty

                        useful when dealing with tree-like recursive data structures
                    ☐   These constructs allow to match patterns in an expression and
                        reconstruct the object graph that makes it up
OpenSplice DDS

                    ☐   Lets see an example...
Case Classes and Pattern
                  abstract class Expr
                  case class Var(name: String) extends Expr

                  case class Number(num: Float) extends Expr
                  case class UnOp(operator: String, arg: Expr) extends Expr
                  case class BinOp(operator: String, left: Expr, right: Expr)
OpenSplice DDS

                  def simplifyExpr(expr: Expr) : Expr = expr match {
                  	 case UnOp("-", UnOp("-", e)) => e
                  	 case BinOp("+", e, Number("0")) => e
                  	 case BinOp("*", e, Number("1")) => e
                  	 case _ => expr
Type Parametrization
OpenSplice DDS
Type Parametrization

                   ☐   Scala provides support for type parametrization and makes it
                       available for both classes as well as traits
                                     trait Queue[T] {
                                     	 def head: T
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                                     	 def tail: Queue[T]
                                     	 def append(x: T) : Queue[T]
                   ☐   Scala allows to annotate the parametrized type to control the
                       resulting type variance
Type Variance
                   ☐   If S <: T is Queue[S] <: Queue[T]?

                   ☐   By default Scala makes generic types nonvariant. This behaviour can be
                       changed using the following annotations:
                   ☐   Queue[+T] indicates that the the sub-typing is covariant in the
                       parameter T
OpenSplice DDS

                   ☐   Queue[-T] indicates that the the sub-typing is contravariant in the
                       parameter T
Anatomy of a DDS Application
OpenSplice DDS
Anatomy of a DDS Application
                 [Scala API]


                  val dp = DomainParticipant(domainId)

OpenSplice DDS

Anatomy of a DDS Application
                  [Scala API]


                   val dp = DomainParticipant(domainId)

                   // Create   a Topic
OpenSplice DDS

                   val topic   = Topic[ShapeType](dp, “Circle”)
                   // Create   a Publisher / Subscriber
                   val pub =   Publisher(dp)
                   val sub =   Subscriber(dp)

Anatomy of a DDS Application
                  [Scala API]


                   val dp = DomainParticipant(domainId)

                   // Create   a Topic
OpenSplice DDS

                   val topic   = Topic[ShapeType](dp, “Circle”)
                   // Create   a Publisher / Subscriber
                   val pub =   Publisher(dp)
                   val sub =   Subscriber(dp)

                 Reader/Writers for User Defined for Types            DataWriter
                    // Create a DataWriter/DataWriter
                    val writer = DataWriter[ShapeType](pub, topic)                 Reader/Writer for
                    val reader = DataReader[ShapeType](sub, topic)                 application defined
                                                                                      Topic Types
Anatomy of a DDS Application
                  [Scala API]


                   val dp = DomainParticipant(domainId)

                   // Create   a Topic
OpenSplice DDS

                   val topic   = Topic[ShapeType](dp, “Circle”)
                   // Create   a Publisher / Subscriber
                   val pub =   Publisher(dp)
                   val sub =   Subscriber(dp)

                 Reader/Writers for User Defined for Types          DataWriter
                   // Write data
                   val data = new ShapeType(“RED”, 131, 107, 75)
                   writer write data
                                                                                 Reader/Writer for
                   // But you can also write like this...                        application defined
                   writer ! data                                                    Topic Types
                   // Read new data and print it on the screen
                   (reader read) foreach (prinln)
Data Reader/Writer Caches
OpenSplice DDS
Reader/Writer Caches
                     Application         Application              Application

                     DataWriter         DataReader               DataReader

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                   DataWriter Cache   DataReader Cache         DataReader Cache

Reader/Writer Caches
                     write(   )          Application              Application

                     DataWriter         DataReader               DataReader

OpenSplice DDS

                   DataWriter Cache   DataReader Cache         DataReader Cache

Reader/Writer Caches
                                  Application       Application              Application

                                  DataWriter       DataReader               DataReader

OpenSplice DDS

                              DataWriter Cache   DataReader Cache         DataReader Cache

                 Topic Instance
Reader/Writer Caches
                     Application         Application              Application

                     DataWriter         DataReader               DataReader

OpenSplice DDS

                   DataWriter Cache   DataReader Cache         DataReader Cache

Reader/Writer Caches
                     Application                       Application                    Application

                     DataWriter                        DataReader                     DataReader

OpenSplice DDS

                   DataWriter Cache               DataReader Cache               DataReader Cache

                                      Topic Instance                 Topic Instance

Reader/Writer Caches
                     write(   )          Application              Application

                     DataWriter         DataReader               DataReader

OpenSplice DDS

                   DataWriter Cache   DataReader Cache         DataReader Cache

Reader/Writer Caches
                                  Application      Application              Application

                                  DataWriter      DataReader               DataReader

OpenSplice DDS

                             DataWriter Cache   DataReader Cache         DataReader Cache

                 Writer History

Reader/Writer Caches
                     Application         Application              Application

                     DataWriter         DataReader               DataReader

OpenSplice DDS

                   DataWriter Cache   DataReader Cache         DataReader Cache

Reader/Writer Caches
                     Application                       Application                    Application

                     DataWriter                        DataReader                     DataReader

OpenSplice DDS

                   DataWriter Cache              DataReader Cache                DataReader Cache

                                      Reader History                 Reader History

Reader/Writer Caches
                     write(   )          Application              Application

                     DataWriter         DataReader               DataReader

OpenSplice DDS

                   DataWriter Cache   DataReader Cache         DataReader Cache

Reader/Writer Caches
                     Application         Application              Application

                     DataWriter         DataReader               DataReader

OpenSplice DDS

                   DataWriter Cache   DataReader Cache         DataReader Cache

Reader/Writer Caches
                     Application         Application              Application

                     DataWriter         DataReader               DataReader

OpenSplice DDS

                   DataWriter Cache   DataReader Cache         DataReader Cache

Reader/Writer Caches
                     Application         Application              Application

                     DataWriter         DataReader               DataReader

OpenSplice DDS

                   DataWriter Cache   DataReader Cache         DataReader Cache

Reader/Writer Caches
                                       Application                  Application                         Application

                                       DataWriter                  DataReader                          DataReader

OpenSplice DDS

                                  DataWriter Cache             DataReader Cache                      DataReader Cache

                    QoS Policies
                 ‣ History
                 ‣ Destination Order                                  Network
                 ‣ Presentation
                 ‣ Partition                                       QoS Policies
                 ‣ Time Based Filter                 ‣ Reliability      ‣ Durability
                 ‣ Ownership                         ‣ History          ‣ Transport Priority
                                                     ‣ Latency Budget ‣ Time Based Filter
Writer Cache Properties
                  ☐   An entry for each topic instance

                  ☐   Each cache entry might contain one
                      or more samples, the number of
                      samples is controlled by the History
                      QoS Policy
OpenSplice DDS

                  ☐   Depending on the setting of the
                      Durability QoS Policy, the content of
                      the cache may be made available          DataWriter Cache
                      to late joiners. The depth of the
                      cache controls how many samples
                      per instance will be delivered to late
Reader Cache Properties
                  ☐   An entry for each topic instance

                  ☐   Each cache entry might contain one or
                      more samples, the number of samples is
                      controlled by the History QoS Policy                 DataReader
                      ☐   History.KeepLast(n) keeps the last n samples
OpenSplice DDS

                          per instance
                      ☐   History.KeepAll maintains all the samples,
                          modulo resource constraints

                  ☐   For a given instance:                              DataReader Cache
                      ☐   Samples from the same writer are inserted in
                      ☐   Samples from multiple-writers are ordered
                          using time-stamps (source or reception
                          depending on configurable a QoS Policy)
Eventual Consistency
                      DDS caches provide eventual consistency semantics


                  ☐   This means that a read will see the effect of a preceding write
OpenSplice DDS

                  ☐   Furthermore, given a data-writer that is currently matching N
                      readers, we can think of DDS as providing eventual consistency
                      with W=0 and R=1
                      ☐   W: the number of Acks expected in order to return from a write
                      ☐   R: the number of sources from which a read access data
Understanding History
OpenSplice DDS
Reader/Writer Caches
                       Application              Application              Application

                       DataWriter              DataReader               DataReader

OpenSplice DDS

                     DataWriter Cache        DataReader Cache         DataReader Cache


                  Assumptions: DataReader configured with history depth of 2 and
                  DataWriter with default history depth of 1
Reader/Writer Caches
                        write(   1   )          Application              Application

                       DataWriter              DataReader               DataReader

OpenSplice DDS

                     DataWriter Cache        DataReader Cache         DataReader Cache


                  Assumptions: DataReader configured with history depth of 2 and
                  DataWriter with default history depth of 1
Reader/Writer Caches
                         Application            Application              Application

                         DataWriter            DataReader               DataReader

OpenSplice DDS

                     DataWriter Cache        DataReader Cache         DataReader Cache


                  Assumptions: DataReader configured with history depth of 2 and
                  DataWriter with default history depth of 1
Reader/Writer Caches
                         Application            Application              Application

                         DataWriter            DataReader               DataReader

OpenSplice DDS

                     DataWriter Cache        DataReader Cache         DataReader Cache

                                      1          Network

                  Assumptions: DataReader configured with history depth of 2 and
                  DataWriter with default history depth of 1
Reader/Writer Caches
                         Application             Application              Application

                         DataWriter              DataReader               DataReader

                     1                       1                        1
OpenSplice DDS

                     DataWriter Cache        DataReader Cache         DataReader Cache


                  Assumptions: DataReader configured with history depth of 2 and
                  DataWriter with default history depth of 1
Reader/Writer Caches
                         write(   2   )          Application              Application

                         DataWriter              DataReader               DataReader

                     1                       1                        1
OpenSplice DDS

                     DataWriter Cache        DataReader Cache         DataReader Cache


                  Assumptions: DataReader configured with history depth of 2 and
                  DataWriter with default history depth of 1
Reader/Writer Caches
                         Application             Application              Application

                         DataWriter              DataReader               DataReader

                     2                       1                        1
OpenSplice DDS

                     DataWriter Cache        DataReader Cache         DataReader Cache


                  Assumptions: DataReader configured with history depth of 2 and
                  DataWriter with default history depth of 1
Reader/Writer Caches
                         Application             Application              Application

                         DataWriter              DataReader               DataReader

                     2                       1                        1
OpenSplice DDS

                     DataWriter Cache        DataReader Cache         DataReader Cache

                                       2          Network

                  Assumptions: DataReader configured with history depth of 2 and
                  DataWriter with default history depth of 1
Reader/Writer Caches
                         Application             Application              Application

                         DataWriter              DataReader               DataReader

                     2                       1                        1
OpenSplice DDS

                                             2                        2

                     DataWriter Cache        DataReader Cache         DataReader Cache


                  Assumptions: DataReader configured with history depth of 2 and
                  DataWriter with default history depth of 1
Reader/Writer Caches
                         write(   3   )          Application              Application

                         DataWriter              DataReader               DataReader

                     2                       1                        1
OpenSplice DDS

                                             2                        2

                     DataWriter Cache        DataReader Cache         DataReader Cache


                  Assumptions: DataReader configured with history depth of 2 and
                  DataWriter with default history depth of 1
Reader/Writer Caches
                         Application             Application              Application

                         DataWriter              DataReader               DataReader

                     3                       1                        1
OpenSplice DDS

                                             2                        2

                     DataWriter Cache        DataReader Cache         DataReader Cache


                  Assumptions: DataReader configured with history depth of 2 and
                  DataWriter with default history depth of 1
Reader/Writer Caches
                         Application             Application              Application

                         DataWriter              DataReader               DataReader

                     3                       1                        1
OpenSplice DDS

                                             2                        2

                     DataWriter Cache        DataReader Cache         DataReader Cache

                                       3          Network

                  Assumptions: DataReader configured with history depth of 2 and
                  DataWriter with default history depth of 1
Reader/Writer Caches
                         Application             Application              Application

                         DataWriter              DataReader               DataReader

                     3                       2                        2
OpenSplice DDS

                                             3                        3

                     DataWriter Cache        DataReader Cache         DataReader Cache


                  Assumptions: DataReader configured with history depth of 2 and
                  DataWriter with default history depth of 1
Caches or Streams?
OpenSplice DDS
Dynamic View of a Stream

OpenSplice DDS


                               Stream: Set of samples written over
                               time for a given topic instance.
Dynamic View of a Stream
                  Reader History = KeepLast (n)
                  WriterHistory = KeepLast (m)

                               Writer History
OpenSplice DDS


                                                  Stream: Set of samples written over
                                                     time for a given topic instance.
Dynamic View of a Stream
                  Reader History = KeepLast (n)
                  WriterHistory = KeepLast (m)

                                                  Samples ‘on
                               Writer History      the wire’
OpenSplice DDS


                                                            Stream: Set of samples written over
                                                                time for a given topic instance.
Dynamic View of a Stream
                  Reader History = KeepLast (n)
                  WriterHistory = KeepLast (m)

                                                  Samples ‘on
                               Writer History      the wire’       Reader History
OpenSplice DDS


                                                            Stream: Set of samples written over
                                                                time for a given topic instance.
Dynamic View of a Stream
                  Reader History = KeepLast (n)
                  WriterHistory = KeepLast (m)

                                                  Samples ‘on
                              Writer History      the wire’            Reader History
                                                                                           ‘Past’ Samples
OpenSplice DDS


                                                                Stream: Set of samples written over
                                                                time for a given topic instance.
Eventual View of a Stream
                 Assumptions (Default Settings):
                  Reader History = KeepLast (1)
                  WriterHistory = KeepLast (1)

                               Writer History
                                                  Reader History                            ‘Past’ Samples
OpenSplice DDS

                                                                   Stream: Set of samples written over
                                                                      time for a given topic instance.
Eventual View of a Stream
                  Reader History = KeepLast (n) with n > 1
                  WriterHistory = KeepLast (1)

                               Writer History                Reader History
                                                                                      ‘Past’ Samples
OpenSplice DDS

                                                             Stream: Set of samples written over
                                                                time for a given topic instance.
Eventual View of a Stream
                  Reader History = KeepLast (n) with n > 1
                  WriterHistory = KeepLast (m) with n > m > 1

                               Writer History                   Reader History
                                                                                         ‘Past’ Samples
OpenSplice DDS

                                                                Stream: Set of samples written over
                                                                   time for a given topic instance.
Interacting with the
                  DataReader Cache
OpenSplice DDS
Reading Data Samples
                  ☐   Samples can be read from the Data Reader History Cache

                  ☐   The action of reading a sample is non-destructive. Samples are
                      not removed from the cache
OpenSplice DDS

                           DataReader                          DataReader

                                  ...         read                    ...

                         DataReader Cache                    DataReader Cache
Taking Data Samples
                  ☐   Samples can be taken from the Data Reader History Cache

                  ☐   The action of taking a sample is destructive. Samples are
                      removed from the cache
OpenSplice DDS

                           DataReader                           DataReader

                                  ...         take                     ...

                         DataReader Cache                     DataReader Cache
Read vs. Take

                  ☐   The read operation should always be access the latest know value
                      for topics that represent distributed state
OpenSplice DDS

                  ☐   The take operation should be used to get the last notification from a
                      topic that represent an event
Data Selectors
OpenSplice DDS
Cherry Picking in DDS

                  ☐   DDS provides some very flexible mechanisms for selecting the data
                      to be read:
OpenSplice DDS

                      ☐   Data Content
                      ☐   Data Status

                  ☐   These mechanisms are composable
Content-Based Data Selection
OpenSplice DDS
Filters and Queries                                Application

                  ☐   DDS Filters allow to control what gets
                      into a DataReader cache

                  ☐   DDS Queries allow to control what gets
                      out of a DataReader cache                    DataReader
OpenSplice DDS

                  ☐   Filters are defined by means of


                  ☐   Queries operate in conjunction with        DataReader Cache
                      read operations
                  ☐   Filters and Queries are expressed as SQL
                      where clauses
struct ShapeType {

                                                                                          string   color;
                                                                                          long   x;
                                                                                          long   y;
                 [Scala API]                                                           };
                                                                                          long   shapesize;


                           * NOTE: The Scala API if not provided with DP/Sub/Pub assumes
                           * default domains and default partition.
                          // Create a Topic
                          val topic = Topic[ShapeType](“Circle”)

                          // Define filter expression and parameters
OpenSplice DDS

                          val query = Query(“x < %0 AND y < %1”, List(“200”, “300”))

                          // Define content filtered topic
                          val cftopic =
                            ContentFilteredTopic[ShapeType](“Circle”, topic, query)

                          // Create a DataReader for the content-filtered Topic
                          val reader =
struct ShapeType {

                                                                                           string   color;
                                                                                           long   x;
                                                                                           long   y;
                 [Scala API]                                                            };
                                                                                           long   shapesize;

                           // Define filter expression and parameters
OpenSplice DDS

                           val query = Query(“x < %0 AND y < %1”, List(“200”, “300”))

                           dr read (contentQuery = query)
                  ☐   DDS provides a very efficient way of reading data belonging to a

                      specific Topic Instance

                  ☐   Obviously, one could use queries to match the key’s value, but this
                      is not as efficient as the special purpose instance selector
OpenSplice DDS

                                    val data = reader read(instanceHandle = handle)
State-Based Selection
OpenSplice DDS
Sample, Instance, and View State
                  ☐   The samples included in the DataReader cache have associated

                      some meta-information which, among other things, describes the
                      status of the sample and its associated stream/instance
                  ☐   The Sample State (READ, NOT_READ) allows to distinguish between
OpenSplice DDS

                      new samples and samples that have already been read
                  ☐   The View State (NEW, NOT_NEW) allows to distinguish a new
                      instance from an existing one
                  ☐   The Intance State (ALIVE, NOT_ALIVE_DISPOSED,
                      NOT_ALIVE_NO_WRITERS) allows to track the life-cycle transitions of
                      the instance to which a sample belongs
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala
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Search and Society: Reimagining Information Access for Radical FuturesSearch and Society: Reimagining Information Access for Radical Futures
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Bhaskar Mitra

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High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala

  • 1. High Performance Distributed Computing with DDS and Scala OpenSplice DDS Angelo CORSARO, Ph.D. Chief Technology Officer OMG DDS Sig Co-Chair PrismTech
  • 2. OpenSplice DDS Background
  • 3. Data Distribution Service For Real-Time Systems Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ Introduced in 2004 to address the Data Distribution Real-Timeliness Scale challenges faced by a wide class of Defense and Aerospace Applications OpenSplice DDS Key requirement for the Parallelism Determinism Throughput, Availability Scalability, Persistence, Security ☐ standard were to deliver very Systemic Signal Data Real-Time Information Near Real-Time Fault- Tolerant Information Complex Information high and predictable Processing Processing Management Processing Processing performance while scaling from embedded to ultra- Parallel Systems Distributed Systems large-scale deployments
  • 4. Data Distribution Service For Real-Time Systems Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ Recommended by key Real-Timeliness Scale administration worldwide, e.g. DoD, MoD, EUROCAE, etc. OpenSplice DDS Widely adopted across Parallelism Determinism Throughput, Availability Scalability, Persistence, Security ☐ several different domains, Systemic Signal Data Real-Time Information Near Real-Time Fault- Tolerant Information Complex Information e.g., Automated Trading, Processing Processing Management Processing Processing Simulations, SCADA, Telemetry, etc. Parallel Systems Distributed Systems
  • 5. Core Standard Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. Application ☐ DDS is nowadays a family Data Centric Publish Subscriber (DCPS) of standards Content Ownership Durability Subscription OpenSplice DDS ☐ The two standards at the Minimum Profile core are: ☐ DDS v1.2 -- API DDS Interoperability Wire Protocol - DDSI-RTPS ☐ DDSI v2.1 -- Wire Protocol UDP/IP Application
  • 6. Standards: What For? Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. Common “Language” Data Model + OpenSplice DDS QoS Requirements Interoperability DDSI Wire Interoperability
  • 7. OpenSplice DDS DDS Application API Standard Standards: What For? Portability Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved.
  • 8. Defense and Aerospace Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSplice DDS Integrated Modular Vetronics Training & Simulation Systems Naval Combat Systems Air Traffic Control & Management Unmanned Air Vehicles Aerospace Applications
  • 9. Commercial Applications Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSplice DDS Agricultural Vehicle Systems Large Scale SCADA Systems Smart Cities Train Control Systems Complex Medical Devices High Frequency Auto-Trading
  • 10. OpenSplice DDS D D BaS ics
  • 11. Data Distribution Service For Real-Time Systems DDS provides a Topic-Based Publish/ Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. Subscribe abstraction based on: Data Reader Data Writer ☐ Topics: data distribution subject’s OpenSplice DDS Data Reader Data TopicD Writer DataWriters: data producers TopicA ☐ Data TopicB Reader Data Writer ☐ DataReaders: data consumers TopicC ... Data Data Writer Reader DDS Global Data Space
  • 12. Data Distribution Service For Real-Time Systems Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ DataWriters and DataReaders are automatically and Data Reader dynamically matched by the Data Writer DDS Dynamic Discovery OpenSplice DDS Data Reader Data TopicD Writer TopicA ☐ A rich set of QoS allows to Data Reader TopicB control existential, temporal, Data Writer TopicC ... and spatial properties of data Data Data Writer Reader DDS Global Data Space
  • 13. OpenSplice DDS DDS Entities
  • 14. Domain Participant Domain (e.g. Domain 123) Domain Participant Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. Topic Partition (e.g. “Telemetry”, “Shapes”, ) T1 Publisher T1 T3 Subscriber Tx OpenSplice DDS Topic Instances/Samples Ty Tb Ta DataWrter DataReader Tc ☐ A DomainParticipant provides access to a DDS Domain ☐ DDS Domains are identified by natural numbers, such as 0, 1, 2, ... ☐ Each DDS Domain has associated some unique communication and discovery endpoints, automatically deduced by the Domain ID
  • 15. OpenSplice DDS Topics
  • 16. DDS Topics “Circle”, “Square”, “Triangle”, ... ☐ A Topic defines a class of streams, Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. also called topic instances Name ☐ A Topic has associated a unique Topic name, a user defined extensible Typ S OpenSplice DDS type and a set of QoS policies DURABILITY, Qo e DEADLINE, ShapeType ☐ QoS Policies capture the Topic PRIORITY, … non-functional invariants struct ShapeType { ☐ Topics can be discovered or @Key string color; locally defined long x; long y; long shapesize; };
  • 17. Topic Instances ☐ Each unique key value Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. Instances Instances identifies a unique stream of data color =”Green” DDS not only struct ShapeType { ☐ color =”red” @Key string color; Topic OpenSplice DDS long x; long y; demultiplexes “streams” color = “Blue” long shapesize;}; but provides also lifecycle information ☐ A DDS DataWriter can write multiple instances
  • 18. OpenSplice DDS Topic Types
  • 19. Topic Types Type System ☐ DDS features a structural type system and the sub-type Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. relationship ( <: ) defined by this type system is used to guide subscription matching ☐ In general, a DataReader[X] will match a DataWriter[Y], where OpenSplice DDS X and Y are DDS Topic types, iff Y <: X ☐ Annotations available to: ☐ Constraint the subtype relationship ☐ Control the set of attributes considered when performing the subtype test
  • 20. Type-Level Annotations ☐ The nature of a DDS Topic Type can be controlled through Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. annotations applicable at a type or attribute level ☐ Specifically the @Extensibility annotation controls the allowed “extensibility”, in the sense of sub-typing for the given type OpenSplice DDS ☐ Possible values are: ☐ Final: the type is sealed and can’t be changed ☐ Extensible: Only monotonic extensions are allowed, e.g. “adding attributes to the end” ☐ Mutable: Arbitrary extensions are allowed such as attribute re-ordering, removal, etc.
  • 21. Attribute-Level Annotations ☐ Attribute semantics can also be controlled via an extensible Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. annotation system ☐ Some of the most commonly used annotations are: @Optional: This attribute is allowed to be “nil” OpenSplice DDS ☐ ☐ @Shared: This attribute behaves like a pointer ☐ @MustUnderstand: This attribute must be present in order to match subscriptions ☐ @ID: Ordinal value associated to the type ☐ @Key: This attribute is part of the topic key
  • 23. Publishers / Subscribers Domain (e.g. Domain 123) Domain Participant Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. Topic Partition (e.g. “Telemetry”, “Shapes”, ) T1 Publisher T1 T3 Subscriber Tx OpenSplice DDS Topic Instances/Samples Ty Tb Ta DataWrter DataReader Tc Publishers and Subscribers in DDS play two roles: ☐ Coordinate actions across DataReaders/DataWriters ☐ e.g. Atomic writes across data-writers ☐ Control access to DDS partitions, a mechanism provided by DDS to further
  • 24. DDS Partitions Domain Partitions DDS Publishers and Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ Subscribers can specify a M:0:0 M:0:1 M:0:2 list of regular expressions representing the partitions OpenSplice DDS to join M:1:0 M:1:1 M:1:2 ☐ Actual partition can be any string, but some M:2:0 M:2:1 M:2:2 structure can be given in order mimic hierarchy
  • 25. DDS Partitions Matching Domain Partitions Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. M:0:0 M:0:1 M:0:2 M:0:* OpenSplice DDS M:1:0 M:1:1 M:1:2 M:2:0 M:2:1 M:2:2
  • 26. DDS Partitions Matching Domain Partitions Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. M:0:0 M:0:1 M:0:2 OpenSplice DDS M:1:0 M:1:1 M:1:2 M:2:0 M:2:1 M:2:2 M:*:2
  • 27. DDS Partitions Matching Domain Partitions Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. M:0:0 M:0:1 M:0:2 OpenSplice DDS M:1:0 M:1:1 M:1:2 M:2:0 M:2:1 M:2:2 M:0:0, M:1:1, M:2:2
  • 29. DataReader / DataWriter Domain (e.g. Domain 123) Domain Participant Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. Topic Partition (e.g. “Telemetry”, “Shapes”, ) T1 Publisher T1 T3 Subscriber Tx OpenSplice DDS Topic Instances/Samples Ty Tb Ta DataWrter DataReader Tc ☐ DataWriters allow to write samples for a specific Topic with a given QoS ☐ DataReaders allow to read samples for a specific Topic with a given QoS ☐ The Samples written/read are those belonging to the partitions associated with the Publisher/Subscriber
  • 31. Subscription Matching For a DataWriter and a DataReader to match the following Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. conditions have to hold: ☐ The Topic Name has to be the identical OpenSplice DDS ☐ Said X the Topic Type associated with the DataWriter and Y the Topic Type associated with the Data reader, then X <: Y (recall that annotations control the result subtype test...) ☐ The QoS with which the DataWriter produces data matches or exceeds the DataReader QoS
  • 32. Type Matching struct ShapeType3D { struct ShapeType3D { @Key @Key string color; string color; long x; long x; long y; long y; Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. long shapesize; DW long shapesize; DR1 long z; long z; }; }; Circle OpenSplice DDS Circle ☐ As ShapeType3D <: ShapeType DW and DR2 match Circle struct ShapeType { DDS will take care of projecting @Key ☐ DR2 string color; ShapeType3D into ShapeType long x; long y; long shapesize; };
  • 33. Type Matching @Extensibility(MUTABLE_EXTENSIBILITY) @Extensibility(MUTABLE_EXTENSIBILITY) struct ShapeTypeC { struct ShapeTypeA { @Key @ID(0) @Key @ID(0) string color; string color; @ID(10) @MustUnderstand @ID(10) @MustUnderstand DW1 long x; DR1 Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. long x; @ID(11) @MustUnderstand @ID(11) @MustUnderstand long y; }; long y; @ID(12) @Optional long z; @ID(20) @Optional ☐ In this example, as a long shapesize; }; Circle Circle consequence of OpenSplice DDS annotations, DR1 Circle Circle and DR2 match @Extensibility(MUTABLE_EXTENSIBILITY) struct ShapeTypeB { DW1 and DW2 @Key @ID(0) @Extensibility(MUTABLE_EXTENSIBILITY) string color; struct ShapeTypeA { @ID(10) @MustUnderstand @Key @ID(0) long x; DR2 string color; @ID(11) @MustUnderstand DW2 @ID(10) @MustUnderstand long y; }; long x; @ID(11) @MustUnderstand long y; @ID(12) @Optional long z; @ID(20) @Optional long shapesize; };
  • 34. Anatomy of a DDS Application OpenSplice DDS
  • 35. Stepping into Scala OpenSplice DDS Angelo CORSARO, Ph.D. Chief Technology Officer OMG DDS Sig Co-Chair PrismTech
  • 36. What is Scala Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ Scala (pronounced Skah-lah) stands for “Scalable language” ☐ It is a language that carefully and creatively blends Object Oriented and Functional constructs into a statically typed OpenSplice DDS language with sophisticated type inference ☐ Scala targets the JVM and .NET runtime and is 100% compatible with Java
  • 37. Why Should You Care? Scala is simple to write, extremely compact and easy to Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ understand ☐ Scala is strongly typed with a structural type system OpenSplice DDS ☐ Scala is an extensible language (many construct are build in the standard library) ☐ Scala makes it easy to design Domain Specific Language
  • 38. Case Study: Complex Numbers OpenSplice DDS
  • 39. Complex Numbers Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ To explore some of the nice features of Scala, let’s see how we might design a Complex number class ☐ What we expect to be able to do is all mathematical operations OpenSplice DDS between complex numbers as well as scalar multiplications and division ☐ [(1+i2)+2*(3-i5)*(i4)]/(1+i3) ☐ ~(1+i2) [conjugate] ☐ !(3+i4) [Modulo]
  • 40. Constructor ☐ Scala allows to implicitly create constructors and attributes starting from Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. a simple argument list associated with the class declaration OpenSplice DDS class Complex(val re: Float, val im: Float)
  • 41. In Java public class Complex { Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ! private final float re; ! private final float im; ! public Complex(float re, float im) { ! ! = re; OpenSplice DDS ! ! = im; ! } ! public Complex(float f) { ! ! = f; ! ! = 0; ! } ! public float re() { return re;} ! public float im() { return im;}
  • 42. Methods ☐ Everything in Scala is a method even operators Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ Methods name can be symbols such as *, !, +, etc. OpenSplice DDS def + (c: Complex) : Complex = Complex(re +, im + or, taking advantage of type inference.... def + (c: Complex) = Complex(re +, im +
  • 43. In Java... Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. public Complex add(Complex that) { return new Complex( +, OpenSplice DDS +; }
  • 44. As a result... val result = Complex(1,2) + Complex(2,3) Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSplice DDS Complex c1 = new Complex(1, 2); Complex c2 = new Complex (3,4); Complex c3 = c1.add(c2); or... Complex c3 = (new Complex(1, 2).add(new Complex (3,4));
  • 45. Companion Object ☐ Scala does not have the concept of static methods/attributes ☐ On the other hand it provides built-in support for Singletons, Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. which are specified with the “object” keyword as opposed to the “class” keyword OpenSplice DDS object Complex { The companion object, is def apply(real: Float, img: Float) = new Complex(real, img) the object associated with def apply(real: Float) = new Complex(real, 0) a class, which shares the same name and provides implicit def floatToReComplex (f: Float) = new ReComplex(f) typically helper methods implicit def intToReComplex(i : Int) = new ReComplex(i) }
  • 46. “apply” Magic ☐ When an instance of a class is followed by parentheses with a list of zero Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. or more parameters, the compiler invokes the apply method for that instance ☐ This is true for an object with a defined apply method (such as a companion object), as well as an instance of a class that defines an OpenSplice DDS apply method val result = Complex(1,2) is the same as.... val result = Complex.apply(1,2)
  • 47. Negation and Scalar Multiplication Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ In order to design a Complex class that is well integrated in our type system we should be able to support the following cases: ☐ -(a+ib) ☐ c*(a+ib) OpenSplice DDS ☐ (a+ib)*c ☐ How can we supporting something like -(a+ib) and c*(a+ib)?
  • 48. Scala Unary Operators ☐ Scala allows to define unary operators for the following method Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. identifiers +, -, !, ~ def unary_-() = Complex(-re, -im) OpenSplice DDS ! def unary_!() = Math.sqrt(re*re + im*im) ! def unary_~() = Complex(re, -im) as a result we can write: val result = -Complex(1,2) + ~Complex(2,3)
  • 49. Scala Implicit Conversions Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ The expression: val c3 = 3*Complex(5, 7) ☐ Is equivalent to: OpenSplice DDS val c3 = 3.*(Complex(5, 7)) ☐ Yet, the method to multiply a Integer to a Complex is not present in the Scala Int class ☐ What can we do to make the trick?
  • 50. Scala Implicit Conversions Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ Scala does not support Open Classes, thus allowing to add new methods to existing classes ☐ Yet Scala supports implicit conversions that can be used to achieve the same result OpenSplice DDS ☐ Lets see how...
  • 51. Scala Implicit Conversion object Complex { Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. implicit def floatToReComplex (f: Float) = new ReComplex(f) implicit def intToReComplex(i : Int) = new ReComplex(i) } OpenSplice DDS class ReComplex(re: Float) { def * (that: Complex) = Complex(re*,re* }
  • 52. The Result is... val c3 = 3*Complex(5, 7) Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. is converted automatically into: val c3 = ReComplex(3).*(Complex(5, 7)) OpenSplice DDS
  • 53. Putting it all together case class Complex(val re: Float, val im: Float) { // Unary Operators Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. def unary_-() = Complex(-re, -im) // Binary Operators def unary_!() = Math.sqrt(re*re + im*im) def + (c: Complex) = Complex(re +, im + def unary_~() = Complex(re, -im) def - (c: Complex) = Complex(re -, im - // Formatting def * (f: Float) = Complex(f*re, f*im) override def toString() : String = { OpenSplice DDS def * (c: Complex) = Complex((re* - (im*, if (im > 0) re + "+i" + im ((re* + (im* else if (im < 0) re + "-i" + (-im) else re.toString def / (c: Complex) = { val d =* +* } Complex(((re* + (im +, } ((im* - (re* ) }
  • 54. Functions, Closures and Currying OpenSplice DDS
  • 55. Functions Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ Scala has first-class functions ☐ Functions can be defined and called, but equally functions can be defined as unnamed literals and passed as values OpenSplice DDS def inc(x: Int) = x + 1 val vinc = (x: Int) => x+1 inc(5) vinc(5) Notice once again the uniform access principle
  • 56. Playing with Functions val list = List(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. val g5 = list.filter((x: Int) => x > 5) g5: List[Int] = List(6, 7, 8, 9) OpenSplice DDS Or with placeholder syntax val list = List(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) val g5 = list.filter(_ > 5) g5: List[Int] = List(6, 7, 8, 9)
  • 57. Closures Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ Scala allows you to define functions which include free variables meaning variables whose value is not bound to the parameter list ☐ Free variable are resolved at runtime considering the closure of visible variable OpenSplice DDS ☐ Example: def mean(e : Array[Float]) : Float = { def mean(e : Array[Float]) : Float = { var sum = 0.0F var sum = 0.0F e.foreach((x: Int) => sum += x) e.foreach(sum += _) return sum/e.length return sum/e.length } }
  • 58. Currying ☐ Scala provides support for curried functions which are applied to Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. multiple argument lists, instead of just one ☐ Currying is the mechanism Scala provides for introducing new control abstraction OpenSplice DDS def curriedSum(x: Int)(y: Int) = x + y curriedSum(1) { 3 +5 }
  • 59. OpenSplice DDS Traits
  • 60. Traits ☐ Scala supports single inheritance from classes but can mix-in multiple Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. traits ☐ A trait is the unit of code reuse for Scala. It encapsulate methods and field definitions Traits usually expect a class to implement an abstract method, which OpenSplice DDS ☐ constitutes the “narrow” interface that allows to implement a rich behaviour ☐ Traits are also very useful for dependency injection
  • 61. Ordered Complex Numbers Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ Our complex numbers are not comparable ☐ Let’s assume that we wanted to make them comparable, and lets supposed that we define the total order as based on the module of the complex number OpenSplice DDS ☐ How can we implement this behavior?
  • 62. Ordered Trait Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ The Ordered[T] traits encapsulates the set of methods that allow to define a total ordering over a type ☐ All the behaviour is defined in terms of an abstract method, namely “compare” OpenSplice DDS ☐ Classes that mix-in this trait have to implement the “compare” method class Complex(val re: Float, val im: Float) extends Ordering[Complex] { def compare(x: Complex, y: Complex) = { if (x == y) 0 else if (!x > !y) 1 else -1 }
  • 63. Case Classes & OpenSplice DDS Pattern Matching
  • 64. Case Classes and Pattern Matching ☐ Case Classes and Pattern Matching are twin constructs that are pretty Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. useful when dealing with tree-like recursive data structures ☐ These constructs allow to match patterns in an expression and reconstruct the object graph that makes it up OpenSplice DDS ☐ Lets see an example...
  • 65. Case Classes and Pattern abstract class Expr case class Var(name: String) extends Expr Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. case class Number(num: Float) extends Expr case class UnOp(operator: String, arg: Expr) extends Expr case class BinOp(operator: String, left: Expr, right: Expr) OpenSplice DDS def simplifyExpr(expr: Expr) : Expr = expr match { case UnOp("-", UnOp("-", e)) => e case BinOp("+", e, Number("0")) => e case BinOp("*", e, Number("1")) => e case _ => expr }
  • 67. Type Parametrization Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ Scala provides support for type parametrization and makes it available for both classes as well as traits trait Queue[T] { def head: T OpenSplice DDS def tail: Queue[T] def append(x: T) : Queue[T] } ☐ Scala allows to annotate the parametrized type to control the resulting type variance
  • 68. Type Variance ☐ If S <: T is Queue[S] <: Queue[T]? Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ By default Scala makes generic types nonvariant. This behaviour can be changed using the following annotations: ☐ Queue[+T] indicates that the the sub-typing is covariant in the parameter T OpenSplice DDS ☐ Queue[-T] indicates that the the sub-typing is contravariant in the parameter T
  • 69. Anatomy of a DDS Application OpenSplice DDS
  • 70. Anatomy of a DDS Application [Scala API] Domain Domain Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. val dp = DomainParticipant(domainId) Participant Publisher Topic Subscriber OpenSplice DDS DataWriter DataReader
  • 71. Anatomy of a DDS Application [Scala API] Domain Domain Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. val dp = DomainParticipant(domainId) Participant Session // Create a Topic Publisher Topic Subscriber OpenSplice DDS val topic = Topic[ShapeType](dp, “Circle”) // Create a Publisher / Subscriber val pub = Publisher(dp) val sub = Subscriber(dp) DataWriter DataReader
  • 72. Anatomy of a DDS Application [Scala API] Domain Domain Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. val dp = DomainParticipant(domainId) Participant Session // Create a Topic Publisher Topic Subscriber OpenSplice DDS val topic = Topic[ShapeType](dp, “Circle”) // Create a Publisher / Subscriber val pub = Publisher(dp) val sub = Subscriber(dp) Reader/Writers for User Defined for Types DataWriter DataReader // Create a DataWriter/DataWriter val writer = DataWriter[ShapeType](pub, topic) Reader/Writer for val reader = DataReader[ShapeType](sub, topic) application defined Topic Types
  • 73. Anatomy of a DDS Application [Scala API] Domain Domain Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. val dp = DomainParticipant(domainId) Participant Session // Create a Topic Publisher Topic Subscriber OpenSplice DDS val topic = Topic[ShapeType](dp, “Circle”) // Create a Publisher / Subscriber val pub = Publisher(dp) val sub = Subscriber(dp) Reader/Writers for User Defined for Types DataWriter DataReader // Write data val data = new ShapeType(“RED”, 131, 107, 75) writer write data Reader/Writer for // But you can also write like this... application defined writer ! data Topic Types // Read new data and print it on the screen (reader read) foreach (prinln)
  • 75. Reader/Writer Caches Application Application Application Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. DataWriter DataReader DataReader ... OpenSplice DDS DataWriter Cache DataReader Cache DataReader Cache Network
  • 76. Reader/Writer Caches write( ) Application Application Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. DataWriter DataReader DataReader ... OpenSplice DDS DataWriter Cache DataReader Cache DataReader Cache Network
  • 77. Reader/Writer Caches Application Application Application Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. DataWriter DataReader DataReader ... OpenSplice DDS DataWriter Cache DataReader Cache DataReader Cache Topic Instance Network
  • 78. Reader/Writer Caches Application Application Application Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. DataWriter DataReader DataReader ... OpenSplice DDS DataWriter Cache DataReader Cache DataReader Cache Network
  • 79. Reader/Writer Caches Application Application Application Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. DataWriter DataReader DataReader ... OpenSplice DDS DataWriter Cache DataReader Cache DataReader Cache Topic Instance Topic Instance Network
  • 80. Reader/Writer Caches write( ) Application Application Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. DataWriter DataReader DataReader ... OpenSplice DDS DataWriter Cache DataReader Cache DataReader Cache Network
  • 81. Reader/Writer Caches Application Application Application Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. DataWriter DataReader DataReader ... OpenSplice DDS DataWriter Cache DataReader Cache DataReader Cache Writer History Network
  • 82. Reader/Writer Caches Application Application Application Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. DataWriter DataReader DataReader ... OpenSplice DDS DataWriter Cache DataReader Cache DataReader Cache Network
  • 83. Reader/Writer Caches Application Application Application Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. DataWriter DataReader DataReader ... OpenSplice DDS DataWriter Cache DataReader Cache DataReader Cache Reader History Reader History Network
  • 84. Reader/Writer Caches write( ) Application Application Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. DataWriter DataReader DataReader ... OpenSplice DDS DataWriter Cache DataReader Cache DataReader Cache Network
  • 85. Reader/Writer Caches Application Application Application Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. DataWriter DataReader DataReader ... OpenSplice DDS DataWriter Cache DataReader Cache DataReader Cache Network
  • 86. Reader/Writer Caches Application Application Application Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. DataWriter DataReader DataReader ... OpenSplice DDS DataWriter Cache DataReader Cache DataReader Cache Network
  • 87. Reader/Writer Caches Application Application Application Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. DataWriter DataReader DataReader ... OpenSplice DDS DataWriter Cache DataReader Cache DataReader Cache Network
  • 88. Reader/Writer Caches Application Application Application Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. DataWriter DataReader DataReader ... OpenSplice DDS DataWriter Cache DataReader Cache DataReader Cache QoS Policies ‣ History ‣ Destination Order Network ‣ Presentation ‣ Partition QoS Policies ‣ Time Based Filter ‣ Reliability ‣ Durability ‣ Ownership ‣ History ‣ Transport Priority ‣ Latency Budget ‣ Time Based Filter
  • 89. Writer Cache Properties ☐ An entry for each topic instance Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ Each cache entry might contain one or more samples, the number of DataWriter samples is controlled by the History QoS Policy OpenSplice DDS ... ☐ Depending on the setting of the Durability QoS Policy, the content of the cache may be made available DataWriter Cache to late joiners. The depth of the cache controls how many samples per instance will be delivered to late joiners
  • 90. Reader Cache Properties ☐ An entry for each topic instance Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ Each cache entry might contain one or more samples, the number of samples is controlled by the History QoS Policy DataReader ☐ History.KeepLast(n) keeps the last n samples OpenSplice DDS per instance ☐ History.KeepAll maintains all the samples, ... modulo resource constraints ☐ For a given instance: DataReader Cache ☐ Samples from the same writer are inserted in write-order ☐ Samples from multiple-writers are ordered using time-stamps (source or reception depending on configurable a QoS Policy)
  • 91. Eventual Consistency DDS caches provide eventual consistency semantics Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ ☐ This means that a read will see the effect of a preceding write eventually OpenSplice DDS ☐ Furthermore, given a data-writer that is currently matching N readers, we can think of DDS as providing eventual consistency with W=0 and R=1 ☐ W: the number of Acks expected in order to return from a write ☐ R: the number of sources from which a read access data
  • 93. Reader/Writer Caches Application Application Application Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. DataWriter DataReader DataReader ... OpenSplice DDS DataWriter Cache DataReader Cache DataReader Cache Network Assumptions: DataReader configured with history depth of 2 and DataWriter with default history depth of 1
  • 94. Reader/Writer Caches write( 1 ) Application Application Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. DataWriter DataReader DataReader ... OpenSplice DDS DataWriter Cache DataReader Cache DataReader Cache Network Assumptions: DataReader configured with history depth of 2 and DataWriter with default history depth of 1
  • 95. Reader/Writer Caches Application Application Application Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. DataWriter DataReader DataReader 1 ... OpenSplice DDS DataWriter Cache DataReader Cache DataReader Cache Network Assumptions: DataReader configured with history depth of 2 and DataWriter with default history depth of 1
  • 96. Reader/Writer Caches Application Application Application Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. DataWriter DataReader DataReader 1 ... OpenSplice DDS DataWriter Cache DataReader Cache DataReader Cache 1 Network Assumptions: DataReader configured with history depth of 2 and DataWriter with default history depth of 1
  • 97. Reader/Writer Caches Application Application Application Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. DataWriter DataReader DataReader 1 1 1 ... OpenSplice DDS DataWriter Cache DataReader Cache DataReader Cache Network Assumptions: DataReader configured with history depth of 2 and DataWriter with default history depth of 1
  • 98. Reader/Writer Caches write( 2 ) Application Application Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. DataWriter DataReader DataReader 1 1 1 ... OpenSplice DDS DataWriter Cache DataReader Cache DataReader Cache Network Assumptions: DataReader configured with history depth of 2 and DataWriter with default history depth of 1
  • 99. Reader/Writer Caches Application Application Application Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. DataWriter DataReader DataReader 2 1 1 ... OpenSplice DDS DataWriter Cache DataReader Cache DataReader Cache Network Assumptions: DataReader configured with history depth of 2 and DataWriter with default history depth of 1
  • 100. Reader/Writer Caches Application Application Application Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. DataWriter DataReader DataReader 2 1 1 ... OpenSplice DDS DataWriter Cache DataReader Cache DataReader Cache 2 Network Assumptions: DataReader configured with history depth of 2 and DataWriter with default history depth of 1
  • 101. Reader/Writer Caches Application Application Application Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. DataWriter DataReader DataReader 2 1 1 ... OpenSplice DDS 2 2 DataWriter Cache DataReader Cache DataReader Cache Network Assumptions: DataReader configured with history depth of 2 and DataWriter with default history depth of 1
  • 102. Reader/Writer Caches write( 3 ) Application Application Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. DataWriter DataReader DataReader 2 1 1 ... OpenSplice DDS 2 2 DataWriter Cache DataReader Cache DataReader Cache Network Assumptions: DataReader configured with history depth of 2 and DataWriter with default history depth of 1
  • 103. Reader/Writer Caches Application Application Application Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. DataWriter DataReader DataReader 3 1 1 ... OpenSplice DDS 2 2 DataWriter Cache DataReader Cache DataReader Cache Network Assumptions: DataReader configured with history depth of 2 and DataWriter with default history depth of 1
  • 104. Reader/Writer Caches Application Application Application Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. DataWriter DataReader DataReader 3 1 1 ... OpenSplice DDS 2 2 DataWriter Cache DataReader Cache DataReader Cache 3 Network Assumptions: DataReader configured with history depth of 2 and DataWriter with default history depth of 1
  • 105. Reader/Writer Caches Application Application Application Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. DataWriter DataReader DataReader 3 2 2 ... OpenSplice DDS 3 3 DataWriter Cache DataReader Cache DataReader Cache Network Assumptions: DataReader configured with history depth of 2 and DataWriter with default history depth of 1
  • 107. Dynamic View of a Stream Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSplice DDS ... Stream: Set of samples written over time for a given topic instance.
  • 108. Dynamic View of a Stream Assumptions: Reader History = KeepLast (n) WriterHistory = KeepLast (m) Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. Writer History OpenSplice DDS ... Stream: Set of samples written over time for a given topic instance.
  • 109. Dynamic View of a Stream Assumptions: Reader History = KeepLast (n) WriterHistory = KeepLast (m) Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. Samples ‘on Writer History the wire’ OpenSplice DDS ... Stream: Set of samples written over time for a given topic instance.
  • 110. Dynamic View of a Stream Assumptions: Reader History = KeepLast (n) WriterHistory = KeepLast (m) Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. Samples ‘on Writer History the wire’ Reader History OpenSplice DDS ... Stream: Set of samples written over time for a given topic instance.
  • 111. Dynamic View of a Stream Assumptions: Reader History = KeepLast (n) WriterHistory = KeepLast (m) Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. Samples ‘on Writer History the wire’ Reader History ‘Past’ Samples OpenSplice DDS ... Stream: Set of samples written over time for a given topic instance.
  • 112. Eventual View of a Stream Assumptions (Default Settings): Reader History = KeepLast (1) WriterHistory = KeepLast (1) Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. Writer History Reader History ‘Past’ Samples OpenSplice DDS Stream: Set of samples written over time for a given topic instance.
  • 113. Eventual View of a Stream Assumptions: Reader History = KeepLast (n) with n > 1 WriterHistory = KeepLast (1) Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. Writer History Reader History ‘Past’ Samples OpenSplice DDS Stream: Set of samples written over time for a given topic instance.
  • 114. Eventual View of a Stream Assumptions: Reader History = KeepLast (n) with n > 1 WriterHistory = KeepLast (m) with n > m > 1 Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. Writer History Reader History ‘Past’ Samples OpenSplice DDS Stream: Set of samples written over time for a given topic instance.
  • 115. Interacting with the DataReader Cache OpenSplice DDS
  • 116. Reading Data Samples ☐ Samples can be read from the Data Reader History Cache Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ The action of reading a sample is non-destructive. Samples are not removed from the cache OpenSplice DDS DataReader DataReader ... read ... DataReader Cache DataReader Cache
  • 117. Taking Data Samples ☐ Samples can be taken from the Data Reader History Cache Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ The action of taking a sample is destructive. Samples are removed from the cache OpenSplice DDS DataReader DataReader ... take ... DataReader Cache DataReader Cache
  • 118. Read vs. Take Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ The read operation should always be access the latest know value for topics that represent distributed state OpenSplice DDS ☐ The take operation should be used to get the last notification from a topic that represent an event
  • 120. Cherry Picking in DDS Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ DDS provides some very flexible mechanisms for selecting the data to be read: OpenSplice DDS ☐ Data Content ☐ Data Status ☐ These mechanisms are composable
  • 122. Filters and Queries Application ☐ DDS Filters allow to control what gets into a DataReader cache Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. Query ☐ DDS Queries allow to control what gets out of a DataReader cache DataReader OpenSplice DDS ☐ Filters are defined by means of ... ContentFilteredTopics ... ... ... ☐ Queries operate in conjunction with DataReader Cache read operations Filter ☐ Filters and Queries are expressed as SQL where clauses
  • 123. struct ShapeType { Filters @Key string color; long x; long y; [Scala API] }; long shapesize; /** Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. * NOTE: The Scala API if not provided with DP/Sub/Pub assumes * default domains and default partition. **/ // Create a Topic val topic = Topic[ShapeType](“Circle”) // Define filter expression and parameters OpenSplice DDS val query = Query(“x < %0 AND y < %1”, List(“200”, “300”)) // Define content filtered topic val cftopic = ContentFilteredTopic[ShapeType](“Circle”, topic, query) // Create a DataReader for the content-filtered Topic val reader = DataReader[ShapeType](cftopic)
  • 124. struct ShapeType { Query @Key string color; long x; long y; [Scala API] }; long shapesize; Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. // Define filter expression and parameters OpenSplice DDS val query = Query(“x < %0 AND y < %1”, List(“200”, “300”)) dr read (contentQuery = query)
  • 125. Instances ☐ DDS provides a very efficient way of reading data belonging to a Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. specific Topic Instance ☐ Obviously, one could use queries to match the key’s value, but this is not as efficient as the special purpose instance selector OpenSplice DDS val data = reader read(instanceHandle = handle)
  • 127. Sample, Instance, and View State ☐ The samples included in the DataReader cache have associated Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. some meta-information which, among other things, describes the status of the sample and its associated stream/instance ☐ The Sample State (READ, NOT_READ) allows to distinguish between OpenSplice DDS new samples and samples that have already been read ☐ The View State (NEW, NOT_NEW) allows to distinguish a new instance from an existing one ☐ The Intance State (ALIVE, NOT_ALIVE_DISPOSED, NOT_ALIVE_NO_WRITERS) allows to track the life-cycle transitions of the instance to which a sample belongs