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                        Hyperemesis Gravidarum:
                           Literature Review
                                                        Binu Philip, DO

ABSTRACT                                                             have any cramping, contractions, headaches, or visual
Nausea and vomiting commonly occur in pregnant                       changes. She had not felt fetal movement.
women. Hyperemesis gravidarum is a severe form of                       On physical examination she was a thin Hmong
nausea and vomiting rarely occurring in pregnancy.                   woman, alert and in no acute distress. Vital signs were
Between 0.3% and 2% of all pregnant women suffer                     as follows: weight 91 pounds (4 pound weight loss),
from hyperemesis gravidarum. The objective of this                   blood pressure 132/80 mmHg, and pulse 84 bpm. She
paper is to review current literature focusing on the                had signs of dehydration, with dry oral mucosa. Neck
definition, incidence, etiology, prognosis, and treat-               examination was normal. Auscultation of heart and
ment of hyperemesis gravidarum. A MEDLINE search                     lungs was normal. The abdominal examination was un-
of the English literature from 1982 through 2001 uti-                remarkable for tenderness or fullness. The uterus was
lized the keywords hyperemesis gravidarum, nausea,                   palpable just above the pubic symphysis.
and pregnancy. Current data pertaining to the epidemi-                  Fetal heart tones were not audible with doppler.
ology, etiology, clinical presentation, various treatment            Transabdominal ultrasound was performed looking for
modalities, and prognosis are presented. Review of the               evidence of fetal cardiac motion as well as dating sec-
literature supports that hyperemesis gravidarum is a                 ondary to a large discrepancy between size and dates.
multifactorial disease. The cause is unknown. Various                   The ultrasound was described as a “snowstorm” pat-
treatments are recommended although few studies have                 tern, a characteristic appearance of molar pregnancy.
evaluated effectiveness. A case report of molar preg-                (Figure 1) Laboratory data was obtained including a
nancy presenting with hyperemesis gravidarum intro-                  B-HCG (Beta-human chorionic gonadotropin) level of
duces this literature review.                                        526,483, and a TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) of
                                                                     less than .06. A diagnosis of molar pregnancy was
HYDATIDIFORM MOLE PRESENTING                                         made.
WITH HYPEREMESIS GRAVIDARUM                                             The patient underwent a successful dilation and
Case Report                                                          evacuation. Pathology reports supported a complete
L.L. is a 20-year-old Hmong woman who presented                      hydatidiform mole. She was monitored for resolution
with complaint of excessive vomiting over 1 week. She                of her elevated B-HCG levels, which did return to nor-
was a G1P0 female who presented at 19 3/7 weeks ges-                 mal within 2 months of her treatment. Follow-up TSH
tation based on dating. A urine pregnancy test at the                levels were also within normal limits. Chemotherapy
local health care department was positive 10 weeks                   may have been indicated if the B-HCG levels had
prior to presentation. She did not have any initial pre-             reached a plateau or did not fall appropriately. She was
natal care.                                                          instructed to avoid conception for at least 6 to 12
   Although she admitted to first trimester nausea and               months. The hyperemesis in this patient resolved upon
vomiting, her presenting symptoms were significantly                 treatment of the hydatidiform mole by dilatation and
worse. She denied any lightheadedness or weakness but                evacuation.
had not been able to tolerate her normal oral intake.
   She denied vaginal bleeding or discharge. She did not             BACKGROUND
                                                                     Hydatidiform mole is characterized by proliferation of
                                                                     the trophoblast. Molar pregnancies can be complete
                                                                     (classic) or incomplete (partial). The importance of rec-
Doctor Philip is with the University of Wisconsin, Department of
Family Practice, Eau Claire, Wis. Address reprint requests to Binu   ognizing molar pregnancy is related to its potential for
Philip, DO, 807 S Farwell, Eau Claire, Wis 54701                     both gestational trophoblastic disease as well as chorio-

46                                     Wisconsin Medical Journal 2003 • Volume 102, No. 3
 Figure 1.                                                       Treatment should include dilation and evacuation of
                                                             tissue with close tissue analysis for cell ploidy. Close
                                                             monitoring of B-HCG levels after evacuation is ex-
                                                             tremely important to ensure that no trophoblastic tissue
                                                             remains. Follow-up and monitoring along with preven-
                                                             tion of pregnancy for 6 to 12 months are recommended.
                                                                 Physicians should be aware of the possibility of
                                                             molar pregnancy in all patients with hyperemesis gravi-
                                                             darum and be familiar with the appropriate manage-
                                                             ment to monitor and prevent an often fatal trophoblas-
                                                             tic neoplasm. A proper understanding of the proposed
                                                             mechanism of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy and
                                                             the knowledge that molar pregnancy can present as hy-
                                                             peremesis gravidarum are crucial to recognizing
                                                             women at risk.

                                                             REVIEW OF CURRENT LITERATURE
carcinoma. Molar pregnancies occur in approximately 1        Definition
in every 1500 pregnancies in the United States, 1 per        Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy is a common
1000 pregnancies in the United Kingdom, and are sev-         experience affecting 50% to 90% of all women.3-7
eral-fold more common in Asian and Latin American            Nausea and vomiting are usually limited to the first
populations.1 The incidence is higher in both teenagers      trimester, but 20% of women have symptoms that con-
and women older than 35 years. The most common               tinue throughout pregnancy.3 The spectrum of nausea
presentation is vaginal bleeding. Both hyperemesis           and vomiting in pregnancy can range from mild to se-
gravidarum and preeclampsia can be presenting features.      vere and can involve persistent and excessive vomiting.
   Hyperemesis gravidarum is reported to occur in as            Hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) is the most severe
many as 26% of molar pregnancies.2 Increases in the          form of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy and is char-
level of serum B-HCG may be the mechanism of hy-             acterized by intractable nausea and vomiting that leads
peremesis gravidarum in molar pregnancy as molar tis-        to dehydration, electrolyte and metabolic disturbances,
sue produces markedly elevated B-HCG levels.                 and nutritional deficiency that may require hospitaliza-
   The majority of patients with complete moles are di-      tion.3,7-9 Hyperemesis gravidarum has also been de-
agnosed before 20 weeks of gestation.1 Cytogenic stud-       fined as severe vomiting with onset at less than 16
ies show that complete hydatidiform moles are female         weeks of estimated gestational age that causes 5%
and that all 45 chromosomes are paternally derived,          weight loss and considerable ketonuria.6,10-13
likely through dispermy.1 Partial hydatidiform moles
are consistent with embryonic and fetal tissue and are
                                                             Hyperemesis gravidarum has an incidence varying
usually triploid. Gestational choriocarcinoma may arise
                                                             from 0.3% to 2% of all pregnancies.4-6,8,9,13-15 Although
from a mole or normal conception. In the United States
                                                             rare, its clinical and social impact can be immense. The
and Europe, choriocarcinoma is found in 1 in 50,000
                                                             socioeconomic impact of the complete spectrum of
pregnancies and the risk of choriocarcinoma after a
                                                             nausea and vomiting of pregnancy on time lost from ei-
complete hydatidiform mole is about 3%.1 Micro-
                                                             ther paid employment or household work is substan-
scopic findings include marked edema and enlargement
                                                             tial. Deuchar noted 8.6 million hours of paid employ-
of the villi along with proliferation of the trophoblastic
                                                             ment and 5.8 million hours of housework are lost each
lining. Pathological specimens usually reveal hydropic
                                                             year because of this condition.3
swelling and a typical “grape-like” appearance of the
chorionic villi.                                             Etiology
   If molar pregnancy is suspected, a few tests aid in di-   The cause of HG is not well understood but appears to
agnosis, including quantitative B-HCG, TSH, and ul-          have both physiologic and psychologic components.
trasound. Likely results include abnormally elevated         Estrogen, progesterone, adrenal, and pituitary hor-
B-HCG, low TSH, and a “snowstorm” appearance on              mones have been proposed as causes but currently there
ultrasound.                                                  is no conclusive evidence implicating any of them.14

                                 Wisconsin Medical Journal 2003 • Volume 102, No. 3                                47
    One popular theory is that nausea and vomiting of         creased risk of HG has been associated with advanced
pregnancy is related to trophoblastic activity and go-        maternal age and cigarette smoking.7 Also, metabolic
nadotropin production, possibly secondary to elevated         disorders associated with HG could possibly con-
serum human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) levels.              tribute to an increased risk, including hyperthyroidism,
Schoeneck, in the early 1940s, noted that women with          hyperparathyroidism, altered lipid metabolism, and
nausea and vomiting of pregnancy had higher concen-           liver dysfunction.3
trations of urinary hCG than asymptomatic pregnant               Hyperthyroidism has been found to be associated
women.3 A relationship to the level of hCG has been           with HG.21 In fact, decreased thyroid stimulating hor-
postulated because the incidence of hyperemesis gravi-        mone (TSH) has been found in patients with HG while
darum is higher in multiple gestation pregnancies as          levels of free T3 and free T4 have remained within nor-
well as in molar disease where hCG levels are markedly        mal limits. It is thought that there may be a condition
elevated.16                                                   known as transient hyperthyroidism of hyperemesis
    Serotonin has a role in emesis in humans as seen by       gravidarum (THHG), which is a self-limiting hyper-
its physiological effects in the central nervous system,      thyroidism occurring in the context of HG. Diagnosis
gastrointestinal tract, and other sites.17 For this reason,   of THHG rests on the following four criteria: (1) ab-
serotonin has been implicated as a cause of HG. How-          normal thyroid function tests developing in the context
ever, Borgeat et al found that hyperemesis gravidarum         of hyperemesis gravidarum, (2) no evidence of prepreg-
was not associated with an increase of serotonin secre-       nancy hyperthyroidism, (3) absence of physical exami-
tion.14                                                       nation findings consistent with hyperthyroidism, and
    Recently, Helicobacter pylori infection has been im-      (4) negative thyroid antibody titers.
plicated as a possible cause of HG.18,19 In a prospective        Another associated risk factor for hyperemesis
study, Helicobacter serum IgG concentrations in pa-           gravidarum may be a previous diagnosis of an eating
tients with HG were compared with those in asympto-           disorder. Studies have found that occurrence of HG is
matic gravidas matched for week of gestation. Positive        greater in women with eating disorders, such as bu-
IgG concentrations were found in 95/105 hyperemesis           limia, than in controls.22
patients compared with 60/129 controls. The authors
conclude that infection with H. pylori may cause HG.12
                                                              The diagnosis of HG rests in careful observation of the
A question that remains unanswered is whether an in-
                                                              signs and symptoms of pregnant patients with excessive
creased incidence of nausea and vomiting may lead to
                                                              vomiting. Symptoms of HG typically present during
the elevated levels of H. pylori found in these pregnant
                                                              the first trimester of pregnancy, usually beginning be-
                                                              tween the 4th and 10th weeks of gestation, peaking be-
    A psychosomatic etiology has been proposed for
                                                              tween the 8th and 12th week, and resolving by the 20th
HG. Zechnich and Hammer reported, “pregnant
                                                              week. In only the rare case, symptoms persist into the
women have been shown to have a significantly higher
                                                              second half of gestation. Patients usually present with
level of anxiety than nonpregnant women and are
                                                              signs of dehydration, ketosis, electrolyte and acid-base
known to be readily influenced by suggestion and by
                                                              disturbances. Weight loss of greater than 5% of body
reassurance.”20 Other authors have suggested that HG
                                                              weight may occur.
has been linked to stress and emotional tension and is
                                                                 Work-up must always start with confirmation of a
found more commonly among “immature, dependent,
                                                              viable, intrauterine pregnancy. When HG is diagnosed,
hysteric, depressed, or anxious” women, although this
                                                              the associated conditions of multiple gestations and hy-
has not been studied.17
                                                              datidiform mole should be excluded. Molar pregnan-
    Other mechanisms that have been proposed for HG
                                                              cies and associated cancers can present with FHG in up
include changes in gastrointestinal tract motility, thy-
                                                              to 30% of cases.3
roid dysfunction, hypofunction of the anterior pitu-
                                                                 The diagnosis of HG should exclude other causes of
itary and adrenal cortex, and abnormalities of the cor-
                                                              vomiting, such as gastroenteritis, cholecystitis, acute
pus luteum.9
                                                              pancreatitis, gastric outlet obstruction, pyelonephritis,
Associated Risks                                              primary hyperthyroidism, primary hyperparathy-
Various risk factors have been theorized to be associ-        roidism, or liver dysfunction.23
ated with HG. These include increased body weight,               Laboratory tests to help with diagnosis and treat-
multiple gestations, trophoblastic disease, HG in a           ment may include electrolytes, liver function tests,
prior pregnancy, and nulliparity.3,7 In contrast, a de-       amylase, lipase, thyroid function tests, B-HCG, creati-

48                                 Wisconsin Medical Journal 2003 • Volume 102, No. 3
nine, blood urea nitrogen, urinalysis, and CBC.3             stores of thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin B6, vitamin A,
Ultrasound examination should be considered to rule          and retinol-binding protein.
out multiple gestation and molar pregnancy. Labora-             In selected cases where greater than 5% weight loss
tory findings at presentation of HG may include in-          and long-term malnourishment were of concern, ad-
creased ketones and increased specific gravity in urine      verse pregnancy outcomes have been reported includ-
with an associated increase in blood urea nitrogen.          ing low birth weight, antepartum hemorrhage, preterm
Also, the hematocrit may be elevated indicating a con-       delivery, and an association with fetal anomalies.6,23
tracted fluid volume. Electrolytes values that may be        Poor outcome seems to be related to a lack of symp-
associated with HG include decreased sodium, potas-          tom control and inability to correct electrolyte abnor-
sium, and chloride, and possibly increased liver func-       malities.3
tion tests.                                                     Prolonged vomiting also carries the risk of Wer-
                                                             nicke’s encephalopathy secondary to thiamine (vitamin
                                                             B1) deficiency. Also, hyponatremia and its rapid rever-
The effect of nausea and vomiting of pregnancy on ma-
                                                             sal may cause fatal central pontine myelinosis.24
ternal and neonatal outcome has been controversial.
Several studies suggest that nausea and vomiting of          Treatment
pregnancy is a favorable prognostic sign with a de-          The main treatment of HG is supportive care. Initially,
creased risk of miscarriage, stillbirth, fetal mortality,    a diagnosis of an intrauterine viable pregnancy must be
preterm delivery, low birth weight, perinatal mortality,     made, and associated conditions such as multiple gesta-
or growth retardation. Thus the outcome of nausea and        tion and hydatidiform mole must be ruled out.
vomiting in pregnancy is considered excellent with no           Various lifestyle and diet changes can help patients
adverse fetal outcome.3                                      tolerate oral intake. Patients should try to avoid un-
   Though nausea and vomiting are positively associ-         pleasant odors; eat a bland, dry, carbohydrate diet; eat
ated with favorable pregnancy outcomes and lower             small, frequent meals; and separate solid and liquid
risks of spontaneous abortions, it is unclear if HG is as-   foods by at least 2 hours.
sociated with positive pregnancy outcomes.23 Studies            Immediate correction of fluid and electrolyte deficits
on patients suffering from HG show conflicting results,      and acid-base disorders must be acomplished.25 If this
with some reporting adverse effects on neonatal out-         cannot be done using oral therapy, intravenous fluids
come and others reported a rather beneficial association     may be considered. The patient should initially have
with pregnancy outcome.4 A retrospective analysis re-        nothing by mouth until deficits are corrected. Once
viewed 193 women who developed HG among 13,053               this is done, an attempt may be made to restart oral in-
pregnant patients.23 There were no differences in preg-      take using the recommend diet. One study found that
nancy outcomes including mean birth weight, mean             treatment with intravenous rehydration led to cessation
gestational age, deliveries less than 37 weeks, Apgar        of vomiting and increase tolerance to oral intake within
scores, perinatal mortality, or incidence of fetal anom-     24 hours in HG patients.13
alies in patients with and without HG.23 This result was        In cases that are refractory to intravenous fluid treat-
also seen in another study that found that HG does not       ment, parentaral nutrition and even feeding tubes have
seem to have an adverse effect on the fetus.3 There was      been necessary. Nutritional support is reserved for pa-
no significant difference in infants’ gestational weight     tients who continue to have intractable symptoms and
or birth weight and no proportion of stillbirth or spon-     weight loss despite appropriate therapy. Without nutri-
taneous abortion. In fact, there was found to be a sig-      tional support, the mother and hence the fetus are at sig-
nificantly decreased risk of fetal loss among women          nificant nutritional risk.3 Hsu and colleagues report suc-
with nausea and vomiting of pregnancy or HG versus           cessful use of nasogastric tube feeding in the management
women who do not vomit during pregnancy (4.9 per-            of HG, as compared with total parenteral nutrition. Tube
cent instead of 8.6 percent).                                feeding is less invasive, carries fewer risks, provides nutri-
   Severe and untreated HG was found to be associated        tion more physiologically, and is easier to use.8
with a poor outcome. In one particular study, the hy-           In a retrospective study of 166 patients with hyper-
peremetic pregnant patients were at severe nutritional       emesis, 27(16.3%) were treated with parenteral therapy.
risk as the mean dietary intake of most nutrients fell       Patients treated with parenteral therapy have a marked
below 50% of the recommended dietary allowances              increase in serious complications, such as venous
and differed significantly from that of controls.12 More     thrombosis, cellulitis, line sepsis, bacterial endocarditis,
than 60% of patients had suboptimal biochemical              and pneumonia, although exact incidence was not re-

                                 Wisconsin Medical Journal 2003 • Volume 102, No. 3                                     49
ported. These data suggest that consideration should be       trolled studies found that P6 acupuncture point stimu-
given to less invasive methods of nutritional support.26      lation (located on the anterior forearm, 3 finger-
   The safety of antiemetic therapy is questionable, es-      breadths proximal to the wrist) seems to be an effective
pecially during the first trimester. Examples of              antiemetic technique. But there did not appear to be
antiemetics used for treatment of HG include doxy-            any apparent medical benefit from the use of P6 acu-
lamine (Unisom), metoclorpramide (Reglan), promet-            pressure in the treatment of nausea and vomiting of
hazine (Phenergan), prochlorperazine (Compazine),             pregnancy.32
trimethobenzamide (Tigan), dimenhydrinate (Drama-                 Due to a proposed psychosomatic component of hy-
mine), droperidol (Inapsine), diphenhydramine (Bena-          peremesis, an attempt to find benefit from brief, nonin-
dryl), and ondansetron (Zofran). All the aforemen-            tensive psychotherapy was performed by Zechnich and
tioned medications are FDA class B (presumed safety           Hammer.20 The case report involved a patient with HG
based on animal studies) or class C (uncertain safety as      who was treated with psychotherapy. The authors sug-
animal studies show an adverse effect and no human            gest that hypnosis and brief psychotherapy are effective
studies have been performed).                                 in HG treatment.
   Although antiemetics are frequently used, there have
been several randomized studies for their use in the          Prevention
treatment of HG. Ylikorkala et al found no benefit of         Prevention of hyperemesis has been studied using oral
intramuscular adrenocorticotropic hormone with re-            multivitamin therapy. A randomized double-blind con-
spect to placebo.27 Sullivan et al found no benefit of on-    trolled trial of peri-conceptional multivitamin supple-
dansetron (Zofran) compared with promethazine                 mentation found a significant reduction in the occur-
(Phenergan).27-29 In a study by Nageotte et al, results       rence of HG, 3% in the supplemented group versus
showed that patients treated with a droperidol-diphen-        6.6% in the unsupplemented group.33 There was a sig-
hydramine protocol compared with other antiemetics            nificant decrease in the rate of moderate nausea and
had significantly shorter hospitalizations and fewer          vomiting.
   Oral corticosteroid use has been studied in the treat-     CONCLUSION
ment of HG and may be beneficial.3 The mechanism by           Hyperemesis gravidarum occurs rarely in the spectrum
which corticosteroids suppress the severe vomiting is         of nausea and vomiting of pregnancy but can have sub-
probably a direct effect on the vomiting center in the        stantial effects on the mother and fetus if left untreated.
brain.30 A study by Carlan reported 25 patients who           After confirming a viable pregnancy and ruling out hy-
were randomized into two groups, one that received            perthyroidism, initial management should be conserva-
methylprednisolone and one that received placebo.             tive, including reassurance of the transient nature of the
Results showed that a short course of methylpred-             symptoms and the good prognosis, in addition to di-
nisolone in patients with HG decreased the likelihood         etary modifications. Pharmacological therapy is re-
of a recurrence of vomiting.31 Another randomized,            served for patients with persistent symptoms and is ap-
double-blind controlled study by Safari et al comparing       propriate after discussion of the risks and benefits with
promethazine showed oral methylprednisolone to be             consideration of informed consent. Alternative treat-
more effective.27                                             ments including psychotherapy and other non-phar-
   Vitamin B6 has been postulated to have a beneficial        macological modalities are of less proven effect but are
effect on HG treatment. Unfortunately, studies have           potentially safe, thus providing additional therapeutic
not shown a proven medical benefit.3                          options. In refractory cases, nutritional supplementa-
   Ginger has also been used in HG treatment. A dou-          tion becomes life-saving for both the mother and the
ble-blind, randomized, crossover trial by Fischer-            fetus.3 Timely diagnosis and appropriate management
Ramussen et al reported that daily doses of 1 g of gin-       of HG will reduce health risks and complications in
ger extract during a 4-day period was better than             both the mother and the fetus.
placebo in reducing or eliminating symptoms in women
with HG.3,27 Unfortunately, no other follow-up studies        REFERENCES
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Hg book

  • 1. WISCONSIN MEDICAL JOURNAL Hyperemesis Gravidarum: Literature Review Binu Philip, DO ABSTRACT have any cramping, contractions, headaches, or visual Nausea and vomiting commonly occur in pregnant changes. She had not felt fetal movement. women. Hyperemesis gravidarum is a severe form of On physical examination she was a thin Hmong nausea and vomiting rarely occurring in pregnancy. woman, alert and in no acute distress. Vital signs were Between 0.3% and 2% of all pregnant women suffer as follows: weight 91 pounds (4 pound weight loss), from hyperemesis gravidarum. The objective of this blood pressure 132/80 mmHg, and pulse 84 bpm. She paper is to review current literature focusing on the had signs of dehydration, with dry oral mucosa. Neck definition, incidence, etiology, prognosis, and treat- examination was normal. Auscultation of heart and ment of hyperemesis gravidarum. A MEDLINE search lungs was normal. The abdominal examination was un- of the English literature from 1982 through 2001 uti- remarkable for tenderness or fullness. The uterus was lized the keywords hyperemesis gravidarum, nausea, palpable just above the pubic symphysis. and pregnancy. Current data pertaining to the epidemi- Fetal heart tones were not audible with doppler. ology, etiology, clinical presentation, various treatment Transabdominal ultrasound was performed looking for modalities, and prognosis are presented. Review of the evidence of fetal cardiac motion as well as dating sec- literature supports that hyperemesis gravidarum is a ondary to a large discrepancy between size and dates. multifactorial disease. The cause is unknown. Various The ultrasound was described as a “snowstorm” pat- treatments are recommended although few studies have tern, a characteristic appearance of molar pregnancy. evaluated effectiveness. A case report of molar preg- (Figure 1) Laboratory data was obtained including a nancy presenting with hyperemesis gravidarum intro- B-HCG (Beta-human chorionic gonadotropin) level of duces this literature review. 526,483, and a TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) of less than .06. A diagnosis of molar pregnancy was HYDATIDIFORM MOLE PRESENTING made. WITH HYPEREMESIS GRAVIDARUM The patient underwent a successful dilation and Case Report evacuation. Pathology reports supported a complete L.L. is a 20-year-old Hmong woman who presented hydatidiform mole. She was monitored for resolution with complaint of excessive vomiting over 1 week. She of her elevated B-HCG levels, which did return to nor- was a G1P0 female who presented at 19 3/7 weeks ges- mal within 2 months of her treatment. Follow-up TSH tation based on dating. A urine pregnancy test at the levels were also within normal limits. Chemotherapy local health care department was positive 10 weeks may have been indicated if the B-HCG levels had prior to presentation. She did not have any initial pre- reached a plateau or did not fall appropriately. She was natal care. instructed to avoid conception for at least 6 to 12 Although she admitted to first trimester nausea and months. The hyperemesis in this patient resolved upon vomiting, her presenting symptoms were significantly treatment of the hydatidiform mole by dilatation and worse. She denied any lightheadedness or weakness but evacuation. had not been able to tolerate her normal oral intake. She denied vaginal bleeding or discharge. She did not BACKGROUND Hydatidiform mole is characterized by proliferation of the trophoblast. Molar pregnancies can be complete (classic) or incomplete (partial). The importance of rec- Doctor Philip is with the University of Wisconsin, Department of Family Practice, Eau Claire, Wis. Address reprint requests to Binu ognizing molar pregnancy is related to its potential for Philip, DO, 807 S Farwell, Eau Claire, Wis 54701 both gestational trophoblastic disease as well as chorio- 46 Wisconsin Medical Journal 2003 • Volume 102, No. 3
  • 2. WISCONSIN MEDICAL JOURNAL Figure 1. Treatment should include dilation and evacuation of tissue with close tissue analysis for cell ploidy. Close monitoring of B-HCG levels after evacuation is ex- tremely important to ensure that no trophoblastic tissue remains. Follow-up and monitoring along with preven- tion of pregnancy for 6 to 12 months are recommended. Physicians should be aware of the possibility of molar pregnancy in all patients with hyperemesis gravi- darum and be familiar with the appropriate manage- ment to monitor and prevent an often fatal trophoblas- tic neoplasm. A proper understanding of the proposed mechanism of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy and the knowledge that molar pregnancy can present as hy- peremesis gravidarum are crucial to recognizing women at risk. REVIEW OF CURRENT LITERATURE carcinoma. Molar pregnancies occur in approximately 1 Definition in every 1500 pregnancies in the United States, 1 per Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy is a common 1000 pregnancies in the United Kingdom, and are sev- experience affecting 50% to 90% of all women.3-7 eral-fold more common in Asian and Latin American Nausea and vomiting are usually limited to the first populations.1 The incidence is higher in both teenagers trimester, but 20% of women have symptoms that con- and women older than 35 years. The most common tinue throughout pregnancy.3 The spectrum of nausea presentation is vaginal bleeding. Both hyperemesis and vomiting in pregnancy can range from mild to se- gravidarum and preeclampsia can be presenting features. vere and can involve persistent and excessive vomiting. Hyperemesis gravidarum is reported to occur in as Hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) is the most severe many as 26% of molar pregnancies.2 Increases in the form of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy and is char- level of serum B-HCG may be the mechanism of hy- acterized by intractable nausea and vomiting that leads peremesis gravidarum in molar pregnancy as molar tis- to dehydration, electrolyte and metabolic disturbances, sue produces markedly elevated B-HCG levels. and nutritional deficiency that may require hospitaliza- The majority of patients with complete moles are di- tion.3,7-9 Hyperemesis gravidarum has also been de- agnosed before 20 weeks of gestation.1 Cytogenic stud- fined as severe vomiting with onset at less than 16 ies show that complete hydatidiform moles are female weeks of estimated gestational age that causes 5% and that all 45 chromosomes are paternally derived, weight loss and considerable ketonuria.6,10-13 likely through dispermy.1 Partial hydatidiform moles Incidence are consistent with embryonic and fetal tissue and are Hyperemesis gravidarum has an incidence varying usually triploid. Gestational choriocarcinoma may arise from 0.3% to 2% of all pregnancies.4-6,8,9,13-15 Although from a mole or normal conception. In the United States rare, its clinical and social impact can be immense. The and Europe, choriocarcinoma is found in 1 in 50,000 socioeconomic impact of the complete spectrum of pregnancies and the risk of choriocarcinoma after a nausea and vomiting of pregnancy on time lost from ei- complete hydatidiform mole is about 3%.1 Micro- ther paid employment or household work is substan- scopic findings include marked edema and enlargement tial. Deuchar noted 8.6 million hours of paid employ- of the villi along with proliferation of the trophoblastic ment and 5.8 million hours of housework are lost each lining. Pathological specimens usually reveal hydropic year because of this condition.3 swelling and a typical “grape-like” appearance of the chorionic villi. Etiology If molar pregnancy is suspected, a few tests aid in di- The cause of HG is not well understood but appears to agnosis, including quantitative B-HCG, TSH, and ul- have both physiologic and psychologic components. trasound. Likely results include abnormally elevated Estrogen, progesterone, adrenal, and pituitary hor- B-HCG, low TSH, and a “snowstorm” appearance on mones have been proposed as causes but currently there ultrasound. is no conclusive evidence implicating any of them.14 Wisconsin Medical Journal 2003 • Volume 102, No. 3 47
  • 3. WISCONSIN MEDICAL JOURNAL One popular theory is that nausea and vomiting of creased risk of HG has been associated with advanced pregnancy is related to trophoblastic activity and go- maternal age and cigarette smoking.7 Also, metabolic nadotropin production, possibly secondary to elevated disorders associated with HG could possibly con- serum human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) levels. tribute to an increased risk, including hyperthyroidism, Schoeneck, in the early 1940s, noted that women with hyperparathyroidism, altered lipid metabolism, and nausea and vomiting of pregnancy had higher concen- liver dysfunction.3 trations of urinary hCG than asymptomatic pregnant Hyperthyroidism has been found to be associated women.3 A relationship to the level of hCG has been with HG.21 In fact, decreased thyroid stimulating hor- postulated because the incidence of hyperemesis gravi- mone (TSH) has been found in patients with HG while darum is higher in multiple gestation pregnancies as levels of free T3 and free T4 have remained within nor- well as in molar disease where hCG levels are markedly mal limits. It is thought that there may be a condition elevated.16 known as transient hyperthyroidism of hyperemesis Serotonin has a role in emesis in humans as seen by gravidarum (THHG), which is a self-limiting hyper- its physiological effects in the central nervous system, thyroidism occurring in the context of HG. Diagnosis gastrointestinal tract, and other sites.17 For this reason, of THHG rests on the following four criteria: (1) ab- serotonin has been implicated as a cause of HG. How- normal thyroid function tests developing in the context ever, Borgeat et al found that hyperemesis gravidarum of hyperemesis gravidarum, (2) no evidence of prepreg- was not associated with an increase of serotonin secre- nancy hyperthyroidism, (3) absence of physical exami- tion.14 nation findings consistent with hyperthyroidism, and Recently, Helicobacter pylori infection has been im- (4) negative thyroid antibody titers. plicated as a possible cause of HG.18,19 In a prospective Another associated risk factor for hyperemesis study, Helicobacter serum IgG concentrations in pa- gravidarum may be a previous diagnosis of an eating tients with HG were compared with those in asympto- disorder. Studies have found that occurrence of HG is matic gravidas matched for week of gestation. Positive greater in women with eating disorders, such as bu- IgG concentrations were found in 95/105 hyperemesis limia, than in controls.22 patients compared with 60/129 controls. The authors Diagnosis conclude that infection with H. pylori may cause HG.12 The diagnosis of HG rests in careful observation of the A question that remains unanswered is whether an in- signs and symptoms of pregnant patients with excessive creased incidence of nausea and vomiting may lead to vomiting. Symptoms of HG typically present during the elevated levels of H. pylori found in these pregnant the first trimester of pregnancy, usually beginning be- patients. tween the 4th and 10th weeks of gestation, peaking be- A psychosomatic etiology has been proposed for tween the 8th and 12th week, and resolving by the 20th HG. Zechnich and Hammer reported, “pregnant week. In only the rare case, symptoms persist into the women have been shown to have a significantly higher second half of gestation. Patients usually present with level of anxiety than nonpregnant women and are signs of dehydration, ketosis, electrolyte and acid-base known to be readily influenced by suggestion and by disturbances. Weight loss of greater than 5% of body reassurance.”20 Other authors have suggested that HG weight may occur. has been linked to stress and emotional tension and is Work-up must always start with confirmation of a found more commonly among “immature, dependent, viable, intrauterine pregnancy. When HG is diagnosed, hysteric, depressed, or anxious” women, although this the associated conditions of multiple gestations and hy- has not been studied.17 datidiform mole should be excluded. Molar pregnan- Other mechanisms that have been proposed for HG cies and associated cancers can present with FHG in up include changes in gastrointestinal tract motility, thy- to 30% of cases.3 roid dysfunction, hypofunction of the anterior pitu- The diagnosis of HG should exclude other causes of itary and adrenal cortex, and abnormalities of the cor- vomiting, such as gastroenteritis, cholecystitis, acute pus luteum.9 pancreatitis, gastric outlet obstruction, pyelonephritis, Associated Risks primary hyperthyroidism, primary hyperparathy- Various risk factors have been theorized to be associ- roidism, or liver dysfunction.23 ated with HG. These include increased body weight, Laboratory tests to help with diagnosis and treat- multiple gestations, trophoblastic disease, HG in a ment may include electrolytes, liver function tests, prior pregnancy, and nulliparity.3,7 In contrast, a de- amylase, lipase, thyroid function tests, B-HCG, creati- 48 Wisconsin Medical Journal 2003 • Volume 102, No. 3
  • 4. WISCONSIN MEDICAL JOURNAL nine, blood urea nitrogen, urinalysis, and CBC.3 stores of thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin B6, vitamin A, Ultrasound examination should be considered to rule and retinol-binding protein. out multiple gestation and molar pregnancy. Labora- In selected cases where greater than 5% weight loss tory findings at presentation of HG may include in- and long-term malnourishment were of concern, ad- creased ketones and increased specific gravity in urine verse pregnancy outcomes have been reported includ- with an associated increase in blood urea nitrogen. ing low birth weight, antepartum hemorrhage, preterm Also, the hematocrit may be elevated indicating a con- delivery, and an association with fetal anomalies.6,23 tracted fluid volume. Electrolytes values that may be Poor outcome seems to be related to a lack of symp- associated with HG include decreased sodium, potas- tom control and inability to correct electrolyte abnor- sium, and chloride, and possibly increased liver func- malities.3 tion tests. Prolonged vomiting also carries the risk of Wer- nicke’s encephalopathy secondary to thiamine (vitamin Prognosis B1) deficiency. Also, hyponatremia and its rapid rever- The effect of nausea and vomiting of pregnancy on ma- sal may cause fatal central pontine myelinosis.24 ternal and neonatal outcome has been controversial. Several studies suggest that nausea and vomiting of Treatment pregnancy is a favorable prognostic sign with a de- The main treatment of HG is supportive care. Initially, creased risk of miscarriage, stillbirth, fetal mortality, a diagnosis of an intrauterine viable pregnancy must be preterm delivery, low birth weight, perinatal mortality, made, and associated conditions such as multiple gesta- or growth retardation. Thus the outcome of nausea and tion and hydatidiform mole must be ruled out. vomiting in pregnancy is considered excellent with no Various lifestyle and diet changes can help patients adverse fetal outcome.3 tolerate oral intake. Patients should try to avoid un- Though nausea and vomiting are positively associ- pleasant odors; eat a bland, dry, carbohydrate diet; eat ated with favorable pregnancy outcomes and lower small, frequent meals; and separate solid and liquid risks of spontaneous abortions, it is unclear if HG is as- foods by at least 2 hours. sociated with positive pregnancy outcomes.23 Studies Immediate correction of fluid and electrolyte deficits on patients suffering from HG show conflicting results, and acid-base disorders must be acomplished.25 If this with some reporting adverse effects on neonatal out- cannot be done using oral therapy, intravenous fluids come and others reported a rather beneficial association may be considered. The patient should initially have with pregnancy outcome.4 A retrospective analysis re- nothing by mouth until deficits are corrected. Once viewed 193 women who developed HG among 13,053 this is done, an attempt may be made to restart oral in- pregnant patients.23 There were no differences in preg- take using the recommend diet. One study found that nancy outcomes including mean birth weight, mean treatment with intravenous rehydration led to cessation gestational age, deliveries less than 37 weeks, Apgar of vomiting and increase tolerance to oral intake within scores, perinatal mortality, or incidence of fetal anom- 24 hours in HG patients.13 alies in patients with and without HG.23 This result was In cases that are refractory to intravenous fluid treat- also seen in another study that found that HG does not ment, parentaral nutrition and even feeding tubes have seem to have an adverse effect on the fetus.3 There was been necessary. Nutritional support is reserved for pa- no significant difference in infants’ gestational weight tients who continue to have intractable symptoms and or birth weight and no proportion of stillbirth or spon- weight loss despite appropriate therapy. Without nutri- taneous abortion. In fact, there was found to be a sig- tional support, the mother and hence the fetus are at sig- nificantly decreased risk of fetal loss among women nificant nutritional risk.3 Hsu and colleagues report suc- with nausea and vomiting of pregnancy or HG versus cessful use of nasogastric tube feeding in the management women who do not vomit during pregnancy (4.9 per- of HG, as compared with total parenteral nutrition. Tube cent instead of 8.6 percent). feeding is less invasive, carries fewer risks, provides nutri- Severe and untreated HG was found to be associated tion more physiologically, and is easier to use.8 with a poor outcome. In one particular study, the hy- In a retrospective study of 166 patients with hyper- peremetic pregnant patients were at severe nutritional emesis, 27(16.3%) were treated with parenteral therapy. risk as the mean dietary intake of most nutrients fell Patients treated with parenteral therapy have a marked below 50% of the recommended dietary allowances increase in serious complications, such as venous and differed significantly from that of controls.12 More thrombosis, cellulitis, line sepsis, bacterial endocarditis, than 60% of patients had suboptimal biochemical and pneumonia, although exact incidence was not re- Wisconsin Medical Journal 2003 • Volume 102, No. 3 49
  • 5. WISCONSIN MEDICAL JOURNAL ported. These data suggest that consideration should be trolled studies found that P6 acupuncture point stimu- given to less invasive methods of nutritional support.26 lation (located on the anterior forearm, 3 finger- The safety of antiemetic therapy is questionable, es- breadths proximal to the wrist) seems to be an effective pecially during the first trimester. Examples of antiemetic technique. But there did not appear to be antiemetics used for treatment of HG include doxy- any apparent medical benefit from the use of P6 acu- lamine (Unisom), metoclorpramide (Reglan), promet- pressure in the treatment of nausea and vomiting of hazine (Phenergan), prochlorperazine (Compazine), pregnancy.32 trimethobenzamide (Tigan), dimenhydrinate (Drama- Due to a proposed psychosomatic component of hy- mine), droperidol (Inapsine), diphenhydramine (Bena- peremesis, an attempt to find benefit from brief, nonin- dryl), and ondansetron (Zofran). All the aforemen- tensive psychotherapy was performed by Zechnich and tioned medications are FDA class B (presumed safety Hammer.20 The case report involved a patient with HG based on animal studies) or class C (uncertain safety as who was treated with psychotherapy. The authors sug- animal studies show an adverse effect and no human gest that hypnosis and brief psychotherapy are effective studies have been performed). in HG treatment. Although antiemetics are frequently used, there have been several randomized studies for their use in the Prevention treatment of HG. Ylikorkala et al found no benefit of Prevention of hyperemesis has been studied using oral intramuscular adrenocorticotropic hormone with re- multivitamin therapy. A randomized double-blind con- spect to placebo.27 Sullivan et al found no benefit of on- trolled trial of peri-conceptional multivitamin supple- dansetron (Zofran) compared with promethazine mentation found a significant reduction in the occur- (Phenergan).27-29 In a study by Nageotte et al, results rence of HG, 3% in the supplemented group versus showed that patients treated with a droperidol-diphen- 6.6% in the unsupplemented group.33 There was a sig- hydramine protocol compared with other antiemetics nificant decrease in the rate of moderate nausea and had significantly shorter hospitalizations and fewer vomiting. readmissions.9 Oral corticosteroid use has been studied in the treat- CONCLUSION ment of HG and may be beneficial.3 The mechanism by Hyperemesis gravidarum occurs rarely in the spectrum which corticosteroids suppress the severe vomiting is of nausea and vomiting of pregnancy but can have sub- probably a direct effect on the vomiting center in the stantial effects on the mother and fetus if left untreated. brain.30 A study by Carlan reported 25 patients who After confirming a viable pregnancy and ruling out hy- were randomized into two groups, one that received perthyroidism, initial management should be conserva- methylprednisolone and one that received placebo. tive, including reassurance of the transient nature of the Results showed that a short course of methylpred- symptoms and the good prognosis, in addition to di- nisolone in patients with HG decreased the likelihood etary modifications. Pharmacological therapy is re- of a recurrence of vomiting.31 Another randomized, served for patients with persistent symptoms and is ap- double-blind controlled study by Safari et al comparing propriate after discussion of the risks and benefits with promethazine showed oral methylprednisolone to be consideration of informed consent. Alternative treat- more effective.27 ments including psychotherapy and other non-phar- Vitamin B6 has been postulated to have a beneficial macological modalities are of less proven effect but are effect on HG treatment. Unfortunately, studies have potentially safe, thus providing additional therapeutic not shown a proven medical benefit.3 options. In refractory cases, nutritional supplementa- Ginger has also been used in HG treatment. A dou- tion becomes life-saving for both the mother and the ble-blind, randomized, crossover trial by Fischer- fetus.3 Timely diagnosis and appropriate management Ramussen et al reported that daily doses of 1 g of gin- of HG will reduce health risks and complications in ger extract during a 4-day period was better than both the mother and the fetus. placebo in reducing or eliminating symptoms in women with HG.3,27 Unfortunately, no other follow-up studies REFERENCES have been done and safety has not yet been established. 1. Hershman J. Human chorionic gonadotropin and the thyroid: hyperemesis gravidarum and trophoblastic tumors. Thyroid. An alternative treatment that holds little if no risk to 1999;9(7):653-657. the mother and fetus involves acupuncture to help 2. Glick M, Dick E. Molar pregnancy presenting with hypereme- avoid nausea. A review of 12 randomized placebo-con- sis gravidarum. J Am Osteopath Assoc. 1999;99(3):162-164. 50 Wisconsin Medical Journal 2003 • Volume 102, No. 3
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