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Hans Zimmer Research Paper
For as long as we can remember, films have included music to make the movie more emotional and
to enhance the story. Compositions in a film can set a mood for the viewer and open their eyes to a
whole new world of film quality. Hans Zimmer, a composer from Germany, did just that. Hans
Zimmer is famous for the many compositions he has added to the films he has been involved in.
Many consider Hans Zimmer one of the greatest film composers in history because of the amazing
emotion and story he puts into his compositions. Zimmer has achieved many awards for his films
and will always been considered the father of combining the electronical music world with
traditional orchestra.
The purpose of music is films is to add additional emotion to a movie, or to enhance the story of the
film. Hans Zimmer is considered one of Hollywood's most creative musical composers. Zimmer was
born on ... Show more content on ...
Shortly after that, Zimmer began to work on some projects alone combining past and present music
technologies. Zimmer is now considred the father of combining electronic style music with
traditional orchestral music. In the 1990s, Zimmer earned two Best Picture awards, with one being
for one of his most popular movies, The Lion King (1994). In total, Zimmer has been nominated for
seven Golden Globes, seven Grammy's, and seven Oscars. Some of the award–winning movies
being As Good As It Gets (1997), Gladiator (2000), and so many more. Recently, Zimmer finished
his 100th film score for the film The Last Samurai (2003). Zimmer has also earned a few Lifetime–
Achievement Awards as well. Zimmer thanks his father for a majority of his success, being that his
passing inspired Zimmer to strive to the best composer he could. He began learning to modify the
piano instead of just playing it. Zimmer's success first arose through an LP he did with the Buggles
called Age of
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Asian American Studies
Pei Zhen Qu
December 14, 2015
Professor Liu
Research Paper The life of a Chinese American Growing up in a country where you are a minority
amongst many other minorities can be difficult. This can cause many mental illnesses to the families
and the individual itself. The United States is a country with many minority groups, one of which
includes Chinese Americans. I know myself that it's hard living in a place where there is racism and
stereotypes about Chinese people, since I have been through this. The Chinese community is one of
the fastest growing communities in the United States. The Chinese first came to the United States in
the middle of the nineteenth century. The reason why they left their home country was ... Show more
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Yuwen and A.C.C. Chen, they stated that Chinese American adolescents have higher levels of
depressive symptoms than those of a white person. They stated "Family and parenting factors were
found to be associated with Chinese American adolescents' depressive symptoms, including family
functioning (Crane et al. 2005), family conflict (Juang et al. 2007; Lim et al. 2009), supportive
parenting (Kim & Ge 2000), parental control (Juang et al. 2007; Lim et al. 2009), and parental
monitoring (Kim et al. 2009; Kim & Ge 2000)." Like what was stated in the previous
paragraph, it said that Chinese American adolescents have less mental health and behavioral
problems. The reason being is because the children are able to communicate with their parents more
in which the family regulates a set of norms and just talking to one another. In Yuwen and Chen's
study, they recruited Chinese American adolescents from a Chinese school and a church. The criteria
listed to be in the study was that the person had to self–identify themselves as either Chinese,
Taiwanese, Chinese American, or Taiwanese American, had to be between the ages of 12 and 19,
and had one parent who was born in china or Taiwan (page 237). They conducted two focus groups
and the questions (containing 15 questions) were asked in either English or Mandarin (depending on
the adolescents' preference). The adolescents also had to fill out a questionnaire. Some
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Buckeye Glass in China
Case Study: Buckeye Glass Company in China
The differences between Chinese Culture and American Culture are immense. Both cultures have
very different values and norms, and these differences come out within the negotiation between
Buckeye Glass Company and the Xia Xian Glass Factory. Both parties during this negotiation had
different objectives and ways to get what they wanted out of the proposed joint venture. The
Chinese negotiation style is based on building relationships with people in the negotiation rather
then to hammer out details of an agreement. They feel the beginning stages of the negotiation is the
time establish a human relationship and to create the bonding of friendship with the goal to become
"old friends" by the ... Show more content on ...
The American's have a general distrust with the other side in a negotiation; while the Chinese
believe by building a personal relationship that the parties will work together for success. At this
point it would have been a better idea to save face and agree to the general terms of the letter of
intent for the Americans to show mutual trust with the Chinese. They eventually did sign the letter
of intent, but when publicizing the signing in the United States, no dates were stated. This was
sticking with the Chinese culture with regards to time. In China, they don't believe time is a barrier
and don't put much into deadlines like the Americans. Chinese see the relationship building as their
driver of time, rather then getting tasks accomplished in a short period of time. The Chinese people
generally believe that a considerable amount of time should be invested in establishing a general
climate of understanding, trust, and willingness to help, in matters quite apart from the specific
business issues brought to the table. Producing a satisfactory agreement in as short a time as
possible may be one of their least concerns. Therefore, the non–task sounding stage of negotiation
often witnesses much time spending in establishing rapport and getting to know their partners. The
Americans grew frustrated with this approach at the start of the negotiation as well as when Mr.
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Relationship Between Music And Music
The relationship between Music and Film has evolved immensely since the emergence of sound
films in 1923. In fact, music is one of the most peculiar conventions in cinema. It is not an aspect of
film that is questioned, due to its repeated imprint on viewers every time a movie is seen. Music in
film is not only something we accept, but something we demand. With time, the advancements in
technology has allowed for the creation of more intricate, film scores that have separated themselves
as iconic pieces of culture. Of these, the works of Hans Zimmer, in collaboration with Christopher
Nolan, have made a particularly transformative impact on the film industry. Their partnership has
seen the creation of numerous successes, including The Dark Knight Trilogy (2005, 2008, 2012),
Inception (2010) and Interstellar (2014). Their unique methods of collaboration, and stance on the
relationship between film and music has played a significant role in shaping the conventions of
modern film. Thus, this essay will discuss three of their notable works in detail, and provide an
insight into their eccentric relationship.
Zimmer and Nolan's Relationship ... Show more content on ...
In most films in the modern era, the composer and director work separately, with the composer
writing music by referencing early edits of scenes. This method is effective in terms of time
management, but often results in a lack of an authentic score. This is due to the time pressure on
composers to produce a fitting score in a relatively short amount of time compared to the time
allocated to editing and production. While usually the score and the film are completely different
entities for at least half of the production process, Nolan chooses to work closely with his
composers, meeting frequently to discuss the intricacies of the soundscape inside the world of the
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Management and Lithuanian Managers
Cross–cultural comparative management
Developing Cross–Cultural Effectiveness Lithuania and China Comparison
Prof. Danutė Diskienė
Vilnius, 2012
1. Lithuania's cultural profile
Parameter Time focus Time orientation Space Power Structure Competition Communication Action
Value=1 monochronic past private equality individualism co–operative low–context being Value=5
polychronic future public hierarchy collectivism competitive high–context doing Lithuania 3 4 3 3 2
4 2 4
2. Comparison between China and Lithuania
Parameter Time focus Time orientation Space Power Structure Competition Communication Action
Value=1 ... Show more content on ...
Chinese people are used to a relatively strong hierarchical structure. Promotions at work are in many
cases based on age before ability. The young, in turn, are deferential and
respectful to their older co–workers and business associate, the advice and opinions of an older
worker are generally valued more than the words of a younger person. In Lithuania there are
differences between young entrepreneurs and older businesspeople. Younger businesspeople
generally have a less bureaucratic approach. Management style in China tends towards the directive,
with the senior manager giving instructions to their direct reports who in turn pass on the
instructions down the line. It is not expected that subordinates will question the decisions of
superiors – that would be to show disrespect and be the direct cause of loss of face (mianzi) for all
concerned. In a business negotiation or meeting setting space orientation will be private – more
physical distance between individual participants and no physical contact but office situation space
is more – large open spaces are filled with many desks.  Management strategies As a manager you
should act in a more flexible, improvised manner. If one wants to successfully coordinate work with
a Chinese, one tends to have more communication to stay in his mind. They tend to be conservative
in management and slow to change those things that are tied to the past. Lithuanian managers
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The Transnational History of a Chinese Family
Life as an Immigrant Beginning in the late 19th century and continuing to the early 20th century,
many Chinese families struggled to gain social, economic, and educational stature in both China and
the United States. In the book, A Transnational History of a Chinese Family, by Haiming Liu, we
learn about the Chang family rooted in Kaiping County, China, who unlike many typical Chinese
families' exemplified hard–work and strong cultural values allowing them to pursue an exceptional
Chinese–American lifestyle. Even with immigration laws preventing Chinese laborers and citizens
to enter unless maintaining merchant status, Yitang and Sam Chang managed to sponsor
approximately 40 relatives to the states with their businesses in herbalist ... Show more content on ...
These relationships he would later be able utilize in testimony when helping his family migrate to
the U.S, a key role in the economic success of the businesses. Like we discussed in lecture, most
Chinese immigrants were laborers and did not receive many pleasant encounters with white men.
Although Yitang was seen by many Americans as a valuable Chinese immigrant, he and his family
members still received discrimination other immigrants had to face. Their thriving asparagus farm
did not have as many social benefits as the herbalist business did, but the farm was their main source
of income, and with this they were able to provide for their families while living transnationally.
Once the Chang family moved into Los Angeles and had their herbalist shop and asparagus farm
under way, they realized the need for more laborers. In order to support their wives and kids with
groceries, clothing, and education, the Chang's needed to find the cheapest labor possible while still
establishing the farm as a business that could support their income. The cheapest laborers were
relatives, and they were for the most part thankful to come and work for Yitang, even if it was not
their ideal working situation. One frustration Sam expressed in the book that may correlate to the
continuing poor treatment and vision of the Chinese, is that within the Chinese workforce, most
hard–working laborers in the railroad, farming, mining, and
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Technology And Technology Essay
Technology: positives towards education
The new and recent technological advances are taking a huge growth to new and bigger heights in
the world .From computers to laptops to supercomputers, technology is not resting for a single day.
Now the impact of technology has been in the educational environments such as schools, classrooms
and so much more. It has given students, teachers, and staff access to new and higher resources than
ever, but the question is whether this huge growth has made a positive impact? In the essay "How
Google Is Making Us Smarter" by Carl Zimmer, he gives examples and an explanation on how we
as people have adapted to the internet so much that we're like cyborgs, also the improvements and
results made from it. Another article titled "Technology: Using Power for Good" by Hansdeep
Singh, Jaspreet Singh, and Linda Raftree talks about how technology is becoming more accessible
and gives us information on the positive outcomes. An additional article titled, "Study: Emerging
Technology Has Positive Impact in Classroom" by Ryan Lytle, talk about different people
implementing technology into their teachings as well as the positive aspects for students education.
The recent advances in technology have drastically affected many areas of society in positive ways.
Technology plays a huge role in education because students benefit from it and use it daily to
complete academic task. Because of technology is becoming more advanced in society, it's starting
to open
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Analysis On ' Blood Ritual '
The score, however, does not just contain catchy bass lines and majestic melodies, but is also full of
modulations. Klaus Badelt has set the standard for such modulations like the extract shown below
from "Blood Ritual". "Blood Ritual" contains a very slow and solemn introduction as it depicts the
pirates trying to regain their real identity. This modulation is based upon the tonic intervals of D
minor, which then descends to A minor. Since it is slow–paced, it allows for the listener to hear the
clear change of key signature, fulfilling the purpose of a true modulation. By establishing this
transformation, Badelt creates interest, and also shows that there is an oscillation of moods within
the pirates.
Hans Zimmer has defined the term "modulation" in a different manner and by adding a multiple
variations in the extract below. Zimmer's quick permutation adjoins two different themes related to
Jack within the piece that was dedicated to him, entitled "Jack Sparrow". In this case, it acts a bridge
between these two themes, maintaining a high level of suspense. In this extract, each chord is a
modulation of the previous one. But however, it is noted that before and after the extract both are in
the key of D minor. Contrary hand motion with irregular chromatic intervals, as shown above, helps
to maintain suspense as it acts as a breath–holder, so that the audience neither blinks nor breathes in
order to follow the action. This corresponds exactly to the movies, as
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The Ethnic Groups in Malaysia and Its Culture
The Ethnic Relation and Culture in Malaysia. By just looking at the title above, you know what I am
going to talk about. Yes, you are right, the culture of our magnificent country. Our country is
actually envied by many foreigners. Why? Well, one of the main reasons is because of how we
Malaysians can live in harmony for many years, even though we consist of many different races and
ethnic groups. The culture of our country started out with the unique combination and amount of
ethnic groups in our country. Let's understand more of our country's ethnic group before we go on
shall we?
Let me briefly introduce to you the three major ethnic groups in our country, the Malay, Chinese and
the Indians. Firstly, the Malays, also known ... Show more content on ...
In Sabah and Sarawak, they consists a large number of ethnic groups even I never heard of!
Although living in the same country, I still do not know much of my people; it is a shame for many
young people nowadays too, all they know are mainly the three main ethnic groups. Besides that,
another we must not forget about is that many foreigners, or shall I say legal immigrants came to our
country live as citizens of Malaysia. For example, the Koreans, Japanese, Filipinos, Indonesians, etc
because of the way we live.
Being a Malaysian, we are very lucky. We live in a place where there are no serious and deadly
problems like natural disasters or war. Besides that, the pace of how we live is very slow, carefree
and we don't have much stress compare to other country. Studies show that the Koreans and
Japanese in the country came because they wanted to live the 'Malaysian' way.
The main question our country's people are asking is, why Malaysia? Of all countries, why pick
Malaysia? Why does so many people from the outside wants to come to our country while we,
people of Malaysia wants to migrate to other people's country? Maybe one day, Malaysia's three
major ethnic groups are Malays, Japanese and Koreans. It would be very weird. Malaysia will not be
Malaysia anymore.
Ethnic relations go way back into our country's history. They are not just the natural consequences
of the differences between cultures. Due to peninsular Malaysia's strategic
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The Neolithic Revolution, A Llist of Events
Unit 1: 1. Fire was one of the most important early technological innovation. Fire made surviving
through the cold months possible. It was also useful for cooking foods. Spears were useful for
hunters and gatherers. It helped catch and kill their prey. After the industrial revolution, innovations
such as the plow helped in agriculture to speed the process and not have to do each individual task
by hand. 2. The Neolithic Revolution was the start of agriculture. Due to it causing a surplus of good
production, specialized jobs were introduced. If one person has the ability to produce enough food
for the entire community, then everyone else can focus on different jobs. Along with time to focus
on jobs, time for recreation was introduced giving people more free time. Another long term effect
of the Neolithic Revolution was that land was thought of as property because people began living in
the same place for longer periods of time. 3. The Neolithic Revolution was responsible for food
surplus that gave people the opportunity to develop new technologies. Plows and hoes advanced
agriculture greatly. Agriculture meant people didn't have to move around following their food, but
instead, stay in one place. This brought on the construction of stable homes and buildings. 4. A state
is a nation of people unified based on their culture. Leaders such as King Hammurabi,
Nebuchaddnezzar, King Menes, and Queen Hatshepsut ruled these states and were supported by 5.
Culture was what
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Analysis Of Like A Dog Chasing Car By Hans Zimmer
First Selection: I chose to start my first song, "Like a Dog Chasing Car" by Hans Zimmer
( from the very beginning and at 1:50:53 in the
movie/ where he says "hang him from the bridge". I feel like this scene had an astonishing amount
of tension and suspense. Rob Roy was fighting for his life and as can be seen in the movie was
willing to do anything to get away. I thought the song conveyed that sense of running and tension
that the movie showed. In the song I chose, it starts out soft but has a crescendo as the music
continues. I thought this fit with the scene very well, because at first when Rob Roy jumps off the
bridge it is more surprising than suspenseful, but then as the scene continues it ... Show more
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I wanted to show the sadness through a piece that everyone did not automatically assume would be
there, but did actually fit the scene. The piece is also polyphonic because of the music behind the
multiple voices. The tempo and the dynamics really do not change a whole lot throughout the piece
till near the very end. The voices and the music all have a decrescendo and the tempo also slows
down quite a bit, this adds a good sense of ending to the piece. So I ended it at this point in the song,
16:01 and this also leads into the next scene in the movie, so the song ends at 1:54:46 in the movie.
The voices are in harmony at the beginning and it shows a clashing of sound and they become
unison by the end. This also shows the winding down of both the scene and the movement, and after
the movement there is a slight cadence. Additionally, there is some dissonance between the voices
that add to the sense of wrong, bad, or just add a more dramatic tone. Third Selection: The second
piece starts 0:24 seconds into the song and 1:54:47/ when Mary is lying in bed and sees Rob Roy for
the first time. Rob Roy is beaten and clearly has not seen Mary in a very long time. Mary is happy,
but I get that the there is an underlying theme of sadness, because of what Mary has to tell him. I
wanted to show the sadness, but also the happiness of them being reunited. The song "Beethoven
String Quartet No 14
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Chinese Immigrants Of Los Angeles
Chinese Immigrants in Los Angeles The Chinese immigrant is one of the largest group in the United
States. Looking back the history of U.S., most people believe that the first Chinese immigrants came
to California during the Gold Rush period. Also, the Chinese community is one of the largest and
oldest ethnic group of Asian Americans. Some researchers consider the history of ethnic Chinese in
Southern California relates to three periods. In my opinion, I would like to say that there are four
major waves which the first wave begins in the 19th century, the second wave occurs in the 1940s to
1980s, the third wave happens during the 1980s, and the last wave arises in a recent decade year.
The first wave begins in the 19th century. There is evidence shows that the first Chinese immigrant
in Los Angeles comes from the Northern California because of the Gold Rush and the railroads
construction. In the book, The Los Angeles Plaza: Sacred and Contested Space, William David
Estrada writes, "The rise of the Chinese community of Los Angeles was an outgrowth of larger
developments in the United States during the nineteenth century... the Chinese of Los Angeles came
to fill an important sector of the economy as entrepreneurs" (p.72.) Estrada also claims that the early
work areas that the first Chinese immigrants related. At first, most Chinese work at restaurants,
laundries, farms, wholesale stores and casinos. Because of cheap labor, most Chinese can easily find
the low–skilled work
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The Big Dipper in Taoism Essay
The belief and worshipping of the Big Dipper has been around for ages and it has appeared many
different cultures due to the influence of the Han culture. This is because of the popularity of Taoism
as a religion. Due to the flourish of Taoism, the worshipping of Big Dipper star group bloomed
among the people. However, with the fall of Taoism due to modernization and the impact of foreign
religions such as Buddhism, Christianity and other religions, there has been a significant
decandancy in the worshipping of stars. In this essay, I am intending to find out how the
worshipping of the Big Dipper came about and the influence that it created among the different
cultures in China.
The Big Dipper is a group of 7 stars in the close to the ... Show more content on ...
However, when Taoism was formed, it emphasized on the importance that it has to humans by
stating that it holds the power to humans' destinies.
Big Dipper in Taoist Astrology
In Taoism, each timing stands for a particular star. For example, one maybe born in the 23rd Feb, at
3pm. Each of this timings, 23rd Feb and 3pm, can be linked to a particular star and these stars will
affect one's destiny and character in time to come. Thus, stars are exceptionally important in Taoism
as it directly affects the wellbeing of humans.
There was a book, 《星经》 the Book of Stars. The author of this book was not recorded and it
should be written around the Han dynasty. In this book, it was written that the Big Dipper was in
charge of the Emperor's destiny and longevity.
During the Jin Dynasty, the status of Taoism rose through the ranks amongst other religions and
philosophy. This is due to the literature culture during the Wei Jin Dynasty. 玄学 flourished thus
causing Taoism to be of a certain status in that period of time. During this period of time, Taoism
conveyed the idea and importance of the Big Dipper. In 《晋书。天文志》, which means under the
section of astronomy in the Jin Historical Book, the Big Dipper was given special responsibilities,
they belonged to the 5 elements and they were in charge of the good and bad destinies in the world.
From there, the Big Dipper was included in many literature works such as 《搜神记》 In Search of
the Supernatural which was one
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Case Study
Winning Global Taste Buds: v Levendary Café v
Hillary Tzeng
Table of Contents
Executive Brief
Decision Tree
Company Overview
Product Mix & Global Presence
Current Business Model
Value Chain
Competitive Advantages
Growth Imperative
Country Analysis – China
Economic Overview
CAGE Analysis
Target Consumers
Institutional Voids
Industry Analysis – Multi–Unit Restaurants
Porter's Five Forces
Market Attractiveness
Industry Trends
Competitor Analysis
Executive Brief
To reap the profits derived from possessing a strong brand image, quality customer service, and
consistent company practices ... Show more content on ...
Many stores offer slight, local menu adaptations.
Global Presence
Levendary Café currently has over 3,500 stores in the United
States, 23 stores in China, and a partnership in Dubai. Its most immediate plans are to expand its
store coverage in China to balance out its slowing U.S. growth.
Maximizing Profitability Potential
Current Business Model
Tight Control of store expenses
& operations
Increased need for employees' operating tools
& learning (OTL)
consumer demand Global scale Higher margins Speedy service
& order accuracy New franchises Royalty fees Reinvest
Branded grocery items
Negotiation power with suppliers Diversified global portfolio
Marketing programs New menu boards International expansion 6
Coordinating Across All Operations
Value Chain
Levendary Café's operations touch upon the entire value chain of running a multi–unit restaurant. Its
driving force for keeping the brand fresh originates in its R&D Concept group, while it maintains
operating standards at its point–of–sale destination as part of the training enforced in Sales &
– Concept group senses upcoming food trends – Maintains consistency with the slogan
"Tasty Fresh
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The Between The Prince And Han Fei Tz
As an international student, sometimes it is really hard to connect the ethical theory of western
philosophers with my background knowledge; however, when I first read about Niccolò
Machiavelli's thoughts, I immediately related his theory with what I had learned before I came to the
United States. I find it really interesting to see that the Chinese philosopher Han Fei and the Italian
philosopher Niccolò Machiavelli, who actually was born 1800 years later, could develop such
similar ethical theories. To me, it is really significant to understand both western and eastern
concepts. Therefore, in this essay, I will be comparing and contrasting the similarities and the
unlikeness between The Prince and Han Fei Tz. Throughout the essay, my purpose is to analyze
whether or not these two theories can be applied to the real world efficiently.
To start with, I would like to introduce more about Han Fei, whose status in China is as important as
Machiavelli's in the western country. Before the Qin Dynasty, Confucianism was the mainstream
and most of the people followed its rules of humanity. Han Fei, however, thought that Confucianism
is too ideology and could be beguiling. He believed that selfishness and greed are the essences of
human 's characters, which means that between people, there is nothing but self–interest. Hence,
Han further developed a complete opposite point of view, which is the doctrine of Legalism. The
core of Legalism is the importance of the law; assuming that
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Diversity Interview Assignment
Diversity Interview Assignment
SW 3410 Human Behavior and the Social Environment
Steven D. Sledge
Madonna University
The people in the world that we live in are extremely diverse, in terms of the nationalities, religions,
gender classifications and physical abilities. Social workers must have a clear understanding of the
consequences of diversity and difference and the mechanisms of oppression and discrimination as
they relate to human development. The range of different ethnic and cultural backgrounds that social
workers will practice in is huge. Because of this, social workers must have an understanding of the
values and attitudes of a multitude of different cultures as well as an understanding of their own
attitudes and ... Show more content on ...
English Service Language Director Ms. Hadeel Betti helped in selecting a candidate for the
interview. I was shocked at her age of 31 years by her tiny frame as she approached for the
interview. She was very pleasant, very polite and eager to smile at every appropriate moment.
IV. Information Obtained
Ms. Mao describes herself as Chinese of the Han nationality. The Han nationality dominates the
ethnicity of the population of China. According to," China is the most populous
nation on earth; in 2000, the estimated population was 1,261,832,482 (over one–fifth of the world's
population). Of these people, 92 percent are Han Chinese; the remaining 8 percent are people of
Zhuang, Uyhgur, Hui, Yi, Tibetan, Miao, Manchu, Mongol, Buyi and Korean" (,
2013). According to Ms. Mao, Chinese people who live in the far south of China belong to what she
describes as the South Asia race.
Ms. Mao earned a degree in journalism in China and has worked as a journalist there for some time.
She stated that she wanted to expand her knowledge and learn new things. Her major at Madonna
University is business. She has no brothers or sisters and states that this is the result of China's one
child law. According to the Journal of Politics and law, "The Birth Control Law of PRC restricts
married, urban couples to having only one child, and rural couples to having 2 children if the first is
female, while ethnic minorities are
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Google And Its Relationship With China
Opening The quick advancement and progress of the internet across the world has led to many great
opportunities for American business. However, this advancement has pushed the bounds for some
countries on their stance for the free flow of information. This has been the problem for Google and
its relationship with China. The restrictions set up by the Chinese government go against the ideas
and ethics of Google. However, the presence of Google will likely help push political change by
opening some doors for accessing information. This will also have the added opportunity of
maximizing Google's corporate interests.
Stats and numbers China has the fastest growing internet base with around 632 million of its citizens
online as of ... Show more content on ...
A business holds its responsibility to the investors with the end goal of producing profit, but this can
be considered to constrictive. Strictly running for profit might not be the main goal for some,
employees, stakeholders or customers. This could help give a positive image for the company and its
investors. Also, Google has not created its enormous value by making shareholder value the main
purpose. "Maximizing profits is an end from the private point of view; it is a means from the social
point of view."(friedman) A system based on private property and free markets help enable people to
use their resources in the most valued way. To build a strong and efficient network infrastructure
China will need private business, entrapanuers and shareholders to invest freely. If they are in
disagreement with the company they are free to sell their stock. The same goes for customers and
their choice to vote with their dollars. Many companies have been created with the purpose to
maximize profits for their investors. It is also simply good business for a company to provide for its
customers social benefit as long as it's done by their own choice and not pressured. It is not the job
of the company to be altruistic and is the benefit of the company to work towards its own needs.
Things have changed over time in the
There is no obligation to social responsibility, only in the way of shared values and responsibilities
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Character Analysis Of Dom Cobb ( Played By Leonardo...
Inception is an overhyped blockbuster accompanied by several moving parts that will leave you in
awe, but nonetheless it 's a work of art. Dom Cobb (played by Leonardo DiCaprio) is not your
normal thief he has the ability to enter people 's dreams and steal their ideas from their
subconscious. His skill set has made him very sought after in the world of corporate espionage
which has also cost him everything he loves. Cobb gets a second shot at redemption. He's offered a
job, plant an idea in someone 's mind. If successful it 's the perfect crime, but even with intricate
planning a dangerous enemy awaits them at every turn. With only one man that could have foreseen
this, Cobb. One of the most anticipated movies of the summer, leading to an outrageous amount of
hype being built up prior to the premier of the film. It has it flaws but none the less it is truly a
The film was unable to live up to its own expectations given prior to release. Ross douthat from the
national review says "Nolan 's movies, alas, don 't support these panegyrics. The result has been
backlash: From the blogs to the glossy magazines, critics have lined up to declare the new movie
overrated, and Nolan a grim gamesman who lacks the human touch" From well known magazines,
to blogs, even movie critics have deemed the film overrated. lucius shepard from The Magazine of
Fantasy and Science Fiction says, "In the end we're left with another over–hyped summer movie, a
mash–up that quotes from a
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The Rise and Fall of Dynasties in China
The rise and fall of dynasties in china
Rhoads Murphey describes the history of China history is on the succession of dynasties that ruled it
over a period of time until around 1912 when Republic of china was formed before rising to the
current People's Republic of China was formed in 1949. In China, a dynasty was made up of Kings
or emperors that came from the same family. They ruled in succession where a king could be
inherited by his son or his immediate relatives. Although china's history is majorly regarded on the
basis of dynastic ruling, other small kingdoms were established that ruled different part of china. For
example, in 200AD, the fall of great Han dynasty triggered formation of smaller kingdoms all over
the china which were later united by a short lived Sui Dynasty that reigned between 580 and 618
In Murphey's book varied dynasties have been described how they came to power and how they
eventually collapsed. From his book, various reasons for dynastic rise in china can be summarized
as follows; most dynasties were founded through force and especially when there was disorder in a
given dynasty. This could even break into a fight and those who won could take up and rule for a
period of time waiting to be overthrown by other powerful people. Dynasty could also rise as a
result of leaders who were very powerful and vigourous. These leaders could create their own stable
and prosperous kingdom that secured it territories and people.
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The Differences Between Legalism And Confucianism
Q: Han Fei Zi was known for synthesizing and refining the legalist theories and practices that had
been developed before him. Explain his views on law, statecraft and power. Comment on the
fundamental differences between Legalism and Confucianism.
Han Fei Tzu:
Legalism, is an ancient Chinese philosophy concerned with the art of rulership and the stability of
the state. Along with hundreds of other philosophical schools, legalism emerged during the Warring
States Period (453–422 BC), a time of intense political and intellectual turmoil. Unlike other schools
of thought, legalism defined the strength of the state, through a system of punishments and rewards,
propagated by common laws. Neither concerning itself with Confucian idealization of the past, or
the morality of man, legalisms pragmatic system of governance, as best defined by Han Fei Zi,
ended the hundreds of years of warfare and unified China. As aforementioned, Legalism was at the
forefront of philosophical discourse during the Warring States Period. The Warring States Period
was a time of both immense growth and conflict, as the remaining seven states fought over the
dominance of China. Although through much of the Warring States Period, the Zhou Dynasty
claimed dominance over China, by the end of the two–hundred and twenty–five year long period,
the Kingdom of Qin emerged victorious. While much of the Warring States Period consisted of
warfare, the era also saw the spread of philosophical ideas throughout
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The Three Types of Ancient Chinese Rulers
In ancient China, many different rulers tried to unify and rule the country using a variety of methods
– Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism to name a few. Each philosophy had its own set of rules of
how people should act both in public and privately. The overall goal of each philosophy was to set a
standard of acceptable living that would ensure harmony and success for the society. However, each
was different and thus had different results. Legalism is a philosophy emphasizing strict obedience
to the legal system. It was one of the main philosophic currents during the Warring States period and
when it was most prominent. The school's most famous proponent and contributor, Han Fei believed
that a ruler should use the following three tools to govern his subjects: law, method, and legitimacy.
The law code must be clearly written and made public. All people under the ruler were equal before
the law. Laws should reward those who obey them and punish accordingly those who dare to break
them. Thus it is guaranteed that actions taken are systematically predictable. In addition, the system
of law, not the ruler, ran the state, a statement of rule of law. If the law is successfully enforced, even
a weak ruler will be strong. Especially important is that no one can fathom the ruler's motivations,
and thus no one can know which behavior might help them get ahead, other than following the laws.
Legitimacy is the position of the ruler, not the ruler himself or herself, that holds the
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Verbal Communication Skills And High Level Interpersonal...
SC4 Demonstrated high level written and verbal communication skills and high level interpersonal
skills including a capacity to develop constructive relationships with students, parents and other
Teachers cannot and should not do their job in isolation. I believe it is important for teachers to
effectively communicate and work with all aspects of the school community to collaboratively work
together and raise students' confidence, awareness, and involvement. During my time as a teacher, I
have demonstrated excellent written, verbal, and interpersonal skills. I have provided relevant,
constructive, and helpful feedback on students' assignments as well as clear, concise written
handouts for assessable tasks that had a relevant practical component. I have also learnt to develop
and adapt voice control in the classroom and practice the repetition of important and relevant facts
and skills – especially safety in the Food Technology kitchen, the Photography darkroom, or the Art
I have always developed a strong rapport with not only my own students but with students outside
of my classes, with several students asking if they can transfer into my classes. I try to have an
understanding of what students are interested in and adapt that knowledge for the benefit of my
students' learning. I value their questions and respond to them to the best of my ability either
immediately or as soon as I had an appropriate answer. I believe in challenging and extending my
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Zsa Gabor Research Paper
Chronological: Zsa Zsa Gabor I'm known for my spectacular acting and scandalous love life. Yes, I
am THE Zsa Zsa Gabor! On February 6, 1917 I was born in Budapest, Hungary. Growing up, I
came from a wealthy family with my two sisters, Eva and Magda. When I was young, my sisters and
I were sent to a boarding school where we stayed for most of my childhood. One lucky day when I
was thirteen, I caught the eye of a famous Australian tenor by the name of Richard Tauber. After
Richard noticed me, he invited me to play a part in his operetta "Der Singende Traum" (The Singing
Dream). I ended up turning the role down, but that did help me get into the Vienna Acting Academy
in Switzerland. Little did I know that going to that school would help me with
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Culture Shock: Indirect Communication—a Foreign Teacher's...
June 2010, Volume 7, No.6 (Serial No.78)
Sino–US English Teaching, ISSN 1539–8072, USA
Culture shock: Indirect communication–A foreign teacher's teaching experience in a Chinese
university located in a Hakka region *
WANG Liu–mei
(School of Foreign Languages, Jiaying University, Meizhou 514015, China)
Abstract: Culture shock is unavoidable for foreign teachers in China. Using qualitative method, this
paper reports a case study of culture shock–a foreign teacher's teaching experience in a Chinese
university located in an area with a unique local population. The city involved in this study is
Meizhou, located in Guangdong Province, which is considered "the capital of Hakka". The study
found that indirect communication is a big ... Show more content on ...
In addition, the Hakkas emphasize the importance of education. The Hakkas are also famous for its
aspiration for learning and veneration for Confucianism. It is hoped that through study, one can
acquire knowledge and gain wisdom, enhance themselves' value and finally reach the ideal esteemed
realm (GUO & CHEN, 1999, p. 27). In other words, the Hakkas love learning and venerate
Confucianism, and they view education as one of the most important things in their life. Hakka
culture is an important element of Chinese culture and has unique features. It has attracted great
attention from researchers both at home and abroad (Lee, 2001). The experts have reached the
following agreements concerning the Hakkas spirit: (1) The Hakkas are well–known for their
perseverance even in the most adverse environment. (2) The Hakkas are among the most
conservative in keeping the traditions. (3) The Hakkas are more concerned about knowledge than
properties. (4) The Hakkas are famous for retaining harmony among social groups. According to the
well–known Chinese Xinhua Dictionary (p. 262), the Hakkas are inhabitants at the junction of
Guangdong, Fujian and Jiangxi. The present study focuses on the Hakkas in Meizhou, which is one
of the regions where the most Hakkas inhabit. Meizhou is also a historical city and famous as "the
home of culture, of
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The Prevalence of Racial Tension Around the World
Today, there is racial tension all around the world. Racial tension means the feeling that exists when
people do not trust and be aggressive to each other. In Malaysia, racial tension has deepened
recently. The Indian government has released an advisory for its foreign students that studying in
Australia which showed that racial tension appeared around the White and Indian. Racial tension
between the Han and Uighur communities in Xinjiang, China was enhanced in July 2009. There are
several factors that cause racial tension to happen such as religion topic, government policy,
prejudice and discrimination. Racial tension could be caused by prejudice and discrimination.
According to Jon (1998), "prejudice is a general characteristic of ... Show more content on ...
People from different regions and countries may hold different religions. In some countries, some
religions are mostly held by certain races. Most of people have religion when these is a small
amount of people are free thinkers. Basically, people's behaviour and mind are affected by religion.
Meanwhile, religion is their spiritual sustenance. To them, their religions are together with them as a
part of the body. Therefore, any criticism to religion is a threat to certain races. They will be very
supportive and oppose those who cross them. Normally, people won't criticise their own religion and
attack religious sites. Once these happen, they will think that these are done by people who held
other religions. If the religion is mostly held by certain race, they tend to have a thought that other
races are the culprits. The racial tension is ensured once again as it is true that they can't tolerate
with each other will cause serious racial tension. They will react violently to protect their religion.
Some of them who are radical will behave in a way that they are not accepted other religions. For
example, in Malaysia, most of Christians are Chinese or Indian and 60 percent of the population
which are mostly Malays are Muslims (Eileen Ng, 2010). According to Eileen Ng (2010), "eight
churches were attacked over four days amid a dispute over the word "Allah" by non–Muslims".
Race tension was enhanced while the desecration of mosques with wild boar heads happened. This
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Essay about The Countdown to Humiliation Day in Canada
The Countdown to Humiliation Day
What began as a shortage in the Canadian labour market ended with one of the most revolting and
atrocious displays of prejudice and discrimination against an entire country and culture of people.
The events leading up to Humiliation Day brought forth a legalized intolerance that would leave an
inescapable bruise on Canadian history.
South Asians have long since endured the brunt of intense prejudice at the hands of Canadians and
the Canadian government. A most prevalent discrimination against the Chinese was seen in Western
Canada, mainly British Columbia. In the mid 1800s, it was the general consensus among Canadians
that South Asians could not become part of mainstream culture, nor did they belong ... Show more
content on ...
They were despised and looked down upon by white Canadian workers. They were treated unfairly
and given little to no recognition for their work or contributions to the project. They were grossly
underpaid, receiving only half of the wage to that of their white counterparts and they were not in
receipt of any type of social benefits.
The Canadian Pacific Railways saw its completion in November of 1885 as the last spike was driven
in at Craigellachie, British Columbia. As domestic labourers and union confederates saw the end of
the project drawing near they began to become outraged at the outsourcing of jobs once they
reckoned that the extraneous work was over and the Chinese were no longer need. Workers rallied to
have the Chinese removed from Canada and to limit future immigration.
Provincial and federal governments were met with pressures to control and discourage the flow of
the Chinese and they responded on July 20, 1885 with the implementation of the Chinese
Immigration Act. This Act imposed a $50 head tax that each Chinese person was forced pay in order
to gain entry into Canada. Restrictions were also placed on Canadian citizens that were of Chinese
descent. They were forced to pay a fee of fifty cents to register their status with local authorities and
their travel was controlled and monitored by government officials. Small concessions were granted
to a select few, such as
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One Child Policy Dbq
The one child policy was established in China in 1979 because the population was growing
extremely fast. The one child policy is a law that prevents families from having more than one child.
It only applies to the Han Chinese ethnic group, which makes up 90% of the Chinese population.
Sibling–less parents are allowed to have two children. Some Chinese people are in favor of the one
child policy (OCP) because their lives were made easier. Other people felt it was not fair to have
their rights taken away. I think that the OCP was not a good idea because there's not enough
information to support that it was a good idea. The intention of the OCP was to lower the fertility
rate in China and prevent overpopulation. The OCP did lower the ... Show more content on ...
Those are still good jobs but they could have better jobs like CEOs or presidents of a company, but
those jobs are usually given to men. The article makes it sound so great but if you read in between
the lines you notice how there is some discrimination, for a person to learn multiple languages they
should have a more important job than a secretary.
People's view on the OCP is biased based on their experience. Document F tells the story of 2 kids
that were born under the OCP. One, which was a boy from a rural area, who loved the OCP, the
other was a girl who lived in an urban area and didn't like it at all. The girl said that all the pressure
was on her to be the best and she wanted a sibling to share the pressure with. On the other hand, the
boy said that if you have siblings your parents would not give you the most they could give you. He
said everyone would be average because you would be lacking emotional and financial support.
Your parents would have to share whatever they could offer with all their children. I think that is a
biased thought because very successful people like Bill Gates, Yao Ming, and Jackie Chan all had
siblings and still did good in life. Both the boy and the girl are only thinking on how it affects them
and not the future of the country. All in all, I don't think that the one child policy was a good idea.
People should be able to have as many kids as they want or no kids at all. The one child policy
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Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior
Why Chinese Mothers are superior In 2011 Amy Chua wrote an article in which she involves people
in how Chinese parents are raising their children. There are huge differences in how western parents
are raising their children and how Chinese parents are raising their children. As a western person the
methods Chua is using seems a little rough, but maybe it is the way to go. Her children have never
been at a sleepover and the only choices they had was playing the piano or the violin. While reading
the article it seemed to me more like fiction than reality. Amy Chua is a professor at Yale Law
School, USA. She is born in 1962 and she wrote the article about Chinese parenting to inform, to
discuss and maybe convince people that she is raising ... Show more content on ...
She also express' in the article that her children never had had a social life with play–dates and being
in the school play. All they ever was allowed to do was staying home practice their instrument or do
their homework. The practice of their instrument is not only a half an hour. The practice can take up
to three hours a day. So when a Western child think it is hard to practice their drums or their guitars
for a half an hour they don't really know what it means to practice for a long time. In relation to this
Chua means that Western parents give up too easy. When their children say that they don't want to
practice anymore the parents are okay with that. When Chinese children say that they are nearly
having a punishment, and has to practice for maybe an hour more. Chinese parents know that their
children have a lot of self–esteem if they are the best at something, that's why they keep pushing
them until they are the bests. And for Chinese parents it is not enough that their children are the best
in one thing – they have to be the best in everything they do, e. g. playing the piano, math,
languages and so on. Chua says that there is tre differences between the western and the Chinese
parenting. First of all western parents are concerned about their children's lives and psyche. The
Chinese parents are not. As mentioned before Chinese parents do not expect anything less than top–
grades. The second thing is the fact that Chinese parents expects
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Analysis Of The Movie Interstellar
Interstellar is one of my favorite films of all time. It's a bit different for a Christopher Nolan film, in
that, it wraps up everything with no loose ends or ambiguous conclusions. Yet something about it
kept it in my head long after the credits rolled. Maybe it was the Hans Zimmer's wonderful
soundtrack. Or Nolan's masterful directing. Or the cast of amazing performances. Whatever the
reason Interstellar stands out as one of the best Si–Fi films out there. So for Christopher Nolan and
his team, how do you follow up a movie like Interstellar?
Dunkirk is largely considered to be one of the biggest military disasters of all time. Nearly 400,000
Allied troops were stranded on the beaches of France, with German soldiers advancing rapidly, and
only 30,000 of them expected to be rescued. That is until the British government sent out a call for
civilian boats to help aid the effort and the call was answered by hundreds. Dunkirk tells you this
true story from three different perspectives: land, sea and air. On land we follow Tommy (Fionn
Whitehead), in the air we ride along with Farrier (Tom Hardy) and on the sea we accompany Mr.
Dawson (Mark Rylance). For being a story about the largest war ever fought, Dunkirk is an intimate
experience. However, being a Christopher Nolan film, the story isn't told in a linear fashion and each
perspective spans a different space of time with all three timelines converging at the end. This is
slightly confusing at times but it will all make sense
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Hierarchical Social Constructs Among Chinese Americans
Hierarchical Social Constructs amongst Chinese Americans
There are many aspects of the Chinese American culture that other ethnic groups do not understand.
Social hierarchy, an overarching aspect of the Chinese American community, is a paradigm that
shapes Chinese American culture. This social hierarchy often affect personal decisions that may
prompt a Chinese national to want to immigrate to the United States. Once here, many of these now
Chinese Americans are forced to transact with the larger American population while negotiating
their spot in their expatriate hierarchy. As a Chinese family immigrates into the US, they are faced
with many decisions in regards to their acculturation and eventual assimilation. While negotiating
these obstacles, individual Chinese Americans are faced with the dilemma of what customs they
want to retain and what cultural nuances they want to discard. As there are many thriving Chinese–
American communities in large US cities, it becomes imperative that social workers further
understand Chinese–American culture. According to Barnes and Bennett, "Immigration and births
now account for 2,734,841 Chinese Americans living in the United States, the largest Asian–
American population reported in the 2000 census" (as cited in Dorton & Lantz, 2007, p. 121).
People want to emigrate out of China for various reasons. Some people may decide to emigrate due
to prospects of a better education, improving one's family life, or as
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Essay on Hans Zimmer
Hans Zimmer Hans Zimmer was born in Frankfurt, Germany in September 12, 1957. As a child, he
began playing piano since he was three years old. Although he was receiving piano lessons, he
quickly became uninterested after only two weeks of piano lessons. Even more astounding he
decided to become a composer at age six. His father died when he was six and that is when he
decided to become serious about music, because it was his refuge as he quotes, "It was my way of
calming the demons in me or at the same time sometimes letting them roar, letting them rip, letting
the monster out and seeing that it wasn't so scary being able to look it in the eye," (International
Dictionary of Films and Filmmakers 2). His family has been moving all over ... Show more content
on ...
After his big success, he saw his career as a big fork in the road, he testifies, "Lion King made me
reassess my situation in this town," Zimmer told Black. "I admit that standing on the stage and
getting an Oscar [Academy Award] is the most seductive moment one can have in one's life. Then
you go, 'Wow, if I just carry on writing nice music like this, I can have this moment again....' That's
why I did the exact opposite, scoring for truly offensive projects like The Fan. Just to shake myself
out of the desire for that Oscar experience." When he created the score for A Crimson Tide, he used
a large choir and it featured a majestic symphonic score, as well as 3–D sound effects to enhance the
film with action and suspense. Despite his choice to take the path less glittered, he still received
recognition for A Crimson Tide. He won a Grammy for the score, and received another Academy
Award nomination for The Preacher's Wife. That same year, the performing rights organization BMI
presented him with its prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award before Zimmer was 40 years old,
which is a great achievement on his part. And in 1998 he received yet another Academy Award
nomination on the movie As Good As It Gets (1998). In the late 1990's, Zimmer accepted a head
position of the music division with the Dreamworks SKG studio. While he was there, he supervised
for all of their
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Market Research Essay
1. Introduction
An increasing amount of attention is being paid in the literature to business Guanxi or relationship in
Asia particularly in the business dominated economies of the Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and
the People's Republic of China. Chinese business relationships and contracts that needs to be
understood and worked within to successfully conduct business and management in most countries
in the region. However, the attention is directed to the different perspective on the importance of
guanxi to business practices and possible impacts of the guanxi on western firms' success in China.
In order for western firms to enter China market, they have to confront with complex and constantly
changing ... Show more content on ...
According to sales volumes, China's high–tech parks and zones usually offer faster customs
clearance and other shortcuts through red tape that makes life easier.
For instance, it allows Motorola to generate greater market access for lower tariffs and guanxi for
further flexibility. For example, Motorola managed to cope with the tight market in part by utilizing
the Chinese practice of guanxi due to the China's effort to promote business–education programmes,
multinational operation that are growing rapidly. In addition, the company learned that retention
tactic favoured in the west such as rewards does not apply well in China because financial markets
are very tightly controlled by the government. Therefore, they have changed the policy to health
insurance and other benefits that are more powerful selling point for recruiters in China (Ahlstrom,
Contemporarily, multinationals are moving aggressively to localize their operation in China by
hiring Chinese talent to fill expatriates. Thus, the Motorola shift to localize management and cultural
issues to handle talent wars. The importance of guanxi is realized when the expatriate managers
were unwilling to pass knowledge along to the Chinese because they wanted to hang on their jobs.
According to Xing (2003), they resolve this problem by adopted the Chinese policy by giving the
expatriates an additional incentive
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Confucianism vs Legalism
Chen Hanyu A0110820B Tutorial D5
Question 1: Introduction
For this paper, I will be discussing two opposing ideologies, Confucianism and Legalism. Towards
the later part of ancient China (e.g Han dynasty), states started to adopt a mixture of Confucianism
and Legalistic ideology. Why did Legalism and Confucianism fall off?
In this paper I will explore and provide my own insights on the shortcomings of both ideologies;
how Legalism was more persuasive in getting people to accept their ideas and more effective as an
ideology and how Confucianism lost out in both aspects.
Persuasiveness of Legalism
The central idea of legalism was to provide absolute power to the person in charge and the
supremacy of authority. Legalists like Han Fei Zi ... Show more content on ...
Although it was well known that Confucius was elevated to high status after his death, his political
career was not as successful. Confucius spent many years trying to promoting his ideas to rulers in
different states but was not able to get through4. To understand why such a visionary philosopher
could not get others to agree with him, we will have to look at the nature of the Confucian theory
and why was it incapable of persuading the lords of countries.
Firstly, Confucianism prized the rule of men over the rule of law; that is to promote harmony in the
people over the interest of a ruler. If a ruler has appropriate personal conduct the government will be
effective without needing to issue order. However, the ruler do not have the correct conducts, his
orders will not be obeyed.
Secondly, Confucius viewed rules and laws as harmful. He argued that people led by laws and
punishments will try to avoid punishment but lose the sense of shame. If they are led by virtue and
guided by propriety, they will preserve their sense of shame and become good citizens5. He saw a
country as an extended family and a ruler should take care of his citizens like a father would take
care of his children. The ruler as the "father" would need to set a proper example for the right ethics
to flow down5.
Thirdly, the Confucianism school did not value institutions in inducing desirable
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Gladiator, by Ridley Scott
Who doesn't love a movie where the protagonist is off on a quest for revenge in numerous action
sequences for his taste of sweet, sweet revenge? When breaking films into this type of category, one
film that stands out among the rest has to be Gladiator. Gladiator can be argued as one of the
greatest action movies of all time, and for good reasons. The soundtrack, dialogue, and characters
have no equal in the revenge action category of film, and can be considered tops of pure action
films. Gladiator is a perfectly well rounded movie that adds the best of all worlds to create the
masterpiece seen today. Ridley Scott's masterpiece, Gladiator, was released to the public in 2000.
Received with initial success and regarded as one of the best ... Show more content on ...
The soundtrack has received critical acclaim from numerous reviews and was a best seller, selling
millions of copies of the soundtrack alone to anxious listeners. The songs helped set the pace of the
movie and made a good movie into an excellent movie. Some of the favorite songs from the
soundtrack include "The Battle," "Elysium," and the favorite "Now We Are Free." Mixing a
combination of soft melodies and ballads, with battle waltzes, the soundtrack covered all ground and
provides future composers the groundwork for future war epics. While Hans Zimmer gets most of
the credit and praise for Gladiator's score, he could not do it alone without Lisa Gerrard, who co–
composed the score and provided the vocals. This soundtrack was so well received that it was
nominated for an Academy Award and a BAFTAAward for best score, and won a Golden Globe for
best original score. Compared to other action films, Gladiator is hard to top. As a reviewer of the
soundtrack, Roko Zaper, said Gladiator, "By the very nature of the film itself, the score to Gladiator
is perhaps hard to grasp for some, but in it Zimmer and Gerrard have created a score that
transgresses its genre and brings the music into an unforgettable arena, an Elysium of drama if you
will." As Zaper said, Gladiator separates and goes past any other action soundtrack. Gladiator's
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Analysis Of Hans Zimmer 's ' Interstellar '
Introduction A film soundtrack refers to the original music that is written and composed to
accompany a given film. A number of cues, instrumentals and orchestral music make part of it. They
are carefully timed to start and end at specific moments during the films performance so as to make
the narrative better as well as improve the emotional impact of certain scenes. In this paper, we
perform a critical analysis of Hans Zimmers "Interstellar" soundtrack.
Hans Zimmer's "Interstellar" soundtrack
Hans Zimmer's score for the "Interstellar" soundtrack has been considered incredibly unique and
aplicable to the movie itself. In fact, the movie's producer, Nolan said that "I believe that Hans '
score for 'Interstellar ' has the tightest bond ... Show more content on ...
There are also other instances of silence that are used to add to the movie's dramatic experiences
(Laurence, 2013). For instance, the first time the crew enters space, the music that was originally
playing stops and the actor's voices appear muffled.
Impact of music on human emotion and attention
For a long time, there has been a connection between society and music. There is no culture on
earth, which does not know anything, that concerns music. Furthermore, human beings sometimes
base their actions according to music. It is a known fact that music helps improve one's brain, when
it comes to matters that concern learning and studying. Einstein Albert is an exceptional man, who
became renowned in academic matters, due to the music he listening to. When Einstein was young,
people thought he was stupid, and after learning to play the violin, he improved. He often listened
and played music by Bach and Mozart, and in turn, became extremely smart. Currently, the iPod is
popular among many students, and they use it without thinking of the consequences it may have in
the long run.
Research has been conducted, and it has been found out that studying improves as a result of
listening to music. Also, it should be known that extreme users of IPods are at risk of suffering from
hearing health problems. Even more, they might lose their hearing, while they are still young, and
this will affect their life's quality in the future. Researchers have identified
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Developments in Ancient China
In the early years of China, the Chinese began a period of establishment in the world with ideas and
teachings of new religions, changing powers, and building empires. In a nutshell the Chinese were
progressing toward new technology, writings, and belief systems. The Chinese saw many dynasties
come and go as well as many ups and downs experienced with societies over the course of history.
As all nation's go through change, the Chinese experienced changes from other lands far away and
produced many concepts in which helped other realms to see change for themselves. The Chinese
used many inventive innovations to prosper as an economic power and stabilize intellectually.
Change mixed with innovation proved to be the roots of China's ... Show more content on ...
At the same time, these documents show that the Zhou recognized the Shang as occupying the
center of the world, were eager to succeed to that role themselves, and saw history as a legitimate
power (59, McKay). The Zhou also believed instead of ruling their regions absolutely they
established a decentralized feudal system. This backfired on them causing rebellion as the lord who
controlled these lands began to disobey their king and this passed from generation to generation.
Cities began emerging throughout the land with heavily built walls for protection as economic
change was on the rise. Trade was persuaded by the invention of coins which prospered economic
growth. Their armies grew with developments in the crossbow, cavalry, and the infantry. Wars could
be easily fought with combination of these new discoveries, and lands could be taken swiftly. As the
Zhou dynasty began to unravel and looking for a new rule, the Qin Unification (221–206 B.C.E.),
which adopted Legalist policies, proved to unify China for the first time. The king of Qin developed
the heading "emperor" and entitled himself as the First Emperor. With the short reign of the Qin,
they left landmarks and a new way to see the population as a whole. A census was directed to count
the population and estimate costs of projects. Under the First Emperor the Great Wall was built from
recruited citizens in the hundreds of thousands to provide protection from outside
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The Heart-warming Story of Rain Man
Rain Man is a heart–warming and captivating film, based in the 1980s, in America. The plot
revolves around Charlie Babbitt, who discovers after his father's death that he has an autistic brother,
Raymond. The plot revolves around Charlie spontaneously kidnapping him from a mental hospital
and taking his brother on a bizarre journey of self–discovery, culture and self– awareness, with the
goal of seeking his late father's inheritance. The director, Barry Levinson who makes a cameo as
Raymond's psychiatrist is now less famous for writing (as well as directing) political satire and sci–
fi films such as Man of the Year, starring Robin Williams and The Bay, featuring Kether Donohue
(Scott, 2012). Whilst tackling serious issues such as mental health, and adding a little comedy as
well, Rain Man has truly left a legacy for the American and global film industry.
One of the fanatically portrayed themes in the film is disability and the way the director uses minor
characters as props to communicate how society perceived disabled people in the 1980s. For
example, a bar maid, Sally suggests that Ray is a "very clever boy". This is significant because she
is the only minor character who treats Ray with respect and sympathy, in contrast to Charlie who
evidently abuses it. In addition, the mise–en–scene comprised of high key lighting and a subtle
wide–angle shot creates a somewhat ambient atmosphere (Cinematheque, 2010, p. 1). This therefore
suggests that this is an
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An Analysis Of Like A Dog Chasing Cars By Hans Zimmer
I chose to start my first song, Like a Dog Chasing Cars by Hans Zimmer from the very beginning
and at 1:50:53 in the movie/ where he says "hang him from the bridge". I feel like this scene had an
astonishing amount of tension and suspense. Rob Roy was fighting for his life and as can be seen in
the movie was willing to do anything to get away. In the song I chose it starts out soft but has a
crescendo as the music continues. I thought this fit with the scene very well, because at first when
Rob Roy jumps off the bridge it is more surprising than suspenseful, but then as the scene continues
it becomes more stressful. In Like a Dog Chasing Cars there is an overall minor tone to the whole
piece. Throughout the whole piece there is both a crescendo and accelerando which makes a
building feeling. The building feeling is finally almost released when I end the piece and the soldiers
walk away from Rob Roy. There is a recurring melody and steady background beat also helps pace
the piece. The background for the most part is also very staccato while the overlapping pitches are
legato. Also, near where I'm ending it there is a new sense of hopefulness, because the pitch of the
notes is raised a little bit. Also, I think there might be a keychain to add to this new light tone. The
hope connects to the movie, because there is hope that Rob Roy might actually escape. The music
ends when the soldiers walk away from Rob Roy.
I chose to start the second 14:41 minutes into the song, because
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What Was the Design of the Hakka Houses
What was the design of the Hakka Houses?
#1 – Brown
Built in round shape to fend off bandits, warlords, and unwanted guests
Inexpensive to build and maintain, and last long (some over 1000 years)
–Upper floors have windows and massive wooden gates are sheathed in iron
Layout: First floor is for cooking, eating, socializing, and working. Second floor is for grains and
grandparents. Third and fourth floor is for young people to live. Central Courtyards have a well,
mill, threshing floor, and ancestral hall
About 360 houses are round, 4,000 are square
#2 – Katayama
The plane composition, roof height, main gate orientation, location of a stove, direction of drain
ditches etc... in Tulou dwellings were determined by Feng Shui. Other influences were Chinese
traditional philosophy (Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism etc...)
Plane construction reflects the Guangdong plane's Wei Long Wu with Three–main two–side house
styles and Five Phoenix. Taking the human body as the model, both houses stretch forward as if to
greet people
Exterior Walls: Base with heavy load uses stone masonry
–Deep eaves to protect walls from weather
–Defensive parts are made of stones
Each house holds up to 800 people
Built defensively – around a central open courtyard, with one entrance, only windows are above first
Tall fortified mud walls, capped by tile roof with wide eaves
Buildings divided vertically families
Highly decorated and comfortable on inside
#4 – Welborn
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Hans Zimmer Research Paper

  • 1. Hans Zimmer Research Paper For as long as we can remember, films have included music to make the movie more emotional and to enhance the story. Compositions in a film can set a mood for the viewer and open their eyes to a whole new world of film quality. Hans Zimmer, a composer from Germany, did just that. Hans Zimmer is famous for the many compositions he has added to the films he has been involved in. Many consider Hans Zimmer one of the greatest film composers in history because of the amazing emotion and story he puts into his compositions. Zimmer has achieved many awards for his films and will always been considered the father of combining the electronical music world with traditional orchestra. The purpose of music is films is to add additional emotion to a movie, or to enhance the story of the film. Hans Zimmer is considered one of Hollywood's most creative musical composers. Zimmer was born on ... Show more content on ... Shortly after that, Zimmer began to work on some projects alone combining past and present music technologies. Zimmer is now considred the father of combining electronic style music with traditional orchestral music. In the 1990s, Zimmer earned two Best Picture awards, with one being for one of his most popular movies, The Lion King (1994). In total, Zimmer has been nominated for seven Golden Globes, seven Grammy's, and seven Oscars. Some of the award–winning movies being As Good As It Gets (1997), Gladiator (2000), and so many more. Recently, Zimmer finished his 100th film score for the film The Last Samurai (2003). Zimmer has also earned a few Lifetime– Achievement Awards as well. Zimmer thanks his father for a majority of his success, being that his passing inspired Zimmer to strive to the best composer he could. He began learning to modify the piano instead of just playing it. Zimmer's success first arose through an LP he did with the Buggles called Age of ... Get more on ...
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  • 3. Asian American Studies Pei Zhen Qu December 14, 2015 Professor Liu ASIAN 231 Research Paper The life of a Chinese American Growing up in a country where you are a minority amongst many other minorities can be difficult. This can cause many mental illnesses to the families and the individual itself. The United States is a country with many minority groups, one of which includes Chinese Americans. I know myself that it's hard living in a place where there is racism and stereotypes about Chinese people, since I have been through this. The Chinese community is one of the fastest growing communities in the United States. The Chinese first came to the United States in the middle of the nineteenth century. The reason why they left their home country was ... Show more content on ... Yuwen and A.C.C. Chen, they stated that Chinese American adolescents have higher levels of depressive symptoms than those of a white person. They stated "Family and parenting factors were found to be associated with Chinese American adolescents' depressive symptoms, including family functioning (Crane et al. 2005), family conflict (Juang et al. 2007; Lim et al. 2009), supportive parenting (Kim & Ge 2000), parental control (Juang et al. 2007; Lim et al. 2009), and parental monitoring (Kim et al. 2009; Kim & Ge 2000)." Like what was stated in the previous paragraph, it said that Chinese American adolescents have less mental health and behavioral problems. The reason being is because the children are able to communicate with their parents more in which the family regulates a set of norms and just talking to one another. In Yuwen and Chen's study, they recruited Chinese American adolescents from a Chinese school and a church. The criteria listed to be in the study was that the person had to self–identify themselves as either Chinese, Taiwanese, Chinese American, or Taiwanese American, had to be between the ages of 12 and 19, and had one parent who was born in china or Taiwan (page 237). They conducted two focus groups and the questions (containing 15 questions) were asked in either English or Mandarin (depending on the adolescents' preference). The adolescents also had to fill out a questionnaire. Some ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Buckeye Glass in China Case Study: Buckeye Glass Company in China The differences between Chinese Culture and American Culture are immense. Both cultures have very different values and norms, and these differences come out within the negotiation between Buckeye Glass Company and the Xia Xian Glass Factory. Both parties during this negotiation had different objectives and ways to get what they wanted out of the proposed joint venture. The Chinese negotiation style is based on building relationships with people in the negotiation rather then to hammer out details of an agreement. They feel the beginning stages of the negotiation is the time establish a human relationship and to create the bonding of friendship with the goal to become "old friends" by the ... Show more content on ... The American's have a general distrust with the other side in a negotiation; while the Chinese believe by building a personal relationship that the parties will work together for success. At this point it would have been a better idea to save face and agree to the general terms of the letter of intent for the Americans to show mutual trust with the Chinese. They eventually did sign the letter of intent, but when publicizing the signing in the United States, no dates were stated. This was sticking with the Chinese culture with regards to time. In China, they don't believe time is a barrier and don't put much into deadlines like the Americans. Chinese see the relationship building as their driver of time, rather then getting tasks accomplished in a short period of time. The Chinese people generally believe that a considerable amount of time should be invested in establishing a general climate of understanding, trust, and willingness to help, in matters quite apart from the specific business issues brought to the table. Producing a satisfactory agreement in as short a time as possible may be one of their least concerns. Therefore, the non–task sounding stage of negotiation often witnesses much time spending in establishing rapport and getting to know their partners. The Americans grew frustrated with this approach at the start of the negotiation as well as when Mr. Brickley ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. Relationship Between Music And Music Introduction The relationship between Music and Film has evolved immensely since the emergence of sound films in 1923. In fact, music is one of the most peculiar conventions in cinema. It is not an aspect of film that is questioned, due to its repeated imprint on viewers every time a movie is seen. Music in film is not only something we accept, but something we demand. With time, the advancements in technology has allowed for the creation of more intricate, film scores that have separated themselves as iconic pieces of culture. Of these, the works of Hans Zimmer, in collaboration with Christopher Nolan, have made a particularly transformative impact on the film industry. Their partnership has seen the creation of numerous successes, including The Dark Knight Trilogy (2005, 2008, 2012), Inception (2010) and Interstellar (2014). Their unique methods of collaboration, and stance on the relationship between film and music has played a significant role in shaping the conventions of modern film. Thus, this essay will discuss three of their notable works in detail, and provide an insight into their eccentric relationship. Zimmer and Nolan's Relationship ... Show more content on ... In most films in the modern era, the composer and director work separately, with the composer writing music by referencing early edits of scenes. This method is effective in terms of time management, but often results in a lack of an authentic score. This is due to the time pressure on composers to produce a fitting score in a relatively short amount of time compared to the time allocated to editing and production. While usually the score and the film are completely different entities for at least half of the production process, Nolan chooses to work closely with his composers, meeting frequently to discuss the intricacies of the soundscape inside the world of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Management and Lithuanian Managers VILNIUS UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ECONOMICS DOMANTAS TRACEVIČIUS, ELENA ŽILYTĖ, GEDIMINAS RICKEVIČIUS, URTĖ RUPŠYTĖ Cross–cultural comparative management Developing Cross–Cultural Effectiveness Lithuania and China Comparison Prof. Danutė Diskienė Vilnius, 2012 1. Lithuania's cultural profile Parameter Time focus Time orientation Space Power Structure Competition Communication Action Value=1 monochronic past private equality individualism co–operative low–context being Value=5 polychronic future public hierarchy collectivism competitive high–context doing Lithuania 3 4 3 3 2 4 2 4 2. Comparison between China and Lithuania Parameter Time focus Time orientation Space Power Structure Competition Communication Action Value=1 ... Show more content on ... Chinese people are used to a relatively strong hierarchical structure. Promotions at work are in many cases based on age before ability. The young, in turn, are deferential and respectful to their older co–workers and business associate, the advice and opinions of an older worker are generally valued more than the words of a younger person. In Lithuania there are differences between young entrepreneurs and older businesspeople. Younger businesspeople generally have a less bureaucratic approach. Management style in China tends towards the directive, with the senior manager giving instructions to their direct reports who in turn pass on the instructions down the line. It is not expected that subordinates will question the decisions of superiors – that would be to show disrespect and be the direct cause of loss of face (mianzi) for all concerned. In a business negotiation or meeting setting space orientation will be private – more physical distance between individual participants and no physical contact but office situation space is more – large open spaces are filled with many desks.  Management strategies As a manager you should act in a more flexible, improvised manner. If one wants to successfully coordinate work with
  • 10. a Chinese, one tends to have more communication to stay in his mind. They tend to be conservative in management and slow to change those things that are tied to the past. Lithuanian managers ... Get more on ...
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  • 12. The Transnational History of a Chinese Family Life as an Immigrant Beginning in the late 19th century and continuing to the early 20th century, many Chinese families struggled to gain social, economic, and educational stature in both China and the United States. In the book, A Transnational History of a Chinese Family, by Haiming Liu, we learn about the Chang family rooted in Kaiping County, China, who unlike many typical Chinese families' exemplified hard–work and strong cultural values allowing them to pursue an exceptional Chinese–American lifestyle. Even with immigration laws preventing Chinese laborers and citizens to enter unless maintaining merchant status, Yitang and Sam Chang managed to sponsor approximately 40 relatives to the states with their businesses in herbalist ... Show more content on ... These relationships he would later be able utilize in testimony when helping his family migrate to the U.S, a key role in the economic success of the businesses. Like we discussed in lecture, most Chinese immigrants were laborers and did not receive many pleasant encounters with white men. Although Yitang was seen by many Americans as a valuable Chinese immigrant, he and his family members still received discrimination other immigrants had to face. Their thriving asparagus farm did not have as many social benefits as the herbalist business did, but the farm was their main source of income, and with this they were able to provide for their families while living transnationally. Once the Chang family moved into Los Angeles and had their herbalist shop and asparagus farm under way, they realized the need for more laborers. In order to support their wives and kids with groceries, clothing, and education, the Chang's needed to find the cheapest labor possible while still establishing the farm as a business that could support their income. The cheapest laborers were relatives, and they were for the most part thankful to come and work for Yitang, even if it was not their ideal working situation. One frustration Sam expressed in the book that may correlate to the continuing poor treatment and vision of the Chinese, is that within the Chinese workforce, most hard–working laborers in the railroad, farming, mining, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 14. Technology And Technology Essay Technology: positives towards education The new and recent technological advances are taking a huge growth to new and bigger heights in the world .From computers to laptops to supercomputers, technology is not resting for a single day. Now the impact of technology has been in the educational environments such as schools, classrooms and so much more. It has given students, teachers, and staff access to new and higher resources than ever, but the question is whether this huge growth has made a positive impact? In the essay "How Google Is Making Us Smarter" by Carl Zimmer, he gives examples and an explanation on how we as people have adapted to the internet so much that we're like cyborgs, also the improvements and results made from it. Another article titled "Technology: Using Power for Good" by Hansdeep Singh, Jaspreet Singh, and Linda Raftree talks about how technology is becoming more accessible and gives us information on the positive outcomes. An additional article titled, "Study: Emerging Technology Has Positive Impact in Classroom" by Ryan Lytle, talk about different people implementing technology into their teachings as well as the positive aspects for students education. The recent advances in technology have drastically affected many areas of society in positive ways. Technology plays a huge role in education because students benefit from it and use it daily to complete academic task. Because of technology is becoming more advanced in society, it's starting to open ... Get more on ...
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  • 16. Analysis On ' Blood Ritual ' Modulations The score, however, does not just contain catchy bass lines and majestic melodies, but is also full of modulations. Klaus Badelt has set the standard for such modulations like the extract shown below from "Blood Ritual". "Blood Ritual" contains a very slow and solemn introduction as it depicts the pirates trying to regain their real identity. This modulation is based upon the tonic intervals of D minor, which then descends to A minor. Since it is slow–paced, it allows for the listener to hear the clear change of key signature, fulfilling the purpose of a true modulation. By establishing this transformation, Badelt creates interest, and also shows that there is an oscillation of moods within the pirates. Hans Zimmer has defined the term "modulation" in a different manner and by adding a multiple variations in the extract below. Zimmer's quick permutation adjoins two different themes related to Jack within the piece that was dedicated to him, entitled "Jack Sparrow". In this case, it acts a bridge between these two themes, maintaining a high level of suspense. In this extract, each chord is a modulation of the previous one. But however, it is noted that before and after the extract both are in the key of D minor. Contrary hand motion with irregular chromatic intervals, as shown above, helps to maintain suspense as it acts as a breath–holder, so that the audience neither blinks nor breathes in order to follow the action. This corresponds exactly to the movies, as ... Get more on ...
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  • 18. The Ethnic Groups in Malaysia and Its Culture The Ethnic Relation and Culture in Malaysia. By just looking at the title above, you know what I am going to talk about. Yes, you are right, the culture of our magnificent country. Our country is actually envied by many foreigners. Why? Well, one of the main reasons is because of how we Malaysians can live in harmony for many years, even though we consist of many different races and ethnic groups. The culture of our country started out with the unique combination and amount of ethnic groups in our country. Let's understand more of our country's ethnic group before we go on shall we? Let me briefly introduce to you the three major ethnic groups in our country, the Malay, Chinese and the Indians. Firstly, the Malays, also known ... Show more content on ... In Sabah and Sarawak, they consists a large number of ethnic groups even I never heard of! Although living in the same country, I still do not know much of my people; it is a shame for many young people nowadays too, all they know are mainly the three main ethnic groups. Besides that, another we must not forget about is that many foreigners, or shall I say legal immigrants came to our country live as citizens of Malaysia. For example, the Koreans, Japanese, Filipinos, Indonesians, etc because of the way we live. Being a Malaysian, we are very lucky. We live in a place where there are no serious and deadly problems like natural disasters or war. Besides that, the pace of how we live is very slow, carefree and we don't have much stress compare to other country. Studies show that the Koreans and Japanese in the country came because they wanted to live the 'Malaysian' way. The main question our country's people are asking is, why Malaysia? Of all countries, why pick Malaysia? Why does so many people from the outside wants to come to our country while we, people of Malaysia wants to migrate to other people's country? Maybe one day, Malaysia's three major ethnic groups are Malays, Japanese and Koreans. It would be very weird. Malaysia will not be Malaysia anymore. Ethnic relations go way back into our country's history. They are not just the natural consequences of the differences between cultures. Due to peninsular Malaysia's strategic ... Get more on ...
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  • 20. The Neolithic Revolution, A Llist of Events Unit 1: 1. Fire was one of the most important early technological innovation. Fire made surviving through the cold months possible. It was also useful for cooking foods. Spears were useful for hunters and gatherers. It helped catch and kill their prey. After the industrial revolution, innovations such as the plow helped in agriculture to speed the process and not have to do each individual task by hand. 2. The Neolithic Revolution was the start of agriculture. Due to it causing a surplus of good production, specialized jobs were introduced. If one person has the ability to produce enough food for the entire community, then everyone else can focus on different jobs. Along with time to focus on jobs, time for recreation was introduced giving people more free time. Another long term effect of the Neolithic Revolution was that land was thought of as property because people began living in the same place for longer periods of time. 3. The Neolithic Revolution was responsible for food surplus that gave people the opportunity to develop new technologies. Plows and hoes advanced agriculture greatly. Agriculture meant people didn't have to move around following their food, but instead, stay in one place. This brought on the construction of stable homes and buildings. 4. A state is a nation of people unified based on their culture. Leaders such as King Hammurabi, Nebuchaddnezzar, King Menes, and Queen Hatshepsut ruled these states and were supported by 5. Culture was what ... Get more on ...
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  • 22. Analysis Of Like A Dog Chasing Car By Hans Zimmer First Selection: I chose to start my first song, "Like a Dog Chasing Car" by Hans Zimmer ( from the very beginning and at 1:50:53 in the movie/ where he says "hang him from the bridge". I feel like this scene had an astonishing amount of tension and suspense. Rob Roy was fighting for his life and as can be seen in the movie was willing to do anything to get away. I thought the song conveyed that sense of running and tension that the movie showed. In the song I chose, it starts out soft but has a crescendo as the music continues. I thought this fit with the scene very well, because at first when Rob Roy jumps off the bridge it is more surprising than suspenseful, but then as the scene continues it ... Show more content on ... I wanted to show the sadness through a piece that everyone did not automatically assume would be there, but did actually fit the scene. The piece is also polyphonic because of the music behind the multiple voices. The tempo and the dynamics really do not change a whole lot throughout the piece till near the very end. The voices and the music all have a decrescendo and the tempo also slows down quite a bit, this adds a good sense of ending to the piece. So I ended it at this point in the song, 16:01 and this also leads into the next scene in the movie, so the song ends at 1:54:46 in the movie. The voices are in harmony at the beginning and it shows a clashing of sound and they become unison by the end. This also shows the winding down of both the scene and the movement, and after the movement there is a slight cadence. Additionally, there is some dissonance between the voices that add to the sense of wrong, bad, or just add a more dramatic tone. Third Selection: The second piece starts 0:24 seconds into the song and 1:54:47/ when Mary is lying in bed and sees Rob Roy for the first time. Rob Roy is beaten and clearly has not seen Mary in a very long time. Mary is happy, but I get that the there is an underlying theme of sadness, because of what Mary has to tell him. I wanted to show the sadness, but also the happiness of them being reunited. The song "Beethoven String Quartet No 14 ... Get more on ...
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  • 24. Chinese Immigrants Of Los Angeles Chinese Immigrants in Los Angeles The Chinese immigrant is one of the largest group in the United States. Looking back the history of U.S., most people believe that the first Chinese immigrants came to California during the Gold Rush period. Also, the Chinese community is one of the largest and oldest ethnic group of Asian Americans. Some researchers consider the history of ethnic Chinese in Southern California relates to three periods. In my opinion, I would like to say that there are four major waves which the first wave begins in the 19th century, the second wave occurs in the 1940s to 1980s, the third wave happens during the 1980s, and the last wave arises in a recent decade year. The first wave begins in the 19th century. There is evidence shows that the first Chinese immigrant in Los Angeles comes from the Northern California because of the Gold Rush and the railroads construction. In the book, The Los Angeles Plaza: Sacred and Contested Space, William David Estrada writes, "The rise of the Chinese community of Los Angeles was an outgrowth of larger developments in the United States during the nineteenth century... the Chinese of Los Angeles came to fill an important sector of the economy as entrepreneurs" (p.72.) Estrada also claims that the early work areas that the first Chinese immigrants related. At first, most Chinese work at restaurants, laundries, farms, wholesale stores and casinos. Because of cheap labor, most Chinese can easily find the low–skilled work ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. The Big Dipper in Taoism Essay The belief and worshipping of the Big Dipper has been around for ages and it has appeared many different cultures due to the influence of the Han culture. This is because of the popularity of Taoism as a religion. Due to the flourish of Taoism, the worshipping of Big Dipper star group bloomed among the people. However, with the fall of Taoism due to modernization and the impact of foreign religions such as Buddhism, Christianity and other religions, there has been a significant decandancy in the worshipping of stars. In this essay, I am intending to find out how the worshipping of the Big Dipper came about and the influence that it created among the different cultures in China. The Big Dipper is a group of 7 stars in the close to the ... Show more content on ... However, when Taoism was formed, it emphasized on the importance that it has to humans by stating that it holds the power to humans' destinies. Big Dipper in Taoist Astrology In Taoism, each timing stands for a particular star. For example, one maybe born in the 23rd Feb, at 3pm. Each of this timings, 23rd Feb and 3pm, can be linked to a particular star and these stars will affect one's destiny and character in time to come. Thus, stars are exceptionally important in Taoism as it directly affects the wellbeing of humans. There was a book, 《星经》 the Book of Stars. The author of this book was not recorded and it should be written around the Han dynasty. In this book, it was written that the Big Dipper was in charge of the Emperor's destiny and longevity. During the Jin Dynasty, the status of Taoism rose through the ranks amongst other religions and philosophy. This is due to the literature culture during the Wei Jin Dynasty. 玄学 flourished thus causing Taoism to be of a certain status in that period of time. During this period of time, Taoism conveyed the idea and importance of the Big Dipper. In 《晋书。天文志》, which means under the section of astronomy in the Jin Historical Book, the Big Dipper was given special responsibilities, they belonged to the 5 elements and they were in charge of the good and bad destinies in the world. From there, the Big Dipper was included in many literature works such as 《搜神记》 In Search of the Supernatural which was one ... Get more on ...
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  • 28. Case Study Winning Global Taste Buds: v Levendary Café v Hillary Tzeng v Table of Contents v Executive Brief 3 Decision Tree 4 Company Overview Product Mix & Global Presence Current Business Model Value Chain Competitive Advantages Growth Imperative 5 6 7 8 9 Country Analysis – China Economic Overview CAGE Analysis Target Consumers Institutional Voids
  • 29. 10 11 12 13 Industry Analysis – Multi–Unit Restaurants Porter's Five Forces Market Attractiveness Industry Trends Competitor Analysis 14 15 16 17 Recommendations 18 v Executive Brief v To reap the profits derived from possessing a strong brand image, quality customer service, and consistent company practices ... Show more content on ... Many stores offer slight, local menu adaptations. Global Presence Levendary Café currently has over 3,500 stores in the United States, 23 stores in China, and a partnership in Dubai. Its most immediate plans are to expand its store coverage in China to balance out its slowing U.S. growth. 5 v v Maximizing Profitability Potential Current Business Model Tight Control of store expenses
  • 30. & operations Increased need for employees' operating tools & learning (OTL) Raised consumer demand Global scale Higher margins Speedy service & order accuracy New franchises Royalty fees Reinvest Branded grocery items Volume Profits Negotiation power with suppliers Diversified global portfolio Marketing programs New menu boards International expansion 6 v Coordinating Across All Operations v Value Chain Levendary Café's operations touch upon the entire value chain of running a multi–unit restaurant. Its driving force for keeping the brand fresh originates in its R&D Concept group, while it maintains operating standards at its point–of–sale destination as part of the training enforced in Sales & Service. R&D – Concept group senses upcoming food trends – Maintains consistency with the slogan "Tasty Fresh ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. The Between The Prince And Han Fei Tz As an international student, sometimes it is really hard to connect the ethical theory of western philosophers with my background knowledge; however, when I first read about Niccolò Machiavelli's thoughts, I immediately related his theory with what I had learned before I came to the United States. I find it really interesting to see that the Chinese philosopher Han Fei and the Italian philosopher Niccolò Machiavelli, who actually was born 1800 years later, could develop such similar ethical theories. To me, it is really significant to understand both western and eastern concepts. Therefore, in this essay, I will be comparing and contrasting the similarities and the unlikeness between The Prince and Han Fei Tz. Throughout the essay, my purpose is to analyze whether or not these two theories can be applied to the real world efficiently. To start with, I would like to introduce more about Han Fei, whose status in China is as important as Machiavelli's in the western country. Before the Qin Dynasty, Confucianism was the mainstream and most of the people followed its rules of humanity. Han Fei, however, thought that Confucianism is too ideology and could be beguiling. He believed that selfishness and greed are the essences of human 's characters, which means that between people, there is nothing but self–interest. Hence, Han further developed a complete opposite point of view, which is the doctrine of Legalism. The core of Legalism is the importance of the law; assuming that ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Diversity Interview Assignment Diversity Interview Assignment SW 3410 Human Behavior and the Social Environment Steven D. Sledge Madonna University Abstract The people in the world that we live in are extremely diverse, in terms of the nationalities, religions, gender classifications and physical abilities. Social workers must have a clear understanding of the consequences of diversity and difference and the mechanisms of oppression and discrimination as they relate to human development. The range of different ethnic and cultural backgrounds that social workers will practice in is huge. Because of this, social workers must have an understanding of the values and attitudes of a multitude of different cultures as well as an understanding of their own attitudes and ... Show more content on ... English Service Language Director Ms. Hadeel Betti helped in selecting a candidate for the interview. I was shocked at her age of 31 years by her tiny frame as she approached for the interview. She was very pleasant, very polite and eager to smile at every appropriate moment. IV. Information Obtained Ms. Mao describes herself as Chinese of the Han nationality. The Han nationality dominates the ethnicity of the population of China. According to," China is the most populous nation on earth; in 2000, the estimated population was 1,261,832,482 (over one–fifth of the world's population). Of these people, 92 percent are Han Chinese; the remaining 8 percent are people of Zhuang, Uyhgur, Hui, Yi, Tibetan, Miao, Manchu, Mongol, Buyi and Korean" (, 2013). According to Ms. Mao, Chinese people who live in the far south of China belong to what she describes as the South Asia race. Ms. Mao earned a degree in journalism in China and has worked as a journalist there for some time. She stated that she wanted to expand her knowledge and learn new things. Her major at Madonna University is business. She has no brothers or sisters and states that this is the result of China's one child law. According to the Journal of Politics and law, "The Birth Control Law of PRC restricts married, urban couples to having only one child, and rural couples to having 2 children if the first is female, while ethnic minorities are ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. Google And Its Relationship With China Opening The quick advancement and progress of the internet across the world has led to many great opportunities for American business. However, this advancement has pushed the bounds for some countries on their stance for the free flow of information. This has been the problem for Google and its relationship with China. The restrictions set up by the Chinese government go against the ideas and ethics of Google. However, the presence of Google will likely help push political change by opening some doors for accessing information. This will also have the added opportunity of maximizing Google's corporate interests. Stats and numbers China has the fastest growing internet base with around 632 million of its citizens online as of ... Show more content on ... A business holds its responsibility to the investors with the end goal of producing profit, but this can be considered to constrictive. Strictly running for profit might not be the main goal for some, employees, stakeholders or customers. This could help give a positive image for the company and its investors. Also, Google has not created its enormous value by making shareholder value the main purpose. "Maximizing profits is an end from the private point of view; it is a means from the social point of view."(friedman) A system based on private property and free markets help enable people to use their resources in the most valued way. To build a strong and efficient network infrastructure China will need private business, entrapanuers and shareholders to invest freely. If they are in disagreement with the company they are free to sell their stock. The same goes for customers and their choice to vote with their dollars. Many companies have been created with the purpose to maximize profits for their investors. It is also simply good business for a company to provide for its customers social benefit as long as it's done by their own choice and not pressured. It is not the job of the company to be altruistic and is the benefit of the company to work towards its own needs. Things have changed over time in the There is no obligation to social responsibility, only in the way of shared values and responsibilities ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Character Analysis Of Dom Cobb ( Played By Leonardo... Inception is an overhyped blockbuster accompanied by several moving parts that will leave you in awe, but nonetheless it 's a work of art. Dom Cobb (played by Leonardo DiCaprio) is not your normal thief he has the ability to enter people 's dreams and steal their ideas from their subconscious. His skill set has made him very sought after in the world of corporate espionage which has also cost him everything he loves. Cobb gets a second shot at redemption. He's offered a job, plant an idea in someone 's mind. If successful it 's the perfect crime, but even with intricate planning a dangerous enemy awaits them at every turn. With only one man that could have foreseen this, Cobb. One of the most anticipated movies of the summer, leading to an outrageous amount of hype being built up prior to the premier of the film. It has it flaws but none the less it is truly a masterpiece. The film was unable to live up to its own expectations given prior to release. Ross douthat from the national review says "Nolan 's movies, alas, don 't support these panegyrics. The result has been backlash: From the blogs to the glossy magazines, critics have lined up to declare the new movie overrated, and Nolan a grim gamesman who lacks the human touch" From well known magazines, to blogs, even movie critics have deemed the film overrated. lucius shepard from The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction says, "In the end we're left with another over–hyped summer movie, a mash–up that quotes from a ... Get more on ...
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  • 40. The Rise and Fall of Dynasties in China The rise and fall of dynasties in china Introduction Rhoads Murphey describes the history of China history is on the succession of dynasties that ruled it over a period of time until around 1912 when Republic of china was formed before rising to the current People's Republic of China was formed in 1949. In China, a dynasty was made up of Kings or emperors that came from the same family. They ruled in succession where a king could be inherited by his son or his immediate relatives. Although china's history is majorly regarded on the basis of dynastic ruling, other small kingdoms were established that ruled different part of china. For example, in 200AD, the fall of great Han dynasty triggered formation of smaller kingdoms all over the china which were later united by a short lived Sui Dynasty that reigned between 580 and 618 AD. In Murphey's book varied dynasties have been described how they came to power and how they eventually collapsed. From his book, various reasons for dynastic rise in china can be summarized as follows; most dynasties were founded through force and especially when there was disorder in a given dynasty. This could even break into a fight and those who won could take up and rule for a period of time waiting to be overthrown by other powerful people. Dynasty could also rise as a result of leaders who were very powerful and vigourous. These leaders could create their own stable and prosperous kingdom that secured it territories and people. ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. The Differences Between Legalism And Confucianism Q: Han Fei Zi was known for synthesizing and refining the legalist theories and practices that had been developed before him. Explain his views on law, statecraft and power. Comment on the fundamental differences between Legalism and Confucianism. Han Fei Tzu: Legalism, is an ancient Chinese philosophy concerned with the art of rulership and the stability of the state. Along with hundreds of other philosophical schools, legalism emerged during the Warring States Period (453–422 BC), a time of intense political and intellectual turmoil. Unlike other schools of thought, legalism defined the strength of the state, through a system of punishments and rewards, propagated by common laws. Neither concerning itself with Confucian idealization of the past, or the morality of man, legalisms pragmatic system of governance, as best defined by Han Fei Zi, ended the hundreds of years of warfare and unified China. As aforementioned, Legalism was at the forefront of philosophical discourse during the Warring States Period. The Warring States Period was a time of both immense growth and conflict, as the remaining seven states fought over the dominance of China. Although through much of the Warring States Period, the Zhou Dynasty claimed dominance over China, by the end of the two–hundred and twenty–five year long period, the Kingdom of Qin emerged victorious. While much of the Warring States Period consisted of warfare, the era also saw the spread of philosophical ideas throughout ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. The Three Types of Ancient Chinese Rulers In ancient China, many different rulers tried to unify and rule the country using a variety of methods – Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism to name a few. Each philosophy had its own set of rules of how people should act both in public and privately. The overall goal of each philosophy was to set a standard of acceptable living that would ensure harmony and success for the society. However, each was different and thus had different results. Legalism is a philosophy emphasizing strict obedience to the legal system. It was one of the main philosophic currents during the Warring States period and when it was most prominent. The school's most famous proponent and contributor, Han Fei believed that a ruler should use the following three tools to govern his subjects: law, method, and legitimacy. The law code must be clearly written and made public. All people under the ruler were equal before the law. Laws should reward those who obey them and punish accordingly those who dare to break them. Thus it is guaranteed that actions taken are systematically predictable. In addition, the system of law, not the ruler, ran the state, a statement of rule of law. If the law is successfully enforced, even a weak ruler will be strong. Especially important is that no one can fathom the ruler's motivations, and thus no one can know which behavior might help them get ahead, other than following the laws. Legitimacy is the position of the ruler, not the ruler himself or herself, that holds the ... Get more on ...
  • 45.
  • 46. Verbal Communication Skills And High Level Interpersonal... SC4 Demonstrated high level written and verbal communication skills and high level interpersonal skills including a capacity to develop constructive relationships with students, parents and other staff. Teachers cannot and should not do their job in isolation. I believe it is important for teachers to effectively communicate and work with all aspects of the school community to collaboratively work together and raise students' confidence, awareness, and involvement. During my time as a teacher, I have demonstrated excellent written, verbal, and interpersonal skills. I have provided relevant, constructive, and helpful feedback on students' assignments as well as clear, concise written handouts for assessable tasks that had a relevant practical component. I have also learnt to develop and adapt voice control in the classroom and practice the repetition of important and relevant facts and skills – especially safety in the Food Technology kitchen, the Photography darkroom, or the Art Studio. I have always developed a strong rapport with not only my own students but with students outside of my classes, with several students asking if they can transfer into my classes. I try to have an understanding of what students are interested in and adapt that knowledge for the benefit of my students' learning. I value their questions and respond to them to the best of my ability either immediately or as soon as I had an appropriate answer. I believe in challenging and extending my ... Get more on ...
  • 47.
  • 48. Zsa Gabor Research Paper Chronological: Zsa Zsa Gabor I'm known for my spectacular acting and scandalous love life. Yes, I am THE Zsa Zsa Gabor! On February 6, 1917 I was born in Budapest, Hungary. Growing up, I came from a wealthy family with my two sisters, Eva and Magda. When I was young, my sisters and I were sent to a boarding school where we stayed for most of my childhood. One lucky day when I was thirteen, I caught the eye of a famous Australian tenor by the name of Richard Tauber. After Richard noticed me, he invited me to play a part in his operetta "Der Singende Traum" (The Singing Dream). I ended up turning the role down, but that did help me get into the Vienna Acting Academy in Switzerland. Little did I know that going to that school would help me with ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Culture Shock: Indirect Communication—a Foreign Teacher's... June 2010, Volume 7, No.6 (Serial No.78) Sino–US English Teaching, ISSN 1539–8072, USA Culture shock: Indirect communication–A foreign teacher's teaching experience in a Chinese university located in a Hakka region * WANG Liu–mei (School of Foreign Languages, Jiaying University, Meizhou 514015, China) Abstract: Culture shock is unavoidable for foreign teachers in China. Using qualitative method, this paper reports a case study of culture shock–a foreign teacher's teaching experience in a Chinese university located in an area with a unique local population. The city involved in this study is Meizhou, located in Guangdong Province, which is considered "the capital of Hakka". The study found that indirect communication is a big ... Show more content on ... In addition, the Hakkas emphasize the importance of education. The Hakkas are also famous for its aspiration for learning and veneration for Confucianism. It is hoped that through study, one can acquire knowledge and gain wisdom, enhance themselves' value and finally reach the ideal esteemed realm (GUO & CHEN, 1999, p. 27). In other words, the Hakkas love learning and venerate Confucianism, and they view education as one of the most important things in their life. Hakka culture is an important element of Chinese culture and has unique features. It has attracted great attention from researchers both at home and abroad (Lee, 2001). The experts have reached the following agreements concerning the Hakkas spirit: (1) The Hakkas are well–known for their perseverance even in the most adverse environment. (2) The Hakkas are among the most conservative in keeping the traditions. (3) The Hakkas are more concerned about knowledge than properties. (4) The Hakkas are famous for retaining harmony among social groups. According to the well–known Chinese Xinhua Dictionary (p. 262), the Hakkas are inhabitants at the junction of Guangdong, Fujian and Jiangxi. The present study focuses on the Hakkas in Meizhou, which is one of the regions where the most Hakkas inhabit. Meizhou is also a historical city and famous as "the home of culture, of ... Get more on ...
  • 51.
  • 52. The Prevalence of Racial Tension Around the World Today, there is racial tension all around the world. Racial tension means the feeling that exists when people do not trust and be aggressive to each other. In Malaysia, racial tension has deepened recently. The Indian government has released an advisory for its foreign students that studying in Australia which showed that racial tension appeared around the White and Indian. Racial tension between the Han and Uighur communities in Xinjiang, China was enhanced in July 2009. There are several factors that cause racial tension to happen such as religion topic, government policy, prejudice and discrimination. Racial tension could be caused by prejudice and discrimination. According to Jon (1998), "prejudice is a general characteristic of ... Show more content on ... People from different regions and countries may hold different religions. In some countries, some religions are mostly held by certain races. Most of people have religion when these is a small amount of people are free thinkers. Basically, people's behaviour and mind are affected by religion. Meanwhile, religion is their spiritual sustenance. To them, their religions are together with them as a part of the body. Therefore, any criticism to religion is a threat to certain races. They will be very supportive and oppose those who cross them. Normally, people won't criticise their own religion and attack religious sites. Once these happen, they will think that these are done by people who held other religions. If the religion is mostly held by certain race, they tend to have a thought that other races are the culprits. The racial tension is ensured once again as it is true that they can't tolerate with each other will cause serious racial tension. They will react violently to protect their religion. Some of them who are radical will behave in a way that they are not accepted other religions. For example, in Malaysia, most of Christians are Chinese or Indian and 60 percent of the population which are mostly Malays are Muslims (Eileen Ng, 2010). According to Eileen Ng (2010), "eight churches were attacked over four days amid a dispute over the word "Allah" by non–Muslims". Race tension was enhanced while the desecration of mosques with wild boar heads happened. This shows ... Get more on ...
  • 53.
  • 54. Essay about The Countdown to Humiliation Day in Canada The Countdown to Humiliation Day What began as a shortage in the Canadian labour market ended with one of the most revolting and atrocious displays of prejudice and discrimination against an entire country and culture of people. The events leading up to Humiliation Day brought forth a legalized intolerance that would leave an inescapable bruise on Canadian history. South Asians have long since endured the brunt of intense prejudice at the hands of Canadians and the Canadian government. A most prevalent discrimination against the Chinese was seen in Western Canada, mainly British Columbia. In the mid 1800s, it was the general consensus among Canadians that South Asians could not become part of mainstream culture, nor did they belong ... Show more content on ... They were despised and looked down upon by white Canadian workers. They were treated unfairly and given little to no recognition for their work or contributions to the project. They were grossly underpaid, receiving only half of the wage to that of their white counterparts and they were not in receipt of any type of social benefits. The Canadian Pacific Railways saw its completion in November of 1885 as the last spike was driven in at Craigellachie, British Columbia. As domestic labourers and union confederates saw the end of the project drawing near they began to become outraged at the outsourcing of jobs once they reckoned that the extraneous work was over and the Chinese were no longer need. Workers rallied to have the Chinese removed from Canada and to limit future immigration. Provincial and federal governments were met with pressures to control and discourage the flow of the Chinese and they responded on July 20, 1885 with the implementation of the Chinese Immigration Act. This Act imposed a $50 head tax that each Chinese person was forced pay in order to gain entry into Canada. Restrictions were also placed on Canadian citizens that were of Chinese descent. They were forced to pay a fee of fifty cents to register their status with local authorities and their travel was controlled and monitored by government officials. Small concessions were granted to a select few, such as ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. One Child Policy Dbq The one child policy was established in China in 1979 because the population was growing extremely fast. The one child policy is a law that prevents families from having more than one child. It only applies to the Han Chinese ethnic group, which makes up 90% of the Chinese population. Sibling–less parents are allowed to have two children. Some Chinese people are in favor of the one child policy (OCP) because their lives were made easier. Other people felt it was not fair to have their rights taken away. I think that the OCP was not a good idea because there's not enough information to support that it was a good idea. The intention of the OCP was to lower the fertility rate in China and prevent overpopulation. The OCP did lower the ... Show more content on ... Those are still good jobs but they could have better jobs like CEOs or presidents of a company, but those jobs are usually given to men. The article makes it sound so great but if you read in between the lines you notice how there is some discrimination, for a person to learn multiple languages they should have a more important job than a secretary. People's view on the OCP is biased based on their experience. Document F tells the story of 2 kids that were born under the OCP. One, which was a boy from a rural area, who loved the OCP, the other was a girl who lived in an urban area and didn't like it at all. The girl said that all the pressure was on her to be the best and she wanted a sibling to share the pressure with. On the other hand, the boy said that if you have siblings your parents would not give you the most they could give you. He said everyone would be average because you would be lacking emotional and financial support. Your parents would have to share whatever they could offer with all their children. I think that is a biased thought because very successful people like Bill Gates, Yao Ming, and Jackie Chan all had siblings and still did good in life. Both the boy and the girl are only thinking on how it affects them and not the future of the country. All in all, I don't think that the one child policy was a good idea. People should be able to have as many kids as they want or no kids at all. The one child policy wasn't ... Get more on ...
  • 57.
  • 58. Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior Why Chinese Mothers are superior In 2011 Amy Chua wrote an article in which she involves people in how Chinese parents are raising their children. There are huge differences in how western parents are raising their children and how Chinese parents are raising their children. As a western person the methods Chua is using seems a little rough, but maybe it is the way to go. Her children have never been at a sleepover and the only choices they had was playing the piano or the violin. While reading the article it seemed to me more like fiction than reality. Amy Chua is a professor at Yale Law School, USA. She is born in 1962 and she wrote the article about Chinese parenting to inform, to discuss and maybe convince people that she is raising ... Show more content on ... She also express' in the article that her children never had had a social life with play–dates and being in the school play. All they ever was allowed to do was staying home practice their instrument or do their homework. The practice of their instrument is not only a half an hour. The practice can take up to three hours a day. So when a Western child think it is hard to practice their drums or their guitars for a half an hour they don't really know what it means to practice for a long time. In relation to this Chua means that Western parents give up too easy. When their children say that they don't want to practice anymore the parents are okay with that. When Chinese children say that they are nearly having a punishment, and has to practice for maybe an hour more. Chinese parents know that their children have a lot of self–esteem if they are the best at something, that's why they keep pushing them until they are the bests. And for Chinese parents it is not enough that their children are the best in one thing – they have to be the best in everything they do, e. g. playing the piano, math, languages and so on. Chua says that there is tre differences between the western and the Chinese parenting. First of all western parents are concerned about their children's lives and psyche. The Chinese parents are not. As mentioned before Chinese parents do not expect anything less than top– grades. The second thing is the fact that Chinese parents expects ... Get more on ...
  • 59.
  • 60. Analysis Of The Movie Interstellar Interstellar is one of my favorite films of all time. It's a bit different for a Christopher Nolan film, in that, it wraps up everything with no loose ends or ambiguous conclusions. Yet something about it kept it in my head long after the credits rolled. Maybe it was the Hans Zimmer's wonderful soundtrack. Or Nolan's masterful directing. Or the cast of amazing performances. Whatever the reason Interstellar stands out as one of the best Si–Fi films out there. So for Christopher Nolan and his team, how do you follow up a movie like Interstellar? Dunkirk is largely considered to be one of the biggest military disasters of all time. Nearly 400,000 Allied troops were stranded on the beaches of France, with German soldiers advancing rapidly, and only 30,000 of them expected to be rescued. That is until the British government sent out a call for civilian boats to help aid the effort and the call was answered by hundreds. Dunkirk tells you this true story from three different perspectives: land, sea and air. On land we follow Tommy (Fionn Whitehead), in the air we ride along with Farrier (Tom Hardy) and on the sea we accompany Mr. Dawson (Mark Rylance). For being a story about the largest war ever fought, Dunkirk is an intimate experience. However, being a Christopher Nolan film, the story isn't told in a linear fashion and each perspective spans a different space of time with all three timelines converging at the end. This is slightly confusing at times but it will all make sense ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Hierarchical Social Constructs Among Chinese Americans Hierarchical Social Constructs amongst Chinese Americans Introduction There are many aspects of the Chinese American culture that other ethnic groups do not understand. Social hierarchy, an overarching aspect of the Chinese American community, is a paradigm that shapes Chinese American culture. This social hierarchy often affect personal decisions that may prompt a Chinese national to want to immigrate to the United States. Once here, many of these now Chinese Americans are forced to transact with the larger American population while negotiating their spot in their expatriate hierarchy. As a Chinese family immigrates into the US, they are faced with many decisions in regards to their acculturation and eventual assimilation. While negotiating these obstacles, individual Chinese Americans are faced with the dilemma of what customs they want to retain and what cultural nuances they want to discard. As there are many thriving Chinese– American communities in large US cities, it becomes imperative that social workers further understand Chinese–American culture. According to Barnes and Bennett, "Immigration and births now account for 2,734,841 Chinese Americans living in the United States, the largest Asian– American population reported in the 2000 census" (as cited in Dorton & Lantz, 2007, p. 121). People want to emigrate out of China for various reasons. Some people may decide to emigrate due to prospects of a better education, improving one's family life, or as ... Get more on ...
  • 63.
  • 64. Essay on Hans Zimmer Hans Zimmer Hans Zimmer was born in Frankfurt, Germany in September 12, 1957. As a child, he began playing piano since he was three years old. Although he was receiving piano lessons, he quickly became uninterested after only two weeks of piano lessons. Even more astounding he decided to become a composer at age six. His father died when he was six and that is when he decided to become serious about music, because it was his refuge as he quotes, "It was my way of calming the demons in me or at the same time sometimes letting them roar, letting them rip, letting the monster out and seeing that it wasn't so scary being able to look it in the eye," (International Dictionary of Films and Filmmakers 2). His family has been moving all over ... Show more content on ... After his big success, he saw his career as a big fork in the road, he testifies, "Lion King made me reassess my situation in this town," Zimmer told Black. "I admit that standing on the stage and getting an Oscar [Academy Award] is the most seductive moment one can have in one's life. Then you go, 'Wow, if I just carry on writing nice music like this, I can have this moment again....' That's why I did the exact opposite, scoring for truly offensive projects like The Fan. Just to shake myself out of the desire for that Oscar experience." When he created the score for A Crimson Tide, he used a large choir and it featured a majestic symphonic score, as well as 3–D sound effects to enhance the film with action and suspense. Despite his choice to take the path less glittered, he still received recognition for A Crimson Tide. He won a Grammy for the score, and received another Academy Award nomination for The Preacher's Wife. That same year, the performing rights organization BMI presented him with its prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award before Zimmer was 40 years old, which is a great achievement on his part. And in 1998 he received yet another Academy Award nomination on the movie As Good As It Gets (1998). In the late 1990's, Zimmer accepted a head position of the music division with the Dreamworks SKG studio. While he was there, he supervised for all of their ... Get more on ...
  • 65.
  • 66. Market Research Essay 1. Introduction An increasing amount of attention is being paid in the literature to business Guanxi or relationship in Asia particularly in the business dominated economies of the Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and the People's Republic of China. Chinese business relationships and contracts that needs to be understood and worked within to successfully conduct business and management in most countries in the region. However, the attention is directed to the different perspective on the importance of guanxi to business practices and possible impacts of the guanxi on western firms' success in China. In order for western firms to enter China market, they have to confront with complex and constantly changing ... Show more content on ... According to sales volumes, China's high–tech parks and zones usually offer faster customs clearance and other shortcuts through red tape that makes life easier. For instance, it allows Motorola to generate greater market access for lower tariffs and guanxi for further flexibility. For example, Motorola managed to cope with the tight market in part by utilizing the Chinese practice of guanxi due to the China's effort to promote business–education programmes, multinational operation that are growing rapidly. In addition, the company learned that retention tactic favoured in the west such as rewards does not apply well in China because financial markets are very tightly controlled by the government. Therefore, they have changed the policy to health insurance and other benefits that are more powerful selling point for recruiters in China (Ahlstrom, 2004). Contemporarily, multinationals are moving aggressively to localize their operation in China by hiring Chinese talent to fill expatriates. Thus, the Motorola shift to localize management and cultural issues to handle talent wars. The importance of guanxi is realized when the expatriate managers were unwilling to pass knowledge along to the Chinese because they wanted to hang on their jobs. According to Xing (2003), they resolve this problem by adopted the Chinese policy by giving the expatriates an additional incentive ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Confucianism vs Legalism Chen Hanyu A0110820B Tutorial D5 Question 1: Introduction For this paper, I will be discussing two opposing ideologies, Confucianism and Legalism. Towards the later part of ancient China (e.g Han dynasty), states started to adopt a mixture of Confucianism and Legalistic ideology. Why did Legalism and Confucianism fall off? In this paper I will explore and provide my own insights on the shortcomings of both ideologies; how Legalism was more persuasive in getting people to accept their ideas and more effective as an ideology and how Confucianism lost out in both aspects. Persuasiveness of Legalism The central idea of legalism was to provide absolute power to the person in charge and the supremacy of authority. Legalists like Han Fei Zi ... Show more content on ... Although it was well known that Confucius was elevated to high status after his death, his political career was not as successful. Confucius spent many years trying to promoting his ideas to rulers in different states but was not able to get through4. To understand why such a visionary philosopher could not get others to agree with him, we will have to look at the nature of the Confucian theory and why was it incapable of persuading the lords of countries. Firstly, Confucianism prized the rule of men over the rule of law; that is to promote harmony in the people over the interest of a ruler. If a ruler has appropriate personal conduct the government will be effective without needing to issue order. However, the ruler do not have the correct conducts, his orders will not be obeyed. Secondly, Confucius viewed rules and laws as harmful. He argued that people led by laws and punishments will try to avoid punishment but lose the sense of shame. If they are led by virtue and guided by propriety, they will preserve their sense of shame and become good citizens5. He saw a country as an extended family and a ruler should take care of his citizens like a father would take care of his children. The ruler as the "father" would need to set a proper example for the right ethics to flow down5. Thirdly, the Confucianism school did not value institutions in inducing desirable ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Gladiator, by Ridley Scott Who doesn't love a movie where the protagonist is off on a quest for revenge in numerous action sequences for his taste of sweet, sweet revenge? When breaking films into this type of category, one film that stands out among the rest has to be Gladiator. Gladiator can be argued as one of the greatest action movies of all time, and for good reasons. The soundtrack, dialogue, and characters have no equal in the revenge action category of film, and can be considered tops of pure action films. Gladiator is a perfectly well rounded movie that adds the best of all worlds to create the masterpiece seen today. Ridley Scott's masterpiece, Gladiator, was released to the public in 2000. Received with initial success and regarded as one of the best ... Show more content on ... The soundtrack has received critical acclaim from numerous reviews and was a best seller, selling millions of copies of the soundtrack alone to anxious listeners. The songs helped set the pace of the movie and made a good movie into an excellent movie. Some of the favorite songs from the soundtrack include "The Battle," "Elysium," and the favorite "Now We Are Free." Mixing a combination of soft melodies and ballads, with battle waltzes, the soundtrack covered all ground and provides future composers the groundwork for future war epics. While Hans Zimmer gets most of the credit and praise for Gladiator's score, he could not do it alone without Lisa Gerrard, who co– composed the score and provided the vocals. This soundtrack was so well received that it was nominated for an Academy Award and a BAFTAAward for best score, and won a Golden Globe for best original score. Compared to other action films, Gladiator is hard to top. As a reviewer of the soundtrack, Roko Zaper, said Gladiator, "By the very nature of the film itself, the score to Gladiator is perhaps hard to grasp for some, but in it Zimmer and Gerrard have created a score that transgresses its genre and brings the music into an unforgettable arena, an Elysium of drama if you will." As Zaper said, Gladiator separates and goes past any other action soundtrack. Gladiator's soundtrack ... Get more on ...
  • 71.
  • 72. Analysis Of Hans Zimmer 's ' Interstellar ' Introduction A film soundtrack refers to the original music that is written and composed to accompany a given film. A number of cues, instrumentals and orchestral music make part of it. They are carefully timed to start and end at specific moments during the films performance so as to make the narrative better as well as improve the emotional impact of certain scenes. In this paper, we perform a critical analysis of Hans Zimmers "Interstellar" soundtrack. Hans Zimmer's "Interstellar" soundtrack Hans Zimmer's score for the "Interstellar" soundtrack has been considered incredibly unique and aplicable to the movie itself. In fact, the movie's producer, Nolan said that "I believe that Hans ' score for 'Interstellar ' has the tightest bond ... Show more content on ... There are also other instances of silence that are used to add to the movie's dramatic experiences (Laurence, 2013). For instance, the first time the crew enters space, the music that was originally playing stops and the actor's voices appear muffled. Impact of music on human emotion and attention For a long time, there has been a connection between society and music. There is no culture on earth, which does not know anything, that concerns music. Furthermore, human beings sometimes base their actions according to music. It is a known fact that music helps improve one's brain, when it comes to matters that concern learning and studying. Einstein Albert is an exceptional man, who became renowned in academic matters, due to the music he listening to. When Einstein was young, people thought he was stupid, and after learning to play the violin, he improved. He often listened and played music by Bach and Mozart, and in turn, became extremely smart. Currently, the iPod is popular among many students, and they use it without thinking of the consequences it may have in the long run. Research has been conducted, and it has been found out that studying improves as a result of listening to music. Also, it should be known that extreme users of IPods are at risk of suffering from hearing health problems. Even more, they might lose their hearing, while they are still young, and this will affect their life's quality in the future. Researchers have identified ... Get more on ...
  • 73.
  • 74. Developments in Ancient China In the early years of China, the Chinese began a period of establishment in the world with ideas and teachings of new religions, changing powers, and building empires. In a nutshell the Chinese were progressing toward new technology, writings, and belief systems. The Chinese saw many dynasties come and go as well as many ups and downs experienced with societies over the course of history. As all nation's go through change, the Chinese experienced changes from other lands far away and produced many concepts in which helped other realms to see change for themselves. The Chinese used many inventive innovations to prosper as an economic power and stabilize intellectually. Change mixed with innovation proved to be the roots of China's ... Show more content on ... At the same time, these documents show that the Zhou recognized the Shang as occupying the center of the world, were eager to succeed to that role themselves, and saw history as a legitimate power (59, McKay). The Zhou also believed instead of ruling their regions absolutely they established a decentralized feudal system. This backfired on them causing rebellion as the lord who controlled these lands began to disobey their king and this passed from generation to generation. Cities began emerging throughout the land with heavily built walls for protection as economic change was on the rise. Trade was persuaded by the invention of coins which prospered economic growth. Their armies grew with developments in the crossbow, cavalry, and the infantry. Wars could be easily fought with combination of these new discoveries, and lands could be taken swiftly. As the Zhou dynasty began to unravel and looking for a new rule, the Qin Unification (221–206 B.C.E.), which adopted Legalist policies, proved to unify China for the first time. The king of Qin developed the heading "emperor" and entitled himself as the First Emperor. With the short reign of the Qin, they left landmarks and a new way to see the population as a whole. A census was directed to count the population and estimate costs of projects. Under the First Emperor the Great Wall was built from recruited citizens in the hundreds of thousands to provide protection from outside ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. The Heart-warming Story of Rain Man Rain Man is a heart–warming and captivating film, based in the 1980s, in America. The plot revolves around Charlie Babbitt, who discovers after his father's death that he has an autistic brother, Raymond. The plot revolves around Charlie spontaneously kidnapping him from a mental hospital and taking his brother on a bizarre journey of self–discovery, culture and self– awareness, with the goal of seeking his late father's inheritance. The director, Barry Levinson who makes a cameo as Raymond's psychiatrist is now less famous for writing (as well as directing) political satire and sci– fi films such as Man of the Year, starring Robin Williams and The Bay, featuring Kether Donohue (Scott, 2012). Whilst tackling serious issues such as mental health, and adding a little comedy as well, Rain Man has truly left a legacy for the American and global film industry. One of the fanatically portrayed themes in the film is disability and the way the director uses minor characters as props to communicate how society perceived disabled people in the 1980s. For example, a bar maid, Sally suggests that Ray is a "very clever boy". This is significant because she is the only minor character who treats Ray with respect and sympathy, in contrast to Charlie who evidently abuses it. In addition, the mise–en–scene comprised of high key lighting and a subtle wide–angle shot creates a somewhat ambient atmosphere (Cinematheque, 2010, p. 1). This therefore suggests that this is an ... Get more on ...
  • 77.
  • 78. An Analysis Of Like A Dog Chasing Cars By Hans Zimmer I chose to start my first song, Like a Dog Chasing Cars by Hans Zimmer from the very beginning and at 1:50:53 in the movie/ where he says "hang him from the bridge". I feel like this scene had an astonishing amount of tension and suspense. Rob Roy was fighting for his life and as can be seen in the movie was willing to do anything to get away. In the song I chose it starts out soft but has a crescendo as the music continues. I thought this fit with the scene very well, because at first when Rob Roy jumps off the bridge it is more surprising than suspenseful, but then as the scene continues it becomes more stressful. In Like a Dog Chasing Cars there is an overall minor tone to the whole piece. Throughout the whole piece there is both a crescendo and accelerando which makes a building feeling. The building feeling is finally almost released when I end the piece and the soldiers walk away from Rob Roy. There is a recurring melody and steady background beat also helps pace the piece. The background for the most part is also very staccato while the overlapping pitches are legato. Also, near where I'm ending it there is a new sense of hopefulness, because the pitch of the notes is raised a little bit. Also, I think there might be a keychain to add to this new light tone. The hope connects to the movie, because there is hope that Rob Roy might actually escape. The music ends when the soldiers walk away from Rob Roy. I chose to start the second 14:41 minutes into the song, because ... Get more on ...
  • 79.
  • 80. What Was the Design of the Hakka Houses What was the design of the Hakka Houses? #1 – Brown Built in round shape to fend off bandits, warlords, and unwanted guests Inexpensive to build and maintain, and last long (some over 1000 years) –Upper floors have windows and massive wooden gates are sheathed in iron Layout: First floor is for cooking, eating, socializing, and working. Second floor is for grains and grandparents. Third and fourth floor is for young people to live. Central Courtyards have a well, mill, threshing floor, and ancestral hall About 360 houses are round, 4,000 are square #2 – Katayama The plane composition, roof height, main gate orientation, location of a stove, direction of drain ditches etc... in Tulou dwellings were determined by Feng Shui. Other influences were Chinese traditional philosophy (Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism etc...) Plane construction reflects the Guangdong plane's Wei Long Wu with Three–main two–side house styles and Five Phoenix. Taking the human body as the model, both houses stretch forward as if to greet people Exterior Walls: Base with heavy load uses stone masonry –Deep eaves to protect walls from weather –Defensive parts are made of stones #3 – UNESCO Each house holds up to 800 people Built defensively – around a central open courtyard, with one entrance, only windows are above first floor Tall fortified mud walls, capped by tile roof with wide eaves Buildings divided vertically families Highly decorated and comfortable on inside #4 – Welborn ... Get more on ...