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Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia (GTN)

 Trophoblastic diseases, a locally proliferative with ability
  to invade normal tissue, and the potential to
   Postmolar GTN
   Invasive Mole
   Choriocarcinoma
   Placental Trophoblastic Tumor
   Epithelioid trophoblastic tumor, a very rare subtype

 Most curable gynecologic malignancy.

 Malignant GTD is diagnosed when there is
  clinical, radiologic, pathologic, and/or hormonal evidence
  of persistent gestational trophoblastic tissue.

 Most commonly, the diagnosis is made following a molar
Postmolar GTN

 50-66% of cases of GTN are postmolar.

 Irregular bleeding following evacuation of a H. mole.

 An enlarged, irregular uterus
 Persistent bilateral ovarian enlargement.
 A metastatic vaginal lesion may be noted on evacuation.
Risk Factors For Postmolar GTN

 High pre-evacuation hCG levels > 1 lac
 Uterine size larger than expected by dates.
 Theca lutein cysts.
 Increasing maternal age > 40 yrs
FIGO Diagnosis Of Postmolar GTN

1. Plateaued hCG (± 10%) 4 values over 3 weeks.
2. Rising hCG of (≥ 10%) 3 values over 2 weeks.
3. Persistence of hCG beyond 6 months after mole
4. Histologically confirmed choriocarcinoma, invasive
   mole or PSTT.
5. Metastatic disease without primary site with elevated
   hCG (pregnancy has been excluded)
GTN Following Non-molar Gestations

 Postpartum GTN : 1/50000 births.

 History of irregular uterine bleeding, amenorrhea or
  recent pregnancy.

 Hemoptysis, pulmonary embolism, cerebral
  hemorrhage, gastrointestinal or urologic hemorrhage or
  widely metastatic malignancy of an unknown primary
Whom to screen for non molar GTN ?

 Woman with persistent vaginal bleeding after a

 A urine pregnancy test should be performed.

 Symptoms from metastatic disease, such as dyspnoea or
  abnormal neurology, can occur very rarely.
                                               (RCOG, 2010)
 The possibility of malignant GTN should be suspected in
  any woman of reproductive age who presents with
  metastatic disease from an unknown primary site or
  undiagnosed cerebral hemorrhage.

 Under these circumstances the diagnosis is facilitated by
  a high index of suspicion coupled with serum hCG testing
  and exclusion of a concurrent pregnancy, most often
  without the need for tissue biopsy.
Gestational choriocarcinoma

 Gestational choriocarcinoma is a pure epithelial
  malignancy, comprising both neoplastic
  syncytiotrophoblast and cytotrophoblast elements
  without chorionic villi.

 1:50000 deliveries.

 Gestational choriocarcinomas tend to develop early
  systemic metastasis and chemotherapy is clearly
  indicated when histologically diagnosed.
Route of metastasis

 GTN usually spreads by hematogenous dissemination.
 lymphatic spread uncommon
Evaluation of GTN

 Complete history and physical examination.
 Baseline hematologic, renal, and hepatic functions.
 Baseline quantitative hCG level.
 Chest X-ray or CT scan of chest if CXR is negative.
 Brain MRI or CT scan.
 CT scan of abdomen and pelvis.

 Approximately 45% of patients present with metastatic
  disease when GTN is diagnosed.

 Some pulmonary metastases result from deportation of
  trophoblast during molar evacuation and identification of
  pulmonary nodules in a post evacuation chest X-ray
  might not indicate true malignant behavior.
Metastatic site         %    % Metastatic
Non-metastatic         54
Metastatic              46
 Lung only                      81
 Vagina only                    5
 Central nervous system         7
 Gastrointestinal               4
 Liver                         1.5
 Kidney                        0.7
Clinical Classification System For
Patients With Malignant GTN
       Category                                   Criteria
   Non-metastatic GTN           No evidence of metastases
   Metastatic GTN               Any extrauterine metastases

Good prognosis metastatic GTN              No risk factors
                                Short duration (<4 months)
                                Pretherapy hCG <40,000 mIU/mL
                                No brain or liver metastases
                                No antecedent term pregnancy
                                No prior chemotherapy
Poor prognosis metastatic GTN              Any one risk factor
                                Long duration (>4 months)
                                Pretherapy hCG >40,000 mIU/mL
                                Brain or liver metastases
                                Antecedent term pregnancy
                                Prior chemotherapy
FIGO score            0               1              2              4
 Age (years)          < 40            ≥40

 Antecedent       Hydatidiform     Abortion         Term
 pregnancy           mole                         pregnancy
Interval from         <4             4 - <7         7 - <13        ≥ 13
Previous failed                                   Single drug    ≥ 2 drug
Pretreatment         < 1000      1000 - < 10000    10000 - <    ≥ 100000
hCG (mIU/mL)                                        100000
Largest tumor         <3             3-<5             ≥5
size including
 uterus (cm)
  Site of            Lung        Spleen, kidney      GIT        Brain, liver
 Number of             0              1-4            4-8            >8
 Chest X-ray rather than chest CT would be used to assess
  the number of metastatic lesions.

 Low Risk = ≤ 6
 High Risk = ≥ 7

 Treatment is based on classification into risk groups
  defined by the stage and scoring system.

Treatment of low risk GTN

 Essentially all patients with this condition can be
  cured, usually without the need for hysterectomy.

 Patients with nonmetastatic (stage I) and low-risk
  metastatic (stages II and III, score < 7) GTN can be treated
  with single-agent chemotherapy, with resulting survival
  rates approaching 100%.
 Methotrexate is the corner stone of chemotherapy.

 Hematologic indices
 Renal function test
 Liver function test
 Oral methotrexate is readily absorbed via the GIT.

 Barter reported a retrospective analysis of 15 patients
  treated solely with oral methotrexate 0.4mg/kg for 5 day
  cycles that were repeated every 14 days.

 The primary remission rate was 87% with minimal

 Concerns about patient compliance and the possibility of
  unpredictable absorption.
                               (Barter, Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1987)
RCOG, 2010

 Women are treated with single-agent intramuscular
  methotrexate alternating daily with folinic acid for 1
  week followed by 6 rest days.

 The cure rate for women with a score ≤ 6 is almost 100%.

 Methotrexate most common side effect- stomatitis.

 Actinomycin D has a more toxic side effect profile
  (nausea, alopecia) than MTX and produces local tissue
  injury if IV extravasation occurs.

 Actinomycin D has most often been used as secondary
  therapy in the presence of MTX resistance or as primary
  therapy for patients with hepatic or renal compromise
  contraindicating the use of MTX.
Cochrane Review, 2012 July

 Included five moderate to high quality RCTs (517 women)

 Compared methotrexate with dactinomycin.

 Three studies compared weekly IM MTX with bi-weekly
  pulsed IV DACT (393 women),
 One study compared five-day IM MTX with bi-weekly
  pulsed IV DACT (75 women)
 One study compared eight-day IM MTX-folinic acid
  (MTX-FA) with five-day IV DACT (49 women)

 Dactinomycin is more likely to achieve a primary cure in
  women with low-risk GTN, and less likely to result in
  treatment failure, compared with MTX.

 There is limited evidence relating to side-effects,
  however, the pulsed DACT regimen does not appear to
  be associated with significantly more side-effects than
  the low-dose MTX regimen and therefore should
  compare favourably to the five and eight day MTX
  regimens in this regard.

 Review considers pulsed dactinomycin to have a better
  cure rate than, and a side-effect profile at least
  equivalent to, methotrexate when used for first-line
  treatment of low-risk GTN.
Abrao et al. Gynecol Oncol,2008 Jan

 Comparison of single-agent methotrexate, dactinomycin
  and combination regimens.

 Reviewed 108 cases with low-risk GTN who were treated
  with first-line chemotherapy.

 42 patients MTX IM injection of 20 mg/m2 D1–D5

 42 patients DACT IV infusion of 12 μg/kg a day D1–D5

 24 patients both drugs with 20 mg MTX IM D1–D5 and
  with 500μg DACT IV infusion D1–D5.

            Complete remission      Adverse side effects
 MTX            69%                     28.6%
 DACT           61.4%                   19.1%
 combination     79.1%                  62.5%
                 (p=0.7)               (p=0.0003)

 The duration of the treatment and the number of
  chemotherapy courses were similar among the groups .

 Analysis indicates that single-agent chemotherapy
  regimens are as effective as combination chemotherapy
  for low-risk GTD.

 Dactinomycin might offer the best cost-effective
  treatment option.

 Methotrexate must be considered as the regimen of
  choice for low resource areas because of the feasibility of
  its administration.
Maintenance chemotherapy

 Regardless of the treatment protocol
  used, chemotherapy is continued until hCG values have
  returned to normal and at least 1 course has been
  administered after the first normal hCG level.

 When chemotherapy is given for an additional 1–2 cycles
  after the first normal hCG value,recurrence rates are <5%

 Contraception, preferably oral contraceptives, should be
  used to prevent an intercurrent pregnancy during
  chemotherapy or monitoring after remission is achieved.
Role of surgery

 Early hysterectomy will shorten the duration and amount
  of chemotherapy required to produce remission.

 Therefore, each patient’s desire for further childbearing
  should be evaluated at the onset of treatment.

 Hysterectomy may be performed during the first cycle of

 However, further chemotherapy after hysterectomy is
  mandatory until hCG values are normal.
Risk factors for drug resistance to
single agent chemotherapy:

 Older patient age > 35yrs

 Higher hcg level > 1 lac miu/ml

 Presence of metastatic disease

 Higher figo score > 4
 Rate of fall of hCG levels has pateaued or values are
  rising during therapy should be switched to an
  alternative single agent regimen after radiographic

 If there is appearance of new metastases or failure of the
  alternative single-agent chemotherapy, the patient
  should be treated with multiagent regimens.
           Initiate single-agent methotrexate or dactinomycin regimen

                   Consider hysterectomy if fertility not desired

Monitor hematologic, renal, and hepatic indices before each cycle of chemotherapy

                 Monitor serum hCG levels weekly during therapy

  Change to alternative single-agent if resistance or severe toxicity to first agent

                         If resistance to alternative agent

                           Repeat metastatic evaluation

              Consider hysterectomy if no extrauterine metastases

                      Multiagent therapy (MAC or EMA/CO)

             1–2 cycles of maintenance/consolidation chemotherapy

       Remission: three consecutive weekly hCG values in the normal range
High-risk metastatic GTN

 Patients classified as having high-risk metastatic disease
  (stage IV and stages II-III, score >6) should be treated in a
  more aggressive manner with multiagent chemotherapy
  ± adjuvant radiation or surgery to achieve cure rates of

 MAC- MTX, DACT and cyclophosphamide or chlorambucil -
  63-71% cure rate.

 CHAMOCA - cyclophosphamide, hydroxyurea, actinomycin
  D, methotrexate with folinic acid, vincristine, and doxorubicin

 In a RCT of CHAMOCA vs MAC, both the primary remission
  rate (65% vs 73%) and the ultimate cure rate (70% vs 95%)
  were inferior for CHAMOCA compared with MAC, and
  CHAMOCA was more toxic.
                                      (Obstet Gynecol 1989;73:357-62)

 Alternating weekly chemotherapy with etoposide,
  methotrexate/folinic acid, dactinomycin/cyclophosphamide
  and vincristine (EMA/CO).

 complete response rates 71-78% and long-term survival rates
  of 85-94%.

 The most widely used regimen.

 Toxicity- alopecia, stomatitis, emesis, Myelosuppression,
  neutropenia, anemia. No treatment-related deaths or life
  threatening toxicity occurred.

 Women with scores ≥ 7 are at high risk and are treated
  with intravenous multi-agent chemotherapy, which
  includes combinations of
  methotrexate, dactinomycin, etoposide, cyclophospham
  ide and vincristine.

 Treatment is continued, in all cases, until the hCG level
  has returned to normal and then for a further 6
  consecutive weeks.

 Cure rate for women with a score ≥ 7 is 95%.

 The regimen, substituting etoposide and cisplatin for CO
  in the EMA-CO protocol

 Considered the most appropriate therapy for patients
  who have responded to EMA-CO but have plateauing
  low hCG levels or who have developed re-elevation of
  hCG levels after a complete response to EMA-CO.
 In patients who have clearly developed resistance to
  methotrexate containing protocols, drug combinations
  containing etoposide and platinum with bleomycin,
  ifosfamide, or paclitaxel have been found to be effective.

 Approximately 30% of high-risk patients will fail first-line
  therapy or relapse from remission.

 Salvage therapy with platinum-containing drug
  combinations, ± surgical resection of sites of persistent
  tumor, will result in cure of most of these high risk
  patients with resistant disease.
Role of surgery

 Primary adjuvant hysterectomy not effective in reducing
  chemotherapy requirements or improving cure rates for
  women with high-risk metastatic GTN.
                             (Hammond and colleagues)

 Hysterectomy is effective in producing remissions in
  patients with chemoresistant non-metastatic or low-risk
  metastatic disease.
Management summarise:

 Evaluate for high-risk metastases: brain, liver, kidney
 Stabilize medical status of patient
 Multiagent therapy with EMA/CO or MAC

 At least three cycles of maintenance chemotherapy after
  hCG values normalize
Surveillance During And After
Therapy Of GTN

 Contraception should be maintained during treatment
  and for 1 year after completion of
  chemotherapy, preferably using oral contraceptives.
Future Pregnancy

 Because of the 1-2% risk of a second GTD event in
  subsequent pregnancies, pelvic ultrasound is
  recommended in the first trimester of a subsequent
  pregnancy to confirm a normal gestation, the products of
  contraception or placentas from future pregnancies
  should be carefully examined histopathologically, and a
  serum quantitative hCG level should be determined 6
  weeks after any pregnancy.
Lung Metastasis

 Radiographic evidence of tumor regression often lags
  behind hCG level response to treatment and some
  patients will have pulmonary nodules that persist for
  months or years after completion of chemotherapy.

 Thoracotomy with pulmonary wedge resection- in highly
  selected patients with drug-resistant disease may
  successfully induce remission. Exclude the possibility of
  active disease elsewhere.

 Prompt hCG level remission occurring within 1–2wks of
  surgery- a favorable outcome.
Brain Metastasis

 8–15% of patients with metastatic GTN.
 Brain irradiation with systemic chemotherapy.

 During radiotherapy, the methotrexate infusion dose in the
  EMA-CO protocol is increased to 1g/m2 and 30 mg of folinic
  acid is given every 12 hours for 3 days starting 32 hours after
  the infusion begins.                                (AJOG, 2010)

 A similar primary remission rate- high-dose systemic
  methotrexate with intrathecal methotrexate infusions,
  without brain irradiation.

 Craniotomy

   1. To control hemorrhage from metastases.
   2. To remove chemoresistant disease
   3. To treat other complications in order to stabilize
      high-risk patients during therapy.

75–80% of women with brain metastases presenting for
    primary therapy and 50% of patients overall with brain
    metastases from malignant GTN will be cured.
Liver Metastasis

 Involvement of the liver constitutes a poor prognostic

 Consider selective angiographic embolization or

 Survival rates of 40–50% for women with primary liver
Vaginal Metastasis

 Highly vascular.

 Biopsy not recommended.

 If vaginal metastases are the only site of metastasis,
  promptly respond to chemotherapy.

 Vaginal packing or selective embolization to control
  active hemorrhage early in the course of treatment.

 Hysterectomy performed when there is disseminated
  metastasis is unlikely to have a significant impact on the
  survival of patients with high-risk or recurrent GTN.

 Ovarian removal is not required, as GTN rarely
  metastasizes to the ovaries and these tumors are not
  hormonally influenced.
Myometrial Resections Combined With
Uterine Reconstruction
 Patients with non-metastatic GTN not willing for

 Salvage procedures in women with localized
  chemoresistant disease.

 Evaluate for systemic metastases and the uterine lesion
  using ultrasound, MRI, and hysteroscopy.

 Intraoperative frozen sections to assess surgical margins.

 Small lesions associated with low hCG levels are more
  likely to be completely excised with a conservative
  myometrial resection than lesions >2–3 cm in diameter.
Invasive mole

 Invasive moles are characterized by edematous chorionic
  villi with trophoblastic proliferation that invade directly
  into the myometrium.

 Usually invasive moles undergo spontaneous resolution
  after many months but they are treated with
  chemotherapy to prevent morbidity and mortality
  caused by uterine perforation, hemorrhage or infection.
 0·2% of cases of GTD.

 PSTT is a tumor of placenta implantation site.

 Characterized by absence of villi with proliferation of
  intermediate trophoblast cells.

 The syncytiotrophoblast is lacking with relatively lower
  levels of hCG. hCG is not a reliable marker of tumor

 Trophoblastic cells infiltrate the myometrium, and there
  is vascular invasion.
 Human placental lactogen (hPL) is present in the tumor

 Not as sensitive to simple chemotherapy as other forms
  of malignant GTN.

 About 35% of PSTTs have distant metastases at
Epithelioid trophoblastic tumor

 A rare variant of PSTT that simulates carcinoma.

 Originally termed atypical choriocarcinoma, it appears to be
  less aggressive than choriocarcinoma and is now regarded as a
  distinct entity.

 Appears to develop from neoplastic transformation of
  chorionic type intermediate trophoblasts.

 Pathologically, it has a monomorphic cellular pattern of
  epithelioid cells and may resemble squamous cell cancer of
  the cervix when arising in the cervical canal.
 Most ETTs present many years after a full-term delivery.

 Clinical behavior from benign to malignant.

 About one-third of patients present with metastases, usually
  in the lungs.

PSTT and ETT s/s-
 Almost always irregular uterine bleeding often distant from a
  preceding nonmolar gestation.
 The uterus is usually symmetrically enlarged.
 Serum hCG levels are only slightly elevated.

Hysterectomy with lymph node dissection is the
  recommended treatment.

 Metastatic disease
 Nonmetastatic disease with adverse prognostic factors-
   Interval from last known pregnancy to diagnosis > 2 years.
   Deep myometrial invasion
   Tumor necrosis
   Mitotic count > 6/10 high power fields.
 Platinum-containing regimen, such as EMA-EP or a
  paclitaxel/cisplatin–paclitaxel/etoposide doublet, is the
  treatment of choice.

 The survival rate is approximately 100% for
  nonmetastatic disease and 50-60% for metastatic
Gestational trophoblastic       Pathological features              Clinical features

                               Myometrial invasion            15% metastatic-lung/vagina
      Invasive mole                Swollen villi                Most often diagnosed
                              Hyperplastic trophoblast           clinically, rather than
                               Abnormal trophoblastic         Vascular spread to distant
    Choriocarcinoma                 hyperplasia                 sites–lung/brain/liver
                                   and anaplasia                  Malignant disease
                                    Absent villi
                                Hemorrhage, necrosis
                                 Tumor cells infiltrate              Extremely rare
         PSTT                     myometrium with              hCG levels less reliable
                             vascular/lymphatic invasion               indicator
                            Intermediate cells/absent villi   Relatively chemoresistant
                            Less hemorrhage and necrosis      Mainly surgical treatment
                             Tumor cells stain positive for
Long-term Outcome Of Women Treated

 Women who receive chemotherapy for GTN are likely to
  have an earlier menopause.

 Women who require multi-agent chemotherapy which
  includes etoposide should be advised that they may be at
  increased risk of developing secondary cancers- acute
  myeloid leukaemia, colon cancer, melanoma, breast

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  • 1. Gestationa l Dr. Ajay Trophoblas Dr. Santosh Dr. P K Saha
  • 2. Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia (GTN)  Trophoblastic diseases, a locally proliferative with ability to invade normal tissue, and the potential to metastasize.  Postmolar GTN  Invasive Mole  Choriocarcinoma  Placental Trophoblastic Tumor  Epithelioid trophoblastic tumor, a very rare subtype
  • 3. Introduction  Most curable gynecologic malignancy.  Malignant GTD is diagnosed when there is clinical, radiologic, pathologic, and/or hormonal evidence of persistent gestational trophoblastic tissue.  Most commonly, the diagnosis is made following a molar pregnancy.
  • 4. Postmolar GTN  50-66% of cases of GTN are postmolar. Symptoms-  Irregular bleeding following evacuation of a H. mole. Signs-  An enlarged, irregular uterus  Persistent bilateral ovarian enlargement.  A metastatic vaginal lesion may be noted on evacuation.
  • 5. Risk Factors For Postmolar GTN  High pre-evacuation hCG levels > 1 lac  Uterine size larger than expected by dates.  Theca lutein cysts.  Increasing maternal age > 40 yrs
  • 6. FIGO Diagnosis Of Postmolar GTN 1. Plateaued hCG (± 10%) 4 values over 3 weeks. 2. Rising hCG of (≥ 10%) 3 values over 2 weeks. 3. Persistence of hCG beyond 6 months after mole evacuation. 4. Histologically confirmed choriocarcinoma, invasive mole or PSTT. 5. Metastatic disease without primary site with elevated hCG (pregnancy has been excluded)
  • 7. GTN Following Non-molar Gestations  Postpartum GTN : 1/50000 births.  History of irregular uterine bleeding, amenorrhea or recent pregnancy.  Hemoptysis, pulmonary embolism, cerebral hemorrhage, gastrointestinal or urologic hemorrhage or widely metastatic malignancy of an unknown primary site.
  • 8. Whom to screen for non molar GTN ?  Woman with persistent vaginal bleeding after a pregnancy.  A urine pregnancy test should be performed.  Symptoms from metastatic disease, such as dyspnoea or abnormal neurology, can occur very rarely. (RCOG, 2010)
  • 9.  The possibility of malignant GTN should be suspected in any woman of reproductive age who presents with metastatic disease from an unknown primary site or undiagnosed cerebral hemorrhage.  Under these circumstances the diagnosis is facilitated by a high index of suspicion coupled with serum hCG testing and exclusion of a concurrent pregnancy, most often without the need for tissue biopsy.
  • 10. Gestational choriocarcinoma  Gestational choriocarcinoma is a pure epithelial malignancy, comprising both neoplastic syncytiotrophoblast and cytotrophoblast elements without chorionic villi.  1:50000 deliveries.  Gestational choriocarcinomas tend to develop early systemic metastasis and chemotherapy is clearly indicated when histologically diagnosed.
  • 11. Route of metastasis  GTN usually spreads by hematogenous dissemination.  lymphatic spread uncommon
  • 12. Evaluation of GTN  Complete history and physical examination.  Baseline hematologic, renal, and hepatic functions.  Baseline quantitative hCG level.  Chest X-ray or CT scan of chest if CXR is negative.  Brain MRI or CT scan.  CT scan of abdomen and pelvis. (AJOG,2010)
  • 13.  Approximately 45% of patients present with metastatic disease when GTN is diagnosed.  Some pulmonary metastases result from deportation of trophoblast during molar evacuation and identification of pulmonary nodules in a post evacuation chest X-ray might not indicate true malignant behavior.
  • 14. Metastatic site % % Metastatic Non-metastatic 54 Metastatic 46  Lung only 81  Vagina only 5  Central nervous system 7  Gastrointestinal 4  Liver 1.5  Kidney 0.7
  • 15.
  • 16. Clinical Classification System For Patients With Malignant GTN Category Criteria Non-metastatic GTN No evidence of metastases Metastatic GTN Any extrauterine metastases Good prognosis metastatic GTN No risk factors Short duration (<4 months) Pretherapy hCG <40,000 mIU/mL No brain or liver metastases No antecedent term pregnancy No prior chemotherapy Poor prognosis metastatic GTN Any one risk factor Long duration (>4 months) Pretherapy hCG >40,000 mIU/mL Brain or liver metastases Antecedent term pregnancy Prior chemotherapy
  • 17. FIGO score 0 1 2 4 2000 Age (years) < 40 ≥40 Antecedent Hydatidiform Abortion Term pregnancy mole pregnancy Interval from <4 4 - <7 7 - <13 ≥ 13 index pregnancy (months) Previous failed Single drug ≥ 2 drug chemotherapy Pretreatment < 1000 1000 - < 10000 10000 - < ≥ 100000 hCG (mIU/mL) 100000 Largest tumor <3 3-<5 ≥5 size including uterus (cm) Site of Lung Spleen, kidney GIT Brain, liver metastases Number of 0 1-4 4-8 >8 metastases
  • 18.  Chest X-ray rather than chest CT would be used to assess the number of metastatic lesions.  Low Risk = ≤ 6  High Risk = ≥ 7
  • 19. Treatment  Treatment is based on classification into risk groups defined by the stage and scoring system. (AJOG,2010)
  • 20. Treatment of low risk GTN  Essentially all patients with this condition can be cured, usually without the need for hysterectomy.  Patients with nonmetastatic (stage I) and low-risk metastatic (stages II and III, score < 7) GTN can be treated with single-agent chemotherapy, with resulting survival rates approaching 100%. (AJOG,2010)
  • 21.  Methotrexate is the corner stone of chemotherapy. Monitor-  Hematologic indices  Renal function test  Liver function test
  • 22.
  • 23.  Oral methotrexate is readily absorbed via the GIT.  Barter reported a retrospective analysis of 15 patients treated solely with oral methotrexate 0.4mg/kg for 5 day cycles that were repeated every 14 days.  The primary remission rate was 87% with minimal toxicity  Concerns about patient compliance and the possibility of unpredictable absorption. (Barter, Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1987)
  • 24. RCOG, 2010  Women are treated with single-agent intramuscular methotrexate alternating daily with folinic acid for 1 week followed by 6 rest days.  The cure rate for women with a score ≤ 6 is almost 100%.
  • 25. AJOG,2010  Methotrexate most common side effect- stomatitis.  Actinomycin D has a more toxic side effect profile (nausea, alopecia) than MTX and produces local tissue injury if IV extravasation occurs.  Actinomycin D has most often been used as secondary therapy in the presence of MTX resistance or as primary therapy for patients with hepatic or renal compromise contraindicating the use of MTX.
  • 26. Cochrane Review, 2012 July  Included five moderate to high quality RCTs (517 women)  Compared methotrexate with dactinomycin.  Three studies compared weekly IM MTX with bi-weekly pulsed IV DACT (393 women),  One study compared five-day IM MTX with bi-weekly pulsed IV DACT (75 women)  One study compared eight-day IM MTX-folinic acid (MTX-FA) with five-day IV DACT (49 women)
  • 27. Contd..  Dactinomycin is more likely to achieve a primary cure in women with low-risk GTN, and less likely to result in treatment failure, compared with MTX.  There is limited evidence relating to side-effects, however, the pulsed DACT regimen does not appear to be associated with significantly more side-effects than the low-dose MTX regimen and therefore should compare favourably to the five and eight day MTX regimens in this regard.
  • 28. Contd..  Review considers pulsed dactinomycin to have a better cure rate than, and a side-effect profile at least equivalent to, methotrexate when used for first-line treatment of low-risk GTN.
  • 29. Abrao et al. Gynecol Oncol,2008 Jan  Comparison of single-agent methotrexate, dactinomycin and combination regimens.  Reviewed 108 cases with low-risk GTN who were treated with first-line chemotherapy.  42 patients MTX IM injection of 20 mg/m2 D1–D5  42 patients DACT IV infusion of 12 μg/kg a day D1–D5  24 patients both drugs with 20 mg MTX IM D1–D5 and with 500μg DACT IV infusion D1–D5.
  • 30. Contd.. Complete remission Adverse side effects  MTX 69% 28.6%  DACT 61.4% 19.1%  combination 79.1% 62.5% (p=0.7) (p=0.0003)  The duration of the treatment and the number of chemotherapy courses were similar among the groups .
  • 31. Contd..  Analysis indicates that single-agent chemotherapy regimens are as effective as combination chemotherapy for low-risk GTD.  Dactinomycin might offer the best cost-effective treatment option.  Methotrexate must be considered as the regimen of choice for low resource areas because of the feasibility of its administration.
  • 32. Maintenance chemotherapy  Regardless of the treatment protocol used, chemotherapy is continued until hCG values have returned to normal and at least 1 course has been administered after the first normal hCG level.  When chemotherapy is given for an additional 1–2 cycles after the first normal hCG value,recurrence rates are <5%  Contraception, preferably oral contraceptives, should be used to prevent an intercurrent pregnancy during chemotherapy or monitoring after remission is achieved.
  • 33. Role of surgery  Early hysterectomy will shorten the duration and amount of chemotherapy required to produce remission.  Therefore, each patient’s desire for further childbearing should be evaluated at the onset of treatment.  Hysterectomy may be performed during the first cycle of chemotherapy.  However, further chemotherapy after hysterectomy is mandatory until hCG values are normal.
  • 34. Risk factors for drug resistance to single agent chemotherapy:  Older patient age > 35yrs  Higher hcg level > 1 lac miu/ml  Presence of metastatic disease  Higher figo score > 4 (AJOG,2010)
  • 35.  Rate of fall of hCG levels has pateaued or values are rising during therapy should be switched to an alternative single agent regimen after radiographic restaging.  If there is appearance of new metastases or failure of the alternative single-agent chemotherapy, the patient should be treated with multiagent regimens.
  • 36. Management Initiate single-agent methotrexate or dactinomycin regimen Consider hysterectomy if fertility not desired Monitor hematologic, renal, and hepatic indices before each cycle of chemotherapy Monitor serum hCG levels weekly during therapy Change to alternative single-agent if resistance or severe toxicity to first agent If resistance to alternative agent Repeat metastatic evaluation Consider hysterectomy if no extrauterine metastases Multiagent therapy (MAC or EMA/CO) 1–2 cycles of maintenance/consolidation chemotherapy Remission: three consecutive weekly hCG values in the normal range
  • 37. High-risk metastatic GTN  Patients classified as having high-risk metastatic disease (stage IV and stages II-III, score >6) should be treated in a more aggressive manner with multiagent chemotherapy ± adjuvant radiation or surgery to achieve cure rates of 80-90%. (AJOG,2010)
  • 38. Regimens  MAC- MTX, DACT and cyclophosphamide or chlorambucil - 63-71% cure rate.  CHAMOCA - cyclophosphamide, hydroxyurea, actinomycin D, methotrexate with folinic acid, vincristine, and doxorubicin  In a RCT of CHAMOCA vs MAC, both the primary remission rate (65% vs 73%) and the ultimate cure rate (70% vs 95%) were inferior for CHAMOCA compared with MAC, and CHAMOCA was more toxic. (Obstet Gynecol 1989;73:357-62)
  • 39. EMA/CO  Alternating weekly chemotherapy with etoposide, methotrexate/folinic acid, dactinomycin/cyclophosphamide and vincristine (EMA/CO).  complete response rates 71-78% and long-term survival rates of 85-94%.  The most widely used regimen.  Toxicity- alopecia, stomatitis, emesis, Myelosuppression, neutropenia, anemia. No treatment-related deaths or life threatening toxicity occurred.
  • 40. RCOG,2010  Women with scores ≥ 7 are at high risk and are treated with intravenous multi-agent chemotherapy, which includes combinations of methotrexate, dactinomycin, etoposide, cyclophospham ide and vincristine.  Treatment is continued, in all cases, until the hCG level has returned to normal and then for a further 6 consecutive weeks.  Cure rate for women with a score ≥ 7 is 95%.
  • 41.
  • 42. EMA-EP  The regimen, substituting etoposide and cisplatin for CO in the EMA-CO protocol  Considered the most appropriate therapy for patients who have responded to EMA-CO but have plateauing low hCG levels or who have developed re-elevation of hCG levels after a complete response to EMA-CO.
  • 43.  In patients who have clearly developed resistance to methotrexate containing protocols, drug combinations containing etoposide and platinum with bleomycin, ifosfamide, or paclitaxel have been found to be effective.
  • 44. Recurrence  Approximately 30% of high-risk patients will fail first-line therapy or relapse from remission.  Salvage therapy with platinum-containing drug combinations, ± surgical resection of sites of persistent tumor, will result in cure of most of these high risk patients with resistant disease.
  • 45. Role of surgery  Primary adjuvant hysterectomy not effective in reducing chemotherapy requirements or improving cure rates for women with high-risk metastatic GTN. (Hammond and colleagues)  Hysterectomy is effective in producing remissions in patients with chemoresistant non-metastatic or low-risk metastatic disease.
  • 46. Management summarise:  Evaluate for high-risk metastases: brain, liver, kidney  Stabilize medical status of patient  Multiagent therapy with EMA/CO or MAC  At least three cycles of maintenance chemotherapy after hCG values normalize
  • 47. Surveillance During And After Therapy Of GTN
  • 48. Contraception  Contraception should be maintained during treatment and for 1 year after completion of chemotherapy, preferably using oral contraceptives.
  • 49. Future Pregnancy  Because of the 1-2% risk of a second GTD event in subsequent pregnancies, pelvic ultrasound is recommended in the first trimester of a subsequent pregnancy to confirm a normal gestation, the products of contraception or placentas from future pregnancies should be carefully examined histopathologically, and a serum quantitative hCG level should be determined 6 weeks after any pregnancy.
  • 50. Lung Metastasis  Radiographic evidence of tumor regression often lags behind hCG level response to treatment and some patients will have pulmonary nodules that persist for months or years after completion of chemotherapy.  Thoracotomy with pulmonary wedge resection- in highly selected patients with drug-resistant disease may successfully induce remission. Exclude the possibility of active disease elsewhere.  Prompt hCG level remission occurring within 1–2wks of surgery- a favorable outcome.
  • 51. Brain Metastasis  8–15% of patients with metastatic GTN.  Brain irradiation with systemic chemotherapy.  During radiotherapy, the methotrexate infusion dose in the EMA-CO protocol is increased to 1g/m2 and 30 mg of folinic acid is given every 12 hours for 3 days starting 32 hours after the infusion begins. (AJOG, 2010)  A similar primary remission rate- high-dose systemic methotrexate with intrathecal methotrexate infusions, without brain irradiation.  Craniotomy
  • 52. Contd.. Surgery- 1. To control hemorrhage from metastases. 2. To remove chemoresistant disease 3. To treat other complications in order to stabilize high-risk patients during therapy. 75–80% of women with brain metastases presenting for primary therapy and 50% of patients overall with brain metastases from malignant GTN will be cured.
  • 53. Liver Metastasis  Involvement of the liver constitutes a poor prognostic factor.  Consider selective angiographic embolization or irradiation  Survival rates of 40–50% for women with primary liver involvement.
  • 54. Vaginal Metastasis  Highly vascular.  Biopsy not recommended.  If vaginal metastases are the only site of metastasis, promptly respond to chemotherapy.  Vaginal packing or selective embolization to control active hemorrhage early in the course of treatment.
  • 55. Hysterectomy  Hysterectomy performed when there is disseminated metastasis is unlikely to have a significant impact on the survival of patients with high-risk or recurrent GTN.  Ovarian removal is not required, as GTN rarely metastasizes to the ovaries and these tumors are not hormonally influenced.
  • 56. Myometrial Resections Combined With Uterine Reconstruction  Patients with non-metastatic GTN not willing for hysterectomy.  Salvage procedures in women with localized chemoresistant disease.  Evaluate for systemic metastases and the uterine lesion using ultrasound, MRI, and hysteroscopy.
  • 57. Contd..  Intraoperative frozen sections to assess surgical margins.  Small lesions associated with low hCG levels are more likely to be completely excised with a conservative myometrial resection than lesions >2–3 cm in diameter.
  • 58. Invasive mole  Invasive moles are characterized by edematous chorionic villi with trophoblastic proliferation that invade directly into the myometrium.  Usually invasive moles undergo spontaneous resolution after many months but they are treated with chemotherapy to prevent morbidity and mortality caused by uterine perforation, hemorrhage or infection.
  • 59. PSTT  0·2% of cases of GTD.  PSTT is a tumor of placenta implantation site.  Characterized by absence of villi with proliferation of intermediate trophoblast cells.  The syncytiotrophoblast is lacking with relatively lower levels of hCG. hCG is not a reliable marker of tumor volume.  Trophoblastic cells infiltrate the myometrium, and there is vascular invasion.
  • 60.  Human placental lactogen (hPL) is present in the tumor cells.  Not as sensitive to simple chemotherapy as other forms of malignant GTN.  About 35% of PSTTs have distant metastases at diagnosis.
  • 61. Epithelioid trophoblastic tumor  A rare variant of PSTT that simulates carcinoma.  Originally termed atypical choriocarcinoma, it appears to be less aggressive than choriocarcinoma and is now regarded as a distinct entity.  Appears to develop from neoplastic transformation of chorionic type intermediate trophoblasts.  Pathologically, it has a monomorphic cellular pattern of epithelioid cells and may resemble squamous cell cancer of the cervix when arising in the cervical canal.
  • 62.  Most ETTs present many years after a full-term delivery.  Clinical behavior from benign to malignant.  About one-third of patients present with metastases, usually in the lungs. PSTT and ETT s/s-  Almost always irregular uterine bleeding often distant from a preceding nonmolar gestation.  The uterus is usually symmetrically enlarged.  Serum hCG levels are only slightly elevated.
  • 63. AJOG,2010 Hysterectomy with lymph node dissection is the recommended treatment. Chemotherapy-  Metastatic disease  Nonmetastatic disease with adverse prognostic factors-  Interval from last known pregnancy to diagnosis > 2 years.  Deep myometrial invasion  Tumor necrosis  Mitotic count > 6/10 high power fields.
  • 64.  Platinum-containing regimen, such as EMA-EP or a paclitaxel/cisplatin–paclitaxel/etoposide doublet, is the treatment of choice.  The survival rate is approximately 100% for nonmetastatic disease and 50-60% for metastatic disease.
  • 65. Gestational trophoblastic Pathological features Clinical features disease Myometrial invasion 15% metastatic-lung/vagina Invasive mole Swollen villi Most often diagnosed Hyperplastic trophoblast clinically, rather than pathologically Abnormal trophoblastic Vascular spread to distant Choriocarcinoma hyperplasia sites–lung/brain/liver and anaplasia Malignant disease Absent villi Hemorrhage, necrosis Tumor cells infiltrate Extremely rare PSTT myometrium with hCG levels less reliable vascular/lymphatic invasion indicator Intermediate cells/absent villi Relatively chemoresistant Less hemorrhage and necrosis Mainly surgical treatment Tumor cells stain positive for hPL
  • 66. Long-term Outcome Of Women Treated For GTN  Women who receive chemotherapy for GTN are likely to have an earlier menopause.  Women who require multi-agent chemotherapy which includes etoposide should be advised that they may be at increased risk of developing secondary cancers- acute myeloid leukaemia, colon cancer, melanoma, breast carcinoma. (RCOG,2010)

Editor's Notes

  1. GTN can occur after any type of gestation.
  2. REFERENCE???? The combination of theca-lutein cysts and uterus larger than expected for dates increase the risk of postmolar GTN to 57%.
  3. The index pregnancy event may have occurred several years before presentation or may have been a subclinical spontaneous abortion.
  4. Use of the FIGO staging system is essential for determining initial therapy for patients with GTN to assure the best possible out comes with the least morbidity.
  5. Reference of mtx/act D regimens 1 and 5, how to give it??Methotrexate 0.4 mg/kg/day given by intramuscular injection for 5 days, with cycles repeated every 12 to 14 days was the regimen originally used to treatGTN at the NIH.Significant hematologic suppression, cutaneous toxicity, mucositis, alopecia, gastrointestinal toxicity, and serositis are frequently seen in patients receiving this regimen.
  6. Craniotomy for resection of drug-resistant brain lesions is only rarely performed. craniotomy is reserved for women who require acute decompression of central nervous system hemorrhagic lesions, to allow stabilizationand institution of therapy
  7. rarely virilization,nephrotic syndrome.