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IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING,             VOL. 11,   NO. 6,   JUNE 2012                                                                    983

           Characterizing the Security Implications
           of Third-Party Emergency Alert Systems
            over Cellular Text Messaging Services
                                                                   Patrick Traynor

       Abstract—Cellular text messaging services are increasingly being relied upon to disseminate critical information during emergencies.
       Accordingly, a wide range of organizations including colleges and universities now partner with third-party providers that promise to
       improve physical security by rapidly delivering such messages. Unfortunately, these products do not work as advertised due to
       limitations of cellular infrastructure and therefore provide a false sense of security to their users. In this paper, we perform the first
       extensive investigation and characterization of the limitations of an Emergency Alert System (EAS) using text messages as a security
       incident response mechanism. We show emergency alert systems built on text messaging not only can meet the 10 minute delivery
       requirement mandated by the WARN Act, but also potentially cause other voice and SMS traffic to be blocked at rates upward of
       80 percent. We then show that our results are representative of reality by comparing them to a number of documented but not
       previously understood failures. Finally, we analyze a targeted messaging mechanism as a means of efficiently using currently
       deployed infrastructure and third-party EAS. In so doing, we demonstrate that this increasingly deployed security infrastructure does
       not achieve its stated requirements for large populations.

       Index Terms—SMS, campus alert, denial of service, security.



T   EXT messaging allows individuals to transmit short,
    alphanumeric communications for a wide variety of
applications. Whether to coordinate meetings, catch up on
                                                                                     successfully received in even the most congested regions
                                                                                     because the control channels responsible for their delivery
                                                                                     remained available. Similar are the stories from the Gulf
gossip, offer reminders of an event or even vote for a                               Coast during Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. With a large
contestant on a television game show, this discreet form of                          number of cellular towers damaged or disabled by the
communication is now the dominant service offered by                                 storms, text messaging allowed the lines of communication
cellular networks. In fact, in the United States alone, over                         to remain open for many individuals in need, in spite of
five billion text messages are delivered each month [31].                            their inability to complete voice calls in areas where the
While many of the applications of this service can be                                equipment was not damaged and power was available.
considered noncritical, the use of text messaging during                                Accordingly, SMS messaging is now viewed by many as a
emergency events has proven to be far more utilitarian.                              reliable method of communication when all other means
   With millions of people attempting to contact friends and                         appear unavailable. In response to this perception, a number
family on September 11th 2001, telecommunications provi-                             of companies offer SMS-based emergency messaging ser-
ders witnessed tremendous spikes in cellular voice service                           vices. Touted as able to deliver critical information colleges,
usage. Verizon Wireless, for example, reported voice traffic                         universities, and even municipalities hoping to coordinate
rate increases of up to 100 percent above typical levels;                            and protect the physical security of the general public have
Cingular Wireless recorded an increase of up to 1,000 per-                           spent tens of millions of dollars to install such systems.
cent on calls destined for the Washington D.C. area [34].                            Unfortunately, these products will not work as advertised
While these networks are engineered to handle elevated                               and provide a false sense of security to their users.
amounts of traffic, the sheer number of calls was far greater                           In this paper, we explore the limitations of third-party
than capacity for voice communications in the affected                               Emergency Alert Systems (EAS). In particular, we show that
areas. However, with voice-based phone services being                                because of the currently deployed cellular infrastructure,
almost entirely unavailable, SMS messages were still                                 such systems will not be able to deliver a high volume of
                                                                                     emergency messages in a short period of time. This identifies
                                                                                     a key failure in a critical security incident response and recovery
. The author is with Converging Infrastructure Security (CISEC),                     mechanism (the equivalent of finding weaknesses in techniques
  Laboratory Georgia Tech Information Security Center (GTISC),
  Georgia Institute of Technology, Klaus Advanced Computing Building,                such as VM snapshots for rootkits and dynamic packet filtering
  Room 3138, 266 Ferst Drive, Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0765.                           rules for DDoS attacks) and demonstrates its inability to properly
  E-mail:                                                     function during the security events for which it was ostensibly
Manuscript received 15 Oct. 2010; revised 18 Feb. 2011; accepted 15 Apr.             designed. The fundamental misunderstanding of the require-
2011; published online 26 May 2011.                                                  ments necessary to successfully deploy this piece of security
For information on obtaining reprints of this article, please send e-mail to:, and reference IEEECS Log Number TMC-2010-10-0477.                  infrastructure are likely to contribute to real-world, human-
Digital Object Identifier no. 10.1109/TMC.2011.120.                                  scale consequences.
                                               1536-1233/12/$31.00 ß 2012 IEEE       Published by the IEEE CS, CASS, ComSoc, IES, & SPS
984                                                           IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING,          VOL. 11,   NO. 6,   JUNE 2012

      In so doing, we make the following contributions:

      . Emergency event characterization. Through model-
        ing and simulation based on real provider deploy-
        ments, we provide the first public characterization of
        the impact of an emergency event on a cellular
        network. This contribution is novel in that it explores
        a range of realistic emergency scenarios and pro-
        vides a better understanding of their failure modes.
                                                                   Fig. 1. Text messages arrive in a provider’s network from a wide variety
   . Measure EAS over SMS for multiple emergency                   of sources and are processed by the SMSC before being delivered to
        scenarios. We provide data to debunk the common            mobile devices.
        assertion made by many third-party vendors that
        large quantities of text messages can be delivered         which messages can be sent. From the Internet, for instance,
        within a short period of time (i.e., seconds to            it is possible to send text messages to mobile devices
        minutes). We evaluate a number of different,               through a number of webpages, e-mail, and even instant
        realistic emergency scenarios and explain why a            messaging software. Third parties can also access the
        number of college campuses have reported “success-         network using so-called SMS Aggregators. These servers,
        ful” tests of their systems. Finally, we provide a real-   which can be connected directly to the phone network or
        world example that very closely mirrors the results        communicate via the Internet, are typically used to send
        of our simulations.                                        “bulk” or large quantities of text messages. Aggregators
   . Quantify collateral damage. We characterize the               typically inject messages on behalf of other companies and
        presence of the additional traffic generated by third-     charge their clients for the service. Finally, most providers
        party EAS over SMS and show that such traffic              have established relationships between each other to allow
        causes increased blocking of normal calls and text         for messages sent from one network to be delivered in the
        message, potentially preventing those in need of           other. Fig. 1 shows these three high-level strategies.
        help from receiving it. We also discuss a number of           After entering a provider’s network, messages are sent to
        ways in which these networks can cause unexpected          the Short Messaging Service Center (SMSC). SMSCs perform
        failures (e.g., message delay, message reordering,         operations similar to e-mail handling servers in the Internet,
        alert spoofing).                                           and store and forward messages to their appropriate
   The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 provides a         destinations. Because messages can be injected into the
technical overview of SMS delivery and a general third-            network from so many external sources, SMSCs typically
party EAS provider architecture. Section 3 models capacity         perform aggressive spam filtering on all incoming mes-
of such networks; Section 4 provides the results of simula-        sages. All messages passing this filtering are then converted
tions for a range of different emergency scenarios; Section 5      and copied into the necessary SMS message format and
discusses how currently deployed systems can best be used          encoding and then placed into a queue to be forwarded to
during an emergency event; Section 6 provides a discussion         their final destination.
of why such a mismatch has occurred; Section 7 explores
related work; Section 8 provides concluding thoughts.              2.1.2 Finding a Device
                                                                   Delivering messages in a cellular network is a much greater
                                                                   challenge than in the traditional Internet. Chief in this
2         NETWORK ARCHITECTURE                                     difficulty is that users in a cellular network tend to be
Before we attempt to characterize the cellular infrastruc-         mobile, so it is not possible to assume that users will be
ture during an emergency, it is necessary to understand            located where we last found them. Moreover, the informa-
how such networks deliver text messages. In this section,          tion about a user’s specific location is typically limited. For
we provide a technical overview of message delivery and            instance, if a mobile device is not currently exchanging
a high-level description of how third-party vendors try to         messages with a base station, the network may only know a
use these systems to deliver alert messages. We specifi-           client’s location at a very coarse level (i.e., the mobile device
cally examine GSM networks [3] in these discussions as             may be known to be in a specific city, but no finer grained
they represent the most widely deployed cellular technol-          location information would be known). Accordingly, the
ogy in the world; however, it should be noted that                 SMSC needs to first find the general location for a message’s
message delivery for other technologies such as CDMA,              intended client before anything else can be done.
IDEN, and TDMA are very similar and are therefore                     A server known as the Home Location Register (HLR)
subject to similar problems.                                       assists in this task. This database acts as the permanent
                                                                   repository for a user’s account information (i.e., subscribed
2.1       Cellular Network Architecture
                                                                   services, call forwarding information, etc.). When a request
2.1.1 Sending a Message                                            to locate a user is received, the HLR determines whether or
There are a number of ways in which text messages can be           not that device is currently turned on. If a mobile device is
injected into a GSM or CDMA network. While most users              currently powered off, the HLR instructs the SMSC to store
are only familiar with sending a text message from their           the text message and attempt to deliver it at another time.
phone, known as Mobile Originated SMS (MO-SMS), service            Otherwise, the HLR tells the SMSC the address of the Mobile
providers offer an expanding set of interfaces through             Switching Center (MSC) currently serving the desired device.

Fig. 2. Before a message can be delivered, a mobile device must be located. To do so, the MSC requests that towers within a given area all transmit
paging requests. If and when a device is found, the MSC forwards the message to the appropriate tower, which attempts to deliver it wirelessly. The
status of the delivery attempt is then returned to the SMSC. If delivery failed, the SMSC will attempt delivery at a later time. (Not shown: Base
stations are controlled in groups by a Base Station Controller.)

Having received this location information, the SMSC then                   deletes it. Otherwise, the SMSC stores the message until a
forwards the text message on to the appropriate MSC.                       later period, at which time the network reattempts delivery.
                                                                           Fig. 2 offers an overview of this entire process.
2.1.3 Wireless Delivery
As mentioned earlier, even the MSC may not know more                       2.2 Third-Party Provider Solutions
information about a targeted device’s location. In order to                In the past few years, a significant number of third-parties
determine whether or not the current base station serving                  offering to deliver alert messages (and other information
this device is known, the MSC queries the Visitor Location                 services) via text messaging have appeared. Citing the need
Register (VLR), which temporarily stores information about                 for improved delivery targeted to a highly mobile popula-
clients while they are being served by the MSC. In most                    tion, many such services advertise text messaging as an
cases, this information is not known, and so the MSC must                  instant, targeted disseminator capable of delivering of
begin the extensive and expensive process of locating the                  critical information to tens of thousands of mobile phones
mobile device. The MSC completes this task by generating                   when it is most needed. These systems have been
and forwarding paging requests to all of its associated base               extensively deployed on college and university campuses
stations, which may number in the hundreds. This process                   throughout the United States.
is identical to locating a mobile device for delivery of a                    The architecture of these systems is relatively simple.
voice call.                                                                Whether activated through a web interface [13], [16], [42],
    Upon receiving a paging request from the MSC, a base                   [53], [54], directly from a phone [24], or as software running
                                                                           on a campus administrator’s computer [41], [35], these
station attempts to determine whether or not the targeted
                                                                           services act as SMS aggregators and inject large numbers of
device is nearby. To achieve this, the base station attempts
                                                                           text messages into the network. Colleges and universities
to use a series of Control Channels to establish a connection
                                                                           subscribing to these services then collect mobile phone
with the user. First, the base station broadcasts a paging
                                                                           numbers from students, faculty, and staff. In the event of an
request over the Paging Channel (PCH) and then waits for a
                                                                           alert, all or a subset of the collected numbers can be
response. If the device is nearby and hears this request, it
                                                                           targeted. While network providers may offer some limited
responds to the base station via the Random Access Channel
                                                                           information back to the third party, aggregators are largely
(RACH) to alert the network of its readiness to receive
                                                                           unaware of conditions in the network or the geographic
information. When this response is received, the network
                                                                           location of any specific individual.
uses the Access Grant Channel (AGCH) to tell the device to
listen to a specific Standalone Dedicated Control Channel
(SDCCH) for further exchanges. Using this SDCCH, the                       3    MODELING EMERGENCY EVENTS IN REAL
network is able to authenticate the client, perform a number                    ENVIRONMENTS
of maintenance routines and deliver the text message. By                   To determine whether there exists a mismatch between the
limiting the operations necessary to deliver a text message                current cellular text messaging infrastructure and third-
to the control channels used for call setup, such messages                 party EAS, it is necessary to observe such systems during an
can be delivered when all call circuits, known as Traffic                  emergency. However, because large-scale physical security
Channels (TCHs) are busy.                                                  incidents are rare, we apply a number of modeling
    When the attempt to deliver the message between the                    techniques to help characterize such events.
targeted device and the base station is complete, the device
either confirms the success or failure of delivery. This status            3.1 Location Selection and Characterization
information is carried back through the network to the                     The events that unfolded at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute
SMSC. If the message was successfully delivered, the SMSC                  and State University (“Virginia Tech”) on 16 April 2007 have
986                                                                           IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING,         VOL. 11,   NO. 6,   JUNE 2012

                                                                                   Fig. 4. Calculated blocking probabilities versus delivery windows for
                                                                                   emergency notification traffic.

                                                                                   Tech would require the following amount of time to deliver
Fig. 3. The placement of base stations (red triangles) for a major GSM             a single message to 15,000 recipients
provider near Virginia Tech. Given that each base station has three
sectors, the campus itself receives service from approximately eight                              15;000 msgs 1 campus       1 sector
total sectors.                                                                               T ¼              Â           Â
                                                                                                   1 campus      8 sectors 8 SDCCHs
                                                                                                     1 SDCCH
become one of the primary motivations behind the calls to                                         Â
use SMS as the basis of an emergency system. Many argue                                             0:25 msg=sec
that had such a system been in place during what became the                                     % 938 sec
deadliest campus shooting in US history, countless lives                                        % 15:6 mins:
could have been saved. However, a thorough examination of
such claims has not been conducted. In particular, it is not                          Because the contents of emergency messages are likely to
clear whether or not the messages transmitted by such a                            exceed the 160 character limit of a single text message,
system would have reached all students before the Norris                           providers and emergency management officials have
Hall shootings. Accordingly, we have selected Virginia Tech                        estimated the number of messages is likely to increase by
                                                                                   at least four times
as our location to characterize.
   Located in southwestern Virginia, this land grant                                                 15;000 msgs             1 campus
university is home to over 32,000 students, faculty, and                                        T¼                Â 4 msgs Â
                                                                                                      1 campus               8 sectors
staff [56]. For the purposes of this work, we assume that just                                           1 sector      1 SDCCH
under half (15,000) of these individuals subscribe to a GSM                                          Â             Â
                                                                                                       8 SDCCHs 0:25 msgs=sec
network. As is shown by the red triangles in Fig. 3, the
major GSM provider in this area provides service to the                                            % 3752 secs
campus of Virginia Tech from four base stations.1 Given                                            % 62:5 mins:
that each base station has three sectors (each covering a
                                                                                       The above calculations represent an optimistic minimum
120 degree range), we assume that the campus itself is
                                                                                   time for the delivery of all messages. For instance, it is
covered by 8 of the 12 total sectors in the area. While we
                                                                                   highly unlikely that all eight SDCCHs will be available for
believe this campus to be representative, specific results
                                                                                   delivering text messages as these channels are also used to
from other universities can be determined using informa-
                                                                                   establish voice calls and assist with device mobility.
tion specific to those locations.
                                                                                   Moreover, contention between emergency messages for
3.2 Mathematical Characterization of Emergencies                                   SDCCHs will also be a significant factor given that the
The first step in characterizing a cellular network during an                      SMSC is unaware of traffic conditions in individual sectors.
emergency is determining delivery time. In particular, we                          Finally, depending on conditions within the network, each
are interested in understanding the minimum time required                          message is likely to experience different delays. To better
to deliver emergency messages. If this time is less than the                       characterize these factors, we apply a simple Erlang-B
goal of 10 minutes set forth in by the current public EAS                          queuing analysis of the system. In a system with n servers
policies and the WARN Act [47], then such a system may                             and an offered load of A ¼  , where  is the intensity of

indeed be possible. However, if this goal cannot be met,                           incoming messages and signaling traffic and  is the rate at
current networks cannot be considered as good candidates                           which a single server can service incoming requests, the
for EAS message delivery.                                                          probability that an incoming emergency message is blocked
   Given that most sectors have a total of eight SDCCHs,                           (i.e., dropped) is
that it takes approximately 4 seconds to deliver a text                                                                An
message in a GSM network [15], [34] and the information                                                             n!
                                                                                                            PB ¼ Pl¼nÀ1 Al :                           ð1Þ
above, the GSM network serving the campus of Virginia                                                                l¼0    l!

   1. This is the actual configuration of the major GSM carrier in this area, as     Fig. 4 compares an imposed deadline for delivering all
confirmed through conversations with this provider.                                SMS-based emergency messages against the expected

                            TABLE 1
                      Simulation Parameters

blocking. We note that while Poisson arrival is not
appropriate for modeling traffic on the Internet, it is
                                                                           Fig. 5. The probability that calls experience TCH blocking. Note that only
regularly used in telecommunications. Like the delivery
                                                                           under very busy conditions does blocking become likely.
equations, this calculation shows that such large volumes of
messages cannot be delivered in a short period of time, even               4.1 Normal Traffic
without the presence of traffic from normal operations.
                                                                           Our first set of experiments represent normal network
                                                                           behavior. Fig. 5 illustrates the blocking rates for Traffic
4    SIMULATING EMERGENCY EVENTS                                           Channels (TCHs) under four different busy hour voice
EAS over SMS traffic may still improve the physical security               traffic loads. Most relevant to the current discussion is the
of its intended recipients even though it cannot be delivered              low call blocking when fewer than 15,000 calls are made per
to the entire population within a 10 minute time period. If                hour. Note that given the limited wireless resources
such information can be sent without interfering with other                available, such throughput is significant and highlights the
traffic, it could be argued that it would remain beneficial to             robustness of this deployment. Cellular networks general
at least some portion of the receiving population.                         limit blocking to below 1 percent, making any sustained
    To better understand the impact of this security incident              event above this threshold significant. Fig. 6 further supports
response and recovery mechanism on other traffic, we                       the blocking data by illustrating very low SDCCH utilization
further characterize a number of emergency scenarios.                      rates for all of the offered loads. This graph also reinforces
While the calculations provided in the previous section                    the case for using SDCCHs for SMS delivery. Even in the
and a post-9/11 government study on national text                          25,000 calls per hour case, during which nearly more than
messaging capacity [34] are a good start, neither of these                 55 percent of incoming calls cannot be completed, SDCCHs
approximations help us understand the complex dynamics                     are utilized at approximately 18 percent.
of the range of emergency scenarios. We therefore use a
                                                                           4.2 Emergency Scenarios
GSM simulator developed in our previous work [49], [50],
                                                                           Users having received notification of an emergency are
[52] and extend it for our needs. This tool focuses on the
wireless portion of the network and allows the interaction                 unlikely to maintain normal usage patterns. In particular,
between various resources to be characterized. This                        users are likely to attempt to contact their friends and/or
simulator was designed according to 3GPP standards                         family soon after learning about such conditions. Whether by
documents, input from commercial providers and given                       text message or phone call, however, such instinctual
optimal settings where applicable [28] so that our results are             communication leads to significant congestion in cellular
as conservative as possible.2 Table 1 provides a summary of                networks. This phenomenon leads to a spike in the number of
additional parameters representing busy hour load condi-                   attempted calls to the Washington D.C. by over 1,000 percent
tions (i.e., rush hour) and channel holding/service times.                 on September 11th [34]. Accordingly, increases of varying
All experiments represent the average of 500 runs, the                     intensities and characteristics representing reactionary usage
inputs for which were generated according to an exponen-
tial interarrival time using the Mersenne Twister Pseudor-
andom Number Generator [22]. Confidence intervals of
95 percent for all runs were less than two orders of
magnitude from the mean, and are therefore too small to be
shown. Given this system, we are able to explore the details
of an emergency without having to wait for such an event
occur or requesting log data from cellular providers. In the
following sections, we offer views of normal operations,
surges of messages and a full emergency situation with EAS
over SMS deployed.

   2. We note that some providers configure their network such that
incoming text messages use four of the eight SDCCHs to decrease delivery
time. However, this configuration results in higher blocking during busy   Fig. 6. The average utilization of control channels (SDCCHs) for a
periods, so we do not consider it further.                                 variety of traffic intensities.
988                                                                  IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING,        VOL. 11,   NO. 6,   JUNE 2012

Fig. 7. The impact on blocking probability of increasing volumes of       Fig. 8. Channel utilization during an emergency without EAS over SMS.
traffic without EAS over SMS. Note that more voice traffic is delivered   Note that voice and SMS traffic have largely saturated the available
in the TCH þ 100% (doubling) case due to elevated blocking in the         channels.
þ200% (tripling) case.
                                                                          scenario in which traffic triples. The reason for this
must be considered when designing text messaging-based                    apparent inversion is explained by the increased SDCCH
EAS. We explore two such scenarios, which assume that the                 blocking over the same time period. Because fewer voice
third-party EAS over SMS provider has configured their                    calls ever reach the point in call setup where a TCH is
system to deliver all messages within the WARN Act’s                      assigned, there is simply less competition for these
10 minute requirement [47], that SMSCs retransmit pre-                    resources. Fig. 8, which provides channel utilization for
viously undeliverable messages once every 15 minutes and                  these experiments, confirms this conclusion. In particular,
assume that four messages per user are transmitted by the                 in the presence of increasing SMS and voice traffic,
EAS over SMS system when an emergency occurs.                             utilization of TCHs for the tripling case remains largely
                                                                          steady and actually decreases toward the end of the hour.
4.2.1 Small-Scale Response Emergencies                                       As shown in Fig. 9a, the addition of EAS over SMS traffic
Some emergencies are likely to elicit smaller spikes in usage             almost immediately causes more than 80 percent of all
that others. While scenarios such as wildfire evacuations [9]             incoming voice and SMS to be blocked. Corresponding to
or tornado warnings for specific college campuses would                   these spikes, Fig. 9b shows SDCCH utilization holding at
certainly cause an increase in the amount of traffic sent over            nearly full capacity during the transmission of these
the network, they are unlikely to stimulate the generation of             emergency messages. However, Fig. 9c shows a significant
the volumes of traffic observed during a terrorist attack. To             impact on the number of calls completed in the system.
model this scenario, we simulate the gradual doubling                     Nearly the inverse of Fig. 9a, this figure shows a drop in
(þ100%) and tripling (þ200%) of voice and SMS traffic to the              TCH utilization from over 90 percent to approximately
Virginia Tech campus over the course of an hour. We then                  20 percent. This decreased ability to complete calls in spite
repeat these experiments in the presence of EAS over SMS                  of available resources demonstrates that those who may be
messages. These experiments extend our previous model-                    attempting to reach out to emergency services such as 9-1-1
ing efforts [48].                                                         will be less able to do so.
   Fig. 7 shows the probability of calls and text messages
being blocked on SDCCHs and TCHs in an emergency                          4.2.2 Large-Scale Emergencies
without EAS over SMS. As expected, as voice and SMS                       Major emergency events are likely to exhibit different
traffic approaches double or triple their normal volumes,                 characteristics than the previously profiled small-scale
notable blocking begins to occur on both SDCCHs and                       scenarios. Whereas small events may have a gradual
TCHs. Of particular interest, however, is the increased                   increase in the volume of traffic, large-scale emergencies
probability of TCH blocking in the doubling case over the                 are often characterized by substantial and rapid spikes in

Fig. 9. The blocking and channel utilization during an emergency event with EAS over SMS. Note that (a) over 80 percent of all calls and SMS
messages are blocked when EAS messages are sent or retransmission occurs. Also note (c) the drop in TCH utilization when EAS transmissions
occur, meaning that resources to allow calls are available but unused.

Fig. 10. The average blocking experienced during a large-scale         Fig. 12. The average blocking during a large-scale emergency in the
emergency without EAS over SMS. Note that blocking on TCHs             presence of EAS over SMS. The network experiences blocking rates of
remains steady in spite of increasing call loads due to increased      approximately 90 percent when EAS messages are being transmitted.
blocking on the SDCCH.
                                                                       4.3 Testing Campus Alert Systems
usage, followed by continued gradual growth. Although the              The discrepancy between the scenarios presented thus far
small-scale emergency experiments have already demon-                  and the reports of successful tests of deployed systems is a
strated the impracticality of EAS over SMS given the                   result of a number of factors. As previously mentioned, the
currently deployed infrastructure, we explore this worst               160 character limit per text message often requires the
case to understand the full extent of the problems such                transmission of multiple text messages during an emer-
third-party solutions may create. We therefore model a                 gency. Most system tests, however, typically involve
September 11th-like event in which normal traffic increases            sending a single message. Traffic in these tests is therefore
by 1,000 percent [34], with a 500 percent increase occurring           sent at one-fourth the volume of more realistic emergency
over the course over a few minutes and the outstanding
                                                                       scenarios. The second difference is the size of the affected
500 percent being distributed across the remaining hour.
                                                                       population. While many universities offer these systems as
Like the previous scenario, we conduct these experiments
                                                                       an optional service to their students, an increasing number
with and without the presence of EAS over SMS.
                                                                       is beginning to make enrollment mandatory. Accordingly,
   As expected, the sudden surge of traffic during the
                                                                       current tests attempt to contact only a subset of students with a
emergency almost immediately makes communications
difficult. Fig. 10 shows blocking rates of approximately               smaller volume of traffic than would be used in a real emergency.
47 percent for TCHs and between 59 and 79 percent for                     We use reports of successful tests as input for our final set
SDCCHs. With both SDCCHs and TCHs experiencing                         of experiments. In particular, we attempt to recreate the
near total utilization as shown in Fig. 11, the network is             environment in which these tests are occurring. We site
already significantly overloaded and unable to deliver                 information from officials at the University of Texas Austin
additional traffic.                                                    [26] and Purdue University [37], each of which have reported
   The presence of traffic generated by an EAS over SMS                transmitting messages to approximately 10,000 participants.
system makes this scenario considerably worse. As shown                Note that this represents roughly 25 percent of the under-
in Fig. 12, call and SMS blocking on SDCCHs almost                     graduate student body at these institutions. We therefore
immediately reaches between 80 and 85 percent. Like the                reduce the receiving population at Virginia Tech to 7,500, of
previous scenario, call blocking on TCHs actually decreases.           which only half are subscribers to the GSM provider.
Such a decrease can again be attributed to the elevated                   Fig. 14 shows the probability of blocking for this scenario.
blocking on the SDCCHs, as Fig. 13 demonstrates that TCHs              With approximately 18 percent blocking, such a system
remain idle in spite of an increased call volume.                      would appear to replicate current deployments—over

Fig. 11. Channel utilization observed during a large-scale emergency   Fig. 13. Channel utilization during a large-scale emergency in the
without EAS over SMS. The network becomes saturated almost             presence of EAS over SMS. TCH utilization falls significantly when EAS
immediately after the emergency event is realized.                     messages are sent, meaning fewer voice calls are delivered.
990                                                                  IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING,     VOL. 11,   NO. 6,   JUNE 2012

Fig. 14. The average blocking observed during a test (one message) of a   Fig. 15. The average blocking observed when four messages are
third-party EAS over SMS system with only 25 percent of students          transmitted and all other traffic remains constant.
                                                                          the virtual ubiquity of cell phones, such systems can still be
80 percent of recipients are reached within the first 10-minute           made useful.
long transmission. However, as is shown in Fig. 15, by                       Significant changes to the network could potentially
increasing the number of messages sent to this small group                make such systems more useful. The most promising of
by a factor of four to allow for a longer emergency message,              such solutions is cell broadcast. Instead of the point to point
the probability of blocking increases to 58 percent. Because              delivery of messages in current networks, cell broadcast
the transmission of multiple messages is more likely, campus              would allow for the rapid dissemination of emergency
emergency coordinators should test their systems based on                 information through point to multipoint communications.
this setting to gain a realistic view of its performance and              Such a system could reach the majority of cellular users in
behavior.                                                                 an area without requiring knowledge of each particular
   These two cases provide a more complete picture of the                 user’s location. This option is backed by the Commercial
issues facing these systems. Whereas a third-party security               Mobile Service Alert Advisory Committee, which is
incident response and recovery system may be able to                      currently working on developing standards documents.
deliver a small number of messages to one quarter of the                  However, the timeline for the deployment of this standard
students on campus, attempts to send more messages and                    is not currently known.
therefore more meaningful communications quickly result                      In the absence of this change, currently deployed third-
in high blocking. Such systems are simply unable to scale                 party EAS could be effectively used to contact limited
for the rapid delivery of emergency messages to the entire                subsets of people in an affected area. On a University
population of the campus.                                                 campus, for instance, sending emergency alerts to faculty
   As corroboration of this final assertion and to further                members first would allow for a message to manually be
ground our results in reality, we note the results of a                   amplified (e.g., immediately to their classes, research group,
campus alert system deployed on the campus of Simon                       etc.). We again use Virginia Tech to measure the feasibility
Fraser University in Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada.                   of this approach. Given approximately 1,300 faculty
In April of 2008, the University attempted to send test alert             members [56], we again assume that just under half of this
messages to 29,374 people; however, only 8,600 were able                  population (600) subscribes to the GSM network. With
to receive these messages [44]. Only 6,500 of those having                the same network resources described in Section 3, the
received the message were able to do so within five hours                 minimum time to distribute a single emergency message to
of it being sent, representing nearly an 80 percent rate of               the faculty is
blocking. Worse still, many students reported getting an
elevated rate of busy signals even many hours later. These                               600 msgs 1 campus    1 sector
                                                                                     T ¼           Â       Â
results are very similar to those shown in Fig. 12, which                                1 campus 8 sectors 8 SDCCHs
while showing a slightly higher load, shows extremely                                        1 SDCCH
close levels of blocking (approximately 85 percent). The                                   0:25 msgs=sec
analysis in this paper, in concert with this real-life test,                           % 37:5 sec:
clearly explains the failure of this response mechanism to
meet its requirement.                                                        Similarly, the time to send a long message requiring the
                                                                          delivery of four messages would require the following
                                                                          minimum delivery time:
The experiments in the previous section demonstrate the                                      600 msgs 4 msgs 1 campus
                                                                                       T¼               Â       Â
inability of current cellular infrastructure to support                                      1 campus     user    8 sectors
emergency-scale messaging. However, entirely dismissing                                          1 sector     1 SDCCH
                                                                                             Â            Â
mobile phones and networks as a means of disseminating                                         8 SDCCHs 0:25 msgs=sec
critical information during such an event misses an                                        % 150 secs
opportunity. Given the extensive deployment of third-party                                 % 2:5 mins:
EAS on university campuses across the United States and

                                                                         platform for receiving alerts even in the absence of
                                                                         connectivity to cellular infrastructure.

                                                                         6   DISCUSSION
                                                                         6.1 Third-Generation (3G) Networks
                                                                         We profiled the use of GSM networks in this work because
                                                                         they represent the most widely used cellular technology in
                                                                         the world. However, much faster third-generation cellular
                                                                         systems are beginning to be deployed. With high speed
                                                                         data service available in many metropolitan areas, it
                                                                         would appear as if the analysis made in this paper will
Fig. 16. Experimentally measured maximum blocking for messages
                                                                         not remain relevant.
sent to a small subset of a university’s population based on variable        The migration to these new systems will not address
delivery deadlines. Note that all faculty members can receive a single   these issues for a number of reasons. First, all cellular
text message in under 5 minutes with a blocking probability of less      networks expend significant effort when establishing a
than 9 Ã 10À6 .
                                                                         connection. As demonstrated in Section 2, these operations
                                                                         include locating a targeted mobile device and performing
   Given that these minimum times are more than an order
                                                                         significant negotiations before a single packet can be
of magnitude smaller than those associated with directly
                                                                         delivered. While the delivery rates of cellular data services
messaging every person on campus, we performed simula-
                                                                         have been steadily improving over the past decade, this
tions to measure the blocking experienced in this scenario.
                                                                         setup and delivery of the first bit of information remains a
Fig. 16 shows the maximum blocking experienced for the
                                                                         significant bottleneck in the process. This means that while
transmission of one and four messages with delivery
                                                                         it is possible to download large files relatively quickly using
deadlines ranging from 1 to 10 minutes. Like previous
                                                                         such networks, beginning the download remains expensive.
experiments, each point is the result of 500 runs of the
                                                                         Second, many providers currently have configured their 3G
simulator with 95 percent confidence intervals being less
                                                                         networks for the circuit switched delivery of text messages.
than two orders of magnitude smaller than the mean. Note
                                                                         Accordingly, such messages will continue to compete with
that the delivery of a single message to the faculty can occur
                                                                         incoming voice calls for resources, leading to the same
very rapidly, with the probability of blocking dropping
                                                                         kinds of blocking conditions.
below 1 percent with a delivery requirement of only
2 minutes. Even the delivery of four messages to the faculty             6.2 False Alarms
can be done with a blocking probability of less than                     Being able to disseminate alert messages in a timely manner
1 percent if given a deadline of 7 minutes. We note that                 is not the only essential component when evaluating EAS
this approach is different than assuming that the first subset           requirements. Users must be able to trust the authenticity of
of students to receive such an alert their peers; rather, this           every emergency message they receive. Failure to ensure
targeted strategy will reach the individuals most likely to be           that the source of a message can be correctly identified
dispersed across the campus with the ability to immediately              allows malicious parties opportunities to add confusion
amplify the delivery of the message.                                     to an emergency event. Unfortunately, there is no way to
   Such a solution is not without its own difficulties. Many             authenticate the source of messages, making fraudulent
faculty members travel and some disciplines rely on                      alerts easy to send.
graduate instructors to teach courses. Moreover, such a                     Text messaging does not provide any means of authen-
plan does not adequately inform or protect staff members.                tication. Accordingly, it is possible for any individual with
The selection of the precise subset must therefore be                    an Internet connection to inject messages with arbitrary
carefully considered by each university and should reflect               contents to anyone with a cellular phone. As Fig. 17
not only maximum coverage but also the dynamic patterns                  demonstrates, such messages are indistinguishable from
of students, faculty, and staff during throughout the day.               legitimate messages.
Integration with a university’s course management or                        The implications of this limitation are significant. For
registration system may provide improved location infor-                 instance, in the event of an emergency such as a chemical
mation to such decisions. We leave the creation of such a                leak, it would be easy for a malicious party to send an “all-
system to future work.                                                   clear” message before the situation was deemed safe.
   Finally, we recommend that alert system systems take                  Because it would not be possible for users to verify the
advantage of multiple forms of media to improve robust-                  source of the information, maliciously induced confusion is
ness. Relying on any one technology makes an EAS                         a real threat. False alerts have already been observed,
ineffective should that system fail. The use of a range of               including fraudulent warnings about earthquakes [25],
systems including campus television and radio stations, the              tsunamis [4], school shootings [19], false Amber Alerts
university’s website and sirens make the likelihood of                   [39], and other misuses [11], [8].
widespread notification significantly greater. Note that
because of the advanced capabilities of many mobile                      6.3 Message Delivery Order
phones including AM/FM and 802.11 radios and television                  Implicit in the misunderstanding of text messaging as a
receivers [36], [23], mobile phones may still be a useful                real-time service are misconceptions about the order in
992                                                                IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING,        VOL. 11,   NO. 6,   JUNE 2012

Fig. 17. The picture on the left was a test message sent using the e2campus website. The middle picture contains the exact same message and
claims to be from the same source, but was sent from a service provider’s web interface. The right-most picture is a forged emergency message
warning the user of an on-campus shooting and falsely claims to be sent by the Police.

which messages will be delivered to targeted devices.                   such as e-mail, where users have learned to expect at least
Specifically, it is often assumed that messages will be                 minor delays between messages.
delivered in the order in which they were injected by the                  Examples of the delay that can be experienced during
sender. Message delivery order is not always predictable.               times of high volume are most easily observed during New
   The order in which messages are delivered can be affected            Years Eve celebrations or the most recent US Presidential
by a number of factors. For instance, Traynor et al. [49]               Inauguration. As hundreds of millions of users around the
showed that the SMSCs of different providers implement a                globe send celebratory greetings via SMS, service providers
variety of service algorithms, including FIFO and LIFO                  often become inundated with a flood of messages. Accord-
service disciplines. Accordingly, it is possible for two                ingly, the delivery of such messages has been noted to
providers to deliver the same stream of messages in opposite            exceed more than six hours [17]. Even though providers
                                                                        often plan and temporarily deploy additional resources to
order. Even if all carriers implemented the same delivery
                                                                        minimize the number of blocked calls, the sheer volume of
algorithm, congestion in the network can cause further
                                                                        messages during such an event demonstrates the practical
disordering of packets. If an incoming text message is unable
                                                                        limitations of current systems. In spite of temporarily
to be delivered due to a lack of resources on the air interface,        deploying additional towers, such delays are experienced
the SMSC will store the message for a later attempt.                    even when cellular providers are aware that a high volume
However, if subsequent messages have been sent before this              event will take place.
message fails and manage to gain the required resources,                   Why then has SMS been a successful means of commu-
they will be delivered out of the sender’s intended order. In           nication during other national emergencies such as Sep-
an emergency such as a tornado, which may change                        tember 11th and Hurricanes Katrina and Rita? Numerous
directions, out of order delivery may send subscribers                  sources cite SMS as an invaluable service when both man-
directly into the storm as opposed to away from it.                     made and natural disasters strike [21], [32]. The difference
   There are a number of emergency scenarios in which the               between these events and other emergencies is the
above has occurred. During a wildfire evacuation at                     magnitude of messages sent. For instance, at the time of
Pepperdine University in 2007, multipart messages were                  the attacks of September 11th, text messaging was still
transmitted to students and faculty to provide relocation               largely a fringe service in the United States. Had most users
instructions. However, some reported that the messages                  across the country attempted to communicate using SMS as
were not useful. One student later noted that “Each                     their primary mode of communication, however, a report
notification that was sent came through in six to eight text            by the National Communications System (NCS) estimates
messages. . . And they were jumbled, not even coming in                 that current network capacities would need to be expanded
order” [9]. More serious conflicts in message delivery order            by 100-fold [34] in order to support such a volume. The
were noted on the campus of the Georgia Institute of                    reliability of text messaging during Hurricane Katrina is
Technology [12]. After a chemical spill in 2007, a message              due to similar reasons. Because only a very small number of
alerting students and faculty to evacuate campus was                    people were communicating via text messaging, the towers
transmitted. Later, instructions to ignore the evacuation               undamaged by the storm were able to deliver such
notification were also sent. However, a number of students              messages without any significant competition from other
noted receiving the messages out of order [43], adding                  traffic. Moreover, because the network automatically
greater confusion to the situation. Similar problems have               attempted retransmission, users were more likely to receive
been reported at a number of other universities [14], [20].             text messages than calls. If SMS use during either of these
We note that these issues can potentially be addressed by               events approached emergency levels, it would have
implementing multipart messaging, which allows a handset                experienced delays similar to those regularly observed on
to order message on receipt; however, this feature is not               New Years Eve.
uniformly supported.

6.4 Message Delay                                                       7    RELATED WORK
When a call is placed, users expect to hold a conversation              Following the events of September 11th, 2001, curiosity
without large periods of delay between responses. This                  about the ability to use text messaging as the basis of a
immediacy is in stark contrasts to asynchronous services                reliable communications system during times of crisis

arose. In response, the National Communications System              recovery mechanism simply does not work as advertised.
conducted an investigation on the use of text messaging             Through modeling, a series of experiments and corroborat-
during a nation-wide emergency, which through simple                ing evidence from real-world tests, we have shown that
calculations concluded that current systems would require           these networks cannot meet the 10 minute alert goal
“100 times more capacity to meet [the] load” created by             mandated by the public EAS charter and the WARN Act.
widespread use of text messaging [34]. A related study by           Moreover, we have demonstrated that the extra text
the European Telecommunications Standard Institute                  messaging traffic generated by third-party EAS will cause
(ETSI) identified the increasing prevalence of spam as a            congestion in the network and may potentially block
                                                                    upward of 80 percent of normal requests, potentially
significant threat to the operation of cellular networks
                                                                    including calls between emergency responders or the public
during an emergency [18]. However, both studies were
                                                                    to 9-1-1 services. Accordingly, it is critical that legislators,
limited to high-level calculations of a single emergency
                                                                    technologists, and the general public understand the
scenario and neither considered the use of third-party EAS          fundamental limitations of this mechanism to safeguard
over SMS systems. Our study conducted the first character-          physical security and public safety and that future solutions
ization and simulation of multiple scenarios for EAS over           are thoroughly evaluated before they are deployed.
cellular services and compared them directly to real-world,
on-campus testing. Related efforts are also investigating the
creation of more efficient disaster response infrastructure         ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
[1]; however, we note that many of the problems discussed           This work was supported in part by 3G Americas and the
in this paper are the result of not fully implementing GSM          US National Science Foundation (NSF) (CNS-0916047 and
standards for bulk sending and cell broadcast [3], [2].             CNS-0952959). Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or
   The specific impacts on the reliability and security of          recommendations expressed in this publication are those
such networks under torrents of text messages have also             of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of 3G
been explored. Traynor el al. [49], [51] noted that an attacker     Americas or the NSF. The author would also like to thank
could exploit connections between the Internet and cellular         the cellular providers that helped him more accurately
networks to cause significant outages. With the bandwidth           model this issue.
available to a cable modem, an attacker could send a small
but targeted stream of text messages to a specific geo-
graphic region and prevent legitimate voice and text
messages from being delivered. While subsequent research            [1]    “Earthquake and Tsunami Warning System (ETWS); Require-
                                                                           ments and Solutions,” Technical Report 3GPP TS 23.828 v2.0.0.,
was able to better characterize and provide mitigations                    3rd Generation Partnership Project, 2008.
against such attacks [50], it was ultimately discovered that a      [2]    “Technical Realization of Short Message Service Cell Broadcast
more basic problem was responsible. Instead of simply                      (SMSCB),” Technical Report 3GPP TS 03.41 v7.5.0., 3rd Generation
                                                                           Partnership Project, 2000.
being a matter of using a low-bandwidth channel to deliver          [3]    “Technical Realization of the Short Message Service (SMS),”
data, the real cause of such attacks was a result of                       Technical Report 3GPP TS 03.40 v7.5.0., 3rd Generation Partner-
fundamental tension between cellular networks and the                      ship Project, 2002.
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                                                                           Terror in Indonesia,”
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[30] A. Mahimkar, J. Dange, V. Shmatikov, H. Vin, and Y. Zhang,             [57] X. Yang, D. Wetherall, and T. Anderson, “TVA: A DoS-Limiting
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[31] K. Maney, “Surge in Text Messaging Makes Cell Operators :-),”                                 Patrick Traynor received the PhD degree from                                      The Pennsylvania State University in 2008. He is
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[32] J. McAdams, “SMS Does SOS,”                                         Science at the Georgia Institute of Technology
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[34] Nat’l Comm. System, “SMS over SS7,” technical report, Technical                               Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security. His
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[38] Nyquetek, Inc., “Wireless Priority Service for National Security,”, 2002.
[39] Oregon State Police, “False Amber Alerts Showing up on Cell
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[41] Reverse 911, “Reverse 911 - The Only COMPLETE Notification
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[42] Roam Secure, “Roam Secure,”, 2008.
[43], “Evacuate! or Not,”
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[44] Simon Fraser Univ., “Special Report on the Apr. 9th Test of SFU
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  • 1. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING, VOL. 11, NO. 6, JUNE 2012 983 Characterizing the Security Implications of Third-Party Emergency Alert Systems over Cellular Text Messaging Services Patrick Traynor Abstract—Cellular text messaging services are increasingly being relied upon to disseminate critical information during emergencies. Accordingly, a wide range of organizations including colleges and universities now partner with third-party providers that promise to improve physical security by rapidly delivering such messages. Unfortunately, these products do not work as advertised due to limitations of cellular infrastructure and therefore provide a false sense of security to their users. In this paper, we perform the first extensive investigation and characterization of the limitations of an Emergency Alert System (EAS) using text messages as a security incident response mechanism. We show emergency alert systems built on text messaging not only can meet the 10 minute delivery requirement mandated by the WARN Act, but also potentially cause other voice and SMS traffic to be blocked at rates upward of 80 percent. We then show that our results are representative of reality by comparing them to a number of documented but not previously understood failures. Finally, we analyze a targeted messaging mechanism as a means of efficiently using currently deployed infrastructure and third-party EAS. In so doing, we demonstrate that this increasingly deployed security infrastructure does not achieve its stated requirements for large populations. Index Terms—SMS, campus alert, denial of service, security. Ç 1 INTRODUCTION T EXT messaging allows individuals to transmit short, alphanumeric communications for a wide variety of applications. Whether to coordinate meetings, catch up on successfully received in even the most congested regions because the control channels responsible for their delivery remained available. Similar are the stories from the Gulf gossip, offer reminders of an event or even vote for a Coast during Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. With a large contestant on a television game show, this discreet form of number of cellular towers damaged or disabled by the communication is now the dominant service offered by storms, text messaging allowed the lines of communication cellular networks. In fact, in the United States alone, over to remain open for many individuals in need, in spite of five billion text messages are delivered each month [31]. their inability to complete voice calls in areas where the While many of the applications of this service can be equipment was not damaged and power was available. considered noncritical, the use of text messaging during Accordingly, SMS messaging is now viewed by many as a emergency events has proven to be far more utilitarian. reliable method of communication when all other means With millions of people attempting to contact friends and appear unavailable. In response to this perception, a number family on September 11th 2001, telecommunications provi- of companies offer SMS-based emergency messaging ser- ders witnessed tremendous spikes in cellular voice service vices. Touted as able to deliver critical information colleges, usage. Verizon Wireless, for example, reported voice traffic universities, and even municipalities hoping to coordinate rate increases of up to 100 percent above typical levels; and protect the physical security of the general public have Cingular Wireless recorded an increase of up to 1,000 per- spent tens of millions of dollars to install such systems. cent on calls destined for the Washington D.C. area [34]. Unfortunately, these products will not work as advertised While these networks are engineered to handle elevated and provide a false sense of security to their users. amounts of traffic, the sheer number of calls was far greater In this paper, we explore the limitations of third-party than capacity for voice communications in the affected Emergency Alert Systems (EAS). In particular, we show that areas. However, with voice-based phone services being because of the currently deployed cellular infrastructure, almost entirely unavailable, SMS messages were still such systems will not be able to deliver a high volume of emergency messages in a short period of time. This identifies a key failure in a critical security incident response and recovery . The author is with Converging Infrastructure Security (CISEC), mechanism (the equivalent of finding weaknesses in techniques Laboratory Georgia Tech Information Security Center (GTISC), Georgia Institute of Technology, Klaus Advanced Computing Building, such as VM snapshots for rootkits and dynamic packet filtering Room 3138, 266 Ferst Drive, Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0765. rules for DDoS attacks) and demonstrates its inability to properly E-mail: function during the security events for which it was ostensibly Manuscript received 15 Oct. 2010; revised 18 Feb. 2011; accepted 15 Apr. designed. The fundamental misunderstanding of the require- 2011; published online 26 May 2011. ments necessary to successfully deploy this piece of security For information on obtaining reprints of this article, please send e-mail to:, and reference IEEECS Log Number TMC-2010-10-0477. infrastructure are likely to contribute to real-world, human- Digital Object Identifier no. 10.1109/TMC.2011.120. scale consequences. 1536-1233/12/$31.00 ß 2012 IEEE Published by the IEEE CS, CASS, ComSoc, IES, & SPS
  • 2. 984 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING, VOL. 11, NO. 6, JUNE 2012 In so doing, we make the following contributions: . Emergency event characterization. Through model- ing and simulation based on real provider deploy- ments, we provide the first public characterization of the impact of an emergency event on a cellular network. This contribution is novel in that it explores a range of realistic emergency scenarios and pro- vides a better understanding of their failure modes. Fig. 1. Text messages arrive in a provider’s network from a wide variety . Measure EAS over SMS for multiple emergency of sources and are processed by the SMSC before being delivered to scenarios. We provide data to debunk the common mobile devices. assertion made by many third-party vendors that large quantities of text messages can be delivered which messages can be sent. From the Internet, for instance, within a short period of time (i.e., seconds to it is possible to send text messages to mobile devices minutes). We evaluate a number of different, through a number of webpages, e-mail, and even instant realistic emergency scenarios and explain why a messaging software. Third parties can also access the number of college campuses have reported “success- network using so-called SMS Aggregators. These servers, ful” tests of their systems. Finally, we provide a real- which can be connected directly to the phone network or world example that very closely mirrors the results communicate via the Internet, are typically used to send of our simulations. “bulk” or large quantities of text messages. Aggregators . Quantify collateral damage. We characterize the typically inject messages on behalf of other companies and presence of the additional traffic generated by third- charge their clients for the service. Finally, most providers party EAS over SMS and show that such traffic have established relationships between each other to allow causes increased blocking of normal calls and text for messages sent from one network to be delivered in the message, potentially preventing those in need of other. Fig. 1 shows these three high-level strategies. help from receiving it. We also discuss a number of After entering a provider’s network, messages are sent to ways in which these networks can cause unexpected the Short Messaging Service Center (SMSC). SMSCs perform failures (e.g., message delay, message reordering, operations similar to e-mail handling servers in the Internet, alert spoofing). and store and forward messages to their appropriate The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 provides a destinations. Because messages can be injected into the technical overview of SMS delivery and a general third- network from so many external sources, SMSCs typically party EAS provider architecture. Section 3 models capacity perform aggressive spam filtering on all incoming mes- of such networks; Section 4 provides the results of simula- sages. All messages passing this filtering are then converted tions for a range of different emergency scenarios; Section 5 and copied into the necessary SMS message format and discusses how currently deployed systems can best be used encoding and then placed into a queue to be forwarded to during an emergency event; Section 6 provides a discussion their final destination. of why such a mismatch has occurred; Section 7 explores related work; Section 8 provides concluding thoughts. 2.1.2 Finding a Device Delivering messages in a cellular network is a much greater challenge than in the traditional Internet. Chief in this 2 NETWORK ARCHITECTURE difficulty is that users in a cellular network tend to be Before we attempt to characterize the cellular infrastruc- mobile, so it is not possible to assume that users will be ture during an emergency, it is necessary to understand located where we last found them. Moreover, the informa- how such networks deliver text messages. In this section, tion about a user’s specific location is typically limited. For we provide a technical overview of message delivery and instance, if a mobile device is not currently exchanging a high-level description of how third-party vendors try to messages with a base station, the network may only know a use these systems to deliver alert messages. We specifi- client’s location at a very coarse level (i.e., the mobile device cally examine GSM networks [3] in these discussions as may be known to be in a specific city, but no finer grained they represent the most widely deployed cellular technol- location information would be known). Accordingly, the ogy in the world; however, it should be noted that SMSC needs to first find the general location for a message’s message delivery for other technologies such as CDMA, intended client before anything else can be done. IDEN, and TDMA are very similar and are therefore A server known as the Home Location Register (HLR) subject to similar problems. assists in this task. This database acts as the permanent repository for a user’s account information (i.e., subscribed 2.1 Cellular Network Architecture services, call forwarding information, etc.). When a request 2.1.1 Sending a Message to locate a user is received, the HLR determines whether or There are a number of ways in which text messages can be not that device is currently turned on. If a mobile device is injected into a GSM or CDMA network. While most users currently powered off, the HLR instructs the SMSC to store are only familiar with sending a text message from their the text message and attempt to deliver it at another time. phone, known as Mobile Originated SMS (MO-SMS), service Otherwise, the HLR tells the SMSC the address of the Mobile providers offer an expanding set of interfaces through Switching Center (MSC) currently serving the desired device.
  • 3. TRAYNOR: CHARACTERIZING THE SECURITY IMPLICATIONS OF THIRD-PARTY EMERGENCY ALERT SYSTEMS OVER CELLULAR TEXT... 985 Fig. 2. Before a message can be delivered, a mobile device must be located. To do so, the MSC requests that towers within a given area all transmit paging requests. If and when a device is found, the MSC forwards the message to the appropriate tower, which attempts to deliver it wirelessly. The status of the delivery attempt is then returned to the SMSC. If delivery failed, the SMSC will attempt delivery at a later time. (Not shown: Base stations are controlled in groups by a Base Station Controller.) Having received this location information, the SMSC then deletes it. Otherwise, the SMSC stores the message until a forwards the text message on to the appropriate MSC. later period, at which time the network reattempts delivery. Fig. 2 offers an overview of this entire process. 2.1.3 Wireless Delivery As mentioned earlier, even the MSC may not know more 2.2 Third-Party Provider Solutions information about a targeted device’s location. In order to In the past few years, a significant number of third-parties determine whether or not the current base station serving offering to deliver alert messages (and other information this device is known, the MSC queries the Visitor Location services) via text messaging have appeared. Citing the need Register (VLR), which temporarily stores information about for improved delivery targeted to a highly mobile popula- clients while they are being served by the MSC. In most tion, many such services advertise text messaging as an cases, this information is not known, and so the MSC must instant, targeted disseminator capable of delivering of begin the extensive and expensive process of locating the critical information to tens of thousands of mobile phones mobile device. The MSC completes this task by generating when it is most needed. These systems have been and forwarding paging requests to all of its associated base extensively deployed on college and university campuses stations, which may number in the hundreds. This process throughout the United States. is identical to locating a mobile device for delivery of a The architecture of these systems is relatively simple. voice call. Whether activated through a web interface [13], [16], [42], Upon receiving a paging request from the MSC, a base [53], [54], directly from a phone [24], or as software running on a campus administrator’s computer [41], [35], these station attempts to determine whether or not the targeted services act as SMS aggregators and inject large numbers of device is nearby. To achieve this, the base station attempts text messages into the network. Colleges and universities to use a series of Control Channels to establish a connection subscribing to these services then collect mobile phone with the user. First, the base station broadcasts a paging numbers from students, faculty, and staff. In the event of an request over the Paging Channel (PCH) and then waits for a alert, all or a subset of the collected numbers can be response. If the device is nearby and hears this request, it targeted. While network providers may offer some limited responds to the base station via the Random Access Channel information back to the third party, aggregators are largely (RACH) to alert the network of its readiness to receive unaware of conditions in the network or the geographic information. When this response is received, the network location of any specific individual. uses the Access Grant Channel (AGCH) to tell the device to listen to a specific Standalone Dedicated Control Channel (SDCCH) for further exchanges. Using this SDCCH, the 3 MODELING EMERGENCY EVENTS IN REAL network is able to authenticate the client, perform a number ENVIRONMENTS of maintenance routines and deliver the text message. By To determine whether there exists a mismatch between the limiting the operations necessary to deliver a text message current cellular text messaging infrastructure and third- to the control channels used for call setup, such messages party EAS, it is necessary to observe such systems during an can be delivered when all call circuits, known as Traffic emergency. However, because large-scale physical security Channels (TCHs) are busy. incidents are rare, we apply a number of modeling When the attempt to deliver the message between the techniques to help characterize such events. targeted device and the base station is complete, the device either confirms the success or failure of delivery. This status 3.1 Location Selection and Characterization information is carried back through the network to the The events that unfolded at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute SMSC. If the message was successfully delivered, the SMSC and State University (“Virginia Tech”) on 16 April 2007 have
  • 4. 986 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING, VOL. 11, NO. 6, JUNE 2012 Fig. 4. Calculated blocking probabilities versus delivery windows for emergency notification traffic. Tech would require the following amount of time to deliver Fig. 3. The placement of base stations (red triangles) for a major GSM a single message to 15,000 recipients provider near Virginia Tech. Given that each base station has three sectors, the campus itself receives service from approximately eight 15;000 msgs 1 campus 1 sector total sectors. T ¼   1 campus 8 sectors 8 SDCCHs 1 SDCCH become one of the primary motivations behind the calls to  use SMS as the basis of an emergency system. Many argue 0:25 msg=sec that had such a system been in place during what became the % 938 sec deadliest campus shooting in US history, countless lives % 15:6 mins: could have been saved. However, a thorough examination of such claims has not been conducted. In particular, it is not Because the contents of emergency messages are likely to clear whether or not the messages transmitted by such a exceed the 160 character limit of a single text message, system would have reached all students before the Norris providers and emergency management officials have Hall shootings. Accordingly, we have selected Virginia Tech estimated the number of messages is likely to increase by at least four times as our location to characterize. Located in southwestern Virginia, this land grant 15;000 msgs 1 campus university is home to over 32,000 students, faculty, and T¼  4 msgs  1 campus 8 sectors staff [56]. For the purposes of this work, we assume that just 1 sector 1 SDCCH under half (15,000) of these individuals subscribe to a GSM   8 SDCCHs 0:25 msgs=sec network. As is shown by the red triangles in Fig. 3, the major GSM provider in this area provides service to the % 3752 secs campus of Virginia Tech from four base stations.1 Given % 62:5 mins: that each base station has three sectors (each covering a The above calculations represent an optimistic minimum 120 degree range), we assume that the campus itself is time for the delivery of all messages. For instance, it is covered by 8 of the 12 total sectors in the area. While we highly unlikely that all eight SDCCHs will be available for believe this campus to be representative, specific results delivering text messages as these channels are also used to from other universities can be determined using informa- establish voice calls and assist with device mobility. tion specific to those locations. Moreover, contention between emergency messages for 3.2 Mathematical Characterization of Emergencies SDCCHs will also be a significant factor given that the The first step in characterizing a cellular network during an SMSC is unaware of traffic conditions in individual sectors. emergency is determining delivery time. In particular, we Finally, depending on conditions within the network, each are interested in understanding the minimum time required message is likely to experience different delays. To better to deliver emergency messages. If this time is less than the characterize these factors, we apply a simple Erlang-B goal of 10 minutes set forth in by the current public EAS queuing analysis of the system. In a system with n servers policies and the WARN Act [47], then such a system may and an offered load of A ¼ , where is the intensity of À1 indeed be possible. However, if this goal cannot be met, incoming messages and signaling traffic and is the rate at current networks cannot be considered as good candidates which a single server can service incoming requests, the for EAS message delivery. probability that an incoming emergency message is blocked Given that most sectors have a total of eight SDCCHs, (i.e., dropped) is that it takes approximately 4 seconds to deliver a text An message in a GSM network [15], [34] and the information n! PB ¼ Pl¼nÀ1 Al : ð1Þ above, the GSM network serving the campus of Virginia l¼0 l! 1. This is the actual configuration of the major GSM carrier in this area, as Fig. 4 compares an imposed deadline for delivering all confirmed through conversations with this provider. SMS-based emergency messages against the expected
  • 5. TRAYNOR: CHARACTERIZING THE SECURITY IMPLICATIONS OF THIRD-PARTY EMERGENCY ALERT SYSTEMS OVER CELLULAR TEXT... 987 TABLE 1 Simulation Parameters blocking. We note that while Poisson arrival is not appropriate for modeling traffic on the Internet, it is Fig. 5. The probability that calls experience TCH blocking. Note that only regularly used in telecommunications. Like the delivery under very busy conditions does blocking become likely. equations, this calculation shows that such large volumes of messages cannot be delivered in a short period of time, even 4.1 Normal Traffic without the presence of traffic from normal operations. Our first set of experiments represent normal network behavior. Fig. 5 illustrates the blocking rates for Traffic 4 SIMULATING EMERGENCY EVENTS Channels (TCHs) under four different busy hour voice EAS over SMS traffic may still improve the physical security traffic loads. Most relevant to the current discussion is the of its intended recipients even though it cannot be delivered low call blocking when fewer than 15,000 calls are made per to the entire population within a 10 minute time period. If hour. Note that given the limited wireless resources such information can be sent without interfering with other available, such throughput is significant and highlights the traffic, it could be argued that it would remain beneficial to robustness of this deployment. Cellular networks general at least some portion of the receiving population. limit blocking to below 1 percent, making any sustained To better understand the impact of this security incident event above this threshold significant. Fig. 6 further supports response and recovery mechanism on other traffic, we the blocking data by illustrating very low SDCCH utilization further characterize a number of emergency scenarios. rates for all of the offered loads. This graph also reinforces While the calculations provided in the previous section the case for using SDCCHs for SMS delivery. Even in the and a post-9/11 government study on national text 25,000 calls per hour case, during which nearly more than messaging capacity [34] are a good start, neither of these 55 percent of incoming calls cannot be completed, SDCCHs approximations help us understand the complex dynamics are utilized at approximately 18 percent. of the range of emergency scenarios. We therefore use a 4.2 Emergency Scenarios GSM simulator developed in our previous work [49], [50], Users having received notification of an emergency are [52] and extend it for our needs. This tool focuses on the wireless portion of the network and allows the interaction unlikely to maintain normal usage patterns. In particular, between various resources to be characterized. This users are likely to attempt to contact their friends and/or simulator was designed according to 3GPP standards family soon after learning about such conditions. Whether by documents, input from commercial providers and given text message or phone call, however, such instinctual optimal settings where applicable [28] so that our results are communication leads to significant congestion in cellular as conservative as possible.2 Table 1 provides a summary of networks. This phenomenon leads to a spike in the number of additional parameters representing busy hour load condi- attempted calls to the Washington D.C. by over 1,000 percent tions (i.e., rush hour) and channel holding/service times. on September 11th [34]. Accordingly, increases of varying All experiments represent the average of 500 runs, the intensities and characteristics representing reactionary usage inputs for which were generated according to an exponen- tial interarrival time using the Mersenne Twister Pseudor- andom Number Generator [22]. Confidence intervals of 95 percent for all runs were less than two orders of magnitude from the mean, and are therefore too small to be shown. Given this system, we are able to explore the details of an emergency without having to wait for such an event occur or requesting log data from cellular providers. In the following sections, we offer views of normal operations, surges of messages and a full emergency situation with EAS over SMS deployed. 2. We note that some providers configure their network such that incoming text messages use four of the eight SDCCHs to decrease delivery time. However, this configuration results in higher blocking during busy Fig. 6. The average utilization of control channels (SDCCHs) for a periods, so we do not consider it further. variety of traffic intensities.
  • 6. 988 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING, VOL. 11, NO. 6, JUNE 2012 Fig. 7. The impact on blocking probability of increasing volumes of Fig. 8. Channel utilization during an emergency without EAS over SMS. traffic without EAS over SMS. Note that more voice traffic is delivered Note that voice and SMS traffic have largely saturated the available in the TCH þ 100% (doubling) case due to elevated blocking in the channels. þ200% (tripling) case. scenario in which traffic triples. The reason for this must be considered when designing text messaging-based apparent inversion is explained by the increased SDCCH EAS. We explore two such scenarios, which assume that the blocking over the same time period. Because fewer voice third-party EAS over SMS provider has configured their calls ever reach the point in call setup where a TCH is system to deliver all messages within the WARN Act’s assigned, there is simply less competition for these 10 minute requirement [47], that SMSCs retransmit pre- resources. Fig. 8, which provides channel utilization for viously undeliverable messages once every 15 minutes and these experiments, confirms this conclusion. In particular, assume that four messages per user are transmitted by the in the presence of increasing SMS and voice traffic, EAS over SMS system when an emergency occurs. utilization of TCHs for the tripling case remains largely steady and actually decreases toward the end of the hour. 4.2.1 Small-Scale Response Emergencies As shown in Fig. 9a, the addition of EAS over SMS traffic Some emergencies are likely to elicit smaller spikes in usage almost immediately causes more than 80 percent of all that others. While scenarios such as wildfire evacuations [9] incoming voice and SMS to be blocked. Corresponding to or tornado warnings for specific college campuses would these spikes, Fig. 9b shows SDCCH utilization holding at certainly cause an increase in the amount of traffic sent over nearly full capacity during the transmission of these the network, they are unlikely to stimulate the generation of emergency messages. However, Fig. 9c shows a significant the volumes of traffic observed during a terrorist attack. To impact on the number of calls completed in the system. model this scenario, we simulate the gradual doubling Nearly the inverse of Fig. 9a, this figure shows a drop in (þ100%) and tripling (þ200%) of voice and SMS traffic to the TCH utilization from over 90 percent to approximately Virginia Tech campus over the course of an hour. We then 20 percent. This decreased ability to complete calls in spite repeat these experiments in the presence of EAS over SMS of available resources demonstrates that those who may be messages. These experiments extend our previous model- attempting to reach out to emergency services such as 9-1-1 ing efforts [48]. will be less able to do so. Fig. 7 shows the probability of calls and text messages being blocked on SDCCHs and TCHs in an emergency 4.2.2 Large-Scale Emergencies without EAS over SMS. As expected, as voice and SMS Major emergency events are likely to exhibit different traffic approaches double or triple their normal volumes, characteristics than the previously profiled small-scale notable blocking begins to occur on both SDCCHs and scenarios. Whereas small events may have a gradual TCHs. Of particular interest, however, is the increased increase in the volume of traffic, large-scale emergencies probability of TCH blocking in the doubling case over the are often characterized by substantial and rapid spikes in Fig. 9. The blocking and channel utilization during an emergency event with EAS over SMS. Note that (a) over 80 percent of all calls and SMS messages are blocked when EAS messages are sent or retransmission occurs. Also note (c) the drop in TCH utilization when EAS transmissions occur, meaning that resources to allow calls are available but unused.
  • 7. TRAYNOR: CHARACTERIZING THE SECURITY IMPLICATIONS OF THIRD-PARTY EMERGENCY ALERT SYSTEMS OVER CELLULAR TEXT... 989 Fig. 10. The average blocking experienced during a large-scale Fig. 12. The average blocking during a large-scale emergency in the emergency without EAS over SMS. Note that blocking on TCHs presence of EAS over SMS. The network experiences blocking rates of remains steady in spite of increasing call loads due to increased approximately 90 percent when EAS messages are being transmitted. blocking on the SDCCH. 4.3 Testing Campus Alert Systems usage, followed by continued gradual growth. Although the The discrepancy between the scenarios presented thus far small-scale emergency experiments have already demon- and the reports of successful tests of deployed systems is a strated the impracticality of EAS over SMS given the result of a number of factors. As previously mentioned, the currently deployed infrastructure, we explore this worst 160 character limit per text message often requires the case to understand the full extent of the problems such transmission of multiple text messages during an emer- third-party solutions may create. We therefore model a gency. Most system tests, however, typically involve September 11th-like event in which normal traffic increases sending a single message. Traffic in these tests is therefore by 1,000 percent [34], with a 500 percent increase occurring sent at one-fourth the volume of more realistic emergency over the course over a few minutes and the outstanding scenarios. The second difference is the size of the affected 500 percent being distributed across the remaining hour. population. While many universities offer these systems as Like the previous scenario, we conduct these experiments an optional service to their students, an increasing number with and without the presence of EAS over SMS. is beginning to make enrollment mandatory. Accordingly, As expected, the sudden surge of traffic during the current tests attempt to contact only a subset of students with a emergency almost immediately makes communications difficult. Fig. 10 shows blocking rates of approximately smaller volume of traffic than would be used in a real emergency. 47 percent for TCHs and between 59 and 79 percent for We use reports of successful tests as input for our final set SDCCHs. With both SDCCHs and TCHs experiencing of experiments. In particular, we attempt to recreate the near total utilization as shown in Fig. 11, the network is environment in which these tests are occurring. We site already significantly overloaded and unable to deliver information from officials at the University of Texas Austin additional traffic. [26] and Purdue University [37], each of which have reported The presence of traffic generated by an EAS over SMS transmitting messages to approximately 10,000 participants. system makes this scenario considerably worse. As shown Note that this represents roughly 25 percent of the under- in Fig. 12, call and SMS blocking on SDCCHs almost graduate student body at these institutions. We therefore immediately reaches between 80 and 85 percent. Like the reduce the receiving population at Virginia Tech to 7,500, of previous scenario, call blocking on TCHs actually decreases. which only half are subscribers to the GSM provider. Such a decrease can again be attributed to the elevated Fig. 14 shows the probability of blocking for this scenario. blocking on the SDCCHs, as Fig. 13 demonstrates that TCHs With approximately 18 percent blocking, such a system remain idle in spite of an increased call volume. would appear to replicate current deployments—over Fig. 11. Channel utilization observed during a large-scale emergency Fig. 13. Channel utilization during a large-scale emergency in the without EAS over SMS. The network becomes saturated almost presence of EAS over SMS. TCH utilization falls significantly when EAS immediately after the emergency event is realized. messages are sent, meaning fewer voice calls are delivered.
  • 8. 990 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING, VOL. 11, NO. 6, JUNE 2012 Fig. 14. The average blocking observed during a test (one message) of a Fig. 15. The average blocking observed when four messages are third-party EAS over SMS system with only 25 percent of students transmitted and all other traffic remains constant. registered. the virtual ubiquity of cell phones, such systems can still be 80 percent of recipients are reached within the first 10-minute made useful. long transmission. However, as is shown in Fig. 15, by Significant changes to the network could potentially increasing the number of messages sent to this small group make such systems more useful. The most promising of by a factor of four to allow for a longer emergency message, such solutions is cell broadcast. Instead of the point to point the probability of blocking increases to 58 percent. Because delivery of messages in current networks, cell broadcast the transmission of multiple messages is more likely, campus would allow for the rapid dissemination of emergency emergency coordinators should test their systems based on information through point to multipoint communications. this setting to gain a realistic view of its performance and Such a system could reach the majority of cellular users in behavior. an area without requiring knowledge of each particular These two cases provide a more complete picture of the user’s location. This option is backed by the Commercial issues facing these systems. Whereas a third-party security Mobile Service Alert Advisory Committee, which is incident response and recovery system may be able to currently working on developing standards documents. deliver a small number of messages to one quarter of the However, the timeline for the deployment of this standard students on campus, attempts to send more messages and is not currently known. therefore more meaningful communications quickly result In the absence of this change, currently deployed third- in high blocking. Such systems are simply unable to scale party EAS could be effectively used to contact limited for the rapid delivery of emergency messages to the entire subsets of people in an affected area. On a University population of the campus. campus, for instance, sending emergency alerts to faculty As corroboration of this final assertion and to further members first would allow for a message to manually be ground our results in reality, we note the results of a amplified (e.g., immediately to their classes, research group, campus alert system deployed on the campus of Simon etc.). We again use Virginia Tech to measure the feasibility Fraser University in Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada. of this approach. Given approximately 1,300 faculty In April of 2008, the University attempted to send test alert members [56], we again assume that just under half of this messages to 29,374 people; however, only 8,600 were able population (600) subscribes to the GSM network. With to receive these messages [44]. Only 6,500 of those having the same network resources described in Section 3, the received the message were able to do so within five hours minimum time to distribute a single emergency message to of it being sent, representing nearly an 80 percent rate of the faculty is blocking. Worse still, many students reported getting an elevated rate of busy signals even many hours later. These 600 msgs 1 campus 1 sector T ¼ Â Â results are very similar to those shown in Fig. 12, which 1 campus 8 sectors 8 SDCCHs while showing a slightly higher load, shows extremely 1 SDCCH Â close levels of blocking (approximately 85 percent). The 0:25 msgs=sec analysis in this paper, in concert with this real-life test, % 37:5 sec: clearly explains the failure of this response mechanism to meet its requirement. Similarly, the time to send a long message requiring the delivery of four messages would require the following minimum delivery time: 5 EFFICIENT SOLUTIONS USING CURRENT EAS The experiments in the previous section demonstrate the 600 msgs 4 msgs 1 campus T¼ Â Â inability of current cellular infrastructure to support 1 campus user 8 sectors emergency-scale messaging. However, entirely dismissing 1 sector 1 SDCCH Â Â mobile phones and networks as a means of disseminating 8 SDCCHs 0:25 msgs=sec critical information during such an event misses an % 150 secs opportunity. Given the extensive deployment of third-party % 2:5 mins: EAS on university campuses across the United States and
  • 9. TRAYNOR: CHARACTERIZING THE SECURITY IMPLICATIONS OF THIRD-PARTY EMERGENCY ALERT SYSTEMS OVER CELLULAR TEXT... 991 platform for receiving alerts even in the absence of connectivity to cellular infrastructure. 6 DISCUSSION 6.1 Third-Generation (3G) Networks We profiled the use of GSM networks in this work because they represent the most widely used cellular technology in the world. However, much faster third-generation cellular systems are beginning to be deployed. With high speed data service available in many metropolitan areas, it would appear as if the analysis made in this paper will Fig. 16. Experimentally measured maximum blocking for messages not remain relevant. sent to a small subset of a university’s population based on variable The migration to these new systems will not address delivery deadlines. Note that all faculty members can receive a single these issues for a number of reasons. First, all cellular text message in under 5 minutes with a blocking probability of less networks expend significant effort when establishing a than 9 Ã 10À6 . connection. As demonstrated in Section 2, these operations include locating a targeted mobile device and performing Given that these minimum times are more than an order significant negotiations before a single packet can be of magnitude smaller than those associated with directly delivered. While the delivery rates of cellular data services messaging every person on campus, we performed simula- have been steadily improving over the past decade, this tions to measure the blocking experienced in this scenario. setup and delivery of the first bit of information remains a Fig. 16 shows the maximum blocking experienced for the significant bottleneck in the process. This means that while transmission of one and four messages with delivery it is possible to download large files relatively quickly using deadlines ranging from 1 to 10 minutes. Like previous such networks, beginning the download remains expensive. experiments, each point is the result of 500 runs of the Second, many providers currently have configured their 3G simulator with 95 percent confidence intervals being less networks for the circuit switched delivery of text messages. than two orders of magnitude smaller than the mean. Note Accordingly, such messages will continue to compete with that the delivery of a single message to the faculty can occur incoming voice calls for resources, leading to the same very rapidly, with the probability of blocking dropping kinds of blocking conditions. below 1 percent with a delivery requirement of only 2 minutes. Even the delivery of four messages to the faculty 6.2 False Alarms can be done with a blocking probability of less than Being able to disseminate alert messages in a timely manner 1 percent if given a deadline of 7 minutes. We note that is not the only essential component when evaluating EAS this approach is different than assuming that the first subset requirements. Users must be able to trust the authenticity of of students to receive such an alert their peers; rather, this every emergency message they receive. Failure to ensure targeted strategy will reach the individuals most likely to be that the source of a message can be correctly identified dispersed across the campus with the ability to immediately allows malicious parties opportunities to add confusion amplify the delivery of the message. to an emergency event. Unfortunately, there is no way to Such a solution is not without its own difficulties. Many authenticate the source of messages, making fraudulent faculty members travel and some disciplines rely on alerts easy to send. graduate instructors to teach courses. Moreover, such a Text messaging does not provide any means of authen- plan does not adequately inform or protect staff members. tication. Accordingly, it is possible for any individual with The selection of the precise subset must therefore be an Internet connection to inject messages with arbitrary carefully considered by each university and should reflect contents to anyone with a cellular phone. As Fig. 17 not only maximum coverage but also the dynamic patterns demonstrates, such messages are indistinguishable from of students, faculty, and staff during throughout the day. legitimate messages. Integration with a university’s course management or The implications of this limitation are significant. For registration system may provide improved location infor- instance, in the event of an emergency such as a chemical mation to such decisions. We leave the creation of such a leak, it would be easy for a malicious party to send an “all- system to future work. clear” message before the situation was deemed safe. Finally, we recommend that alert system systems take Because it would not be possible for users to verify the advantage of multiple forms of media to improve robust- source of the information, maliciously induced confusion is ness. Relying on any one technology makes an EAS a real threat. False alerts have already been observed, ineffective should that system fail. The use of a range of including fraudulent warnings about earthquakes [25], systems including campus television and radio stations, the tsunamis [4], school shootings [19], false Amber Alerts university’s website and sirens make the likelihood of [39], and other misuses [11], [8]. widespread notification significantly greater. Note that because of the advanced capabilities of many mobile 6.3 Message Delivery Order phones including AM/FM and 802.11 radios and television Implicit in the misunderstanding of text messaging as a receivers [36], [23], mobile phones may still be a useful real-time service are misconceptions about the order in
  • 10. 992 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING, VOL. 11, NO. 6, JUNE 2012 Fig. 17. The picture on the left was a test message sent using the e2campus website. The middle picture contains the exact same message and claims to be from the same source, but was sent from a service provider’s web interface. The right-most picture is a forged emergency message warning the user of an on-campus shooting and falsely claims to be sent by the Police. which messages will be delivered to targeted devices. such as e-mail, where users have learned to expect at least Specifically, it is often assumed that messages will be minor delays between messages. delivered in the order in which they were injected by the Examples of the delay that can be experienced during sender. Message delivery order is not always predictable. times of high volume are most easily observed during New The order in which messages are delivered can be affected Years Eve celebrations or the most recent US Presidential by a number of factors. For instance, Traynor et al. [49] Inauguration. As hundreds of millions of users around the showed that the SMSCs of different providers implement a globe send celebratory greetings via SMS, service providers variety of service algorithms, including FIFO and LIFO often become inundated with a flood of messages. Accord- service disciplines. Accordingly, it is possible for two ingly, the delivery of such messages has been noted to providers to deliver the same stream of messages in opposite exceed more than six hours [17]. Even though providers often plan and temporarily deploy additional resources to order. Even if all carriers implemented the same delivery minimize the number of blocked calls, the sheer volume of algorithm, congestion in the network can cause further messages during such an event demonstrates the practical disordering of packets. If an incoming text message is unable limitations of current systems. In spite of temporarily to be delivered due to a lack of resources on the air interface, deploying additional towers, such delays are experienced the SMSC will store the message for a later attempt. even when cellular providers are aware that a high volume However, if subsequent messages have been sent before this event will take place. message fails and manage to gain the required resources, Why then has SMS been a successful means of commu- they will be delivered out of the sender’s intended order. In nication during other national emergencies such as Sep- an emergency such as a tornado, which may change tember 11th and Hurricanes Katrina and Rita? Numerous directions, out of order delivery may send subscribers sources cite SMS as an invaluable service when both man- directly into the storm as opposed to away from it. made and natural disasters strike [21], [32]. The difference There are a number of emergency scenarios in which the between these events and other emergencies is the above has occurred. During a wildfire evacuation at magnitude of messages sent. For instance, at the time of Pepperdine University in 2007, multipart messages were the attacks of September 11th, text messaging was still transmitted to students and faculty to provide relocation largely a fringe service in the United States. Had most users instructions. However, some reported that the messages across the country attempted to communicate using SMS as were not useful. One student later noted that “Each their primary mode of communication, however, a report notification that was sent came through in six to eight text by the National Communications System (NCS) estimates messages. . . And they were jumbled, not even coming in that current network capacities would need to be expanded order” [9]. More serious conflicts in message delivery order by 100-fold [34] in order to support such a volume. The were noted on the campus of the Georgia Institute of reliability of text messaging during Hurricane Katrina is Technology [12]. After a chemical spill in 2007, a message due to similar reasons. Because only a very small number of alerting students and faculty to evacuate campus was people were communicating via text messaging, the towers transmitted. Later, instructions to ignore the evacuation undamaged by the storm were able to deliver such notification were also sent. However, a number of students messages without any significant competition from other noted receiving the messages out of order [43], adding traffic. Moreover, because the network automatically greater confusion to the situation. Similar problems have attempted retransmission, users were more likely to receive been reported at a number of other universities [14], [20]. text messages than calls. If SMS use during either of these We note that these issues can potentially be addressed by events approached emergency levels, it would have implementing multipart messaging, which allows a handset experienced delays similar to those regularly observed on to order message on receipt; however, this feature is not New Years Eve. uniformly supported. 6.4 Message Delay 7 RELATED WORK When a call is placed, users expect to hold a conversation Following the events of September 11th, 2001, curiosity without large periods of delay between responses. This about the ability to use text messaging as the basis of a immediacy is in stark contrasts to asynchronous services reliable communications system during times of crisis
  • 11. TRAYNOR: CHARACTERIZING THE SECURITY IMPLICATIONS OF THIRD-PARTY EMERGENCY ALERT SYSTEMS OVER CELLULAR TEXT... 993 arose. In response, the National Communications System recovery mechanism simply does not work as advertised. conducted an investigation on the use of text messaging Through modeling, a series of experiments and corroborat- during a nation-wide emergency, which through simple ing evidence from real-world tests, we have shown that calculations concluded that current systems would require these networks cannot meet the 10 minute alert goal “100 times more capacity to meet [the] load” created by mandated by the public EAS charter and the WARN Act. widespread use of text messaging [34]. A related study by Moreover, we have demonstrated that the extra text the European Telecommunications Standard Institute messaging traffic generated by third-party EAS will cause (ETSI) identified the increasing prevalence of spam as a congestion in the network and may potentially block upward of 80 percent of normal requests, potentially significant threat to the operation of cellular networks including calls between emergency responders or the public during an emergency [18]. However, both studies were to 9-1-1 services. Accordingly, it is critical that legislators, limited to high-level calculations of a single emergency technologists, and the general public understand the scenario and neither considered the use of third-party EAS fundamental limitations of this mechanism to safeguard over SMS systems. Our study conducted the first character- physical security and public safety and that future solutions ization and simulation of multiple scenarios for EAS over are thoroughly evaluated before they are deployed. cellular services and compared them directly to real-world, on-campus testing. Related efforts are also investigating the creation of more efficient disaster response infrastructure ACKNOWLEDGMENTS [1]; however, we note that many of the problems discussed This work was supported in part by 3G Americas and the in this paper are the result of not fully implementing GSM US National Science Foundation (NSF) (CNS-0916047 and standards for bulk sending and cell broadcast [3], [2]. CNS-0952959). Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or The specific impacts on the reliability and security of recommendations expressed in this publication are those such networks under torrents of text messages have also of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of 3G been explored. Traynor el al. [49], [51] noted that an attacker Americas or the NSF. The author would also like to thank could exploit connections between the Internet and cellular the cellular providers that helped him more accurately networks to cause significant outages. With the bandwidth model this issue. available to a cable modem, an attacker could send a small but targeted stream of text messages to a specific geo- graphic region and prevent legitimate voice and text REFERENCES messages from being delivered. While subsequent research [1] “Earthquake and Tsunami Warning System (ETWS); Require- ments and Solutions,” Technical Report 3GPP TS 23.828 v2.0.0., was able to better characterize and provide mitigations 3rd Generation Partnership Project, 2008. against such attacks [50], it was ultimately discovered that a [2] “Technical Realization of Short Message Service Cell Broadcast more basic problem was responsible. Instead of simply (SMSCB),” Technical Report 3GPP TS 03.41 v7.5.0., 3rd Generation Partnership Project, 2000. being a matter of using a low-bandwidth channel to deliver [3] “Technical Realization of the Short Message Service (SMS),” data, the real cause of such attacks was a result of Technical Report 3GPP TS 03.40 v7.5.0., 3rd Generation Partner- fundamental tension between cellular networks and the ship Project, 2002. Internet. Specifically, because cellular networks cannot [4] Agence France-Presse, “Hoax Text Message Spreads Tsunami Terror in Indonesia,” amortize the significant cost of connection establishment 070606101917.31jf2eybshow_arti, 2007. when delivering data, they are fundamentally vulnerable to [5] D. Andersen, “Mayday: Distributed Filtering for Internet Ser- such attacks [52]. Accordingly, as long as text messages are vices,” Proc. USENIX Symp. Internet Technologies and Systems (USITS), 2003. delivered in the point to point fashion as is done now, the [6] T. Anderson, T. Roscoe, and D. Wetherall, “Preventing Internet expense of establishing connections with each and every Denial of Service with Capabilities,” Proc. ACM Workshop Hot phone in an area will remain prohibitively expensive. Topics in Networking (HotNets), 2003. Whether as an unintended consequence or deliberate act, [7] K. Argyraki and D.R. Cheriton, “Scalable Network-Layer Defense against Internet Bandwidth-Flooding Attacks,” ACM/IEEE Trans. the flooding behavior exhibited in this above work closely Networking, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 1284-1297, Aug. 2009. resembles Denial of Service (DoS) attacks on the Internet. [8] Associated Press, “Man Admits Sending ‘Monkey Out of Cage’ The research community has responded with attempts to Message,” ALeqM5gjBi_YGzVmUqV0YDKifMv, 2009. classify [33] and mitigate [5], [6], [7], [10], [27], [29], [30], [9] S. Blons, “Emergency Team Aids Efforts,” http://graphic. [40], [46], [45], [55], [57] such attacks. 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