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Group Name: Event Planners___ (e.g. Wizards of
Group Members (First and Last Name, e-mail is not
needed): 1. 2. 3....5.
1. Edgar Sanchez
2. Jesse Gomez
3. Rogelio Garcia
4. Khaled Ba Gunaid
Project Objective / Title: Hosting a Senior Banquet for Delta
Sigma Pi ________ (e.g. Development of e-commerce site for
Fancy Hats)
Project Scope: (this will require a listing and definition of
project phases along with the name of a member responsible for
a given part of the project - those will become topics of the
projects for your upcoming Individual Activity Network
Our goal is to honor graduating members of Delta Sigma Pi by
hosting a banquet on their behalf.
1. Selecting: Asking what the clients is expecting from the
project. Deciding on overall theme for banquet
2. Research – Investigate local venues, caterers,
entertainment, and materials for best pricing, available dates,
and essentials needed for the event. (create budget and
3. Planning – Distributing the work (Edgar: in charge of
locating venues Jesse – in charge of catering, Rogelio: in charge
of Entertainment, and Khaled: in charge of design (theme and
essentials.) and making sure we all have a budget as to not pass
client's budget.
4. Execution – Day of the event. ( Make sure everything is
going as planned)
5. Evaluation - Senior’s commenting on our overall work.
(Was it a success or failure)
Project 3 :
ENG 107
Abdulrahman Aljunaibi
ASU ID : 1208445975
Technology in Education
The topic regarding technology being used in education has
been highly debated with some individuals supporting the
thoughts while others highly refuting it. However, one thing
that is evident is that in this age and era, technology has been
touching many people’s lives in all rounds. It means that even if
technology is not introduced in education, in one way or
another, the children/students will find themselves interacting
with it. Today, mobile phones are perfect example of
technology which is owned by almost everyone across the
world. At the same time, since the introduction of computers,
many people today have their own ones which they use to
acquire information from the internet or use for personal
benefits such as playing games. Based on these underlying
facts, it will not be fair for schools to be lagging behind in
integrating technology in their classroom learning to offer
better learning experience for both the teachers and the students
(Edutopia 1). It is important for the students to be allowed to
explore in details the potentials of technology for learning
while the teachers become aware of its benefits in teaching.
When technology is properly used, it will help the students to
obtain the necessary and right skills that they need in order to
survive in the current computerized and highly technical based
economy. Technology in education should be initiated as a new
discipline in learning because of its effectiveness in promoting
learning experience while at the same time it positively affects
the lives of not only the students but also the teachers and the
entire staff members.
When you hear an individual talking about integrating
technology in classroom, it does not only mean that it is a
process whereby computer skills together with software
programs are being taught in classroom. This means that for
effective technology integration to take place, it should be
applied across the entire curriculum in a manner that it will
facilitate research while at the same time enhance the process of
learning. Arizona State University is an example of an
institution that is applying technology in classroom today. The
reason for the university implementing technology is to support
the learning process such as facilitate frequency in feedback and
interaction, promote active engagement, connect the students to
real-world, and enable them to actively get engaged with the
school program and the entire world (Weir 1). Arizona State
University is aware that the best way in which technology can
be effectively used in the institution is by them being
transparent about its usage. This makes it easy for the students
and the entire staff to embrace technology while using it to
enhance their curricular goals.
It is high time that people believe in technology in education
especially its ability to make project learning easy and simple.
It is actually considered as a plus for conducting ultra
classroom instructions (Edutopia 1). Arizona State University is
aware that if students are equipped with the right technology
their intellectual levels will become better because it will offer
them with a snapshot reality on the manner in which the modern
office looks. When doing such projects, the students will be
able to synthesize the information online which they will
analyze in different ways to help them solve their class-work
problems easily. Actually, many students at the university have
testified that technology has made their process of doing
homework easy and fast because of the ability to acquire
information. At the same time, it has enabled the students to
work individually or in teams to synthesize, find and process
various information that they have acquired online to do their
assignments. .
Technology also has the potential to change the manner in
which teachers teach or offer their services to the educators. At
Arizona State University, the teachers have properly embraced
technology in different ways to enhance their teaching
experience. For instance, they can go online and acquire
information on the ways in which they can develop the best
lesson plan. At the same time, they can acquire more
information on the topic they are about to teach online (US
Department of Education 1). This improves the ways in which
they will tackle the lesson by coming up with wide information
that are important for enhancing the student’s knowledge on
that particular topic. It also makes their work easier because
acquiring information becomes easy. There are several
information that can be acquired online which are legitimate for
learning. For instance, when it comes to reviewing books, the
teacher does not necessary have to read the entire book instead
they can acquire information from the internet which they can
integrate with their own knowledge and make the lesson more
The point is that technology can be effective if Arizona State
University teachers integrate it into various subjects; this will
enable them to grow into coaches and advisers. It shows the
manner in which teaching becomes more fun and meaningful
with the presence of technology. At the same time, it does not
only learn fun but also professional because it helps the
teachers to focus on the student’s needs to learn instead of
using specific method or way of learning.
Technology has also been found effective in advancing the
student’s level of achievement because it provides room for
interactive experiences. For instance, students at Arizona State
University are able to connect with other students online
through discussion posts where they get to share their
experiences and thoughts on various topics. This enables the
students to become acquainted with different knowledge that
they acquire from other students across the world. At the same
time, students can connect easily with their fellows in the same
school though in different classes because of technology. It
means that a teacher is able to handle several classes at the
same time because of technology. This has made learning
experience easy at the university and substantial because
students are able to acquire immediate and frequent feedback
from their peers and also from the teachers. For instance, today,
after students finish their assignment, they just have to submit it
through Arizona State University online website instead of
handing over papers to the teachers. This has made the work of
both the teachers and the student’s easy while at the same time
reducing the instances of cheating because there are various
software that are available online that can be used to check for
plagiarism. It means that technology is promoting efficiency in
learning without any incidences of cheating. People therefore
need to understand that when a teacher decides to use
technology, it does not only mean that they want to enhance
their tasks but also transform the ways in which students learn
by promoting ethical studies (Heffernan, Militello and Decoteau
n 5).
Nevertheless, it is advisable that technology should be done in
the public without any forms of isolation to promote its
effectiveness in education. The students should be thrilled
regarding the opportunities that it will offer them. For instance,
they should appreciate the fact that technology will provide
them with greater connections, expand their learning contents
and also increase their ability to form new ideas from the
information they acquire online. The students need to become
aware that technology is there to enhance their learning
especially their the ways in which they do various tasks instead
of being excited that it will make them connect to more people
especially through the social media. In order to maintain
efficiency, Arizona State University has been using several
methods. For instance, it has prevented students from accessing
various social sites that may make them distracted from
achieving the real benefits of technology. The teachers at the
university are also involved by playing a central role of
ensuring that they make the students engaged with various
technologies to enhance their learning experience in school.
They teach them on various ways in which they can still connect
and benefit from technology instead of using it as a way of
Research has found that students who properly integrate
technology in their learning processes develop competitive
advantage compared to those who do not use technology
(Edutopia 1). This is because of the ability of technology to
provide a balance for them in classroom and also beyond. It
means that the students will acquire the right skills that they
can use beyond the classroom experience either at home or later
in life at their work place. In this regard, people should stop
having the ideas that technology will make learning experience
worse instead they should rather embrace and try it out for the
benefits of the students and the teachers as a whole.
In conclusion, it is high time that technology in education
should be embraced by everyone such as the ways in which
Arizona State University is doing. This is because of its
effectiveness in promoting learning experience while at the
same time it positively affects the lives of not only the students
but also the teachers and the entire staff members. At the same
time, it will improve their performance in various fields making
them successful in their learning experiences.
Sources :
Edutopia. “Why integrate technology into the curriculum: The
reasons area many.” Edutopia.
Accessed 16 March 2008.
Heffernan, Neil., Militello, Mathew, and Decoteau, Michele.
Effective and meaningful use of educational technology: Three
cases from the classroom. Harvard Publisher, 2012.
US Department of Education. “Use of Technology in Teaching
and Learning.” Ed. Gov.
technology-teaching-and-learning Accessed 2 Feb, 2010.
Weir, Laila “Research review: Multimodal Learning through
Media.” Edutopia.
learning-teaching-methods-media Accessed 9, May 2008.
Project 2:
ENG 107
Abdulrahman Aljunaibi
ASU ID: 1208445975
Cultural Beauty in the Heard Museum
The Heard Museum in Arizona has been hosting a
cultural event dubbed Beauty Speaks for Us. It is an important
platform for showcasing rich elements of cultures in America as
well as the unique behaviors of people belonging to various
cultures. The museum has continually grown in stature and size
to become a world class center for quality collections, festivals
and educational programming. It is dedicated to an accurate and
sensitive depiction of native cultures and arts. As an institution,
it combined stories of American Indians from their individual
points of view with the beauty of art works. Heard Museum sets
a national standard with its innovative programs, unmatched
festivals and world-class exhibitions by working together with
native people to produce first-person voices. Collaboration with
tribal communities and American Indian artists provide
ambience for visitors to enjoy a unique perspective of cultures
and art of native people more so those originating from the
south west. The mission of this museum is to become the
preeminent museum globally for the manner in which it
advances the art of American Indians, its presentation as well as
interpretation while stressing its intersection with cultural
themes and broader artistic expression. ‘Beauty Speaks for Us’
is a quintessential event in this museum, thus it is important to
delineate elements of culture observed during the event that
displayed astounding beauty.
The presence of American Indian tribes in their traditional
attires dancing and selling various indigenous items speaks
volumes for the richness of American culture and the behavior
of American Indians. Without this kind of event, it is easy to
assume that America is a nation that is only associated with
modernism and highly technological advancement. However,
observing these tribes allows one to understand that Arizona as
a state is important in promoting diversity in the US.
Their moving styles introduce a stunning scene to see. The
moves are one of a kind and, combined with delightful apparel
and consummately choreographed moves, give stimulation while
making a good humored state of mind for spectators. Enormous
group accumulate around the artists and many individuals
likewise rush to territories where their things are sold to buy
globules, gems, pots and works of art. These people group give
the express a novel look and make the exhibition hall an
essential place to visit with this occasion giving roads and
chances to all Americans to figure out how individuals lived in
the US before industrialization and innovative transformation.
The way they move demonstrates that these individuals are
more disposed to preservationist practices free of any sort of
Another fascinating sight to see inside the gallery is the
indigenous nourishment of the Indian tribes. It was intriguing to
discover that some of these sustenance’s which have been
received into the cutting edge cooking of the US started from
American Indians. They incorporate turkey, mush, cornbread,
blueberry, cranberry and hominy. Talking with one individual
from this local group uncovered that maize, otherwise called
corn, in addition to squash and beans were the most well-known
sustenance’s and along these lines put in plain view and cooked
for guests to taste. The interviewee uncovered that the trio
included was ordinarily alluded to as the "Three Sisters" since
planting was done reliantly. For example, maize was planted
first then beans to permit the beans to grow up the tall stalks of
maize. Then again, squash develops at the base of the plants to
offer support and security for the root frameworks. Considering
the way that the vast majority going by the gallery amid this
occasion originated from urban America and barely knew much
concerning this culture, this data is intriguing. One can be
entranced by the way that these groups executed different
logical practices in farming in spite of not being comfortable
with current science in this field. By watching and tasting these
sustenances and others, for example, succotash, empty head,
piki bread, bramble tea and casabe just to specify a couple of,
one can without much of a stretch comprehend the genuine
starting point of different present day cooking styles arranged
in eateries in Arizona and different states.
The display of utensils was an attractive sight with a lot of
details to learn. From the interview and information provided by
the guides, it came to light that the earliest utensils used by
these communities were wooden spoons and knives, griddles
and grinders that were made from organic materials such as
animal bones and rock. Gourds that were originally cultivated,
dried and hollowed to be used as storage containers, bowls,
ladles and spoons were on display too. Available for
observation were elaborate pottery and weaving traditions for
making containers, bowls and cooking pots as well as cooking
baskets that the people had woven from different local fibers
and some coated with clay in order to improve durability.
Contrary to modern day sources of heat, charcoal or hot stones
were used with these utensils during cooking. For all observers,
seeing these meticulously made utensils invokes appreciation of
modern technology which has ensured that cooking is fast and
utensils are strong and durable. One can also appreciate the way
the communities made the best of what was available to survive
and make their lives as comfortable as possible. In fact, these
communities were proud of their items to the extent that some
of them were hesitant to use the modern utensils. Thus, it poses
a challenge to all the visitors to play a role in cultural
conservation promoting cultural diversity across all the states in
the US.
The display of eye-catching art works such as paintings and
drawings during this event exemplifies measures taken by the
communities to preserve their culture and rich heritage in
modern America. The arts section displays attractive paintings
of personalities in the tribe, animals, foods, monuments and
groups. They point to the fact that creativity in America is not
just a modern-day occurrence but something that existed even
before the country was officially founded. The painters used
bright colors, some of which are symbolic of the message being
passed. Information gained from an interview with one of the
natives indicates that the tribes use paintings and drawing as an
important way of communication and performing various
rituals. They also painted various parts of their bodies as a
sacred practice in their tribes. Just like in contemporary society,
paintings are more than just pieces of art to entertain and
display a painter’s creativity but something that has the power
to teach, inspire, entertain and preserve information. Therefore,
observing paintings and drawings during this event was the
most interesting aspect of the show as far as the display of
elements that cover beauty is concerned.
Cultural Comparisons
The occasion showed one culture that is both distinctive and
like contemporary culture in America. American Indian culture
is brimming with preservationist propensities while
contemporary American culture is known for liberal acts. The
ladies in the historical center had put on long dresses and had a
uniform haircut not at all like in present day America which is
portrayed by favor clothing and enhancement which can
likewise be provocative. American Indian culture avoids
independence however grasps common living. This social
viewpoint is depicted by their harmony in settlements, financial
exercises, for example, chasing, cultivating and exchange,
directing customs and religious practices and practices. Then
again, the cutting edge culture in America is brimming with
individualistic propensities where harmony is encouraged from
families and not along collective, racial or tribal lines.
American Indians have likewise shown effortlessness in the
essential components of their way of life while contemporary
culture is confounded in craftsmanship, foods, lodging, method
of transport and dressing. Despite the clear lines of difference,
the two cultures are similar in certain ways and the points of
contrast are observable in the museum. Both American Indians
and contemporary Americans use art work to display, preserve,
give tributes and celebrate several elements of their culture such
as values, creativity and heroism. Additionally, both cultures
are dynamic and have embraced change over time by stopping
bad practices that fuel discrimination and threaten human
beings while accepting positive change. Thus, the event
provided an opportunity to observe the behaviors of people
together with physical items to understand and infer the beauty
of the cultures on display.
In conclusion, this article is based on the ‘Beauty Speaks for
Us’ event in the Heard Museum, delineating elements of the
culture observed during the event that displayed astounding
beauty. The beauty of the American Indian culture was
embedded and displayed in several observable features. One
could observe attractive adornments, beautiful language,
utensils, delicious cuisines, unique dancing styles and creative
paintings and art works. Despite being different from
contemporary American culture, one can easily observe there a
celebration of diversity in the US.
Group Name Event Planners___ (e.g. Wizards of Construction)

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Group Name Event Planners___ (e.g. Wizards of Construction)

  • 1. Group Name: Event Planners___ (e.g. Wizards of Construction) Group Members (First and Last Name, e-mail is not needed): 1. 2. 3....5. 1. Edgar Sanchez 2. Jesse Gomez 3. Rogelio Garcia 4. Khaled Ba Gunaid Project Objective / Title: Hosting a Senior Banquet for Delta Sigma Pi ________ (e.g. Development of e-commerce site for Fancy Hats) Project Scope: (this will require a listing and definition of project phases along with the name of a member responsible for a given part of the project - those will become topics of the projects for your upcoming Individual Activity Network Assignment) Our goal is to honor graduating members of Delta Sigma Pi by hosting a banquet on their behalf. 1. Selecting: Asking what the clients is expecting from the project. Deciding on overall theme for banquet 2. Research – Investigate local venues, caterers, entertainment, and materials for best pricing, available dates, and essentials needed for the event. (create budget and beverages). 3. Planning – Distributing the work (Edgar: in charge of locating venues Jesse – in charge of catering, Rogelio: in charge of Entertainment, and Khaled: in charge of design (theme and essentials.) and making sure we all have a budget as to not pass client's budget. 4. Execution – Day of the event. ( Make sure everything is going as planned) 5. Evaluation - Senior’s commenting on our overall work.
  • 2. (Was it a success or failure) Project 3 : ENG 107 Abdulrahman Aljunaibi ASU ID : 1208445975 Technology in Education The topic regarding technology being used in education has been highly debated with some individuals supporting the thoughts while others highly refuting it. However, one thing that is evident is that in this age and era, technology has been touching many people’s lives in all rounds. It means that even if technology is not introduced in education, in one way or another, the children/students will find themselves interacting with it. Today, mobile phones are perfect example of technology which is owned by almost everyone across the world. At the same time, since the introduction of computers, many people today have their own ones which they use to acquire information from the internet or use for personal benefits such as playing games. Based on these underlying facts, it will not be fair for schools to be lagging behind in integrating technology in their classroom learning to offer better learning experience for both the teachers and the students (Edutopia 1). It is important for the students to be allowed to explore in details the potentials of technology for learning while the teachers become aware of its benefits in teaching. When technology is properly used, it will help the students to obtain the necessary and right skills that they need in order to survive in the current computerized and highly technical based economy. Technology in education should be initiated as a new discipline in learning because of its effectiveness in promoting learning experience while at the same time it positively affects the lives of not only the students but also the teachers and the
  • 3. entire staff members. When you hear an individual talking about integrating technology in classroom, it does not only mean that it is a process whereby computer skills together with software programs are being taught in classroom. This means that for effective technology integration to take place, it should be applied across the entire curriculum in a manner that it will facilitate research while at the same time enhance the process of learning. Arizona State University is an example of an institution that is applying technology in classroom today. The reason for the university implementing technology is to support the learning process such as facilitate frequency in feedback and interaction, promote active engagement, connect the students to real-world, and enable them to actively get engaged with the school program and the entire world (Weir 1). Arizona State University is aware that the best way in which technology can be effectively used in the institution is by them being transparent about its usage. This makes it easy for the students and the entire staff to embrace technology while using it to enhance their curricular goals. It is high time that people believe in technology in education especially its ability to make project learning easy and simple. It is actually considered as a plus for conducting ultra classroom instructions (Edutopia 1). Arizona State University is aware that if students are equipped with the right technology their intellectual levels will become better because it will offer them with a snapshot reality on the manner in which the modern office looks. When doing such projects, the students will be able to synthesize the information online which they will analyze in different ways to help them solve their class-work problems easily. Actually, many students at the university have testified that technology has made their process of doing homework easy and fast because of the ability to acquire information. At the same time, it has enabled the students to work individually or in teams to synthesize, find and process various information that they have acquired online to do their
  • 4. assignments. . Technology also has the potential to change the manner in which teachers teach or offer their services to the educators. At Arizona State University, the teachers have properly embraced technology in different ways to enhance their teaching experience. For instance, they can go online and acquire information on the ways in which they can develop the best lesson plan. At the same time, they can acquire more information on the topic they are about to teach online (US Department of Education 1). This improves the ways in which they will tackle the lesson by coming up with wide information that are important for enhancing the student’s knowledge on that particular topic. It also makes their work easier because acquiring information becomes easy. There are several information that can be acquired online which are legitimate for learning. For instance, when it comes to reviewing books, the teacher does not necessary have to read the entire book instead they can acquire information from the internet which they can integrate with their own knowledge and make the lesson more interesting. The point is that technology can be effective if Arizona State University teachers integrate it into various subjects; this will enable them to grow into coaches and advisers. It shows the manner in which teaching becomes more fun and meaningful with the presence of technology. At the same time, it does not only learn fun but also professional because it helps the teachers to focus on the student’s needs to learn instead of using specific method or way of learning. Technology has also been found effective in advancing the student’s level of achievement because it provides room for interactive experiences. For instance, students at Arizona State University are able to connect with other students online through discussion posts where they get to share their experiences and thoughts on various topics. This enables the students to become acquainted with different knowledge that they acquire from other students across the world. At the same
  • 5. time, students can connect easily with their fellows in the same school though in different classes because of technology. It means that a teacher is able to handle several classes at the same time because of technology. This has made learning experience easy at the university and substantial because students are able to acquire immediate and frequent feedback from their peers and also from the teachers. For instance, today, after students finish their assignment, they just have to submit it through Arizona State University online website instead of handing over papers to the teachers. This has made the work of both the teachers and the student’s easy while at the same time reducing the instances of cheating because there are various software that are available online that can be used to check for plagiarism. It means that technology is promoting efficiency in learning without any incidences of cheating. People therefore need to understand that when a teacher decides to use technology, it does not only mean that they want to enhance their tasks but also transform the ways in which students learn by promoting ethical studies (Heffernan, Militello and Decoteau n 5). Nevertheless, it is advisable that technology should be done in the public without any forms of isolation to promote its effectiveness in education. The students should be thrilled regarding the opportunities that it will offer them. For instance, they should appreciate the fact that technology will provide them with greater connections, expand their learning contents and also increase their ability to form new ideas from the information they acquire online. The students need to become aware that technology is there to enhance their learning especially their the ways in which they do various tasks instead of being excited that it will make them connect to more people especially through the social media. In order to maintain efficiency, Arizona State University has been using several methods. For instance, it has prevented students from accessing various social sites that may make them distracted from achieving the real benefits of technology. The teachers at the
  • 6. university are also involved by playing a central role of ensuring that they make the students engaged with various technologies to enhance their learning experience in school. They teach them on various ways in which they can still connect and benefit from technology instead of using it as a way of distraction. Research has found that students who properly integrate technology in their learning processes develop competitive advantage compared to those who do not use technology (Edutopia 1). This is because of the ability of technology to provide a balance for them in classroom and also beyond. It means that the students will acquire the right skills that they can use beyond the classroom experience either at home or later in life at their work place. In this regard, people should stop having the ideas that technology will make learning experience worse instead they should rather embrace and try it out for the benefits of the students and the teachers as a whole. In conclusion, it is high time that technology in education should be embraced by everyone such as the ways in which Arizona State University is doing. This is because of its effectiveness in promoting learning experience while at the same time it positively affects the lives of not only the students but also the teachers and the entire staff members. At the same time, it will improve their performance in various fields making them successful in their learning experiences. Sources : Edutopia. “Why integrate technology into the curriculum: The reasons area many.” Edutopia. Accessed 16 March 2008. Heffernan, Neil., Militello, Mathew, and Decoteau, Michele. Effective and meaningful use of educational technology: Three cases from the classroom. Harvard Publisher, 2012. US Department of Education. “Use of Technology in Teaching and Learning.” Ed. Gov.
  • 7. technology-teaching-and-learning Accessed 2 Feb, 2010. Weir, Laila “Research review: Multimodal Learning through Media.” Edutopia. learning-teaching-methods-media Accessed 9, May 2008. Project 2: ENG 107 Abdulrahman Aljunaibi ASU ID: 1208445975 Cultural Beauty in the Heard Museum The Heard Museum in Arizona has been hosting a cultural event dubbed Beauty Speaks for Us. It is an important platform for showcasing rich elements of cultures in America as well as the unique behaviors of people belonging to various cultures. The museum has continually grown in stature and size to become a world class center for quality collections, festivals and educational programming. It is dedicated to an accurate and sensitive depiction of native cultures and arts. As an institution, it combined stories of American Indians from their individual points of view with the beauty of art works. Heard Museum sets a national standard with its innovative programs, unmatched festivals and world-class exhibitions by working together with native people to produce first-person voices. Collaboration with tribal communities and American Indian artists provide ambience for visitors to enjoy a unique perspective of cultures and art of native people more so those originating from the south west. The mission of this museum is to become the preeminent museum globally for the manner in which it advances the art of American Indians, its presentation as well as interpretation while stressing its intersection with cultural themes and broader artistic expression. ‘Beauty Speaks for Us’
  • 8. is a quintessential event in this museum, thus it is important to delineate elements of culture observed during the event that displayed astounding beauty. The presence of American Indian tribes in their traditional attires dancing and selling various indigenous items speaks volumes for the richness of American culture and the behavior of American Indians. Without this kind of event, it is easy to assume that America is a nation that is only associated with modernism and highly technological advancement. However, observing these tribes allows one to understand that Arizona as a state is important in promoting diversity in the US. Their moving styles introduce a stunning scene to see. The moves are one of a kind and, combined with delightful apparel and consummately choreographed moves, give stimulation while making a good humored state of mind for spectators. Enormous group accumulate around the artists and many individuals likewise rush to territories where their things are sold to buy globules, gems, pots and works of art. These people group give the express a novel look and make the exhibition hall an essential place to visit with this occasion giving roads and chances to all Americans to figure out how individuals lived in the US before industrialization and innovative transformation. The way they move demonstrates that these individuals are more disposed to preservationist practices free of any sort of incitement. Another fascinating sight to see inside the gallery is the indigenous nourishment of the Indian tribes. It was intriguing to discover that some of these sustenance’s which have been received into the cutting edge cooking of the US started from American Indians. They incorporate turkey, mush, cornbread, blueberry, cranberry and hominy. Talking with one individual from this local group uncovered that maize, otherwise called corn, in addition to squash and beans were the most well-known sustenance’s and along these lines put in plain view and cooked for guests to taste. The interviewee uncovered that the trio
  • 9. included was ordinarily alluded to as the "Three Sisters" since planting was done reliantly. For example, maize was planted first then beans to permit the beans to grow up the tall stalks of maize. Then again, squash develops at the base of the plants to offer support and security for the root frameworks. Considering the way that the vast majority going by the gallery amid this occasion originated from urban America and barely knew much concerning this culture, this data is intriguing. One can be entranced by the way that these groups executed different logical practices in farming in spite of not being comfortable with current science in this field. By watching and tasting these sustenances and others, for example, succotash, empty head, piki bread, bramble tea and casabe just to specify a couple of, one can without much of a stretch comprehend the genuine starting point of different present day cooking styles arranged in eateries in Arizona and different states. The display of utensils was an attractive sight with a lot of details to learn. From the interview and information provided by the guides, it came to light that the earliest utensils used by these communities were wooden spoons and knives, griddles and grinders that were made from organic materials such as animal bones and rock. Gourds that were originally cultivated, dried and hollowed to be used as storage containers, bowls, ladles and spoons were on display too. Available for observation were elaborate pottery and weaving traditions for making containers, bowls and cooking pots as well as cooking baskets that the people had woven from different local fibers and some coated with clay in order to improve durability. Contrary to modern day sources of heat, charcoal or hot stones were used with these utensils during cooking. For all observers, seeing these meticulously made utensils invokes appreciation of modern technology which has ensured that cooking is fast and utensils are strong and durable. One can also appreciate the way the communities made the best of what was available to survive and make their lives as comfortable as possible. In fact, these
  • 10. communities were proud of their items to the extent that some of them were hesitant to use the modern utensils. Thus, it poses a challenge to all the visitors to play a role in cultural conservation promoting cultural diversity across all the states in the US. The display of eye-catching art works such as paintings and drawings during this event exemplifies measures taken by the communities to preserve their culture and rich heritage in modern America. The arts section displays attractive paintings of personalities in the tribe, animals, foods, monuments and groups. They point to the fact that creativity in America is not just a modern-day occurrence but something that existed even before the country was officially founded. The painters used bright colors, some of which are symbolic of the message being passed. Information gained from an interview with one of the natives indicates that the tribes use paintings and drawing as an important way of communication and performing various rituals. They also painted various parts of their bodies as a sacred practice in their tribes. Just like in contemporary society, paintings are more than just pieces of art to entertain and display a painter’s creativity but something that has the power to teach, inspire, entertain and preserve information. Therefore, observing paintings and drawings during this event was the most interesting aspect of the show as far as the display of elements that cover beauty is concerned. Cultural Comparisons The occasion showed one culture that is both distinctive and like contemporary culture in America. American Indian culture is brimming with preservationist propensities while contemporary American culture is known for liberal acts. The ladies in the historical center had put on long dresses and had a uniform haircut not at all like in present day America which is portrayed by favor clothing and enhancement which can likewise be provocative. American Indian culture avoids independence however grasps common living. This social viewpoint is depicted by their harmony in settlements, financial
  • 11. exercises, for example, chasing, cultivating and exchange, directing customs and religious practices and practices. Then again, the cutting edge culture in America is brimming with individualistic propensities where harmony is encouraged from families and not along collective, racial or tribal lines. American Indians have likewise shown effortlessness in the essential components of their way of life while contemporary culture is confounded in craftsmanship, foods, lodging, method of transport and dressing. Despite the clear lines of difference, the two cultures are similar in certain ways and the points of contrast are observable in the museum. Both American Indians and contemporary Americans use art work to display, preserve, give tributes and celebrate several elements of their culture such as values, creativity and heroism. Additionally, both cultures are dynamic and have embraced change over time by stopping bad practices that fuel discrimination and threaten human beings while accepting positive change. Thus, the event provided an opportunity to observe the behaviors of people together with physical items to understand and infer the beauty of the cultures on display. In conclusion, this article is based on the ‘Beauty Speaks for Us’ event in the Heard Museum, delineating elements of the culture observed during the event that displayed astounding beauty. The beauty of the American Indian culture was embedded and displayed in several observable features. One could observe attractive adornments, beautiful language, utensils, delicious cuisines, unique dancing styles and creative paintings and art works. Despite being different from contemporary American culture, one can easily observe there a celebration of diversity in the US.