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A transformational principal plays a vital role in a school development. If I am appointed
as a school principal, I will implement the development of technology to fulfill school’s
initiative. An efficient technology has countless benefits in learning institutions. For students to
perform effectively in the business world, it is important for them to know technology. Advanced
technology in most of the schools encourages the use of minimal resources, and at the same time,
it serves a significant number of people. Also, the use educational technology boosts student’s
performance in school. They can meet the requirements of the instructor easily because there
many samples online with a clear outline of how to handle the assignments. Besides, students
can access their abilities through the use of technology. This paper discusses the role of
technology in learning schools and the responsibilities of transformation principal.
Technology has immense benefits in the learning institutions. First, it enables personal
learning or experiences that are necessary and relevant. The school principals should design
learning experiences by of allowing students to select them. Some of the learning experiences
include essay writing, building up of the website, teaming up with professionals all over the
world for the collection of data as well as the production of media. Technology allows learning
experiences to be more appealing and pertinent to learners. The Massachusetts’ Achievement
Gap Act of 2010 was a funding allocated for implementation of innovative plans to expand
learning activities. The legislation allows school principals to create innovative schools that can
function effectively in the first fields such as instructions, curriculum as well as professional
expansion among others. The students can participate in hands-on experiential education in their
classrooms. Hence, technology is time conservative as students are not required to move out of
the classrooms to carry out their experiments. The method is operational and time constructive.
Additionally, technology allows the organization to learn about real world encounters as
well as project based education. The aspect is enabled through the use of various learning
devices and funds to portray the capability with challenging concepts and content. The element is
essential to most of college and university students. The students can post their research reports
online and receive feedbacks from qualified researchers and rest of community members. The
strategy is essential as compared to the traditional method of teaching where students are
required to read the report to other students and teachers. For a student to comprehend the
composition of persuasive arguments, they may draft a public announcement through online
videos by asking the audience for useful feedbacks. The method is operational and time
constructive since a student can acquire comments promptly.
Besides, learners can pursue their passions as well as personal welfares. A student can
learn languages his or her interests. For instance, a student who is need of learning Spanish
might read Gabriel García’s works online. He composed the original language, and thus one can
understand the language of interest on his own. The student is required to collect data and create
visualizations and acquire learning unique skills of their interest. The capability to learn topics
and languages of personal interest enables the students to exercise examination and research that
assists an individual to inculcate a long time experience or learning ("Reimagining the Role of
Technology in Education," 2017). Therefore, principals should implement the development of
technology in schools as it enables students to pursue their passions and interests. This is a
source of the stable platform as the student acquires skills on how to conduct future research
without any assistance from the instructor.
The learners are a kept engaged. The technology helps current students interact with each
other. The development of computers and laptops enables them to acquire better clarifications on
an individual issue. Hence students can remain focused and learn skills in learning activities. The
student is in the position of researching on his or her own without instructor’s help. The students
are most engaged with topics in various disciplines before professor introduces them. This
enhances better understanding on various topics. Learning materials such as books and journal
articles are readily available online making it easy for students to acquire these materials. The
availability of these materials online is essential as students can come up with detailed views
from different researchers. Besides, the learner is in the position of receiving an immediate
response since information is readily available on the internet (Green & Gilbert, 1995).
Technology alters the role of teachers as learners. According to de Voltolina, the
traditional classrooms depict teachers as the central sources of information where learners
receive the message passively. However, the development of technology has enabled students to
engage in active learning. The current teachers guide students as compared to the traditional
classrooms. The school principals in most countries are redesigning learning spaces to facilitate
the innovative model of education. The moment students engage in active learning; they can
comprehend better than passive learning. The student and teacher conduct much of the research
acts as a director for better understanding. The aspect helps students to carry out future research.
The use of technology enables the school to conduct effective and efficient education available to
every student. Thus, school principals should implement the development of technology to
promote active learning among the students (Green & Gilbert, 1995).
Also, technology influences games and simulations. The students can work together on
many projects in their classrooms. They respond actively in urgent situations and are required to
measure how to evaluate data with the aim of solving a complex problem. For instance, Robot-
Assisted Language Learning in Education (RALL-E), students learn Mandarin contrary with a
robot that exemplifies of facial expressions as well as gestures. The aspects are tied with
language discourse software. The robots permit students to participate in social role-playing
knowledge with a new language deprived of the usual worries of interacting it. The RALL-E
encouraged cultural consciousness promoting the development of communication abilities.
Moreover, it builds the confidence of the students through practice. On the other hand,
technology allows students to relate well with other students. The moment student works
together to assist each to comprehend the issues the question ("Reimagining the Role of
Technology in Education," 2017).
Furthermore, technology has eliminated the use of paper work in schools. The use of
computers has become vibrant in the current world. This has developed the education system in
the present world. The teacher can usher the students the right way regardless whether students
are carrying out their research online or in the environment. Some examples of the technologies
that support this objective include surveys and homework. The principals should employ and
encourage the use of technology in schools. In many colleges and universities, exams are carried
out online. The method is time conservative as lecturers or instructors take minimal time when
marking the assignments (Mull & Sitlington, 2003).
Implementation of technology in schools, principals should enable the use of open-source
technology. Most of the principles fear to implement this method in the education system. This is
because they view the plan as expensive and complicated to install. The use of this open-source
technology is necessary since it is well established, compatible and secure with other platforms
in the education activities. The use of open-source technology plays a vital role to students in
future. Most of the organizations and large business enterprises employ the use of open-source
technology since it is efficient and economical. The students are well equipped that technology
has significant populations with high-quality customer sustenance. On the other hand,
application of open-source technologies is cost effective as compared with proprietary products.
Most of the schools allocate a lot of resources are allocated to purchase some of the products
such as books used in record keeping and other school activities. However, the use of technology
reduces the cost of such products since it is durable (Mull & Sitlington, 2003).
The use of online education is applied as a portfolio to assess the students. As a principal,
one should comprehend the need of portfolio papers in the upcoming generations. The factor is
crucial as it enables students to exemplify their creativity in challenging subjects. The use of
technology allows teachers to select various portfolios online from experienced providers
tailored to the requirements of the classroom. The online providers act as a platform for the
students to achieve their academic targets. The uses of online portfolios have many benefits as
compared to the paper based choices since they are complex or challenging for the students to
comprehend. The online portfolio employs the use of many formats including videos and
interactive features among others. It is easier for a student to grasp a complicated question when
reading instructions. However, it is easier for the students to comprehend a complicated concept
of various disciplines through the use of formats such as videos ("Reimagining the Role of
Technology in Education," 2017).
The principals should uphold the use of common core state standards. The standards are
essential to teachers since it makes the method of teaching easier. Teachers are required to
conduct lessons that are related to national standards such as the National Council of Teachers of
Mathematics (NCTM) and National Council for Teacher Education Act (NCTE). Application of
any common standards is crucial since it eliminates joblessness and differing guidelines. Also,
the use of common standards is important is it upkeep future innovations in technology that are
used to assist teachers. In a point of view, common standards are significant as it facilitates the
growth of new technology. Most of the innovators object on implementing tools that help
students other than solving complex or technical challenges interoperability produced by the
common standards (In Clough et al…, 2013).
School principals should install technology that favors teachers. Most of the high school
teachers disregard the use of technology that alters the attention of instructions. The main aim of
instructions is to set test and examine the intelligence and memory of the students. Thus, most of
the teachers do not support education technology that can divert courtesy of instructions.
According to various researchers, the education technology is efficient as it enables teachers to
do more regardless of in availability resources. Hence, a teacher can serve a large of students
through the use of technology even in schools where resources are scarce. Most of the
technological platforms that are compatible with education include Twitter, YouTube, and
Facebook among other sites. The sites are important since they enable dynamic communication
between students. Some of the educational technologies that empower teachers include mobile
apps with the capability of grading student’s written works and offer databases based on the
lesson plan (Mull & Sitlington, 2003). Therefore, it is necessary for principals to install
educational technologies that empower teachers.
Also, principals should adopt the use of technology in the lesson plan. Churn is a major
factor that deters the use of technology in the education system. The principals are required to
slot into the technology field directly and expertise on it. The aspect is crucial as it insulates most
of the students from harmful impacts which are associated with policy churn. For instance, most
of the teachers from various learning institutions use online sources such as Khan Academy
among other sites to perfect their areas of weakness. The school principals in most countries are
redesigning learning spaces to facilitate the innovative model of education. The moment students
engage in active learning; they can comprehend better than passive learning. The systematic
application of technology particularly in the classroom levels limits or eradicates the shifting
strategy of the students due to lack of enough resources. This implies that development of
educational technology can be used even in schools with limited resources (Mull & Sitlington,
Employment of technology is crucial as it improves learner-centered teaching. The aspect
shifts the stability of power to the student. Most of the online assignments are interactive, and as
a result, they facilitate allocation of power. This gives the students an opportunity to practice and
internalize materials on their own. Most of the technologies that back up educational
technologies include blogs, wikis as well as discussion posts. The students can post their research
reports online and receive feedbacks from qualified researchers and the community members.
Similarly, some of the students use the social media platform to post their assignments before
delivering the work to their instructors or teachers. In these platforms are important since
students can gather various comments on how to handle a complex paper. Most of the
researchers and instructors give out their comments giving the students a clear outline of the
paper. Besides, the method is efficient and reliable since one is in a position of asking for
clarifications on an individual issue (Hoppe et al…, 2007).
The use of technology, allows students to use content to organize activities. The school
principals should implement of technology as it has significant benefits for the students. For
instance, students compile well-structured assignments. They ensure that their work is well
organized with a logical flow. Proper organization of work is important since it is one of the
lecturer’s requirements. Thus’ students can score high marks since the paper has a general
outline with detailed explanations about the topic. This has been enabled by the presence of
online database which shows one how to communicate and organize course materials in a written
document. In most of the online sites, some examples guide students on how to organize their
work to have a good outline. Most of the teachers advise their students to organize their job for
easy supervision. Such students are awarded high marks since their work have the flow of
thoughts (In Clough et al…, 2013). Therefore, the use of technology allows students to come up
with well-organized work.
The use of technology allows teaching to support learning. Moreover, it is necessary for a
school principal to install technology that allows other teachers to acquire skills and knowledge
that complements each other. Thus, the teacher can usher the students the right way regardless
whether students are carrying out their research online or in the environment. Some examples of
the technologies that support this objective include surveys and homework. The student and
teacher conduct much of the research acts as a director for better understanding. The aspect helps
students to carry out future research. The use of technology enables the school to conduct
effective and efficient education available to every student (In Clough et al…, 2013). Therefore,
school principals should implement the development of technology to promote active learning
among the students. In some instances, teachers gather materials from the internet sources to
establish a good platform of a certain topic or issue.
The availability of technology allows learning to rest on the learner. The student or
students can create assignments to enable them to exercise build networks with the learning
resources and assess their learning. Some of the technologies that can be applied to help students
study for themselves include online questions or tests, blogs as well as wikis. Self-assessment is
important since students can gauge their areas of weakness and work harder to polish them. Also,
online tests build up student’s memory since answers provided online are simplified and thus
easy to remember. Besides, the use sites such as wiki allow the student to develop the basic
concepts of the topic more easily as compared to reading course books. The learner can compose
and grasp the main points easily through the use of internet sources (Hoppe et al…, 2007). This
means that a learner is able can read on his or herself effectively and at the same time
comprehend the key concepts or areas of the topic.
Assessment offers a way that fosters learning. The use of technology gives students a
chance to adopt a positive perception in learning. In online websites, many low-stakes grading
prospects offer students several trials to pass. All students can track their progress since many
online platforms deliver these services. Besides, the stages allow teamwork as well as peer
review. Moreover, most of the researchers exemplify that technology plays a vital role as it keeps
students on the task. Also, most of the students are addictive to the user computers and mobile
phones, and as a result, they can access learning materials that are simplified. The aspect means
that schools should implement the use of technology to boost or accelerate students’ time to
teach (Hoppe et al., 2007). The use of educational technology enables learners to conduct
extensive research from different authors within a short a duration of time.
Finally, Green and Gilbert illustrate that effective application of technology builds up the
relationship between learner and teacher at the undergraduate level. The traditional methods of
teaching did not develop a good rapport between the student and teacher. However, the
development of technology led to the evolution of the teacher and students relationship. The
aspect increases personal interaction, and thus, the student can ask the teacher in case of any
clarifications. On the other hand, teachers develop inspirational responsibility that is effective in
student’s learning. Moreover, the study proposes that teachers should allow the use of videos in
classrooms and then interview the students. The learning method is effective as it attracts the
attraction of the students to comprehend the content to be portrayed. According to Green and
Gilbert (1995), the use of video in teaching classrooms has many advantages since the learner
can recall it.
As the points stipulated above suggests, technology plays a vital role towards the
development of education in the learning institutions. For instance, the technology enables
personal learning or experiences that are necessary and relevant. Therefore, it is essential for
principals to design learning experience by allowing students to select them. Other benefits of
the technology include; enabling the learners to pursue their passions and personal interests and
students are kept engaged. Technology plays a vital role in school gives students a chance to
adopt a positive perception in learning. In online websites, many low-stakes grading
opportunities offer students several trials to pass. The employment of technology enables
learner-centered teaching. The method is important as it allows the student to access and
internalize him/herself better through self-assessment. Therefore, it is crucial for a school
principal to employ to implement technology to make learning and teaching more effective.
However, the education technology should empower the teachers.
Green, K. C., & Gilbert, S. W. (1995). Great expectations: Content, communications,
productivity, and the role of information technology in higher education. Change: The
magazine of higher learning, 27(2), 8-18.
Hoppe, U., Ogata, H., Soller, A., & CSCL (Conference). (2007). The role of technology in
CSCL: Studies in technology enhanced collaborative learning. New York, NY: Springer.
In Clough, M. P., In Olson, J. K., & In Niederhauser, D. S. (2013). The nature of technology:
Implications for learning and teaching.
Mull, C. A., & Sitlington, P. L. (2003). The role of technology in the transition to postsecondary
education of students with learning disabilities: A review of the literature. The Journal of
Special Education, 37(1), 26-32.
Reimagining the Role of Technology in Education. (2017). Retrieved from

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  • 2. ROLE OF TECHNOLOGY IN LEARNING INSTITUTIONS 2 A transformational principal plays a vital role in a school development. If I am appointed as a school principal, I will implement the development of technology to fulfill school’s initiative. An efficient technology has countless benefits in learning institutions. For students to perform effectively in the business world, it is important for them to know technology. Advanced technology in most of the schools encourages the use of minimal resources, and at the same time, it serves a significant number of people. Also, the use educational technology boosts student’s performance in school. They can meet the requirements of the instructor easily because there many samples online with a clear outline of how to handle the assignments. Besides, students can access their abilities through the use of technology. This paper discusses the role of technology in learning schools and the responsibilities of transformation principal. Technology has immense benefits in the learning institutions. First, it enables personal learning or experiences that are necessary and relevant. The school principals should design learning experiences by of allowing students to select them. Some of the learning experiences include essay writing, building up of the website, teaming up with professionals all over the world for the collection of data as well as the production of media. Technology allows learning experiences to be more appealing and pertinent to learners. The Massachusetts’ Achievement Gap Act of 2010 was a funding allocated for implementation of innovative plans to expand learning activities. The legislation allows school principals to create innovative schools that can function effectively in the first fields such as instructions, curriculum as well as professional expansion among others. The students can participate in hands-on experiential education in their classrooms. Hence, technology is time conservative as students are not required to move out of the classrooms to carry out their experiments. The method is operational and time constructive.
  • 3. ROLE OF TECHNOLOGY IN LEARNING INSTITUTIONS 3 Additionally, technology allows the organization to learn about real world encounters as well as project based education. The aspect is enabled through the use of various learning devices and funds to portray the capability with challenging concepts and content. The element is essential to most of college and university students. The students can post their research reports online and receive feedbacks from qualified researchers and rest of community members. The strategy is essential as compared to the traditional method of teaching where students are required to read the report to other students and teachers. For a student to comprehend the composition of persuasive arguments, they may draft a public announcement through online videos by asking the audience for useful feedbacks. The method is operational and time constructive since a student can acquire comments promptly. Besides, learners can pursue their passions as well as personal welfares. A student can learn languages his or her interests. For instance, a student who is need of learning Spanish might read Gabriel García’s works online. He composed the original language, and thus one can understand the language of interest on his own. The student is required to collect data and create visualizations and acquire learning unique skills of their interest. The capability to learn topics and languages of personal interest enables the students to exercise examination and research that assists an individual to inculcate a long time experience or learning ("Reimagining the Role of Technology in Education," 2017). Therefore, principals should implement the development of technology in schools as it enables students to pursue their passions and interests. This is a source of the stable platform as the student acquires skills on how to conduct future research without any assistance from the instructor. The learners are a kept engaged. The technology helps current students interact with each other. The development of computers and laptops enables them to acquire better clarifications on
  • 4. ROLE OF TECHNOLOGY IN LEARNING INSTITUTIONS 4 an individual issue. Hence students can remain focused and learn skills in learning activities. The student is in the position of researching on his or her own without instructor’s help. The students are most engaged with topics in various disciplines before professor introduces them. This enhances better understanding on various topics. Learning materials such as books and journal articles are readily available online making it easy for students to acquire these materials. The availability of these materials online is essential as students can come up with detailed views from different researchers. Besides, the learner is in the position of receiving an immediate response since information is readily available on the internet (Green & Gilbert, 1995). Technology alters the role of teachers as learners. According to de Voltolina, the traditional classrooms depict teachers as the central sources of information where learners receive the message passively. However, the development of technology has enabled students to engage in active learning. The current teachers guide students as compared to the traditional classrooms. The school principals in most countries are redesigning learning spaces to facilitate the innovative model of education. The moment students engage in active learning; they can comprehend better than passive learning. The student and teacher conduct much of the research acts as a director for better understanding. The aspect helps students to carry out future research. The use of technology enables the school to conduct effective and efficient education available to every student. Thus, school principals should implement the development of technology to promote active learning among the students (Green & Gilbert, 1995). Also, technology influences games and simulations. The students can work together on many projects in their classrooms. They respond actively in urgent situations and are required to measure how to evaluate data with the aim of solving a complex problem. For instance, Robot- Assisted Language Learning in Education (RALL-E), students learn Mandarin contrary with a
  • 5. ROLE OF TECHNOLOGY IN LEARNING INSTITUTIONS 5 robot that exemplifies of facial expressions as well as gestures. The aspects are tied with language discourse software. The robots permit students to participate in social role-playing knowledge with a new language deprived of the usual worries of interacting it. The RALL-E encouraged cultural consciousness promoting the development of communication abilities. Moreover, it builds the confidence of the students through practice. On the other hand, technology allows students to relate well with other students. The moment student works together to assist each to comprehend the issues the question ("Reimagining the Role of Technology in Education," 2017). Furthermore, technology has eliminated the use of paper work in schools. The use of computers has become vibrant in the current world. This has developed the education system in the present world. The teacher can usher the students the right way regardless whether students are carrying out their research online or in the environment. Some examples of the technologies that support this objective include surveys and homework. The principals should employ and encourage the use of technology in schools. In many colleges and universities, exams are carried out online. The method is time conservative as lecturers or instructors take minimal time when marking the assignments (Mull & Sitlington, 2003). Implementation of technology in schools, principals should enable the use of open-source technology. Most of the principles fear to implement this method in the education system. This is because they view the plan as expensive and complicated to install. The use of this open-source technology is necessary since it is well established, compatible and secure with other platforms in the education activities. The use of open-source technology plays a vital role to students in future. Most of the organizations and large business enterprises employ the use of open-source technology since it is efficient and economical. The students are well equipped that technology
  • 6. ROLE OF TECHNOLOGY IN LEARNING INSTITUTIONS 6 has significant populations with high-quality customer sustenance. On the other hand, application of open-source technologies is cost effective as compared with proprietary products. Most of the schools allocate a lot of resources are allocated to purchase some of the products such as books used in record keeping and other school activities. However, the use of technology reduces the cost of such products since it is durable (Mull & Sitlington, 2003). The use of online education is applied as a portfolio to assess the students. As a principal, one should comprehend the need of portfolio papers in the upcoming generations. The factor is crucial as it enables students to exemplify their creativity in challenging subjects. The use of technology allows teachers to select various portfolios online from experienced providers tailored to the requirements of the classroom. The online providers act as a platform for the students to achieve their academic targets. The uses of online portfolios have many benefits as compared to the paper based choices since they are complex or challenging for the students to comprehend. The online portfolio employs the use of many formats including videos and interactive features among others. It is easier for a student to grasp a complicated question when reading instructions. However, it is easier for the students to comprehend a complicated concept of various disciplines through the use of formats such as videos ("Reimagining the Role of Technology in Education," 2017). The principals should uphold the use of common core state standards. The standards are essential to teachers since it makes the method of teaching easier. Teachers are required to conduct lessons that are related to national standards such as the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) and National Council for Teacher Education Act (NCTE). Application of
  • 7. ROLE OF TECHNOLOGY IN LEARNING INSTITUTIONS 7 any common standards is crucial since it eliminates joblessness and differing guidelines. Also, the use of common standards is important is it upkeep future innovations in technology that are used to assist teachers. In a point of view, common standards are significant as it facilitates the growth of new technology. Most of the innovators object on implementing tools that help students other than solving complex or technical challenges interoperability produced by the common standards (In Clough et al…, 2013). School principals should install technology that favors teachers. Most of the high school teachers disregard the use of technology that alters the attention of instructions. The main aim of instructions is to set test and examine the intelligence and memory of the students. Thus, most of the teachers do not support education technology that can divert courtesy of instructions. According to various researchers, the education technology is efficient as it enables teachers to do more regardless of in availability resources. Hence, a teacher can serve a large of students through the use of technology even in schools where resources are scarce. Most of the technological platforms that are compatible with education include Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook among other sites. The sites are important since they enable dynamic communication between students. Some of the educational technologies that empower teachers include mobile apps with the capability of grading student’s written works and offer databases based on the lesson plan (Mull & Sitlington, 2003). Therefore, it is necessary for principals to install educational technologies that empower teachers. Also, principals should adopt the use of technology in the lesson plan. Churn is a major factor that deters the use of technology in the education system. The principals are required to slot into the technology field directly and expertise on it. The aspect is crucial as it insulates most of the students from harmful impacts which are associated with policy churn. For instance, most
  • 8. ROLE OF TECHNOLOGY IN LEARNING INSTITUTIONS 8 of the teachers from various learning institutions use online sources such as Khan Academy among other sites to perfect their areas of weakness. The school principals in most countries are redesigning learning spaces to facilitate the innovative model of education. The moment students engage in active learning; they can comprehend better than passive learning. The systematic application of technology particularly in the classroom levels limits or eradicates the shifting strategy of the students due to lack of enough resources. This implies that development of educational technology can be used even in schools with limited resources (Mull & Sitlington, 2003). Employment of technology is crucial as it improves learner-centered teaching. The aspect shifts the stability of power to the student. Most of the online assignments are interactive, and as a result, they facilitate allocation of power. This gives the students an opportunity to practice and internalize materials on their own. Most of the technologies that back up educational technologies include blogs, wikis as well as discussion posts. The students can post their research reports online and receive feedbacks from qualified researchers and the community members. Similarly, some of the students use the social media platform to post their assignments before delivering the work to their instructors or teachers. In these platforms are important since students can gather various comments on how to handle a complex paper. Most of the researchers and instructors give out their comments giving the students a clear outline of the paper. Besides, the method is efficient and reliable since one is in a position of asking for clarifications on an individual issue (Hoppe et al…, 2007). The use of technology, allows students to use content to organize activities. The school principals should implement of technology as it has significant benefits for the students. For instance, students compile well-structured assignments. They ensure that their work is well
  • 9. ROLE OF TECHNOLOGY IN LEARNING INSTITUTIONS 9 organized with a logical flow. Proper organization of work is important since it is one of the lecturer’s requirements. Thus’ students can score high marks since the paper has a general outline with detailed explanations about the topic. This has been enabled by the presence of online database which shows one how to communicate and organize course materials in a written document. In most of the online sites, some examples guide students on how to organize their work to have a good outline. Most of the teachers advise their students to organize their job for easy supervision. Such students are awarded high marks since their work have the flow of thoughts (In Clough et al…, 2013). Therefore, the use of technology allows students to come up with well-organized work. The use of technology allows teaching to support learning. Moreover, it is necessary for a school principal to install technology that allows other teachers to acquire skills and knowledge that complements each other. Thus, the teacher can usher the students the right way regardless whether students are carrying out their research online or in the environment. Some examples of the technologies that support this objective include surveys and homework. The student and teacher conduct much of the research acts as a director for better understanding. The aspect helps students to carry out future research. The use of technology enables the school to conduct effective and efficient education available to every student (In Clough et al…, 2013). Therefore, school principals should implement the development of technology to promote active learning among the students. In some instances, teachers gather materials from the internet sources to establish a good platform of a certain topic or issue. The availability of technology allows learning to rest on the learner. The student or students can create assignments to enable them to exercise build networks with the learning resources and assess their learning. Some of the technologies that can be applied to help students
  • 10. ROLE OF TECHNOLOGY IN LEARNING INSTITUTIONS 10 study for themselves include online questions or tests, blogs as well as wikis. Self-assessment is important since students can gauge their areas of weakness and work harder to polish them. Also, online tests build up student’s memory since answers provided online are simplified and thus easy to remember. Besides, the use sites such as wiki allow the student to develop the basic concepts of the topic more easily as compared to reading course books. The learner can compose and grasp the main points easily through the use of internet sources (Hoppe et al…, 2007). This means that a learner is able can read on his or herself effectively and at the same time comprehend the key concepts or areas of the topic. Assessment offers a way that fosters learning. The use of technology gives students a chance to adopt a positive perception in learning. In online websites, many low-stakes grading prospects offer students several trials to pass. All students can track their progress since many online platforms deliver these services. Besides, the stages allow teamwork as well as peer review. Moreover, most of the researchers exemplify that technology plays a vital role as it keeps students on the task. Also, most of the students are addictive to the user computers and mobile phones, and as a result, they can access learning materials that are simplified. The aspect means that schools should implement the use of technology to boost or accelerate students’ time to teach (Hoppe et al., 2007). The use of educational technology enables learners to conduct extensive research from different authors within a short a duration of time. Finally, Green and Gilbert illustrate that effective application of technology builds up the relationship between learner and teacher at the undergraduate level. The traditional methods of teaching did not develop a good rapport between the student and teacher. However, the development of technology led to the evolution of the teacher and students relationship. The aspect increases personal interaction, and thus, the student can ask the teacher in case of any
  • 11. ROLE OF TECHNOLOGY IN LEARNING INSTITUTIONS 11 clarifications. On the other hand, teachers develop inspirational responsibility that is effective in student’s learning. Moreover, the study proposes that teachers should allow the use of videos in classrooms and then interview the students. The learning method is effective as it attracts the attraction of the students to comprehend the content to be portrayed. According to Green and Gilbert (1995), the use of video in teaching classrooms has many advantages since the learner can recall it. As the points stipulated above suggests, technology plays a vital role towards the development of education in the learning institutions. For instance, the technology enables personal learning or experiences that are necessary and relevant. Therefore, it is essential for principals to design learning experience by allowing students to select them. Other benefits of the technology include; enabling the learners to pursue their passions and personal interests and students are kept engaged. Technology plays a vital role in school gives students a chance to adopt a positive perception in learning. In online websites, many low-stakes grading opportunities offer students several trials to pass. The employment of technology enables learner-centered teaching. The method is important as it allows the student to access and internalize him/herself better through self-assessment. Therefore, it is crucial for a school principal to employ to implement technology to make learning and teaching more effective. However, the education technology should empower the teachers.
  • 12. ROLE OF TECHNOLOGY IN LEARNING INSTITUTIONS 12 References: Green, K. C., & Gilbert, S. W. (1995). Great expectations: Content, communications, productivity, and the role of information technology in higher education. Change: The magazine of higher learning, 27(2), 8-18. Hoppe, U., Ogata, H., Soller, A., & CSCL (Conference). (2007). The role of technology in CSCL: Studies in technology enhanced collaborative learning. New York, NY: Springer. In Clough, M. P., In Olson, J. K., & In Niederhauser, D. S. (2013). The nature of technology: Implications for learning and teaching. Mull, C. A., & Sitlington, P. L. (2003). The role of technology in the transition to postsecondary education of students with learning disabilities: A review of the literature. The Journal of Special Education, 37(1), 26-32. Reimagining the Role of Technology in Education. (2017). Retrieved from http://file:///C:/Users/asq/Downloads/Documents/NETP17.pdf